Package 'horseshoe'

Title: Implementation of the Horseshoe Prior
Description: Contains functions for applying the horseshoe prior to high- dimensional linear regression, yielding the posterior mean and credible intervals, amongst other things. The key parameter tau can be equipped with a prior or estimated via maximum marginal likelihood estimation (MMLE). The main function, horseshoe, is for linear regression. In addition, there are functions specifically for the sparse normal means problem, allowing for faster computation of for example the posterior mean and posterior variance. Finally, there is a function available to perform variable selection, using either a form of thresholding, or credible intervals.
Authors: Stephanie van der Pas [cre, aut], James Scott [aut], Antik Chakraborty [aut], Anirban Bhattacharya [aut]
Maintainer: Stephanie van der Pas <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.2.0
Built: 2025-02-28 08:06:15 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Function to implement the horseshoe shrinkage prior in Bayesian linear regression


This function employs the algorithm proposed in Bhattacharya et al. (2016). The global-local scale parameters are updated via a slice sampling scheme given in the online supplement of Polson et al. (2014). Two different algorithms are used to compute posterior samples of the p1p*1 vector of regression coefficients β\beta. The method proposed in Bhattacharya et al. (2016) is used when p>np>n, and the algorithm provided in Rue (2001) is used for the case p<=np<=n. The function includes options for full hierarchical Bayes versions with hyperpriors on all parameters, or empirical Bayes versions where some parameters are taken equal to a user-selected value.


horseshoe(y, X, method.tau = c("fixed", "truncatedCauchy", "halfCauchy"),
  tau = 1, method.sigma = c("fixed", "Jeffreys"), Sigma2 = 1,
  burn = 1000, nmc = 5000, thin = 1, alpha = 0.05)



Response, a n1n*1 vector.


Matrix of covariates, dimension npn*p.


Method for handling τ\tau. Select "truncatedCauchy" for full Bayes with the Cauchy prior truncated to [1/p, 1], "halfCauchy" for full Bayes with the half-Cauchy prior, or "fixed" to use a fixed value (an empirical Bayes estimate, for example).


Use this argument to pass the (estimated) value of τ\tau in case "fixed" is selected for method.tau. Not necessary when method.tau is equal to"halfCauchy" or "truncatedCauchy". The default (tau = 1) is not suitable for most purposes and should be replaced.


Select "Jeffreys" for full Bayes with Jeffrey's prior on the error variance σ2\sigma^2, or "fixed" to use a fixed value (an empirical Bayes estimate, for example).


A fixed value for the error variance σ2\sigma^2. Not necessary when method.sigma is equal to "Jeffreys". Use this argument to pass the (estimated) value of Sigma2 in case "fixed" is selected for method.sigma. The default (Sigma2 = 1) is not suitable for most purposes and should be replaced.


Number of burn-in MCMC samples. Default is 1000.


Number of posterior draws to be saved. Default is 5000.


Thinning parameter of the chain. Default is 1 (no thinning).


Level for the credible intervals. For example, alpha = 0.05 results in 95% credible intervals.


The model is:

y=Xβ+ϵ,ϵN(0,σ2)y=X\beta+\epsilon, \epsilon \sim N(0,\sigma^2)

The full Bayes version of the horseshoe, with hyperpriors on both τ\tau and σ2\sigma^2 is:

βjN(0,σ2λj2τ2)\beta_j \sim N(0,\sigma^2 \lambda_j^2 \tau^2)

λjHalfCauchy(0,1),τHalfCauchy(0,1)\lambda_j \sim Half-Cauchy(0,1), \tau \sim Half-Cauchy (0,1)

σ21/σ2\sigma^2 \sim 1/\sigma^2

There is an option for a truncated Half-Cauchy prior (truncated to [1/p, 1]) on τ\tau. Empirical Bayes versions are available as well, where τ\tau and/or σ2\sigma^2 are taken equal to fixed values, possibly estimated using the data.



Posterior mean of Beta, a pp by 1 vector.


The left bounds of the credible intervals.


The right bounds of the credible intervals.


Posterior median of Beta, a pp by 1 vector.


