Title: | Import, Recompute and Analyze Data from Portable Gas Analyzers |
Description: | The gasanalyzer R package offers methods for importing, preprocessing, and analyzing data related to photosynthetic characteristics (gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and isotope ratios). It translates variable names into a standard format, and can recalculate derived, physiological quantities using imported or predefined equations. The package also allows users to assess the sensitivity of their results to different assumptions used in the calculations. See also Tholen (2024) <doi:10.1093/aobpla/plae035>. |
Authors: | Danny Tholen [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9517-0939>, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna) |
Maintainer: | Danny Tholen <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 0.4.3 |
Built: | 2025-02-28 08:21:48 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
This function creates a list of equations that can be used to recalculate
gas-exchange data by passing the resulting object to the recalculate()
method. Various useflags
can be defined to tune the equations.
In addition, custom equations can be defined as arguments. Note that
the calculations may fail if commons are missing in the gas-exchange data.
create_equations(useflags = "default", ...)
create_equations(useflags = "default", ...)
useflags |
character vector with the type of equations to create (see Details). Leave empty to obtain the default set. An unknown flag returns an empty list, and a warning listing all valid flags. |
... |
custom equations. the arguments must tagged function expressions.
Note that the function body must be wrapped in curly brackets. The tags
will be matched against the names of a data frame when applying the return
value with |
The useflags
argument currently supports several pre-defined sets
of equations.
A set with the most commonly-used derived quantities in the gas-exchange
) and chlorophyll fluorescence (FLR
) categories. The
equations are described in detail by von Caemmerer and Farquhar (1981)
and LI-COR Biosciences Inc (2022).
Replaces or adds equations related to the calculation of
the saturated water pressure of the leaf (GasEx.SVPleaf
) and chamber
air (GasEx.SVPcham
). The calculation is based on that described by
Goff and Gratch (1946) and only takes the temperature into account.
Replaces or adds equations for (GasEx.SVPleaf
) and (GasEx.SVPcham
based on the description by Buck (1981). Takes temperature and
pressure into account.
Replaces or adds equations for (GasEx.SVPleaf
) and (GasEx.SVPcham
based on the description by Buck (1996). Takes temperature and
pressure into account.
Replaces the equations related to CO2 and H2O conductance
and substomatal CO2 (GasEx.gtw
; GasEx.gsw
; GasEx.gtc
; GasEx.Ci
with versions that take into account cuticular conductance
(Márquez et al., 2021, 2023). Requires manually specifying the
cuticular conductance to water (Const.gcw
) and CO2 (Const.gcc
Replaces or adds equations related to the boundary
layer conductance (GasEx.gbw
) and leaf temperature derived from
the energy balance equations (GasEx.TleafEB
) with a version that
is valid for a sample with no stomata. This is typically used when
estimating GasEx.gbw
using filter paper (Parkinson, 1985). Note
that the leaf thermocouple (Meas.Tleaf
) is used to estimate air
temperature (and should therefore not touch the sample). This can be
overridden by a custom equation. The sample emissivity (Const.eps
the ratio between heat and water conductance for the chamber air
) and the fraction of the area exchanging radiative and
sensible heat (Const.asH
) can be adjusted. For solving the energy
balance equations, the method described by Bristow (1987) is used.
Adds derived variables for mesophyll conductance
) and chloroplast CO2 mole fractions (FLR.Cc
) based
on gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence (Harley et al., 1992). It is
strongly recommended to first calibrate the electron transport rates
reported in the FLR.ETR
column. In addition, the equations require
adding columns for the respiration rate in the light (Const.RL
and the CO2 photo-compensation point (Const.GammaStar
Adds derived variables related to the stable carbon isotope
discrimination model for C3 plants (Farquhar and Cernusak, 2012;
Evans and von Caemmerer, 2013) aimed at estimating the mesophyll
conductance d13C.gm
and chloroplast CO2 mole fraction
). Requires additional columns with data on the carbon
isotope composition in sample and reference air
; d13CMeas.delta13CO2r
) and in the air
where the plants were grown (d13CConst.delta13CO2g
), and values
for respiration in the light (Const.RL
) and the CO2
photo-compensation point (Const.GammaStar
Requires the d13C
flag, but modifies the
modeled carbon isotope discrimination d13C.Deltai
using the assumption that the carbon pools of respiration
and assimilation are disconnected (as described by Busch et al., 2020).
