Title: | EM Algorithms for Estimating Item Response Theory Models |
Description: | Various Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithms are implemented for item response theory (IRT) models. The package includes IRT models for binary and ordinal responses, along with dynamic and hierarchical IRT models with binary responses. The latter two models are fitted using variational EM. The package also includes variational network and text scaling models. The algorithms are described in Imai, Lo, and Olmsted (2016) <DOI:10.1017/S000305541600037X>. |
Authors: | Kosuke Imai <[email protected]>, James Lo <[email protected]>, Jonathan Olmsted <[email protected]> |
Maintainer: | Kosuke Imai <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | 0.0.14 |
Built: | 2025-03-04 07:10:14 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
The Asahi-Todai Elite survey was conducted by the University of Tokyo in collaboration with a major national newspaper, the Asahi Shimbun, covering all candidates (both incumbents and challengers) for the eight Japanese Upper and Lower House elections that occurred between 2003 and 2013. In six out of eight waves, the survey was also administered to a nationally representative sample of voters with the sample size ranging from approximately 1,100 to about 2,000. The novel feature of the data is that there are a set of common policy questions, which can be used to scale both politicians and voters over time on the same dimension.
All together, the data set contains a total of N = 19,443 respondents, including 7,734 politicians
and 11,709 voters. There are J = 98 unique questions in the survey, most of which consisted of
questions asking for responses on a 5-point Likert scale. However, these scales were collapsed
into a 3-point Likert scale for estimation with ordIRT()
. In the data set, we include
estimates obtained via MCMC using both the 3 and 5-point scale data. See Hirano et al. 2011 for
more details.
list, containing the following variables:
Survey data, formatted for input to ordIRT()
Start values, formatted for input to ordIRT()
Priors, formatted for input to ordIRT()
Ideal point estimates with data via MCMC, using collapsed 3-category data.
Ideal point estimates with data via MCMC, using original 5-category data.
Attribute data of the respondents.
Shigeo Hirano, Kosuke Imai, Yuki Shiraito and Masaaki Taniguchi. 2011. “Policy Positions in Mixed Member Electoral Systems:Evidence from Japan.” Working Paper.
Kosuke Imai, James Lo, and Jonathan Olmsted (2016). “Fast Estimation of Ideal Points with Massive Data.” American Political Science Review, Vol. 110, No. 4 (December), pp. 631-656.
## Not run: ### Real data example: Asahi-Todai survey (not run) ## Collapses 5-category ordinal survey items into 3 categories for estimation data(AsahiTodai) out.varinf <- ordIRT(.rc = AsahiTodai$dat.all, .starts = AsahiTodai$start.values, .priors = AsahiTodai$priors, .D = 1, .control = {list(verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-6, maxit = 500)}) ## Compare against MCMC estimates using 3 and 5 categories cor(ideal3, out.varinf$means$x) cor(ideal5, out.varinf$means$x) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ### Real data example: Asahi-Todai survey (not run) ## Collapses 5-category ordinal survey items into 3 categories for estimation data(AsahiTodai) out.varinf <- ordIRT(.rc = AsahiTodai$dat.all, .starts = AsahiTodai$start.values, .priors = AsahiTodai$priors, .D = 1, .control = {list(verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-6, maxit = 500)}) ## Compare against MCMC estimates using 3 and 5 categories cor(ideal3, out.varinf$means$x) cor(ideal5, out.varinf$means$x) ## End(Not run)
estimates a binary IRT model with two response categories. Estimation
is conducted using the EM algorithm described in the reference paper below. The algorithm will
produce point estimates that are comparable to those of ideal
but will do so much more rapidly and also scale better with larger data sets.
binIRT(.rc, .starts = NULL, .priors = NULL, .D = 1L, .control = NULL, .anchor_subject = NULL, .anchor_outcomes = FALSE)
binIRT(.rc, .starts = NULL, .priors = NULL, .D = 1L, .control = NULL, .anchor_subject = NULL, .anchor_outcomes = FALSE)
.rc |
a list object, in which .rc$votes is a matrix of numeric values containing the data to be scaled. Respondents are assumed to be on rows, and items assumed to be on columns, so the matrix is assumed to be of dimension (N x J). For each item, ‘1’, and ‘-1’ represent different responses (i.e. yes or no votes) with ‘0’ as a missing data record. |
.starts |
a list containing several matrices of starting values for the parameters. The list should contain the following matrices:
.priors |
list, containing several matrices of starting values for the parameters. The list should contain the following matrices:
.D |
integer, indicates number of dimensions to estimate. Only a
1 dimension is currently supported. If a higher dimensional model is
requested, |
.control |
list, specifying some control functions for estimation. Options include the following:
.anchor_subject |
integer, the index of the subect to be used in
anchoring the orientation/polarity of the underlying latent
dimensions. Defaults to |
.anchor_outcomes |
logical, should an outcomes-based metric be
used to anchor the orientation of the underlying space. The
outcomes-based anchoring uses a model-free/non-parametric
approximation to quantify each item's difficulty and each subject's
ability. The post-processing then rotates the model-dependent results
to match the model-free polarity. Defaults to |
An object of class binIRT
means |
list, containing several matrices of point estimates for the parameters corresponding to the inputs for the priors. The list should contain the following matrices.
vars |
list, containing several matrices of variance estimates for parameters corresponding to the inputs for the priors. Note that these variances are those recovered via variational approximation, and in most cases they are known to be far too small and generally unusable. Better estimates of variances can be obtained manually via the parametric bootstrap. The list should contain the following matrices:
runtime |
A list of fit results, with elements listed as follows: |
integer, number of iterations run.
integer, convergence flag. Will return 1 if threshold reached, and 0 if maximum number of iterations reached.
integer, number of threads used to estimated model.
numeric, tolerance threshold for convergence. Identical to thresh argument in input to .control list.
n |
Number of respondents in estimation, should correspond to number of rows in roll call matrix. |
j |
Number of items in estimation, should correspond to number of columns in roll call matrix. |
d |
Number of dimensions in estimation. |
call |
Function call used to generate output. |
Kosuke Imai [email protected]
James Lo [email protected]
Jonathan Olmsted [email protected]
Kosuke Imai, James Lo, and Jonathan Olmsted “Fast Estimation of Ideal Points with Massive Data.” Working Paper. American Political Science Review, Vol. 110, No. 4 (December), pp. 631-656.
