Package 'lmomRFA'

Title: Regional Frequency Analysis using L-Moments
Description: Functions for regional frequency analysis using the methods of J. R. M. Hosking and J. R. Wallis (1997), "Regional frequency analysis: an approach based on L-moments".
Authors: J. R. M. Hosking [aut, cre]
Maintainer: J. R. M. Hosking <[email protected]>
License: Common Public License Version 1.0
Version: 3.8
Built: 2025-02-01 06:39:11 UTC
Source: CRAN

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The lmomRFA package


R functions for regional frequency analysis using LL-moments.


This package implements methods described in the book “Regional frequency analysis: an approach based on LL-moments” by J. R. M. Hosking and J. R. Wallis. It is a supplement to the lmom package, which implements LL-moment methods for more general statistical applications.

The following functions are contained in this package.

cluagg performs agglomerative hierarchical clustering.

cluinf provides information about cluster membership in a hierarchical clustering.

clukm performs cluster analysis via the K-means algorithm.

as.regdata creates an object of class "regdata", which contains a “regional data set” consisting of summary statistics for different data samples, one of the main building blocks of regional frequency analysis.

regsamlmu computes the sample LL-moments of multiple data sets.

regavlmom and reglmr both compute, with slightly different interfaces, a regional weighted average of sample LL-moments from multiple sites. Function regavlmom is recommended for general use; reglmr is deprecated.

regtst computes discordancy, heterogeneity and goodness-of-fit measures for regional frequency analysis. These statistics are as described in Hosking and Wallis (1997, chaps. 3-5).

regfit fits a frequency distribution to a regional data set, giving a “regional frequency distribution”.

regqfunc and siteqfunc return the regional growth curve and the quantile functions for individual sites, respectively, from a regional frequency distribution fitted by regfit.

regquant and sitequant directly compute quantiles of the regional growth curve and of distributions for individual sites, respectively, from a regional frequency distribution fitted by regfit.

regsimh runs Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the distribution of heterogeneity and goodness-of-fit measures for an artificial region.

regsimq runs Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the variability of quantile estimates from a regional frequency distribution.

regquantbounds and sitequantbounds compute error bounds for the regional growth curve and for quantiles at individual sites, respectively, from a regional frequency distribution fitted by regfit.

Functions cluagg, cluinf, clukm, reglmr, and regtst are analogous to Fortran routines from the LMOMENTS package, version 3.04, available from StatLib at In addition, functions regsimh and regsimq provide similar functionality to PROGRAM XSIM in the LMOMENTS Fortran package.


J. R. M. Hosking [email protected]


Hosking, J. R. M., and Wallis, J. R. (1997). Regional frequency analysis: an approach based on LL-moments. Cambridge University Press.

Data for streamflow gaging stations in Appalachia


Site characteristics and sample LL-moments of annual maximum streamflow for 104 gaging stations in Appalachia.




A data frame with 104 observations on the following 11 variables:


Character vector: each site's Hydrologic Unit Code, a unique identifier.


Numeric vector: gage latitude, in degrees.


Numeric vector: gage longitude, in degrees west of the Greenwich Meridian.


Numeric vector: drainage basin area, in square miles.


Numeric vector: gage elevation, in feet.


Numeric vector: record length.


Numeric vector: sample mean.


Numeric vector: sample LL-CV.


Numeric vector: sample LL-skewness.


Numeric vector: sample LL-kurtosis.


Numeric vector: sample LL-moment ratio t5t_5.


The data in columns lat, long, area and elev, and the streamflow data used to compute the sample LL-moments, were obtained from “Hydrodata” CD-ROMs (Hydrosphere, 1993), which reproduce data from the U.S. Geological Survey's WATSTORE data files.


The file appalach.dat in the LMOMENTS Fortran package (Hosking, 1996).


Hydrosphere (1993). Hydrodata CD-ROMs, vol. 4.0: USGS peak values. Hydrosphere Data Products, Boulder, Colo.

Hosking, J. R. M. (1996). Fortran routines for use with the method of LL-moments, Version 3. Research Report RC20525, IBM Research Division, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.



L-moments of annual precipitation totals


LL-moments of annual precipitation totals for the “North Cascades” region of Plantico et al. (1990).




An object of class regdata. It is a data frame with 19 observations on the following 7 variables:


Character vector: site identifier.


Numeric vector: record length.


Numeric vector: sample mean.


Numeric vector: sample LL-CV.


Numeric vector: sample LL-skewness.


Numeric vector: sample LL-kurtosis.


Numeric vector: sample LL-moment ratio t5t_5.


The data are summary statistics of annual precipitation totals at 19 sites in the northwest U.S., the “North Cascades” region of Plantico et al. (1990). The precipitation data were obtained from the Historical Climatology Network (Karl et al., 1990).


The file cascades.dat in the LMOMENTS Fortran package (Hosking, 1996).


Hosking, J. R. M. (1996). Fortran routines for use with the method of LL-moments, Version 3. Research Report RC20525, IBM Research Division, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.

Karl, T. R., Williams, C. N., Quinlan, F. T., and Boden, T. A. (1990). United States historical climatology network (HCN) serial temperature and precipitation data. ORNL/CDIAC-30 NDP-019/R1, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn.

Plantico, M. S., Karl, T. R., Kukla, G., and Gavin, J. (1990). Is recent climate change across the United States related to rising levels of anthropogenic greenhouse gases? Journal of Geophysical Research, 95, 16617–16637.


Cascades        # L-moment ratios, etc., for the Cascades data
lmrd(Cascades)  # L-moment ratio diagram for the Cascades data

Hierarchical clustering


Performs cluster analysis by one of several agglomerative hierarchical methods.


cluagg(x, method="ward")



A numeric matrix (or a data frame with all numeric columns, which will be coerced to a matrix). Contains the data: each row should contain the attributes for a single point.


Clustering method. Any method valid for hclust may be used.


In agglomerative hierarchical clustering, there are initially nn clusters, each containing one data point, labeled 11 through nn in the same order as the data points. At each stage of clustering, two clusters are merged. Their labels are saved in the merge array. The smaller of the two labels is used as the label of the merged cluster. After the iith stage of clustering there are nin-i clusters. To find which data points belong to which clusters, use function cluinf.


A list with elements as follows.


Matrix of dimension (nrow(x)-1,2). The iith row contains the labels of the clusters merged at the iith merge.


Vector of length nrow(x)-1. The iith element is the total within-cluster dispersion after the iith merge.


Clustering is performed internally by function hclust in the R stats package.


J. R. M. Hosking [email protected]


Hosking, J. R. M., and Wallis, J. R. (1997). Regional frequency analysis: an approach based on LL-moments. Cambridge University Press.

