A common problem in R is labelling scatter plots with large numbers of points and/or labels. We provide a utility for easy labelling of scatter plots and quick plotting of volcano plots and MA plots for gene expression analyses. Using an interactive shiny and plotly interface, users can hover over points to see where specific points are located and click on points to easily label them. Labels can be toggled on/off simply by clicking. An input box and batch input window provides an easy way to label points by name. Labels can be dragged around the plot to place them optimally. Notably we provide an easy way to export directly to PDF for publication.
Install from CRAN
Install from Github
If you wish to use the optional useQ
argument with
and easyMAplot()
, you will need
to install additional package qvalue
from Bioconductor:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
If you wish to use the optional fullGeneNames
you will need to install packages AnnotationDbi
from Bioconductor:
Use easylabel()
to open a shiny app and plot and label
scatter plots. A table of the main data is supplied in the Table tab for
easy viewing of data.
If dealing with a plot with very large numbers of points (>20k), then it may make sense to rasterize the points by clicking the “Raster points” checkbox and setting a resolution (dpi). This can dramatically reduce file size for plots with millions of points, e.g. Manhattan plots. It also makes these pdf or svg images load much faster. Note that if you use pdf or svg when exporting, the axis lines, ticks, axis labels, label lines, label text etc are all preserved as vectors, only the points are rasterised, which is arguably the best of both worlds, and typically preferred by publications.
This button allows users to save the state of the plot including
which points are labelled and the position of the labels. An rds file is
saved in the working directory. This can be reloaded during another R
session using the function loadlabel()
. The original data
can optionally be embedded in the saved rds file by ticking the “Embed
data” checkbox. If the data is not embedded the function will need
access to the original data object, so this must be loaded into the
global environment before calling loadlabel()
can refer directly to the rds file.
Alternatively the rds file can be loaded into the global environment as
an object and loadlabel()
can be applied to this
The output_shiny
option enables users to switch between
invoking the shiny app or directly outputting a plotly object. For
example, to extract a plotly figure with draggable annotations:
p1 <- easylabel(mtcars, x = 'mpg', y = 'wt', col = 'cyl',
startLabels = rownames(mtcars)[mtcars$gear == 5],
output_shiny = FALSE) %>%
layout(yaxis = list(zeroline = FALSE))
p2 <- easylabel(mtcars, x = 'mpg', y = 'drat', col = 'vs',
colScheme = c("dodgerblue", "orange"),
startLabels = rownames(mtcars)[mtcars$gear == 5],
output_shiny = FALSE) %>%
layout(xaxis = list(zeroline = FALSE))
plotly::subplot(p1, p2, nrows = 2, shareY = TRUE, titleX = TRUE, margin = 0.05)
Note that while the labels and lines can still be dragged and moved in the exported plotly object, clicking on points to add them, exporting to PDF and borders around label text, which are all shiny/ PDF output features, are not available from a pure plotly object.
Plotly objects can also be exported as a return value by pressing the ‘Export plotly & exit’ button in the shiny app. In this case the object retains the labelled points and their edited positions.
Similar to ggplot2 and plotly, colour can either be set as a single
colour, using colScheme = 'blue'
or can be set to change
with the level of a factor variable within data
by setting
. Transparency can be altered by setting
. Currently colour gradients are not supported.
Marker shapes can either be set as a single shape using
shapeScheme = 21
, based on the base graphics
symbol scheme (see points()
), or shapes
can be set to change with the level of a factor variable within
by setting shape
. Shapes and colours can
be combined.
