Title: | Multimodal Single-Cell Omics Dimensionality Reduction |
Description: | Methods to perform Joint graph Regularized Single-Cell Kullback-Leibler Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization ('jrSiCKLSNMF', pronounced "junior sickles NMF") on quality controlled single-cell multimodal omics count data. 'jrSiCKLSNMF' specifically deals with dual-assay scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq data. This package contains functions to extract meaningful latent factors that are shared across omics modalities. These factors enable accurate cell-type clustering and facilitate visualizations. Methods for pre-processing, clustering, and mini-batch updates and other adaptations for larger datasets are also included. For further details on the methods used in this package please see Ellis, Roy, and Datta (2023) <doi:10.3389/fgene.2023.1179439>. |
Authors: | Dorothy Ellis [aut, cre]
Maintainer: | Dorothy Ellis <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.2.2 |
Built: | 2025-02-12 13:38:16 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Add any type of metadata to an object of class SickleJr. Metadata
are stored in list format under the name specified in metadataname
of each node in slot metadata
AddSickleJrMetadata(SickleJr, metadata, metadataname)
AddSickleJrMetadata(SickleJr, metadata, metadataname)
SickleJr |
An object of class SickleJr holding at least one count matrix of omics data |
metadata |
Metadata to add to the SickleJr object; there are no restrictions on type |
metadataname |
A string input that indicates the desired name for the added metadata. |
An object of class SickleJr with added metadata
SimSickleJrSmall<-AddSickleJrMetadata(SimSickleJrSmall, SimData$cell_type,"cell_types_full_data")
SimSickleJrSmall<-AddSickleJrMetadata(SimSickleJrSmall, SimData$cell_type,"cell_types_full_data")
Generate graph Laplacians for graph regularization of
jrSiCKLSNMF from the list of raw count matrices using a KNN graph. Note that this
is only appropriate when the number of features is considerably greater
than the number of cells in all modalities. If this is not the case, please use
or any other method of graph
construction that does not rely on the Euclidean distance and store the graph Laplacians for
each modality as a list in the graph.laplacian.list
BuildKNNGraphLaplacians(SickleJr, k = 20)
BuildKNNGraphLaplacians(SickleJr, k = 20)
SickleJr |
An object of class SickleJr |
k |
Number of KNN neighbors to calculate; by default, is set to 20 |
An object of class SickleJr with a list of graph Laplacians in sparse matrix format
added to the graph.laplacian.list
Lun AT, McCarthy DJ, Marioni JC (2016). “A step-by-step workflow for low-level analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data with Bioconductor.” F1000Research, 5. ISSN 1759796X, doi:10.12688/F1000RESEARCH.9501.2, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27909575/.
Generate graph Laplacians for graph regularization of
jrSiCKLSNMF from the list of raw count matrices using an SNN graph. SNN is more robust to
situations where the number of cells outnumbers the number of features. Uses
the scran
package's BuildSNNGraph
function (Lun et al. 2016)
BuildSNNGraphLaplacians(SickleJr, k = 20)
BuildSNNGraphLaplacians(SickleJr, k = 20)
SickleJr |
An object of class SickleJr |
k |
Number of KNN neighbors to calculate SNN graph; defaults to 20 |
An object of class SickleJr with list of graph Laplacians in sparse
matrix format added to its graph.laplacian.list
Lun AT, McCarthy DJ, Marioni JC (2016). “A step-by-step workflow for low-level analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data with Bioconductor.” F1000Research, 5. ISSN 1759796X, doi:10.12688/F1000RESEARCH.9501.2, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27909575/.
Perform UMAP on the matrix alone (default) or within a modality by
using UMAP on the
corresponding to modality
CalculateUMAPSickleJr( SickleJr, umap.settings = umap::umap.defaults, modality = NULL )
CalculateUMAPSickleJr( SickleJr, umap.settings = umap::umap.defaults, modality = NULL )
SickleJr |
An object of class SickleJr |
umap.settings |
Optional settings for the |
modality |
A number corresponding to the desired modality; if set, will perform UMAP on
An object of class SickleJr with UMAP output based on the matrix alone or within a modality added to its
McInnes L, Healy J, Saul N, Großberger L (2018). “UMAP: Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection.” Journal of Open Source Software, 3(29), 861. ISSN 2475-9066, doi:10.21105/JOSS.00861, https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.00861.
