Package 'glmglrt'

Title: GLRT P-Values in Generalized Linear Models
Description: Provides functions to compute Generalized Likelihood Ratio Tests (GLRT) also known as Likelihood Ratio Tests (LRT) and Rao's score tests of simple and complex contrasts of Generalized Linear Models (GLMs). It provides the same interface as summary.glm(), adding GLRT P-values, less biased than Wald's P-values and consistent with profile-likelihood confidence interval generated by confint(). See Wilks (1938) <doi:10.1214/aoms/1177732360> for the LRT chi-square approximation. See Rao (1948) <doi:10.1017/S0305004100023987> for Rao's score test. See Wald (1943) <doi:10.2307/1990256> for Wald's test.
Authors: André GILLIBERT [aut, cre]
Maintainer: AndrĂ© GILLIBERT <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 0.2.2
Built: 2025-02-11 06:54:51 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Confidence interval estimation of contrasts


This S3 generic function allows the computation of confidence intervals of contrasts (i.e. linear combinations) of fixed-effects in many models. The default implementation computes Wald's confidence intervals with any model as long as it consistently implements fixcoef, vcov_fixcoef and df_for_wald. It is also specialized for GLMs with Wald's, LRT and Rao's confidence intervals and may be specialized with other models.


  method = NULL,
  level = 0.95,
  alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),

## Default S3 method:
  method = NULL,
  level = 0.95,
  alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
  clevel_logit_tol = 1e-05,
  deriv_rel_SE = 1e-04,
  force = FALSE,
  debuglevel = 1



a fitted statistical model such as a glm or a coxph.


numeric vector of the same length as the number of coefficients in the model; it describes the contrast sum(contrast*fixcoef(model)).


character string value; specification of the algorithm used (implementation dependent). NULL must be accepted. Suggested values are "LRT" for inverted likelihood ratio test, "Rao" for inverted Rao's score test, "Wald" for inverted Wald's test.


numeric value between 0 and 1; nominal confidence level.


character value; either "two.sided", "less" or "greater", specifying a two-sided or one-sided confidence interval.


Additional parameters that may be used by some implementations.


numeric value; the difference of logit(1-level) that can be tolerated for convergence of the algorithm.


numeric value; the delta for the numeric derivative, used for the Newton-Raphson algorithm applied to the logit(1-pvalue). It is expressed as a multiplicative factor for the Standard Error of the contrast.


logical; if TRUE, force computation of P-values in case of convergence problems.


integer value; set to 0 (default) to disable warnings, 1 to enable warnings and 2 to enable warnings and notes.


This function should consistent with estimate_contrast and p_value_contrast as they are designed to be used together. If a null hypothesis (H0) is specified, it MUST be ignored by confint_contrast as in estimate_contrast. If you want to make it consistent with p_value_contrast you may subtract H0 from the output of estimate_contrast and confint_contrast.

When alternative is "less" or "greater", one-sided confidence intervals are generated.


A vector of length 2. The first value MUST be named "lower" and be the lower bound of the confidence interval. The second value MUST be named "upper" and be the upper bound of the confidence interval.

Methods (by class)

See Also

Other Contrast functions: estimate_confint_contrast(), estimate_contrast(), p_value_contrast()


model1 = glm(family="gaussian", data=mtcars, hp ~ 0+factor(gear))
# do cars with 5 gears have more horse power (hp) than cars with 4 gears ?
confint_contrast(model1, c(0,-1,1))

# now, we fit an equivalent model (same distribution and same predictions)
model2 = glm(family=gaussian(log), data=mtcars, hp ~ 0+factor(gear))

# do cars with 5 gears have at least twice the horse power than cars with 4 gears ?

confint_contrast(model2, c(0,-1,0.5))

Gets the degree of freedom for Wald tests involving the model


This generic function is used by p_value_contrast.default to get the number of degrees of freedom of the t distribution that approximates the point estimate of the contrast divided by its standard error.


df_for_wald(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glm'
df_for_wald(object, ...)

## Default S3 method:
df_for_wald(object, ...)



statistical model;


Unused by p_value_contrast.default, but may be useful to some custom specializations.


This function is quite similar to df.residual but it should return Inf when the Student's t distribution is less appropriate than the normal distribution.


A finite value or Inf for normal distribution approximation.

