Title: | Continuous Time SEM - 'OpenMx' Based Functions |
Description: | Original 'ctsem' (continuous time structural equation modelling) functionality, based on the 'OpenMx' software, as described in Driver, Oud, Voelkle (2017) <doi:10.18637/jss.v077.i05>, with updated details in vignette. Combines stochastic differential equations representing latent processes with structural equation measurement models. These functions were split off from the main package of 'ctsem', as the main package uses the 'rstan' package as a backend now -- offering estimation options from max likelihood to Bayesian. There are nevertheless use cases for the wide format SEM style approach as offered here, particularly when there are no individual differences in observation timing and the number of individuals is large. For the main 'ctsem' package, see <https://cran.r-project.org/package=ctsem>. |
Authors: | Charles Driver [aut, cre, cph], Manuel Voelkle [aut, cph], Han Oud [aut, cph] |
Maintainer: | Charles Driver <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.0.6 |
Built: | 2024-12-18 06:30:52 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
A dataset containing panel data assessments of individuals Anomia and Authoritarianism.
data frame with 2722 rows, 14 columns. Column Y1 represents anomia, Y2 Authoritarianism, dTx the time interval for measurement occasion x.
See https://psycnet.apa.org:443/journals/met/17/2/176/ for details.
ctCI Computes confidence intervals on specified parameters / matrices for already fitted ctsem fit object.
ctCI(ctfitobj, confidenceintervals, optimizer = "NPSOL", verbose = 0)
ctCI(ctfitobj, confidenceintervals, optimizer = "NPSOL", verbose = 0)
ctfitobj |
Already fit ctsem fit object (class: ctsemFit) to estimate confidence intervals for. |
confidenceintervals |
character vector of matrices and or parameters for which to estimate 95% confidence intervals for. |
optimizer |
character vector. Defaults to NPSOL (recommended), but other optimizers available within OpenMx (e.g. 'CSOLNP') may be specified. |
verbose |
Integer between 0 and 3 reflecting amount of output while calculating. |
Confidence intervals typically estimate more reliably using the proprietary NPSOL optimizer available within OpenMx only when
installing directly from OpenMx website. Use command " source('http://openmx.psyc.virginia.edu/getOpenMx.R') " to install OpenMx with NPSOL.
If estimating for a multigroup model, specify confidence intervals as normal, e.g. confidenceintervals = c('DRIFT', 'diffusion_Y1_Y1')
The necessary group prefixes are added internally.
ctfitobj, with confidence intervals included.
## Examples set to 'donttest' because they take longer than 5s. data("ctExample3") model <- ctModel(n.latent = 1, n.manifest = 3, Tpoints = 100, LAMBDA = matrix(c(1, "lambda2", "lambda3"), nrow = 3, ncol = 1), MANIFESTMEANS = matrix(c(0, "manifestmean2", "manifestmean3"), nrow = 3, ncol = 1)) fit <- ctFit(dat = ctExample3, ctmodelobj = model, objective = "Kalman", stationary = c("T0VAR")) fit <- ctCI(fit, confidenceintervals = 'DRIFT') summary(fit)$omxsummary$CI
## Examples set to 'donttest' because they take longer than 5s. data("ctExample3") model <- ctModel(n.latent = 1, n.manifest = 3, Tpoints = 100, LAMBDA = matrix(c(1, "lambda2", "lambda3"), nrow = 3, ncol = 1), MANIFESTMEANS = matrix(c(0, "manifestmean2", "manifestmean3"), nrow = 3, ncol = 1)) fit <- ctFit(dat = ctExample3, ctmodelobj = model, objective = "Kalman", stationary = c("T0VAR")) fit <- ctCI(fit, confidenceintervals = 'DRIFT') summary(fit)$omxsummary$CI
ctCompareExpected Compares model implied to observed means and covariances for panel data fit with ctsem.
ctCompareExpected( fitobj, cov = TRUE, outputmatrices = FALSE, pause = TRUE, varlist = "all", ylim = c(-1, 1), ... )
ctCompareExpected( fitobj, cov = TRUE, outputmatrices = FALSE, pause = TRUE, varlist = "all", ylim = c(-1, 1), ... )
fitobj |
Fitted model object from OpenMx or ctsem. |
cov |
Logical. If TRUE, show covariance plots, if FALSE show correlations. |
outputmatrices |
if TRUE, output expected, observed, and residual correlation matrices as well as plots. |
pause |
if TRUE (default) output plots interactively, one at a time. If FALSE, output without stopping. |
varlist |
if "all" include all variables in dataset. Otherwise, specify numeric vector of variables to include. |
ylim |
vector of min and max Y axis limits for plot. |
... |
additional arguments passed to plot. |
Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package
100 by 17 matrix containing containing ctsem wide format data. 6 measurement occasions of leisure time and happiness and 5 measurement intervals for each of 100 individuals.
Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package
100 by 18 matrix containing containing ctsem wide format data. 6 measurement occasions of leisure time and happiness, 1 measurement of number of friends, and 5 measurement intervals for each of 100 individuals.
Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package
100 by 18 matrix containing containing ctsem wide format data. 8 measurement occasions of leisure time and happiness, 7 measurement occasions of a money intervention dummy, and 7 measurement intervals for each of 50 individuals.
Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package
100 by 18 matrix containing ctsem wide format data. 8 measurement occasions of leisure time and happiness, 7 measurement occasions of a money intervention dummy, and 7 measurement intervals for each of 50 individuals.
Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package
1 by 399 matrix containing containing ctsem wide format data. 100 observations of variables Y1 and Y2 and 199 measurement intervals, for 1 subject.
Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package
20 by 79 matrix containing 20 observations of variables Y1, Y2, Y3, and 19 measurement intervals dTx, for each of 20 individuals.
This function fits continuous time SEM models specified via ctModel
to a dataset containing one or more subjects.
ctFit( dat, ctmodelobj, dataform = "auto", objective = "auto", stationary = c("T0TRAITEFFECT", "T0TIPREDEFFECT"), optimizer = "CSOLNP", retryattempts = 5, iterationSummary = FALSE, carefulFit = TRUE, carefulFitWeight = 100, showInits = FALSE, asymptotes = FALSE, meanIntervals = FALSE, crossEffectNegStarts = TRUE, fit = TRUE, nofit = FALSE, discreteTime = FALSE, verbose = 0, useOptimizer = TRUE, omxStartValues = NULL, transformedParams = TRUE, datawide = NA )
ctFit( dat, ctmodelobj, dataform = "auto", objective = "auto", stationary = c("T0TRAITEFFECT", "T0TIPREDEFFECT"), optimizer = "CSOLNP", retryattempts = 5, iterationSummary = FALSE, carefulFit = TRUE, carefulFitWeight = 100, showInits = FALSE, asymptotes = FALSE, meanIntervals = FALSE, crossEffectNegStarts = TRUE, fit = TRUE, nofit = FALSE, discreteTime = FALSE, verbose = 0, useOptimizer = TRUE, omxStartValues = NULL, transformedParams = TRUE, datawide = NA )
dat |
the data you wish to fit a ctsem model to, in either wide format (one individual per row), or long format (one time point of one individual per row). See details. |
ctmodelobj |
the ctsem model object you wish to use, specified via the |
dataform |
either "wide" or "long" depending on which input format you wish to use for the data. See details and or vignette. |
objective |
'auto' selects either 'Kalman', if fitting to single subject data,
or 'mxRAM' for multiple subjects. For single subject data, 'Kalman' uses the |
stationary |
Character vector of T0 matrix names in which to constrain any
free parameters to stationarity.
Defaults to |
optimizer |
character string, defaults to the open-source 'CSOLNP' optimizer that is distributed
in all versions of OpenMx. However, 'NPSOL' may sometimes perform better for these problems,
though requires that you have installed OpenMx via the OpenMx web site, by running:
retryattempts |
Number of times to retry the start value randomisation and fit procedure, if non-convergance or uncertain fits occur. |
iterationSummary |
if TRUE, outputs limited fit details after every fit attempt. |
carefulFit |
if TRUE, first fits the specified model with a penalised likelihood function to force MANIFESTVAR, DRIFT, TRAITVAR, MANIFESTTRAITVAR parameters to remain close to 0, then fits the specified model normally, using these estimates as starting values. Can help to ensure optimization begins at sensible, non-exteme values, though results in any user specified start values being ignored for the final fit (though they are still used for initial fit). |
carefulFitWeight |
Positive numeric. Sets the weight for the penalisation (or prior) applied by the carefulFit algorithm. Generally unnecessary to adjust, may be helpful to try a selection of values (perhaps between 0 and 1000) when optimization is problematic. |
showInits |
if TRUE, prints the list of
starting values for free parameters. These are the 'raw' values used by OpenMx,
and reflect the log (var / cov matrices) or -log(DRIFT matrices) transformations used in ctsem.
These are saved in the fit object under |
asymptotes |
when TRUE, optimizes over asymptotic parameter matrices instead of continuous time parameter matrices. Can be faster for optimization and in some cases makes reliable convergance easier. Will result in equivalent models when continuous time input matrices (DRIFT, DIFFUSION, CINT) are free, but fixing the values of any such matrices will result in large differences - a value of 0 in a cell of the normal continuous time DIFFUSION matrix does not necessarily result in a value of 0 for the asymptotic DIFFUSION matrix, for instance. |
meanIntervals |
Use average time intervals for each column for calculation (both faster and inaccurate to the extent that intervals vary across individuals). |
crossEffectNegStarts |
Logical. If TRUE (default) free DRIFT matrix cross effect parameters have starting values set to small negative values (e.g. -.05), if FALSE, the start values are 0. The TRUE setting is useful for easy initialisation of higher order models, while the FALSE setting is useful when one has already estimated a model without cross effects, and wishes to begin optimization from those values by using the omxStartValues switch. are re-transformed into regular continuous time parameter matrices, and may be interpreted as normal. |
fit |
if FALSE, output only openmx model without fitting |
nofit |
Deprecated. If TRUE, output only openmx model without fitting |
discreteTime |
Estimate a discrete time model - ignores timing information, parameter estimates will correspond to those of classical vector autoregression models, OpenMx fit object will be directly output, thus ctsem summary and plot functionality will be unavailable. Time dependent predictor type also becomes irrelevant. |
verbose |
Integer between 0 and 3. Sets mxComputeGradientDescent messaging level, defaults to 0. |
useOptimizer |
Logical. Defaults to TRUE. Passes argument to |
omxStartValues |
A named vector containing the raw (potentially log transformed) OpenMx starting values for free parameters, as captured by
OpenMx function |
transformedParams |
Logical indicating whether or not to log transform
certain parameters internally to allow unconstrained estimation over
entire 'sensible' range for parameters.
