Bug fixed in 'peaktrace' in case no potential AEs are identified.
Bug fixed in 'peaktrace' to allow for lags of more than 24 hours.
Argument added to 'peaktrace' and 'estimate_AE' to allow specify settings manually, e.g., to override the automatic settings.
Ensure that 'get_lag_dir' uses 'mc.cores = 1' when calling 'get_lag_file' in the 'mclapply' call.
Argument 'unique' added which allows to specify if potential AEs should be filtered to contain only unique events by selecting associated events based on the best time lag match or the best metric match.
Implementation of the automatic procedure corrected to corrspond to the method described in Greimel et al. (2022).
Identification of potential AEs corrected to follow events across all gauging stations in the relations file and ensure that events have unique matches.
Minor changes in documentation.
Minor bug fixes to handle states where no potential AEs or matches are found.
First version released on CRAN: 0.1.0