'convertRC', 'makePriors', 'getStarts'.
## Data from 109th US Senate data(s109) ## Convert data and make starts/priors for estimation rc <- convertRC(s109) p <- makePriors(rc$n, rc$m, 1) s <- getStarts(rc$n, rc$m, 1) ## Conduct estimates lout <- binIRT(.rc = rc, .starts = s, .priors = p, .control = { list(threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, thresh = 1e-6 ) } ) ## Look at first 10 ideal point estimates lout$means$x[1:10] lout2 <- binIRT(.rc = rc, .starts = s, .priors = p, .control = { list(threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, thresh = 1e-6 ) }, .anchor_subject = 2 ) # Rotates so that Sen. Sessions (R AL) # has more of the estimated trait lout3 <- binIRT(.rc = rc, .starts = s, .priors = p, .control = { list(threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, thresh = 1e-6 ) }, .anchor_subject = 10 ) # Rotates so that Sen. Boxer (D CA) # has more of the estimated trait cor(lout2$means$x[, 1], lout3$means$x[, 1] ) # = -1 --> same numbers, flipped # orientation
## Data from 109th US Senate data(s109) ## Convert data and make starts/priors for estimation rc <- convertRC(s109) p <- makePriors(rc$n, rc$m, 1) s <- getStarts(rc$n, rc$m, 1) ## Conduct estimates lout <- binIRT(.rc = rc, .starts = s, .priors = p, .control = { list(threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, thresh = 1e-6 ) } ) ## Look at first 10 ideal point estimates lout$means$x[1:10] lout2 <- binIRT(.rc = rc, .starts = s, .priors = p, .control = { list(threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, thresh = 1e-6 ) }, .anchor_subject = 2 ) # Rotates so that Sen. Sessions (R AL) # has more of the estimated trait lout3 <- binIRT(.rc = rc, .starts = s, .priors = p, .control = { list(threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, thresh = 1e-6 ) }, .anchor_subject = 10 ) # Rotates so that Sen. Boxer (D CA) # has more of the estimated trait cor(lout2$means$x[, 1], lout3$means$x[, 1] ) # = -1 --> same numbers, flipped # orientation
take an emIRT() object (from binary, ordinal, dynamic, or hierarchical models) and implements
a parametric bootstrap of the standard errors for the ideal points. It assumes you have already run the model
successfully on one of those functions, and takes the output from that estimate, along with the original arguments,
as the arguments for the bootstrap function.
boot_emIRT(emIRT.out, .data, .starts, .priors, .control, Ntrials=50, verbose=10)
boot_emIRT(emIRT.out, .data, .starts, .priors, .control, Ntrials=50, verbose=10)
emIRT.out |
an emIRT() object, which is output from a call to binIRT(), dynIRT(), ordIRT(), or hierIRT() |
.data |
the data used to produce the emIRT object. |
.starts |
the starts used to produce the emIRT object. |
.priors |
the priors used to produce the emIRT object. |
.control |
the control arguments used to produce the emIRT object. |
Ntrials |
Number of bootstrap trials to run. |
verbose |
Number of trials before progress notification triggers. |
An object of class emIRT
. The output takes the original emIRT.out object and appends the following:
bse |
list, containing only the matrix:
Kosuke Imai [email protected]
James Lo [email protected]
Jonathan Olmsted [email protected]
Kosuke Imai, James Lo, and Jonathan Olmsted (2016). “Fast Estimation of Ideal Points with Massive Data.” American Political Science Review, Vol. 110, No. 4 (December), pp. 631-656.
'binIRT', 'ordIRT', 'hierIRT', 'dynIRT'.
## Not run: ### Binary IRT example example(binIRT) boot.bin <- boot_emIRT(lout, .data = rc, .starts = s, .priors = p, .control = list(threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, thresh = 1e-06), Ntrials=10, verbose=2) boot.bin$bse$x ### Dynamic IRT example example(dynIRT) boot.dyn <- boot_emIRT(lout, .data = mq_data$data.mq, .starts = mq_data$cur.mq, .priors = mq_data$priors.mq, .control = list(threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, thresh = 1e-06), Ntrials=10, verbose=2) boot.dyn$bse$x ### Ordinal IRT example example(ordIRT) boot.ord <- boot_emIRT(lout, .data=newrc, .starts=cur, .priors=priors, .control = list(threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-6, maxit=300, checkfreq=50), Ntrials=5, verbose=1) boot.ord$bse$x ### Hierarhical IRT example example(hierIRT, run.dontrun=TRUE) boot.hier <- boot_emIRT((lout, .data=dwnom$data.in, .starts=dwnom$cur, .priors=dwnom$priors, .control=list(threads = 8, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-4, maxit=200, checkfreq=1), Ntrials=5, verbose=1) boot.hier$bse$x_implied ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ### Binary IRT example example(binIRT) boot.bin <- boot_emIRT(lout, .data = rc, .starts = s, .priors = p, .control = list(threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, thresh = 1e-06), Ntrials=10, verbose=2) boot.bin$bse$x ### Dynamic IRT example example(dynIRT) boot.dyn <- boot_emIRT(lout, .data = mq_data$data.mq, .starts = mq_data$cur.mq, .priors = mq_data$priors.mq, .control = list(threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, thresh = 1e-06), Ntrials=10, verbose=2) boot.dyn$bse$x ### Ordinal IRT example example(ordIRT) boot.ord <- boot_emIRT(lout, .data=newrc, .starts=cur, .priors=priors, .control = list(threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-6, maxit=300, checkfreq=50), Ntrials=5, verbose=1) boot.ord$bse$x ### Hierarhical IRT example example(hierIRT, run.dontrun=TRUE) boot.hier <- boot_emIRT((lout, .data=dwnom$data.in, .starts=dwnom$cur, .priors=dwnom$priors, .control=list(threads = 8, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-4, maxit=200, checkfreq=1), Ntrials=5, verbose=1) boot.hier$bse$x_implied ## End(Not run)
takes a rollcall
object and converts it
into a format suitable for estimation with 'binIRT'.
convertRC(.rc, type = "binIRT")
convertRC(.rc, type = "binIRT")
.rc |
a |
type |
string, only “binIRT” is supported for now, and argument is ignored. |
An object of class rollcall
, with votes recoded such that yea=1, nay=-1, missing data = 0.
