Package 'freqdom.fda'

Title: Functional Time Series: Dynamic Functional Principal Components
Description: Implementations of functional dynamic principle components analysis. Related graphic tools and frequency domain methods. These methods directly use multivariate dynamic principal components implementation, following the guidelines from Hormann, Kidzinski and Hallin (2016), Dynamic Functional Principal Component <doi:10.1111/rssb.12076>.
Authors: Hormann S., Kidzinski L.
Maintainer: Kidzinski L. <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.0.1
Built: 2024-08-23 06:35:49 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Functional time series: dynamic FPCA


Implementation of dynamic functional principle component analysis (FDPCA), simulation of functional AR and functional MA processes and frequency domain tools for funcional data. The package is a wrapper for functionality of the multivariate package freqdom for applying frequency domain on objects from fda. Compared to freqdom some new visualization methods are added – adequate only if data has functional structure.


fda.ts package allows you to analyse functional time series objects in both time and frequency domain. The main feature is dynamic functional principal component analysis. This method allows to transform a stationary functional time series into a vector process with mutually uncorrelated component processes.

There are two key differnces between classical PCA and dynamic PCA:

  • Component processes returned by the dynamic procedure are mutually uncorrelated,

  • The mapping maximizes the long run variance of compoments, which, in case of stationary functional time series, means that the process reconstructed from and d>0d > 0 first dynamic principal components better approximates the original functional time series process than the first dd classic principal components.

For functional data one can conveniently visualize properties of the filters, covariances or the spectral density operator.

For details we refer to the literature below and to help pages of functions fts.dpca for estimating the components, fts.dpca.scores for estimating scores and fts.dpca.KLexpansion for retrieving the signal from components.

The package fda.ts require the package freqdom provides the analogue multivariate toolset.


Hormann Siegfried, Kidzinski Lukasz and Hallin Marc. Dynamic functional principal components. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 77.2 (2015): 319-348.

Hormann Siegfried, Kidzinski Lukasz and Kokoszka Piotr. Estimation in functional lagged regression. Journal of Time Series Analysis 36.4 (2015): 541-561.

Hormann Siegfried and Kidzinski Lukasz. A note on estimation in Hilbertian linear models. Scandinavian journal of statistics 42.1 (2015): 43-62.

Estimate autocovariance and cross-covariances operators


This function is used to estimate a collection of cross-covariances operators of two stationary functional series.


fts.cov.structure(X, Y = X, lags = 0)



an object of class fd containing TT functional observations.


an object of class fd containing TT functional observations.


an integer-valued vector (1,,K)(\ell_1,\ldots, \ell_K) containing the lags for which covariances are calculated.


Let X1(u),,XT(u)X_1(u),\ldots, X_T(u) and Y1(u),,YT(u)Y_1(u),\ldots, Y_T(u) be two samples of functional data. This function determines empirical lagged covariances between the series (Xt(u))(X_t(u)) and (Yt(u))(Y_t(u)). More precisely it determines

(c^hXY(u,v) ⁣:hlags),(\widehat{c}^{XY}_h(u,v)\colon h\in lags ),

where c^hXY(u,v)\widehat{c}^{XY}_h(u,v) is the empirical version of the covariance kernel Cov(Xh(u),Y0(v))\mathrm{Cov}(X_h(u),Y_0(v)). For a sample of size TT we set μ^X(u)=1Tt=1TXt(u)\hat\mu^X(u)=\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^T X_t(u) and μ^Y(v)=1Tt=1TYt(v)\hat\mu^Y(v)=\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^T Y_t(v). Now for h0h \geq 0

1Tt=1Th(Xt+h(u)μ^X(u))(Yt(v)μ^Y(v))\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T-h} (X_{t+h}(u)-\hat\mu^X(u))(Y_t(v)-\hat\mu^Y(v))

and for h<0h < 0

1Tt=h+1T(Xt+h(u)μ^X(u))(Yt(v)μ^Y(v)).\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=|h|+1}^{T} (X_{t+h}(u)-\hat\mu^X(u))(Y_t(v)-\hat\mu^Y(v)).

Since Xt(u)=b1(u)xtX_t(u)=\boldsymbol{b}_1^\prime(u)\mathbf{x}_t and Yt(u)=ytb2(u)Y_t(u)=\mathbf{y}_t^\prime \boldsymbol{b}_2(u) we can write


where C^xy\widehat{C}^{\mathbf{xy}} is defined as for the function “cov.structure” for series of coefficient vectors (xt ⁣:1tT)(\mathbf{x}_t\colon 1\leq t\leq T) and (yt ⁣:1tT)(\mathbf{y}_t\colon 1\leq t\leq T).


