Package 'expm'

Title: Matrix Exponential, Log, 'etc'
Description: Computation of the matrix exponential, logarithm, sqrt, and related quantities, using traditional and modern methods.
Authors: Martin Maechler [aut, cre] , Christophe Dutang [aut] , Vincent Goulet [aut] , Douglas Bates [ctb] (cosmetic clean up, in svn r42), David Firth [ctb] (expm(method= "PadeO" and "TaylorO")), Marina Shapira [ctb] (expm(method= "PadeO" and "TaylorO")), Michael Stadelmann [ctb] ("Higham08*" methods, see ?expm.Higham08...)
Maintainer: Martin Maechler <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.0-0
Built: 2024-09-19 06:57:44 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Balance a Square Matrix via LAPACK's DGEBAL


Balance a square matrix via LAPACK's DGEBAL. This is an R interface, mainly used for experimentation.

This LAPACK routine is used internally for Eigenvalue decompositions, but also, in Ward(1977)'s algorithm for the matrix exponential.

The name balance() is preferred nowadays, and “dgebal()” has been deprecated (finally, after 9 years ...).


balance(A, job = c("B", "N", "P", "S"))
## Deprecated now:
##   dgebal(A, job = c("B", "N", "P", "S"))



a square (n×nn\times n) numeric, logical or complex matrix.


a one-letter string specifying the ‘job’ for DGEBAL / ZGEBAL.






Both permutation and scaling




An excerpt of the LAPACK documentation about DGEBAL() or ZGEBAL(), respectively, describing the result

i1 ("ILO")

(output) integer

i2 ("IHI")

(output) integer
i1 and i2 are set to integers such that on exit z[i,j] = 0 if i>ji > j and j=1,...,i11j = 1,...,i1-1 or i=i2+1,...,ni = i2+1,...,n.

If job = 'N' or 'S', i1 = 1 and i2 = n.


(output) numeric vector of length n. Details of the permutations and scaling factors applied to A. If P[j] is the index of the row and column interchanged with row and column j and D[j] is the scaling factor applied to row and column j, then scale[j] = P[j] for j=1,...,i11j = 1,...,i1-1
= D[j] for j=i1,...,i2j = i1,...,i2,
= P[j] for j=i2+1,...,nj = i2+1,...,n.

The order in which the interchanges are made is n to i2+1, then 1 to i1-1.

Look at the LAPACK documentation for more details.


A list with components


the transformation of matrix A, after permutation and or scaling.


numeric vector of length nn, containing the permutation and/or scale vectors applied.

i1, i2

integers (length 1) in {1,2,,n}\{1,2,\dots,n\}, denoted by ILO and IHI respectively in the LAPACK documentation. Only relevant for "P" or "B", they describe where permutations and where scaling took place; see the ‘Details’ section.


Martin Maechler


LAPACK Reference Manual,, balancing ‘gebal’, currently at

See Also

eigen, expm.


m4 <- rbind(c(-1,-1, 0, 0),
            c( 0, 0,10,10),
            c( 0, 0,10, 0),
            c( 0,10, 0, 0))
(b4 <- balance(m4))

## --- for testing and didactical reasons : ----
if(expm:::doExtras()) withAutoprint({
    "expm installed at"
    dirname(attr(packageDescription("expm"), "file"))

demo(balanceTst) # also defines the balanceTst() function
                # which in its tests ``defines'' what
                # the return value means, notably (i1,i2,scale)

Compute Matrix Exponential exp(A t) * v directly


Compute exp(At)v\exp(A t) * v directly, without evaluating exp(A)\exp(A).


expAtv(A, v, t = 1,
       method = "Sidje98",
       rescaleBelow = 1e-6,
       tol = 1e-07, btol = 1e-07, m.max = 30, mxrej = 10,
       verbose = getOption("verbose"))



n x n matrix


n - vector


number (scalar);


a string indicating the method to be used; there's only one currently; we would like to add newer ones.


if norm(A,"I") is smaller than rescaleBelow, rescale A to norm 1 and t such that AtA t remains unchanged. This step is in addition to Sidje's original algorithm and easily seen to be necessary even in simple cases (e.g., n=3n = 3).

tol, btol

tolerances; these are tuning constants of the "Sidje1998" method which the user should typically not change.

m.max, mxrej

integer constants you should only change if you know what you're doing


flag indicating if the algorithm should be verbose..


a list with components




Ravi Varadhan, Johns Hopkins University; Martin Maechler (cosmetic, generalization to sparse matrices; rescaling (see rescaleBelow).