Methods (by class)

See Also

Other Wald-related functions: fixcoef(), p_value_contrast(), vcov_fixcoef()


# 10 observations, one coefficient, 9 degrees of freedom
df_for_wald(glm(I(1:10) ~ 1))
# returns Inf (non-gaussian-identity model)
df_for_wald(glm(family="poisson", c(10,20,30) ~ 1))
# returns Inf (non-gaussian-identity model)
df_for_wald(glm(family="binomial", data=mtcars, I(hp > median(hp)) ~ cyl))

Computes point estimates, confidence intervals and P-values of a contrast


This function combines outputs from estimate_contrast, confint_contrast and p_value_contrast to provide a 4-values vector with point estimate (1st value), lower and upper boundaries of the confidence interval (2nd and 3rd values) and P-value (4th value) comparing the contrast to H0.


  method = NULL,
  level = 0.95,
  force = FALSE,
  debuglevel = 1,
  H0 = 0,
  alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),



a fitted statistical model such as a glm or a coxph.


numeric vector of the same length as the number of coefficients in the model; it describes the contrast sum(contrast*fixcoef(model)).


character string value; specification of the algorithm used (implementation dependent). NULL must be accepted. The default method is "Wald". With the default confint_contrast and p_value_contrast, the only supported values are: "Wald", "wald" and "SlowWald". All three are equivalent but "SlowWald" is slower and is used for debug purpose only. If confint_contrast and p_value_contrast are specialized, they may provide other methods.


numeric value between 0 and 1; nominal two-sided confidence level of the confidence interval.


logical; if TRUE, force computation of P-values in case of convergence problems.


integer value; set to 0 (default) to disable warnings, 1 to enable warnings and 2 to enable warnings and notes.


numeric value; the value of the contrast under the null hypothesis.


a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis,


Additional parameters that may be used by some implementations.


When alternative is "less" or "greater", a one-sided confidence interval and a one-sided P-value are generated. If H0 is not zero, the P-value compares the estimate to the value of H0, but the estimate and confidence interval are unchanged.

See Also

Other Contrast functions: confint_contrast(), estimate_contrast(), p_value_contrast()


model1 = glm(family="gaussian", data=mtcars, hp ~ 0+factor(gear))
# do cars with 5 gears have more horse power (hp) than cars with 4 gears ?
estimate_confint_contrast(model1, c(0,-1,1))

# now, we fit an equivalent model (same distribution and same predictions)
model2 = glm(family=gaussian(log), data=mtcars, hp ~ 0+factor(gear))

# do cars with 5 gears have at least twice the horse power than cars with 4 gears ?

estimate_confint_contrast(model2, c(0,-1,0.5))

Point estimates of contrasts


This S3 generic function allows the computation of point estimates of contrasts (i.e. linear combinations) of fixed-effects in many models The default implementation computes Wald's confidence intervals with any model as long as it implements fixcoef, returning a vector of fixed effects.


estimate_contrast(model, contrast, method = NULL, ...)

## Default S3 method:
estimate_contrast(model, contrast, method = NULL, ...)



a fitted statistical model such as a glm or a coxph.


numeric vector of the same length as the number of coefficients in the model; it describes the contrast sum(contrast*fixcoef(model)).


character string value; specification of the algorithm used (implementation dependent). NULL must be accepted. Suggested values are "ML" for maximum-likelihood, "REML" for restricted maximum-likelihood and "OLS" for ordinary least squares.


Additional parameters that may be used by some implementations.


This function should consistent with confint_contrast and p_value_contrast as they are designed to be used together. If a null hypothesis (H0) is specified, it MUST be ignored by estimate_contrast. If you want to make it consistent with p_value_contrast you may substract H0 from the output of estimate_contrast and confint_contrast.


A single numeric value (vector of length 1) equal to the point estimate of the contrast, with the name "pvalue".

Methods (by class)

  • default: Compute contrasts of fixed-effects in any model implementing fixcoef. It basically computes sum(fixcoef(model) * contrast).

