Package 'endogeneity'

Title: Recursive Two-Stage Models to Address Endogeneity
Description: Various recursive two-stage models to address the endogeneity issue of treatment variables in observational study or mediators in experiments. The details of the models are discussed in Peng (2023) <doi:10.1287/isre.2022.1113>.
Authors: Jing Peng [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jing Peng <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 2.1.4
Built: 2025-02-15 06:59:19 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Recusrive Bivariate Linear Model


Estimate two linear models with bivariate normally distributed error terms.

First stage (Linear):

mi=αwi+λuim_i=\boldsymbol{\alpha}'\mathbf{w_i}+\lambda u_i

Second stage (Linear):

yi=βxi+γmi+σviy_i = \boldsymbol{\beta}'\mathbf{x_i} + {\gamma}m_i + \sigma v_i

Endogeneity structure: uiu_i and viv_i are bivariate normally distributed with a correlation of ρ\rho.

The identification of this model requires an instrumental variable that appears in w but not x. This model still works if the first-stage dependent variable is not a regressor in the second stage.


bilinear(form1, form2, data = NULL, par = NULL, method = "BFGS", verbose = 0)



Formula for the first linear model


Formula for the second linear model


Input data, a data frame


Starting values for estimates


Optimization algorithm. Default is BFGS


A integer indicating how much output to display during the estimation process.

  • <0 - No ouput

  • 0 - Basic output (model estimates)

  • 1 - Moderate output, basic ouput + parameter and likelihood in each iteration

  • 2 - Extensive output, moderate output + gradient values on each call


A list containing the results of the estimated model, some of which are inherited from the return of maxLik

  • estimates: Model estimates with 95% confidence intervals. Prefix "1" means first stage variables.

  • estimate or par: Point estimates

  • variance_type: covariance matrix used to calculate standard errors. Either BHHH or Hessian.

  • var: covariance matrix

  • se: standard errors

  • var_bhhh: BHHH covariance matrix, inverse of the outer product of gradient at the maximum

  • se_bhhh: BHHH standard errors

  • gradient: Gradient function at maximum

  • hessian: Hessian matrix at maximum

  • gtHg: gH1gg'H^-1g, where H^-1 is simply the covariance matrix. A value close to zero (e.g., <1e-3 or 1e-6) indicates good convergence.

  • LL or maximum: Likelihood

  • AIC: AIC

  • BIC: BIC

  • n_obs: Number of observations

  • n_par: Number of parameters

  • LR_stat: Likelihood ratio test statistic for ρ=0\rho=0

  • LR_p: p-value of likelihood ratio test

  • iterations: number of iterations taken to converge

  • message: Message regarding convergence status.

Note that the list inherits all the components in the output of maxLik. See the documentation of maxLik for more details.


Peng, Jing. (2023) Identification of Causal Mechanisms from Randomized Experiments: A Framework for Endogenous Mediation Analysis. Information Systems Research, 34(1):67-84. Available at

See Also

Other endogeneity: biprobit(), biprobit_latent(), biprobit_partial(), linear_probit(), pln_linear(), pln_probit(), probit_linear(), probit_linearRE(), probit_linear_latent(), probit_linear_partial()


N = 2000
rho = -0.5

x = rbinom(N, 1, 0.5)
z = rnorm(N)

e = mvrnorm(N, mu=c(0,0), Sigma=matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1), nrow=2))
e1 = e[,1]
e2 = e[,2]

m = -1 + x + z + e1
y = -1 + x + m + e2

est = bilinear(m~x+z, y~x+m)
print(est$estimates, digits=3)

Recusrive Bivariate Probit Model


Estimate two probit models with bivariate normally distributed error terms.

First stage (Probit):


Second stage (Probit):

yi=1(βxi+γmi+σvi>0)y_i = 1(\boldsymbol{\beta}'\mathbf{x_i} + {\gamma}m_i + \sigma v_i>0)

Endogeneity structure: uiu_i and viv_i are bivariate normally distributed with a correlation of ρ\rho.

w and x can be the same set of variables. Identification can be weak if w are not good predictors of m. This model still works if the first-stage dependent variable is not a regressor in the second stage.


biprobit(form1, form2, data = NULL, par = NULL, method = "BFGS", verbose = 0)



Formula for the first probit model


Formula for the second probit model


Input data, a data frame


Starting values for estimates


Optimization algorithm. Default is BFGS


A integer indicating how much output to display during the estimation process.

  • <0 - No ouput

  • 0 - Basic output (model estimates)

  • 1 - Moderate output, basic ouput + parameter and likelihood in each iteration

  • 2 - Extensive output, moderate output + gradient values on each call


A list containing the results of the estimated model, some of which are inherited from the return of maxLik

  • estimates: Model estimates with 95% confidence intervals. Prefix "1" means first stage variables.

  • estimate or par: Point estimates

  • variance_type: covariance matrix used to calculate standard errors. Either BHHH or Hessian.

  • var: covariance matrix

  • se: standard errors

  • var_bhhh: BHHH covariance matrix, inverse of the outer product of gradient at the maximum

  • se_bhhh: BHHH standard errors

  • gradient: Gradient function at maximum

  • hessian: Hessian matrix at maximum

  • gtHg: gH1gg'H^-1g, where H^-1 is simply the covariance matrix. A value close to zero (e.g., <1e-3 or 1e-6) indicates good convergence.

