Installing the latest stable version (from CRAN):
Alternatively, you can also try the under-development version (from Github):
Loading the hydroTSM package, which contains data and functions used in this analysis:
## Loading required package: zoo
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## as.Date, as.Date.numeric
Loading daily precipitation data at the station San Martino di Castrozza, Trento Province, Italy, from 01/Jan/1921 to 31/Dec/1990.
Selecting only a 6-years time slice for the analysis
Dates of the daily values of ‘x’
Amount of years in ‘x’ (needed for computations)
## [1] 6
## Index x
## Min. 1985-01-01 0.0000
## 1st Qu. 1986-07-02 0.0000
## Median 1988-01-01 0.0000
## Mean 1988-01-01 3.7470
## 3rd Qu. 1989-07-01 2.6000
## Max. 1990-12-31 122.0000
## IQR <NA> 2.6000
## sd <NA> 10.0428
## cv <NA> 2.6800
## Skewness <NA> 5.3512
## Kurtosis <NA> 39.1619
## NA's <NA> 0.0000
## n <NA> 2191.0000
## 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990
## 365 365 365 366 365 365
## Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
## 1985 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
## 1986 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
## 1987 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
## 1988 31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
## 1989 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
## 1990 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
# Loading the DAILY precipitation data at SanMartino
y <- SanMartinoPPts
# Subsetting 'y' to its first three months (Jan/1921 - Mar/1921)
y <- window(y, end="1921-03-31")
## Transforming into NA the 10% of values in 'y'
set.seed(10) # for reproducible results
n <- length(y)
n.nas <- round(0.1*n, 0)
na.index <- sample(1:n, n.nas)
y[na.index] <- NA
## Daily to monthly, only for months with less than 10% of missing values
(m2 <- daily2monthly(y, FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE, na.rm.max=0.1))
## 1921-01-01 1921-02-01 1921-03-01
## 102 NA NA
# Verifying that the second and third month of 'x' had 10% or more of missing values
cmv(y, tscale="month")
## 1921-01 1921-02 1921-03
## 0.065 0.107 0.129
Using the hydroplot function, which (by default) plots 9 different graphs: 3 ts plots, 3 boxplots and 3 histograms summarizing ‘x’. For this example, only daily and monthly plots are produced, and only data starting on 01-Jan-1987 are plotted.
Global view of daily precipitation values a calendar heatmap (six years maximum), useful for visually identifying dry, normal and wet days:
For each month, the previous figure is read from top to bottom. For example, January 1st 1987 was Thursday, January 31th 1987 was Saturday and November 1st 1990 was Thursday.
Selecting only a three-month time slice for the analysis:
Plotting the selected time series:
Annual values of precipitation
## 1985-01-01 1986-01-01 1987-01-01 1988-01-01 1989-01-01 1990-01-01
## 1154.8 1152.8 1628.4 1207.8 1634.2 1432.4
Average annual precipitation
Obvious way:
## [1] 1368.4
Another way (more useful for streamflows, where
The function annualfunction applies FUN
over x
( i) firstly, over all the elements of x
belonging to
the same year, in order to obtain the corresponding annual values, and
(ii) secondly, over all the annual values of x
obtained, in order to obtain a single annual value.
## value
## 1368.4
# Daily zoo to monthly zoo
m <- daily2monthly(x, FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE)
# Creating a matrix with monthly values per year in each column
M <- matrix(m, ncol=12, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(M) <-
rownames(M) <- unique(format(time(m), "%Y"))
# Plotting the monthly precipitation values
## Loading required package: lattice
print(matrixplot(M, ColorRamp="Precipitation",
main="Monthly precipitation at San Martino st., [mm/month]"))
## Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
## 63.7 80.4 52.9 113.8 141.9 164.4 132.1 145.1 67.6 97.4 123.4 57.1
boxplot( coredata(m) ~ months, col="lightblue", main="Monthly Precipitation",
ylab="Precipitation, [mm]", xlab="Month")
Average seasonal values of precipitation
## 213.1333 369.4000 470.8000 315.0667
Extracting the seasonal values for each year
## 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990
## 148.2 262.2 178.2 197.6 212.0 174.6
## 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990
## 388.2 405.6 356.0 310.4 489.0 267.2
## 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990
## 376.2 367.0 550.6 462.6 658.8 409.6
## 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990
## 187.4 152.4 534.2 207.6 223.2 585.6
Plotting the time evolution of the seasonal precipitation values
Common steps for the analysis of this section:
Loading daily precipitation data at the station San Martino di Castrozza, Trento Province, Italy, with data from 01/Jan/1921 to 31/Dec/1990.
Selecting only a 6-year time slice for the analysis
Plotting the selected time series
Computing the seasonality index defined by Walsh and Lawler (1981) to
classify the precipitation regime of x
## [1] 0.3483115
According to the seasonality index defined by Walsh and Lawler
(1981), a value of 0.35 corresponds to a precipitation regime that can
be classified as “Equable but with a definite wetter season” (see more
details with ?si
Counting and plotting the number of days in the period where precipitation is > 10 [mm]:
## [1] 220
Identifying the wet days (daily precipitation >= 1 mm):
Computing the 95th percentile of precipitation on wet days (PRwn95):
## 95%
## 38.4
Note 1: this computation was carried out for the three-year time period 1988-1990, not the 30-year period 1961-1990 commonly used.