Kosuke Imai [email protected]
James Lo [email protected]
Jonathan Olmsted [email protected]
Kosuke Imai, James Lo, and Jonathan Olmsted “Fast Estimation of Ideal Points with Massive Data.” Working Paper. Available at http://imai.princeton.edu/research/fastideal.html.
'binIRT', 'makePriors', 'getStarts'.
## Data from 109th US Senate data(s109) ## Convert data and make starts/priors for estimation rc <- convertRC(s109) p <- makePriors(rc$n, rc$m, 1) s <- getStarts(rc$n, rc$m, 1) ## Conduct estimates lout <- binIRT(.rc = rc, .starts = s, .priors = p, .control = { list(threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, thresh = 1e-6 ) } ) ## Look at first 10 ideal point estimates lout$means$x[1:10]
## Data from 109th US Senate data(s109) ## Convert data and make starts/priors for estimation rc <- convertRC(s109) p <- makePriors(rc$n, rc$m, 1) s <- getStarts(rc$n, rc$m, 1) ## Conduct estimates lout <- binIRT(.rc = rc, .starts = s, .priors = p, .control = { list(threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, thresh = 1e-6 ) } ) ## Look at first 10 ideal point estimates lout$means$x[1:10]
This data set contains materials related to the Poole-Rosenthal DW-NOMINATE measure of senator
ideology. The software (and other materials) is available at https://voteview.com/,
which includes a simpler example of an application to the 80-110 U.S. Senate. The data set here is
derived from the data and estimates from that example, but are formatted to be run in hierIRT()
In particular, start values for estimation are identical to those provided by the example.
list, containing the following elements:
Legislator voting data, formatted for input to hierIRT()
Start values, formatted for input to hierIRT()
Priors, formatted for input to hierIRT()
data frame, containing contextual information about the legislators estimated.
data frame, containing estimates from DW-NOMINATE on the same data. These are read from the file SL80110C21.DAT.
DW-NOMINATE is described in Keith T. Poole and Howard Rosenthal. 1997. Congress: A Political Economic History of Roll Call Voting. Oxford University Press. See also https://voteview.com/.
Variational model is described in Kosuke Imai, James Lo, and Jonathan Olmsted (2016). “Fast Estimation of Ideal Points with Massive Data.” American Political Science Review, Vol. 110, No. 4 (December), pp. 631-656.
### Real data example of US Senate 80-110 (not run) ### Based on voteview.com example of DW-NOMINATE ### We estimate a hierarchical model without noise and a linear time covariate ### This model corresponds very closely to the DW-NOMINATE model ## Not run: data(dwnom) ## This takes about 10 minutes to run on 8 threads ## You may need to reduce threads depending on what your machine can support lout <- hierIRT(.data = dwnom$data.in, .starts = dwnom$cur, .priors = dwnom$priors, .control = {list( threads = 8, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-4, maxit=200, checkfreq=1 )}) ## Bind ideal point estimates back to legislator data final <- cbind(dwnom$legis, idealpt.hier=lout$means$x_implied) ## These are estimates from DW-NOMINATE as given on the Voteview example ## From file "SL80110C21.DAT" nomres <- dwnom$nomres ## Merge the DW-NOMINATE estimates to model results by legislator ID ## Check correlation between hierIRT() and DW-NOMINATE scores res <- merge(final, nomres, by=c("senate","id"),all.x=TRUE,all.y=FALSE) cor(res$idealpt.hier, res$dwnom1d) ## End(Not run)
### Real data example of US Senate 80-110 (not run) ### Based on voteview.com example of DW-NOMINATE ### We estimate a hierarchical model without noise and a linear time covariate ### This model corresponds very closely to the DW-NOMINATE model ## Not run: data(dwnom) ## This takes about 10 minutes to run on 8 threads ## You may need to reduce threads depending on what your machine can support lout <- hierIRT(.data = dwnom$data.in, .starts = dwnom$cur, .priors = dwnom$priors, .control = {list( threads = 8, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-4, maxit=200, checkfreq=1 )}) ## Bind ideal point estimates back to legislator data final <- cbind(dwnom$legis, idealpt.hier=lout$means$x_implied) ## These are estimates from DW-NOMINATE as given on the Voteview example ## From file "SL80110C21.DAT" nomres <- dwnom$nomres ## Merge the DW-NOMINATE estimates to model results by legislator ID ## Check correlation between hierIRT() and DW-NOMINATE scores res <- merge(final, nomres, by=c("senate","id"),all.x=TRUE,all.y=FALSE) cor(res$idealpt.hier, res$dwnom1d) ## End(Not run)
estimates an dynamic IRT model with two response categories per item, over several
sessions. Ideal points over time follow a random walk prior, and the model originates from the
work of Martin and Quinn (2002). Estimation is conducted using the variational EM algorithm described
in the reference paper below. The algorithm will produce point estimates that are comparable to those
of MCMCdynamicIRT1d
, but will do so much more rapidly and also scale better
with larger data sets.
dynIRT(.data, .starts = NULL, .priors = NULL, .control = NULL)
dynIRT(.data, .starts = NULL, .priors = NULL, .control = NULL)
.data |
a list with the following items.
.starts |
a list containing several matrices of starting values for the parameters. The list should contain the following matrices:
.priors |
list, containing several matrices of starting values for the parameters. The list should contain the following matrices:
.control |
list, specifying some control functions for estimation. Options include the following:
An object of class dynIRT
means |
list, containing several matrices of point estimates for the parameters corresponding to the inputs for the priors. The list should contain the following matrices.
vars |
list, containing several matrices of variance estimates for parameters corresponding to the inputs for the priors. Note that these variances are those recovered via variational approximation, and in most cases they are known to be far too small and generally unusable. Better estimates of variances can be obtained manually via the parametric bootstrap. The list should contain the following matrices:
runtime |
A list of fit results, with elements listed as follows: |
integer, number of iterations run.
integer, convergence flag. Will return 1 if threshold reached, and 0 if maximum number of iterations reached.
integer, number of threads used to estimated model.
numeric, tolerance threshold for convergence. Identical to thresh argument in input to .control list.
