This vignette describes how one can use the glmnet
package to fit regularized Cox models.
The Cox proportional hazards model is commonly used for the study of the relationship beteween predictor variables and survival time. In the usual survival analysis framework, we have data of the form (y1, x1, δ1), …, (yn, xn, δn) where yi, the observed time, is a time of failure if δi is 1 or a right-censored time if δi is 0. We also let t1 < t2 < … < tm be the increasing list of unique failure times, and let j(i) denote the index of the observation failing at time ti.
The Cox model assumes a semi-parametric form for the hazard hi(t) = h0(t)exiTβ, where hi(t) is the hazard for patient i at time t, h0(t) is a shared baseline hazard, and β is a fixed, length p vector. In the classic setting n ≥ p, inference is made via the partial likelihood $$ L(\beta) = \prod_{i=1}^m \frac{e^{x_{j(i)}^T \beta}}{\sum_{j \in R_i} e^{x_j^T \beta}}, $$ where Ri is the set of indices j with yj ≥ ti (those at risk at time ti).
Note there is no intercept in the Cox model as it is built into the baseline hazard, and like it, would cancel in the partial likelihood.
In glmnet
, we penalize the negative log of the partial
likelihood with an elastic net penalty.
(Credits: The original "coxnet"
algorithm for
right-censored data was developed by Noah Simon, Jerome Friedman, Trevor
Hastie and Rob Tibshirani: see Simon et al. (2011) for details. The other features for
Cox models, introduced in v4.1, were developed by Kenneth Tay, Trevor
Hastie, Balasubramanian Narasimhan and Rob Tibshirani.)
We use a pre-generated set of sample data and response.
must be an n × p matrix of covariate
values — each row corresponds to a patient and each column a covariate.
is an n × 2
matrix, with a column "time"
of failure/censoring times,
and "status"
a 0/1 indicator, with 1 meaning the time is a
failure time, and 0 a censoring time. The Surv
function in
the survival
package creates such a response matrix, and it
is recommended that the user uses the output of a call to
for the response to glmnet
. (For backward
compatibility, glmnet
can accept a two-column matrix with
column names "time"
and "status"
right-censored data.)
## Loading required package: Matrix
## Loaded glmnet 4.1-8
## time status
## [1,] 1.76877757 1
## [2,] 0.54528404 1
## [3,] 0.04485918 0
## [4,] 0.85032298 0
## [5,] 0.61488426 1
We apply the glmnet
function to compute the solution
path under default settings:
All the standard options such as alpha
, nlambda
and standardize
package, and their usage is similar as in the Gaussian case. (See the
vignette “An
Introduction to glmnet
” for details, or refer to the
help file help(glmnet)
We can plot the coefficients with the plot
As before, we can extract the coefficients at certain values of λ:
## 30 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
## 1
## V1 0.37693638
## V2 -0.09547797
## V3 -0.13595972
## V4 0.09814146
## V5 -0.11437545
## V6 -0.38898545
## V7 0.24291400
## V8 0.03647596
Since the Cox Model is not commonly used for prediction, we do not
give an illustrative example on prediction. If needed, users can refer
to the help file by typing help(predict.glmnet)
The function cv.glmnet
can be used to compute K-fold cross-validation (CV) for the
Cox model. The usage is similar to that for other families except for
two main differences.
First, type.measure
only supports
(also default) which gives the
partial-likelihood, and "C"
, which gives the Harrell C
index. This is like the area under the curve (AUC) measure of
concordance for survival data, but only considers comparable pairs. Pure
concordance would record the fraction of pairs for which the order of
the death times agree with the order of the predicted risk. However,
with survival data, if an observation is right censored at a time
before another observation’s death time, they are not
The code below illustrates how one can perform cross-validation using the Harell C index. Note that unlike most error measures, a higher C index means better prediction performance.
Once fit, we can view the optimal λ value and a cross validated error plot to help evaluate our model.
As with other families, the left vertical line in our plot shows us where the CV-error curve hits its minimum. The right vertical line shows us the most regularized model with CV-error within 1 standard deviation of the minimum. We also extract such optimal λ’s:
## [1] 0.03057865
## [1] 0.05864711
Second, the option grouped = TRUE
(default) obtains the
CV partial likelihood for the Kth fold by subtraction, i.e. by
subtracting the log partial likelihood evaluated on the full dataset
from that evaluated on the (K − 1)/K dataset. This
makes more efficient use of risk sets. With grouped = FALSE
the log partial likelihood is computed only on the Kth fold, which is only reasonable
if each fold has a large number of observations.
handles ties in survival time with the Breslow
approximation. This is different from survival
function, whose default tie-handling method is the
Efron approximation.
