Get started with intrinsicKappa

Working with intrinsicKappa

The intrinsicKappa package provides functions for the computation of the intrinsic kappa value.


M <- matrix(c(2375, 25, 10, 2390), ncol = 2)
rownames(M) <- c('ok-rating', 'nok-rating')
colnames(M) <- c('ok-standard', 'nok-standard')
alpha <- 0.05
alpha_adjusted <- FALSE
intrinsicKappa(M, alpha, alpha_adjusted)
##       Intrinsic Kappa
## Input:
##              ok-standard nok-standard
##   ok-rating         2375           10
##   nok-rating          25         2390
## Exact Kappa's lower bound: 0.9784 
##        point estimates    upper bound 
## alpha (ok units):     0.0104      0.0145 
## beta (nok units):     0.0042      0.0071