Posterior mean of error variance σ2\sigma^2. If method.sigma = "fixed" is used, this value will be equal to the user-selected value of Sigma2 passed to the function.


Posterior mean of global scale parameter tau, a positive scalar. If method.tau = "fixed" is used, this value will be equal to the user-selected value of tau passed to the function.


Posterior samples of Beta.


Posterior samples of tau.


Posterior samples of Sigma2.


Bhattacharya A., Chakraborty A., and Mallick B.K (2016), Fast sampling with Gaussian scale-mixture priors in high-dimensional regression. Biometrika 103(4), 985–991.

Polson, N.G., Scott, J.G. and Windle, J. (2014) The Bayesian Bridge. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, B, 76(4), 713-733.

Rue, H. (2001). Fast sampling of Gaussian Markov random fields. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 63, 325–338.

Carvalho, C. M., Polson, N. G., and Scott, J. G. (2010), The Horseshoe Estimator for Sparse Signals. Biometrika 97(2), 465–480.

See Also

HS.normal.means for a faster version specifically for the sparse normal means problem (design matrix X equal to identity matrix) and for a fast way to estimate the posterior mean in the sparse normal means problem when a value for tau is available.


## Not run: #In this example, there are no relevant predictors
#20 observations, 30 predictors (betas)
y <- rnorm(20)
X <- matrix(rnorm(20*30) , 20)
res <- horseshoe(y, X, method.tau = "truncatedCauchy", method.sigma = "Jeffreys")

plot(y, X%*%res$BetaHat) #plot predicted values against the observed data
res$TauHat #posterior mean of tau, y, method = "intervals") #selected betas
#Ideally, none of the betas is selected (all zeros)
#Plot the credible intervals
xYplot(Cbind(res$BetaHat, res$LeftCI, res$RightCI) ~ 1:30)

## End(Not run)

## Not run:  #The horseshoe applied to the sparse normal means problem
# (note that HS.normal.means is much faster in this case)
X <- diag(100)
beta <- c(rep(0, 80), rep(8, 20))
y <- beta + rnorm(100)
res2 <- horseshoe(y, X, method.tau = "truncatedCauchy", method.sigma = "Jeffreys")
#Plot predicted values against the observed data (signals in blue)
plot(y, X%*%res2$BetaHat, col = c(rep("black", 80), rep("blue", 20)))
res2$TauHat #posterior mean of tau, y, method = "intervals") #selected betas
#Ideally, the final 20 predictors are selected
#Plot the credible intervals
xYplot(Cbind(res2$BetaHat, res2$LeftCI, res2$RightCI) ~ 1:100)

## End(Not run)

MMLE for the horseshoe prior for the sparse normal means problem.


Compute the marginal maximum likelihood estimator (MMLE) of tau for the horseshoe for the normal means problem (i.e. linear regression with the design matrix equal to the identity matrix). The MMLE is explained and studied in Van der Pas et al. (2016).


HS.MMLE(y, Sigma2)



The data, a n1n*1 vector.


The variance of the data.


The normal means model is:

yi=βi+ϵi,ϵiN(0,σ2)y_i=\beta_i+\epsilon_i, \epsilon_i \sim N(0,\sigma^2)

And the horseshoe prior:

βjN(0,σ2λj2τ2)\beta_j \sim N(0,\sigma^2 \lambda_j^2 \tau^2)

λjHalfCauchy(0,1).\lambda_j \sim Half-Cauchy(0,1).

This function estimates τ\tau. A plug-in value of σ2\sigma^2 is used.


The MMLE for the parameter tau of the horseshoe.


Requires a minimum of 2 observations. May return an error for vectors of length larger than 400 if the truth is very sparse. In that case, try HS.normal.means.


van der Pas, S.L., Szabo, B., and van der Vaart, A. (2017), Uncertainty quantification for the horseshoe (with discussion). Bayesian Analysis 12(4), 1221-1274.

van der Pas, S.L., Szabo, B., and van der Vaart A. (2017), Adaptive posterior contraction rates for the horseshoe. Electronic Journal of Statistics 10(1), 3196-3225.