#Since this example has only 10 observations, #we need to modify the number of neighbors from the default of 15 umap.settings=umap::umap.defaults umap.settings$n_neighbors=2 SimSickleJrSmall<-CalculateUMAPSickleJr(SimSickleJrSmall, umap.settings=umap.settings) SimSickleJrSmall<-CalculateUMAPSickleJr(SimSickleJrSmall, umap.settings=umap.settings,modality=1) SimSickleJrSmall<-CalculateUMAPSickleJr(SimSickleJrSmall, umap.settings=umap.settings,modality=2)
#Since this example has only 10 observations, #we need to modify the number of neighbors from the default of 15 umap.settings=umap::umap.defaults umap.settings$n_neighbors=2 SimSickleJrSmall<-CalculateUMAPSickleJr(SimSickleJrSmall, umap.settings=umap.settings) SimSickleJrSmall<-CalculateUMAPSickleJr(SimSickleJrSmall, umap.settings=umap.settings,modality=1) SimSickleJrSmall<-CalculateUMAPSickleJr(SimSickleJrSmall, umap.settings=umap.settings,modality=2)
matrixPerform k-means, spectral clustering, clustering based off of the
index of the maximum latent factor, or Louvain community detection on the matrix.
Defaults to k-means.
ClusterSickleJr( SickleJr, numclusts, method = "kmeans", neighbors = 20, louvainres = 0.3 )
ClusterSickleJr( SickleJr, numclusts, method = "kmeans", neighbors = 20, louvainres = 0.3 )
SickleJr |
An object of class SickleJr |
numclusts |
Number of clusters; can be NULL when method is "max" or "louvain" |
method |
String holding the clustering method: can choose "kmeans" for k-means clustering, "spectral" for spectral clustering, "louvain" for Louvain community detection or "max" for clustering based on the maximum row value; note that "max" is only appropriate for jrSiCKLSNMF with L2 norm row regularization |
neighbors |
Number indicating the number of neighbors to use to generate the graphs for spectral clustering and Louvain community detection: both of these methods require the construction of a graph first (here we use KNN); defaults to 20 and unused when the clustering method equal to "kmeans" or "max" |
louvainres |
Numeric containing the resolution parameter for Louvain community detection; unused for all other methods |
SickleJr- an object of class SickleJr with added clustering information
Blondel VD, Guillaume JL, Lambiotte R, Lefebvre E (2008). “Fast unfolding of communities in large networks.” Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2008(10), P10008. ISSN 1742-5468, doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2008/10/P10008, 0803.0476, https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-5468/2008/10/P10008.
Lun AT, McCarthy DJ, Marioni JC (2016). “A step-by-step workflow for low-level analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data with Bioconductor.” F1000Research, 5. ISSN 1759796X, doi:10.12688/F1000RESEARCH.9501.2, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27909575/.
Ng AY, Jordan MI, Weiss Y (2001). “On spectral clustering: analysis and an algorithm.” In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems: Natural and Synthetic, NIPS'01, 849–856.
Schliep K, Hechenbichler K (2016). “kknn: Weighted k-Nearest Neighbors.” https://cran.r-project.org/package=kknn.
Xu W, Liu X, Gong Y (2003). “Document clustering based on non-negative matrix factorization.” SIGIR '03: Proceedings of the 26th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval, 267–273. doi:10.1145/860435.860485, https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/860435.860485.
SimSickleJrSmall<-ClusterSickleJr(SimSickleJrSmall,3) SimSickleJrSmall<-ClusterSickleJr(SimSickleJrSmall,method="louvain",neighbors=5) SimSickleJrSmall<-ClusterSickleJr(SimSickleJrSmall,method="spectral",neighbors=5,numclusts=3) #DO NOT DO THIS FOR REAL DATA; this is just to illustrate max clustering SimSickleJrSmall<-SetLambdasandRowReg(SimSickleJrSmall,rowReg="L2Norm") SimSickleJrSmall<-ClusterSickleJr(SimSickleJrSmall,method="max")
SimSickleJrSmall<-ClusterSickleJr(SimSickleJrSmall,3) SimSickleJrSmall<-ClusterSickleJr(SimSickleJrSmall,method="louvain",neighbors=5) SimSickleJrSmall<-ClusterSickleJr(SimSickleJrSmall,method="spectral",neighbors=5,numclusts=3) #DO NOT DO THIS FOR REAL DATA; this is just to illustrate max clustering SimSickleJrSmall<-SetLambdasandRowReg(SimSickleJrSmall,rowReg="L2Norm") SimSickleJrSmall<-ClusterSickleJr(SimSickleJrSmall,method="max")
Using a list of sparse count matrices, create an object of class SickleJr and specify the names of these count matrices.
