Package 'latentgraph'

Title: Graphical Models with Latent Variables
Description: Three methods are provided to estimate graphical models with latent variables: (1) Jin, Y., Ning, Y., and Tan, K. M. (2020) (preprint available); (2) Chandrasekaran, V., Parrilo, P. A. & Willsky, A. S. (2012) <doi:10.1214/11-AOS949>; (3) Tan, K. M., Ning, Y., Witten, D. M. & Liu, H. (2016) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asw050>.
Authors: Yanxin Jin, Samantha Yang, Kean Ming Tan
Maintainer: Yanxin Jin <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.1
Built: 2025-02-26 06:38:12 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Graphical Models with Latent Variables and Correlated Replicates


Estimate graphical models with latent variables and correlated replicates using the method in Jin et al. (2020).


corlatent(data, accuracy, n, R, p, lambda1, lambda2, lambda3, distribution = "Gaussian",
rule = "AND")



data set. Can be a matrix, list, array, or data frame. If the data set is a matrix, it should have nRnR rows and pp columns. This matrix is formed by stacking nn matrices, and each matrix has RR rows and pp columns. If the data set is a data frame, the dimention and structure are the same as the matrix. If the data set is an array, its dimention is (R, p, n). If the data set is a list, it should have nn elements and each element is a matrix with RR rows and pp columns.


the threshhold where algorithm stops. The algorithm stops when the difference between estimaters of the (k1)(k-1)th iteration and the kkth iteration is smaller than the value of accuracy.


the number of observations.


the number of replicates for each observation.


the number of observed variables.


tuning parameter that encourages estimated graph to be sparse.


tuning parameter that models the effects of correlated replicates. Usually set to be equal to lambda1.


tuning parameter that encourages the latent effect to be piecewise constants.


For a data set with Gaussian distribution, use "Gaussian"; For a data set with Ising distribution, use "Ising". Default is "Gaussian".


rules to combine matrices that encode the conditional dependence relationships between sets of two observed variables. Options are "AND" and "OR". Default is "AND".


The corlatent method has two assumptions. Assumption 1 states that the RR replicates are assumed to follow a one-lag vector autoregressive model, conditioned on the latent variables. Assumption 2 states that the latent variables are piecewise constant across replicates. Based on these two assumptions, the method solve the following problem for 1jp1 \le j \le p.

minθj,j,αj,Δj{1nRl(θj,j,αj,Δj)+λθj,j1+βαj1+γ(InC)Δj1},\min_{\theta_{j,-j}, \alpha_j, \Delta_j} \{ -\frac{1}{nR}l(\theta_{j,-j}, \alpha_j, \Delta_j) + \lambda\|\theta_{j,-j}\|_1 + \beta\|\alpha_j\|_1 + \gamma\|(I_n \otimes C)\Delta_j\|_1 \},

where l(θj,j,αj,Δj)l(\theta_{j,-j}, \alpha_j, \Delta_j) is the log likelihood function, θj,j\theta_{j,-j} encodes the conditional dependence relationships between jjth observed variable and the other observed variables, αj\alpha_j models the correlation among replicates, Δj\Delta_j encodes the latent effect, λ\lambda, β\beta, γ\gamma are the tuning parameters, InI_n is an n-dimensional identity matrix and CC is the discrete first derivative matrix where the iith and (i+1)(i+1)th column of every ith row are -1 and 1, respectively. This method aims at modeling exponential family graphical models with correlated replicates and latent variables.



a matrix that encodes the conditional dependence relationships between sets of two observed variables


the adjacency matrix with 0 and 1 encoding conditional independence and dependence between sets of two observed variables, respectively


the penalty values


Jin, Y., Ning, Y., and Tan, K. M. (2020), ‘Exponential Family Graphical Models with Correlated Replicates and Unmeasured Confounders’, preprint available.


