Title: | Visualizing Sequential Classifications |
Description: | A user-friendly tool for visualizing categorical or group movement. |
Authors: | Alex J. Krebs |
Maintainer: | Alex J. Krebs <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.0.2 |
Built: | 2025-02-26 06:40:06 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
A user-friendly tool for visualizing categorical or group movement.
Package: | makeFlow |
Type: | Package |
Title: | Visualizing Sequential Classifications |
Version: | 1.0.2 |
Date: | 2016-08-22 |
Author: | Alex J. Krebs |
Maintainer: | Alex J. Krebs <[email protected]> |
Description: | A user-friendly tool for visualizing categorical or group movement. |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Imports: | dplyr, RColorBrewer |
Copyright: | Copyright Notice GENERAL DISCLAIMER This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In short: You may use it any way you like, as long as you do not charge money for it, remove this notice, or hold anyone liable for its results. Also, please acknowledge the source and communicate changes to the author. If this software is used in work presented for publication, kindly reference it using for example: Krebs AJ (2016): makeFlow: Visualizing Sequential Classifications. Be sure to reference R itself and other libraries used. |
RoxygenNote: | 5.0.1 |
NeedsCompilation: | no |
Packaged: | 2016-08-24 06:27:15 UTC; DELL PC |
Repository: | CRAN |
Date/Publication: | 2016-08-24 18:02:38 |
Index of help topics:
FlowSummaries FlowSummaries() GateSummaries GateSummaries() addAlpha addAlpha() colorCount colorCount() makeFlow makeFlow() makeFlow-package Visualizing Sequential Classifications shelters shelters
Users should ensure all classFields (columns) are explicitly defined in the same dataset. colorCount(), FlowSummaries(), GateSummaries(), and makeFlow() can all operate with the same two basic inputs: data and classFields. Graphical parameters can be defined with additional makeFlow() arguments.
Alex J. Krebs
Maintainer: Alex J. Krebs <[email protected]>
## Data: ## carData <- mtcars ## carData$car <- "All Cars" ## carData$speedclass <- ifelse(carData$qsec < 15, "Fast", ## ifelse(carData$qsec < 18, "Mid-Speed","Slow")) ## carData$speedclass <- factor(x = carData$speedclass, levels = c("Slow","Mid-Speed","Fast")) ## ## Create Diagram: ## makeFlow(data = carData, classFields = c("car","cyl","speedclass"), ## gateWidth = 20, minVerticalBtwnGates = .15, distanceBtwnGates = 70, ## fieldLabels = c("", "Cylinders","Speed"), gateBorder = "black") ## Generate underlying tables using GateSummaries() and FlowSummaries()
## Data: ## carData <- mtcars ## carData$car <- "All Cars" ## carData$speedclass <- ifelse(carData$qsec < 15, "Fast", ## ifelse(carData$qsec < 18, "Mid-Speed","Slow")) ## carData$speedclass <- factor(x = carData$speedclass, levels = c("Slow","Mid-Speed","Fast")) ## ## Create Diagram: ## makeFlow(data = carData, classFields = c("car","cyl","speedclass"), ## gateWidth = 20, minVerticalBtwnGates = .15, distanceBtwnGates = 70, ## fieldLabels = c("", "Cylinders","Speed"), gateBorder = "black") ## Generate underlying tables using GateSummaries() and FlowSummaries()
Adds a specified opacity (between 0 and 1) to any color(s) listed.
addAlpha(col, alpha = 1)
addAlpha(col, alpha = 1)
col |
A vector of one or many colors. |
alpha |
A value between 0 and 1. 0 indicates complete transparency. 1 indicates complete opacity. |
Returns the Hexadecimal representation of the modified color(s).
## The function is currently defined as function (col, alpha = 1) { if (missing(col)) stop("Please provide a vector of colors.") apply(sapply(col, col2rgb)/255, 2, function(x) { rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3], alpha = alpha) }) }
## The function is currently defined as function (col, alpha = 1) { if (missing(col)) stop("Please provide a vector of colors.") apply(sapply(col, col2rgb)/255, 2, function(x) { rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3], alpha = alpha) }) }
Returns an integer representing the number of unique categories from all specified fields. This value should serve as a guide for users specifying colors in the makeFlow() function.
colorCount(data, classFields)
colorCount(data, classFields)
data |
An object of class data.frame in which all specified classFields (or column names) can be found. |
classFields |
A vector of the column names intended to be represented in a makeFlow() diagram. Each element must be a string. |
Relies on Hadley Wickham's dplyr package.
Alex J. Krebs
Outputs a list of objects of class tbl_df containing values presented in a makeFlow() diagram utilizing the same data and classFields arguments.
FlowSummaries(data, classFields)
FlowSummaries(data, classFields)
data |
An object of class data.frame in which all specified classFields (column names) can be found. |
classFields |
A vector of the column names intended to be represented in the makeFlow() diagram. Each element must be a string. |
Outputs tables with standard naming convention of Flow_Summary_x. For example, Flow_Summary_1 provides the counts and frequencies of each category (gate) from the first column specified in classFields moving to each of the categories (gates) in the second column listed in classFields.
Relies on Hadley Wickham's dplyr package.
Alex J. Krebs
## myFlows <- FlowSummaries(data= shelters, classFields= c("loc","Jan","Feb","Mar")) ## Flow_Summary_2 will show the counts and percentages from ## "Jan" categories that move to the categories in "Feb"
## myFlows <- FlowSummaries(data= shelters, classFields= c("loc","Jan","Feb","Mar")) ## Flow_Summary_2 will show the counts and percentages from ## "Jan" categories that move to the categories in "Feb"
Outputs a list of objects of class tbl_df containing the values in a makeFlow() diagram utilizing the same data and classFields arguments.
