Package 'galah'

Title: Biodiversity Data from the GBIF Node Network
Description: The Global Biodiversity Information Facility ('GBIF', <>) sources data from an international network of data providers, known as 'nodes'. Several of these nodes - the "living atlases" (<>) - maintain their own web services using software originally developed by the Atlas of Living Australia ('ALA', <>). 'galah' enables the R community to directly access data and resources hosted by 'GBIF' and its partner nodes.
Authors: Martin Westgate [aut, cre], Dax Kellie [aut], Matilda Stevenson [aut], Peggy Newman [aut]
Maintainer: Martin Westgate <[email protected]>
License: MPL-2.0
Version: 2.1.1
Built: 2025-03-09 06:30:25 UTC
Source: CRAN

Help Index

Apply a data quality profile


A 'profile' is a group of filters that are pre-applied by the ALA. Using a data profile allows a query to be filtered quickly to the most relevant or quality-assured data that is fit-for-purpose. For example, the "ALA" profile is designed to exclude lower quality records, whereas other profiles apply filters specific to species distribution modelling (e.g. CDSM).

Note that only one profile can be loaded at a time; if multiple profiles are given, the first valid profile is used.

For more bespoke editing of filters within a profile, use filter.data_request().


apply_profile(.data, ...)




An object of class data_request


a profile name. Should be a string - the name or abbreviation of a data quality profile to apply to the query. Valid values can be seen using show_all(profiles)


An updated data_request with a completed data_profile slot.

See Also

show_all() and search_all() to look up available data profiles. filter.data_request() can be used for more bespoke editing of individual data profile filters.


## Not run: 
# Apply a data quality profile to a query
galah_call() |> 
  identify("reptilia") |>
  filter(year == 2021) |>
  apply_profile(ALA) |>

## End(Not run)

Order rows using column values



arrange.data_request() arranges rows of a query on the server side, meaning that the query is constructed in such a way that information will be arranged when the query is processed. This only has an effect when used in combination with count() and group_by(). The benefit of using arrange() within a galah_call() pipe is that it is sometimes beneficial to choose a non-default order for data to be delivered in, particularly if slice_head() is also called.


## S3 method for class 'data_request'
arrange(.data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'metadata_request'
arrange(.data, ...)



An object of class data_request


A variable to arrange the resulting tibble by. Should be one of the variables also listed in group_by().


An amended data_request with a completed arrange slot.


## Not run: 

# Arrange grouped counts by ascending year
galah_call() |>
  identify("Crinia") |>
  filter(year >= 2020) |>
  group_by(year) |>
  arrange(year) |>
  count() |>
# Arrange grouped counts by ascending record count
galah_call() |>
  identify("Crinia") |>
  filter(year >= 2020) |>
  group_by(year) |>
  arrange(count) |>
  count() |>

# Arrange grouped counts by descending year
galah_call() |>
  identify("Crinia") |>
  filter(year >= 2020) |>
  group_by(year) |>
  arrange(desc(year)) |>
  count() |>

## End(Not run)

Generate a citation for occurrence data


If a tibble containing occurrences was generated using galah (either via collect() or atlas_occurrences()), it will usually contain associated metadata stored in attributes() that can be used to build a citation for that dataset. This function simply extracts that information, formats it, then both invisibly returns the formatted citation and prints it to the console.





A tibble generated by atlas_occurrences() or similar


Invisibly returns a string containing the citation for that dataset. Primarily called for the side-effect of printing this string to the console.


## Not run: 
x <- galah_call() |>
    identify("Heleioporus") |>
    filter(year == 2022) |>

## End(Not run)

Generate a query


collapse() constructs a valid query so it can be inspected before being sent. It typically occurs at the end of a pipe, traditionally begun with galah_call(), that is used to define a query. As of version 2.0, objects of class data_request (created using request_data()), metadata_request (from request_metadata()) or files_request (from request_files()) are all supported by collapse(). Any of these objects can be created using galah_call() via the method argument.


## S3 method for class 'data_request'
collapse(x, ..., mint_doi, .expand = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'metadata_request'
collapse(x, .expand = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'files_request'
collapse(x, thumbnail = FALSE, ...)



An object of class data_request, metadata_request or files_request


Arguments passed on to other methods


Logical: should a DOI be minted for this download? Only applies to type = "occurrences" when atlas chosen is "ALA".


Logical: should the query_set be returned? This object shows all the requisite data needed to process the supplied query. Defaults to FALSE; if TRUE will append the query_set to an extra slot in the query object.


Logical: should thumbnail-size images be returned? Defaults to FALSE, indicating full-size images are required.


An object of class query, which is a list-like object containing at least the slots type and url.

Collect media files


This function downloads full-sized or thumbnail images and media files using information from atlas_media to a local directory.


collect_media(df, thumbnail = FALSE, path)



tibble: returned by atlas_media() or a pipe starting with request_data(type = "media").


logical: If TRUE will download small thumbnail-sized images, rather than full size images (default).


string: [Deprecated] Use ⁠galah_config(directory = "path-to-directory)"⁠ instead. Supply a path to a local folder/directory where downloaded media will be saved to.