# Gaussian distribution with "AND" rule
n <- 20
R <- 10
p <- 5
l <- 2
s <- 2
seed <- 1

data <- generate_Gaussian(n, R, p, l, s, sparsityA = 0.95, sparsityobserved = 0.9,
sparsitylatent = 0.2, lwb = 0.3, upb = 0.3, seed)$X

result <- corlatent(data, accuracy = 1e-6, n, R, p,lambda1 = 0.1, lambda2 = 0.1,
lambda3 = 1e+5,distribution = "Gaussian", rule = "AND")

Generate a Gaussian distributed data set


This function will generate a Gaussian distributed data set with latent variables and correlated replicates.


generate_Gaussian(n, R, p, l, s, sparsityA, sparsityobserved, sparsitylatent, lwb, 
upb, seed)



the number of observations.


the number of replicates.


the number of observed variables.


the number of latent variables.


latent effects are generated as ss piecewise constant across replicates. The number ss should be a factor of RR.


proportion of the number of zeros in the transition matrix AA. Must be a number from 0 to 1.


proportion of the number of zeros in the inverse covariance of the observed variables. Must be a number from 0 to 1.


proportion of the number of zeros in the inverse covariances among latent variables and between observed variables and latent variables. Must be a number from 0 to 1.


lower bound for the elements in the inverse covariance matrix.


upper bound for the elements in the inverse covariance matrix.


the seed for the random number generator.


This function aims to generate a Gaussian distributed data set with latent variables and correlated replicates. For each observation, the latent variables are piecewise constant across replicates, and conditioned on the latent variables, the replicates follow a one-lag vector autoregressive model, where the transition matrix AA is sparse with non-zero elements set equal to 0.3. The matrix Σ\Sigma is the covariance matrix for the observed variables X and the latent variables UU, and we partition Σ\Sigma into matrices that quantify the relationships among the observed variables (ΣXX\Sigma_{XX}), between the observed variables and latent variables (ΣXU\Sigma_{XU} or ΣUX\Sigma_{UX}), and of the latent variables (ΣUU\Sigma_{UU}). In general, the data is generated with:

Xi1Ui1Np(ΣXUΣUU1Ui1,ΣXXΣXUΣUU1ΣUX),X_{i1} | U_{i1} \sim N_p(\Sigma_{XU}\Sigma^{-1}_{UU} U_{i1}, \Sigma_{XX} - \Sigma_{XU}\Sigma^{-1}_{UU}\Sigma_{UX}),

XitXi(t1),UitNp(AXi(t1)+ΣXUΣUU1Uit,ΣXXΣXUΣUU1ΣUX),X_{it} | X_{i(t-1)},U_{it} \sim N_p(AX_{i(t-1)} + \Sigma_{XU}\Sigma^{-1}_{UU} U_{it}, \Sigma_{XX} - \Sigma_{XU}\Sigma^{-1}_{UU}\Sigma_{UX}),

where 1in1 \le i \le n and 1tR1 \le t \le R.



the generated data, which is a list with nn elements and each element is a matrix with RR rows and pp columns


a matrix that encodes the conditional dependence relationships between sets of two observed variables


Jin, Y., Ning, Y., and Tan, K. M. (2020), ‘Exponential Family Graphical Models with Correlated Replicates and Unmeasured Confounders’, preprint available.


data <- generate_Gaussian(n = 50, R = 20, p = 30, l = 2, s = 2, sparsityA = 0.95,
sparsityobserved = 0.9, sparsitylatent = 0.2, lwb = 0.3, upb = 0.3, seed = 1)

Estimate Gaussian Graphical Models with Latent Variables


Estimate Gaussian graphical models with latent variables using the method in Chandrasekaran et al. (2012).


lvglasso(data, n, p, lambda1, lambda2, rule = "AND")



data set, can be a matrix or data frame with nn rows and pp columns.


the number of observations.


the number of observed variables.


tuning parameter that encourages estimated graph to be sparse. Lambda1 is proportional to lambda2.


tuning parameter that encourages the matrix KO,H(KH)1KH,OK_{O,H} (K_H)^{-1} K_{H, O} to be low rank, where KHK_H and KO,HK_{O,H} quantify the dependecies among the latent variables and between the observed variables and latent variables, respectively. The matrix KO,H(KH)1KH,OK_{O,H} (K_H)^{-1} K_{H, O} summarizes the impact of marginalization over the latent variables.


rules to combine the inverse covariance matrices. Options are "AND" and "OR". Default is "AND".


