Assignment 1

Please complete the following problems.


  • R is case-sensitive. Make sure you store your answers using the exact name specified.
  • You will be graded on:
    • The correctness of your answers.
    • The efficiency of your code. Don’t make your script unnecessarily long and only do the essential steps.
    • The clarity of your code. Make sure you explain the steps in your script with annotations (#). Without comments we don’t know if you understand what is happening.


Load in the data you will need as follows:

data(vegdata1, vegdata2,  package = "edcpR")

Part 1

Extract the following values from the vegdata1 dataset:

Make sure

  • Store the column with name Elevation in a vector called my_vector.
  • Store the number in the 18th row and 6th column in an object called my_number.
  • Create a new vector my_vector_2 which contains both my_vector and my_number.
  • Calculate the mean of the 12th column and store it in my_mean.
  • What kind of class is stored in the sixth column? Store this as a string in my_data_type.
  • What are the dimensions of vegdata1? Store this as a vector in my_dim.

Part 2

Merge vegdata1 and vegdata2 into one data frame. Store your result in my_data_frame. Hint: the resulting dataframe has 144 rows.

Part 3

Use the package “dplyr” to only select rows containing data from Grassland from your merged data frame. Store your result in my_grassland.

Submit your work

Save your R-script as Surname-FirstName-assignment-1.R. Upload this on Toledo before October 6th, 12:00 noon in the assignments folder!