See Also

The estimated value of τ\tau can be plugged into to obtain the posterior mean, and into to obtain the posterior variance. These functions are all for empirical Bayes; if a full Bayes version with a hyperprior on τ\tau is preferred, see HS.normal.means for the normal means problem, or horseshoe for linear regression.


## Not run: #Example with 5 signals, rest is noise
truth <- c(rep(0, 95), rep(8, 5))
y <-  truth + rnorm(100)
(tau.hat <- HS.MMLE(y, 1)) #returns estimate of tau
plot(y,, tau.hat, 1)) #plot estimates against the data

## End(Not run)
## Not run: #Example where the data variance is estimated first
truth <- c(rep(0, 950), rep(8, 50))
y <-  truth + rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(2))
sigma2.hat <- var(y)
(tau.hat <- HS.MMLE(y, sigma2.hat)) #returns estimate of tau
plot(y,, tau.hat, sigma2.hat)) #plot estimates against the data

## End(Not run)

The horseshoe prior for the sparse normal means problem


Apply the horseshoe prior to the normal means problem (i.e. linear regression with the design matrix equal to the identity matrix). Computes the posterior mean, median and credible intervals. There are options for empirical Bayes (estimate of tau and or Sigma2 plugged in) and full Bayes (truncated or non-truncated half-Cauchy on tau, Jeffrey's prior on Sigma2). For the full Bayes version, the truncated half-Cauchy prior is recommended by Van der Pas et al. (2016).


HS.normal.means(y, method.tau = c("fixed", "truncatedCauchy",
  "halfCauchy"), tau = 1, method.sigma = c("fixed", "Jeffreys"),
  Sigma2 = 1, burn = 1000, nmc = 5000, alpha = 0.05)



The data. A n1n*1 vector.


Method for handling τ\tau. Select "fixed" to plug in an estimate of tau (empirical Bayes), "truncatedCauchy" for the half- Cauchy prior truncated to [1/n, 1], or "halfCauchy" for a non-truncated half-Cauchy prior. The truncated Cauchy prior is recommended over the non-truncated version.


Use this argument to pass the (estimated) value of τ\tau in case "fixed" is selected for method.tau. Not necessary when method.tau is equal to"halfCauchy" or "truncatedCauchy". The function HS.MMLE can be used to compute an estimate of tau. The default (tau = 1) is not suitable for most purposes and should be replaced.


Select "fixed" for a fixed error variance, or "Jeffreys" to use Jeffrey's prior.


The variance of the data - only necessary when "fixed" is selected for method.sigma. The default (Sigma2 = 1) is not suitable for most purposes and should be replaced.


Number of samples used for burn-in. Default is 1000.


Number of MCMC samples taken after burn-in. Default is 5000.


The level for the credible intervals. E.g. alpha = 0.05 yields 95% credible intervals


The normal means model is:

yi=βi+ϵi,ϵiN(0,σ2)y_i=\beta_i+\epsilon_i, \epsilon_i \sim N(0,\sigma^2)

And the horseshoe prior:

βjN(0,σ2λj2τ2)\beta_j \sim N(0,\sigma^2 \lambda_j^2 \tau^2)

λjHalfCauchy(0,1).\lambda_j \sim Half-Cauchy(0,1).

Estimates of τ\tau and σ2\sigma^2 may be plugged in (empirical Bayes), or those parameters are equipped with hyperpriors (full Bayes).



The posterior mean (horseshoe estimator) for each of the datapoints.


The left bounds of the credible intervals.


The right bounds of the credible intervals.


Posterior median of Beta, a nn by 1 vector.


Posterior mean of error variance σ2\sigma^2. If method.sigma = "fixed" is used, this value will be equal to the user-selected value of Sigma2 passed to the function.


Posterior mean of global scale parameter tau, a positive scalar. If method.tau = "fixed" is used, this value will be equal to the user-selected value of tau passed to the function.


Posterior samples of Beta.


Posterior samples of tau.


Posterior samples of Sigma2.


van der Pas, S.L., Szabo, B., and van der Vaart, A. (2017), Uncertainty quantification for the horseshoe (with discussion). Bayesian Analysis 12(4), 1221-1274.

van der Pas, S.L., Szabo, B., and van der Vaart A. (2017), Adaptive posterior contraction rates for the horseshoe. Electronic Journal of Statistics 10(1), 3196-3225.

