Package 'gaussquad'

Title: Collection of Functions for Gaussian Quadrature
Description: A collection of functions to perform Gaussian quadrature with different weight functions corresponding to the orthogonal polynomials in package orthopolynom. Examples verify the orthogonality and inner products of the polynomials.
Authors: Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.0-3
Built: 2025-03-01 07:11:14 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Perform Gauss Chebyshev quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for Chebyshev C polynomials.


chebyshev.c.quadrature(functn, rule, lower = -2, upper = 2, 
weighted = TRUE, ...)



an R function which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn Chebyshev quadrature rule


numeric value for the lower limit of the integral with a default value of -2


numeric value for the upper limit of the integral with a default value of +2


boolean value which if true causes the Chebyshev weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the give function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn Chebyshev polynomial, weight function and interval [2,2]\left[ { - 2,2} \right]. The lower and upper limits of the integral must be finite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss Chebyshev quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the Chebyshev C polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 16.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 16.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 16
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- chebyshev.c.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the Chebyshev C orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- chebyshev.c.polynomials( n )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- chebyshev.c.quadrature.rules( np1 )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( chebyshev.c.inner.products( n ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
### construct a list of the Chebyshev C orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- chebyshev.c.polynomials( n, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- chebyshev.c.quadrature.rules( np1, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )

Create list of Chebyshev quadrature rules


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the order kk quadrature rule data frame for the Chebyshev C polynomial for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.





integer value for the highest order


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with nn elements each of which is a data frame


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 1 Chebyshev polynomial


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 2 Chebyshev polynomial



Quadrature rule data frame for the order nn Chebyshev polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also

quadrature.rules, chebyshev.c.quadrature


### construct the list of quadrature rules for
### the Chebyshev orthogonal polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
orthogonal.rules <- chebyshev.c.quadrature.rules( 5 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### construct the list of quadrature rules for
### the Chebyshev orthonormal polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
orthonormal.rules <- chebyshev.c.quadrature.rules( 5, TRUE )
print( orthonormal.rules )

Perform Gauss Chebyshev quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for Chebyshev S polynomials.


chebyshev.s.quadrature(functn, rule, lower = -2, upper = 2, 
weighted = TRUE, ...)



an R function which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn Chebyshev quadrature rule


numeric value for the lower limit of the integral with a default value of -2


numeric value for the upper limit of the integral with a default value of +2


boolean value which if true causes the Chebyshev weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the give function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn Chebyshev polynomial, weight function and interval [2,2]\left[ { - 2,2} \right]. The lower and upper limits of the integral must be finite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss Chebyshev quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the Chebyshev S polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 16.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 16.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 16
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- chebyshev.s.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the Chebyshev S orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- chebyshev.s.polynomials( n )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- chebyshev.s.quadrature.rules( np1 )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( chebyshev.s.inner.products( n ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
### construct a list of the Chebyshev S orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- chebyshev.s.polynomials( n, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- chebyshev.s.quadrature.rules( np1, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )

Create list of Chebyshev quadrature rules


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the order kk quadrature rule data frame for the Chebyshev S polynomial for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.





integer value for the highest order


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with nn elements each of which is a data frame


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 1 Chebyshev polynomial


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 2 Chebyshev polynomial



Quadrature rule data frame for the order nn Chebyshev polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also

quadrature.rules, chebyshev.s.quadrature


### generate a list of quadrature rules for
### the Chebyshev S orthogonal polynomials
### for orders 1 to 5
orthogonal.rules <- chebyshev.s.quadrature.rules( 5 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### generate a list of quadrature rules for
### the Chebyshev S orthogonal polynomials
### for orders 1 to 5
orthonormal.rules <- chebyshev.s.quadrature.rules( 5, TRUE )
print( orthonormal.rules )

Perform Gauss Chebyshev quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for Chebyshev T polynomials.


chebyshev.t.quadrature(functn, rule, lower = -1, upper = 1, 
weighted = TRUE, ...)



an R function which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn Chebyshev quadrature rule


numeric value for the lower limit of the integral with a default value of -1


numeric value for the upper limit of the integral with a default value of +1


boolean value which if true causes the Chebyshev weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the given function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn Chebyshev polynomial, weight function and interval [1,1]\left[ { - 1,1} \right]. The lower and upper limits of the integral must be finite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss Chebyshev quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the Chebyshev T polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 20.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 20.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 20
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- chebyshev.t.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the Chebyshev T orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- chebyshev.t.polynomials( n )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- chebyshev.t.quadrature.rules( np1 )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( chebyshev.t.inner.products( n ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
### construct a list of the Chebyshev T orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- chebyshev.t.polynomials( n, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- chebyshev.t.quadrature.rules( np1, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )

Create list of Chebyshev quadrature rules


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the order kk quadrature rule data frame for the Chebyshev T polynomial for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.





