Title: | Imputation for Proteomics |
Description: | Functions to analyse missing value mechanisms and to impute data sets in the context of bottom-up MS-based proteomics. |
Authors: | Quentin Giai Gianetto |
Maintainer: | Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.2 |
Built: | 2025-03-09 06:59:11 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
This package provides functions to analyse missing value mechanisms in the context of bottom-up MS-based quantitative proteomics.
It allows estimating a mixture model of missing completely-at-random (MCAR) values and missing not-at-random (MNAR) values.
It also contains functions allowing the imputation of missing values under hypotheses of MCAR and/or MNAR values.
The main functions of this package are the estim.mix
(estimation of a model of MCAR and MNAR (left-censored) values), impute.mi
(multiple imputation) and impute.mix
(imputation based on a decision rule). It provides also several imputation algorithms for MS-based data. They can be used to impute matrices containing peptide intensities (as Maxquant outputs for instance).
Missing values has to be indicated with NA and a log-2 transformation of the intensities has to be applied before using these functions. An example for using this package from MaxQuant outputs is provided in Giai Gianetto Q. (2021).
More explanations and details on the functions of this package are available in Giai Gianetto Q. et al. (2020) (doi: doi:10.1101/2020.05.29.122770).
Maintainer: Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
Giai Gianetto, Q., Wieczorek S., Couté Y., Burger, T. (2020). A peptide-level multiple imputation strategy accounting for the different natures of missing values in proteomics data. bioRxiv 2020.05.29.122770; doi: doi:10.1101/2020.05.29.122770
Giai Gianetto, Q. (2021) Statistical analysis of post-translational modifications quantified by label-free proteomics across multiple biological conditions with R: illustration from SARS-CoV-2 infected cells. (pasteur-03243433)
This function allows estimating lower and upper bounds for missing values of an input matrix. It can be used before to use the functions prob.mcar
and prob.mcar.tab
estim.bound(tab, conditions, q=0.95)
estim.bound(tab, conditions, q=0.95)
tab |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. Each column of this matrix is assumed to correspond to the intensities measured in an experimental sample, and each row to the ones of an identified peptide. |
conditions |
A vector of factors indicating the biological condition to which each sample belongs. |
q |
A numeric value allowing to define confidence intervals for missing values (see Details). |
In each condition, this function estimates lower and upper bounds for missing values of row i
where quant_diff(q)
corresponds to a quantile value of the differences between the maximum and the minimum of the observed values for all the peptides in the condition. As a result, if q
is close to 1, quant_diff(q)
represents an extrem value between the maximum and the minimum of the intensity values in a condition for a peptide.
A list composed of:
tab.lower |
A matrix with the lower bounds for each missing value in |
tab.upper |
A matrix with the upper bounds for each missing value in |
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600,pi.mcar=0.2,para=0.5,nb.cond=2,nb.repbio=3, nb.sample=5,m.c=25,sd.c=2,sd.rb=0.5,sd.r=0.2); data=res.sim$dat.obs; cond=res.sim$conditions; #Estimation of lower and upper bounds for each missing value res=estim.bound(data,conditions=cond);
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600,pi.mcar=0.2,para=0.5,nb.cond=2,nb.repbio=3, nb.sample=5,m.c=25,sd.c=2,sd.rb=0.5,sd.r=0.2); data=res.sim$dat.obs; cond=res.sim$conditions; #Estimation of lower and upper bounds for each missing value res=estim.bound(data,conditions=cond);
This function allows estimating a mixture model of MCAR and MNAR values in each column of data sets similar to the ones which can be studied in MS-based quantitative proteomics. Such data matrices contain intensity values of identified peptides.
estim.mix(tab, tab.imp, conditions, x.step.mod=150, x.step.pi=150, nb.rei=200)
estim.mix(tab, tab.imp, conditions, x.step.mod=150, x.step.pi=150, nb.rei=200)
tab |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. Each column of this matrix is assumed to correspond to an experimental sample, and each row to an identified peptide. |
tab.imp |
A matrix where the missing values of |
conditions |
A vector of factors indicating the biological condition to which each column (experimental sample) belongs. |
x.step.mod |
The number of points in the intervals used for estimating the cumulative distribution functions of the mixing model in each column. |
x.step.pi |
The number of points in the intervals used for estimating the proportion of MCAR values in each column. |
nb.rei |
The number of initializations of the minimization algorithm used to estimate the proportion of MCAR values (see Details). |
This function aims to estimate the following mixture model in each column:
where is the proportion of missing values,
is the proportion of MCAR values,
is the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of the complete values,
is the cdf of the missing values,
is the cdf of the observed values, and
is the cdf of the MNAR values.
To estimate this model, a first step consists to compute a rough estimate of by assuming that all missing values are MCAR (thanks to the argument
). This rough estimate is noted .
In a second step, the proportion of MCAR values is estimated. To do so, the ratio
is computed for different , where
with the empirical cdf of the observed values.
Next, the following minimization is performed:
where is an estimate of the asymptotic variance of
is an estimate of the minimum of the complete values. To perform this minimization, the function
with the method "L-BFGS-B" is used. Because it is function of its initialization, it is possible to reinitialize a number of times the minimisation algorithm with the argument nb.rei
: the parameters leading to the lowest minimum are next kept.