Requires the d13C
flag, but modifies the calculation
of the effective respiratory fractionation (d13C.ep
) to
better take into account the effect of the growth conditions
(Busch et al. 2020). Additionally requires a value for the observed
discrimination against 13CO2 under growth conditions
These implement calculations as close as possible to those used in the instrument firmware and are typically related to the specific configurations or instrument design. In addition, some methods are provided for recalculating low-level instrument variables.
Definitions for boundary layer conductance, temperature, and light
related variables (GasEx.gbw
; GasEx.Rabs
; LeafQ.alpha
) specific to LI-6400 / LI-6400XT
instruments (LI-COR Biosciences Inc, 2011).
Definitions for boundary layer conductance, light, leakage,
temperature and light related variables (GasEx.gbw
; GasEx.TairCnd
; LeafQ.alpha
; LeafQ.Conv
; Leak.Fan
; GasEx.Ca
) specific to the LI-6800 instrument
(LI-COR Biosciences Inc, 2022).
Light absorptance (LeafQ.alpha
) and the conversion between
photon flux density and irradiance (LeafQ.Conv
) is calculated by
taking into account the effect of the different light sources that can be
used with the CIRAS-4 instrument (PP Systems, 2024).
Boundary layer conductance (GasEx.gbw
) and light sensor
) calculations adjusted for the default chamber of the
GFS-3000 instrument (Heinz Walz GmbH, 2019).
Requires gfs3000, but modifies LeafQ.Qin
to indicate that the
bottom light sensor of the default chamber was used to quantify the
light intensity incident on the leaf (Heinz Walz GmbH, 2019).
Takes a previously stored offset between sample and reference
analyzers into account when recalculating water and CO2 mole fractions
; Meas.CO2s
) as described by LI-COR Biosciences
Inc (2022), Heinz Walz GmbH (2019) and PP Systems (2024). The corrected
mole fractions are already stored in the data and therefore this
calculation is usually not required. However, these equations are needed
when recalculating mole fractions from lower level data (see the
and O2_correction
Recalculates CO2 and H2O mole fractions from such low-level variables
; Meas.H2Or
; Meas.CO2a
; Meas.H2Oa
as described by LI-COR Biosciences Inc (2022). Currently only
implemented for the LI-6800 because low-level instrument data are
required. Requires storing raw data and the availability of factory
calibration files. Requires and enables the match
Recalculates CO2 and H2O mole fractions (Meas.CO2r
; Meas.CO2a
; Meas.H2Oa
) at a potentially
different oxygen concentration ( Const.Oxygen
). Currently only
implemented for the LI-6800 (LI-COR Biosciences Inc, 2022) and GFS-3000
(K. Siebke, Heinz Walz GmbH, personal communication). For the LI-6800,
this requires loading of factory calibration files
). Requires and automatically enables the
A list of language objects with equations
Bristow KL. 1987. On solving the surface energy balance equation for surface temperature. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 39:49–54.
Buck AL. 1981. New equations for computing vapor pressure and enhancement factor. Journal of Applied Meteorology 20:1527–1532.
Buck AL. 1996. Buck research CR-1A user’s manual. Boulder, CO: Buck Research Instruments.
Busch FA, Holloway-Phillips M, Stuart-Williams H, Farquhar GD. 2020. Revisiting carbon isotope discrimination in C3 plants shows respiration rules when photosynthesis is low. Nature Plants 6:245–258. https://www.hygrometers.com/wp-content/uploads/CR-1A-users-manual-2009-12.pdf
von Caemmerer S, Farquhar GD. 1981. Some relationships between the biochemistry of photosynthesis and the gas exchange of leaves. Planta 153:376–387.
Evans JR, von Caemmerer S. 2013. Temperature response of carbon isotope discrimination and mesophyll conductance in tobacco. Plant, Cell & Environment 36:745–756.
Farquhar GD, Cernusak LA. 2012. Ternary effects on the gas exchange of isotopologues of carbon dioxide. Plant, Cell & Environment 35:1221–1231.