An object of class fts.timedom. The list contains the following components:

  • operators \quad an array. Element [,,k] contains the covariance matrix of the coefficient vectors of the two time series related to lag k\ell_k.

  • lags \quad the lags vector from the arguments.

  • basisX \quad X$basis, an object of class basis.fd (see create.basis)

  • basisY \quad Y$basis, an object of class basis.fd (see create.basis)

See Also

The multivariate equivalent in the freqdom package: cov.structure


# Generate an autoregressive process
fts = fts.rar(d=3)

# Get covariance at lag 0
fts.cov.structure(fts, lags = 0)

# Get covariance at lag 10
fts.cov.structure(fts, lags = 10)

# Get entire covariance structure between -20 and 20
fts.cov.structure(fts, lags = -20:20)

# Compute covariance with another process
fts0 = fts + fts.rma(d=3)
fts.cov.structure(fts, fts0, lags = -2:2)

Compute Functional Dynamic Principal Components and dynamic Karhunen Loeve extepansion


Functional dynamic principal component analysis (FDPCA) decomposes functional time series to a vector time series with uncorrelated components. Compared to classical functional principal components, FDPCA decomposition outputs components which are uncorrelated in time, allowing simpler modeling of the processes and maximizing long run variance of the projection.


fts.dpca(X, q = 30, freq = (-1000:1000/1000) * pi, Ndpc = X$basis$nbasis)



a functional time series as a fd object from fda package.


window size for the kernel estimator, i.e. a positive integer.


a vector containing frequencies in [π,π][-\pi, \pi] on which the spectral density should be evaluated.


is the number of principal component filters to compute as in fts.dpca.filters


This convenient function applies the FDPCA methodology and returns filters (fts.dpca.filters), scores (fts.dpca.scores), the spectral density (fts.spectral.density), variances (fts.dpca.var) and Karhunen-Leove expansion (fts.dpca.KLexpansion).

See the example for understanding usage, and help pages for details on individual functions.


A list containing


Hormann, S., Kidzinski, L., and Hallin, M. Dynamic functional principal components. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 77.2 (2015): 319-348.

Brillinger, D. Time Series (2001), SIAM, San Francisco.

Shumway, R., and Stoffer, D. Time series analysis and its applications: with R examples (2010), Springer Science & Business Media


# Load example PM10 data from Graz, Austria
data(pm10) # loads functional time series pm10 to the environment
X = center.fd(pm10)

# Compute functional dynamic principal components with only one component
res.dpca = fts.dpca(X, Ndpc = 1, freq=(-25:25/25)*pi) # leave default freq for higher precision

# Compute functional PCA with only one component
res.pca = prcomp(t(X$coefs), center = TRUE)
res.pca$x[,-1] = 0

# Compute empirical variance explained
var.dpca = (1 - sum( (res.dpca$Xhat$coefs - X$coefs)**2 ) / sum(X$coefs**2))*100
var.pca = (1 - sum( (res.pca$x %*% t(res.pca$rotation) - t(X$coefs) )**2 ) / sum(X$coefs**2))*100

cat("Variance explained by PCA (empirical):\t\t",var.pca,"%\n")
cat("Variance explained by PCA (theoretical):\t",
   (1 - (res.pca$sdev[1] / sum(res.pca$sdev)))*100,"%\n")
cat("Variance explained by DPCA (empirical):\t\t",var.dpca,"%\n")
cat("Variance explained by DPCA (theoretical):\t",(res.dpca$var[1])*100,"%\n")

# Plot filters

# Plot spectral density (note that in case of these data it's concentrated around 0)
fts.plot.operators(res.dpca$spec.density,freq = c(-2,-3:3/30 * pi,2))

# Plot covariance of X

# Compare values of the first PC scores with the first DPC scores 
plot(res.pca$x[,1],t='l',xlab = "Time",ylab="Score", lwd = 2.5)
lines(res.dpca$scores[,1], col=2, lwd = 2.5)
legend(0,4,c("first PC score","first DPC score"), # puts text in the legend
       lty=c(1,1),lwd=c(2.5,2.5), col=1:2)

Functional dynamic PCA filters


From a given spectral density operator the dynamic principal component filter sequences are computed.


fts.dpca.filters(F, Ndpc = F$basisX$nbasis, q = 30)



spectral density operator, provided as an object of class fts.freqdom.


an integer {1,,d}\in\{1,\ldots, d\} with d=d=F$basisX$nbasis. It is the number of dynamic principal components to be computed. By default it is set equal to dd.


a non-negative integer. DPCA filter coefficients at lags h|h|\leq q will be computed. By default q=30.


