Package 'denstrip'

Title: Density Strips and Other Methods for Compactly Illustrating Distributions
Description: Graphical methods for compactly illustrating probability distributions, including density strips, density regions, sectioned density plots and varying width strips.
Authors: Christopher Jackson
Maintainer: Christopher Jackson <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.5.4
Built: 2025-02-03 06:27:10 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Overview of the denstrip package


Graphical methods for compactly illustrating and comparing distributions, particularly distributions arising from parameter estimation or prediction.


denstrip implements the density strip for illustrating a single univariate distribution. The darkness of the density strip at a point is proportional to the density at that point. A shortcut function denstrip.normal draws the strip for the given normal distribution.

densregion implements the density region, which illustrates the uncertainty surrounding a continuously-varying quantity as a two-dimensional shaded region with darkness proportional to the density. There are shortcut functions densregion.normal and densregion.survfit for computing and drawing the region for normally-distributed predictions and survival curves, respectively.

sectioned.density implements the sectioned density plots of Cohen and Cohen (2006). These illustrate distributions using occlusion and varying shading. They were developed for summarising data, but can also be used for illustrating known distributions.

vwstrip can be used to draw varying-width strips to illustrate distributions, in a similar manner to the violin plot for summarising data. The width of the strip is proportional to the density. A shortcut function vwstrip.normal draws the strip for the given normal distribution.

bpstrip adapts the box-percentile plot to illustrate a distribution instead of observed data. This strip has width proportional to the probability of a more extreme point.

cistrip implements the popular point and line figure for illustrating point and interval estimates, for example from multiple regression.

These methods are discussed in more detail by Jackson (2008).

Each function is designed to add a graphic to an existing set of plot axes. The plots can be added to either base graphics or lattice panels.


Christopher Jackson <[email protected]>


Jackson, C. H. (2008) Displaying uncertainty with shading. The American Statistician, 62(4):340-347.

Box-percentile strips


Box-percentile strips give a compact illustration of a distribution. The width of the strip is proportional to the probability of a more extreme point. This function adds a box-percentile strip to an existing plot.


bpstrip(x, prob, at, width, horiz=TRUE, scale=1, limits=c(-Inf, Inf), 
        col="gray", border=NULL, lwd, lty, ticks=NULL, tlen=1, twd, tty,



Either the vector of points at which the probability is evaluated (if prob supplied), or a sample from the distribution (if prob not supplied).


Probability, or cumulative density, of the distribution at x. If prob is not supplied, this is estimated from the sample x using ecdf(x).


Position of the centre of the strip on the y-axis (if horiz=TRUE) or the x-axis (if horiz=FALSE).


Thickness of the strip at its thickest point, which will be at the median. Defaults to 1/20 of the axis range.


Draw the strip horizontally (TRUE) or vertically (FALSE).


Alternative way of specifying the thickness of the strip, as a proportion of width.


Vector of minimum and maximum values, respectively, at which to terminate the strip.


Colour to shade the strip, either as a built-in R colour name (one of colors()) or an RGB hex value, e.g. black is "#000000".


Colour of the border, see polygon. Use border=NA to show no border. The default, 'NULL', means to use 'par("fg")' or its lattice equivalent.


Line width of the border (defaults to par("lwd") or its lattice equivalent).


Line type of the border (defaults to par("lty") or its lattice equivalent).


Vector of x-positions on the strip to draw tick marks, or NULL for no ticks.


Length of the ticks, relative to the thickness of the strip.


Line width of these marks (defaults to par("lwd") or its lattice equivalent).


Line type of these marks (defaults to par("lty") or its lattice equivalent).


Set this to TRUE to make bpstrip a lattice panel function instead of a base graphics function.
panel.bpstrip(x,...) is equivalent to bpstrip(x, lattice=TRUE, ...).


Other arguments passed to panel.bpstrip.


The box-percentile strip looks the same as the box-percentile plot (Esty and Banfield, 2003) which is a generalisation of the boxplot for summarising data. However, bpstrip is intended for illustrating distributions arising from parameter estimation or prediction. Either the distribution is known analytically, or an arbitrarily large sample from the distribution is assumed to be available via a method such as MCMC or bootstrapping.

The function bpplot in the Hmisc package can be used to draw vertical box-percentile plots of observed data.


Christopher Jackson <[email protected]>


Jackson, C. H. (2008) Displaying uncertainty with shading. The American Statistician, 62(4):340-347.

Esty, W. W. and Banfield, J. D. (2003) The box-percentile plot. Journal of Statistical Software 8(17).