Goff JA, Gratch S. 1946. Low-pressure properties of water from -160° F to 212° F. Transactions of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers 52:95–121.
Harley PC, Loreto F, Di Marco G, Sharkey TD. 1992. Theoretical considerations when estimating the mesophyll conductance to CO2 flux by analysis of the response of photosynthesis to CO2. Plant Physiology 98:1429–1436.
Heinz Walz GmbH. 2019. Portable gas exchange fluorescence system GFS-3000. Handbook of operation. 9th edition. https://www.walz.com/files/downloads/manuals/gfs-3000/GFS-3000_Manual_9.pdf
LI-COR Biosciences Inc. 2011. Using the LI-6400/LI-6400XT portable photosynthesis system. Version 6.2. https://www.licor.com/env/support/LI-6400/manuals.html
LI-COR Biosciences Inc. 2022. Using the LI-6800 portable photosynthesis system. Version 2.1. https://www.licor.com/env/support/LI-6800/manuals.html
Márquez DA, Stuart-Williams H, Farquhar GD. 2021. An improved theory for calculating leaf gas exchange more precisely accounting for small fluxes. Nature Plants 7:317–326.
Márquez DA, Stuart-Williams H, Cernusak LA, Farquhar GD. 2023. Assessing the CO2 concentration at the surface of photosynthetic mesophyll cells. New Phytologist 238:1446–1460.
Parkinson KJ. 1985. A simple method for determining the boundary layer resistance in leaf cuvettes. Plant, Cell & Environment 8: 223–226.
PP Systems. 2024. CIRAS-4 portable photosynthesis system. Operation manual. Amesbury, MA: PP Systems. Version 1.3.
exampledir <- system.file("extdata", package = "gasanalyzer") # import factory calibration for example data: import_factory_cals(exampledir) # read data from a txt file: li6800 <- read_6800_txt(file.path(exampledir, "lowo2")) # passing an invalid flags shows which flags are valid: create_equations("help") # create a default set of gas-exchange equations, for the 6800, but overwrite # the default calculation of leaf light absorption with a custom value: Eqs <- create_equations(c("default", "li6800"), LeafQ.alpha = \() {0.86}) #apply: li6800_recalc <- recalculate(li6800, Eqs) li6800$LeafQ.alpha li6800_recalc$LeafQ.alpha
exampledir <- system.file("extdata", package = "gasanalyzer") # import factory calibration for example data: import_factory_cals(exampledir) # read data from a txt file: li6800 <- read_6800_txt(file.path(exampledir, "lowo2")) # passing an invalid flags shows which flags are valid: create_equations("help") # create a default set of gas-exchange equations, for the 6800, but overwrite # the default calculation of leaf light absorption with a custom value: Eqs <- create_equations(c("default", "li6800"), LeafQ.alpha = \() {0.86}) #apply: li6800_recalc <- recalculate(li6800, Eqs) li6800$LeafQ.alpha li6800_recalc$LeafQ.alpha
Ely et al. (2021) proposed a standardized nomenclature for reporting
gas-exchange data and metadata within the framework of the Environmental
System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE)
repository. This method converts data frames or tibbles created with
to this standardized format. Note that the scope of the
proposed standard is limited, and therefore only a subset of the data
is exported. Users should add relevant additional columns and provide
relevant metadata.
export_ess_dive(df, filename = "", extra_cols = NULL)
export_ess_dive(df, filename = "", extra_cols = NULL)
df |
a tibble with gas-exchange data. |
filename |
path to the output file. If none provided the method returns the data as a tibble. |
extra_cols |
a character vector specifying additional columns (not specified in the standard specified by Ely et al. 2021) to include in the returned data or saved files. |
If a filename is given as argument, the data is written into a comma separated, UTF-8 encoded file without BOM and with CRLF line headings. In addition, a data dictionary file ("_dd" is inserted at the end of the filename, before the file extension). If no filename is provided, the converted data is returned.
Nothing if a filename is provided. Otherwise, a tibble with variables and headings specified by the ESS-DIVE gas-exchange standard is returned.