Once k
, a
and d
are estimated, one can use several methods to estimate : it is estimated
A list composed of:
abs.pi |
A numeric matrix containing the intervals used for estimating the ratio
in each column. |
pi.init |
A numeric matrix containing the estimated ratios
where |
var.pi.init |
A numeric matrix containing the estimated asymptotic variances of |
trend.pi.init |
A numeric matrix containing the estimated trend of the model used in the minimization algorithm. |
abs.mod |
A numeric vector containing the interval used for estimating the mixture models in each column. |
pi.na |
A numeric vector containing the proportions of missing values in each column. |
F.na |
A numeric matrix containing the estimated cumulative distribution functions of missing values in each column on the interval |
F.tot |
A numeric matrix containing the estimated cumulative distribution functions of complete values in each column on the interval |
F.obs |
A numeric matrix containing the estimated cumulative distribution functions of observed values in each column on the interval |
pi.mcar |
A numeric vector containing the estimations of the proportion of MCAR values in each column. |
MinRes |
A numeric matrix containing the three parameters of the model used in the minimization algorithm (three first rows), and the value of minimized function. |
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Imputation of missing values with a MCAR-devoted algorithm: here the slsa algorithm dat.slsa=impute.slsa(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition,repbio=res.sim$repbio); #Estimation of the mixture model res=estim.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.slsa, conditions=res.sim$condition);
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Imputation of missing values with a MCAR-devoted algorithm: here the slsa algorithm dat.slsa=impute.slsa(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition,repbio=res.sim$repbio); #Estimation of the mixture model res=estim.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.slsa, conditions=res.sim$condition);
This function is similar to the function apply(X,dim,function(x)sum(is.na(x)))
but written thanks to the Rcpp package and therefore faster than apply(X,dim,function(x)sum(is.na(x)))
fast_apply_nb_na(X, dim)
fast_apply_nb_na(X, dim)
X |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. |
dim |
A numeric value: 1 if the number of missing values has to be computed for each row of |
A numeric vector containing the number of missing values in either each row or each column of X
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
## The function is currently defined as ##function (X, dim) ##{ ## .Call("imp4p_fast_apply_nb_na", PACKAGE = "imp4p", X, dim) ## } ## ## You can compare the execution time with a traditional apply function by ## library(rbenchmark) ## res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); ## benchmark(fast_apply_nb_na(res.sim$dat.obs, 1), ## apply(res.sim$dat.obs,1,function(x)sum(is.na(x)))) ## ## ##
## The function is currently defined as ##function (X, dim) ##{ ## .Call("imp4p_fast_apply_nb_na", PACKAGE = "imp4p", X, dim) ## } ## ## You can compare the execution time with a traditional apply function by ## library(rbenchmark) ## res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); ## benchmark(fast_apply_nb_na(res.sim$dat.obs, 1), ## apply(res.sim$dat.obs,1,function(x)sum(is.na(x)))) ## ## ##
This function is similar to the function apply(X,dim,function(x)sum(!is.na(x)))
but written thanks to the Rcpp package and therefore faster than apply(X,dim,function(x)sum(!is.na(x)))
fast_apply_nb_not_na(X, dim)
fast_apply_nb_not_na(X, dim)
X |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. |
dim |
A numeric value: 1 if the number of observed values has to be computed for each row of |
A numeric vector containing the number of observed values in either each row or each column of X
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
## The function is currently defined as ##function (X, dim) ##{ ## .Call("imp4p_fast_apply_nb_not_na", PACKAGE = "imp4p", X, ## dim) ## } ## ## You can compare the execution time with a traditional apply function by ## library(rbenchmark) ## res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); ## benchmark(fast_apply_nb_not_na(res.sim$dat.obs, 1), ## apply(res.sim$dat.obs,1,function(x)sum(!is.na(x))))
## The function is currently defined as ##function (X, dim) ##{ ## .Call("imp4p_fast_apply_nb_not_na", PACKAGE = "imp4p", X, ## dim) ## } ## ## You can compare the execution time with a traditional apply function by ## library(rbenchmark) ## res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); ## benchmark(fast_apply_nb_not_na(res.sim$dat.obs, 1), ## apply(res.sim$dat.obs,1,function(x)sum(!is.na(x))))
This function is similar to the function apply(X,dim,sd,na.rm=TRUE)
but written thanks to the Rcpp package and therefore faster than apply(X,dim,sd,na.rm=TRUE)
fast_apply_sd_na_rm_T(X, dim)
fast_apply_sd_na_rm_T(X, dim)
X |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. |
dim |
A numeric value: 1 if the standard deviation has to be computed for each row of |
A numeric vector containing the standard deviation of observed values in either each row or each column of X
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
## The function is currently defined as ##function (X, dim) ##{ ## .Call("imp4p_fast_apply_sd_na_rm_T", PACKAGE = "imp4p", X, ## dim) ## } ## ## You can compare the execution time with a traditional apply function by ## library(rbenchmark) ## res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); ## benchmark(fast_apply_sd_na_rm_T(res.sim$dat.obs, 1), ## apply(res.sim$dat.obs,1,sd,na.rm=TRUE))
## The function is currently defined as ##function (X, dim) ##{ ## .Call("imp4p_fast_apply_sd_na_rm_T", PACKAGE = "imp4p", X, ## dim) ## } ## ## You can compare the execution time with a traditional apply function by ## library(rbenchmark) ## res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); ## benchmark(fast_apply_sd_na_rm_T(res.sim$dat.obs, 1), ## apply(res.sim$dat.obs,1,sd,na.rm=TRUE))
This function is similar to the function apply(X,dim,sum,na.rm=TRUE)
but written thanks to the Rcpp package and therefore faster than apply(X,dim,sum,na.rm=TRUE)
fast_apply_sum_na_rm_T(X, dim)
fast_apply_sum_na_rm_T(X, dim)
X |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. |
dim |
A numeric value: 1 if the sum has to be computed for each row of |
A numeric vector containing the sum of observed values in either each row or each column of X
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
## The function is currently defined as ##function (X, dim) ##{ ## .Call("imp4p_fast_apply_sum_na_rm_T", PACKAGE = "imp4p", ## X, dim) ## } ## ## You can compare the execution time with a traditional apply function by ## library(rbenchmark) ## res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); ## benchmark(fast_apply_sum_na_rm_T(res.sim$dat.obs, 1), ## apply(res.sim$dat.obs,1,sum,na.rm=TRUE))
## The function is currently defined as ##function (X, dim) ##{ ## .Call("imp4p_fast_apply_sum_na_rm_T", PACKAGE = "imp4p", ## X, dim) ## } ## ## You can compare the execution time with a traditional apply function by ## library(rbenchmark) ## res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); ## benchmark(fast_apply_sum_na_rm_T(res.sim$dat.obs, 1), ## apply(res.sim$dat.obs,1,sum,na.rm=TRUE))
This function allows computing a similarity measure between a vector and each row of a matrix. The similarity measure is defined by d^2 where d is the Euclidean distance between the vector and each row. It is implemented thanks to the RCpp package.
fast_sim(prot, mat)
fast_sim(prot, mat)
prot |
A numeric vector containing numeric and missing values. |
mat |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. |
A numeric vector containing the values of the similarity measures between the prot
vector and each row of the mat
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=20000,nb.miss=1000); #Fast computation of similarities fast_sim(res.sim$dat.obs[1,],res.sim$dat.obs);
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=20000,nb.miss=1000); #Fast computation of similarities fast_sim(res.sim$dat.obs[1,],res.sim$dat.obs);
This function creates a vector of factors where each element refers to a condition to which a sample belongs.
nb_cond |
Number of biological conditions. |
nb_sample |
Number of samples in each condition. |
A vector of factors of length nb_cond*nb_sample.
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
cond=gen.cond(nb_cond=2,nb_sample=6) #[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 #Levels: 1 2
cond=gen.cond(nb_cond=2,nb_sample=6) #[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 #Levels: 1 2
This function allows imputing missing values under the assumption that the distribution of complete values has to be Gaussian in each column.
Note that the imputed values are not necessary small values (compared to observed values).
impute.igcda(tab, tab.imp, conditions, q=0.95)
impute.igcda(tab, tab.imp, conditions, q=0.95)
tab |
A numeric vector or matrix with observed and missing values. |
tab.imp |
A matrix where the missing values of |
conditions |
A vector of factors indicating the biological condition to which each column (experimental sample) belongs. |
q |
A quantile value (see Details). |
The mean and variance of the Gaussian distribution are determined using a linear regression between the quantiles of the observed values q_{obs}
and the ones of the standard normal distribution q_{N(0,1)}
The quantile value is used for determining the minimum of imputed values. This minimum is determined by the minimum observed value in the dataset minus quant_diff(q)
where quant_diff(q)
corresponds to a quantile value of the differences between the maximum and the minimum of the observed values for all the peptides in the condition. As a result, if q
is close to 1, quant_diff(q)
represents an extrem value between the maximum and the minimum of the intensity values in a condition for a peptide.