Dynamic principal components are linear filters (ϕk(u) ⁣:kZ)(\phi_{\ell k}(u)\colon k\in \mathbf{Z}), 1d1\leq\ell\leq d. They are defined as the Fourier coefficients of the dynamic eigenvector φ(ω)(u)\varphi_\ell(\omega)(u) of a spectral density kernel fω(u,v)f_\omega(u,v), i.e. 01fω(u,v)φ(ω)(v)dv=λ(ω)φ(ω)(u)\int_0^1 f_\omega(u,v)\varphi_\ell(\omega)(v)dv=\lambda_\ell(\omega)\varphi_\ell(\omega)(u) and

ϕk(u):=12πππφ(ω)(u)exp(ikω)dω.\phi_{\ell k}(u):=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\pi}^\pi \varphi_\ell(\omega)(u) \exp(-ik\omega) d\omega.

The index \ell is referring to the \ell-th largest dynamic eigenvalue λ(ω)\lambda_\ell(\omega). For a given spectral density operator (provided as on object of class fts.freqdom) the function fts.dpca.filters computes ϕk(u)\phi_{\ell k}(u) for k|k|\leq q. Filters will be computed for 1Ndpc1\leq \ell\leq \code{Ndpc}.

For more details we refer to Hormann et al. (2015).


An object of class fts.timedom. The list has the following components:

  • operators \quad an array. Each matrix in this array has dimension Ndpc×d\code{Ndpc}\times d and is assigned to a certain lag. For a given lag kk, the rows of the matrix correspond to the coefficient vector of the filter functions.

  • lags \quad a vector with the lags of the filter coefficients.

  • basisX \quad F$basis, hence an object of class basis.fd (see create.basis).

  • correspondence \quad the correspondence matrix: all scalar products between basis functions.


Hormann, S., Kidzinski, L., and Hallin, M. Dynamic functional principal components. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 77.2 (2015): 319-348.

Brillinger, D. Time Series (2001), SIAM, San Francisco.

Shumway, R.H., and Stoffer, D.S. Time Series Analysis and Its Applications (2006), Springer, New York.

See Also

The multivariate equivalent in the freqdom package: dpca.filters


X = center.fd(pm10)

# Compute the spectral density operator with Bartlett weights
SD = fts.spectral.density(X, freq = (-50:50/50) * pi, q = 2, weight="Bartlett")
filters = fts.dpca.filters(SD, 2, q = 10)

# Plot filters 1 and 2
fts.plot.filters(filters, 2, one.plot = TRUE)

# Recompute with a different estimate of the spectral density (largerg q)
SD = fts.spectral.density(X, freq = (-50:50/50) * pi, q = 5, weight="Bartlett")
filters = fts.dpca.filters(SD, 2, q = 10)

# Plot filters 1 and 2
fts.plot.filters(filters, 2, one.plot = TRUE)

Dynamic KL expansion


Computes the dynamic KL expansion up to a given order.


fts.dpca.KLexpansion(X, dpcs = fts.dpca.filters(fts.spectral.density(X)))



a functional time series given as an object of class fd.


an object of class fts.timedom, representing the dpca filters obtained from the sample X. If dpsc = NULL, then dpcs = fts.dpca.filter(fts.spectral.density(X)) is used.


This function computes the LL-order dynamic functional principal components expansion, defined by

X^tL(u):==1LkZY,t+kϕk(u),1Ld,\hat{X}_{t}^L(u):=\sum_{\ell=1}^L\sum_{k\in\mathbf{Z}} Y_{\ell,t+k} \phi_{\ell k}(u),\quad 1\leq L\leq d,

where ϕk(v)\phi_{\ell k}(v) and dd are explained in fts.dpca.filters and YkY_{\ell k} are the dynamic functional PC scores as in fts.dpca.scores. For the sample version the sum extends over the range of lags for which the ϕk\phi_{\ell k} are defined.

For more details we refer to Hormann et al. (2015).


An object of class fd.


Hormann, S., Kidzinski, L., and Hallin, M. Dynamic functional principal components. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 77.2 (2015): 319-348.

See Also

The multivariate equivalent in the freqdom package: dpca.KLexpansion

Functional dynamic principal component scores


Computes the dynamic principal component scores of a functional time series.


fts.dpca.scores(X, dpcs = fts.dpca.filters(spectral.density(X)))



a functional time series given as an object of class fd.


an object of class fts.timedom, representing the dpca filters obtained from the sample X. If dpsc = NULL, then dpcs = fts.dpca.filter(fts.spectral.density(X)) is used.