# gapminder data set
if(!require(gapminder)) {install.packages("gapminder")}
easylabel(gapminder[gapminder$year == 2007, ], x = 'gdpPercap', y = 'lifeExp',
col = 'continent', shape = 'continent',
size = 10,
labs = 'country',
zeroline = FALSE)
The size of all markers can be adjusted by setting size
to a single number e.g. size = 6
(default 8). Size can be
assigned to a column of continuous data within data
produce a bubble chart. The size of points is automatically scaled to
fit within a range of point sizes, determined by
easylabel(gapminder[gapminder$year == 2007, ], x = 'gdpPercap', y = 'lifeExp',
col = 'continent', labs = 'country',
size = 'pop',
alpha = 0.6,
zeroline = FALSE)
By default, easylabel()
takes the rownames of the main
dataframe as the label names. Any column can be selected for label names
by setting labs
to the name of a column within
, as for example in the Gapminder dataset plots
Axis titles can be set using xlab
and ylab
These accept R expressions to allow maths symbols. This is primarily
designed to work when exporting plots to PDF via base graphics, since
plotly does not natively understand expressions.
easylabel(xymatrix, x = 'x', y = 'y', col = 'col',
colScheme = c('darkgrey', 'green3', 'gold3', 'blue'),
xlab = expression("log"[2] ~ " fold change post-Rituximab"),
ylab = expression("log"[2] ~ " fold change post-Tocilizumab"),
showgrid = TRUE)
and ylim
allow control over the range
of each axis. Outlying points are shown as diamonds. Outliers can be
toggled off using showOutliers = FALSE
. Outlier symbol,
colour and line width can be set using outlier_shape
and outlier_lwd
Axis tick marks can be controlled by setting xaxp
to a vector of form c(x1, x2, n)
and x2
are the limits of the tick marks and
is the number of intervals between tick marks.
For full customisation of axis tick coordinates and labels use
or yticks
, which are specified as a
list of two named vectors at = ...
labels = ...
# example axis ticks
if(!require(gapminder)) {install.packages("gapminder")}
easylabel(gapminder[gapminder$year == 2007, ], x = 'gdpPercap', y = 'lifeExp',
col = 'continent', shape = 'continent',
size = 10,
labs = 'country',
zeroline = FALSE,
xaxp = c(0, 50000, 10),
yaxp = c(40, 85, 9),
showgrid = TRUE)
Gridlines can be shown by setting showgrid = TRUE
. If
is set to "x"
or "y"
then gridlines are shown only for that axis. Density of gridlines can be
controlled by setting xaxp
or yaxp
(see Axis tick marks).
Black lines through the origin can be controlled by setting
Dashed grey horizontal lines can be added at specific levels by
setting hline
with a vector of values. Similarly dashed
grey vertical lines can be added by setting vline
with a
vector of values.
Setting showLegend
can be used to show or hide the legend.
Legends can be positioned by setting legendxy
. This
gives a vector of coordinates for the position of the legend in plotly
paper reference with c(0, 0)
being the bottom left corner
and c(1, 1)
being the top right corner of the plot
Plotly has unusual behaviour in that the x coordinate always aligns
the left side of the legend. However, the y coordinate aligns the top,
middle or bottom of the legend dependent on whether it is in the top,
middle or bottom 1/3 of the plot window. So c(1, 0)
positions the legend in the bottom right corner outside the right margin
of the plot, while c(1, 0.5)
centre aligns the legend
around the centre of y axis.
Further control of plotting can be achieved by passing other
arguments to plot() via R’s ...
argument. For example, a
box around the plot can be added using bty = 'o'
Base graphics’ panel.last
argument is a flexible way to
add plotting commands. This provides a way to add trend lines, loess
lines or any additional features such as extra legends to the plot after
the points are plotted, but before labels are drawn. Note that
only works when saving to PDF, and is not
available in plotly.
# example adding a trend line using panel.last
fit <- lm(xymatrix$y ~ xymatrix$x)
easylabel(xymatrix, x = 'x', y = 'y', col = 'col',
colScheme = c('darkgrey', 'green3', 'gold3', 'blue'),
xlab = expression("log"[2] ~ " fold change post-Rituximab"),
ylab = expression("log"[2] ~ " fold change post-Tocilizumab"),
showgrid = TRUE, fullGeneNames = TRUE,
panel.last = {
abline(fit, col='red')
This argument is used to reduce the number of scatter points
displayed by plotly, to prevent plotly becoming sluggish or unusable,
which happens above about 200,000 points. To plot large datasets such as
genomic data, we recommend adding a logical column to your dataset which
filters out points of interest for inspecting and labelling via plotly.
specifies the name of this column. Saving to
PDF retains the full dataset and all points will be plotted. This
argument is used by the easyManhattan()
function (see Manhattan plot).
