To cite package ‘kazaam’ in publications use: Schmidt D, Chen W, Matheson M, Ostrouchov G (2017). “kazaam: Tools for Tall Distributed Matrices.” R package version 0.1-0, . A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Misc{kazaam, title = {{kazaam}: Tools for Tall Distributed Matrices}, author = {Drew Schmidt and Wei-Chen Chen and Mike Matheson and George Ostrouchov}, year = {2017}, note = {{R} package version 0.1-0}, url = {}, } Schmidt D (2017). _Guide to the kazaam Package_. R package vignette, . A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Manual{kazaamVignette, title = {Guide to the {kazaam} Package}, author = {Drew Schmidt}, year = {2017}, note = {{R} package vignette}, url = {}, }