Title: | Compositional Data Analysis |
Description: | Provides functions for the consistent analysis of compositional data (e.g. portions of substances) and positive numbers (e.g. concentrations) in the way proposed by J. Aitchison and V. Pawlowsky-Glahn. |
Authors: | K. Gerald van den Boogaart <[email protected]>, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, Matevz Bren |
Maintainer: | K. Gerald van den Boogaart <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 2.0-8 |
Built: | 2025-02-11 07:02:09 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
"compositions" is a package for the analysis of compositional and multivariate positive data (generally called "amounts"), based on several alternative approaches.
Package: | compositions |
Version: | 2.0-8 |
Date: | 2024-01-25 |
Title: | Compositional Data Analysis |
Author: | K. Gerald van den Boogaart <[email protected]>, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, Matevz Bren |
Maintainer: | K. Gerald van den Boogaart <[email protected]> |
Depends: | R (>= 3.6) |
Imports: | methods, utils, grDevices, stats, tensorA, robustbase, bayesm, graphics, MASS |
Suggests: | rgl (>= 1.0.1), combinat, energy, knitr, rmarkdown |
Description: | Provides functions for the consistent analysis of compositional data (e.g. portions of substances) and positive numbers (e.g. concentrations) in the way proposed by J. Aitchison and V. Pawlowsky-Glahn. |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
URL: | http://www.stat.boogaart.de/compositions/ |
VignetteBuilder: | knitr |
RoxygenNote: | 7.1.1 |
NeedsCompilation: | yes |
Packaged: | 2024-01-31 11:51:19 UTC; raimon |
Repository: | CRAN |
Date/Publication: | 2024-01-31 15:30:14 UTC |
Index of help topics:
structure Aar Composition of glaciar sediments from the Aar massif (Switzerland) acomp Aitchison compositions acompmargin Marginal compositions in Aitchison Compositions Activity10 Activity patterns of a statistician for 20 days Activity31 Activity patterns of a statistician for 20 days alr Additive log ratio transform AnimalVegetation Animal and vegetation measurement +.aplus vectorial arithmetic for data sets with aplus class aplus Amounts analysed in log-scale apt Additive planar transform ArcticLake Artic lake sediment samples of different water depth arrows3D arrows in 3D, based on package rgl as.data.frame.acomp Convert "compositions" classes to data frames axis3D Drawing a 3D coordiante system to a plot, based on package rgl balance Compute balances for a compositional dataset. barplot.acomp Bar charts of amounts Bayesite Permeabilities of bayesite binary Treating binary and g-adic numbers biplot3D Three-dimensional biplots, based on package rgl Blood23 Blood samples Boxite Compositions and depth of 25 specimens of boxite boxplot.acomp Displaying compositions and amounts with box-plots cdt Centered default transform ClamEast Color-size compositions of 20 clam colonies from East Bay ClamWest Color-size compositions of 20 clam colonies from West Bay clo Closure of a composition clr Centered log ratio transform clr2ilr Convert between clr and ilr, and between cpt and ipt. ClusterFinder1 Heuristics to find subpopulations of outliers CoDaDendrogram Dendrogram representation of acomp or rcomp objects coloredBiplot A biplot providing somewhat easier access to details of the plot. colorsForOutliers1 Create a color/char palette or for groups of outliers CompLinModCoReg Compositional Linear Model of Coregionalisation compOKriging Compositional Ordinary Kriging compositions-package library(compositions) ConfRadius Helper to compute confidence ellipsoids cor.acomp Correlations of amounts and compositions Coxite Compositions, depths and porosities of 25 specimens of coxite cpt Centered planar transform DiagnosticProb Diagnostic probabilities dist Distances in variouse approaches ellipses Draw ellipses endmemberCoordinates Recast amounts as mixtures of end-members Firework Firework mixtures geometricmean The geometric mean getDetectionlimit Gets the detection limit stored in the data set Glacial Compositions and total pebble counts of 92 glacial tills groupparts Group amounts of parts Hongite Compositions of 25 specimens of hongite HouseholdExp Household Expenditures Hydrochem Hydrochemical composition data set of Llobregat river basin water (NE Spain) idt Isometric default transform iit Isometric identity transform ilr Isometric log ratio transform ilrBase The canonical basis in the clr plane used for ilr and ipt transforms. ilt Isometric log transform ipt Isometric planar transform is.acomp Check for compositional data type IsMahalanobisOutlier Checking for outliers isoPortionLines Isoportion- and Isoproportion-lines juraset The jura dataset kingTetrahedron Ploting composition into rotable tetrahedron Kongite Compositions of 25 specimens of kongite lines.rmult Draws connected lines from point to point. logratioVariogram Empirical variograms for compositions MahalanobisDist Compute Mahalanobis distances based von robust Estimations mean.acomp Mean amounts and mean compositions meanRow The arithmetic mean of rows or columns Metabolites Steroid metabolite patterns in adults and children missingProjector Returns a projector the the observed space in case of missings. missingsInCompositions The policy of treatment of missing values in the "compositions" package missingSummary Classify and summarize missing values in a dataset mix.2aplus Transformations from 'mixtures' to 'compositions' classes mix.Read Reads a data file in a mixR format mvar Metric summary statistics of real, amount or compositional data names.acomp The names of the parts normalize Normalize vectors to norm 1 norm.default Vector space norm oneOrDataset Treating single compositions as one-row datasets OutlierClassifier1 Detect and classify compositional outliers. outlierplot Plot various graphics to analyse outliers. outliersInCompositions Analysing outliers in compositions. pairwisePlot Creates a paneled plot like pairs for two different datasets. parametricPosdefMat Unique parametrisations for matrices. perturbe Perturbation of compositions plot3D plot in 3D based on rgl plot3D.acomp 3D-plot of compositional data plot3D.aplus 3D-plot of positive data plot3D.rmult plot in 3D based on rgl plot3D.rplus plot in 3D based on rgl plot.acomp Ternary diagrams plot.aplus Displaying amounts in scatterplots plot.logratioVariogram Empirical variograms for compositions plot.missingSummary Plot a Missing Summary pMaxMahalanobis Compute distributions of empirical Mahalanobis distances based on simulations PogoJump Honk Kong Pogo-Jumps Championship power.acomp Power transform in the simplex powerofpsdmatrix power transform of a matrix princomp.acomp Principal component analysis for Aitchison compositions princomp.aplus Principal component analysis for amounts in log geometry princomp.rcomp Principal component analysis for real compositions princomp.rmult Principal component analysis for real data princomp.rplus Principal component analysis for real amounts print.acomp Printing compositional data. qHotellingsTsq Hotellings T square distribution qqnorm.acomp Normal quantile plots for compositions and amounts R2 R square rAitchison Aitchison Distribution +.rcomp Arithmetic operations for compositions in a real geometry rcomp Compositions as elements of the simplex embedded in the D-dimensional real space rcompmargin Marginal compositions in real geometry rDirichlet Dirichlet distribution read.geoeas Reads a data file in a geoeas format relativeLoadings Loadings of relations of two amounts replot Modify parameters of compositional plots. rlnorm.rplus The multivariate lognormal distribution +.rmult vectorial arithmetic for datasets in a classical vector scale rmult Simple treatment of real vectors rnorm.acomp Normal distributions on special spaces robustnessInCompositions Handling robustness issues and outliers in compositions. +.rplus vectorial arithmetic for data sets with rplus class rplus Amounts i.e. positive numbers analysed as objects of the real vector space runif.acomp The uniform distribution on the simplex scalar Parallel scalar products scale Normalizing datasets by centering and scaling Sediments Proportions of sand, silt and clay in sediments specimens segments.rmult Draws straight lines from point to point. SerumProtein Serum Protein compositions of blood samples ShiftOperators Shifts of machine operators simpleMissingSubplot Ternary diagrams SimulatedAmounts Simulated amount datasets simulateMissings Artifical simulation of various kinds of missings Skulls Measurement of skulls SkyeAFM AFM compositions of 23 aphyric Skye lavas split.acomp Splitting datasets in groups given by factors straight Draws straight lines. summary.acomp Summarizing a compositional dataset in terms of ratios summary.aplus Summaries of amounts summary.rcomp Summary of compositions in real geometry sumMissingProjector Compute the global projector to the observed subspace. Supervisor Proportions of supervisor's statements assigned to different categories ternaryAxis Axis for ternary diagrams totals Total sum of amounts tryDebugger Empirical variograms for compositions ult Uncentered log transform var.acomp Variances and covariances of amounts and compositions variation Variation matrices of amounts and compositions var.lm Residual variance of a model vcovAcomp Variance covariance matrix of parameters in compositional regression vgmFit Compositional variogram model fitting vgram2lrvgram vgram2lrvgram vgram.sph Variogram functions WhiteCells White-cell composition of 30 blood samples by two different methods Yatquat Yatquat fruit evaluation zeroreplace Zero-replacement routine
Further information is available in the following vignettes:
compositions_v2 |
'compositions' v2.0: R classes for compositional analysis (source, pdf) |
UsingCompositions |
Using Animal (source, pdf) |
To get detailed "getting started" introduction use
or help.start(browser="myfavouritebrowser")
Go to "Packages" then "compositions" and then "overview"
and then launch the file "UsingCompositions.pdf" from there. Please
also check the web-site: http://www.stat.boogaart.de/compositions/ for
improved material and our new book expected to appear spring 2009.
The package is devoted to the analysis of multiple amounts. Amounts
have typically non-negative values, and often sum up to 100% or one. These
constraints lead to spurious effects on the covariance structure,
as pointed out by Chayes (1960). The problem is treated rigorously
in the monography by Aitchison (1986),
who characterizes compositions as vectors having a relative scale,
and identifies its sample space with the D-part simplex.
However still (i.e. 2005) most statistical packages do not
provided any support for this scale.
The grounding idea of the package exploits the class concept:
the analyst gives the data a compositional or amount class, and
then all further analysis are (should be) automatically done
in a consistent way, e.g. x <- acomp(X); plot(x)
should plot the data as a composition (in a ternary diagram)
directly without any further interaction of the user.
The package provides four different approaches to analyse
amounts. These approaches are associated to four R-classes,
representing four different geometries of the sampling space of
amounts. These geometries depend on two questions: whether the total sum
of the amounts is a relevant information, and which is the meaningful
measure of difference of the data.
: (Real Plus) The total amount matters, and amounts should be
compared on an absolute basis. i.e. the difference between 1g and
2g is the same as the difference between 1kg and 1001g, one gram.
: (Aitchison Plus) The total amount matters,
but amounts should be compared relatively, i.e. the difference
between 1mg and 2mg is the same as that of 1g and 2g: the double.
: (Aitchison composition) the total amount is constant
(or an artifact of the sampling/measurement procedure), and the meaningful
difference is a relative one. This class follows
the original proposals of Aitchison.
: (Real composition) the sum
is a constant, and the difference in amount from 0% to 1% and from
10% to 11% is regarded as equal. This class represents the
raw/naive treatment of compositions as elements of the real simplex based
on an absolute geometry. This treatment is implicitly used
in most amalgamation problems. However the whole approach suffers
from the drawbacks and problems discussed in Chayes (1960) and Aitchison
The aim of the package is to provide all the functionality to do a
consistent analysis in all of these approaches and to make the
results obtained with different geometries as easy to compare as possible.
The package compositions has grown a lot in the last year: missings, robust estimations, outlier detection and classification, codadendrogram. This makes everything much more complex especially from the side of programm testing. Thus we would like to urge our users to report all errors and problems of the lastest version (please check first) to [email protected].
K. Gerald van den Boogaart <[email protected]>, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, Matevz Bren
Maintainer: K. Gerald van den Boogaart <[email protected]>
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
Aitchison, J, C. Barcel'o-Vidal, J.J. Egozcue, V. Pawlowsky-Glahn
(2002) A consise guide to the algebraic geometric structure of the
simplex, the sample space for compositional data analysis, Terra
Nostra, Schriften der Alfred Wegener-Stiftung, 03/2003
Billheimer, D., P. Guttorp, W.F. and Fagan (2001) Statistical interpretation of species composition,
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96 (456), 1205-1214
Chayes, F. (1960). On correlation between variables of constant sum. Journal of Geophysical Research 65~(12), 4185–4193.
Pawlowsky-Glahn, V. and J.J. Egozcue (2001) Geometric approach to
statistical analysis on the simplex. SERRA 15(5), 384-398
Pawlowsky-Glahn, V. (2003) Statistical modelling on coordinates. In:
Thi\'o -Henestrosa, S. and Mart\'in-Fern\'a ndez, J.A. (Eds.)
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Compositional Data Analysis,
Universitat de Girona, ISBN 84-8458-111-X, https://ima.udg.edu/Activitats/CoDaWork03/
Mateu-Figueras, G. and Barcel\'o-Vidal, C. (Eds.)
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Compositional Data Analysis,
Universitat de Girona, ISBN 84-8458-222-1, https://ima.udg.edu/Activitats/CoDaWork05/
van den Boogaart, K.G. and R. Tolosana-Delgado (2008) "compositions": a unified R package to analyze Compositional Data, Computers & Geosciences, 34 (4), pages 320-338, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2006.11.017.
compositions-package, missingsInCompositions, robustnessInCompositions, outliersInCompositions,
library(compositions) # load library data(SimulatedAmounts) # load data sa.lognormals x <- acomp(sa.lognormals) # Declare the dataset to be compositional # and use relative geometry plot(x) # plot.acomp : ternary diagram ellipses(mean(x),var(x),r=2,col="red") # Simplex 2sigma predictive region pr <- princomp(x) straight(mean(x),pr$Loadings) x <- rcomp(sa.lognormals) # Declare the dataset to be compositional # and use absolute geometry plot(x) # plot.acomp : ternary diagram ellipses(mean(x),var(x),r=2,col="red") # Real 2sigma predictive region pr <- princomp(x) straight(mean(x),pr$Loadings)
library(compositions) # load library data(SimulatedAmounts) # load data sa.lognormals x <- acomp(sa.lognormals) # Declare the dataset to be compositional # and use relative geometry plot(x) # plot.acomp : ternary diagram ellipses(mean(x),var(x),r=2,col="red") # Simplex 2sigma predictive region pr <- princomp(x) straight(mean(x),pr$Loadings) x <- rcomp(sa.lognormals) # Declare the dataset to be compositional # and use absolute geometry plot(x) # plot.acomp : ternary diagram ellipses(mean(x),var(x),r=2,col="red") # Real 2sigma predictive region pr <- princomp(x) straight(mean(x),pr$Loadings)
Geochemical composition of glaciar sediments from the Aar massif region (Switzerland), major oxides and trace elements.
Composition of recent sediments of several morraines and streams from glaciers around the Aar massif, including both major oxides and trace elements. The major oxides are expressed in weight percent (total sum reported in column SumOxides
), from Silica (SiO2
, column 3) to total Iron 3 Oxide (Fe2O3t
, column12, incorporating FeO recasted to Fe2O3). The trace elements are reported in parts per million (ppm, mg/Kg) between columns 14 (Ba
) and 29 (Nd
). Partial sum of the trace elements (in ppm) and of all traces and major oxides (in %) are also reported.
Apart of the compositional information, two covariables are included: Sample and GS. The variable Sample
reports the ID of the sample material. This material was sieved in 11 grain size fractions, and each fraction was analysed separately after drying. The grain size fraction of each subsample is reported in variable GS
, representing the upper limit of the size fraction reported in scale, e.g. the binary log transformation of the average diameter
The Aar is a granitic-granodioritic-gneissic massif of the Alps, in Switzerland, comprised of several intrusions with different compositions within the range of granitoid lithologies. Details of the region, mineralogy, procedures and study questions behind the data can be found in von Eynatten at al (2012) and references thereon.
Courtesy of H. von Eynatten
von Eynatten H.; Tolosana-Delgado, R.; Karius, V (2012) Sediment generation in modern glacial settings: Grain-size and source-rock control on sediment composition. Sedimentary Geology 280 (1): 80-92 doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2012.03.008
von Eynatten H.; Tolosana-Delgado, R.; Karius, V (2012) Sediment generation in modern glacial settings: Grain-size and source-rock control on sediment composition. Sedimentary Geology 280 (1): 80-92 doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2012.03.008
A class providing the means to analyse compositions in the philosophical framework of the Aitchison Simplex.
acomp(X,parts=1:NCOL(oneOrDataset(X)),total=1,warn.na=FALSE, detectionlimit=NULL,BDL=NULL,MAR=NULL,MNAR=NULL,SZ=NULL)
acomp(X,parts=1:NCOL(oneOrDataset(X)),total=1,warn.na=FALSE, detectionlimit=NULL,BDL=NULL,MAR=NULL,MNAR=NULL,SZ=NULL)
X |
composition or dataset of compositions |
parts |
vector containing the indices xor names of the columns to be used |
total |
the total amount to be used, typically 1 or 100 |
warn.na |
should the user be warned in case of NA,NaN or 0 coding different types of missing values? |
detectionlimit |
a number, vector or matrix of positive numbers giving the detection limit of all values, all columns or each value, respectively |
the code for 'Below Detection Limit' in X |
SZ |
the code for 'Structural Zero' in X |
the code for 'Missing At Random' in X |
the code for 'Missing Not At Random' in X |
Many multivariate datasets essentially describe amounts of D different
parts in a whole. This has some important implications justifying to
regard them as a scale for its own, called a
composition. This scale was in-depth analysed by Aitchison
(1986) and the functions around the class "acomp"
follow his
Compositions have some important properties: Amounts are always
positive. The amount of every part is limited to the whole. The
absolute amount of the whole is noninformative since it is typically due
to artifacts on the measurement procedure. Thus only relative changes
are relevant. If the relative amount of one part
increases, the amounts of other parts must decrease, introducing
spurious anticorrelation (Chayes 1960), when analysed directly. Often
parts (e.g H2O, Si) are missing in the dataset leaving the total
amount unreported and longing for analysis procedures avoiding
spurious effects when applied to such subcompositions. Furthermore,
the result of an analysis should be indepent of the units (ppm, g/l, vol.%, mass.%, molar
fraction) of the dataset.
From these properties Aitchison showed that the
analysis should be based on ratios or log-ratios only. He introduced
several transformations (e.g. clr
operations (e.g. perturbe
, power.acomp
and a distance (dist
) which are compatible
with these
properties. Later it was found that the set of compostions equipped with
perturbation as addition and power-transform as scalar multiplication
and the dist
as distance form a D-1 dimensional
euclidean vector space (Billheimer, Fagan and Guttorp, 2001), which
can be mapped isometrically to a usual real vector space by ilr
(Pawlowsky-Glahn and Egozcue, 2001).
The general approach in analysing acomp objects is thus to perform
classical multivariate analysis on clr/alr/ilr-transformed coordinates
and to backtransform or display the results in such a way that they
can be interpreted in terms of the original compositional parts.
A side effect of the procedure is to force the compositions to sum up to a
total, which is done by the closure operation clo
a vector of class "acomp"
representing one closed composition
or a matrix of class "acomp"
multiple closed compositions each in one row.
The policy of treatment of zeroes, missing values and values below detecion limit is explained in depth in compositions.missing.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
Aitchison, J, C. Barcel'o-Vidal, J.J. Egozcue, V. Pawlowsky-Glahn
(2002) A consise guide to the algebraic geometric structure of the
simplex, the sample space for compositional data analysis, Terra
Nostra, Schriften der Alfred Wegener-Stiftung, 03/2003
Billheimer, D., P. Guttorp, W.F. and Fagan (2001) Statistical interpretation of species composition,
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96 (456), 1205-1214
Chayes, F. (1960). On correlation between variables of constant sum. Journal of Geophysical Research 65~(12), 4185–4193.
Pawlowsky-Glahn, V. and J.J. Egozcue (2001) Geometric approach to
statistical analysis on the simplex. SERRA 15(5), 384-398
Pawlowsky-Glahn, V. (2003) Statistical modelling on coordinates. In:
Thi\'o-Henestrosa, S. and Mart\'in-Fern\'andez, J.A. (Eds.)
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Compositional Data Analysis,
Universitat de Girona, ISBN 84-8458-111-X, https://ima.udg.edu/Activitats/CoDaWork03/
Mateu-Figueras, G. and Barcel\'o-Vidal, C. (Eds.)
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Compositional Data Analysis,
Universitat de Girona, ISBN 84-8458-222-1, https://ima.udg.edu/Activitats/CoDaWork05/
van den Boogaart, K.G. and R. Tolosana-Delgado (2008) "compositions": a unified R package to analyze Compositional Data, Computers & Geosciences, 34 (4), pages 320-338, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2006.11.017.
, aplus
, boxplot.acomp
, mean.acomp
, variation.acomp
, msd
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals))
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals))
The S4-version of the data container "acomp" for compositional data. More information in
A virtual Class: No objects may be directly created from it.
This is provided to ensure that acomp objects behave as data.frame or structure under certain circumstances. Use acomp
to create these objects.
:Object of class "list"
containing the data itself
:Object of class "character"
with column names
:Object of class "data.frameRowLabels"
with row names
:Object of class "character"
with the class string
Class "data.frame"
, directly.
Class "compositional"
, directly.
Class "list"
, by class "data.frame", distance 2.
Class "oldClass"
, by class "data.frame", distance 2.
Class "vector"
, by class "data.frame", distance 3.
signature(from = "acomp", to = "data.frame")
: to generate a data.frame
signature(from = "acomp", to = "structure")
: to generate a structure (i.e. a vector, matrix or array)
signature(from = "acomp", to = "data.frame")
: to overwrite a composition with a data.frame
see acomp
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
see acomp
see acomp
The Aitchison Simplex with its two operations perturbation as + and power transform as * is a vector space. This vector space is represented by these operations.
power.acomp(x,s) ## Methods for class "acomp" ## x*y ## x/y
power.acomp(x,s) ## Methods for class "acomp" ## x*y ## x/y
x |
an acomp composition or dataset of compositions (or a number or a numeric vector) |
y |
a numeric vector of size 1 or nrow(x) |
s |
a numeric vector of size 1 or nrow(x) |
The power transform is the basic multiplication operation of the Aitchison simplex seen as a vector space. It is defined as:
The division operation is just the multiplication with .
An "acomp"
vector or matrix.
For *
the arguments x and y can be exchanged. Note that
this definition generalizes the power by a scalar, since y
may be given as a scalar, or as a vector with as many components as
the composition in acomp
. The result is then a matrix
where each row corresponds to the composition powered by one of the scalars
in the vector.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
Aitchison, J, C. Barcel'o-Vidal, J.J. Egozcue, V. Pawlowsky-Glahn
(2002) A consise guide to the algebraic geometric structure of the
simplex, the sample space for compositional data analysis, Terra
Nostra, Schriften der Alfred Wegener-Stiftung, 03/2003
Pawlowsky-Glahn, V. and J.J. Egozcue (2001) Geometric approach to
statistical analysis on the simplex. SERRA 15(5), 384-398
acomp(1:5)* -1 + acomp(1:5) data(SimulatedAmounts) cdata <- acomp(sa.lognormals) plot( tmp <- (cdata-mean(cdata))/msd(cdata) ) class(tmp) mean(tmp) msd(tmp) var(tmp)
acomp(1:5)* -1 + acomp(1:5) data(SimulatedAmounts) cdata <- acomp(sa.lognormals) plot( tmp <- (cdata-mean(cdata))/msd(cdata) ) class(tmp) mean(tmp) msd(tmp) var(tmp)
Compute marginal compositions of selected parts, by computing the rest as the geometric mean of the non-selected parts.
X |
composition or dataset of compositions |
d |
vector containing the indices xor names of the columns selected |
name |
The new name of the amalgamation column |
pos |
The position where the new amalgamation column should be stored. This defaults to the last column. |
what |
The role of X either |
The amalgamation column is simply computed by taking the
geometric mean of the non-selected components. This is
consistent with the acomp
approach and gives clear ternary
diagrams. However, this geometric mean is difficult to interpret.
A closed compositions with class "acomp"
containing the
variables given by d
and the the amalgamation column.
MNAR has the highest priority, MAR afterwards, and WZERO (BDL,SZ) values are considered as 0 and finally reported as BDL.
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Vera Pawlowsky-Glahn (2003) personal communication. Universitat de Girona.
van den Boogaart, K.G. and R. Tolosana-Delgado (2008) "compositions": a unified R package to analyze Compositional Data, Computers & Geosciences, 34 (4), pages 320-338, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2006.11.017.
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals5,margin="acomp") plot.acomp(acompmargin(sa.lognormals5,c("Pb","Zn"))) plot.acomp(acompmargin(sa.lognormals5,c(1,2)))
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals5,margin="acomp") plot.acomp(acompmargin(sa.lognormals5,c("Pb","Zn"))) plot.acomp(acompmargin(sa.lognormals5,c(1,2)))
acomp and aplus objects are considered as (sets of) vectors. The
is considered as the inner multiplication. An inner
multiplication with another vector is the scalar product. An inner
multiplication with a matrix is a matrix multiplication, where the
vectors are either considered as row or as column vector.
## S3 method for class 'acomp' x %*% y ## S3 method for class 'aplus' x %*% y
## S3 method for class 'acomp' x %*% y ## S3 method for class 'aplus' x %*% y
x |
a acomp or aplus object or a matrix interpreted in clr, ilr or ilt coordinates |
y |
a acomp or aplus object or a matrix interpreted in clr, ilr or ilt coordinates |
The operators try to mimic the behavior of %*%
-vectors as inner product, applied in parallel to all row-vectors of
the dataset. Thus the product of a vector with a vector of the same
type results in the scalar product of both. For the multiplication with a matrix
each vector is considered as a row or column, whatever is more
appropriate. The matrix itself is considered as representing a linear
mapping (endomorphism) of the vector space to a space of the same type. The mapping is
represented in clr, ilr or ilt coordinates. Which of the aforementioned
coordinate systems is used is judged from the type of x and from
the dimensions of the A.
Either a numeric vector containing the scalar products, or an object of type acomp or aplus containing the vectors transformed with the given matrix.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
x <- acomp(matrix( sqrt(1:12), ncol= 3 )) x%*%x A <- matrix( 1:9,nrow=3) x %*% A %*% x x %*% A A %*% x A <- matrix( 1:4,nrow=2) x %*% A %*% x x %*% A A %*% x x <- aplus(matrix( sqrt(1:12), ncol= 3 )) x%*%x A <- matrix( 1:9,nrow=3) x %*% A %*% x x %*% A A %*% x
x <- acomp(matrix( sqrt(1:12), ncol= 3 )) x%*%x A <- matrix( 1:9,nrow=3) x %*% A %*% x x %*% A A %*% x A <- matrix( 1:4,nrow=2) x %*% A %*% x x %*% A A %*% x x <- aplus(matrix( sqrt(1:12), ncol= 3 )) x%*%x A <- matrix( 1:9,nrow=3) x %*% A %*% x x %*% A A %*% x
Proportion of a day in activity teaching, consulting, administrating, research, other wakeful activities and sleep for 20 days are given.
The activity of an academic statistician were divided into following six categories
teac | teaching | |
cons | consultation | |
admi | administration | |
rese | research | |
wake | other wakeful activities | |
slee | sleep |
Data show the proportions of the 24 hours devoted to each activity, recorded on each of 20 days, selected randomly from working days in alternate weeks, so as to avoid any possible carry-over effects, such as short-sleep day being compensated by make-up sleep on a succeeding day.
The six activity may be divided into two categories 'work' comprising activities 1,2,3,4: and 'leisure' comprising activities 5 and 6.
All rows sum to one.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name STATDAY.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison: The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, 1986, Data 10, pp15.
Proportion of a day in activity teaching, consulting, administrating, research, other wakeful activities and sleep for 20 days are given.
The activity of an academic statistician were divided into following six categories
teac | teaching | |
cons | consultation | |
admi | administration | |
rese | research | |
wake | other wakeful activities | |
slee | sleep |
Data shows the proportions of the 24 hours devoted to each activity, recorded on each of 20 days, selected randomly from working days in alternate weeks, so as to avoid any possible carry-over effects, such as short-sleep day being compensated by make-up sleep on a succeeding day.
The six activity may be divided into two categories 'work' comprising activities 1,2,3,4: and 'leisure' comprising activities 5 and 6.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name ACTIVITY.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison: The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, 1986, Data 31.
Compute the additive log ratio transform of a (dataset of) composition(s), and its inverse.
alr( x ,ivar=ncol(x), ... ) alrInv( z, ...,orig=gsi.orig(z))
alr( x ,ivar=ncol(x), ... ) alrInv( z, ...,orig=gsi.orig(z))
x |
a composition, not necessarily closed |
z |
the alr-transform of a composition, thus a (D-1)-dimensional real vector |
... |
generic arguments. not used. |
orig |
a compositional object which should be mimicked by the inverse transformation. It is especially used to reconstruct the names of the parts. |
ivar |
The column to be used as denominator variable. Unfortunately not yet supported in alrInv. The default works even if x is a vector. |
The alr-transform maps a composition in the D-part Aitchison-simplex
non-isometrically to a D-1 dimensonal euclidian vector, treating the
last part as common denominator of the others. The data can then
be analysed in this transformation by all classical multivariate
analysis tools not relying on a distance. The interpretation of
the results is relatively simple, since the relation to the original D-1
first parts is preserved. However distance is an extremely relevant
concept in most types of analysis, where a clr
transformation should be preferred.
The additive logratio transform is given by
gives the additive log ratio transform; accepts a compositional dataset
gives a closed composition with the given alr-transform; accepts a dataset
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman & Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
(tmp <- alr(c(1,2,3))) alrInv(tmp) unclass(alrInv(tmp)) - clo(c(1,2,3)) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(alr(cdata),pch=".")
(tmp <- alr(c(1,2,3))) alrInv(tmp) unclass(alrInv(tmp)) - clo(c(1,2,3)) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(alr(cdata),pch=".")
Abstract class containing all amounts classes carrying total information: aplus
, rplus
and ccomp
A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.
No methods defined with class "amounts" in the signature.
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
for classes with relative information
Areal compositions by abundance of vegetation and animals for 50 plots in each of regions A and B.
In a regional ecology study, plots of land of equal area were inspected and the parts of each plot which were thick or thin in vegetation and dense or sparse in animals were identified. From this field work the areal proportions of each plot were calculated for the four mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories: thick-dense, thick-sparse, thin-dense, thin-sparse. These sets of proportions are recorded for 50 plots from each of two different regions A and B.
All rows sum to 1, except for some rounding errors.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name ANIVEG.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison: The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, 1986, Data 25, pp22.
A class to analyse positive amounts in a logistic framework.
aplus(X,parts=1:NCOL(oneOrDataset(X)),total=NA,warn.na=FALSE, detectionlimit=NULL,BDL=NULL,MAR=NULL,MNAR=NULL,SZ=NULL)
aplus(X,parts=1:NCOL(oneOrDataset(X)),total=NA,warn.na=FALSE, detectionlimit=NULL,BDL=NULL,MAR=NULL,MNAR=NULL,SZ=NULL)
X |
vector or dataset of positive numbers |
parts |
vector containing the indices xor names of the columns to be used |
total |
a numeric vectors giving the total amounts of each dataset. |
warn.na |
should the user be warned in case of NA,NaN or 0 coding different types of missing values? |
detectionlimit |
a number, vector or matrix of positive numbers giving the detection limit of all values, all columns or each value, respectively |
the code for 'Below Detection Limit' in X |
SZ |
the code for 'Structural Zero' in X |
the code for 'Missing At Random' in X |
the code for 'Missing Not At Random' in X |
Many multivariate datasets essentially describe amounts of D different
parts in a whole. When the whole is large in relation to the
considered parts, such that they do not exclude each other, or when
the total amount of each componenten is indeed determined by the
phenomenon under investigation and not by sampling artifacts (such as dilution
or sample preparation), then the parts can be treated as amounts rather
than as a composition (cf. acomp
, rcomp
Like compositions, amounts have some important properties. Amounts are
always positive. An amount of exactly zero essentially means that we have a
substance of another quality. Different amounts - spanning different
orders of magnitude - are often given in
different units (ppm, ppb, g/l, vol.%, mass %, molar
fraction). Often, these amounts are also taken as indicators of
other non-measured components (e.g. K as indicator for potassium feldspar),
which might be proportional to the measured amount.
However, in contrast to compositions, amounts
themselves do matter. Amounts are typically heavily
skewed and in many practical cases a log-transform makes their
distribution roughly symmetric, even normal.
In full analogy to Aitchison's compositions, vector
space operations are introduced for amounts: the perturbation
as a vector space addition (corresponding
to change of units), the power transformation
as scalar multiplication describing the law
of mass action, and a distance dist
which is
independent of the chosen units. The induced vector space is mapped
isometrically to a classical by a simple log-transformation called
, resembling classical log transform approaches.
The general approach in analysing aplus objects is thus to perform
classical multivariate analysis on ilt-transformed coordinates (i.e., logs)
and to backtransform or display the results in such a way that they
can be interpreted in terms of the original amounts.
The class aplus is complemented by the rplus
, allowing to
analyse amounts directly as real numbers, and by the classes
and rcomp
to analyse the same data
as compositions disregarding the total amounts, focusing on relative
weights only.
The classes rcomp, acomp, aplus, and rplus are designed as similar as
possible in order to allow direct comparison between results achieved
by the different approaches. Especially the acomp simplex transforms
, alr
, ilr
are mirrored
in the aplus class by the single bijective isometric transform ilt
a vector of class "aplus"
representing a vector of amounts
or a matrix of class "aplus"
multiple vectors of amounts, each vector in one row.
The policy of treatment of zeroes, missing values and values below detecion limit is explained in depth in compositions.missing.
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
van den Boogaart, K.G. and R. Tolosana-Delgado (2008) "compositions": a unified R package to analyze Compositional Data, Computers & Geosciences, 34 (4), pages 320-338, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2006.11.017.
, rplus
, boxplot.aplus
, mean.aplus
, variation.aplus
, msd
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(aplus(sa.lognormals))
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(aplus(sa.lognormals))
The S4-version of the data container "aplus" for compositional data. More information in
A virtual Class: No objects may be directly created from it.
This is provided to ensure that aplus objects behave as data.frame or structure under certain circumstances. Use aplus
to create these objects.
:Object of class "list"
containing the data itself
:Object of class "character"
with column names
:Object of class "data.frameRowLabels"
with row names
:Object of class "character"
with the class string
Class "data.frame"
, directly.
Class "compositional"
, directly.
Class "list"
, by class "data.frame", distance 2.
Class "oldClass"
, by class "data.frame", distance 2.
Class "vector"
, by class "data.frame", distance 3.
signature(from = "aplus", to = "data.frame")
: to generate a data.frame
signature(from = "aplus", to = "structure")
: to generate a structure (i.e. a vector, matrix or array)
signature(from = "aplus", to = "data.frame")
: to overwrite a composition with a data.frame
see aplus
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
see aplus
see aplus
The positive vectors equipped with the perturbation (defined as
the element-wise product) as Abelian sum, and powertransform (defined as the element-wise
powering with a scalar) as scalar multiplication forms a real vector
space. These vector space operations are defined here in a similar way
to +.rmult
perturbe.aplus(x,y) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' x + y ## S3 method for class 'aplus' x - y ## S3 method for class 'aplus' x * y ## S3 method for class 'aplus' x / y ## Methods for aplus ## x+y ## x-y ## -x ## x*r ## r*x ## x/r power.aplus(x,r)
perturbe.aplus(x,y) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' x + y ## S3 method for class 'aplus' x - y ## S3 method for class 'aplus' x * y ## S3 method for class 'aplus' x / y ## Methods for aplus ## x+y ## x-y ## -x ## x*r ## r*x ## x/r power.aplus(x,r)
x |
an aplus vector or dataset of vectors |
y |
an aplus vector or dataset of vectors |
r |
a numeric vector of size 1 or nrow(x) |
The operators try to mimic the parallel operation of R for vectors of
real numbers to vectors of amounts, represented as matrices containing
the vectors as rows and works like the operators for {rmult}
an object of class "aplus"
containing the result of the
corresponding operation on the vectors.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
x <- aplus(matrix( sqrt(1:12), ncol= 3 )) x x+x x + aplus(1:3) x * 1:4 1:4 * x x / 1:4 x / 10 power.aplus(x,1:4)
x <- aplus(matrix( sqrt(1:12), ncol= 3 )) x x+x x + aplus(1:3) x * 1:4 1:4 * x x / 1:4 x / 10 power.aplus(x,1:4)
Compute the additive planar transform of a (dataset of) compositions or its inverse.
apt( x ,...) aptInv( z ,..., orig=gsi.orig(z))
apt( x ,...) aptInv( z ,..., orig=gsi.orig(z))
x |
a composition or a matrix of compositions, not necessarily closed |
z |
the apt-transform of a composition or a matrix of alr-transforms of compositions |
... |
generic arguments, not used. |
orig |
a compositional object which should be mimicked by the inverse transformation. It is especially used to reconstruct the names of the parts. |
The apt-transform maps a composition in the D-part real-simplex
linearly to a D-1 dimensional euclidian vector. Although the
transformation does not reach the whole , resulting covariance
matrices are typically of full rank.
The data can then
be analysed in this transformation by all classical multivariate
analysis tools not relying on distances. See
and ipt
for alternatives. The
interpretation of the results is easy since the relation to the first
D-1 original variables is preserved.
The additive planar transform is given by
gives the centered planar transform,
gives closed compositions with the given apt-transforms
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
van den Boogaart, K.G. and R. Tolosana-Delgado (2008) "compositions": a unified R package to analyze Compositional Data, Computers & Geosciences, 34 (4), pages 320-338, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2006.11.017.
(tmp <- apt(c(1,2,3))) aptInv(tmp) aptInv(tmp) - clo(c(1,2,3)) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(apt(cdata),pch=".")
(tmp <- apt(c(1,2,3))) aptInv(tmp) aptInv(tmp) - clo(c(1,2,3)) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(apt(cdata),pch=".")
Sand, silt and clay compositions of 39 sediment samples of different water depth in an Arctic lake.
Sand, silt and clay compositions of 39 sediment samples at different water depth (in meters) in an Arctic lake. The additional feature is a concomitant variable or covariate, water depth, which may account for some of the variation in the compositions. In statistical terminology we have a multivariate regression problem with sediment composition as regressand and water depth as regressor.
All row percentage sums to 100, except for rounding errors.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name ARCTIC.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison: The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, 1986, Data 5, pp5.
adds 3-dimensional arrows to an rgl plot.
arrows3D(...) ## Default S3 method: arrows3D(x0,x1,...,length=0.25, angle=30,code=2,col="black", lty=NULL,lwd=2,orth=c(1,0.0001,0.0000001), labs=NULL,size=lwd)
arrows3D(...) ## Default S3 method: arrows3D(x0,x1,...,length=0.25, angle=30,code=2,col="black", lty=NULL,lwd=2,orth=c(1,0.0001,0.0000001), labs=NULL,size=lwd)
x0 |
a matrix or vector giving the starting points of the arrows |
x1 |
a matrix or vector giving the end points of the arrows |
... |
additional plotting parameters as described in |
length |
a number giving the length of the arrowhead |
angle |
numeric giving the angle of the arrowhead |
code |
0=no arrowhead,1=arrowhead at x0,2=arrowhead at x1,3=double headed |
col |
the color of the arrow |
lty |
Not implemented, here for compatibility reasons with
lwd |
line width in pixels |
orth |
the flat side of the arrow is not unique by x0 and x1. This ambiguity is solved in a way that the arrow seams as wide as possible from the viewing direction orth. |
labs |
labels to be plotted to the endpoints of the arrows |
size |
size of the plotting symbol |
The function is called to plot arrows into an rgl plot. The size of the arrow head is given in a absolute way. Therefore it is important to give the right scale for the length, to see the arrow head and that it does not fill the whole window.
the 3D plotting coordinates of the tips of the arrows displayed, returned invisibly
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, graphics::plot
x <- cbind(rnorm(10),rnorm(10),rnorm(10)) if(requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) { plot3D(x) x0 <- x*0 arrows3D(x0,x) } ## this function requires package 'rgl'
x <- cbind(rnorm(10),rnorm(10),rnorm(10)) if(requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) { plot3D(x) x0 <- x*0 arrows3D(x0,x) } ## this function requires package 'rgl'
Convert a compositional object to a dataframe
## S3 method for class 'acomp' as.data.frame(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' as.data.frame(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' as.data.frame(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' as.data.frame(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' as.data.frame(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' as.data.frame(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' as.matrix(x,...)
## S3 method for class 'acomp' as.data.frame(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' as.data.frame(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' as.data.frame(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' as.data.frame(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' as.data.frame(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' as.data.frame(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' as.matrix(x,...)
x |
an object to be converted to a dataframe |
... |
additional arguments are not used |
a data frame containing the given data, or (for rmult only) as matrix.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) as.data.frame(acomp(sa.groups)) # The central perpose of providing this command is that the following # works properly: data.frame(acomp(sa.groups),groups=sa.groups.area)
data(SimulatedAmounts) as.data.frame(acomp(sa.groups)) # The central perpose of providing this command is that the following # works properly: data.frame(acomp(sa.groups),groups=sa.groups.area)
Adds a coordinate system to a 3D rgl graphic. In future releases, functionality to add tickmarks will be (hopefully) provided. Now, it is just a system of arrows giving the directions of the three axes.
axis3D(axis.origin=c(0,0,0),axis.scale=1,axis.col="gray",vlabs=c("x","y","z"), vlabs.col=axis.col,bbox=FALSE,axis.lwd=2,axis.len=mean(axis.scale)/10, axis.angle=30,orth=c(1,0.0001,0.000001),axes=TRUE,...)
axis3D(axis.origin=c(0,0,0),axis.scale=1,axis.col="gray",vlabs=c("x","y","z"), vlabs.col=axis.col,bbox=FALSE,axis.lwd=2,axis.len=mean(axis.scale)/10, axis.angle=30,orth=c(1,0.0001,0.000001),axes=TRUE,...)
axis.origin |
The location where to put the origin of the coordinate arrows typicall either 0, the minimum or the mean of the dataset |
axis.scale |
either a number or a 3D vector giving the length of the arrows for the axis in the coordiantes of the plot |
axis.col |
Color to plot the coordinate system |
vlabs |
The names of the axes, plotted at the end |
vlabs.col |
color for the axes labels |
bbox |
boolean, whether to plot a bounding box |
axis.lwd |
line width of the axes |
axis.angle |
angle of the arrow heads |
axis.len |
length of the arrow heads |
orth |
the orth argument of |
axes |
a boolean, wether to plot the axes |
... |
these arguments are passed to arrows3D as
The function is called to plot a coordiante system consisting of arrows into an rgl plot.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, graphics::plot
x <- cbind(rnorm(10),rnorm(10),rnorm(10)) if(requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) { plot3D(x) x0 <- x*0 axis3D() } ## this function requires package 'rgl'
x <- cbind(rnorm(10),rnorm(10),rnorm(10)) if(requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) { plot3D(x) x0 <- x*0 axis3D() } ## this function requires package 'rgl'
Functions to automatically determine and compute the relevant back-transformation for a rmult object.
backtransform(x, as=x) backtransform.rmult(x, as=x) gsi.orig(x,y=NULL) gsi.getV(x,y=NULL)
backtransform(x, as=x) backtransform.rmult(x, as=x) gsi.orig(x,y=NULL) gsi.getV(x,y=NULL)
x |
an rmult object to be backtransformed; for both |
as |
an rmult object previously obtained with any compositional transformation of this package. |
y |
for both |
The general idea of this package is to analyse the same data with different geometric concepts, in a fashion as similar as possible. For each of the four concepts there exists a family of transforms expressing the geometry in aan appropriate manner. Transformed data can be further analysed, and certain results may be back-transformed to the original scale. These functions take care of tracking, constructing and computing the inverse transformation, whichever was the original geometry and forward transformation used.
For functions backtransform
or backtransform.rmult
, a corresponding matrix or vector containing the backtransformation of x
. Efforts are taken to keep any extra attributes (beyond, "dim", "dimnames" and "class") the argument "x" may have \
For function gsi.orig
, the original data with a compositional class, if it exists (or NULL otherwise). \
For function gsi.getV
, the transposed, inverse matrix of log-contrasts originally used to forward transform the original composition orig
to its coefficients/coordinates. If it does not exists, the output is NULL.
R. Tolosana-Delgado, K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
van den Boogaart, K.G. and R. Tolosana-Delgado (2008) "compositions": a unified R package to analyze Compositional Data, Computers & Geosciences, 34 (4), pages 320-338, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2006.11.017.
, idt
, clr
, cpt
, ilt
, iit
, ilr
, ipt
, alr
, apt
x <- acomp(1:5) x backtransform(ilr(x)) backtransform(clr(x)) backtransform(idt(x)) backtransform(cdt(x)) backtransform(alr(x))
x <- acomp(1:5) x backtransform(ilr(x)) backtransform(clr(x)) backtransform(idt(x)) backtransform(cdt(x)) backtransform(alr(x))
Compute balances in a compositional dataset.
balance(X,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' balance(X,expr,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' balance(X,expr,...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' balance(X,expr,...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' balance(X,expr,...) balance01(X,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' balance01(X,expr,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' balance01(X,expr,...) balanceBase(X,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' balanceBase(X,expr,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' balanceBase(X,expr,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' balanceBase(X,expr,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' balanceBase(X,expr,...)
balance(X,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' balance(X,expr,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' balance(X,expr,...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' balance(X,expr,...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' balance(X,expr,...) balance01(X,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' balance01(X,expr,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' balance01(X,expr,...) balanceBase(X,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' balanceBase(X,expr,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' balanceBase(X,expr,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' balanceBase(X,expr,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' balanceBase(X,expr,...)
X |
compositional dataset (or optionally just its column names for balanceBase) |
expr |
a |
... |
for future perposes |
For acomp
-compositions balances are defined as orthogonal
projections representing the log ratio of the geometric means of
subsets of elements. Based on a recursive subdivision (provided by the
) this projections provide a (complete or incomplete) basis of
the clr-plane. The basis is given by the balanceBase
functions. The transform is given by the balance
functions. The
functions are a backtransform of the balances to the
amount of the first portion if this was the only balance in a 2
element composition, providing an "interpretation" for the values of
the balances.
The package tries to give similar concepts for the other scales.
For rcomp
objects the concept is mainly unchanges but augmented
by a virtual component 1, which always has portion 1.
objects, we choose not a "orthogonal" transformation
since such a concept anyway does not really exist in the given space,
but merily use the difference of one subset to the other. The
balance01 is than not really a transform of the balance but simply the
portion of the first group of parts in all contrasted parts.
For rplus
objects we just used an analog to generalisation from
the rcomp
defintion as aplus
is generalized from
. However at this time we have no idea wether this has any
usefull interpretation.
balance |
a matrix (or vector) with the corresponding balances of the dataset. |
balance01 |
a matrix (or vector) with the corresponding balances in the dataset transformed in the given geometry to a value between 0 and 1. |
balanceBase |
a matrix (or vector) with column vectors giving the transform in the cdt-transform used to achiev the correponding balances. |
https://ima.udg.edu/Activitats/CoDaWork08/ Papers of Boogaart and Tolosana https://ima.udg.edu/Activitats/CoDaWork05/ Paper of Egozcue
X <- rnorm(100) Y <- rnorm.acomp(100,acomp(c(A=1,B=1,C=1)),0.1*diag(3))+acomp(t(outer(c(0.2,0.3,0.4),X,"^"))) colnames(Y) <- c("A","B","C") subComps <- function(X,...,all=list(...)) { X <- oneOrDataset(X) nams <- sapply(all,function(x) paste(x[[2]],x[[3]],sep=",")) val <- sapply(all,function(x){ a = X[,match(as.character(x[[2]]),colnames(X)) ] b = X[,match(as.character(x[[2]]),colnames(X)) ] c = X[,match(as.character(x[[3]]),colnames(X)) ] return(a/(b+c)) }) colnames(val)<-nams val } pairs(cbind(ilr(Y),X),panel=function(x,y,...) {points(x,y,...);abline(lm(y~x))}) pairs(cbind(balance(Y,~A/B/C),X),panel=function(x,y,...) {points(x,y,...);abline(lm(y~x))}) pairwisePlot(balance(Y,~A/B/C),X) pairwisePlot(X,balance(Y,~A/B/C),panel=function(x,y,...) {plot(x,y,...);abline(lm(y~x))}) pairwisePlot(X,balance01(Y,~A/B/C)) pairwisePlot(X,subComps(Y,A~B,A~C,B~C)) balance(rcomp(Y),~A/B/C) balance(aplus(Y),~A/B/C) balance(rplus(Y),~A/B/C)
X <- rnorm(100) Y <- rnorm.acomp(100,acomp(c(A=1,B=1,C=1)),0.1*diag(3))+acomp(t(outer(c(0.2,0.3,0.4),X,"^"))) colnames(Y) <- c("A","B","C") subComps <- function(X,...,all=list(...)) { X <- oneOrDataset(X) nams <- sapply(all,function(x) paste(x[[2]],x[[3]],sep=",")) val <- sapply(all,function(x){ a = X[,match(as.character(x[[2]]),colnames(X)) ] b = X[,match(as.character(x[[2]]),colnames(X)) ] c = X[,match(as.character(x[[3]]),colnames(X)) ] return(a/(b+c)) }) colnames(val)<-nams val } pairs(cbind(ilr(Y),X),panel=function(x,y,...) {points(x,y,...);abline(lm(y~x))}) pairs(cbind(balance(Y,~A/B/C),X),panel=function(x,y,...) {points(x,y,...);abline(lm(y~x))}) pairwisePlot(balance(Y,~A/B/C),X) pairwisePlot(X,balance(Y,~A/B/C),panel=function(x,y,...) {plot(x,y,...);abline(lm(y~x))}) pairwisePlot(X,balance01(Y,~A/B/C)) pairwisePlot(X,subComps(Y,A~B,A~C,B~C)) balance(rcomp(Y),~A/B/C) balance(aplus(Y),~A/B/C) balance(rplus(Y),~A/B/C)
Compositions and amounts dispalyed as bar plots.