N |
Number of respondents in estimation, should correspond to number of rows in roll call matrix. |
J |
Number of items in estimation, should correspond to number of columns in roll call matrix. |
T |
Number of time periods fed into the estimation, identical to argument input from .data list. |
call |
Function call used to generate output. |
Kosuke Imai [email protected]
James Lo [email protected]
Jonathan Olmsted [email protected]
Original model and the example is based off of Andrew Martin and Kevin Quinn, “Dynamic Ideal Point Estimation via Markov Chain Monte Carlo for the U.S. Supreme Court, 1953-1999.” Political Analysis 10(2) 134-153.
Variational model is described in Kosuke Imai, James Lo, and Jonathan Olmsted (2016). “Fast Estimation of Ideal Points with Massive Data.” American Political Science Review, Vol. 110, No. 4 (December), pp. 631-656.
### Replication of Martin-Quinn Judicial Ideology Scores ### Based on July 23, 2014 (2014 Release 01) release of the Supreme Court Database ### Start values and priors based on replication code provided by Kevin Quinn data(mq_data) ## Estimate dynamic variational model using dynIRT() lout <- dynIRT(.data = mq_data$data.mq, .starts = mq_data$cur.mq, .priors = mq_data$priors.mq, .control = {list( threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-6, maxit=500 )}) ## Extract estimate from variational model ## Delete point estimates of 0, which are justices missing from that session vi.out <- c(t(lout$means$x)) vi.out[vi.out==0] <- NA vi.out <- na.omit(vi.out) ## Compare correlation against MCMC-estimated result ## Correlates at r=0.93 overall, and 0.96 when excluding Douglas cor(vi.out, mq_data$mq_mcmc) cor(vi.out[mq_data$justiceName != "Douglas"], mq_data$mq_mcmc[mq_data$justiceName != "Douglas"])
### Replication of Martin-Quinn Judicial Ideology Scores ### Based on July 23, 2014 (2014 Release 01) release of the Supreme Court Database ### Start values and priors based on replication code provided by Kevin Quinn data(mq_data) ## Estimate dynamic variational model using dynIRT() lout <- dynIRT(.data = mq_data$data.mq, .starts = mq_data$cur.mq, .priors = mq_data$priors.mq, .control = {list( threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-6, maxit=500 )}) ## Extract estimate from variational model ## Delete point estimates of 0, which are justices missing from that session vi.out <- c(t(lout$means$x)) vi.out[vi.out==0] <- NA vi.out <- na.omit(vi.out) ## Compare correlation against MCMC-estimated result ## Correlates at r=0.93 overall, and 0.96 when excluding Douglas cor(vi.out, mq_data$mq_mcmc) cor(vi.out[mq_data$justiceName != "Douglas"], mq_data$mq_mcmc[mq_data$justiceName != "Douglas"])
generates starting values for binIRT
getStarts(.N, .J, .D, .type = "zeros")
getStarts(.N, .J, .D, .type = "zeros")
.N |
integer, number of subjects/legislators to generate starts for. |
.J |
integer, number of items/bills to generate starts for. |
.D |
integer, number of dimensions. |
.type |
“zeros” and “random” are the only valid types, will generate starts accordingly. |
alpha |
A (J x 1) matrix of starting values for the item difficulty parameter |
beta |
A (J x D) matrix of starting values for the item discrimination parameter |
x |
An (N x D) matrix of starting values for the respondent ideal points |
Kosuke Imai [email protected]
James Lo [email protected]
Jonathan Olmsted [email protected]
Kosuke Imai, James Lo, and Jonathan Olmsted “Fast Estimation of Ideal Points with Massive Data.” Working Paper. Available at http://imai.princeton.edu/research/fastideal.html.
'binIRT', 'makePriors', 'convertRC'.
## Data from 109th US Senate data(s109) ## Convert data and make starts/priors for estimation rc <- convertRC(s109) p <- makePriors(rc$n, rc$m, 1) s <- getStarts(rc$n, rc$m, 1) ## Conduct estimates lout <- binIRT(.rc = rc, .starts = s, .priors = p, .control = { list(threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, thresh = 1e-6 ) } ) ## Look at first 10 ideal point estimates lout$means$x[1:10]
## Data from 109th US Senate data(s109) ## Convert data and make starts/priors for estimation rc <- convertRC(s109) p <- makePriors(rc$n, rc$m, 1) s <- getStarts(rc$n, rc$m, 1) ## Conduct estimates lout <- binIRT(.rc = rc, .starts = s, .priors = p, .control = { list(threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, thresh = 1e-6 ) } ) ## Look at first 10 ideal point estimates lout$means$x[1:10]
estimates an hierarchical IRT model with two response categories, allowing the use of covariates
to help determine ideal point estimates. Estimation is conducted using the variational EM algorithm described
in the reference paper below. A special case of this model occurs when time/session is used as the covariate —
this allows legislator ideal points to vary over time with a parametric time trend. Notably, the popular
DW-NOMINATE model (Poole and Rosenthal, 1997) is one such example, in which legislator ideal points shift
by a constant amount each period, and the error term in the hierarchical model is set to 0. In contrast to
other functions in this package, this model does not assume a ‘rectangular’ roll call matrix, and all data
are stored in vector form.
hierIRT(.data, .starts = NULL, .priors = NULL, .control = NULL)
hierIRT(.data, .starts = NULL, .priors = NULL, .control = NULL)
.data |
a list with the following items:
.starts |
a list containing several matrices of starting values for the parameters. The list should contain the following matrices:
.priors |
list, containing several matrices of starting values for the parameters. The list should contain the following matrices:
.control |
list, specifying some control functions for estimation. Options include the following:
An object of class hierIRT
means |
list, containing several matrices of point estimates for the parameters corresponding to the inputs for the priors. The list should contain the following matrices.
vars |
list, containing several matrices of variance estimates for several parameters of interest for diagnostic purposes. Note that these variances are those recovered via variational approximation, and in most cases they are known to be far too small and generally unusable. The list should contain the following matrices:
runtime |
A list of fit results, with elements listed as follows: |
integer, number of iterations run.
integer, convergence flag. Will return 1 if threshold reached, and 0 if maximum number of iterations reached.
integer, number of threads used to estimated model.
numeric, tolerance threshold for convergence. Identical to thresh argument in input to .control list.