See Also

cluinf to get details of the clusters at a particular stage of the merging.


## Clustering of gaging stations in Appalachia, as in Hosking
## and Wallis (1997, sec. 9.2.3)
# Form attributes for clustering (Hosking and Wallis's Table 9.4)
att <- cbind(a1 = log(Appalach$area),
             a2 = sqrt(Appalach$elev),
             a3 = Appalach$lat,
             a4 = Appalach$long)
att <- apply(att, 2, function(x) x/sd(x))
att[,1] <- att[,1] * 3
# Clustering by Ward's method
# Details of the clustering with 7 clusters

Provide information about a hierarchical clustering


Agglomerative hierarchical clustering procedures typically produce a list of the clusters merged at each stage of the clustering. cluinf uses this list to construct arrays that explicitly show which cluster a given data point belongs to, and which data points belong to a given cluster.


cluinf(merge, nclust)



Matrix with 2 columns. The iith row contains the labels of the clusters merged at the iith merge.

Can also be the object returned by a call to cluagg.


Number of clusters.


Information about the clustering that has nclust clusters. It is a list with the following elements:


Vector giving the assignment of items to clusters.


List with nclust elements. Each element contains the labels of the items in one cluster.


Vector of length nclust, containing the number of items in each cluster.


J. R. M. Hosking [email protected]


Hosking, J. R. M., and Wallis, J. R. (1997). Regional frequency analysis: an approach based on LL-moments. Cambridge University Press.

See Also



## Clustering of gaging stations in Appalachia, as in Hosking
## and Wallis (1997, sec. 9.2.3)
# Form attributes for clustering (Hosking and Wallis's Table 9.4)
att <- cbind(a1 = log(Appalach$area),
             a2 = sqrt(Appalach$elev),
             a3 = Appalach$lat,
             a4 = Appalach$long)
att <- apply(att, 2, function(x) x/sd(x))
att[,1] <- att[,1] * 3
# Clustering by Ward's method
# Details of the clustering with 7 clusters
cluinf(cl, 7)

Cluster analysis via K-means algorithm


Performs cluster analysis using the K-means algorithm.


clukm(x, assign, maxit = 10, algorithm = "Hartigan-Wong")



A numeric matrix (or a data frame with all numeric columns, which will be coerced to a matrix). Contains the data: each row should contain the attributes for a single point.


A vector whose distinct values indicate the initial clustering of the points.


Maximum number of iterations.


Clustering algorithm. Permitted values are the same as for kmeans.


An object of class kmeans. For details see the help for kmeans.


clukm is a wrapper for the R function kmeans. The only difference is that in clukm the user supplies an initial assignment of sites to clusters (from which cluster centers are computed), whereas in kmeans the user supplies the initial cluster centers explicitly.


J. R. M. Hosking [email protected]


Hosking, J. R. M., and Wallis, J. R. (1997). Regional frequency analysis: an approach based on LL-moments. Cambridge University Press.

See Also



## Clustering of gaging stations in Appalachia, as in Hosking
## and Wallis (1997, sec. 9.2.3)
# Form attributes for clustering (Hosking and Wallis's Table 9.4)
att <- cbind(a1 = log(Appalach$area),
             a2 = sqrt(Appalach$elev),
             a3 = Appalach$lat,
             a4 = Appalach$long)
att <- apply(att, 2, function(x) x/sd(x))
att[,1] <- att[,1] * 3
# Clustering by Ward's method
(cl <- cluagg(att))
# Details of the clustering with 7 clusters
(inf <- cluinf(cl, 7))
# Refine the 7 clusters by K-means
clkm <- clukm(att, inf$assign)
# Compare the original and K-means clusters
table(Kmeans=clkm$cluster, Ward=inf$assign)
# Some details about the K-means clusters: range of area, number
# of sites, weighted average L-CV and L-skewness
bb <- by(Appalach, clkm$cluster, function(x)
  c( min.area = min(x$area),
     max.area = max(x$area),
     n = nrow(x),
     ave.t = round(weighted.mean(x$t, x$n), 3),
     ave.t_3 = round(weighted.mean(x$t_3, x$n), 3)))
# Order the clusters in increasing order of minimum area
ord <- order(sapply(bb, "[", "min.area"))
# Make the result into a data frame.  Compare with Hosking
# and Wallis (1997), Table 9.5., bb[ord])

Extreme-value plot of a regional frequency distribution


Plots a regional frequency distribution, optionally with error bounds for either the regional growth curve or the quantile function for an individual site.

The graph is an “extreme-value plot”, i.e. the horizontal axis is the quantile of an extreme-value type I (Gumbel) distribution, and the quantile function of that distribution would plot as a straight line.


## S3 method for class 'rfd'
evplot(y, ybounds, npoints=101, add=FALSE, plim,
  xlim=c(-2,5), ylim,
  xlab=expression("Reduced variate,  " * -log(-log(italic(F)))),
  ylab="Quantile", rp.axis=TRUE, type="l", lty=c(1,2), col=c(1,1),



Object of class rfd, containing the specification of a regional frequency distribution.


Optional. Object of class rfdbounds (typically created by regquantbounds or sitequantbounds), containing error bounds for quantile estimates for the regional frequency distribution specified by y.


Number of points to use in drawing the quantile function. The points are equally spaced along the x axis.


Logical: if TRUE, add to existing plot.


X axis limits, specified as probabilities.


X axis limits, specified as values of the Gumbel reduced variate log(log(F))-\log(-\log(F)), where FF is the nonexceedance probability. Not used if plim is specified.


Y axis limits.


X axis label.


Y axis label.


Logical: whether to draw the “Return period” axis, a secondary horizontal axis.


Vector of plot types. The first element is for the quantile function; subsequent elements are for the error bounds, and will be used cyclically until all lines are drawn. Interpreted in the same way as the type plotting parameter, i.e. "l" for lines, "b" for points connected by lines, etc.


Vector of line types. The first element is for the quantile function; subsequent elements are for the error bounds, and will be used cyclically until all lines are drawn.


Vector of colors. The first element is for the quantile function; subsequent elements are for the error bounds, and will be used cyclically until all lines are drawn.


Additional parameters are passed to the plotting routine.


If ybounds is missing, a graph is drawn of the quantile function (regional growth curve) of the distribution specified by y.

