As the default method for generating from a discrete uniform distribution has been changed in R 3.6.0 As suggested, suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) has been added before the seed statement in test file test20_FromTill.R
The onset of annotation and of the startTime for data records has been corrected. The times are now relative to the start of the recording and not - as in an EDF+/BDF+ file - relative to the start time specified in the header. The 'onset' name in the recordStartTimes has been renamed to 'startTime' as well.
The superfluous and confusion 'isRecordStart' element is removed from the 'annotations' data frame
Insignificant signal values for annotations signals are now replaced with NA values.
An issue regarding reading a from-till period with no annotation signals resolved.
R signal number added to signal objects
Improved / revised rendering of the S3 print() or summary() functions
improved read margin to avoid 'till' rounding errors, see the vignette for details
the vignette has been updated accordingly.
a minor bug in testFromTill.R has been corrected.
some small improvements
Within the annotations object in an ebfdAsignal object 'annotations' has been changed to 'annotation' Reason: It contains only one annotation
support for EDF+ / BDF+ files with multiple annotation signals
support for non unique labels
support for TAL's with multiple annotations
support of sub second start info in first data record
revised S3 print and summary functions
some issues with +D files resolved
revised vignette