  • LL or maximum: Likelihood

  • AIC: AIC

  • BIC: BIC

  • n_obs: Number of observations

  • n_par: Number of parameters

  • LR_stat: Likelihood ratio test statistic for ρ=0\rho=0

  • LR_p: p-value of likelihood ratio test

  • iterations: number of iterations taken to converge

  • message: Message regarding convergence status.

Note that the list inherits all the components in the output of maxLik. See the documentation of maxLik for more details.


Peng, Jing. (2023) Identification of Causal Mechanisms from Randomized Experiments: A Framework for Endogenous Mediation Analysis. Information Systems Research, 34(1):67-84. Available at

See Also

Other endogeneity: bilinear(), biprobit_latent(), biprobit_partial(), linear_probit(), pln_linear(), pln_probit(), probit_linear(), probit_linearRE(), probit_linear_latent(), probit_linear_partial()


N = 2000
rho = -0.5

x = rbinom(N, 1, 0.5)
z = rnorm(N)

e = mvrnorm(N, mu=c(0,0), Sigma=matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1), nrow=2))
e1 = e[,1]
e2 = e[,2]

m = as.numeric(1 + x + z + e1 > 0)
y = as.numeric(1 + x + z + m + e2 > 0)

est = biprobit(m~x+z, y~x+z+m)
print(est$estimates, digits=3)

Recursive Bivariate Probit Model with Latent First Stage


Estimate two probit models with bivariate normally distributed error terms, in which the dependent variable of the first stage model is unobserved.

First stage (Probit, mim_i^* is unobserved):


Second stage (Probit):

yi=1(βxi+γmi+σvi>0)y_i = 1(\boldsymbol{\beta}'\mathbf{x_i} + {\gamma}m_i^* + \sigma v_i>0)

Endogeneity structure: uiu_i and viv_i are bivariate normally distributed with a correlation of ρ\rho.

w and x can be the same set of variables. The identification of this model is generally weak, especially if w are not good predictors of m. γ\gamma is assumed to be positive to ensure that the model estimates are unique.


  data = NULL,
  par = NULL,
  method = "BFGS",
  verbose = 0,
  maxIter = 500,
  tol = 1e-05,
  tol_LL = 1e-06



Formula for the first probit model, in which the dependent variable is unobserved. Use a formula like ~w to avoid specifying the dependent variable.


Formula for the second probit model, the latent dependent variable of the first stage is automatically added as a regressor in this model


Input data, a data frame


Whether to maximize likelihood use the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, which is slower but more robust. Defaults to FLASE, but should change to TRUE is the model has convergence issues.


Starting values for estimates


Optimization algorithm. Default is BFGS


A integer indicating how much output to display during the estimation process.

  • <0 - No ouput

  • 0 - Basic output (model estimates)

  • 1 - Moderate output, basic ouput + parameter and likelihood in each iteration

  • 2 - Extensive output, moderate output + gradient values on each call


max iterations for EM algorithm


tolerance for convergence of EM algorithm


tolerance for convergence of likelihood


A list containing the results of the estimated model, some of which are inherited from the return of maxLik

  • estimates: Model estimates with 95% confidence intervals. Prefix "1" means first stage variables.

  • estimate or par: Point estimates

  • variance_type: covariance matrix used to calculate standard errors. Either BHHH or Hessian.

  • var: covariance matrix

  • se: standard errors

  • gradient: Gradient function at maximum

  • hessian: Hessian matrix at maximum

  • gtHg: gH1gg'H^-1g, where H^-1 is simply the covariance matrix. A value close to zero (e.g., <1e-3 or 1e-6) indicates good convergence.

  • LL or maximum: Likelihood

  • AIC: AIC

  • BIC: BIC

  • n_obs: Number of observations

  • n_par: Number of parameters

  • iterations: number of iterations taken to converge

  • message: Message regarding convergence status.

Note that the list inherits all the components in the output of maxLik. See the documentation of maxLik for more details.


Peng, Jing. (2023) Identification of Causal Mechanisms from Randomized Experiments: A Framework for Endogenous Mediation Analysis. Information Systems Research, 34(1):67-84. Available at

See Also

Other endogeneity: bilinear(), biprobit(), biprobit_partial(), linear_probit(), pln_linear(), pln_probit(), probit_linear(), probit_linearRE(), probit_linear_latent(), probit_linear_partial()


N = 2000
rho = -0.5

x = rbinom(N, 1, 0.5)
z = rnorm(N)

e = mvrnorm(N, mu=c(0,0), Sigma=matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1), nrow=2))
e1 = e[,1]
e2 = e[,2]

m = as.numeric(1 + x + z + e1 > 0)
y = as.numeric(1 + x + z + m + e2 > 0)

est = biprobit(m~x+z, y~x+z+m)
print(est$estimates, digits=3)

est_latent = biprobit_latent(~x+z, y~x+z)
print(est_latent$estimates, digits=3)

Recursive Bivariate Probit Model with Partially Observed First Stage


Estimate two probit models with bivariate normally distributed error terms, in which the dependent variable of the first stage model is partially observed (or unobserved).