## S3 method for class 'acomp' barplot(height,...,legend.text=TRUE,beside=FALSE,total=1, plotMissings=TRUE,missingColor="red",missingPortion=0.01) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' barplot(height,...,legend.text=TRUE,beside=FALSE,total=1, plotMissings=TRUE,missingColor="red",missingPortion=0.01) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' barplot(height,...,legend.text=TRUE,beside=TRUE,total=NULL, plotMissings=TRUE,missingColor="red",missingPortion=0.01) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' barplot(height,...,legend.text=TRUE,beside=TRUE,total=NULL, plotMissings=TRUE,missingColor="red",missingPortion=0.01) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' barplot(height,...,legend.text=TRUE,beside=FALSE,total=1, plotMissings=TRUE,missingColor="red",missingPortion=0.01)
## S3 method for class 'acomp' barplot(height,...,legend.text=TRUE,beside=FALSE,total=1, plotMissings=TRUE,missingColor="red",missingPortion=0.01) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' barplot(height,...,legend.text=TRUE,beside=FALSE,total=1, plotMissings=TRUE,missingColor="red",missingPortion=0.01) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' barplot(height,...,legend.text=TRUE,beside=TRUE,total=NULL, plotMissings=TRUE,missingColor="red",missingPortion=0.01) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' barplot(height,...,legend.text=TRUE,beside=TRUE,total=NULL, plotMissings=TRUE,missingColor="red",missingPortion=0.01) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' barplot(height,...,legend.text=TRUE,beside=FALSE,total=1, plotMissings=TRUE,missingColor="red",missingPortion=0.01)
height |
an acomp, rcomp, aplus, or rplus object giving amounts to be displayed |
... |
further graphical parameters as in
legend.text |
same as legend.text in |
beside |
same as beside in |
total |
The total to be used in displaying the composition, typically 1, 100 or the number of parts. If NULL no normalisation takes place. |
plotMissings |
logical: shall missings be annotate in the plot |
missingColor |
color to draw missings |
missingPortion |
The space portion to be reserved for missings |
These functions are essentially light-weighted wrappers for
, just adding an adequate default
behavior for each of the scales. The missingplot functionality will
work well with the default settings.
If plotMissings
is true, there will be an additional portion
introduced, which is not counted in the total. This might make the
plots looking less nice, however they make clear to the viewer that it
is by no means clear how the rest of the plot should be interpreted
and that the missing value really casts some unsureness on the rest of
the data.
A numeric vector (or matrix, when beside = TRUE
) giving
the coordinates of all the bar midpoints drawn, as in
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, rcomp
, rplus
, plot.acomp
data(SimulatedAmounts) barplot(mean(acomp(sa.lognormals[1:10,]))) barplot(mean(rcomp(sa.lognormals[1:10,]))) barplot(mean(aplus(sa.lognormals[1:10,]))) barplot(mean(rplus(sa.lognormals[1:10,]))) barplot(acomp(sa.lognormals[1:10,])) barplot(rcomp(sa.lognormals[1:10,])) barplot(aplus(sa.lognormals[1:10,])) barplot(rplus(sa.lognormals[1:10,])) barplot(acomp(sa.tnormals))
data(SimulatedAmounts) barplot(mean(acomp(sa.lognormals[1:10,]))) barplot(mean(rcomp(sa.lognormals[1:10,]))) barplot(mean(aplus(sa.lognormals[1:10,]))) barplot(mean(rplus(sa.lognormals[1:10,]))) barplot(acomp(sa.lognormals[1:10,])) barplot(rcomp(sa.lognormals[1:10,])) barplot(aplus(sa.lognormals[1:10,])) barplot(rplus(sa.lognormals[1:10,])) barplot(acomp(sa.tnormals))
Relation of mechanical properties of a new fibreboard with its composition
In the development of bayesite, a new fibreboard, experiments were conducted to obtain some insight into the nature of the relationship of its permeability to the mix of its four ingredients
A: | short fibres, | |
B: | medium fibres, | |
C: | long fibres, | |
D: | binder, |
and the pressure of which these are bonded. The results of 21 such experiments are reported. It is required to investigate the dependence of permeability of mixture and bonding pressure.
All 4-part compositions sum to one.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name BAYESITE.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison: The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, 1986, Data 21, pp21.
Allows the access to individual digits in binary (and general g-adic) numbers.
binary(x,mb=max(maxBit(x,g)),g=2) unbinary(x,g=2) bit(x,b,g=2) ## S3 method for class 'numeric' bit(x,b=0:maxBit(x,g),g=2) ## S3 method for class 'character' bit(x,b=0:maxBit(x,g),g=2) bit(x,b,g=2) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'numeric' bit(x,b=0:maxBit(x,g),g=2) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'character' bit(x,b=0:maxBit(x,g),g=2) <- value maxBit(x,g=2) ## S3 method for class 'numeric' maxBit(x,g=2) ## S3 method for class 'character' maxBit(x,g=2) bitCount(x,mb=max(maxBit(x,g)),g=2) gsi.orSum(...,g=2) whichBits(x,mb=max(maxBit(x,g)),g=2,values=c(TRUE)) binary2logical(x,mb=max(maxBit(x,g)),g=2,values=c(TRUE))
binary(x,mb=max(maxBit(x,g)),g=2) unbinary(x,g=2) bit(x,b,g=2) ## S3 method for class 'numeric' bit(x,b=0:maxBit(x,g),g=2) ## S3 method for class 'character' bit(x,b=0:maxBit(x,g),g=2) bit(x,b,g=2) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'numeric' bit(x,b=0:maxBit(x,g),g=2) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'character' bit(x,b=0:maxBit(x,g),g=2) <- value maxBit(x,g=2) ## S3 method for class 'numeric' maxBit(x,g=2) ## S3 method for class 'character' maxBit(x,g=2) bitCount(x,mb=max(maxBit(x,g)),g=2) gsi.orSum(...,g=2) whichBits(x,mb=max(maxBit(x,g)),g=2,values=c(TRUE)) binary2logical(x,mb=max(maxBit(x,g)),g=2,values=c(TRUE))
x |
a number either represented a g-adic character string or as a integeral numeric value |
b |
the indicies of the bits to be processes. The least significant bit has index 0. |
mb |
maximal bit. The index of the most significant bit to be treated |
g |
the base of the g-adic representation. 2 corresponds to binary numbers, 8 to octal numbers, 16 to hexadecimal numbers. g is limited by 36. |
value |
a vector of bit values to be selected or setted. |
values |
a vector of bit values that should be considered as TRUE. |
... |
some binary numbers |
These routines are primerily intended to manipulate g-adic numbers for user interface purposes and condensed representation of information. They are not intended for a long number arithmetic.
binary |
returns a standard binary (or g-adic) character representation of the number |
unbinary |
returns a binary (or g-adic) representation of the number |
bit |
returns the values of the requested bits. The values are returned as a logical vector for binary numbers an as numeric digit values for other g-adic numbers. |
maxBit |
returns the most significant bit represented in the number. This is the highest bit set in numeric numbers and the highest actually given character in a character representation. |
bitCount |
returns the g-adic crossfoot of the number. For a binary number this is the number of bits set |
gsi.orSum |
Only works for binary numbers and does a parallel or on each of the bits for a list of binary numbers. |
whichBits |
returns the indices of the bits acutally set (or more
precisely of the bits with value in |
binary2logical |
returns the a true false vector of the bits
acutally set (or more
precisely of the bits with value in |
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
(x<-unbinary("10101010")) (y<-binary(x)) bit(x,1:3) bit(y,0:3) maxBit(x) maxBit(y) whichBits(x) whichBits(y) binary2logical(y) bit(x) bit(y) gsi.orSum(y,1) bitCount(x) bitCount(y) bit(x,2)<-1 x bit(y,2)<-1 y
(x<-unbinary("10101010")) (y<-binary(x)) bit(x,1:3) bit(y,0:3) maxBit(x) maxBit(y) whichBits(x) whichBits(y) binary2logical(y) bit(x) bit(y) gsi.orSum(y,1) bitCount(x) bitCount(y) bit(x,2)<-1 x bit(y,2)<-1 y
Plots variables and cases in the same plot, based on a principal component analysis.
biplot3D(x,...) ## Default S3 method: biplot3D(x,y,var.axes=TRUE,col=c("green","red"),cex=c(2,2), xlabs = NULL, ylabs = NULL, expand = 1,arrow.len = 0.1, ...,add=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'princomp' biplot3D(x,choices=1:3,scale=1,..., comp.col=1,comp.labs=paste("Comp.",1:3), scale.scores=lambda[choices]^(1-scale), scale.var=scale.comp, scale.comp=sqrt(lambda[choices]), scale.disp=1/scale.comp)
biplot3D(x,...) ## Default S3 method: biplot3D(x,y,var.axes=TRUE,col=c("green","red"),cex=c(2,2), xlabs = NULL, ylabs = NULL, expand = 1,arrow.len = 0.1, ...,add=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'princomp' biplot3D(x,choices=1:3,scale=1,..., comp.col=1,comp.labs=paste("Comp.",1:3), scale.scores=lambda[choices]^(1-scale), scale.var=scale.comp, scale.comp=sqrt(lambda[choices]), scale.disp=1/scale.comp)
x |
princomp object or matrix of point locations to be drawn (typically, cases) |
choices |
Which principal components should be used? |
scale |
a scaling parameter like in |
scale.scores |
a vector giving the scaling applied to the scores |
scale.var |
a vector giving the scaling applied to the variables |
scale.comp |
a vector giving the scaling applied to the unit length of each component |
scale.disp |
a vector giving the scaling of the display in the directions of the components |
comp.col |
color to draw the axes of the components, defaults to black |
comp.labs |
labels for the components |
... |
further plotting parameters as defined in
y |
matrix of second point/arrow-head locations (typically, variables) |
var.axes |
logical, TRUE draws arrows and FALSE points for y |
col |
vector/list of two elements the first giving the color/colors for the first data set and the second giving color/colors for the second data set. |
cex |
vector/list of two elements the first giving the size for the first data set and the second giving size for the second data set. |
xlabs |
labels to be plotted at x-locations |
ylabs |
labels to be plotted at y-locations |
expand |
the relative expansion of the y data set with respect to x |
arrow.len |
The length of the arrows as defined in |
add |
logical, adding to existing plot or making a new one? |
This "biplot" is a triplot, relating data, variables and principal components. The relative scaling of the components is still experimental, meant to mimic the behavior of classical biplots.
the 3D plotting coordinates of the tips of the arrows of the variables displayed, returned invisibly
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) pc <- princomp(acomp(sa.lognormals5)) pc summary(pc) plot(pc) #plot(pc,type="screeplot") biplot(pc) if(requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) { biplot3D(pc) } ## this function requires package 'rgl'
data(SimulatedAmounts) pc <- princomp(acomp(sa.lognormals5)) pc summary(pc) plot(pc) #plot(pc,type="screeplot") biplot(pc) if(requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) { biplot3D(pc) } ## this function requires package 'rgl'
Percentage of different leukocytes in blood samples of ten patients, determined by four different methods.
In a comparative study of four different methods of assessing leukocytes composition of a blood sample, aliquots of blood samples from ten patients were assessed by the four methods. Data show the percentage in the 40 analyses of:
P: | polymorphonuclear leukocytes, | |
S: | small lymphocytes, | |
L: | large mononuclears. |
All rows sum to 100.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name BLOOD.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison: The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, 1986, Data 23, pp22.
A mineral compositions of 25 rock specimens of boxite type. Each composition consists of the percentage by weight of five minerals, albite, blandite, cornite, daubite, endite, as well as the depth of location.
A mineral compositions of 25 rock specimens of boxite type are given. Each composition consists of the percentage by weight of five minerals, albite, blandite, cornite, daubite, endite, and the recorded depth of location of each specimen. We abbreviate the minerals names to A, B, C, D, E.
All row percentage sums to 100, except the 6-th 102.3 and the 10-th 99.9.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name BOXITE.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison: The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, 1986, Data 3, pp4.
For the different interpretations of amounts or compositional data, a different type of boxplot is feasible. Thus different boxplots are drawn.
## S3 method for class 'acomp' boxplot(x,fak=NULL,..., xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,log=TRUE, panel=vp.logboxplot,dots=!boxes,boxes=TRUE, notch=FALSE, plotMissings=TRUE, mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(missingPlotRect, missingInfo,c("NM","TM",cn)) ) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' boxplot(x,fak=NULL,..., xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,log=FALSE, panel=vp.boxplot,dots=!boxes,boxes=TRUE, notch=FALSE, plotMissings=TRUE, mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(missingPlotRect, missingInfo,c("NM","TM",cn))) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' boxplot(x,fak=NULL,...,log=TRUE, plotMissings=TRUE, mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(missingPlotRect, missingInfo, names(missingInfo))) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' boxplot(x,fak=NULL,...,ylim=NULL,log=FALSE, plotMissings=TRUE, mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(missingPlotRect, missingInfo, names(missingInfo))) vp.boxplot(x,y,...,dots=FALSE,boxes=TRUE,xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,log=FALSE, notch=FALSE,plotMissings=TRUE, mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(missingPlotRect, missingInfo,c("NM","TM",cn)), missingness=attr(y,"missingness") ) vp.logboxplot(x,y,...,dots=FALSE,boxes=TRUE,xlim,ylim,log=TRUE,notch=FALSE, plotMissings=TRUE, mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(missingPlotRect, missingInfo,c("NM","TM",cn)), missingness=attr(y,"missingness"))
## S3 method for class 'acomp' boxplot(x,fak=NULL,..., xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,log=TRUE, panel=vp.logboxplot,dots=!boxes,boxes=TRUE, notch=FALSE, plotMissings=TRUE, mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(missingPlotRect, missingInfo,c("NM","TM",cn)) ) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' boxplot(x,fak=NULL,..., xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,log=FALSE, panel=vp.boxplot,dots=!boxes,boxes=TRUE, notch=FALSE, plotMissings=TRUE, mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(missingPlotRect, missingInfo,c("NM","TM",cn))) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' boxplot(x,fak=NULL,...,log=TRUE, plotMissings=TRUE, mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(missingPlotRect, missingInfo, names(missingInfo))) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' boxplot(x,fak=NULL,...,ylim=NULL,log=FALSE, plotMissings=TRUE, mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(missingPlotRect, missingInfo, names(missingInfo))) vp.boxplot(x,y,...,dots=FALSE,boxes=TRUE,xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,log=FALSE, notch=FALSE,plotMissings=TRUE, mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(missingPlotRect, missingInfo,c("NM","TM",cn)), missingness=attr(y,"missingness") ) vp.logboxplot(x,y,...,dots=FALSE,boxes=TRUE,xlim,ylim,log=TRUE,notch=FALSE, plotMissings=TRUE, mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(missingPlotRect, missingInfo,c("NM","TM",cn)), missingness=attr(y,"missingness"))
x |
a data set |
fak |
a factor to split the data set, not yet implemented in aplus and rplus |
xlim |
x-limits of the plot. |
ylim |
y-limits of the plot. |
log |
logical indicating whether ploting should be done on log scale |
panel |
the panel function to be used or a list of multiple panel functions |
... |
further graphical parameters |
dots |
a logical indicating whether the points should be drawn |
boxes |
a logical indicating whether the boxes should be drawn |
y |
used by pairs |
notch |
logical, should the boxes be notched? |
plotMissings |
Logical indicating that missings should be displayed. |
mp |
A formula providing a function call, which will be evaluated
within each panel with missings to plot the missingness situation. The
call can use the variables |
missingness |
The missingness information as a result from
and boxplot.rplus
are wrappers of bxp
which just take into account the possible logarithmic scale of the data.
and boxplot.rcomp
generate a matrix of box-plots, where
each cell represents the difference between the row and column variables. Such
difference is respectively computed as a log-ratio and a rest.
and vp.logboxplot
are only used as panel functions.
They should not be directly called.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) boxplot(acomp(sa.lognormals)) boxplot(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) boxplot(aplus(sa.lognormals)) boxplot(rplus(sa.lognormals)) # And now with missing!!! boxplot(acomp(sa.tnormals))
data(SimulatedAmounts) boxplot(acomp(sa.lognormals)) boxplot(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) boxplot(aplus(sa.lognormals)) boxplot(rplus(sa.lognormals)) # And now with missing!!! boxplot(acomp(sa.tnormals))
A class providing the means to analyse count compositions understood as Poisson or multinomial realisation, where the portions are given by an unkown Aitchison compositions.
ccomp(X,parts=1:NCOL(oneOrDataset(X)),total=NA,warn.na=FALSE, detectionlimit=NULL,BDL=NULL,MAR=NULL,MNAR=NULL,SZ=NULL)
ccomp(X,parts=1:NCOL(oneOrDataset(X)),total=NA,warn.na=FALSE, detectionlimit=NULL,BDL=NULL,MAR=NULL,MNAR=NULL,SZ=NULL)
X |
composition or dataset of compositions |
parts |
vector containing the indices xor names of the columns to be used |
total |
the total amount to be used, typically 1 or 100 |
warn.na |
should the user be warned in case of NA,NaN or 0 coding different types of missing values? |
detectionlimit |
a number, vector or matrix of positive numbers giving the detection limit of all values, all columns or each value, respectively |
the code for 'Below Detection Limit' in X |
SZ |
the code for 'Structural Zero' in X |
the code for 'Missing At Random' in X |
the code for 'Missing Not At Random' in X |
A count composition contains an indirect observation of an Aitchison composition by a Poisson or multinomial variable. A count composition can only contain integer counts. It is assumed that the total sum is a an artefact and does not contain information on the actual composition. But it does contain information on the precision of the relative observation.
a vector of class "ccomp"
representing count composition
or a matrix of class "ccomp"
multiple count compositions each in one row.
The policy of treatment of zeroes, missing values and values below detecion limit is explained in depth in compositions.missing.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals))
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals))
The S4-version of the data container "ccomp" for compositional data. More information in
A virtual Class: No objects may be directly created from it.
This is provided to ensure that ccomp objects behave as data.frame or structure under certain circumstances. Use ccomp
to create these objects.
:Object of class "list"
containing the data itself
:Object of class "character"
with column names
:Object of class "data.frameRowLabels"
with row names
:Object of class "character"
with the class string
Class "data.frame"
, directly.
Class "compositional"
, directly.
Class "list"
, by class "data.frame", distance 2.
Class "oldClass"
, by class "data.frame", distance 2.
Class "vector"
, by class "data.frame", distance 3.
signature(from = "ccomp", to = "data.frame")
: to generate a data.frame
signature(from = "ccomp", to = "structure")
: to generate a structure (i.e. a vector, matrix or array)
signature(from = "ccomp", to = "data.frame")
: to overwrite a composition with a data.frame
see ccomp
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
see ccomp
see ccomp
Goodness of fit tests for count compositional data.
PoissonGOF.test(x,lambda=mean(x),R=999,estimated=missing(lambda)) ccompPoissonGOF.test(x,simulate.p.value=TRUE,R=1999) ccompMultinomialGOF.test(x,simulate.p.value=TRUE,R=1999)
PoissonGOF.test(x,lambda=mean(x),R=999,estimated=missing(lambda)) ccompPoissonGOF.test(x,simulate.p.value=TRUE,R=1999) ccompMultinomialGOF.test(x,simulate.p.value=TRUE,R=1999)
x |
a dataset integer numbers (PoissonGOF) or count compositions (compPoissonGOF) |
lambda |
the expected value to check against |
R |
The number of replicates to compute the distribution of the test statistic |
estimated |
states whether the lambda parameter should be considered as estimated for the computation of the p-value. |
simulate.p.value |
should all p-values be infered by simulation. |
The compositional goodness of fit testing problem is essentially a
multivariate goodness of fit test. However there is a lack of
standardized multivariate goodness of fit tests in R. Some can be found in
the energy
In principle there is only one test behind the Goodness of fit tests provided here, a two sample test with test statistic.
The idea behind that statistic is to measure the cos of an angle between the distributions in a scalar product given by
where k and K are Gaussian kernels with different spread. The bandwith
is actually the standarddeviation of k.
The other goodness of fit tests against a specific distribution are
based on estimating the parameters of the distribution, simulating a
large dataset of that distribution and apply the two sample goodness
of fit test.
A classical "htest"
data.name |
The name of the dataset as specified |
method |
a name for the test used |
alternative |
an empty string |
replicates |
a dataset of p-value distributions under the Null-Hypothesis got from nonparametric bootstrap |
p.value |
The p.value computed for this test |
Up to now the tests can not handle missings.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
, runif.acomp
## Not run: x <- runif.acomp(100,4) y <- runif.acomp(100,4) erg <- acompGOF.test(x,y) #continue erg unclass(erg) erg <- acompGOF.test(x,y) x <- runif.acomp(100,4) y <- runif.acomp(100,4) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(100,4),runif.acomp(100,4))$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(20,4),runif.acomp(100,4))$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(10,4),runif.acomp(100,4))$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(10,4),runif.acomp(400,4))$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(400,4),runif.acomp(10,4),bandwidth=4)$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(20,4),runif.acomp(100,4)+acomp(c(1,2,3,1)))$p.value) hist(dd) x <- runif.acomp(100,4) acompUniformityGOF.test(x) dd <- replicate(1000,acompUniformityGOF.test(runif.acomp(10,4))$p.value) hist(dd) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: x <- runif.acomp(100,4) y <- runif.acomp(100,4) erg <- acompGOF.test(x,y) #continue erg unclass(erg) erg <- acompGOF.test(x,y) x <- runif.acomp(100,4) y <- runif.acomp(100,4) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(100,4),runif.acomp(100,4))$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(20,4),runif.acomp(100,4))$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(10,4),runif.acomp(100,4))$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(10,4),runif.acomp(400,4))$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(400,4),runif.acomp(10,4),bandwidth=4)$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(20,4),runif.acomp(100,4)+acomp(c(1,2,3,1)))$p.value) hist(dd) x <- runif.acomp(100,4) acompUniformityGOF.test(x) dd <- replicate(1000,acompUniformityGOF.test(runif.acomp(10,4))$p.value) hist(dd) ## End(Not run)
Compute the centered default transform of a (data set of) compositions or amounts (or its inverse).
cdt(x,...) ## Default S3 method: cdt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' cdt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' cdt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' cdt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' cdt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' cdt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' cdt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'factor' cdt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' cdt( x ,...) cdtInv(x,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## Default S3 method: cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'factor' cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...)
cdt(x,...) ## Default S3 method: cdt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' cdt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' cdt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' cdt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' cdt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' cdt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' cdt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'factor' cdt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' cdt( x ,...) cdtInv(x,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## Default S3 method: cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'factor' cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' cdtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...)
x |
a classed (matrix of) amount or composition, to be transformed with its
centered default transform, or its inverse; in case of the method for |
... |
generic arguments past to underlying functions. |
orig |
a compositional object which should be mimicked
by the inverse transformation. It is used to determine the
backtransform to be used and eventually to
reconstruct the names of the parts. It is the generic
argument. Typically this argument is extracted from |
The general idea of this package is to analyse the same data with
different geometric concepts, in a fashion as similar as possible. For each of the
four concepts there exists a unique transform expressing the geometry
in a linear subspace, keeping the relation to the variables. This
unique transformation is computed by cdt
. For
the transform is clr
, for
it is cpt
, for
it is ilt
, and for
it is iit
. Each component of the result
is identified with a unit vector in the direction of the corresponding
component of the original composition or amount. Keep in mind that the
transform is not necessarily surjective and thus variances in the
image space might be singular.
A corresponding matrix or vector containing the transforms. (Exception: cdt.data.frame can return a data.frame if the input has no "origClass"-attribute)
R. Tolosana-Delgado, K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
van den Boogaart, K.G. and R. Tolosana-Delgado (2008) "compositions": a unified R package to analyze Compositional Data, Computers & Geosciences, 34 (4), pages 320-338, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2006.11.017.
, idt
, clr
, cpt
, ilt
, iit
## Not run: # the cdt is defined by cdt <- function(x) UseMethod("cdt",x) cdt.default <- function(x) x cdt.acomp <- clr cdt.rcomp <- cpt cdt.aplus <- ilt cdt.rplus <- iit ## End(Not run) x <- acomp(1:5) (ds <- cdt(x)) cdtInv(ds,x) (ds <- cdt(rcomp(1:5))) cdtInv(ds,rcomp(x)) data(Hydrochem) x = Hydrochem[,c("Na","K","Mg","Ca")] y = acomp(x) z = cdt(y) y2 = cdtInv(z,y) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for(i in 1:4){plot(y[,i],y2[,i])}
## Not run: # the cdt is defined by cdt <- function(x) UseMethod("cdt",x) cdt.default <- function(x) x cdt.acomp <- clr cdt.rcomp <- cpt cdt.aplus <- ilt cdt.rplus <- iit ## End(Not run) x <- acomp(1:5) (ds <- cdt(x)) cdtInv(ds,x) (ds <- cdt(rcomp(1:5))) cdtInv(ds,rcomp(x)) data(Hydrochem) x = Hydrochem[,c("Na","K","Mg","Ca")] y = acomp(x) z = cdt(y) y2 = cdtInv(z,y) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for(i in 1:4){plot(y[,i],y2[,i])}
From East Bay, 20 clam colonies were randomly selected and from each a sample of clams were taken. Each sample was sieved into three size ranges, large, medium, and small. Then each size range was sorted by the shale colour, dark or light.
The data consist of 20 cases and variables denoted:
dl | portion of dark large clams, | |
dm | portion of dark medium clams, | |
ds | portion of dark small clams, | |
ll | portion of light large clams, | |
lm | portion of light medium clams, | |
ls | portion of light small clams. |
All 6-part compositions sum to one, except for rounding errors.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name CLAMEAST.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison: The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, 1986, Data 14, pp18.
From West Bay, 20 clam colonies were randomly selected, and from each a sample of clams were taken. Each sample was sieved into three size ranges, large, medium, and small. Then each size range was sorted by the shale colour, dark or light.
The data consist of 20 cases and variables denoted:
dl | portion of dark large clams, | |
dm | portion of dark medium clams, | |
ds | portion of dark small clams, | |
ll | portion of light large clams, | |
lm | portion of light medium clams, | |
ls | portion of light small clams. |
All 6-part compositions sum up to one.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name CLAMWEST.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison: The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, 1986, Data 15, pp17.
Closes compositions to sum up to one (or an optional total), by dividing each part by the sum.
clo( X, parts=1:NCOL(oneOrDataset(X)),total=1, detectionlimit=attr(X,"detectionlimit"), BDL=NULL,MAR=NULL,MNAR=NULL,SZ=NULL, storelimit=!is.null(attr(X,"detectionlimit")) )
clo( X, parts=1:NCOL(oneOrDataset(X)),total=1, detectionlimit=attr(X,"detectionlimit"), BDL=NULL,MAR=NULL,MNAR=NULL,SZ=NULL, storelimit=!is.null(attr(X,"detectionlimit")) )
X |
composition or dataset of compositions |
parts |
vector containing the indices xor names of the columns to be used |
total |
the total amount to which the compositions should be closed; either
a single number, or a numeric vector of length
detectionlimit |
a number, vector or matrix of positive numbers giving the detection limit of all values, all variables, or each value |
the code for values below detection limit in X |
SZ |
the code for structural zeroes in X |
the code for values missed at random in X |
the code for values missed not at random in X |
storelimit |
a boolean indicating wether to store the detection limit as an attribute in the data. It defaults to FALSE if the detection limit is not already stored in the dataset. The attribute is only needed for very advanced analysis. Most times, this will not be used. |
The closure operation is given by
generates a composition without assigning one of the
compositional classes acomp
or rcomp
Note that after computing the closed-to-one version, obtaining a
version closed to any other value is done by simple multiplication.
a composition or a data matrix of compositions, maybe without compositional class. The individual compositions are forced to sum to 1 (or to the optionally-specified total). The result should have the same shape as the input (vector, row, matrix).
How missing values are coded in the output always follows the general rules
described in compositions.missing
. The BDL values are
accordingly scaled during the scaling operations but not taken into
acount for the calculation of the total sum.
can be used to unclass compositions.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman & Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
(tmp <- clo(c(1,2,3))) clo(tmp,total=100) data(Hydrochem) plot( clo(Hydrochem,8:9) ) # Giving points on a line
(tmp <- clo(c(1,2,3))) clo(tmp,total=100) data(Hydrochem) plot( clo(Hydrochem,8:9) ) # Giving points on a line
Compute the centered log ratio transform of a (dataset of) composition(s) and its inverse.
clr( x,... ) clrInv( z,..., orig=gsi.orig(z) )
clr( x,... ) clrInv( z,..., orig=gsi.orig(z) )
x |
a composition or a data matrix of compositions, not necessarily closed |
z |
the clr-transform of a composition or a data matrix of clr-transforms of compositions, not necessarily centered (i.e. summing up to zero) |
... |
for generic use only |
orig |
a compositional object which should be mimicked by the inverse transformation. It is especially used to reconstruct the names of the parts. |
The clr-transform maps a composition in the D-part Aitchison-simplex
isometrically to a D-dimensonal euclidian vector subspace: consequently, the
transformation is not injective. Thus resulting covariance matrices
are always singular.
The data can then
be analysed in this transformation by all classical multivariate
analysis tools not relying on a full rank of the covariance. See
and alr
for alternatives. The
interpretation of the results is relatively easy since the relation between each original
part and a transformed variable is preserved.
The centered logratio transform is given by
The image of the clr
is a vector with entries
summing to 0. This hyperplane is also called the clr-plane.
gives the centered log ratio transform,
gives closed compositions with the given clr-transform
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman & Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
(tmp <- clr(c(1,2,3))) clrInv(tmp) clrInv(tmp) - clo(c(1,2,3)) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(clr(cdata),pch=".")
(tmp <- clr(c(1,2,3))) clrInv(tmp) clrInv(tmp) - clo(c(1,2,3)) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(clr(cdata),pch=".")
Compute the centered log ratio transform of a (dataset of) from isometric log-ratio transform(s) and its inverse. Equivalently, compute centered and isometric planar transforms from each other. Acts in vectors and in bilinear forms. For bilinear forms, transform between variation-form from clr-form.
clr2ilr( x , V=ilrBase(x=x) ) ilr2clr( z , V=ilrBase(z=z), x=gsi.orig(z) ) clrvar2ilr( varx , V=ilrBase(D=ncol(varx)) ) ilrvar2clr( varz , V=ilrBase(D=ncol(varz)+1) ,x=NULL) clrvar2variation(Sigma) variation2clrvar(TT) is.clrvar(M, tol=1e-10) is.ilrvar(M, tol=1e-10)
clr2ilr( x , V=ilrBase(x=x) ) ilr2clr( z , V=ilrBase(z=z), x=gsi.orig(z) ) clrvar2ilr( varx , V=ilrBase(D=ncol(varx)) ) ilrvar2clr( varz , V=ilrBase(D=ncol(varz)+1) ,x=NULL) clrvar2variation(Sigma) variation2clrvar(TT) is.clrvar(M, tol=1e-10) is.ilrvar(M, tol=1e-10)
x |
the clr/cpt-transform of composition(s) (in the ilr2-routines provided only to give column names.) |
z |
the ilr/ipt-transform of composition(s) |
varx , Sigma
variance or covariance matrix of clr/cpt-transformed compositions |
varz |
variance or covariance matrix of ilr/ipt-transformed compositions |
V |
a matrix with columns giving the chosen basis of the clr-plane |
TT |
variation matrix |
M |
a matrix, to check if it is a valid variance |
tol |
tolerance for the check |
These functions perform a matrix multiplication with V
in an
appropriate way.
gives the ilr/ipt transform of the same composition(s),ilr2clr
gives the clr/cpt transform of the same
gives the variance-/covariance-matrix of the ilr/ipt transform of the same compositional data set,ilrvar2clr
and clrvar2variation
give the variance-/covariance-matrix of the clr/cpt
transform of the same compositional data set.variation2clrvar
gives the variation matrix from the clr-covariance matrixis.*var
check if the given matrix satisfies the conditions to be an ilr-variance
resp. a clr-variance
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Egozcue J.J., V. Pawlowsky-Glahn, G. Mateu-Figueras and
C. Barcel'o-Vidal (2003) Isometric logratio transformations for
compositional data analysis. Mathematical Geology, 35(3)
Aitchison, J, C. Barcel'o-Vidal, J.J. Egozcue, V. Pawlowsky-Glahn
(2002) A consise guide to the algebraic geometric structure of the
simplex, the sample space for compositional data analysis, Terra
Nostra, Schriften der Alfred Wegener-Stiftung, 03/2003
data(SimulatedAmounts) ilrInv(clr2ilr(clr(sa.lognormals)))-clo(sa.lognormals) clrInv(ilr2clr(ilr(sa.lognormals)))-clo(sa.lognormals) ilrvar2clr(var(ilr(sa.lognormals)))-var(clr(sa.lognormals)) clrvar2ilr(var(cpt(sa.lognormals)))-var(ipt(sa.lognormals)) variation(acomp(sa.lognormals)) clrvar2variation(var(acomp(sa.lognormals)))
data(SimulatedAmounts) ilrInv(clr2ilr(clr(sa.lognormals)))-clo(sa.lognormals) clrInv(ilr2clr(ilr(sa.lognormals)))-clo(sa.lognormals) ilrvar2clr(var(ilr(sa.lognormals)))-var(clr(sa.lognormals)) clrvar2ilr(var(cpt(sa.lognormals)))-var(ipt(sa.lognormals)) variation(acomp(sa.lognormals)) clrvar2variation(var(acomp(sa.lognormals)))
The ClusterFinder is a heuristic to find subpopulations of outliers essentially by looking for secondary modes in a density estimate.
ClusterFinder1(X,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' ClusterFinder1(X,...,sigma=0.3,radius=1,asig=1,minGrp=3, robust=TRUE)
ClusterFinder1(X,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' ClusterFinder1(X,...,sigma=0.3,radius=1,asig=1,minGrp=3, robust=TRUE)
X |
the dataset to be clustered |
... |
Further arguments to |
sigma |
numeric: The Bandwidth of the density estimation kernel in a robustly Mahalanobis transformed space. (i.e. in the transform, where the main group has unit variance) |
radius |
The minimum size of a cluster in a robustly Mahalanobis transformed space. (i.e. in the transform, where the main group has unit variance) |
asig |
a scaling factor for the geometry of the robustly Mahalanobis transformed space when computing the likelihood of an observation to belong to group (under a Gaussian assumption). Higher values |
minGrp |
the minimum size of group to be used. Smaller groups are treated as single outliers |
robust |
A robustness description for estimating the variance of
the main group. FALSE is probably not a usefull value. However later
other robustness techniques than mcd might be usefull. |
See outliersInCompositions for a comprehensive introduction
into the outlier
treatment in compositions.
The ClusterFinder is labeled with a number to make clear that this is
just an implementation of some heuristic and not based on some eternal
truth. Other might give better Clusterfinders.
Unlike other Clustering Algorithms the basic model of this
algorithm assumes that there is one dominating subpopulation and an
unkown number of smaller subpopulations with a similar covariance
structure but a different mean. The algorithm thus first estimates the
covariance structure of the main population by a robust location scale
estimator. Then it uses a simplified (Gaussian) kernel density
estimator to find
nonrandom secondary modes. The it tries to a assign the different
observations according to discrimination analysis model to the
different modes. Groups under a given size are considered as single
outliers forming a seperate group. In this way the number of clusters
is kept low even if there are many erratic measurements in the dataset.
The main use of the
clusters is descriptive plotting. The advantage of these cluster
against other cluster techniques like k-mean or hclust is that it does
not tear appart the central mass of the data, as these methods do to
make the clusters as compact as possible.
A list
types |
a factor representing the group assignments, when the small groups are ignored |
typesTbl |
a table giving the number of members in each of these groups |
groups |
a factor representing the found group assignments |
isMax |
a logical vector indicating for each observation,whether it represent a local maximum in the density estimate. |
prob |
the infered probability to belong to the different groups given as an acomp composition. |
nmembers |
a tabel giving the number of members of each group |
density |
the density estimated in each observation location |
likeli |
The infered likelihood see this observation, for each of the groups |
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) cl <- ClusterFinder1(sa.outliers5,sigma=0.4,radius=1) plot(sa.outliers5,col=as.numeric(cl$types),pch=as.numeric(cl$types)) legend(1,1,legend=levels(cl$types),xjust=1,col=1:length(levels(cl$types)), pch=1:length(levels(cl$types)))
data(SimulatedAmounts) cl <- ClusterFinder1(sa.outliers5,sigma=0.4,radius=1) plot(sa.outliers5,col=as.numeric(cl$types),pch=as.numeric(cl$types)) legend(1,1,legend=levels(cl$types),xjust=1,col=1:length(levels(cl$types)), pch=1:length(levels(cl$types)))
Function for plotting CoDa-dendrograms of acomp or rcomp objects.
CoDaDendrogram(X, V = NULL, expr=NULL, mergetree = NULL, signary = NULL, range = c(-4,4), ..., xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, yaxt = NULL, box.pos = 0, box.space = 0.25, col.tree = "black", lty.tree = 1, lwd.tree = 1, col.leaf = "black", lty.leaf = 1, lwd.leaf = 1, add = FALSE,border=NULL, type = "boxplot")
CoDaDendrogram(X, V = NULL, expr=NULL, mergetree = NULL, signary = NULL, range = c(-4,4), ..., xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, yaxt = NULL, box.pos = 0, box.space = 0.25, col.tree = "black", lty.tree = 1, lwd.tree = 1, col.leaf = "black", lty.leaf = 1, lwd.leaf = 1, add = FALSE,border=NULL, type = "boxplot")
X |
data set to plot (an rcomp or acomp object) |
V |
basis to use, described as an ilr matrix |
expr |
a formula describing the partition basis, as with |
mergetree |
basis to use, described as a merging tree (as in |
signary |
basis to use, described as a sign matrix (as in the example below) |
range |
minimum and maximum value for all coordinates (horizontal axes) |
... |
further parameters to pass to any function, be it a plotting function or one related to the "type" parameter below; likely to produce lots of warnings |
xlim |
minimum and maximum values for the horizontal direction of the plot (related to number of parts) |
ylim |
minimum and maximum values for the vertical direction of the plot (related to variance of coordinates) |
yaxt |
axis type for the vertical direction of the plot (see |
box.pos |
if type="boxplot", this is the relative position of the box in the vertical direction: 0 means centered on the axis, -1 aligned below the axis and +1 aligned above the axis |
box.space |
if type="boxplot", size of the box in the vertical direction as a portion of the minimal variance of the coordinates |
col.tree |
color for the horizontal axes |
lty.tree |
line type for the horizontal axes |
lwd.tree |
line width for the horizontal axes |
col.leaf |
color for the vertical conections between an axis and a part (leaf) |
lty.leaf |
line type for the leaves |
lwd.leaf |
line width for the leaves |
add |
should a new plot be triggered, or is the material to be added to an existing CoDa-dendrogram? |
border |
the color for drawing the rectangles |
type |
what to represent? one of "boxplot","density","histogram","lines","nothing" or "points", or an univocal abbreviation |
The object and an isometric basis are represented in a CoDa-dendrogram, as defined by Egozcue and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2005). This is a representation of the following elements:
a hierarchical partition (which can be specified either through an ilrBase matrix (see ilrBase
), a merging tree structure (see hclust
) or a signary matrix (see gsi.merge2signary
the sample mean of each coordinate of the ilr basis associated to that partition
the sample variance of each coordinate of the ilr basis associated to that partition
optionally (potentially!), any graphical representation of each coordinate, as long as this representation is suitable for a univariate data set (box-plot, histogram, dispersion and kernel density are programmed or intended to, but any other may be added with little work).
Each coordinate is represented in a horizontal axis, which limits correspond to the values given in the parameter range
. The vertical bar going up from each one of these coordinate axes represent the variance of that specific coordinate, and the contact point the coordinate mean. Note that to be able to represent an initial dendrogram, the first call to this function must be given a full data set, as means and variances must be computed. This information is afterwards stored in a global list, to add any sort of new material to all coordinates.
The default option is type="boxplot"
, which produces a box-plot for each coordinate, customizable using box.pos
and box.space
, as well as typical par
parameters (col, border, lty, lwd, etc.). To obtain only the first three aspects, the function must be called with type="lines"
. As extensions, one might represent a single datum/few data (e.g., a mean or a random subsample of the data set) calling the function with add=TRUE
and type="points"
. Other options (calling functions histogram
or density
, and admitting their parameters) will be also soon available.
Note that the original coda-dendrogram as defined by Egozcue and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2005) works with acomp objects and ilr bases. Functionality is extended to rcomp objects using calls to idt
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Egozcue J.J., V. Pawlowsky-Glahn, G. Mateu-Figueras and
C. Barcel'o-Vidal (2003) Isometric logratio transformations for
compositional data analysis. Mathematical Geology, 35(3)
Egozcue, J.J. and V. Pawlowsky-Glahn (2005). CoDa-Dendrogram: a new exploratory tool.
In: Mateu-Figueras, G. and Barcel\'o-Vidal, C. (Eds.)
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Compositional Data Analysis,
Universitat de Girona, ISBN 84-8458-222-1, https://ima.udg.edu/Activitats/CoDaWork05/
, rcomp
, acomp
# first example: take the data set from the example, select only # compositional parts data(Hydrochem) x = acomp(Hydrochem[,-c(1:5)]) gr = Hydrochem[,4] # river groups (useful afterwards) # use an ilr basis coming from a clustering of parts dd = dist(t(clr(x))) hc1 = hclust(dd,method="ward.D") plot(hc1) mergetree=hc1$merge CoDaDendrogram(X=acomp(x),mergetree=mergetree,col="red",range=c(-8,8),box.space=1) # add the mean of each river color=c("green3","red","blue","darkviolet") aux = sapply(split(x,gr),mean) aux CoDaDendrogram(X=acomp(t(aux)),add=TRUE,col=color,type="points",pch=4) # second example: box-plots by rivers (filled) CoDaDendrogram(X=acomp(x),mergetree=mergetree,col="black",range=c(-8,8),type="l") xsplit = split(x,gr) for(i in 1:4){ CoDaDendrogram(X=xsplit[[i]],col=color[i],type="box",box.pos=i-2.5,box.space=0.5,add=TRUE) } # third example: fewer parts, partition defined by a signary, and empty box-plots x = acomp(Hydrochem[,c("Na","K","Mg","Ca","Sr","Ba","NH4")]) signary = t(matrix( c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0),ncol=7,nrow=6,byrow=TRUE)) CoDaDendrogram(X=acomp(x),signary=signary,col="black",range=c(-8,8),type="l") xsplit = split(x,gr) for(i in 1:4){ CoDaDendrogram(X=acomp(xsplit[[i]]),border=color[i], type="box",box.pos=i-2.5,box.space=1.5,add=TRUE) CoDaDendrogram(X=acomp(xsplit[[i]]),col=color[i], type="line",add=TRUE) }
# first example: take the data set from the example, select only # compositional parts data(Hydrochem) x = acomp(Hydrochem[,-c(1:5)]) gr = Hydrochem[,4] # river groups (useful afterwards) # use an ilr basis coming from a clustering of parts dd = dist(t(clr(x))) hc1 = hclust(dd,method="ward.D") plot(hc1) mergetree=hc1$merge CoDaDendrogram(X=acomp(x),mergetree=mergetree,col="red",range=c(-8,8),box.space=1) # add the mean of each river color=c("green3","red","blue","darkviolet") aux = sapply(split(x,gr),mean) aux CoDaDendrogram(X=acomp(t(aux)),add=TRUE,col=color,type="points",pch=4) # second example: box-plots by rivers (filled) CoDaDendrogram(X=acomp(x),mergetree=mergetree,col="black",range=c(-8,8),type="l") xsplit = split(x,gr) for(i in 1:4){ CoDaDendrogram(X=xsplit[[i]],col=color[i],type="box",box.pos=i-2.5,box.space=0.5,add=TRUE) } # third example: fewer parts, partition defined by a signary, and empty box-plots x = acomp(Hydrochem[,c("Na","K","Mg","Ca","Sr","Ba","NH4")]) signary = t(matrix( c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0),ncol=7,nrow=6,byrow=TRUE)) CoDaDendrogram(X=acomp(x),signary=signary,col="black",range=c(-8,8),type="l") xsplit = split(x,gr) for(i in 1:4){ CoDaDendrogram(X=acomp(xsplit[[i]]),border=color[i], type="box",box.pos=i-2.5,box.space=1.5,add=TRUE) CoDaDendrogram(X=acomp(xsplit[[i]]),col=color[i], type="line",add=TRUE) }
This function generates a simple biplot out of various sources and allows to give color and symbol to the x-objects individually.
## Default S3 method: coloredBiplot(x, y, var.axes = TRUE, col, cex = rep(par("cex"), 2), xlabs = NULL, ylabs = NULL, expand=1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, arrow.len = 0.1, main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, xlabs.col = NULL, xlabs.bg = NULL, xlabs.pc=NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'princomp' coloredBiplot(x, choices = 1:2, scale = 1, pc.biplot=FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'prcomp' coloredBiplot(x, choices = 1:2, scale = 1, pc.biplot=FALSE, ...)
## Default S3 method: coloredBiplot(x, y, var.axes = TRUE, col, cex = rep(par("cex"), 2), xlabs = NULL, ylabs = NULL, expand=1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, arrow.len = 0.1, main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, xlabs.col = NULL, xlabs.bg = NULL, xlabs.pc=NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'princomp' coloredBiplot(x, choices = 1:2, scale = 1, pc.biplot=FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'prcomp' coloredBiplot(x, choices = 1:2, scale = 1, pc.biplot=FALSE, ...)
x |
a representation of the the co-information to be plotted, given by a result of princomp or prcomp; or the first set of coordinates to be plotted |
y |
optional, the second set of coordinates to be potted |
var.axes |
if 'TRUE' the second set of points have arrows representing them as (unscaled) axes |
col |
one color (to be used for the y set) or a vector of two colors
(to be used for x and y sets respectively, if |
cex |
the usual cex parameter for plotting; can be a length-2 vector to format differently x and y labels/symbols |
xlabs |
names to write for the points of the first set |
ylabs |
names to write for the points of the second set |
expand |
expansion factor to apply when plotting the second set of points relative to the first. This can be used to tweak the scaling of the two sets to a physically comparable scale |
xlim |
horizontal axis limits |
ylim |
vertical axis limits |
arrow.len |
length of the arrow heads on the axes plotted if 'var.axes' is true. The arrow head can be suppressed by 'arrow.len=0' |
main |
main title |
sub |
subtitle |
xlab |
horizontal axis title |
ylab |
vertical axis title |
xlabs.col |
the color(s) to draw the points of the first set, if
xlabs.bg |
the filling color(s) to draw the points of the first set, if
xlabs.pc |
the plotting character(s) for the first set, if
scale |
the way to distribute the singular values on the
right or left singular vectors for princomp and prcomp objects
(see |
choices |
the components to be plotted (see |
pc.biplot |
should be scaled by |
... |
further parameters for plot |
The functions is provided for convenience.
The function is called only for the side effect of plotting. It is a modification of the standard R routine 'biplot'.