Invisibly returns a tibble listing the number of files downloaded, grouped by their HTML status codes. Primarily called for the side effect of downloading available image & media files to a user local directory.


## Not run: 
# Use `atlas_media()` to return a `tibble` of records that contain media
x <- galah_call() |> 
  identify("perameles") |>
  filter(year == 2015) |>

# To download media files, add `collect_media()` to the end of a query 
galah_config(directory = "media_files")

#' # post version 2.0, it is possible to run all steps in sequence
# first, get occurrences, making sure to include media fields:
occurrences_df <- request_data() |>
  identify("Regent Honeyeater") |>
  filter(!, year == 2011) |>
  select(group = "media") |>
# second, get media metadata
media_info <- request_metadata() |>
  filter(media == occurrences_df) |>
# the two steps above + `right_join()` are synonmous with `atlas_media()`
# third, get images
request_files() |>
  filter(media == media_df) |>
  collect(thumbnail = TRUE)
# step three is synonymous with `collect_media()`

## End(Not run)

Retrieve a database query


collect() attempts to retrieve the result of a query from the selected API.


## S3 method for class 'data_request'
collect(x, ..., wait = TRUE, file = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'metadata_request'
collect(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'files_request'
collect(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'query'
collect(x, ..., wait = TRUE, file = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'computed_query'
collect(x, ..., wait = TRUE, file = NULL)



An object of class data_request, metadata_request or files_request (from galah_call()); or an object of class query_set or query (from collapse() or compute())


Arguments passed on to other methods


logical; should galah wait for a response? Defaults to FALSE. Only applies for type = "occurrences" or "species".


(Optional) file name. If not given, will be set to data with date and time added. The file path (directory) is always given by galah_config()$package$directory.


In most cases, collect() returns a tibble containing requested data. Where the requested data are not yet ready (i.e. for occurrences when wait is set to FALSE), this function returns an object of class query that can be used to recheck the download at a later time.

Compute a query


compute() is useful for several purposes. It's original purpose is to send a request for data, which can then be processed by the server and retrieved at a later time (via collect()).


## S3 method for class 'data_request'
compute(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'metadata_request'
compute(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'files_request'
compute(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'query'
compute(x, ...)



An object of class data_request, metadata_request or files_request (i.e. constructed using a pipe) or query (i.e. constructed by collapse())


Arguments passed on to other methods


An object of class computed_query, which is identical to class query except for occurrence data, where it also contains information on the status of the request.

Count the observations in each group


count() lets you quickly count the unique values of one or more variables. It is evaluated lazily.


## S3 method for class 'data_request'
count(x, ..., wt, sort, name)



An object of class data_request, created using galah_call()


currently ignored


currently ignored


currently ignored


currently ignored

Keep rows that match a condition


The filter() function is used to subset a data, retaining all rows that satisfy your conditions. To be retained, the row must produce a value of TRUE for all conditions. Unlike 'local' filters that act on a tibble, the galah implementations work by amending a query which is then enacted by collect() or one of the atlas_ family of functions (such as atlas_counts() or atlas_occurrences()).


## S3 method for class 'data_request'
filter(.data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'metadata_request'
filter(.data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'files_request'
filter(.data, ...)

galah_filter(..., profile = NULL)



An object of class data_request, metadata_request or files_request, created using galah_call() or related functions.


Expressions that return a logical value, and are defined in terms of the variables in the selected atlas (and checked using show_all(fields). If multiple expressions are included, they are combined with the & operator. Only rows for which all conditions evaluate to TRUE are kept.


[Deprecated] Use galah_apply_profile instead.



filter.data_request() and galah_filter() uses non-standard evaluation (NSE), and are designed to be as compatible as possible with dplyr::filter() syntax. Permissible examples include:

  • == (e.g. year = 2020) but not = (for consistency with dplyr)

  • !=, e.g. year != 2020)

  • > or >= (e.g. year >= 2020)

  • < or <= (e.g. year <= 2020)

  • OR statements (e.g. year == 2018 | year == 2020)

  • AND statements (e.g. year >= 2000 & year <= 2020)

Some general tips:

  • Separating statements with a comma is equivalent to an AND statement; Ergo filter(year >= 2010 & year < 2020) is the same as ⁠_filter(year >= 2010, year < 2020)⁠.

  • All statements must include the field name; so filter(year == 2010 | year == 2021) works, as does filter(year == c(2010, 2021)), but filter(year == 2010 | 2021) fails.

  • It is possible to use an object to specify required values, e.g. ⁠year_value <- 2010; filter(year > year_value)⁠.

  • solr supports range queries on text as well as numbers; so filter(cl22 >= "Tasmania") is valid.