Roger B. Sidje (1998) EXPOKIT: Software Package for Computing Matrix Exponentials. ACM - Transactions On Mathematical Software 24(1), 130–156.

(Not yet available in our expm package!)
Al-Mohy, A. and Higham, N. (2011). Computing the Action of the Matrix Exponential, with an Application to Exponential Integrators. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 33(2), 488–511. doi:10.1137/100788860

See Also



source(system.file("demo", "exact-fn.R", package = "expm"))
##-> rnilMat() ; xct10
(s5 <- Matrix(m5 <- rnilMat(5))); v <- c(1,6:9)
(em5 <- expm(m5))
r5  <- expAtv(m5, v)
r5. <- expAtv(s5, v)
stopifnot(all.equal(r5, r5., tolerance = 1e-14),
          all.equal(c(em5 %*% v), r5$eAtv))

v <- 10:1
with(xct10, all.equal(expm(m), expm))
all.equal(c(xct10$expm %*% v),
          expAtv(xct10$m, v)$eAtv)

Matrix Exponential


This function computes the exponential of a square matrix AA, defined as the sum from r=0r=0 to infinity of Ar/r!A^r/r!. Several methods are provided. The Taylor series and Padé approximation are very importantly combined with scaling and squaring.


expm(x, method = c("Higham08.b", "Higham08",
                   "Ward77", "PadeRBS", "Pade", "Taylor", "PadeO", "TaylorO",
                   "R_Eigen", "R_Pade", "R_Ward77", "hybrid_Eigen_Ward"),
     order = 8, trySym = TRUE, tol = .Machine$double.eps, do.sparseMsg = TRUE,
     preconditioning = c("2bal", "1bal", "buggy"))

.methComplex # those 'method' s which also work for complex (number) matrices
.methSparse  # those 'method' s which work with _sparseMatrix_ w/o coercion to dense



a square matrix.


"Higham08.b", "Ward77", "Pade" or "Taylor", etc; The default is now "Higham08.b" which uses Higham's 2008 algorithm with additional balancing preconditioning, see expm.Higham08.

The versions with "*O" call the original Fortran code, whereas the first ones call the BLAS-using and partly simplified newer code.
"R_Pade" uses an R-code version of "Pade" for didactical reasons, and
"R_Ward77" uses an R version of "Ward77", still based on LAPACK's dgebal, see R interface dgebal. This has enabled us to diagnose and fix the bug in the original octave implementation of "Ward77". "R_Eigen" tries to diagonalise the matrix x, if not possible, "R_Eigen" raises an error. "hybrid_Eigen_Ward" method also tries to diagonalise the matrix x, if not possible, it uses "Ward77" algorithm.


an integer, the order of approximation to be used, for the "Pade", incl "R_Ward77", and "Taylor" methods. The best value for this depends on machine precision (and slightly on x) but for the current double precision arithmetic, one recommendation (and the Matlab implementations) uses order = 6 unconditionally;
our default, 8, is from Ward(1977, p.606)'s recommendation, but also used for "AlMohy-Hi09" where a high order order=12 may be more appropriate (and slightly more expensive).


logical indicating if method = "R_Eigen" should use isSymmetric(x) and take advantage for (almost) symmetric matrices.


a given tolerance used to check if x is computationally singular when method = "hybrid_Eigen_Ward".


logical allowing a message about sparse to dense coercion; setting it FALSE suppresses that message.


a string specifying which implementation of Ward(1977) should be used when method = "Ward77".


The exponential of a matrix is defined as the infinite Taylor series

eM=k=1Mkk!.e^M = \sum_{k = 1}^\infty \frac{M^k}{k!}.

For the "Pade" and "Taylor" methods, there is an "accuracy" attribute of the result. It is an upper bound for the L2 norm of the Cauchy error expm(x, *, order + 10) - expm(x, *, order).

Currently, mostly algorithms which are R-code only” accept sparse matrices (see the "sparseMatrix" class in package Matrix). Their method names are available from .methSparse.

Similarly only some of the algorithms are available for complex (number) matrices; the corresponding methods are in .methComplex.


The matrix exponential of x.


For a good general discussion of the matrix exponential problem, see Moler and van Loan (2003).


