Title: | Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Technique in R |
Description: | Developed to Solve the Multi-Criteria Decision Making Problems with Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Technique in R. |
Authors: | Muhlis Ozdemir [aut, cre]
Maintainer: | Muhlis Ozdemir <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 0.1.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-13 06:46:50 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Throws an error message if data is not matrix format, checks names attribute of the matrix, assign new ones if not defined
x |
numeric values containing the data of direct relationship decision matrix. |
This function checks whether data
is matrix or not. Returns a matrix and assign new names if not defined.
Muhlis Ozdemir <[email protected]>
Returns relation results that exceed threshold value of direct relationship decision matrix
compare_criteria(x, data_control = TRUE)
compare_criteria(x, data_control = TRUE)
x |
a matrix containing the values of direct relationship decision matrix. |
data_control |
is a pre-defined logical parameter that whether data should checked. |
This function returns a num
Muhlis Ozdemir <[email protected]>
apply function.
compare_criteria(dematel::hospitaldata) compare_criteria(dematel::nurseselection) compare_criteria(dematel::medicaldevice)
compare_criteria(dematel::hospitaldata) compare_criteria(dematel::nurseselection) compare_criteria(dematel::medicaldevice)
Easily solve Multi-Criteria Decision Making Problems with Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Technique.
Muhlis Ozdemir [email protected] Yakup Celikbilek [email protected]
normalize_data(dematel::nurseselection) total_relationship_matrix(dematel::nurseselection) relationships_between_criteria(dematel::nurseselection) visualize(dematel::nurseselection) threshold_value(dematel::nurseselection) compare_criteria(dematel::nurseselection)
normalize_data(dematel::nurseselection) total_relationship_matrix(dematel::nurseselection) relationships_between_criteria(dematel::nurseselection) visualize(dematel::nurseselection) threshold_value(dematel::nurseselection) compare_criteria(dematel::nurseselection)
Executes all functions and conducts dematel analysis at once
x |
a matrix containing the values of normalized initial direct-relation decision matrix. |
This function executes all functions, conducts dematel analysis at once and returns
a matrix
that contains data,
a matrix
that contains normalized data,
a matrix
that contains normalized initial direct-relation matrix,
a data.frame
that contains relationships between criteria,
a graph
a num
that contains threshold value,
a list
of criteria comparisons.
A dataset containing hospital location selection problem data. This data set gathered from Celikbilek Y., Ozdemir M. Cok Kriterli Karar Verme Teknikleri Aciklamali ve Karsilastirmali Saglik Bilimleri Uygulamalari ile, pp. 12, NOBEL Akademik Yayincilik, Ankara, 2020.
A data frame of 10 rows and 10 columns
Numeric values of land / building cost
Numeric values of operational repair / maintenance costs
Numeric values of population densitity
Numeric values of distance to educational institutions in the neighbourhood
Numeric values of people's income level in the neighbourhood
Numeric values of distance to public transport vehicles
Numeric values of distance to suppliers
Numeric values of distance to other hospitals
Numeric values of building / land opportunities for additional units planned to be built in the future
Numeric values of convenient transportation for ambulances
A dataset containing medical device selection problem data. This data set gathered from Celikbilek Y., Ozdemir M. Cok Kriterli Karar Verme Teknikleri Aciklamali ve Karsilastirmali Saglik Bilimleri Uygulamalari ile, pp. 12, NOBEL Akademik Yayincilik, Ankara, 2020.
A data frame of 5 rows and 5 columns
Numeric values of price
Numeric values of ease of use
Numeric values of 24/7 technical support
Numeric values of technical service speed
Numeric values of electrode quality
Normalizes matrix format data
normalize_data(x, data_control = TRUE)
normalize_data(x, data_control = TRUE)
x |
a matrix containing the values of direct relationship decision matrix. |
data_control |
is a pre-defined logical parameter that whether data should checked. |
This function returns a list
of data, and normalized matrix.
A dataset containing nurse selection problem data. This data set gathered from Celikbilek Y., Ozdemir M. Cok Kriterli Karar Verme Teknikleri Aciklamali ve Karsilastirmali Saglik Bilimleri Uygulamalari ile, pp. 12, NOBEL Akademik Yayincilik, Ankara, 2020.
A data frame of 8 rows and 8 columns
Numeric values of graduation success
Numeric values of overall success of the school she/he graduated from
Numeric values of total experience time
Numeric values of surgical and operating room nursing experience time
Numeric values of personality inventory result
Numeric values of communication ability result
Numeric values of coordination ability result
Numeric values of foreign language level
Returns total relationships between criteria data.frame
relationships_between_criteria(x, data_control = TRUE)
relationships_between_criteria(x, data_control = TRUE)
x |
a matrix containing the values of direct relationship decision matrix. |
data_control |
is a pre-defined logical parameter that whether data should checked. |
This function returns a data.frame
Muhlis Ozdemir <[email protected]>
relationships_between_criteria(dematel::hospitaldata) relationships_between_criteria(dematel::nurseselection) relationships_between_criteria(dematel::medicaldevice)
relationships_between_criteria(dematel::hospitaldata) relationships_between_criteria(dematel::nurseselection) relationships_between_criteria(dematel::medicaldevice)
Returns threshold value of direct relationship decision matrix
threshold_value(x, data_control = TRUE)
threshold_value(x, data_control = TRUE)
x |
a matrix containing the values of direct relationship decision matrix. |
data_control |
is a pre-defined logical parameter that whether data should checked. |
This function returns a num
Muhlis Ozdemir <[email protected]>
threshold_value(dematel::hospitaldata) threshold_value(dematel::nurseselection) threshold_value(dematel::medicaldevice)
threshold_value(dematel::hospitaldata) threshold_value(dematel::nurseselection) threshold_value(dematel::medicaldevice)
Returns total relationship matrix of direct relationship decision matrix
total_relationship_matrix(x, data_control = TRUE)
total_relationship_matrix(x, data_control = TRUE)
x |
a matrix containing the values of direct relationship decision matrix. |
data_control |
is a pre-defined logical parameter that whether data should checked. |
This function returns a matrix
Muhlis Ozdemir <[email protected]>
total_relationship_matrix(dematel::hospitaldata) total_relationship_matrix(dematel::nurseselection) total_relationship_matrix(dematel::medicaldevice)
total_relationship_matrix(dematel::hospitaldata) total_relationship_matrix(dematel::nurseselection) total_relationship_matrix(dematel::medicaldevice)
Returns Causal Diagram of criteria
visualize(x, data_control = TRUE)
visualize(x, data_control = TRUE)
x |
a matrix containing the values of direct relationship decision matrix. |
data_control |
is a pre-defined logical parameter that whether data should checked. |
This function returns a graph
Muhlis Ozdemir <[email protected]>
visualize(dematel::hospitaldata) visualize(dematel::nurseselection) visualize(dematel::medicaldevice)
visualize(dematel::hospitaldata) visualize(dematel::nurseselection) visualize(dematel::medicaldevice)