Ely KS, Rogers A, Agarwal DA, et al (2021) A reporting format for leaf-level gas exchange data and metadata. Ecol Inform 61:101232. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2021.101232
example <- system.file("extdata", "d13C.tsv", package = "gasanalyzer") # read data and recalculate using default gas-exchange equations: df <- read_gasexchange(example) |> recalculate(create_equations("default")) # view df in ess_dive format: export_ess_dive(df) # save the data and a data dictionary: export_ess_dive(df, "ess_dive_test.csv") # read and show the dictionary: readLines("ess_dive_test_dd.csv")
example <- system.file("extdata", "d13C.tsv", package = "gasanalyzer") # read data and recalculate using default gas-exchange equations: df <- read_gasexchange(example) |> recalculate(create_equations("default")) # view df in ess_dive format: export_ess_dive(df) # save the data and a data dictionary: export_ess_dive(df, "ess_dive_test.csv") # read and show the dictionary: readLines("ess_dive_test_dd.csv")
The factory calibration of the 6800 can be used to calculate concentrations from raw values. If calibration information is available in the package environment it can be retrieved by this method.
get_factory_cals(sn = NULL, datetime = NULL)
get_factory_cals(sn = NULL, datetime = NULL)
sn |
a character vector with an instrument serial number. If named, the names are kept in the output. |
datetime |
a POSIXct time vector indicating the latest possible time for the calibration data that is to be returned. If no calibration before datetime is found, the oldest available calibration is returned. |
The datetime option can be used to make sure that newer calibration files are not used in combination with older datafiles.
A character matrix with factory calibration data. If no datetime is provided, the newest calibration is returned.
exampledir <- system.file("extdata", package = "gasanalyzer") # import factory cals for example data: import_factory_cals(exampledir) # show calibration data for a specific instrument serial numbers, closest to # the current time: get_factory_cals(sn = "68H-422400", datetime=Sys.time())
exampledir <- system.file("extdata", package = "gasanalyzer") # import factory cals for example data: import_factory_cals(exampledir) # show calibration data for a specific instrument serial numbers, closest to # the current time: get_factory_cals(sn = "68H-422400", datetime=Sys.time())
The factory calibration of the 6800 can be used to calculate concentrations from raw values. The calibration files are found in subfolders of /home/licor/.factory on the instrument. They can be copied to a computer and imported to the package configuration files using this method.
import_factory_cals( folder = tools::R_user_dir("gasanalyzer", which = "config"), keep = FALSE )
import_factory_cals( folder = tools::R_user_dir("gasanalyzer", which = "config"), keep = FALSE )
folder |
A folder where calibration files are to be found. |
keep |
Copies valid calibration files to a package-specific configuration folder. Will result in automatic import of the data in the future. Will overwrite files. |
The function will also load the calibration into the package environment,
where they can be retrieved by get_factory_cals()
This method assumes the files are named with serial number and calibration date, separated by an underscore.
Calibration data is stored in the package environment.
exampledir <- system.file("extdata", package = "gasanalyzer") # show calibration data get_factory_cals() # import factory calibration for example data: import_factory_cals(exampledir) # show calibration data get_factory_cals()
exampledir <- system.file("extdata", package = "gasanalyzer") # show calibration data get_factory_cals() # import factory calibration for example data: import_factory_cals(exampledir) # show calibration data get_factory_cals()
This method allows replacing a specific equations in a list with
custom versions. Although it is possible to add custom equations using
, it can be useful to modify existing sets. It can also
be used to modify equations imported from an xlsx
modify_equations(eqs, ...)
modify_equations(eqs, ...)