See Also

Other Contrast functions: confint_contrast(), estimate_confint_contrast(), p_value_contrast()


model1 = glm(family="gaussian", data=mtcars, hp ~ 0+factor(gear))
# do cars with 5 gears have more horse power (hp) than cars with 4 gears ?
estimate_contrast(model1, c(0,-1,1))

# now, we fit an equivalent model (same distribution and same predictions)
model2 = glm(family=gaussian(log), data=mtcars, hp ~ 0+factor(gear))

# do cars with 5 gears have at least twice the horse power than cars with 4 gears ?

estimate_contrast(model1, c(0,-1,0.5))

Generic function to get fixed effects of a model


This is a generic S3 function that gets point estimates of fixed effects of a statistical model, implemented on a wide range of models and that can be extended to new models.


fixcoef(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'lmerMod'
fixcoef(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glmerMod'
fixcoef(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'lmerModLmerTest'
fixcoef(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'lme'
fixcoef(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'multinom'
fixcoef(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mlm'
fixcoef(model, ...)

## Default S3 method:
fixcoef(model, ...)



a fitted statistical model


argument unused by p_value_contrast.default but that may be useful to some specializations.


It must return only estimates of fixed-effects of a model. Random effects are ignored. The names of the element of this vector must be consistent with the rownames and colnames of the variance-covariance matrix that vcov_fixcoef returns. The vcov_fixcoef function, on the same model, must return a matrix with the same number and names of rows and columns as the length of the vector returned by fixcoef.

The functions vcov_fixcoef and fixcoef would be pointless if the behavior of vcov and coef were not inconsistent from package to package.

fixcoef and vcov_fixcoef, together with df_for_wald are used by p_value_contrast.default


Simple numeric vector with one item for each fixed effect of the model.

Methods (by class)

  • lmerMod: implementation for lme4::lmer

  • glmerMod: implementation for lme4::glmer

  • lmerModLmerTest: implementation for lmerTest::lmer

  • lme: implementation for nlme::lme

  • multinom: implementation for nnet::multinom

  • mlm: implementation for multiple responses linear models generated by stats::lm when the response is a matrix. It transforms the matrix to a vector, consistent with stats::vcov.

  • default: default implementation, simply calls coef(model).

See Also

Other Wald-related functions: df_for_wald(), p_value_contrast(), vcov_fixcoef()


fixcoef(lm(data=mtcars, hp ~ 1)) # get mean horse power of cars listed in mtcars

glmglrt: GLRT P-Values in Generalized Linear Models


This package has been developed to provide Generalized Likelihood Ratio Tests (GLRT) also known as Likelihood Ratio Tests (LRT) to Generalized Linear Models (GLMs). The stats package do support LRT P-values with anova and derived confidence intervals with confint(), but provides Wald's P-values with the summary function. This is unfortunate for two reasons: Wald's P-values may be inconsistent with profile-likelihood confidence intervals and Wald's P-values, on small samples are more biased than LRT P-values, for non-gaussian models. The anova function is not as simple as summary, since it requires manually fitting two models.

Summary function

This package provides a way to override (see override_summary) the standard summary.glm function by a summarylr function that provides LRT and/or Rao's score P-values.

Functions to estimate contrasts

It also provides functions estimate_contrast, confint_contrast and p_value_contrast to estimate contrasts of coefficients of GLMs with LRT, Rao's and Wald's hypothesis tests and confidence intervals This is an alternative to multcomp::glht without Wald's approximation ! It also provides a less powerful p_value.glm method for the S3 generic parameters::p_value. It also extends this S3 generic for a variety of models as p_value.default. That time, the only method supported for all models, is Wald's method.

Overrides the Generalized Linear Models summary methods


This function overrides the summary.glm and summary.negbin S3 methods by the summarylr function in the calling environment.




Although some minor compatibility issues may exist when calling this function in the global environment, most scripts should work with it. Indeed summarylr behaves like summary.glm but adds a $extra field containing P-value info. The first letter of the field name ('e') is unique, avoiding problems with scripts that access fields with short names (e.g. model$x for model$xlevels).

See Also

Other Extended GLM summary functions: print.summary.glmglrt(), summarylr()


model = glm(family="binomial", cbind(50,30) ~ 1)
summary(model) # Additional 'LRT P-value' column

Hypothesis tests on contrasts


This S3 generic function allows the computation of P-values associated to hypothesis tests of contrasts (i.e. linear combinations) of fixed-effects in a model. The default implementation computes Wald's P-values with any model as long as it consistently implements fixcoef, vcov_fixcoef and df_for_wald. It is also specialized for GLMs and negative binomial models (see MASS::glm.nb) with Wald's, LRT and Rao's P-values and may be specialized with other models.


  alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
  H0 = 0,
  method = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'glm'
  alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
  H0 = 0,
  method = c("LRT", "Rao", "Chisq", "F", "Wald", "wald"),
  debuglevel = 1,
  force = FALSE

## Default S3 method:
  alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
  H0 = 0,
  method = "Wald",
  debuglevel = 0,
  force = FALSE



a fitted statistical model such as a glm or a coxph.


numeric vector of the same length as the number of coefficients in the model; it describes the contrast sum(contrast*fixcoef(model)).


a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis, must be one of "two.sided" (default), "greater" or "less". You can specify just the initial letter.


numeric value; the value of the contrast under the null hypothesis.


character string value; specification of the algorithm used (implementation dependent). Suggested values are "Wald", "LRT", "Rao" and "exact" for, respectively, Wald's asymptotic normality and/or student test, the Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test, Rao's score test and non-asymptotic exact tests. Other values may be allowed.


Additional parameters that may be used by some implementations.


integer value; set to 0 (default) to disable warnings, 1 to enable warnings and 2 to enable warnings and notes.


logical; if TRUE, force computation of P-values in case of convergence problems.


Every implementation MUST support specification of the alternative hypothesis (alternative argument) and null hypothesis (H0 argument).


A single numeric value (vector of length 1) equal to the one-sided (for alternative="less" or "greater") or two-sided P-value

Methods (by class)

See Also

Other Wald-related functions: df_for_wald(), fixcoef(), vcov_fixcoef()

Other Contrast functions: confint_contrast(), estimate_confint_contrast(), estimate_contrast()


model1 = glm(family="gaussian", data=mtcars, hp ~ 0+factor(gear))
# do cars with 5 gears have more horse power (hp) than cars with 4 gears ?
p_value_contrast(model1, c(0,-1,1), alternative="greater")

# now, we fit an equivalent model (same distribution and same predictions)
model2 = glm(family=gaussian(log), data=mtcars, hp ~ 0+factor(gear))

# do cars with 5 gears have at least twice the horse power than cars with 4 gears ?

# the following two tests are equivalent
p_value_contrast(model1, c(0,-1,0.5), alternative="greater", method="LRT", H0=0)
p_value_contrast(model2, c(0,-1,1), alternative="greater", method="LRT", H0=log(2))

# the following two tests are close but not equivalent
p_value_contrast(model1, c(0,-1,0.5), alternative="greater", method="Wald", H0=0)
p_value_contrast(model2, c(0,-1,1), alternative="greater", method="Wald", H0=log(2))

Computing p-values of hypothesis tests on coefficients of Generalized Linear Models and other


This S3 method is a specialization of parameters::p_value for stats::glm models. By default, it computes Wald's P-values that are known to be more biased than LRT P-values, but the behavior can be overriden by the method="LRT" argument. This is for compatibility with the default method of parameters::p_value.


## S3 method for class 'glm'
  method = NULL,
  parm = NULL,
  alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
  H0 = 0,
  debuglevel = 1,
  force = FALSE,



glm object; as obtained by calling stats::glm or MASS::glm.nb.


character value; may either be "LRT" (synonym "Chisq"), "Rao", "wald" (default value, synonym "Wald" and "F").


integer or character vector or NULL; specify coefficients to test, by name or indexes. the default parm=NULL outputs all coefficients.


a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis, must be one of "two.sided" (default), "greater" or "less". You can specify just the initial letter.


numeric vector of length 1 or of the same length as parm; the value of the coefficient under the null hypothesis. Zero by default.


integer value; set to 0 (default) to disable warnings, 1 to enable warnings and 2 to enable warnings and notes.


logical; if TRUE, force computation of P-values in case of convergence problems.


Ignored arguments. Allows compatibility with the generic parameters::p_value.


a data.frame with two columns; the first column, Parameter represents the name of the coefficient and p (second column) represents the P-value of the hypothesis test against H0


mod = glm(family="poisson", c(2,30) ~ c(0,1), offset=log(c(8,30)))
# Wald's tests (biased)
# Rao score tests (biased)
p_value(mod, method="Rao")
# LRT tests (less biased)
p_value(mod, method="LRT")

# only test slope (faster since only one test is performed)
p_value(mod, method="LRT", parm=2)
# is slope greater than log(2) ?
p_value(mod, method="LRT", parm=2, H0=log(2), alternative="greater")

Prints the summary generated by summarylr


This function prints a summary.glmglrt object generated by summarylr. It works like the standard summary.glm function but additionnally displays columns showing Rao or LRT P-values.