CreateSickleJr(count.matrices, names = NULL)
CreateSickleJr(count.matrices, names = NULL)
count.matrices |
A list of quality-controlled count matrices with pre-filtered features where each modality corresponds to each matrix in the list |
names |
Optional parameter with names for the count matrices in vector format |
An object of class SickleJr with sparse count matrices added to the count.matrices
A wrapper for the clValid
and fviz_nbclust
functions to perform clustering diagnostics
DetermineClusters( SickleJr, numclusts = 2:20, clusteringmethod = "kmeans", diagnosticmethods = c("wss", "silhouette", "gap_stat"), clValidvalidation = "internal", createDiagnosticplots = TRUE, runclValidDiagnostics = TRUE, printPlots = TRUE, printclValid = TRUE, subset = FALSE, subsetsize = 1000, seed = NULL )
DetermineClusters( SickleJr, numclusts = 2:20, clusteringmethod = "kmeans", diagnosticmethods = c("wss", "silhouette", "gap_stat"), clValidvalidation = "internal", createDiagnosticplots = TRUE, runclValidDiagnostics = TRUE, printPlots = TRUE, printclValid = TRUE, subset = FALSE, subsetsize = 1000, seed = NULL )
SickleJr |
An object of class SickleJr |
numclusts |
A vector of integers indicating the number of clusters to test |
clusteringmethod |
String holding the clustering method: defaults to k-means; since the other methods are not implemented in jrSiCKLSNMF, it is recommended to use k-means. |
diagnosticmethods |
Vector of strings indicating which methods to plot. Defaults to all three of the available: wss, silhouette, and gap_stat |
clValidvalidation |
String containing validation method to use for |
createDiagnosticplots |
Boolean indicating whether to create diagnostic plots for cluster size |
runclValidDiagnostics |
Boolean indicating whether to calculate the diagnostics from |
printPlots |
Boolean indicating whether to print the diagnostic plots |
printclValid |
Boolean indicating whether to print the diagnostic results from |
subset |
Boolean indicating whether to calculate the diagnostics on a subset of the data rather than on the whole dataset. |
subsetsize |
Numeric value indicating size of the subset |
seed |
Numeric value holding the random seed |
An object of class SickleJr with cluster diagnostics added to its clusterdiagnostics
Brock G, Pihur V, Datta S, Datta S (2008). “clValid: An R Package for Cluster Validation.” Journal of Statistical Software, 25(4), 1–22. https://www.jstatsoft.org/v25/i04/.
Kassambara A, Mundt F (2020). factoextra: Extract and Visualize the Results of Multivariate Data Analyses. R package version 1.0.7, https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=factoextra.
#Since these data are too small, the clValid diagnostics do not run #properly. See the vignette for an example with the clValid diagnostics SimSickleJrSmall<-DetermineClusters(SimSickleJrSmall,numclusts=2:5,runclValidDiagnostics=FALSE)
#Since these data are too small, the clValid diagnostics do not run #properly. See the vignette for an example with the clValid diagnostics SimSickleJrSmall<-DetermineClusters(SimSickleJrSmall,numclusts=2:5,runclValidDiagnostics=FALSE)
This generates v+1 plots, where v is the number of data modalities, of the approximate singular values generated by IRLBA.There is one plot for each modality and then a final plot that concatenates all of the modalities together. Choose the largest elbow value among the three plots.
DetermineDFromIRLBA(SickleJr, d = 50)
DetermineDFromIRLBA(SickleJr, d = 50)
SickleJr |
An object of class SickleJr |
d |
Number of desired factors; it is important to select a number that allows you to see a clear elbow: defaults to 50. |
An object of class SickleJr with plots for IRLBA diagnostics added to its plots
Baglama J, Reichel L (2005). “Augmented Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Bidiagonalization Methods.” SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 27(1), 19–42. ISSN 10648275, doi:10.1137/04060593X.
matrices in each modality and the shared
matrixCreate the matrices and
matrix via non-negative double singular
value decomposition (NNDSVD) (Boutsidis and Gallopoulus 2008; Gaujoux and Seoighe 2010)
or randomization. For randomization, the algorithm runs for 10 rounds
for the desired number of random initializations and picks the
matrices and
matrix with
the lowest achieved loss.
GenerateWmatricesandHmatrix( SickleJr, d = 10, random = FALSE, numberReps = 100, seed = 5, minibatch = FALSE, batchsize = -1, random_W_updates = FALSE, subsample = 1:dim([email protected][[1]])[2], usesvd = FALSE )
GenerateWmatricesandHmatrix( SickleJr, d = 10, random = FALSE, numberReps = 100, seed = 5, minibatch = FALSE, batchsize = -1, random_W_updates = FALSE, subsample = 1:dim(SickleJr@count.matrices[[1]])[2], usesvd = FALSE )
SickleJr |
An object of class SickleJr |
d |
Number of latent factors to use: defaults to 10 |
random |
Boolean indicating whether to use random initialization ( |
numberReps |
Number of random initializations to use: default is 5 |
seed |
Random seed for reproducibility of random initializations |
minibatch |
Indicates whether or not to use the mini-batch algorithm |
batchsize |
Size of batches for mini-batch NMF |
random_W_updates |
Indicates whether to only update each |
subsample |
A vector of values to use for subsampling; only appropriate when determining proper values for d. |
usesvd |
Indicates whether to use |
SickleJr An object of class SickleJr with the matrices and
matrix added.