When TRUE (default) raw OpenMx parameters (only reported if |
datawide |
included for compatibility with scripts written for earlier versions of ctsem. Do not use this argument, instead use the dat argument, and the dataform argument now specifies whether the data is in wide or long format. |
For full discussion of how to structure the data and use this function, see the vignette using: vignette('ctsem')
, or
the data examples data("longexample") ; longexample
for long and data("datastructure") ; datastructure
for wide.
If using long format, the subject id column must be numeric and grouped by ascending time within subject, and named 'id'.
The time column must also be numeric, and representing absolute time (e.g., since beginning of study, *not* time intervals),
and called 'time'.
Models are specified using the ctModel
For help regarding the summary function, see summary.ctsemFit
and for the plot function, plot.ctsemFit
Multigroup models may be specified using ctMultigroupFit
Confidence intervals for any matrices and or parameters
may be estimated using ctCI
Difficulties during estimation can sometimes be alleviated using ctRefineTo
instead of ctFit
this uses a multistep fit procedure.
## Examples set to 'donttest' because they take longer than 5s. mfrowOld<-par()$mfrow par(mfrow=c(2, 3)) ### example from Driver, Oud, Voelkle (2017), ### simulated happiness and leisure time with unobserved heterogeneity. data(ctExample1) traitmodel <- ctModel(n.manifest=2, n.latent=2, Tpoints=6, LAMBDA=diag(2), manifestNames=c('LeisureTime', 'Happiness'), latentNames=c('LeisureTime', 'Happiness'), TRAITVAR="auto") traitfit <- ctFit(dat=ctExample1, ctmodelobj=traitmodel) summary(traitfit) plot(traitfit, wait=FALSE) ###Example from Voelkle, Oud, Davidov, and Schmidt (2012) - anomia and authoritarianism. data(AnomAuth) AnomAuthmodel <- ctModel(LAMBDA = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2), Tpoints = 5, n.latent = 2, n.manifest = 2, MANIFESTVAR=diag(0, 2), TRAITVAR = NULL) AnomAuthfit <- ctFit(AnomAuth, AnomAuthmodel) summary(AnomAuthfit) ### Single subject time series - using Kalman filter (OpenMx statespace expectation) data('ctExample3') model <- ctModel(n.latent = 1, n.manifest = 3, Tpoints = 100, LAMBDA = matrix(c(1, 'lambda2', 'lambda3'), nrow = 3, ncol = 1), CINT= matrix('cint'), MANIFESTMEANS = matrix(c(0, 'manifestmean2', 'manifestmean3'), nrow = 3, ncol = 1)) fit <- ctFit(dat = ctExample3, ctmodelobj = model, objective = 'Kalman', stationary = c('T0VAR')) ###Oscillating model from Voelkle & Oud (2013). data("Oscillating") inits <- c(-39, -.3, 1.01, 10.01, .1, 10.01, 0.05, .9, 0) names(inits) <- c("crosseffect","autoeffect", "diffusion", "T0var11", "T0var21", "T0var22","m1", "m2", 'manifestmean') oscillatingm <- ctModel(n.latent = 2, n.manifest = 1, Tpoints = 11, MANIFESTVAR = matrix(c(0), nrow = 1, ncol = 1), LAMBDA = matrix(c(1, 0), nrow = 1, ncol = 2), T0MEANS = matrix(c('m1', 'm2'), nrow = 2, ncol = 1), T0VAR = matrix(c("T0var11", "T0var21", 0, "T0var22"), nrow = 2, ncol = 2), DRIFT = matrix(c(0, "crosseffect", 1, "autoeffect"), nrow = 2, ncol = 2), CINT = matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = 2), MANIFESTMEANS = matrix('manifestmean', nrow = 1, ncol = 1), DIFFUSION = matrix(c(0, 0, 0, "diffusion"), nrow = 2, ncol = 2), startValues=inits) oscillatingf <- ctFit(Oscillating, oscillatingm, carefulFit = FALSE)
## Examples set to 'donttest' because they take longer than 5s. mfrowOld<-par()$mfrow par(mfrow=c(2, 3)) ### example from Driver, Oud, Voelkle (2017), ### simulated happiness and leisure time with unobserved heterogeneity. data(ctExample1) traitmodel <- ctModel(n.manifest=2, n.latent=2, Tpoints=6, LAMBDA=diag(2), manifestNames=c('LeisureTime', 'Happiness'), latentNames=c('LeisureTime', 'Happiness'), TRAITVAR="auto") traitfit <- ctFit(dat=ctExample1, ctmodelobj=traitmodel) summary(traitfit) plot(traitfit, wait=FALSE) ###Example from Voelkle, Oud, Davidov, and Schmidt (2012) - anomia and authoritarianism. data(AnomAuth) AnomAuthmodel <- ctModel(LAMBDA = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2), Tpoints = 5, n.latent = 2, n.manifest = 2, MANIFESTVAR=diag(0, 2), TRAITVAR = NULL) AnomAuthfit <- ctFit(AnomAuth, AnomAuthmodel) summary(AnomAuthfit) ### Single subject time series - using Kalman filter (OpenMx statespace expectation) data('ctExample3') model <- ctModel(n.latent = 1, n.manifest = 3, Tpoints = 100, LAMBDA = matrix(c(1, 'lambda2', 'lambda3'), nrow = 3, ncol = 1), CINT= matrix('cint'), MANIFESTMEANS = matrix(c(0, 'manifestmean2', 