The "Ward77" method:
Vincent Goulet [email protected], and Christophe Dutang, based on code translated by Doug Bates and Martin Maechler from the implementation of the corresponding Octave function contributed by A. Scottedward Hodel [email protected].

The "PadeRBS" method:
Roger B. Sidje, see the EXPOKIT reference.

The "PadeO" and "TaylorO" methods:
Marina Shapira (U Oxford, UK) and David Firth (U Warwick, UK);

The "Pade" and "Taylor" methods are slight modifications of the "*O" ([O]riginal versions) methods, by Martin Maechler, using BLAS and LINPACK where possible.

The "hybrid_Eigen_Ward" method by Christophe Dutang is a C translation of "R_Eigen" method by Martin Maechler.

The "Higham08" and "Higham08.b" (current default) were written by Michael Stadelmann, see expm.Higham08.

The "AlMohy-Hi09" implementation (R code interfacing to stand-alone C) was provided and donated by Drew Schmidt, U. Tennesse.


Ward, R. C. (1977). Numerical computation of the matrix exponential with accuracy estimate. SIAM J. Num. Anal. 14, 600–610.

Roger B. Sidje (1998). EXPOKIT: Software package for computing matrix exponentials. ACM - Transactions on Mathematical Software 24(1), 130–156.

Moler, C and van Loan, C (2003). Nineteen dubious ways to compute the exponential of a matrix, twenty-five years later. SIAM Review 45, 3–49. At doi:10.1137/S00361445024180

Awad H. Al-Mohy and Nicholas J. Higham (2009) A New Scaling and Squaring Algorithm for the Matrix Exponential. SIAM. J. Matrix Anal. & Appl., 31(3), 970–989. doi:10.1137/S00361445024180

See Also

The package vignette for details on the algorithms and calling the function from external packages.

expm.Higham08 for "Higham08".

expAtv(A,v,t) computes eAtve^{At} v (for scalar tt and nn-vector vv) directly and more efficiently than computing eAte^{At}.


x <- matrix(c(-49, -64, 24, 31), 2, 2)
expm(x, method = "AlMohy-Hi09")
## ----------------------------
## Test case 1 from Ward (1977)
## ----------------------------
test1 <- t(matrix(c(
    4, 2, 0,
    1, 4, 1,
    1, 1, 4), 3, 3))
expm(test1, method="Pade")
## Results on Power Mac G3 under Mac OS 10.2.8
##                    [,1]               [,2]               [,3]
## [1,] 147.86662244637000 183.76513864636857  71.79703239999643
## [2,] 127.78108552318250 183.76513864636877  91.88256932318409
## [3,] 127.78108552318204 163.67960172318047 111.96810624637124
## -- these agree with ward (1977, p608)

## Compare with the naive "R_Eigen" method:
expm(test1, method="R_Eigen")
) ## platform depently, sometimes gives an error from solve
## or is accurate or one older result was
##                   [,1]                [,2]               [,3]
##[1,] 147.86662244637003  88.500223574029647 103.39983337000028
##[2,] 127.78108552318220 117.345806155250600  90.70416537273444
##[3,] 127.78108552318226  90.384173332156763 117.66579819582827
## -- hopelessly inaccurate in all but the first column.
## ----------------------------
## Test case 2 from Ward (1977)
## ----------------------------
test2 <- t(matrix(c(
    29.87942128909879, .7815750847907159, -2.289519314033932,
    .7815750847907159, 25.72656945571064,  8.680737820540137,
   -2.289519314033932, 8.680737820540137,  34.39400925519054),
           3, 3))
expm(test2, method="Pade")
##                   [,1]               [,2]               [,3]
##[1,]   5496313853692357 -18231880972009844 -30475770808580828
##[2,] -18231880972009852  60605228702227024 101291842930256144
##[3,] -30475770808580840 101291842930256144 169294411240859072
## -- which agrees with Ward (1977) to 13 significant figures
expm(test2, method="R_Eigen")
##                   [,1]               [,2]               [,3]
##[1,]   5496313853692405 -18231880972009100 -30475770808580196
##[2,] -18231880972009160  60605228702221760 101291842930249376
##[3,] -30475770808580244 101291842930249200 169294411240850880
## -- in this case a very similar degree of accuracy.
## ----------------------------
## Test case 3 from Ward (1977)
## ----------------------------
test3 <- t(matrix(c(
    -131, 19, 18,
    -390, 56, 54,
    -387, 57, 52), 3, 3))
expm(test3, method="Pade")
##                    [,1]                [,2]                [,3]
##[1,] -1.5096441587713636 0.36787943910439874 0.13533528117301735
##[2,] -5.6325707997970271 1.47151775847745725 0.40600584351567010
##[3,] -4.9349383260294299 1.10363831731417195 0.54134112675653534
## -- agrees to 10dp with Ward (1977), p608.
expm(test3, method="R_Eigen")
##                   [,1]               [,2]                [,3]
##[1,] -1.509644158796182 0.3678794391103086 0.13533528117547022
##[2,] -5.632570799902948 1.4715177585023838 0.40600584352641989
##[3,] -4.934938326098410 1.1036383173309319 0.54134112676302582
## -- in this case, a similar level of agreement with Ward (1977).
## ----------------------------
## Test case 4 from Ward (1977)
## ----------------------------
test4 <-
    structure(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e-10,
                1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0),
    .Dim = c(10, 10))
attributes(expm(test4, method="Pade"))
max(abs(expm(test4, method="Pade") - expm(test4, method="R_Eigen")))
##[1] 8.746826694186494e-08
## -- here mexp2 is accurate only to 7 d.p., whereas mexp
##    is correct to at least 14 d.p.
## Note that these results are achieved with the default
## settings order=8, method="Pade" -- accuracy could
## presumably be improved still further by some tuning
## of these settings.

