Changes in version 1.0.0 (2023-10-26) Breaking changes - Changed function names rangeSizer to rangeSize and sdsumry to sdSumry - Removed siteId argument from cookies and uniqify - More convenient argument order in sdSumry and uniqify Bug fixes - Fixed CRS mistakes in examples for bandit and classRast documentation - Updated URL addresses in vignettes Improvements - Built pkgdown website - Created unit tests - Added detail to function help documentation - Updated examples to avoid calling deprecated spatial packages Changes in version 0.2.0 New - Added second vignette, with complementary example uses of divvy functions Improvements - Expanded README with additional overview information and code examples Changes in version 0.1.1 Bug fixes - Patched bugs in sdsumry from breaking changes in iNEXT returned objects - Updated argument specifications for compatibility with latest version of sf - Adapted for the edge case of equally-spaced occurrences Improvements - Added a file to track changes to the package - Added examples to function documentation - Specified all returned values