'manifestmean3'), nrow = 3, ncol = 1)) fit <- ctFit(dat = ctExample3, ctmodelobj = model, objective = 'Kalman', stationary = c('T0VAR')) ###Oscillating model from Voelkle & Oud (2013). data("Oscillating") inits <- c(-39, -.3, 1.01, 10.01, .1, 10.01, 0.05, .9, 0) names(inits) <- c("crosseffect","autoeffect", "diffusion", "T0var11", "T0var21", "T0var22","m1", "m2", 'manifestmean') oscillatingm <- ctModel(n.latent = 2, n.manifest = 1, Tpoints = 11, MANIFESTVAR = matrix(c(0), nrow = 1, ncol = 1), LAMBDA = matrix(c(1, 0), nrow = 1, ncol = 2), T0MEANS = matrix(c('m1', 'm2'), nrow = 2, ncol = 1), T0VAR = matrix(c("T0var11", "T0var21", 0, "T0var22"), nrow = 2, ncol = 2), DRIFT = matrix(c(0, "crosseffect", 1, "autoeffect"), nrow = 2, ncol = 2), CINT = matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = 2), MANIFESTMEANS = matrix('manifestmean', nrow = 1, ncol = 1), DIFFUSION = matrix(c(0, 0, 0, "diffusion"), nrow = 2, ncol = 2), startValues=inits) oscillatingf <- ctFit(Oscillating, oscillatingm, carefulFit = FALSE)
Generates data according to the model estimated in a ctsemFit object.
ctGenerateFromFit( fit, timestep = "asdata", n.subjects = 100, timerange = "asdata", predictorSubjects = "all", ... )
ctGenerateFromFit( fit, timestep = "asdata", n.subjects = 100, timerange = "asdata", predictorSubjects = "all", ... )
fit |
object of class ctsemFit as returned from ctFit. |
timestep |
positive numeric value indicating the time interval to use for data generation. |
n.subjects |
integer. Number of subjects worth of data to generate |
timerange |
either 'asdata' to calculate range based on data in fit object, or vector of length 2 specifying min and max times for generation. |
predictorSubjects |
vector of integers, or string 'all', defining which subjects to sample time dependent and independent predictors from. |
... |
parameters to pass to ctGenerate function, such as wide=FALSE. |
matrix of generated data
data(AnomAuth) AnomAuthmodel <- ctModel(LAMBDA = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2), Tpoints = 5, n.latent = 2, n.manifest = 2, MANIFESTVAR=diag(0, 2)) AnomAuthfit <- ctFit(AnomAuth, AnomAuthmodel) dwide <- ctGenerateFromFit(AnomAuthfit,timestep=1,n.subjects=5,wide=TRUE) head(dwide)
data(AnomAuth) AnomAuthmodel <- ctModel(LAMBDA = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2), Tpoints = 5, n.latent = 2, n.manifest = 2, MANIFESTVAR=diag(0, 2)) AnomAuthfit <- ctFit(AnomAuth, AnomAuthmodel) dwide <- ctGenerateFromFit(AnomAuthfit,timestep=1,n.subjects=5,wide=TRUE) head(dwide)
Convenience function to simply plot individuals trajectories from ctsem wide format data
ctIndplot( datawide, n.manifest, Tpoints, n.subjects = "all", colourby = "variable", vars = "all", opacity = 1, varnames = NULL, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Value", type = "b", start = 0, legend = TRUE, legendposition = "topright", new = TRUE, jittersd = 0.05, ... )
ctIndplot( datawide, n.manifest, Tpoints, n.subjects = "all", colourby = "variable", vars = "all", opacity = 1, varnames = NULL, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Value", type = "b", start = 0, legend = TRUE, legendposition = "topright", new = TRUE, jittersd = 0.05, ... )
datawide |
ctsem wide format data |
n.manifest |
Number of manifest variables in data structure |
Tpoints |
Number of discrete time points per case in data structure |
n.subjects |
Number of subjects to randomly select for plotting, or character vector 'all'. |
colourby |
set plot colours by "subject" or "variable" |
vars |
either 'all' or a numeric vector specifying which manifest variables to plot. |
opacity |
Opacity of plot lines |
varnames |
vector of variable names for legend (defaults to NULL) |
xlab |
X axis label. |
ylab |
Y axis label. |
type |
character specifying plot type, as per usual base R plot commands. Defaults to 'b', both points and lines. |
start |
Measurement occasion to start plotting from - defaults to T0. |
legend |
Logical. Plot a legend? |
legendposition |
Where to position the legend. |
new |
logical. If TRUE, creates a new plot, otherwise overlays on current plot. |
jittersd |
positive numeric indicating standard deviation of noise to add to observed data for plotting purposes. |
... |
additional plotting parameters. |
data(ctExample1) ctIndplot(ctExample1,n.subjects=1, n.manifest=2,Tpoints=6, colourby='variable')
data(ctExample1) ctIndplot(ctExample1,n.subjects=1, n.manifest=2,Tpoints=6, colourby='variable')
Extract a ctsem model structure with parameter values from a ctsem fit object.