eqs |
a list of calls for recomputing |
... |
custom equations. the arguments must tagged function expressions. The tags will be matched against the equation list specified in eqs, and matching expressions will be replaced. Additional expressions will be added to the list. Note that the function body must be wrapped in curly brackets. |
A modified list of calls containing equations to recalculate
exampledir <- system.file("extdata", package = "gasanalyzer") # import factory calibration for example data: import_factory_cals(exampledir) # read data from a txt file: li6800 <- read_6800_txt(file.path(exampledir, "lowo2")) # create a default set of gas-exchange equations, for the Li-6800: Eqs <- create_equations(c("default", "li6800")) # replace the value for the leaf light absorptance: Eqs <- modify_equations(Eqs, LeafQ.alpha = \() {0.86}) # apply: li6800_recalc <- recalculate(li6800, Eqs) li6800$LeafQ.alpha li6800_recalc$LeafQ.alpha
exampledir <- system.file("extdata", package = "gasanalyzer") # import factory calibration for example data: import_factory_cals(exampledir) # read data from a txt file: li6800 <- read_6800_txt(file.path(exampledir, "lowo2")) # create a default set of gas-exchange equations, for the Li-6800: Eqs <- create_equations(c("default", "li6800")) # replace the value for the leaf light absorptance: Eqs <- modify_equations(Eqs, LeafQ.alpha = \() {0.86}) # apply: li6800_recalc <- recalculate(li6800, Eqs) li6800$LeafQ.alpha li6800_recalc$LeafQ.alpha
For sensitivity analyses, it is useful to permutate the values in a single
column, whilst keeping all other values constant. After creating such a
permutation, recalculate()
should be used to analyze the effect of the
change in the column of interest. If the effect of changes in multiple
columns is to be analyzed, this function can be called in series.
permutate(df, ...)
permutate(df, ...)
df |
a dataframe or tibble |
... |
a name-value pair. The name gives the name of the column in the input that is to be changed. The value is a vector specifying all values that are desired in the output. For every value in this vector, all other rows are duplicated. |
a data frame containing all possible combinations of the input df and the vector specified in ...
Note that the units and classes of the columns in the input data frame are applied to the replacement values. Unexpected behavior may occur when providing incompatible classes or units.
example <- system.file("extdata", "6400-testfile", package = "gasanalyzer") # read data: li6400 <- read_6400_txt(example) # expand the data frame for a range of leaf areas, and recalculate the data: li6400 <- permutate(li6400, Const.S = seq(1, 8)) |> recalculate(create_equations(c("default", "li6400"))) if (interactive()) { require(units) require(graphics) # observe that changing the leaf area enclosed in the chamber would have a # nonlinear effect on the rate of photosynthesis: aggregate(list(A = li6400$GasEx.A), list(Area = (li6400$Const.S)), mean) |> plot() }
example <- system.file("extdata", "6400-testfile", package = "gasanalyzer") # read data: li6400 <- read_6400_txt(example) # expand the data frame for a range of leaf areas, and recalculate the data: li6400 <- permutate(li6400, Const.S = seq(1, 8)) |> recalculate(create_equations(c("default", "li6400"))) if (interactive()) { require(units) require(graphics) # observe that changing the leaf area enclosed in the chamber would have a # nonlinear effect on the rate of photosynthesis: aggregate(list(A = li6400$GasEx.A), list(Area = (li6400$Const.S)), mean) |> plot() }
The text files stored by the 6400 contain measured and calculated values that
are read by this function and formatted in a large tibble for use with R.
Constants and metadata are also added as columns. Note that no recalculation
of derived variables is performed, although it is possible to so using
after importing the data.
read_6400_txt(filename, tz = Sys.timezone())
read_6400_txt(filename, tz = Sys.timezone())
filename |
an text file containing 6400XT gas-exchange data. |
tz |
a character string specifying the timezone for the loaded file. If omitted, the current time zone is used. Invalid values are typically treated as UTC, on some platforms with a warning. |
Multiple files can be loaded by calling the function with lapply()
to merge multiple files. In this case, it is important
to ensure that the column names will match.
A tibble with gas-exchange data in columns.
example <- system.file("extdata", "6400-testfile", package = "gasanalyzer") # read data li6400data <- read_6400_txt(example) #View li6400data
example <- system.file("extdata", "6400-testfile", package = "gasanalyzer") # read data li6400data <- read_6400_txt(example) #View li6400data
It is recommended to use create_equations()
for recalculating gas-exchange
data, but under some conditions, it may be useful to apply exactly the same
equations as used in the xlsx data file.
filename |
an xlsx file containing 6800 gas-exchange data |
Currently, this only works for xlsx files stored by the 6800. this function
extracts xlsx formulas from the file and stores them in a list for use by the
function. Note there is no guarantee that the extracted
equations work on any other data files. Since newer versions of the 6800
firmware allows defining custom equations, it is not guaranteed that all
equations can be extracted successfully.