Use the easyVolcano()
function to quickly plot a volcano
plot from DESeq2 or EdgeR objects. The useQ
argument will
switch to using q values for FDR.
# Example DESeq2 object
## baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue
## 5_8S_rRNA 0.01625099 0.02726923 2.9811510 0.009147217 0.99270168
## 5S_rRNA 3.66321881 0.05989097 0.4115732 0.145517159 0.88430257
## 7SK 12.96667458 -0.46156215 1.3668722 -0.337677614 0.73560615
## A1BG 290.75694559 0.23486554 0.3514587 0.668259368 0.50396804
## A1BG-AS1 170.77906789 0.11800652 0.2001594 0.589562618 0.55548392
## A1CF 4.56855647 -1.23495475 0.4855212 -2.543565265 0.01097276
## padj
## 5_8S_rRNA NA
## 5S_rRNA 0.9823854
## 7SK 0.9528927
## A1BG 0.8956205
## A1BG-AS1 0.9117136
## A1CF 0.4531638
# Example limma object
## logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
## A1BG 0.7697662 6.389039 4.692064 0.0011239293 0.008610736 -1.16895727
## A1BG-AS1 0.5298897 3.610850 4.688657 0.0011293516 0.008638889 -0.85241114
## AAAS -0.4162720 5.349529 -5.578986 0.0003398373 0.004148831 0.17585449
## AACS -0.2049703 3.690271 -1.465073 0.1768461859 0.299064278 -5.88763988
## AAGAB 0.2970478 5.538436 5.446618 0.0004033869 0.004553688 -0.02478892
## AAK1 0.1969886 1.861988 1.286456 0.2302992497 0.362402197 -5.74356735
If you want to specify your own columns within the dataset set
to the column containing log fold change, y
to the column containing raw p values and padj
to the
column containing adjusted p values. labs
can be used to
specify the column containing label names, otherwise this defaults to
# Manually specify columns
easyVolcano(volc1, x = 'log2FoldChange', y = 'pvalue', padj = 'padj')
# To use nominal unadjusted p value for significant genes
easyVolcano(volc1, x = 'log2FoldChange', y = 'pvalue')
Note that if you specify y
for a column of p values but
leave padj
blank, the function assumes you are using
nominal unadjusted p values for the cutoff for significance.
Use the easyMAplot()
function to quickly plot an MA plot
from DESeq2 or EdgeR objects.
The fullGeneNames
argument will use Bioconductor package
and the org.Hs.eg.db
human gene
database to expand gene symbols in the Table tab. Both will need to be
installed from Bioconductor.
easyVolcano(volc1, useQ = TRUE, fullGeneNames = TRUE)
Full gene names are also shown when hovering over points in the
scatter plot, which can make it easier to label points of interest. For
mouse genes, install org.Mm.eg.db
and set
AnnotationDb = org.Mm.eg.db
(note the lack of quotes).
For volcano plots a simple colour scheme with downregulated genes in
blue and upregulated genes in red can be rendered by setting
fccut = 0
A title can be added using main = "Title"
. The font size
of the title can be modified using cex.main = 2
1.2) if saving to PDF.