See Also for a fast way to compute the posterior mean if an estimate of tau is available. horseshoe for linear regression. to perform variable selection.


#Empirical Bayes example with 20 signals, rest is noise
#Posterior mean for the signals is plotted
#And variable selection is performed using the credible intervals
#And the credible intervals are plotted
truth <- c(rep(0, 80), rep(8, 20))
data <-  truth + rnorm(100, 1)
tau.hat <- HS.MMLE(data, Sigma2 = 1)
res.HS1 <- HS.normal.means(data, method.tau = "fixed", tau = tau.hat,
method.sigma = "fixed", Sigma2 = 1)
#Plot the posterior mean against the data (signals in blue)
plot(data, res.HS1$BetaHat, col = c(rep("black", 80), rep("blue", 20)))
#Find the selected betas (ideally, the last 20 are equal to 1), data, method = "intervals")
#Plot the credible intervals
xYplot(Cbind(res.HS1$BetaHat, res.HS1$LeftCI, res.HS1$RightCI) ~ 1:100)

#Full Bayes example with 20 signals, rest is noise
#Posterior mean for the signals is plotted
#And variable selection is performed using the credible intervals
#And the credible intervals are plotted
truth <- c(rep(0, 80), rep(8, 20))
data <-  truth + rnorm(100, 3)
res.HS2 <- HS.normal.means(data, method.tau = "truncatedCauchy", method.sigma = "Jeffreys")
#Plot the posterior mean against the data (signals in blue)
plot(data, res.HS2$BetaHat, col = c(rep("black", 80), rep("blue", 20)))
#Find the selected betas (ideally, the last 20 are equal to 1), data, method = "intervals")
#Plot the credible intervals
xYplot(Cbind(res.HS2$BetaHat, res.HS2$LeftCI, res.HS2$RightCI) ~ 1:100)

Posterior mean for the horseshoe for the normal means problem.


Compute the posterior mean for the horseshoe for the normal means problem (i.e. linear regression with the design matrix equal to the identity matrix), for a fixed value of tau, without using MCMC, leading to a quick estimate of the underlying parameters (betas). Details on computation are given in Carvalho et al. (2010) and Van der Pas et al. (2014).

Usage, tau, Sigma2 = 1)



The data. An n1n*1 vector.


Value for tau. Warning: tau should be greater than 1/450.


The variance of the data.


The normal means model is:

yi=βi+ϵi,ϵiN(0,σ2)y_i=\beta_i+\epsilon_i, \epsilon_i \sim N(0,\sigma^2)

And the horseshoe prior:

βjN(0,σ2λj2τ2)\beta_j \sim N(0,\sigma^2 \lambda_j^2 \tau^2)

λjHalfCauchy(0,1).\lambda_j \sim Half-Cauchy(0,1).

If τ\tau and σ2\sigma^2 are known, the posterior mean can be computed without using MCMC.


The posterior mean (horseshoe estimator) for each of the datapoints.


Carvalho, C. M., Polson, N. G., and Scott, J. G. (2010), The horseshoe estimator for sparse signals. Biometrika 97(2), 465–480.

van der Pas, S. L., Kleijn, B. J. K., and van der Vaart, A. W. (2014), The horseshoe estimator: Posterior concentration around nearly black vectors. Electronic Journal of Statistics 8(2), 2585–2618.

See Also to compute the posterior variance. See HS.normal.means for an implementation that does use MCMC, and returns credible intervals as well as the posterior mean (and other quantities). See horseshoe for linear regression.


#Plot the posterior mean for a range of deterministic values
y <- seq(-5, 5, 0.05)
plot(y,, tau = 0.5, Sigma2 = 1))

#Example with 20 signals, rest is noise
#Posterior mean for the signals is plotted in blue
truth <- c(rep(0, 80), rep(8, 20))
data <-  truth + rnorm(100)
tau.example <- HS.MMLE(data, 1)
plot(data,, tau.example, 1),
 col = c(rep("black", 80), rep("blue", 20)))

Posterior variance for the horseshoe for the normal means problem.