fit |
object output by |
object of class 'ctsemInit' (as generated by ctModel
which can be used with ctFit
and functions.
data(AnomAuth) AnomAuthmodel <- ctModel(LAMBDA = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2), Tpoints = 5, n.latent = 2, n.manifest = 2, MANIFESTVAR=diag(0, 2)) AnomAuthfit <- ctFit(AnomAuth, AnomAuthmodel) fitmodel <- ctModelFromFit(AnomAuthfit)
data(AnomAuth) AnomAuthmodel <- ctModel(LAMBDA = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2), Tpoints = 5, n.latent = 2, n.manifest = 2, MANIFESTVAR=diag(0, 2)) AnomAuthfit <- ctFit(AnomAuth, AnomAuthmodel) fitmodel <- ctModelFromFit(AnomAuthfit)
Fits a single continuous time structural equation models to multiple groups (where each group contains 1 or more subjects), by default, all parameters are free across groups. Can also be used to easily estimate seperate models for each group.
ctMultigroupFit( dat, groupings, ctmodelobj, dataform = "wide", fixedmodel = NA, freemodel = NA, carefulFit = TRUE, omxStartValues = NULL, retryattempts = 5, showInits = FALSE, ... )
ctMultigroupFit( dat, groupings, ctmodelobj, dataform = "wide", fixedmodel = NA, freemodel = NA, carefulFit = TRUE, omxStartValues = NULL, retryattempts = 5, showInits = FALSE, ... )
dat |
Wide format data, as used in |
groupings |
For wide format: Vector of character labels designating group membership for each row of dat. For long format: Named list of groups, with each list element containing a vector of subject id's for the group. In both cases, group names will be prefixed on relevant parameter estimates in the summary. |
ctmodelobj |
Continuous time model to fit, specified via |
dataform |
either "wide" or "long" depending on which input format you wish to use for the data.
See details of |
fixedmodel |
Modified version of ctmodelobj, wherein any parameters you wish to keep fixed over groups should be given the value 'groupfixed'. If specified, all other parameters will be free across groups. |
freemodel |
Modified version of ctmodelobj, wherein any parameters you wish to free across groups should be given the label 'groupfree'. If specified, all other parameters will be fixed across groups. If left NULL, the default, all parameters are free across groups. |
carefulFit |
if TRUE, first fits the specified model with a penalised likelihood function to discourage parameters from boundary conditions, then fits the specified model normally, using these estimates as starting values. Can help / speed optimization, though results in user specified inits being ignored for the final fit. |
omxStartValues |
A named vector containing the raw (potentially log transformed) OpenMx starting values for free parameters, as captured by
OpenMx function |
retryattempts |
Number of fit retries to make. |
showInits |
Displays start values prior to optimization |
... |
additional arguments to pass to |
Additional ctFit
parameters may be specified as required. Confidence intervals for any matrices and or parameters
may be estimated afer fitting using ctCI
Returns an OpenMx fit object.