## example of computationally singular matrix -> is nil-potent -> expm(m) = polynomial(m)
m <- matrix(c(0,1,0,0), 2,2)
expm(m, method="R_Eigen")
## error since m is computationally singular
(em <- expm(m, method="hybrid"))
## hybrid use the Ward77 method
I2 <- diag(2)
stopifnot(all.equal(I2 + m, expm(m)))

## Try all methods --------------------------------------
(meths <- eval(formals(expm)$method)) # >= 13 ..

all3 <- sapply(meths, simplify = FALSE, function(mtd)
    tryCatch(expm(test3, method = mtd), error = conditionMessage))
## are all "equal" :
    vapply(all3[-1], function(R) all.equal(all3[[1]], R, check.attributes=FALSE), NA))

all4 <- sapply(meths, simplify = FALSE, function(mtd)
    tryCatch(expm(test4, method = mtd), error = conditionMessage))

### Try complex matrices --c--c--c--c--c--c--c--c--c--c--c--c--c--c--c
zm <- m*(1+1i) # is also nilpotent :
stopifnot(zm %*% zm == 0, # is nilpotent already for ^2  ==> expm() is linear %
          all.equal(I2 + zm, expm(zm)))

## --->> more tests in ../tests/{ex,ex2,exact-ex}.R

Matrix Exponential [Higham 2008]


Calculation of matrix exponential eAe^A with the ‘Scaling & Squaring’ method with balancing.

Implementation of Higham's Algorithm from his book (see references), Chapter 10, Algorithm 10.20.

The balancing option is an extra from Michael Stadelmann's Masters thesis.


expm.Higham08(A, balancing = TRUE)



square matrix, may be a "sparseMatrix", currently only if balancing is false.


logical indicating if balancing should happen (before and after scaling and squaring).


The algorithm comprises the following steps










Reverse Balancing


a matrix of the same dimension as A, the matrix exponential of A.


expm.Higham8() no longer needs to be called directly; rather expm(A, "Higham8b") and expm(A, "Higham8") correspond to the two options of balancing = TRUE || FALSE.


Michael Stadelmann (final polish by Martin Maechler).


Higham, Nicholas J. (2008). Functions of Matrices: Theory and Computation; SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics), Philadelphia, USA; doi:10.1137/1.9780898717778

Michael Stadelmann (2009). Matrixfunktionen; Analyse und Implementierung. [in German] Master's thesis and Research Report 2009-12, SAM, ETH Zurich;, or the pdf directly at

See Also

The other algorithms expm(x, method = *).

expmCond, to compute the exponential-condition number.


