Package 'gamlssx'

Title: Generalized Additive Extreme Value Models for Location, Scale and Shape
Description: Fits generalized additive models for the location, scale and shape parameters of a generalized extreme value response distribution. The methodology is based on Rigby, R.A. and Stasinopoulos, D.M. (2005), <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9876.2005.00510.x> and implemented using functions from the 'gamlss' package <doi:10.32614/CRAN.package.gamlss>.
Authors: Paul J. Northrop [aut, cre, cph], Jennifer Ji [aut]
Maintainer: Paul J. Northrop <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 1.0.1
Built: 2024-09-25 06:18:28 UTC
Source: CRAN

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gamlssx: Generalized Additive Extreme Value Models for Location, Scale and Shape


Fits generalized additive models for the location, scale and shape parameters of a generalized extreme value response distribution. The methodology is based on Rigby and Stasinopoulos (2005) and implemented using functions from the gamlss package doi:10.32614/CRAN.package.gamlss.


The main function in gamlssx is fitGEV(), which calls the function gamlss::gamlss(). See the gamlssx package page on Github for more information.


Maintainer: Paul J. Northrop [email protected] [copyright holder]


  • Jennifer Ji


Rigby R.A. and Stasinopoulos D.M. (2005). Generalized additive models for location, scale and shape (with discussion), Appl. Statist., 54, part 3, pages 507-554. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9876.2005.00510.x

See Also

fitGEV(), gamlss::gamlss()

Fit a Generalized Extreme value (GEV) GAMLSS Model




  scoring = c("fisher", "quasi"), = "identity", = "log", = "identity",
  stepLength = 1,
  stepAttempts = 2,
  stepReduce = 2,
  steps = FALSE,



a formula object, with the response on the left of an ~ operator, and the terms, separated by ++ operators, on the right. Nonparametric smoothing terms are indicated by pb() for penalised beta splines, cs for smoothing splines, lo for loess smooth terms and random or ra for random terms, e.g. y~cs(x,df=5)+x1+x2*x3. Additional smoothers can be added by creating the appropriate interface. Interactions with nonparametric smooth terms are not fully supported, but will not produce errors; they will simply produce the usual parametric interaction


a data frame containing the variables occurring in the formula, e.g. data=aids. If this is missing, the variables should be on the search list.


A character scalar. If scoring = "fisher" then the weights used in the fitting algorithm are based on the expected Fisher information, that is, a Fisher's scoring algorithm is used. If scoring = "quasi" then these weights are based on the cross products of the first derivatives of the log-likelihood, leading to a quasi Newton scoring algorithm.,,

Character scalars to set the respective link functions for the location (mu), scale (sigma) and shape (xi) parameters. The latter is passed to gamlss::gamlss() as


A numeric vector of positive values. The initial values of the step lengths mu.step, sigma.step and nu.step passed to gamlss::gamlss.control() in the first attempt to fit the model by calling gamlss::gamlss(). If stepLength has a length that is less than 3 then stepLength is recycled to have length 3.


A non-negative integer. If the first call to gamlss::gamlss() throws an error then we make stepAttempts further attempts to fit the model, each time dividing by 2 the values of mu.step, sigma.step and nu.step supplied to gamlss::gamlss.control(). If stepAttempts < 1 then no further attempts are made.


A number greater than 1. The factor by which the step lengths in stepLength are reduced for each extra attempt to fit the model. The default, stepReduce = 2 means that the step lengths are halved for each extra attempt.


A logical scalar. Pass steps = TRUE to write to the console the current value of stepLength for each call to gamlss::gamlss().


Further arguments passed to gamlss::gamlss(), in particular method, which sets the fitting algorithm, with options RS(), CG() or mixed(). The default, method = RS() seems to work well, as does method = mixed(). In contrast, method = CG() often requires the step length to be reduced before convergence is achieved. fitGEV() attempts to do this automatically. See stepAttempts. Pass trace = FALSE (to gamlss::gamlss.control()) to avoid writing to the console the global deviance after each outer iteration of the gamlss fitting algorithm.


See gamlss::gamlss() for information about the model and the fitting algorithm.


Returns a gamlss object. See the Value section of gamlss::gamlss(). The class of the returned object is c("gamlssx", "gamlss", "gam", "glm", "lm").

