Title: | Linear Time Series Analysis |
Description: | Methods of developing linear time series modelling. Methods are given for loglikelihood computation, forecasting and simulation. |
Authors: | A.I. McLeod [aut, cre], Hao Yu [aut], Zinovi Krougly [aut] |
Maintainer: | A.I. McLeod <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | |
Built: | 2025-02-17 06:41:08 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Linear time series modelling. Methods are given for loglikelihood computation, forecasting and simulation.
Package: | ltsa |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 1.4.5 |
Date: | 2015-08-22 |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
DHSimulate | Davies and Harte algorithm for time series simulation |
DLAcfToAR | from Acf to AR using Durbin-Levinson recursion |
DLLoglikelihood | exact loglikelihood using Durbin-Levinson algorithm |
DLResiduals | exact one-step residuals, Durbin-Levision algorithm |
DLSimulate | exact simulation of Gaussian time series using DL |
is.toeplitz | test for Toeplitz matrix |
PredictionVariance | two methods provided |
tacvfARMA | theoretical autocovariances |
ToeplitzInverseUpdate | update inverse |
TrenchForecast | general algorithm for forecasting |
TrenchInverse | efficient algorithm for inverse of Toeplitz matrix |
TrenchLogLikelihood | exact loglikelihood |
TrenchMean | exact MLE for mean |
A. I. McLeod, Hao Yu and Zinovi Krougly.
Maintainer: [email protected]
Hipel, K.W. and McLeod, A.I., (2005). Time Series Modelling of Water Resources and Environmental Systems. Electronic reprint of our book orginally published in 1994. http://www.stats.uwo.ca/faculty/aim/1994Book/.
McLeod, A.I., Yu, Hao, Krougly, Zinovi L. (2007). Algorithms for Linear Time Series Analysis, Journal of Statistical Software.
#Example 1: DHSimulate #First define acf for fractionally-differenced white noise and then simulate using DHSimulate `tacvfFdwn` <- function(d, maxlag) { x <- numeric(maxlag + 1) x[1] <- gamma(1 - 2 * d)/gamma(1 - d)^2 for(i in 1:maxlag) x[i + 1] <- ((i - 1 + d)/(i - d)) * x[i] x } n<-1000 rZ<-tacvfFdwn(0.25, n-1) #length 1000 Z<-DHSimulate(n, rZ) acf(Z) #Example 2: DLAcfToAR # n<-10 d<-0.4 r<-tacvfFdwn(d, n) r<-(r/r[1])[-1] HoskingPacf<-d/(-d+(1:n)) cbind(DLAcfToAR(r),HoskingPacf) #Example 3: DLLoglikelihood #Using Z and rZ in Example 1. DLLoglikelihood(rZ, Z) #Example 4: DLResiduals #Using Z and rZ in Example 1. DLResiduals(rZ, Z) #Example 5: DLSimulate #Using Z in Example 1. z<-DLSimulate(n, rZ) plot.ts(z) #Example 6: is.toeplitz is.toeplitz(toeplitz(1:5)) #Example 7: PredictionVariance #Compare with predict.Arima #general script, just change z, p, q, ML z<-sqrt(sunspot.year) n<-length(z) p<-9 q<-0 ML<-10 #for different data/model just reset above out<-arima(z, order=c(p,0,q)) sda<-as.vector(predict(out, n.ahead=ML)$se) # phi<-theta<-numeric(0) if (p>0) phi<-coef(out)[1:p] if (q>0) theta<-coef(out)[(p+1):(p+q)] zm<-coef(out)[p+q+1] sigma2<-out$sigma2 r<-sigma2*tacvfARMA(phi, theta, maxLag=n+ML-1) sdb<-sqrt(PredictionVariance(r, maxLead=ML)) cbind(sda,sdb) #Example 8: tacfARMA #There are two methods: tacvfARMA and ARMAacf. #tacvfARMA is more general since it computes the autocovariances function # given the ARMA parameters and the innovation variance whereas ARMAacf # only computes the autocorrelations. Sometimes tacvfARMA is more suitable # for what is needed and provides a better result than ARMAacf as in the # the following example. # #general script, just change z, p, q, ML z<-sqrt(sunspot.year) n<-length(z) p<-9 q<-0 ML<-5 #for different data/model just reset above out<-arima(z, order=c(p,0,q)) phi<-theta<-numeric(0) if (p>0) phi<-coef(out)[1:p] if (q>0) theta<-coef(out)[(p+1):(p+q)] zm<-coef(out)[p+q+1] sigma2<-out$sigma2 rA<-tacvfARMA(phi, theta, maxLag=n+ML-1, sigma2=sigma2) rB<-var(z)*ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=theta, lag.max=n+ML-1) #rA and rB are slighly different cbind(rA[1:5],rB[1:5]) #Example 9: ToeplitzInverseUpdate #In this example we compute the update inverse directly and using ToeplitzInverseUpdate and #compare the result. phi<-0.8 sde<-30 n<-30 r<-arima.sim(n=30,list(ar=phi),sd=sde) r<-phi^(0:(n-1))/(1-phi^2)*sde^2 n1<-25 G<-toeplitz(r[1:n1]) GI<-solve(G) #could also use TrenchInverse GIupdate<-ToeplitzInverseUpdate(GI,r[1:n1],r[n1+1]) GIdirect<-solve(toeplitz(r[1:(n1+1)])) ERR<-sum(abs(GIupdate-GIdirect)) ERR #Example 10: TrenchForecast #Compare TrenchForecast and predict.Arima #general script, just change z, p, q, ML z<-sqrt(sunspot.year) n<-length(z) p<-9 q<-0 ML<-10 #for different data/model just reset above out<-arima(z, order=c(p,0,q)) Fp<-predict(out, n.ahead=ML) phi<-theta<-numeric(0) if (p>0) phi<-coef(out)[1:p] if (q>0) theta<-coef(out)[(p+1):(p+q)] zm<-coef(out)[p+q+1] sigma2<-out$sigma2 #r<-var(z)*ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=theta, lag.max=n+ML-1) #When r is computed as above, it is not identical to below r<-sigma2*tacvfARMA(phi, theta, maxLag=n+ML-1) F<-TrenchForecast(z, r, zm, n, maxLead=ML) #the forecasts are identical using tacvfARMA # #Example 11: TrenchInverse #invert a matrix of order n and compute the maximum absolute error # in the product of this inverse with the original matrix n<-5 r<-0.8^(0:(n-1)) G<-toeplitz(r) Gi<-TrenchInverse(G) GGi<-crossprod(t(G),Gi) id<-matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=n) diag(id)<-1 err<-max(abs(id-GGi)) err #Example 12: TrenchLoglikelihood #simulate a time series and compute the concentrated loglikelihood using DLLoglikelihood and #compare this with the value given by TrenchLoglikelihood. phi<-0.8 n<-200 r<-phi^(0:(n-1)) z<-arima.sim(model=list(ar=phi), n=n) LD<-DLLoglikelihood(r,z) LT<-TrenchLoglikelihood(r,z) ans<-c(LD,LT) names(ans)<-c("DLLoglikelihood","TrenchLoglikelihood") #Example 13: TrenchMean phi<- -0.9 a<-rnorm(100) z<-numeric(length(a)) phi<- -0.9 n<-100 a<-rnorm(n) z<-numeric(n) mu<-100 sig<-10 z[1]<-a[1]*sig/sqrt(1-phi^2) for (i in 2:n) z[i]<-phi*z[i-1]+a[i]*sig z<-z+mu r<-phi^(0:(n-1)) meanMLE<-TrenchMean(r,z) meanBLUE<-mean(z) ans<-c(meanMLE, meanBLUE) names(ans)<-c("BLUE", "MLE") ans
