

Multi-Modes Detection

Please run demo(mix2) and demo(mix3).

6.1 Space Shuttle Challenger disaster

Data are taken from Dalal, Fowlkes, and Hoadley (1989). Details are described in Dezfuli et al. (2009) on pages 144–146.

expr <- str2expression("
  lp <- 0
  for(i in 1:len) lp <- lp + 
    y[i] * log(exp(alpha + beta*temp[i])/(1+exp(alpha + beta*temp[i])))
  for(i in 1:len) lp <- lp + 
    (1-y[i])*log(1/(1+exp(alpha + beta*temp[i])))
  lp <- lp + alpha - exp(alpha)/b
  lp <- exp(lp)

sets <- list(
  alpha=runif(n=nd, min=10, max=20), 
  beta=runif(n=nd, min=-0.3, max=-0.15)

smp <- dsample(expr=expr, rpmat=sets, nk=1e3, n=1e3)
op <- summary(smp)
#>      alpha       beta 
#> 15.0410844 -0.2324951
#>      alpha       beta 
#> 1.31718727 0.02120767

6.2 Beetle

Data are taken from Prentice (1976). Details are described in OpenBUGS Examples Vol 2. Beetles.

expr <- str2expression("
  sigma <- exp(log.sigma)
  m1 <- exp(log.m1)
  lp <- 0
  for(i in 1:len) lp <- lp + 
  for(i in 1:len) lp <- lp + 
    (ni[i]-yi[i])*log(( 1- (exp((wi[i]-mu)/sigma)/(1+exp((wi[i]-mu)/sigma)))^m1 ))
  lp <- lp + (a-1)*log.m1 - 2*(e+1)*log.sigma
  lp <- lp - 0.5*((mu-c1)/d)^2
  lp <- lp - m1/b - 1/(f*sigma^2)
  lp <- exp(lp)

sets <- list(
  mu=runif(nd, min=1.75, max=1.85), 
  log.sigma=runif(nd, min=-5, max=-3), 
  log.m1=runif(nd, min=-2, max=0.1)

smp <- dsample(expr=expr, rpmat=sets, nk=1e3, n=1e3)
op <- summary(smp)
#>        mu log.sigma    log.m1 
#>  1.814511 -4.100180 -1.203697
#>         mu  log.sigma     log.m1 
#> 0.01447934 0.25005453 0.34182293

6.3 Dugongs

Data are taken from Ratkowsky (1986). Details are described in OpenBUGS Examples Vol 2.Dugongs.

expr <- str2expression("
  lp <- (len/2 + k - 1)*log(tau)
  for(i in 1:len) lp <- lp - 
    tau*0.5*(y.length[i] - alpha+beta*gamma^x.age[i])^2
  lp <- lp - tau*k - tau.alpha*alpha^2*0.5 - tau.beta*beta^2*0.5
  lp <- exp(lp)

sets <- list(
  alpha=runif(nd, min=2, max=3), 
  beta=runif(nd, min=0.5, max=1.5), 
  gamma=runif(nd, min=0.5, max=1.5), 
  tau=runif(nd, min=0.2, max=200)

smp <- dsample(expr=expr, rpmat=sets, nk=1e3, n=1e3)
op <- summary(smp)
#>       alpha        beta       gamma         tau 
#>   2.6458769   0.9649206   0.8455442 114.6309473
#>       alpha        beta       gamma         tau 
#>  0.17992098  0.15649336  0.09861807 40.79853512

6.4 British Coal Mining Data

Data are taken from Diggle and Marron (1988).

expr <- str2expression("
  ll <- 0
  ll <- ll + (cum.x.until.k[kappa]-0.5)*log(theta) + 
        (cum.x.after.k[kappa]-0.5)*log(lambda) - 
        kappa*theta -  (len-kappa)*lambda
  lp <- ll  + 1.5*log(alpha) + 1.5*log(beta) - 
        (theta+1)*alpha - (lambda+1)*beta
  lp <- exp(lp)

sets <- list(
  kappa=sample(x=30:50, size=nd, replace=TRUE),
  theta=runif(nd, min=2.2, max=4),
  lambda=runif(nd, min=0.6, max=1.4),
  alpha=runif(nd, min=0, max=2),
  beta=runif(nd, min=0, max=4)

smp <- dsample(expr=expr, rpmat=sets, nk=1e3, n=1e3)
op <- summary(smp)
#>      kappa      theta     lambda      alpha       beta 
#> 40.0470000  3.0769057  0.9175435  0.6127736  1.3342198
#>     kappa     theta    lambda     alpha      beta 
#> 2.7659431 0.3010445 0.1250694 0.4005116 0.8059321

6.5 Nuclear Pump Data

Data are taken from Gaver and O’Muircheartaigh (1987). Details are described in OpenBUGS Examples Vol 2..

expr <- str2expression("
  ll <- 0
  for(i in 1:len){
    sum.cmd <- gsub(' ', '', paste('ll <- ll +(failure[', i,']+alpha-1)*log(lambda', i,')'))
  for(i in 1:len){
    sum.cmd <- gsub(' ', '', paste('ll <- ll - (time[', i,']+bb)*lambda', i))
  lp <- ll + (10*alpha+gg-1)*log(bb) - delta*bb
  lp <- exp(lp)

sets <- list(
  bb=runif(nd, 0, 4),
  lambda1=runif(nd, 0, 0.2),
  lambda2=runif(nd, 0, 0.4),
  lambda3=runif(nd, 0, 0.25),
  lambda4=runif(nd, 0, 0.25),
  lambda5=runif(nd, 0, 2),
  lambda6=runif(nd, 0, 1.5),
  lambda7=runif(nd, 0, 2),
  lambda8=runif(nd, 0, 2),
  lambda9=runif(nd, 0, 4),
  lambda10=runif(nd, 0, 3.5)

smp <- dsample(expr=expr, rpmat=sets, nk=5e4, n=3e3)
op <- summary(smp)
#>         bb    lambda1    lambda2    lambda3    lambda4    lambda5    lambda6 
#> 1.18648090 0.05849313 0.10509804 0.08872813 0.11502873 0.64308619 0.60354310 
#>    lambda7    lambda8    lambda9   lambda10 
#> 0.66471406 0.60911674 1.56126854 1.92201563
#>         bb    lambda1    lambda2    lambda3    lambda4    lambda5    lambda6 
#> 0.69196508 0.03641480 0.08606147 0.03959884 0.03555977 0.34804315 0.20101222 
#>    lambda7    lambda8    lambda9   lambda10 
#> 0.44382590 0.47142139 0.75903501 0.50815639


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