  • It is possible to filter by 'assertions', which are statements about data validity, such as ⁠filter(assertions != c("INVALID_SCIENTIFIC_NAME", "COORDINATE_INVALID")⁠. Valid assertions can be found using show_all(assertions).


When querying occurrences, species, or their respective counts (i.e. all of the above examples), field names are checked internally against show_all(fields). There are some cases where bespoke field names are required, as follows.

When requesting a data download from a DOI, the field doi is valid, i.e.:

galah_call() |> 
  filter(doi = "a-long-doi-string") |> 

For taxonomic metadata, the taxa field is valid:

request_metadata() |> 
  filter(taxa == "Chordata") |> 

For building taxonomic trees, the rank field is valid:

request_data() |>
  identify("Chordata") |>
  filter(rank == "class") |>

Media queries are more involved, but break two rules: they accept the media field, and they accept a tibble on the rhs of the equation. For example, users wishing to break down media queries into their respective API calls should begin with an occurrence query:

occurrences <- galah_call() |> 
   identify("Litoria peronii) |> 
   select(group = c("basic", "media") |> 

They can then use the media field to request media metadata:

media_metadata <- galah_call("metadata") |>
  filter(media == occurrences) |>

And finally, the metadata tibble can be used to request files:

galah_call("files") |>
  filter(media == media_metadata) |>


A tibble containing filter values.

See Also

select(), group_by() and geolocate() for other ways to amend the information returned by atlas_() functions. Use search_all(fields) to find fields that you can filter by, and show_values() to find what values of those filters are available.


## Not run: 
galah_call() |>
  filter(year >= 2019,
         basisOfRecord == "HumanObservation") |>
  count() |>

## End(Not run)

Start building a query


To download data from the selected atlas, one must construct a query. This query tells the atlas API what data to download and return, as well as how it should be filtered. Using galah_call() allows you to build a piped query to download data, in the same way that you would wrangle data with dplyr and the tidyverse.


galah_call(method = c("data", "metadata", "files"), type, ...)

  type = c("occurrences", "occurrences-count", "occurrences-doi", "species",

  type = c("fields", "apis", "assertions", "atlases", "collections", "datasets",
    "licences", "lists", "media", "profiles", "providers", "ranks", "reasons", "taxa",

request_files(type = "media")



string: what request function should be called. Should be one of "data" (default), "metadata" or "files"


string: what form of data should be returned? Acceptable values are specified by the corresponding request function


Zero or more arguments passed to collapse() to alter a query. Currently only mint.doi (for occurrences) and thumbnail (for media downloads) are supported. Both are logical.


In practice, galah_call() is a wrapper to a group of underlying request_ functions, selected using the method argument. Each of these functions can begin a piped query and end with collapse(), compute() or collect(), or optionally one of the atlas_ family of functions. For more details see the object-oriented programming vignette: vignette("object_oriented_programming", package = "galah")

Accepted values of the type argument are set by the underlying request_ functions. While all accepted types can be set directly, some are affected by later functions. The most common example is that adding count() to a pipe updates type, converting type = "occurrences" to type = "occurrences-count" (and ditto for type = "species").

The underlying request_ functions are useful because they allow galah to separate different types of requests to perform better. For example, filter.data_request translates filters in R to solr, whereas filter.metadata_request searches using a search term.


Each sub-function returns a different object class: request_data() returns data_request. request_metadata returns metadata_request, request_files() returns files_request. These objects are list-like and contain the following slots:

See Also

collapse.data_request(), compute.data_request(), collect.data_request()


## Not run:  
# Begin your query with `galah_call()`, then pipe using `%>%` or `|>`

# Get number of records of *Aves* from 2001 to 2004 by year
galah_call() |>
  identify("Aves") |>
  filter(year > 2000 & year < 2005) |>
  group_by(year) |>
# Get information for all species in *Cacatuidae* family
galah_call() |>
  identify("Cacatuidae") |>
# Download records of genus *Eolophus* from 2001 to 2004
galah_config(email = "[email protected]")

galah_call() |>
  identify("Eolophus") |>
  filter(year > 2000 & year < 2005) |>
  atlas_occurrences() # synonymous with `collect()`

# galah_call() is a wrapper to various `request_` functions.
# These can be called directly for greater specificity.

# Get number of records of *Aves* from 2001 to 2004 by year
request_data() |>
  identify("Aves") |>
  filter(year > 2000 & year < 2005) |>
  group_by(year) |>
  count() |>

# Get information for all species in *Cacatuidae* family
request_data(type = "species") |>
  identify("Cacatuidae") |>
# Get metadata information about supported atlases in galah
request_metadata(type = "atlases") |>

## End(Not run)

Get or set configuration options that control galah behaviour


The galah package supports large data downloads, and also interfaces with the ALA which requires that users of some services provide a registered email address and reason for downloading data. The galah_config function provides a way to manage these issues as simply as possible.





Options can be defined using the form name = "value". Valid arguments are:

  • api-key string: A registered API key (currently unused).