#Example 1: DHSimulate #First define acf for fractionally-differenced white noise and then simulate using DHSimulate `tacvfFdwn` <- function(d, maxlag) { x <- numeric(maxlag + 1) x[1] <- gamma(1 - 2 * d)/gamma(1 - d)^2 for(i in 1:maxlag) x[i + 1] <- ((i - 1 + d)/(i - d)) * x[i] x } n<-1000 rZ<-tacvfFdwn(0.25, n-1) #length 1000 Z<-DHSimulate(n, rZ) acf(Z) #Example 2: DLAcfToAR # n<-10 d<-0.4 r<-tacvfFdwn(d, n) r<-(r/r[1])[-1] HoskingPacf<-d/(-d+(1:n)) cbind(DLAcfToAR(r),HoskingPacf) #Example 3: DLLoglikelihood #Using Z and rZ in Example 1. DLLoglikelihood(rZ, Z) #Example 4: DLResiduals #Using Z and rZ in Example 1. DLResiduals(rZ, Z) #Example 5: DLSimulate #Using Z in Example 1. z<-DLSimulate(n, rZ) plot.ts(z) #Example 6: is.toeplitz is.toeplitz(toeplitz(1:5)) #Example 7: PredictionVariance #Compare with predict.Arima #general script, just change z, p, q, ML z<-sqrt(sunspot.year) n<-length(z) p<-9 q<-0 ML<-10 #for different data/model just reset above out<-arima(z, order=c(p,0,q)) sda<-as.vector(predict(out, n.ahead=ML)$se) # phi<-theta<-numeric(0) if (p>0) phi<-coef(out)[1:p] if (q>0) theta<-coef(out)[(p+1):(p+q)] zm<-coef(out)[p+q+1] sigma2<-out$sigma2 r<-sigma2*tacvfARMA(phi, theta, maxLag=n+ML-1) sdb<-sqrt(PredictionVariance(r, maxLead=ML)) cbind(sda,sdb) #Example 8: tacfARMA #There are two methods: tacvfARMA and ARMAacf. #tacvfARMA is more general since it computes the autocovariances function # given the ARMA parameters and the innovation variance whereas ARMAacf # only computes the autocorrelations. Sometimes tacvfARMA is more suitable # for what is needed and provides a better result than ARMAacf as in the # the following example. # #general script, just change z, p, q, ML z<-sqrt(sunspot.year) n<-length(z) p<-9 q<-0 ML<-5 #for different data/model just reset above out<-arima(z, order=c(p,0,q)) phi<-theta<-numeric(0) if (p>0) phi<-coef(out)[1:p] if (q>0) theta<-coef(out)[(p+1):(p+q)] zm<-coef(out)[p+q+1] sigma2<-out$sigma2 rA<-tacvfARMA(phi, theta, maxLag=n+ML-1, sigma2=sigma2) rB<-var(z)*ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=theta, lag.max=n+ML-1) #rA and rB are slighly different cbind(rA[1:5],rB[1:5]) #Example 9: ToeplitzInverseUpdate #In this example we compute the update inverse directly and using ToeplitzInverseUpdate and #compare the result. phi<-0.8 sde<-30 n<-30 r<-arima.sim(n=30,list(ar=phi),sd=sde) r<-phi^(0:(n-1))/(1-phi^2)*sde^2 n1<-25 G<-toeplitz(r[1:n1]) GI<-solve(G) #could also use TrenchInverse GIupdate<-ToeplitzInverseUpdate(GI,r[1:n1],r[n1+1]) GIdirect<-solve(toeplitz(r[1:(n1+1)])) ERR<-sum(abs(GIupdate-GIdirect)) ERR #Example 10: TrenchForecast #Compare TrenchForecast and predict.Arima #general script, just change z, p, q, ML z<-sqrt(sunspot.year) n<-length(z) p<-9 q<-0 ML<-10 #for different data/model just reset above out<-arima(z, order=c(p,0,q)) Fp<-predict(out, n.ahead=ML) phi<-theta<-numeric(0) if (p>0) phi<-coef(out)[1:p] if (q>0) theta<-coef(out)[(p+1):(p+q)] zm<-coef(out)[p+q+1] sigma2<-out$sigma2 #r<-var(z)*ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=theta, lag.max=n+ML-1) #When r is computed as above, it is not identical to below r<-sigma2*tacvfARMA(phi, theta, maxLag=n+ML-1) F<-TrenchForecast(z, r, zm, n, maxLead=ML) #the forecasts are identical using tacvfARMA # #Example 11: TrenchInverse #invert a matrix of order n and compute the maximum absolute error # in the product of this inverse with the original matrix n<-5 r<-0.8^(0:(n-1)) G<-toeplitz(r) Gi<-TrenchInverse(G) GGi<-crossprod(t(G),Gi) id<-matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=n) diag(id)<-1 err<-max(abs(id-GGi)) err #Example 12: TrenchLoglikelihood #simulate a time series and compute the concentrated loglikelihood using DLLoglikelihood and #compare this with the value given by TrenchLoglikelihood. phi<-0.8 n<-200 r<-phi^(0:(n-1)) z<-arima.sim(model=list(ar=phi), n=n) LD<-DLLoglikelihood(r,z) LT<-TrenchLoglikelihood(r,z) ans<-c(LD,LT) names(ans)<-c("DLLoglikelihood","TrenchLoglikelihood") #Example 13: TrenchMean phi<- -0.9 a<-rnorm(100) z<-numeric(length(a)) phi<- -0.9 n<-100 a<-rnorm(n) z<-numeric(n) mu<-100 sig<-10 z[1]<-a[1]*sig/sqrt(1-phi^2) for (i in 2:n) z[i]<-phi*z[i-1]+a[i]*sig z<-z+mu r<-phi^(0:(n-1)) meanMLE<-TrenchMean(r,z) meanBLUE<-mean(z) ans<-c(meanMLE, meanBLUE) names(ans)<-c("BLUE", "MLE") ans
Uses the Davies-Harte algorithm to simulate a Gaussian time series with specified autocovariance function.
DHSimulate(n, r, ReportTestOnly = FALSE, rand.gen = rnorm, ...)
DHSimulate(n, r, ReportTestOnly = FALSE, rand.gen = rnorm, ...)
n |
length of time series to be generated |
r |
autocovariances at lags 0,1,... |
ReportTestOnly |
FALSE – Run normally so terminates with an error if Davies-Harte condition does not hold. Othewise if TRUE, then output is TRUE if the Davies-Harte condition holds and FALSE if it does not. |
rand.gen |
random number generator to use. It is assumed to have mean zero and variance one. |
... |
optional arguments passed to |
The method uses the FFT and so is most efficient if the series length, n, is a power of 2. The method requires that a complicated non-negativity condition be satisfed. Craigmile (2003) discusses this condition in more detail and shows for anti-persistent time series this condition will always be satisfied. Sometimes, as in the case of fractinally differenced white noise with parameter d=0.45 and n=5000, this condition fails and the algorithm doesn't work. In this case, an error message is generated and the function halts.
Either a vector of length containing the simulated time series if Davies-Harte condition holds and ReportTestOnly = FALSE. If argument ReportTestOnly is set to TRUE, then output is logical variable indicating if Davies-Harte condition holds, TRUE, or if it does not, FALSE.
A.I. McLeod
Craigmile, P.F. (2003). Simulating a class of stationary Gaussian processes using the Davies-Harte algorithm, with application to long memory processes. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 24, 505-511.
Davies, R. B. and Harte, D. S. (1987). Tests for Hurst Effect. Biometrika 74, 95–101.
McLeod, A.I., Yu, Hao, Krougly, Zinovi L. (2007). Algorithms for Linear Time Series Analysis, Journal of Statistical Software.