See Also

vwstrip, cistrip, denstrip


x <- seq(-4, 4, length=1000)
prob <- pnorm(x)
plot(x, xlim=c(-5, 5), ylim=c(-5, 5), xlab="x", ylab="x", type="n")
bpstrip(x, prob, at=1, ticks=qnorm(c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)))

## Terminate the strip at specific outer quantiles
bpstrip(x, prob, at=2, limits=qnorm(c(0.025, 0.975)))
bpstrip(x, prob, at=3, limits=qnorm(c(0.005, 0.995)))

## Compare with density strip
denstrip(x, dnorm(x), at=0)

## Estimate the density from a large sample 
x <- rnorm(10000)
bpstrip(x, at=4)

Line drawings of point and interval estimates


Adds one or more points and lines to a plot, representing point and interval estimates.


cistrip(x, at, d, horiz=TRUE, pch = 16, cex = 1, lattice=FALSE, ...)



Either a vector of three elements corresponding to point estimate, lower limit and upper limit of the interval estimate, respectively, or a numeric matrix or data frame with three columns representing point estimates, lower and upper limits.


Position of the line on the y-axis (if horiz=TRUE) or the x-axis (if horiz=FALSE).


Length of the serifs at each end of the line. Defaults to 1/60 of the axis range.


Draw the line horizontally (TRUE) or vertically (FALSE).


Character to draw at the point estimate, see points. By default this is a small solid circle, pch=16.


Expansion factor for the character at the point estimate, for. A vector can be supplied here, one for each estimate, as in pch. Useful for meta-analysis forest plots.


Set this to TRUE to make cistrip a lattice panel function instead of a base graphics function.
panel.cistrip(x,...) is equivalent to cistrip(x, lattice=TRUE, ...).


Further arguments passed to the points and segments functions or their lattice equivalents. For example lty,lwd to set the style and thickness of the line.


Christopher Jackson <[email protected]>

See Also

denstrip, vwstrip, bpstrip


## One estimate 
x <- c(0.1, -2, 2)
plot(0, type="n", xlim=c(-5, 5), ylim=c(-5, 5), xlab="", ylab="")
abline(h=0, lty=2, col="lightgray")
abline(v=0, lty=2, col="lightgray")
cistrip(x, at=-0.1)
cistrip(x, at=0.2, lwd=3, d=0.1)
cistrip(x, at=-4, horiz=FALSE, lwd=3, d=0.2)

## Double / triple the area of the central point, as in forest plots
cistrip(x, at=2, d=0.2, pch=22, bg="black")
cistrip(x, at=2.5, d=0.2, pch=22, bg="black", cex=sqrt(2))
cistrip(x, at=3, d=0.2, pch=22, bg="black", cex=sqrt(3))

## Several estimates
x <- rbind(c(0.1, -2, 2), c(1, -1, 2.3),
           c(-0.2, -0.8, 0.4), c(-0.3, -1.2, 1.5))
plot(0, type="n", xlim=c(-5, 5), ylim=c(-5, 5), xlab="", ylab="")
cistrip(x, at=1:4)
abline(v=0, lty=2, col="lightgray")
cistrip(x, at=1:4, horiz=FALSE, lwd=3, d=0.2)
abline(h=0, lty=2, col="lightgray")

Density regions


A density region uses shading to represent the uncertainty surrounding a continuously-varying quantity, such as a survival curve or a forecast from a time series. The darkness of the shading is proportional to the (posterior, predictive or fiducial) density. This function adds a density region to an existing plot.


densregion(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
densregion(x, y, z, pointwise=FALSE, nlevels=100, 
                   colmax=par("fg"), colmin="white", scale=1, gamma=1,
                   contour=FALSE, ...)



Suppose the continuously-varying quantity varies over a space S. x is a vector of the points in S at which the full posterior / predictive / fiducial distribution will be evaluated.


Vector of ordinates at which the density of the distribution will be evaluated for every point in x.


Matrix of densities on the grid defined by x and y, with rows corresponding to elements of x and columns corresponding to elements of y.


If TRUE then the maximum density at each x is shaded with colmax (default black), and the shading intensity is proportional to the density within each x.

If FALSE then the maximum density over all x is shaded with colmax, and the shading is proportional to the density over all x.


Number of distinct shades to use to illustrate the varying densities. The default of 100 should result in a plot with smoothly-varying shading.


Colour to shade the maximum density, either as a built-in R colour name (one of colors()) or an RGB hex value. Defaults to par("fg") which is normally "black", or "#000000".


Colour to shade the minimum density, likewise. Defaults to "white". If this is set to "transparent", and the current graphics device supports transparency (see rgb), then multiple regions drawn on the same plot will merge smoothly.


Proportion of colmax to shade the maximum density, for example scale=0.5 with colmax="black" for a mid-grey colour.


Gamma correction to apply to the colour palette, see denstrip.