If ybounds is present, it may contain error bounds for either a regional growth curve or the quantile function at a single site. This regional growth curve or site quantile function is plotted using arguments type[1], lty[1] and col[1]. Then, in each case, error bounds are added to the plot. The ybounds object typically contains, for several probabilities specified by ybounds$bounds, error bounds corresponding to that probability for several quantiles. For thejth bound probability, the bounds for the various quantiles will be joined by straight lines (so to obtain a smooth curve there should be a lot of quantiles!), using graphics parameters type[j+1], lty[j+1] and col[j+1].


J. R. M. Hosking [email protected]

See Also

regfit, which creates objects of class "rfd"; regquantbounds and sitequantbounds, which create objects of class "rfdbounds"; evdistp, evdistq, and evpoints, all in package lmom, for adding further curves and points to the plot.


Cascades                        # An object of class "regdata"
rfit <- regfit(Cascades, "gno") # Fit a generalized normal distribution

evplot(rfit)                    # Plot the regional growth curve

# Compute error bounds for quantile estimates.  We will
# (optimistically) generate bounds for a homogeneous region
# with the same frequency distribution as the one fitted to
# the Cascades data.
fval <- seq(.01, .99, by=.01)   # A lot of quantiles
simq <- regsimq(rfit$qfunc, nrec=Cascades$n, nrep=100, f=fval,

# Regional growth curve, and bounds
rbounds <- regquantbounds(simq, rfit)
evplot(rfit, rbounds)

# Quantile function for site 3, and bounds
sbounds <- sitequantbounds(simq, rfit, site=3)
evplot(rfit, sbounds)

Maximum wind speeds


Annual maximum wind speeds at 12 sites in the southeast U.S.




A list of 12 numeric vectors.


The name of a list element is the site location, including a reference number used by Simiu et al. (1979). Each list element is a numeric vector containing the annual maximum wind speeds for that site. The period of observation varies from site to site: for details see Simiu et al. (1979).


Simiu, E., Changery, M. J., and Filliben, J. J. (1979). Extreme wind speeds at 129 stations in the contiguous United States. Building Science Series 118, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.


regsamlmu(Maxwind)  # sample L-moments

Regional weighted average of L-moments


Computes a regional weighted average of LL-moments.


regavlmom(regdata, weight)



Object of class regdata, containing summary statistics of the data for the sites in a region.


Vector containing the weights to be used for each site. If omitted, weights will be the sample size at each site, taken from the second column of regdata. If a single value, equal weights will be used.


Vector containing the regional average LL-moments.


J. R. M. Hosking [email protected]


reglm <- regsamlmu(Maxwind)
regavlmom(reglm)            # Weight proportional to record length
regavlmom(reglm, weight=1)  # Equal weights

The regdata class


An object of class "regdata" stores summary statistics of the data for the sites in a region. It is a data frame with each row containing data for one site. The columns should contain the site name, record length and LL-moments and LL-moment ratios, in the order 1\ell_1 (mean), tt (LL-CV), t3t_3 (LL-skewness), t4t_4 (LL-kurtosis), t5t_5, t6t_6, etc.

There should be at least four columns, but most functions that use objects of class "regdata" typically require more columns. Six or seven columns (4 or 5 LL-moments) is usually adequate for regional frequency analysis.

Note that the fourth column should contain values of the LL-CV t=2/1t=\ell_2/\ell_1, not the LL-scale 2\ell_2!

Objects of class "regdata" are created by as.regdata, and by regsamlmu (with default settings of its arguments). They are used by several functions in package lmomRFA, including regavlmom (which computes regional average LL-moments), regfit (which fits a regional frequency distribution), and regtst (which computes discordancy, heterogeneity and goodness-of-fit measures).


as.regdata(x, warn.names=TRUE)



R object.


Logical: if TRUE, warnings are issued if the column names of x appear to be inconsistent with what is expected for an object of class "regdata".


as.regdata converts an R object to class "regdata". Only data frames and numeric matrices can be converted.


An object of class "regdata".


J. R. M. Hosking [email protected]


Cascades        # 'Cascades' is of class "regdata"

# Create a data frame with site statistics
  name      =c("site 1", "site 2", "site 3"),
  n         =c(  20,   30,   40),
  mean      =c( 100,  110,  120),
  LCV       =c(0.20, 0.25, 0.30),
  L_skewness=c(0.15, 0.20, 0.25),
  L_kurtosis=c(0.10, 0.15, 0.20),
  t_5       =c(0.10, 0.12, 0.14))
# Convert to class "regdata"

Fit a regional frequency distribution


Fits a frequency distribution to a vector of regional average LL-moments. Returns an object of class "rfd", which contains the specification of the regional frequency distribution: the quantile function, parameters of the regional growth curve, and the index-flood values (site-specific scale factors) for each site.


regfit(regdata, dist)



Object of class regdata, containing summary statistics of the data for the sites in a region.


Character string specifying the distribution to be fitted. See “Details” below.


The function computes regional average LL-moments (by calling regavlmom) and fits a probability distribution to the regional average LL-moments. This distribution has mean 1, i.e., the index flood is the mean of the distribution.

For distribution dist there should exist a function to estimate the parameters of the distribution given a set of LL-moments. The function should have a name that is the character string "pel" followed by the character string dist. It should accept a single argument, a vector containing LL-moments 1\ell_1, 2\ell_2, t3t_3, t4t_4, etc., and return a vector of distribution parameters.

For distribution dist there should also exist a quantile function, which should have a name that is the character string "qua" followed by the character string dist. It should accept two arguments: a vector of probabilities and a vector containing the parameters of the distribution.

The search path used to find the "pel" and "qua" functions is the same as for arguments supplied to regfit, i.e. the enclosing frames of the function, followed by the search path specified by search().

The estimation routines and quantile functions in package lmom have the form described here. For example, to use a generalized extreme value distribution set dist to be the string "gev"; then the fitting function pelgev and the quantile function quagev will be used (unless these functions have been masked by another object on the search path).


An object of class "rfd", containing the specification of the regional frequency distribution: It is a list with the following elements:


The character string dist.


Vector containing the parameters of the fitted regional distribution.


The quantile function of distribution dist. It is a function that takes a single argument, a vector of probabilities, and returns a vector of quantiles.


The regional average LL-moments.


Index flood values at each site. This is a named vector whose values are the index flood values at each site, from regdata[[3]], and whose names are the site names, from regdata[[1]].


J. R. M. Hosking [email protected]


data(Cascades)                  # An object of class "regdata"
rfit <- regfit(Cascades, "gno") # Fit a generalized normal distribution
rfit                            # Print details of the fitted distribution
                                #   (components 'dist' and 'para')
rfit$index                      # Index flood values

evplot(rfit)                    # Plot the regional growth curve
evplot(qfunc=rfit$qfunc)        # The same, but with more typing
evplot(qfunc=regqfunc(rfit))    # The same, with still more typing

Regional weighted average of L-moments


Regional weighted average of LL-moments.


reglmr(xmom, weight)



Matrix or data frame each of whose rows contains the LL-moments and LL-moment ratios for one site, in the order 1\ell_1, 2\ell_2, t3t_3, t4t_4, etc.