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) coloredBiplot(x=princomp(acomp(sa.outliers5)),pc.biplot=FALSE, xlabs.pc=c(1,2,3), xlabs.col=2:4, col="black")
data(SimulatedAmounts) coloredBiplot(x=princomp(acomp(sa.outliers5)),pc.biplot=FALSE, xlabs.pc=c(1,2,3), xlabs.col=2:4, col="black")
Conveniance Functions to generate meaningfull color palettes for factors representing different types of outliers.
colorsForOutliers1(outfac, family=rainbow, extreme="cyan",outlier="red",ok="gray40",unknown="blue") colorsForOutliers2(outfac,use=whichBits(gsi.orSum(levels(outfac))), codes=c(2^outer(c(24,16,8),1:7,"-")),ok="yellow") pchForOutliers1(outfac,ok='.',outlier='\004',extreme='\003',unknown='\004',..., other=c('\001','\002','\026','\027','\010','\011','\012','\013','\014','\015', '\016',strsplit("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ","")[[1]]) )
colorsForOutliers1(outfac, family=rainbow, extreme="cyan",outlier="red",ok="gray40",unknown="blue") colorsForOutliers2(outfac,use=whichBits(gsi.orSum(levels(outfac))), codes=c(2^outer(c(24,16,8),1:7,"-")),ok="yellow") pchForOutliers1(outfac,ok='.',outlier='\004',extreme='\003',unknown='\004',..., other=c('\001','\002','\026','\027','\010','\011','\012','\013','\014','\015', '\016',strsplit("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ","")[[1]]) )
outfac |
a factor given by an OutlierClassifier
(e.g. |
family |
a function generating a color palette from a numer of colors requested. |
extreme |
The color/char for extrem but not definitivly outlying observations. |
outlier |
The color/char for detected outliers. |
unknown |
The color/char for observation with unclear classification. |
other |
The character codes for other outlier classes. |
ok |
The color/char for nonoutlying usual observations. |
use |
a numerical vector giving the indices of the bits of the output to be represented. The sequence of the bits determins how each bit is represented. |
codes |
The color influences to be used for each bit. |
... |
further codings for other factorlevels |
This functions are provided for coveniance to quickly generate a palette of reasonable colors or plotting chars for groups of outliers classified by OutlierClassifier1.
a character vector of colors or a numeric vector of plot chars.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
## Not run: data(SimulatedAmounts) data5 <- acomp(sa.outliers5) olc <- OutlierClassifier1(data5) plot(data5,col=colorsForOutliers1(olc)[olc]) olc <- OutlierClassifier1(data5,type="all") plot(data5,col=colorsForOutliers2(olc)[olc]) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(SimulatedAmounts) data5 <- acomp(sa.outliers5) olc <- OutlierClassifier1(data5) plot(data5,col=colorsForOutliers1(olc)[olc]) olc <- OutlierClassifier1(data5,type="all") plot(data5,col=colorsForOutliers2(olc)[olc]) ## End(Not run)
Creates a Variogram model according to the linear model of spatial corregionalisation for a compositional geostatistical analysis.
formula |
A formula without left side providing a formal description of a variogram model. |
comp |
a compositional dataset, needed to provide the frame size |
D |
The dimension of the multivariate dataset |
envir |
The enviroment in which formula should be interpreted. |
The linear model of coregionalisation uses the fact that sums of valid variogram models are valid variograms, and that scalar variograms multiplied with a positive definite matrix are valid variograms for vector-valued random functions.
This command computes such a variogram function from a formal description, via a formula without left-hand side. The right-hand side of the formula is a sum. Each summand is either a product of a matrix description and a scalar variogram description or only a scalar variogram description. Scalar variogram descriptions are either formal function calls to
for spherical variogram with range range
for an exponential variogram with effective range
for a Gaussian variogram with effective range
for a cardinal sine variogram with range parameter
for an power variogram with range parameter
linear variogram 1 at unit
for adding a nuggeteffect.
Alternatively it can be any expression, which will be evaluated in
envir and should depende on a dataset of distantce vectrs h
An effective range is that distance at which one reaches the sill (for spherical)
of 95% of its values (for all other models). Parametric ranges are given for those
models that do not have an effective range formula.
The matrix description always comes first. It can be R1
for a
rank 1 matrix; PSD
for a Positive Semidefinite matrix; \(S\)
for a scalar Sill factor to be multiplied with the identity matrix; or any other
construct evaluating to a matrix, like e.g. a function of some parameters with
default values, that if called is evaluated to a positive semidefinite
matrix. R1
and PSD
can also be written as calls
providing a vector or respectively a matrix providing the parameter.
The variogram is created with default parameter values. The parameters
can later be modified by modifiying the default parameter with
assignments like formals(vg)$sPSD1 =
We would anyway expect you to fit the model to the data by a command
like fit.lmc(logratioVariogram(...),CompLinModCoReg(...))
A variogram function, with the extra class "CompLinModCoReg
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
What to cite??
## Not run: data(juraset) X <- with(juraset,cbind(X,Y)) comp <- acomp(juraset,c("Cd","Cu","Pb","Co","Cr")) CompLinModCoReg(~nugget()+sph(0.5)+R1*exp(0.7),comp) CompLinModCoReg(~nugget()+R1*sph(0.5)+R1*exp(0.7)+(0.3*diag(5))*gauss(0.3),comp) CompLinModCoReg(~nugget()+R1*sph(0.5)+R1(c(1,2,3,4,5))*exp(0.7),comp) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(juraset) X <- with(juraset,cbind(X,Y)) comp <- acomp(juraset,c("Cd","Cu","Pb","Co","Cr")) CompLinModCoReg(~nugget()+sph(0.5)+R1*exp(0.7),comp) CompLinModCoReg(~nugget()+R1*sph(0.5)+R1*exp(0.7)+(0.3*diag(5))*gauss(0.3),comp) CompLinModCoReg(~nugget()+R1*sph(0.5)+R1(c(1,2,3,4,5))*exp(0.7),comp) ## End(Not run)
Geostatistical prediction for compositional data with missing values.
comp |
an acomp compositional dataset |
X |
A dataset of locations |
Xnew |
The locations, where a geostatistical prediction should be computed. |
vg |
A compositional variogram function. |
err |
boolean: If true kriging errors are computed additionally. A bug was found here; the argument is currently disabled. |
The function performes multivariate ordinary kriging of compositions based on transformes addapted to the missings in every case. The variogram is assumed to be a clr variogram.
A list of class "logratioVariogram"
X |
The new locations as given by Xnew |
Z |
The predicted values as acomp compositions. |
err |
A bug has been found here. This output is currently disabled (An ncol(Z)xDxD array with the clr kriging errors.) |
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Pawlowsky-Glahn, Vera and Olea, Ricardo A. (2004) Geostatistical Analysis of Compositional Data, Oxford University Press, Studies in Mathematical Geology
Tolosana (2008) ...
Tolosana, van den Boogaart, Pawlowsky-Glahn (2009) Estimating and modeling variograms of compositional data with occasional missing variables in R, StatGis09
## Not run: # Load data data(juraset) X <- with(juraset,cbind(X,Y)) comp <- acomp(juraset,c("Cd","Cu","Pb","Co","Cr")) lrv <- logratioVariogram(comp,X,maxdist=1,nbins=10) plot(lrv) # Fit a variogram model vgModel <- CompLinModCoReg(~nugget()+sph(0.5)+R1*exp(0.7),comp) fit <- vgmFit2lrv(lrv,vgModel) fit plot(lrv,lrvg=vgram2lrvgram(fit$vg)) # Define A grid x <- (0:10/10)*6 y <- (0:10/10)*6 Xnew <- cbind(rep(x,length(y)),rep(y,each=length(x))) # Kriging erg <- compOKriging(comp,X,Xnew,fit$vg,err=FALSE) par(mar=c(0,0,1,0)) pairwisePlot(erg$Z,panel=function(a,b,xlab,ylab) {image(x,y, structure(log(a/b),dim=c(length(x),length(y))), main=paste("log(",xlab,"/",ylab,")",sep=""));points(X,pch=".")}) # Check interpolation properties ergR <- compOKriging(comp,X,X,fit$vg,err=FALSE) pairwisePlot(ilr(comp),ilr(ergR$Z)) ergR <- compOKriging(comp,X,X+1E-7,fit$vg,err=FALSE) pairwisePlot(ilr(comp),ilr(ergR$Z)) ergR <- compOKriging(comp,X,X[rev(1:31),],fit$vg,err=FALSE) pairwisePlot(ilr(comp)[rev(1:31),],ilr(ergR$Z)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Load data data(juraset) X <- with(juraset,cbind(X,Y)) comp <- acomp(juraset,c("Cd","Cu","Pb","Co","Cr")) lrv <- logratioVariogram(comp,X,maxdist=1,nbins=10) plot(lrv) # Fit a variogram model vgModel <- CompLinModCoReg(~nugget()+sph(0.5)+R1*exp(0.7),comp) fit <- vgmFit2lrv(lrv,vgModel) fit plot(lrv,lrvg=vgram2lrvgram(fit$vg)) # Define A grid x <- (0:10/10)*6 y <- (0:10/10)*6 Xnew <- cbind(rep(x,length(y)),rep(y,each=length(x))) # Kriging erg <- compOKriging(comp,X,Xnew,fit$vg,err=FALSE) par(mar=c(0,0,1,0)) pairwisePlot(erg$Z,panel=function(a,b,xlab,ylab) {image(x,y, structure(log(a/b),dim=c(length(x),length(y))), main=paste("log(",xlab,"/",ylab,")",sep=""));points(X,pch=".")}) # Check interpolation properties ergR <- compOKriging(comp,X,X,fit$vg,err=FALSE) pairwisePlot(ilr(comp),ilr(ergR$Z)) ergR <- compOKriging(comp,X,X+1E-7,fit$vg,err=FALSE) pairwisePlot(ilr(comp),ilr(ergR$Z)) ergR <- compOKriging(comp,X,X[rev(1:31),],fit$vg,err=FALSE) pairwisePlot(ilr(comp)[rev(1:31),],ilr(ergR$Z)) ## End(Not run)
Abstract class containing all compositional classes with (at least, partly) a closed geometry: acomp
, rcomp
and ccomp
A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.
No methods defined with class "compositional" in the signature.
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
for classes with total information
Computes the quantile of the Mahalanobis distance needed to draw confidence ellipsoids.
model |
A multivariate linear model |
prob |
The confidence probability |
alpha |
The alpha error allowed, i.e. the complement of the confidence probability |
Calculates the radius to be used in confidence ellipses for the
parameters based on the Hottelings distribution.
a scalar
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) model <- lm(ilr(sa.groups)~sa.groups.area) cf = coef(model) plot(ilrInv(cf, x=sa.groups)) for(i in 1:nrow(cf)){ vr = vcovAcomp(model)[,,i,i] vr = ilrvar2clr(vr) ellipses(ilrInv(cf[i,]), vr, r=ConfRadius(model, alpha=0.05) ) }
data(SimulatedAmounts) model <- lm(ilr(sa.groups)~sa.groups.area) cf = coef(model) plot(ilrInv(cf, x=sa.groups)) for(i in 1:nrow(cf)){ vr = vcovAcomp(model)[,,i,i] vr = ilrvar2clr(vr) ellipses(ilrInv(cf[i,]), vr, r=ConfRadius(model, alpha=0.05) ) }
Computes the correlation matrix in the various approaches of compositional and amount data analysis.
cor(x,y=NULL,...) ## Default S3 method: cor(x, y=NULL, use="everything", method=c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman"),...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' cor(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' cor(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' cor(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' cor(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' cor(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"))
cor(x,y=NULL,...) ## Default S3 method: cor(x, y=NULL, use="everything", method=c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman"),...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' cor(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' cor(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' cor(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' cor(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' cor(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"))
x |
a data set, eventually of amounts or compositions |
y |
a second data set, eventually of amounts or compositions |
use |
see |
method |
see |
... |
further arguments to |
robust |
A description of a robust estimator. FALSE for the classical estimators. See mean.acomp for further details. |
The correlation matrix does not make much sense for compositions.
In R versions older than v2.0.0, cor
was defined
in package “base” instead of in “stats”.
This might produce some misfunction.
The correlation matrix.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) meanCol(sa.lognormals) cor(acomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),acomp(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) cor(rcomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),rcomp(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) cor(aplus(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),aplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) cor(rplus(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),rplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) cor(acomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),aplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5]))
data(SimulatedAmounts) meanCol(sa.lognormals) cor(acomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),acomp(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) cor(rcomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),rcomp(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) cor(aplus(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),aplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) cor(rplus(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),rplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) cor(acomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),aplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5]))
A mineral compositions of 25 rock specimens of coxite type. Each composition consists of the percentage by weight of five minerals, albite, blandite, cornite, daubite, endite, the depth of location, and porosity.
A mineral compositions of 25 rock specimens of coxite type. Each composition consists of the percentage by weight of five minerals, albite, blandite, cornite, daubite, endite,the recorded depth of location of each specimen, and porosity. Porosity is the percentage of void space that the specimen contains. We abbreviate the minerals names to A, B, C, D, E.
All row percentage sums to 100.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name BOXITE.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison: The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, 1986, Data 4, pp4.
Compute the centered planar transform of a (dataset of) compositions and its inverse.
cpt( x,... ) cptInv( z,...,orig=gsi.orig(z) )
cpt( x,... ) cptInv( z,...,orig=gsi.orig(z) )
x |
a composition or a data.matrix of compositions, not necessarily closed |
z |
the cpt-transform of a composition or a data matrix of cpt-transforms of compositions. It is checked that the z sum up to 0. |
... |
generic arguments. not used. |
orig |
a compositional object which should be mimicked by the inverse transformation. It is especially used to reconstruct the names of the parts. |
The cpt-transform maps a composition in the D-part real-simplex
isometrically to a D-1 dimensional euclidian vector space, identified with a plane parallel
to the simplex but passing through the origin. However the
transformation is not injective and does not even reach the whole
plane. Thus resulting covariance matrices are always singular.
The data can then
be analysed in this transformed space by all classical multivariate
analysis tools not relying on a full rank of the covariance matrix. See
and apt
for alternatives. The
interpretation of the results is relatively easy since the relation of each
transformed component to the original parts is preserved.
The centered planar transform is given by
gives the centered planar transform,
gives closed compositions with the given cpt-transforms.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
van den Boogaart, K.G. and R. Tolosana-Delgado (2008) "compositions": a unified R package to analyze Compositional Data, Computers & Geosciences, 34 (4), pages 320-338, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2006.11.017.
(tmp <- cpt(c(1,2,3))) cptInv(tmp) cptInv(tmp) - clo(c(1,2,3)) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(cpt(cdata),pch=".")
(tmp <- cpt(c(1,2,3))) cptInv(tmp) cptInv(tmp) - clo(c(1,2,3)) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(cpt(cdata),pch=".")
Data record the probabilities assigned by subjective diagnostic of 15 clinicians and 15 statisticians.
The data consist of 30 cases: 15 diagnostics probabilities assigned by clinicians, 15 diagnostics probabilities assigned by statisticians, and 4 variables: probabilities A, B, and C, and type i.e. 1 for clinicians, 2 for statisticians.
In the study of subjective performance in inferential task the subject is faced with the finite set of mutually exclusive and exhaustive hypothesis, and the basis of specific information presented to him/her is required to divide the available unit of probability among these probabilities. In this study the task is presented as a problem of differential diagnosis of three mutually exclusive and exhaustive diseases of students, known under the generic title of 'newmath syndrome',
A | - algebritis, | |
B | - bilateral paralexia, | |
C | - calculus deficiency. |
The subject, playing the role of diagnostician, is informed that the three diseases types are equally common and is shown the results of 10 diagnostic tests on 60 previous cases of known diagnosis, 20 of each type. The subject is then shown the results of the 10 tests for a new undiagnosed cases and asked to assign diagnostic probabilities to the three possible disease types.
Data record the subjective assessments of 15 clinicians and 15 statisticians for the same case. For this case the objective diagnosis probabilities are known to be $(.08, .05, .87).$
All row probabilities sum to 1, except for some rounding errors.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name DIAGPROB.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison: The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, 1986, Data 17, pp20.
Calculates a distance matrix from a data set.
dist(x,...) ## Default S3 method: dist(x,...)
dist(x,...) ## Default S3 method: dist(x,...)
x |
a dataset |
... |
further arguments to |
The distance is computed based on cdt
a distance matrix
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) phc <- function(d) { plot(hclust(d))} phc(dist(iris[,1:4])) phc(dist(acomp(sa.lognormals),method="manhattan")) phc(dist(rcomp(sa.lognormals))) phc(dist(aplus(sa.lognormals))) phc(dist(rplus(sa.lognormals)))
data(SimulatedAmounts) phc <- function(d) { plot(hclust(d))} phc(dist(iris[,1:4])) phc(dist(acomp(sa.lognormals),method="manhattan")) phc(dist(rcomp(sa.lognormals))) phc(dist(aplus(sa.lognormals))) phc(dist(rplus(sa.lognormals)))
Draws ellipses from a mean and a variance into a plot.
## S3 method for class 'acomp' ellipses(mean,var,r=1,...,steps=72, thinRatio=NULL,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' ellipses(mean,var,r=1,...,steps=72, thinRatio=NULL,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' ellipses(mean,var,r=1,...,steps=72,thinRatio=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' ellipses(mean,var,r=1,...,steps=72,thinRatio=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' ellipses(mean,var,r=1,...,steps=72,thinRatio=NULL)
## S3 method for class 'acomp' ellipses(mean,var,r=1,...,steps=72, thinRatio=NULL,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' ellipses(mean,var,r=1,...,steps=72, thinRatio=NULL,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' ellipses(mean,var,r=1,...,steps=72,thinRatio=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' ellipses(mean,var,r=1,...,steps=72,thinRatio=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' ellipses(mean,var,r=1,...,steps=72,thinRatio=NULL)
mean |
a compositional dataset or value of means or midpoints of the ellipses |
var |
a variance matrix or a set of variance matrices given by
r |
a scaling of the half-diameters |
... |
further graphical parameters |
steps |
the number of discretisation points to draw the ellipses. |
thinRatio |
The ellipse function now be default plots the whole ellipsiod by giving its principle circumferences. However this is not reasonable for the thinner directions. If a direction other than the first two eigendirections has an eigenvalue not bigger than thinRatio*rmax it is not plotted. Thus thinRatio=1 reinstantiates the old behavior of the function. Later thinratio=NULL will become the default, in which case the projection of the ellipse is plotted. However this is not implemented yet. |
aspanel |
Is the function called as slave to draw in a panel of a gsi.pairs plot, or as a user function setting up the plots. |
The ellipsoid/ellipse drawn is given by the solutions of
in the respective geometry of the parameter space. Note that these ellipses can be added to panel plots (by means of orthogonal projections in the corresponding geometry).
There are actually three possibilities of drawing a a hyperdimensional ellipsoid or ellipse and non of them is perfect.
This works like, what was implemented in the older versions of
compositons, but never correctly documented. It draws an ellipse
with main axes given by the two largest Eigendirections of the
-Matrix given.
Draws all the ellipses given by every pair of eigendirections. In this way we get a visual impression of the high dimensional ellipsoid represend by the variance matrix. However the plots gets fastly cluttered in dimensions, when D>4. A 0<thinRatio<1 can avoid using eigendirection with small extend (i.e. smaller than thinRatio*largest Eigenvalue.
Draws in each Panel a two dimensional ellipse representing the marginal variance in the projection of the plot, if var was to be interpreted as a variance matrix. This can be seen as some sort of projection of the high dimensional ellipsoid, but is not necessarily its visual outline.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals)) tt<-acomp(sa.lognormals); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="red") tt<-rcomp(sa.lognormals); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="blue") plot(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])) tt<-aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="red") tt<-rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="blue") plot(rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])) tt<-aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="red") tt<-rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="blue") tt<-rmult(sa.lognormals[,1:2]); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="green")
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals)) tt<-acomp(sa.lognormals); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="red") tt<-rcomp(sa.lognormals); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="blue") plot(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])) tt<-aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="red") tt<-rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="blue") plot(rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])) tt<-aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="red") tt<-rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="blue") tt<-rmult(sa.lognormals[,1:2]); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="green")
Computes the convex combination of amounts as mixtures of endmembers
to explain X
as well as possible.
endmemberCoordinates(X,...) endmemberCoordinatesInv(K,endmembers,...) ## Default S3 method: endmemberCoordinates(X, endmembers=diag(gsi.getD(X)), ...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' endmemberCoordinates(X, endmembers=clrInv(diag(gsi.getD(X))),...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' endmemberCoordinates(X,endmembers,...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' endmemberCoordinates(X,endmembers,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' endmemberCoordinatesInv(K,endmembers,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' endmemberCoordinatesInv(K,endmembers,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' endmemberCoordinatesInv(K,endmembers,...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' endmemberCoordinatesInv(K,endmembers,...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' endmemberCoordinatesInv(K,endmembers,...)
endmemberCoordinates(X,...) endmemberCoordinatesInv(K,endmembers,...) ## Default S3 method: endmemberCoordinates(X, endmembers=diag(gsi.getD(X)), ...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' endmemberCoordinates(X, endmembers=clrInv(diag(gsi.getD(X))),...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' endmemberCoordinates(X,endmembers,...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' endmemberCoordinates(X,endmembers,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' endmemberCoordinatesInv(K,endmembers,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' endmemberCoordinatesInv(K,endmembers,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' endmemberCoordinatesInv(K,endmembers,...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' endmemberCoordinatesInv(K,endmembers,...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' endmemberCoordinatesInv(K,endmembers,...)
X |
a data set of amounts or compositions, to be represented in
as convex combination of the |
K |
weights of the |
endmembers |
a dataset of compositions of the same class as X. The number of endmembers given must not exceed the dimension of the space plus one. |
... |
currently unused |
The convex combination is performed in the respective geometry. This
means that, for rcomp objects, positivity of the result is only guaranteed
with endmembers corresponding to extremal individuals of the sample, or
completely outside its hull. Note also that, in acomp geometry, the
endmembers must necessarily be outside the hull.
The main idea behind this functions is that the composition actually
observed came from a convex combination of some extremal
compositions, specified by endmembers
. Up to now, this is considered as
meaningful only in rplus geometry, and under some special circumstances,
in rcomp geometry. It is not meaningful in terms of mass conservation
in acomp and aplus geometries, because these geometries do not preserve
mass: whether such an operation has an interpretation is still a matter of
debate. In rcomp geometry, the convex combination is dependent on the units of
measurements, and will be completely different for volume and mass %.
Even more, it is valid only if the whole composition is observed (!).
The endmemberCoordinates
functions give a rmult
data set with the weights (a.k.a. barycentric coordinates) allowing
to build X
as good as possible as a convex combination
(a mixture) from endmembers
. The result is of class rmult
because there is no guarantee that the resulting weights are positive
(although they sum up to one).
The endmemberCoordinatesInv
functions reconstruct the convex
combination from the weights K
and the given
. The class of endmembers
determines the
geometry chosen and the class of the result.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
Shurtz, Robert F., 2003. Compositional geometry and mass conservation. Mathematical Geology 35 (8), 972–937.
data(SimulatedAmounts) ep <- aplus(rbind(c(2,1,2),c(2,2,1),c(1,2,2))) # mix the endmembers in "ep" with weights given by "sa.lognormals" dat <- endmemberCoordinatesInv(acomp(sa.lognormals),acomp(ep)) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(dat) plot(acomp(ep),add=TRUE,col="red",pch=19) # compute the barycentric coordinates of the mixture in the "end-member simplex" plot( acomp(endmemberCoordinates(dat,acomp(ep)))) dat <- endmemberCoordinatesInv(rcomp(sa.lognormals),rcomp(ep)) plot(dat) plot( rcomp(endmemberCoordinates(dat,rcomp(ep)))) dat <- endmemberCoordinatesInv(aplus(sa.lognormals),aplus(ep)) plot(dat) plot( endmemberCoordinates(dat,aplus(ep))) dat <- endmemberCoordinatesInv(rplus(sa.lognormals),rplus(ep)) plot(dat) plot(endmemberCoordinates(rplus(dat),rplus(ep)))
data(SimulatedAmounts) ep <- aplus(rbind(c(2,1,2),c(2,2,1),c(1,2,2))) # mix the endmembers in "ep" with weights given by "sa.lognormals" dat <- endmemberCoordinatesInv(acomp(sa.lognormals),acomp(ep)) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(dat) plot(acomp(ep),add=TRUE,col="red",pch=19) # compute the barycentric coordinates of the mixture in the "end-member simplex" plot( acomp(endmemberCoordinates(dat,acomp(ep)))) dat <- endmemberCoordinatesInv(rcomp(sa.lognormals),rcomp(ep)) plot(dat) plot( rcomp(endmemberCoordinates(dat,rcomp(ep)))) dat <- endmemberCoordinatesInv(aplus(sa.lognormals),aplus(ep)) plot(dat) plot( endmemberCoordinates(dat,aplus(ep))) dat <- endmemberCoordinatesInv(rplus(sa.lognormals),rplus(ep)) plot(dat) plot(endmemberCoordinates(rplus(dat),rplus(ep)))
Data show two measured properties, brilliance and vorticity, of 81 girandoles composed of different mixtures of five ingredients: a – e. Of these ingredients, a and b are the primary light-producting, c is principal propellant, and d and e are binding agents for c.
The data consist of 81 cases and 7 variables: ingredients a, b, c, d, and e, and the two measured properties brilliance and vorticity. The 81 different mixtures form a special experiment design. First the 81 possible quadruples formed from the three values -1, 0, 1 were arranged in ascending order. Then for each such quadruple z, the corresponding mixture x(z)=(a,b,c,d,e)=alrInv(z) is computed. Thus the No. 4 girandole corresponds to z=(-1,-1,0,-1) and so is composed of a mixture x=(.12,.12,.32,.12,.32) of the five ingredients. All 5-part mixtures sum up to one.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name YATQUAD.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison: The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, 1986, Data 13, pp17.
Fits a Dirichtlet Distribution to a dataset by maximum likelihood.
x |
a dataset of compositions (acomp) |
elog |
the expected log can provided instead of the dataset itself. |
alpha0 |
the start value for alpha parameter in the iteration |
maxIter |
The maximum number of iterations in the Fischer scoring method. |
n |
the number of datapoints used to estimate elog |
The fitting is done using a modified version of the Fisher-Scoring method using analytiscal expressions for log mean and log variance. The modification is introducted to prevent the algorithm from leaving the admissible parameter set. It reduced the stepsize to at most have of distance to the limit of the admissible parameter set.
alpha |
the estimated parameter |
loglikelihood |
the likelihood |
df |
The dimension of the dataset minus the dimension of the parameter |
Up to now the fitting can not handle missings.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
, acompDirichletGOF.test
, rnorm.acomp
x <- rDirichlet.acomp(100,c(1,2,3,4)) fitDirichlet(x)
x <- rDirichlet.acomp(100,c(1,2,3,4)) fitDirichlet(x)
Fits a model of the same mean, but different variances model to a set of several multivariate normal groups by maximum likelihood.
x |
list of rmult type datasets |
The function tries to fit a normal model with different variances but the same mean between different groups.
mean |
the estimated mean |
vars |
a list of estimated variance-covariance matrices |
N |
a vector containing the sizes of the groups |
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
One and two sample Gauss test for equal mean of normal random variates with known variance.
Gauss.test(x,y=NULL,mean=0,sd=1,alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"))
Gauss.test(x,y=NULL,mean=0,sd=1,alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"))
x |
a numeric vector providing the first dataset |
y |
optional second dataset |
mean |
the mean to compare with |
sd |
the known standard deviation |
alternative |
the alternative to be used in the test |
The Gauss test is in every Text-Book, but not in R, because it is nearly never used. However it is included here for educational purposes.
A classical "htest"
data.name |
The name of the dataset as specified |
method |
a name for the test used |
parameter |
the mean and variance provided to the test |
alternative |
an empty string |
p.value |
The p.value computed for this test |
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
x <- rnorm(100) y <- rnorm(100) Gauss.test(x,y)
x <- rnorm(100) y <- rnorm(100) Gauss.test(x,y)
Computes the geometric mean.
geometricmean(x,...) geometricmeanRow(x,...) geometricmeanCol(x,...) gsi.geometricmean(x,...) gsi.geometricmeanRow(x,...) gsi.geometricmeanCol(x,...)
geometricmean(x,...) geometricmeanRow(x,...) geometricmeanCol(x,...) gsi.geometricmean(x,...) gsi.geometricmeanRow(x,...) gsi.geometricmeanCol(x,...)
x |
a numeric vector or matrix of data |
... |
further arguments to compute the mean |
The geometric mean is defined as:
The geometric mean is actually computed by
The geometric means of x as a whole (geometricmean), its rows (geometricmeanRow) or its columns (geometricmeanCol).
The the first three functions take the geometric mean of all non-missing values. This is because they should yield a result in term of data analysis.
Contrarily, the gsi.* functions inherit the arithmetic IEEE policy of R through
. Thus, NA codes a not available i.e.
not measured, NaN codes a below detection limit, and 0.0 codes a structural zero.
If any of the elements involved is 0, NA or NaN the result is of the same
type. Here 0 takes precedence over NA, and NA takes precedence
over NaN. For example, if a structural 0 appears, the geometric mean is 0
regardless of the presence of NaN's or NA's in the rest. Values below detection
limit become NaN's if they are coded as negative values.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
geometricmean(1:10) geometricmean(c(1,0,NA,NaN)) # 0 X <- matrix(c(1,NA,NaN,0,1,2,3,4),nrow=4) X geometricmeanRow(X) geometricmeanCol(X)
geometricmean(1:10) geometricmean(c(1,0,NA,NaN)) # 0 X <- matrix(c(1,NA,NaN,0,1,2,3,4),nrow=4) X geometricmeanRow(X) geometricmeanCol(X)
The detection limit of those values below-detection-limit are stored as negative values in compositional dataset. This function extracts that information.
x |
a data set |
dl |
a default to replace the information in the dataset |
For a proper treatment of truncated data it would be necessary to know the detection limit even for observed data. Unfortunately, there is no clear way to encode this information without annoying the user.
a matrix in the same shape as x, with a positive value (the detection limit) where available, and NA in the other cells.
K.Gerald van den Boogaart
Boogaart, K.G. v.d., R. Tolosana-Delgado, M. Bren (2006) Concepts for handling of zeros and missing values in compositional data, in E. Pirard (ed.) (2006)Proceedings of the IAMG'2006 Annual Conference on "Quantitative Geology from multiple sources", September 2006, Liege, Belgium, S07-01, 4pages, ISBN 978-2-9600644-0-7, http://www.stat.boogaart.de/Publications/iamg06_s07_01.pdf
x <- c(2,-0.5,4,3,-0.5,5,BDLvalue,MARvalue,MNARvalue) getDetectionlimit(x)
x <- c(2,-0.5,4,3,-0.5,5,BDLvalue,MARvalue,MNARvalue) getDetectionlimit(x)
In a pebble analysis of glacial tills, the total number of pebbles in each of 92 samples was counted and the pebbles were sorted into four categories red sandstone, gray sandstone, crystalline and miscellaneous. The percentages of these four categories and the total pebble counts are recorded.
Percentages by weight in 92 samples of pebbles of glacial tills sorted into four categories, red sandstone, gray sandstone, crystalline and miscellaneous. The percentages of these four categories and the total pebbles counts are recorded. The glaciologist is interested in describing the pattern of variability of his data and whether the compositions are in any way related to abundance. All rows sum to 100, except for some rounding errors.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name GLACIAL.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison: The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, 1986, Data 18, pp21.
Goodness of fit tests for compositional data.
acompGOF.test(x,...) acompNormalGOF.test(x,...,method="etest") ## S3 method for class 'formula' acompGOF.test(formula, data,...,method="etest") ## S3 method for class 'list' acompGOF.test(x,...,method="etest") gsi.acompUniformityGOF.test(x,samplesize=nrow(x)*20,R=999) acompTwoSampleGOF.test(x,y,...,method="etest",data=NULL)
acompGOF.test(x,...) acompNormalGOF.test(x,...,method="etest") ## S3 method for class 'formula' acompGOF.test(formula, data,...,method="etest") ## S3 method for class 'list' acompGOF.test(x,...,method="etest") gsi.acompUniformityGOF.test(x,samplesize=nrow(x)*20,R=999) acompTwoSampleGOF.test(x,y,...,method="etest",data=NULL)
x |
a dataset of compositions (acomp) |
y |
a dataset of compositions (acomp) |
samplesize |
number of observations in a reference sample specifying the distribution to compare with. Typically substantially larger than the sample under investigation |
R |
The number of replicates to compute the distribution of the test statistic |
method |
Selecting a method to be used. Currently only "etest" for using an energy test is supported. |
... |
further arguments to the methods |
formula |
an anova model formula defining groups in the dataset |
data |
unused |
The compositional goodness of fit testing problem is essentially a
multivariate goodness of fit test. However there is a lack of
standardized multivariate goodness of fit tests in R. Some can be found in
the energy
In principle there is only one test behind the Goodness of fit tests provided here, a two sample test with test statistic.
The idea behind that statistic is to measure the cos of an angle between the distributions in a scalar product given by
where k and K are Gaussian kernels with different spread. The bandwith
is actually the standarddeviation of k.
The other goodness of fit tests against a specific distribution are
based on estimating the parameters of the distribution, simulating a
large dataset of that distribution and apply the two sample goodness
of fit test.
For the moment, this function covers: two-sample tests, uniformity tests and additive logistic normality tests. Dirichlet distribution tests will be included soon.
A classical "htest"
data.name |
The name of the dataset as specified |
method |
a name for the test used |
alternative |
an empty string |
replicates |
a dataset of p-value distributions under the Null-Hypothesis got from nonparametric bootstrap |
p.value |
The p.value computed for this test |
Up to now the tests can not handle missings.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
, runif.acomp
## Not run: x <- runif.acomp(100,4) y <- runif.acomp(100,4) erg <- acompTwoSampleGOF.test(x,y) #continue erg unclass(erg) erg <- acompGOF.test(x,y) x <- runif.acomp(100,4) y <- runif.acomp(100,4) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(100,4),runif.acomp(100,4))$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(20,4),runif.acomp(100,4))$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(10,4),runif.acomp(100,4))$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(10,4),runif.acomp(400,4))$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(400,4),runif.acomp(10,4),bandwidth=4)$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(20,4),runif.acomp(100,4)+acomp(c(1,2,3,1)))$p.value) hist(dd) # test uniformity attach("gsi") # the uniformity test is only available as an internal function x <- runif.acomp(100,4) gsi.acompUniformityGOF.test.test(x) dd <- replicate(1000,gsi.acompUniformityGOF.test.test(runif.acomp(10,4))$p.value) hist(dd) detach("gsi") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: x <- runif.acomp(100,4) y <- runif.acomp(100,4) erg <- acompTwoSampleGOF.test(x,y) #continue erg unclass(erg) erg <- acompGOF.test(x,y) x <- runif.acomp(100,4) y <- runif.acomp(100,4) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(100,4),runif.acomp(100,4))$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(20,4),runif.acomp(100,4))$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(10,4),runif.acomp(100,4))$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(10,4),runif.acomp(400,4))$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(400,4),runif.acomp(10,4),bandwidth=4)$p.value) hist(dd) dd <- replicate(1000,acompGOF.test(runif.acomp(20,4),runif.acomp(100,4)+acomp(c(1,2,3,1)))$p.value) hist(dd) # test uniformity attach("gsi") # the uniformity test is only available as an internal function x <- runif.acomp(100,4) gsi.acompUniformityGOF.test.test(x) dd <- replicate(1000,gsi.acompUniformityGOF.test.test(runif.acomp(10,4))$p.value) hist(dd) detach("gsi") ## End(Not run)
Groups parts by amalgamation or balancing of their amounts or proportions.
groupparts(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' groupparts(x,...,groups=list(...)) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' groupparts(x,...,groups=list(...)) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' groupparts(x,...,groups=list(...)) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' groupparts(x,...,groups=list(...)) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' groupparts(x,...,groups=list(...))
groupparts(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' groupparts(x,...,groups=list(...)) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' groupparts(x,...,groups=list(...)) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' groupparts(x,...,groups=list(...)) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' groupparts(x,...,groups=list(...)) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' groupparts(x,...,groups=list(...))
x |
an amount/compositional dataset |
... |
further parameters to use (actually ignored) |
groups |
a list of numeric xor character vectors, each giving a group of parts |
In the real geometry grouping is done by amalgamation (i.e. adding the parts). In the Aitchison-geometry grouping is done by taking geometric means. The new parts are named by named formal arguments. Not-mentioned parts remain ungrouped.
a new dataset of the same type with each group represented by a single column
For the real geometries, SZ and BDL are considered as 0, and MAR and MNAR are kept as missing of the same type. For the relative geometries, a BDL is a special kind of MNAR, whereas a SZ is qualitatively different (thus a balance with a SZ has no sense). MAR values transfer their MAR property to the resulting new variable.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
Egozcue, J.J. and V. Pawlowsky-Glahn (2005) Groups of Parts and their Balances in Compositional Data Analysis, Mathematical Geology, in press
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(groupparts(acomp(sa.lognormals5),A=c(1,2),B=c(3,4),C=5)) plot(groupparts(aplus(sa.lognormals5),B=c(3,4),C=5)) plot(groupparts(rcomp(sa.lognormals5),A=c("Cu","Pb"),B=c(2,5))) hist(groupparts(rplus(sa.lognormals5),1:5))
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(groupparts(acomp(sa.lognormals5),A=c(1,2),B=c(3,4),C=5)) plot(groupparts(aplus(sa.lognormals5),B=c(3,4),C=5)) plot(groupparts(rcomp(sa.lognormals5),A=c("Cu","Pb"),B=c(2,5))) hist(groupparts(rplus(sa.lognormals5),1:5))
A mineral compositions of 25 rock specimens of hongite type. Each composition consists of the percentage by weight of five minerals, albite, blandite, cornite, daubite, endite.
A mineral compositions of 25 rock specimens of hongite type. Each composition consists of the percentage by weight of five minerals, albite, blandite, cornite, daubite, endite, which we conveniently abbreviate to A, B, C, D, E. All row sums are equal to 100, except for rounding errors.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name HONGITE.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison (1986): The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data; (Data 1), pp2, 9.
The Hotellings T square distribution is the distribution of the squared Mahalanobis distances with respected to estimated variance covariance matrices.
qHotellingsTsq(p,n,m) pHotellingsTsq(q,n,m)
qHotellingsTsq(p,n,m) pHotellingsTsq(q,n,m)
p |
a (vector of) probabilities |
q |
a vector of quantils |
n |
number of parameters, the p parameter of Hotellings
m |
number of dimensions, the m parameter of the Hotellings |
The Hotellings with paramter p and m is the distribution
empirical squared Mahalanobis distances of a m dimensional vector with respect
to a variance covariance matrix estimated based on np degrees of freedom.
qHotellingsT2 |
a vector of quantils |
pHotellingsT2 |
a vector of probabilities |
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
(q <- qHotellingsTsq(seq(0,0.9,by=0.1),3,25)) pHotellingsTsq(q,3,25)
(q <- qHotellingsTsq(seq(0,0.9,by=0.1),3,25)) pHotellingsTsq(q,3,25)
Household budget survey data on month expenditures of twenty men and twenty women for four commodity groups: housing, foodstuffs, other, and services. Amounts in HK-Dollar are given. There are 40 cases and 5 variables for 4 commodity groups and sex.
In a sample survey of people living alone in a rented accommodation, twenty men and twenty women were randomly selected and asked to record over a period of one month their expenditures on the following four mutually exclusive and exhaustive commodity groups: Housing, including fuel and lights, Foodstuffs, including alcohol and tobacco, Other goods, including clothing, footwear and durable goods, and Services, including transport and vehicles. Amounts in HK-Dollar are given. There are 40 cases, 20 men and 20 women and 5 variables: 4 for commodity groups Housing, Food, Other, Services and the fifth sex, $+1$ for men, $-1$ for women. Note that the data has no sum constraint.
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name HEMF.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison (1986): The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, (Data 08), pp13.
Contains a hydrochemical amount/compositional data set obtained from several rivers in the Llobregat river basin, in northeastern Spain.
Data matrix with 485 cases and 19 variables.
This hydrochemical data set contains measurements of 14 components, H,
Na, K, Ca, Mg, Sr, Ba, ,
TOC. From them, hydrogen was derived by inverting the relationship
between its stable form in water,
, and pH. Details can be
found in Otero et al. (2005). Each of these parameters is measured
approximately once each month during 2 years in 31 stations, placed
along the rivers and main tributaries of the Llobregat river, one of the
medium rivers in northeastern Spain.
The Llobregat river drains an area of 4948.2 , and it
is 156.6 km long, with two main tributaries,
Cardener and Anoia. The headwaters of Llobregat and Cardener are in a
rather unpolluted area of the
Eastern Pyrenees. Mid-waters these rivers flow through a densely
populated and industrialized area, where potash mining activity occurs
and there are large salt mine tailings stored with no water
proofing. There, the main land use is agriculture and stockbreeding. The
lower course flows through one of the most densely populated areas of
the Mediterranean region (around the city of Barcelona) and the river
receives large inputs from industry and urban origin, while intensive
agriculture activity is again present in the Llobregat delta. Anoia is
quite different. Its headwaters are in an agricultural area, downwaters
it flows through an industrialized zone (paper mills, tannery and
textile industries), and near the confluence with Llobregat the main
land use is agriculture again, mainly vineyards, with a decrease in
industry and urban contribution. Given this variety in geological
background and human activities, the sample has been splitted in four
groups (higher Llobregat course, Cardener, Anoia and lower Llobregat
course), which in turn are splitted into main river and tributaries
(Otero et al, 2005). Information on these groupings, the sampling
locations and sampling time is included in 5 complementary variables.
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
The dataset is also accessible in Otero et al. (2005), and are here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Otero, N.; R. Tolosana-Delgado, A. Soler, V. Pawlowsky-Glahn and A. Canals (2005). Relative vs. absolute statistical analysis of compositions: A comparative study of surface waters of a Mediterranean river. Water Research, 39(7): 1404-1414. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2005.01.012.
Tolosana-Delgado, R.; Otero, N.; Pawlowsky-Glahn, V.; Soler, A. (2005). Latent Compositional Factors in The Llobregat River Basin (Spain) Hydrogeochemistry. Mathematical Geology 37(7): 681-702.
data(Hydrochem) cHydrochem=Hydrochem[, 6:19] biplot(princomp(rplus(cHydrochem))) biplot(princomp(rcomp(cHydrochem))) biplot(princomp(aplus(cHydrochem))) biplot(princomp(acomp(cHydrochem)))
data(Hydrochem) cHydrochem=Hydrochem[, 6:19] biplot(princomp(rplus(cHydrochem))) biplot(princomp(rcomp(cHydrochem))) biplot(princomp(aplus(cHydrochem))) biplot(princomp(acomp(cHydrochem)))
Compute the isometric default transform of a vector (or dataset) of compositions or amounts in the selected class.
idt(x,...) ## Default S3 method: idt( x,... ) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' idt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' idt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' idt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' idt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' idt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' idt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'factor' idt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' idt( x ,...) idtInv(x,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## Default S3 method: idtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' idtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x), V=gsi.getV(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' idtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x), V=gsi.getV(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' idtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' idtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' idtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' idtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'factor' idtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x), V=gsi.getV(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' idtInv( x , orig=gsi.orig(x), ...)
idt(x,...) ## Default S3 method: idt( x,... ) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' idt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' idt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' idt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' idt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' idt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' idt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'factor' idt( x ,...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' idt( x ,...) idtInv(x,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## Default S3 method: idtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' idtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x), V=gsi.getV(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' idtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x), V=gsi.getV(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' idtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' idtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' idtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' idtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'factor' idtInv( x ,orig=gsi.orig(x), V=gsi.getV(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' idtInv( x , orig=gsi.orig(x), ...)
x |
a classed amount or composition, to be transformed with its
isometric default transform, or its inverse; in case of the method for |
... |
generic arguments past to underlying functions |
orig |
a compositional object which should be mimicked
by the inverse transformation. It is the generic
argument. Typically the |
V |
matrix of (transposed, inverted) logcontrasts;
together with |
The general idea of this package is to analyse the same data with
different geometric concepts, in a fashion as similar as possible. For each of the
four concepts there exists an isometric transform expressing the geometry
in a full-rank euclidean vector space. Such a transformation is computed
by idt
. For acomp
the transform is ilr
, for
it is ipt
, for
it is ilt
, and for
it is iit
. Keep in mind that the
transform does not keep the variable names, since there is no guaranteed
one-to-one relation between the original parts and each transformed
The inverse idtInv
is intended to allow for an "easy" and automatic
back-transformation, without intervention of the user. The argument orig
(the one determining the behaviour of idtInv
as a generic function)
tells the function which back-transformation should be applied, and
gives the column names of orig
to the back-transformed
values of x
. Therefore, it is very conventient to give the original classed
data set used in the analysis as orig
A corresponding matrix of row-vectors containing the transforms. (Exception: idt.data.frame can return a data.frame if the input has no "origClass"-attribute)
R. Tolosana-Delgado, K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
van den Boogaart, K.G. and R. Tolosana-Delgado (2008) "compositions": a unified R package to analyze Compositional Data, Computers & Geosciences, 34 (4), pages 320-338, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2006.11.017.
, cdt
, ilr
, ipt
, cdtInv
, ilrInv
, iptInv
, iitInv
## Not run: # the idt is defined by idt <- function(x) UseMethod("idt",x) idt.default <- function(x) x idt.acomp <- function(x) ilr(x) idt.rcomp <- function(x) ipt(x) idt.aplus <- ilt idt.rplus <- iit ## End(Not run) idt(acomp(1:5)) idt(rcomp(1:5)) data(Hydrochem) x = Hydrochem[,c("Na","K","Mg","Ca")] y = acomp(x) z = idt(y) y2 = idtInv(z,y) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for(i in 1:4){plot(y[,i],y2[,i])}
## Not run: # the idt is defined by idt <- function(x) UseMethod("idt",x) idt.default <- function(x) x idt.acomp <- function(x) ilr(x) idt.rcomp <- function(x) ipt(x) idt.aplus <- ilt idt.rplus <- iit ## End(Not run) idt(acomp(1:5)) idt(rcomp(1:5)) data(Hydrochem) x = Hydrochem[,c("Na","K","Mg","Ca")] y = acomp(x) z = idt(y) y2 = idtInv(z,y) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for(i in 1:4){plot(y[,i],y2[,i])}
Compute the isometric identity transform of a vector (dataset) of amounts and its inverse.
iit( x ,...) iitInv( z ,... )
iit( x ,...) iitInv( z ,... )
x |
a vector or data matrix of amounts |
z |
the iit-transform of a vector or data.matrix of iit-transforms of amounts |
... |
generic arguments, to pass to other functions. |
The iit-transform maps D amounts (considered in a real geometry)
isometrically to a D dimensonal euclidian vector. The iit
part of the rplus
framework. Despite its trivial
operation, it is present to achieve maximal analogy between the
and the rplus
The data can then be analysed in this transformated space by all classical
multivariate analysis tools. The interpretation of the results is easy
since the relation to the original
variables is preserved. However results may be inconsistent, since the
multivariate analysis tools disregard the positivity condition and the
inner laws of amounts.
The isometric identity transform is a simple identity given by
gives the isometric identity transform, i.e. simply the
input stripped of the "rplus" class attribute,
gives amounts with class "rplus" with the given iit,
i.e. simply the argument checked to be a valid "rplus" object, and
with this class attribute.
can be used to unclass amounts.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
van den Boogaart, K.G. and R. Tolosana-Delgado (2008) "compositions": a unified R package to analyze Compositional Data, Computers & Geosciences, 34 (4), pages 320-338, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2006.11.017.
(tmp <- iit(c(1,2,3))) iitInv(tmp) iitInv(tmp) - c(1,2,3) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(iit(cdata))
(tmp <- iit(c(1,2,3))) iitInv(tmp) iitInv(tmp) - c(1,2,3) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(iit(cdata))
Compute the isometric log ratio transform of a (dataset of) composition(s), and its inverse.
ilr( x , V = ilrBase(x) ,...) ilrInv( z , V = ilrBase(z=z),..., orig=gsi.orig(z))
ilr( x , V = ilrBase(x) ,...) ilrInv( z , V = ilrBase(z=z),..., orig=gsi.orig(z))
x |
a composition, not necessarily closed |
z |
the ilr-transform of a composition |
V |
a matrix, with columns giving the chosen basis of the clr-plane |
... |
generic arguments. not used. |
orig |
a compositional object which should be mimicked by the inverse transformation. It is especially used to reconstruct the names of the parts. |
The ilr-transform maps a composition in the D-part Aitchison-simplex
isometrically to a D-1 dimensonal euclidian vector. The data can then
be analysed in this transformation by all classical multivariate
analysis tools. However the interpretation of the results may be
difficult, since there is no one-to-one relation between the original parts
and the transformed variables.
The isometric logratio transform is given by
with clr
(x) the centred log ratio transform and
a matrix which columns form an orthonormal
basis of the clr-plane. A default matrix
is given by
gives the isometric log ratio transform,
gives closed compositions with the given ilr-transforms
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
Egozcue J.J., V. Pawlowsky-Glahn, G. Mateu-Figueras and
C. Barcel'o-Vidal (2003) Isometric logratio transformations for
compositional data analysis. Mathematical Geology, 35(3)
Aitchison, J, C. Barcel'o-Vidal, J.J. Egozcue, V. Pawlowsky-Glahn
(2002) A consise guide to the algebraic geometric structure of the
simplex, the sample space for compositional data analysis, Terra
Nostra, Schriften der Alfred Wegener-Stiftung, 03/2003
(tmp <- ilr(c(1,2,3))) ilrInv(tmp) ilrInv(tmp) - clo(c(1,2,3)) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(ilr(cdata)) ilrBase(D=3)
(tmp <- ilr(c(1,2,3))) ilrInv(tmp) ilrInv(tmp) - clo(c(1,2,3)) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(ilr(cdata)) ilrBase(D=3)
Compute the basis of a clr-plane, to use with isometric log-ratio or planar transform of a (dataset of) compositions.
ilrBase( x=NULL , z=NULL , D = NULL, method = "basic" )
ilrBase( x=NULL , z=NULL , D = NULL, method = "basic" )
x |
optional dataset or vector of compositions |
z |
optional dataset or vector containing ilr or ipt coordinates |
D |
number of parts of the simplex |
method |
method to build the basis, one of "basic", "balanced", "optimal" "PBhclust", "PBmaxvar" or "PBangprox" |
Method "basic" computes a triangular Helmert matrix (corresponding to
the original ilr transformation defined by Egozcue et al, 2003).