The numeric input matrix with imputed values. The distribution of the intensity values in each of its columns is supposed to be Gaussian.
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Imputation of missing values with a MCAR-devoted algorithm: here the slsa algorithm dat.slsa=impute.slsa(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition,repbio=res.sim$repbio); #Imputation of missing values under a Gaussian assumption dat.gauss=impute.igcda(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.slsa, conditions=res.sim$conditions);
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Imputation of missing values with a MCAR-devoted algorithm: here the slsa algorithm dat.slsa=impute.slsa(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition,repbio=res.sim$repbio); #Imputation of missing values under a Gaussian assumption dat.gauss=impute.igcda(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.slsa, conditions=res.sim$conditions);
This function allows imputing data sets containing peptide intensities with a multiple imputation strategy distinguishing MCAR and MNAR values. For details, see Giai Gianetto Q. et al. (2020) (doi: doi:10.1101/2020.05.29.122770).
impute.mi(tab, conditions, repbio=NULL, reptech=NULL, nb.iter=3, nknn=15, selec=1000, siz=900, weight=1, ind.comp=1, progress.bar=TRUE, x.step.mod=300, x.step.pi=300, nb.rei=100, q=0.95, methodMCAR="mle",ncp.max=5, maxiter = 10, ntree = 100, variablewise = FALSE, decreasing = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, mtry = floor(sqrt(ncol(tab))), replace = TRUE, classwt = NULL, cutoff = NULL, strata = NULL, sampsize = NULL, nodesize = NULL, maxnodes = NULL, xtrue = NA, parallelize = c('no', 'variables', 'forests'), methodMNAR="igcda",q.min = 0.025, q.norm = 3, eps = 0, distribution = "unif", param1 = 3, param2 = 1, R.q.min=1);
impute.mi(tab, conditions, repbio=NULL, reptech=NULL, nb.iter=3, nknn=15, selec=1000, siz=900, weight=1, ind.comp=1, progress.bar=TRUE, x.step.mod=300, x.step.pi=300, nb.rei=100, q=0.95, methodMCAR="mle",ncp.max=5, maxiter = 10, ntree = 100, variablewise = FALSE, decreasing = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, mtry = floor(sqrt(ncol(tab))), replace = TRUE, classwt = NULL, cutoff = NULL, strata = NULL, sampsize = NULL, nodesize = NULL, maxnodes = NULL, xtrue = NA, parallelize = c('no', 'variables', 'forests'), methodMNAR="igcda",q.min = 0.025, q.norm = 3, eps = 0, distribution = "unif", param1 = 3, param2 = 1, R.q.min=1);
tab |
A data matrix containing only numeric and missing values. Each column of this matrix is assumed to correspond to an experimental sample, and each row to an identified peptide. |
conditions |
A vector of factors indicating the biological condition to which each column (experimental sample) belongs. |
repbio |
A vector of factors indicating the biological replicate to which each column belongs. Default is NULL (no experimental design is considered). |
reptech |
A vector of factors indicating the technical replicate to which each column belongs. Default is NULL (no experimental design is considered). |
nb.iter |
The number of iterations used for the multiple imputation method (see |
methodMCAR |
The method used for imputing MCAR data. If |
methodMNAR |
The method used for imputing MNAR data. If |
nknn |
The number of nearest neighbours used in the SLSA algorithm (see |
selec |
A parameter to select a part of the dataset to find nearest neighbours between rows. This can be useful for big data sets (see |
siz |
A parameter to select a part of the dataset to perform imputations with the MCAR-devoted algorithm. This can be useful for big data sets (see |
weight |
The way of weighting in the algorithm (see |
ind.comp |
If |
progress.bar |
If |
x.step.mod |
The number of points in the intervals used for estimating the cumulative distribution functions of the mixing model in each column (see |
x.step.pi |
The number of points in the intervals used for estimating the proportion of MCAR values in each column (see |
nb.rei |
The number of initializations of the minimization algorithm used to estimate the proportion of MCAR values (see Details) (see |
q |
A quantile value (see |
ncp.max |
parameter of the |
maxiter |
parameter of the |
ntree |
parameter of the |
variablewise |
parameter of the |
decreasing |
parameter of the |
verbose |
parameter of the |
mtry |
parameter of the |
replace |
parameter of the |
classwt |
parameter of the |
cutoff |
parameter of the |
strata |
parameter of the |
sampsize |
parameter of the |
nodesize |
parameter of the |
maxnodes |
parameter of the |
xtrue |
parameter of the |
parallelize |
parameter of the |
q.min |
parameter of the |
q.norm |
parameter of the |
eps |
parameter of the |
distribution |
parameter of the |
param1 |
parameter of the |
param2 |
parameter of the |
R.q.min |
parameter of the |
First, a mixture model of MCAR and MNAR values is estimated in each column of tab
. This model is used to estimate probabilities that each missing value is MCAR. Then, these probabilities are used to perform a multiple imputation strategy (see mi.mix
). Rows with no value in a condition are imputed using the impute.pa
function. More details and explanations can be bound in Giai Gianetto (2020).
The input matrix tab
with imputed values instead of missing values.
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
Giai Gianetto, Q., Wieczorek S., Couté Y., Burger, T. (2020). A peptide-level multiple imputation strategy accounting for the different natures of missing values in proteomics data. bioRxiv 2020.05.29.122770; doi: doi:10.1101/2020.05.29.122770
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600,nb.cond=2); #Imputation of the dataset noting the conditions to which the samples belong. result=impute.mi(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, conditions=res.sim$conditions); #Imputation of the dataset noting the conditions to which the samples belong #and also their biological replicate, and using the SLSA method for the MCAR values result=impute.mi(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, conditions=res.sim$conditions, repbio=res.sim$repbio, methodMCAR = "slsa"); #For large data sets, the SLSA imputation can be accelerated thanks to the selec parameter #and the siz parameter (see impute.slsa and mi.mix) #but it may result in a less accurate data imputation. Note that selec has to be greater than siz. #Here, nb.iter is fixed to 3 result1=impute.mi(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, conditions=res.sim$conditions, progress.bar=TRUE, selec=400, siz=300, nb.iter=3, methodMCAR = "slsa", methodMNAR = "igcda");
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600,nb.cond=2); #Imputation of the dataset noting the conditions to which the samples belong. result=impute.mi(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, conditions=res.sim$conditions); #Imputation of the dataset noting the conditions to which the samples belong #and also their biological replicate, and using the SLSA method for the MCAR values result=impute.mi(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, conditions=res.sim$conditions, repbio=res.sim$repbio, methodMCAR = "slsa"); #For large data sets, the SLSA imputation can be accelerated thanks to the selec parameter #and the siz parameter (see impute.slsa and mi.mix) #but it may result in a less accurate data imputation. Note that selec has to be greater than siz. #Here, nb.iter is fixed to 3 result1=impute.mi(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, conditions=res.sim$conditions, progress.bar=TRUE, selec=400, siz=300, nb.iter=3, methodMCAR = "slsa", methodMNAR = "igcda");
This function allows imputing data sets with a MCAR-devoted algorithm and a MNAR-devoted algorithm using probabilities that missing values are MCAR. If such a probability is superior to a chosen threshold, then the MCAR-devoted algorithm is used, otherwise it is the MNAR-devoted algorithm. For details, see Giai Gianetto, Q. et al. (2020) (doi: doi:10.1101/2020.05.29.122770).