integer value for the highest order


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with nn elements each of which is a data frame


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 1 Chebyshev polynomial


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 2 Chebyshev polynomial



Quadrature rule data frame for the order nn Chebyshev polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also

quadrature.rules, chebyshev.t.quadrature


### generate the list of quadrature rules for
### the orthogonal Chebyshev polynomials
### for orders 1 to 5
orthogonal.rules <- chebyshev.t.quadrature.rules( 5 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### generate the list of quadrature rules for
### the orthonormal Chebyshev polynomials
### for orders 1 to 5
orthonormal.rules <- chebyshev.t.quadrature.rules( 5, normalized=TRUE )
print( orthonormal.rules )

Perform Gauss Chebyshev quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for Chebyshev U polynomials.


chebyshev.u.quadrature(functn, rule, lower = -1, upper = 1, 
weighted = TRUE, ...)



an R function which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn Chebyshev quadrature rule


numeric value for the lower limit of the integral with a default value of -1


numeric value for the upper limit of the integral with a default value of +1


a boolean value which if true causes the Chebyshev weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the give function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn Chebyshev polynomial, weight function and interval [1,1]\left[ { - 1,1} \right]. The lower and upper limits of the integral must be finite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss Chebyshev quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the Chebyshev U polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 20.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 20.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 20
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- chebyshev.u.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the Chebyshev U orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- chebyshev.u.polynomials( n )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- chebyshev.u.quadrature.rules( np1 )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( chebyshev.u.inner.products( n ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
### construct a list of the Chebyshev U orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- chebyshev.u.polynomials( n, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- chebyshev.u.quadrature.rules( np1, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )

Create list of Chebyshev quadrature rules


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the order kk quadrature rule data frame for the Chebyshev U polynomial for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.





integer value for the highest order


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with nn elements each of which is a data frame


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 1 Chebyshev polynomial


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 2 Chebyshev polynomial



Quadrature rule data frame for the order nn Chebyshev polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also

quadrature.rules, chebyshev.u.quadrature


### generate the list of quadrature rules for
### the Chebyshev U orthogonal polynomials for
### orders 1 to 5
orthogonal.rules <- chebyshev.u.quadrature.rules( 5 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### generate the list of quadrature rules for
### the Chebyshev U orthonormal polynomials for
### orders 1 to 5
orthonormal.rules <- chebyshev.u.quadrature.rules( 5, TRUE )
print( orthonormal.rules )

Perform Gauss Gegenbauer quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for Gegenbauer polynomials.


gegenbauer.quadrature(functn, rule, alpha = 0, lower = -1, upper = 1, 
weighted = TRUE, ...)



an R function which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn Gegenbauer quadrature rule


numeric value for the Gegenbauer polynomial parameter


numeric value for the lower limit of the integral with a default value of -1


numeric value the upper limit of the integral with a default value of 1


boolean value which if true causes the Gegenbauer weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the give function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn Gegenbauer polynomial, weight function and interval [1,1]\left[ { - 1,1} \right]. The lower and upper limits of the integral must be finite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss Gegenbauer quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also

gegenbauer.quadrature.rules, ultraspherical.quadrature


### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the Gegenbauer polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 16.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 16.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the polynomial parameter
alpha <- 0.25
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 16
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- gegenbauer.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule, alpha )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the Gegenbauer orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- gegenbauer.polynomials( n, alpha )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- gegenbauer.quadrature.rules( np1, alpha )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( gegenbauer.inner.products( n,alpha ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=6 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=6 ) )
### construct a list of the Gegenbauer orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- gegenbauer.polynomials( n, alpha, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- gegenbauer.quadrature.rules( np1, alpha, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=6 ) )

Create list of Gegenbauer quadrature rules


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the order kk quadrature rule data frame for the Gegenbauer polynomials for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.





integer value for the highest order


polynomial parameter


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with nn elements each of which is a data frame


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 1 Gegenbauer polynomial


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 2 Gegenbauer polynomial



Quadrature rule data frame for the order nn Gegenbauer polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also

quadrature.rules, gegenbauer.quadrature


### generate the list of quadrature rule data frames for
### the orthogonal Gegenbauer polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
### polynomial parameter alpha is 1.0
orthogonal.rules <- gegenbauer.quadrature.rules( 5, 1 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### generate the list of quadrature rule data frames for
### the orthonormal Gegenbauer polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
### polynomial parameter alpha is 1.0
orthonormal.rules <- gegenbauer.quadrature.rules( 5, 1, TRUE )
print( orthonormal.rules )

Perform generalized Gauss Hermite quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for generalized Hermite polynomials.


ghermite.h.quadrature(functn, rule, mu = 0, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, 
weighted = TRUE, ...)