#Two group model, all parameters except LAMBDA[3,1] constrained across groups. data(ctExample4) basemodel<-ctModel(n.latent=1, n.manifest=3, Tpoints=20, LAMBDA=matrix(c(1, 'lambda2', 'lambda3'), nrow=3, ncol=1), MANIFESTMEANS=matrix(c(0, 'manifestmean2', 'manifestmean3'), nrow=3, ncol=1), TRAITVAR = 'auto') freemodel<-basemodel freemodel$LAMBDA[3,1]<-'groupfree' groups<-paste0('g',rep(1:2, each=10),'_') multif<-ctMultigroupFit(dat=ctExample4, groupings=groups, ctmodelobj=basemodel, freemodel=freemodel) summary(multif,group=1) #fixed model approach fixedmodel<-basemodel fixedmodel$LAMBDA[2,1]<-'groupfixed' groups<-paste0('g',rep(1:2, each=10),'_') multif<-ctMultigroupFit(dat=ctExample4, groupings=groups, ctmodelobj=basemodel, fixedmodel=fixedmodel) summary(multif,group=2)
#Two group model, all parameters except LAMBDA[3,1] constrained across groups. data(ctExample4) basemodel<-ctModel(n.latent=1, n.manifest=3, Tpoints=20, LAMBDA=matrix(c(1, 'lambda2', 'lambda3'), nrow=3, ncol=1), MANIFESTMEANS=matrix(c(0, 'manifestmean2', 'manifestmean3'), nrow=3, ncol=1), TRAITVAR = 'auto') freemodel<-basemodel freemodel$LAMBDA[3,1]<-'groupfree' groups<-paste0('g',rep(1:2, each=10),'_') multif<-ctMultigroupFit(dat=ctExample4, groupings=groups, ctmodelobj=basemodel, freemodel=freemodel) summary(multif,group=1) #fixed model approach fixedmodel<-basemodel fixedmodel$LAMBDA[2,1]<-'groupfixed' groups<-paste0('g',rep(1:2, each=10),'_') multif<-ctMultigroupFit(dat=ctExample4, groupings=groups, ctmodelobj=basemodel, fixedmodel=fixedmodel) summary(multif,group=2)
Plots mean trajectories, autoregression, and crossregression plots, for ctsemFit objects. More customizeable than basic plot.ctsemFit function.
ctPlot( x, plotType, xlim, resolution = 50, impulseIndex = NULL, subject = 1, typeVector = "auto", colVector = "auto", ltyVector = "auto", ... )
ctPlot( x, plotType, xlim, resolution = 50, impulseIndex = NULL, subject = 1, typeVector = "auto", colVector = "auto", ltyVector = "auto", ... )
x |
ctsemFit object as generated by |
plotType |
string. "mean" for expectation independent of any data, "AR" for autoregressions, "CR" for cross regressions, "standardiseCR" for standardised cross regressions (standardised based on estimated within subject variance), "withinVar" for within variance and covariance, "randomImpulse" for expected change in processes given a random fluctuation of +1 for each process (so a mixture of DIFFUSION and DRIFT characteristics), "experimentalImpulse" for expected change in processes given an exogenous input of +1 for each process, provides alternate characterisation of autoregressive and cross regressive plots. |
xlim |
vector. As per usual for plot(), but xlim may not be negative. |
resolution |
Numeric. Plot points between each unit of time. Default of 'auto' adapts to xlim and results in 500 points in total. |
impulseIndex |
Numeric. Only required for impulse plot types, specifies which column of the DRIFT matrix the impulse relates to. |
subject |
numeric. Specifies the subject (row of data from the mxobj) to plot for factorScores type plot. |
typeVector |
Vector of plot types to use for plotting. |
colVector |
vector of colours to use for plotting. |
ltyVector |
Vector of line types to use for plotting. |
... |
Other options passed to |
Character vector of labels from the DRIFT matrix in order plotted - useful for legends. Side-effect: plots graphs.
## Examples set to 'donttest' because they take longer than 5s. ### example from Driver, Oud, Voelkle (2016), ### simulated happiness and leisure time with unobserved heterogeneity. data(ctExample1) traitmodel <- ctModel(n.manifest=2, n.latent=2, Tpoints=6, LAMBDA=diag(2), manifestNames=c('LeisureTime', 'Happiness'), latentNames=c('LeisureTime', 'Happiness'), TRAITVAR="auto") traitfit <- ctFit(dat=ctExample1, ctmodelobj=traitmodel) ctPlot(traitfit, plotType='CR', xlim=c(0,5),ylim=c(-1,1))
## Examples set to 'donttest' because they take longer than 5s. ### example from Driver, Oud, Voelkle (2016), ### simulated happiness and leisure time with unobserved heterogeneity. data(ctExample1) traitmodel <- ctModel(n.manifest=2, n.latent=2, Tpoints=6, LAMBDA=diag(2), manifestNames=c('LeisureTime', 'Happiness'), latentNames=c('LeisureTime', 'Happiness'), TRAITVAR="auto") traitfit <- ctFit(dat=ctExample1, ctmodelobj=traitmodel) ctPlot(traitfit, plotType='CR', xlim=c(0,5),ylim=c(-1,1))
Samples data according to the ctsemFit object, computes quantiles over time based on model fit, plots these against original data.