See Also

GEV,, gamlss::gamlss()


# Load gamlss, for the function pb()

##### Simulated data

n <- 100
x <- stats::runif(n)
mu <- 1 + 2 * x
sigma <- 1
xi <- 0.25
y <- nieve::rGEV(n = 1, loc = mu, scale = sigma, shape = xi)
data <- data.frame(y = as.numeric(y), x = x)
plot(x, y)

# Fit model using the default RS method with Fisher's scoring
mod <- fitGEV(y ~ gamlss::pb(x), data = data)
# Summary of model fit
# Residual diagnostic plots
plot(mod, xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
# Data plus fitted curve
plot(data$x, data$y, xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
lines(data$x, fitted(mod))

# Fit model using the mixed method and quasi-Newton scoring
# Use trace = FALSE to prevent writing the global deviance to the console
mod <- fitGEV(y ~ pb(x), data = data, method = mixed(), scoring = "quasi",
              trace = FALSE)

# Fit model using the CG method
# The default step length of 1 needs to be reduced to enable convergence
# Use steps = TRUE to write the step lengths to the console
mod <- fitGEV(y ~ pb(x), data = data, method = CG(), steps = TRUE)

##### Fremantle annual maximum sea levels
##### See also the gamlssx package README file

# Transform Year so that it is centred on 0
fremantle <- transform(fremantle, cYear = Year - median(Year))

# Plot sea level against year and against SOI
plot(fremantle$Year, fremantle$SeaLevel, xlab = "year", ylab = "sea level (m)")
plot(fremantle$SOI, fremantle$SeaLevel, xlab = "SOI", ylab = "sea level (m)")

# Fit a model with P-spline effects of cYear and SOI on location and scale
# The default links are identity for location and log for scale
mod <- fitGEV(SeaLevel ~ pb(cYear) + pb(SOI),
             sigma.formula = ~ pb(cYear) + pb(SOI),
             data = fremantle)

# Summary of model fit
# Model diagnostic plots
# Worm plot
# Plot of the fitted component smooth functions
# Note: gamlss::term.plot() does not include uncertainty about the intercept
# Location mu
term.plot(mod, rug = TRUE, pages = 1)
# Scale sigma
term.plot(mod, what = "sigma", rug = TRUE, pages = 1)

Annual Maximum Sea Levels at Fremantle, Western Australia


This is a copy of the fremantle dataset from the ismev package. The fremantle data frame has 86 rows and 3 columns. The second column gives 86 annual maximum sea levels recorded at Fremantle, Western Australia, within the period 1897 to 1989. The first column gives the corresponding years. The third column gives annual mean values of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), which is a proxy for meteorological volatility.




This data frame contains the following:

  • Year: A numeric vector of years.

  • SeaLevel: A numeric vector of annual sea level maxima.

  • SOI: A numeric vector of annual mean values of the Southern Oscillation Index.


Coles, S. G. (2001) An Introduction to Statistical Modelling of Extreme Values. London: Springer.



GEV family distribution for fitting a GAMLSS


The functions GEVfisher() and GEVquasi() each define the generalized extreme value (GEV) family distribution, a three parameter distribution, for a object to be used in GAMLSS fitting using the function gamlss::gamlss(). The only difference between GEVfisher() and GEVquasi() is the form of scoring method used to define the weights used in the fitting algorithm. Fisher's scoring, based on the expected Fisher information is used in GEVfisher(), whereas a quasi-Newton scoring, based on the cross products of the first derivatives of the log-likelihood, is used in GEVquasi(). The functions dGEV, pGEV, qGEV and rGEV define the density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the specific parameterization of the generalized extreme value distribution given in Details below.


GEVfisher( = "identity", = "log", = "identity")

GEVquasi( = "identity", = "log", = "identity")

dGEV(x, mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 0, log = FALSE)

pGEV(q, mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)

qGEV(p, mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)

rGEV(n, mu = 0, sigma = 1, nu = 0)


Defines the, with "identity" link as the default for the mu parameter.

Defines the, with "log" link as the default for the sigma parameter.

Defines the, with "identity" link as the default for the nu parameter.

x, q

Vector of quantiles.

mu, sigma, nu

Vectors of location, scale and shape parameter values.

log, log.p

Logical. If TRUE, probabilities ⁠eqn{p}⁠ are given as log(p)\log(p).


Logical. If TRUE (the default), probabilities are P[Xx]P[X \leq x], otherwise, P[X>x]P[X > x].


Vector of probabilities.


Number of observations. If length(n) > 1, the length is taken to be the number required.