#simulate a process with autocovariance function 1/(k+1), k=0,1,... # and plot it n<-2000 r<-1/sqrt(1:n) z<-DHSimulate(n, r) plot.ts(z) #simulate AR(1) and produce a table comparing the theoretical and sample # autocovariances and autocorrelations phi<- -0.8 n<-4096 g0<-1/(1-phi^2) #theoretical autocovariances tacvf<-g0*(phi^(0:(n-1))) z<-DHSimulate(n, tacvf) #autocorrelations sacf<-acf(z, plot=FALSE)$acf #autocovariances sacvf<-acf(z, plot=FALSE,type="covariance")$acf tacf<-tacvf/tacvf[1] tb<-matrix(c(tacvf[1:10],sacvf[1:10],tacf[1:10],sacf[1:10]),ncol=4) dimnames(tb)<-list(0:9, c("Tacvf","Sacvf","Tacf","Sacf")) tb #Show the Davies-Harte condition sometimes hold and sometimes does not # in the case of fractionally differenced white noise # #Define autocovariance function for fractionally differenced white noise `tacvfFdwn` <- function(d, maxlag) { x <- numeric(maxlag + 1) x[1] <- gamma(1 - 2 * d)/gamma(1 - d)^2 for(i in 1:maxlag) x[i + 1] <- ((i - 1 + d)/(i - d)) * x[i] x } #Build table to show values of d for which condition is TRUE when n=5000 n<-5000 ds<-c(-0.45, -0.25, -0.05, 0.05, 0.25, 0.45) tb<-logical(length(ds)) names(tb)<-ds for (kd in 1:length(ds)){ d<-ds[kd] r<-tacvfFdwn(d, n-1) tb[kd]<-DHSimulate(n, r, ReportTestOnly = TRUE) } tb
#simulate a process with autocovariance function 1/(k+1), k=0,1,... # and plot it n<-2000 r<-1/sqrt(1:n) z<-DHSimulate(n, r) plot.ts(z) #simulate AR(1) and produce a table comparing the theoretical and sample # autocovariances and autocorrelations phi<- -0.8 n<-4096 g0<-1/(1-phi^2) #theoretical autocovariances tacvf<-g0*(phi^(0:(n-1))) z<-DHSimulate(n, tacvf) #autocorrelations sacf<-acf(z, plot=FALSE)$acf #autocovariances sacvf<-acf(z, plot=FALSE,type="covariance")$acf tacf<-tacvf/tacvf[1] tb<-matrix(c(tacvf[1:10],sacvf[1:10],tacf[1:10],sacf[1:10]),ncol=4) dimnames(tb)<-list(0:9, c("Tacvf","Sacvf","Tacf","Sacf")) tb #Show the Davies-Harte condition sometimes hold and sometimes does not # in the case of fractionally differenced white noise # #Define autocovariance function for fractionally differenced white noise `tacvfFdwn` <- function(d, maxlag) { x <- numeric(maxlag + 1) x[1] <- gamma(1 - 2 * d)/gamma(1 - d)^2 for(i in 1:maxlag) x[i + 1] <- ((i - 1 + d)/(i - d)) * x[i] x } #Build table to show values of d for which condition is TRUE when n=5000 n<-5000 ds<-c(-0.45, -0.25, -0.05, 0.05, 0.25, 0.45) tb<-logical(length(ds)) names(tb)<-ds for (kd in 1:length(ds)){ d<-ds[kd] r<-tacvfFdwn(d, n-1) tb[kd]<-DHSimulate(n, r, ReportTestOnly = TRUE) } tb
Given autocorrelations at lags 1,...,n the AR parameters corresponding to the AR coefficients, partial autocorrelations (pacf) and standarized minimum-mean-square predictor variance (sigsqk) are computed. Can also be used as a test for valid acf sequence.
DLAcfToAR(r, useC = TRUE, PDSequenceTestQ = FALSE)
DLAcfToAR(r, useC = TRUE, PDSequenceTestQ = FALSE)
r |
autocorrelations starting at lag 1 |
useC |
TRUE, C-interface function used. Otherwise if FALSE calculations are done in R |
PDSequenceTestQ |
FALSE, an error message is given if the autocorrelation sequence in not pd otherwise test for pd |
This function is more general than the built-in acf2AR
it provides the pacf and standardized minimum-mean-square error predictors.
The standardized minimum-mean-square error predictor variances are
defined as the minimum-mean-square error predictor variance for an AR
process with unit variance. So for a sufficiently high-order, an
approximation to the innovation variance is obtained.
The pacf may be used as an alternative parameterization for the linear time series model (McLeod and Zhang, 2006).
a matrix with 3 columns and length(r) rows is returned corresponding to the ar coefficients, pacf and sigsqk when PDSequenceTestQ = FALSE. Otherwise when PDSequenceTestQ = TRUE, the result is TRUE or FALSE according as the autocorrelation is a valid positive-definite sequence.
A.I. McLeod
McLeod, A.I. and Zhang, Y. (2006). Partial autocorrelation parameterization for subset autoregression. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 27, 599-612.
McLeod, A.I., Yu, Hao, Krougly, Zinovi L. (2007). Algorithms for Linear Time Series Analysis, Journal of Statistical Software.
#Example 1: Yule-Walker estimates z<-log(lynx) p<-11 r<-(acf(z, lag.max=p, plot=FALSE)$acf)[-1] ans<-DLAcfToAR(r) #compare with built-in ar phiAR<-ar(z,aic=FALSE, order.max=p, method="yw")$ar #yet another way is to use acf2AR phi2<-(acf2AR(c(1,r)))[p,] cbind(ans,phiAR,phi2) # #Example 2: AR(1) illustration #For AR(1) case compare useC = T and F r<-0.9^(1:3) DLAcfToAR(r, useC=TRUE) DLAcfToAR(r, useC=FALSE) DLAcfToAR(r, useC=TRUE, PDSequenceTestQ=TRUE) DLAcfToAR(r, useC=FALSE, PDSequenceTestQ=TRUE) # #Example 3: test for valid tacf r<-c(0.8, rep(0,99)) DLAcfToAR(r, PDSequenceTestQ=TRUE) # #Example 4: Fractional-difference example #Hosking (1981), pacf, zeta[k]=d/(k-d) #we compare this numerically with our procedure `tacvfFdwn` <- function(d, maxlag) { x <- numeric(maxlag + 1) x[1] <- gamma(1 - 2 * d)/gamma(1 - d)^2 for(i in 1:maxlag) x[i + 1] <- ((i - 1 + d)/(i - d)) * x[i] x } n<-10 d<-0.4 r<-tacvfFdwn(d, n) r<-(r/r[1])[-1] HoskingPacf<-d/(-d+(1:n)) cbind(DLAcfToAR(r),HoskingPacf) # # Example 5: Determining a suitable MA approximation #Find MA approximation to hyperbolic decay series N<-10^4 #pick N so large that mmse forecast error converged r<-1/sqrt(1:N) out<-DLAcfToAR(r[-1]) InnovationVariance<-out[nrow(out),3] phi<-out[,1] psi<-ARMAtoMA(ar=phi, lag.max=N) Error<-r[1]-InnovationVariance*(1+sum(psi^2))
#Example 1: Yule-Walker estimates z<-log(lynx) p<-11 r<-(acf(z, lag.max=p, plot=FALSE)$acf)[-1] ans<-DLAcfToAR(r) #compare with built-in ar phiAR<-ar(z,aic=FALSE, order.max=p, method="yw")$ar #yet another way is to use acf2AR phi2<-(acf2AR(c(1,r)))[p,] cbind(ans,phiAR,phi2) # #Example 2: AR(1) illustration #For AR(1) case compare useC = T and F r<-0.9^(1:3) DLAcfToAR(r, useC=TRUE) DLAcfToAR(r, useC=FALSE) DLAcfToAR(r, useC=TRUE, PDSequenceTestQ=TRUE) DLAcfToAR(r, useC=FALSE, PDSequenceTestQ=TRUE) # #Example 3: test for valid tacf r<-c(0.8, rep(0,99)) DLAcfToAR(r, PDSequenceTestQ=TRUE) # #Example 4: Fractional-difference example #Hosking (1981), pacf, zeta[k]=d/(k-d) #we compare this numerically with our procedure `tacvfFdwn` <- function(d, maxlag) { x <- numeric(maxlag + 1) x[1] <- gamma(1 - 2 * d)/gamma(1 - d)^2 for(i in 1:maxlag) x[i + 1] <- ((i - 1 + d)/(i - d)) * x[i] x } n<-10 d<-0.4 r<-tacvfFdwn(d, n) r<-(r/r[1])[-1] HoskingPacf<-d/(-d+(1:n)) cbind(DLAcfToAR(r),HoskingPacf) # # Example 5: Determining a suitable MA approximation #Find MA approximation to hyperbolic decay series N<-10^4 #pick N so large that mmse forecast error converged r<-1/sqrt(1:N) out<-DLAcfToAR(r[-1]) InnovationVariance<-out[nrow(out),3] phi<-out[,1] psi<-ARMAtoMA(ar=phi, lag.max=N) Error<-r[1]-InnovationVariance*(1+sum(psi^2))
The Durbin-Levinsion algorithm is used for the computation of the exact loglikelihood function.