Boutsidis C, Gallopoulos E (2008). “SVD based initialization: A head start for nonnegative matrix factorization.” Pattern Recognition, 41(4), 1350–1362. ISSN 00313203, doi:10.1016/J.PATCOG.2007.09.010.
Gaujoux R, Seoighe C (2010). “A flexible R package for nonnegative matrix factorization.” BMC Bioinformatics, 11(1), 1–9. ISSN 14712105, doi:10.1186/1471-2105-11-367, https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2105-11-367.
SimSickleJrSmall<-SetLambdasandRowReg(SimSickleJrSmall, lambdaWlist=list(10,50),lambdaH=500,rowReg="None") SimSickleJrSmall<-GenerateWmatricesandHmatrix(SimSickleJrSmall,d=5,usesvd=TRUE)
SimSickleJrSmall<-SetLambdasandRowReg(SimSickleJrSmall, lambdaWlist=list(10,50),lambdaH=500,rowReg="None") SimSickleJrSmall<-GenerateWmatricesandHmatrix(SimSickleJrSmall,d=5,usesvd=TRUE)
Perform joint non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) across multiple modalities of single-cell data.
To measure the discrepancy between two distributions, one can use the Poisson Kullback-Leibler divergence () or the Frobenius norm (
It is also possible to set graph regularization constraints on
and either a sparsity constraint on
or an
L2 norm constraint on the rows of
This function passes by reference and updates the variables
and does not require data to be in an
object of type SickleJr.
calls this function. If your data are in an object of class SickleJr,
please use the
function instead.
jrSiCKLSNMF( datamatL, WL, H, AdjL, DL, lambdaWL, lambdaH, initsamp, suppress_warnings, diffFunc = "klp", Hconstraint = "None", differr = 1e-06, rounds = 1000L, display_progress = TRUE, minibatch = TRUE, batchsize = 100L, random_W_updates = TRUE, minrounds = 100L )
jrSiCKLSNMF( datamatL, WL, H, AdjL, DL, lambdaWL, lambdaH, initsamp, suppress_warnings, diffFunc = "klp", Hconstraint = "None", differr = 1e-06, rounds = 1000L, display_progress = TRUE, minibatch = TRUE, batchsize = 100L, random_W_updates = TRUE, minrounds = 100L )
datamatL |
An R list where each entry contains a normalized, sparse |
WL |
An R list containing initialized values of the |
H |
A matrix containing initialized values for the shared |
AdjL |
An R list containing all of the adjacency matrices for the
feature-feature similarity graphs in sparse format; note that |
DL |
An R list containing all of the degree matrices of the
feature-feature similarity graphs; note that |
lambdaWL |
A list of the |
lambdaH |
A double containing the desired value for |
initsamp |
A vector of randomly selected rows of |
suppress_warnings |
A Boolean that indicates whether warnings should be suppressed |
diffFunc |
A string indicating what type of divergence to use; set to the Poisson Kullback-Leibler divergence
( |
Hconstraint |
A string that indicates whether you want to set an L2 norm constraint on the rows of |
differr |
A double containing the tolerance |
rounds |
A double containing the number of rounds |
display_progress |
A Boolean indicating whether to display the progress bar |
minibatch |
A Boolean indicating whether to use the mini-batch version of the algorithm |
batchsize |
Number of batches for mini-batch updates |
random_W_updates |
A Boolean indicating whether to update |
minrounds |
A minimum number of rounds for the algorithm to run: most useful for the mini-batch algorithm |
An R list containing values for the objective function.
Cai D, He X, Wu X, Han J (2008). “Non-negative matrix factorization on manifold.” Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM, 63–72. ISSN 15504786, doi:10.1109/ICDM.2008.57.
Greene D, Cunningham P (2009). “A matrix factorization approach for integrating multiple data views.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5781 LNAI(PART 1), 423–438. ISSN 03029743, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-04180-8_45, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-04180-8_45.
Eddelbuettel D, François R (2011). “Rcpp: Seamless R and C++ Integration.” Journal of Statistical Software, 40(8), 1–18. doi:10.18637/jss.v040.i08.
Eddelbuettel D, Sanderson C (2014). “RcppArmadillo: Accelerating R with high-performance C++ linear algebra.” Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 71, 1054–1063. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csda.2013.02.005.