In this case, ilrBase
is a wrapper catching
the answers of gsi.ilrBase
and is to be
used as the more convenient function.
Method "balanced" returns an ilr matrix associated with a balanced partition,
splitting the parts in groups as equal as possible. Transforms ilr
and ipt
with this basis are less affected by any component (as happens with "basic").
The following methods are all data-driven and will fail if x
is not given.
Some of these methods are extended to non-acomp datasets via the cpt
general functionality. Use with care with non-acomp objects!
Method "optimal" is a wrapper to gsi.optimalilrBase
, providing the ilr basis
with less influence of missing values. It is computed as a hierarchical
cluster of variables, with parts previously transformed to
1 (if the value is lost) or 0 (if it is recorded).
Methods "PBhclust", "PBmaxvar" and "PBangprox" are principal balance methods (i.e.
balances approximating principal components in different ways). These are all
resolved by calls to gsi.PrinBal
. Principal balances functionality should be
considered beta!
All methods give a matrix containing by columns the basis elements for the
canonical basis of the clr-plane used for the ilr and ipt transform. Only one of the
arguments x
, z
or D
is needed
to determine the dimension of the simplex.
If you provide transformed data z
, the function attempts to extract the basis
information from it with gsi.getV
. Otherwise, the default compatible
ilr base matrix is created.
Egozcue J.J., V. Pawlowsky-Glahn, G. Mateu-Figueras and
C. Barcel'o-Vidal (2003) Isometric logratio transformations for
compositional data analysis. Mathematical Geology, 35(3)
ilr(c(1,2,3)) ilrBase(D=2) ilrBase(c(1,2,3)) ilrBase(z= ilr(c(1,2,3)) ) round(ilrBase(D=7),digits= 3) ilrBase(D=7,method="basic") ilrBase(D=7,method="balanced")
ilr(c(1,2,3)) ilrBase(D=2) ilrBase(c(1,2,3)) ilrBase(z= ilr(c(1,2,3)) ) round(ilrBase(D=7),digits= 3) ilrBase(D=7,method="basic") ilrBase(D=7,method="balanced")
Compute the isometric log transform of a vector (dataset) of amounts and its inverse.
ilt( x ,...) iltInv( z ,... )
ilt( x ,...) iltInv( z ,... )
x |
a vector or data matrix of amounts |
z |
the ilt-transform of a vector or data matrix of ilt-transforms of amounts |
... |
generic arguments, not used. |
The ilt-transform maps D amounts (considered in log geometry)
isometrically to a D dimensional euclidean vector. The ilt
part of the aplus
The data can then be analysed in this transformation by all classical
multivariate analysis tools. The interpretation of the results is easy
since the relation to the original
variables is preserved.
The isometric log transform is given by
gives the isometric log transform, i.e. simply the log of
the argument, whereas
gives amounts with the given ilt, i.e. simply the exp
of the argument.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
van den Boogaart, K.G. and R. Tolosana-Delgado (2008) "compositions": a unified R package to analyze Compositional Data, Computers & Geosciences, 34 (4), pages 320-338, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2006.11.017.
(tmp <- ilt(c(1,2,3))) iltInv(tmp) iltInv(tmp) - c(1,2,3) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(ilt(cdata))
(tmp <- ilt(c(1,2,3))) iltInv(tmp) iltInv(tmp) - c(1,2,3) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(ilt(cdata))
Compute the isometric planar transform of a (dataset of) composition(s) and its inverse.
ipt( x , V = ilrBase(x),... ) iptInv( z , V = ilrBase(z=z),...,orig=gsi.orig(z)) uciptInv( z , V = ilrBase(z=z),...,orig=gsi.orig(z) )
ipt( x , V = ilrBase(x),... ) iptInv( z , V = ilrBase(z=z),...,orig=gsi.orig(z)) uciptInv( z , V = ilrBase(z=z),...,orig=gsi.orig(z) )
x |
a composition or a data matrix of compositions, not necessarily closed |
z |
the ipt-transform of a composition or a data matrix of ipt-transforms of compositions |
V |
a matrix with columns giving the chosen basis of the clr-plane |
... |
generic arguments. not used. |
orig |
a compositional object which should be mimicked by the inverse transformation. It is especially used to reconstruct the names of the parts. |
The ipt-transform maps a composition in the D-part real-simplex
isometrically to a D-1 dimensonal euclidian vector. Although the
transformation does not reach the whole , resulting covariance
matrices are typically of full rank.
The data can then
be analysed in this transformation by all classical multivariate
analysis tools. However, interpretation of results may be
difficult, since the
transform does not keep the variable names, given that there is no
one-to-one relation between the original parts and each transformed variables. See
and apt
for alternatives.
The isometric planar transform is given by
with cpt
(x) the centred planar transform and
a matrix which columns form an orthonormal
basis of the clr-plane. A default matrix
is given by
gives the centered planar transform,
gives closed compositions with with the given ipt-transforms,
unconstrained iptInv does the same as iptInv but
sets illegal values to NA rather than giving an error. This is a
workaround to allow procedures not honoring the constraints of the
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
van den Boogaart, K.G. and R. Tolosana-Delgado (2008) "compositions": a unified R package to analyze Compositional Data, Computers & Geosciences, 34 (4), pages 320-338, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2006.11.017.
(tmp <- ipt(c(1,2,3))) iptInv(tmp) iptInv(tmp) - clo(c(1,2,3)) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(ipt(cdata))
(tmp <- ipt(c(1,2,3))) iptInv(tmp) iptInv(tmp) - clo(c(1,2,3)) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(ipt(cdata))
XXX returns TRUE
if and only if its argument is
of type XXX
is.acomp(x) is.rcomp(x) is.aplus(x) is.rplus(x) is.rmult(x) is.ccomp(x)
is.acomp(x) is.rcomp(x) is.aplus(x) is.rplus(x) is.rmult(x) is.ccomp(x)
x |
any object to be checked |
These functions only check for the class of the object.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
is.acomp(1:3) is.acomp(acomp(1:3)) is.rcomp(acomp(1:3)) is.acomp(acomp(1:3)+acomp(1:3))
is.acomp(1:3) is.acomp(acomp(1:3)) is.rcomp(acomp(1:3)) is.acomp(acomp(1:3)+acomp(1:3))
Detect outliers with respect to a normal distribution model.
IsMahalanobisOutlier(X,...,alpha=0.05,goodOnly=NULL, replicates=1000,corrected=TRUE,robust=TRUE,crit=NULL)
IsMahalanobisOutlier(X,...,alpha=0.05,goodOnly=NULL, replicates=1000,corrected=TRUE,robust=TRUE,crit=NULL)
X |
a dataset (e.g. given as acomp, rcomp, aplus, rplus or rmult) object
to which |
... |
further arguments to MahalanobisDist/gsi.mahOutlier |
alpha |
The confidence level for identifying outliers. |
goodOnly |
an integer vector. Only the specified index of the dataset should be used for estimation of the outlier criteria. This parameter if only a small portion of the dataset is reliable. |
replicates |
The number of replicates to be used in the Monte
Carlo simulations for determination of the quantiles. The
corrected |
logical. Literatur often proposed to compare the Mahalanobis distances with Chisq-Approximations of there distributions. However this does not correct for multiple testing. If corrected is true a correction for multiple testing is used. In any case we do not use the chisq-approximation, but a simulation based procedure to compute confidence bounds. |
robust |
A robustness description as define in
crit |
The critical value to be used. Typically the routine is called mainly for the purpose of finding this value, which it does, when crit is NULL, however sometimes we might want to specifiy a value used by someone else to reproduce the results. |
See outliersInCompositions and robustnessInCompositions for a comprehensive introduction into the outlier treatment in compositions.
See OutlierClassifier1
for a highlevel method to
classify observations in the context of outliers.
A logical vector giving for each element the result of the alpha-level test for beeing an outlier. TRUE corresponds to a significant result.
For some unkown reasons the computation sometimes produces NaN's. In this case a warning is issued and a recomputation is tried.
The package robustbase is required for using the robust estimations.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, outlierplot
## Not run: data(SimulatedAmounts) datas <- list(data1=sa.outliers1,data2=sa.outliers2,data3=sa.outliers3, data4=sa.outliers4,data5=sa.outliers5,data6=sa.outliers6) opar<-par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) tmp<-mapply(function(x,y){ plot(x,col=ifelse(IsMahalanobisOutlier(x),"red","gray")) title(y) },datas,names(datas)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(SimulatedAmounts) datas <- list(data1=sa.outliers1,data2=sa.outliers2,data3=sa.outliers3, data4=sa.outliers4,data5=sa.outliers5,data6=sa.outliers6) opar<-par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) tmp<-mapply(function(x,y){ plot(x,col=ifelse(IsMahalanobisOutlier(x),"red","gray")) title(y) },datas,names(datas)) ## End(Not run)
Add lines of equal portion and proportion to ternary diagrams, to serve as reference axis.
isoPortionLines(...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' isoPortionLines(by=0.2,at=seq(0,1,by=by),..., parts=1:3,total=1,labs=TRUE,lines=TRUE,unit="") ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' isoPortionLines(by=0.2,at=seq(0,1,by=by),..., parts=1:3,total=1,labs=TRUE,lines=TRUE,unit="") isoProportionLines(...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' isoProportionLines(by=0.2,at=seq(0,1,by=by),..., parts=1:3,labs=TRUE,lines=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' isoProportionLines(by=0.2,at=seq(0,1,by=by),..., parts=1:3,labs=TRUE,lines=TRUE)
isoPortionLines(...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' isoPortionLines(by=0.2,at=seq(0,1,by=by),..., parts=1:3,total=1,labs=TRUE,lines=TRUE,unit="") ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' isoPortionLines(by=0.2,at=seq(0,1,by=by),..., parts=1:3,total=1,labs=TRUE,lines=TRUE,unit="") isoProportionLines(...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' isoProportionLines(by=0.2,at=seq(0,1,by=by),..., parts=1:3,labs=TRUE,lines=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' isoProportionLines(by=0.2,at=seq(0,1,by=by),..., parts=1:3,labs=TRUE,lines=TRUE)
... |
graphical arguments |
at |
numeric in [0,1]: which portions/proportions should be marked? |
by |
numeric in (0,1]: steps between protions/proportions |
parts |
numeric vector subset of {1,2,3}: the variables to be marked |
total |
the total amount to be used in labeling |
labs |
logical: plot the labels? |
lines |
logical: plot the lines? |
unit |
mark of the units e.g. "%" |
Isoportion lines give lines of the same portion of one of the parts, while isoproportion line gives lines of the same ratio between two parts. The isoproportion lines are straight lines in both the Aitchison and the real geometries of the simplex, while the isoportion lines are not straight in an Aitchison sense (only in the real one). However, note that both types of lines remain straight in the real sense when perturbed (von Eynatten et al., 2002).
Currently IsoLines only works with individual plots. This is mainly due to the fact that I have no idea, what the user interface of this function should look like for multipanel plots. This includes philosophical problems with the meaning of isoportions in case of marginal plots.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
von Eynatten, H., V. Pawlowsky-Glahn, and J.J. Egozcue (2002) Understanding
perturbation on the simplex: a simple method to better visualize and interpret
compositional data in ternary diagrams. Mathematical Geology 34,
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals)) isoPortionLines() plot(acomp(sa.lognormals),center=TRUE) isoPortionLines() plot(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) isoPortionLines() plot(acomp(sa.lognormals)) isoProportionLines() plot(acomp(sa.lognormals),center=TRUE) isoProportionLines() plot(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) isoProportionLines()
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals)) isoPortionLines() plot(acomp(sa.lognormals),center=TRUE) isoPortionLines() plot(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) isoPortionLines() plot(acomp(sa.lognormals)) isoProportionLines() plot(acomp(sa.lognormals),center=TRUE) isoProportionLines() plot(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) isoProportionLines()
A geochemical dataset from the Swiss Jura.
data(juraset) data(jura259)
data(juraset) data(jura259)
A 359x11 or 259x11 dataframe
The JURA data set provided by J.-P. Dubois, IATE-Paedologie, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. Spatial coordinates and values of categorial and continuous attributes at the 359 sampled sites. The 100 test locartions are denoted with a star. Rock Types: 1: Argovian, 2: Kimmeridgian, 3: Sequanian, 4: Portlandian, 5: Quaternary. Land uses: 1: Forest, 2: Pasture, 3: Meadow , 4: Tillage
X | X location coordinate | |
Y | Y location coordinate | |
Rock | Categorical: rocktype, | |
Land | Categorical: land usage | |
Cd | element amount, | |
Cu | element amount, | |
Pb | element amount, | |
Co | element amount, | |
Cr | element amount, | |
Ni | element amount, | |
All 3-part compositions sum to one.
Atteia, O., Dubois, J.-P., Webster, R., 1994, Geostatistical analysis of soil contamination in the Swiss Jura: Environmental Pollution 86, 315-327
Webster, R., Atteia, O., Dubois, J.-P., 1994, Coregionalization of trace metals in the soil in the Swiss Jura: European Journal of Soil Science 45, 205-218
## Not run: data(juraset) X <- with(juraset,cbind(X,Y)) comp <- acomp(juraset,c("Cd","Cu","Pb","Co","Cr")) lrv <- logratioVariogram(comp,X,maxdist=1,nbins=10) plot(lrv) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(juraset) X <- with(juraset,cbind(X,Y)) comp <- acomp(juraset,c("Cd","Cu","Pb","Co","Cr")) lrv <- logratioVariogram(comp,X,maxdist=1,nbins=10) plot(lrv) ## End(Not run)
Function to compute the kernel density estimation on a grid of the simplex
kdeDirichlet(x, adj = 1, n = 200, kdegrid = NULL, delta = FALSE)
kdeDirichlet(x, adj = 1, n = 200, kdegrid = NULL, delta = FALSE)
x |
data set of (complete) compositional data, i.e. data summing to 1 by columns |
adj |
accessory scaling factor, for modifying the bandwith in analogy to function [MASS::kde()] |
n |
integer, number of grid nodes on each component, where to estimate the density; ignored if 'kdegrid' is given |
kdegrid |
data frame, set of locations where to estimate the density; either specify 'n' or 'kdegrid' |
delta |
logical or real controlling if/how zeroes in 'x' are treated; logical works only for 'kdegrid=NULL' and uses correction by half the grid cell size, otherwise give a real value; this value will be added to the whole composition, including the non-zero values. |
This function computes the kde (kernel density estimation) of the probability density function of a random composition on the simplex, by using Dirichlet kernels. The method was proposed by Aitchison and Lauder (1985).
A list of two or three elements, depending on the value of 'kdegrid'. If 'kdegrid' is null, the function is assumed to be used for two-dimensional plotting, and the output is one compatible with the function [image()], i.e. a list of three elements (vector of x-values, vector of y-values and matrix of density values computed). If 'kdegrid' is a grid, then the output has two elements: the input grid and a vector of computed densities.
NOTE: no effort is made to check that 'kdegrid' has the right class, dimension or content.
Aitchison J., Lauder I.J. (1985) Kernel density estimation for compositional data; _J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. C_, 34 (2): 129-137.
Ouimet, F. and Tolosana-Delgado, R. (2022) Asymptotic properties of Dirichlet kernel density estimators; _Journal of Multivariate Analysis_ 187: 104832, doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2021.104832
Plots acomp/rcomp objects into tetrahedron exported in kinemage format.
kingTetrahedron(X, parts=1:4, file="tmptetrahedron.kin", clu=NULL,vec=NULL, king=TRUE, scale=0.2, col=1, title="Compositional Tetrahedron")
kingTetrahedron(X, parts=1:4, file="tmptetrahedron.kin", clu=NULL,vec=NULL, king=TRUE, scale=0.2, col=1, title="Compositional Tetrahedron")
X |
a compositional acomp or rcomp object of 4 or more parts |
parts |
a numeric or character vector specifying the 4 parts to be used. |
file |
file.kin for 3D display with the KiNG (Kinemage, Next Generation) interactive system for three-dimensional vector graphics. |
clu |
partition determining the colors of points |
vec |
vector of values determining points sizes |
king |
FALSE for Mage; TRUE for King (described below) |
scale |
relative size of points |
col |
color of points if clu=NULL |
title |
The title of the plot |
The routine transforms a 4 parts mixture m quadrays into 3-dimensional XYZ coordinates and writes them as file.kin. For this transformation we apply K. Urner: Quadrays and XYZ at http://www.grunch.net/synergetics/quadxyz.html. The kin file we display as 3-D animation with KiNG viewer. A kinemage is a dynamic, 3-D illustration. The best way to take advantage of that is by rotating it and twisting it around with the mouse click near the center of the graphics window and slowly draging right or left, up or down. Furthermore by clicking on points with the mouse (left button again), the label associated with each point will appear in the bottom left of the graphics area and also the distance from this point to the last will be displayed. With the right button drag we can zoom in and out of the picture. This animation supports coloring and different sizing of points.
We can display the kin file as 3-D animation also with MAGE viewer a previous version of KiNG, more information (and links to the software) can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinemage. For this one has to put king=FALSE as a parameter.
The function is called for its side effect of generating a file for 3D display with the KiNG (Kinemage, Next Generation) interactive system for three-dimensional vector graphics. Works only with KiNG viewer. More information (and links to the actual viewers) can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinemage
This routine and the documentation is based on mix.Quad2net from the MixeR-package of Vladimir Batagelj and Matevz Bren, and has been contributed by Matevz Bren to this package. Only slight modifications have been applied to make function compatible with the philosophy and objects of the compositions package.
Vladimir Batagelj and Matevz Bren, with slight modifications of K.Gerald van den Boogaart
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
## Not run: data(SimulatedAmounts) dat <- acomp(sa.groups5) hc <- hclust(dist(dat), method = "complete") # data are clustered kingTetrahedron(dat,parts=1:4, file="myfirst.kin", clu=cutree(hc,7), scale=0.2) # the 3-D plot is written into Glac1.kin file to be displayed with KiNG viewer. # The seven clusters partition is notated with different colors of points. ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(SimulatedAmounts) dat <- acomp(sa.groups5) hc <- hclust(dist(dat), method = "complete") # data are clustered kingTetrahedron(dat,parts=1:4, file="myfirst.kin", clu=cutree(hc,7), scale=0.2) # the 3-D plot is written into Glac1.kin file to be displayed with KiNG viewer. # The seven clusters partition is notated with different colors of points. ## End(Not run)
A mineral compositions of 25 rock specimens of kongite type. Each composition consists of the percentage by weight of five minerals, albite, blandite, cornite, daubite, endite.
A mineral compositions of 25 rock specimens of hongite type. Each composition consists of the percentage by weight of five minerals, albite, blandite, cornite, daubite, endite, which we conveniently abbreviate to A, B, C, D, E. All row percentage sums to 100.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name HONGITE.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, (Data 2), pp2.
Functions taking coordinates given in various ways and joining the corresponding points with line segments.
## S3 method for class 'acomp' lines(x,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' lines(x,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' lines(x,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' lines(x,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' lines(x,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE)
## S3 method for class 'acomp' lines(x,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' lines(x,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' lines(x,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' lines(x,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' lines(x,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE)
x |
a dataset of the given type |
... |
further graphical parameters |
steps |
the number of discretisation points to draw the segments, which might be not visually straight. |
aspanel |
Logical, indicates use as slave to do acutal drawing only. |
The functions add lines to the graphics generated with the corresponding
plot functions.
Adding to multipaneled plots, redraws the plot completely and is only
possible, when the plot has been created with the plotting routines from
this library.
For the rcomp/rplus geometries the main problem is providing a function
that reasonably works with lines leaving the area. We tried to use a
policy of cuting the line at the actual borders of the (high
dimensional) simplex. That can lead to very strange visual impression
showing lines ending somewhere in the middle of the plot. However these
lines actually hit some border of the simplex that is not shown in the
plot. A hyper dimensional tetrahedron is even more difficult to imagin
than a hyperdimensional cube.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals)) lines(acomp(sa.lognormals),col="red") lines(rcomp(sa.lognormals),col="blue") plot(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])) lines(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]),col="red") lines(rplus(sa.lognormals)[,1:2],col="blue") plot(rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])) tt<-aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="red") tt<-rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="blue") tt<-rmult(sa.lognormals[,1:2]); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="green")
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals)) lines(acomp(sa.lognormals),col="red") lines(rcomp(sa.lognormals),col="blue") plot(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])) lines(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]),col="red") lines(rplus(sa.lognormals)[,1:2],col="blue") plot(rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])) tt<-aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="red") tt<-rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="blue") tt<-rmult(sa.lognormals[,1:2]); ellipses(mean(tt),var(tt),r=2,col="green")
Computes the matrix of logratio variograms.
logratioVariogram(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' logratioVariogram(data, loc, maxdist=max(dist(loc))/2, nbins=20, dists=seq(0,maxdist,length.out=nbins+1), bins=cbind(dists[-length(dists)],dists[-1]), azimuth=0, azimuth.tol=180, comp=data, ... )
logratioVariogram(data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' logratioVariogram(data, loc, maxdist=max(dist(loc))/2, nbins=20, dists=seq(0,maxdist,length.out=nbins+1), bins=cbind(dists[-length(dists)],dists[-1]), azimuth=0, azimuth.tol=180, comp=data, ... )
data |
an acomp compositional dataset |
... |
arguments for generic functionality |
loc |
a matrix or dataframe providing the observation locations of the compositions. Any number of dimension >= 2 is supported. |
maxdist |
the maximum distance to compute the variogram for. |
nbins |
The number of distance bins to compute the variogram for |
dists |
The distances seperating the bins |
bins |
a matrix with lower and upper limit for the distances of each bin. A pair is counted if min<h<=max. min and max are provided as columns. bins is computed from maxdist,nbins and dists. If it is provided, it is used directly. |
azimuth |
For directional variograms the direction, either as an azimuth angle (i.e. a single real number) for 2D datasets or a unit vector pointing of the same dimension as the locations. The angle is clockwise from North in degree. |
azimuth.tol |
The angular tolerance it should be below 90 if a directional variogram is intended. |
comp |
do not use, only provided for backwards compatibility. Use |
The logratio-variogram is the set of variograms of each of the pairwise logratios. It can be proven that it carries the same information as a usual multivariate variogram. The great advantage is that all the funcitions have a direct interpreation and can be estimated even with (MAR) missings in the dataset.
A list of class "logratioVariogram"
vg |
A nbins x D x D array containing the logratio variograms |
h |
A nbins x D x D array containing the mean distance the value is computed on. |
n |
A nbins x D x D array containing the number of nonmissing pairs used for the corresponding value. |
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Tolosana, van den Boogaart, Pawlowsky-Glahn (2009) Estimating and modeling variograms of compositional data with occasional missing variables in R, StatGis09
Pawlowsky-Glahn, Vera and Olea, Ricardo A. (2004) Geostatistical Analysis of Compositional Data, Oxford University Press, Studies in Mathematical Geology
## Not run: data(juraset) X <- with(juraset,cbind(X,Y)) comp <- acomp(juraset,c("Cd","Cu","Pb","Co","Cr")) lrv <- logratioVariogram(comp,X,maxdist=1,nbins=10) plot(lrv) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(juraset) X <- with(juraset,cbind(X,Y)) comp <- acomp(juraset,c("Cd","Cu","Pb","Co","Cr")) lrv <- logratioVariogram(comp,X,maxdist=1,nbins=10) plot(lrv) ## End(Not run)
Transforms model functions for different types of compositional (logratio)(co)variograms.
cgram2vgram(cgram) vgram2lrvgram(vgram)
cgram2vgram(cgram) vgram2lrvgram(vgram)
cgram |
A (matrix valued) covariance function. |
vgram |
A (matrix valued) variogram functions. |
The variogram is given by cgram(0)-cgram(h)
The logratio-variogram is the set of variograms of each of the pairwise logratios. It can be proven that it carries the same information as a usual multivariate variogram. The great advantage is that all the funcitions have a direct interpreation and can be estimated even with (MAR) missings in the dataset.
A function that takes the same parameters as the input function (through a ... parameterlist), but provides the correponding variogram values (cgram2vgram) or logratio Variogram (vgram2lrvgram) values.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Tolosana, van den Boogaart, Pawlowsky-Glahn (2009) Estimating and modeling variograms of compositional data with occasional missing variables in R, StatGis09
data(juraset) comp <- acomp(juraset,c("Cd","Cu","Pb","Co","Cr")) vg <- CompLinModCoReg(~nugget()+sph(0.5)+R1*exp(0.7),comp) vg(1:3) vgram2lrvgram(vg)(1:3)
data(juraset) comp <- acomp(juraset,c("Cd","Cu","Pb","Co","Cr")) vg <- CompLinModCoReg(~nugget()+sph(0.5)+R1*exp(0.7),comp) vg(1:3) vgram2lrvgram(vg)(1:3)
MahalanobisDist computes the Mahalanobis distances to the center or to other observations.
MahalanobisDist(x,center=NULL,cov=NULL,inverted=FALSE,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' MahalanobisDist(x,center=NULL,cov=NULL,inverted=FALSE,..., goodOnly=NULL,pairwise=FALSE,pow=1, robust=FALSE,giveGeometry=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' MahalanobisDist(x,center=NULL,cov=NULL,inverted=FALSE,..., goodOnly=NULL, pairwise=FALSE,pow=1,robust=FALSE,giveGeometry=FALSE)
MahalanobisDist(x,center=NULL,cov=NULL,inverted=FALSE,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' MahalanobisDist(x,center=NULL,cov=NULL,inverted=FALSE,..., goodOnly=NULL,pairwise=FALSE,pow=1, robust=FALSE,giveGeometry=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' MahalanobisDist(x,center=NULL,cov=NULL,inverted=FALSE,..., goodOnly=NULL, pairwise=FALSE,pow=1,robust=FALSE,giveGeometry=FALSE)
x |
the dataset |
robust |
logical or a robust method description (see
... |
Further arguments to |
center |
An estimated for the center (mean) of the dataset. If center is NULL it will be estimated based using the given robust option. |
cov |
An estimated for the spread (covariance matrix) of the dataset. If cov is NULL it will be estimated based using the given robust option. |
inverted |
TRUE if the inverse of the covariance matrix is given. |
goodOnly |
An vector of indices to the columns of x that should be used for estimation of center and spread. |
pairwise |
If FALSE the distances to the center are returned as a vector. If TRUE the distances between the cases are returned as a distance matrix. |
pow |
The power of the Mahalanobis distance to be used. 1
correponds to the square root of the squared distance in
transformed space, like it is defined in most books. The choice 2
corresponds to what is implemented in many software package
including the |
giveGeometry |
If true an atrributes |
The Mahalanobis distance is the distance in a linearly transformed space, where the linear transformation is selected in such a way,that the variance is the unit matrix. Thus the distances are given in multiples of standard deviation.
Either a vector of Mahalanobis distances to the center, or a distance
matrix (like from dist
) giving the pairwise Mahalanobis
distances of the data.
Unlike the mahalanobis
function this function does not
be default compute the square of the mahalanobis distance. The pow
option is provided if the square is needed.
The package robustbase is required for using the
robust estimations.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) data5 <- acomp(sa.outliers5) cl <- ClusterFinder1(data5,sigma=0.4,radius=1) plot(data5,col=as.numeric(cl$types),pch=as.numeric(cl$types)) legend(1,1,legend=levels(cl$types),xjust=1,col=1:length(levels(cl$types)), pch=1:length(levels(cl$types)))
data(SimulatedAmounts) data5 <- acomp(sa.outliers5) cl <- ClusterFinder1(data5,sigma=0.4,radius=1) plot(data5,col=as.numeric(cl$types),pch=as.numeric(cl$types)) legend(1,1,legend=levels(cl$types),xjust=1,col=1:length(levels(cl$types)), pch=1:length(levels(cl$types)))
Multiplies two matrices, if they are conformable. If one argument is a vector, it will be coerced to either a row or a column matrix to make the two arguments conformable. If both are vectors it will return the inner product.
x %*% y ## Default S3 method: x %*% y
x %*% y ## Default S3 method: x %*% y
x , y
numeric or complex matrices or vectors |
This is a copy of the
function. The
function is made generic to allow the definition of specific methods.
The matrix product. Uses 'drop' to get rid of dimensions which have only one level.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
M <- matrix(c( 0.2,0.1,0.0, 0.1,0.2,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.2),byrow=TRUE,nrow=3) x <- c(1,1,2) M %*% x x %*% M x %*% x M %*% M t(x) %*% M
M <- matrix(c( 0.2,0.1,0.0, 0.1,0.2,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.2),byrow=TRUE,nrow=3) x <- c(1,1,2) M %*% x x %*% M x %*% x M %*% M t(x) %*% M
Compute the mean in the several approaches of compositional and amount data analysis.
## S3 method for class 'acomp' mean(x,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' mean(x,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' mean(x,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' mean(x,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' mean(x,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' mean(x,...,na.action=NULL,robust=getOption("robust"))
## S3 method for class 'acomp' mean(x,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' mean(x,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' mean(x,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' mean(x,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' mean(x,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' mean(x,...,na.action=NULL,robust=getOption("robust"))
x |
a classed dataset of amounts or compositions |
... |
further arguments to |
na.action |
na.action |
robust |
A description of a robust estimator. Possible values are FALSE or
"pearson" for no robustness, or TRUE or "mcd" for a
covMcd based
robust location scale estimation. Additional control parameters such
as |
The different compositional approaches acomp
, rplus
correpond to different
geometries. The mean is calculated in the respective canonical
geometry by applying a canonical transform (see cdt
), taking ordinary
and backtransforming.
The Aitchison geometries imply that mean.acomp
and mean.aplus
geometric means, the first one closed. The real geometry implies that
and mean.rplus
are arithmetic means, the first
one resulting in a closed composition.
In all cases the mean is again an object of the same class.
The mean is given as a composition or amount vector of the same class as the original dataset.
For the additive scales (rcomp,rplus) the SZ and BDL are
treated as zeros and MAR and MNAR as missing information.
This is not strictly correct for MNAR.
For relative scales (acomp,aplus), all four types of missings
are treated as missing information. This corresponds to the
idea that BDL are truncated values (and have the correspoding
effect in taking means). For SZ and MAR, only the components in
the observed subcomposition are fully relevant. Finally, for MNAR
the problem is again that nothing could be done without knowing
the MNAR mechanism, so the analysis is limited to taking them as
MAR, and being careful with the interpretation.
Missing and Below Detecion Limit Policy is explained in more detail
in compositions.missing.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, meanCol
, acomp
, aplus
, rplus
data(SimulatedAmounts) meanCol(sa.lognormals) mean(acomp(sa.lognormals)) mean(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) mean(aplus(sa.lognormals)) mean(rplus(sa.lognormals)) mean(rmult(sa.lognormals))
data(SimulatedAmounts) meanCol(sa.lognormals) mean(acomp(sa.lognormals)) mean(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) mean(aplus(sa.lognormals)) mean(rplus(sa.lognormals)) mean(rmult(sa.lognormals))
Computes the arithmetic mean.
meanRow(x,..., na.action=get(getOption("na.action"))) meanCol(x,..., na.action=get(getOption("na.action")))
meanRow(x,..., na.action=get(getOption("na.action"))) meanCol(x,..., na.action=get(getOption("na.action")))
x |
a numeric vector or matrix of data |
... |
arguments to |
na.action |
Computes the arithmetic means of the rows (meanRow) or columns (meanCol) of x.
The arithmetic means of the rows (meanRow) or columns (meanCol) of x.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) meanCol(sa.tnormals) meanRow(sa.tnormals)
data(SimulatedAmounts) meanCol(sa.tnormals) meanRow(sa.tnormals)
Data shows the urinary excretion (mg/24 hours) of 37 normal adults and 30 normal children
total cortisol meatbolites,
total corticosterone meatbolites,
total pregnanetriol and -5-pregnentriol.
There are 67 cases for 37 adults and 30 children, and 5 columns: Case no., met1, met2, met3 and Type, 1 for adults, $-1$ for children. No sum constraint is placed on this data set: since the urinary excretion in mg for 24 hours are given.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name METABOL.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, (Data 9), pp14.
This help section discusses some general strategies of working with missing valuess in a compositional, relative or vectorial context and shows how the various types of missings are represented and treated in the "compositions" package, according to each strategy/class of analysis of compositions or amounts.
is.BDL(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) is.SZ(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) is.MAR(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) is.MNAR(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) is.NMV(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) is.WMNAR(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) is.WZERO(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) has.missings(x,...) ## Default S3 method: has.missings(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier"),...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' has.missings(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier"),...) SZvalue MARvalue MNARvalue BDLvalue
is.BDL(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) is.SZ(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) is.MAR(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) is.MNAR(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) is.NMV(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) is.WMNAR(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) is.WZERO(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier")) has.missings(x,...) ## Default S3 method: has.missings(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier"),...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' has.missings(x,mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier"),...) SZvalue MARvalue MNARvalue BDLvalue
x |
A vector, matrix, acomp, rcomp, aplus, rplus object for which we would like to know the missing status of the entries |
mc |
A missing classifier function, giving for each value one of the values BDL (Below Detection Limit), SZ (Structural Zero), MAR (Missing at random), MNAR (Missing not at random), NMV (Not missing value) This functions are introduced to allow a different coding of the missings. |
... |
further generic arguments |
In the context of compositional data we have to consider at least four types of missing and zero values:
(Missing at random) coded by NaN, the amount was not observed or is otherwise missing, in a way unrelated to its actual value. This is the "nice" type of missing.
(Missing not at random) coded by NA, the amount was not observed or is otherwise missing, but it was missed in a way stochastically dependent on its actual value.
(Below detection limit) coded by 0.0 or a negative number giving the detection limit; the amount was observed but turned out to be below the detection limit and was thus rounded to zero. This is an informative version of MNAR.
(Structural zero) coded by -Inf, the amount is absolutely zero due to structural reasons. E.g. a soil sample was dried before the analysis, or the sample was preprocessed so that the fraction is removed. Structural zeroes are mainly treated as MAR even though they are a kind of MNAR.
Based on these basic missing types, the following extended types are defined:
(Not Missing Value) coded by a real number, it is just an actually-observed value.
(Wider MNAR) includes BDL and MNAR.
(Wider Zero) includes BDL and SZ
Each function of type is.XXX
checks the status of its argument according to
the XXX type of value from those above.
Different steps of a statistical analysis and different understanding
of the data will lead to different approaches with respect to missings and zeros.
In the first exploratory step, the problem is to keep the
methods working and to make the missing structure visible in the
analysis. The user should need as less as possible extra thinking
about missings, an get nevertheless a true picture of the data. To
achieve this we tried to make the basic layer of computational
functions working consitently with missings and propagating the
missingness character seamlessly. However some of this only works with
, where a closed form missing theories are available
(e.g. proportional imputation [e.g. Mart\'in-Fern\'andez, J.A. et
al.(2003)]or estimation with missings
[Boogaart&Tolosana 2006]). The main graphics should hint towards
missing and try to add missings to the plot by marking the remaining
informaion on the axes. However one again should be clear that this is
only reasonably justified in the relative geometries. Unfortunatly the
missing subsystem is currently not fully compatible with the
robustness subsystem.
As a second step, the analyst might want to analyse the
missing structure for itself. This is preliminarly provided by these
functions, since their result can be treated as a boolean data set in
any other R function. Additionally a missingSummary
provides some a convenience function to provide a fast overview over
the different types of missings in the dataset.
In the later inferential steps, the problem is to get results valid
with respect to a model. One needs to be able to look through the data
on the true processes behind, without being distracted by artifacts
stemming from missing values. For the moment, how analyses react to the
presence of missings depend on the value of the na.action option. If this
is set to na.omit (the default), then cases with missing values on any
variable are completely ignored by the analysis. If this is set to
na.pass, then some of the following applies.
The policy on how a missing value is to be introduced into the
analysis depends on the purpose of the analysis, the type of analysis
and the model behind. With respect to this issue this package and
probabily the whole science of compositional data analysis is still
very preliminary.
The four philosophies work with different approaches to these problems:
For positive real vectors, one can either identify BDL
with a true 0 or impute a value relative to the detection limit, with a
function like zeroreplace
. A structural zero can either
be seen as a true zero or as a MAR value.
and acomp
For these relative geometries, a true zero is an alien. Thus a BDL is nothing else but a small unkown value. We could either decide to replace the value by an imputation, or go through the whole analysis keeping this lack of information in mind. The main problem of imputation is that by closing to 1, the absolute value of the detection limit is lost, and the detection limit can correspond to very different portions. Raw differences between all, observed or missed, components (the ground of the rcomp geometry) are completely distorted by the replacement. Contrarily, log-ratios between observed components do not change but ratios between missed components dramatically depend on the replacement, e.g. typically the content of gold is some orders of magnitude smaller than the contend of silver even around a gold deposit, but far away from the deposit they both might be far under detection limit, leading to a ratio of 1, just because nothing was observed. SZ in compositions might be either seen as defining two sub-populations, one fully defined and one where only a subcomposition is defined. But SZ can also very much be like an MAR, if only a subcomposition is measured. Thus, in general we can simply understand that only a subcomposition is available, i.e. a projection of the true value onto a sub-space: for each observation, this sub-space might be different. For MAR values, this approach is stricly valid, and yields unbiased estimations (because these projections are stochastically independent of the observed phenomenon). For MNAR values, the projections depend on the actual value, which strictly speaking yields biased estimations.
Imputation takes place by simple replacement of the value. However this can lead to a dramatic change of ratios and should thus be used only with extra care, by the same reasons explained before.
More information on how missings are actually processed can be found in the help files of each individual functions.
A logical vector or matrix with the same shape as x stating wether or not the value is of the given type of missing.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon Tolosana Delgado, Matevz Bren
Boogaart, K.G. v.d., R. Tolosana-Delgado, M. Bren (2006) Concepts for handling of zeros and missing values in compositional data, in E. Pirard (ed.) (2006)Proccedings of the IAMG'2006 Annual Conference on "Quantitative Geology from multiple sources", September 2006, Liege, Belgium, S07-01, 4pages, http://stat.boogaart.de/Publications/iamg06_s07_01.pdf, ISBN: 978-2-9600644-0-7
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
Aitchison, J, C. Barcel'o-Vidal, J.J. Egozcue, V. Pawlowsky-Glahn
(2002) A consise guide to the algebraic geometric structure of the
simplex, the sample space for compositional data analysis, Terra
Nostra, Schriften der Alfred Wegener-Stiftung, 03/2003
Billheimer, D., P. Guttorp, W.F. and Fagan (2001) Statistical interpretation of species composition,
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96 (456), 1205-1214
Mart\'in-Fern\'andez, J.A., C. Barcel\'o-Vidal, and V. Pawlowsky-Glahn (2003)
Dealing With Zeros and Missing Values in Compositional
Data Sets Using Nonparametric Imputation. Mathematical Geology, 35(3)
compositions-package, missingsInCompositions,
robustnessInCompositions, outliersInCompositions,
, rmult
, ilr
, acomp
, plot.acomp
require(compositions) # load library data(SimulatedAmounts) # load data sa.lognormals dat <- acomp(sa.missings) dat var(dat) mean(dat) plot(dat) boxplot(dat) barplot(dat)
require(compositions) # load library data(SimulatedAmounts) # load data sa.lognormals dat <- acomp(sa.missings) dat var(dat) mean(dat) plot(dat) boxplot(dat) barplot(dat)
Returns projectors on the observed subspace in the presence of missings.
missingProjector(x,...,by="s") ## S3 method for class 'acomp' missingProjector(x,has=is.NMV(x),...,by="s") ## S3 method for class 'aplus' missingProjector(x,has=is.NMV(x),...,by="s") ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' missingProjector(x,has=!(is.MAR(x)|is.MNAR(x)),...,by="s") ## S3 method for class 'rplus' missingProjector(x,has=!(is.MAR(x)|is.MNAR(x)),...,by="s")
missingProjector(x,...,by="s") ## S3 method for class 'acomp' missingProjector(x,has=is.NMV(x),...,by="s") ## S3 method for class 'aplus' missingProjector(x,has=is.NMV(x),...,by="s") ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' missingProjector(x,has=!(is.MAR(x)|is.MNAR(x)),...,by="s") ## S3 method for class 'rplus' missingProjector(x,has=!(is.MAR(x)|is.MNAR(x)),...,by="s")
x |
a dataset or object of the given class |
has |
a boolean matrix of the same size indicating nonmissing values |
... |
additional arguments for generic purpose only |
by |
the name of the dataset dimension on |
See the references for details on that function.
A dataset of N square matrices of dimension DxD (with N and D respectively
equal to the number of rows and columns in x
). Each of these
matrices gives the projection of a data row onto its observed sub-space.
The function sumMissingProjector
takes all these matrices
and sums
them, generating a "summary" of observed sub-spaces. This matrix is useful
to obtain estimates of the mean (and variance, in the future) still unbiased
in the presence of lost values (only of type MAR, stricly-speaking, but anyway
useful for any type of missing value, when used with care).
K.G.van den Boogaart
Boogaart, K.G. v.d. (2006) Concepts for handling of zeros and missing values in compositional data, in E. Pirard (ed.) (2006)Proccedings of the IAMG'2006 Annual Conference on "Quantitative Geology from multiple sources", September 2006, Liege, Belgium, S07-01, 4pages, http://stat.boogaart.de/Publications/iamg06_s07_01.pdf
data(SimulatedAmounts) x <- acomp(sa.lognormals) xnew <- simulateMissings(x,dl=0.05,MAR=0.05,MNAR=0.05,SZ=0.05) xnew plot(missingSummary(xnew)) missingProjector(acomp(xnew)) missingProjector(rcomp(xnew)) missingProjector(aplus(xnew)) missingProjector(rplus(xnew))
data(SimulatedAmounts) x <- acomp(sa.lognormals) xnew <- simulateMissings(x,dl=0.05,MAR=0.05,MNAR=0.05,SZ=0.05) xnew plot(missingSummary(xnew)) missingProjector(acomp(xnew)) missingProjector(rcomp(xnew)) missingProjector(aplus(xnew)) missingProjector(rplus(xnew))
Routines classifies codes of missing valuesas numbers in objects of the compositions package.
missingSummary(x,..., vlabs = colnames(x), mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier"), values=eval(formals(missingType)$values)) missingType(x,..., mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier"), values=c("NMV", "BDL", "MAR", "MNAR", "SZ", "Err"))
missingSummary(x,..., vlabs = colnames(x), mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier"), values=eval(formals(missingType)$values)) missingType(x,..., mc=attr(x,"missingClassifier"), values=c("NMV", "BDL", "MAR", "MNAR", "SZ", "Err"))
x |
a dataset which might contain missings |
... |
additional arguments for mc |
mc |
optionally in missingSummary, an alternate routine to be used
instead of |
vlabs |
labels for the variables |
values |
the names of the different types of missings. |
The function mainly counts the various types of missing values.
returns a character vector/matrix with the same dimension and
dimnames as x
giving the type of every value.missingSummary
returns a table giving the number of missings of each
type for each variable.
K. Gerald van den Boogaart
Boogaart, K.G., R. Tolosana-Delgado, M. Bren (2006) Concepts for the handling of zeros and missings in compositional data, Proceedings of IAMG 2006, Liege
data(SimulatedAmounts) x <- acomp(sa.lognormals) xnew <- simulateMissings(x,dl=0.05,MAR=0.05,MNAR=0.05,SZ=0.05) xnew missingSummary(xnew)
data(SimulatedAmounts) x <- acomp(sa.lognormals) xnew <- simulateMissings(x,dl=0.05,MAR=0.05,MNAR=0.05,SZ=0.05) xnew missingSummary(xnew)
Reads a data file, which is formatted in a simple compositional file including the first row with title, the second with data labels and afterwards the matrix with the data itself. In the first column of the matrix are cases labels. This is the format used in the mixR package.
file |
a file name |
eps |
the epsilon to be used for checking null values. |
The data files must have the adequate structure:
the first row with a title of the data set,
the second row with variables names
the data set in a matrix, rows as cases, variables in columns with the firs colum comprising cases labels.
A mixture object 'm' consists of m$tit
the title, m$mat
the matrix with the data,
the value of the rows total, if constant and m$sta
the status of the mixture object
with values:
-2 | - matrix contains negative elements, | |
-1 | - zero row sum exists, | |
0 | - matrix contains zero elements, | |
1 | - matrix contains positive elements, rows with different row sum(s), | |
2 | - matrix with constant row sum and | |
3 | - closed mixture, the row sums are all equal to 1. |
A mixture object as a data frame with a title, row total, if constant, status (-2, -1, 0, 1, 2 or 3 – see above) and class attributes and the data matrix.
## Not run: mix.Read("GLACIAL.DAT") mix.Read("ACTIVITY.DAT") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: mix.Read("GLACIAL.DAT") mix.Read("ACTIVITY.DAT") ## End(Not run)
Compute the metric variance, covariance, correlation or standard deviation.
mvar(x,...) mcov(x,...) mcor(x,...) msd(x,...) ## Default S3 method: mvar(x,y=NULL,...) ## Default S3 method: mcov(x,y=x,...) ## Default S3 method: mcor(x,y,...) ## Default S3 method: msd(x,y=NULL,...)
mvar(x,...) mcov(x,...) mcor(x,...) msd(x,...) ## Default S3 method: mvar(x,y=NULL,...) ## Default S3 method: mcov(x,y=x,...) ## Default S3 method: mcor(x,y,...) ## Default S3 method: msd(x,y=NULL,...)
x |
a dataset, eventually of amounts or compositions |
y |
a second dataset, eventually of amounts or compositions |
... |
further arguments to
The metric variance (mvar
) is defined by the trace of the
variance in the natural geometry of the data, or also by the generalized
variance in natural geometry. The natural geometry is equivalently
given by the cdt
or idt
The metric standard deviation (msd
) is not the square root
of the metric variance, but the square root of the mean of the eigenvalues of the
variance matrix. In this way it can be interpreted in units of the original
natural geometry, as the radius of a sperical ball around
the mean with the same volume as the 1-sigma ellipsoid of the data set.
The metric covariance (mvar
) is the sum over the absolute
singular values of the covariance of two datasets in their respective
geometries. It is always positive. The metric covariance of a dataset
with itself is its metric variance. The interpretation of a metric
covariance is quite difficult, but useful in regression problems.
The metric correlation (mcor
) is the metric covariance of the
datasets in their natural geometry normalized to unit variance matrix. It is a
number between 0 and the smaller dimension of both natural spaces. A
number of 1 means perfect correlation in 1 dimension, but only partial
correlations in higher dimensions.
a scalar number, informing of the degree of variation/covariation of one/two datasets.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
Daunis-i-Estadella, J., J.J. Egozcue, and V. Pawlowsky-Glahn
(2002) Least squares regression in the Simplex on the simplex, Terra
Nostra, Schriften der Alfred Wegener-Stiftung, 03/2003
Pawlowsky-Glahn, V. and J.J. Egozcue (2001) Geometric approach to
statistical analysis on the simplex. SERRA 15(5), 384-398
, cov
, acomp
, rcomp
, rplus
data(SimulatedAmounts) mvar(acomp(sa.lognormals)) mvar(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) mvar(aplus(sa.lognormals)) mvar(rplus(sa.lognormals)) msd(acomp(sa.lognormals)) msd(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) msd(aplus(sa.lognormals)) msd(rplus(sa.lognormals)) mcov(acomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),acomp(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcor(acomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),acomp(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcov(rcomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),rcomp(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcor(rcomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),rcomp(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcov(aplus(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),aplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcor(aplus(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),aplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcov(rplus(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),rplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcor(rplus(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),rplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcov(acomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),aplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcor(acomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),aplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5]))
data(SimulatedAmounts) mvar(acomp(sa.lognormals)) mvar(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) mvar(aplus(sa.lognormals)) mvar(rplus(sa.lognormals)) msd(acomp(sa.lognormals)) msd(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) msd(aplus(sa.lognormals)) msd(rplus(sa.lognormals)) mcov(acomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),acomp(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcor(acomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),acomp(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcov(rcomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),rcomp(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcor(rcomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),rcomp(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcov(aplus(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),aplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcor(aplus(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),aplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcov(rplus(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),rplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcor(rplus(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),rplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcov(acomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),aplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) mcor(acomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),aplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5]))
The names
function provide a transparent way to access the names of
the parts regardless of the shape of the dataset or data item.