ctPostPredict( fit, timestep = 0.1, n.subjects = 100, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), plot = TRUE, ctPlotArrayArgs = list(grid = FALSE, legend = FALSE), indPlotArgs = list(colourby = "subject", lwd = 2, new = FALSE, type = "p", opacity = 0.3), mfrow = "auto" )
ctPostPredict( fit, timestep = 0.1, n.subjects = 100, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), plot = TRUE, ctPlotArrayArgs = list(grid = FALSE, legend = FALSE), indPlotArgs = list(colourby = "subject", lwd = 2, new = FALSE, type = "p", opacity = 0.3), mfrow = "auto" )
fit |
object of class ctsemFit as returned from |
timestep |
positive value denoting the time interval to use for sampling. |
n.subjects |
Number of subjects worth of data to sample. |
probs |
Vector of values between 0 and 1 denoting quantiles to generate. For plotting, vector should be of length 3 and values should be rising. |
plot |
Whether to plot or return the generated data. |
ctPlotArrayArgs |
additional arguments to pass to |
indPlotArgs |
list of parameters to pass to ctIndplot, for plotting original data. Only used if plot=TRUE. |
mfrow |
2 dimensional integer vector defining number of rows and columns of plots,
as per the mfrow argument to |
Either nothing (if plot=TRUE) or an array containing generated data over quantiles.
data("AnomAuth") AnomAuthmodel <- ctModel(LAMBDA = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2), Tpoints = 5, n.latent = 2, n.manifest = 2, MANIFESTVAR=diag(0, 2), TRAITVAR = 'auto') AnomAuthFit <- ctFit(AnomAuth, AnomAuthmodel) ctPostPredict(AnomAuthFit,timestep=.5,n.subjects=100)
data("AnomAuth") AnomAuthmodel <- ctModel(LAMBDA = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2), Tpoints = 5, n.latent = 2, n.manifest = 2, MANIFESTVAR=diag(0, 2), TRAITVAR = 'auto') AnomAuthFit <- ctFit(AnomAuth, AnomAuthmodel) ctPostPredict(AnomAuthFit,timestep=.5,n.subjects=100)
Fits a ctsem m in a stepwise fashion to help with difficult optimization.
ctRefineTo(datawide, ctmodelobj, modfunc = NULL, ...)
ctRefineTo(datawide, ctmodelobj, modfunc = NULL, ...)
datawide |
Data in ctsem wide format |
ctmodelobj |
A continuous time m specified via the |
modfunc |
function to run prior to each optimization step, that takes ctsem fit object, modifies it as desired, and returns the fit object. |
... |
additional parameters to pass to |
This function fits a sequence of ctsem models increasing in complexity, starting with a m involving fixed and relatively strong auto effects, no cross effects, no predictors, and no off-diagonal covariances. For many models this can improve the speed and robustness of fitting
Returns a fitted ctsem object in the same manner as ctFit
Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package
2 by 15 matrix containing containing ctsem wide format data. 3 measurement occasions of manifest variables Y1 and Y2, 2 measurement occasions of time dependent predictor TD1, 2 measurement intervals dTx, and 2 time independent predictors TI1 and TI2, for 2 individuals.
Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package
7 by 8 matrix containing ctsem long format data, for two subjects, with three manifest variables Y1, Y2, Y3, one time dependent predictor TD1, two time independent predictors TI1 and TI2, and absolute timing information Time.
Simulated example dataset for the ctsem package.
200 by 21 matrix containing containing ctsem wide format data. 11 measurement occasions and 10 measurement intervals for each of 200 individuals
See https://bpspsychub.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.2044-8317.2012.02043.x
Ouputs mean trajectories, autoregression, and crossregression plots.
For more customization possibilities, see ctPlot
## S3 method for class 'ctsemFit' plot( x, resolution = 50, wait = TRUE, max.time = "auto", mean = TRUE, withinVariance = TRUE, AR = TRUE, CR = TRUE, standardiseCR = FALSE, randomImpulse = FALSE, experimentalImpulse = FALSE, xlab = "Time", meansylim = "auto", ARylim = "auto", CRylim = "auto", ylab = "Value", ... )
## S3 method for class 'ctsemFit' plot( x, resolution = 50, wait = TRUE, max.time = "auto", mean = TRUE, withinVariance = TRUE, AR = TRUE, CR = TRUE, standardiseCR = FALSE, randomImpulse = FALSE, experimentalImpulse = FALSE, xlab = "Time", meansylim = "auto", ARylim = "auto", CRylim = "auto", ylab = "Value", ... )
x |
ctsemFit object as generated by |
resolution |
Numeric. Plot points between each unit of time. Default of 'auto' adapts to max.time and results in 500 in total. |
wait |
If true, user is prompted to continue before plotting next graph. If false, graphs are plotted one after another without waiting. |
max.time |
Time scale on which to plot parameters. If auto, parameters are plotted for full range of observed variables. |
mean |
if TRUE, plot of means from 0 to max.time included in output. |
withinVariance |
if TRUE, plot within subject variance / covariance. |
AR |
if TRUE, plot of autoregressive values from 0 to max.time included in output. |
CR |
if TRUE, plot of cross regressive values from 0 to max.time included in output. |
standardiseCR |
if TRUE , cross regression values are standardised based on estimated within subject variance. |
randomImpulse |
if TRUE (default), plots expected change in processes given a random fluctuation of +1 for each process – plot is then a mixture of DIFFUSION and DRIFT characteristics. |
experimentalImpulse |
if TRUE (default), plots expected change in processes given an exogenous input of +1 for each process – alternate characterisation of autoregressive and cross regressive plots. |
xlab |
X axis label. |
meansylim |
Vector of min and max limits for mean trajectory plot. 'auto' calculates automatically. |
ARylim |
Vector of min and max limits for autoregression plot. 'auto' is c(0,1), and expands if necessary. |
CRylim |
Vector of min and max limits for cross regression plot. 'auto' is c(-1,1), and expands if necessary. |
ylab |
Y axis label. |
... |
Other options passed to |
Nothing. Side-effect: plots graphs.