If TRUE then contours are added to illustrate lines of constant density.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods, such as the contour function for drawing contours.


The plot is shaded by interpolating the value of the density between grid points, using the algorithm described by Cleveland (1993) as implemented in the filled.contour function.

With lattice graphics, similar plots can be implemented using the contourplot or levelplot functions.


Christopher Jackson <[email protected]>


Jackson, C. H. (2008) Displaying uncertainty with shading. The American Statistician, 62(4):340-347.

Cleveland, W. S. (1993) Visualizing Data. Hobart Press, Summit, New Jersey.

See Also

densregion.survfit, densregion.normal, denstrip


## Predictive uncertainty around a hypothetical regression line

x <- 1:10
nx <- length(x)
est <- seq(0, 1, length=nx)
lcl <- seq(-1, 0, length=nx)
ucl <- seq(1, 2, length=nx)
se <- (est - lcl)/qnorm(0.975)

y <- seq(-3, 3, length=100)
z <- matrix(nrow=nx, ncol=length(y))
for(i in 1:nx)
  z[i,] <- dnorm(y, est[i], se[i])
plot(x, type="n", ylim=c(-5.5, 2.5))
densregion(x, y, z, colmax="darkgreen")
lines(x, est)
lines(x, lcl, lty=2)
lines(x, ucl, lty=2)

## On graphics devices that support transparency, specify
## colmin="transparent" to allow adjacent regions to overlap smoothly
densregion(x, y-1, z, colmax="magenta", colmin="transparent")

## or automatically choose the y points to evaluate the density 

plot(x, type="n", ylim=c(-1.5, 2.5))
densregion.normal(x, est, se, ny=50, colmax="darkgreen")
lines(x, est)
lines(x, lcl, lty=2)
lines(x, ucl, lty=2)

Density regions based on normal distributions


Adds a density region to an existing plot of a normally-distributed quantity with continuously-varying mean and standard deviation, such as a time series forecast. Automatically computes a reasonable set of ordinates to evaluate the density at, which span the whole forecast space.


## S3 method for class 'normal'
densregion(x, mean, sd, ny=20, ...)



Suppose the continuously-varying quantity varies over a space S. x is a vector of the points in S at which the posterior / predictive / fiducial distribution will be evaluated.


Vector of normal means at each point in x.


Vector of standard deviations at each point in x.


Minimum number of points to calculate the density at for each x. The density is calculated for at least ny equally spaced normal quantiles for each point. The density is actually calculated at the union over x of all such points, for each x.


Further arguments passed to densregion.


The plot is shaded by interpolating the value of the density between grid points, using the algorithm described by Cleveland (1993) as implemented in the filled.contour function.


Christopher Jackson <[email protected]>


Jackson, C. H. (2008) Displaying uncertainty with shading. The American Statistician, 62(4):340-347.

Cleveland, W. S. (1993) Visualizing Data. Hobart Press, Summit, New Jersey.

See Also

densregion, densregion.survfit, denstrip


## Time series forecasting

(fit <- arima(USAccDeaths, order = c(0,1,1),
              seasonal = list(order=c(0,1,1))))
pred <- predict(fit, n.ahead = 36)
plot(USAccDeaths, xlim=c(1973, 1982), ylim=c(5000, 15000))

## Compute normal forecast densities automatically (slow)

## Not run: 
densregion.normal(time(pred$pred), pred$pred, pred$se, 
                  pointwise=TRUE, colmax="darkgreen")
lines(pred$pred, lty=2)
lines(pred$pred + qnorm(0.975)*pred$se, lty=3)
lines(pred$pred - qnorm(0.975)*pred$se, lty=3)

## End(Not run)

## Compute forecast densities by hand (more efficient) 

nx <- length(pred$pred)
y <- seq(5000, 15000, by=100)
z <- matrix(nrow=nx, ncol=length(y))
for(i in 1:nx)
    z[i,] <- dnorm(y, pred$pred[i], pred$se[i])
plot(USAccDeaths, xlim=c(1973, 1982), ylim=c(5000, 15000))
densregion(time(pred$pred), y, z, colmax="darkgreen", pointwise=TRUE)
lines(pred$pred, lty=2)
lines(pred$pred + qnorm(0.975)*pred$se, lty=3)
lines(pred$pred - qnorm(0.975)*pred$se, lty=3)

densregion(time(pred$pred), y+2000, z, colmax="darkblue", pointwise=TRUE)

Density regions for survival curves


Adds a density region to a survival plot. The shading of the region has darkness proportional to the fiducial density of the point. This distribution is assumed to be normal with standard deviation calculated using the lower confidence limit stored in the survival curve object.