  • atlas string: Living Atlas to point to, Australia by default. Can be an organisation name, acronym, or region (see show_all_atlases() for admissible values)

  • directory string: the directory to use for the cache. By default this is a temporary directory, which means that results will only be cached within an R session and cleared automatically when the user exits R. The user may wish to set this to a non-temporary directory for caching across sessions. The directory must exist on the file system.

  • download_reason_id numeric or string: the "download reason" required. by some ALA services, either as a numeric ID (currently 0–13) or a string (see show_all(reasons) for a list of valid ID codes and names). By default this is NA. Some ALA services require a valid download_reason_id code, either specified here or directly to the associated R function.

  • email string: An email address that has been registered with the chosen atlas. For the ALA, you can register at this address.

  • password string: A registered password (GBIF only)

  • run_checks logical: should galah run checks for filters and columns. If making lots of requests sequentially, checks can slow down the process and lead to HTTP 500 errors, so should be turned off. Defaults to TRUE.

  • send_email logical: should you receive an email for each query to atlas_occurrences()? Defaults to FALSE; but can be useful in some instances, for example for tracking DOIs assigned to specific downloads for later citation.

  • username string: A registered username (GBIF only)

  • verbose logical: should galah give verbose such as progress bars? Defaults to FALSE.


For galah_config(), a list of all options. When galah_config(...) is called with arguments, nothing is returned but the configuration is set.


## Not run: 
# To download occurrence records, enter your email in `galah_config()`. 
# This email should be registered with the atlas in question. 
galah_config(email = "[email protected]")
# Turn on caching in your session
galah_config(caching = TRUE)
# Some ALA services require that you add a reason for downloading data. 
# Add your selected reason using the option `download_reason_id`
galah_config(download_reason_id = 0)

# To look up all valid reasons to enter, use `show_all(reasons)`

# Make debugging in your session easier by setting `verbose = TRUE`
galah_config(verbose = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Narrow a query to within a specified area


Restrict results to those from a specified area. Areas can be specified as either polygons or bounding boxes, depending on type. Alternatively, users can call the underlying functions directly via galah_polygon(), galah_bbox() or galah_radius(). It is possible to use sf syntax by calling st_crop(), which is synonymous with galah_polygon().

Use a polygon If calling galah_geolocate(), the default type is "polygon", which narrows queries to within an area supplied as a POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON. Polygons must be specified as either an sf object, a 'well-known text' (WKT) string, or a shapefile. Shapefiles must be simple to be accepted by the ALA.

Use a bounding box Alternatively, set type = "bbox" to narrow queries to within a bounding box. Bounding boxes can be extracted from a supplied sf object or a shapefile. A bounding box can also be supplied as a bbox object (via sf::st_bbox()) or a tibble/data.frame.

[Experimental] Use a point radius Alternatively, set type = "radius" to narrow queries to within a circular area around a specific point location. Point coordinates can be supplied as latitude/longitude coordinate numbers or as an sf object (sfc_POINT). Area is supplied as a radius in kilometres. Default radius is 10 km.


geolocate(..., type = c("polygon", "bbox", "radius"))

galah_geolocate(..., type = c("polygon", "bbox", "radius"))




## S3 method for class 'data_request'
st_crop(x, y, ...)



For st_crop, additional arguments (currently ignored). Otherwise a single sf object, WKT string or shapefile. Bounding boxes can be supplied as a tibble/data.frame or a bbox


string: one of c("polygon", "bbox"). Defaults to "polygon". If type = "polygon", a multipolygon will be built via galah_polygon(). If type = "bbox", a multipolygon will be built via galah_bbox(). The multipolygon is used to narrow a query to the ALA.


An object of class data_request, created using galah_call()


A valid Well-Known Text string (wkt), a POLYGON or a MULTIPOLYGON


If type = "polygon", WKT strings longer than 10000 characters and sf objects with more than 500 vertices will not be accepted by the ALA. Some polygons may need to be simplified. If type = "bbox", sf objects and shapefiles will be converted to a bounding box to query the ALA. If ⁠type = "radius⁠, sfc_POINT objects will be converted to lon/lat coordinate numbers to query the ALA. Default radius is 10 km.


If type = "polygon" or type = "bbox", length-1 string (class character) containing a multipolygon WKT string representing the area provided. If type = "radius", list of lat, long and radius values.