Vector containing the weights to be used for each site. If omitted, equal weights will be used.


Vector containing the regional average LL-moments.


This function is deprecated and may be removed from a future version of the package. Function regavlmom is the recommended replacement.


J. R. M. Hosking [email protected]


reglmr(xmom,nrec)   # weighted by record length
reglmr(xmom)        # unweighted

Quantiles and quantile function of a regional frequency distribution


regquant computes quantiles of a regional frequency distribution, i.e., values of the regional growth curve.

regqfunc returns a function that will compute the quantiles.


regquant(f, rfd)




Vector of probabilities.


Object of class rfd, containing the specification of a regional frequency distribution.


regquant returns a vector of quantiles.

regqfunc returns the qfunc element of rfd. This is a function that takes one argument, which should be a vector of probabilities, and returns a vector of quantiles.


J. R. M. Hosking [email protected]

See Also



rfit <- regfit(Cascades,"gno")  # Fit regional distribution

# Compute some quantiles
regquant(seq(0.1, 0.9, by=0.1), regfit(Cascades,"gno"))

# Get the quantile function (regional growth curve)
rgc <- regqfunc(rfit)

# Compute quantiles by evaluating the regional growth curve
rgc(seq(0.1, 0.9, by=0.1))

# Plot the regional growth curve
curve(rgc, 0.01, 0.99)

Compute error bounds for a regional frequency distribution


For a regional frequency distribution, the functions compute the root mean square error (RMSE) and error bounds for quantiles either of the regional growth curve (regquantbounds) or of distributions at individual sites (sitequantbounds).


regquantbounds(relbounds, rfd)

sitequantbounds(relbounds, rfd, sitenames, index, seindex, drop = TRUE)



An object of class "regsimq", the result of calling function regsimq to simulate relative RMSE and error bounds for a regional frequency distribution.


An object of class "rfd", containing the specification of a regional frequency distribution.


Vector of site names.


Values of the estimated site-specific scale factor (“index flood”) for the sites.


Standard errors of the estimates in index.


Logical: if TRUE and there is only one site, the value returned from sitequantbounds will be an object of class "rfdbounds" rather than a list containing one such object.


The relative RMSE values from relbounds are multiplied by the quantile values from rfd to yield absolute RMSE values for quantile estimates, and the quantile values from rfd are divided by the error bounds from relbounds to yield error bounds for quantiles, as in Hosking and Wallis (1997), eq. (6.19). These computations apply to quantiles either of the regional growth curve (for regquantbounds) or of the frequency distributions at individual sites (for sitequantbounds).

If argument index of sitequantbounds is missing, then results (RMSE and error bounds of quantiles) are computed for sites in the region specified by rfd and its index component, assuming that the site-specific scale factor (“index flood”) is estimated by the sample mean at each site, computed from the same data set that was used to fit the regional frequency distribution.

If index and sitenames are both missing, then results will be computed for all of the sites in the region specified by rfd.

If index is missing and sitenames is present, then error bounds will be computed for a subset of the sites in the region specified by rfd. sitenames will be used to select sites from the vector rfd$index, either by position or by name.

If argument index of sitequantbounds is present, then results are computed for arbitrary sites (for example, ungauged sites for which the regional growth curve of the regional frequency distribution rfd is believed to apply), assuming that the site-specific scale factor (“index flood”) is estimated from data that are (approximately) statistically independent of the data used to fit the regional frequency distribution. In this case relbounds$sim.rgc must not be NULL, i.e. relbounds should have been generated by a call to regsimq with argument save=TRUE.

If index and sitenames are both present, they must have the same length, and will be taken to refer to sites whose names are the elements of sitenames and whose index-flood values are the elements of index.

If index is present and sitenames is missing, results are computed for sites whose index-flood values are the elements of index; if index has names, these names will be used as the site names.

When index and seindex are specified, it is assumed in the simulation procedure that the estimated index flood value has a gamma distribution with mean index and standard deviation seindex.

As noted by Hosking and Wallis (1997, discussion following (6.19)), error bounds in the lower tail of the distribution may be unhelpful when the fitted distribution can take negative values. In these cases the computed bounds will be NA (if the quantile estimate is negative) or Inf (if the quantile estimate is positive but the corresponding error bound in relbounds is negative).


For regquantbounds, an object of class "rfdbounds". This is a data frame with columns f, probabilities for which quantiles are estimated; qhat, estimated quantiles; RMSE, RMSE of the estimated quantiles. Also, for each bound probability in relbounds$boundprob, there is a column containing the error bound corresponding to that probability. The object also has an attribute "boundprob" that contains the bound probabilities.

For sitequantbounds, a list each of whose components is an object of class "rfdbounds" containing results for one site. In this case the second column of the data frame is named Qhat, not qhat. If drop is TRUE and the list has one component, a single "rfdbounds" object is returned.

For exact definitions of quantities returned by functions regquantbounds and regsitebounds, see vignette RegSim.


For a region that is confidently believed to be homogeneous, the region used to generate the results in relbounds may be the same as that specified by rfd. In practice, it is often acknowledged that some degree of heterogeneity is present in the data to which the distribution rfd is fitted. The simulations used in function regsimq to generate relbounds can then be based on a region whose specification includes an appropriate degree of heterogeneity, and the error bounds calculated by regquantbounds and sitequantbounds will honestly reflect the failure of the assumption of homogeneity made by regfit (i.e. that the at-site growth curves are the same for all sites in the region) to hold exactly. The example below illustrates this practice.


J. R. M. Hosking [email protected]


Hosking, J. R. M., and Wallis, J. R. (1997). Regional frequency analysis: an approach based on LL-moments. Cambridge University Press.