## Examples set to 'donttest' because they take longer than 5s. ### example from Driver, Oud, Voelkle (2015), ### simulated happiness and leisure time with unobserved heterogeneity. data(ctExample1) traitmodel <- ctModel(n.manifest=2, n.latent=2, Tpoints=6, LAMBDA=diag(2), manifestNames=c('LeisureTime', 'Happiness'), latentNames=c('LeisureTime', 'Happiness'), TRAITVAR="auto") traitfit <- ctFit(dat=ctExample1, ctmodelobj=traitmodel) plot(traitfit, wait=FALSE)
## Examples set to 'donttest' because they take longer than 5s. ### example from Driver, Oud, Voelkle (2015), ### simulated happiness and leisure time with unobserved heterogeneity. data(ctExample1) traitmodel <- ctModel(n.manifest=2, n.latent=2, Tpoints=6, LAMBDA=diag(2), manifestNames=c('LeisureTime', 'Happiness'), latentNames=c('LeisureTime', 'Happiness'), TRAITVAR="auto") traitfit <- ctFit(dat=ctExample1, ctmodelobj=traitmodel) plot(traitfit, wait=FALSE)
Plots ctMultigroupFit
## S3 method for class 'ctsemMultigroupFit' plot(x, group = "show chooser", ...)
## S3 method for class 'ctsemMultigroupFit' plot(x, group = "show chooser", ...)
x |
ctsemMultigroupFit object as generated by |
group |
character string of subgroup to plot. Default of 'show chooser' displays list and lets you select. |
... |
additional parameters to pass to |
Nothing. Side-effect: plots graphs.
Provides summary details for ctsemFit objects.
## S3 method for class 'ctsemFit' summary(object, ridging = FALSE, timeInterval = 1, verbose = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ctsemFit' summary(object, ridging = FALSE, timeInterval = 1, verbose = FALSE, ...)
object |
ctsemFit object as generated by ctFit. |
ridging |
if TRUE, adds a small amount of variance to diagonals when calculating standardised (correlation) matrices, should only be used if standardised matrices return NAN. |
timeInterval |
positive numeric value specifying time interval to use for discrete parameter matrices, defaults to 1. |
verbose |
Logical. If TRUE, displays the raw, internally transformed (when fitting with default arguments) OpenMx parameters and corresponding standard errors, as well as
additional summary matrices. Parameter transforms are described in the vignette, |
... |
additional parameters to pass. |
Important: Although ctModel
takes cholesky decomposed variance-covariance matrices as input,
the summary function displays the full variance-covariance matrices. These can be cholesky decomposed for comparison purposes using
Standard errors are displayed in the $ctparameters section, however if ctFit
was used with transformedParams=TRUE (the default, and recommended)
covariance matrix standard errors will have been approximated using the delta method. For
inferential purposes, maximum likelihood confidence intervals may be estimated using the ctCI
Summary of ctsemFit object
## Examples set to 'donttest' because they take longer than 5s. ### example from Driver, Oud, Voelkle (2015), ### simulated happiness and leisure time with unobserved heterogeneity. data(ctExample1) traitmodel <- ctModel(n.manifest=2, n.latent=2, Tpoints=6, LAMBDA=diag(2), manifestNames=c('LeisureTime', 'Happiness'), latentNames=c('LeisureTime', 'Happiness'), TRAITVAR="auto") traitfit <- ctFit(dat=ctExample1, ctmodelobj=traitmodel) summary(traitfit,timeInterval=1)
## Examples set to 'donttest' because they take longer than 5s. ### example from Driver, Oud, Voelkle (2015), ### simulated happiness and leisure time with unobserved heterogeneity. data(ctExample1) traitmodel <- ctModel(n.manifest=2, n.latent=2, Tpoints=6, LAMBDA=diag(2), manifestNames=c('LeisureTime', 'Happiness'), latentNames=c('LeisureTime', 'Happiness'), TRAITVAR="auto") traitfit <- ctFit(dat=ctExample1, ctmodelobj=traitmodel) summary(traitfit,timeInterval=1)
Provides summary details for objects fitted with ctMultigroupFit
## S3 method for class 'ctsemMultigroupFit' summary(object, group = "show chooser", ...)
## S3 method for class 'ctsemMultigroupFit' summary(object, group = "show chooser", ...)
object |
ctsemMultigroupFit object as generated by |
group |
character string of subgroup to display summary parameters for. Default of 'show chooser' displays list and lets you select. |
... |
additional parameters to pass to |
Summary of ctsemMultigroupFit object