Elyanow R, Dumitrascu B, Engelhardt BE, Raphael BJ (2020). “NetNMF-SC: Leveraging gene-gene interactions for imputation and dimensionality reduction in single-cell expression analysis.” Genome Research, 30(2), 195–204. ISSN 15495469, doi:10.1101/gr.251603.119, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31992614/.
Le Roux J, Weniger F, Hershey JR (2015). “Sparse NMF: half-baked or well done?” Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL), Cambridge.
Lee DD, Seung HS (2000). “Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix Factorization.” In Leen T, Dietterich T, Tresp V (eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, volume 13. https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2000/file/f9d1152547c0bde01830b7e8bd60024c-Paper.pdf.
Liu J, Wang C, Gao J, Han J (2013). “Multi-view clustering via joint nonnegative matrix factorization.” Proceedings of the 2013 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 252–260. doi:10.1137/1.9781611972832.28.
To ensure sufficient convergence of the loss for jrSiCKLSNMF with mini-batch updates, we plot the loss vs the number of iterations for the mini-batch algorithm. After a certain number of iterations, the loss should appear to oscillate around a value. Before continuing with downstream analyses, please ensure that the loss exhibits this sort of behavior. For the mini-batch algorithm, it is not possible to use the convergence criteria used for the batch version of the algorithm.
SickleJr |
An object of class SickleJr |
An object of class SickleJr with mini-batch diagnostic plots added to the plots
Normalize the count data within each modality. The default
normalization, which should be used when using the KL divergence, is median
library size normalization (Zheng et al. 2017; Elyanow et al. 2020). To perform median library size normalization,
each count within a cell is divided by its library size (i.e. the counts within a column are divided by the
column sum). Then, all values are multiplied by the median library size
(i.e. the median column sum). To use the Frobenius norm, set frob=TRUE
to log
normalize your count data and use a desired
You may also use a different form of normalization and store these results
in the normalized.count.matrices
NormalizeCountMatrices(SickleJr, diffFunc = "klp", scaleFactor = NULL)
NormalizeCountMatrices(SickleJr, diffFunc = "klp", scaleFactor = NULL)
SickleJr |
An object of class SickleJr |
diffFunc |
A string set to "klp" when using the Poisson KL divergence or to "fr" when using the Frobenius norm: default is KL divergence; this also determines the type of normalization |
scaleFactor |
A single numeric value (if using the same scale factor for each modality)
or a list of numeric values to use (if using different scale factors in different modalities)
as scale factors for the log |
An object of class SickleJr with a list of sparse, normalized data matrices added to its normalized.count.matrices
Elyanow R, Dumitrascu B, Engelhardt BE, Raphael BJ (2020). “NetNMF-SC: Leveraging gene-gene interactions for imputation and dimensionality reduction in single-cell expression analysis.” Genome Research, 30(2), 195–204. ISSN 15495469, doi:10.1101/gr.251603.119, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31992614/.
Zheng GX, Terry JM, Belgrader P, Ryvkin P, Bent ZW, Wilson R, Ziraldo SB, Wheeler TD, McDermott GP, Zhu J, Gregory MT, Shuga J, Montesclaros L, Underwood JG, Masquelier DA, Nishimura SY, Schnall-Levin M, Wyatt PW, Hindson CM, Bharadwaj R, Wong A, Ness KD, Beppu LW, Deeg HJ, McFarland C, Loeb KR, Valente WJ, Ericson NG, Stevens EA, Radich JP, Mikkelsen TS, Hindson BJ, Bielas JH (2017). “Massively parallel digital transcriptional profiling of single cells.” Nature Communications, 8. ISSN 20411723, doi:10.1038/NCOMMS14049, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28091601/.
