Package 'ktsolve'

Title: Configurable Function for Solving Families of Nonlinear Equations
Description: This is designed for use with an arbitrary set of equations with an arbitrary set of unknowns. The user selects "fixed" values for enough unknowns to leave as many variables as there are equations, which in most cases means the system is properly defined and a unique solution exists. The function, the fixed values and initial values for the remaining unknowns are fed to a nonlinear backsolver. The original version of "TK!Solver" , now a product of Universal Technical Systems (<>) was the inspiration for this function.
Authors: Carl Witthoft
Maintainer: Carl Witthoft <[email protected]>
License: LGPL-3
Version: 1.3.1
Built: 2025-02-19 06:40:52 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Configurable Function for Solving Families of Nonlinear Equations


This function is designed for use with an arbitrary set of equations with an arbitrary set of unknowns. The user selects "fixed" values for enough unknowns to leave as many variables as there are equations, which in most cases means the system is properly defined and a unique solution exists. The function, the fixed values, and initial values for the remaining unknowns are fed to a nonlinear backsolver. The original version of "TK!Solver" was the inspiration for this function.


Package: ktsolve
Type: Package
Version: 1.3
Date: 2020-04-25
License: GPL-3

Note: ktsolve requires at least one of the "Suggests" packages (currently BB and nleqslv ) to execute nonlinear back-solvers.


Carl Witthoft

Maintainer: Carl Witthoft, [email protected]

Configurable Function for Solving Families of Nonlinear Equations Version: 1.3


This function is designed for use with an arbitrary set of equations with an arbitrary set of unknowns. The user selects "fixed" values for enough unknowns to leave as many variables as there are equations, which in most cases means the system is properly defined and a unique solution exists. The function, the fixed values, and initial values for the remaining unknowns are fed to a nonlinear backsolver. As of version 1.3, supports BB and nleqslv


ktsolve(yfunc, known = list(), guess, 
tool = c("BB", "nleqslv"), show = TRUE, ...)



a function which accepts a vector of length n and produces an output vector of length n. See the rules for constructing yfunc below.


A list of known values. The elements must be named and the names must match variable names in yfunc.


A list or vector of initial guesses for the unknown values. The elements must be named and the names must match variable names in yfunc. AND length(guess) must be same as the number of y[j] equations in yfunc, to avoid having an over- or under-defined system.


name of package which holds the solver to be used. Currently only BB::BBsolveand nleqslv::nleqslv are supported.


if TRUE, the solution values are printed in brief form to the console.


additional arguments to pass to the selected tool package.


The input form of yfunc is a function of the form:

 yfunc<-function(x) {

where y[j] are dummies which will be driven to zero, and x is a dummy vector which is used (with the "guess" values) to run the solver. So, eqns in the form A=f(x) must be entered as y[j] <- f(x)-A

For example, d = a + sqrt(b) and a = sin(a/b) + g*exp(f*a) become

y[1]<- a - d +sqrt(b) and y[2]<- sin(a/b) +g*exp(f*a) -a ,

and e.g. known <- list(a=3,d=5,g=.1) are the fixed parameters and

guess <- list(b=1,f=1) are the initializers for the solver.

Note that it is not necessary to have any known values if the function in question has as many (independent) equations as unknowns. One of the handy things about ktsolve is the ease with which one can swap 'known' and 'guess' inputs to evaluate the system over different parameter sets.



The output returned from the called solver package. As such, the contents and structure depend on which package was invoked via the tools argument.


Echoes back the selected solver package used for reference.


Returns the modified yfunc as a function for the user to review and /or use to process additional data, using the fit values generated.


The original version of TK!Solver provided a very nice GUI-based version of what I've done in ktsolver. Over the years, it's turned into a very large, powerful, and,sadly, expensive application. You can find it at


Carl Witthoft, [email protected]

See Also

BBsolve , nleqslv


zfunc<-function(x) {
z[1]<- 4*var1 -3*var2 +5*var3
z[2]<-8*var1 +5*var2 -2*var3

 solv1 <- ktsolve(zfunc,known=known,guess=guess)
#   Successful convergence.
# solution is:
#      var1      var3 
# -1.979167  4.583333 
# "known" inputs were:
#       var2
# known 5  

 solv2<- ktsolve(zfunc,known=known,guess=guess)
#   Successful convergence.
# solution is:
#      var2      var3 
# -12.63158 -11.57895 
# "known" inputs were:
#       var1
# known 5   