impute.mix(tab, prob.MCAR, threshold, conditions, repbio=NULL, reptech=NULL, methodMCAR="mle",nknn=15,weight=1, selec="all", ind.comp=1, progress.bar=TRUE, q=0.95, ncp.max=5, maxiter = 10, ntree = 100, variablewise = FALSE, decreasing = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, mtry = floor(sqrt(ncol(tab))), replace = TRUE,classwt = NULL, cutoff = NULL, strata = NULL, sampsize = NULL, nodesize = NULL, maxnodes = NULL, xtrue = NA, parallelize = c('no', 'variables', 'forests'), methodMNAR="igcda", q.min = 0.025, q.norm = 3, eps = 0, distribution = "unif", param1 = 3, param2 = 1, R.q.min=1)
impute.mix(tab, prob.MCAR, threshold, conditions, repbio=NULL, reptech=NULL, methodMCAR="mle",nknn=15,weight=1, selec="all", ind.comp=1, progress.bar=TRUE, q=0.95, ncp.max=5, maxiter = 10, ntree = 100, variablewise = FALSE, decreasing = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, mtry = floor(sqrt(ncol(tab))), replace = TRUE,classwt = NULL, cutoff = NULL, strata = NULL, sampsize = NULL, nodesize = NULL, maxnodes = NULL, xtrue = NA, parallelize = c('no', 'variables', 'forests'), methodMNAR="igcda", q.min = 0.025, q.norm = 3, eps = 0, distribution = "unif", param1 = 3, param2 = 1, R.q.min=1)
tab |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. Each column of this matrix is assumed to correspond to an experimental sample, and each row to an identified peptide. |
prob.MCAR |
A matrix of probabilities that each missing value is MCAR. For instance such a matrix can be obtained from the function |
threshold |
A value such that if the probability that a missing value is MCAR is superior to it, then a MCAR-devoted algorithm is used, otherwise it is a MNAR-devoted algorithm that is used. |
conditions |
A vector of factors indicating the biological condition to which each column (experimental sample) belongs. |
repbio |
A vector of factors indicating the biological replicate to which each column belongs. Default is NULL (no experimental design is considered). |
reptech |
A vector of factors indicating the technical replicate to which each column belongs. Default is NULL (no experimental design is considered). |
methodMCAR |
The method used for imputing MCAR data. If |
methodMNAR |
The method used for imputing MNAR data. If |
nknn |
The number of nearest neighbours used in the SLSA algorithm (see |
weight |
The way of weighting in the algorithm (see |
selec |
A parameter to select a part of the dataset to find nearest neighbours between rows. This can be useful for big data sets (see |
ind.comp |
If |
progress.bar |
If |
q |
A quantile value (see |
ncp.max |
parameter of the |
maxiter |
parameter of the |
ntree |
parameter of the |
variablewise |
parameter of the |
decreasing |
parameter of the |
verbose |
parameter of the |
mtry |
parameter of the |
replace |
parameter of the |
classwt |
parameter of the |
cutoff |
parameter of the |
strata |
parameter of the |
sampsize |
parameter of the |
nodesize |
parameter of the |
maxnodes |
parameter of the |
xtrue |
parameter of the |
parallelize |
parameter of the |
q.min |
parameter of the |
q.norm |
parameter of the |
eps |
parameter of the |
distribution |
parameter of the |
param1 |
parameter of the |
param2 |
parameter of the |
R.q.min |
parameter of the |
The missing values for which prob.MCAR
is superior to a chosen threshold are imputed with one of the MCAR-devoted imputation methods (impute.mle
, impute.RF
, impute.PCA
or impute.slsa
). The other missing values are considered MNAR and imputed with impute.igcda
. More details and explanations can be bound in Giai Gianetto (2020).
The input matrix tab
with imputed values instead of missing values.
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
Giai Gianetto, Q., Wieczorek S., Couté Y., Burger, T. (2020). A peptide-level multiple imputation strategy accounting for the different natures of missing values in proteomics data. bioRxiv 2020.05.29.122770; doi: doi:10.1101/2020.05.29.122770
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Fast imputation of missing values with the impute.rand algorithm dat.rand=impute.rand(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition); #Estimation of the mixture model res=estim.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.rand, conditions=res.sim$condition); #Computing probabilities to be MCAR born=estim.bound(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition); proba=prob.mcar.tab(born$tab.upper,res); #Imputation under the assumption of MCAR and MNAR values tabi=impute.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, prob.MCAR=proba, threshold=0.5, conditions=res.sim$conditions, repbio=res.sim$repbio, methodMCAR="slsa", methodMNAR="igcda", nknn=15, weight=1, selec="all", ind.comp=1, progress.bar=TRUE);
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Fast imputation of missing values with the impute.rand algorithm dat.rand=impute.rand(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition); #Estimation of the mixture model res=estim.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.rand, conditions=res.sim$condition); #Computing probabilities to be MCAR born=estim.bound(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition); proba=prob.mcar.tab(born$tab.upper,res); #Imputation under the assumption of MCAR and MNAR values tabi=impute.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, prob.MCAR=proba, threshold=0.5, conditions=res.sim$conditions, repbio=res.sim$repbio, methodMCAR="slsa", methodMNAR="igcda", nknn=15, weight=1, selec="all", ind.comp=1, progress.bar=TRUE);
Imputing missing values using the EM algorithm proposed in section 5.4.1 of Schafer (1997). The function is based on the imp.norm function of the R package norm.
impute.mle(tab, conditions)
impute.mle(tab, conditions)
tab |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. Each column of this matrix is assumed to correspond to an experimental sample, and each row to an identified peptide. |
conditions |
A vector of factors indicating the biological condition to which each sample belongs. |
See section 5.4.1 of Schafer (1997) for the theory. It is built from functions proposed in the R package norm.
The input matrix tab
with imputed values instead of missing values.