DLLoglikelihood(r, z, useC = TRUE)
DLLoglikelihood(r, z, useC = TRUE)
r |
autocovariance or autocorrelation at lags 0,...,n-1, where n is length(z) |
z |
time series data |
useC |
TRUE, use compiled C, otherwise R |
The concentrated loglikelihood function may be written Lm(beta) = -(n/2)*log(S/n)-0.5*g, where beta is the parameter vector, n is the length of the time series, S=z'M z, z is the mean-corrected time series, M is the inverse of the covariance matrix setting the innovation variance to one and g=-log(det(M)). This method was given in Li (1981) for evaluating the loglikelihood function in the case of the fractionally differenced white noise.
The loglikelihood concentrated over the parameter for the innovation variance is returned.
The purpose of this function is to provide a check on the TrenchLoglikelihod function. Completely different algorithms are used in each case but the numerical values should agree.
A.I. McLeod
W.K. Li (1981). Topics in Time Series Analysis. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Western Ontario.
McLeod, A.I., Yu, Hao, Krougly, Zinovi L. (2007). Algorithms for Linear Time Series Analysis, Journal of Statistical Software.
#Example 1 #compute loglikelihood for white noise z<-rnorm(100) DLLoglikelihood(c(1,rep(0,length(z)-1)), z) #Example 2 #simulate a time series and compute the concentrated loglikelihood using DLLoglikelihood and #compare this with the value given by TrenchLoglikelihood. phi<-0.8 n<-200 r<-phi^(0:(n-1)) z<-arima.sim(model=list(ar=phi), n=n) LD<-DLLoglikelihood(r,z) LT<-TrenchLoglikelihood(r,z) ans<-c(LD,LT) names(ans)<-c("DLLoglikelihood","TrenchLoglikelihood") #Example 3 ## Not run: #Compare direct evaluation of AR(1) loglikelihood with DL method #First define the exact concentrated loglikelihood function for AR(1) AR1Loglikelihood <-function(phi,z){ n<-length(z) S<-(z[1]^2)*(1-phi^2) + sum((z[-1]-phi*z[-n])^2) 0.5*log(1-phi^2)-(n/2)*log(S/n) } #Next run script to compare numerically the loglikelihoods. #They should be identical. phi<-0.8 n<-200 z<-arima.sim(list(ar=phi), n=n) phis<-seq(0.1,0.95,0.05) ansAR1<-ansDL<-numeric(length(phis)) for (i in 1:length(phis)) { ansAR1[i] <- AR1Loglikelihood(phis[i],z) r<-(1/(1-phis[i]^2))*phis[i]^(0:(n-1)) ansDL[i] <- DLLoglikelihood(r,z,useC=FALSE) } ans<-matrix(c(ansDL,ansAR1),ncol=2) dimnames(ans)<-list(phis, c("DL-method","AR1-method")) ## End(Not run) #Example 4 ## Not run: #compare timings. See (McLeod, Yu, Krougly, Table 8). n<-5000 ds<-c(-0.45, -0.25, -0.05, 0.05, 0.25, 0.45) tim<-matrix(numeric(3*length(ds)),ncol=3) for (i in 1:length(ds)){ d<-ds[i] alpha <- 1-2*d #equivalent hyperbolic autocorrelation r <- (1/(1:n))^alpha z<-DLSimulate(n,r) tim1a<-system.time(LL1<-DLLoglikelihood(r,z))[1] tim1b<-system.time(LL1<-DLLoglikelihood(r,z,useC=FALSE))[1] tim2<-system.time(LL2<-TrenchLoglikelihood(r,z))[1] tim[i,]<-c(tim1a,tim1b, tim2) } dimnames(tim)<-list(ds, c("DL-C","DL-R","Trench")) tim ## End(Not run)
#Example 1 #compute loglikelihood for white noise z<-rnorm(100) DLLoglikelihood(c(1,rep(0,length(z)-1)), z) #Example 2 #simulate a time series and compute the concentrated loglikelihood using DLLoglikelihood and #compare this with the value given by TrenchLoglikelihood. phi<-0.8 n<-200 r<-phi^(0:(n-1)) z<-arima.sim(model=list(ar=phi), n=n) LD<-DLLoglikelihood(r,z) LT<-TrenchLoglikelihood(r,z) ans<-c(LD,LT) names(ans)<-c("DLLoglikelihood","TrenchLoglikelihood") #Example 3 ## Not run: #Compare direct evaluation of AR(1) loglikelihood with DL method #First define the exact concentrated loglikelihood function for AR(1) AR1Loglikelihood <-function(phi,z){ n<-length(z) S<-(z[1]^2)*(1-phi^2) + sum((z[-1]-phi*z[-n])^2) 0.5*log(1-phi^2)-(n/2)*log(S/n) } #Next run script to compare numerically the loglikelihoods. #They should be identical. phi<-0.8 n<-200 z<-arima.sim(list(ar=phi), n=n) phis<-seq(0.1,0.95,0.05) ansAR1<-ansDL<-numeric(length(phis)) for (i in 1:length(phis)) { ansAR1[i] <- AR1Loglikelihood(phis[i],z) r<-(1/(1-phis[i]^2))*phis[i]^(0:(n-1)) ansDL[i] <- DLLoglikelihood(r,z,useC=FALSE) } ans<-matrix(c(ansDL,ansAR1),ncol=2) dimnames(ans)<-list(phis, c("DL-method","AR1-method")) ## End(Not run) #Example 4 ## Not run: #compare timings. See (McLeod, Yu, Krougly, Table 8). n<-5000 ds<-c(-0.45, -0.25, -0.05, 0.05, 0.25, 0.45) tim<-matrix(numeric(3*length(ds)),ncol=3) for (i in 1:length(ds)){ d<-ds[i] alpha <- 1-2*d #equivalent hyperbolic autocorrelation r <- (1/(1:n))^alpha z<-DLSimulate(n,r) tim1a<-system.time(LL1<-DLLoglikelihood(r,z))[1] tim1b<-system.time(LL1<-DLLoglikelihood(r,z,useC=FALSE))[1] tim2<-system.time(LL2<-TrenchLoglikelihood(r,z))[1] tim[i,]<-c(tim1a,tim1b, tim2) } dimnames(tim)<-list(ds, c("DL-C","DL-R","Trench")) tim ## End(Not run)
The Durbin-Levison algorithm is used to compute the one-step prediction residuals.
DLResiduals(r, z, useC = TRUE, StandardizedQ=TRUE)
DLResiduals(r, z, useC = TRUE, StandardizedQ=TRUE)
r |
vector of length n containing the autocovariances or autocorrelations at lags 0,...,n-1 |
z |
vector of length n, mean-corrected time series data |
useC |
if TRUE, the compiled C code is used, otherwise the computations are done entirely in R and much slower |
StandardizedQ |
TRUE, the residuals are divided by their standard deviation or FALSE, the raw prediction residuals are computed |
If the model is correct the standardized prediction residuals are approximately NID(0,1) and are asymptotically equivalent to the usual innovation residuals divided by the residual sd. This means that the usual diagnotic checks, such as the Ljung-Box test may be used.
Vector of length n containing the residuals
A.I. McLeod
W.K. Li (1981). Topics in Time Series Analysis. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Western Ontario.
McLeod, A.I., Yu, Hao, Krougly, Zinovi L. (2007). Algorithms for Linear Time Series Analysis, Journal of Statistical Software.