## S3 method for class 'summary.glmglrt'
  has.Pvalue = TRUE,
  tst.ind = 3,
  debuglevel = NULL,
  keep.wald = NULL



a summary.glmglrt object generated by summarylr.


additional arguments passed to stats::print.summary.glm then printCoefmat. The most useful ones are digits and signif.stars.


logical value; passed to printCoefmat; if TRUE, the P-value column is formatted by format.pval.


integer vector of length>=0; passed to printCoefmat; it changes the format of these columns, assuming they are statistics columns.


NULL or integer value; set to NULL to use the debuglevel argument that was specified in summarylr, 0 (default) to disable warnings, 1 to enable warnings and 2 to enable warnings and notes.


NULL or logical; set to NULL to use the keep.wald argument that was specified in summarylr. If TRUE, the standard Wald's P-values are displayed. If FALSE, the standard Wald's P-values are hidden.

See Also

Other Extended GLM summary functions: override_summary(), summarylr()


model = glm(family="binomial", cbind(50,30) ~ 1)

Newton-Raphson algorithm when parameters may not be estimable outside of their parameter space


This is used by confint_contrast.default to find the lower and upper boundaries of the confidence interval so that they have a P-value equal to 1-level. This makes it possible to compute contrast on log-binomial models when solutions are close to the boundaries of the parameter space and Newton-Raphson may compute some intermediate values outside of the valid parameter space, leading to P-values equal to NA.


  xabstol = 1e-05,
  derivdelta = xabstol,
  yabstol = 1e-05,
  niter = 100,
  extraiter = 0



a function taking a single numeric value. The algorithm searches for a root (zero) of this function.


a single numeric value; starting value, not too far from the root of rootfun.


a single numeric value; when two consecutive iterations of the algorithm lead to x solutions with a difference larger than xabstol, the algorithm has not yet converged and continues to run. Set to Inf, if you want to only want to rely on yabstol.


a single numeric value; the numeric delta used for numeric derivation of rootfun (assessed at x-derivdelta and x+derivdelta)


a single numeric value; when the algorithm leads to a y=rootfun(x) larger (in absolute value) than yabstol, the algorithm has not yet converged and continues to run. Set to Inf, if you want to only want to rely on xabstol.


a single integer value; the maximum number of iterations before considering that the algorithm failed to converge.


a single integer value; the number of extra iterations performed once convergence has been found. This is useful to make sure that convergence is good on platforms having high floating point precision allowing to use, at the same time, a weak convergence tolerance to make sure it converges on platforms having low floating point precision.


It assumes that rootfun is NA above the upper boundary of the parameter space and below the lower boundary of the parameter space. The parameter space must not have "holes" (i.e. valid, then invalid, then valid again). Invalid values are described by NA. The actual interval of valid values are automatically found by the algorithm, so you do not have to explicitly specify the minimum and maximum values of the parameter space.


a list object with the following fields:


the x value so that rootfun(x) is as close as possible to 0




the parameter of the same name


the number of iterations of the Newton-Raphson algorithm performed before reaching convergence


the latest move (on the x variable) done before convergence


the previous x value, in the algorithm, just before x=root was reached




numeric derivative of rootfun at prevx

Summarizes a glm, adding a column of GLRT or Rao score P-values


summarylr is an improved summary function for standard glm (stats package) adding LRT or Rao score P-values


  dispersion = NULL,
  correlation = FALSE,
  symbolic.cor = FALSE,
  force = FALSE,
  debuglevel = level_warning,
  method = "LRT",
  keep.wald = FALSE



glm object; as obtained by calling stats::glm or MASS::glm.nb.


the dispersion parameter for the family used. Either a single numerical value or NULL (the default), when it is inferred from object (see stats::summary.glm).


logical; if TRUE, the correlation matrix of the estimated parameters is returned and printed (see stats::summary.glm).


logical; if TRUE, print the correlations in a symbolic form (see symnum) rather than as numbers (see stats::summary.glm).


Additional arguments to be passed to stats::summary.glm


logical; if TRUE, force computation of P-values in case of convergence problems.


integer value; set to 0 (default) to disable warnings, 1 to enable warnings and 2 to enable warnings and notes.


