esemifar 2.0.1 (2024-05-07)
- a bug in the predict-method was fixed that did not implement the constant
extrapolation of the trend for
trend_extrap = "constant"
- a minor bug in the handling of the residual mean when forecasting was corrected.
- the README was updated to show examples for the new forecasting approach.
- the main literature in the manual was updated to the by now officially
published paper.
- a link to the package 'RcppArmadillo' was removed in the manual, as it
caused a NOTE on some operating systems.
esemifar 2.0.0 (2024-05-02)
- predict-method added for output of 'tsmoothlm()' that allows for point
and interval forecasts (under normality or via bootstrap) based on ESEMIFAR
- plot functionality updated to allow for plot selection via function argument in
addition to the interactive console selection.
- functions added to obtain coefficients of different representations of ARMA
and FARIMA models:
infinite-order AR representation ('arma_to_ar()' / 'farima_to_ar()'),
infinite-order MA representation ('arma_to_ma()' / 'farima_to_ma()'), and
the infinite coefficient series according to a fractional differencing
operator ('d_to_coef()').
esemifar 1.0.1 (2021-11-06)
- implemented a S3 method which extracts fitted values from an 'esemifar' class
- implemented a S3 method which extracts residuals from an 'esemifar' class