First stage (Probit, mim_i is partially observed):


Second stage (Probit):

yi=1(βxi+γmi+σvi>0)y_i = 1(\boldsymbol{\beta}'\mathbf{x_i} + {\gamma}m_i + \sigma v_i>0)

Endogeneity structure: uiu_i and viv_i are bivariate normally distributed with a correlation of ρ\rho.

Unobserved mim_i should be coded as NA. w and x can be the same set of variables. Identification can be weak if w are not good predictors of m. Observing mim_i for 10%~20% of observations can significantly improve the identification of the model.


  data = NULL,
  par = NULL,
  method = "BFGS",
  verbose = 0,
  maxIter = 500,
  tol = 1e-05,
  tol_LL = 1e-06



Formula for the first probit model, in which the dependent variable is partially observed.


Formula for the second probit model, the partially observed dependent variable of the first stage is automatically added as a regressor in this model (do not add manually)


Input data, a data frame


Whether to maximize likelihood use the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, which is slower but more robust. Defaults to FLASE, but should change to TRUE is the model has convergence issues.


Starting values for estimates


Optimization algorithm. Default is BFGS


A integer indicating how much output to display during the estimation process.

  • <0 - No ouput

  • 0 - Basic output (model estimates)

  • 1 - Moderate output, basic ouput + parameter and likelihood in each iteration

  • 2 - Extensive output, moderate output + gradient values on each call


max iterations for EM algorithm


tolerance for convergence of EM algorithm


tolerance for convergence of likelihood


A list containing the results of the estimated model, some of which are inherited from the return of maxLik

  • estimates: Model estimates with 95% confidence intervals. Prefix "1" means first stage variables.

  • estimate or par: Point estimates

  • variance_type: covariance matrix used to calculate standard errors. Either BHHH or Hessian.

  • var: covariance matrix

  • se: standard errors

  • gradient: Gradient function at maximum

  • hessian: Hessian matrix at maximum

  • gtHg: gH1gg'H^-1g, where H^-1 is simply the covariance matrix. A value close to zero (e.g., <1e-3 or 1e-6) indicates good convergence.

  • LL or maximum: Likelihood

  • AIC: AIC

  • BIC: BIC

  • n_obs: Number of observations

  • n_par: Number of parameters

  • iterations: number of iterations taken to converge

  • message: Message regarding convergence status.

Note that the list inherits all the components in the output of maxLik. See the documentation of maxLik for more details.


Peng, Jing. (2023) Identification of Causal Mechanisms from Randomized Experiments: A Framework for Endogenous Mediation Analysis. Information Systems Research, 34(1):67-84. Available at

See Also

Other endogeneity: bilinear(), biprobit(), biprobit_latent(), linear_probit(), pln_linear(), pln_probit(), probit_linear(), probit_linearRE(), probit_linear_latent(), probit_linear_partial()


N = 5000
rho = -0.5

x = rbinom(N, 1, 0.5)
z = rnorm(N)

e = mvrnorm(N, mu=c(0,0), Sigma=matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1), nrow=2))
e1 = e[,1]
e2 = e[,2]

m = as.numeric(1 + x + 3*z + e1 > 0)
y = as.numeric(1 + x + z + m + e2 > 0)

est = biprobit(m~x+z, y~x+z+m)
print(est$estimates, digits=3)

# partially observed version of m
observed_pct = 0.2
m_p = m
m_p[sample(N, N*(1-observed_pct))] = NA
est_partial = biprobit_partial(m_p~x+z, y~x+z)
print(est_partial$estimates, digits=3)

Recursive two-stage models to address endogeneity


This package supports various recursive two-stage models to address the endogeneity issue. The details of the implemented models are discussed in Peng (2022). In a recursive two-stage model, the dependent variable of the first stage is also the endogenous variable of interest in the second stage. The endogeneity is captured by the correlation in the error terms of the two stages.

Recursive two-stage models can be used to address the endogeneity of treatment variables in observational study and the endogeneity of mediators in experiments.

The first-stage supports linear model, probit model, and Poisson lognormal model. The second-stage supports linear and probit models. These models can be used to address the endogeneity of continuous, binary, and count variables. When the endogenous variable is binary, it can be unobserved or partially unobserved, but the identification can be weak.


bilinear: recursive bivariate linear model

biprobit: recursive bivariate probit model

biprobit_latent: recursive bivariate probit model with latent first stage

biprobit_partial: recursive bivariate probit model with partially observed first stage

linear-probit: recursive linear-probit model

probit_linear: recursive probit-linear model

probit_linear_latent: recursive probit-linear model with latent first stage

probit_linear_partial: recursive probit-linear model with partially observed first stage

probit_linearRE: recursive probit-linearRE model in which the second stage is a panel linear model with random effects

pln: Poisson lognormal (PLN) model

pln_linear: recursive PLN-linear model

pln_probit: recursive PLN-probit model


Peng, Jing. (2023) Identification of Causal Mechanisms from Randomized Experiments: A Framework for Endogenous Mediation Analysis. Information Systems Research, 34(1):67-84. Available at

Recursive Linear-Probit Model


Estimate linear and probit models with bivariate normally distributed error terms.