## S3 method for class 'acomp' names(x) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' names(x) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' names(x) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' names(x) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' names(x) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' names(x) ## S3 replacement method for class 'acomp' names(x) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'rcomp' names(x) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'aplus' names(x) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'rplus' names(x) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'rmult' names(x) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'ccomp' names(x) <- value
## S3 method for class 'acomp' names(x) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' names(x) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' names(x) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' names(x) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' names(x) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' names(x) ## S3 replacement method for class 'acomp' names(x) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'rcomp' names(x) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'aplus' names(x) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'rplus' names(x) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'rmult' names(x) <- value ## S3 replacement method for class 'ccomp' names(x) <- value
x |
an amount/amount dataset |
value |
the new names of the parts |
a character vector giving the names of the parts
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) tmp <- acomp(sa.lognormals) names(tmp) names(tmp) <- c("x","y","z") tmp
data(SimulatedAmounts) tmp <- acomp(sa.lognormals) names(tmp) names(tmp) <- c("x","y","z") tmp
Each of the considered space structures has an associated norm, which is computed for each element by these functions.
## Default S3 method: norm(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' norm(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' norm(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' norm(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' norm(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' norm(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' norm(x,...)
## Default S3 method: norm(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' norm(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' norm(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' norm(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' norm(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' norm(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' norm(x,...)
x |
a dataset or a single vector of some type |
... |
currently not used, intended to select a different norm rule in the future |
The norms of the given vectors.
ATTENTON: norm.matrix
is a wrapper around base::norm
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) tmp <- acomp(sa.lognormals) mvar(tmp) sum(norm( tmp - mean(tmp) )^2)/(nrow(tmp)-1)
data(SimulatedAmounts) tmp <- acomp(sa.lognormals) mvar(tmp) sum(norm( tmp - mean(tmp) )^2)/(nrow(tmp)-1)
Normalize vectors to norm 1.
normalize(x,...) ## Default S3 method: normalize(x,...)
normalize(x,...) ## Default S3 method: normalize(x,...)
x |
a dataset or a single vector of some type |
... |
currently not used, intended to select a different norm in the future |
The vectors given, but normalized to norm 1.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) normalize(c(1,2,3)) normalize(acomp(c(1,2,3))) norm(normalize(acomp(sa.groups)))
data(SimulatedAmounts) normalize(c(1,2,3)) normalize(acomp(c(1,2,3))) norm(normalize(acomp(sa.groups)))
Tests for several groups of additive lognormally distributed compositions.
acompNormalLocation.test(x, g=NULL, var.equal=FALSE, paired=FALSE, R=ifelse(var.equal,999,0))
acompNormalLocation.test(x, g=NULL, var.equal=FALSE, paired=FALSE, R=ifelse(var.equal,999,0))
x |
a dataset of compositions (acomp) or a list of such |
g |
a factor grouping the data, not used if x is a list already.
Alternatively, |
var.equal |
a boolean telling wether the variance of the groups should be considered equal |
paired |
true if a paired test should be performed |
R |
number of replicates that should be used to compute p-values. 0 means comparing the likelihood statistic with the correponding asymptotic chisq-distribution. |
The tests are based on likelihood ratio statistics.
A classical "htest"
data.name |
The name of the dataset as specified |
method |
a name for the test used |
alternative |
an empty string |
replicates |
a dataset of p-value distributions under the Null-Hypothesis got from nonparametric bootstrap |
p.value |
The p.value computed for this test |
Up to now the tests cannot handle missings.
Do not trust the p-values obtained forcing var.equal=TRUE
and R=0
This will include soon equivalent spread tests.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
, runif.acomp
x <- runif.acomp(100,4) y <- runif.acomp(100,4) acompNormalLocation.test(list(x,y))
x <- runif.acomp(100,4) y <- runif.acomp(100,4) acompNormalLocation.test(list(x,y))
A dataset is converted to a data matrix. A single data item (i.e. a simple vector) is converted to a one-row data matrix.
W |
a vector, matrix or dataframe |
B |
an optional second vector, matrix or data frame having the intended number of rows. |
A data matrix containing the same data as W. If W is a vector it is
interpreded as a single row. If B
is given and
length(dim(B))!= 2
and W
is a vector,
then W
is repeated nrow(B)
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
oneOrDataset(c(1,2,3)) oneOrDataset(c(1,2,3),matrix(1:12,nrow=4)) oneOrDataset(data.frame(matrix(1:12,nrow=4)))
oneOrDataset(c(1,2,3)) oneOrDataset(c(1,2,3),matrix(1:12,nrow=4)) oneOrDataset(data.frame(matrix(1:12,nrow=4)))
Detects outliers and classifies them according to different possible explanations.
OutlierClassifier1(X,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' OutlierClassifier1(X,...,alpha=0.05, type=c("best","all","type","outlier","grade"),goodOnly=NULL, corrected=TRUE,RedCorrected=FALSE,robust=TRUE)
OutlierClassifier1(X,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' OutlierClassifier1(X,...,alpha=0.05, type=c("best","all","type","outlier","grade"),goodOnly=NULL, corrected=TRUE,RedCorrected=FALSE,robust=TRUE)
X |
the dataset as an |
... |
further arguments to MahalanobisDist/gsi.mahOutlier |
alpha |
The confidence level for identifying outliers. |
type |
What type of classification should be used: best: Which
single component would best explain the outlier. all: Give a binary coding
specifying all components, which could explain the outlier. type: Is
it a a normal observation |
goodOnly |
an integer vector. Only the specified index of the dataset should be used for estimation of the outlier criteria. This parameter if only a small portion of the dataset is reliable. |
corrected |
logical. Literatur often proposed to compare the Mahalanobis distances with Chisq-Approximations of there distributions. However this does not correct for multiple testing. If corrected is true a correction for multiple testing is used. In any case we do not use the chisq-approximation, but a simulation based procedure to compute confidence bounds. |
RedCorrected |
logical. If an outlier is detected we can try to find out wether a single component would be sufficient to drop the outlier under the outlier detection limit. Since in this second case we only check a few outliers no second correction step applies as long as the number of outliers is not very high. |
robust |
A robustness description as define in
See outliersInCompositions for a comprehensive introduction into the outlier treatment in compositions.
See ClusterFinder1
for an alternative method to classify
observations in the context of outliers.
A factor classifying the observations in the dataset as "ok" or some type of outlier.
The package robustbase is required for using the robust estimations.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
## Not run: tmp<-set.seed(1400) A <- matrix(c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.1),nrow=2) Mvar <- 0.1*ilrvar2clr(A%*%t(A)) Mcenter <- acomp(c(1,2,1)) data(SimulatedAmounts) datas <- list(data1=sa.outliers1,data2=sa.outliers2,data3=sa.outliers3, data4=sa.outliers4,data5=sa.outliers5,data6=sa.outliers6) opar<-par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) tmp<-mapply(function(x,y) { outlierplot(x,type="scatter",class.type="grade"); title(y) },datas,names(datas)) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) tmp<-mapply(function(x,y) { myCls2 <- OutlierClassifier1(x,alpha=0.05,type="all",corrected=TRUE) outlierplot(x,type="scatter",classifier=OutlierClassifier1,class.type="best", Legend=legend(1,1,levels(myCls),xjust=1,col=colcode,pch=pchcode), pch=as.numeric(myCls2)); legend(0,1,legend=levels(myCls2),pch=1:length(levels(myCls2))) title(y) },datas,names(datas)) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="ecdf",main=names(datas)[i]) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="portion",main=names(datas)[i]) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="nout",main=names(datas)[i]) par(opar) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: tmp<-set.seed(1400) A <- matrix(c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.1),nrow=2) Mvar <- 0.1*ilrvar2clr(A%*%t(A)) Mcenter <- acomp(c(1,2,1)) data(SimulatedAmounts) datas <- list(data1=sa.outliers1,data2=sa.outliers2,data3=sa.outliers3, data4=sa.outliers4,data5=sa.outliers5,data6=sa.outliers6) opar<-par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) tmp<-mapply(function(x,y) { outlierplot(x,type="scatter",class.type="grade"); title(y) },datas,names(datas)) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) tmp<-mapply(function(x,y) { myCls2 <- OutlierClassifier1(x,alpha=0.05,type="all",corrected=TRUE) outlierplot(x,type="scatter",classifier=OutlierClassifier1,class.type="best", Legend=legend(1,1,levels(myCls),xjust=1,col=colcode,pch=pchcode), pch=as.numeric(myCls2)); legend(0,1,legend=levels(myCls2),pch=1:length(levels(myCls2))) title(y) },datas,names(datas)) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="ecdf",main=names(datas)[i]) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="portion",main=names(datas)[i]) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="nout",main=names(datas)[i]) par(opar) ## End(Not run)
A collection of plots emphasing different aspects of possible outliers.
outlierplot(X,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' outlierplot(X,colcode=colorsForOutliers1, pchcode=pchForOutliers1, type=c("scatter","biplot","dendrogram","ecdf","portion","nout","distdist"), legend.position,pch=19,...,clusterMethod="ward", myCls=classifier(X,alpha=alpha,type=class.type,corrected=corrected), classifier=OutlierClassifier1, alpha=0.05, class.type="best", Legend,pow=1, main=paste(deparse(substitute(X))), corrected=TRUE,robust=TRUE,princomp.robust=FALSE, mahRange=exp(c(-5,5))^pow, flagColor="red", meanColor="blue", grayColor="gray40", goodColor="green", mahalanobisLabel="Mahalanobis Distance" )
outlierplot(X,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' outlierplot(X,colcode=colorsForOutliers1, pchcode=pchForOutliers1, type=c("scatter","biplot","dendrogram","ecdf","portion","nout","distdist"), legend.position,pch=19,...,clusterMethod="ward", myCls=classifier(X,alpha=alpha,type=class.type,corrected=corrected), classifier=OutlierClassifier1, alpha=0.05, class.type="best", Legend,pow=1, main=paste(deparse(substitute(X))), corrected=TRUE,robust=TRUE,princomp.robust=FALSE, mahRange=exp(c(-5,5))^pow, flagColor="red", meanColor="blue", grayColor="gray40", goodColor="green", mahalanobisLabel="Mahalanobis Distance" )
X |
The dataset as an |
colcode |
A color palette for factor given by the |
pchcode |
A function to create a plot character palette for the factor
returned by the |
type |
The type of plot to be produced. See details for more precise definitions. |
legend.position |
The location of the legend. Must!!! be given to draw a classical legend. |
pch |
A default plotting char |
... |
Further arguments to the used plotting function |
clusterMethod |
The clustering method for |
myCls |
A factor presenting the groups of outliers |
classifier |
The routine to create a factor presenting the groups
of outliers heuristically. It is only used in the default argument
to |
alpha |
The confidence level to be used for outlier classification tests |
class.type |
The type of classification that should be generated
by |
Legend |
The content will be substituted and stored as list entry legend in the result of the function. It can than be evaluated to actually create a seperate legend on another device (e.g. for publications). |
pow |
The power of Mahalanobis distances to be used. |
main |
The title of the graphic |
corrected |
Literature typically proposes to compare the Mahalanobis distances with the distribution of a random Mahalanobis distance. However it would be needed to correct this for (dependent) multiple testing, since we always test the whole dataset, which means comparing against the distribution of the maximum Mahalanobis distance. This argument switches to this second behavior, giving less outliers. |
robust |
A robustness description as define in
princomp.robust |
Either a logical determining wether or not the principal component analysis should be done robustly or a principal component object for the dataset. |
mahRange |
The range of Mahalanobis distances displayed. This is fixed to make views comparable among datasets. However if the preset default is not enough a warning is issued and a red mark is drawn in the plot |
flagColor |
The color to draw critical situations. |
meanColor |
The color to draw typical curves. |
goodColor |
The color to draw confidence bounds. |
grayColor |
The color to draw less important things. |
mahalanobisLabel |
The axis label to be used for axes displaying Mahalanobis distances. |
See outliersInCompositions for a comprehensive introduction into the outlier treatment in compositions.
Produces an appropriate standard plot such as a tenary diagram with
the outliers marked by there codes according to the given classifier
and colorcoding and pch coding.
This shows the actual values of the identified outliers.
Creates a biplot based on a nonrobust principal component analysis
showing the outliers classified through outliers in the given color
scheme. We use the nonrobust principal component analyis since it
rotates according to a good visibility of the extreme values.
This shows the position of the outliers in the usual principal
components analysis. However note that a coloredBiplot
is used rather than the usual one.
Shows a dendrogram based on robust Mahalanobis distance
based hierachical clustering, where the observations are labeled
with the identified outlier classes.
This plot can be used to see how good different categories of
outliers cluster.
This plot provides a cummulated distribution function of the
Mahalanobis distances along with an expeced curve and a lower
confidence limit. The empirical cdf is plotted in the default
color. The expected cdf is displayed in meanColor
. The
-quantile – i.e. a lower prediction bound – for the
cdf is given in goodColor. A line in grayColor
show the
minium portion of observations above some limit to be
outliers, based on the portion of observations necessary to move
down to make the empirical distribution function get above its lower
prediction limit under the assumption of normality.
This plot shows the basic construction for the minimal number of
outlier computation done in type="portion"
This plot focusses on numbers of outliers. The horizontal axis
give Mahalanobis distances and the vertical axis number of
observations. In meanColor
we see a curve of an estimated
number of outliers above some limit, generated by estimating the
portion of outliers with a Mahalanobis distance over the given
limit by max(0,1-ecdf/cdf). The minimum
number of outliers is computed by replacing cdf by its lower
confidence limit and displayed in goodColor
. The
Mahalanobis distances of the individual data points are added as a
stacked stripchart
, such that the influence of
individual observations can be seen.
The true problem of outlier detection is to detect "near"
outliers. Near outliers are outliers so near to the dataset that
they could well be extrem observation. These near outliers would
provide no problem unless they are not many showing up in
groups. Graphic allows at least to count them and to show there
probable Mahalanobis distance such, however it still does not
allow to conclude that an individual observation is an
outlier. However still the outlier candidates can be identified
comparing their mahalanobis distance (returned by the plot
) with a cutoff inferred from this graphic.
This is a simplification of the previous plot simply providing the
number of outliers over a given limit.
Plots a scatterplot of the the classical and robust Mahalanobis distance with the given classification for colors and plot symbols. Furthermore it plots a horizontal line giving the 0.95-Quantil of the distribution of the maximum robust Mahalanobis distance of normally distributed dataset.
a list respresenting the criteria computed to create the plots. The content of the list depends on the plotting type selected.
The package robustbase is required for using the robust estimations.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, ClusterFinder1
## Not run: data(SimulatedAmounts) outlierplot(acomp(sa.outliers5)) datas <- list(data1=sa.outliers1,data2=sa.outliers2,data3=sa.outliers3, data4=sa.outliers4,data5=sa.outliers5,data6=sa.outliers6) opar<-par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) tmp<-mapply(function(x,y) { outlierplot(x,type="scatter",class.type="grade"); title(y) },datas,names(datas)) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) tmp<-mapply(function(x,y) { myCls2 <- OutlierClassifier1(x,alpha=0.05,type="all",corrected=TRUE) outlierplot(x,type="scatter",classifier=OutlierClassifier1,class.type="best", Legend=legend(1,1,levels(myCls),xjust=1,col=colcode,pch=pchcode), pch=as.numeric(myCls2)); legend(0,1,legend=levels(myCls2),pch=1:length(levels(myCls2))) title(y) },datas,names(datas)) # To slow par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="ecdf",main=names(datas)[i]) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="portion",main=names(datas)[i]) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="nout",main=names(datas)[i]) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="distdist",main=names(datas)[i]) par(opar) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(SimulatedAmounts) outlierplot(acomp(sa.outliers5)) datas <- list(data1=sa.outliers1,data2=sa.outliers2,data3=sa.outliers3, data4=sa.outliers4,data5=sa.outliers5,data6=sa.outliers6) opar<-par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) tmp<-mapply(function(x,y) { outlierplot(x,type="scatter",class.type="grade"); title(y) },datas,names(datas)) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) tmp<-mapply(function(x,y) { myCls2 <- OutlierClassifier1(x,alpha=0.05,type="all",corrected=TRUE) outlierplot(x,type="scatter",classifier=OutlierClassifier1,class.type="best", Legend=legend(1,1,levels(myCls),xjust=1,col=colcode,pch=pchcode), pch=as.numeric(myCls2)); legend(0,1,legend=levels(myCls2),pch=1:length(levels(myCls2))) title(y) },datas,names(datas)) # To slow par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="ecdf",main=names(datas)[i]) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="portion",main=names(datas)[i]) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="nout",main=names(datas)[i]) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="distdist",main=names(datas)[i]) par(opar) ## End(Not run)
The Philosophy behind outlier treatment in library(compositions).
Outliers are omnipresent in all kinds of data analysis. To avoid catastrophic misinterpreations robust statistics has developed some methods to avoid the distracting influence of the outliers. The introduction of robust methods into the compositions package is described in robustnessInCompositions.
However sometimes we are interested directly in the analysis of outliers. The central philosophy of the the outlier classification subsystem in compositions is that outlier are in most cases not simply erroneous observations, but rather products of some systematic anomality. This can e.g. be an error in an individual component, a secondary process or a minor undetected but different subpopulation. The package provides various concepts to investigate possible reasons for outliers in compositional datasets.
The package relies on an additive–lognormal reference distribution
in the simplex (and the correponding normal distribution in each
other scale). The central tool for the detection of outliers is the
Mahalanobis distance of the observation from a robustly estimated
center based on a robustly estimated covariance. The robust
estimation can be influenced by the given robust attributes. An
outlier is considered as proven if its Mahalanobis distance is
larger that the (1-alpha) quantile of the distribution of the
maximum Mahalanobis distance of a dataset of the same size with a
(additive)(log)normal distribution. This relies heavily on the
presumption that the robust estimation is invariant under linear
transformation, but make no assumptions about the actually used
robust estimation method. The corresponding distributions are thus
only defined with respect to a specific implementation of the robust
estimation algorithm. See
Some cases of the dataset might have unusually high Mahalanobis
distances, e.g. such that we would expect the probility of a random
case to have such a value or higher might be below alpha. In
Literature these cases are often rendered as outliers, because this
level is approximated by the correponding chisq-based criterion
proposed. However we consider these only as extrem values, but
however provide tools to detect and plot them. See
Some Outliers can be explained by a single component, e.g. because
this single measurement error was wrong. These sort of outliers is
detected when we reduce the dataset to a subcomposition with one
component less and realise that our former outlier is now a fairly
normal member of the dataset, maybe not even extrem. Thus a outlier
is considered as as single component outlier, when it does not
appear extrem in any of the subcompositions with one component
less. For other outliers we can prove that they are still extrem for
all subcomposition with one component removed. Thus these have to be
as multicomponent outliers, that can not be explained by a single
measurment error. For remaining single component outliers, we can
ask which component is able to explain the outlying character. See
If outliers are not outlying far enough to be detected by the test
for outlyingness are only at first sight harmless. One outlier is
within the reasonable bounds of what a normal distribution could
have delivered should not harm the analysis and might not even
detectable in any way. However if there is more than one they could
akt together to disrupt our analysis and more interestingly there
might be some joint reason, which than might make them an
interesting object of investigation in themselfs. Thus the package
provides methods (e.g. outlierplot(...,type="portions")
to prove the existence of such outliers, to give a lower bound
for there number and to provide us with suspects, with an associated
probability. See outlierplot(...,type="portions")
, pQuantileMahalanobis(...)
When we assume smaller subpopulation we need a tool finding these
clusters. However usual cluster analysis tends to ignore the
subgroups, split the main mass and then associate the subgroups
prematurely to the next part of the main mass. For this task we have
developed special tools to find
clusters of atypical populations clearly inducing secondary modes,
without ripping apart the central
nonoutlying mass. See ClusterFinder1
Outliers that are not due to a seperate subpopulation or due to a
single component error, might still belong together for beeing
influenced by the same secondary process distorting the composition
to a different degrees. Out proposal is to cluster the direction of
the outliers from the center, e.g. by a command like:
and to plot by a command like:
and plot(acomp(data[take,]),col=cutree(hc,1.5))
With these tools we hope to provide a systematic approach to identify various types of outliers in a exploratory analysis.
The package robustbase is required for using the robust estimations and the outlier subsystem of compositions. To simplify installation it is not listed as required, but it will be loaded, whenever any sort of outlierdetection or robust estimation is used.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
K. Gerald van den Boogaart, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, Matevz-Bren (2009) Robustness, classification and visualization of outliers in compositional data, in prep.
compositions-package, missingsInCompositions,
robustnessInCompositions, outliersInCompositions,
, ClusterFinder1
## Not run: # To slow tmp<-set.seed(1400) A <- matrix(c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.1),nrow=2) Mvar <- 0.1*ilrvar2clr(A%*%t(A)) Mcenter <- acomp(c(1,2,1)) typicalData <- rnorm.acomp(100,Mcenter,Mvar) # main population colnames(typicalData)<-c("A","B","C") data1 <- acomp(rnorm.acomp(100,Mcenter,Mvar)) data2 <- acomp(rbind(typicalData+rbinom(100,1,p=0.1)*rnorm(100)*acomp(c(4,1,1)))) data3 <- acomp(rbind(typicalData,acomp(c(0.5,1.5,2)))) colnames(data3)<-colnames(typicalData) tmp<-set.seed(30) rcauchy.acomp <- function (n, mean, var){ D <- gsi.getD(mean)-1 perturbe(ilrInv(matrix(rnorm(n*D)/rep(rnorm(n),D), ncol = D) %*% chol(clrvar2ilr(var))), mean) } data4 <- acomp(rcauchy.acomp(100,acomp(c(1,2,1)),Mvar/4)) colnames(data4)<-colnames(typicalData) data5 <- acomp(rbind(unclass(typicalData)+outer(rbinom(100,1,p=0.1)*runif(100),c(0.1,1,2)))) data6 <- acomp(rbind(typicalData,rnorm.acomp(20,acomp(c(4,4,1)),Mvar))) datas <- list(data1=data1,data2=data2,data3=data3,data4=data4,data5=data5,data6=data6) tmp <-c() opar<-par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) tmp<-mapply(function(x,y) { outlierplot(x,type="scatter",class.type="grade"); title(y) },datas,names(datas)) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) tmp<-mapply(function(x,y) { myCls2 <- OutlierClassifier1(x,alpha=0.05,type="all",corrected=TRUE) outlierplot(x,type="scatter",classifier=OutlierClassifier1,class.type="best", Legend=legend(1,1,levels(myCls),xjust=1,col=colcode,pch=pchcode), pch=as.numeric(myCls2)); legend(0,1,legend=levels(myCls2),pch=1:length(levels(myCls2))) title(y) },datas,names(datas)) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="ecdf",main=names(datas)[i]) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="portion",main=names(datas)[i]) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="nout",main=names(datas)[i]) par(opar) moreData <- acomp(rbind(data3,data5,data6)) take<-OutlierClassifier1(moreData,type="grade")!="ok" hc<-hclust(dist(normalize(acomp(scale(moreData)[take,]))),method="complete") plot(hc) plot(acomp(moreData[take,]),col=cutree(hc,1.5)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # To slow tmp<-set.seed(1400) A <- matrix(c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.1),nrow=2) Mvar <- 0.1*ilrvar2clr(A%*%t(A)) Mcenter <- acomp(c(1,2,1)) typicalData <- rnorm.acomp(100,Mcenter,Mvar) # main population colnames(typicalData)<-c("A","B","C") data1 <- acomp(rnorm.acomp(100,Mcenter,Mvar)) data2 <- acomp(rbind(typicalData+rbinom(100,1,p=0.1)*rnorm(100)*acomp(c(4,1,1)))) data3 <- acomp(rbind(typicalData,acomp(c(0.5,1.5,2)))) colnames(data3)<-colnames(typicalData) tmp<-set.seed(30) rcauchy.acomp <- function (n, mean, var){ D <- gsi.getD(mean)-1 perturbe(ilrInv(matrix(rnorm(n*D)/rep(rnorm(n),D), ncol = D) %*% chol(clrvar2ilr(var))), mean) } data4 <- acomp(rcauchy.acomp(100,acomp(c(1,2,1)),Mvar/4)) colnames(data4)<-colnames(typicalData) data5 <- acomp(rbind(unclass(typicalData)+outer(rbinom(100,1,p=0.1)*runif(100),c(0.1,1,2)))) data6 <- acomp(rbind(typicalData,rnorm.acomp(20,acomp(c(4,4,1)),Mvar))) datas <- list(data1=data1,data2=data2,data3=data3,data4=data4,data5=data5,data6=data6) tmp <-c() opar<-par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) tmp<-mapply(function(x,y) { outlierplot(x,type="scatter",class.type="grade"); title(y) },datas,names(datas)) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) tmp<-mapply(function(x,y) { myCls2 <- OutlierClassifier1(x,alpha=0.05,type="all",corrected=TRUE) outlierplot(x,type="scatter",classifier=OutlierClassifier1,class.type="best", Legend=legend(1,1,levels(myCls),xjust=1,col=colcode,pch=pchcode), pch=as.numeric(myCls2)); legend(0,1,legend=levels(myCls2),pch=1:length(levels(myCls2))) title(y) },datas,names(datas)) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="ecdf",main=names(datas)[i]) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="portion",main=names(datas)[i]) par(mfrow=c(2,3),pch=19,mar=c(3,2,2,1)) for( i in 1:length(datas) ) outlierplot(datas[[i]],type="nout",main=names(datas)[i]) par(opar) moreData <- acomp(rbind(data3,data5,data6)) take<-OutlierClassifier1(moreData,type="grade")!="ok" hc<-hclust(dist(normalize(acomp(scale(moreData)[take,]))),method="complete") plot(hc) plot(acomp(moreData[take,]),col=cutree(hc,1.5)) ## End(Not run)
Pairs plot function for compositions, allowing flexible representations.
## S3 method for class 'acomp' pairs(x, labels, panel = vp.lrdensityplot, ..., horInd = 1:ncol(x), verInd = 1:ncol(x), lower.panel = panel, upper.panel = panel, diag.panel = NULL, text.panel = textPanel, label.pos = 0.5 + has.diag/3, line.main = 3, cex.labels = NULL, font.labels = 1, row1attop = TRUE, gap = 1, log = "") ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' pairs(x, labels, panel = vp.diffdensityplot, ..., horInd = 1:ncol(x), verInd = 1:ncol(x), lower.panel = panel, upper.panel = panel, diag.panel = NULL, text.panel = textPanel, label.pos = 0.5 + has.diag/3, line.main = 3, cex.labels = NULL, font.labels = 1, row1attop = TRUE, gap = 1, log = "") vp.lrdensityplot(x, y, col=2,..., alpha = NULL) vp.diffdensityplot(x, y, col=2,..., alpha = NULL) vp.lrboxplot(x, y, ...) vp.kde2dplot(x, y, grid=TRUE, legpos="bottomright", colpalette=heat.colors,...)
## S3 method for class 'acomp' pairs(x, labels, panel = vp.lrdensityplot, ..., horInd = 1:ncol(x), verInd = 1:ncol(x), lower.panel = panel, upper.panel = panel, diag.panel = NULL, text.panel = textPanel, label.pos = 0.5 + has.diag/3, line.main = 3, cex.labels = NULL, font.labels = 1, row1attop = TRUE, gap = 1, log = "") ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' pairs(x, labels, panel = vp.diffdensityplot, ..., horInd = 1:ncol(x), verInd = 1:ncol(x), lower.panel = panel, upper.panel = panel, diag.panel = NULL, text.panel = textPanel, label.pos = 0.5 + has.diag/3, line.main = 3, cex.labels = NULL, font.labels = 1, row1attop = TRUE, gap = 1, log = "") vp.lrdensityplot(x, y, col=2,..., alpha = NULL) vp.diffdensityplot(x, y, col=2,..., alpha = NULL) vp.lrboxplot(x, y, ...) vp.kde2dplot(x, y, grid=TRUE, legpos="bottomright", colpalette=heat.colors,...)
x |
a dataset of a compositional class; or for the panel functions, a vector of row components |
y |
for the panel functions, a vector of column components |
... |
further graphical parameters passed (see
labels |
the names of the parts |
panel |
common panel function to use for all off-diagonal plots |
horInd |
indices of columns of x to plot on the horizontal axis, defaults to all columns |
verInd |
indices of columns of x to plot on the vertical axis, defaults to all columns |
lower.panel |
panel function for the lower triangle of plots, defaults to the common panel |
upper.panel |
panel function for the uppper triangle of plots, defaults to the common panel |
diag.panel |
panel function for the diagonal of plots, defaults to text.panel |
text.panel |
panel function to write labels on the diagonal panels |
label.pos |
y position of labels in the text panel |
line.main |
if main is specified, line.main gives the line argument to mtext() which draws the title. You may want to specify oma when changing line.main |
cex.labels |
graphics parameters for the text panel |
font.labels |
graphics parameters for the text panel |
row1attop |
logical. Should the layout be matrix-like with row 1 at the top, or graph-like with row 1 at the bottom? |
gap |
distance between subplots, in margin lines |
log |
a character string indicating if logarithmic axes are to be used: see plot.default. Should not be used and left to the panel function to handle |
col |
color for density and histogram components of the panel vp.*density |
alpha |
alpha level for marking normality in the panels vp.*density; default to no mark |
grid |
should a unit-grid be added to each panel? |
legpos |
where should the legend be placed? to be given as |
colpalette |
which color palette is desired for the 2d density levels? |
The data is displayed in a matrix of plots, after the indications of a panel function.
This is a simple implementation of pairs
compositional methods, the real
functionality is controlled by the panel functions.
The three panel functions included here can be used for generating either boxplots
or histograms plus kernel density plots of all pairwise logratios (in acomp) or
differences (in rcomp) of the components. In the cas of histograms, these
can be colored or left black-and-white depending on the adjustment to
normality, controlled by a shapiro.test
and the alpha-level given.
These panel functions serve also as examples of how to generate user defined panels.
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
data(SimulatedAmounts) pairs(acomp(sa.lognormals)) pairs(rcomp(sa.lognormals))
data(SimulatedAmounts) pairs(acomp(sa.lognormals)) pairs(rcomp(sa.lognormals))
Creates a plot for each element of two lists or each column of each dataset against each of the second.
pairwisePlot(X,Y,...) ## Default S3 method: pairwisePlot(X,Y=X,..., xlab=deparse(substitute(X)),ylab=deparse(substitute(Y)), nm=c(length(Y),length(X)),panel=plot, add.line=FALSE, line.col=2,add.robust=FALSE,rob.col=4)
pairwisePlot(X,Y,...) ## Default S3 method: pairwisePlot(X,Y=X,..., xlab=deparse(substitute(X)),ylab=deparse(substitute(Y)), nm=c(length(Y),length(X)),panel=plot, add.line=FALSE, line.col=2,add.robust=FALSE,rob.col=4)
X |
a list, a data.frame, or a matrix representing the first set of things to be displayed. |
Y |
a list, a data.frame, or a matrix representing the second set of things to be displayed. |
... |
furter parameters to the panel function |
xlab |
The sequence of labels for the elements of X. Alternatively the labels can be given as colnames or names of X. This option takes precedence if specified. |
ylab |
The sequence of labels for the elements of Y. Alternatively the labels can be given as colnames or names of Y. This option takes precedence if specified. |
nm |
the parameter to be used in the call
panel |
The panel function to plot the individual panels.
If the panel function admits a formula interface, it is called
as |
add.line |
logical, to control the addition of a regression line in each panel |
line.col |
in case the regression line is added, which color should be used? defaults to red. |
add.robust |
logical, to control the addition of a robust regression line
in each panel. Ignored if covariable is a factor. This is nowadays
based on |
rob.col |
in case the robust regression line is added, which color should be used? Defaults to blue. |
This is a light-weight convenience function to plot several
aspects of one dataset against several aspects of another dataset. It
is far more straight-forward than e.g. the pairs
function and
does not do any internal computation rather than organizing the names.
Of course, the rows of the two data sets must be the same.
The current implementation may display a warning about the function
dispatching methods for generic plot
. It can be
ignored without harm.
Optionally, classical and/or robust regression lines can be drawn, though only for non-factor covariables.
It may be convenient to use par
capabilities to fit the device
characteristics to the plot, in particular arguments mar
and oma
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
Boogaart, K.G. v.d. , R. Tolosana (2008) Mixing Compositions and Other scales, Proceedings of CodaWork 08.
X <- rnorm(100) Y <- rnorm.acomp(100,acomp(c(A=1,B=1,C=1)),0.1*diag(3))+acomp(t(outer(c(0.2,0.3,0.4),X,"^"))) pairs(cbind(ilr(Y),X),panel=function(x,y,...) {points(x,y,...);abline(lm(y~x))}) pairs(cbind(balance(Y,~A/B/C),X), panel=function(x,y,...) {points(x,y,...);abline(lm(y~x))}) pairwisePlot(balance(Y,~A/B/C),X) pairwisePlot(X,balance(Y,~A/B/C), panel=function(x,y,...) {plot(x,y,...);abline(lm(y~x))}) pairwisePlot(X,balance01(Y,~A/B/C)) # A function to extract a portion representation of subcompsitions # with two elements: subComps <- function(X,...,all=list(...)) { X <- oneOrDataset(X) nams <- sapply(all,function(x) paste(x[[2]],x[[3]],sep=",")) val <- sapply(all,function(x){ a = X[,match(as.character(x[[2]]),colnames(X)) ] b = X[,match(as.character(x[[2]]),colnames(X)) ] c = X[,match(as.character(x[[3]]),colnames(X)) ] return(a/(b+c)) }) colnames(val)<-nams val } pairwisePlot(X,subComps(Y,A~B,A~C,B~C)) ## using Hydrochemical data set as illustration of mixed possibilities data(Hydrochem) xc = acomp(Hydrochem[,c("Ca","Mg","Na","K")]) fk = Hydrochem$River pH = -log10(Hydrochem$H) covars = data.frame(pH, River=fk) pairwisePlot(clr(xc), pH) pairwisePlot(clr(xc), pH, col=fk) pairwisePlot(pH, ilr(xc), add.line=TRUE) pairwisePlot(covars, ilr(xc), add.line=TRUE, line.col="magenta") pairwisePlot(clr(xc), covars, add.robust=TRUE)
X <- rnorm(100) Y <- rnorm.acomp(100,acomp(c(A=1,B=1,C=1)),0.1*diag(3))+acomp(t(outer(c(0.2,0.3,0.4),X,"^"))) pairs(cbind(ilr(Y),X),panel=function(x,y,...) {points(x,y,...);abline(lm(y~x))}) pairs(cbind(balance(Y,~A/B/C),X), panel=function(x,y,...) {points(x,y,...);abline(lm(y~x))}) pairwisePlot(balance(Y,~A/B/C),X) pairwisePlot(X,balance(Y,~A/B/C), panel=function(x,y,...) {plot(x,y,...);abline(lm(y~x))}) pairwisePlot(X,balance01(Y,~A/B/C)) # A function to extract a portion representation of subcompsitions # with two elements: subComps <- function(X,...,all=list(...)) { X <- oneOrDataset(X) nams <- sapply(all,function(x) paste(x[[2]],x[[3]],sep=",")) val <- sapply(all,function(x){ a = X[,match(as.character(x[[2]]),colnames(X)) ] b = X[,match(as.character(x[[2]]),colnames(X)) ] c = X[,match(as.character(x[[3]]),colnames(X)) ] return(a/(b+c)) }) colnames(val)<-nams val } pairwisePlot(X,subComps(Y,A~B,A~C,B~C)) ## using Hydrochemical data set as illustration of mixed possibilities data(Hydrochem) xc = acomp(Hydrochem[,c("Ca","Mg","Na","K")]) fk = Hydrochem$River pH = -log10(Hydrochem$H) covars = data.frame(pH, River=fk) pairwisePlot(clr(xc), pH) pairwisePlot(clr(xc), pH, col=fk) pairwisePlot(pH, ilr(xc), add.line=TRUE) pairwisePlot(covars, ilr(xc), add.line=TRUE, line.col="magenta") pairwisePlot(clr(xc), covars, add.robust=TRUE)
Helper functions to parametrize positive semidefinite matrices in multivariate variogram models.
parametricRank1Mat(p) parametricPosdefMat(p) parameterRank1Mat(A) parameterPosdefMat(A) parametricRank1ClrMat(p) parametricPosdefClrMat(p) parameterRank1ClrMat(A) parameterPosdefClrMat(A)
parametricRank1Mat(p) parametricPosdefMat(p) parameterRank1Mat(A) parameterPosdefMat(A) parametricRank1ClrMat(p) parametricPosdefClrMat(p) parameterRank1ClrMat(A) parameterPosdefClrMat(A)
A |
a positiv definit matrix of the given type |
p |
a vector of parameters describing the matrix, as returned by the parameter functions. |
The rank 1 matrix is parametrised by the first eigenvector scaled by
the square root of the eigenvalue. The positiv semidefinit matrix the
entries of a upper right triangular matrix R with
. The clr matrices are work with the parameters of
the corresponding ilr matrix.
A or p, depending on what is not given.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
parametricRank1Mat(c(0,0,2)) parametricPosdefMat(c(0,0,1,0,0,0)) parameterRank1Mat(matrix(1,nr=3,nc=3)) parameterPosdefMat(diag(5))
parametricRank1Mat(c(0,0,2)) parametricPosdefMat(c(0,0,1,0,0,0)) parameterRank1Mat(matrix(1,nr=3,nc=3)) parameterPosdefMat(diag(5))
The perturbation is the addition operation in the Aitchison geometry of the simplex.
perturbe(x,y) ## Methods for class "acomp" ## x + y ## x - y ## - x
perturbe(x,y) ## Methods for class "acomp" ## x + y ## x - y ## - x
x |
compositions of class |
y |
compositions of class |
The perturbation is the basic addition operation of the Aitichson simplex as a vector space. It is defined by:
and +
compute this operation. The only
difference is that +
checks the class of its argument, while
does not check the type of the arguments and can thus
directly be applied to a composition in any form (unclassed, acomp,
The -
operation is the inverse of the addition in the usual way
and defined by:
and as unary operation respectively as:
An acomp
vector or matrix.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman & Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
tmp <- -acomp(1:3) tmp + acomp(1:3)
tmp <- -acomp(1:3) tmp + acomp(1:3)
Displaying compositions in ternary diagrams
## S3 method for class 'acomp' plot(x,...,labels=names(x), aspanel=FALSE,id=FALSE,idlabs=NULL,idcol=2,center=FALSE, scale=FALSE,pca=FALSE,col.pca=par("col"),margin="acomp", add=FALSE,triangle=!add,col=par("col"),axes=FALSE, plotMissings=TRUE, lenMissingTck=0.05,colMissingTck="red", mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(c(0,1,0.95,1), missingInfo,c("NM","TM",cn)), robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' plot(x,...,labels=names(x), aspanel=FALSE,id=FALSE,idlabs=NULL,idcol=2,center=FALSE, scale=FALSE,pca=FALSE,col.pca=par("col"),margin="rcomp", add=FALSE,triangle=!add,col=par("col"),axes=FALSE ,plotMissings=TRUE, lenMissingTck=0.05,colMissingTck="red", mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(c(0,1,0.95,1), missingInfo,c("NM","TM",cn)), robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' plot(x,...)
## S3 method for class 'acomp' plot(x,...,labels=names(x), aspanel=FALSE,id=FALSE,idlabs=NULL,idcol=2,center=FALSE, scale=FALSE,pca=FALSE,col.pca=par("col"),margin="acomp", add=FALSE,triangle=!add,col=par("col"),axes=FALSE, plotMissings=TRUE, lenMissingTck=0.05,colMissingTck="red", mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(c(0,1,0.95,1), missingInfo,c("NM","TM",cn)), robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' plot(x,...,labels=names(x), aspanel=FALSE,id=FALSE,idlabs=NULL,idcol=2,center=FALSE, scale=FALSE,pca=FALSE,col.pca=par("col"),margin="rcomp", add=FALSE,triangle=!add,col=par("col"),axes=FALSE ,plotMissings=TRUE, lenMissingTck=0.05,colMissingTck="red", mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(c(0,1,0.95,1), missingInfo,c("NM","TM",cn)), robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' plot(x,...)
x |
a dataset of a compositional class |
... |
further graphical parameters passed (see
margin |
the type of marginalisation to be computed, when
displaying the individual panels. Possible values are: |
add |
a logical indicating whether the information should just be added to an existing plot. If FALSE a new plot is created |
triangle |
a logical indicating whether the triangle should be drawn |
col |
the color to plot the data |
labels |
the names of the parts |
aspanel |
logical indicating that only a single panel should be drawn and not the whole plot. Internal use only |
id |
logical, if TRUE one can identify the points like with the
idlabs |
a character vector providing the labels to be used with
the identification, when |
idcol |
color of the |
center |
a logical indicating whether a the data should be
centered prior to the plot. Centering is done in the choosen
geometry. See |
scale |
a logical indicating whether a the data should be
scaled prior to the plot. Scaling is done in the choosen
geometry. See |
pca |
a logical indicating whether the first principal component should be displayed in the plot. Currently, the direction of the principal component of the displayed subcomposition is displayed as a line. In a future, the projected principal componenent of the whole dataset should be displayed. |
col.pca |
The color to draw the principal component. |
axes |
Either a logical wether to plot the axes, or numerical enumerating the axes sides to be used e.g. 1 for only plotting the lower axes, or a list of parameters to ternaryAxis. |
plotMissings |
logical indicating that missingness should be
represented graphically. Componentes with one missing subcomponent
in the plot are represented by tickmarks at the three
axis. Components with two or three missing components are only
represented in a special panel drawn according to the mp parameter
if missings are present. Missings of type BDL (below detection
limit) are always plotted, even if |
lenMissingTck |
length of the tick-marks to be plotted for missing values. If 0 no tickmarks are plotted. Negative lengths point outside. length 1 draws right through to the opposit corner. Missing ticks in acomp geometry are inclined showing the line of possible values in acomp geometry. Missingticks in rcomp-geometry are vertical to the axis representing the fact that only the other component is unkown. That these lines can leave the plot is one of the odd consequences of rcomp geometry. |
colMissingTck |
colors to draw the missing tick-marks. NULL means to take the colors specified for the observations. |
mp |
A formula providing a call to a function plotting
informations on the missings. The call is evaluted in the
environment of the panel plotting function and has access (among
others) to: |
robust |
A robustness description. See robustnessInCompositions for details. The option is used for centering, scaling and principle components. |
The data is displayed in ternary diagrams. Thus, it does not work for
two-part compositions. Compositions of three parts are displayed
in a single ternary diagram. For compositions of more than three
components, the data is arranged in a scatterplot matrix through the
command pairs
In this case, the third component in each of the panels is chosen
according to setting of margin=
. Possible values of margin=
, "rcomp"
and any of the variable names/column numbers in the
composition. If one of the columns is selected each panel displays a
subcomposition given by the row part, the column part and
the given part. If one of the classes is given the corresponding
margin acompmargin
or rcompmargin
Ternary diagrams can be read in multiple ways. Each corner of the
triangle corresponds to an extreme composition containing only the part
displayed in that corner. Points on the edges correspond to
compositions containing only the parts in the adjacent corners. The
relative amounts are displayed by the distance to the opposite
corner (so-called barycentric coordinates). The individual portions
of any point can be infered by drawing a line through the investigated point,
and parallel to the edge opposite to the corner of the part of interest.
The portion of this part is constant along the line. Thus we can read it
on the sides of the ternary diagram, where the line crosses its borders.
Note that these isoPortionLines
remain straight under an
arbitrary perturbation.
ccomp ternary diagrams are always jittered to avoid overplotting.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
Aitchison, J, C. Barcel'o-Vidal, J.J. Egozcue, V. Pawlowsky-Glahn
(2002) A consise guide to the algebraic geometric structure of the
simplex, the sample space for compositional data analysis, Terra
Nostra, Schriften der Alfred Wegener-Stiftung, 03/2003
Billheimer, D., P. Guttorp, W.F. and Fagan (2001) Statistical interpretation of species composition,
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96 (456), 1205-1214
Pawlowsky-Glahn, V. and J.J. Egozcue (2001) Geometric approach to
statistical analysis on the simplex. SERRA 15(5), 384-398
, plot3D
(for 3D plot),
(for 3D-plot model export),
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals)) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals),axes=TRUE) plot(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) plot(rcomp(sa.lognormals5)) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals5),pca=TRUE,col.pca="red") plot(rcomp(sa.lognormals5),pca=TRUE,col.pca="red",axes=TRUE)
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals)) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals),axes=TRUE) plot(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) plot(rcomp(sa.lognormals5)) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals5),pca=TRUE,col.pca="red") plot(rcomp(sa.lognormals5),pca=TRUE,col.pca="red",axes=TRUE)
This function displays multivariate unclosed amout datasets classes "aplus" and "rplus" in a way respecting the choosen geometry eventually in log scale.
## S3 method for class 'aplus' plot(x,...,labels=colnames(X),cn=colnames(X), aspanel=FALSE,id=FALSE,idlabs=NULL,idcol=2, center=FALSE,scale=FALSE,pca=FALSE,col.pca=par("col"), add=FALSE,logscale=TRUE,xlim=NULL,ylim=xlim, col=par("col"),plotMissings=TRUE, lenMissingTck=0.05,colMissingTck="red", mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(missingPlotRect,missingInfo, c("NM","TM",cn)), robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' plot(x,...,labels=colnames(X),cn=colnames(X), aspanel=FALSE,id=FALSE,idlabs=NULL,idcol=2, center=FALSE,scale=FALSE,pca=FALSE,col.pca=par("col"), add=FALSE,logscale=FALSE, xlim=NULL, ylim=xlim,col=par("col"),plotMissings=TRUE, lenMissingTck=0.05,colMissingTck="red", mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(missingPlotRect,missingInfo, c("NM","TM",cn)), robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' plot(x,...,labels=colnames(X),cn=colnames(X), aspanel=FALSE,id=FALSE,idlabs=NULL,idcol=2, center=FALSE,scale=FALSE,pca=FALSE,col.pca=par("col"), add=FALSE,logscale=FALSE,col=par("col"), robust=getOption("robust"))
## S3 method for class 'aplus' plot(x,...,labels=colnames(X),cn=colnames(X), aspanel=FALSE,id=FALSE,idlabs=NULL,idcol=2, center=FALSE,scale=FALSE,pca=FALSE,col.pca=par("col"), add=FALSE,logscale=TRUE,xlim=NULL,ylim=xlim, col=par("col"),plotMissings=TRUE, lenMissingTck=0.05,colMissingTck="red", mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(missingPlotRect,missingInfo, c("NM","TM",cn)), robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' plot(x,...,labels=colnames(X),cn=colnames(X), aspanel=FALSE,id=FALSE,idlabs=NULL,idcol=2, center=FALSE,scale=FALSE,pca=FALSE,col.pca=par("col"), add=FALSE,logscale=FALSE, xlim=NULL, ylim=xlim,col=par("col"),plotMissings=TRUE, lenMissingTck=0.05,colMissingTck="red", mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(missingPlotRect,missingInfo, c("NM","TM",cn)), robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' plot(x,...,labels=colnames(X),cn=colnames(X), aspanel=FALSE,id=FALSE,idlabs=NULL,idcol=2, center=FALSE,scale=FALSE,pca=FALSE,col.pca=par("col"), add=FALSE,logscale=FALSE,col=par("col"), robust=getOption("robust"))
x |
a dataset with class aplus, rplus or rmult |
... |
further graphical parameters passed (see
add |
a logical indicating whether the information should just be added to an existing plot. If FALSE, a new plot is created |
col |
the color to plot the data |
plotMissings |
logical indicating that missingness should be
represented graphically. Componentes with one missing subcomponent
in the plot are represented by tickmarks at the two
axis. Cases with two missing components are only
represented in a special panel drawn according to the |
lenMissingTck |
length of the tick-marks (in portion of the plotting region) to be plotted for missing values. If 0 no tickmarks are plotted. Negative lengths point outside of the plot. A length of 1 runs right through the whole plot. |
colMissingTck |
colors to draw the missing tick-marks. NULL means to take the colors specified for the observations. |
mp |
A formula providing a call to a function plotting
informations on the missings. The call is evaluted in the
environment of the panel plotting function and has access (among
others) to: |
labels |
the labels for names of the parts |
cn |
the names of the parts to be used in a single panel. Internal use only |
aspanel |
logical indicating that only a single panel should be drawn and not the whole plot. Internal use only |
id |
a logical. If TRUE one can identify the points like with the
idlabs |
A character vector providing the labels to be used with
the identification, when |
idcol |
color of the |
center |
a logical indicating whether the data should be
centered prior to the plot. Centering is done in the chosen
geometry. See |
scale |
a logical indicating whether the data should be
scaled prior to the plot. Scaling is done in the chosen
geometry. See |
pca |
a logical indicating whether the first principal component should be displayed in the plot. Currently, the direction of the principal component of the displayed subcomposition is displayed as a line. In a future, the projected principal componenent of the whole dataset should be displayed. |
col.pca |
the color to draw the principal component. |
logscale |
logical indicating whether a log scale should be used |
xlim |
2xncol(x)-matrix giving the xlims for the columns of x |
ylim |
2xncol(x)-matrix giving the ylims for the columns of x |
robust |
A robustness description. See robustnessInCompositions for details. The option is used for centering, scaling and principle components. |
TO DO: fix pca bug
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(aplus(sa.lognormals)) plot(rplus(sa.lognormals)) plot(aplus(sa.lognormals5)) plot(rplus(sa.lognormals5))
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(aplus(sa.lognormals)) plot(rplus(sa.lognormals)) plot(aplus(sa.lognormals5)) plot(rplus(sa.lognormals5))
3-dimensional plots, which can be rotated and zoomed in/out
plot3D(x,...) ## Default S3 method: plot3D(x,...,add=FALSE,bbox=TRUE,axes=FALSE, cex=1,size=cex,col=1)
plot3D(x,...) ## Default S3 method: plot3D(x,...,add=FALSE,bbox=TRUE,axes=FALSE, cex=1,size=cex,col=1)
x |
an object to be plotted, e.g. a data frame or a data matrix |
... |
additional plotting parameters as described in
add |
logical, adding or new plot |
bbox |
logical, whether to add a bounding box |
axes |
logical, whether to plot an axes of coordinates |
cex |
size of the plotting symbol |
size |
size of the plotting symbol, only size or cex should be used |
col |
the color used for dots, defaults to black. |
The function provides a generic interface for 3-dimensional plotting in analogy to the 2d-plotting interface of plot, using rgl package.
the 3D plotting coordinates of the objects displayed, returned invisibly
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
x <- cbind(rnorm(10),rnorm(10),rnorm(10)) data(SimulatedAmounts) if(requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) { plot3D(x) plot3D(sa.lognormals,cex=4,col=1:nrow(sa.lognormals)) } ## this function requires package 'rgl'
x <- cbind(rnorm(10),rnorm(10),rnorm(10)) data(SimulatedAmounts) if(requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) { plot3D(x) plot3D(sa.lognormals,cex=4,col=1:nrow(sa.lognormals)) } ## this function requires package 'rgl'
3D-plot of compositional data. The plot is mainly an exploratory tool, not intended for exact display of data.