Note 2: missing values are removed from the computation.
Identifying the very wet days (daily precipitation >= PRwn95):
## [1] 44 123 124 581 605 657 664 694 706 741 742 786 852 914 1056
## [16] 1109 1244 1245 1283 1345 1362 1372 1373 1496 1498 1541 1761 1772 1820 1880
## [31] 1883 1897
Computing the total precipitation on the very wet days:
## [1] 2024.8
Note 3: this computation was carried out for the three-year time period 1988-1990, not the 30-year period 1961-1990 commonly used
Computing the 5-day total (accumulated) precipitation:
x.5max <- rollapply(data=x, width=5, FUN=sum, fill=NA, partial= TRUE,
hydroplot(x.5max, ptype="ts+boxplot", pfreq="o", var.unit="mm")
## [Note: pfreq='o' => ptype has been changed to 'ts']
Maximum annual value of 5-day total precipitation:
## 1985-11-12 1986-02-01 1987-10-11 1988-10-13 1989-07-03 1990-11-24
## 53.6 171.0 164.0 113.2 170.8 237.2
Note 1: for this computation, a moving window centred in the current day is used. If the user wants the 5-day total precipitation accumulated in the 4 days before the current day + the precipitation in the current day, the user have to modify the moving window.
Note 2: For the first two and last two values, the width of the window is adapted to ignore values not within the time series
Since v0.5-0, hydroTSM
includes a function to plot a
climograph, considering not only precipitation but air temperature data
as well.
# Loading daily ts of precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature
# extracting individual ts of precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature
pcp <- MaquehueTemuco[, 1]
tmx <- MaquehueTemuco[, 2]
tmn <- MaquehueTemuco[, 3]
Plotting a full climograph:
m <- climograph(pcp=pcp, tmx=tmx, tmn=tmn, na.rm=TRUE,
main="Maquehue Temuco Ad (Chile)", lat=-38.770, lon=-72.637)
Plotting a climograph with uncertainty bands around mean values, but with no labels for tmx and tmn:
m <- climograph(pcp=pcp, tmx=tmx, tmn=tmn, na.rm=TRUE, tmx.labels=FALSE, tmn.labels=FALSE,
main="Maquehue Temuco Ad (Chile)", lat=-38.770, lon=-72.637)
Plotting a climograph with uncertainty bands around mean values, but with no labels for tmx, tmn and pcp:
m <- climograph(pcp=pcp, tmx=tmx, tmn=tmn, na.rm=TRUE,
pcp.labels=FALSE, tmean.labels=FALSE, tmx.labels=FALSE, tmn.labels=FALSE,
main="Maquehue Temuco Ad (Chile)", lat=-38.770, lon=-72.637)
To better represent the hydrological year in Chile (South America),
the following figure will plot a full climograph starting in April
) instead of January
m <- climograph(pcp=pcp, tmx=tmx, tmn=tmn, na.rm=TRUE,
start.month=4, temp.labels.dx=c(rep(-0.2,4), rep(0.2,6),rep(-0.2,2)),
main="Maquehue Temuco Ad (Chile)", lat=-38.770, lon=-72.637)
This tutorial was built under:
## [1] "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
## [1] "R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)"
## [1] "hydroTSM 0.7-0.1"
In order to make easier the use of for users not familiar with R, in this section a minimal set of information is provided to guide the user in the R world.
Multi-platform: Sublime Text ( ; RStudio (
GNU/Linux only: ESS (
Windows only : NppToR (
, ?write.table
: allow the
user to read/write a file (in table
format) and create a data frame from it. Related functions are
, ?write.csv
, ?write.csv2
, ?zoo::write.zoo
functions for reading and writing time series from/to text files,
R Data Import/Export:
foreign R package: read data stored in several R-external formats (dBase, Minitab, S, SAS, SPSS, Stata, Systat, Weka, …)
readxl R package: Import MS Excel files into R.
some examples:
in a single
Figure?Because matrixplot
is based on lattice graphs, normal
plotting commands included in base R does not work. Therefore, for
plotting ore than 1 matrixplot in a single figure, you need to save the
individual plots in an R object and then print them as you want.
In the following sequential lines of code, you can see two examples that show you how to plot two matrixplots in a single Figure:
x <- window(SanMartinoPPts, end=as.Date("1960-12-31"))
m <- daily2monthly(x, FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE)
M <- matrix(m, ncol=12, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(M) <-
rownames(M) <- unique(format(time(m), "%Y"))
p <- matrixplot(M, ColorRamp="Precipitation", main="Monthly precipitation,")
print(p, position=c(0, .6, 1, 1), more=TRUE)
print(p, position=c(0, 0, 1, .4))
The second and easier way allows you to obtain the same previous
figure (not shown here), but you are required to install the
## Loading required package: gridExtra