Compute the posterior variance for the horseshoe for the normal means problem (i.e. linear regression with the design matrix equal to the identity matrix), for a fixed value of tau, without using MCMC. Details on computation are given in Carvalho et al. (2010) and Van der Pas et al. (2014).

Usage, tau, Sigma2)



The data. An n1n*1 vector.


Value for tau. Tau should be greater than 1/450.


The variance of the data.


The normal means model is:

yi=βi+ϵi,ϵiN(0,σ2)y_i=\beta_i+\epsilon_i, \epsilon_i \sim N(0,\sigma^2)

And the horseshoe prior:

βjN(0,σ2λj2τ2)\beta_j \sim N(0,\sigma^2 \lambda_j^2 \tau^2)

λjHalfCauchy(0,1).\lambda_j \sim Half-Cauchy(0,1).

If τ\tau and σ2\sigma^2 are known, the posterior variance can be computed without using MCMC.


The posterior variance for each of the datapoints.


Carvalho, C. M., Polson, N. G., and Scott, J. G. (2010), The horseshoe estimator for sparse signals. Biometrika 97(2), 465–480.

van der Pas, S. L., Kleijn, B. J. K., and van der Vaart, A. W. (2014), The horseshoe estimator: Posterior concentration around nearly black vectors. Electronic Journal of Statistics 8(2), 2585–2618.

See Also to compute the posterior mean. See HS.normal.means for an implementation that does use MCMC, and returns credible intervals as well as the posterior mean (and other quantities). See horseshoe for linear regression.


#Plot the posterior variance for a range of deterministic values
y <- seq(-8, 8, 0.05)
plot(y,, tau = 0.05, Sigma2 = 1))

#Example with 20 signals, rest is noise
#Posterior variance for the signals is plotted in blue
#Posterior variance for the noise is plotted in black
truth <- c(rep(0, 80), rep(8, 20))
data <-  truth + rnorm(100)
tau.example <- HS.MMLE(data, 1)
plot(data,, tau.example, 1),
 col = c(rep("black", 80), rep("blue", 20)) )

Variable selection using the horseshoe prior


The function implements two methods to perform variable selection. The first checks whether 0 is contained in the credible set (see Van der Pas et al. (2016)). The second is only intended for the sparse normal means problem (regression with identity matrix). It is described in Carvalho et al. (2010). The horseshoe posterior mean can be written as ciyic_i y_i, with yiy_i the observation. A variable is selected if cicc_i \geq c, where cc is a user-specified threshold.

Usage, y, method = c("intervals", "threshold"),
  threshold = 0.5)



The outcome from one of the horseshoe functions horseshoe or HS.normal.means.


The data.


Use "intervals" to perform variable selection using the credible sets (at the level specified when creating the hsobject), "threshold" to perform variable selection using the thresholding procedure (only for the sparse normal means problem).


Threshold for the thresholding procedure. Default is 0.5.


A vector of zeroes and ones. The ones correspond to the selected variables.


van der Pas, S.L., Szabo, B., and van der Vaart, A. (2017), Uncertainty quantification for the horseshoe (with discussion). Bayesian Analysis 12(4), 1221-1274.

van der Pas, S.L., Szabo, B., and van der Vaart A. (2017), Adaptive posterior contraction rates for the horseshoe. Electronic Journal of Statistics 10(1), 3196-3225.

Carvalho, C. M., Polson, N. G., and Scott, J. G. (2010), The Horseshoe Estimator for Sparse Signals. Biometrika 97(2), 465–480.

See Also

horseshoe and HS.normal.means to obtain the required hsobject.


#Example with 20 signals (last 20 entries), rest is noise
truth <- c(rep(0, 80), rep(8, 20))
data <-  truth + rnorm(100)
horseshoe.results <- HS.normal.means(data, method.tau = "truncatedCauchy",
 method.sigma = "fixed")
#Using credible sets. Ideally, the first 80 entries are equal to 0,
#and the last 20 entries equal to 1., data, method = "intervals")
#Using thresholding. Ideally, the first 80 entries are equal to 0,
#and the last 20 entries equal to 1., data, method = "threshold")