See Also

regsimq, which runs the simulations that generate the results returned by regquantbounds.


data(Cascades)              # A regional data set

rmom <- regavlmom(Cascades) # Regional average L-moments

# Fit a generalized normal distribution to the regional data
rfit <- regfit(Cascades, "gno")

# Set up an artificial region to be simulated:
# -- Same number of sites as Cascades
# -- Same record lengths as Cascades
# -- Same site means as Cascades
# -- L-CV varies linearly across sites, with mean value equal
#    to the regional average L-CV for the Cascades data.
#      'LCVrange' specifies the  range of L-CV across the sites,
#    and is chosen to reflect the amount of heterogeneity that
#    may reasonably be believed to be present in the Cascades
#    data (see the example for 'regsimh').
# -- L-skewness is the same at each site, and is equal to the
#    regional average L-skewness for the Cascades data
nsites <- nrow(Cascades)
means <- Cascades$mean
LCVrange <- 0.025
LCVs <- seq(rmom[2]-LCVrange/2, rmom[2]+LCVrange/2, len=nsites)
Lskews<-rep(rmom[3], nsites)

# Each site will have a generalized normal distribution:
# get the parameter values for each site
pp <- t(apply(cbind(means, means*LCVs ,Lskews), 1, pelgno))

# Set correlation between each pair of sites to 0.64, the
# average inter-site correlation for the Cascades data
avcor <- 0.64

# Run the simulation.  To save time, use only 100 replications.
simq <- regsimq(qfunc=quagno, para=pp, cor=avcor, nrec=Cascades$n,  nrep=100, fit="gno")

# Apply the simulated bounds to the estimated regional growth curve
regquantbounds(simq, rfit)

# Apply the simulated bounds to quantiles for site 3
sitequantbounds(simq, rfit, site=3)

# Apply the simulated bounds to quantiles for a site whose mean
# is estimated to be 100 with standard error 25
sitequantbounds(simq, rfit, index=100, seindex=25)

Sample L-moments of multiple data sets


Computes the “unbiased” sample LL-moments and LL-moment ratios of multiple sets of data stored in a list or matrix. Following the paradigm of regional frequency analysis, we regard the data sets as coming from different measurement sites.


regsamlmu(x, nmom = 5, = TRUE, lcv = TRUE)



A list of numeric vectors, or a numeric matrix.


Number of LL-moments to be computed.

Logical: whether each data set should be sorted.


Logical. If TRUE, the second LL-moment will be expressed as a fraction of the mean, i.e. the computed value will be the sample LL-CV t=2/1t=\ell_2/\ell_1. If FALSE, the second LL-moment will simply be the sample LL-scale value 2\ell_2.


Sample LL-moments are computed for each data set. The calculations use samlmu internally. If x is a list, each list element should contain data for one site and the names of the list elements should be the site names. If x is a matrix, each column should contain data for one site and the column names should be the site names.


An object of class regdata. It is a data frame with columns "name" and "n", containing respectively the site names and the number of non-missing data values at each site, and further columns containing the LL-moments and LL-moment ratios, in the order 1\ell_1, tt (or 2\ell_2), t3t_3, t4t_4, etc.


The default parameter values are chosen to be convenient for the regional frequency analysis methods described by Hosking and Wallis (1997). Note that the number of LL-moments and the choice of whether to return LL-CV or LL-scale are different from the defaults for samlmu.

Users of the LMOMENTS Fortran package, version 3.04, should note that its PROGRAM XFIT by default uses plotting-position estimators of LL-moment ratios, which give different results from the “unbiased” estimators used by regsamlmu (and by all other functions in package lmomRFA).


J. R. M. Hosking [email protected]


Hosking, J. R. M., and Wallis, J. R. (1997). Regional frequency analysis: an approach based on LL-moments. Cambridge University Press.


data(Maxwind)       # a list

data(airquality)    # a data frame

Simulate the distribution of heterogeneity and goodness-of-fit measures


Estimates, using Monte Carlo simulation, the distribution of heterogeneity and goodness-of-fit measures for regional frequency analysis. These are the statistics HH and ZDISTZ^{\rm DIST} defined respectively in sections 4.3.3 and 5.2.3 of Hosking and Wallis (1997).


regsimh(qfunc, para, cor = 0, nrec, nrep = 500, nsim = 500)



List containing the quantile functions for each site. Can also be a single quantile function, which will be used for each site.


Parameters of the quantile functions at each site. If qfunc is a list, para must be a list of the same length whose components are numeric vectors, the parameters of the corresponding component of qfunc. If qfunc is a single quantile function, para can be a single vector, containing a single set of parameter values that will be used for each site; a matrix or data frame whose rows each contain the parameter values for one site; or a list of length length(nrec) whose components are numeric vectors, each containing the parameter values for one site.


Specifies the correlation matrix of the frequency distribution of each site's data. Can be a matrix (which will be rescaled to a correlation matrix if necessary) or a constant (which will be taken as the correlation between each pair of sites).


Numeric vector containing the record lengths at each site.


Number of simulated regions.


Number of simulations used, within each of the nrep simulated regions, when calculating heterogeneity and goodness-of-fit measures.


A realization is generated of data simulated from the region specified by parameters qfunc, para, and cor, and with record lengths at each site specified by argument nrec. The simulation procedure is as described in Hosking and Wallis (1997), Table 6.1, through step 3.1.2. Heterogeneity and goodness-of-fit measures are computed for the realization, using the same method as in function regtst. The entire procedure is repeated nrep times, and the values of the heterogeneity and goodness-of-fit measures are saved. Average values, across all nrep realizations, of the heterogeneity and goodness-of-fit measures are computed.


An object of class "regsimh". This is a list with the following components:


The number of simulated regions (argument nrep).


The number of simulation used within each region (argument nsim).


Matrix of dimension 8 ×\times nrep, containing the values, for each of the nrep simulated regions, of the heterogeneity and goodness-of-fit measures.


Vector of length 8, containing the mean values, across the nrep simulated regions, of the three heterogeneity and five goodness-of-fit measures.


J. R. M. Hosking [email protected]


Hosking, J. R. M., and Wallis, J. R. (1997). Regional frequency analysis: an approach based on LL-moments. Cambridge University Press.

See Also

regtst for details of the heterogeneity and goodness-of-fit measures.