## S3 method for class 'survfit'
densregion(x, ny=20, ...)



Survival curve object, returned by survfit. Confidence intervals must have been calculated, using conf.type.


Minimum number of points to calculate the density at for each event time. The default of 20 should be sufficient to obtain smooth-looking plots.


Further arguments passed to densregion.default.


The density is calculated at a grid of points, and interpolated using the method referred to in densregion.


In general, this approach can only illustrate one survival curve per plot. Though if the graphics device supports transparency (e.g. PDF) multiple curves can be made to overlap smoothly - see the example below.


Christopher Jackson <[email protected]>


Jackson, C. H. (2008) Displaying uncertainty with shading. The American Statistician, 62(4):340-347.

See Also

densregion, densregion.normal, denstrip


if (requireNamespace("survival", quietly=TRUE)){

fit <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, data=aml, conf.type="log-log")
plot(fit, col=0)
lines(fit, lwd=3,, lty=1)
lines(fit, lwd=3,, lty=2)

## Wider CIs based on log survival
fit <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, data=aml, conf.type="log")
plot(fit, col=0) 
densregion(fit) # Big variation in maximum density 
plot(fit, col=0) 
densregion(fit, pointwise=TRUE, colmax="maroon4")

## Narrower CIs based on untransformed survival.
## Normal assumption probably unrealistic
fit <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, data=aml, conf.type="plain")
plot(fit, col=0) 
densregion(fit, pointwise=TRUE, colmax="darkmagenta")

## Multiple survival curves on same axes
## Should overlap smoothly on devices that allow transparency
fit2 <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ x, data=aml, conf.type="log-log")
fit2x1 <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, data=aml,
                  conf.type="log-log", subset=(x=="Maintained"))
fit2x0 <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, data=aml,
                  conf.type="log-log", subset=(x=="Nonmaintained"))
plot(fit2, lwd=3, xlab="Weeks", ylab="Survival", xlim=c(0, 60),
     lty=1:2, col=c("red", "blue"),, mark.time=TRUE)
densregion(fit2x1, colmax="red", gamma=2)
densregion(fit2x0, colmax="blue", gamma=2)


Density strips


The density strip illustrates a univariate distribution as a shaded rectangular strip, whose darkness at a point is proportional to the probability density. The strip is darkest at the maximum density and fades into the background at the minimum density. It may be used to generalise the common point-and-line drawing of a point and interval estimate, by representing the entire posterior or predictive distribution of the estimate. This function adds a density strip to an existing plot.


denstrip(x, dens, at, width, horiz=TRUE, colmax, colmin="white",
         scale=1, gamma=1, ticks=NULL, tlen=1.5, twd, tcol, mticks=NULL,
         mlen=1.5, mwd, mcol, lattice=FALSE, ...)



Either the vector of points at which the density is evaluated (if dens supplied), or a sample from the distribution (if dens not supplied).


Density at x. If dens is not supplied, the density of the sample x is estimated by kernel density estimation, using density(x,...).


Position of the centre of the strip on the y-axis (if horiz=TRUE) or the x-axis (if horiz=FALSE).


Thickness of the strip, that is, the length of its shorter dimension. Defaults to 1/30 of the axis range.


Draw the strip horizontally (TRUE) or vertically (FALSE).


Colour at the maximum density, either as a built-in R colour name (one of colors()) or an RGB hex value. Defaults to par("fg") which is normally "black", or "#000000". Or in lattice, defaults to trellis.par.get("add.line")$col.


Colour to shade the minimum density, likewise. Defaults to "white". If this is set to "transparent", and the current graphics device supports transparency (see rgb), then overlapping strips will merge smoothly.


Proportion of colmax to shade the maximum density, for example scale=0.5 with colmax="black" for a mid-grey colour.


Gamma correction to apply to the colour palette. The default of 1 should give an approximate perception of darkness proportional to density, but this may need to be adjusted for different displays. Values of gamma greater than 1 produce colours weighted towards the lighter end, and values of between 0 and 1 produce darker colours.


Vector of x-positions on the strip to draw tick marks, or NULL for no ticks.


Length of these tick marks relative to the strip width.


Line thickness of these marks (defaults to par("lwd"), or in lattice, to



Colour of the tick marks. Defaults to colmax.


x-position to draw a thicker tick mark or tick marks (for example, at the mean or median).


Length of this mark relative to the strip width.


Line thickness of this mark (defaults to par("lwd")*2, or in lattice, to trellis.par.get("add.line")$lwd*2.).


Colour of this mark. Defaults to colmax.


Set this to TRUE to make denstrip a lattice panel function instead of a base graphics function.
panel.denstrip(x,...) is equivalent to denstrip(x, lattice=TRUE, ...).


