Utility Functions


1. Cat strings with levels: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL

cat2('Debug passed!', level = 'DEBUG')
#> ✔ Debug passed!

cat2('You are all set.', level = 'INFO')
#> ♥ You are all set.

cat2('Wait a second...', level = 'WARNING')
#> ⚠ Wait a second...

cat2('Ooops', level = 'ERROR')
#> ✖ Ooops

cat2('Bi--Doop---', level = 'FATAL')
#> ✖ Bi--Doop---
#> Error: 
#> ...

Level FATAL will raise errors.

2. parse_svec and deparse_svec

parse_svec converts characters like "7-10,14-15" to numeric vectors

#> [1]  7  8  9 10 14 15

deparse_svec reverse the process

#> [1] "1-3,5,7"

Parameter max_lag in deparse_svec changes the threshold of integers collapsed together:

#> [1] "1-2,4,7,11"

deparse_svec(c(1,2,4,7,11), max_lag = 2)
#> [1] "1-4,7,11"

deparse_svec(c(1,2,4,7,11), max_lag = 3)
#> [1] "1-7,11"

3. System Information

The goal is to work as an alternative to retrieve system information. For example, R doesn’t provide functions to get memory limits, or CPU chip-set information on Linux or MacOS.

# Total RAM in bytes
#> 16766771200.0 B

# Print-friendly
to_ram_size(get_ram(), 1024)
#> 15.6 GB

# WARNING: $free is the total RAM - R usage, is no the actual free RAM
#> $total
#> 16766771200.0 B
#> $free
#> 16705052744.0 B

4. Interactive Questions

askYesNo comes with utils package allows to ask yes/no questions and returns logical value. If cancel is entered, then the function returns NA, if answers other than yes, no or cancel is given, it raise an error. dipsaus::ask_yesno will ask the question again and again until the user actually say yes or no

> ask_yesno('Please answer an yes/no question, ok?')
## ♥ Please answer an yes/no question, ok? (Yes/no): 
> qweee
## ⚠ Please answer Y/yes, N/no, or c to cancel. (Yes/no): 
> ttt
## ⚠ Please answer Y/yes, N/no, or c to cancel. (Yes/no): 
> y
## [1] TRUE

ask_or_default instead of asking a yes/no question, it asks a question with default answer. User don’t have to type the answers if the they accept defaults:

> ask_or_default("What is your password", default = 'I will not tell you!')
## ♥ What is your password
##   [default is ‘I will not tell you!’] 
## [1] "I will not tell you!"