N |
A list of counts of various items: |
integer, number of dimensions (i.e. number of covariates, including intercept).
integer, number of groups.
integer, number of ideal points.
integer, number of items/bill parameters.
integer, number of observed votes.
call |
Function call used to generate output. |
Kosuke Imai [email protected]
James Lo [email protected]
Jonathan Olmsted [email protected]
Variational model is described in Kosuke Imai, James Lo, and Jonathan Olmsted “Fast Estimation of Ideal Points with Massive Data.” American Political Science Review, Volume 110, Issue 4, November 2016, pp. 631-656. <DOI:10.1017/S000305541600037X>.
### Real data example of US Senate 80-110 (not run) ### Based on voteview.com example of DW-NOMINATE (\url{https://voteview.com/}) ### We estimate a hierarchical model without noise and a linear time covariate ### This model corresponds very closely to the DW-NOMINATE model ## Not run: data(dwnom) ## This takes about 10 minutes to run on 8 threads ## You may need to reduce threads depending on what your machine can support lout <- hierIRT(.data = dwnom$data.in, .starts = dwnom$cur, .priors = dwnom$priors, .control = {list( threads = 8, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-4, maxit=200, checkfreq=1 )}) ## Bind ideal point estimates back to legislator data final <- cbind(dwnom$legis, idealpt.hier=lout$means$x_implied) ## These are estimates from DW-NOMINATE as given on the Voteview example ## From file "SL80110C21.DAT" nomres <- dwnom$nomres ## Merge the DW-NOMINATE estimates to model results by legislator ID ## Check correlation between hierIRT() and DW-NOMINATE scores res <- merge(final, nomres, by=c("senate","id"),all.x=TRUE,all.y=FALSE) cor(res$idealpt.hier, res$dwnom1d) ## End(Not run)
### Real data example of US Senate 80-110 (not run) ### Based on voteview.com example of DW-NOMINATE (\url{https://voteview.com/}) ### We estimate a hierarchical model without noise and a linear time covariate ### This model corresponds very closely to the DW-NOMINATE model ## Not run: data(dwnom) ## This takes about 10 minutes to run on 8 threads ## You may need to reduce threads depending on what your machine can support lout <- hierIRT(.data = dwnom$data.in, .starts = dwnom$cur, .priors = dwnom$priors, .control = {list( threads = 8, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-4, maxit=200, checkfreq=1 )}) ## Bind ideal point estimates back to legislator data final <- cbind(dwnom$legis, idealpt.hier=lout$means$x_implied) ## These are estimates from DW-NOMINATE as given on the Voteview example ## From file "SL80110C21.DAT" nomres <- dwnom$nomres ## Merge the DW-NOMINATE estimates to model results by legislator ID ## Check correlation between hierIRT() and DW-NOMINATE scores res <- merge(final, nomres, by=c("senate","id"),all.x=TRUE,all.y=FALSE) cor(res$idealpt.hier, res$dwnom1d) ## End(Not run)
generates diffuse priors for binIRT
makePriors(.N = 20, .J = 100, .D = 1)
makePriors(.N = 20, .J = 100, .D = 1)
.N |
integer, number of subjects/legislators to generate priors for. |
.J |
integer, number of items/bills to generate priors for. |
.D |
integer, number of dimensions. |
A (D x D) prior means matrix for respondent ideal points .
A (D x D) prior covariance matrix for respondent ideal points .
A ( D+1 x 1) prior means matrix for and
A ( D+1 x D+1 ) prior covariance matrix for and
Kosuke Imai [email protected]
James Lo [email protected]
Jonathan Olmsted [email protected]
Kosuke Imai, James Lo, and Jonathan Olmsted. (2016). “Fast Estimation of Ideal Points with Massive Data.” Working Paper. American Political Science Review, Vol. 110, No. 4 (December), pp. 631-656.
'binIRT', 'getStarts', 'convertRC'.
## Data from 109th US Senate data(s109) ## Convert data and make starts/priors for estimation rc <- convertRC(s109) p <- makePriors(rc$n, rc$m, 1) s <- getStarts(rc$n, rc$m, 1) ## Conduct estimates lout <- binIRT(.rc = rc, .starts = s, .priors = p, .control = { list(threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, thresh = 1e-6 ) } ) ## Look at first 10 ideal point estimates lout$means$x[1:10]
## Data from 109th US Senate data(s109) ## Convert data and make starts/priors for estimation rc <- convertRC(s109) p <- makePriors(rc$n, rc$m, 1) s <- getStarts(rc$n, rc$m, 1) ## Conduct estimates lout <- binIRT(.rc = rc, .starts = s, .priors = p, .control = { list(threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, thresh = 1e-6 ) } ) ## Look at first 10 ideal point estimates lout$means$x[1:10]
A word frequency matrix containing word frequencies from 25 German party manifestos between 1990-2005. Obtained from Slapin and Proksch AJPS paper, also used in Lo, Slapin and Proksch.
list, containing the following elements:
Term-document matrix, formatted for input to ordIRT()
Start values, formatted for input to ordIRT()
Priors, formatted for input to ordIRT()
Jonathan Slapin and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2009. “A Scaling Model for Estimating Time-Series Party Positions from Texts.” American Journal of Political Science 52(3), 705-722
James Lo, Jonathan Slapin, and Sven-Oliver Proksch. 2016. “Ideological Clarify in Multiparty Competition: A New Measure and Test Using Election Manifestos.” British Journal of Political Science, 1-20
Kosuke Imai, James Lo, and Jonathan Olmsted. (2016). “Fast Estimation of Ideal Points with Massive Data.” American Political Science Review, Vol. 110, No. 4 (December), pp. 631-656.