an R function which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn generalized Hermite quadrature rule


numeric value for the parameter for the generalized Hermite polynomials


numeric value for the lower limit of the integral with a default value of - \infty


numeric value for the upper limit of the integral with a default value of ++ \infty


a boolean value which if true causes the Hermite weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the give function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn generalized Hermite polynomial, weight function and interval (,)\left( { - \infty ,\infty } \right). The lower and upper limits of the integral must be infinite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss Hermite quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the generalized Hermite H polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 10.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 10.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the polynomial parameter
    mu <- 1
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 10
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- ghermite.h.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule, mu )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the generalized Hermite H orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- ghermite.h.polynomials( n, mu )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- ghermite.h.quadrature.rules( np1, mu )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( ghermite.h.inner.products( n, mu ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
### construct a list of the Hermite H orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- ghermite.h.polynomials( n, mu, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- ghermite.h.quadrature.rules( np1, mu, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )

Create list of generalized Hermite quadrature rules


This function returns aa list with n elements containing the order kk quadrature rule data frame for the generalized Hermite polynomial for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.


ghermite.h.quadrature.rules(n, mu, normalized=FALSE)



integer value for the highest integer order


numeric value for the parameter of the generalized Hermite polynomial


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with nn elements each of which is a data frame


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 1 generalized Hermite polynomial


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 2 generalized Hermite polynomial



Quadrature rule data frame for the order nn generalized Hermite polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also

quadrature.rules, schebyshev.t.quadrature


### generate a list of quadrature rule data frames for
### the generalized orthogonal Hermite polynomial
### of orders 1 to 5.
### polynomial parameter mu is 1.0
orthogonal.rules <- ghermite.h.quadrature.rules( 5, 1 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### generate a list of quadrature rule data frames for
### the generalized orthonormal Hermite polynomial
### of orders 1 to 5.
### polynomial parameter mu is 1.0
orthonormal.rules <- ghermite.h.quadrature.rules( 5, 1, TRUE )
print( orthonormal.rules )

Perform Gauss Laguerre quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for generalized Laguerre polynomials.


glaguerre.quadrature(functn, rule, alpha = 0, lower = 0, upper = Inf, 
weighted = TRUE, ...)



an R function which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn generalized Laguerre quadrature rule


numeric value for the generalized Laguerre polynomial parameter


numeric value for the lower limit of the integral with a default value of 0


numeric value for the upper limit of the integral with a default value of Inf


a boolean value which if true causes the generalized Laguerre weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the give function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn generalized Laguerre polynomial, weight function and interval [0,)\left[ {0,\infty } \right). The one limit of the integral must be finite and the other must be infinite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss Laguerre quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the generalized Laguerre polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 12.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 12.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the polynomial parameter
alpha <- 1
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 12
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- glaguerre.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule, alpha )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the generalized Laguerre orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- glaguerre.polynomials( n, alpha )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- glaguerre.quadrature.rules( np1, alpha )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( glaguerre.inner.products( n,alpha ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=6 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=6 ) )
### construct a list of theg generalized Laguerre orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- glaguerre.polynomials( n, alpha, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- glaguerre.quadrature.rules( np1, alpha, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=6 ) )

Create list of generalized Laguerre quadrature rules


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the order kk quadrature rule data frame for the generalized Laguerre polynomials for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.





integer value for the highest order


numeric value for the polynomial parameter


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with nn elements each of which is a quadrature rule data frame


Quadrature rule for the order 1 generalized Laguerre polynomial


Quadrature rule for the order 2 generalized Laguerre polynomial



Quadrature rule for the order nn generalized Laguerre polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also

quadrature.rules, glaguerre.quadrature


### generate a list of quadrature rule data frames for
### the generalized orthogonal Laguerre polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
### polynomial parameter is 1.0
orthogonal.rules <- glaguerre.quadrature.rules( 5, 1 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### generate a list of quadrature rule data frames for
### the generalized orthonormal Laguerre polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
### polynomial parameter is 1.0
orthonormal.rules <- glaguerre.quadrature.rules( 5, 1, TRUE )
print( orthonormal.rules )

Perform Gauss Hermite quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for Hermite H polynomials.


hermite.h.quadrature(functn, rule, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, 
weighted = TRUE, ...)



an R function which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn Hermite quadrature rule


numeric value for the lower limit of the integral with a default value of - \infty


numeric value for the upper limit of the integral with a default value of ++ \infty


boolean value which if true causes the Hermite weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the give function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn Hermite polynomial, weight function and interval (,)\left( { - \infty ,\infty } \right) The lower and upper limits of the integral must be infinite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss Hermite quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the Hermite H polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 8.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 8.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 8
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- hermite.h.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the Hermite H orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- hermite.h.polynomials( n )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- hermite.h.quadrature.rules( np1 )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( hermite.h.inner.products( n ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
### construct a list of the Hermite H orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- hermite.h.polynomials( n, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- hermite.h.quadrature.rules( np1, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )

Create list of Hermite quadrature rules


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the order nn quadrature rule data frame for the Hermite polynomials for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.





integer highest order


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with nn elements each of which is a data frame


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 1 Hermite polynomial


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 2 Hermite polynomial



Quadrature rule data frame for the order nn Hermite polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also

quadrature.rules, hermite.h.quadrature


### generate the list of quadrature rules for
### the Hermite orthogonal polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
orthogonal.rules <- hermite.h.quadrature.rules( 5 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### generate the list of quadrature rules for
### the Hermite orthonormal polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
orthonormal.rules <- hermite.h.quadrature.rules( 5, TRUE )
print( orthonormal.rules )

Perform Gauss Hermite quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for hermite He polynomials.


hermite.he.quadrature(functn, rule, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, 
weighted = TRUE, ...)



an R function which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn Hermite quadrature rule


the lower limit of the integral with a default value of - \infty


the upper limit of the integral with a default value of ++ \infty


a boolean value which if true causes the Hermite weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the give function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn Hermite polynomial, weight function and interval (,)\left( { - \infty ,\infty } \right) The lower and upper limits of the integral must be infinite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss Hermite quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the scaled Hermite He polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 16.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 16.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 12
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- hermite.h.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the scaled Hermite He orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- hermite.he.polynomials( n )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- hermite.he.quadrature.rules( np1 )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( hermite.he.inner.products( n ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
### construct a list of the scaled Hermite H orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- hermite.he.polynomials( n, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- hermite.he.quadrature.rules( np1, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )

Create list of Hermite quadrature rules


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the order kk quadrature rule data frame for the Hermite polynomials for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.





integer value for the highest order


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with nn elements each of which is a data frame


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 1 Hermite polynomial


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 2 Hermite polynomial



Quadrature rule data frame for the order nn Hermite polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also

quadrature.rules, hermite.he.quadrature


### generate a list of quadrature rule frames for
### the Hermite orthogonal polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
orthogonal.rules <- hermite.he.quadrature.rules( 5 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### generate a list of quadrature rule frames for
### the Hermite orthonormal polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
orthonormal.rules <- hermite.he.quadrature.rules( 5, TRUE )
print( orthonormal.rules )

Perform Gauss Jacobi quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for Jacobi G polynomials.


jacobi.g.quadrature(functn, rule,  p = 1, q = 1, lower = 0, upper = 1, 
weighted = TRUE, ...)



an R function which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn ultraspherical quadrature rule


numeric value for the first Jacobi polynomial parameter


numeric value for the second Jacobi polynomial parameter


numeric value for the lower limit of the integral with a default value of 0


numeric value for the upper limit of the integral with a default value of 1


boolean value which if true causes the ultraspherical weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the give function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn Jacobi polynomial, weight function and interval [0,1]\left[ {0,1} \right]. The lower and upper limits of the integral must be finite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss Jacobi quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the Jacobi G polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 10.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 10.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the polynomial parameter
p <- 3
q <- 2
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 10
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- jacobi.g.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule, p, q )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the Jacobi G orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- jacobi.g.polynomials( n, p, q )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- jacobi.g.quadrature.rules( np1, p, q )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( jacobi.g.inner.products( n,p, q ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
### construct a list of the Jacobi G orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- jacobi.g.polynomials( n, p, q, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- jacobi.g.quadrature.rules( np1, p, q, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )

Create list of Jacobi quadrature rules


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the order kk quadrature rule data frame for the Jacobi G polynomial for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.





integer value for the highest order


numeric value for the first polynomial parameter


numeric value for the second polynomial parameter


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with nn elements each of which is a data frame


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 1 Jacobi polynomial


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 2 Jacobi polynomial



Quadrature rule data frame for the order nn Jacobi polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### generate the list of quadrature rule data frames for
### the orthogonal Jacobi G polynomial
### of orders 1 to 5
### parameter p is 3 and parameter q is 2
orthogonal.rules <- jacobi.g.quadrature.rules( 5, 3, 2 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### generate the list of quadrature rule data frames for
### the orthonormal Jacobi G polynomial
### of orders 1 to 5
### parameter p is 3 and parameter q is 2
orthonormal.rules <- jacobi.g.quadrature.rules( 5, 3, 2, TRUE )
print( orthonormal.rules )

Perform Gauss Jacobi quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for Jacobi P polynomials.


jacobi.p.quadrature(functn, rule, alpha = 0, beta = 0, lower = -1, upper = 1, 
weighted = TRUE,  ...)