Additional arguments supplied to density(x,...), if the density is being estimated. For example, bw to change the bandwidth of the kernel.

In other software

In OpenBUGS ( density strips are available via the Inference/Compare menu.

See this blog post:, for density strips in SAS.


Christopher Jackson <[email protected]>


Jackson, C. H. (2008) Displaying uncertainty with shading. The American Statistician, 62(4):340-347.

See Also

denstrip.legend, densregion.


## Illustrate a known standard normal distribution
## Various settings to change the look of the plot

x <- seq(-4, 4, length=10000)
dens <- dnorm(x)
plot(x, xlim=c(-5, 5), ylim=c(-5, 5), xlab="x", ylab="x", type="n")
denstrip(x, dens, at=0) # default width 
denstrip(x, dens, width=0.5, at=0) 
denstrip(x, dens, at=-4, ticks=c(-2, 0, 2)) 
denstrip(x, dens, at=-3, ticks=c(-2, 2), mticks=0) 
denstrip(x, dens, at=-2, ticks=c(-2, 2), mticks=0, mlen=3, 
         mwd=4, colmax="#55AABB") 
denstrip(x, dens, at=1, ticks=c(-2, 2), tlen=3, twd=3) 
denstrip(x, dens, at=-4, ticks=c(-2, 2), mticks=0, colmax="darkgreen", 
x <- rnorm(1000) # Estimate the density
denstrip(x, width=0.2, at=-3, ticks=c(-2, 2), mticks=0, colmax="darkgreen",
denstrip(x, at=2, width=0.5, gamma=2.2) 
denstrip(x, at=3, width=0.5, gamma=1/2.2) 

### Specifying colour of minimum density 
plot(x, xlim=c(-5, 5), ylim=c(-5, 5), xlab="x", ylab="x", type="n")
x <- seq(-4, 4, length=10000)
dens <- dnorm(x)
## Equivalent ways of drawing same distribution 
denstrip(x, dens, at=-1, ticks=c(-2, 2), mticks=0, colmax="darkmagenta")
denstrip(x, dens, at=-2, ticks=c(-2, 2), mticks=0, colmax="darkmagenta",
## ...though the next only works if graphics device supports transparency 
denstrip(x, dens, at=-3, ticks=c(-2, 2), mticks=0, colmax="darkmagenta",
denstrip(x, dens, at=-4, ticks=c(-2, 2), mticks=0, colmax="#8B008B", colmin="white")

## Alternative to density regions (\link{densregion.survfit}) for
## survival curves - a series of vertical density strips with no
## interpolation

if (requireNamespace("survival", quietly=TRUE)){

fit <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, data=aml, conf.type="log-log")
plot(fit, col=0)
lse <- (log(-log(fit$surv)) - log(-log(fit$upper)))/qnorm(0.975)
n <- length(fit$time)
lstrip <- fit$time - (fit$time-c(0,fit$time[1:(n-1)])) / 2
rstrip <- fit$time + (c(fit$time[2:n], fit$time[n])-fit$time) / 2
for (i in 1:n) { 
    y <- exp(-exp(qnorm(seq(0,1,length=1000)[-c(1,1000)], 
                        log(-log(fit$surv))[i], lse[i])))
    z <- dnorm(log(-log(y)), log(-log(fit$surv))[i], lse[i])
    denstrip(y, z, at=(lstrip[i]+rstrip[i])/2,
                 horiz=FALSE, colmax="darkred")
plot(fit, lwd=2)


## Use for lattice graphics (first example from help(xyplot))

Depth <- equal.count(quakes$depth, number=8, overlap=.1)
xyplot(lat ~ long | Depth, data = quakes,
       panel = function(x, y) { 
           panel.xyplot(x, y)
           panel.denstrip(x, horiz=TRUE, at=-10, ticks=mean(x))
           panel.denstrip(y, horiz=FALSE, at=165, ticks=mean(y))

## Lattice example data: heights of singing voice types

bwplot(voice.part ~ height, data=singer, xlab="Height (inches)",
       panel=panel.violin, xlim=c(50,80))
bwplot(voice.part ~ height, data=singer, xlab="Height (inches)",
       panel = function(x, y) {
           xlist <- split(x, factor(y))
           for (i in seq(along=xlist))
               panel.denstrip(x=xlist[[i]], at=i)

Add a legend to a density strip or shaded region


Add a legend to an existing plot with a density strip or shaded region, indicating the mapping of colours to densities.


denstrip.legend(x, y, width, len, colmax, colmin="white", gamma=1,
                horiz=FALSE, max=1, nticks = 5, ticks, value.adj = 0,
                cex, main = "Density", lattice=FALSE)



Central x position of the legend.


Central y position of the legend.