# For the AR(1) the prediction residuals and innovation residuals are the same (except for # t=1). In this example we demonstrate the equality of these two types of residuals. # phi<-0.8 sde<-30 n<-30 z<-arima.sim(n=30,list(ar=phi),sd=sde) r<-phi^(0:(n-1))/(1-phi^2)*sde^2 e<-DLResiduals(r,z) a<-numeric(n) for (i in 2:n) a[i]=z[i]-phi*z[i-1] a<-a/sde ERR<-sum(abs(e[-1]-a[-1])) ERR # #Simulate AR(1) and compute the MLE for the innovation variance phi <- 0.5 n <- 2000 sigsq <- 9 z<-arima.sim(model=list(ar=phi), n=n, sd=sqrt(sigsq)) g0 <- sigsq/(1-phi^2) r <- g0*phi^(0:(n-1)) #comparison of estimate with actual e<-DLResiduals(r,z,useC=FALSE, StandardizedQ=FALSE) sigsqHat <- var(e) ans<-c(sigsqHat,sigsq) names(ans)<-c("estimate","theoretical") ans
# For the AR(1) the prediction residuals and innovation residuals are the same (except for # t=1). In this example we demonstrate the equality of these two types of residuals. # phi<-0.8 sde<-30 n<-30 z<-arima.sim(n=30,list(ar=phi),sd=sde) r<-phi^(0:(n-1))/(1-phi^2)*sde^2 e<-DLResiduals(r,z) a<-numeric(n) for (i in 2:n) a[i]=z[i]-phi*z[i-1] a<-a/sde ERR<-sum(abs(e[-1]-a[-1])) ERR # #Simulate AR(1) and compute the MLE for the innovation variance phi <- 0.5 n <- 2000 sigsq <- 9 z<-arima.sim(model=list(ar=phi), n=n, sd=sqrt(sigsq)) g0 <- sigsq/(1-phi^2) r <- g0*phi^(0:(n-1)) #comparison of estimate with actual e<-DLResiduals(r,z,useC=FALSE, StandardizedQ=FALSE) sigsqHat <- var(e) ans<-c(sigsqHat,sigsq) names(ans)<-c("estimate","theoretical") ans
The Durbin-Levinsion recursions are used to simulate a stationary time series given an unit innovation sequence and given autocovariance function. Requires
DLSimulate(n, r, useC = TRUE, rand.gen = rnorm, ...)
DLSimulate(n, r, useC = TRUE, rand.gen = rnorm, ...)
n |
length of time series to be generated |
r |
autocovariances, lags 0, ..., |
useC |
=TRUE, use C interface. Otherwise direct computation. |
rand.gen |
random number generator to use |
... |
optional arguments passed to |
See Hipel and McLeod (1994) or McLeod, Yu and Krougly (2007).
simulated time series of length n
A.I. McLeod
McLeod, A.I., Yu, Hao, Krougly, Zinovi L. (2007). Algorithms for Linear Time Series Analysis, Journal of Statistical Software.
#Simulate hyperbolic decay time series #with Hurst coefficient, H=0.9 n<-2000 H<-0.9 alpha<-2*(1-H) #hyperbolic decay parameter r<-(1/(1:n))^alpha z<-DLSimulate(n, r) plot.ts(z) #can use HurstK function in FGN library to estimate H
#Simulate hyperbolic decay time series #with Hurst coefficient, H=0.9 n<-2000 H<-0.9 alpha<-2*(1-H) #hyperbolic decay parameter r<-(1/(1:n))^alpha z<-DLSimulate(n, r) plot.ts(z) #can use HurstK function in FGN library to estimate H
Provides an exact log-likelihood that is exactly equal to the value of the probability density function with the random variables replaced by data and the parameters replaced by their estimated value. The corresponding estimate of the variance term is return.
exactLoglikelihood(r, z, innovationVarianceQ = TRUE)
exactLoglikelihood(r, z, innovationVarianceQ = TRUE)
r |
the portion of autocovariance function which when multiplied by the variance term equals the full autocovariance function. |
z |
the time series assumed to have mean zero |
innovationVarianceQ |
When TRUE, the variance term is the innovation variance and when FALSE it is the variance of the time series. For ARFIMA models, set to TRUE. But FGN requires setting innovationVarianceQ to FALSE since only the innovation variance is not known and so the likelihood has a slightly different form. |
This function uses the trench algorithm that is implememented in C. This function is provided to include all multiplicative constants. For many purposes, such as MLE, we only need to likelihood function up to a multiplicative constant. But for information criteria, we may need the constant terms so we can compare our results with other types of models or with other software such as arima(). The arima() function also computes the exact log-likelihood and uses it in the computation of the AIC and BIC.
LL |
exact log-likelihood |
sigmaSq |
MLE for the variance term. If innovationVarianceQ is TRUE, is the an estimate of the residual variance otherwise it is an estimate of the variance of the time series. |
A. I. McLeod, [email protected]
set.seed(7773311) n <- 200 z <- arima.sim(model=list(ar=0.9, ma=-0.6), n=n, n.start=10^4) out <- arima(z, order=c(1,0,1), include.mean=FALSE) out #note #sigma^2 estimated as 0.9558: log likelihood = -279.66, aic = 565.31 r <- tacvfARMA(phi=coef(out)[1], theta=-coef(out)[2], maxLag=n-1) exactLoglikelihood(r, z, innovationVarianceQ = TRUE) #agrees!
set.seed(7773311) n <- 200 z <- arima.sim(model=list(ar=0.9, ma=-0.6), n=n, n.start=10^4) out <- arima(z, order=c(1,0,1), include.mean=FALSE) out #note #sigma^2 estimated as 0.9558: log likelihood = -279.66, aic = 565.31 r <- tacvfARMA(phi=coef(out)[1], theta=-coef(out)[2], maxLag=n-1) exactLoglikelihood(r, z, innovationVarianceQ = TRUE) #agrees!
The innovation variance is estimated using a high order AR approximation determined by the AIC or by using Kolmogoroff's formula with a smoothed periodogram. Default is AR.
innovationVariance(z, method = c("AR", "Kolmogoroff"), ...)
innovationVariance(z, method = c("AR", "Kolmogoroff"), ...)
z |
time series |
method |
Default "AR". Set to "Kolmogoroff" for non-parametric periodogram estimate. |
... |
optional arguments that are passed to spec.pgram() |
the innovation variance
A. I. McLeod
z<-sunspot.year #fitting high-order AR innovationVariance(z) #using periodogram innovationVariance(z, method="Kolmogoroff") #using smoothed periodogram innovationVariance(z, method="Kolmogoroff", span=c(3, 3)) #the plot argument for spec.pgram() works too innovationVariance(z, method="Kolmogoroff", span=c(3, 3), plot=TRUE)
z<-sunspot.year #fitting high-order AR innovationVariance(z) #using periodogram innovationVariance(z, method="Kolmogoroff") #using smoothed periodogram innovationVariance(z, method="Kolmogoroff", span=c(3, 3)) #the plot argument for spec.pgram() works too innovationVariance(z, method="Kolmogoroff", span=c(3, 3), plot=TRUE)
Auxilary function, used to validate the input of TrenchInverse
x |
value to be tested |
A symmetric Toeplitz matrix of order n has (i,j)-entry of the form g[abs(1+i-j)], where g is a vector of length n.
returns True or False according to whether x is or is not a symmetric Toeplitz matrix
A.I. McLeod
is.toeplitz(toeplitz(1:5)) is.toeplitz(5)
is.toeplitz(toeplitz(1:5)) is.toeplitz(5)
The prediction variance of the forecast for lead times l=1,...,maxLead is computed given theoretical autocovariances.
PredictionVariance(r, maxLead = 1, DLQ = TRUE)
PredictionVariance(r, maxLead = 1, DLQ = TRUE)
r |
the autocovariances at lags 0, 1, 2, ... |
maxLead |
maximum lead time of forecast |
Using Durbin-Levinson if TRUE. Otherwise Trench algorithm used. |
Two algorithms are available which are described in detail in McLeod, Yu and Krougly (2007). The default method, DLQ=TRUE, uses the autocovariances provided in r to determine the optimal linear mean-square error predictor of order length(r)-1. The mean-square error of this predictor is the lead-one error variance. The moving-average expansion of this model is used to compute any remaining variances (McLeod, Yu and Krougly, 2007). With the other Trench algorithm, when DLQ=FALSE, a direct matrix representation of the forecast variances is used (McLeod, Yu and Krougly, 2007). The Trench method is exact. Provided the length of r is large enough, the two methods will agree.
vector of length maxLead containing the variances
A.I. McLeod
McLeod, A.I., Yu, Hao, Krougly, Zinovi L. (2007). Algorithms for Linear Time Series Analysis, Journal of Statistical Software.