You can add left and right sided titles using Ltitle
to explain the direction of effect for
up/downregulation. The use of expression
in the example
below shows how to add left/right arrow symbols to the titles. The
symbols only appear in the saved PDF - they are not compatible with
LRtitle_side = 1
puts these titles on the bottom while
LRtitle_side = 3
puts them on the top.
controls font size for these titles as well as
axis titles. cex.axis
controls font size for axis
useQ = TRUE, fullGeneNames = TRUE,
Ltitle = expression(symbol("\254") ~ "Non-responder"),
Rtitle = expression("Responder" ~ symbol("\256")),
LRtitle_side = 1,
cex.lab = 0.9, cex.axis = 0.8,
fccut = c(1, 2), fdrcutoff = 0.2,
ylim = c(0, 6), xlim = c(-5, 5),
colScheme = c('darkgrey', 'blue', 'orange', 'red'))
The FDR cutoff is set using fdrcutoff
(volcano plots
allow a single value, while MA plots allow multiple values). In order to
force significant genes to be shown based on unadjusted P values, this
can be achieved by a workaround setting both y
manually to the unadjusted p value column. Note this
does mean the legend incorrectly states ‘FDR <’ etc.
and ylim
allow control over the range
of each axis. Outlying points are shown as diamonds (see example above).
Outliers can be toggled off using showOutliers = FALSE
Outlier symbol, colour and line width can be set using
, outlier_col
The colour scheme system has been expanded to allow multiple fold change cut-offs. In the example above the colours are symmetrical.
In the next 2 plots, the colours range from blue for downregulated
genes, through to red for upregulated genes. Vertical lines can be added
using vline
colScheme <- c('darkgrey', 'blue', 'lightblue', 'orange', 'red')
easyVolcano(volc1, fccut = 1, fdrcutoff = 0.2,
ylim = c(0, 6), xlim = c(-5, 5),
colScheme = colScheme,
vline = c(-1, 1))
The next example has 6 colours and also shows how to remove the white
outlines around points using outline_col = NA
and use
transparency instead via alpha
colScheme <- c('darkgrey', brewer.pal(9, 'RdYlBu')[c(9:7, 3:1)])
easyVolcano(volc1, fccut = c(1, 2), fdrcutoff = 0.2,
ylim = c(0, 6), xlim = c(-5, 5),
colScheme = colScheme,
alpha = 0.75, outline_col = NA)
Similarly 6 colours can be applied to MA plots using 3 levels of cut-off for FDR (note the colour scheme is in a slightly different order).
colScheme <- c('darkgrey', brewer.pal(9, 'RdYlBu')[c(7:9, 3:1)])
easyMAplot(volc2, fdrcutoff = c(0.05, 0.01, 0.001), size = 6, useQ = TRUE,
alpha = 0.75, outline_col = NA,
colScheme = colScheme)
Label lines can be altered using the argument labelDir
or by selecting the Label direction pulldown menu in the shiny app. A
couple of examples are shown below:
Label line colour can be set using line_col
. Label text
colour can be set using text_col
. Each of these can be set
to match the colour of each point by setting each to
. Default label line length can be altered by
changing lineLength
(default 75 in pixels).
can be changed to alter the font size of labels
(default 0.72).
Rectangles can be drawn around the label text, using
rectangles = TRUE
, and will appear when saving to PDF (they
are not supported in plotly). Rectangle fill colour can be set using
and rectangle border colour can be set using
. Use border_col = NA
to turn off
rectangle borders. The amount of padding in pixels around label text can
be specified by setting padding
. The amount of roundedness
in pixels of rectangle corners is specified by
# Simple outlines
easyVolcano(volc2, useQ = TRUE, fccut = 0,
rectangles = TRUE)
# Red outlined labels, rounded ends
easyVolcano(volc2, useQ = TRUE, fullGeneNames = TRUE,
rectangles = TRUE,
padding = 5,
border_radius = 10,
line_col = 'red',
border_col = 'red',
text_col = 'red')
# Transparent grey rectangles, rounded ends
easyMAplot(volc2, fdrcut = c(0.05, 0.01, 0.001), size = 6, useQ = TRUE,
alpha = 0.75, outline_col = NA,
fullGeneNames = TRUE,
colScheme = c('darkgrey', brewer.pal(9, 'RdYlBu')[c(7:9, 3:1)]),