Width of the legend strip, that is, the length of its shorter dimension. Defaults to 1/30 of the axis range.


Length of the legend strip, that is, the length of its longer dimension. Defaults to 1/4 of the axis range.


Colour at the maximum density, either as a built-in R colour name (one of colors()) or an RGB hex value. Defaults to par("fg") or its lattice equivalent, which is "black" by default.


Colour to shade the minimum density, likewise. Defaults to "white". If this is set to "transparent", and the current graphics device supports transparency (see rgb), then overlapping strips will merge smoothly.


Gamma correction to apply to the colour palette, see denstrip.


Legend strip drawn vertically (FALSE) or horizontally (TRUE).


Maximum density on the legend, which is represented by colmax. With the default of 1, the legend indicates the mapping of colours to proportions of the maximum density.


Number of tick marks on the axis adjacent to the legend, if ticks not supplied.


Positions of numbered ticks on the axis adjacent to the legend. Defaults to nticks equally spaced ticks between 0 and the maximum density.


Extra adjustment for the axis labels to the right (if horiz=FALSE) or downwards (if horiz=TRUE).


Text expansion. Defaults to par("cex") * 0.75 or trellis.par.get("axis.text")$cex * 0.75.


Text to place above the legend.


Set this to TRUE to make denstrip.legend a lattice panel function instead of a base graphics function.
panel.denstrip.legend(x,...) is equivalent to denstrip.legend(x, lattice=TRUE, ...).


Other arguments passed to panel.denstrip.legend.


Christopher Jackson <[email protected]>

See Also

denstrip, densregion


if (requireNamespace("survival", quietly=TRUE)){

fit <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, data=aml, conf.type="log-log")
plot(fit, col=0)
denstrip.legend(100, 0.8)

    ### TODO if max not supplied - ticks are not meaningful.
    ### In help example, find actual max dens used for densregion

denstrip.legend(120, 0.8, width=3, len=0.4, value.adj=5)
denstrip.legend(40, 0.9, horiz=TRUE)
denstrip.legend(60, 0.7, horiz=TRUE, width=0.02, len=50, value.adj=0.04)


Density strip for a normal or log-normal distribution


Draws a density strip for a normal or log-normal distribution with the given mean and standard deviation, based on computing the density at a large set of equally-spaced quantiles.


denstrip.normal(mean, sd, log=FALSE, nx=1000, ...)



Mean of the normal distribution.


Standard deviation of the normal distribution.


If TRUE then the strip for a log-normal distribution, with mean and SD on the log scale mean and sd, respectively, is plotted. This may be useful for illustrating hazard ratios or odds ratios.


Number of points to evaluate the density at.


Further arguments passed to denstrip, for example, at to position the strip on the y-axis, or lattice=TRUE to use as a lattice panel function.
panel.denstrip.normal(x,...) is equivalent to denstrip.normal(x, lattice=TRUE,...).


Christopher Jackson <[email protected]>

See Also



x <- seq(-4, 4, length=10000)
dens <- dnorm(x)
plot(x, xlim=c(-5, 5), ylim=c(-1, 2), xlab="x", ylab="", type="n", axes=FALSE)
denstrip(x, dens, at=0, width=0.3)
denstrip.normal(0, 1, at=1, width=0.3)

### log-normal distribution
sdlog <- 0.5
x <- rlnorm(10000, 0, sdlog)
plot(x, xlim=c(0, 5), ylim=c(-2, 4), xlab="x", , ylab="", type="n",
abline(v=1, lty=2, col="lightgray")
denstrip(x, at=0, ticks=exp(-sdlog^2), width=0.4) # tick at theoretical maximum density 
denstrip(x, at=1, bw=0.1, ticks=exp(-sdlog^2), width=0.4)
denstrip.normal(0, sdlog, log=TRUE, at=3, nx=1000,
                ticks=exp(-sdlog^2), width=0.4)

Sectioned density plots


Sectioned density plots (Cohen and Cohen, 2006) use shading and occlusion to give a compact illustration of a distribution, such as the empirical distribution of data.


sectioned.density(x, dens, at, width, offset, ny,
                  method=c("kernel","frequency"), nx, horiz=TRUE,
                  up.left = TRUE, colmax, colmin="white", gamma=1,
                  lattice=FALSE, ...)



Either the vector of points at which the density is evaluated (if dens supplied), or a sample from the distribution (if dens not supplied).


Density at points. If dens is not supplied, the density of the distribution underlying x is estimated using the method specified in method.


Position of the bottom of the plot on the y-axis (if horiz=TRUE) or position of the right of the plot on the x-axis (if horiz=FALSE) (required).


Number of fixed-width intervals for categorising the density.


Width of individual rectangles in the plot. Defaults to the range of the axis divided by 20.