First stage (Linear):

mi=αwi+σuim_i=\boldsymbol{\alpha}'\mathbf{w_i}+\sigma u_i

Second stage (Probit):

yi=1(βxi+γmi+vi>0)y_i = 1(\boldsymbol{\beta}'\mathbf{x_i} + {\gamma}m_i + v_i>0)

Endogeneity structure: uiu_i and viv_i are bivariate normally distributed with a correlation of ρ\rho.

The identification of this model requires an instrumental variable that appears in w but not x. This model still works if the first-stage dependent variable is not a regressor in the second stage.


  data = NULL,
  par = NULL,
  method = "BFGS",
  init = c("zero", "unif", "norm", "default")[4],
  verbose = 0



Formula for the linear model


Formula for the probit model


Input data, a data frame


Starting values for estimates


Optimization algorithm. Default is BFGS


Initialization method


A integer indicating how much output to display during the estimation process.

  • <0 - No ouput

  • 0 - Basic output (model estimates)

  • 1 - Moderate output, basic ouput + parameter and likelihood in each iteration

  • 2 - Extensive output, moderate output + gradient values on each call


A list containing the results of the estimated model, some of which are inherited from the return of maxLik

  • estimates: Model estimates with 95% confidence intervals

  • estimate or par: Point estimates

  • variance_type: covariance matrix used to calculate standard errors. Either BHHH or Hessian.

  • var: covariance matrix

  • se: standard errors

  • var_bhhh: BHHH covariance matrix, inverse of the outer product of gradient at the maximum

  • se_bhhh: BHHH standard errors

  • gradient: Gradient function at maximum

  • hessian: Hessian matrix at maximum

  • gtHg: gH1gg'H^-1g, where H^-1 is simply the covariance matrix. A value close to zero (e.g., <1e-3 or 1e-6) indicates good convergence.

  • LL or maximum: Likelihood

  • AIC: AIC

  • BIC: BIC

  • n_obs: Number of observations

  • n_par: Number of parameters

  • LR_stat: Likelihood ratio test statistic for ρ=0\rho=0

  • LR_p: p-value of likelihood ratio test

  • iterations: number of iterations taken to converge

  • message: Message regarding convergence status.

Note that the list inherits all the components in the output of maxLik. See the documentation of maxLik for more details.


Peng, Jing. (2023) Identification of Causal Mechanisms from Randomized Experiments: A Framework for Endogenous Mediation Analysis. Information Systems Research, 34(1):67-84. Available at

See Also

Other endogeneity: bilinear(), biprobit(), biprobit_latent(), biprobit_partial(), pln_linear(), pln_probit(), probit_linear(), probit_linearRE(), probit_linear_latent(), probit_linear_partial()


N = 2000
rho = -0.5

x = rbinom(N, 1, 0.5)
z = rnorm(N)

e = mvrnorm(N, mu=c(0,0), Sigma=matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1), nrow=2))
e1 = e[,1]
e2 = e[,2]

m = 1 + x + z + e1
y = as.numeric(1 + x + m + e2 > 0)

est = linear_probit(m~x+z, y~x+m)
print(est$estimates, digits=3)

Poisson Lognormal Model


Estimate a Poisson model with a log-normally distributed heterogeneity term, which is also referred to as the Poisson-Normal model.

E[yixi,ui]=exp(αxi+λui)E[y_i|x_i,u_i]=exp(\boldsymbol{\alpha}'\mathbf{x_i}+\lambda u_i)

The estimates of this model are often similar to those of a negative binomial model.


  data = NULL,
  par = NULL,
  method = "BFGS",
  init = c("zero", "unif", "norm", "default")[4],
  H = 20,
  verbose = 0





Input data, a data frame


Starting values for estimates


Optimization algorithm.


Initialization method


Number of quadrature points


A integer indicating how much output to display during the estimation process.

  • <0 - No ouput

  • 0 - Basic output (model estimates)

  • 1 - Moderate output, basic ouput + parameter and likelihood in each iteration

  • 2 - Extensive output, moderate output + gradient values on each call


A list containing the results of the estimated model, some of which are inherited from the return of maxLik

  • estimates: Model estimates with 95% confidence intervals

  • estimate or par: Point estimates

  • variance_type: covariance matrix used to calculate standard errors. Either BHHH or Hessian.

  • var: covariance matrix

  • se: standard errors

  • gradient: Gradient function at maximum

  • hessian: Hessian matrix at maximum

  • gtHg: gH1gg'H^-1g, where H^-1 is simply the covariance matrix. A value close to zero (e.g., <1e-3 or 1e-6) indicates good convergence.

  • LL or maximum: Likelihood

  • AIC: AIC

  • BIC: BIC

  • n_obs: Number of observations

  • n_par: Number of parameters

  • LR_stat: Likelihood ratio test statistic for the heterogeneity term λ=0\lambda=0

  • LR_p: p-value of likelihood ratio test

  • iterations: number of iterations taken to converge

  • message: Message regarding convergence status.

Note that the list inherits all the components in the output of maxLik. See the documentation of maxLik for more details.