## The *same* examples as in ../expm.Rd  {FIXME} --
x <- matrix(c(-49, -64, 24, 31), 2, 2)

## ----------------------------
## Test case 1 from Ward (1977)
## ----------------------------
test1 <- t(matrix(c(
    4, 2, 0,
    1, 4, 1,
    1, 1, 4), 3, 3))
##                    [,1]               [,2]               [,3]
## [1,] 147.86662244637000 183.76513864636857  71.79703239999643
## [2,] 127.78108552318250 183.76513864636877  91.88256932318409
## [3,] 127.78108552318204 163.67960172318047 111.96810624637124
## -- these agree with ward (1977, p608)

## ----------------------------
## Test case 2 from Ward (1977)
## ----------------------------
test2 <- t(matrix(c(
    29.87942128909879, .7815750847907159, -2.289519314033932,
    .7815750847907159, 25.72656945571064,  8.680737820540137,
   -2.289519314033932, 8.680737820540137,  34.39400925519054),
           3, 3))
expm.Higham08(test2, balancing = FALSE)
##                   [,1]               [,2]               [,3]
##[1,]   5496313853692405 -18231880972009100 -30475770808580196
##[2,] -18231880972009160  60605228702221760 101291842930249376
##[3,] -30475770808580244 101291842930249200 169294411240850880
## -- in this case a very similar degree of accuracy.

## ----------------------------
## Test case 3 from Ward (1977)
## ----------------------------
test3 <- t(matrix(c(
    -131, 19, 18,
    -390, 56, 54,
    -387, 57, 52), 3, 3))
expm.Higham08(test3, balancing = FALSE)
##                    [,1]                [,2]                [,3]
##[1,] -1.5096441587713636 0.36787943910439874 0.13533528117301735
##[2,] -5.6325707997970271 1.47151775847745725 0.40600584351567010
##[3,] -4.9349383260294299 1.10363831731417195 0.54134112675653534
## -- agrees to 10dp with Ward (1977), p608. ??? (FIXME)

## ----------------------------
## Test case 4 from Ward (1977)
## ----------------------------
test4 <-
    structure(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e-10,
                1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0),
    .Dim = c(10, 10))

E4 <- expm.Higham08(test4)

S4 <- as(test4, "sparseMatrix") # some R based expm() methods work for sparse:
ES4 <- expm.Higham08(S4, bal=FALSE)
stopifnot(all.equal(E4, unname(as.matrix(ES4))))
## NOTE: Need much larger sparse matrices for sparse arith to be faster!

## example of computationally singular matrix
m <- matrix(c(0,1,0,0), 2,2)
eS <- expm.Higham08(m)  # "works"  (hmm ...)

Exponential Condition Number of a Matrix


Compute the exponential condition number of a matrix, either with approximation methods, or exactly and very slowly.


expmCond(A, method = c("1.est", "F.est", "exact"),
         expm = TRUE, abstol = 0.1, reltol = 1e-6,
         give.exact = c("both", "1.norm", "F.norm"))



a square matrix


a string; either compute 1-norm or F-norm approximations, or compte these exactly.


logical indicating if the matrix exponential itself, which is computed anyway, should be returned as well.

abstol, reltol

for method = "F.est", numerical 0\ge 0, as absolute and relative error tolerance.


for method = "exact", specify if only the 1-norm, the Frobenius norm, or both are to be computed.


method = "exact", aka Kronecker-Sylvester algorithm, computes a Kronecker matrix of dimension n2×n2n^2 \times n^2 and hence, with O(n5)O(n^5) complexity, is prohibitely slow for non-small nn. It computes the exact exponential-condition numbers for both the Frobenius and/or the 1-norm, depending on give.exact.

The two other methods compute approximations, to these norms, i.e., estimate them, using algorithms from Higham, chapt.~3.4, both with complexity O(n3)O(n^3).


when expm = TRUE, for method = "exact", a list with components


containing the matrix exponential, expm.Higham08(A).


numeric scalar, (an approximation to) the (matrix exponential) condition number, for either the 1-norm (expmCond1) or the Frobenius-norm (expmCondF).

When expm is false and method one of the approximations ("*.est"), the condition number is returned directly (i.e., numeric of length one).


Michael Stadelmann (final polish by Martin Maechler).


Awad H. Al-Mohy and Nicholas J. Higham (2009). Computing Fréchet Derivative of the Matrix Exponential, with an application to Condition Number Estimation; MIMS EPrint 2008.26; Manchester Institute for Mathematical Sciences, U. Manchester, UK.

Higham, N.~J. (2008). Functions of Matrices: Theory and Computation; Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Michael Stadelmann (2009) Matrixfunktionen ... Master's thesis; see reference in expm.Higham08.