Offset for adjacent rectangles. Defaults to width/3.


Method of estimating the density of x, when dens is not supplied.

If "kernel" (the default) then kernel density estimation is used, via density(x,...).

If "frequency" then the density is estimated as the relative frequency in a series of bins, as in Cohen and Cohen (2006). This method is controlled by the number of data bins nx.


Number of data bins for the "frequency" density estimation method. The default uses Sturges' formula (see nclass.Sturges, hist).


If horiz=TRUE, then the plot is horizontal and points upwards. If horiz=FALSE then the plot is vertical and points leftwards, as the illustrations in Cohen and Cohen (2006).


If changed to FALSE, then horizontal plots point downwards and vertical plots point rightwards.


Darkest colour, either as a built-in R colour name (one of colors()) or an RGB hex value. Defaults to par("fg") or its lattice equivalent, which is normally "black", or "#000000".


Lightest colour, either as a built-in R colour name (one of colors()) or an RGB hex value. Defaults to white.


Gamma correction to apply to the colour palette, see denstrip.


Set this to TRUE to make sectioned.density a lattice panel function instead of a base graphics function.
panel.sectioned.density(x,...) is equivalent to sectioned.density(x, lattice=TRUE, ...).


Additional arguments supplied to density(x,...), if method="kernel".


Christopher Jackson <[email protected]> (R implementation)


Cohen, D. J. and Cohen, J. The sectioned density plot. The American Statistician (2006) 60(2):167–174


## Fisher's iris data 
## Various settings to change the look of the plot
hist(iris$Sepal.Length, nclass=20, col="lightgray")
sectioned.density(iris$Sepal.Length, at=0.2)
sectioned.density(iris$Sepal.Length, at=5)
sectioned.density(iris$Sepal.Length, at=10, width=0.5)
hist(iris$Sepal.Length, nclass=20, col="lightgray")
sectioned.density(iris$Sepal.Length, at=7, width=0.5,
                  offset=0.1, colmax="darkmagenta")
sectioned.density(iris$Sepal.Length, at=9, width=0.5,
                  offset=0.1, ny=15, colmin="lemonchiffon")
## frequency method less smooth than kernel density 
sectioned.density(iris$Sepal.Length, at=12, width=0.5, offset=0.1,
sectioned.density(iris$Sepal.Length, at=13.5, width=0.5, offset=0.1,
                  method="frequency", nx=20)

## Illustrate a known distribution
x <- seq(-4, 4, length=1000)
dens <- dnorm(x)
plot(x, xlim=c(-5, 5), ylim=c(-5, 5), xlab="x", ylab="x", type="n")
sectioned.density(x, dens, ny=8, at=0, width=0.3)
sectioned.density(x, dens, ny=16, at=2, width=0.1)
sectioned.density(x, dens, at=-3, horiz=FALSE)
sectioned.density(x, dens, at=4, width=0.3, horiz=FALSE)

Find contiguous sequences in a vector of integers


Get all sequences of contiguous values in a vector of integers.





A vector of integers, for example, representing indices. x is coerced to integer, sorted, and unique values extracted, if necessary, before finding the contiguous sequences.


A matrix with one row for each sequence, and two columns containing the start and the end of the sequence, respectively.


Chris Jackson <[email protected]>. Thanks to Tobias Verbeke for the suggestion.

See Also



seqToIntervals(1:10)  # [1 10]
seqToIntervals(c(1:10, 15:18, 20))  # [1 10; 15 18; 20 20]
# vectorised, so efficient for large vectors x
seqToIntervals(sample(1:1000000, size=999990))

Varying-width strips


Varying-width strips give a compact illustration of a distribution. The width of the strip is proportional to the density. This function adds a varying-width strip to an exising plot.


vwstrip(x, dens, at, width, horiz=TRUE, scale=1, limits=c(-Inf, Inf), 
        col="gray", border=NULL, lwd, lty, ticks=NULL, tlen=1, twd, tty,



Either the vector of points at which the density is evaluated (if dens supplied), or a sample from the distribution (if dens not supplied).


Density at x. If dens is not supplied, the density of the sample x is estimated by kernel density estimation, using density(x,...).


Position of the centre of the strip on the y-axis (if horiz=TRUE) or the x-axis (if horiz=FALSE).


Thickness of the strip at the maximum density, that is, the length of its shorter dimension. Defaults to 1/20 of the axis range.


Draw the strip horizontally (TRUE) or vertically (FALSE).


Alternative way of specifying the thickness of the strip, as a proportion of width.


Vector of minimum and maximum values, respectively, at which to terminate the strip.


Colour to shade the strip, either as a built-in R colour name (one of colors()) or an RGB hex value, e.g. black is "#000000".