## Not run:  
data(Cascades)            # A regional data set

rmom<-regavlmom(Cascades) # Regional average L-moments

# Set up an artificial region to be simulated:
# -- Same number of sites as Cascades
# -- Same record lengths as Cascades
# -- Mean 1 at every site (results do not depend on the site means)
# -- L-CV varies linearly across sites, with mean value equal
#    to the regional average L-CV for the Cascades data.
#    'LCVrange' specifies the  range of L-CV across the sites.
# -- L-skewness the same at each site, and equal to the regional
#    average L-skewness for the Cascades data
nsites <- nrow(Cascades)
means <- rep(1,nsites)
LCVrange <- 0.025
LCVs <- seq(rmom[2]-LCVrange/2, rmom[2]+LCVrange/2, len=nsites)
Lskews<-rep(rmom[3], nsites)

# Each site will have a generalized normal distribution:
# get the parameter values for each site
pp <- t(apply(cbind(means, means*LCVs ,Lskews), 1, pelgno))

# Set correlation between each pair of sites to 0.64, the
# average inter-site correlation for the Cascades data
avcor <- 0.64

# Run the simulation.  It will take some time (about 25 sec
# on a Lenovo W500, a moderately fast 2011-vintage laptop)
# Note that the results are consistent with the statement
# "the average H value of simulated regions is 1.08"
# in Hosking and Wallis (1997, p.98).
regsimh(qfunc=quagno, para=pp, cor=avcor, nrec=Cascades$n,

## End(Not run)

Compute error bounds for a fitted regional frequency distribution


Computes, using Monte Carlo simulation, relative error bounds for estimated quantiles of a regional frequency distribution fitted by regfit.


regsimq(qfunc, para, cor = 0, index = NULL, nrec, nrep = 10000,
        fit = "gev", f = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 0.99, 0.999),
        boundprob = c(0.05, 0.95), save = TRUE)



List containing the quantile functions for each site. Can also be a single quantile function, which will be used for each site.


Parameters of the quantile functions at each site. If qfunc is a list, para must be a list of the same length whose components are numeric vectors, the parameters of the corresponding component of qfunc. If qfunc is a single quantile function, para can be a single vector, containing a single set of parameter values that will be used for each site; a matrix or data frame whose rows each contain the parameter values for one site; or a list of length length(nrec) whose components are numeric vectors, each containing the parameter values for one site.


Specifies the correlation matrix of the frequency distribution of each site's data. Can be a matrix (which will be rescaled to a correlation matrix if necessary) or a constant (which will be taken as the correlation between each pair of sites).


Specifies the value of the site-specific scale factor (“index flood”) at each site. Can be: a vector, containing the values at each site; a constant, which will be taken to be the index flood value at each site; or (the default) NULL, in which case the index floods at each site will be taken to be the means of the quantile functions implied by qfunc and para, and will be computed by numerical integration of those quantile functions.


Numeric vector containing the record lengths at each site.


Number of simulated regions.


Character string specifying the distribution to be fitted. See “Details” below.


Vector of probabilities corresponding to the quantiles whose accuracy is to be estimated.


Vector of probabilities for which error bounds will be computed.


Logical. Should the simulated values of the ratio of the estimated to the true regional growth curve be saved? These values are needed when sitequantbounds is called with its argument index present, e.g. to compute error bounds for quantiles at sites other than those whose data were used to fit the regional frequency distribution (e.g., ungauged sites). If this computation is not required, storage can be saved by setting save to FALSE.


A realization of data from a region is generated as follows. The frequency distributions at sites (specified by arguments qfunc and para) are expressed as Qi(F)=μiqi(F)Q_i(F)=\mu_i q_i(F) where μi\mu_i is the site-specific scale factor (“index flood”) and qi(F)q_i(F) is the at-site growth curve. At each simulation run the at-site growth curves of each site are randomly permuted, and are scaled by the (unpermuted) index flood values for the sites. Data are simulated from these frequency distributions, with inter-site correlation specified by argument cor and record lengths at each site specified by argument nrec. The regional frequency distribution specified by argument fit is then fitted to the simulated data, as in function regfit. The procedure is as described in Hosking and Wallis (1997), Table 6.1, except that the permutation of at-site growth curves is a later modification, intended to give more realistic sets of simulated data. For more details, including exact definitions of quantities computed in the simulation and returned by functions regsimq, regquantbounds, and regsitebounds, see vignette RegSim.

From each realization the sample mean values and estimates of the quantiles of the regional growth curve, for nonexceedance probabilities specified by argument f, are saved.

From the simulated values, for each quantile specified by argument f the relative root mean square error (relative RMSE) is computed as in Hosking and Wallis (1997, eq. (6.15)). Error bounds are also computed, as in Hosking and Wallis (1997, eq. (6.18)) but with bound probabilities specified by argument boundprob rather than the fixed values 0.05 and 0.95 considered by Hosking and Wallis. The error bounds are sample quantiles, across the nrep realizations, of the ratio of the estimated regional growth curve to the true at-site growth curve or of the ratio of the estimated to the true quantiles at individual sites.

For distribution fit there should exist a function to estimate the parameters of the distribution given a set of LL-moments. The function should have a name that is the character string "pel" followed by the character string fit. It should accept a single argument, a vector containing LL-moments 1\ell_1, 2\ell_2, t3t_3, t4t_4, etc., and return a vector of distribution parameters.

For distribution fit there should also exist a quantile function, which should have a name that is the character string "qua" followed by the character string fit. It should accept two arguments: a vector of probabilities and a vector containing the parameters of the distribution.

The search path used to find the "pel" and "qua" functions is the same as for arguments supplied to regsimq, i.e. the enclosing frames of the function, followed by the search path specified by search().

The estimation routines and quantile functions in package lmom have the form described here. For example, to use a generalized extreme value distribution set fit to be the string "gev"; then the fitting function pelgev and the quantile function quagev will be used (unless these functions have been masked by another object on the search path).


An object of class "regsimq". This is a list with the following components:


Vector of probabilities corresponding to the quantiles whose accuracy is to be estimated. A copy of argument f.


Vector of probabilities corresponding to the error bounds. A copy of argument boundprob.


Number of simulated regions.


Data frame containing the relative RMSE and error bounds for the regional growth curve. It has columns "f", probabilities corresponding to each quantile, "rel.RMSE", relative RMSE of quantiles of regional growth curve, and, for each bound probability in boundprob, a column giving the error bound (quantile of the empirical distribution of simulated values of the ratio of the estimated regional growth curve to the true at-site growth curve) for that bound probability.

List of length(nrec) data frames. Each data frame contains the relative RMSE and error bounds for quantiles at one site, and has the same structure as component relbounds.rgc of the return value.


If save is TRUE, a matrix of dimension length(f) ×\times length(nrec), containing values of the at-site growth curves (quantile functions at each site, divided by the site-specific scale factors) for quantiles corresponding to probabilities in f.

If save is FALSE, list element true.asgc is NULL.


If save is TRUE, a matrix of dimension length(f) ×\times nrep, containing the simulated values of the estimated regional growth curve for quantiles corresponding to probabilities in f.

If save is FALSE, list element sim.rgc is NULL.