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
Schafer, J. L. (1997). Analysis of incomplete multivariate data. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600,nb.cond=2); #Imputation of missing values with the mle algorithm dat.mle=impute.mle(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition);
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600,nb.cond=2); #Imputation of missing values with the mle algorithm dat.mle=impute.mle(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition);
This function imputes missing values by small values.
impute.pa(tab, conditions, q.min = 0.025, q.norm = 3, eps = 0, distribution = "unif", param1 = 3, param2 = 1, R.q.min=1)
impute.pa(tab, conditions, q.min = 0.025, q.norm = 3, eps = 0, distribution = "unif", param1 = 3, param2 = 1, R.q.min=1)
tab |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. Each column of this matrix is assumed to correspond to an experimental sample, and each row to an identified peptide. |
conditions |
A vector of factors indicating the biological condition to which each column (experimental sample) belongs. |
q.min |
A quantile value of the observed values allowing defining the maximal value which can be generated. This maximal value is defined by the quantile |
q.norm |
A quantile value of a normal distribution allowing defining the minimal value which can be generated. Default is 3 (the minimal value is the maximal value minus qn*median(sd(observed values)) where sd is the standard deviation of a row in a condition). |
eps |
A value allowing defining the maximal value which can be generated. This maximal value is defined by the quantile |
distribution |
Distribution used to generated missing values. You have the choice between "unif" for the uniform distribution, "beta" for the Beta distribution or "dirac" for the Dirac distribution. Default is "unif". |
param1 |
Parameter |
param2 |
Parameter |
R.q.min |
Parameter used for the Dirac distribution. In this case, all the missing values are imputed by a single value which is equal to |
This function replaces the missing values in a column by random draws from a specified distribution. The value of eps
can be interpreted as a minimal fold-change value above which the present/absent peptides appear.
A list composed of :
- tab.imp
: the input matrix tab
with imputed values instead of missing values.
- para
: the parameters of the distribution which has been used to impute.
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Imputation of the simulated data set with small values data.small.val=impute.pa(res.sim$dat.obs,res.sim$conditions);
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Imputation of the simulated data set with small values data.small.val=impute.pa(res.sim$dat.obs,res.sim$conditions);
Imputing missing values using the algorithm proposed by Josse and Husson (2013). The function is based on the imputePCA function of the R package missMDA.
impute.PCA(tab, conditions, ncp.max=5)
impute.PCA(tab, conditions, ncp.max=5)
tab |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. Each column of this matrix is assumed to correspond to an experimental sample, and each row to an identified peptide. |
conditions |
A vector of factors indicating the biological condition to which each sample belongs. |
ncp.max |
integer corresponding to the maximum number of components to test (used in the |
See Josse and Husson (2013) for the theory. It is built from functions proposed in the R package missMDA.
The input matrix tab
with imputed values instead of missing values.
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
Josse, J & Husson, F. (2013). Handling missing values in exploratory multivariate data analysis methods. Journal de la SFdS. 153 (2), pp. 79-99.
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600,nb.cond=2); #Imputation of missing values with PCA dat.pca=impute.PCA(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition);
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600,nb.cond=2); #Imputation of missing values with PCA dat.pca=impute.PCA(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition);
For each row (peptide), this function imputes missing values by random values following a Gaussian distribution.
impute.rand(tab, conditions)
impute.rand(tab, conditions)
tab |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. Each column of this matrix is assumed to correspond to an experimental sample, and each row to an identified peptide. |
conditions |
A vector of factors indicating the biological condition to which each column (experimental sample) belongs. |
For each row (peptide), this function imputes missing values by random values following a Gaussian distribution centered on the mean of the observed values in the condition for the specific peptide and with a standard deviation equal to the first quartile of the distribution of the standard deviation the values observed for all the peptides. Rows with only missing values in a condition are not imputed (the impute.pa
function can be used for this purpose).
The input matrix tab
with imputed values instead of missing values.
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Imputation of the simulated data set with random values data.rand=impute.rand(res.sim$dat.obs,res.sim$conditions);
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Imputation of the simulated data set with random values data.rand=impute.rand(res.sim$dat.obs,res.sim$conditions);
Imputing missing values using the algorithm proposed by Stekhoven and Buehlmann (2012). The function is based on the missForest function of the R package missForest.
impute.RF(tab, conditions, maxiter = 10, ntree = 100, variablewise = FALSE, decreasing = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, mtry = floor(sqrt(ncol(tab))), replace = TRUE, classwt = NULL, cutoff = NULL, strata = NULL, sampsize = NULL, nodesize = NULL, maxnodes = NULL, xtrue = NA, parallelize = c('no', 'variables', 'forests'))
impute.RF(tab, conditions, maxiter = 10, ntree = 100, variablewise = FALSE, decreasing = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, mtry = floor(sqrt(ncol(tab))), replace = TRUE, classwt = NULL, cutoff = NULL, strata = NULL, sampsize = NULL, nodesize = NULL, maxnodes = NULL, xtrue = NA, parallelize = c('no', 'variables', 'forests'))
tab |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. Each column of this matrix is assumed to correspond to an experimental sample, and each row to an identified peptide. |
conditions |
A vector of factors indicating the biological condition to which each sample belongs. |
maxiter |
parameter of the |
ntree |
parameter of the |
variablewise |
parameter of the |
decreasing |
parameter of the |
verbose |
parameter of the |
mtry |
parameter of the |
replace |
parameter of the |
classwt |
parameter of the |
cutoff |
parameter of the |
strata |
parameter of the |
sampsize |
parameter of the |
nodesize |
parameter of the |
maxnodes |
parameter of the |
xtrue |
parameter of the |
parallelize |
parameter of the |
See Stekhoven and Buehlmann (2012) for the theory. It is built from functions proposed in the R package missForest.
The input matrix tab
with imputed values instead of missing values.
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
Stekhoven, D.J. and Buehlmann, P. (2012), 'MissForest - nonparametric missing value imputation for mixed-type data', Bioinformatics, 28(1) 2012, 112-118, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btr597
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600,nb.cond=2); #Imputation of missing values with Random Forest dat.rf=impute.RF(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition);
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600,nb.cond=2); #Imputation of missing values with Random Forest dat.rf=impute.RF(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition);
This function is an adaptation of the LSimpute algorithm (Bo et al. (2004)) to experimental designs usually met in MS-based quantitative proteomics.
impute.slsa(tab, conditions, repbio=NULL, reptech=NULL, nknn=30, selec="all", weight="o", ind.comp=1, progress.bar=TRUE)
impute.slsa(tab, conditions, repbio=NULL, reptech=NULL, nknn=30, selec="all", weight="o", ind.comp=1, progress.bar=TRUE)
tab |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. Each column of this matrix is assumed to correspond to an experimental sample, and each row to an identified peptide. |
conditions |
A vector of factors indicating the biological condition to which each sample belongs. |
repbio |
A vector of factors indicating the biological replicate to which each sample belongs. Default is NULL (no experimental design is considered). |
reptech |
A vector of factors indicating the technical replicate to which each sample belongs. Default is NULL (no experimental design is considered). |
nknn |
The number of nearest neighbours used in the algorithm (see Details). |
selec |
A parameter to select a part of the dataset to find nearest neighbours between rows. This can be useful for big data sets (see Details). |
weight |
The way of weighting in the algorithm (see Details). |
ind.comp |
If |
progress.bar |
If |
This function imputes the missing values condition by condition. The rows of the input matrix are imputed when they have at least one observed value in the considered condition. For the rows having only missing values in a condition, you can use the impute.pa
For each row, a similarity measure between the observed values of this row and the ones of the other rows is computed. The similarity measure which is used is the absolute pairwise correlation coefficient if at least three side-by-side values are observed, and the inverse of the euclidean distance between side-by-side observed values in the other cases.