an R function which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn ultraspherical quadrature rule


numeric value for the first Jacobi polynomial parameter


numeric value for the second Jacobi polynomial parameter


numeric value for the lower limit of the integral with a default value of -1


numeric value for the upper limit of the integral with a default value of 1


a boolean value which if true causes the ultraspherical weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the give function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn Jacobi polynomial, weight function and interval [1,1]\left[ { - 1,1} \right]. The lower and upper limits of the integral must be finite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss Jacobi quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the Jacobi P polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 12.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 12.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the polynomial parameter
alpha <- 1
beta <- -0.6
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 12
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- jacobi.p.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule, alpha, beta )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the Jacobi P orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- jacobi.p.polynomials( n, alpha, beta )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- jacobi.p.quadrature.rules( np1, alpha, beta )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( jacobi.p.inner.products( n,alpha, beta ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=6 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=6 ) )
### construct a list of the Jacobi P orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- jacobi.p.polynomials( n, alpha, beta, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- jacobi.p.quadrature.rules( np1, alpha, beta, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=6 ) )

Create list of Jacobi quadrature rules


This function returns a list with n elements containing the order kk quadrature rule data frame for the Jacobi P polynomial for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.





integer value for the highest order


numeric value for the first polynomial parameter


numeric value for the second polynomial parameter


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with nn elements each of which is a quadrature rule data frame


Quadrature rule for the order 1 Jacobi polynomial


Quadrature rule for the order 2 Jacobi polynomial



Quadrature rule for the order nn Jacobi polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### construct the list of quadrature rules for
### the Jacobi orthogonal polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
### alpha = 3 and beta = 2
orthogonal.rules <- jacobi.p.quadrature.rules( 5, 3, 2 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### construct the list of quadrature rules for
### the Jacobi orthonormal polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
### alpha = 3 and beta = 2
orthonormal.rules <- jacobi.p.quadrature.rules( 5, 3, 2, TRUE )
print( orthonormal.rules )

Perform Gauss Laguerre quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for Laguerre polynomials.


laguerre.quadrature(functn, rule, lower = 0, upper = Inf, weighted = TRUE, ...)



an R function which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn Laguerre quadrature rule


numeric value for the lower limit of the integral with a default value of 0


numeric value for the upper limit of the integral with a default value of Inf


boolean value which if true causes the Laguerre weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the give function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn Laguerre polynomial, weight function and interval [0,]\left[ {0,\infty } \right]. The one limit of the integral must be finite and the other must be infinite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss Laguerre quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the Laguerre polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 12.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 12.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 12
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- laguerre.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the Laguerre orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- laguerre.polynomials( n )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- laguerre.quadrature.rules( np1 )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( laguerre.inner.products( n ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=6 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=6 ) )
### construct a list of the Laguerre orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- laguerre.polynomials( n, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- laguerre.quadrature.rules( np1, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=6 ) )

Create list of Laguerre quadrature rules


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the order kk quadrature rule data frame for the Laguerre polynomial for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.





integer value for the highest order


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with nn elements each of which is a data frame


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 1 Laguerre polynomial


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 2 Laguerre polynomial



Quadrature rule data frame for the order nn Laguerre polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also

quadrature.rules, laguerre.quadrature


### generate a list of the quadrature rule frames for
### the orthogonal Laguerre polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
orthogonal.rules <- laguerre.quadrature.rules( 5 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### generate a list of the quadrature rule frames for
### the orthonormal Laguerre polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
orthonormal.rules <- laguerre.quadrature.rules( 5, TRUE )
print( orthonormal.rules )

Perform Gauss Legendre quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for Legendre polynomials.


legendre.quadrature(functn, rule, lower=-1, upper=1, 
weighted = TRUE, ...)



an R function which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn Legendre quadrature rule


numeric value for the lower limit of the integral


numeric value for the upper limit of the integral


boolean value which if true causes the Legendre weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the give function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn Legendre polynomial, weight function and interval [1,1]\left[ { - 1,1} \right]. The lower and upper limits of the integral must be finite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss Legendre quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

Szego, G., 1939. Orthogonal Polynomials, 23, American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications, Providence, RI.

See Also



### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the Legendre polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 20.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 20.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 20
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- legendre.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the Legendre orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- legendre.polynomials( n )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- legendre.quadrature.rules( np1 )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( legendre.inner.products( n ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
### construct a list of the Legendre orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- legendre.polynomials( n, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- legendre.quadrature.rules( np1, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )

Create list of Legendre quadrature rules


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the order kk quadrature rule data frame for the Legendre polynomial for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.





integer value for the highest order


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with $n$ elements each of which is a data frame


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 1 Legendre polynomial


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 2 Legendre polynomial



Quadrature rule data frame for the order $n$ Legendre polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz and Stegun (1968), Press et. al. (1992)

See Also



### generate a list of quadrature rule frames for
### the orthogonal Legendre polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
orthogonal.rules <- legendre.quadrature.rules( 5 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### generate a list of quadrature rule frames for
### the orthonormal Legendre polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
orthonormal.rules <- legendre.quadrature.rules( 5, TRUE )
print( orthonormal.rules )

Generate the quadrature rule table


This function returns a column-named data frame with the given quadrature rules combined into a single object





A list of quadrature rule data frames


The column-named data frame has four columns. The first column is called d and it contains the degree of the orthogonal polynomial. The second column is called i and it contains the index of the rule for the given polynomial order. The third column is called x and it contains the abscissas, roots or zeros of the polynomial of given order. The fourth column is called w and it contains the weights associated with the abscissas.