## Not run: 
# Search for records within a polygon using a shapefile
location <- sf::st_read("path/to/shapefile.shp")
galah_call() |>
  identify("vulpes") |>
  geolocate(location) |>
  count() |>
# Search for records within the bounding box of a shapefile
location <- sf::st_read("path/to/shapefile.shp")
galah_call() |>
  identify("vulpes") |>
  geolocate(location, type = "bbox") |>
  count() |>

# Search for records within a polygon using an `sf` object
location <- "POLYGON((142.3 -29.0,142.7 -29.1,142.7 -29.4,142.3 -29.0))" |>
galah_call() |>
  identify("reptilia") |>
  galah_polygon(location) |>
  count() |>
# Search for records using a Well-known Text string (WKT)
wkt <- "POLYGON((142.3 -29.0,142.7 -29.1,142.7 -29.4,142.3 -29.0))"
galah_call() |>
  identify("vulpes") |>
  st_crop(wkt) |>
  count() |>

# Search for records within the bounding box extracted from an `sf` object
location <- "POLYGON((142.3 -29.0,142.7 -29.1,142.7 -29.4,142.3 -29.0))" |>
galah_call() |>
  identify("vulpes") |>
  galah_geolocate(location, type = "bbox") |>
  count() |>

# Search for records using a bounding box of coordinates
b_box <- sf::st_bbox(c(xmin = 143, xmax = 148, ymin = -29, ymax = -28), 
                     crs = sf::st_crs("WGS84"))
galah_call() |>
  identify("reptilia") |>
  galah_geolocate(b_box, type = "bbox") |>
  count() |>

# Search for records using a bounding box in a `tibble` or `data.frame`
b_box <- tibble::tibble(xmin = 148, ymin = -29, xmax = 143, ymax = -21)
galah_call() |>
  identify("vulpes") |>
  galah_geolocate(b_box, type = "bbox") |>
  count() |>

# Search for records within a radius around a point's coordinates
galah_call() |>
  identify("manorina melanocephala") |>
  galah_geolocate(lat = -33.7,
                  lon = 151.3,
                  radius = 5,
                  type = "radius") |>
  count() |>

# Search for records with a radius around an `sf_POINT` object
point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(-33.66741, 151.3174)), crs = 4326)
galah_call() |>
  identify("manorina melanocephala") |>
                  radius = 5,
                  type = "radius") |>
  count() |>

## End(Not run)

Group by one or more variables


Most data operations are done on groups defined by variables. group_by() takes a field name (unquoted) and performs a grouping operation. The default behaviour is to use it in combination with count() to give information on number of occurrences per level of that field. Alternatively, you can use it without count to get a download of occurrences grouped by that variable. This is particularly useful when used with a taxonomic ID field (speciesID, genusID etc.) as it allows further information to be appended to the result. This is how atlas_species() works, for example. See select() for details.


## S3 method for class 'data_request'
group_by(.data, ...)




An object of class data_request


Zero or more individual column names to include


If any arguments are provided, returns a data.frame with columns name and type, as per select.data_request().


## Not run: 
# default usage is for grouping counts
galah_call() |> 
  group_by(basisOfRecord) |>
  counts() |>

# Alternatively, we can use this with an occurrence search  
galah_call() |>
  filter(year == 2024,
         genus = "Crinia") |>
  group_by(speciesID) |>
# note that this example is equivalent to `atlas_species()`; 
# but using `group_by()` is more flexible.

## End(Not run)

Narrow a query by passing taxonomic identifiers


When conducting a search or creating a data query, it is common to identify a known taxon or group of taxa to narrow down the records or results returned. identify() is used to identify taxa you want returned in a search or a data query. Users to pass scientific names or taxonomic identifiers with pipes to provide data only for the biological group of interest.

It is good to use search_taxa() and search_identifiers() first to check that the taxa you provide to galah_identify() return the correct results.


## S3 method for class 'data_request'
identify(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'metadata_request'
identify(x, ...)

galah_identify(..., search = NULL)



An object of class metadata_request, created using request_metadata()


One or more scientific names.


[Deprecated] galah_identify() now always does a search to verify search terms; ergo this argument is ignored.


A tibble containing identified taxa.

See Also

filter() or geolocate() for other ways to filter a query. You can also use search_taxa() to check that supplied names are being matched correctly on the server-side; see taxonomic_searches for a detailed overview.


## Not run: 
# Use `galah_identify()` to narrow your queries
galah_call() |> 
  identify("Eolophus") |>
  count() |>

# If you know a valid taxon identifier, use `filter()` instead.
id <- ""
galah_call() |> 
  filter(lsid == id)  |>
  count() |>

## End(Not run)

Read downloaded data from a zip file



Living atlases supply data downloads as zip files. This function reads these data efficiently, i.e. without unzipping them first, using the readr package. Although this function has been part of galah for some time, it was previously internal to atlas_occurrences(). It has been exported now to support easy re-importing of downloaded files, without the need to re-run a query.





(character) A file name. Must be a length-1 character ending in .zip.


## Not run: 
# set a working directory
galah_config(directory = "data-raw",
             email = "[email protected]")

# download some data
galah_call() |>
  identify("Heleioporus") |>
  filter(year == 2022) |>
  collect(file = "")
# load data from file
x <- read_zip("./data-raw/")

## End(Not run)

Search for record information


The living atlases store a huge amount of information, above and beyond the occurrence records that are their main output. In galah, one way that users can investigate this information is by searching for a specific option or category for the type of information they are interested in. Functions prefixed with search_ do this, displaying any matches to a search term within the valid options for the information specified by the suffix.