Error bounds for the regional growth curve apply to the regional growth curve regarded as an estimator of the growth curve for a randomly chosen site. The growth curve for site ii is defined to be qi(.)=Qi(.)/μiq_i(\,.\,)=Q_i(\,.\,)/\mu_i where Qi(.)Q_i(\,.\,) is the site's quantile function and μi\mu_i is the site-specific scale factor (“index flood”) for site ii. For each of the nrep simulated regions, and each probability FF in f, the regional growth curve q^(F)\hat{q}(F) is estimated and the ratios q^(F)/qi(F)\hat{q}(F)/q_i(F) are calculated. The relative error bounds are empirical quantiles, corresponding to the probabilities in boundprob, of the nrep * length(nrec) values of these ratios obtained from the simulations.

This differs from the approach taken in Hosking and Wallis (1997), Table 6.2 and Fig. 6.2, in which error bounds are computed regarding the estimated regional growth curve as an estimator of the regional average growth curve qR(.)q^{\rm R}(\,.\,), the harmonic mean of the sites' growth curves (Hosking and Wallis, 1997, p. 102).

When the parent region is homogeneous, with identical frequency distributions at each site (apart from a site-specific scale factor), the two approaches give identical results. For heterogeneous regions the “regard as estimator of randomly chosen site growth curve” approach yields error bounds that are wider, but are more realistic given that the ultimate aim of regional frequency analysis is estimation of quantiles at individual sites.


J. R. M. Hosking [email protected]


Hosking, J. R. M., and Wallis, J. R. (1997). Regional frequency analysis: an approach based on LL-moments. Cambridge University Press.

See Also

regfit, for details of fitting a regional frequency distribution; regquantbounds and sitequantbounds, for converting the relative bounds returned by regsimq into absolute bounds for quantiles of the regional growth curve or of the frequency distributions at individual sites.


data(Cascades)              # A regional data set

rmom <- regavlmom(Cascades) # Regional average L-moments

# Fit generalized normal distribution to regional data
rfit <- regfit(Cascades, "gno")

# Set up an artificial region to be simulated:
# -- Same number of sites as Cascades
# -- Same record lengths as Cascades
# -- Same site means as Cascades
# -- L-CV varies linearly across sites, with mean value equal
#    to the regional average L-CV for the Cascades data.
#    'LCVrange' specifies the  range of L-CV across the sites.
# -- L-skewness the same at each site, and equal to the regional
#    average L-skewness for the Cascades data
nsites <- nrow(Cascades)
means <- Cascades$mean
LCVrange <- 0.025
LCVs <- seq(rmom[2]-LCVrange/2, rmom[2]+LCVrange/2, len=nsites)
Lskews<-rep(rmom[3], nsites)

# Each site will have a generalized normal distribution:
# get the parameter values for each site
pp <- t(apply(cbind(means, means*LCVs ,Lskews), 1, pelgno))

# Set correlation between each pair of sites to 0.64, the
# average inter-site correlation for the Cascades data
avcor <- 0.64

# Run the simulation.  To save time, use only 100 replications.
simq <- regsimq(qfunc=quagno, para=pp, cor=avcor, nrec=Cascades$n,
  nrep=100, fit="gno")

# Relative RMSE and error bounds for the regional growth curve

# Relative RMSE and error bounds for quantiles at site 3

Test statistics for regional frequency analysis


Computes discordancy, heterogeneity and goodness-of-fit measures for regional frequency analysis. These are the statistics DiD_i, HH, and ZDISTZ^{\rm DIST} defined respectively in sections 3.2.3, 4.3.3, and 5.2.3 of Hosking and Wallis (1997).


regtst(regdata, nsim=1000)

regtst.s(regdata, nsim=1000)



Object of class regdata containing the input data. It should be a data frame, each of whose rows contains data for one site. The first seven columns should contain respectively the site name, record length and LL-moments and LL-moment ratios, in the order 1\ell_1 (mean), tt (LL-CV), t3t_3 (LL-skewness), t4t_4 (LL-kurtosis), and t5t_5.

Note that the fourth column should contain values of the LL-CV tt, not the LL-scale 2\ell_2!

Function regsamlmu, with default settings of its arguments, returns an object of class "regdata".


Number of simulations to use in the calculation of the heterogeneity and goodness-of-fit measures.

If less than 2, only the discordancy measure will be calculated.


The discordancy measure DiD_i indicates, for site ii, the discordancy between the site's LL-moment ratios and the (unweighted) regional average LL-moment ratios. Large values might be used as a flag to indicate potential errors in the data at the site. “Large” might be 3 for regions with 15 or more sites, but less (exact values in list element Dcrit) for smaller regions.

Three heterogeneity measures are calculated, each based on a different measure of between-site dispersion of LL-moment ratios: [1] weighted standard deviation of LL-CVs; [2] average of LL-CV/LL-skew distances; [3] average of LL-skew/LL-kurtosis distances. These dispersion measures are the quantities VV, V2V_2, and V3V_3 defined respectively in equations (4.4), (4.6), and (4.7) of Hosking and Wallis (1997). The heterogeneity measures are calculated from them as in equation (4.5) of Hosking and Wallis (1997). In practice H[1] is probably sufficient. A value greater than (say) 1.0 suggests that further subdivision of the region should be considered as it might improve the accuracy of quantile estimates.

Goodness of fit is evaluated for five candidate distributions: generalized logistic, generalized extreme value, generalized normal (lognormal), Pearson type III (3-parameter gamma), and generalized Pareto. In the output the distributions are referred to by 3-letter abbreviations, respectively glo, gev, gno, pe3, and gpa. If the region is homogeneous and data at different sites are statistically independent, then if one of the distributions is the true distribution for the region its goodness-of-fit measure should have approximately a standard normal distribution. Provided that the region is acceptably close to homogeneous, the fit may be judged acceptable at the 10 per cent significance level if the ZZ value is less than 1.645 (i.e., qnorm(0.95)) in absolute value.

Calculation of heterogeneity and goodness-of-fit measures involves the sampling variability of LL-moment ratios in a homogeneous region whose record lengths and average LL-moment ratios match those of the data. The sampling variability is estimated by Monte Carlo simulation using nsim replications of the region. Results will vary between invocations of regtst with different seeds for the random-number generator.

In the homogeneous region used in the simulations, the sites have a kappa distribution, fitted to the regional average LL-moment ratios of the data in regdata. The kappa fit may fail if the regional average LL-kurtosis is high relative to the regional average LL-skewness. In this case a kappa distribution is fitted with shape parameter hh constrained to be 1-1 (i.e., a generalized logistic distribution); this gives the largest possible LL-kurtosis value for a kappa distribution with given LL-skewness.

regtst and regtst.s are functionally identical. regtst calls a Fortran routine internally and is faster, typically by a factor of 3 or 4. regtst.s is written almost entirely in the S language; it is provided so that users can see how the calculations are done, and can conveniently alter the code for their own purposes if necessary.