The lvglasso method assumes that all the variables, both observed and latent, are jointly Gaussian, and specifies the conditional distribution of observed variables on the latent variables by a graphical model. Under the high-dimentional setting, this method provides consistent estimators for the conditional graphical model of observed variables conditioned on latent variables.



a matrix that encodes the conditional dependence relationships between sets of two observed variables


the adjacency matrix with 0 and 1 encoding conditional independence and dependence between sets of two observed variables, respectively


the penalty values


Chandrasekaran, V., Parrilo, P. A. & Willsky, A. S. (2012), ‘Latent variable graphical model selection via convex optimization’, Ann. Statist. 40(4), 1935–1967.


#Gaussian distribution with "AND" rule
n <- 50
R <- 20
p <- 30
l <- 2
s <- 2
data <- generate_Gaussian(n, R, p, l, s, sparsityA = 0.95, sparsityobserved = 0.9,
sparsitylatent = 0.2, lwb = 0.3, upb = 0.3, seed = 1)$X

result <- lvglasso(data, n, p, lambda1 = 0.222, lambda2 = 0.1*0.222, rule = "AND")

Estimate Graphical Models with Latent Variables and Replicates


Estimate graphical models with latent variables and replicates using the method in Tan et al. (2016).


semilatent(data, n, R, p, lambda, distribution = "Gaussian", rule = "AND")



data set. Can be a matrix, list, array, or data frame. If the data set is a matrix, it should have nRnR rows and pp columns. This matrix is formed by stacking nn matrices, and each matrix has RR rows and pp columns. If the data set is a data frame, the dimention and structure are the same as the matrix. If the data set is an array, its dimention is (R, p, n). If the data set is a list, it should have nn elements and each element is a matrix with RR rows and pp columns.


the number of observations.


the number of replicates for each observation.


the number of observed variables.


tuning parameter that encourages estimated graph to be sparse.


For a data set with Gaussian distribution, use "Gaussian"; For a data set with Ising distribution, use "Ising". Default is "Gaussian".


rules to combine matrices that encode the conditional dependence relationships between sets of two observed variables. Options are "AND" and "OR". Default is "AND".


The semilatent method has two assumptions. The first one states that the latent variables are constant across replicates. Assumption 2 states that given the latent variables, the replicates are mutually independent. With these two assumptions, the method seeks to solve the following problem for 1jp1 \le j \le p.

minβj,O/j{lj(βj,O/j)+λβj,O/j1},\min_{\beta_{j,O / j}} \{l_j (\beta_{j,O / j}) + \lambda\|\beta_{j,O / j}\|_1 \},

where lj(βj,O/j)l_j (\beta_{j,O / j}) is a nuisance-free loss function, βj,O/j\beta_{j,O / j} is a parameter that represents the conditional dependence relationships between jjth observed variable and the other observed variables, and λ\lambda is a tuning parameter. This method aims at modeling semiparametric exponential family graphical model with latent variables and replicates.



a matrix that encodes the conditional dependence relationships between sets of two observed variables


the adjacency matrix with 0 and 1 encoding conditional independence and dependence between sets of two observed variables, respectively


the penalty value


Tan, K. M., Ning, Y., Witten, D. M. & Liu, H. (2016), ‘Replicates in high dimensions, with applications to latent variable graphical models’, Biometrika 103(4), 761–777.


#semilatent Gaussian with "AND" rule
n <- 50
R <- 20
p <- 30
seed <- 1
l <- 2
s <- 2
data <- generate_Gaussian(n, R, p, l, s, sparsityA = 0.95, sparsityobserved = 0.9,
sparsitylatent = 0.2, lwb = 0.3, upb = 0.3, seed)$X

result <- semilatent(data, n, R, p, lambda = 0.1,distribution = "Gaussian", 
rule = "AND")