#Example 1. Compare using DL method or Trench method va<-PredictionVariance(0.9^(0:10), maxLead=10) vb<-PredictionVariance(0.9^(0:10), maxLead=10, DLQ=FALSE) cbind(va,vb) # #Example 2. Compare with predict.Arima #general script, just change z, p, q, ML z<-sqrt(sunspot.year) n<-length(z) p<-9 q<-0 ML<-10 #for different data/model just reset above out<-arima(z, order=c(p,0,q)) sda<-as.vector(predict(out, n.ahead=ML)$se) # phi<-theta<-numeric(0) if (p>0) phi<-coef(out)[1:p] if (q>0) theta<-coef(out)[(p+1):(p+q)] zm<-coef(out)[p+q+1] sigma2<-out$sigma2 r<-sigma2*tacvfARMA(phi, theta, maxLag=n+ML-1) sdb<-sqrt(PredictionVariance(r, maxLead=ML)) cbind(sda,sdb) # # #Example 3. DL and Trench method can give different results # when the acvf is slowly decaying. Trench is always # exact based on a finite-sample. L<-5 r<-1/sqrt(1:(L+1)) va<-PredictionVariance(r, maxLead=L) vb<-PredictionVariance(r, maxLead=L, DLQ=FALSE) cbind(va,vb) #results are slightly different r<-1/sqrt(1:(1000)) #larger number of autocovariances va<-PredictionVariance(r, maxLead=L) vb<-PredictionVariance(r, maxLead=L, DLQ=FALSE) cbind(va,vb) #results now agree
#Example 1. Compare using DL method or Trench method va<-PredictionVariance(0.9^(0:10), maxLead=10) vb<-PredictionVariance(0.9^(0:10), maxLead=10, DLQ=FALSE) cbind(va,vb) # #Example 2. Compare with predict.Arima #general script, just change z, p, q, ML z<-sqrt(sunspot.year) n<-length(z) p<-9 q<-0 ML<-10 #for different data/model just reset above out<-arima(z, order=c(p,0,q)) sda<-as.vector(predict(out, n.ahead=ML)$se) # phi<-theta<-numeric(0) if (p>0) phi<-coef(out)[1:p] if (q>0) theta<-coef(out)[(p+1):(p+q)] zm<-coef(out)[p+q+1] sigma2<-out$sigma2 r<-sigma2*tacvfARMA(phi, theta, maxLag=n+ML-1) sdb<-sqrt(PredictionVariance(r, maxLead=ML)) cbind(sda,sdb) # # #Example 3. DL and Trench method can give different results # when the acvf is slowly decaying. Trench is always # exact based on a finite-sample. L<-5 r<-1/sqrt(1:(L+1)) va<-PredictionVariance(r, maxLead=L) vb<-PredictionVariance(r, maxLead=L, DLQ=FALSE) cbind(va,vb) #results are slightly different r<-1/sqrt(1:(1000)) #larger number of autocovariances va<-PredictionVariance(r, maxLead=L) vb<-PredictionVariance(r, maxLead=L, DLQ=FALSE) cbind(va,vb) #results now agree
Simulates a General Linear Time Series that can have nonGaussian innovations.
It uses the FFT so it is O(N log(N)) flops where N=length(a) and N is assumed
to be a power of 2.
The R function convolve
is used which implements the FFT.
SimGLP(psi, a)
SimGLP(psi, a)
psi |
vector, length Q, of MA coefficients starting with 1. |
a |
vector, length Q+n, of innovations, where n is the length of time series to be generated. |
where and the innovations
$a_t, t=1-Q, ..., 0, 1, ..., n$ are
given in the input vector a.
Since convolve
uses the FFT this is faster than direct computation.
vector of length n, where n=length(a)-length(psi)
A.I. McLeod
#Simulate an AR(1) process with parameter phi=0.8 of length n=100 with # innovations from a t-distribution with 5 df and plot it. # phi<-0.8 psi<-phi^(0:127) n<-100 Q<-length(psi)-1 a<-rt(n+Q,5) z<-SimGLP(psi,a) z<-ts(z) plot(z)
#Simulate an AR(1) process with parameter phi=0.8 of length n=100 with # innovations from a t-distribution with 5 df and plot it. # phi<-0.8 psi<-phi^(0:127) n<-100 Q<-length(psi)-1 a<-rt(n+Q,5) z<-SimGLP(psi,a) z<-ts(z) plot(z)
The theoretical autocovariance function of ARMA(p,q) process is computed.
This is more useful in some situations than the built-in R function ARMAacf
See Details.
tacvfARMA(phi = numeric(0), theta = numeric(0), maxLag = 1, sigma2 = 1)
tacvfARMA(phi = numeric(0), theta = numeric(0), maxLag = 1, sigma2 = 1)
phi |
ar parameters |
theta |
ma parameters |
maxLag |
acvf is computed at lags 0, ..., maxLag |
sigma2 |
innovation variance |
The details of the autocovariance computation are given in McLeod (1975).
In addition to this computation, we also test if the model is stationary-causal or not. The test, which is included directly in the function, uses the Durbin-Levison recursion to transform from the phi parameters to the pacf. See McLeod and Zhang (2006, eqn. (1)) for more details. Formally, the stationary-causal condition requires that all roots of the polynomial equation,
must lie outside the unit circle (Brockwell and Davis, 1991, Section 3.3).
This function is included because it is necessary to demonstrate that in
the case of ARMA models, TrenchInverse and the built-in R function
predict.Arima produce equivalent results.
See Example 1 in the documentation for TrenchForecast
and the example discussed in McLeod, Yu and Krougly (2007, 3.2).
Vector of length maxLag containing the autocovariances at lags 0, ..., maxLag. But see Warning below.
An error is returned if the model is not stationary-causal.
A.I. McLeod
P.J. Brockwell and R.A. Davis (1991) Time Series: Theory and Methods. Springer.
A.I. McLeod (1975) Derivation of the theoretical autocovariance function of autoregressive-moving average models, Applied Statistics 24, 255-256.
A.I. McLeod and Zhang, Y. (2006) Partial autocorrelation parameterizations for subset autoregression, Journal of Time Series Analysis,
McLeod, A.I., Yu, Hao, Krougly, Zinovi L. (2007). Algorithms for Linear Time Series Analysis, Journal of Statistical Software.