See Also

expm.Higham08 for the matrix exponential.


(A <- matrix(round(rnorm(3^2),1), 3,3))

eA <- expm.Higham08(A)
stopifnot(all.equal(eA, expm::expm(A), tolerance= 1e-15))

C1 <- expmCond(A, "exact")
C2 <- expmCond(A, "1.est")
C3 <- expmCond(A, "F.est")
all.equal(C1$expmCond1, C2$expmCond, tolerance= 1e-15)# TRUE
all.equal(C1$expmCondF, C3$expmCond)# relative difference of 0.001...

Frechet Derivative of the Matrix Exponential


Compute the Frechet (actually ‘Fréchet’) derivative of the matrix exponential operator.


expmFrechet(A, E, method = c("SPS", "blockEnlarge"), expm = TRUE)



square matrix (n×nn \times n).


the “small Error” matrix, used in L(A,E)=f(A+E,A)L(A,E) = f(A + E, A)


string specifying the method / algorithm; the default "SPS" is “Scaling + Pade + Squaring” as in the algorithm 6.4 below; otherwise see the ‘Details’ section.


logical indicating if the matrix exponential itself, which is computed anyway, should be returned as well.


Calculation of eAe^A and the Exponential Frechet-Derivative L(A,E)L(A,E).

When method = "SPS" (by default), the with the Scaling - Padé - Squaring Method is used, in an R-Implementation of Al-Mohy and Higham (2009)'s Algorithm 6.4.

Step 1:

Scaling (of A and E)

Step 2:

Padé-Approximation of eAe^A and L(A,E)L(A,E)

Step 3:

Squaring (reversing step 1)

method = "blockEnlarge" uses the matrix identity of

f([AE;0A])=[f(A)Df(A);0f(A)]f([A E ; 0 A ]) = [f(A) Df(A); 0 f(A)]

for the 2n×2n2n \times 2n block matrices where f(A):=expm(A)f(A) := expm(A) and Df(A):=L(A,E)Df(A) := L(A,E). Note that "blockEnlarge" is much simpler to implement but slower (CPU time is doubled for n=100n = 100).


a list with components


if expm is true, the matrix exponential (n×nn \times n matrix).


the Exponential-Frechet-Derivative L(A,E)L(A,E), a matrix of the same dimension.


Michael Stadelmann (final polish by Martin Maechler).


see expmCond.

See Also

expm.Higham08 for the matrix exponential. expmCond for exponential condition number computations which are based on expmFrechet.


(A <- cbind(1, 2:3, 5:8, c(9,1,5,3)))
E <- matrix(1e-3, 4,4)
(L.AE <- expmFrechet(A, E))
all.equal(L.AE, expmFrechet(A, E, "block"), tolerance = 1e-14) ## TRUE

Matrix Logarithm


This function computes the (principal) matrix logarithm of a square matrix. A logarithm of a matrix AA is LL such that A=eLA= e^L (meaning A == expm(L)), see the documentation for the matrix exponential, expm, which can be defined as

eL:=r=0Lr/r!.e^L := \sum_{r=0}^\infty L^r/r! .


logm(x, method = c("Higham08", "Eigen"),
     tol = .Machine$double.eps)



a square matrix.


a string specifying the algorithmic method to be used. The default uses the algorithm by Higham(2008).

The simple "Eigen" method tries to diagonalise the matrix x; if that is not possible, it raises an error.


a given tolerance used to check if x is computationally singular when method = "Eigen".


The exponential of a matrix is defined as the infinite Taylor series

eM=k=1Mkk!.e^M = \sum_{k = 1}^\infty \frac{M^k}{k!}.

The matrix logarithm of AA is a matrix MM such that exp(M)=Aexp(M) = A. Note that there typically are an infinite number number of such matrices, and we compute the prinicipal matrix logarithm, see the references.

Method "Higham08" works via “inverse scaling and squaring”, and from the Schur decomposition, applying a matrix square root computation. It is somewhat slow but also works for non-diagonalizable matrices.


A matrix ‘as x’ with the matrix logarithm of x, i.e., all.equal( expm(logm(x)), x, tol) is typically true for quite small tolerance tol.


Method "Higham08" was implemented by Michael Stadelmann as part of his master thesis in mathematics, at ETH Zurich; the "Eigen" method by Christophe Dutang.