## Not run: ## Load German Manifesto data data(manifesto) ## Estimate variational Wordfish model lout <- poisIRT(.rc = manifesto$data.manif, i = 0:(ncol(manifesto$data.manif)-1), NI=ncol(manifesto$data.manif), .starts = manifesto$starts.manif, .priors = manifesto$priors.manif, .control = {list( threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-6, maxit=1000 )}) ## Positional Estimates for Parties lout$means$x ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## Load German Manifesto data data(manifesto) ## Estimate variational Wordfish model lout <- poisIRT(.rc = manifesto$data.manif, i = 0:(ncol(manifesto$data.manif)-1), NI=ncol(manifesto$data.manif), .starts = manifesto$starts.manif, .priors = manifesto$priors.manif, .control = {list( threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-6, maxit=1000 )}) ## Positional Estimates for Parties lout$means$x ## End(Not run)
This data set contains materials related to the Martin-Quinn measures of judicial ideology,
estimated for every justice serving from October 1937 to October 2013. The materials are
based on the July 23, 2014 (2014 Release 01) release of the Supreme Court Database, which
contain the votes of each Supreme Court justice on each case heard in the court. The
data is set up for input to dynIRT()
, and also includes point estimates of the same
model obtained using standard MCMC techniques. Start values and priors input to this model
are identical to those used in the MCMC estimates, and were provided by Kevin Quinn.
list, containing the following elements:
Justice voting data, formatted for input to dynIRT()
Start values, formatted for input to dynIRT()
Priors, formatted for input to dynIRT()
Ideal point estimates with data via MCMC.
A vector of names identifying the justice that goes with each estimated ideal point.
Original model and the example is based off of Andrew Martin and Kevin Quinn, “Dynamic Ideal Point Estimation via Markov Chain Monte Carlo for the U.S. Supreme Court, 1953-1999.” Political Analysis 10(2) 134-153.
Variational model is described in Kosuke Imai, James Lo, and Jonathan Olmsted (2016). “Fast Estimation of Ideal Points with Massive Data.” American Political Science Review, Vol. 110, No. 4 (December), pp. 631-656.
### Replication of Martin-Quinn Judicial Ideology Scores ### Based on July 23, 2014 (2014 Release 01) release of the Supreme Court Database ### Start values and priors based on replication code provided by Kevin Quinn data(mq_data) ## Estimate dynamic variational model using dynIRT() lout <- dynIRT(.data = mq_data$data.mq, .starts = mq_data$cur.mq, .priors = mq_data$priors.mq, .control = {list( threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-6, maxit=500 )}) ## Extract estimate from variational model ## Delete point estimates of 0, which are justices missing from that session vi.out <- c(t(lout$means$x)) vi.out[vi.out==0] <- NA vi.out <- na.omit(vi.out) ## Compare correlation against MCMC-estimated result ## Correlates at r=0.93 overall, and 0.96 when excluding Douglas cor(vi.out, mq_data$mq_mcmc) cor(vi.out[mq_data$justiceName != "Douglas"], mq_data$mq_mcmc[mq_data$justiceName != "Douglas"])
### Replication of Martin-Quinn Judicial Ideology Scores ### Based on July 23, 2014 (2014 Release 01) release of the Supreme Court Database ### Start values and priors based on replication code provided by Kevin Quinn data(mq_data) ## Estimate dynamic variational model using dynIRT() lout <- dynIRT(.data = mq_data$data.mq, .starts = mq_data$cur.mq, .priors = mq_data$priors.mq, .control = {list( threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-6, maxit=500 )}) ## Extract estimate from variational model ## Delete point estimates of 0, which are justices missing from that session vi.out <- c(t(lout$means$x)) vi.out[vi.out==0] <- NA vi.out <- na.omit(vi.out) ## Compare correlation against MCMC-estimated result ## Correlates at r=0.93 overall, and 0.96 when excluding Douglas cor(vi.out, mq_data$mq_mcmc) cor(vi.out[mq_data$justiceName != "Douglas"], mq_data$mq_mcmc[mq_data$justiceName != "Douglas"])
estimates an IRT model with network in cells. Estimation
is conducted using the EM algorithm described in the reference paper below. The algorithm
generalizes a model by Slapin and Proksch (2009) that is commonly applied to manifesto
networkIRT(.y, .starts = NULL, .priors = NULL, .control = NULL, .anchor_subject = NULL, .anchor_item = NULL)
networkIRT(.y, .starts = NULL, .priors = NULL, .control = NULL, .anchor_subject = NULL, .anchor_item = NULL)
.y |
matrix, with 1 indicating a valid link and 0 otherwise. Followers (usually voters) are on rows, elites are on columns. No NA values are permitted. |
.starts |
a list containing several matrices of starting values for the parameters. The list should contain the following matrices:
.priors |
list, containing several matrices of starting values for the parameters. The list should contain the following matrices (1x1) matrices:
.control |
list, specifying some control functions for estimation. Options include the following:
.anchor_subject |
integer, specifying subject to use as identification anchor. |
.anchor_item |
integer, specifying item to use as identification anchor. |
An object of class networkIRT
means |
list, containing several matrices of point estimates for the parameters corresponding to the inputs for the priors. The list should contain the following matrices.
vars |
list, containing several matrices of variance estimates for parameters corresponding to the inputs for the priors. Note that these variances are those recovered via variational approximation, and in most cases they are known to be far too small and generally unusable. Better estimates of variances can be obtained manually via the parametric bootstrap. The list should contain the following matrices:
runtime |
A list of fit results, with elements listed as follows: |
integer, number of iterations run.
integer, convergence flag. Will return 1 if threshold reached, and 0 if maximum number of iterations reached.
integer, number of threads used to estimated model.
numeric, tolerance threshold for convergence. Identical to thresh argument in input to .control list.
N |
Number of followers in estimation, should correspond to number of rows in data matrix .y |
J |
Number of politicians in estimation, should correspond to number of columns in data matrix .y |
call |
Function call used to generate output. |
Kosuke Imai [email protected]
James Lo [email protected]
Jonathan Olmsted [email protected]
Kosuke Imai, James Lo, and Jonathan Olmsted (2016). “Fast Estimation of Ideal Points with Massive Data.” American Political Science Review, Vol. 110, No. 4 (December), pp. 631-656.