# create x matrix
nobs <- 100; nvars <- 15
x <- matrix(rnorm(nobs * nvars), nrow = nobs)
# create response
ty <- rep(rexp(nobs / 5), each = 5)
tcens <- rbinom(n = nobs, prob = 0.3, size = 1)
y <- Surv(ty, tcens)
# coefficients from these two models will not line up because
# of different tie handling methods
glmnet_fit <- glmnet(x, y, family = "cox", lambda = 0)
coxph_fit <- coxph(y ~ x)
plot(coef(glmnet_fit), coef(coxph_fit))
abline(0, 1)
is not able to perform the Efron approximation at
the moment. survival
’s coxph
can perform the
Breslow approximation by specifying ties = "breslow"
# coefficients from these two models will line up
glmnet_fit <- glmnet(x, y, family = "cox", lambda = 0)
coxph_fit <- coxph(y ~ x, ties = "breslow")
plot(coef(glmnet_fit), coef(coxph_fit))
abline(0, 1)
Since version 4.1 glmnet
can fit models where the
response is a (start, stop] time interval. As explained in Therneau and Grambsch (2000), the ability to work with
start-stop responses opens the door to fitting regularized Cox models
The code below shows how to create a response of this type (using
package’s Surv
function) and how to
fit such a model with glmnet
# create x matrix
nobs <- 100; nvars <- 15
xvec <- rnorm(nobs * nvars)
xvec[ * nvars, size = 0.4 * nobs * nvars)] <- 0
x <- matrix(xvec, nrow = nobs) # non-sparse x
x_sparse <- Matrix::Matrix(xvec, nrow = nobs, sparse = TRUE) # sparse x
# create start-stop data response
beta <- rnorm(5)
fx <- x_sparse[, 1:5] %*% beta / 3
ty <- rexp(nobs, drop(exp(fx)))
tcens <- rbinom(n = nobs, prob = 0.3, size = 1)
starty <- runif(nobs)
yss <- Surv(starty, starty + ty, tcens)
# fit regularized Cox model with start-stop data
fit <- glmnet(x, yss, family = "cox")
(Note that the call above would have worked as well if x
was replaced by x_sparse
.) cv.glmnet
with start-stop data too:
As a sanity check, the code below shows that fitting start-stop
responses using glmnet
with lambda = 0
up with coxph
’s result:
glmnet_fit <- glmnet(x, yss, family = "cox", lambda = 0)
coxph_fit <- coxph(yss ~ x)
plot(coef(glmnet_fit), coef(coxph_fit))
abline(0, 1)
One extension of the Cox regression model is to allow for strata that
divide the observations into disjoint groups. Each group has its own
baseline hazard function, but the groups share the same coefficient
vector for the covariates provided by the design matrix
can fit stratified Cox models with the elastic
net penalty. With coxph
one can specify strata in the model
formula. Since glmnet
does not use a model formula, we
achieve this by adding a strata attribute to the Surv
response object. We achieve this via the function
## 'stratifySurv' num [1:6, 1:2] 0.605+ 0.605+ 0.605+ 0.605+ 0.605+ 0.816
## - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
## ..$ : NULL
## ..$ : chr [1:2] "time" "status"
## - attr(*, "type")= chr "right"
## - attr(*, "strata")= int [1:6] 1 2 3 4 5 1
returns an object of class
. We can then pass this
object as the response to a
call. glmnet
will fit a stratified Cox
model if it detects that the response has class
This stratifySurv
object can also be passed to
to fit stratified Cox models with
Note that simply giving the response a "strata"
attribute is not enough! The response needs to be of class
in order for subsetting to work correctly. To
protect against this, an error will be thrown if the response has a
attribute but is not of class
. Add strata via the stratifySurv
y3 <- y
attr(y3, "strata") <- strata
str(y3[1:6]) # note that the strata attribute is no longer there
## 'Surv' num [1:6, 1:2] 0.605+ 0.605+ 0.605+ 0.605+ 0.605+ 0.816
## - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
## ..$ : NULL
## ..$ : chr [1:2] "time" "status"
## - attr(*, "type")= chr "right"
## Error in use.cox.path(x, y): For fitting stratified Cox models, y must be of class stratifySurv, see ?stratifySurv for more details
Fitting a regularized Cox model using glmnet
family = "cox"
returns an object of class
. Class "coxnet"
objects have a
method which allows the user to visualize the
survival curves from the model. In addition to the "coxnet"
object, the user must pass the x
and y
used to fit the model (for computation of the baseline hazard), as well
as the lambda value for which the survival curve is desired:
## Call: survfit.coxnet(formula = fit, s = 0.05, x = x, y = y)
## n events median
## [1,] 100 33 1.6
We are unable to provide standard errors for these survival curves,
so we do not present the confidence bounds for them. To plot the
survival curve, pass the result of the survfit
call to
As noted in the documentation for
, without new data, a curve is
produced for a single “pseudo” subject with covariate values equal to
the means of the data set, and this resulting curve(s) almost never make
sense. We can get survival curves for individual observations by passing
a newx
## Call: survfit.coxnet(formula = fit, s = 0.05, x = x, y = y, newx = x[1:3,
## ])
## n events median
## 1 100 33 1.60
## 2 100 33 1.60
## 3 100 33 2.28
If the original model was fit with strata, then the
option needs to be specified as well. If
is being passed for such a model, the strata for these
new observations need to be passed via newstrata
y2 <- stratifySurv(y, rep(1:2, length.out = nobs))
fit <- glmnet(x, y2, family = "cox")
survival::survfit(fit, s = 0.01, x = x, y = y2)
## Call: survfit.coxnet(formula = fit, s = 0.01, x = x, y = y2)
## n events median
## strata=1 50 18 1.52
## strata=2 50 15 2.28
# survival curve plot for first two individuals in dataset
plot(survival::survfit(fit, s = 0.01, x = x, y = y2,
newx = x[1:2, ], newstrata = strata[1:2]))
To be consistent with other methods in glmnet
, if the
parameter is not specified, survival curves are returned
for the entire lambda
sequence. The survival curves are
returned as a list, one element for each lambda
## [1] 48
## [1] 48
The survfit
method is available for
objects as well. By default, the s
value chosen is the “lambda.1se” value stored in the CV object. The
value can also be set to the "lambda.min"
value stored in the CV object.
## Call: =, x = x, y = y2)
## n events median
## strata=1 50 18 1.52
## strata=2 50 15 2.28
## Call: =, s = "lambda.min", x = x,
## y = y2)
## n events median
## strata=1 50 18 1.52
## strata=2 50 15 2.28