Higham, N.~J. (2008). Functions of Matrices: Theory and Computation; Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

The Matrix Logarithm is very nicely defined by Wikipedia,

See Also



m <- diag(2)

## Here, logm() is barely defined, and Higham08 has needed an amendment
## in order for not to loop forever:
D0 <- diag(x=c(1, 0.))
(L. <- logm(D0))
stopifnot( all.equal(D0, expm(L.)) )

## A matrix for which clearly no logm(.) exists:
(m <- cbind(1:2, 1))
(l.m <- try(logm(m))) ## all NA {Warning in sqrt(S[ij, ij]) : NaNs produced}
## on r-patched-solaris-x86, additionally gives
##    Error in solve.default(X[ii, ii] + X[ij, ij], S[ii, ij] - sumU) :
##     system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 0
##    Calls: logm ... logm.Higham08 -> rootS -> solve -> solve -> solve.default
if(!inherits(l.m, "try-error")) stopifnot(
## The "Eigen" method  ``works''  but wrongly :
expm(logm(m, "Eigen"))

Matrix Power


Compute the kk-th power of a matrix. Whereas x^k computes element wise powers, x %^% k corresponds to k1k - 1 matrix multiplications, x %*% x %*% ... %*% x.


x %^% k



a square matrix, numeric or complex.


an integer, k0k \ge 0.


Argument kk is coerced to integer using as.integer.

The algorithm uses O(log2(k))O(log_2(k)) matrix multiplications.


A matrix of the same dimension as x.


If you think you need x^k for k<0k < 0, then consider instead solve(x %^% (-k)).


Based on an R-help posting of Vicente Canto Casasola, and Vincent Goulet's C implementation in actuar.

See Also

%*% for matrix multiplication.


A <- cbind(1, 2 * diag(3)[,-1])
A %^% 2
stopifnot(identical(A, A %^% 1),
          A %^% 2 == A %*% A)

## also for complex number matrix  Z :
Z <- A + 2i*A
Z %^% 2
stopifnot(identical(Z, Z %^% 1),
          Z %^% 2 == Z %*% Z)

Stig's "infamous" Example Matrix


Stig Mortensen wrote on Oct 22, 2007 to the authors of the Matrix package with subject “Strange result from expm”. There, he presented the following 8×88 \times 8 matrix for which the Matrix expm() gave a “strange” result. As we later researched, the result indeed was wrong: the correct entries were wrongly permuted. The reason has been in the underlying source code in Octave from which it had been ported to Matrix.




Martin Maechler



as(matStig, "sparseMatrix") # since that prints more nicely.

## For more compact printing:
op <- options(digits = 4)

E1 <- expm(matStig, "Ward77", preconditioning="buggy") # the wrong result
as(E1, "sparseMatrix")
str(E2 <- expm(matStig, "Pade"))# the correct one (has "accuracy" attribute)
as(E2, "sparseMatrix")
attr(E2,"accuracy") <- NULL   # don't want it below
E3 <- expm(matStig, "R_Eigen")  # even that is fine here
all.equal(E1,E2) # not at all equal (rel.difference >~= 1.)
stopifnot(all.equal(E3,E2)) # ==

##________ The "proof" that "Ward77" is wrong _________
M <- matStig
Et1 <- expm(t(M), "Ward77", precond= "buggy")
Et2 <- expm(t(M), "Pade"); attr(Et2,"accuracy") <- NULL
all.equal(Et1, t(E1)) # completely different (rel.diff ~ 1.7 (platform dep.))
stopifnot(all.equal(Et2, t(E2))) # the same (up to tolerance)


Matrix Square Root


This function computes the matrix square root of a square matrix. The sqrt of a matrix AA is SS such that A=SSA = S S.





a square matrix.


The matrix square root SS of MM, S=sqrtm(M)S = sqrtm(M) is defined as one (the “principal”) SS such that SS=S2=MS S = S^2 = M, (in R, all.equal( S %*% S , M )).

The method works from the Schur decomposition.


A matrix ‘as x’ with the matrix sqrt of x.


Michael Stadelmann wrote the first version.


Higham, N.~J. (2008). Functions of Matrices: Theory and Computation; Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

See Also

expm, logm


m <- diag(2)
sqrtm(m) == m # TRUE

(m <- rbind(cbind(1, diag(1:3)),2))
sm <- sqrtm(m)
zapsmall(sm %*% sm) # Zap entries ~= 2e-16
stopifnot(all.equal(m, sm %*% sm))