For big data sets, this step can be time consuming and that is why the input parameter selec
allows to select random rows in the data set. If selec="all"
, then all the rows of the data set are considered; while if selec
is a numeric value, for instance selec=100
, then only 100 random rows are selected in the data set for computing similarity measures with each row containing missing values.
Once similarity measures are computed for a specific row, then the nknn
rows with the highest similarity measures are considered to fit linear models and to predict several estimates for each missing value (see Bo et al. (2004)). If ind.comp=1
, then only nearest neighbours without missing values in the condition are considered. However, unlike the original algorithm, our algorithm allows to consider the design of experiments that are specified in input through the vectors conditions
, repbio
and reptech
. Note that conditions
has to get a lower number of levels than repbio
; and repbio
has to get a lower number of levels than reptech
In the original algorithm, several predictions of each missing value are done from the estimated linear models and, then, they are weighted in function of their similarity measure and summed (see Bo et al. (2004)). In our algorithm, one can use the original weighting function of Bo et al. (2004) if weight="o"
, i.e. (sim^2/(1-sim^2+1e-06))^2
where sim
is the similarity measure; or the weighting function sim^weight
if weight
is a numeric value.
The input matrix tab
with imputed values instead of missing values.
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
Bo, T. H., Dysvik, B., & Jonassen, I. (2004). LSimpute: accurate estimation of missing values in microarray data with least squares methods. Nucleic acids research, 32(3), e34.
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Imputation of missing values with the slsa algorithm dat.slsa=impute.slsa(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition,repbio=res.sim$repbio);
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Imputation of missing values with the slsa algorithm dat.slsa=impute.slsa(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition,repbio=res.sim$repbio);
This function allows imputing data sets with a multiple imputation strategy. For details, see Giai Gianetto Q. et al. (2020) (doi: doi:10.1101/2020.05.29.122770).
mi.mix(tab, tab.imp, prob.MCAR, conditions, repbio=NULL, reptech=NULL, nb.iter=3, nknn=15, weight=1, selec="all", siz=500, ind.comp=1, methodMCAR="mle", q=0.95, progress.bar=TRUE, details=FALSE, ncp.max=5, maxiter = 10, ntree = 100, variablewise = FALSE, decreasing = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, mtry = floor(sqrt(ncol(tab))), replace = TRUE,classwt = NULL, cutoff = NULL, strata = NULL, sampsize = NULL, nodesize = NULL, maxnodes = NULL,xtrue = NA, parallelize = c('no', 'variables', 'forests'), methodMNAR="igcda",q.min = 0.025, q.norm = 3, eps = 0, distribution = "unif", param1 = 3, param2 = 1, R.q.min=1)
mi.mix(tab, tab.imp, prob.MCAR, conditions, repbio=NULL, reptech=NULL, nb.iter=3, nknn=15, weight=1, selec="all", siz=500, ind.comp=1, methodMCAR="mle", q=0.95, progress.bar=TRUE, details=FALSE, ncp.max=5, maxiter = 10, ntree = 100, variablewise = FALSE, decreasing = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, mtry = floor(sqrt(ncol(tab))), replace = TRUE,classwt = NULL, cutoff = NULL, strata = NULL, sampsize = NULL, nodesize = NULL, maxnodes = NULL,xtrue = NA, parallelize = c('no', 'variables', 'forests'), methodMNAR="igcda",q.min = 0.025, q.norm = 3, eps = 0, distribution = "unif", param1 = 3, param2 = 1, R.q.min=1)
tab |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. Each column of this matrix is assumed to correspond to an experimental sample, and each row to an identified peptide. |
tab.imp |
A matrix where the missing values of |
prob.MCAR |
A matrix of probabilities that each missing value is MCAR. For instance such a matrix can be obtained from the function |
conditions |
A vector of factors indicating the biological condition to which each column (experimental sample) belongs. |
repbio |
A vector of factors indicating the biological replicate to which each column belongs. Default is NULL (no experimental design is considered). |
reptech |
A vector of factors indicating the technical replicate to which each column belongs. Default is NULL (no experimental design is considered). |
nb.iter |
The number of iterations used for the multiple imputation method. |
nknn |
The number of nearest neighbours used in the SLSA algorithm (see |
selec |
A parameter to select a part of the dataset to find nearest neighbours between rows. This can be useful for big data sets (see |
siz |
A parameter to select a part of the dataset to perform imputations with a MCAR-devoted algorithm. This can be useful for big data sets. Note that |
weight |
The way of weighting in the algorithm (see |
ind.comp |
If |
methodMCAR |
The method used for imputing MCAR data. If |
methodMNAR |
The method used for imputing MNAR data. If |
q |
A quantile value (see |
progress.bar |
If |
details |
If |
ncp.max |
parameter of the |
maxiter |
parameter of the |
ntree |
parameter of the |
variablewise |
parameter of the |
decreasing |
parameter of the |
verbose |
parameter of the |
mtry |
parameter of the |
replace |
parameter of the |
classwt |
parameter of the |
cutoff |
parameter of the |
strata |
parameter of the |
sampsize |
parameter of the |
nodesize |
parameter of the |
maxnodes |
parameter of the |
xtrue |
parameter of the |
parallelize |
parameter of the |
q.min |
parameter of the |
q.norm |
parameter of the |
eps |
parameter of the |
distribution |
parameter of the |
param1 |
parameter of the |
param2 |
parameter of the |
R.q.min |
parameter of the |
At each iteration, a matrix indicating the MCAR values is generated by Bernouilli distributions having parameters given by the matrix prob.MCAR
. The generated MCAR values are next imputed thanks to the matrix tab.imp
. For each row containing MNAR values, the other rows are imputed thanks to the function impute.igcda
and, next, the considered row is imputed thanks to one of the MCAR-devoted imputation methods (impute.mle
, impute.RF
, impute.PCA
or impute.slsa
). So, the function impute.igcda
allows to deform the correlation structure of the dataset in view to be closer to that of the true values, while the MCAR-devoted imputation method will impute by taking into account this modified correlation structure.
The input matrix tab
with average imputed values instead of missing values if details=FALSE
(default). If details=TRUE
, a list of three values: imputed.matrix
a matrix with the average of imputed values for each missing value, sd.imputed.matrix
a matrix with the standard deviations of imputed values for each missing value, all.imputed.matrices
an array with all the nb.iter
matrices of imputed values that have been generated.