A data frame with the quadrature rules.


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### generate the list of quadrature rules for
### the Chebyshev T polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
rules <- chebyshev.t.quadrature.rules( 5 )
### construct the rule table
rule.table <- quadrature.rule.table( rules )
print( rule.table )

Create a list of quadrature rule data frames


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the order $k$ quadrature rule data frames for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.


quadrature.rules(recurrences, inner.products)



a data frame with the recurrence parameters of a particular orthogonal polynomial


a numeric vector of normed squared values of the orthogonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values for the quadrature rule based on an order kk orthgonal polynomial.


A list with nn elements each of which is a quadrature rule data frame


Quadrature rule for the order 1 orthogonal polynomial


Quadrature rule for the order 2 orthogonal polynomial



Quadrature rule for the order nn orthogonal polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramwitz and Stegun (1968)


### get recurrences the Chebyshev T orthgonal polynomials
### of orders 0 to 6\5
recurrences <- chebyshev.t.recurrences( 5 )
### get the inner products of these polynomials
inner.products <- chebyshev.t.inner.products( 5 )
### get the quadrature rules
rules <- quadrature.rules( recurrences, inner.products )
print( rules )

Perform Gauss shifted Chebyshev quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for shifted Chebyshev T polynomials.


schebyshev.t.quadrature(functn, rule, lower = 0, upper = 1, 
weighted = TRUE, ...)



an R function which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn shifted Chebyshev quadrature rule


numeric value for the lower limit of the integral with a default value of 0


numeric value for the upper limit of the integral with a default value of 1


boolean value which if true causes the Chebyshev weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the give function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn shifted Chebyshev polynomial, weight function and interval [0,1]\left[ {0,1} \right]. The lower and upper limits of the integral must be finite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss Chebyshev quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the shifted Chebyshev T polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 10.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 10.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 10
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- schebyshev.t.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the shifted Chebyshev T orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- schebyshev.t.polynomials( n )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- schebyshev.t.quadrature.rules( np1 )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( schebyshev.t.inner.products( n ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=4 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=4 ) )
### construct a list of the shifted Chebyshev T orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- schebyshev.t.polynomials( n, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- schebyshev.t.quadrature.rules( np1, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=4 ) )

Create list of shifted Chebyshev quadrature rules


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the order kk quadrature rule data frame for the shifted Chebyshev T polynomial for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.





integer value for the highest order


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with nn elements each of which is a data frame


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 1 shifted Chebyshev polynomial


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 2 shifted Chebyshev polynomial



Quadrature rule data frame for the order nn shifted Chebyshev polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also

quadrature.rules, schebyshev.t.quadrature


### construct a list of quadrature rule data frames for
### the shifted orthogonal Chebyshev T polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
orthogonal.rules <- schebyshev.t.quadrature.rules( 5 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### construct a list of quadrature rule data frames for
### the shifted orthonormal Chebyshev T polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
orthonormal.rules <- schebyshev.t.quadrature.rules( 5, TRUE )
print( orthonormal.rules )

Perform Gauss shifted Chebyshev quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for shifted Chebyshev U polynomials.


schebyshev.u.quadrature(functn, rule, lower = 0, upper = 1, 
weighted = TRUE, ...)



an R function which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn shifted Chebyshev quadrature rule


numeric value for the lower limit of the integral with a default value of 0


numeric value for the upper limit of the integral with a default value of 1


a boolean value which if true causes the Chebyshev weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the give function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn shifted Chebyshev polynomial, weight function and interval [0,1]\left[ {0,1} \right]. The lower and upper limits of the integral must be finite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss shifted Chebyshev quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the shifted Chebyshev U polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 10.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 10.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 10
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- schebyshev.u.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the shifted Chebyshev U orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- schebyshev.u.polynomials( n )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- schebyshev.u.quadrature.rules( np1 )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( schebyshev.u.inner.products( n ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=4 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=4 ) )
### construct a list of the shifted Chebyshev U orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- schebyshev.u.polynomials( n, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- schebyshev.u.quadrature.rules( np1, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=4 ) )

Create list of shifted Chebyshev quadrature rules


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the order kk quadrature rule data frame for the shifted Chebyshev U polynomial of the first kind for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.





integer value for the highest order


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with nn elements each of which is a data frame