#Example 1. Estimate the acvf of a fitted ARMA model #There are two methods but they give slighly different results, #general script, just change z, p, q, ML z<-sqrt(sunspot.year) n<-length(z) p<-9 q<-0 ML<-5 #for different data/model just reset above out<-arima(z, order=c(p,0,q)) phi<-theta<-numeric(0) if (p>0) phi<-coef(out)[1:p] if (q>0) theta<-coef(out)[(p+1):(p+q)] zm<-coef(out)[p+q+1] sigma2<-out$sigma2 rA<-tacvfARMA(phi, theta, maxLag=n+ML-1, sigma2=sigma2) rB<-var(z)*ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=theta, lag.max=n+ML-1) #rA and rB are slighly different cbind(rA[1:5],rB[1:5]) # #Example 2. Compute Rsq for fitted ARMA model #Rsq = 1 - (series variance / innovation variance) #Again there are two methods but only the first method is guaranteed to #produce an Rsq which is non-negative! #Run last example and then evaluate the script below: RsqA <- 1 - rA/sigma2 RsqB <- 1 - rB/sigma2 # #Example 3. Test if model is stationary-causal or not. StationaryQ <- function(phi) tryCatch(is.vector(tacvfARMA(phi=phi)),error=function(e) FALSE ) StationaryQ(1.1) #AR(1) with phi=1.1 is not stationary-causal. #try with parameters from Example 1 above StationaryQ(phi)
#Example 1. Estimate the acvf of a fitted ARMA model #There are two methods but they give slighly different results, #general script, just change z, p, q, ML z<-sqrt(sunspot.year) n<-length(z) p<-9 q<-0 ML<-5 #for different data/model just reset above out<-arima(z, order=c(p,0,q)) phi<-theta<-numeric(0) if (p>0) phi<-coef(out)[1:p] if (q>0) theta<-coef(out)[(p+1):(p+q)] zm<-coef(out)[p+q+1] sigma2<-out$sigma2 rA<-tacvfARMA(phi, theta, maxLag=n+ML-1, sigma2=sigma2) rB<-var(z)*ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=theta, lag.max=n+ML-1) #rA and rB are slighly different cbind(rA[1:5],rB[1:5]) # #Example 2. Compute Rsq for fitted ARMA model #Rsq = 1 - (series variance / innovation variance) #Again there are two methods but only the first method is guaranteed to #produce an Rsq which is non-negative! #Run last example and then evaluate the script below: RsqA <- 1 - rA/sigma2 RsqB <- 1 - rB/sigma2 # #Example 3. Test if model is stationary-causal or not. StationaryQ <- function(phi) tryCatch(is.vector(tacvfARMA(phi=phi)),error=function(e) FALSE ) StationaryQ(1.1) #AR(1) with phi=1.1 is not stationary-causal. #try with parameters from Example 1 above StationaryQ(phi)
Let G be a Toeplitz matrix of order n and with (i,j)-element, r[Abs[i-j]]. So the first row of G may be written (r[0],...,r[n-1]). Suppose the next element in the sequence is r[n]. Then the inverse of the Toeplitz matrix whose first row is (r[0],...,r[n]) may be obtained either using ToeplitzInverseUpdate or directly using TrenchInverse. ToeplitzInverseUpdate is somewhat faster.
ToeplitzInverseUpdate(GI, r, rnew)
ToeplitzInverseUpdate(GI, r, rnew)
GI |
inverse of Toeplitz matrix G of order n |
r |
first row of G , ie r[0],...,r[n-1] |
rnew |
next element, r[n] |
Although this update requires flops, the same as TrenchInverse,
it is somewhat faster in practice.
inverse matrix of order n+1
A.I. McLeod
Graybill, F.A. (1983). Matrices with Applications in Statistics.
McLeod, A.I., Yu, Hao, Krougly, Zinovi L. (2007). Algorithms for Linear Time Series Analysis, Journal of Statistical Software.
#In this example we compute the update inverse directly and using ToeplitzInverseUpdate and #compare the result. phi<-0.8 sde<-30 n<-30 r<-arima.sim(n=30,list(ar=phi),sd=sde) r<-phi^(0:(n-1))/(1-phi^2)*sde^2 n1<-25 G<-toeplitz(r[1:n1]) GI<-solve(G) #could also use TrenchInverse GIupdate<-ToeplitzInverseUpdate(GI,r[1:n1],r[n1+1]) GIdirect<-solve(toeplitz(r[1:(n1+1)])) ERR<-sum(abs(GIupdate-GIdirect)) ERR
#In this example we compute the update inverse directly and using ToeplitzInverseUpdate and #compare the result. phi<-0.8 sde<-30 n<-30 r<-arima.sim(n=30,list(ar=phi),sd=sde) r<-phi^(0:(n-1))/(1-phi^2)*sde^2 n1<-25 G<-toeplitz(r[1:n1]) GI<-solve(G) #could also use TrenchInverse GIupdate<-ToeplitzInverseUpdate(GI,r[1:n1],r[n1+1]) GIdirect<-solve(toeplitz(r[1:(n1+1)])) ERR<-sum(abs(GIupdate-GIdirect)) ERR
Given time series of length n+m, the forecasts for lead times k=1,...,L are computed starting with forecast origin at time t=n and continuing up to t=n+m. The input time series is of length n+m. For purely out-of-sample forecasts we may take n=length(z). Note that the parameter m is inferred using the fact that m=length(z)-n.
TrenchForecast(z, r, zm, n, maxLead, UpdateAlgorithmQ = TRUE)
TrenchForecast(z, r, zm, n, maxLead, UpdateAlgorithmQ = TRUE)
z |
time series data, length n+m |
r |
autocovariances of length(z)+L-1 or until damped out |
zm |
mean parameter in model |
n |
forecast origin, n |
maxLead |
=L, the maximum lead time |
UpdateAlgorithmQ |
= TRUE, use efficient update method, otherwise if UpdateAlgorithmQ=FALSE, the direct inverse matrix is computed each time |
The minimum mean-square error forecast of z[N+k] given time series data z[1],...,z[N]
is denoted by , where N is called the forecast origin and k is
the lead time.
This algorithm computes a table for
The minimum mean-square error forecast is simply the conditional expectation
given the time series up to including time
This conditional expectation works out to the same thing as the conditional
expectation in an appropriate multivariate normal distribution – even
if no normality assumption is made.
See McLeod, Yu, Krougly (2007, eqn. 8).
Similar remarks hold for the variance of the forecast.
An error message is given if length(r) < n + L -1.
A list with components
Forecasts |
matrix with m+1 rows and maxLead columns with the forecasts |
SDForecasts |
matrix with m+1 rows and maxLead columns with the sd of the forecasts |
An error message is given if r is not a pd sequence, that is, the Toeplitz matrix of r must be pd. This could occur if you were to approximate a GLP which is near the stationary boundary by a MA(Q) with Q not large enough. In the bootstrap simulation experiment reported in our paper McLeod, Yu and Krougly (2007) we initially approximated the FGN autocorrelations by setting them to zero after lag 553 but in this case the ARMA(2,1) forecasts were always better. When we used all required lags of the acvf then the FGN forecasts were better as we expected. From this experience, we don't recommend setting high-order acf lags to zero unless the values are in fact very small.
A.I. McLeod
McLeod, A.I., Yu, Hao, Krougly, Zinovi L. (2007). Algorithms for Linear Time Series Analysis, Journal of Statistical Software.