## S3 method for class 'acomp' plot3D(x, parts=1:min(ncol(X),4),..., lwd=2, axis.col="gray", add=FALSE, cex=2, vlabs=colnames(x), vlabs.col=axis.col, center=FALSE, scale=FALSE, log=FALSE, bbox=FALSE, axes=TRUE, size=cex,col=1) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' plot3D(x,parts=1:min(ncol(X),4),..., lwd=2,axis.col="gray",add=FALSE,cex=2, vlabs=colnames(x),vlabs.col=axis.col,center=FALSE, scale=FALSE,log=FALSE,bbox=FALSE,axes=TRUE,size=cex,col=1)
## S3 method for class 'acomp' plot3D(x, parts=1:min(ncol(X),4),..., lwd=2, axis.col="gray", add=FALSE, cex=2, vlabs=colnames(x), vlabs.col=axis.col, center=FALSE, scale=FALSE, log=FALSE, bbox=FALSE, axes=TRUE, size=cex,col=1) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' plot3D(x,parts=1:min(ncol(X),4),..., lwd=2,axis.col="gray",add=FALSE,cex=2, vlabs=colnames(x),vlabs.col=axis.col,center=FALSE, scale=FALSE,log=FALSE,bbox=FALSE,axes=TRUE,size=cex,col=1)
x |
an aplus object to be plotted |
parts |
a numeric xor character vector of length 3 coding the columns to be plotted |
... |
additional plotting parameters as described in
add |
logical, adding or new plot |
cex |
size of the plotting symbols |
lwd |
line width |
axis.col |
color of the axis |
vlabs |
the column names to be plotted, if missing defaults to the column names of the selected columns of X |
vlabs.col |
color of the labels |
center |
logical, should the data be centered |
scale |
logical, should the data be scaled |
log |
logical, indicating wether to plot in log scale |
bbox |
logical, whether to add a bounding box |
axes |
logical, whether plot a coordinate cross |
size |
size of the plotting symbols |
col |
the color used for dots, defaults to black. |
The routine behaves different when 3 or four components should be
plotted. In case of four components:
If log is TRUE the data is plotted in ilr
coordinates. This is the isometric view of the data.
If log is FALSE the data is plotted in ipt
and a tetrahedron is plotted around it if coors == TRUE
. This
can be used to do a tetrahedron plot.
In case of three components:
If log is TRUE the data is plotted in clr
coordinates. This can be used to visualize the clr plane.
If log is FALSE the data is plotted as is, showing the embedding of
three-part simplex in the three-dimensional space.
In all cases:
If coors
is true, coordinate arrows are plotted
of length 1 in the origin of the space, except in the tetrahedron case.
Called for its side effect of a 3D plot of an acomp object in an rgl plot. It invisibly returns the 3D plotting coordinates of the objects displayed
The function kingTetrahedron
provides an alternate way of
tetrahedron plots, based on a more advanced viewer, which must
be downloaded separately.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) if(requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) { plot3D(acomp(sa.lognormals5),1:3,col="green") plot3D(acomp(sa.lognormals5),1:3,log=TRUE,col="green") plot3D(acomp(sa.lognormals5),1:4,col="green") plot3D(acomp(sa.lognormals5),1:4,log=TRUE,col="green") } ## this function requires package 'rgl'
data(SimulatedAmounts) if(requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) { plot3D(acomp(sa.lognormals5),1:3,col="green") plot3D(acomp(sa.lognormals5),1:3,log=TRUE,col="green") plot3D(acomp(sa.lognormals5),1:4,col="green") plot3D(acomp(sa.lognormals5),1:4,log=TRUE,col="green") } ## this function requires package 'rgl'
3D-plot of positive data typically in log-log-log scale. The plot is mainly an exploratory tool, and not intended for exact display of data.
## S3 method for class 'aplus' plot3D(x,parts=1:3,..., vlabs=NULL,add=FALSE,log=TRUE,bbox=FALSE,axes=TRUE,col=1)
## S3 method for class 'aplus' plot3D(x,parts=1:3,..., vlabs=NULL,add=FALSE,log=TRUE,bbox=FALSE,axes=TRUE,col=1)
x |
an aplus object to be plotted |
parts |
a numeric xor character vector of length 3 coding the columns to be plotted |
... |
additional plotting parameters as described in
add |
logical, adding or new plot |
vlabs |
the column names to be plotted, if missing defaults to the column names of the selected columns of X |
log |
logical, indicating wether to plot in log scale |
bbox |
logical, whether to add a bounding box |
axes |
logical, plot a coordinate system |
col |
the color used for dots, defaults to black. |
If log is TRUE the data is plotted in ilt
coordinates. If coors
is true, coordinate arrows are plotted
of length 1 and in the (aplus-)mean of the dataset.
If log is FALSE the data is plotted with plot.rplus
Called for its side effect of a 3D plot of an aplus object in an rgl plot. It invisibly returns the 3D plotting coordinates of the objects displayed
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) if(requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) { plot3D(aplus(sa.lognormals),size=2) } ## this function requires package 'rgl'
data(SimulatedAmounts) if(requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) { plot3D(aplus(sa.lognormals),size=2) } ## this function requires package 'rgl'
3-dimensional plots, which can be rotated and zoomed in/out
## S3 method for class 'rmult' plot3D(x,parts=1:3,..., center=FALSE,scale=FALSE,add=FALSE,axes=!add, cex=2,vlabs=colnames(x),size=cex,bbox=FALSE,col=1)
## S3 method for class 'rmult' plot3D(x,parts=1:3,..., center=FALSE,scale=FALSE,add=FALSE,axes=!add, cex=2,vlabs=colnames(x),size=cex,bbox=FALSE,col=1)
x |
an object to be plotted, e.g. a data frame or a data matrix |
parts |
the variables in the rmult object to be plotted |
... |
additional plotting parameters as described in
center |
logical, center the data? This might be necessary to stay within the openGL-arithmetic used in rgl. |
scale |
logical, scale the data? This might be necessary to stay within the openGL-arithmetic used in rgl. |
add |
logical, adding or new plot |
bbox |
logical, whether to add a bounding box |
axes |
logical, whether to plot a coordinate cross |
cex |
size of the plotting symbol (as expanding factor) |
vlabs |
labels for the variables |
size |
size of the plotting symbol, only size or cex should be used |
col |
the color used for dots, defaults to black. |
The function provides a generic interface for 3-dimensional plotting in analogy to the 2d-plotting interface of plot, using rgl package.
the 3D plotting coordinates of the objects displayed, returned invisibly
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
x <- cbind(rnorm(10),rnorm(10),rnorm(10)) data(SimulatedAmounts) if(requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) { plot3D(x) plot3D(rmult(sa.lognormals),cex=4,col=1:nrow(sa.lognormals)) } ## this function requires package 'rgl'
x <- cbind(rnorm(10),rnorm(10),rnorm(10)) data(SimulatedAmounts) if(requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) { plot3D(x) plot3D(rmult(sa.lognormals),cex=4,col=1:nrow(sa.lognormals)) } ## this function requires package 'rgl'
3-dimensional plots, which can be rotated and zoomed in/out
## S3 method for class 'rplus' plot3D(x,parts=1:3,...,vlabs=NULL,add=FALSE,bbox=FALSE, cex=1,size=cex,axes=TRUE,col=1)
## S3 method for class 'rplus' plot3D(x,parts=1:3,...,vlabs=NULL,add=FALSE,bbox=FALSE, cex=1,size=cex,axes=TRUE,col=1)
x |
an rplus object to be plotted |
parts |
the variables in the rplus object to be plotted |
... |
additional plotting parameters as described in
vlabs |
the labels used for the variable axes |
add |
logical, adding or new plot |
bbox |
logical, whether to add a bounding box |
cex |
size of the plotting symbol (as character expansion factor) |
size |
size of the plotting symbol, only size or cex should be used |
axes |
logical, whether to plot a coordinate cross |
col |
the color used for dots, defaults to black. |
The function plots rplus objects in a 3D coordinate system, in an rgl plot.
the 3D plotting coordinates of the objects displayed, returned invisibly
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
x <- cbind(rnorm(10),rnorm(10),rnorm(10)) data(SimulatedAmounts) if(requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) { plot3D(rplus(exp(x))) plot3D(rplus(sa.lognormals),cex=4,col=1:nrow(sa.lognormals)) } ## this function requires package 'rgl'
x <- cbind(rnorm(10),rnorm(10),rnorm(10)) data(SimulatedAmounts) if(requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) { plot3D(rplus(exp(x))) plot3D(rplus(sa.lognormals),cex=4,col=1:nrow(sa.lognormals)) } ## this function requires package 'rgl'
Plots a logratioVariogram.
## S3 method for class 'logratioVariogram' plot(x,...,type="l",lrvg=NULL, fcols=2:length(lrvg),oma=c(4, 4, 4, 4),gap=0,ylim=NULL)
## S3 method for class 'logratioVariogram' plot(x,...,type="l",lrvg=NULL, fcols=2:length(lrvg),oma=c(4, 4, 4, 4),gap=0,ylim=NULL)
x |
The logratioVariogram created by
... |
further parameters for |
type |
as in |
lrvg |
a model function for a logratiovariogram or a list of several, to be added to the plot. |
fcols |
the colors for the different lrvg variograms |
oma |
The outer margin of the paneled plot |
gap |
The distance of the plot panals used to determin |
ylim |
The limits of the Y-axis. If zero it is automatically computed. |
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, CompLinModCoReg
## Not run: data(juraset) X <- with(juraset,cbind(X,Y)) comp <- acomp(juraset,c("Cd","Cu","Pb","Co","Cr")) lrv <- logratioVariogram(comp,X,maxdist=1,nbins=10) fff <- CompLinModCoReg(~nugget()+sph(0.5)+R1*exp(0.7),comp) fit <- vgmFit(lrv,fff) fit fff(1:3) plot(lrv,lrvg=vgram2lrvgram(fit$vg)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(juraset) X <- with(juraset,cbind(X,Y)) comp <- acomp(juraset,c("Cd","Cu","Pb","Co","Cr")) lrv <- logratioVariogram(comp,X,maxdist=1,nbins=10) fff <- CompLinModCoReg(~nugget()+sph(0.5)+R1*exp(0.7),comp) fit <- vgmFit(lrv,fff) fit fff(1:3) plot(lrv,lrvg=vgram2lrvgram(fit$vg)) ## End(Not run)
Plots a missing summary as a barplot
## S3 method for class 'missingSummary' plot(x,...,main="Missings",legend.text=TRUE, col=c("gray","lightgray","yellow","red","white","magenta")) as.missingSummary(x,...)
## S3 method for class 'missingSummary' plot(x,...,main="Missings",legend.text=TRUE, col=c("gray","lightgray","yellow","red","white","magenta")) as.missingSummary(x,...)
x |
a missingSummary table with columns representing different types of missing |
... |
further graphical parameters to barplot |
main |
as in barplot |
legend.text |
as in barplot |
col |
as in barplot |
The different types of missings are drawn in quasi-self-understandable colors: normal gray for NMV, and lightgray as for BDL (since they contain semi-numeric information), yellow (slight warning) for MAR, red (serious warning) for MNAR, white (because they are non-existing) for SZ, and magenta for the strange case of errors.
called for its side effect. The return value is not defined.
K.Gerald van den Boogaart
See compositions.missings for more details.
data(SimulatedAmounts) x <- acomp(sa.lognormals) xnew <- simulateMissings(x,dl=0.05,MAR=0.05,MNAR=0.05,SZ=0.05) xnew plot(missingSummary(xnew))
data(SimulatedAmounts) x <- acomp(sa.lognormals) xnew <- simulateMissings(x,dl=0.05,MAR=0.05,MNAR=0.05,SZ=0.05) xnew plot(missingSummary(xnew))
Yat, yee, sam measurements (in meters) for the final jumps of the 1985 Honk Kong Pogo-Jumps Championship, 4 jumps of the 7 finalists.
The data consist of 28 cases: 4 jumps of the 7 finalists, and 4 variables: Yat, Yee, Sam measurements in meters, and finalist – 1 to 7.
Pogo-Jumps is similar to the triple jump except that the competitor is mounted on a pogo-stik. After a pogo-up towards the starting board the total jump distance achieved in three consecutive bounces, known as the yat, yee and sam, is recorded.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name HKPOGO.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison, J. (1982) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, (Data 19) pp21.
Computes the power of a positive semi-definite symmetric matrix.
powerofpsdmatrix( M , p,...)
powerofpsdmatrix( M , p,...)
M |
a matrix, preferably symmetric |
p |
a single number giving the power |
... |
further arguments to the singular value decomposition |
for a symmetric matrix the computed result can actually be considered as a version of the given power of the matrix fullfilling the relation:
The symmetry of the matrix is not checked.
U%*% D^p %*% t(P)
where the UDP
is the singular value
decomposition of M.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) d <- ilr(sa.lognormals) var( d %*% powerofpsdmatrix(var(d),-1/2)) # Unit matrix
data(SimulatedAmounts) d <- ilr(sa.lognormals) var( d %*% powerofpsdmatrix(var(d),-1/2)) # Unit matrix
A principal component analysis is done in the Aitchison geometry (i.e. clr-transform) of the simplex. Some gimics simplify the interpretation of the computed components as compositional perturbations.
## S3 method for class 'acomp' princomp(x,...,scores=TRUE,center=attr(covmat,"center"), covmat=var(x,robust=robust,giveCenter=TRUE), robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.acomp' print(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.acomp' plot(x,y=NULL,..., npcs=min(10,length(x$sdev)), type=c("screeplot","variance","biplot","loadings","relative"), main=NULL,scale.sdev=1) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.acomp' predict(object,newdata,...)
## S3 method for class 'acomp' princomp(x,...,scores=TRUE,center=attr(covmat,"center"), covmat=var(x,robust=robust,giveCenter=TRUE), robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.acomp' print(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.acomp' plot(x,y=NULL,..., npcs=min(10,length(x$sdev)), type=c("screeplot","variance","biplot","loadings","relative"), main=NULL,scale.sdev=1) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.acomp' predict(object,newdata,...)
x |
a acomp-dataset (in princomp) or a result from princomp.acomp |
y |
not used |
scores |
a logical indicating whether scores should be computed or not |
npcs |
the number of components to be drawn in the scree plot |
type |
type of the plot: |
scale.sdev |
the multiple of sigma to use plotting the loadings |
main |
title of the plot |
object |
a fitted princomp.acomp object |
newdata |
another compositional dataset of class acomp |
... |
further arguments to pass to internally-called functions |
covmat |
provides the covariance matrix to be used for the principle component analysis |
center |
provides the be used for the computation of scores |
robust |
Gives the robustness type for the calculation of the
covariance matrix. See |
As a metric euclidean space the Aitchison simplex has its own
principal component analysis, that should be performed in terms of the
covariance matrix and not in terms of the meaningless correlation
To aid the interpretation we added some extra functionality to a
normal princomp(clr(x))
. First of all the result contains as
additional information the compositional representation of the
returned vectors in the space of the data: the center as a composition
, and the loadings in terms of a composition to perturbe
with, either positively
) or negatively (DownLoadings
). The Up- and
DownLoadings are normalized to the number of parts in the simplex
and not to one to simplify the interpretation. A value of about one
means no change in the specific component. To avoid confusion the
meaningless last principal component is removed.
The plot
routine provides screeplots (type = "s"
), biplots (type = "b"
), plots of the effect of
loadings (type = "b"
) in scale.sdev*sdev
-spread, and
loadings of pairwise (log-)ratios (type = "r"
The interpretation of a screeplot does not differ from ordinary
screeplots. It shows the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix, which
represent the portions of variance explained by the principal
The interpretation of the biplot strongly differs from a classical one.
The relevant variables are not the arrows drawn (one for each component),
but rather the links (i.e., the differences) between two
arrow heads, which represents the log-ratio between the two
components represented by the arrows.
The compositional loading plot is introduced with this
package. The loadings of all component can be seen as an orthogonal basis
in the space of clr-transformed data. These vectors are displayed by a barplot with
their corresponding composition. For a better
interpretation the total of these compositons is set to the number of
parts in the composition, such that a portion of one means no
effect. This is similar to (but not exactly the same as) a zero loading in a real
principal component analysis.
The loadings plot can work in two different modes: if
is set to NA
it displays the composition
beeing represented by the unit vector of loadings in the clr-transformed space. If
is numeric we use this composition scaled by the
standard deviation of the respective component.
The relative plot displays the relativeLoadings
as a
barplot. The deviation from a unit bar shows the effect of each
principal component on the respective ratio.
gives an object of type
with the following content:
sdev |
the standard deviation of the principal components |
loadings |
the matrix of variable loadings (i.e., a matrix which
columns contain the eigenvectors). This is of class
center |
the clr-transformed vector of means used to center the dataset |
Center |
the |
scale |
the scaling applied to each variable |
n.obs |
number of observations |
scores |
if |
call |
the matched call |
na.action |
not clearly understood |
Loadings |
compositions that represent a perturbation with the vectors represented by the loadings of each of the factors |
DownLoadings |
compositions that represent a perturbation with the inverse of the vectors represented by the loadings of each of the factors |
returns a matrix of scores of the observations in the
The other routines are mainly called for their side effect of plotting or
printing and return the object x
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Aitchison, J, C. Barcel'o-Vidal, J.J. Egozcue, V. Pawlowsky-Glahn
(2002) A consise guide to the algebraic geometric structure of the
simplex, the sample space for compositional data analysis, Terra
Nostra, Schriften der Alfred Wegener-Stiftung, 03/2003
Aitchison, J. and M. Greenacre (2002) Biplots for Compositional
Data Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics)
51 (4) 375-392
, relativeLoadings
, princomp.rcomp
, mean.acomp
data(SimulatedAmounts) pc <- princomp(acomp(sa.lognormals5)) pc summary(pc) plot(pc) #plot(pc,type="screeplot") plot(pc,type="v") plot(pc,type="biplot") plot(pc,choice=c(1,3),type="biplot") plot(pc,type="loadings") plot(pc,type="loadings",scale.sdev=-1) # Downward plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=NA) # The directions plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=1) # one sigma Upward plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=-1) # one sigma Downward biplot(pc) screeplot(pc) loadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,mult=FALSE) relativeLoadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=1) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=2) pc$Loadings pc$DownLoadings barplot(pc$Loadings) pc$sdev^2 p = predict(pc,sa.lognormals5) cov(p)
data(SimulatedAmounts) pc <- princomp(acomp(sa.lognormals5)) pc summary(pc) plot(pc) #plot(pc,type="screeplot") plot(pc,type="v") plot(pc,type="biplot") plot(pc,choice=c(1,3),type="biplot") plot(pc,type="loadings") plot(pc,type="loadings",scale.sdev=-1) # Downward plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=NA) # The directions plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=1) # one sigma Upward plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=-1) # one sigma Downward biplot(pc) screeplot(pc) loadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,mult=FALSE) relativeLoadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=1) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=2) pc$Loadings pc$DownLoadings barplot(pc$Loadings) pc$sdev^2 p = predict(pc,sa.lognormals5) cov(p)
A principal component analysis is done in the Aitchison geometry (i.e. ilt-transform). Some gimics simplify the interpretation of the computed components as perturbations of amounts.
## S3 method for class 'aplus' princomp(x,...,scores=TRUE,center=attr(covmat,"center"), covmat=var(x,robust=robust,giveCenter=TRUE), robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.aplus' print(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.aplus' plot(x,y=NULL,..., npcs=min(10,length(x$sdev)), type=c("screeplot","variance","biplot","loadings","relative"), main=NULL,scale.sdev=1) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.aplus' predict(object,newdata,...)
## S3 method for class 'aplus' princomp(x,...,scores=TRUE,center=attr(covmat,"center"), covmat=var(x,robust=robust,giveCenter=TRUE), robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.aplus' print(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.aplus' plot(x,y=NULL,..., npcs=min(10,length(x$sdev)), type=c("screeplot","variance","biplot","loadings","relative"), main=NULL,scale.sdev=1) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.aplus' predict(object,newdata,...)
x |
an aplus dataset (for princomp) or a result from princomp.aplus |
y |
not used |
scores |
a logical indicating whether scores should be computed or not |
npcs |
the number of components to be drawn in the scree plot |
type |
type of the plot: |
scale.sdev |
the multiple of sigma to use when plotting the loadings |
main |
title of the plot |
object |
a fitted princomp.aplus object |
newdata |
another amount dataset of class aplus |
... |
further arguments to pass to internally-called functions |
covmat |
provides the covariance matrix to be used for the principle component analysis |
center |
provides the be used for the computation of scores |
robust |
Gives the robustness type for the calculation of the
covariance matrix. See |
As a metric euclidean space, the positive real space described in
has its own
principal component analysis, that can be performed either in terms of the
covariance matrix or the correlation matrix. However, since all parts in a composition
or in an amount vector share a natural scaling, they do not need the
standardization (which in fact would produce a loss of important information).
For this reason, princomp.aplus
works on the covariance matrix.
To aid the interpretation we added some extra functionality to a
normal princomp(ilt(x))
. First of all the result contains as
additional information the amount representation of
returned vectors in the space of the data: the center as an amount
, and the loadings in terms of amounts to perturbe
with, either positively
) or negatively (DownLoadings
). The Up- and
DownLoadings are normalized to the number of parts
and not to one to simplify the interpretation. A value of about one
means no change in the specific component.
The plot routine provides screeplots (type = "s"
), biplots (type = "b"
), plots of the effect of
loadings (type = "b"
) in scale.sdev*sdev
-spread, and
loadings of pairwise (log-)ratios (type = "r"
The interpretation of a screeplot does not differ from ordinary
screeplots. It shows the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix, which
represent the portions of variance explained by the principal
The interpretation of the the biplot uses, additionally to the
classical one, a compositional concept: The
differences between two arrowheads can be interpreted as log-ratios
between the two components represented by the arrows.
The amount loading plot is introduced with this
package. The loadings of all component can be seen as an orthogonal basis
in the space of ilt
-transformed data. These vectors are displayed by a barplot with
their corresponding amounts. A portion of one means no change of this
part. This is equivalent to a zero loading in a real principal component analysis.
The loadings plot can work in two different modes. If
is set to NA
it displays the amount vector
being represented by the unit vector of loadings in the ilt-transformed space. If
is numeric we use this amount vector scaled by the
standard deviation of the respective component.
The relative plot displays the relativeLoadings
as a
barplot. The deviation from a unit bar shows the effect of each principal component
on the respective ratio. The
interpretation of the ratios plot may only be done in an Aitchison-compositional framework
(see princomp.acomp
gives an object of type
with the following content:
sdev |
the standard deviation of the principal components |
loadings |
the matrix of variable loadings (i.e., a matrix which
columns contain the eigenvectors). This is of class
center |
the ilt-transformed vector of means used to center the dataset |
Center |
the |
scale |
the scaling applied to each variable |
n.obs |
number of observations |
scores |
if |
call |
the matched call |
na.action |
not clearly understood |
Loadings |
vectors of amounts that represent a perturbation with the vectors represented by the loadings of each of the factors |
DownLoadings |
vectors of amounts that represent a perturbation with the inverses of the vectors represented by the loadings of each of the factors |
returns a matrix of scores of the observations in the
The other routines are mainly called for their side effect of plotting or
printing and return the object x
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, relativeLoadings
, princomp.rplus
, mean.aplus
data(SimulatedAmounts) pc <- princomp(aplus(sa.lognormals5)) pc summary(pc) plot(pc) #plot(pc,type="screeplot") plot(pc,type="v") plot(pc,type="biplot") plot(pc,choice=c(1,3),type="biplot") plot(pc,type="loadings") plot(pc,type="loadings",scale.sdev=-1) # Downward plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=NA) # The directions plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=1) # one sigma Upward plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=-1) # one sigma Downward biplot(pc) screeplot(pc) loadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,mult=FALSE) relativeLoadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=1) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=2) pc$Loadings pc$DownLoadings barplot(pc$Loadings) pc$sdev^2 cov(predict(pc,sa.lognormals5))
data(SimulatedAmounts) pc <- princomp(aplus(sa.lognormals5)) pc summary(pc) plot(pc) #plot(pc,type="screeplot") plot(pc,type="v") plot(pc,type="biplot") plot(pc,choice=c(1,3),type="biplot") plot(pc,type="loadings") plot(pc,type="loadings",scale.sdev=-1) # Downward plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=NA) # The directions plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=1) # one sigma Upward plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=-1) # one sigma Downward biplot(pc) screeplot(pc) loadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,mult=FALSE) relativeLoadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=1) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=2) pc$Loadings pc$DownLoadings barplot(pc$Loadings) pc$sdev^2 cov(predict(pc,sa.lognormals5))
A principal component analysis is done in real geometry (i.e. cpt-transform) of the simplex. Some gimics simplify the interpretation of the obtained components.
## S3 method for class 'rcomp' princomp(x,...,scores=TRUE,center=attr(covmat,"center"), covmat=var(x,robust=robust,giveCenter=TRUE), robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.rcomp' print(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.rcomp' plot(x,y=NULL,...,npcs=min(10,length(x$sdev)), type=c("screeplot","variance","biplot","loadings","relative"), main=NULL,scale.sdev=1) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.rcomp' predict(object,newdata,...)
## S3 method for class 'rcomp' princomp(x,...,scores=TRUE,center=attr(covmat,"center"), covmat=var(x,robust=robust,giveCenter=TRUE), robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.rcomp' print(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.rcomp' plot(x,y=NULL,...,npcs=min(10,length(x$sdev)), type=c("screeplot","variance","biplot","loadings","relative"), main=NULL,scale.sdev=1) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.rcomp' predict(object,newdata,...)
x |
an rcomp dataset (for princomp) or a result from princomp.rcomp |
y |
not used |
scores |
a logical indicating whether scores should be computed or not |
npcs |
the number of components to be drawn in the scree plot |
type |
type of the plot: |
scale.sdev |
the multiple of sigma to use when plotting the loadings |
main |
title of the plot |
object |
a fitted princomp.rcomp object |
newdata |
another compositional dataset of class rcomp |
... |
further arguments to pass to internally-called functions |
covmat |
provides the covariance matrix to be used for the principle component analysis |
center |
provides the be used for the computation of scores |
robust |
Gives the robustness type for the calculation of the
covariance matrix. See |
Mainly a princomp(cpt(x))
is performed. To avoid confusion, the
meaningless last principal component is removed.
The plot routine provides screeplots (type = "s"
), biplots (type = "b"
), plots of the effect of
loadings (type = "b"
) in scale.sdev*sdev
-spread, and
loadings of pairwise differences (type = "r"
The interpretation of a screeplot does not differ from ordinary
screeplots. It shows the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix, which
represent the portions of variance explained by the principal
The interpretation of the biplot strongly differs from a classical one.
The relevant variables are not the arrows drawn (one for each component),
but rather the links (i.e., the differences) between two
arrow heads, which represents the difference between the two
components represented by the arrows, or the transfer of mass from
one to the other.
The compositional loading plot is more or less a standard
one. The loadings are displayed by a barplot as positve and
negative changes of amounts.
The loading plot can work in
two different modes: If
is set to NA
it displays the composition
being represented by the unit vector of loadings in cpt-transformed space. If
is numeric we use this composition scaled by the
standard deviation of the respective component.
The relative plot displays the relativeLoadings
as a
barplot. The deviation from a unit bar shows the effect of each
principal component on the respective differences.
gives an object of type
with the following content:
sdev |
the standard deviation of the principal components. |
loadings |
the matrix of variable loadings (i.e., a matrix which
columns contain the eigenvectors). This is of class
Loadings |
the loadings as an rmult-object |
center |
the cpt-transformed vector of means used to center the dataset |
Center |
the |
scale |
the scaling applied to each variable |
n.obs |
number of observations |
scores |
if |
call |
the matched call |
na.action |
not clearly understood |
returns a matrix of scores of the observations in the
The other routines are mainly called for their side effect of plotting or
printing and return the object x
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, relativeLoadings
, princomp.rplus
data(SimulatedAmounts) pc <- princomp(rcomp(sa.lognormals5)) pc summary(pc) plot(pc) #plot(pc,type="screeplot") plot(pc,type="v") plot(pc,type="biplot") plot(pc,choice=c(1,3),type="biplot") plot(pc,type="loadings") plot(pc,type="loadings",scale.sdev=-1) # Downward plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=NA) # The directions plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=1) # one sigma Upward plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=-1) # one sigma Downward biplot(pc) screeplot(pc) loadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,mult=FALSE) relativeLoadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=1) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=2) pc$sdev^2 cov(predict(pc,sa.lognormals5))
data(SimulatedAmounts) pc <- princomp(rcomp(sa.lognormals5)) pc summary(pc) plot(pc) #plot(pc,type="screeplot") plot(pc,type="v") plot(pc,type="biplot") plot(pc,choice=c(1,3),type="biplot") plot(pc,type="loadings") plot(pc,type="loadings",scale.sdev=-1) # Downward plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=NA) # The directions plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=1) # one sigma Upward plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=-1) # one sigma Downward biplot(pc) screeplot(pc) loadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,mult=FALSE) relativeLoadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=1) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=2) pc$sdev^2 cov(predict(pc,sa.lognormals5))
Performs a principal component analysis for datasets of type rmult.
## S3 method for class 'rmult' princomp(x,cor=FALSE,scores=TRUE, covmat=var(rmult(x[subset,]),robust=robust,giveCenter=TRUE), center=attr(covmat,"center"), subset = rep(TRUE, nrow(x)), ..., robust=getOption("robust"))
## S3 method for class 'rmult' princomp(x,cor=FALSE,scores=TRUE, covmat=var(rmult(x[subset,]),robust=robust,giveCenter=TRUE), center=attr(covmat,"center"), subset = rep(TRUE, nrow(x)), ..., robust=getOption("robust"))
x |
a rmult-dataset |
... |
Further arguments to call |
cor |
logical: shall the computation be based on correlations rather than covariances? |
scores |
logical: shall scores be computed? |
covmat |
provides the covariance matrix to be used for the principle component analysis |
center |
provides the be used for the computation of scores |
subset |
A rowindex to x giving the columns that should be used to estimate the variance. |
robust |
Gives the robustness type for the calculation of the
covariance matrix. See |
The function just does princomp(unclass(x),...,scale=scale)
and is only here for convenience.
An object of type princomp
with the following fields
sdev |
the standard deviation of the principal components. |
loadings |
the matrix of variable loadings (i.e., a matrix whose
columns contain the eigenvectors). This is of class
center |
the mean that was substracted from the data set |
scale |
the scaling applied to each variable |
n.obs |
number of observations |
scores |
if |
call |
the matched call |
na.action |
Not clearly understood |
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) pc <- princomp(rmult(sa.lognormals5)) pc summary(pc) plot(pc) screeplot(pc) screeplot(pc,type="l") biplot(pc) biplot(pc,choice=c(1,3)) loadings(pc) plot(loadings(pc)) pc$sdev^2 cov(predict(pc,sa.lognormals5))
data(SimulatedAmounts) pc <- princomp(rmult(sa.lognormals5)) pc summary(pc) plot(pc) screeplot(pc) screeplot(pc,type="l") biplot(pc) biplot(pc,choice=c(1,3)) loadings(pc) plot(loadings(pc)) pc$sdev^2 cov(predict(pc,sa.lognormals5))
A principal component analysis is done in real geometry (i.e. using iit-transform).
## S3 method for class 'rplus' princomp(x,...,scores=TRUE,center=attr(covmat,"center"), covmat=var(x,robust=robust,giveCenter=TRUE), robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.rplus' print(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.rplus' plot(x,y=NULL,...,npcs=min(10,length(x$sdev)), type=c("screeplot","variance","biplot","loadings","relative"), main=NULL,scale.sdev=1) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.rplus' predict(object,newdata,...)
## S3 method for class 'rplus' princomp(x,...,scores=TRUE,center=attr(covmat,"center"), covmat=var(x,robust=robust,giveCenter=TRUE), robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.rplus' print(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.rplus' plot(x,y=NULL,...,npcs=min(10,length(x$sdev)), type=c("screeplot","variance","biplot","loadings","relative"), main=NULL,scale.sdev=1) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.rplus' predict(object,newdata,...)
x |
an rplus-dataset (for princomp) or a result from princomp.rplus |
y |
not used |
scores |
a logical indicating whether scores should be computed or not |
npcs |
the number of components to be drawn in the scree plot |
type |
type of the plot: |
scale.sdev |
the multiple of sigma to use when plotting the loadings |
main |
title of the plot |
object |
a fitted princomp.rplus object |
newdata |
another amount dataset of class rcomp |
... |
further arguments to pass to internally-called functions |
covmat |
provides the covariance matrix to be used for the principle component analysis |
center |
provides the be used for the computation of scores |
robust |
Gives the robustness type for the calculation of the
covariance matrix. See |
Mainly a princomp(iit(x))
is performed. Note all parts in a composition
or in an amount vector share a natural scaling. Therefore, they do not need any
preliminary standardization (which in fact would produce a loss of important information).
For this reason, princomp.rplus
works on the covariance matrix.
The plot routine provides screeplots (type = "s"
), biplots (type = "b"
), plots of the effect of
loadings (type = "b"
) in scale.sdev*sdev
-spread, and
loadings of pairwise differences (type = "r"
The interpretation of a screeplot does not differ from ordinary
screeplots. It shows the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix, which
represent the portions of variance explained by the principal
The interpretation of the biplot uses, additionally to the
classical interperation, a compositional concept: the
differences between two arrowheads can be interpreted as the shift of mass
between the two components represented by the arrows.
The amount loading plot is more or less a standard
loadings plot. The loadings are displayed by a barplot as positive and
negative changes of amounts.
The loadings plot can work in two different modes: If
is set to NA
it displays the amount vector
being represented by the unit vector of loadings in the iit-transformed space. If
is numeric we use this amount vector scaled by the
standard deviation of the respective component.
The relative plot displays the relativeLoadings
as a
barplot. The deviation from a unit bar shows the effect of
each principal component on the respective differences.
gives an object of type
with the following content:
sdev |
the standard deviation of the principal components |
loadings |
the matrix of variable loadings (i.e., a matrix which
columns contain the eigenvectors). This is of class
Loadings |
the loadings as an |
center |
the iit-transformed vector of means used to center the dataset |
Center |
the |
scale |
the scaling applied to each variable |
n.obs |
number of observations |
scores |
if |
call |
the matched call |
na.action |
not clearly understood |
returns a matrix of scores of the observations in the
The other routines are mainly called for their side effect of plotting or
printing and return the object x
, relativeLoadings
, princomp.aplus
data(SimulatedAmounts) pc <- princomp(rplus(sa.lognormals5)) pc summary(pc) plot(pc) #plot(pc,type="screeplot") plot(pc,type="v") plot(pc,type="biplot") plot(pc,choice=c(1,3),type="biplot") plot(pc,type="loadings") plot(pc,type="loadings",scale.sdev=-1) # Downward plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=NA) # The directions plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=1) # one sigma Upward plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=-1) # one sigma Downward biplot(pc) screeplot(pc) loadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,mult=FALSE) relativeLoadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=1) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=2) pc$sdev^2 cov(predict(pc,sa.lognormals5))
data(SimulatedAmounts) pc <- princomp(rplus(sa.lognormals5)) pc summary(pc) plot(pc) #plot(pc,type="screeplot") plot(pc,type="v") plot(pc,type="biplot") plot(pc,choice=c(1,3),type="biplot") plot(pc,type="loadings") plot(pc,type="loadings",scale.sdev=-1) # Downward plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=NA) # The directions plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=1) # one sigma Upward plot(pc,type="relative",scale.sdev=-1) # one sigma Downward biplot(pc) screeplot(pc) loadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,mult=FALSE) relativeLoadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=1) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=2) pc$sdev^2 cov(predict(pc,sa.lognormals5))
Prints compositional objects with appropriate missing encodings.
## S3 method for class 'acomp' print(x,...,replace0=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' print(x,...,replace0=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' print(x,...,replace0=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' print(x,...,replace0=FALSE)
## S3 method for class 'acomp' print(x,...,replace0=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' print(x,...,replace0=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' print(x,...,replace0=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' print(x,...,replace0=FALSE)
x |
a compositional object |
... |
further arguments to |
replace0 |
logical: Shall 0 be treated as "Below detection Limit" with unkown limit. |
Missings are displayed with an appropriate encoding:
Missing at random: The value is missing independently of its true value.
Missing NOT at random: The value is missing dependently of its true value, but without a known systematic. Maybe a better name would be: Value dependen missingness.
below detection limit (with unspecified detection limit): The value is missing because it was below an unkown detection limit.
below detection limit (with specified detection limit): The value is below the displayed detection limit.
Structural Zero: A true value is either bound to be zero or does not exist for structural nonrandom reasons. E.g. the portion of pregnant girls at a boys school.
Error: An illegal encoding value was found in the object.
An invisible version of x.
The policy of treatment of zeroes, missing values and values below detecion limit is explained in depth in compositions.missings.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
Boogaart, K.G. v.d., R. Tolosana-Delgado, M. Bren (2006) Concepts for handling of zeros and missing values in compositional data, in: E. Pirard (ed.) (2006)Proceedings of the IAMG'2006 Annual Conference on "Quantitative Geology from multiple sources", September 2006, Liege, Belgium,, S07-01, 4pages, ISBN 978-2-9600644-0-7
, boxplot.acomp
, mean.acomp
, variation.acomp
data(SimulatedAmounts) mydata <- simulateMissings(sa.groups5,dl=0.01,knownlimit=TRUE, MAR=0.05,MNARprob=0.05,SZprob=0.05) mydata[1,1]<-BDLvalue print(aplus(mydata)) print(aplus(mydata),digits=3) print(acomp(mydata)) print(rplus(mydata)) print(rcomp(mydata))
data(SimulatedAmounts) mydata <- simulateMissings(sa.groups5,dl=0.01,knownlimit=TRUE, MAR=0.05,MNARprob=0.05,SZprob=0.05) mydata[1,1]<-BDLvalue print(aplus(mydata)) print(aplus(mydata),digits=3) print(acomp(mydata)) print(rplus(mydata)) print(rcomp(mydata))
Compute the pairwise log ratio transform of a (dataset of) composition(s), and its inverse.
pwlr( x, as.rmult=FALSE, as.data.frame=!as.rmult, ...) pwlrInv( z, orig=gsi.orig(z))
pwlr( x, as.rmult=FALSE, as.data.frame=!as.rmult, ...) pwlrInv( z, orig=gsi.orig(z))
x |
a composition, not necessarily closed |
z |
the pwlr-transform of a composition, thus a [D(D-1)/2]-dimensional real vector, or a matrix with such many columns |
as.rmult |
logical; should the output be produced as an rmult object? |
as.data.frame |
logical; should be as a data.frame? if both are false, rmult will be taken |
... |
currently unused |
orig |
the original composition, to check consistency and recover component names |
The pwlr-transform maps a composition in the $D$-part Aitchison-simplex
isometrically to a $D(D-1)/2$ dimensonal euclidian vector, computing each possible
logratio (accounting for the fact that $log(A/B)=-log(B/A)$, and therefore only one of
them is necessary). The data can then
be analysed in this transformation by multivariate
analysis tools not relying on the invertibility of the covariance function.
The interpretation of
the results is relatively simple, since each component captures the behaviour of the
simple ratio between two party. However redundance between them is extremely high,
and any of alr
, clr
or ilr
may be preferred in most applications.
The pairwise logratio transform is given by
The inverse requires some explanation, because of the redundance between pwlr scores. Note that for any three components $A,B,C$ it holds that $log(A/C)=log(A/B)+log(B/C)$. So, any vector of $D(D-1)/2$ coefficients will not be necessarily a valid pwlr-transformed composition: if these coefficients do not satisfy that kind of relations, the vector is, strictly speaking, not a pwlr and should not be inverted. Nevertheless, the function gives a least-squares inversion, as proposed by Tolosana-Delgado and von Eynatten (2009).
gives the pairwise log ratio transform; accepts a compositional dataset
gives a closed composition with the given wplr-transform; accepts a dataset
R. Tolosana-Delgado http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman & Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
Tolosana-Delgado, R. and H. von Eynatten (2009); Grain-size control on petrographic composition of sediments: compositional regression and rounded zeroes. Mathematical Geosciences: 41(8): 869-886. doi:10.1007/s11004-009-9216-6.
(tmp <- pwlr(c(1,2,3))) pwlrInv(tmp)
(tmp <- pwlr(c(1,2,3))) pwlrInv(tmp)
Creates a matrix of plots, with each pairwise logratio against a covariable. The covariable can be numeric or factor, and play the role of X or Y axis.
x |
a vector, a column of a data.frame, or an acomp representing the first set
of things to be displayed. Either |
y |
a vector, a column of a data.frame, or an acomp representing the first set
of things to be displayed. Either |
... |
furter parameters to the panel function |
add.line |
logical, to control the addition of a regression line in each panel. Ignored if covariable is a factor. |
line.col |
in case the regression line is added, which color should be used? Defaults to red. |
add.robust |
logical, to control the addition of a robust regression line
in each panel. Ignored if covariable is a factor. This is nowadays
based on |
rob.col |
in case the robust regression line is added, which color should be used? Defaults to blue. |
This function generates a matrix of plots of all possible pairwise
logratios of the acomp
argument, plotted against a covariable. The
covariable can be a factor or a numeric vector, or a column of a matrix or data.frame.
Covariable and composition can both be represented in X or Y axis:
a factor on X axis generates a boxplot
; a factor on Y axis generates a
; if the covariable is numeric, a default scatterplot is generated.
All dot arguments are passed to these plotting functions. In any of these cases, the diagram
shows the logratio of the component in the row divided by the component in
the column. In the case of a numeric covariable, both classical and
robust regression lines can be added.
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Boogaart, K.G. v.d. , R. Tolosana (2008) Mixing Compositions and Other scales, Proceedings of CodaWork 08.
, pairwisePlot
, boxplot
, spineplot
, plot.default
data(Hydrochem) xc = acomp(Hydrochem[,c("Ca","Mg","Na","K")]) fk = Hydrochem$River pH = -log10(Hydrochem$H) ## x=acomp, y=factor pwlrPlot(xc, fk, border=2:5) ## x=factor, y=acomp pwlrPlot(fk,xc, col=2:5) ## x=acomp, y=numeric, with colors by river pwlrPlot(xc, pH, col=as.integer(fk)+1) ## x=numeric, y=acomp, with line pwlrPlot(pH, xc, add.robust=TRUE)
data(Hydrochem) xc = acomp(Hydrochem[,c("Ca","Mg","Na","K")]) fk = Hydrochem$River pH = -log10(Hydrochem$H) ## x=acomp, y=factor pwlrPlot(xc, fk, border=2:5) ## x=factor, y=acomp pwlrPlot(fk,xc, col=2:5) ## x=acomp, y=numeric, with colors by river pwlrPlot(xc, pH, col=as.integer(fk)+1) ## x=numeric, y=acomp, with line pwlrPlot(pH, xc, add.robust=TRUE)
The plots allow to check the normal distribution of multiple univaritate marginals by normal quantile-quantile plots. For the different interpretations of amount data a different type of normality is assumed and checked. When an alpha-level is given the marginal displayed in each panel is checked for normality.
## S3 method for class 'acomp' qqnorm(y,fak=NULL,...,panel=vp.qqnorm,alpha=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' qqnorm(y,fak=NULL,...,panel=vp.qqnorm,alpha=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' qqnorm(y,fak=NULL,...,panel=vp.qqnorm,alpha=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' qqnorm(y,fak=NULL,...,panel=vp.qqnorm,alpha=NULL) vp.qqnorm(x,y,...,alpha=NULL)
## S3 method for class 'acomp' qqnorm(y,fak=NULL,...,panel=vp.qqnorm,alpha=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' qqnorm(y,fak=NULL,...,panel=vp.qqnorm,alpha=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' qqnorm(y,fak=NULL,...,panel=vp.qqnorm,alpha=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' qqnorm(y,fak=NULL,...,panel=vp.qqnorm,alpha=NULL) vp.qqnorm(x,y,...,alpha=NULL)
y |
a dataset |
fak |
a factor to split the dataset, not yet implemented in aplus and rplus |
panel |
the panel function to be used or a list of multiple panel functions |
alpha |
the alpha level of a test for normality to be performed for each of the displayed marginals. The levels are adjusted for multiple testing with a Bonferroni-correction (i.e. dividing each of the alpha-level by the number of test performed) |
... |
further graphical parameters |
x |
used by pairs only. Internal use |
and qqnorm.rcomp
display qqnorm plots of
individual amounts (on the diagonal), of pairwise differences of amounts
(above the diagonal) and of pairwise sums of amounts (below the
displays qqnorm-plots of
individual log-amounts (on the diagonal), of pairwise log-ratios of
amounts (above the diagonal) and of pairwise sums of log amount (below the
displays qqnorm-plots of pairwise log-ratios of
amounts in all of diagonal panels. Nothing is displayed on the
In all cases a joint normality of the original data in the selected
framework would imply normality in all displayed marginal
distributions (although the reciprocal is in general not true!).
The marginal normality can be checked in each of the plots using a
, by specifying an alpha level. The
alpha level is corrected for multiple testing. Plots displaying a
marginal distribution significantly deviating from a normal
distribution at that alpha level are marked by a red exclamation mark.
is internally used as a panel function to make high dimensional
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, boxplot.acomp
, rnorm.rcomp
, rnorm.rplus
data(SimulatedAmounts) qqnorm(acomp(sa.lognormals),alpha=0.05) qqnorm(rcomp(sa.lognormals),alpha=0.05) qqnorm(aplus(sa.lognormals),alpha=0.05) qqnorm(rplus(sa.lognormals),alpha=0.05)
data(SimulatedAmounts) qqnorm(acomp(sa.lognormals),alpha=0.05) qqnorm(rcomp(sa.lognormals),alpha=0.05) qqnorm(aplus(sa.lognormals),alpha=0.05) qqnorm(rplus(sa.lognormals),alpha=0.05)
The R2 measure of determination for linear models
R2(object,...) ## S3 method for class 'lm' R2(object,...,adjust=TRUE,ref=0) ## Default S3 method: R2(object,...,ref=0)
R2(object,...) ## S3 method for class 'lm' R2(object,...,adjust=TRUE,ref=0) ## Default S3 method: R2(object,...,ref=0)
object |
a statistical model |
... |
further not yet used parameters |
adjust |
Logical, whether the estimate of R2 should be adjusted for the degrees of freedom of the model. |
ref |
A reference model for computation of a relative |
The measure of determination is defined as:
and provides the portion of variance explained by the model. It is a number between 0 and 1, where 1 means the model perfectly explains the data and 0 means that the model has no better explanation of the data than a constant mean. In case of multivariate models metric variances are used.
If a reference model is given by ref
, the variance of the
residuals of that models rather than the variance of the data is
used. The value of such a relative estimates how much
of the residual variance is explained.
If adjust=TRUE
the unbiased estiamators for the variances are
used, to avoid the automatisme that a more parameters automatically
lead to a higher .