GateSummaries(data, classFields)
GateSummaries(data, classFields)
data |
An object of class data.frame in which all specified classFields (column names) can be found. |
classFields |
A vector of the column names intended to be represented in a makeFlow() diagram. Each element must be a string. |
Outputs tables with standard naming convention of Gate_Summary_x. For example, Gate_Summary_1 provides the counts and frequencies of each category within the first column specified in the classFields argument.
Relies on Hadley Wickham's dplyr package.
Alex J. Krebs
## myGates <- GateSummaries(data = shelters, classFields = c("loc","Jan","Feb","Mar")) ## Gate_Summary_2 will show the count and percentage of observations ## within each category of the column "Jan"
## myGates <- GateSummaries(data = shelters, classFields = c("loc","Jan","Feb","Mar")) ## Gate_Summary_2 will show the count and percentage of observations ## within each category of the column "Jan"
Uses the selected dataset and specified order of columns to produce a left-to-right flow diagram. This function assumes the use of a single dataset and categorical variables resembling observations' movement from one state to another, such that at every state, every observation can be mapped. Colors bridging states assume the color of the gate from which they originate.
makeFlow(data, classFields, rotate = F, gatecolors = NA, minVerticalBtwnGates = 0.1, connectingAlpha = 0.5, bg = "white", plotTitle = "", titleAdj = 0.5, txtColor = "black", distanceBtwnGates = 50, gateWidth = 7, gateBorder = NA, labels = T, fieldLabels = NA, showPercentages = T, showConnectPercentages = F, percentTextColor = "black", showCounts = T, countTextColor = "black")
makeFlow(data, classFields, rotate = F, gatecolors = NA, minVerticalBtwnGates = 0.1, connectingAlpha = 0.5, bg = "white", plotTitle = "", titleAdj = 0.5, txtColor = "black", distanceBtwnGates = 50, gateWidth = 7, gateBorder = NA, labels = T, fieldLabels = NA, showPercentages = T, showConnectPercentages = F, percentTextColor = "black", showCounts = T, countTextColor = "black")
data |
An object of class data.frame in which all specified classFields (column names) can be found. |
classFields |
A vector of the column names intended to be represented in a makeFlow() diagram. Each element in this vector must be a string. |
rotate |
Set to TRUE to rotate all text. This is a work-around to allow for a vertical (top-down) flow. Manual manipulation after exporting a diagram is needed to adjust the orientation of the output. |
gatecolors |
A vector of colors to apply to gates. For greater control, the alphabetized order of categories from all selected classFields will match the corresponding color in this list. If the length of this vector is shorter than the number of unique categories in the full diagram, a predefined palette "Set3" is substituted in its place, and a warning message will alert the user of how many colors are required for manual input. If more colors are supplied than necessary, only the required number will be taken from the beginning of the vector. (default is NA, which will assign colors from palette "Set3") |
minVerticalBtwnGates |
A single value (likely between 0 and 1) used to determine the minumum plotted gap between categories (gates) within the same classField. For reference, the default plot height is 1. (default is 0.1) |
connectingAlpha |
A single decimal value [0,1] setting the opacity of the "flows" connecting gates. (default is 0.5) |
bg |
A single color from colors() specifying the diagram's background color. (default is "white") |
plotTitle |
The title of the diagram. (default is "") |
titleAdj |
A single value [0,1] adjusting the title's horizontal placement. 0 implies left-align; 1 impllies right-align. (default is 0.5) |
txtColor |
A single color from colors() specifying the text color in the diagram. (default is "black") |
distanceBtwnGates |
A single numeric value representing the horizontal distance between classFields. (default is 50) |
gateWidth |
A single numeric value representing the horizontal width of gates. (default is 7) |
gateBorder |
A single color from colors() specifying the color of all gates' borders. (default is NA) |
labels |
Set to FALSE to not see the category labels above each gate. |
fieldLabels |
A character vector of names to identify each classField in the diagram. These labels will be placed below each set of gates. If labels is FALSE, fieldLabels will not be displayed. (default is NA) |
showPercentages |
Set to FALSE to hide the percentage values within gates. |
showConnectPercentages |
Set to FALSE to hide the percentage values within flows. |
percentTextColor |
A single color from colors() for the gate percentage and flow percentage texts. (default is "black") |
showCounts |
Set to FALSE to hide the counts of observations within each gate. |
countTextColor |
A single color from colors() for the gate count text. (default is "black") |
Relies on Hadley Wickham's dplyr package to generate summaries. Gates within each field are ordered alphabetically, numerically, or (if applicable) in the order of a factor's levels.
Alex J. Krebs
## makeFlow(data = shelters, classFields = c("loc","Jan","Feb","Mar"), ## fieldLabels = c("","Jan","Feb","Mar"), gateWidth = 20)
## makeFlow(data = shelters, classFields = c("loc","Jan","Feb","Mar"), ## fieldLabels = c("","Jan","Feb","Mar"), gateWidth = 20)
Pseudodata depicting the outcomes of 10,000 animals in shelters over three months generated to demonstrate the makeFlow() diagram. Aside: consider adopting your next pet :)
A data frame with 10000 observations on the following 6 variables.
a factor with levels shelter
a character vector
a numeric vector
a factor with levels Remaining
a factor with levels Remaining
a factor with levels Remaining