An object of class "regtst", which is a list with elements as follows.


The input data, i.e. data frame regdata after coercion to class "regdata" if necessary.


Number of simulations, i.e. the argument nsim.


Vector containing the discordancy measures for each site.


Vector of length 2 containing critical values of the discordancy measure corresponding to significance levels of 10 and 5 per cent — except that the values never exceed 3 and 4 respectively. See Hosking and Wallis (1997), section 3.2.4.


Vector of length 5 containing the regional weighted average LL-moment ratios (weights proportional to record lengths).


Vector of length 4 containing the parameters of a kappa distribution fitted to the regional weighted average LL-moment ratios.


Vector of length 3 containing the observed values of the three measures of between-site dispersion of LL-moment ratios.


Vector of length 3 containing the mean of the simulated values of the three dispersion measures.


Vector of length 3 containing the standard deviation of the simulated values of the three dispersion measures.


Vector of length 3 containing the three measures of regional heterogeneity.


List of length 6 containing the parameters of the five candidate distributions and the Wakeby distribution (3-letter abbreviation "wak") fitted to the regional weighted average LL-moment ratios.


Vector of length 5 containing the LL-kurtosis of the five candidate distributions fitted to the regional weighted average LL-moment ratios.


Vector of length 5 containing the goodness-of-fit measures for each of the five candidate distributions.


Data frame regdata may have only six columns, i.e. the fifth LL-moment ratio t5t_5 may be omitted. In this case the return value will contain missing values for rmom[5] and the elements of para$wak.


J. R. M. Hosking [email protected]


Hosking, J. R. M. (1996). Fortran routines for use with the method of LL-moments, Version 3. Research Report RC20525, IBM Research Division, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.

Hosking, J. R. M., and Wallis, J. R. (1997). Regional frequency analysis: an approach based on LL-moments. Cambridge University Press.

See Also

summary.regtst for summaries.


# An example from Hosking (1996).  Compare the output with
# the file 'cascades.out' in the LMOMENTS Fortran package at
# (results will not
# be identical, because random-number generators are different).
summary(regtst(Cascades, nsim=500))

# Output from 'regsamlmu' can be fed straight into 'regtst'

Quantiles and quantile functions for individual sites in a region


Quantiles and quantile functions for individual sites in a region. sitequant computes quantiles directly; siteqfunc returns a function that will compute quantiles.


sitequant(f, rfd, sitenames, index, drop = TRUE)

siteqfunc(rfd, sitenames, index)



Vector of probabilities.


Object of class rfd, containing the specification of a regional frequency distribution.


Vector of site names.


Values of the site-specific scale factor (“index flood”) for the sites.


Logical: if TRUE and there is only one site, or one probability value, the value returned from sitequant will be a vector rather than a matrix.


If index and sitenames are both present, they must have the same length, and will be taken to refer to sites whose names are the elements of sitename and whose index-flood values are the elements of index.

If index is present and sitenames is missing, quantiles are computed for sites whose index-flood values are the elements of index; if index has names, these names will be used as the site names.

If sitenames is present and index is missing, then quantiles will be computed for a subset of the sites in the region specified by rfd. sitenames will be used to select sites from the vector rfd$index, either by position or by name.

If sitenames and index are both missing, then quantiles will be computed for all of the sites in the region specified by rfd.


For sitequant, a matrix whose rows contain quantiles for a single site, for the probabilities specified in f. If drop is TRUE and the matrix has only one row or column, it will be returned as a vector.

For siteqfunc, a function or a list of functions that each compute quantiles for one site. Each function takes a single argument, a vector of probabilities, and returns a vector of quantiles.


J. R. M. Hosking [email protected]


rfit <- regfit(Cascades, "gno")   # Fit regional distribution

## Quantiles for:
# - sites in the Cascades data set, indexed by number
sitequant(c(0.9, 0.99, 0.999), rfit, sitenames=1:3)

# - sites in the Cascades data set, indexed by name
sitequant(c(0.9, 0.99, 0.999), rfit,
  sitenames=c("350304", "351433", "351862"))

# - other sites, with specified index floods
sitequant(c(0.9, 0.99, 0.999), rfit, index=c(80, 100))

# - other sites, with specified index floods and names
sitequant(c(0.9, 0.99, 0.999), rfit, index=c(80, 100),
  sitenames=c("Site 80", "Site 100"))

# - a single site, with drop=FALSE: result is a matrix
sitequant(c(0.9, 0.99, 0.999), rfit, sitenames=10, drop=FALSE)

# - a single site, with drop=TRUE (the default): result is a vector
sitequant(c(0.9, 0.99, 0.999), rfit, sitenames=10)

# Quantile function for site 10
qfunc10 <- siteqfunc(rfit, site=10)

# Compute quantiles via the quantile function
qfunc10(c(0.9, 0.99, 0.999))

# Plot the quantile function

Summary of test statistics for regional frequency analysis


summary method for an object of class "regtst".


## S3 method for class 'regtst'
  prob = c(0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.98, 0.99, 0.999),
  conf = 0.90, decimals = c(4, 4, 2, 3), ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.regtst'
print(x, decimals, ...)



An object of class "regtst", usually the result of a call to regtst.


An object of class "summary.regtst", usually the result of a call to summary.regtst.


Nonexceedance probabilities for which quantile estimates should be printed.


Confidence level for printing parameter and quantile estimates. These quantities will be printed only for distributions that give an adequate fit at the specified confidence level.


Vector of length 4. The four elements specify the number of decimal places to be used when printing LL-moment ratios, distribution parameters, test statistics, and quantile estimates, respectively.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


The printed output corresponds closely to that produced by function REGTST in the LMOMENTS Fortran package (Hosking, 1996).


summary.regtst and print.summary.regtst each return, invisibly, an object of class "summary.regtst", which is a list with elements as for class "regtst", plus the following elements:


Confidence level — the conf argument supplied to summary.regtst.


Vector of nonexceedance probabilities — the prob argument supplied to summary.regtst.


Matrix with 6 rows and length(prob) columns, containing quantile estimates for the five candidate distributions and the Wakeby distribution.


Vector of length 4. Number of decimals to be used when printing an object of class "summary.regtst" if the decimals argument of print.summary.regtst is not specified.


J. R. M. Hosking [email protected]


Hosking, J. R. M. (1996). Fortran routines for use with the method of LL-moments, Version 3. Research Report RC20525, IBM Research Division, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.

See Also



# An example from Hosking (1996).  Compare the output with
# the file 'cascades.out' in the LMOMENTS Fortran package at
# (results will not
# be identical, because random-number generators are different).
summary(regtst(Cascades, nsim=500))