The R2 measure of determination.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(Orange) R2(lm(circumference~age,data=Orange)) R2(lm(log(circumference)~log(age),data=Orange))
data(Orange) R2(lm(circumference~age,data=Orange)) R2(lm(log(circumference)~log(age),data=Orange))
The Aitchison distribution is a class of distributions the simplex, containing the normal and the Dirichlet as subfamilies.
dAitchison(x, theta=alpha+sigma %*% clr(mu), beta=-1/2*gsi.svdinverse(sigma), alpha=mean(theta), mu=clrInv(c(sigma%*%(theta-alpha))), sigma=-1/2*gsi.svdinverse(beta), grid=30, realdensity=FALSE, expKappa=AitchisonDistributionIntegrals(theta,beta, grid=grid,mode=1)$expKappa) rAitchison(n, theta=alpha+sigma %*% clr(mu), beta=-1/2*gsi.svdinverse(sigma), alpha=mean(theta), mu=clrInv(c(sigma%*%(theta-alpha))), sigma=-1/2*gsi.svdinverse(beta), withfit=FALSE) AitchisonDistributionIntegrals( theta=alpha+sigma %*% clr(mu), beta=-1/2*gsi.svdinverse(sigma), alpha=mean(theta), mu=clrInv(c(sigma%*%(theta-alpha))), sigma=-1/2*gsi.svdinverse(beta), grid=30, mode=3)
dAitchison(x, theta=alpha+sigma %*% clr(mu), beta=-1/2*gsi.svdinverse(sigma), alpha=mean(theta), mu=clrInv(c(sigma%*%(theta-alpha))), sigma=-1/2*gsi.svdinverse(beta), grid=30, realdensity=FALSE, expKappa=AitchisonDistributionIntegrals(theta,beta, grid=grid,mode=1)$expKappa) rAitchison(n, theta=alpha+sigma %*% clr(mu), beta=-1/2*gsi.svdinverse(sigma), alpha=mean(theta), mu=clrInv(c(sigma%*%(theta-alpha))), sigma=-1/2*gsi.svdinverse(beta), withfit=FALSE) AitchisonDistributionIntegrals( theta=alpha+sigma %*% clr(mu), beta=-1/2*gsi.svdinverse(sigma), alpha=mean(theta), mu=clrInv(c(sigma%*%(theta-alpha))), sigma=-1/2*gsi.svdinverse(beta), grid=30, mode=3)
x |
acomp-compositions the density should be computed for. |
n |
integer: number of datasets to be simulated |
theta |
numeric vector: Location parameter vector |
beta |
matrix: Spread parameter matrix (clr or ilr) |
alpha |
positiv scalar: departure from normality parameter (positive scalar) |
mu |
acomp-composition, normal reference mean parameter composition |
sigma |
matrix: normal reference variance matrix (clr or ilr) |
grid |
integer: number of discretisation points along each side of the simplex |
realdensity |
logical: if true the density is given with respect to the Haar measure of the real simplex, if false the density is given with respect to the Aitchison measure of the simplex. |
mode |
integer: desired output:
-1: Compute nothing, only transform parameters, |
expKappa |
The closing divisor of the density |
withfit |
Should a pre-spliting of the Aitchison density be used for simulation? |
The Aitchison Distribution is a joint generalisation of the Dirichlet
Distribution and the additive log-normal distribution (or normal on the
simplex). It can be parametrized by Ait(theta,beta) or by
Ait(alpha,mu,Sigma). Actually, beta and Sigma can be easily
transformed into each other, such that only one of them is
necessary. Parameter theta is a vector in , alpha is its sum, mu is a
composition in
, and beta and sigma are symmetric matrices, which
can either be expressed in ilr or clr space.
The parameters are transformed as
The distribution exists, if either,
and Sigma is positive definite (or beta
negative definite) in
ilr-coordinates, or if each theta is strictly positive and Sigma has
at least one positive eigenvalue (or beta has at least one negative
eigenvalue). The simulation procedure currently only works with the
first case.
AitchisonDistributionIntegral is a convenience function to compute the
parameter transformation and several functions of these
parameters. This is done by numerical integration over a
multinomial simplex lattice of D parts with grid
many elements
(see xsimplex
The density of the Aitchison distribution is given by:
with respect to the classical Haar measure on the simplex, and as
with respect to the Aitchison
measure of the simplex. The closure constant expKappa is computed
numerically, in AitchisonDistributionIntegrals
The random composition generation is done by rejection sampling based on an optimally fitted additive logistic normal distribution. Thus, it only works if the correponding Sigma in ilr would be positive definite.
dAitchison |
Returns the density of the Aitchison distribution evaluated at x as a numeric vector. |
rAitchison |
Returns a sample of size n of simulated compostions as an acomp object. |
AitchisondistributionIntegrals |
Returns a list with
The simulation procedure currently only works with a positive definite Sigma. You need a relatively high grid constant for precise values in the numerical integration.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart, R. Tolosana-Delgado http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
, rnorm.acomp
(erg<-AitchisonDistributionIntegrals(c(-1,3,-2),ilrvar2clr(-diag(c(1,2))),grid=20)) (myvar<-with(erg, -1/2*ilrvar2clr(solve(clrvar2ilr(beta))))) (mymean<-with(erg,myvar%*%theta)) with(erg,myvar-clrVar) with(erg,mymean-clrMean)
(erg<-AitchisonDistributionIntegrals(c(-1,3,-2),ilrvar2clr(-diag(c(1,2))),grid=20)) (myvar<-with(erg, -1/2*ilrvar2clr(solve(clrvar2ilr(beta))))) (mymean<-with(erg,myvar%*%theta)) with(erg,myvar-clrVar) with(erg,mymean-clrMean)
In a compositional dataset the relation of two objects can be interpreted safer than a single amount. These functions compute, display and plot the corresponding pair-information for the various principal component analysis results.
relativeLoadings(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.acomp' relativeLoadings(x,...,log=FALSE,scale.sdev=NA, cutoff=0.1) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.aplus' relativeLoadings(x,...,log=FALSE,scale.sdev=NA, cutoff=0.1) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.rcomp' relativeLoadings(x,...,scale.sdev=NA, cutoff=0.1) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.rplus' relativeLoadings(x,...,scale.sdev=NA, cutoff=0.1) ## S3 method for class 'relativeLoadings.princomp.acomp' print(x,...,cutoff=attr(x,"cutoff"), digits=2) ## S3 method for class 'relativeLoadings.princomp.aplus' print(x,...,cutoff=attr(x,"cutoff"), digits=2) ## S3 method for class 'relativeLoadings.princomp.rcomp' print(x,...,cutoff=attr(x,"cutoff"), digits=2) ## S3 method for class 'relativeLoadings.princomp.rplus' print(x,...,cutoff=attr(x,"cutoff"), digits=2) ## S3 method for class 'relativeLoadings.princomp.acomp' plot(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'relativeLoadings.princomp.aplus' plot(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'relativeLoadings.princomp.rcomp' plot(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'relativeLoadings.princomp.rplus' plot(x,...)
relativeLoadings(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.acomp' relativeLoadings(x,...,log=FALSE,scale.sdev=NA, cutoff=0.1) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.aplus' relativeLoadings(x,...,log=FALSE,scale.sdev=NA, cutoff=0.1) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.rcomp' relativeLoadings(x,...,scale.sdev=NA, cutoff=0.1) ## S3 method for class 'princomp.rplus' relativeLoadings(x,...,scale.sdev=NA, cutoff=0.1) ## S3 method for class 'relativeLoadings.princomp.acomp' print(x,...,cutoff=attr(x,"cutoff"), digits=2) ## S3 method for class 'relativeLoadings.princomp.aplus' print(x,...,cutoff=attr(x,"cutoff"), digits=2) ## S3 method for class 'relativeLoadings.princomp.rcomp' print(x,...,cutoff=attr(x,"cutoff"), digits=2) ## S3 method for class 'relativeLoadings.princomp.rplus' print(x,...,cutoff=attr(x,"cutoff"), digits=2) ## S3 method for class 'relativeLoadings.princomp.acomp' plot(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'relativeLoadings.princomp.aplus' plot(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'relativeLoadings.princomp.rcomp' plot(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'relativeLoadings.princomp.rplus' plot(x,...)
x |
a result from an amount PCA |
log |
a logical indicating to use log-ratios instead of ratios |
scale.sdev |
if not |
cutoff |
a single number. Changes under that (log)-cutoff are not displayed |
digits |
the number of digits to be displayed |
... |
further parameters to internally-called functions |
The relative loadings of components allow a direct interpretation of the effects of principal components. For acomp/aplus classes the relation is induced by a ratio, which can optionally be log-transformed. For the rcomp/rplus-classes the relation is induced by a difference, which is meaningless when the units are different.
The value is a matrix of type
, containing the ratios in the
compositions represented by the loadings (optionally scaled by the
standard deviation of the components and scale.sdev
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, princomp.aplus
, princomp.rplus
data(SimulatedAmounts) pc <- princomp(acomp(sa.lognormals5)) pc summary(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,log=TRUE) relativeLoadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=1) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=2) plot(relativeLoadings(pc,log=TRUE)) plot(relativeLoadings(pc)) plot(relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=1)) plot(relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=2))
data(SimulatedAmounts) pc <- princomp(acomp(sa.lognormals5)) pc summary(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,log=TRUE) relativeLoadings(pc) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=1) relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=2) plot(relativeLoadings(pc,log=TRUE)) plot(relativeLoadings(pc)) plot(relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=1)) plot(relativeLoadings(pc,scale.sdev=2))
A class providing a way to analyse compositions in the
philosophical framework of the Simplex as subset of the .
rcomp(X,parts=1:NCOL(oneOrDataset(X)),total=1,warn.na=FALSE, detectionlimit=NULL,BDL=NULL,MAR=NULL,MNAR=NULL,SZ=NULL)
rcomp(X,parts=1:NCOL(oneOrDataset(X)),total=1,warn.na=FALSE, detectionlimit=NULL,BDL=NULL,MAR=NULL,MNAR=NULL,SZ=NULL)
X |
composition or dataset of compositions |
parts |
vector containing the indices xor names of the columns to be used |
total |
the total amount to be used, typically 1 or 100 |
warn.na |
should the user be warned in case of NA,NaN or 0 coding different types of missing values? |
detectionlimit |
a number, vector or matrix of positive numbers giving the detection limit of all values, all columns or each value, respectively |
the code for 'Below Detection Limit' in X |
SZ |
the code for 'Structural Zero' in X |
the code for 'Missing At Random' in X |
the code for 'Missing Not At Random' in X |
Many multivariate datasets essentially describe amounts of D different
parts in a whole. This has some important implications justifying to
regard them as a scale on its own, called a "composition".
The functions around the class "rcomp"
follow the traditional
(often statistically inconsistent) approach regarding compositions simply
as a multivariate vector of positive numbers summing up to 1. This space of
D positive numbers summing to 1 is traditionally called the D-1-dimensional
The compositional scale was in-depth analysed by Aitchison
(1986) and he found serious reasons why compositional data should be
analysed with a different geometry. The functions around the class
follow his
approach. However the Aitchison approach based on log-ratios is
sometimes criticized (e.g. Rehder and Zier, 2002). It cannot deal with
absent parts (i.e. zeros). It is sensitive to large measurement errors
in small amounts. The Aitchison operations cannot represent simple
mixture of different compositions. The used transformations
are not uniformly continuous. Straight lines and ellipses in Aitchison
space look strangely in ternary diagrams. As all uncritical statistical
analysis, blind application of logratio-based analysis is sometimes
misleading. Therefore it is sometimes useful to analyse
compositional data directly as a multivariate dataset of portions
summing to 1. However a clear warning must be given that the
utilisation of almost any kind of
classical multivariate analysis introduce some kinds of artifacts
(e.g. Chayes 1960) when applied to compositional data. So, extra care
and considerable expert knowlegde is needed for the proper
interpretation of results achieved in this non-Aitchison approach. The
package tries to lead the user around these artifacts as much as
possible and gives hints to major pitfalls in the help. However
meaningless results cannot be fully avoided in this (rather inconsistent) approach.
A side effect of the procedure is to force the compositions to sum to
one, which is done by the closure operation clo
The classes rcomp, acomp, aplus, and rplus are designed in a fashion as similar as
possible, in order to allow direct comparison between results achieved
by the different approaches. Especially the acomp logistic transforms
, alr
, ilr
are mirrored
by analogous linear transforms cpt
, apt
in the rcomp class framework.
a vector of class "rcomp"
representing a closed composition
or a matrix of class "rcomp"
multiple closed compositions, by rows.
Missing and Below Detecion Limit Policy is explained in deeper detail in compositions.missing.
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
Rehder, S. and U. Zier (2001) Letter to the Editor: Comment on
“Logratio Analysis and Compositional Distance” by J. Aitchison, C.
Barcel\'o-Vidal, J.A. Mart\'in-Fern\'a ndez and V. Pawlowsky-Glahn,
Mathematical Geology, 33 (7), 845-848.
Zier, U. and S. Rehder (2002) Some comments on log-ratio transformation and compositional distance,
Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred Wegener-Stiftung, 03/2003
van den Boogaart, K.G. and R. Tolosana-Delgado (2008) "compositions": a unified R package to analyze Compositional Data, Computers & Geosciences, 34 (4), pages 320-338, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2006.11.017.
, apt
, ipt
, rplus
, boxplot.rcomp
, mean.rcomp
, variation.rcomp
, msd
, +.rcomp
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(rcomp(sa.tnormals))
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(rcomp(sa.tnormals))
The S4-version of the data container "rcomp" for compositional data. More information in
A virtual Class: No objects may be directly created from it.
This is provided to ensure that rcomp objects behave as data.frame or structure under certain circumstances. Use rcomp
to create these objects.
:Object of class "list"
containing the data itself
:Object of class "character"
with column names
:Object of class "data.frameRowLabels"
with row names
:Object of class "character"
with the class string
Class "data.frame"
, directly.
Class "compositional"
, directly.
Class "list"
, by class "data.frame", distance 2.
Class "oldClass"
, by class "data.frame", distance 2.
Class "vector"
, by class "data.frame", distance 3.
signature(from = "rcomp", to = "data.frame")
: to generate a data.frame
signature(from = "rcomp", to = "structure")
: to generate a structure (i.e. a vector, matrix or array)
signature(from = "rcomp", to = "data.frame")
: to overwrite a composition with a data.frame
see rcomp
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
see rcomp
see rcomp
The real compositions form a manifold of the real vector space. The induced operations +,-,*,/ give results valued in the real vector space, but possibly outside the simplex.
convex.rcomp(x,y,alpha=0.5) ## Methods for class "rcomp" ## x+y ## x-y ## -x ## x*r ## r*x ## x/r
convex.rcomp(x,y,alpha=0.5) ## Methods for class "rcomp" ## x+y ## x-y ## -x ## x*r ## r*x ## x/r
x |
an rcomp composition or dataset of compositions |
y |
an rcomp composition or dataset of compositions |
r |
a numeric vector of size 1 or nrow(x) |
alpha |
a numeric vector of size 1 or nrow(x) with values between 0 and 1 |
The functions behave quite like +.rmult
The convex combination is defined as: x*alpha + (1-alpha)*y
-objects containing the given operations on the simplex
as subset of the . Only the convex combination
results in an rcomp
-object again, since
only this operation is closed.
For *
the arguments x and y can be exchanged.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, +.acomp
, rcomp
, rmult
rcomp(1:5)* -1 + rcomp(1:5) data(SimulatedAmounts) cdata <- rcomp(sa.lognormals) plot( tmp <- (cdata-mean(cdata))/msd(cdata) ) class(tmp) mean(tmp) msd(tmp) var(tmp) plot(convex.rcomp(rcomp(c(1,1,1)),sa.lognormals,0.1))
rcomp(1:5)* -1 + rcomp(1:5) data(SimulatedAmounts) cdata <- rcomp(sa.lognormals) plot( tmp <- (cdata-mean(cdata))/msd(cdata) ) class(tmp) mean(tmp) msd(tmp) var(tmp) plot(convex.rcomp(rcomp(c(1,1,1)),sa.lognormals,0.1))
Compute marginal compositions by amalgamating the rest (additively).
X |
composition or dataset of compositions |
d |
vector containing the indices xor names of the columns to be kept |
name |
The new name of the amalgamation column |
pos |
The position where the new amalgamation column should be stored. This defaults to the last column. |
what |
The role of X either |
The amalgamation column is simply computed by adding the
non-selected components after closing the composition. This is
consistent with the rcomp
approach and is widely used because
of its easy interpretation. However, it often leads to difficult-to-read
ternary diagrams and is inconsistent with the acomp
With the argument what="var"
the function transformes an rcomp
variance to the resulting variance of the resulting composition.
A closed compositions with class "rcomp"
containing the
selected variables given by d
and the the amalgamation column.
MNAR has the highest priority, MAR next and WZERO (BDL,SZ),- values are considered as 0 and reported as BDL in the End.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon olosana-Delgado
References missing
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals5,margin="rcomp") plot.rcomp(rcompmargin(sa.tnormals5,c("Cd","Zn"))) plot.rcomp(rcompmargin(sa.tnormals5,c(1,2)))
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals5,margin="rcomp") plot.rcomp(rcompmargin(sa.tnormals5,c("Cd","Zn"))) plot.rcomp(rcompmargin(sa.tnormals5,c(1,2)))
The Dirichlet distribution on the simplex.
dDirichlet(x, alpha, log=FALSE, measure="Lebesgue") rDirichlet.acomp(n, alpha) rDirichlet.rcomp(n, alpha)
dDirichlet(x, alpha, log=FALSE, measure="Lebesgue") rDirichlet.acomp(n, alpha) rDirichlet.rcomp(n, alpha)
n |
number of datasets to be simulated |
alpha |
parameters of the Dirichlet distribution |
x |
a data set (acomp, rcomp, data.frame, matrix; even one-row) of point(s) on the simplex |
log |
a boolean, controlling if the density or the log-density is returned |
measure |
one of: "Lebesgue" or "Aitchison" (partial match applies), or else a function returning the reference LOG-density (see details below) |
The Dirichlet distribution is the result of closing a vector of equally-scaled Gamma-distributed variables. It the conjugate prior distribution for a vector of probabilities of a multinomial distribution. Thus, it generalizes the beta distribution for more than two parts.
For the density, the implementation allows to obtain the conventional density
(with respect to the Lebesgue measure, default behaviour or giving
), the compositional density (with respect to the
Aitchison measure, giving measure="Aitchison"
), or else w.r.to any other
reference density (giving at measure
a function returning the log-density
of the reference measure for any point of the simplex)
For rDirichlet.*
a generated random dataset of class "acomp"
or "rcomp"
drawn from a Dirichlet distribution with the given parameter
. The names of alpha
are used to name the parts.
For dDirichlet
, the (conventional) Dirichlet density
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
Mateu-Figueras, G.; Pawlowsky-Glahn, V. (2005). The Dirichlet distribution
with respect to the Aitchison measure on the simplex, a first approach.
In: Mateu-Figueras, G. and Barcel\'o-Vidal, C. (Eds.)
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Compositional Data Analysis,
Universitat de Girona, ISBN 84-8458-222-1, https://ima.udg.edu/Activitats/CoDaWork05/
tmp <- rDirichlet.acomp(10,alpha=c(A=2,B=0.2,C=0.2)) plot(tmp) dDirichlet(tmp, alpha=c(A=2,B=0.2,C=0.2)) dDirichlet(tmp[1,]*0, alpha=c(A=2,B=0.2,C=0.2))
tmp <- rDirichlet.acomp(10,alpha=c(A=2,B=0.2,C=0.2)) plot(tmp) dDirichlet(tmp, alpha=c(A=2,B=0.2,C=0.2)) dDirichlet(tmp[1,]*0, alpha=c(A=2,B=0.2,C=0.2))
Reads a data file, which must be formatted either as a geoEAS file (described below).
read.geoeas(file) read.geoEAS(file)
read.geoeas(file) read.geoEAS(file)
file |
a file name, with a specific format |
The data files must be in the adequate format: "read.geoEAS" and "read.geoeas" read geoEAS format.
The geoEAS format has the following structure:
a first row with a description of the data set
the number of variables (=nvars)
"nvars" rows, each containing the name of a variable
the data set, in a matrix of "nvars" columns and as many rows as individuals
A data set, with a "title" attribute.
Labels and title should not contain tabs. This might produce an error when reading.
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
Missing references
# # Files can be found in the test-subdirectory of the package # ## Not run: read.geoeas("TRUE.DAT") read.geoEAS("TRUE.DAT") ## End(Not run)
# # Files can be found in the test-subdirectory of the package # ## Not run: read.geoeas("TRUE.DAT") read.geoEAS("TRUE.DAT") ## End(Not run)
Display only a subset of the plots.
replot(...,dev=dev.cur(),plot=TRUE,envir=NULL,add=FALSE) replotable(expr,add=FALSE) noreplot(expr,dev=dev.cur())
replot(...,dev=dev.cur(),plot=TRUE,envir=NULL,add=FALSE) replotable(expr,add=FALSE) noreplot(expr,dev=dev.cur())
expr |
A (unquoted) expression that does the
plotting. |
... |
Plot parameters to be modified. E.g. onlyPanel |
dev |
The device that currently contains the plot. It will be plotted in the current device. |
plot |
logical or call or list of calls.
If plot is TRUE, the new version of the plot is plotted in the
current environment (and typically stores itself here). |
envir |
a new enviroment to be assigned to the plot. Rarely needed. |
add |
either a logical to indicating that the plot adds something to the plot. Or a number / name of the added thing to be modified. |
Some of the plot routines of compositions internally store their
call as a mean for replaying the plot when information is added or
parameters are modified. The stored call can be modified by this
function, which pretty much works like a simplified version of
allows to redo the plot typically in a different
device or with different parameters. The function provides this
functionallity at a totally different level than
and allows for the modification of high level
parameters on the fly.
Plots can be stored in the internal database by calling replot
with a parameter plot
set to the call of that plot. Plotting
functions without this functionallity can be filtered through
replotable(). However in this case all parameter names should be given
There are actually three levels of possible replay: The dev.copy
level on which graphic actions are replayed. The gsi.pairs
function level that organizes panels plots and uses an internal replotting facility
to allow modification of the parameter, e.g. addings lines .... And than
there is the high level of the actual function call generating the
returns an invisible copy of the modified
call. replotable
and noreplot
return the result of
The function works by revaluating the call in its environment. Thus the plot will change!!! if the data has changed.
The function always handles the latest plot from the package. If another plot ignorant of the replot system has meanwhile be used it will be ignored.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, plot.aplus
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals5)) straight(acomp(c(1,1,1,1,1)),acomp(c(1,2,3,4,5))) replot(onlyPanel=c(2,3)) oldPlot <- replot(plot=FALSE) # get the plotting call replotable(plot(x=1:10)) # To make a graphic replottable replot(col=1:10) replot(plot=oldPlot) # Restore the old plot (without plotting) replot(onlyPanel=NULL) # View the whole plot again replot(pch=20) # Acctually plot it replot(col=20) # since the actual plot is gsi.pairs not a plot.acomp ## Not run: # The following line in a plotting function stores the plot for replotting. replot(plot=match.call()) # Store current call as plot replot() # simply plot once again replot(dev=otherdev) # redo a plot from an other device here. replot(onlyPanel=c(3,4)) # modify the plot (and replot it) replot(onlyPanel=c(3,4),dev=7,plot=FALSE) # modify a stored plot ## End(Not run)
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals5)) straight(acomp(c(1,1,1,1,1)),acomp(c(1,2,3,4,5))) replot(onlyPanel=c(2,3)) oldPlot <- replot(plot=FALSE) # get the plotting call replotable(plot(x=1:10)) # To make a graphic replottable replot(col=1:10) replot(plot=oldPlot) # Restore the old plot (without plotting) replot(onlyPanel=NULL) # View the whole plot again replot(pch=20) # Acctually plot it replot(col=20) # since the actual plot is gsi.pairs not a plot.acomp ## Not run: # The following line in a plotting function stores the plot for replotting. replot(plot=match.call()) # Store current call as plot replot() # simply plot once again replot(dev=otherdev) # redo a plot from an other device here. replot(onlyPanel=c(3,4)) # modify the plot (and replot it) replot(onlyPanel=c(3,4),dev=7,plot=FALSE) # modify a stored plot ## End(Not run)
Generates random amounts with a multivariate lognormal distribution, or gives the density of that distribution at a given point.
rlnorm.rplus(n,meanlog,varlog) dlnorm.rplus(x,meanlog,varlog)
rlnorm.rplus(n,meanlog,varlog) dlnorm.rplus(x,meanlog,varlog)
n |
number of datasets to be simulated |
meanlog |
the mean-vector of the logs |
varlog |
the variance/covariance matrix of the logs |
x |
vectors in the sample space |
gives a generated random dataset of class
following a
lognormal distribution with logs having mean meanlog
variance varlog
gives the density of the distribution with respect
to the Lesbesgue measure on R+ as a subset of R.
The main difference between rlnorm.rplus
is that rlnorm.rplus needs a logged mean. The additional difference
for the calculation of the density by dlnorm.rplus
is the reference measure (a log-Lebesgue one in the
second case).
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
MyVar <- matrix(c( 0.2,0.1,0.0, 0.1,0.2,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.2),byrow=TRUE,nrow=3) MyMean <- c(1,1,2) plot(rlnorm.rplus(100,log(MyMean),MyVar)) plot(rnorm.aplus(100,MyMean,MyVar)) x <- rnorm.aplus(5,MyMean,MyVar) dnorm.aplus(x,MyMean,MyVar) dlnorm.rplus(x,log(MyMean),MyVar)
MyVar <- matrix(c( 0.2,0.1,0.0, 0.1,0.2,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.2),byrow=TRUE,nrow=3) MyMean <- c(1,1,2) plot(rlnorm.rplus(100,log(MyMean),MyVar)) plot(rnorm.aplus(100,MyMean,MyVar)) x <- rnorm.aplus(5,MyMean,MyVar) dnorm.aplus(x,MyMean,MyVar) dlnorm.rplus(x,log(MyMean),MyVar)
Decissions about outliers are often made based on Mahalanobis distances with respect to robustly estimated variances. These function deliver the necessary distributions.
rEmpiricalMahalanobis(n,N,d,...,sorted=FALSE,pow=1,robust=TRUE) pEmpiricalMahalanobis(q,N,d,...,pow=1,replicates=100,resample=FALSE, robust=TRUE) qEmpiricalMahalanobis(p,N,d,...,pow=1,replicates=100,resample=FALSE, robust=TRUE) rMaxMahalanobis(n,N,d,...,pow=1,robust=TRUE) pMaxMahalanobis(q,N,d,...,pow=1,replicates=998,resample=FALSE, robust=TRUE) qMaxMahalanobis(p,N,d,...,pow=1,replicates=998,resample=FALSE, robust=TRUE) rPortionMahalanobis(n,N,d,cut,...,pow=1,robust=TRUE) pPortionMahalanobis(q,N,d,cut,...,replicates=1000,resample=FALSE,pow=1, robust=TRUE) qPortionMahalanobis(p,N,d,cut,...,replicates=1000,resample=FALSE,pow=1, robust=TRUE) pQuantileMahalanobis(q,N,d,p,...,replicates=1000,resample=FALSE, ulimit=TRUE,pow=1,robust=TRUE)
rEmpiricalMahalanobis(n,N,d,...,sorted=FALSE,pow=1,robust=TRUE) pEmpiricalMahalanobis(q,N,d,...,pow=1,replicates=100,resample=FALSE, robust=TRUE) qEmpiricalMahalanobis(p,N,d,...,pow=1,replicates=100,resample=FALSE, robust=TRUE) rMaxMahalanobis(n,N,d,...,pow=1,robust=TRUE) pMaxMahalanobis(q,N,d,...,pow=1,replicates=998,resample=FALSE, robust=TRUE) qMaxMahalanobis(p,N,d,...,pow=1,replicates=998,resample=FALSE, robust=TRUE) rPortionMahalanobis(n,N,d,cut,...,pow=1,robust=TRUE) pPortionMahalanobis(q,N,d,cut,...,replicates=1000,resample=FALSE,pow=1, robust=TRUE) qPortionMahalanobis(p,N,d,cut,...,replicates=1000,resample=FALSE,pow=1, robust=TRUE) pQuantileMahalanobis(q,N,d,p,...,replicates=1000,resample=FALSE, ulimit=TRUE,pow=1,robust=TRUE)
n |
Number of simulations to do. |
q |
A vector giving quantiles of the distribution |
p |
A vector giving probabilities. (only a single probility for
N |
Number of cases in the dataset. |
d |
degrees of freedom (i.e. dimension) of the dataset. |
cut |
A cutting limit. The random variable is the portion of Mahalanobis distances lower equal to the cutting limit. |
... |
further arguments passed to |
pow |
the power of the Mahalanobis distance to be used. Higher powers can be used to stretch the outlierregion visually. |
robust |
logical or a robust method description (see
sorted |
Specifies a transformation to be applied to the whole sequence of
Mahalanobis distances: FALSE is no transformation, TRUE sorts the
entries in ascending order, a numeric vector picks the given entries
from the entries sorted in ascending order; alternatively a function
such as |
replicates |
the number of datasets in the Monte-Carlo-Computations used in these routines. |
resample |
a logical forcing a resampling of the Monte-Carlo-Sampling. See details. |
ulimit |
logical: is this an upper limit of a joint confidence bound or a lower limit. |
All the distribution correspond to the distribution under the Null-Hypothesis of multivariate joint Gaussian distribution of the dataset.
The set of empirically estimated Mahalanobis distances of a dataset is
in the first step a random vector with exchangable but dependent
entries. The distribution of this vector is given by the
if no sorted argument is given. Please be
advised that this is not a fixed distribution in a mathematical sense,
but an implementation dependent distribution incorporating the
performance of underlying robust spread estimator. As long as no
sorted argument is given pEmpiricalMahalanobis
represent the distribution function and
the quantile function of a randomly picked element of this
If a sorted attribute is given, it specifies a transformation is
applied to each of the vector prior to processing. Three important
special cases
are provided by seperate functions. The MaxMahalanobis functions
correspond to picking only the larges value. The PortionMahalanobis
functions correspond to reporting the portion of Mahalanobis distances
over a cutoff. The QuantileMahalanobis distribution correponds to the
distribution of the p-quantile of the dataset.
The Monte-Carlo-Simulations of these
distributions are rather slow, since for each datum we need to
simulate a whole dataset and to apply a robust covariance estimator
to it, which typically itself involves
Monte-Carlo-Algorithms. Therefore each type of simulations is only
done the first time needed and stored for later use in the
environment gsi.pStore
. With the resampling argument a
resampling of the cashed dataset can be forced.
The r* functions deliver a vector (or a matrix of row-vectors) of
simulated value of the given distributions. A total of n values (or
row vectors) is returned.
The p* functions deliver a vector (of the same length as x) of
probabilities for random variable of the given distribution to be
under the given quantil values q.
The q* functions deliver a vector of quantiles corresponding to the
length of the vector p providing the probabilities.
Unlike the mahalanobis
function this function does not
be default compute the square of the mahalanobis distance. The pow
option is provided if the square is needed.
The package robustbase is required for using the
robust estimations.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
rEmpiricalMahalanobis(10,25,2,sorted=TRUE,pow=1,robust=TRUE) pEmpiricalMahalanobis(qchisq(0.95,df=10),11,1,pow=2,replicates=1000) (xx<-pMaxMahalanobis(qchisq(0.95,df=10),11,1,pow=2)) qEmpiricalMahalanobis(0.95,11,2) rMaxMahalanobis(10,25,4) qMaxMahalanobis(xx,11,1)
rEmpiricalMahalanobis(10,25,2,sorted=TRUE,pow=1,robust=TRUE) pEmpiricalMahalanobis(qchisq(0.95,df=10),11,1,pow=2,replicates=1000) (xx<-pMaxMahalanobis(qchisq(0.95,df=10),11,1,pow=2)) qEmpiricalMahalanobis(0.95,11,2) rMaxMahalanobis(10,25,4) qMaxMahalanobis(xx,11,1)
A class to collect real multivariate vectors.
rmult(X,parts=1:NCOL(oneOrDataset(X)),orig=gsi.orig(X), missingProjector=attr(X,"missingProjector"), V = gsi.getV(X)) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' print(x,..., verbose=FALSE)
rmult(X,parts=1:NCOL(oneOrDataset(X)),orig=gsi.orig(X), missingProjector=attr(X,"missingProjector"), V = gsi.getV(X)) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' print(x,..., verbose=FALSE)
X |
vector or dataset of numbers considered as elements of a R-vector |
parts |
vector containing the indices xor names of the columns to be used |
x |
an rmult object |
orig |
the original untransformed dataset |
missingProjector |
the Projector on the observed subspace |
V |
the inverse of the transformation matrix |
... |
further generic arguments passed to |
verbose |
logical, do you want to get all information about original data and transformation function (if any) with a |
The rmult
class is a simple convenience class to treat
data in the scale of real vectors just like data in the scale of real
numbers. A major aspect to take into account is that the internal arithmetic of R is
different for these vectors, e.g. mean
works as colMeans
in a data frame,
or matrix-vector operations are done row-wise.
a vector of class "rmult"
representing one vector
or a matrix of class "rmult"
, representing
multiple vectors by rows.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, scalar
, norm.rmult
, acomp
The S4-version of the data container "rmult" for compositional data. More information in
A virtual Class: No objects may be directly created from it.
This is provided to ensure that rmult objects behave as data.frame or structure under certain circumstances. Use rmult
to create these objects.
:Object of class "list"
containing the data itself
:Object of class "character"
with column names
:Object of class "data.frameRowLabels"
with row names
:Object of class "character"
with the class string
Class "data.frame"
, directly.
Class "compositional"
, directly.
Class "list"
, by class "data.frame", distance 2.
Class "oldClass"
, by class "data.frame", distance 2.
Class "vector"
, by class "data.frame", distance 3.
signature(from = "rmult", to = "data.frame")
: to generate a data.frame
signature(from = "rmult", to = "structure")
: to generate a structure (i.e. a vector, matrix or array)
signature(from = "rmult", to = "data.frame")
: to overwrite a composition with a data.frame
see rmult
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
see rmult
see rmult
vector space operations computed for multiple vectors in parallel
## Methods for class "rmult" ## x+y ## x-y ## -x ## x*r ## r*x ## x/r
## Methods for class "rmult" ## x+y ## x-y ## -x ## x*r ## r*x ## x/r
x |
an rmult vector or dataset of vectors |
y |
an rmult vector or dataset of vectors |
r |
a numeric vector of size 1 or nrow(x) |
The operators try to mimic the parallel operation of R on vectors of real numbers on vectors of vectors represented as matrices containing the vectors as rows.
an object of class "rmult"
containing the result of the
corresponding operation on the vectors.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
x <- rmult(matrix( sqrt(1:12), ncol= 3 )) x x+x x + rmult(1:3) x * 1:4 1:4 * x x / 1:4 x / 10
x <- rmult(matrix( sqrt(1:12), ncol= 3 )) x x+x x + rmult(1:3) x * 1:4 1:4 * x x / 1:4 x / 10
An rmult object is considered as a sequence of vectors. The %*%
is considered as the inner multiplication. An inner multiplication with
another vector is the scalar product. an inner multiplication with
a matrix is a matrix multiplication, where the rmult-vectors are either
considered as row or as column vector.
## S3 method for class 'rmult' x %*% y
## S3 method for class 'rmult' x %*% y
x |
an rmult vector or dataset of vectors, a numeric vector of
length ( |
y |
an rmult vector or dataset of vectors , a numeric vector of
length ( |
The operators try to minic the behavior of %*%
-vectors as inner product applied in parallel to all vectors of
the dataset. Thus the product of a vector with another rmult
object or unclassed vector v results in the scalar product. For
the multiplication with a matrix each vector is considered as a row or
column, whatever is more appropriate.
an object of class "rmult"
or a numeric vector containing the
result of the
corresponding inner products.
The product x %*% A %*% y
is associative.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
x <- rmult(matrix( sqrt(1:12), ncol= 3 )) x%*%x A <- matrix( 1:9,nrow=3) x %*% A %*% x x %*% A A %*% x x %*% 1:3 x %*% 1:3 1:3 %*% x
x <- rmult(matrix( sqrt(1:12), ncol= 3 )) x%*%x A <- matrix( 1:9,nrow=3) x %*% A %*% x x %*% A A %*% x x %*% 1:3 x %*% 1:3 1:3 %*% x
X generates multivariate normal random variates in
the space X.
rnorm.acomp(n,mean,var) rnorm.rcomp(n,mean,var) rnorm.aplus(n,mean,var) rnorm.rplus(n,mean,var) rnorm.rmult(n,mean,var) rnorm.ccomp(n,mean,var,lambda) dnorm.acomp(x,mean,var,withJacobian=FALSE) dnorm.aplus(x,mean,var,withJacobian=FALSE) dnorm.rmult(x,mean,var)
rnorm.acomp(n,mean,var) rnorm.rcomp(n,mean,var) rnorm.aplus(n,mean,var) rnorm.rplus(n,mean,var) rnorm.rmult(n,mean,var) rnorm.ccomp(n,mean,var,lambda) dnorm.acomp(x,mean,var,withJacobian=FALSE) dnorm.aplus(x,mean,var,withJacobian=FALSE) dnorm.rmult(x,mean,var)
n |
number of datasets to be simulated |
mean |
The mean of the dataset to be simulated |
var |
The variance covariance matrix |
lambda |
The expected total count |
x |
vectors in the sampling space |
withJacobian |
should the jacobian of the log or logratio transformation be included in the density calculations? defaults to FALSE (see details) |
The normal distributions in the various spaces dramatically
differ. The normal distribution in the rmult
space is the
commonly known multivariate joint normal distribution. For
this distribution has to be somehow truncated at 0. This
is here done by setting negative values to 0, i.e. this simulation function
produces a sort of multivariate tobit model.
The normal distribution
of rcomp
is seen as a normal distribution within the simplex as
a geometrical portion of the real vector space. The variance is thus
forced to be singular and restricted to the affine subspace generated
by the simplex. The necessary truncation of negative values is
currently done by setting them explicitly to zero and reclosing
afterwards, again in the fashion of a tobit model.
The "acomp"
and "aplus"
are themselves metric vector spaces and
thus a normal distribution is defined in them just as in the real
space. The resulting distribution almost correspond to multivariate
lognormal in the case of "aplus"
and Aitchison normal
distribution in the simplex in the case of "acomp"
. These models
are equivalent in probability to the multivariate lognormal distribution
and the addditive logistic normal distribution respectively, albeit without
including the jacobian of the log or the logratio transformation. If you are
interested in the density of the additive logistic normal model, give the extra
argument withJacobian=TRUE
. If you are interested in the multivariate
lognormal density cou can either do the same, or better call dlnorm.rplus
Densities are only provided for the models constructed for rmult
and acomp
because they do exist w
with repect to the Lebesgue measure of each of these spaces.
In the other cases it is not possible to compute a measure, since the truncation
at zero values produce
distributions that are not absolutely continuous with respect to the real, conventional
Lebesgue measure.
For count compositions ccomp
a rnorm.acomp is realized and used
as a parameter to a Poisson distribution (see rpois.ccomp
). So, this is
in reality no normal model, but a double stochastic counting process.
a random dataset of the given class generated by a normal distribution
with the given mean and
variance in the given space. For the density functions d*
, the value of the
probability density at the values of x
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
Pawlowsky-Glahn, V. and J.J. Egozcue (2001) Geometric approach to
statistical analysis on the simplex. SERRA 15(5), 384-398
Aitchison, J, C. Barcel'o-Vidal, J.J. Egozcue, V. Pawlowsky-Glahn
(2002) A consise guide to the algebraic geometric structure of the
simplex, the sample space for compositional data analysis, Terra
Nostra, Schriften der Alfred Wegener-Stiftung, 03/2003
, rlnorm.rplus
MyVar <- matrix(c( 0.2,0.1,0.0, 0.1,0.2,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.2),byrow=TRUE,nrow=3) MyMean <- c(1,1,2) plot(rnorm.acomp(100,MyMean,MyVar)) plot(rnorm.rcomp(100,MyMean,MyVar)) plot(rnorm.aplus(100,MyMean,MyVar)) plot(rnorm.rplus(100,MyMean,MyVar)) plot(rnorm.rmult(100,MyMean,MyVar)) x <- rnorm.aplus(5,MyMean,MyVar) dnorm.acomp(x,MyMean,MyVar) dnorm.aplus(x,MyMean,MyVar) dnorm.rmult(x,MyMean,MyVar)
MyVar <- matrix(c( 0.2,0.1,0.0, 0.1,0.2,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.2),byrow=TRUE,nrow=3) MyMean <- c(1,1,2) plot(rnorm.acomp(100,MyMean,MyVar)) plot(rnorm.rcomp(100,MyMean,MyVar)) plot(rnorm.aplus(100,MyMean,MyVar)) plot(rnorm.rplus(100,MyMean,MyVar)) plot(rnorm.rmult(100,MyMean,MyVar)) x <- rnorm.aplus(5,MyMean,MyVar) dnorm.acomp(x,MyMean,MyVar) dnorm.aplus(x,MyMean,MyVar) dnorm.rmult(x,MyMean,MyVar)
The seamless transition to robust estimations in library(compositions).
A statistical method is called nonrobust if an arbitrary contamination of
a small portion of the dataset can produce results radically different
from the results without the contamination. In this sense many
classical procedures relying on distributional models or on moments
like mean and variance are highly nonrobust.
We consider robustness as an essential prerequierement of all
statistical analysis. However in the context of compositional data
analysis robustness is still in its first years.
As of Mai 2008 we provide a new approach to robustness in the
package. The central idea is that robustness should be more or less
automatic and that there should be no necessity to change the code to
compare results obtained from robust procedures and results from there
more efficient nonrobust counterparts.
To achieve this all routines that rely on distributional models (such
as e.g. mean,
variance, principle component analysis, scaling) and routines relying
on those routines get a new standard argument of the form:
which defaults to a new option "robust". This option can take several
The classical estimators such as arithmetic mean and persons product moment variance are used and the results are to be considered nonrobust.
The default for robust estimation in the package is
used. At this time this is covMcd
in the
robustbase-package. This default might change in future.
This is a synonym for FALSE and explicitly states that no robustness should be used.
Minimum Covariance Determinant. This option explicitly
selects the use of covMcd
in the
robustbase-package as the main robustness engine.
More options might follow later.
To control specific parameters of the
model the string can get an attribute named "control" which contains
additional options for the robustness engine used. In this moment the
control attribute of mcd is a control object of
. The control argument of "pearson" is a list
containing addition options to the mean, like trim.
The standard value for getOption("robust") is FALSE to avoid situation
in which the user thinks he uses a classical technique. Robustness
must be switched on explicitly. Either by setting the option with
or by giving the argument. This default
might change later if the authors come to the impression that robust
estimation is now considered to be the default.
For those not only interested in avoiding the influence of the outliers, but in an analysis of the outliers we added a subsystem for outlier classification. This subsystem is described in outliersInCompositions and also relies on the robust option. However evidently for these routines the factory default for the robust option is always TRUE, because it is only applicable in an outlieraware context.
We hope that in this way we can provide a seamless transition from nonrobust analysis to a robust analysis.
IMPORTANT: The robust argument only works with the classes of the
package. Only your compositional analysis is suddenly robust.
The package robustbase is required for using the
robust estimations and the outlier subsystem of compositions. To
simplify installation it is not listed as required, but it will be
loaded, whenever any sort of outlierdetection or robust estimation is
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, mean.acomp
robustbase, compositions-package,
missings, outlierplot
, ClusterFinder1
A <- matrix(c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.1),nrow=2) Mvar <- 0.1*ilrvar2clr(A%*%t(A)) Mcenter <- acomp(c(1,2,1)) typicalData <- rnorm.acomp(100,Mcenter,Mvar) # main population colnames(typicalData)<-c("A","B","C") data5 <- acomp(rbind(unclass(typicalData)+outer(rbinom(100,1,p=0.1)*runif(100),c(0.1,1,2)))) mean(data5) mean(data5,robust=TRUE) var(data5) var(data5,robust=TRUE) Mvar biplot(princomp(data5)) biplot(princomp(data5,robust=TRUE))
A <- matrix(c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.1),nrow=2) Mvar <- 0.1*ilrvar2clr(A%*%t(A)) Mcenter <- acomp(c(1,2,1)) typicalData <- rnorm.acomp(100,Mcenter,Mvar) # main population colnames(typicalData)<-c("A","B","C") data5 <- acomp(rbind(unclass(typicalData)+outer(rbinom(100,1,p=0.1)*runif(100),c(0.1,1,2)))) mean(data5) mean(data5,robust=TRUE) var(data5) var(data5,robust=TRUE) Mvar biplot(princomp(data5)) biplot(princomp(data5,robust=TRUE))
A class to analyse positive amounts in a classical (non-logarithmic) framework.
rplus(X, parts=1:NCOL(oneOrDataset(X)), total=NA, warn.na=FALSE, detectionlimit=NULL, BDL=NULL, MAR=NULL, MNAR=NULL, SZ=NULL)
rplus(X, parts=1:NCOL(oneOrDataset(X)), total=NA, warn.na=FALSE, detectionlimit=NULL, BDL=NULL, MAR=NULL, MNAR=NULL, SZ=NULL)
X |
vector or dataset of positive numbers considered as amounts |
parts |
vector containing the indices xor names of the columns to be used |
total |
a numeric vectors giving the total amount of each dataset |
warn.na |
should the user be warned in case of NA,NaN or 0 coding different types of missing values? |
detectionlimit |
a number, vector or matrix of positive numbers giving the detection limit of all values, all columns or each value, respectively |
the code for 'Below Detection Limit' in X |
SZ |
the code for 'Structural Zero' in X |
the code for 'Missing At Random' in X |
the code for 'Missing Not At Random' in X |
Many multivariate datasets essentially describe amounts of D different
parts in a whole. When the whole is large in relation to the
considered parts, such that they do not exclude each other, and when
the total amount of each componenten is actually determined by the
phenomenon under investigation and not by sampling artifacts (such as dilution
or sample preparation) then the parts can be treated as amounts rather
than as a composition (cf. rcomp
, aplus
In principle, amounts are just real-scaled numbers with the single
restriction that they are nonnegative. Thus they can be analysed by
any multivariate analysis method. This class provides a simple access
interface to do so. It tries to keep in mind the positivity
property of amounts and the special point zero. However there are
strong arguments why an analyis based on log-scale might be much more
adapted to the problem. This log-approach is provided by the class
The classes rcomp, acomp, aplus, and rplus are designed in a fashion as similar as
possible in order to allow direct comparison between results obtained
by the different approaches. In particular, the aplus logistic transform
is mirrored
by the simple identity transform iit
. In terms
of computer science, this identity mapping is actually mapping an object
of type "rplus" to a class-less datamatrix.
a vector of class "rplus"
representing a vector of amounts
or a matrix of class "rplus"
multiple vectors of amounts, by rows.
Missing and Below Detecion Limit Policy is in mored detailed explained in compositions.missing.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
van den Boogaart, K.G. and R. Tolosana-Delgado (2008) "compositions": a unified R package to analyze Compositional Data, Computers & Geosciences, 34 (4), pages 320-338, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2006.11.017.
, aplus
, boxplot.rplus
, mean.rplus
, variation.rplus
, msd
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(rplus(sa.lognormals))
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(rplus(sa.lognormals))
The S4-version of the data container "rplus" for compositional data. More information in
A virtual Class: No objects may be directly created from it.
This is provided to ensure that rplus objects behave as data.frame or structure under certain circumstances. Use rplus
to create these objects.
:Object of class "list"
containing the data itself
:Object of class "character"
with column names
:Object of class "data.frameRowLabels"
with row names
:Object of class "character"
with the class string
Class "data.frame"
, directly.
Class "compositional"
, directly.
Class "list"
, by class "data.frame", distance 2.
Class "oldClass"
, by class "data.frame", distance 2.
Class "vector"
, by class "data.frame", distance 3.
signature(from = "rplus", to = "data.frame")
: to generate a data.frame
signature(from = "rplus", to = "structure")
: to generate a structure (i.e. a vector, matrix or array)
signature(from = "rplus", to = "data.frame")
: to overwrite a composition with a data.frame
see rplus
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
see rplus
see rplus
The positive quadrant forms a manifold of the real vector space. The induced operations +,-,*,/ give results valued in this real vector space (not necessarily inside the manifold).
mul.rplus(x,r) ## Methods for class rplus ## x+y ## x-y ## -x ## x*r ## r*x ## x/r
mul.rplus(x,r) ## Methods for class rplus ## x+y ## x-y ## -x ## x*r ## r*x ## x/r
x |
an rplus composition or dataset of compositions |
y |
an rplus composition or dataset of compositions |
r |
a numeric vector of size 1 or nrow(x) |
The functions behave quite like +.rmult
-objects containing the given operations on the rcomp
manifold as subset of the . Only the addition and
multiplication with positive numbers are internal
operation and results in an
-object again.