The \ell-th dynamic principal components score sequence is defined by

Yt:=kZ01ϕk(v)Xtk(v)dv,1d,Y_{\ell t}:=\sum_{k\in\mathbf{Z}} \int_0^1 \phi_{\ell k}(v) X_{t-k}(v)dv,\quad 1\leq \ell\leq d,

where ϕk(v)\phi_{\ell k}(v) and dd are explained in fts.dpca.filters. (The integral is not necessarily restricted to the interval [0,1][0,1], this depends on the data.) For the sample version the sum extends over the range of lags for which the ϕk\phi_{\ell k} are defined.

For more details we refer to Hormann et al. (2015).


A (T×Ndpc)(T\times \code{Ndpc})-matix with Ndpc = dim(dpcs$operators)[1]. The \ell-th column contains the \ell-th dynamic principal component score sequence.


Hormann, S., Kidzinski, L., and Hallin, M. Dynamic functional principal components. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 77.2 (2015): 319-348.

See Also

The multivariate equivalent in the freqdom package: dpca.scores

Proportion of variance explained by dynamic principal components


Computes the proportion and cumulative proportion of variance explained by dynamic principal components.





spectral density operator, provided as an object of class fts.freqdom. To guarantee accuracy of numerical integration it is important that F$freq is a dense grid of frequencies in [π,π][-\pi,\pi].


Consider a spectral density operator Fω\mathcal{F}_\omega and let λ(ω)\lambda_\ell(\omega) by the \ell-th dynamic eigenvalue. The proportion of variance described by the \ell-th dynamic principal component is given as v:=ππλ(ω)dω/ππtr(Fω)dωv_\ell:=\int_{-\pi}^\pi \lambda_\ell(\omega)d\omega/\int_{-\pi}^\pi \mathrm{tr}(\mathcal{F}_\omega)d\omega. This function numerically computes the vectors (v)(v_\ell).

For more details we refer to Hormann et al. (2015).


A vector containing the vv_\ell.


Hormann, S., Kidzinski, L., and Hallin, M. Dynamic functional principal components. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 77.2 (2015): 319-348.

See Also

The multivariate equivalent in the freqdom package: dpca.var

Creates an object of class fts.freqdom.


Creates an object of class fts.freqdom.


fts.freqdom(F, basisX, basisY = basisX)



an object of class freqdom.


an object of class basis.fd (see create.basis)


an object of class basis.fd (see create.basis)


This class is used to describe a frequency domain operator (for example a spectral density operator) on selected frequencies. Formally we consider an object of class freqdom and add some basis functions. Depending on the context, we have different interpretations for the new object.

(I) In order to define an operator which maps between two functions spaces, the we interpret F$operators as coefficients in the basis function expansion of the kernel of some finite rank operators

Fk:span(basisY)+ispan(basisY)span(basisX)+ispan(basisX).\mathcal{F}_k:\mathrm{span}(\code{basisY})+\mathrm{i}\, \mathrm{span}(\code{basisY})\to\mathrm{span}(\code{basisX})+\mathrm{i}\, \mathrm{span}(\code{basisX}).

The kernels are fk(u,v)=b1(u)Fkb2(v)f_k(u,v)=\boldsymbol{b}_1^\prime(u)\, F_k\, \boldsymbol{b}_2(v), where b1(u)=(b11(u),,b1d1(u))\boldsymbol{b_1}(u)=(b_{11}(u),\ldots, b_{1d_1}(u))^\prime and b2(u)=(b21(u),,b2d1(u))\boldsymbol{b_2}(u)=(b_{21}(u),\ldots, b_{2d_1}(u))^\prime are the basis functions provided by the arguments basisX and basisY, respectively. Moreover, we consider frequencies {ω1,,ωK}[π,π]\{\omega_1,\ldots, \omega_K\}\subset[-\pi,\pi]. The object this function creates corresponds to the mapping ωkfk(u,v)\omega_k \mapsto f_k(u,v).

(II) We may ignore basisX, and represent the linear mapping

Fk:span(basisY)+ispan(basisY)Cd1,\mathcal{F}_k:\mathrm{span}(\code{basisY})+\mathrm{i}\, \mathrm{span}(\code{basisY})\to C^{d_1},

by considering fk(v):=Fkb2(v)f_k(v):=F_k\,\boldsymbol{b}_2(v) and Fk(x)=fk(v)x(v)dv\mathcal{F}_k(x)=\int f_k(v)x(v)dv.