rectangles = TRUE,
border_col = NA,
padding = 5,
rect_col = adjustcolor('grey', alpha.f = 0.6),
border_radius = 20)
# White text on black background, no rounding
easyVolcano(volc2, useQ = TRUE, fullGeneNames = TRUE,
fccut = 0,
rectangles = TRUE,
padding = 4,
border_radius = 0,
rect_col = 'black',
text_col = 'white',
border_col = NA)
While label text and label lines can be adjusted by setting
and line_col
to individual colours,
label text and label lines can also be set to mirror the colour of each
point by setting text_col = "match"
line_col = "match"
respectively. Label box fill colour or
rectangle outline colour can also be set to match each point’s colour by
setting rect_col = "match"
border_col = "match"
(label boxes are not supported in
# Label text and label lines match point colours
easylabel(gapminder[gapminder$year == 2007, ], x = 'gdpPercap', y = 'lifeExp',
col = 'continent', labs = 'country',
size = 'pop',
alpha = 0.6,
line_col = "match", text_col = "match",
zeroline = FALSE, showgrid = "y")
# Rectangle fill colour and label line match point colours, rounded rectangles
easylabel(gapminder[gapminder$year == 2007, ], x = 'gdpPercap', y = 'lifeExp',
col = 'continent', labs = 'country',
size = 'pop',
alpha = 0.6,
line_col = "match", text_col = "white",
rectangles = TRUE, border_col = NA,
rect_col = "match", border_radius = 20, padding = 5,
zeroline = FALSE, showgrid = "y")
Manhattan plots can be labelled using the function
. Plotly struggles with more than about
100,000 points, so we use a filtering system to reduce the number of
points shown in the plotly interactive plot, while the full plot with
all points is produced when saving to PDF. An example is shown
# Manhattan plot using SLE GWAS data from Bentham et al 2015
# FTP download full summary statistics from
# https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/studies/GCST003156
SLE_gwas <- fread('../bentham_2015_26502338_sle_efo0002690_1_gwas.sumstats.tsv')
# Simple Manhattan plot
# 4 colours for chromosomes
easyManhattan(SLE_gwas, chromCols = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, 'Paired'))
By default Manhattan plots display only the top 100,000 points by p
value in the plotly window and plot the top 1 million SNPs when saving
to PDF. These defaults can be altered by setting npoints
and nplotly
. Setting npoints
will plot all points when saving to PDF.
# Examples
# 12 colours for chromosomes, no separate colour for significant points
easyManhattan(SLE_gwas, chromCols = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, 'Paired'),
sigCol = NA)
# Label peaks automatically, add horizontal gridlines
easyManhattan(SLE_gwas, npeaks = 20, showgrid = "y")
# Vertical version
easyManhattan(SLE_gwas, transpose = TRUE, height = 1000, width = 600)
# Chr1 only
easyManhattan(SLE_gwas[SLE_gwas$chrom == 1, ])
# Add symbols for the significant SNPs
easyManhattan(SLE_gwas, chromCols = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, 'Paired'),
size = 8,
shape = 'col',
shapeScheme = c(rep(20, 4), 18))
To look in a specific genomic region
# Create a locus plot over one chromosomal region
p1 = easyManhattan(SLE_gwas[SLE_gwas$chrom == 6 &
SLE_gwas$pos >= 28e6 &
SLE_gwas$pos <= 34e6, ],
output_shiny = FALSE, labs = "rsid",
startLabels=c("rs115466242", "rs2853999"),
npeaks = 3)
# To annotate genes in that region
if (! "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))
p2 = bio_gene_locations(6, c(28e6, 34e6),
subset_genes = c('HLA-F', 'HLA-G', 'HLA-A', 'HLA-E',
'HLA-C', 'HLA-B', 'HLA-DRA',
plotly::subplot(p1, p2$plotly_location %>% layout(yaxis=list(range=c(0.25, 2))),
shareY = T, titleX = T, margin=0.05,
nrows=2, heights=c(0.7, 0.3))
function, which uses webGL, seems to
have a limit of around 400,000 scatter points per plot. Above this
level, the shiny/plotly app becomes sluggish or freezes and becomes
unusable. We recommend limiting plots to around 100,000 points using the
argument. See plotly_filter.