LTS-SPCA example

The goal of LTS-SPCA is recovering the PC directions when the data is contaminated by outliers. This file contains some examples for using the functions to run (Reweighted) LTS-SPCA


Install the required packages

#> Loading required package: robustbase
#> Scalable Robust Estimators with High Breakdown Point (version 1.7-6)


# Clean data
# dataM <- dataSim(n = 200, p = 20, eps = 0)
# Simulation setting 1: outliers which are outlying 
# in the first two variables in the second block
# dataM <- dataSim(n = 200, p = 20, eps = 0.2, setting = "1")
# Simulation setting 2: score outliers
# dataM <- dataSim(n = 200, p = 20, bLength = 4, eps = 0.2, setting = "2")
# Simulation setting 2: orthogonal outliers in Hubert, et al. (2016)
dataM <- dataSim(n = 200, p = 20, bLength = 4, 
                 eps = 0.2, setting = "3", eta = 25)
# get the data
x <- dataM$data
# get the true loading vector
v <- svd(dataM$R)$v[,1:2]

#initial LTS-SPCA
ltsspcaMI <- ltsspca(x = x, kmax = 5, alpha = 0.5)
#reweighted LTS-SPCA
ltsspcaMR <- ltsspcaRw(x = x , obj = ltsspcaMI)
# there are 2 PCs
# compute the angle value
#> [1] 0.140899
#> [1] 0.1286814
# visualize the loading matrix

# detect outliers
diagM <-  mydiagPlot(x = x, obj = ltsspcaMR, k =2)

Real data example

#> Warning in data("Glass"): data set 'Glass' not found
x <- data.matrix(Glass)
#initial LTS-SPCA
ltsspcaMI <- ltsspca(x = x, kmax = 10, alpha = 0.5) ## it takes about 1 minutes
#reweighted LTS-SPCA
ltsspcaMR <- ltsspcaRw(x = x , obj = ltsspcaMI)
# scree plot
plot(ltsspcaMR$eigenvalues,type="b",ylab="Explained Variance",lwd=2)

# select 4 PCs
# visualize the loading matrix

# detect outliers
diagM <-  mydiagPlot(x = x, obj = ltsspcaMR, k =4)