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
Giai Gianetto, Q., Wieczorek S., Couté Y., Burger, T. (2020). A peptide-level multiple imputation strategy accounting for the different natures of missing values in proteomics data. bioRxiv 2020.05.29.122770; doi: doi:10.1101/2020.05.29.122770
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=5000,nb.miss=1000); #Fast imputation of missing values with the impute.rand algorithm dat.rand=impute.rand(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition); #Estimation of the mixture model res=estim.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.rand, conditions=res.sim$condition); #Computing probabilities to be MCAR born=estim.bound(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition); proba=prob.mcar.tab(tab.u=born$tab.upper,res=res); #Multiple imputation strategy with 3 iterations (can be time consuming in function of the data set!) data.mi=mi.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.rand, prob.MCAR=proba, conditions= res.sim$conditions, repbio=res.sim$repbio, nb.iter=3);
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=5000,nb.miss=1000); #Fast imputation of missing values with the impute.rand algorithm dat.rand=impute.rand(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition); #Estimation of the mixture model res=estim.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.rand, conditions=res.sim$condition); #Computing probabilities to be MCAR born=estim.bound(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition); proba=prob.mcar.tab(tab.u=born$tab.upper,res=res); #Multiple imputation strategy with 3 iterations (can be time consuming in function of the data set!) data.mi=mi.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.rand, prob.MCAR=proba, conditions= res.sim$conditions, repbio=res.sim$repbio, nb.iter=3);
This function allows estimating the MCAR data mechanism, i.e. the probability to be MCAR given that the value is missing in function of the intensity level, from an estimation of a mixture model of MNAR and MCAR values (see estim.mix
abs |
The interval on which is estimated the MCAR data mechanism. |
pi_mcar |
An estimation of the proportion of MCAR values. |
F_tot |
An estimation of the cumulative distribution function of the complete values on the interval |
F_na |
An estimation of the cumulative distribution function of the missing values on the interval |
A list composed of:
abs |
The interval on which is estimated the MCAR data mechanism. |
p |
The estimated probability to be MCAR given that the value is missing on the interval |
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600,pi.mcar=0.2,para=0.5,nb.cond=2,nb.repbio=3, nb.sample=5,m.c=25,sd.c=2,sd.rb=0.5,sd.r=0.2); #Imputation of missing values with the slsa algorithm dat.slsa=impute.slsa(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition,repbio=res.sim$repbio); #Estimation of the mixture model res=estim.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.slsa, conditions=res.sim$condition); #Estimating the MCAR mechanism in the first replicate mcp=miss.mcar.process(res$abs.mod,res$pi.mcar[1],res$F.tot[,1],res$F.na[,1]) plot(mcp$abs,mcp$p,ty="l",xlab="Intensity values",ylab="Estimated probability to be MCAR")
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600,pi.mcar=0.2,para=0.5,nb.cond=2,nb.repbio=3, nb.sample=5,m.c=25,sd.c=2,sd.rb=0.5,sd.r=0.2); #Imputation of missing values with the slsa algorithm dat.slsa=impute.slsa(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition,repbio=res.sim$repbio); #Estimation of the mixture model res=estim.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.slsa, conditions=res.sim$condition); #Estimating the MCAR mechanism in the first replicate mcp=miss.mcar.process(res$abs.mod,res$pi.mcar[1],res$F.tot[,1],res$F.na[,1]) plot(mcp$abs,mcp$p,ty="l",xlab="Intensity values",ylab="Estimated probability to be MCAR")
This function allows estimating the missing data mechanism, i.e. the probability to be missing in function of the intensity level, from an estimation of a mixture model of MNAR and MCAR values (see estim.mix
abs |
The interval on which is estimated the missing data mechanism. |
pi_na |
The proportion of missing values. |
F_na |
An estimation of the cumulative distribution function of the missing values on the interval |
F_tot |
An estimation of the cumulative distribution function of the complete values on the interval |
A list composed of:
abs |
The interval on which is estimated the missing data mechanism. |
p |
The estimated probability to be missing in function of the intensity level. |
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Imputation of missing values with the slsa algorithm dat.slsa=impute.slsa(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition,repbio=res.sim$repbio); #Estimation of the mixture model res=estim.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.slsa, conditions=res.sim$condition); #Estimating the missing mechanism in the first replicate mtp=miss.total.process(res$abs.mod,res$pi.na[1],res$F.na[,1],res$F.tot[,1]) plot(mtp$abs,mtp$p,ty="l",xlab="Intensity values",ylab="Estimated probability to be missing")
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Imputation of missing values with the slsa algorithm dat.slsa=impute.slsa(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition,repbio=res.sim$repbio); #Estimation of the mixture model res=estim.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.slsa, conditions=res.sim$condition); #Estimating the missing mechanism in the first replicate mtp=miss.total.process(res$abs.mod,res$pi.na[1],res$F.na[,1],res$F.tot[,1]) plot(mtp$abs,mtp$p,ty="l",xlab="Intensity values",ylab="Estimated probability to be missing")
This function allows estimating the proportion of MCAR values in biological conditions using the method of Karpievitch (2009).
tab |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. Each column of this matrix is assumed to correspond to an experimental sample, and each row to an identified peptide. |
conditions |
A vector of factors indicating the biological condition to which each column (experimental sample) belongs. |
A list composed of:
pi.mcar |
The proportion of MCAR values in each biological condition. |
prop.na |
The proportion of missing values for each peptide in each condition. |
moy |
The average of observed values for each peptide in each condition. |
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
Karpievitch, Y., Stanley, J., Taverner, T., Huang, J., Adkins, J. N., Ansong, C., ... & Smith, R. D. (2009). A statistical framework for protein quantitation in bottom-up MS-based proteomics. Bioinformatics, 25(16), 2028-2034.
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Proportion of MCAR values in each condition pi.mcar.karpievitch(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$conditions)
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Proportion of MCAR values in each condition pi.mcar.karpievitch(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$conditions)
This function allows estimating the proportion of MCAR values in a sample using a logit model.
tab |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. Each column of this matrix is assumed to correspond to an experimental sample, and each row to an identified peptide. |
conditions |
A vector of factors indicating the biological condition to which each column (experimental sample) belongs. |
A list composed of:
pi.mcar |
The estimated proportion of MCAR values. |
coef1 |
The estimated intercept of each logit model estimated in a sample. |
coef2 |
The estimated coefficient of each logit model estimated in a sample. |
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Proportion of MCAR values in each sample pi.mcar.logit(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$conditions)
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Proportion of MCAR values in each sample pi.mcar.logit(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$conditions)
This function allows estimating the proportion of MCAR values in a sample using a probit model.
tab |
A data matrix containing numeric and missing values. Each column of this matrix is assumed to correspond to an experimental sample, and each row to an identified peptide. |
conditions |
A vector of factors indicating the biological condition to which each column (experimental sample) belongs. |
A list composed of:
pi.mcar |
The estimated proportion of MCAR values. |
coef1 |
The estimated intercept of each probit model estimated in a sample. |
coef2 |
The estimated coefficient of each probit model estimated in a sample. |
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Proportion of MCAR values in each sample pi.mcar.probit(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, conditions=res.sim$condition);
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Proportion of MCAR values in each sample pi.mcar.probit(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, conditions=res.sim$condition);
This function returns a vector of probabilities that each missing value is MCAR from specified confidence intervals.