NULL or character vector of length 0, 1 or 2; may be code"LRT" or "Rao" or c("LRT", "Rao") to compute specified P-values. You can set method=NULL to compute no additional P-values.


logical; if TRUE, the standard Wald's P-values are kept in the output of print.summary.glmglrt. Even if keep.wald=FALSE, the standard wald P-values are not erased from the summary.glmglrt object. They are only hidden by print.summary.glmglrt.


This function works the same as the standard summary.glm function but provides additionnal parameters The core parameter method="LRT" makes summarylr adds a column LRT P-value to the output. This P-value is computed by repeatdly fitting the model dropping one coefficient at a time and using the anova.glm(test="Chisq") function to perform generalized likelihood ratio test by approximation of the deviance difference to a chi-square distribution. This provides P-values less biased than the standard Wald P-values that summary provides. Moreover, this LRT method is consistent with the profile likelihood confidence intervals that confint.glm provides. The option method="Rao" generates Rao's score P-values. method="Chisq" is synonymous to method="LRT". For exhaustivity, the option method="Wald" (synonym "wald", "F") generates Wald's P-values. Several methods can be used, e.g. method=c("LRT","Rao") computes both LRT and Rao P-values. New methods may be added in the future.

Extra parameters are passed-through to the summary.glm function.


It returns a summary object of type summary.glmglrt that gets pretty printed by link[glmglrt:print.summary.glmglrt]{print.summary.glmglrt} The return value is an S3 object compatible with stats::summary.glm but with an additional field $extra field having sub-fields. $extra$pvalues is a numeric matrix with columns "LRT P-value" and/or "Rao P-value", containing the relevant P-values. As new columns may be added in future, you should rely on column names rather than column indexes. Only P-values of methods requested in the method parameter are stored in this matrix. $extra$debuglevel is equal to the debuglevel passed to summarylr. $extra$keep.wald is equal to the keep.wald passed to summarylr. In case of convergence problems, the field $extra$problem_of_convergence will be added. It will be a character string with the value "general" (because model$converged = FALSE), "all" (because all coefficients have huge variances) or "specific" (because at least one coefficient has a huge variance). Other problem strings may be added in the future. If weights are specified in a way that make P-values invalid, the field $extra$problem_weights will be added as a character string describing the problem. Actually, the only known problem is "non-constant".

See Also

Other Extended GLM summary functions: override_summary(), print.summary.glmglrt()


summarylr(glm(family="binomial", cbind(5,3)~1))
# do not properly converge (warnings)
mtcars$outcome = mtcars$disp > median(mtcars$disp)
mod=glm(family=binomial(log), data=mtcars,outcome ~ 0+qsec+wt,start=c(-0.1,0.3))
summarylr(mod) # warns that P-values are not computed because model did not converge
summarylr(mod, force=TRUE) # compute P-values anyway !
# also works with negative binomial models
summarylr(MASS::glm.nb(data=mtcars, I(cyl*gear) ~ 1+wt,link="sqrt"),test="LRT")

Gets the variance-covariance matrix of fixed effects of a fitted model


This is a generic S3 function that gets the variance-covariance matrix of fixed effects of a statistical model, implemented on a wide range of models and that can be extended to new models.


vcov_fixcoef(model, ...)

## Default S3 method:
vcov_fixcoef(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'survreg'
vcov_fixcoef(model, ...)



a fitted statistical model


argument unused by p_value_contrast.default but that may be useful to some specializations.


It must return variance-covariance for fixed effects of a model, not random effects nor scale parameters. The rownames and colnames of the returned matrix must be consistent with names of fixcoef(object).

The functions vcov_fixcoef and fixcoef would be pointless if the behavior of vcov and coef were not inconsistent from package to package.

fixcoef and vcov_fixcoef, together with df_for_wald are used by p_value_contrast.default

Methods (by class)

  • default: default implementation, simple proxy of vcov(model)

  • survreg: implementation for survreg, removing the extra column for Scale

See Also

Other Wald-related functions: df_for_wald(), fixcoef(), p_value_contrast()


mod = lm(data=mtcars, hp ~ cyl+wt)
est = fixcoef(mod) # get estimates
SE = sqrt(diag(vcov_fixcoef(mod))) # get standard errors of estimates
z  = est/SE # get z-score of estimates
df = df_for_wald(mod) # degrees of freedom
pvalues = 2*pt(-abs(z), df=df) # get two-sided P-values