For more information about taxonomic searches using search_taxa(), see ?taxonomic_searches.

[Stable] search_all() is a helper function that can do searches for multiple types of information, acting as a wrapper around many search_ sub-functions. See Details (below) for accepted values.


search_all(type, query)

















A string to specify what type of parameters should be searched.


A string specifying a search term. Searches are not case-sensitive.


A set of strings or a tibble to be queried; see Details.


There are five categories of information, each with their own specific sub-functions to look-up each type of information. The available types of information for search_all() are:

Category Type Description Sub-functions
configuration atlases Search for what atlases are available search_atlases()
apis Search for what APIs & functions are available for each atlas search_apis()
reasons Search for what values are acceptable as 'download reasons' for a specified atlas search_reasons()
taxonomy taxa Search for one or more taxonomic names search_taxa()
identifiers Take a universal identifier and return taxonomic information search_identifiers()
ranks Search for valid taxonomic ranks (e.g. Kingdom, Class, Order, etc.) search_ranks()
filters fields Search for fields that are stored in an atlas search_fields()
assertions Search for results of data quality checks run by each atlas search_assertions()
licenses Search for copyright licences applied to media search_licenses()
group filters profiles Search for what data profiles are available search_profiles()
lists Search for what species lists are available search_lists()
data providers providers Search for which institutions have provided data search_providers()
collections Search for the specific collections within those institutions search_collections()
datasets Search for the data groupings within those collections search_datasets()


An object of class tbl_df and data.frame (aka a tibble) containing all data that match the search query.

See Also

Use the show_all() function and show_all_() sub-functions to show available options of information. These functions are used to pass valid arguments to filter(), select(), and related functions. Taxonomic queries are somewhat more involved; see taxonomic_searches for details.


## Not run: 
# Search for fields that include the word "date"
search_all(fields, "date")

# Search for fields that include the word "marine"
search_all(fields, "marine")

# Search using a single taxonomic term
# (see `?search_taxa()` for more information)
search_all(taxa, "Reptilia") # equivalent

# Look up a unique taxon identifier
# (see `?search_identifiers()` for more information)

# Search for species lists that match "endangered"
search_all(lists, "endangered") # equivalent

# Search for a valid taxonomic rank, "subphylum"
search_all(ranks, "subphylum")

# An alternative is to download the data and then `filter` it. This is 
# largely synonymous, and allows greater control over which fields are searched.
request_metadata(type = "fields") |>
 collect() |>
 dplyr::filter(grepl("date", id))

## End(Not run)

Keep or drop columns using their names


Select (and optionally rename) variables in a data frame, using a concise mini-language that makes it easy to refer to variables based on their name. Note that unlike calling select() on a local tibble, this implementation is only evaluated at the collapse() stage, meaning any errors or messages will be triggered at the end of the pipe.

select() supports dplyr selection helpers, including:

  • everything: Matches all variables.

  • last_col: Select last variable, possibly with an offset.

Other helpers select variables by matching patterns in their names:

Or from variables stored in a character vector:

  • all_of: Matches variable names in a character vector. All names must be present, otherwise an out-of-bounds error is thrown.

  • any_of: Same as all_of(), except that no error is thrown for names that don't exist.

Or using a predicate function:

  • where: Applies a function to all variables and selects those for which the function returns TRUE.


## S3 method for class 'data_request'
select(.data, ..., group)

galah_select(..., group)



An object of class data_request, created using galah_call().


Zero or more individual column names to include.


string: (optional) name of one or more column groups to include. Valid options are "basic", "event" "taxonomy", "media" and "assertions".


GBIF nodes store content in hundreds of different fields, and users often require thousands or millions of records at a time. To reduce time taken to download data, and limit complexity of the resulting tibble, it is sensible to restrict the fields returned by occurrence queries. The full list of available fields can be viewed with show_all(fields). Note that select() and galah_select() are supported for all atlases that allow downloads, with the exception of GBIF, for which all columns are returned.

Calling the argument group = "basic" returns the following columns:

  • decimalLatitude

  • decimalLongitude

  • eventDate

  • scientificName

  • taxonConceptID

  • recordID

  • dataResourceName

  • occurrenceStatus

Using group = "event" returns the following columns:

  • eventRemarks

  • eventTime

  • eventID

  • eventDate

  • samplingEffort

  • samplingProtocol

Using group = "media" returns the following columns:

  • multimedia

  • multimediaLicence

  • images

  • videos

  • sounds

Using group = "taxonomy" returns higher taxonomic information for a given query. It is the only group that is accepted by atlas_species() as well as atlas_occurrences().

Using group = "assertions" returns all quality assertion-related columns. The list of assertions is shown by show_all_assertions().

For atlas_occurrences(), arguments passed to ... should be valid field names, which you can check using show_all(fields). For atlas_species(), it should be one or more of:

  • counts to include counts of occurrences per species.

  • synonyms to include any synonymous names.

  • lists to include authoritative lists that each species is included on.