A list of gas-equations.
In principle, this can be made to work for the 6400 as well, but since that instrument uses a variation of the older xls format, it is hard to get working in practice.
example <- system.file("extdata", "lowo2.xlsx", package = "gasanalyzer") # get equations stored in the xlsx file Eqs <- read_6800_equations(example) #Inpect how stomatal conductance is calculated: Eqs$GasEx.gsw
example <- system.file("extdata", "lowo2.xlsx", package = "gasanalyzer") # get equations stored in the xlsx file Eqs <- read_6800_equations(example) #Inpect how stomatal conductance is calculated: Eqs$GasEx.gsw
The text files stored by the 6800 contain measured and calculated values that
are read by this function and formatted in a large tibble for use with R.
Constants and metadata (such as calibration information) are also added as
columns. Note that no recalculation of derived variables is performed,
although it is possible to so using recalculate()
after importing the data.
filename |
an text file containing 6800 gas-exchange data. |
Multiple files can be loaded by calling the function with lapply()
to merge multiple files. In this case, it is important
to ensure that the column names will match.
A tibble with gas-exchange data in columns.
exampledir <- system.file("extdata", package = "gasanalyzer") # import factory calibration for example data: import_factory_cals(exampledir) # read data li6800 <- read_6800_xlsx(file.path(exampledir, "lowo2.xlsx")) li6800_txt <- read_6800_txt(file.path(exampledir, "/lowo2")) # compare all except equations. Note txt file reports some NAs as zero: columns_to_check <- names(li6800)[!names(li6800) %in% c("gasanalyzer.Equations")] all.equal(li6800[columns_to_check], li6800_txt[columns_to_check], tol = 0.01)
exampledir <- system.file("extdata", package = "gasanalyzer") # import factory calibration for example data: import_factory_cals(exampledir) # read data li6800 <- read_6800_xlsx(file.path(exampledir, "lowo2.xlsx")) li6800_txt <- read_6800_txt(file.path(exampledir, "/lowo2")) # compare all except equations. Note txt file reports some NAs as zero: columns_to_check <- names(li6800)[!names(li6800) %in% c("gasanalyzer.Equations")] all.equal(li6800[columns_to_check], li6800_txt[columns_to_check], tol = 0.01)
The xlsx files stored by the 6800 contain measured and calculated values that are read by this function and formatted in a large tibble for use with R. Constants and metadata (such as calibration information) are also added as columns.
read_6800_xlsx(filename, recalculate = TRUE)
read_6800_xlsx(filename, recalculate = TRUE)
filename |
an xlsx file containing 6800 gas-exchange data. |
recalculate |
character string indicating whether or not to recalculate data using equations from the xlsx file. |
Note that values for many derived gas-exchange parameters are not
stored in the files, but are calculated by equations stored in the xlsx.
These values are 0 after importing, unless setting recalculate = TRUE. It is
also possible to calculate this parameters after importing using the
Multiple files can be loaded by calling the function with lapply()
to merge multiple files. In this case, it is important
to ensure that the column names will match. Recalculation can be disabled
for speed, and instead applied to the merged data using recalculate()
A tibble with gas-exchange data in columns.
exampledir <- system.file("extdata", package = "gasanalyzer") # import factory calibration for example data: import_factory_cals(exampledir) # read data: li6800 <- read_6800_xlsx(file.path(exampledir, "lowo2.xlsx")) li6800_norecalc <- read_6800_xlsx(file.path(exampledir, "lowo2.xlsx"), recalculate = FALSE) li6800_norecalc$gasanalyzer.Equations <- list(read_6800_equations(file.path(exampledir, "lowo2.xlsx"))) all.equal(li6800, recalculate(li6800_norecalc), check.attributes = FALSE)
exampledir <- system.file("extdata", package = "gasanalyzer") # import factory calibration for example data: import_factory_cals(exampledir) # read data: li6800 <- read_6800_xlsx(file.path(exampledir, "lowo2.xlsx")) li6800_norecalc <- read_6800_xlsx(file.path(exampledir, "lowo2.xlsx"), recalculate = FALSE) li6800_norecalc$gasanalyzer.Equations <- list(read_6800_equations(file.path(exampledir, "lowo2.xlsx"))) all.equal(li6800, recalculate(li6800_norecalc), check.attributes = FALSE)
The csv files stored by the CIRAS-4 contain measured and calculated values
that are read by this function and formatted in a large tibble for use with
R. Note that no recalculation of derived variables are performed, although it
is possible to do so using recalculate()
after importing the data.