SimSickleJrSmall<-NormalizeCountMatrices(SimSickleJrSmall) SimSickleJrSmall<-NormalizeCountMatrices(SimSickleJrSmall, diffFunc="fr",scaleFactor=1e6)
SimSickleJrSmall<-NormalizeCountMatrices(SimSickleJrSmall) SimSickleJrSmall<-NormalizeCountMatrices(SimSickleJrSmall, diffFunc="fr",scaleFactor=1e6)
Generate plots of the lowest achieved loss after a pre-specified number of iterations (default 100) for each latent factor (defaults to 2:20). This operates similarly to a scree plot, so please select a number of latent factors that corresponds to the elbow of the plot. This method is not appropriate for larger sets of data (more than 1000 cells)
PlotLossvsLatentFactors( SickleJr, rounds = 100, differr = 1e-04, d_vector = c(2:20), parallel = FALSE, nCores = detectCores() - 1, subsampsize = NULL, minibatch = FALSE, random = FALSE, random_W_updates = FALSE, seed = NULL, batchsize = -1, lossonsubset = FALSE, losssubsetsize = dim([email protected][[1]])[2] )
PlotLossvsLatentFactors( SickleJr, rounds = 100, differr = 1e-04, d_vector = c(2:20), parallel = FALSE, nCores = detectCores() - 1, subsampsize = NULL, minibatch = FALSE, random = FALSE, random_W_updates = FALSE, seed = NULL, batchsize = -1, lossonsubset = FALSE, losssubsetsize = dim(SickleJr@count.matrices[[1]])[2] )
SickleJr |
An object of class SickleJr |
rounds |
Number of rounds to use: defaults to 100; this process is time consuming, so a high number of rounds is not recommended |
differr |
Tolerance for the percentage update in the likelihood: for these plots,
this defaults to |
d_vector |
Vector of |
parallel |
Boolean indicating whether to use parallel computation |
nCores |
Number of desired cores; defaults to the number of cores of the current machine minus 1 for convenience |
subsampsize |
Size of the random subsample (defaults to |
minibatch |
Boolean indicating whether to use the mini-batch algorithm: default is |
random |
Boolean indicating whether to use random initialization to generate the |
random_W_updates |
Boolean parameter for mini-batch algorithm; if |
seed |
Number representing the random seed |
batchsize |
Desired batch size; do not use if using a subsample |
lossonsubset |
Boolean indicating whether to calculate the loss on a subset rather than the full dataset; speeds up computation for larger datasets |
losssubsetsize |
Number of cells to use for the loss subset; default is total number of cells |
An object of class SickleJr with a list of initialized matrices and an
for each latent factor
added to the
slot, a data frame holding relevant
values for plotting the elbow plot added to the latent.factor.elbow.values
slot, diagnostic plots of the loss vs. the number of latent factors added to the plots
slot, and the cell indices used to calculate the loss on the subsample added to the lossCalcSubSample
Wickham H (2016). ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis, 2 edition. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-24277-4, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-24277-4, https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/.
[email protected]<-data.frame(NULL,NULL) SimSickleJrSmall<-PlotLossvsLatentFactors(SimSickleJrSmall,d_vector=c(2:5), rounds=5,parallel=FALSE) #Next, we commute 2 of these in parallel. ## Not run: SimSickleJrSmall<-PlotLossvsLatentFactors(SimSickleJrSmall, d_vector=c(6:7),rounds=5,parallel=TRUE,nCores=2) ## End(Not run)
SimSickleJrSmall@latent.factor.elbow.values<-data.frame(NULL,NULL) SimSickleJrSmall<-PlotLossvsLatentFactors(SimSickleJrSmall,d_vector=c(2:5), rounds=5,parallel=FALSE) #Next, we commute 2 of these in parallel. ## Not run: SimSickleJrSmall<-PlotLossvsLatentFactors(SimSickleJrSmall, d_vector=c(6:7),rounds=5,parallel=TRUE,nCores=2) ## End(Not run)
Plot the first and second dimensions of a UMAP dimension reduction and color either by clustering results or metadata.
PlotSickleJrUMAP( SickleJr, umap.modality = "H", cluster = "kmeans", title = "", colorbymetadata = NULL, legendname = NULL )
PlotSickleJrUMAP( SickleJr, umap.modality = "H", cluster = "kmeans", title = "", colorbymetadata = NULL, legendname = NULL )
SickleJr |
An object of class SickleJr |
umap.modality |
String corresponding to the name of the UMAP of interest: defaults to |
cluster |
String input that indicates which cluster to color by: defaults to |
title |
String input for optional |
colorbymetadata |
Name of metadata column if coloring by metadata |
legendname |
String input that to allow specification of a different legend name |
An object of class SickleJr with plots added to the plots
Wickham H (2016). ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis, 2 edition. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-24277-4, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-24277-4, https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/.
