Knitr Chunk Engine


r chunk engine

Using details in a standard r chunk is simple. There is a built in print method that handles all the different types of outputs. These methods are shown in the other vignettes. It basically looks like this:

  x <- 1
  x * 2
},summary = 'click to see eval')
click to see eval

[1] 2

This is nice but leaves a lot of busy work if you want to hide the use of details in the output.

One chunk to show the code with eval set to FALSE

  x <- 1
  x * 2

Another chunk with echo set to FALSE to create the details output

click to see eval

[1] 2

When you have multiple chunks in the document it can get very cumbersome and maintance instensive.

details chunk engine

To solve this problem there is now a details chunk engine that will take care of all that work for you.

We add a few chunk options to control the details output:

Option Default
details.lang ‘r’
details.summary NULL
details.tooltip ‘Click to Open’ FALSE
details.imgur FALSE

Lets take the same example, this time we will use the details engine


we evaluate the following chunk

x <- 1
x * 2

By Default echo = TRUE will act just like a regular chunk echo and print put what goes into the details call.


x <- 1
x * 2

[1] 2

Without Echo

```{details, echo = FALSE, details.summary = 'open to see eval'}
x <- 1
x * 2

We can set echo = FALSE and only return the details output


open to see eval

[1] 2

Open with Echo

We can set the details block to be open by setting the to TRUE

```{details,details.summary = 'click to hide eval', = TRUE}
x <- 1
x * 2


x <- 1
x * 2
click to hide eval

[1] 2


We can remove the tooltip by setting details.tooltip to NULL

```{details,details.summary = 'click to see eval',details.tooltip = NULL}
x <- 1
x * 2


x <- 1
x * 2
click to see eval

[1] 2

file contents with no highlighting

We can print out the contents of a file by putting the path in the chunk and control the highlighting language with details.lang

```{details,echo = FALSE, details.lang = '',details.summary = 'open to see contents'}


open to see contents

Package: details
Title: Create Details HTML Tag for Markdown and Package Documentation
Version: 0.4.0
    person(given = "Jonathan",
           family = "Sidi",
           role = c("aut", "cre"),
           email = "[email protected]")
Description: Create a details HTML tag around R objects to place in a
        Markdown, 'Rmarkdown' and 'roxygen2' documentation.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Depends: R (>= 4.2.0)
Imports: clipr, desc, grid, xfun, htmltools, knitr, png, stats, utils,
        withr, httr
Suggests: covr, rmarkdown, sessioninfo, testthat, tibble
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Encoding: UTF-8
RoxygenNote: 7.3.2
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2025-02-09 08:56:53 UTC; yoni
Author: Jonathan Sidi [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jonathan Sidi <[email protected]>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-02-09 09:30:02 UTC
Config/pak/sysreqs: libpng-dev libssl-dev libx11-dev


Message: This feature has been deprecated in Win OS.