## Not run: data(ustweet) ## A ridiculously short run to pass CRAN ## For a real test, set maxit to a more reasonable number to reach convergence lout <- networkIRT(.y = ustweet$data, .starts = ustweet$starts, .priors = ustweet$priors, .control = {list(verbose = TRUE, maxit = 3, convtype = 2, thresh = 1e-6, threads = 1 ) }, .anchor_item = 43 ) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(ustweet) ## A ridiculously short run to pass CRAN ## For a real test, set maxit to a more reasonable number to reach convergence lout <- networkIRT(.y = ustweet$data, .starts = ustweet$starts, .priors = ustweet$priors, .control = {list(verbose = TRUE, maxit = 3, convtype = 2, thresh = 1e-6, threads = 1 ) }, .anchor_item = 43 ) ## End(Not run)
estimates an ordinal IRT model with three ordered response categories. Estimation
is conducted using the EM algorithm described in the reference paper below. The algorithm will
produce point estimates that are comparable to those of MCMCordfactanal
but will do so much more rapidly and also scale better with larger data sets.
ordIRT(.rc, .starts = NULL, .priors = NULL, .D = 1L, .control = NULL)
ordIRT(.rc, .starts = NULL, .priors = NULL, .D = 1L, .control = NULL)
.rc |
matrix of numeric values containing the data to be scaled. Respondents are assumed to be on rows, and items assumed to be on columns, so the matrix is assumed to be of dimension (N x J). For each item, only 3 ordered category responses are accepted, and the only allowable responses are ‘1’, ‘2’, and ‘3’, with ‘0’ as a missing data record. If data of more than 3 categories are to be rescaled, they should be collapsed into 3 categories and recoded accordingly before proceeding. |
.starts |
a list containing several matrices of starting values for the parameters. Note that
the parameters here correspond to the re-parameterized version of the model (i.e. alpha is
.priors |
list, containing several matrices of starting values for the parameters. Note that
the parameters here correspond to the re-parameterized version of the model (i.e. alpha is
.D |
integer, indicates number of dimensions. Only one dimension is implemented and this argument is ignored. |
.control |
list, specifying some control functions for estimation. Options include the following:
An object of class ordIRT
means |
list, containing several matrices of point estimates for the parameters corresponding to the inputs for the priors. The list should contain the following matrices.
vars |
list, containing several matrices of variance estimates for parameters corresponding to the inputs for the priors. Note that these variances are those recovered via variational approximation, and in most cases they are known to be far too small and generally unusable. Better estimates of variances can be obtained manually via the parametric bootstrap. The list should contain the following matrices:
runtime |
A list of fit results, with elements listed as follows: |
integer, number of iterations run.
integer, convergence flag. Will return 1 if threshold reached, and 0 if maximum number of iterations reached.
integer, number of threads used to estimated model.
numeric, tolerance threshold for convergence. Identical to thresh argument in input to .control list.
n |
Number of respondents in estimation, should correspond to number of rows in roll call matrix. |
j |
Number of items in estimation, should correspond to number of columns in roll call matrix. |
call |
Function call used to generate output. |
Kosuke Imai [email protected]
James Lo [email protected]
Jonathan Olmsted [email protected]
Kosuke Imai, James Lo, and Jonathan Olmsted (2016). “Fast Estimation of Ideal Points with Massive Data.” American Political Science Review, Vol. 110, No. 4 (December), pp. 631-656.
## Not run: ### Real data example: Asahi-Todai survey (not run) ## Collapses 5-category ordinal survey items into 3 categories for estimation data(AsahiTodai) out.varinf <- ordIRT(.rc = AsahiTodai$dat.all, .starts = AsahiTodai$start.values, .priors = AsahiTodai$priors, .D = 1, .control = {list(verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-6, maxit = 500)}) ## Compare against MCMC estimates using 3 and 5 categories cor(ideal3, out.varinf$means$x) cor(ideal5, out.varinf$means$x) ## End(Not run) ### Monte Carlo simulation of ordIRT() model vs. known parameters ## Set number of legislators and items set.seed(2) NN <- 500 JJ <- 100 ## Simulate true parameters from original model x.true <- runif(NN, -2, 2) beta.true <- runif(JJ, -1, 1) tau1 <- runif(JJ, -1.5, -0.5) tau2 <- runif(JJ, 0.5, 1.5) ystar <- x.true %o% beta.true + rnorm(NN *JJ) ## These parameters are not needed, but correspond to reparameterized model #d.true <- tau2 - tau1 #dd.true <- d.true^2 #tau_star <- -tau1/d.true #beta_star <- beta.true/d.true ## Generate roll call matrix using simulated parameters newrc <- matrix(0, NN, JJ) for(j in 1:JJ) newrc[,j] <- cut(ystar[,j], c(-100, tau1[j], tau2[j],100), labels=FALSE) ## Generate starts and priors cur <- vector(mode = "list") cur$DD <- matrix(rep(0.5,JJ), ncol=1) cur$tau <- matrix(rep(-0.5,JJ), ncol=1) cur$beta <- matrix(runif(JJ,-1,1), ncol=1) cur$x <- matrix(runif(NN,-1,1), ncol=1) priors <- vector(mode = "list") priors$x <- list(mu = matrix(0,1,1), sigma = matrix(1,1,1) ) priors$beta <- list(mu = matrix(0,2,1), sigma = matrix(diag(25,2),2,2)) ## Call ordIRT() with inputs time <- system.time({ lout <- ordIRT(.rc = newrc, .starts = cur, .priors = priors, .control = {list( threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-6, maxit=300, checkfreq=50 )}) }) ## Examine runtime and correlation of recovered ideal points vs. truth time cor(x.true,lout$means$x)
## Not run: ### Real data example: Asahi-Todai survey (not run) ## Collapses 5-category ordinal survey items into 3 categories for estimation data(AsahiTodai) out.varinf <- ordIRT(.rc = AsahiTodai$dat.all, .starts = AsahiTodai$start.values, .priors = AsahiTodai$priors, .D = 1, .control = {list(verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-6, maxit = 500)}) ## Compare against MCMC estimates using 3 and 5 categories cor(ideal3, out.varinf$means$x) cor(ideal5, out.varinf$means$x) ## End(Not run) ### Monte Carlo simulation