The icmstate
package can be used to non-parametrically
estimate the transition intensities in interval-censored Markov
multi-state models without loops. Although estimation for general
multi-state models is quite novel, some results already exist for
specific interval-censored multi-state models. In this vignette, we
compare the estimates obtained using the icmstate
with the known results.
Frydman (1995) has derived the non-parametric estimator for a specific illness-death model (See Figure @ref(fig:IDM)). The estimator can only be used if death times are observed exactly, and for each person it is known whether they have transitioned through illness on the way to death or not.
The non-parametric estimator described in Frydman (1995) is available through the
function. It allows for the non-parametric
estimation of a mix of cumulative distribution functions and cumulative
intensity functions.
Using the npmsm()
function it is not possible to
directly derive the NPMLE for the standard illness-death model described
above. We can however derive an estimate by cleverly adjusting the
fitted multi-state model. If we specify a transition matrix
corresponding to the illness death model, a transition from healthy to
death can indicate that the subject has either passed away after
experiencing illness or directly. If we consider the extended
illness-death model instead (See Figure @ref(fig:IDM)), then we could
fit the desired model. In this case, death after illness and death are
separate states, allowing us to distinguish between these two
To compare the two estimators, we generate data that adheres to these requirements by simulating from an extended illness-death model:
tmat_EID <- mstate::transMat(x = list( c(2, 3), c(4), c(), c() ))
qmatrix <- rbind(
c(-0.15, 0.1, 0.05, 0),
c(0, -0.1, 0, 0.1),
c(0, 0, 0, 0),
c(0, 0, 0, 0)
n <- 30
#time = observation time, subject = subject identifier
simdat <- data.frame(time = c(replicate(n, c(0, seq(2, 12, by=2) + runif(6, 0, 2)))),
subject = rep(1:n, each = 7))
#Simulate interval-censored data. See help(simmulti.msm)
dat <- simmulti.msm(data = simdat, qmatrix = qmatrix, start = 1,
death = c(3,4))[, 1:3]
names(dat)[1] <- "id"
Let us visualise the generated data:
We observe some direct 1 → 4 transitions. To use Frydman’s result, we must have an interval for the 1 → 2 transition. To avoid copmlicated data processing, we simply remove subjects 5 and 22.
Unfortunately, the data format used by the msm_frydman()
function differs quite a lot from the npmsm()
function, so
we will need to do some data processing anyways. To see what the data
needs to look like, see help(msm_frydman)
. In general, the
data should be represented by the tuple (δ, Δ) with δ indicating whether a transition to
the illness (state 2) has occurred, and Δ indicating whether a transition to
a death state (state 3 or 4) has occurred. We write a function which
transforms to the correct data format:
#Create Frydman data
msmtoFrydman <- function(gd){
#Create Frydman data
gd <- remove_redundant_observations(gd, tmat = tmat_EID)
gd_frydman <- NULL
for(j in unique(gd$id)){
tempdat <- subset(gd, id == j)
tempstates <- unique(tempdat$state)
if(length(tempstates) == 1){ #If we only observe the subject in 1 state, right censored in 1
gdi_frydman <- data.frame(delta = 0, Delta = 0,
L = NA,
R = NA,
time = tempdat$time[length(tempdat$time)])
} else if(length(tempstates) == 2){ #If we only observe the subject in 2 states, either 1->2 or 1->3 has occured
if(all(tempstates %in% c(1,2))){
gdi_frydman <- data.frame(delta = 1, Delta = 0,
L = tempdat$time[which.min(tempdat$state == 1)-1],
R = tempdat$time[which.min(tempdat$state == 1)],
time = tempdat$time[length(tempdat$time)])
} else if(all(tempstates %in% c(1,3))){
gdi_frydman <- data.frame(delta = 0, Delta = 1,
L = NA,
R = NA,
time = tempdat$time[which.min(tempdat$state == 1)])
} else if(length(tempstates) == 3){ #If we observe 3 states, then 1->2->3 must have occured
gdi_frydman <- data.frame(delta = 1, Delta = 1,
L = tempdat$time[which.min(tempdat$state == 1)-1],
R = tempdat$time[which.min(tempdat$state == 1)],
time = tempdat$time[length(tempdat$time)])
gd_frydman <- rbind(gd_frydman, gdi_frydman)
We can then visualise the Frydman data as well using the
And finally we can fit both models (we need to specify a tolerance for both, as they are both EM algorithms):
mod_npmsm <- npmsm(gd = dat, tmat = tmat_EID, maxit = 300, exact = c(3,4),
tol = 1e-6)
mod_frydman <- msm_frydman(data = dat_frydman, tol = 1e-6)
The first thing we can do is compare the support intervals (i.e. the
intervals where the intensities can be non-zero) for the 1 → 2 transition. For this we can use the
function for the npmsm
which numerically determines on which intervals the transition
intensities are estimated to be non-zero. The msm_frydman
fit automatically returns the support intervals, as these can be
determined from the theory in the article.