Peng, Jing. (2023) Identification of Causal Mechanisms from Randomized Experiments: A Framework for Endogenous Mediation Analysis. Information Systems Research, 34(1):67-84. Available at


N = 2000

# Works well when the variance of the normal term is not overly large
# When the variance is very large, it tends to be underestimated
x = rbinom(N, 1, 0.5)
z = rnorm(N)
y = rpois(N, exp(-1 + x + z + 0.5 * rnorm(N)))
est = pln(y~x+z)
print(est$estimates, digits=3)

Recursive PLN-Linear Model


Estimate a Poisson Lognormal model and a linear model with bivariate normally distributed error/heterogeneity terms.

First stage (Poisson Lognormal):

E[miwi,ui]=exp(αwi+λui)E[m_i|w_i,u_i]=exp(\boldsymbol{\alpha}'\mathbf{w_i}+\lambda u_i)

Second stage (Linear):

yi=βxi+γmi+σviy_i = \boldsymbol{\beta}'\mathbf{x_i} + {\gamma}m_i + \sigma v_i

Endogeneity structure: uiu_i and viv_i are bivariate normally distributed with a correlation of ρ\rho.

This model is typically well-identified even if w and x are the same set of variables. This model still works if the first-stage dependent variable is not a regressor in the second stage.


  data = NULL,
  par = NULL,
  method = "BFGS",
  init = c("zero", "unif", "norm", "default")[4],
  H = 20,
  verbose = 0



Formula for the first-stage Poisson lognormal model


Formula for the second-stage linear model


Input data, a data frame


Starting values for estimates


Optimization algorithm.


Initialization method


Number of quadrature points


A integer indicating how much output to display during the estimation process.

  • <0 - No ouput

  • 0 - Basic output (model estimates)

  • 1 - Moderate output, basic ouput + parameter and likelihood in each iteration

  • 2 - Extensive output, moderate output + gradient values on each call


A list containing the results of the estimated model, some of which are inherited from the return of maxLik

  • estimates: Model estimates with 95% confidence intervals. Prefix "pln" means first stage variables.

  • estimate or par: Point estimates

  • variance_type: covariance matrix used to calculate standard errors. Either BHHH or Hessian.

  • var: covariance matrix

  • se: standard errors

  • gradient: Gradient function at maximum

  • hessian: Hessian matrix at maximum

  • gtHg: gH1gg'H^-1g, where H^-1 is simply the covariance matrix. A value close to zero (e.g., <1e-3 or 1e-6) indicates good convergence.

  • LL or maximum: Likelihood

  • AIC: AIC

  • BIC: BIC

  • n_obs: Number of observations

  • n_par: Number of parameters

  • LR_stat: Likelihood ratio test statistic for ρ=0\rho=0

  • LR_p: p-value of likelihood ratio test

  • iterations: number of iterations taken to converge

  • message: Message regarding convergence status.

Note that the list inherits all the components in the output of maxLik. See the documentation of maxLik for more details.


Peng, Jing. (2023) Identification of Causal Mechanisms from Randomized Experiments: A Framework for Endogenous Mediation Analysis. Information Systems Research, 34(1):67-84. Available at

See Also

Other endogeneity: bilinear(), biprobit(), biprobit_latent(), biprobit_partial(), linear_probit(), pln_probit(), probit_linear(), probit_linearRE(), probit_linear_latent(), probit_linear_partial()


N = 2000
rho = -0.5

x = rbinom(N, 1, 0.5)
z = rnorm(N)

e = mvrnorm(N, mu=c(0,0), Sigma=matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1), nrow=2))
e1 = e[,1]
e2 = e[,2]

m = rpois(N, exp(1 + x + z + e1))
y = 1 + x + m + e2

est = pln_linear(m~x+z, y~x+m)
print(est$estimates, digits=3)

Recursive PLN-Probit Model


Estimate a Poisson Lognormal model and a Probit model with bivariate normally distributed error/heterogeneity terms.

First stage (Poisson Lognormal):

E[miwi,ui]=exp(αwi+λui)E[m_i|w_i,u_i]=exp(\boldsymbol{\alpha}'\mathbf{w_i}+\lambda u_i)

Second stage (Probit):

yi=1(βxi+γmi+σvi>0)y_i = 1(\boldsymbol{\beta}'\mathbf{x_i} + {\gamma}m_i + \sigma v_i > 0)

Endogeneity structure: uiu_i and viv_i are bivariate normally distributed with a correlation of ρ\rho.

This model is typically well-identified even if w and x are the same set of variables. This model still works if the first-stage dependent variable is not a regressor in the second stage.


  data = NULL,
  par = NULL,
  method = "BFGS",
  init = c("zero", "unif", "norm", "default")[4],
  H = 20,
  verbose = 0



Formula for the first-stage Poisson lognormal model


Formula for the second-stage probit model


Input data, a data frame


Starting values for estimates


Optimization algorithm. Without gradient, NM is much faster than BFGS


Initialization method


Number of quadrature points


A integer indicating how much output to display during the estimation process.

  • <0 - No ouput

  • 0 - Basic output (model estimates)

  • 1 - Moderate output, basic ouput + parameter and likelihood in each iteration

  • 2 - Extensive output, moderate output + gradient values on each call


A list containing the results of the estimated model, some of which are inherited from the return of maxLik

  • estimates: Model estimates with 95% confidence intervals. Prefix "pln" means first stage variables.