(III) We may ignore basisY, and represent the linear mapping

Fk:Cd1span(basisX)+ispan(basisX),\mathcal{F}_k: C^{d_1}\to\mathrm{span}(\code{basisX})+\mathrm{i}\, \mathrm{span}(\code{basisX}),

by considering fk(u):=b1(u)Fkf_k(u):=\boldsymbol{b}_1^\prime(u)F_k and Fk(y)=fk(u)y\mathcal{F}_k(y)=f_k(u)y.


Returns an object of class fts.freqdom. An object of class fts.freqdom is a list containing the following components:

  • operators \quad returns the array F$operators.

  • basisX \quad returns basisX as given in the argument.

  • basisY \quad returns basisY as given in the argument.

  • freq \quad returns the vector F$freq.

See Also

The multivariate equivalent in the freqdom package: freqdom

Contour plot for the kernels of cross-covariance operators.


Contour plot for the kernels of cross-covariance operators.


fts.plot.covariance(X, Y = X, cor = FALSE, res = 200, lags = 0:3, nlevels = 25)



an object of class fd representing a functional data sample.


an object of classfd representing a functional data sample.


if FALSE covariance kernels are plotted, if TRUE correlation kernel will be plotted.


number of discretization points to evaluate functional data.


lags to plot, dafauts 0:3


number of color levels for the contour plot.


fts = fts.rar(100)

# Plot covariance operators of the time series curves
# We chose resolution equal 150 for better precision 
fts.plot.covariance(fts, lags=0:2, res = 150) 

# Plot correlation operators of the time series curves
fts.plot.covariance(fts, lags=0:2, cor = TRUE, res = 50)

# Make the grid of levels more dense
fts.plot.covariance(fts, lags=0:1, nlevels = 100)

Plot kernels


Plot kernels


fts.plot.filters(A, Ndpc = 1, lags = -3:3, one.plot = FALSE, ...)



a functional filter sequence given as object of class fts.timedom.


if Ndpc = k the first k filter sequences are plotted.


number of lags to plot.


if TRUE then functional filters corresponding belonging to the respective scores will all be plotted in the same graph.


arguments col, lwd, lty passed to plot


# Load example PM10 data from Graz, Austria
data(pm10) # loads functional time series pm10 to the environment
X = center.fd(pm10)

# Compute functional dynamic principal components with only one component
res.dpca = fts.dpca(X, Ndpc = 1, freq=(-25:25/25)*pi) # leave default freq for higher precision

# Plot Functional Dynamic Principal Component Filters

Contour plot of operator kernels.


Contour plot of operator kernels.


fts.plot.operators(A, res = 200, lags = 0, freq = 0, axis = "Re", nlevels = 25)



an object of class fts.timedom or fts.freqdom.


number of discretization points to evaluate functional data.


a vector of integers. For objects of class fts.timedom the lags of the operators we want to plot.


a vector of frequencies in [π,π][-\pi,\pi]. For an object of class fts.freqdom the frequencies at which we want to plot the operator. If the chosen frequencies are not contained in A$freq, the closest frequencies will be used.


if "Re" we plot the real part, if "Im" we plot the imaginary part of a complex-valued operator.


number of color levels for the contour plot.


# Load example PM10 data from Graz, Austria
data(pm10) # loads functional time series pm10 to the environment
X = center.fd(pm10)

# Compute functional dynamic principal components with only one component
res.dpca = fts.dpca(X, Ndpc = 1, freq=(-25:25/25)*pi) # leave default freq for higher precision

# Plot the spectral density operator at frequencies -2, -3:3/30 * pi and 2
fts.plot.operators(res.dpca$spec.density,freq = c(-2,-3:3/30 * pi,2))

Simulate functional autoregressive processes


Generates functional autoregressive process.


  n = 100,
  d = 11,
  Psi = NULL,
  op.norms = NULL,
  burnin = 20,
  noise = "mnorm",
  sigma = diag(d:1)/d,
  df = 4



number of observations to generate.


dimension of the underlying multivariate VAR model.


an array of p1p\geq 1 coefficient matrices (need to be square matrices). Psi[,,k] is the k-th coefficient matrix. If Psi is provided then d=dim(Psi)[1]. If no value is set then we generate a functional autoregressive process of order 1. Then, Psi[,,1] is proportional to exp(ij ⁣:1i,jd)\exp(-|i-j|\colon 1\leq i, j\leq d) and such that Hilbert-Schmidt norm of the corresponding lag-1 AR operator is 1/2.


a vector with non-negative scalar entries to which the Psi are supposed to be scaled. The length of the vector must equal to the order of the model.


an integer 0\geq 0. It specifies a number of initial observations to be trashed to achieve stationarity.