A tibble specifying the name and type of each column to include in the call to atlas_counts() or atlas_occurrences().

See Also

filter(), st_crop() and identify() for other ways to restrict the information returned; show_all(fields) to list available fields.


## Not run: 
# Download occurrence records of *Perameles*, 
# Only return scientificName and eventDate columns
galah_config(email = "[email protected]")
galah_call() |>
  select(scientificName, eventDate) |>

# Only return the "basic" group of columns and the basisOfRecord column
galah_call() |>
  identify("perameles") |>
  select(basisOfRecord, group = "basic") |>
# When used in a pipe, `galah_select()` and `select()` are synonymous.
# Hence the previous example can be rewritten as:
galah_call() |>
  galah_identify("perameles") |>
  galah_select(basisOfRecord, group = "basic") |>

## End(Not run)

Show valid record information


The living atlases store a huge amount of information, above and beyond the occurrence records that are their main output. In galah, one way that users can investigate this information is by showing all the available options or categories for the type of information they are interested in. Functions prefixed with show_all_ do this, displaying all valid options for the information specified by the suffix.

[Stable] show_all() is a helper function that can display multiple types of information from show_all_ sub-functions.


show_all(..., limit = NULL)

show_all_apis(limit = NULL)

show_all_assertions(limit = NULL)

show_all_atlases(limit = NULL)

show_all_collections(limit = NULL)

show_all_datasets(limit = NULL)

show_all_fields(limit = NULL)

show_all_licences(limit = NULL)

show_all_lists(limit = NULL)

show_all_profiles(limit = NULL)

show_all_providers(limit = NULL)

show_all_ranks(limit = NULL)

show_all_reasons(limit = NULL)



String showing what type of information is to be requested. See Details (below) for accepted values.


Optional number of values to return. Defaults to NULL, i.e. all records


There are five categories of information, each with their own specific sub-functions to look-up each type of information. The available types of information for show_all_ are:

Category Type Description Sub-functions
Configuration atlases Show what atlases are available show_all_atlases()
apis Show what APIs & functions are available for each atlas show_all_apis()
reasons Show what values are acceptable as 'download reasons' for a specified atlas show_all_reasons()
Data providers providers Show which institutions have provided data show_all_providers()
collections Show the specific collections within those institutions show_all_collections()
datasets Shows all the data groupings within those collections show_all_datasets()
Filters assertions Show results of data quality checks run by each atlas show_all_assertions()
fields Show fields that are stored in an atlas show_all_fields()
licenses Show what copyright licenses are applied to media show_all_licenses()
profiles Show what data profiles are available show_all_profiles()
Taxonomy lists Show what species lists are available show_all_lists()
ranks Show valid taxonomic ranks (e.g. Kingdom, Class, Order, etc.) show_all_ranks()


An object of class tbl_df and data.frame (aka a tibble) containing all data of interest.


See Also

Use the search_all() function and search_() sub-functions to search for information. These functions are used to pass valid arguments to filter(), select(), and related functions.


## Not run: 
# See all supported atlases

# Show a list of all available data quality profiles

# Show a listing of all accepted reasons for downloading occurrence data

# Show a listing of all taxonomic ranks

# `show_all()` is synonymous with `request_metadata() |> collect()`
request_metadata(type = "fields") |>

## End(Not run)

Show or search for values within a specified field


Users may wish to see the specific values within a chosen field, profile or list to narrow queries or understand more about the information of interest. show_values() provides users with these values. search_values() allows users for search for specific values within a specified field.



search_values(df, query)



A search result from search_fields(), search_profiles() or search_lists().


A string specifying a search term. Not case sensitive.


Each Field contains categorical or numeric values. For example:

  • The field "year" contains values 2021, 2020, 2019, etc.

  • The field "stateProvince" contains values New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, etc. These are used to narrow queries with filter() or galah_filter().

Each Profile consists of many individual quality filters. For example, the "ALA" profile consists of values:

  • Exclude all records where spatial validity is FALSE

  • Exclude all records with a latitude value of zero

  • Exclude all records with a longitude value of zero

Each List contains a list of species, usually by taxonomic name. For example, the Endangered Plant species list contains values:

  • Acacia curranii (Curly-bark Wattle)

  • Brachyscome papillosa (Mossgiel Daisy)

  • Solanum karsense (Menindee Nightshade)


A tibble of values for a specified field, profile or list.


## Not run: 
# Show values in field 'cl22'
search_fields("cl22") |> 

# This is synonymous with `request_metadata() |> unnest()`.
# For example, the previous example can be run using:
request_metadata() |>
  filter(field == "cl22") |>
  unnest() |>

# Search for any values in field 'cl22' that match 'tas'
search_fields("cl22") |> 

# See items within species list "dr19257"
search_lists("dr19257") |> 

## End(Not run)

Subset rows using their positions



slice() lets you index rows by their (integer) locations. For objects of classes data_request or metadata_request, only slice_head() is currently implemented, and selects the first n rows.