  • estimate or par: Point estimates

  • variance_type: covariance matrix used to calculate standard errors. Either BHHH or Hessian.

  • var: covariance matrix

  • se: standard errors

  • gradient: Gradient function at maximum

  • hessian: Hessian matrix at maximum

  • gtHg: gH1gg'H^-1g, where H^-1 is simply the covariance matrix. A value close to zero (e.g., <1e-3 or 1e-6) indicates good convergence.

  • LL or maximum: Likelihood

  • AIC: AIC

  • BIC: BIC

  • n_obs: Number of observations

  • n_par: Number of parameters

  • LR_stat: Likelihood ratio test statistic for ρ=0\rho=0

  • LR_p: p-value of likelihood ratio test

  • iterations: number of iterations taken to converge

  • message: Message regarding convergence status.

Note that the list inherits all the components in the output of maxLik. See the documentation of maxLik for more details.


Peng, Jing. (2023) Identification of Causal Mechanisms from Randomized Experiments: A Framework for Endogenous Mediation Analysis. Information Systems Research, 34(1):67-84. Available at

See Also

Other endogeneity: bilinear(), biprobit(), biprobit_latent(), biprobit_partial(), linear_probit(), pln_linear(), probit_linear(), probit_linearRE(), probit_linear_latent(), probit_linear_partial()


N = 2000
rho = -0.5

x = rbinom(N, 1, 0.5)
z = rnorm(N)

e = mvrnorm(N, mu=c(0,0), Sigma=matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1), nrow=2))
e1 = e[,1]
e2 = e[,2]

m = rpois(N, exp(-1 + x + z + e1))
y = as.numeric(1 + x + z + log(1+m) + e2 > 0)

est = pln_probit(m~x+z, y~x+z+log(1+m))
print(est$estimates, digits=3)

Recursive Probit-Linear Model


Estimate probit and linear models with bivariate normally distributed error terms.

First stage (Probit):


Second stage (Linear):

yi=βxi+γmi+σviy_i = \boldsymbol{\beta}'\mathbf{x_i} + {\gamma}m_i + \sigma v_i

Endogeneity structure: uiu_i and viv_i are bivariate normally distributed with a correlation of ρ\rho.

w and x can be the same set of variables. Identification can be weak if w are not good predictors of m. This model still works if the first-stage dependent variable is not a regressor in the second stage.


  data = NULL,
  par = NULL,
  method = "BFGS",
  init = c("zero", "unif", "norm", "default")[4],
  verbose = 0



Formula for the probit model


Formula for the linear model


Input data, a data frame


Starting values for estimates


Optimization algorithm. Default is BFGS


Initialization method


A integer indicating how much output to display during the estimation process.

  • <0 - No ouput

  • 0 - Basic output (model estimates)

  • 1 - Moderate output, basic ouput + parameter and likelihood in each iteration

  • 2 - Extensive output, moderate output + gradient values on each call


A list containing the results of the estimated model, some of which are inherited from the return of maxLik

  • estimates: Model estimates with 95% confidence intervals

  • estimate or par: Point estimates

  • variance_type: covariance matrix used to calculate standard errors. Either BHHH or Hessian.

  • var: covariance matrix

  • se: standard errors

  • var_bhhh: BHHH covariance matrix, inverse of the outer product of gradient at the maximum

  • se_bhhh: BHHH standard errors

  • gradient: Gradient function at maximum

  • hessian: Hessian matrix at maximum

  • gtHg: gH1gg'H^-1g, where H^-1 is simply the covariance matrix. A value close to zero (e.g., <1e-3 or 1e-6) indicates good convergence.

  • LL or maximum: Likelihood

  • AIC: AIC

  • BIC: BIC

  • n_obs: Number of observations

  • n_par: Number of parameters

  • LR_stat: Likelihood ratio test statistic for ρ=0\rho=0

  • LR_p: p-value of likelihood ratio test

  • iterations: number of iterations taken to converge

  • message: Message regarding convergence status.

Note that the list inherits all the components in the output of maxLik. See the documentation of maxLik for more details.


Peng, Jing. (2023) Identification of Causal Mechanisms from Randomized Experiments: A Framework for Endogenous Mediation Analysis. Information Systems Research, 34(1):67-84. Available at

See Also

Other endogeneity: bilinear(), biprobit(), biprobit_latent(), biprobit_partial(), linear_probit(), pln_linear(), pln_probit(), probit_linearRE(), probit_linear_latent(), probit_linear_partial()


N = 2000
rho = -0.5

x = rbinom(N, 1, 0.5)
z = rnorm(N)

e = mvrnorm(N, mu=c(0,0), Sigma=matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1), nrow=2))
e1 = e[,1]
e2 = e[,2]

m = as.numeric(1 + x + z + e1 > 0)
y = 1 + x + z + m + e2

est = probit_linear(m~x+z, y~x+z+m)
print(est$estimates, digits=3)

Recursive Probit-Linear Model with Latent First Stage


Latent version of the Probit-Linear Model.