filename |
a csv file containing gas-exchange data. |
Multiple files can be loaded by calling the function with lapply()
to merge multiple files. In this case, it is important
to ensure that the column names will match.
a tibble with gas-exchange data in columns.
example <- system.file("extdata", "ciras4.csv", package = "gasanalyzer") # Read using unified column names: cir4 <- read_ciras4(example) # Recalculate data using default gas exchange equations: cir4_recalc <- recalculate(cir4, create_equations(c("default", "ciras4"))) # View differences: all.equal(cir4, cir4_recalc[names(cir4)], tol = 0.001)
example <- system.file("extdata", "ciras4.csv", package = "gasanalyzer") # Read using unified column names: cir4 <- read_ciras4(example) # Recalculate data using default gas exchange equations: cir4_recalc <- recalculate(cir4, create_equations(c("default", "ciras4"))) # View differences: all.equal(cir4, cir4_recalc[names(cir4)], tol = 0.001)
Data stored by write_gasexchange()
can be read by this method. The first
row is the header, the second row specify the units. File encoding must be
UTF-16LE (use the export as unicode txt option in Microsoft Excel).
read_gasexchange(filename, delim = "\t")
read_gasexchange(filename, delim = "\t")
filename |
path to the input file |
delim |
delimiter to use for the file |
a tibble with gas-exchange data
example <- system.file("extdata", "d13C.tsv", package = "gasanalyzer") # read data read_gasexchange(example)
example <- system.file("extdata", "d13C.tsv", package = "gasanalyzer") # read data read_gasexchange(example)
The text files stored by the GFS-3000 contain measured and calculated values
that are read by this function and formatted in a large tibble for use with
R. Note that no recalculation of derived variables is performed, although it
is possible to do so using recalculate()
after importing the data.
read_gfs( filename, tz = Sys.timezone(), unified_names = TRUE, skip_to_data = 2, delim = ";" )
read_gfs( filename, tz = Sys.timezone(), unified_names = TRUE, skip_to_data = 2, delim = ";" )
filename |
an xlsx file containing 6800 gas-exchange data. |
tz |
a character string specifying the timezone for the loaded file. If omitted, the current time zone is used. Invalid values are typically treated as UTC, on some platforms with a warning. |
unified_names |
= TRUE, use unified column names. This is necessary for further processing of the data using this package. |
skip_to_data |
use skip=4 if the file has a double header. |
delim |
= ";" Allows specified the delimiter used in the files. Re-saved data may use a comma as delimiter. |
Multiple files can be loaded by calling the function with lapply()
to merge multiple files. In this case, it is important
to ensure that the column names will match.
a tibble with gas-exchange data in columns and equations as attribute.
example <- system.file("extdata", "aci1.csv", package = "gasanalyzer") # Read using GFS-3000 names and formatting: gfs3000_old <- read_gfs(example, unified_names = FALSE) # Read using unified column names: gfs3000 <- read_gfs(example) # Inspect the intercellular CO2: gfs3000_old$ci gfs3000$GasEx.Ci # Recalculate data using default gas exchange equations: gfs3000 <- recalculate(gfs3000, create_equations(c("default", "gfs3000"))) gfs3000$GasEx.Ci
example <- system.file("extdata", "aci1.csv", package = "gasanalyzer") # Read using GFS-3000 names and formatting: gfs3000_old <- read_gfs(example, unified_names = FALSE) # Read using unified column names: gfs3000 <- read_gfs(example) # Inspect the intercellular CO2: gfs3000_old$ci gfs3000$GasEx.Ci # Recalculate data using default gas exchange equations: gfs3000 <- recalculate(gfs3000, create_equations(c("default", "gfs3000"))) gfs3000$GasEx.Ci
The recalculation uses equations in a list of quosures provided as argument.