supp_npmsm <- support_npmsm(mod_npmsm, cutoff = 1e-9)
supp_frydman <- mod_frydman$supportMSM$Q_mat
print("Frydman Support")
#> [1] "Frydman Support"
#> L R
#> 1 0.000000 2.141358
#> 2 2.760988 3.374046
#> 3 3.464627 3.514174
#> 4 4.820168 5.385463
#> 5 5.559970 5.790891
#> 6 6.350254 7.145707
#> 7 7.260828 7.266987
#> 8 8.510179 9.196185
#> 9 9.276002 9.493397
#> 10 12.361733 12.516332
#> 11 12.623554 12.862947
#> 12 13.790188 Inf
print("icmstate Support")
#> [1] "icmstate Support"
supp_npmsm$`State 1 -> State 2`$support
#> L R dA
#> [1,] 0.000000 2.141358 0.10607498
#> [2,] 2.760988 3.374046 0.05852194
#> [3,] 3.464627 3.514174 0.15038906
#> [4,] 4.820168 5.385463 0.07107790
#> [5,] 6.350254 7.145707 0.17411522
#> [6,] 7.260828 7.266987 0.22807737
#> [7,] 8.510179 9.196185 0.24185272
#> [8,] 12.361733 12.516332 1.13222010
The support sets from Frydman (1995) do
not necessarily all need to contain non-zero intensities, as some of
them can still be zero. We therefore would like to compare the two
estimators on their estimated survival functions. However, both models
estimate different quantities. Where the npmsm()
estimates transition intensities and can recover transition
probabilities, the msm_frydman()
fit estimates quite
specific quantities. Let S be
the (unobserved) entry time into state 2, and T the entry time into state 3 and finally V = T − S. Then
the msm_frydman()
function estimates the following
From these quantities we can then also recover
The support column indicates that we can only compare the quantities on the right endpoints of the corresponding support sets. The subscript indicates the transition of the support set. As an example, if the support set 𝒮12 = {(1, 2], (2.5, 3]} then the comparison of the quantities P13(0, s) + P11(0, s) and 1 − F12(s) can only be made on the right endpoints 2 and 3. We determine the relevant right-endpoints:
#Right-endpoints of the 1->2 transition
RE12 <- supp_frydman[, 2]
#Right-endpoints of the 1->3 transition
RE13 <- mod_frydman$data_idx$e_k_star
#Right-endpoints of the 2->3 transition
RE23 <- mod_frydman$data_idx$t_n_star
Let us perform the comparison.
We compare P11(0, s) with
1 − F(s) = 1 − F12(s) − F13(s).
Transition probabilities can be recovered using the
function in the package. The cdf of the 1 → 2 and 1 → 3 transition are contained in the
fit through the $cdf
list. Note
that the output of the cdf for the 1 → 2 transition contains both the upper and
lower value of the cdf, as we do not know where exactly the cdf makes
the jump in the support intervals. Additionally, we can only compare the
values with each other on the right-endpoints of the support
#Transition probabilities from state 1 from time 0
P11 <- transprob(mod_npmsm, predt = 0)
#Extract times of interest
times1 <- P11[[1]][,1]
#1-F(s) for Frydman estimator:
#We take min(F_{12}(x)) as the cdf has only jumped at the right-endpoints
Frydman1minF <- sapply(times1, function(x) 1- (mod_frydman$cdf$F13(x) +
#Comparison plot
plot(P11, main = "icmstate vs Frydman (dashed red line)
Comparison times (dotted blue lines)")
lines(times1, Frydman1minF, col = "red", type = "s", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
abline(v = unique(c(RE12, RE13)), col = "blue", lwd = 2, lty = 3)
We can see that the quantities correspond on the right-endpoints.
We perform a similar comparison between P13(0, 2) and F13(s).
FrydmanF13 <- sapply(times1, function(x) mod_frydman$cdf$F13(x))
#Comparison plot
plot(P11, main = "icmstate vs Frydman (dashed red line)
Comparison times (dotted blue lines)", ord = c(3, 1, 2, 4))
lines(times1, FrydmanF13, col = "red", type = "s", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
abline(v = unique(RE13), col = "blue", lwd = 2, lty = 3)
Again, the two estimators align.
We compare P13(0, s) + P11(0, s) with 1 − F12(s).
FrydmanF12 <- sapply(times1, function(x) min(mod_frydman$cdf$F12(x)))
#Comparison plot
plot(P11, main = "icmstate vs Frydman (dashed red line)
Comparison times (dotted blue lines)", ord = c(3, 1, 2, 4))
lines(times1, 1-FrydmanF12, col = "red", type = "s", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
abline(v = unique(RE12), col = "blue", lwd = 2, lty = 3)
The estimate coincide!
We compare P24(0, s) = ∏0 < τk ≤ s(1 − α24k) with Gs(v) = ∏0 < u ≤ s(1 − Λ23({u})).
#Calculate dA23
FrydmandA23 <- c(0, diff(sapply(times1, function(x) mod_frydman$cdf$Lambda23(x))))
#We calculate the product integral for the Frydman estimator
FrydmanG <- cumprod(1-FrydmandA23)
#Comparison plot
plot(P11, main = "icmstate vs Frydman (dashed red line)
Comparison times (dotted blue lines)", from = 2, ord = c(2, 4, 1, 3))
lines(times1, FrydmanG, col = "red", type = "s", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
abline(v = unique(RE23), col = "blue", lwd = 2, lty = 3)
And they coincide again!