of ordIRT() model vs. known parameters ## Set number of legislators and items set.seed(2) NN <- 500 JJ <- 100 ## Simulate true parameters from original model x.true <- runif(NN, -2, 2) beta.true <- runif(JJ, -1, 1) tau1 <- runif(JJ, -1.5, -0.5) tau2 <- runif(JJ, 0.5, 1.5) ystar <- x.true %o% beta.true + rnorm(NN *JJ) ## These parameters are not needed, but correspond to reparameterized model #d.true <- tau2 - tau1 #dd.true <- d.true^2 #tau_star <- -tau1/d.true #beta_star <- beta.true/d.true ## Generate roll call matrix using simulated parameters newrc <- matrix(0, NN, JJ) for(j in 1:JJ) newrc[,j] <- cut(ystar[,j], c(-100, tau1[j], tau2[j],100), labels=FALSE) ## Generate starts and priors cur <- vector(mode = "list") cur$DD <- matrix(rep(0.5,JJ), ncol=1) cur$tau <- matrix(rep(-0.5,JJ), ncol=1) cur$beta <- matrix(runif(JJ,-1,1), ncol=1) cur$x <- matrix(runif(NN,-1,1), ncol=1) priors <- vector(mode = "list") priors$x <- list(mu = matrix(0,1,1), sigma = matrix(1,1,1) ) priors$beta <- list(mu = matrix(0,2,1), sigma = matrix(diag(25,2),2,2)) ## Call ordIRT() with inputs time <- system.time({ lout <- ordIRT(.rc = newrc, .starts = cur, .priors = priors, .control = {list( threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-6, maxit=300, checkfreq=50 )}) }) ## Examine runtime and correlation of recovered ideal points vs. truth time cor(x.true,lout$means$x)
estimates an IRT model with count (usually word counts) in cells. Estimation
is conducted using the EM algorithm described in the reference paper below. The algorithm
generalizes a model by Slapin and Proksch (2009) that is commonly applied to manifesto
poisIRT(.rc, i = 0:(nrow(.rc)-1), NI = nrow(.rc), .starts = NULL, .priors = NULL, .control = NULL)
poisIRT(.rc, i = 0:(nrow(.rc)-1), NI = nrow(.rc), .starts = NULL, .priors = NULL, .control = NULL)
.rc |
matrix, usually with unique words along the J rows and different documents across K columns. Each cell will contain a count of words. There should be no NA values, so documents missing a particular word should list 0 in the cell. |
i |
vector of length K, indicating for each of the K documents which actor it belongs to. Assignment of actors begins at actor 0. If set to 0:(K-1), and NI=K below, then each document is assigned its own ideal point, and we get the Slapin and Proksch Wordfish model. |
NI |
integer, number of unique actors. Must be less than or equal to K. If NI=K, then each document is assigned its own ideal point, and we get the Slapin and Proksch Wordfish model. |
.starts |
a list containing several matrices of starting values for the parameters. The list should contain the following matrices:
.priors |
list, containing several matrices of starting values for the parameters. The list should contain the following matrices:
.control |
list, specifying some control functions for estimation. Options include the following:
An object of class poisIRT
means |
list, containing several matrices of point estimates for the parameters corresponding to the inputs for the priors. The list should contain the following matrices.
vars |
list, containing several matrices of variance estimates for parameters corresponding to the inputs for the priors. Note that these variances are those recovered via variational approximation, and in most cases they are known to be far too small and generally unusable. Better estimates of variances can be obtained manually via the parametric bootstrap. The list should contain the following matrices:
runtime |
A list of fit results, with elements listed as follows:
N |
A list of sizes, with elements listed as follow:
i_of_k |
A copy of input for argument ‘i’, which allows the J documents to be linked to I actors. |
Kosuke Imai [email protected]
James Lo [email protected]
Jonathan Olmsted [email protected]
Kosuke Imai, James Lo, and Jonathan Olmsted (2016). “Fast Estimation of Ideal Points with Massive Data.” American Political Science Review, Vol. 110, No. 4 (December), pp. 631-656.
## Not run: ## Load German Manifesto data data(manifesto) ## Estimate variational Wordfish model lout <- poisIRT(.rc = manifesto$data.manif, i = 0:(ncol(manifesto$data.manif)-1), NI=ncol(manifesto$data.manif), .starts = manifesto$starts.manif, .priors = manifesto$priors.manif, .control = {list( threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-6, maxit=1000 )}) ## Positional Estimates for Parties lout$means$x ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## Load German Manifesto data data(manifesto) ## Estimate variational Wordfish model lout <- poisIRT(.rc = manifesto$data.manif, i = 0:(ncol(manifesto$data.manif)-1), NI=ncol(manifesto$data.manif), .starts = manifesto$starts.manif, .priors = manifesto$priors.manif, .control = {list( threads = 1, verbose = TRUE, thresh = 1e-6, maxit=1000 )}) ## Positional Estimates for Parties lout$means$x ## End(Not run)
Data from U.S. Twitter follower data, obtained from Barbera's (2015) replication archive.
list, containing the following elements:
Term-document matrix, formatted for input to networkIRT()
Start values, formatted for input to networkIRT()
Priors, formatted for input to networkIRT()
Pablo Barbera. 2015. “Birds of the Same Feather Tweet Together: Bayesian Ideal Point Estimation Using Twitter Data.” Political Analysis 23(1), 76-91
Kosuke Imai, James Lo, and Jonathan Olmsted. (2016). “Fast Estimation of Ideal Points with Massive Data.” American Political Science Review, Vol. 110, No. 4 (December), pp. 631-656.
## Not run: data(ustweet) ## A ridiculously short run to pass CRAN ## For a real test, set maxit to a more reasonable number to reach convergence lout <- networkIRT(.y = ustweet$data, .starts = ustweet$starts, .priors = ustweet$priors, .control = {list(verbose = TRUE, maxit = 3, convtype = 2, thresh = 1e-6, threads = 1 ) }, .anchor_item = 43 ) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(ustweet) ## A ridiculously short run to pass CRAN ## For a real test, set maxit to a more reasonable number to reach convergence lout <- networkIRT(.y = ustweet$data, .starts = ustweet$starts, .priors = ustweet$priors, .control = {list(verbose = TRUE, maxit = 3, convtype = 2, thresh = 1e-6, threads = 1 ) }, .anchor_item = 43 ) ## End(Not run)