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 1 shifted Chebyshev polynomial


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 2 shifted Chebyshev polynomial



Quadrature rule data frame for the order nn shifted Chebyshev polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also

quadrature.rules, schebyshev.u.quadrature


### generate the quadrature rules for
### the shifted Chebyshev U orthogonal polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
orthogonal.rules <- schebyshev.u.quadrature.rules( 5 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### generate the quadrature rules for
### the shifted Chebyshev U orthonormal polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
orthonormal.rules <- schebyshev.u.quadrature.rules( 5 )
print( orthonormal.rules )

Perform Gauss shifted Legendre quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for shifted Legendre polynomials.


slegendre.quadrature(functn, rule, lower = 0, upper = 1, 
weighted = TRUE, ...)



an R FUnction which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn shifted Legendre quadrature rule


a numeric value for the lower limit of the integral with a default value of 0


a numeric value for the upper limit of the integral with a default value of 1


a boolean value which if true causes the shifted Legendre weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the give function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn shifted Legendre polynomial, weight function and interval [0,1]\left[ { 0,1} \right]. The lower and upper limits of the integral must be finite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss Legendre quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the shifted Legendre polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 10.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 10.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 10
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- slegendre.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the shifted Legendre orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- slegendre.polynomials( n )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- slegendre.quadrature.rules( np1 )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( slegendre.inner.products( n ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
### construct a list of the shifted Legendre orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- slegendre.polynomials( n, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- slegendre.quadrature.rules( np1, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )

Create list of shifted Legendre quadrature rules


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the order kk quadrature rule data frame for the shifted Legendre polynomials for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.





integer value for the highest order


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with nn elements each of which is a data frame


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 1 shifted Legendre polynomial


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 2 shifted Legendre polynomial



Quadrature rule data frame for the order nn shifted Legendre polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also

quadrature.rules, slegendre.quadrature


### generate the list of shifted Legendre quadrature rules
### for orders 1 to 5 for the orthogonal polynomials
orthogonal.rules <- slegendre.quadrature.rules( 5 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### generate the list of shifted Legendre quadrature rules
### for orders 1 to 5 for the orthonormal polynomials
orthonormal.rules <- slegendre.quadrature.rules( 5, TRUE )
print( orthonormal.rules )

Perform Gauss spherical quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for spherical polynomials.


spherical.quadrature(functn, rule, lower = -1, upper = 1, 
weighted = TRUE, ...)



an R function which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn spherical quadrature rule


numeric value for the lower limit of the integral with a default value of -1


numeric value for the upper limit of the integral with a default value of +1


boolean value which if true causes the Legendre weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the give function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn spherical polynomial, weight function and interval [1,1]\left[ { - 1,1} \right]. The lower and upper limits of the integral must be finite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss Legendre quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the Chebyshev C polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 16.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 16.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 16
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- chebyshev.c.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the Chebyshev C orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- chebyshev.c.polynomials( n )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- chebyshev.c.quadrature.rules( np1 )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( chebyshev.c.inner.products( n ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=5 ) )
### construct a list of the Chebyshev C orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- chebyshev.c.polynomials( n, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- chebyshev.c.quadrature.rules( np1, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=5 ) )

Create list of shperical quadrature rules


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the order kk quadrature rule data frame for the shperical polynomial for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.





integer value for the highest order


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with nn elements each of which is a data frame


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 1 spherical polynomial


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 2 spherical polynomial



Quadrature rule data frame for the order nn spherical polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also

quadrature.rules, spherical.quadrature


### generate a list of quadrature rule data frames for
### the orthogonal spherical polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
orthogonal.rules <- spherical.quadrature.rules( 5 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### generate a list of quadrature rule data frames for
### the orthonormal spherical polynomials
### of orders 1 to 5
orthonormal.rules <- spherical.quadrature.rules( 5, TRUE )
print( orthonormal.rules )

Perform Gauss ultraspherical quadrature


This function evaluates the integral of the given function between the lower and upper limits using the weight and abscissa values specified in the rule data frame. The quadrature formula uses the weight function for ultraspherical polynomials.


ultraspherical.quadrature(functn, rule, alpha = 0, lower = -1, upper = 1, 
weighted = TRUE, ...)



an R function which should take a numeric argument x and possibly some parameters. The function returns a numerical vector value for the given argument x.


a data frame containing the order nn ultraspherical quadrature rule


a numeric value for the ultraspherical polynomial parameter


a numeric value for the lower limit of the integral with a default value of -1


a numeric value for the upper limit of the integral with a default value of 1


a boolean value which if true causes the ultraspherical weight function to be included in the integrand


other arguments passed to the give function


The rule argument corresponds to an order nn ultraspherical polynomial, weight function and interval [1,1]\left[ { - 1,1} \right]. The lower and upper limits of the integral must be finite.