First stage (Probit, mim_i^* is unobserved):


Second stage (Linear):

yi=βxi+γmi+σviy_i = \boldsymbol{\beta}'\mathbf{x_i} + {\gamma}m_i^* + \sigma v_i

Endogeneity structure: uiu_i and viv_i are bivariate normally distributed with a correlation of ρ\rho.

w and x can be the same set of variables. The identification of this model is generally weak, especially if w are not good predictors of m. γ\gamma is assumed to be positive to ensure that the model estimates are unique.


  data = NULL,
  EM = TRUE,
  par = NULL,
  method = "BFGS",
  verbose = 0,
  maxIter = 500,
  tol = 1e-06,
  tol_LL = 1e-08



Formula for the first-stage probit model, in which the dependent variable is latent


Formula for the second stage linear model. The latent dependent variable of the first stage is automatically added as a regressor in this model


Input data, a data frame


Whether to maximize likelihood use the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, which is slower but more robust. Defaults to TRUE.


Starting values for estimates


Optimization algorithm. Default is BFGS


A integer indicating how much output to display during the estimation process.

  • <0 - No ouput

  • 0 - Basic output (model estimates)

  • 1 - Moderate output, basic ouput + parameter and likelihood in each iteration

  • 2 - Extensive output, moderate output + gradient values on each call


max iterations for EM algorithm


tolerance for convergence of EM algorithm


tolerance for convergence of likelihood


A list containing the results of the estimated model, some of which are inherited from the return of maxLik

  • estimates: Model estimates with 95% confidence intervals

  • estimate or par: Point estimates

  • variance_type: covariance matrix used to calculate standard errors. Either BHHH or Hessian.

  • var: covariance matrix

  • se: standard errors

  • gradient: Gradient function at maximum

  • hessian: Hessian matrix at maximum

  • gtHg: gH1gg'H^-1g, where H^-1 is simply the covariance matrix. A value close to zero (e.g., <1e-3 or 1e-6) indicates good convergence.

  • LL or maximum: Likelihood

  • AIC: AIC

  • BIC: BIC

  • n_obs: Number of observations

  • n_par: Number of parameters

  • iter: number of iterations taken to converge

  • message: Message regarding convergence status.

Note that the list inherits all the components in the output of maxLik. See the documentation of maxLik for more details.


Peng, Jing. (2023) Identification of Causal Mechanisms from Randomized Experiments: A Framework for Endogenous Mediation Analysis. Information Systems Research, 34(1):67-84. Available at

See Also

Other endogeneity: bilinear(), biprobit(), biprobit_latent(), biprobit_partial(), linear_probit(), pln_linear(), pln_probit(), probit_linear(), probit_linearRE(), probit_linear_partial()


N = 2000
rho = -0.5

x = rbinom(N, 1, 0.5)
z = rnorm(N)

e = mvrnorm(N, mu=c(0,0), Sigma=matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1), nrow=2))
e1 = e[,1]
e2 = e[,2]

m = as.numeric(1 + x + z + e1 > 0)
y = 1 + x + z + m + e2
est = probit_linear(m~x+z, y~x+z+m)
print(est$estimates, digits=3)

est_latent = probit_linear_latent(~x+z, y~x+z)
print(est_latent$estimates, digits=3)

Recursive Probit-Linear Model with Partially Observed First Stage


Partially observed version of the Probit-Linear Model.

First stage (Probit, mim_i is partially observed):


Second stage (Linear):

yi=βxi+γmi+σviy_i = \boldsymbol{\beta}'\mathbf{x_i} + {\gamma}m_i + \sigma v_i

Endogeneity structure: uiu_i and viv_i are bivariate normally distributed with a correlation of ρ\rho.

Unobserved mim_i should be coded as NA. w and x can be the same set of variables. Identification can be weak if w are not good predictors of m. Observing mim_i for a small proportion of observations (e.g., 10~20%) can significantly improve the identification of the model.


  data = NULL,
  EM = TRUE,
  par = NULL,
  method = "BFGS",
  verbose = 0,
  maxIter = 500,
  tol = 1e-06,
  tol_LL = 1e-08



Formula for the first-stage probit model, in which the dependent variable is partially observed


Formula for the second stage linear model. The partially observed dependent variable of the first stage is automatically added as a regressor in this model (do not add manually)


Input data, a data frame


Whether to maximize likelihood use the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, which is slower but more robust. Defaults to TRUE.


Starting values for estimates


Optimization algorithm. Default is BFGS


A integer indicating how much output to display during the estimation process.

  • <0 - No ouput

  • 0 - Basic output (model estimates)

  • 1 - Moderate output, basic ouput + parameter and likelihood in each iteration

  • 2 - Extensive output, moderate output + gradient values on each call


max iterations for EM algorithm


tolerance for convergence of EM algorithm


tolerance for convergence of likelihood


A list containing the results of the estimated model, some of which are inherited from the return of maxLik

  • estimates: Model estimates with 95% confidence intervals

  • estimate or par: Point estimates

  • variance_type: covariance matrix used to calculate standard errors. Either BHHH or Hessian.

  • var: covariance matrix

  • se: standard errors

  • gradient: Gradient function at maximum

  • hessian: Hessian matrix at maximum

  • gtHg: gH1gg'H^-1g, where H^-1 is simply the covariance matrix. A value close to zero (e.g., <1e-3 or 1e-6) indicates good convergence.