Colour of the border, see polygon. Use border=NA to show no border. The default, 'NULL', means to use 'par("fg")' or its lattice equivalent


Line width of the border (defaults to par("lwd") or its lattice equivalent).


Line type of the border (defaults to par("lty") or its lattice equivalent).


Vector of x-positions on the strip to draw tick marks, or NULL for no ticks.


Length of the ticks, relative to the thickness of the strip.


Line width of these marks (defaults to par("lwd") or its lattice equivalent).


Line type of these marks (defaults to par("lty") or its lattice equivalent).


Set this to TRUE to make vwstrip a lattice panel function instead of a base graphics function.
panel.vwstrip(x,...) is equivalent to vwstrip(x, lattice=TRUE, ...).


Additional arguments supplied to density(x,...), if the density is being estimated.


Varying-width strips look like violin plots. The difference is that violin plots are intended to summarise data, while vwstrip is intended to illustrate a distribution arising from parameter estimation or prediction. Either the distribution is known analytically, or an arbitrarily large sample from the distribution is assumed to be available via a method such as MCMC or bootstrapping.

Illustrating outliers is important for summarising data, therefore violin plots terminate at the sample minimum and maximum and superimpose a box plot (which appears like the bridge of a violin, hence the name). Varying-width strips, however, are used to illustrate known distributions which may have unbounded support. Therefore it is important to think about where the strips should terminate (the limits argument). For example, the end points may illustrate a particular pair of extreme quantiles of the distribution.

The function vioplot in the vioplot package and panel.violin in the lattice package can be used to draw violin plots of observed data.


Christopher Jackson <[email protected]>


Jackson, C. H. (2008) Displaying uncertainty with shading. The American Statistician, 62(4):340-347.

Hintze, J.L. and Nelson, R.D. (1998) Violin plots: a box plot - density trace synergism. The American Statistician 52(2),181–184.

See Also

denstrip, bpstrip, cistrip.


x <- seq(-4, 4, length=10000)
dens <- dnorm(x)
plot(x, xlim=c(-5, 5), ylim=c(-5, 5), xlab="x", ylab="x", type="n")
vwstrip(x, dens, at=1, ticks=qnorm(c(0.025, 0.25,0.5, 0.75, 0.975)))

## Terminate the strip at specific outer quantiles
vwstrip(x, dens, at=2, limits=qnorm(c(0.025, 0.975)))
vwstrip(x, dens, at=3, limits=qnorm(c(0.005, 0.995)))

## Compare with density strip
denstrip(x, dens, at=0)

## Estimate the density from a large sample 
x <- rnorm(10000)
vwstrip(x, at=4)

Varying width strip for a normal or log-normal distribution


Draws a varying width strip for a normal or log-normal distribution with the given mean and standard deviation, based on computing the density at a large set of equally-spaced quantiles.


vwstrip.normal(mean, sd, log=FALSE, nx=1000, ...)



Mean of the normal distribution.


Standard deviation of the normal distribution.


If TRUE then the strip for a log-normal distribution, with mean and SD on the log scale mean and sd, respectively, is plotted. This may be useful for illustrating hazard ratios or odds ratios.


Number of points to evaluate the density at.


Further arguments passed to vwstrip, for example, at to position the strip on the y-axis, or lattice=TRUE to use as a lattice panel function.
panel.vwstrip.normal(x,...) is equivalent to vwstrip.normal(x, lattice=TRUE,...).


Christopher Jackson <[email protected]>

See Also



x <- seq(-4, 4, length=10000)
dens <- dnorm(x)
plot(x, xlim=c(-5, 5), ylim=c(-1, 2), xlab="x", ylab="",
     type="n", axes=FALSE)
vwstrip(x, dens, at=0, width=0.4, limits=qnorm(c(0.005, 0.995)))
vwstrip.normal(0, 1, at=1, width=0.4, limits=qnorm(c(0.005, 0.995)))

### log-normal distribution
sdlog <- 0.5
x <- rlnorm(10000, 0, sdlog)
plot(x, xlim=c(0, 5), ylim=c(-1, 3), xlab="x", ylab="",
     type="n", axes=FALSE)
abline(v=1, lty=2, col="lightgray")
vwstrip(x, at=0, width=0.4, ticks=exp(-sdlog^2),
        limits=qlnorm(c(0.005,0.975),0,sdlog)) # tick at theoretical maximum density 
vwstrip(x, at=1, width=0.4, bw=0.1, ticks=exp(-sdlog^2),
vwstrip.normal(0, sdlog, log=TRUE, at=2.5, width=0.4, nx=1000,
               ticks=exp(-sdlog^2), limits=qlnorm(c(0.005,0.975),0,sdlog))