"mnorm" for normal noise or "t" for student t noise. If not specified "mvnorm" is chosen.


covariance or scale matrix of the coefficients corresponding to functional innovations. The default value is diag(d:1)/d.


degrees of freqdom if noise = "mt".


The purpose is to simulate a functional autoregressive process of the form

Xt(u)=k=1p01Ψk(u,v)Xtk(v)dv+εt(u),1tn.X_t(u)=\sum_{k=1}^p \int_0^1\Psi_k(u,v) X_{t-k}(v)dv+\varepsilon_t(u),\quad 1\leq t\leq n.

Here we assume that the observations lie in a finite dimensional subspace of the function space spanned by Fourier basis functions b(u)=(b1(u),,bd(u))\boldsymbol{b}^\prime(u)=(b_1(u),\ldots, b_d(u)). That is Xt(u)=b(u)XtX_t(u)=\boldsymbol{b}^\prime(u)\boldsymbol{X}_t, εt(u)=b(u)εt\varepsilon_t(u)=\boldsymbol{b}^\prime(u)\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}_t and Ψk(u,v)=b(u)Ψkb(v)\Psi_k(u,v)=\boldsymbol{b}^\prime(u)\boldsymbol{\Psi}_k \boldsymbol{b}(v). Then it follows that

Xt=Ψ1Xt1++ΨpXtp+εt.\boldsymbol{X}_t=\boldsymbol{\Psi}_1\boldsymbol{X}_{t-1}+\cdots+ \boldsymbol{\Psi}_p\boldsymbol{X}_{t-p}+\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}_t.

Hence the dynamic of the functional time series is described by a VAR(pp) process.

In this mathematical model the law of εt\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}_t is determined by noise. The matrices Psi[,,k] correspond to Ψk\boldsymbol{\Psi}_k. If op.norms is provided, then the coefficient matrices will be rescaled, such that the Hilbert-Schmidt norms of Ψk\boldsymbol{\Psi}_k correspond to the vector.


An object of class fd.

See Also

The multivariate equivalent in the freqdom package: rar


# Generate a FAR process without burnin (starting from 0)
fts = fts.rar(n = 5, d = 5, burnin = 0)

# Generate a FAR process with burnin 50 (starting from observations
# already resambling the final distribution)
fts = fts.rar(n = 5, d = 5, burnin = 50)

# Generate observations with very strong dependance
fts = fts.rar(n = 100, d = 5, burnin = 50, op.norms = 0.999)

Simulate functional moving average processes


Generate a functional moving average process.


  n = 100,
  d = 11,
  Psi = NULL,
  op.norms = NULL,
  noise = "mnorm",
  sigma = diag(d:1)/d,
  df = 4



number of observations to generate.


dimension of the underlying multivariate VAR model.


an array of p1p\geq 1 coefficient matrices (need to be square matrices). Psi[,,k] is the k-th coefficient matrix. If Psi is provided then d=dim(Psi)[1]. If no value is set then we generate a functional autoregressive process of order 1. Then, Psi[,,1] is proportional to exp(ij ⁣:1i,jd)\exp(-|i-j|\colon 1\leq i, j\leq d) and such that Hilbert-Schmidt norm of the corresponding lag-1 MA operator is 1/2.


a vector with non-negative scalar entries to which the Psi are supposed to be scaled. The length of the vector must equal to the order of the model.


"mnorm" for normal noise or "mt" for student t noise. If not specified "mvnorm" is chosen.


covariance or scale matrix of the coefficients corresponding to functional innovations. The default value is diag(d:1)/d.


degrees of freqdom if noise = "mt".


The purpose is to simulate a functional autoregressive process of the form

Xt(u)=k=1p01Ψk(u,v)Xtk(v)dv+εt(u),1tn.X_t(u)=\sum_{k=1}^p \int_0^1\Psi_k(u,v) X_{t-k}(v)dv+\varepsilon_t(u),\quad 1\leq t\leq n.