b.u |
A numeric vector of upper bounds for missing values. |
absc |
The interval on which is estimated the MCAR data mechanism. |
pi.na |
The estimated proportion of missing values. |
pi.mcar |
The estimated proportion of MCAR values among missing values. |
F.tot |
An estimation of the cumulative distribution function of the complete values on the interval |
F.obs |
An estimation of the cumulative distribution function of the missing values on the interval |
A numeric vector of estimated probabilities to be MCAR for missing values assuming upper bounds for them (b.u
). The input arguments absc
, pi.mcar
, pi.na
, F.tot
and F.obs
can be estimated thanks to the function estim.mix
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
#Simulating data #Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Imputation of missing values with the slsa algorithm dat.slsa=impute.slsa(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition,repbio=res.sim$repbio); #Estimation of the mixture model res=estim.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.slsa, conditions=res.sim$condition); #Computing probabilities to be MCAR born=estim.bound(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition); #Computing probabilities to be MCAR in the first column of result$tab.mod proba=prob.mcar(b.u=born$tab.upper[,1],absc=res$abs.mod,pi.na=res$pi.na[1], pi.mcar=res$pi.mcar[1], F.tot=res$F.tot[,1], F.obs=res$F.obs[,1]);
#Simulating data #Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); #Imputation of missing values with the slsa algorithm dat.slsa=impute.slsa(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition,repbio=res.sim$repbio); #Estimation of the mixture model res=estim.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.slsa, conditions=res.sim$condition); #Computing probabilities to be MCAR born=estim.bound(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition); #Computing probabilities to be MCAR in the first column of result$tab.mod proba=prob.mcar(b.u=born$tab.upper[,1],absc=res$abs.mod,pi.na=res$pi.na[1], pi.mcar=res$pi.mcar[1], F.tot=res$F.tot[,1], F.obs=res$F.obs[,1]);
This function returns a matrix of probabilities that each missing value is MCAR from specified confidence intervals.
tab.u |
A numeric matrix of upper bounds for missing values. |
res |
An output list resulting from the function |
A numeric matrix of estimated probabilities to be MCAR for missing values assuming upper bounds for them (tab.u
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600,para=5); #Imputation of missing values with a MCAR-devoted algorithm: here the slsa algorithm dat.slsa=impute.slsa(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition,repbio=res.sim$repbio); #Estimation of the mixture model res=estim.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.slsa, conditions=res.sim$condition); #Computing probabilities to be MCAR born=estim.bound(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition); proba=prob.mcar.tab(born$tab.upper,res); #Histogram of probabilities to be MCAR associated to generated MCAR values hist(proba[res.sim$list.MCAR[[1]],1], freq=FALSE,main="Estimated probabilities to be MCAR for known MCAR values",xlab="",col=2);
#Simulating data res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600,para=5); #Imputation of missing values with a MCAR-devoted algorithm: here the slsa algorithm dat.slsa=impute.slsa(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition,repbio=res.sim$repbio); #Estimation of the mixture model res=estim.mix(tab=res.sim$dat.obs, tab.imp=dat.slsa, conditions=res.sim$condition); #Computing probabilities to be MCAR born=estim.bound(tab=res.sim$dat.obs,conditions=res.sim$condition); proba=prob.mcar.tab(born$tab.upper,res); #Histogram of probabilities to be MCAR associated to generated MCAR values hist(proba[res.sim$list.MCAR[[1]],1], freq=FALSE,main="Estimated probabilities to be MCAR for known MCAR values",xlab="",col=2);
This function simulates data sets similar to MS-based bottom-up proteomic data sets.
sim.data(nb.pept=15000,nb.miss=5000,pi.mcar=0.2,para=3,nb.cond=1,nb.repbio=3, nb.sample=3,m.c=25,sd.c=2,sd.rb=0.5,sd.r=0.2)
sim.data(nb.pept=15000,nb.miss=5000,pi.mcar=0.2,para=3,nb.cond=1,nb.repbio=3, nb.sample=3,m.c=25,sd.c=2,sd.rb=0.5,sd.r=0.2)
nb.pept |
The number of rows (identified peptides) of the generated data set. |
nb.miss |
The number of missing values to generate in each column. |
pi.mcar |
The proportion of MCAR values in each column. |
para |
Parameter used for simulating MNAR values in columns (see Details). |
nb.cond |
The number of studied biological conditions. |
nb.repbio |
The number of biological samples in each condition. |
nb.sample |
The number of samples coming from each biological sample. |
m.c |
The mean of the average values in each condition. |
sd.c |
The standard deviation of the average values in each condition. |
sd.rb |
The standard deviation of the average values in each biological sample. |
sd.r |
The standard deviation of values in each row among the samples coming from a same biological sample. |
First, the average of intensities of a peptide i
in a condition is generated by a Gaussian distribution . Second, the effect of a biological sample is generated by
. The value of a peptide
in the sample j
belonging to a specific biological sample and a specific condition is finally generated by .
Next, the MCAR values are generated in each column by random draws without replacement among the indexes of rows. The MNAR values are generated in the remaining indexes of rows by random draws without replacement and by respecting the following probabilities:
where allows adjusting the distribution of MNAR values. If
, then the MNAR values are uniformly distributed among intensity level. More
is high and more the MNAR values arise for small intensity levels and not for high intensity levels.
dat.obs |
The simulated data set. |
dat.comp |
The simulated data set without missing values. |
list.MCAR |
The index of MCAR values among the rows in each column of the data set. |
The number of MCAR values in each sample (after deleting rows with only generated missing values). |
nNA |
The number of missing values in each sample (after deleting rows with only generated missing values). |
conditions |
A vector of factors indicating the biological condition to which each sample belongs. |
repbio |
A vector of factors indicating the biological sample to which each sample belongs. |
Quentin Giai Gianetto <[email protected]>
## The function can be used as res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); ## Simulated data matrix data=res.sim$dat.obs; ## Vector of conditions of membership for each sample cond=res.sim$conditions; ## Vector of biological sample of membership for each sample repbio=res.sim$repbio; ## Percentage of generated MCAR values for each sample pi_mcar=res.sim$nMCAR/res.sim$nNA
## The function can be used as res.sim=sim.data(nb.pept=2000,nb.miss=600); ## Simulated data matrix data=res.sim$dat.obs; ## Vector of conditions of membership for each sample cond=res.sim$conditions; ## Vector of biological sample of membership for each sample repbio=res.sim$repbio; ## Percentage of generated MCAR values for each sample pi_mcar=res.sim$nMCAR/res.sim$nNA
Function to generate values following a translated Beta distribution
translatedRandomBeta(n, min, max, param1 = 3, param2 = 1)
translatedRandomBeta(n, min, max, param1 = 3, param2 = 1)
n |
Number of values to generate. |
min |
Minimum of the values to be generated. |
max |
Maximum of the values to be generated. |
param1 |
Parameter of the Beta distribution. |
param2 |
Parameter of the Beta distribution. |
A vector of values following a translated Beta distribution.