This list can be obtained from create_equations()
recalculate(df, eqs = NULL)
recalculate(df, eqs = NULL)
df |
A data frame or an extension thereof (e.g. a tibble). |
eqs |
a list of quosures that define how the df will be altered. |
A tibble with recalculated columns as specified by the eqs argument
exampledir <- system.file("extdata", package = "gasanalyzer") # import factory calibration for example data: import_factory_cals(exampledir) # read data: li6800 <- read_6800_xlsx(file.path(exampledir, "lowo2.xlsx")) # recalculate using xlsx equations: li6800 <- recalculate(li6800) # recalculate using gasanalyzer default equations for the li6800: li6800_ge <- recalculate(li6800, create_equations(c("default", "li6800"))) # the difference is that units have been enforced using gasanalyzer, which # has been recorded in a column: all.equal(li6800, li6800_ge[names(li6800)], tol = 0.01)
exampledir <- system.file("extdata", package = "gasanalyzer") # import factory calibration for example data: import_factory_cals(exampledir) # read data: li6800 <- read_6800_xlsx(file.path(exampledir, "lowo2.xlsx")) # recalculate using xlsx equations: li6800 <- recalculate(li6800) # recalculate using gasanalyzer default equations for the li6800: li6800_ge <- recalculate(li6800, create_equations(c("default", "li6800"))) # the difference is that units have been enforced using gasanalyzer, which # has been recorded in a column: all.equal(li6800, li6800_ge[names(li6800)], tol = 0.01)
The argument is converted to a plotmath expression that can be used using
or ggplot2
. If there is no known plotmath expression defined,
the argument is returned as is.
var2label(varname, use_units = FALSE, val = NULL, ...)
var2label(varname, use_units = FALSE, val = NULL, ...)
varname |
a character list or vector argument with variable names. |
use_units |
whether or not to append default units to the resulting. expression. It is better to rely on the units in the actual data, which is handled automatically by newer ggplot2 versions. |
val |
a value to display rather than the variable name. Needs to be of the same length as varname and if not a character vector it should be coercible to one. NAs are replaced with the plotmath expressions. |
... |
options passed on to make_unit_label. |
a list of plotmath expressions.
# make labels lbls <- var2label(c("GasEx.Ci", "GasEx.A"), use_units = TRUE) print(lbls) # plot plot(1, type = "n", xlab = lbls[[1]], ylab = lbls[[2]]) # add temperature as title, removing [] from the units: title(main = var2label("Meas.Tleaf",use_units = TRUE, val = 25, group = c("", ""))[[1]])
# make labels lbls <- var2label(c("GasEx.Ci", "GasEx.A"), use_units = TRUE) print(lbls) # plot plot(1, type = "n", xlab = lbls[[1]], ylab = lbls[[2]]) # add temperature as title, removing [] from the units: title(main = var2label("Meas.Tleaf",use_units = TRUE, val = 25, group = c("", ""))[[1]])
The column names and column units are saved as a two-row header. The files
use UTF-16LE and CRLF line headings for compatibility. By default, tabs are
used as delimiter. If you intend to open the file in a spreadsheet program,
it may be helpful to use csv
as file extension.
write_gasexchange(df, filename, delim = "\t")
write_gasexchange(df, filename, delim = "\t")
df |
a tibble with gas-exchange data |
filename |
path to the output file |
delim |
delimiter to use for the file |
Note that for data-exchange between R sessions, saveRDS()
and readRDS()
are faster, and support saving and loading list columns (such as calibration
information and equations). This method is primarily meant for exchanging
data with other software packages.
No return value. If there a problems writing the file, a warning or error will be shown.
example <- system.file("extdata", "d13C.tsv", package = "gasanalyzer") # read data and recalculate using default gas-exchange equations: df <- read_gasexchange(example) |> recalculate(create_equations("default")) # write recaculated data write_gasexchange(df, "d13C_recalculated.tsv")
example <- system.file("extdata", "d13C.tsv", package = "gasanalyzer") # read data and recalculate using default gas-exchange equations: df <- read_gasexchange(example) |> recalculate(create_equations("default")) # write recaculated data write_gasexchange(df, "d13C_recalculated.tsv")