Here we assume that the observations lie in a finite dimensional subspace of the function space spanned by Fourier basis functions b(u)=(b1(u),,bd(u))\boldsymbol{b}^\prime(u)=(b_1(u),\ldots, b_d(u)). That is Xt(u)=b(u)XtX_t(u)=\boldsymbol{b}^\prime(u)\boldsymbol{X}_t, εt(u)=b(u)εt\varepsilon_t(u)=\boldsymbol{b}^\prime(u)\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}_t and Ψk(u,v)=b(u)Ψkb(v)\Psi_k(u,v)=\boldsymbol{b}^\prime(u)\boldsymbol{\Psi}_k \boldsymbol{b}(v). Then it follows that

Xt=Ψ1Xt1++ΨpXtp+εt.\boldsymbol{X}_t=\boldsymbol{\Psi}_1\boldsymbol{X}_{t-1}+\cdots+ \boldsymbol{\Psi}_p\boldsymbol{X}_{t-p}+\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}_t.

Hence the dynamic of the functional time series is described by a VAR(pp) process.

In this mathematical model the law of εt\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}_t is determined by noise. The matrices Psi[,,k] correspond to Ψk\boldsymbol{\Psi}_k. If op.norms is provided, then the coefficient matrices will be rescaled, such that the Hilbert-Schmidt norms of Ψk\boldsymbol{\Psi}_k correspond to the vector.


An object of class fd.

See Also

The multivariate equivalent in the freqdom package: rma


# Generate a FMA process without burnin (starting from 0)
fts = fts.rma(n = 5, d = 5)

# Generate observations with very strong dependance
fts = fts.rma(n = 100, d = 5, op.norms = 0.999)

# Generate observations with very strong dependance and noise
# from the multivariate t distribution
fts = fts.rma(n = 100, d = 5, op.norms = 0.999, noise = "mt")

Functional spectral and cross-spectral density operator


Estimates the spectral density operator and cross spectral density operator of functional time series.


  Y = X,
  freq = (-1000:1000/1000) * pi,
  q = ceiling((dim(X$coefs)[2])^{     0.33 }),
  weights = "Bartlett"



an object of class fd containing TT functional observations.


an object of class fd containing TT functional observations.


a vector containing frequencies in [π,π][-\pi, \pi] on which the spectral density should be evaluated. By default freq=(-1000:1000/1000)*pi.


window size for the kernel estimator, i.e. a positive integer. By default we choose q = max(1, floor((dim(X$coefs)[2])^{0.33})).


kernel used in the spectral smoothing. For possible choices see spectral.density in package freqdom. By default the Bartlett kernel is chosen.


Let X1(u),,XT(u)X_1(u),\ldots, X_T(u) and Y1(u),,YT(u)Y_1(u),\ldots, Y_T(u) be two samples of functional data. The cross-spectral density kernel between the two time series (Xt(u))(X_t(u)) and (Yt(u))(Y_t(u)) is defined as

fωXY(u,v)=hZCov(Xh(u),Y0(v))eihω.f^{XY}_\omega(u,v)=\sum_{h\in\mathbf{Z}} \mathrm{Cov}(X_h(u),Y_0(v)) e^{-ih\omega}.

The function fts.spectral.density determines the empirical cross-spectral density kernel between the two time series. The estimator is of the form

f^ωXY(u,v)=hqw(k/q)c^hXY(u,v)eihω,\widehat{f}^{XY}_\omega(u,v)=\sum_{|h|\leq q} w(|k|/q)\widehat{c}^{XY}_h(u,v)e^{-ih\omega},

with c^hXY(u,v)\widehat{c}^{XY}_h(u,v) defined in fts.cov.structure. The other paremeters are as in cov.structure.

Since Xt(u)=b1(u)xtX_t(u)=\boldsymbol{b}_1^\prime(u)\mathbf{x}_t and Yt(u)=ytb2(u)Y_t(u)=\mathbf{y}_t^\prime \boldsymbol{b}_2(u) we can write


where F^xy(ω)\widehat{\mathcal{F}}^{\mathbf{xy}}(\omega) is defined as for the function spectral.density for series of coefficient vectors (xt ⁣:1tT)(\mathbf{x}_t\colon 1\leq t\leq T) and (yt ⁣:1tT)(\mathbf{y}_t\colon 1\leq t\leq T).


Returns an object of class fts.timedom. The list is containing the following components:

  • operators \quad an array. Element [,,k] in the coefficient matrix of the spectral density matrix evaluated at the kk-th frequency listed in freq.

  • lags \quad returns the lags vector from the arguments.

  • basisX \quad returns X$basis, an object of class basis.fd (see create.basis).