The distribution function of a GEV distribution with parameters loc = μ\mu, scale = σ(>0)\sigma (> 0) and shape = ξ\xi (=ν= \nu) is

F(x)=P(Xx)=exp{[1+ξ(xμσ)]+1/ξ},F(x) = P(X \leq x) = \exp\left\{ -\left[ 1+\xi\left(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\right) \right]_+^{-1/\xi} \right\},

where x+=max(x,0)x_+ = \max(x, 0). If ξ=0\xi = 0 the distribution function is defined as the limit as ξ\xi tends to zero. The support of the distribution depends on ξ\xi: it is xμσ/ξx \leq \mu - \sigma / \xi for ξ<0\xi < 0; xμσ/ξx \geq \mu - \sigma / \xi for ξ>0\xi > 0; and xx is unbounded for ξ=0\xi = 0. See and/or Chapter 3 of Coles (2001) for further information.

For each observation in the data, the restriction that ξ>1/2\xi > -1/2 is imposed, which is necessary for the usual asymptotic likelihood theory to be applicable.


GEVfisher() and GEVquasi() each return a object which can be used to fit a regression model with a GEV response distribution using the gamlss::gamlss() function. dGEV() gives the density, pGEV() gives the distribution function, qGEV() gives the quantile function, and rGEV() generates random deviates.


See the examples in fitGEV().


Coles, S. G. (2001) An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values, Springer-Verlag, London. Chapter 3: doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-3675-0_3

See Also

fitGEV,, gamlss::gamlss()

GEV Distribution Expected Information


Calculates the expected information matrix for the GEV distribution.


gev11e(scale, shape)

gev22e(scale, shape, eps = 0.003)

gev33e(shape, eps = 0.003)

gev12e(scale, shape, eps = 0.003)

gev13e(scale, shape, eps = 0.003)

gev23e(scale, shape, eps = 0.003)

gevExpInfo(scale, shape, eps = 0.003)


scale, shape

Numeric vectors. Respective values of the GEV parameters scale parameter σ\sigma and shape parameter ξ\xi. For gevExpInfo, scale and shape must have length 1.


A numeric scalar. For values of ξ\xi in shape that lie in ⁠(-eps, eps)⁠ an approximation is used instead of a direct calculation. See Details. If eps is a vector then only the first element is used.


gevExpInfo calculates, for single pair of values (σ,ξ)=(\sigma, \xi) = ⁠(scale, shape)⁠, the expected information matrix for a single observation from a GEV distribution with distribution function

F(x)=P(Xx)=exp{[1+ξ(xμσ)]+1/ξ},F(x) = P(X \leq x) = \exp\left\{ -\left[ 1+\xi\left(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\right) \right]_+^{-1/\xi} \right\},

where x+=max(x,0)x_+ = \max(x, 0). The GEV expected information is defined only for ξ>0.5\xi > -0.5 and does not depend on the value of μ\mu.

The other functions are vectorized and calculate the individual contributions to the expected information matrix. For example, gev11e calculates the expectation iμμi_{\mu\mu} of the negated second derivative of the GEV log-density with respect to μ\mu, that is, each 1 indicates one derivative with respect to μ\mu. Similarly, 2 denotes one derivative with respect to σ\sigma and 3 one derivative with respect to ξ\xi, so that, for example, gev23e calculates the expectation iσξi_{\sigma\xi} of the negated GEV log-density after one taking one derivative with respect to σ\sigma and one derivative with respect to ξ\xi. Note that iξξi_{\xi\xi}, calculated using gev33e, depends only on ξ\xi.

The expectation in gev11e can be calculated in a direct way for all ξ>0.5\xi > -0.5. For the other components, direct calculation of the expectation is unstable when ξ\xi is close to 0. Instead, we use a quadratic approximation over ⁠(-eps, eps)⁠, from a Lagrangian interpolation of the values from the direct calculation for ξ=\xi = -eps, 00 and eps.


gevExpInfo returns a 3 by 3 numeric matrix with row and column named ⁠loc, scale, shape⁠. The other functions return a numeric vector of length equal to the maximum of the lengths of the arguments, excluding eps.


# Expected information matrices for ...
# ... scale = 2 and shape = -0.4
gevExpInfo(2, -0.4)
# ... scale = 3 and shape = 0.001
gevExpInfo(3, 0.001)
# ... scale = 3 and shape = 0
gevExpInfo(3, 0)
# ... scale = 1 and shape = 0.1
gevExpInfo(1, 0.1)

# The individual components of the latter matrix
gev11e(1, 0.1)
gev12e(1, 0.1)
gev13e(1, 0.1)
gev22e(1, 0.1)
gev23e(1, 0.1)