The value of definite integral evaluated using Gauss Gegenbauer quadrature


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also



### this example evaluates the quadrature function for
### the ultraspherical polynomials.  it computes the integral
### of the product for all pairs of orthogonal polynomials
### from order 0 to order 16.  the results are compared to
### the diagonal matrix of the inner products for the
### polynomials.  it also computes the integral of the product
### of all pairs of orthonormal polynomials from order 0
### to order 16.  the resultant matrix should be an identity matrix
### set the polynomial parameter
alpha <- 0.25
### set the value for the maximum polynomial order
    n <- 16
### maximum order plus 1
    np1 <- n + 1
### function to construct the polynomial products by column
by.column.products <- function( c, p.list, p.p.list )
### function to construct the polynomial products by row
    by.row.products <- function( r, c, p.list )
        row.column.product <- p.list[[r]] * p.list[[c]]
        return (row.column.product )
    np1 <- length( p.list )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.products, c, p.list )
    return( row.list )
### function construct the polynomial functions by column
by.column.functions <- function( c, p.p.products )
### function to construct the polynomial functions by row
    by.row.functions <- function( r, c, p.p.products )
        row.column.function <- as.function( p.p.products[[r]][[c]] )
        return( row.column.function )
    np1 <- length( p.p.products[[1]] )
    row.list <- lapply( 1:np1, by.row.functions, c, p.p.products )
    return( row.list )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by column
by.column.integrals <- function( c, p.p.functions )
### function to compute the integral of the polynomials by row
    by.row.integrals <- function( r, c, p.p.functions )
        row.column.integral <- ultraspherical.quadrature(
            p.p.functions[[r]][[c]], order.np1.rule, alpha )
        return( row.column.integral )
    np1 <- length( p.p.functions[[1]] )
    row.vector <- sapply( 1:np1, by.row.integrals, c, p.p.functions )
    return( row.vector )
### construct a list of the ultraspherical orthogonal polynomials
p.list <- ultraspherical.polynomials( n, alpha )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- ultraspherical.quadrature.rules( np1, alpha )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### construct the diagonal matrix with the inner products
### of the orthogonal polynomials on the diagonal
p.p.inner.products <- diag( ultraspherical.inner.products( n,alpha ) )
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthogonal polynomials " )
print( apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=6 ) )
print( apply( p.p.inner.products, 2, round, digits=6 ) )
### construct a list of the ultraspherical orthonormal polynomials
p.list <- ultraspherical.polynomials( n, alpha, TRUE )
### construct the two dimensional list of pair products
### of polynomials
p.p.products <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.products, p.list )
### compute the two dimensional list of functions
### corresponding to the polynomial products in
### the two dimensional list p.p.products
p.p.functions <- lapply( 1:np1, by.column.functions, p.p.products )
### get the rule table for the order np1 polynomial
rules <- gegenbauer.quadrature.rules( np1, alpha, TRUE )
order.np1.rule <- rules[[np1]]
### construct the square symmetric matrix containing
### the definite integrals over the default limits
### corresponding to the two dimensional list of
### polynomial functions
p.p.integrals <- sapply( 1:np1, by.column.integrals, p.p.functions )
### display the matrix of integrals
print( "Integral of cross products for the orthonormal polynomials " )
print(apply( p.p.integrals, 2, round, digits=6 ) )

Create list of ultraspherical quadrature rules


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the order kk quadrature rule data frame for the ultraspherical polynomial for orders k=1,  2,  ,  nk = 1,\;2,\; \ldots ,\;n.





integer value for the highest order


numeric value for the polynomial parameter


boolean value. if TRUE rules are for orthonormal polynomials, otherwise they are for orthgonal polynomials


An order kk quadrature data frame is a named data frame that contains the roots and abscissa values of the corresponding order kk orthogonal polynomial. The column with name x contains the roots or zeros and the column with name w contains the weights.


A list with nn elements each of which is a data frame


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 1 ultraspherical polynomial


Quadrature rule data frame for the order 2 ultraspherical polynomial



Quadrature rule data frame for the order nn ultraspherical polynomial


Frederick Novomestky [email protected]


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Press, W. H., S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, 1992. Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.

Stroud, A. H., and D. Secrest, 1966. Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

See Also

quadrature.rules, ultraspherical.quadrature


### generate a list of quadrature rules for
### the orthogonal ultraspherical polynomial
### of orders 1 to 5
### the polynomial parameter value alpha is 1.0
orthogonal.rules <- ultraspherical.quadrature.rules( 5, 1 )
print( orthogonal.rules )
### generate a list of quadrature rules for
### the orthonormal ultraspherical polynomial
### of orders 1 to 5
### the polynomial parameter value alpha is 1.0
orthonormal.rules <- ultraspherical.quadrature.rules( 5, 1, TRUE )
print( orthonormal.rules )