  • basisY \quad returns Y$basis, an object of class basis.fd (see create.basis)

See Also

The multivariate equivalent in the freqdom package: spectral.density


X = center.fd(pm10)

# Compute the spectral density operator with Bartlett weights
SD = fts.spectral.density(X, freq = (-50:50/50) * pi, q = 2, weight="Bartlett")
fts.plot.operators(SD, freq = -2:2)

# Compute the spectral density operator with Tukey weights
SD = fts.spectral.density(X, freq = (-50:50/50) * pi, q = 2, weight="Tukey")
fts.plot.operators(SD, freq = -2:2)
# Note relatively small difference between the two plots

# Now, compute the spectral density operator with Tukey weights and larger q
SD = fts.spectral.density(X, freq = (-50:50/50) * pi, q = 5, weight="Tukey")
fts.plot.operators(SD, freq = -2:2)

Object of class fts.timedom


Creates an object of class fts.timedom. This object corresponds to a sequence of linear operators.


fts.timedom(A, basisX, basisY = basisX)



an object of class timedom.


an object of class basis.fd (see create.basis)


an object of class basis.fd (see create.basis)


This class is used to describe a functional linear filter, i.e. a sequence of linear operators, each of which corresponds to a certain lag. Formally we consider an object of class timedom and add some basis functions. Depending on the context, we have different interpretations for the new object.

(I) In order to define operators which maps between two functions spaces, the we interpret A$operators as coefficients in the basis function expansion of the kernel of some finite rank operators


The kernels are ak(u,v)=b1(u)Akb2(v)a_k(u,v)=\boldsymbol{b}_1^\prime(u)\, A_k\, \boldsymbol{b}_2(v), where b1(u)=(b11(u),,b1d1(u))\boldsymbol{b_1}(u)=(b_{11}(u),\ldots, b_{1d_1}(u))^\prime and b2(u)=(b21(u),,b2d1(u))\boldsymbol{b_2}(u)=(b_{21}(u),\ldots, b_{2d_1}(u))^\prime are the basis functions provided by the arguments basisX and basisY, respectively. Moreover, we consider lags 1<2<<K\ell_1<\ell_2<\cdots<\ell_K. The object this function creates corresponds to the mapping kak(u,v)\ell_k \mapsto a_k(u,v).

(II) We may ignore basisX, and represent the linear mapping

Ak:span(basisY)Rd1,\mathcal{A}_k:\mathrm{span}(\code{basisY})\to R^{d_1},

by considering ak(v):=Akb2(v)a_k(v):=A_k\,\boldsymbol{b}_2(v) and Ak(x)=ak(v)x(v)dv\mathcal{A}_k(x)=\int a_k(v)x(v)dv.

(III) We may ignore basisY, and represent the linear mapping

Ak:Rd1span(basisX),\mathcal{A}_k: R^{d_1}\to\mathrm{span}(\code{basisX}),

by considering ak(u):=b1(u)Aka_k(u):=\boldsymbol{b}_1^\prime(u)A_k and Ak(y)=ak(u)y\mathcal{A}_k(y)=a_k(u)y.


Returns an object of class fts.freqdom. An object of class fts.freqdom is a list containing the following components:

  • operators \quad returns the array A$operators.

  • basisX \quad returns basisX as given in the argument.

  • basisY \quad returns basisY as given in the argument.

  • lags \quad returns A$lags.

See Also

The multivariate equivalent in the freqdom package: timedom

Checks if an object belongs to the class fts.freqdom


Checks if an object belongs to the class fts.freqdom.





some object


TRUE if X is of type fts.freqdom, FALSE otherwise

See Also

fts.freqdom, fts.timedom, is.fts.timedom

Checks if an object belongs to the class fts.timedom


Checks if an object belongs to the class fts.timedom.





some object


TRUE if X is of type fts.timedom, FALSE otherwise

See Also

fts.freqdom, fts.timedom, is.fts.freqdom

PM10 dataset


Concentration of partical matter of diameter 10 micrometers or smaller (PM10) is one of the most widely adopted measurements for assesment of ambient air quality. In this dataset, we provide 175175 measurement of daily temporal distribution of PM10 in Graz, Austria, collected between December 2004 and June 2005.

For the purpose of this R package, raw data of 48 observations per day, was transformed to functional objects in Fourier basis using fda package.




175175 daily distribution functions in the fd format from the fda package


Styrian Government, FA 17C Technical Environmental Protection and Safety, Air Quality Control Section,


Hormann, Siegfried, Brigitte Pfeiler, and Ernst Stadlober. Analysis and prediction of particulate matter PM10 for the winter season in Graz. Austrian Journal of Statistics 34.4 (2005): 307-326.