  • LL or maximum: Likelihood

  • AIC: AIC

  • BIC: BIC

  • n_obs: Number of observations

  • n_par: Number of parameters

  • iterations: number of iterations taken to converge

  • message: Message regarding convergence status.

Note that the list inherits all the components in the output of maxLik. See the documentation of maxLik for more details.


Peng, Jing. (2023) Identification of Causal Mechanisms from Randomized Experiments: A Framework for Endogenous Mediation Analysis. Information Systems Research, 34(1):67-84. Available at

See Also

Other endogeneity: bilinear(), biprobit(), biprobit_latent(), biprobit_partial(), linear_probit(), pln_linear(), pln_probit(), probit_linear(), probit_linearRE(), probit_linear_latent()


N = 1000
rho = -0.5

x = rbinom(N, 1, 0.5)
z = rnorm(N)

e = mvrnorm(N, mu=c(0,0), Sigma=matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1), nrow=2))
e1 = e[,1]
e2 = e[,2]

m = as.numeric(1 + x + z + e1 > 0)
y = 1 + x + z + m + e2
est = probit_linear(m~x+z, y~x+z+m)
print(est$estimates, digits=3)

# partially observed version of m
observed_pct = 0.2
m_p = m
m_p[sample(N, N*(1-observed_pct))] = NA
est_latent = probit_linear_partial(m_p~x+z, y~x+z)
print(est_latent$estimates, digits=3)

Recursive Probit-LinearRE Model


A panel extension of the probit_linear model. The first stage is a probit model at the individual level. The second stage is a panel linear model at the individual-time level with individual-level random effects. The random effect is correlated with the error term in the first stage.

First stage (Probit):


Second stage (Panel linear model with individual-level random effects):

yit=βxit+γmi+λvi+σϵity_{it} = \boldsymbol{\beta}'\mathbf{x_{it}} + {\gamma}m_i + \lambda v_i +\sigma \epsilon_{it}

Endogeneity structure: uiu_i and viv_i are bivariate normally distributed with a correlation of ρ\rho.

This model uses Adaptive Gaussian Quadrature to overcome numerical challenges with long panels. w and x can be the same set of variables. Identification can be weak if w are not good predictors of m. This model still works if the first-stage dependent variable is not a regressor in the second stage.


  data = NULL,
  par = NULL,
  method = "BFGS",
  H = 20,
  stopUpdate = F,
  init = c("zero", "unif", "norm", "default")[4],
  verbose = 0



Formula for the probit model at the individual level


Formula for the linear model at the individual-time level


group id, character if data supplied or numerical vector if data not supplied


Input data, must be a data.table object


Starting values for estimates


Optimization algorithm. Default is BFGS


Number of quadrature points


Adaptive Gaussian Quadrature disabled if TRUE


Initialization method


A integer indicating how much output to display during the estimation process.

  • <0 - No ouput

  • 0 - Basic output (model estimates)

  • 1 - Moderate output, basic ouput + parameter and likelihood in each iteration

  • 2 - Extensive output, moderate output + gradient values on each call


A list containing the results of the estimated model, some of which are inherited from the return of maxLik

  • estimates: Model estimates with 95% confidence intervals

  • estimate or par: Point estimates

  • variance_type: covariance matrix used to calculate standard errors. Either BHHH or Hessian.

  • var: covariance matrix

  • se: standard errors

  • var_bhhh: BHHH covariance matrix, inverse of the outer product of gradient at the maximum

  • se_bhhh: BHHH standard errors

  • gradient: Gradient function at maximum

  • hessian: Hessian matrix at maximum

  • gtHg: gH1gg'H^-1g, where H^-1 is simply the covariance matrix. A value close to zero (e.g., <1e-3 or 1e-6) indicates good convergence.

  • LL or maximum: Likelihood

  • AIC: AIC

  • BIC: BIC

  • n_obs: Number of observations

  • n_par: Number of parameters

  • time: Time takes to estimate the model

  • LR_stat: Likelihood ratio test statistic for ρ=0\rho=0

  • LR_p: p-value of likelihood ratio test

  • iterations: number of iterations taken to converge

  • message: Message regarding convergence status.

Note that the list inherits all the components in the output of maxLik. See the documentation of maxLik for more details.


Chen, H., Peng, J., Li, H., & Shankar, R. (2022). Impact of Refund Policy on Sales of Paid Information Services: The Moderating Role of Product Characteristics. Available at SSRN:

See Also

Other endogeneity: bilinear(), biprobit(), biprobit_latent(), biprobit_partial(), linear_probit(), pln_linear(), pln_probit(), probit_linear(), probit_linear_latent(), probit_linear_partial()


N = 500
period = 5
obs = N*period
rho = -0.5

e = mvrnorm(N, mu=c(0,0), Sigma=matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1), nrow=2))
e1 = e[,1]
e2 = e[,2]

t = rep(1:period, N)
id = rep(1:N, each=period)
w = rnorm(N)
m = as.numeric(1+w+e1>0)
m_long = rep(m, each=period)

x = rnorm(obs)
y = 1 + x + m_long + rep(e2, each=period) + rnorm(obs)

dt = data.table(y, x, id, t, m=rep(m, each=period), w=rep(w, each=period))

est = probit_linearRE(m~w, y~x+m, 'id', dt)
print(est$estimates, digits=3)