If .data has been grouped using group_by(), the operation will be performed on each group, so that (e.g.) slice_head(df, n = 5) will select the first five rows in each group.


## S3 method for class 'data_request'
slice_head(.data, ..., n, prop, by = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'metadata_request'
slice_head(.data, ..., n, prop, by = NULL)



An object of class data_request, created using galah_call()


Currently ignored


The number of rows to be returned. If data are grouped group_by(), this operation will be performed on each group.


Currently ignored.


Currently ignored.


An amended data_request with a completed slice slot.


## Not run: 
# Limit number of rows returned to 3.
# In this case, our query returns the top 3 years with most records.
galah_call() |>
  identify("perameles") |>
  filter(year > 2010) |>
  group_by(year) |>
  count() |>
  slice_head(n = 3) |>

## End(Not run)

Look up taxon information


search_taxa() allows users to look up taxonomic names, and ensure they are being matched correctly, before downloading data from the specified organisation.

By default, names are supplied as strings; but users can also specify taxonomic levels in a search using a data.frame or tibble. This is useful when the taxonomic level of the name in question needs to be specified, in addition to it's identity. For example, a common method is to use the scientificName column to list a Latinized binomial, but it is also possible to list these separately under genus and specificEpithet (respectively). A more common use-case is to distinguish between homonyms by listing higher taxonomic units, by supplying columns like kingdom, phylum or class.

search_identifiers() allows users to look up matching taxonomic names using their unique taxonConceptID. In the ALA, all records are associated with an identifier that uniquely identifies the taxon to which that record belongs. Once those identifiers are known, this function allows you to use them to look up further information on the taxon in question. Effectively this is the inverse function to search_taxa(), which takes names and provides identifiers.

Note that when taxonomic look-up is required within a pipe, the equivalent to search_taxa() is identify() (or galah_identify()). The equivalent to search_identifiers() is to use filter() to filter by taxonConceptId.


search_taxa() returns the taxonomic match of a supplied text string, along with the following information:

  • search_term: The search term used by the user. When multiple search terms are provided in a tibble, these are displayed in this column, concatenated using ⁠_⁠.

  • scientific_name: The taxonomic name matched to the provided search term, to the lowest identified taxonomic rank.

  • taxon_concept_id: The unique taxonomic identifier.

  • rank: The taxonomic rank of the returned result.

  • match_type: (ALA only) The method of name matching used by the name matching service. More information can be found on the name matching github repository.

  • issues: Any errors returned by the name matching service (e.g. homonym, indeterminate species match). More information can be found on the name matching github repository.

  • ⁠taxonomic names⁠ (e.g. kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus)

See Also

search_all() for how to get names if taxonomic identifiers are already known. filter(), select(), identify() and geolocate() for ways to restrict the information returned by atlas_() functions.


## Not run: 
# Search using a single string. 
# Note that `search_taxa()` is not case sensitive

# Search using multiple strings. 
# `search_taxa()` will return one row per taxon
search_taxa("reptilia", "mammalia")

# Search using more detailed strings with authorship information
search_taxa("Acanthocladium F.Muell")

# Specify taxonomic levels in a tibble using "specificEpithet"
  class = "aves", 
  family = "pardalotidae", 
  genus = "pardalotus", 
  specificEpithet = "punctatus"))

# Specify taxonomic levels in a tibble using "scientificName"                    
  family = c("pardalotidae", "maluridae"), 
  scientificName = c("Pardalotus striatus striatus", "malurus cyaneus")))

# Look up a unique taxon identifier
search_identifiers(query = "")

## End(Not run)

Non-generic tidyverse functions


Several useful functions from tidyverse packages are generic, meaning that we can define class-specific versions of those functions and implement them in galah; examples include filter(), select() and group_by(). However, there are also functions that are only defined within tidyverse packages and are not generic. In a few cases we have re-implemented these functions in galah. This has the consequence of supporting consistent syntax with tidyverse, at the cost of potentially introducing conflicts. This can be avoided by using the :: operator where required (see examples).






column to order by


An object of class metadata_request


The following functions are included:

  • desc() (dplyr): Use within arrange() to specify arrangement should be descending

  • unnest() (tidyr): Use to 'drill down' into nested information on fields, lists, profiles, or taxa

These galah versions all use lazy evaluation.


  • galah::desc() returns a tibble used by arrange.data_request() to arrange rows of a query.

  • galah::unnest() returns an object of class metadata_request.

See Also

arrange(), galah_call()


## Not run: 
# Arrange grouped record counts by descending year
galah_call() |>
  identify("perameles") |>
  filter(year > 2019) |>
  count() |>
  arrange(galah::desc(year)) |>

# Return values of field `basisOfRecord`
request_metadata() |> 
  galah::unnest() |> 
  filter(field == basisOfRecord) |> 
# Using `galah::unnest()` in this way is equivalent to:
show_all(fields, "basisOfRecord") |> 

## End(Not run)