SimSickleJrSmall<-PlotSickleJrUMAP(SimSickleJrSmall, title="K-Means Example") SimSickleJrSmall<-PlotSickleJrUMAP(SimSickleJrSmall,umap.modality=1)
SimSickleJrSmall<-PlotSickleJrUMAP(SimSickleJrSmall, title="K-Means Example") SimSickleJrSmall<-PlotSickleJrUMAP(SimSickleJrSmall,umap.modality=1)
Wrapper function to run jrSiCKLSNMF on an object of class SickleJr. Performs jrSiCKLSNMF on the given SickleJr
RunjrSiCKLSNMF( SickleJr, rounds = 30000, differr = 1e-06, display_progress = TRUE, lossonsubset = FALSE, losssubsetsize = dim(SickleJr@H)[1], minibatch = FALSE, batchsize = 1000, random_W_updates = FALSE, seed = NULL, minrounds = 200, suppress_warnings = FALSE, subsample = 1:dim([email protected][[1]])[2] )
RunjrSiCKLSNMF( SickleJr, rounds = 30000, differr = 1e-06, display_progress = TRUE, lossonsubset = FALSE, losssubsetsize = dim(SickleJr@H)[1], minibatch = FALSE, batchsize = 1000, random_W_updates = FALSE, seed = NULL, minrounds = 200, suppress_warnings = FALSE, subsample = 1:dim(SickleJr@normalized.count.matrices[[1]])[2] )
SickleJr |
An object of class SickleJr |
rounds |
Number of rounds: defaults to 2000 |
differr |
Tolerance for percentage change in loss between updates: defaults to 1e-6 |
display_progress |
Boolean indicating whether to display the progress bar for jrSiCKLSNMF |
lossonsubset |
Boolean indicating whether to use a subset to calculate the loss function rather than the whole dataset |
losssubsetsize |
Size of the subset of data on which to calculate the loss |
minibatch |
Boolean indicating whether to use mini-batch updates |
batchsize |
Size of batch for mini-batch updates |
random_W_updates |
Boolean indicating whether or not to use random_W_updates updates
(i.e. only update |
seed |
Number specifying desired random seed |
minrounds |
Minimum number of rounds: most helpful for the mini-batch algorithm |
suppress_warnings |
Boolean indicating whether to suppress warnings |
subsample |
A numeric used primarily when finding an appropriate number of latent factors: defaults to total number of cells |
An object of class SickleJr with updated matrices, updated
matrix, and a vector of values for
the loss function added to the
, H
, and loss
slots, respectively
Cai D, He X, Wu X, Han J (2008). “Non-negative matrix factorization on manifold.” Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM, 63–72. ISSN 15504786, doi:10.1109/ICDM.2008.57.
Greene D, Cunningham P (2009). “A matrix factorization approach for integrating multiple data views.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5781 LNAI(PART 1), 423–438. ISSN 03029743, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-04180-8_45, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-04180-8_45.
Eddelbuettel D, François R (2011). “Rcpp: Seamless R and C++ Integration.” Journal of Statistical Software, 40(8), 1–18. doi:10.18637/jss.v040.i08.
Eddelbuettel D, Sanderson C (2014). “RcppArmadillo: Accelerating R with high-performance C++ linear algebra.” Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 71, 1054–1063. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csda.2013.02.005.
Elyanow R, Dumitrascu B, Engelhardt BE, Raphael BJ (2020). “NetNMF-SC: Leveraging gene-gene interactions for imputation and dimensionality reduction in single-cell expression analysis.” Genome Research, 30(2), 195–204. ISSN 15495469, doi:10.1101/gr.251603.119, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31992614/.
Le Roux J, Weniger F, Hershey JR (2015). “Sparse NMF: half-baked or well done?” Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL), Cambridge.
Lee DD, Seung HS (2000). “Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix Factorization.” In Leen T, Dietterich T, Tresp V (eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, volume 13. https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2000/file/f9d1152547c0bde01830b7e8bd60024c-Paper.pdf.
Liu J, Wang C, Gao J, Han J (2013). “Multi-view clustering via joint nonnegative matrix factorization.” Proceedings of the 2013 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 252–260. doi:10.1137/1.9781611972832.28.
Provide the values for the graph regularization
for each modality as a list, provide the value for the sparsity constraint
and select whether to use L2 norm regularization.
SetLambdasandRowReg( SickleJr, lambdaWlist = list(10, 50), lambdaH = 500, rowReg = "None" )
SetLambdasandRowReg( SickleJr, lambdaWlist = list(10, 50), lambdaH = 500, rowReg = "None" )
SickleJr |
An object of class SickleJr |
lambdaWlist |
A list of graph regularization constraints for the |
lambdaH |
A numeric holding the sparsity constraint on |
rowReg |
A string that is equal to |
An object of class SickleJr with the lambda hyperparameter values added to its lambdaWlist
and lambdaH
slots and with the
row regularization value added to its rowRegularization
SimSickleJrSmall<-SetLambdasandRowReg(SimSickleJrSmall, lambdaWlist=list(10,50),lambdaH=500,rowReg="None") SimSickleJrSmall<-SetLambdasandRowReg(SimSickleJrSmall, lambdaWlist=list(3,15),lambdaH=0,rowReg="L2Norm")
SimSickleJrSmall<-SetLambdasandRowReg(SimSickleJrSmall, lambdaWlist=list(10,50),lambdaH=500,rowReg="None") SimSickleJrSmall<-SetLambdasandRowReg(SimSickleJrSmall, lambdaWlist=list(3,15),lambdaH=0,rowReg="L2Norm")
matrices and
matrix from pre-calculated valuesUse values calculated in the step to determine number of latent factors in the initial
steps for the jrSiCKLSNMF algorithm. If only a subset was calculated, this produces an error.