#Example 1. Compare TrenchForecast and predict.Arima #general script, just change z, p, q, ML z<-sqrt(sunspot.year) n<-length(z) p<-9 q<-0 ML<-10 #for different data/model just reset above out<-arima(z, order=c(p,0,q)) Fp<-predict(out, n.ahead=ML) phi<-theta<-numeric(0) if (p>0) phi<-coef(out)[1:p] if (q>0) theta<-coef(out)[(p+1):(p+q)] zm<-coef(out)[p+q+1] sigma2<-out$sigma2 #r<-var(z)*ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=theta, lag.max=n+ML-1) #When r is computed as above, it is not identical to below r<-sigma2*tacvfARMA(phi, theta, maxLag=n+ML-1) F<-TrenchForecast(z, r, zm, n, maxLead=ML) #the forecasts are identical using tacvfARMA # #Example 2. Compare AR(1) Forecasts. Show how #Forecasts from AR(1) are easily calculated directly. #We compare AR(1) forecasts and their sd's. #Define a function for the AR(1) case AR1Forecast <- function(z,phi,n,maxLead){ nz<-length(z) m<-nz-n zf<-vf<-matrix(numeric(maxLead*m),ncol=maxLead) zorigin<-z[n:nz] zf<-outer(zorigin,phi^(1:maxLead)) vf<-matrix(rep(1-phi^(2*(1:maxLead)),m+1),byrow=TRUE,ncol=maxLead)/(1-phi^2) list(zf=zf,sdf=sqrt(vf)) } #generate AR(1) series and compare the forecasts phi<-0.9 n<-200 m<-5 N<-n+m z<-arima.sim(list(ar=phi), n=N) maxLead<-3 nr<-N+maxLead-1 r<-(1/(1-phi^2))*phi^(0:nr) ansT1<-TrenchForecast(z,r,0,n,maxLead) ansT2<-TrenchForecast(z,r,0,n,maxLead,UpdateAlgorithmQ=FALSE) ansAR1<-AR1Forecast(z,phi,n,maxLead)
#Example 1. Compare TrenchForecast and predict.Arima #general script, just change z, p, q, ML z<-sqrt(sunspot.year) n<-length(z) p<-9 q<-0 ML<-10 #for different data/model just reset above out<-arima(z, order=c(p,0,q)) Fp<-predict(out, n.ahead=ML) phi<-theta<-numeric(0) if (p>0) phi<-coef(out)[1:p] if (q>0) theta<-coef(out)[(p+1):(p+q)] zm<-coef(out)[p+q+1] sigma2<-out$sigma2 #r<-var(z)*ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=theta, lag.max=n+ML-1) #When r is computed as above, it is not identical to below r<-sigma2*tacvfARMA(phi, theta, maxLag=n+ML-1) F<-TrenchForecast(z, r, zm, n, maxLead=ML) #the forecasts are identical using tacvfARMA # #Example 2. Compare AR(1) Forecasts. Show how #Forecasts from AR(1) are easily calculated directly. #We compare AR(1) forecasts and their sd's. #Define a function for the AR(1) case AR1Forecast <- function(z,phi,n,maxLead){ nz<-length(z) m<-nz-n zf<-vf<-matrix(numeric(maxLead*m),ncol=maxLead) zorigin<-z[n:nz] zf<-outer(zorigin,phi^(1:maxLead)) vf<-matrix(rep(1-phi^(2*(1:maxLead)),m+1),byrow=TRUE,ncol=maxLead)/(1-phi^2) list(zf=zf,sdf=sqrt(vf)) } #generate AR(1) series and compare the forecasts phi<-0.9 n<-200 m<-5 N<-n+m z<-arima.sim(list(ar=phi), n=N) maxLead<-3 nr<-N+maxLead-1 r<-(1/(1-phi^2))*phi^(0:nr) ansT1<-TrenchForecast(z,r,0,n,maxLead) ansT2<-TrenchForecast(z,r,0,n,maxLead,UpdateAlgorithmQ=FALSE) ansAR1<-AR1Forecast(z,phi,n,maxLead)
The Trench algorithm (Golub and Vanload, 1983) is implemented in C and interfaced to R. This provides an expedient method for obtaining the matrix inverse of the covariance matrix of n successive observations from a stationary time series. Some applications of this are discussed by McLeod and Krougly (2005).
G |
a positive definite Toeplitz matrix |
the matrix inverse of G is computed
You should test the input x using is.toeplitz(x) if you are not sure if x is a symmetric Toeplitz matix.
TrenchInverse(x) assumes that x is a symmetric Toeplitz matrix but it does not specifically test for this. Instead it merely takes the first row of x and passes this directly to the C code program which uses this more compact storage format. The C code program then computes the inverse. An error message is given if the C code algorithm encounters a non-positive definite input.
A.I. McLeod
Golub, G. and Van Loan (1983). Matrix Computations, 2nd Ed. John Hoptkins University Press, Baltimore. Algorithm 5.7-3.
McLeod, A.I., Yu, Hao, Krougly, Zinovi L. (2007). Algorithms for Linear Time Series Analysis, Journal of Statistical Software.
, is.toeplitz
, solve
#compute inverse of matrix and compare with result from solve data(LakeHuron) r<-acf(LakeHuron, plot=FALSE, lag.max=4)$acf R<-toeplitz(c(r)) Ri<-TrenchInverse(R) Ri2<-solve(R) Ri Ri2 #invert a matrix of order n and compute the maximum absolute error # in the product of this inverse with the original matrix n<-5 r<-0.8^(0:(n-1)) G<-toeplitz(r) Gi<-TrenchInverse(G) GGi<-crossprod(t(G),Gi) id<-matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=n) diag(id)<-1 err<-max(abs(id-GGi)) err
#compute inverse of matrix and compare with result from solve data(LakeHuron) r<-acf(LakeHuron, plot=FALSE, lag.max=4)$acf R<-toeplitz(c(r)) Ri<-TrenchInverse(R) Ri2<-solve(R) Ri Ri2 #invert a matrix of order n and compute the maximum absolute error # in the product of this inverse with the original matrix n<-5 r<-0.8^(0:(n-1)) G<-toeplitz(r) Gi<-TrenchInverse(G) GGi<-crossprod(t(G),Gi) id<-matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=n) diag(id)<-1 err<-max(abs(id-GGi)) err
The Trench matrix inversion algorithm is used to compute the exact concentrated loglikelihood function.
TrenchLoglikelihood(r, z)
TrenchLoglikelihood(r, z)
r |
autocovariance or autocorrelation at lags 0,...,n-1, where n is length(z) |
z |
time series data |
The concentrated loglikelihood function may be written Lm(beta) = -(n/2)*log(S/n)-0.5*g, where beta is the parameter vector, n is the length of the time series, S=z'M z, z is the mean-corrected time series, M is the inverse of the covariance matrix setting the innovation variance to one and g=-log(det(M)).
The loglikelihood concentrated over the parameter for the innovation variance is returned.
A.I. McLeod
McLeod, A.I., Yu, Hao, Krougly, Zinovi L. (2007). Algorithms for Linear Time Series Analysis, Journal of Statistical Software.
#compute loglikelihood for white noise z<-rnorm(100) TrenchLoglikelihood(c(1,rep(0,length(z)-1)), z) #simulate a time series and compute the concentrated loglikelihood using DLLoglikelihood and #compare this with the value given by TrenchLoglikelihood. phi<-0.8 n<-200 r<-phi^(0:(n-1)) z<-arima.sim(model=list(ar=phi), n=n) LD<-DLLoglikelihood(r,z) LT<-TrenchLoglikelihood(r,z) ans<-c(LD,LT) names(ans)<-c("DLLoglikelihood","TrenchLoglikelihood")
#compute loglikelihood for white noise z<-rnorm(100) TrenchLoglikelihood(c(1,rep(0,length(z)-1)), z) #simulate a time series and compute the concentrated loglikelihood using DLLoglikelihood and #compare this with the value given by TrenchLoglikelihood. phi<-0.8 n<-200 r<-phi^(0:(n-1)) z<-arima.sim(model=list(ar=phi), n=n) LD<-DLLoglikelihood(r,z) LT<-TrenchLoglikelihood(r,z) ans<-c(LD,LT) names(ans)<-c("DLLoglikelihood","TrenchLoglikelihood")
Sometimes this is also referred to as the BLUE.
TrenchMean(r, z)
TrenchMean(r, z)
r |
vector of autocorrelations or autocovariances of length n |
z |
time series data vector of length n |
the estimate of the mean
An error is given if r is not a postive-definite sequence or
if the lengths of r
and z
are not equal.
A.I. McLeod
McLeod, A.I., Yu, Hao, Krougly, Zinovi L. (2007). Algorithms for Linear Time Series Analysis, Journal of Statistical Software.
#compare BLUE and sample mean phi<- -0.9 a<-rnorm(100) z<-numeric(length(a)) phi<- -0.9 n<-100 a<-rnorm(n) z<-numeric(n) mu<-100 sig<-10 z[1]<-a[1]*sig/sqrt(1-phi^2) for (i in 2:n) z[i]<-phi*z[i-1]+a[i]*sig z<-z+mu r<-phi^(0:(n-1)) meanMLE<-TrenchMean(r,z) meanBLUE<-mean(z) ans<-c(meanMLE, meanBLUE) names(ans)<-c("BLUE", "MLE") ans
#compare BLUE and sample mean phi<- -0.9 a<-rnorm(100) z<-numeric(length(a)) phi<- -0.9 n<-100 a<-rnorm(n) z<-numeric(n) mu<-100 sig<-10 z[1]<-a[1]*sig/sqrt(1-phi^2) for (i in 2:n) z[i]<-phi*z[i-1]+a[i]*sig z<-z+mu r<-phi^(0:(n-1)) meanMLE<-TrenchMean(r,z) meanBLUE<-mean(z) ans<-c(meanMLE, meanBLUE) names(ans)<-c("BLUE", "MLE") ans