In this case, please use GenerateWmatricesandHmatrix
to generate new
matrices and a new
SetWandHfromWHinitials(SickleJr, d)
SetWandHfromWHinitials(SickleJr, d)
SickleJr |
An object of class SickleJr |
d |
The number of desired latent factors |
An object of class SickleJr with the Wlist
slot and the H
slot filled from pre-calculated values.
Defines the SickleJr class for use with jrSiCKLSNMF. This object contains all of the information required for analysis using jrSiCKLSNMF. This includes count matrices, normalized matrices, graph Laplacians, hyperparameters, diagnostic plots, and plots of cell clusters.
An object of class SickleJr
A list containing all of the quality controlled count matrices. Note that these count matrices should not use all features and should only include features that appear in at a minimum 10 cells.
A list that holds the normalized count matrices
A list of the graph Laplacians to be used for graph regularization
A string that indicates the type of row regularization to use. Types include "None" and "L2Norm"
A string that holds the name of the function used to measure the discrepancy between
data matrix X and WH for each modality; can be "klp"
for the Poisson Kullback-Leibler divergence
or "fr"
for the Frobenius norm
A list of lambda values to use as the hyperparameters for the
corresponding in the
A numeric value corresponding to the hyperparameter of the sparsity constraint on
A list of the generated matrices, one for each modality
The shared matrix
A list that if, when using PlotLossvsLatentFactors
, all of the cells are used to calculate
the initial values, stores these initial generated matrices; can be used
as initializations when running RunjrSiCKLSNMF
to save time
A vector that holds the cell indices on which PlotLossvsLatentFactors
was calculated
A data frame that holds the relevant information to plot the latent factor elbow plot
Indicator variable that states whether the algorithm should use mini-batch updates.
List of the cluster diagnostic results for the SickleJr object. Includes diagnostic plots from fviz_nbclust
and diagnostics from clValid
List of results of different clustering methods performed on the SickleJr object
List of metadata
Vector of the value for the loss function
List of different UMAP-based dimension reductions using umap
Holds various ggplot
results for easy access of diagnostics and cluster visualizations
A simulated dataset with multiplicative noise for the
scRNA-seq variability parameter in SPARSim for the simulated scRNA-seq data and
additive noise to the expression levels of the scATAC-seq data
for data simulated via SimATAC. The simulated matrices are located in SimData$Xmatrices
and the identities for the cell types are contained in SimData$cell_type. This corresponds
to the Xmatrix data found in both
XandLmatrices25/XandindividLKNNLmatrices1Sparsity5.RData and
XandBulkLmatrix25/XandBulkLKNNmatrices1Sparsity5.RData on our Github
A list made up of a two items. The first is list of 2 simulated sparse matrices and the second is a vector containing cell identities.
A list of 2 sparse matrices, each containing a different simulated omics modality measured on the same set of single cells: the first entry in the list corresponds to simulated scRNA-seq data and has 1000 genes and 300 cells; the second entry in the list corresponds to simulated scATAC-seq data and has 5910 peaks and 300 cells.
A vector containing the cell-type identities of the simulated data
data object. Contains the completed analysis from the
'Getting Started' vignette for a small subset of 10 cells with 150 genes and
700 peaks. The clusters derived from this dataset are not accurate; this dataset
is intended for use with code examples.A small SickleJr object containing a subset of data from the
data object. Contains the completed analysis from the
'Getting Started' vignette for a small subset of 10 cells with 150 genes and
700 peaks. The clusters derived from this dataset are not accurate; this dataset
is intended for use with code examples.
A SickleJr object containing a completed analysis using jrSiCKLSNMF
Contains a list of 2 sparse matrices, each containing a different simulated omics modality measured on the same set of single cells
The normalized versions of the count matrices
contained in slot count.matrices
A list of sparse matrices containing the graph Laplacians corresponding to the KNN feature-feature similarity graphs constructed for each omics modality
A string indicating the row regularization: here it
is set to "None"
A string specifying the function to measure the discrepancy between the normalized data and the fitted matrices: here, it is set to "klp" for the Poisson Kullback-Leibler divergence
A list holding the graph regularization parameters: here, they are 10 and 50
A numeric indicating the value for the sparsity parameter. Here it is equals 500
A list holding the fitted matrices
A matrix holding
A list of initial values for and
A vector containing a subset on which to calculate the loss
A data frame holding the loss and the number of latent factor that is used for diagnostic plots
A Boolean indicating whether or not to use the mini-batch algorithm: FALSE
Diagnostic plots and results
A list holding the "kmeans"
clustering results
A list holding metadata; here this is just cell type information
A list holding a vector called "Loss"
A list holding various UMAP approximations
A list holding ggplots corresponding to different diagnostics and visualizations