For *
the arguments x and y can be exchanged.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, +.acomp
, rcomp
, rmult
rplus(1:5)* -1 + rplus(1:5) data(SimulatedAmounts) cdata <- rplus(sa.lognormals) plot( tmp <- (cdata-mean(cdata))/msd(cdata) ) class(tmp) mean(tmp) msd(tmp) var(tmp)
rplus(1:5)* -1 + rplus(1:5) data(SimulatedAmounts) cdata <- rplus(sa.lognormals) plot( tmp <- (cdata-mean(cdata))/msd(cdata) ) class(tmp) mean(tmp) msd(tmp) var(tmp)
Generates multinomial or multi-Poission random variates based on an Aitchison composition.
rpois.ccomp(n,p,lambda) rmultinom.ccomp(n,p,N)
rpois.ccomp(n,p,lambda) rmultinom.ccomp(n,p,N)
n |
number of datasets to be simulated |
p |
The composition representing the probabilites/portions of the individual parts |
lambda |
scalar or vector giving the expected total count |
N |
scalar or vector giving the total count |
A count composition is a realisation of a multinomial or multivariate Poisson distribution.
a random dataset ccount dataset
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
p <- acomp(c(3,3,3)) rpois.ccomp(10,p,40) rmultinom.ccomp(10,p,40)
p <- acomp(c(3,3,3)) rpois.ccomp(10,p,40) rmultinom.ccomp(10,p,40)
Generates random compositions with a uniform distribution on the (rcomp) simplex.
runif.acomp(n,D) runif.rcomp(n,D)
runif.acomp(n,D) runif.rcomp(n,D)
n |
number of datasets to be simulated |
D |
number of parts |
a generated random dataset of class "acomp"
or "rcomp"
drawn from a uniform distribution on the simplex of D parts.
The only difference between both routines is the class of the dataset returned.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
plot(runif.acomp(10,3)) plot(runif.rcomp(10,3))
plot(runif.acomp(10,3)) plot(runif.rcomp(10,3))
Computes scalar products of datasets of vectors or vectorial quantities.
scalar(x,y) ## Default S3 method: scalar(x,y)
scalar(x,y) ## Default S3 method: scalar(x,y)
x |
a vector or a matrix with rows considered as vectors |
y |
a vector or a matrix with rows considered as vectors |
The scalar product of two vectors is defined as:
a numerical vector containing the scalar products of the vectors given
by x and y. If both x
and y
contain more than one
vector the function uses parallel operation like it would happen with
an ordinary product of vectors.
The computation of the scalar product implicitly applies
the cdt
transform, which implies that the scalar products
corresponding to the given geometries are returned for acomp
, aplus
-objects. Even a useful scalar product for factors
is induced in this way.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
scalar(acomp(c(1,2,3)),acomp(c(1,2,3))) scalar(rmult(c(1,2,3)),rmult(c(1,2,3)))
scalar(acomp(c(1,2,3)),acomp(c(1,2,3))) scalar(rmult(c(1,2,3)),rmult(c(1,2,3)))
The dataset is standardized by optional scaling and centering.
scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE,...) ## Default S3 method: scale(x,center=TRUE, scale=TRUE,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' scale(x,center=TRUE, scale=TRUE,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' scale(x,center=TRUE, scale=TRUE,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' scale(x,center=TRUE, scale=TRUE,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' scale(x,center=TRUE, scale=TRUE,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' scale(x,center=TRUE, scale=TRUE,...,robust=getOption("robust"))
scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE,...) ## Default S3 method: scale(x,center=TRUE, scale=TRUE,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' scale(x,center=TRUE, scale=TRUE,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' scale(x,center=TRUE, scale=TRUE,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' scale(x,center=TRUE, scale=TRUE,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' scale(x,center=TRUE, scale=TRUE,...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' scale(x,center=TRUE, scale=TRUE,...,robust=getOption("robust"))
x |
a dataset or a single vector of some type |
center |
logical value or the center to be substracted. |
scale |
logical value or a scaling factor to for multiplication. |
robust |
A robustness description. See robustnessInCompositions for details. |
... |
added for generic generality |
scaling is defined in different ways for the different data types. It is always performed as an operation in the enclosing vector space. In all cases an independent scaling of the different coordinates is not always appropriate. This is only done for rplus and rmult geometries. The other three geometries are treated with a global scaling, keeping the relative variations of every part/amount.
The scaling factors can be a matrix (for cdt or idt space), a scalar, or for the r* geometries vector for scaling the entries individually. However scaling the entries individually does not make sense in the a* geometries. The operation achieve in the r*-geometries is indeed the centering of the a*-geometries.
a vector or data matrix, as x
and with the same class, but acordingly transformed.
Note that the "rcomp"
and "rplus"
objects does not
preserve their
geometry during scaling and are therefore reported as "rmult"
See the documentation in package base for details on
and base::scale.default
These functions are only modified
to allow the additional robustness parameter.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(scale(acomp(sa.groups))) ## Not run: plot(scale(rcomp(sa.groups))) ## End(Not run) plot(scale(aplus(sa.groups))) ## Not run: plot(scale(rplus(sa.groups))) ## End(Not run) plot(scale(rmult(sa.groups)))
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(scale(acomp(sa.groups))) ## Not run: plot(scale(rcomp(sa.groups))) ## End(Not run) plot(scale(aplus(sa.groups))) ## Not run: plot(scale(rplus(sa.groups))) ## End(Not run) plot(scale(rmult(sa.groups)))
Data provide sand, silt and clay compositions of 21 sediments specimens, 10 of which are identified as offshore, 7 as near shore and 4 new samples.
numeric: the portion of sand
numeric: the protion of silt
numeric: the portion of clay
numeric: 1 for offshore, 2 for near shore and 3 for new samples
The data comprise 21 cases: 10 offshore, 7 near shore and 4 new samples, and 4 variables: sand, silt and clay proportions and in addition the type of sediments specimens – 1 for offshore, 2 for near shore and 3 for new samples.
All 3-part compositions sum to one.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name YATQUAD.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, (Data 20) pp17.
The function draws lines from a points x0 to a point y1 in the given geometry.
segments(x0,...) ## Default S3 method: segments(x0,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' segments(x0,y1,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' segments(x0,y1,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' segments(x0,y1,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' segments(x0,y1,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' segments(x0,y1,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE)
segments(x0,...) ## Default S3 method: segments(x0,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' segments(x0,y1,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' segments(x0,y1,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' segments(x0,y1,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' segments(x0,y1,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' segments(x0,y1,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE)
x0 |
dataset of points (of the given type) to draw the line from |
y1 |
dataset of points (of the given type) to draw the line to |
... |
further graphical parameters |
steps |
the number of discretisation points to draw the segments, since the representation might not visually be a straight line |
aspanel |
Logical, indicates use as slave to do acutal drawing only. |
The default 'segments.default(x0,...)' redirects to 'segments' in package "graphics".
The other methods add lines to the graphics generated with the corresponding
plot functions of "compositions"-classes.
Adding to multipaneled plots redraws the plot completely, and is only possible when the plot has been created with the plotting routines from this library.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals)) segments.acomp(acomp(c(1,2,3)),acomp(c(2,3,1)),col="red") segments.rcomp(acomp(c(1,2,3)),acomp(c(2,3,1)),col="blue") plot(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])) segments.aplus(aplus(c(10,20)),aplus(c(20,10)),col="red") segments.rplus(rplus(c(10,20)),rplus(c(20,10)),col="blue") plot(rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])) segments.aplus(aplus(c(10,20)),aplus(c(20,10)),col="red") segments.rplus(rplus(c(10,20)),rplus(c(20,10)),col="blue")
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals)) segments.acomp(acomp(c(1,2,3)),acomp(c(2,3,1)),col="red") segments.rcomp(acomp(c(1,2,3)),acomp(c(2,3,1)),col="blue") plot(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])) segments.aplus(aplus(c(10,20)),aplus(c(20,10)),col="red") segments.rplus(rplus(c(10,20)),rplus(c(20,10)),col="blue") plot(rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])) segments.aplus(aplus(c(10,20)),aplus(c(20,10)),col="red") segments.rplus(rplus(c(10,20)),rplus(c(20,10)),col="blue")
Data recording the proportions of the 4 serum proteins from blood samples of 30 patients, 14 with known disease A, 16 with known disease B, and 6 new cases.
numeric a protein type
numeric a protein type
numeric a protein type
numeric a protein type
1 deasease A, 2 disease B, 3 new cases
The data consist of 36 cases: 14 with known disease A, 16 with known disease B, and 6 new cases and 5 v variables: a, b, c, and d for 4 serum proteins and Type for the diseases: 1 for disease A, 2 for disease B, and 3 for new cases. All row serum proteins proportions sums to 1 except some rounding errors.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name SERPROT.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data (Data 16) pp20.
Compsitions of eight-hours shifts of 27 machine operators.
A study of the activities of 27 machine operators during their eight-hours shifts has been conducted, and proportions of time spend in the following categories:
A: | high-quality production, | |
B: | low-quality production, | |
C: | machine setting, | |
D: | machine repair, |
are recorded. Of particular interest are any insights which such data might give of relationships between productive and nonproductive parts of such shifts. All compositions sum up one except for rounding error.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name SHIFT.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, (Data 22), pp22.
Displaying compositions in ternary diagrams
simpleMissingSubplot(loc, portions, labels=NULL, col=c("white","yellow","red","green","blue"), ..., border="gray60", vertical=NULL, xpd=NA)
simpleMissingSubplot(loc, portions, labels=NULL, col=c("white","yellow","red","green","blue"), ..., border="gray60", vertical=NULL, xpd=NA)
loc |
a vector of the form c(x1,x2,y1,y2) giving the drawing rectangle for the subplot in coordinates as in par("usr"). I.e. if the plot is logrithmic the base 10 logarithm is to be used:
portions |
The portions of different missing categories |
labels |
The labels for the categories. |
col |
The colors to plot the different categories. |
... |
further graphical parameters passed to
border |
The color to draw the borders of the rectangles. |
vertical |
Should a horizontal or a vertical plot be produced. If NULL the choice is done automatically according to the size of the recangle provided. |
xpd |
extended plot region. See |
This function is typically not called directly,however it could in principle be used to add to plots. The user will modify the function call only to modify the appearance of the missing plot.
The labels are only plotted for nonzero portions. In this way it is always possible to realize the presence of a given missing type, even if it is a too small portion to be actually displayed. In case of overplotting of different labels a further investigation using missingSummary should be used.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.missings)) plot(acomp(sa.missings),mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(c(0,0.1,0.2,1), missingInfo[c(1,3:5,2)], c("Not Missing",paste("Missing Only:",cn),"Totally Missing"), col=c("gray","red","green","blue","darkgray")) ) ms <- missingSummary(sa.missings) for( i in 1:3 ) simpleMissingSubplot(c(0.9+0.03*(i-1),0.9+0.03*i,0.2,1), ms[i,])
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.missings)) plot(acomp(sa.missings),mp=~simpleMissingSubplot(c(0,0.1,0.2,1), missingInfo[c(1,3:5,2)], c("Not Missing",paste("Missing Only:",cn),"Totally Missing"), col=c("gray","red","green","blue","darkgray")) ) ms <- missingSummary(sa.missings) for( i in 1:3 ) simpleMissingSubplot(c(0.9+0.03*(i-1),0.9+0.03*i,0.2,1), ms[i,])
Several simulated datasets intended as reference examples for various conceptual and statistical models of compositions and amounts.
Data matrices with 60 cases and 3 or 5 variables.
The statistical analysis of amounts and compositions is set to
discussion. Four essentially different approaches are
provided in this package around the classes "rplus", "aplus",
"rcomp", "acomp". There is no absolutely "right" approach, since there is
a conection between these approaches and the processes originating the data.
We provide here simulated
standard datasets and the corresponding simulation procedures
following these several models to provide "good" analysis examples
and to show how these models actually look like in data.
The data sets are simulated according to correlated lognormal
distributions (sa.lognormals, sa.lognormal5), winsorised correlated
normal distributions (sa.tnormals, sa.tnormal5), Dirichlet
distribution on the simplex (sa.dirichlet, sa.dirichlet5),
uniform distribution on the simplex (sa.uniform, sa.uniform5), and
a grouped dataset (sa.groups, sa.groups5) with three
groups (given in sa.groups.area and sa.groups5.area) all distributed
accordingly with a lognormal distribution with group-dependent means.
We can imagine that amounts evolve in nature e.g. in part of the soil they are
diluted and transported in a transport medium, usually water, which
comes from independent source (the rain, for instance) and this new
composition is normalized by taking a sample of standard size.
For each of the datasets sa.X there is a corresponding
dataset which is build by simulating exactly that process
on the corresponding sa.X dataset . The
amounts in the sa.X.dil
are given in ppm. This idea
of a transport medium is a major argument for a compositional
approach, because the total amount given by the sum of the
parts is induced by the dilution given by the medium and
thus non-informative for the original process investigated.
If we imagine now these amounts flowing into a river and sedimenting, the different contributions
are accumulated along the river and renormalized to a unit portion on
taking samples again. For each of the dataset
there is a corresponding
dataset which is built from the corresponding
sa.X dataset by simulating exactly that accumulation
process. Mixing of different compositions is a major argument against
the log based approaches (aplus
, acomp
since mixing is a highly nonlinear operation in terms of log-ratios.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
The datasets are simulated for this package and are under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
Rehder, S. and U. Zier (2001) Letter to the Editor: Comment on
”Logratio Analysis and Compositional Distance” by J. Aitchison, C.
Barcel\'o -Vidal, J.A. Mart\'in-Fern\'andez and V. Pawlowsky-Glahn,
Mathematical Geology, 33 (7), 845-848.
Zier, U. and S. Rehder (2002) Some comments on log-ratio transformation and compositional distance,
Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred Wegener-Stiftung, 03/2003
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals.dil) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals.mix) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals5) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals5.dil) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals5.mix) plot(acomp(sa.missings)) plot(acomp(sa.missings5)) #library(MASS) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals.dil) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals.mix) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals5) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals5.dil) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals5.mix) plot.acomp(sa.groups,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) plot.acomp(sa.groups.dil,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) plot.acomp(sa.groups.mix,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) plot.acomp(sa.groups5,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) plot.acomp(sa.groups5.dil,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) plot.acomp(sa.groups5.mix,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) plot.acomp(sa.uniform) plot.acomp(sa.uniform.dil) plot.acomp(sa.uniform.mix) plot.acomp(sa.uniform5) plot.acomp(sa.uniform5.dil) plot.acomp(sa.uniform5.mix) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet.dil) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet.mix) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet5) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet5.dil) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet5.mix) # The data was simulated with the following commands: #library(MASS) dilution <- function(x) {clo(cbind(x,exp(rnorm(nrow(x),5,1))))[,1:ncol(x)]*1E6} seqmix <- function(x) {clo(apply(x,2,cumsum))*1E6} vars <- c("Cu","Zn","Pb") vars5 <- c("Cu","Zn","Pb","Cd","Co") sa.lognormals <- structure(exp(matrix(rnorm(3*60),ncol=3) %*% chol(matrix(c(1,0.8,-0.2,0.8,1, -0.2,-0.2,-0.2,1),ncol=3))+ matrix(rep(c(1:3),each=60),ncol=3)), dimnames=list(NULL,vars)) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals) pairs(sa.lognormals) sa.lognormals.dil <- dilution(sa.lognormals) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals.dil) pairs(sa.lognormals.dil) sa.lognormals.mix <- seqmix(sa.lognormals.dil) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals.mix) pairs(sa.lognormals.mix) sa.lognormals5 <- structure(exp(matrix(rnorm(5*60),ncol=5) %*% chol(matrix(c(1,0.8,-0.2,0,0, 0.8,1,-0.2,0,0, -0.2,-0.2,1,0,0, 0,0,0,5,4.9, 0,0,0,4.9,5),ncol=5))+ matrix(rep(c(1:3,-2,-2),each=60),ncol=5)), dimnames=list(NULL,vars5)) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals5) pairs(sa.lognormals5) sa.lognormals5.dil <- dilution(sa.lognormals5) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals5.dil) pairs(sa.lognormals5.dil) sa.lognormals5.mix <- seqmix(sa.lognormals5.dil) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals5.mix) pairs(sa.lognormals5.mix) sa.groups.area <- factor(rep(c("Upper","Middle","Lower"),each=20)) sa.groups <- structure(exp(matrix(rnorm(3*20*3),ncol=3) %*% chol(0.5*matrix(c(1,0.8,-0.2,0.8,1, -0.2,-0.2,-0.2,1),ncol=3))+ matrix(rep(c(1,2,2.5,2,2.9,5,4,2,5), each=20),ncol=3)), dimnames=list(NULL,c("clay","sand","gravel"))) plot.acomp(sa.groups,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) pairs(sa.lognormals,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) sa.groups.dil <- dilution(sa.groups) plot.acomp(sa.groups.dil,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) pairs(sa.groups.dil,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) sa.groups.mix <- seqmix(sa.groups.dil) plot.acomp(sa.groups.mix,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) pairs(sa.groups.mix,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) sa.groups5.area <- factor(rep(c("Upper","Middle","Lower"),each=20)) sa.groups5 <- structure(exp(matrix(rnorm(5*20*3),ncol=5) %*% chol(matrix(c(1,0.8,-0.2,0,0, 0.8,1,-0.2,0,0, -0.2,-0.2,1,0,0, 0,0,0,5,4.9, 0,0,0,4.9,5),ncol=5))+ matrix(rep(c(1,2,2.5, 2,2.9,5, 4,2.5,0, -2,-1,-1, -1,-2,-3), each=20),ncol=5)), dimnames=list(NULL, vars5)) plot.acomp(sa.groups5,col=as.numeric(sa.groups5.area),pch=20) pairs(sa.groups5,col=as.numeric(sa.groups5.area),pch=20) sa.groups5.dil <- dilution(sa.groups5) plot.acomp(sa.groups5.dil,col=as.numeric(sa.groups5.area),pch=20) pairs(sa.groups5.dil,col=as.numeric(sa.groups5.area),pch=20) sa.groups5.mix <- seqmix(sa.groups5.dil) plot.acomp(sa.groups5.mix,col=as.numeric(sa.groups5.area),pch=20) pairs(sa.groups5.mix,col=as.numeric(sa.groups5.area),pch=20) sa.tnormals <- structure(pmax(matrix(rnorm(3*60),ncol=3) %*% chol(matrix(c(1,0.8,-0.2,0.8,1, -0.2,-0.2,-0.2,1),ncol=3))+ matrix(rep(c(0:2),each=60),ncol=3),0), dimnames=list(NULL,c("clay","sand","gravel"))) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals) pairs(sa.tnormals) sa.tnormals.dil <- dilution(sa.tnormals) plot.acomp(sa.tnormals.dil) pairs(sa.tnormals.dil) sa.tnormals.mix <- seqmix(sa.tnormals.dil) plot.acomp(sa.tnormals.mix) pairs(sa.tnormals.mix) sa.tnormals5 <- structure(pmax(matrix(rnorm(5*60),ncol=5) %*% chol(matrix(c(1,0.8,-0.2,0,0, 0.8,1,-0.2,0,0, -0.2,-0.2,1,0,0, 0,0,0,0.05,0.049, 0,0,0,0.049,0.05),ncol=5))+ matrix(rep(c(0:2,0.1,0.1),each=60),ncol=5),0), dimnames=list(NULL, vars5)) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals5) pairs(sa.tnormals5) sa.tnormals5.dil <- dilution(sa.tnormals5) plot.acomp(sa.tnormals5.dil) pairs(sa.tnormals5.dil) sa.tnormals5.mix <- seqmix(sa.tnormals5.dil) plot.acomp(sa.tnormals5.mix) pairs(sa.tnormals5.mix) sa.dirichlet <- sapply(c(clay=0.2,sand=2,gravel=3),rgamma,n=60) colnames(sa.dirichlet) <- vars plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet) pairs(sa.dirichlet) sa.dirichlet.dil <- dilution(sa.dirichlet) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet.dil) pairs(sa.dirichlet.dil) sa.dirichlet.mix <- seqmix(sa.dirichlet.dil) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet.mix) pairs(sa.dirichlet.mix) sa.dirichlet5 <- sapply(c(clay=0.2,sand=2,gravel=3,humus=0.1,plant=0.1),rgamma,n=60) colnames(sa.dirichlet5) <- vars5 plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet5) pairs(sa.dirichlet5) sa.dirichlet5.dil <- dilution(sa.dirichlet5) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet5.dil) pairs(sa.dirichlet5.dil) sa.dirichlet5.mix <- seqmix(sa.dirichlet5.dil) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet5.mix) pairs(sa.dirichlet5.mix) sa.uniform <- sapply(c(clay=1,sand=1,gravel=1),rgamma,n=60) colnames(sa.uniform) <- vars plot.acomp(sa.uniform) pairs(sa.uniform) sa.uniform.dil <- dilution(sa.uniform) plot.acomp(sa.uniform.dil) pairs(sa.uniform.dil) sa.uniform.mix <- seqmix(sa.uniform.dil) plot.acomp(sa.uniform.mix) pairs(sa.uniform.mix) sa.uniform5 <- sapply(c(clay=1,sand=1,gravel=1,humus=1,plant=1),rgamma,n=60) colnames(sa.uniform5) <- vars5 plot.acomp(sa.uniform5) pairs(sa.uniform5) sa.uniform5.dil <- dilution(sa.uniform5) plot.acomp(sa.uniform5.dil) pairs(sa.uniform5.dil) sa.uniform5.mix <- seqmix(sa.uniform5.dil) plot.acomp(sa.uniform5.mix) pairs(sa.uniform5.mix) tmp<-set.seed(1400) A <- matrix(c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.1),nrow=2) Mvar <- 0.1*ilrvar2clr(A %*% t(A)) Mcenter <- acomp(c(1,2,1)) typicalData <- rnorm.acomp(100,Mcenter,Mvar) # main population colnames(typicalData)<-c("A","B","C") # A dataset without outliers sa.outliers1 <- acomp(rnorm.acomp(100,Mcenter,Mvar)) # A dataset with 10% data with a large error in the first component sa.outliers2 <- acomp(rbind(typicalData+rbinom(100,1,p=0.1)*rnorm(100)*acomp(c(4,1,1)))) # A dataset with a single outlier sa.outliers3 <- acomp(rbind(typicalData,acomp(c(0.5,1.5,2)))) colnames(sa.outliers3)<-colnames(typicalData) tmp<-set.seed(30) rcauchy.acomp <- function (n, mean, var){ D <- gsi.getD(mean)-1 perturbe(ilrInv(matrix(rnorm(n*D)/rep(rnorm(n),D), ncol = D) %*% chol(clrvar2ilr(var))), mean) } # A dataset with a Cauchy type distribution sa.outliers4 <- acomp(rcauchy.acomp(100,acomp(c(1,2,1)),Mvar/4)) colnames(sa.outliers4)<-colnames(typicalData) # A dataset with like sa.outlier2 but a differently strong distortions sa.outliers5 <- acomp(rbind(unclass(typicalData)+outer(rbinom(100,1,p=0.1)*runif(100),c(0.1,1,2)))) # A dataset with a second population sa.outliers6 <- acomp(rbind(typicalData,rnorm.acomp(20,acomp(c(4,4,1)),Mvar))) # Missings sa.missings <- simulateMissings(sa.lognormals,dl=0.05,MAR=0.05,MNAR=0.05,SZ=0.05) sa.missings[5,2]<-BDLvalue sa.missings5 <- simulateMissings(sa.lognormals5,dl=0.05,MAR=0.05,MNAR=0.05,SZ=0.05) sa.missings5[5,2]<-BDLvalue objects(pattern="sa.*")
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals.dil) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals.mix) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals5) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals5.dil) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals5.mix) plot(acomp(sa.missings)) plot(acomp(sa.missings5)) #library(MASS) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals.dil) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals.mix) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals5) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals5.dil) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals5.mix) plot.acomp(sa.groups,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) plot.acomp(sa.groups.dil,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) plot.acomp(sa.groups.mix,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) plot.acomp(sa.groups5,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) plot.acomp(sa.groups5.dil,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) plot.acomp(sa.groups5.mix,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) plot.acomp(sa.uniform) plot.acomp(sa.uniform.dil) plot.acomp(sa.uniform.mix) plot.acomp(sa.uniform5) plot.acomp(sa.uniform5.dil) plot.acomp(sa.uniform5.mix) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet.dil) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet.mix) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet5) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet5.dil) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet5.mix) # The data was simulated with the following commands: #library(MASS) dilution <- function(x) {clo(cbind(x,exp(rnorm(nrow(x),5,1))))[,1:ncol(x)]*1E6} seqmix <- function(x) {clo(apply(x,2,cumsum))*1E6} vars <- c("Cu","Zn","Pb") vars5 <- c("Cu","Zn","Pb","Cd","Co") sa.lognormals <- structure(exp(matrix(rnorm(3*60),ncol=3) %*% chol(matrix(c(1,0.8,-0.2,0.8,1, -0.2,-0.2,-0.2,1),ncol=3))+ matrix(rep(c(1:3),each=60),ncol=3)), dimnames=list(NULL,vars)) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals) pairs(sa.lognormals) sa.lognormals.dil <- dilution(sa.lognormals) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals.dil) pairs(sa.lognormals.dil) sa.lognormals.mix <- seqmix(sa.lognormals.dil) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals.mix) pairs(sa.lognormals.mix) sa.lognormals5 <- structure(exp(matrix(rnorm(5*60),ncol=5) %*% chol(matrix(c(1,0.8,-0.2,0,0, 0.8,1,-0.2,0,0, -0.2,-0.2,1,0,0, 0,0,0,5,4.9, 0,0,0,4.9,5),ncol=5))+ matrix(rep(c(1:3,-2,-2),each=60),ncol=5)), dimnames=list(NULL,vars5)) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals5) pairs(sa.lognormals5) sa.lognormals5.dil <- dilution(sa.lognormals5) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals5.dil) pairs(sa.lognormals5.dil) sa.lognormals5.mix <- seqmix(sa.lognormals5.dil) plot.acomp(sa.lognormals5.mix) pairs(sa.lognormals5.mix) sa.groups.area <- factor(rep(c("Upper","Middle","Lower"),each=20)) sa.groups <- structure(exp(matrix(rnorm(3*20*3),ncol=3) %*% chol(0.5*matrix(c(1,0.8,-0.2,0.8,1, -0.2,-0.2,-0.2,1),ncol=3))+ matrix(rep(c(1,2,2.5,2,2.9,5,4,2,5), each=20),ncol=3)), dimnames=list(NULL,c("clay","sand","gravel"))) plot.acomp(sa.groups,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) pairs(sa.lognormals,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) sa.groups.dil <- dilution(sa.groups) plot.acomp(sa.groups.dil,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) pairs(sa.groups.dil,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) sa.groups.mix <- seqmix(sa.groups.dil) plot.acomp(sa.groups.mix,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) pairs(sa.groups.mix,col=as.numeric(sa.groups.area),pch=20) sa.groups5.area <- factor(rep(c("Upper","Middle","Lower"),each=20)) sa.groups5 <- structure(exp(matrix(rnorm(5*20*3),ncol=5) %*% chol(matrix(c(1,0.8,-0.2,0,0, 0.8,1,-0.2,0,0, -0.2,-0.2,1,0,0, 0,0,0,5,4.9, 0,0,0,4.9,5),ncol=5))+ matrix(rep(c(1,2,2.5, 2,2.9,5, 4,2.5,0, -2,-1,-1, -1,-2,-3), each=20),ncol=5)), dimnames=list(NULL, vars5)) plot.acomp(sa.groups5,col=as.numeric(sa.groups5.area),pch=20) pairs(sa.groups5,col=as.numeric(sa.groups5.area),pch=20) sa.groups5.dil <- dilution(sa.groups5) plot.acomp(sa.groups5.dil,col=as.numeric(sa.groups5.area),pch=20) pairs(sa.groups5.dil,col=as.numeric(sa.groups5.area),pch=20) sa.groups5.mix <- seqmix(sa.groups5.dil) plot.acomp(sa.groups5.mix,col=as.numeric(sa.groups5.area),pch=20) pairs(sa.groups5.mix,col=as.numeric(sa.groups5.area),pch=20) sa.tnormals <- structure(pmax(matrix(rnorm(3*60),ncol=3) %*% chol(matrix(c(1,0.8,-0.2,0.8,1, -0.2,-0.2,-0.2,1),ncol=3))+ matrix(rep(c(0:2),each=60),ncol=3),0), dimnames=list(NULL,c("clay","sand","gravel"))) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals) pairs(sa.tnormals) sa.tnormals.dil <- dilution(sa.tnormals) plot.acomp(sa.tnormals.dil) pairs(sa.tnormals.dil) sa.tnormals.mix <- seqmix(sa.tnormals.dil) plot.acomp(sa.tnormals.mix) pairs(sa.tnormals.mix) sa.tnormals5 <- structure(pmax(matrix(rnorm(5*60),ncol=5) %*% chol(matrix(c(1,0.8,-0.2,0,0, 0.8,1,-0.2,0,0, -0.2,-0.2,1,0,0, 0,0,0,0.05,0.049, 0,0,0,0.049,0.05),ncol=5))+ matrix(rep(c(0:2,0.1,0.1),each=60),ncol=5),0), dimnames=list(NULL, vars5)) plot.rcomp(sa.tnormals5) pairs(sa.tnormals5) sa.tnormals5.dil <- dilution(sa.tnormals5) plot.acomp(sa.tnormals5.dil) pairs(sa.tnormals5.dil) sa.tnormals5.mix <- seqmix(sa.tnormals5.dil) plot.acomp(sa.tnormals5.mix) pairs(sa.tnormals5.mix) sa.dirichlet <- sapply(c(clay=0.2,sand=2,gravel=3),rgamma,n=60) colnames(sa.dirichlet) <- vars plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet) pairs(sa.dirichlet) sa.dirichlet.dil <- dilution(sa.dirichlet) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet.dil) pairs(sa.dirichlet.dil) sa.dirichlet.mix <- seqmix(sa.dirichlet.dil) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet.mix) pairs(sa.dirichlet.mix) sa.dirichlet5 <- sapply(c(clay=0.2,sand=2,gravel=3,humus=0.1,plant=0.1),rgamma,n=60) colnames(sa.dirichlet5) <- vars5 plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet5) pairs(sa.dirichlet5) sa.dirichlet5.dil <- dilution(sa.dirichlet5) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet5.dil) pairs(sa.dirichlet5.dil) sa.dirichlet5.mix <- seqmix(sa.dirichlet5.dil) plot.acomp(sa.dirichlet5.mix) pairs(sa.dirichlet5.mix) sa.uniform <- sapply(c(clay=1,sand=1,gravel=1),rgamma,n=60) colnames(sa.uniform) <- vars plot.acomp(sa.uniform) pairs(sa.uniform) sa.uniform.dil <- dilution(sa.uniform) plot.acomp(sa.uniform.dil) pairs(sa.uniform.dil) sa.uniform.mix <- seqmix(sa.uniform.dil) plot.acomp(sa.uniform.mix) pairs(sa.uniform.mix) sa.uniform5 <- sapply(c(clay=1,sand=1,gravel=1,humus=1,plant=1),rgamma,n=60) colnames(sa.uniform5) <- vars5 plot.acomp(sa.uniform5) pairs(sa.uniform5) sa.uniform5.dil <- dilution(sa.uniform5) plot.acomp(sa.uniform5.dil) pairs(sa.uniform5.dil) sa.uniform5.mix <- seqmix(sa.uniform5.dil) plot.acomp(sa.uniform5.mix) pairs(sa.uniform5.mix) tmp<-set.seed(1400) A <- matrix(c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.1),nrow=2) Mvar <- 0.1*ilrvar2clr(A %*% t(A)) Mcenter <- acomp(c(1,2,1)) typicalData <- rnorm.acomp(100,Mcenter,Mvar) # main population colnames(typicalData)<-c("A","B","C") # A dataset without outliers sa.outliers1 <- acomp(rnorm.acomp(100,Mcenter,Mvar)) # A dataset with 10% data with a large error in the first component sa.outliers2 <- acomp(rbind(typicalData+rbinom(100,1,p=0.1)*rnorm(100)*acomp(c(4,1,1)))) # A dataset with a single outlier sa.outliers3 <- acomp(rbind(typicalData,acomp(c(0.5,1.5,2)))) colnames(sa.outliers3)<-colnames(typicalData) tmp<-set.seed(30) rcauchy.acomp <- function (n, mean, var){ D <- gsi.getD(mean)-1 perturbe(ilrInv(matrix(rnorm(n*D)/rep(rnorm(n),D), ncol = D) %*% chol(clrvar2ilr(var))), mean) } # A dataset with a Cauchy type distribution sa.outliers4 <- acomp(rcauchy.acomp(100,acomp(c(1,2,1)),Mvar/4)) colnames(sa.outliers4)<-colnames(typicalData) # A dataset with like sa.outlier2 but a differently strong distortions sa.outliers5 <- acomp(rbind(unclass(typicalData)+outer(rbinom(100,1,p=0.1)*runif(100),c(0.1,1,2)))) # A dataset with a second population sa.outliers6 <- acomp(rbind(typicalData,rnorm.acomp(20,acomp(c(4,4,1)),Mvar))) # Missings sa.missings <- simulateMissings(sa.lognormals,dl=0.05,MAR=0.05,MNAR=0.05,SZ=0.05) sa.missings[5,2]<-BDLvalue sa.missings5 <- simulateMissings(sa.lognormals5,dl=0.05,MAR=0.05,MNAR=0.05,SZ=0.05) sa.missings5[5,2]<-BDLvalue objects(pattern="sa.*")
These are simulation mechanisms to check that missing techniques perform in sensible ways. They just generate additional missings of the various types in a given dataset, according to a specific process.
simulateMissings(x, dl=NULL, knownlimit=FALSE, MARprob=0.0, MNARprob=0.0, mnarity=0.5, SZprob=0.0) observeWithAdditiveError(x, sigma=dl/dlf, dl=sigma*dlf, dlf=3, keepObs=FALSE, digits=NA, obsScale=1, class="acomp")
simulateMissings(x, dl=NULL, knownlimit=FALSE, MARprob=0.0, MNARprob=0.0, mnarity=0.5, SZprob=0.0) observeWithAdditiveError(x, sigma=dl/dlf, dl=sigma*dlf, dlf=3, keepObs=FALSE, digits=NA, obsScale=1, class="acomp")
x |
a dataset that should get the missings |
dl |
the detection limit described in
knownlimit |
a boolean indicating wether the actual detection limit is still known in the dataset. |
MARprob |
the probability of occurence of 'Missings At Random' values |
MNARprob |
the probability of occurrence of 'Missings Not At Random'. The tendency is that small values have a higher probability to be missed. |
mnarity |
a number between 0 and 1 giving the strength of the influence of the actual value in becoming a MNAR. 0 means a MAR like behavior and 1 means that it is just the smallest values that is lost |
SZprob |
the probability to obtain a structural zero. This is done at random like a MAR. |
sigma |
the standard deviation of the normal distributed extra additive error |
dlf |
the distance from 0 at which a datum will be considered BDL |
keepObs |
should the (closed) data without additive error be returned as an attribute? |
digits |
rounding to be applied to the data with additive error (see Details) |
obsScale |
rounding to be applied to the data with additive error (see Details). Should be a power of 10. |
class |
class of the output object |
Without any additional parameters no missings are generated. The procedure to generate MNAR affects all variables.
Function "simulateMissings" is a multipurpose simulator, where each class of missing value is treated separately, and where detection limits are specified as thresholds.
Function "observeWithAdditiveError" simulates data within a very specific
framework, where an additive error of sd=sigma
is added to the input data
, and BDLs are generated if a datum is less than dfl
. Afterwards, the resulting data are rounded as
, i.e. a certain observation scale
is chosen, and at that scale, only some digits
are kept.
This framework is typical of chemical analyses, and it generates both BDLs and
pollution/rounding of (apparently) "right" data.
A dataset like x
but with some additional missings.
K.Gerald van den Boogaart
van den Boogaart, K., R. Tolosana-Delgado, and M. Bren (2011). The Compositional Meaning of a Detection Limit. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Compositional Data Analysis (2011).
van den Boogaart, K.G., R. Tolosana-Delgado and M. Templ (2014) Regression with compositional response having unobserved components or below detection limit values. Statistical Modelling (in press).
See compositions.missings for more details.
data(SimulatedAmounts) x <- acomp(sa.lognormals) xnew <- simulateMissings(x,dl=0.05,MAR=0.05,MNAR=0.05,SZ=0.05) acomp(xnew) plot(missingSummary(xnew))
data(SimulatedAmounts) x <- acomp(sa.lognormals) xnew <- simulateMissings(x,dl=0.05,MAR=0.05,MNAR=0.05,SZ=0.05) acomp(xnew) plot(missingSummary(xnew))
Measurement in degrees of the angles N, A, B in skulls of English seventeenth-century people and Naquada people.
As a part of a study of seventeenth-century English skulls three angles of a triangle in the cranium
N: | nasial angle, | |
A: | alveolar angle, | |
B: | basilar angle, |
were measured for 22 female and 29 male skulls. These, together with similar measurement of 22 female and 29 male skulls of the Naqada race are presented. The general objective is to investigate possible sex and race differences in skull shape. The angles sums in the row are all equal to 180 degrees.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name SKULLS.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, (Data 24), pp22.
AFM compositions of 23 aphyric Skye lavas. AFM diagrams formed from the relative proportions of A: alkali or Na2O + K2O, F: Fe2O3, and M: MgO, are common in geochemistry.
AFM compositions of 23 aphyric Skye lavas. AFM diagrams formed from the relative proportions of tive proportions of A: alkali or Na2O + K2O, F: Fe2O3, and M: MgO. Adapted from Thompson, Esson and Duncan: Major element chemical variations in the Eocene lavas of the Isle of Skye, Scotland. All row percentage sums to 100.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name SKYEAFM.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, (Data 6) pp12.
Thompson, Esson and Duncan: Major element chemical variations in the Eocene lavas of the Isle of Skye, Scotland. 1972, J.Petrology, 13, 219-235.
Splits data sets of compositions in groups given by factors, and gives the same class as the data to the result.
## S3 method for class 'acomp' split(x,f,drop=FALSE,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' split(x,f,drop=FALSE,...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' split(x,f,drop=FALSE,...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' split(x,f,drop=FALSE,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' split(x,f,drop=FALSE,...) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' split(x,f,drop=FALSE,...)
## S3 method for class 'acomp' split(x,f,drop=FALSE,...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' split(x,f,drop=FALSE,...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' split(x,f,drop=FALSE,...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' split(x,f,drop=FALSE,...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' split(x,f,drop=FALSE,...) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' split(x,f,drop=FALSE,...)
x |
a dataset or a single vector of some type |
f |
a factor that defines the grouping or a list of factors |
drop |
drop=FALSE also gives (empty) datsets for empty categories |
... |
Further arguments passed to split.default. Currently (and probably) without any use. |
a list of objects of the same type as x
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) split(acomp(sa.groups),sa.groups.area) lapply( split(acomp(sa.groups),sa.groups.area), mean)
data(SimulatedAmounts) split(acomp(sa.groups),sa.groups.area) lapply( split(acomp(sa.groups),sa.groups.area), mean)
The function draws lines in a given direction d
through points x
straight(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' straight(x,d,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' straight(x,d,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' straight(x,d,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' straight(x,d,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' straight(x,d,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE)
straight(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' straight(x,d,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' straight(x,d,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' straight(x,d,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' straight(x,d,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' straight(x,d,...,steps=30,aspanel=FALSE)
x |
dataset of points of the given type to draw the line through |
d |
dataset of directions of the line |
... |
further graphical parameters |
steps |
the number of discretisation points to draw the segments, since the representation might not visually be a straight line |
aspanel |
Logical, indicates use as slave to do acutal drawing only. |
The functions add lines to the graphics generated with the corresponding
plot functions.
Adding to multipaneled plots redraws the plot completely, and is only
possible when the plot has been created with the plotting routines from
this library.
Lines end when they leave the space (e.g. the simplex), which sometimes
leads to the impression of premature end (specially in rcomp
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals)) straight(mean(acomp(sa.lognormals)), princomp(acomp(sa.lognormals))$Loadings[1,], col="red") straight(mean(rcomp(sa.lognormals)), princomp(rcomp(sa.lognormals))$loadings[,1], col="blue") plot(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])) straight(mean(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])), princomp(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]))$Loadings[1,], col="red") straight(mean(rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])), princomp(rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]))$loadings[,1], col="blue") plot(rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])) straight(mean(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])), princomp(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]))$Loadings[1,], col="red") straight(mean(rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])), princomp(rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]))$loadings[,1], col="blue")
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals)) straight(mean(acomp(sa.lognormals)), princomp(acomp(sa.lognormals))$Loadings[1,], col="red") straight(mean(rcomp(sa.lognormals)), princomp(rcomp(sa.lognormals))$loadings[,1], col="blue") plot(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])) straight(mean(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])), princomp(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]))$Loadings[1,], col="red") straight(mean(rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])), princomp(rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]))$loadings[,1], col="blue") plot(rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])) straight(mean(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])), princomp(aplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]))$Loadings[1,], col="red") straight(mean(rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2])), princomp(rplus(sa.lognormals[,1:2]))$loadings[,1], col="blue")
Extract subsets (rows) or subsompositions (columns) of a compositional data set
getStickyClassOption() setStickyClassOption(value) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' x[i, j, drop=gsi.LengthOne(j)] ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' x[i, j, drop=gsi.LengthOne(j)] ## S3 method for class 'aplus' x[i, j, drop=gsi.LengthOne(j)] ## S3 method for class 'rplus' x[i, j, drop=gsi.LengthOne(j)] ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' x[i, j, drop=gsi.LengthOne(j)] ## S3 method for class 'rmult' x[i, j, drop=gsi.LengthOne(j)] ## S3 method for class 'acomp' x$name ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' x$name ## S3 method for class 'aplus' x$name ## S3 method for class 'rplus' x$name ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' x$name ## S3 method for class 'rmult' x$name
getStickyClassOption() setStickyClassOption(value) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' x[i, j, drop=gsi.LengthOne(j)] ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' x[i, j, drop=gsi.LengthOne(j)] ## S3 method for class 'aplus' x[i, j, drop=gsi.LengthOne(j)] ## S3 method for class 'rplus' x[i, j, drop=gsi.LengthOne(j)] ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' x[i, j, drop=gsi.LengthOne(j)] ## S3 method for class 'rmult' x[i, j, drop=gsi.LengthOne(j)] ## S3 method for class 'acomp' x$name ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' x$name ## S3 method for class 'aplus' x$name ## S3 method for class 'rplus' x$name ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' x$name ## S3 method for class 'rmult' x$name
x |
vector or dataset of a compositions class |
i |
row indices/names to select/exclude, resp. boolean of fitting length (recyling appplied if length(i)<nrow(x)); if x is a compositional vector, this gives the elements (equivalent to variables) to be extracted/selected |
j |
column indices/names to select/exclude, resp. boolean of fitting length (recyling appplied if length(i)<ncol(x)) |
drop |
boolean, should matrices be simplified to vectors? defaults to FALSE (a difference with standard R). If set to TRUE, it has the extra effect of removing the compositional class |
name |
column name of the variable to be extracted OR name of a scaling function to be applied. It accepts |
value |
logical, controlling the global options for sticky classes |
For [
a vector or matrix with the relevant elements selected.
When selecting rows, this object is of the same class than x
, i.e. the class is sticky.
When selecting columns, the class depends on the number of columns selected and the value of drop
. With drop=T
, output is always a matrix or a vector. The same happens if
, which happens if and only if j
is a non-null vector of
length one (i.e. if you only want one single column).
If you want to get rid of sticky classes and return to the behaviour of "compositions" v1.xx, call setStickyClassOption(FALSE)
. This may be a good idea if you run old scripts written for that versions of "compositions". You can recover the default behaviour from "compositions" v2 with setStickyClassOption(TRUE)
, and check which sticky class status is currently defined in the global options with getStickyClassOption()
For $
the output is either a transformed data set of the appropriate class, or the selected column as a class-less vector. The transformation ability is particularly useful if you have put a whole compositional class into one column of a data set, in which case you can confortably use the transformations in formula interfaces (see example below). This is NEVER sticky.
R. Tolosana-Delgado
, acomp
, rcomp
, ccomp
data(Hydrochem) xc = acomp(Hydrochem[,6:10]) xc[1:3,] xc[-(10:nrow(xc)),] xc[1:3,1:3] xc[1:3,1:3, drop=TRUE] xc[1:3,1] class(xc[1:4,1]) class(xc[1:4,1, drop=TRUE]) data("Hydrochem") xc = acomp(Hydrochem[, 9:14]) Hydrochem$compo = xc lm(compo$clr~River, data=Hydrochem)
data(Hydrochem) xc = acomp(Hydrochem[,6:10]) xc[1:3,] xc[-(10:nrow(xc)),] xc[1:3,1:3] xc[1:3,1:3, drop=TRUE] xc[1:3,1] class(xc[1:4,1]) class(xc[1:4,1, drop=TRUE]) data("Hydrochem") xc = acomp(Hydrochem[, 9:14]) Hydrochem$compo = xc lm(compo$clr~River, data=Hydrochem)
Summaries in terms of compositions are quite different from classical ones. Instead of analysing each variable individually, we must analyse each pair-wise ratio in a log geometry.
## S3 method for class 'acomp' summary( object, ... ,robust=getOption("robust"))
## S3 method for class 'acomp' summary( object, ... ,robust=getOption("robust"))
object |
a data matrix of compositions, not necessarily closed |
... |
not used, only here for generics |
robust |
A robustness description. See robustnessInCompositions for details. The parameter can be null for avoiding any estimation. |
It is quite difficult to summarize a composition in a consistent and interpretable way. We tried to provide such a summary here, based on the idea of the variation matrix.
The result is an object of type "summary.acomp"
mean |
the |
mean.ratio |
a matrix containing the geometric mean of the pairwise ratios |
variation |
the variation matrix of the dataset ( |
expsd |
a matrix containing the one-sigma factor for
each ratio, computed as |
invexpsd |
the inverse of the preceding one, giving the reverse bound. Additionally, it can be "almost" intepreted as a correlation coefficient, with values near one indicating high proportionality between the components. |
min |
a matrix containing the minimum of each of the pairwise ratios |
q1 |
a matrix containing the 1-Quartile of each of the pairwise ratios |
median |
a matrix containing the median of each of the pairwise ratios |
q1 |
a matrix containing the 3-Quartile of each of the pairwise ratios |
max |
a matrix containing the maximum of each of the pairwise ratios |
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, R. Tolosana-Delgado
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman & Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
data(SimulatedAmounts) summary(acomp(sa.lognormals))
data(SimulatedAmounts) summary(acomp(sa.lognormals))
Summary of a vector of amounts, according to its underlying geometry.
## S3 method for class 'aplus' summary( object, ..., digits=max(3, getOption("digits")-3), robust=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' summary( object, ..., robust=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' summary( object, ..., robust=NULL)
## S3 method for class 'aplus' summary( object, ..., digits=max(3, getOption("digits")-3), robust=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' summary( object, ..., robust=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' summary( object, ..., robust=NULL)
object |
digits |
the number of significant digits to be used. The argument can also be used with rplus/rmult. |
... |
not used, only here for generics |
robust |
A robustness description. See robustnessInCompositions for details. The option is currently not supported. If support is added the default will change to getOption(robust). |
The obtained value is the same as for the classical summary summary
although in the case of aplus
objects, the statistics have been computed in a
logarithmic geometry, and exponentiated afterwards (which just changes the mean, equivalent
to the geometric mean of the data set).
A matrix containing summary statistics (minimum, the three quantiles, the mean and the maximum) of each component.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) summary(aplus(sa.lognormals)) summary(aplus(sa.tnormals)) summary(rplus(sa.lognormals)) summary(rplus(sa.tnormals)) summary(rmult(sa.lognormals))
data(SimulatedAmounts) summary(aplus(sa.lognormals)) summary(aplus(sa.tnormals)) summary(rplus(sa.lognormals)) summary(rplus(sa.tnormals)) summary(rmult(sa.lognormals))
Compute a summary of a composition based on real geometry.
## S3 method for class 'rcomp' summary( object, ... ,robust=NULL)
## S3 method for class 'rcomp' summary( object, ... ,robust=NULL)
object |
an |
... |
further arguments to |
robust |
A robustness description. See robustnessInCompositions for details. The option is currently not supported. If support is added the default will change to getOption(robust). |
The data is applied a clo
operation before the computation.
Note that the statistics obtained will not keep any consistency
if computed with all the parts available or only with a subcomposition.
A matrix containing summary statistics.
The value is the same as for the classical summary
applied to a closed dataset.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, summary.aplus
, summary.acomp
data(SimulatedAmounts) summary(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) summary(rcomp(sa.tnormals))
data(SimulatedAmounts) summary(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) summary(rcomp(sa.tnormals))
Routines to compute the global projector to the observed subspace, down-weighting the subspaces with more missing values.
sumMissingProjector(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' sumMissingProjector(x,has=is.NMV(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' sumMissingProjector(x,has=is.NMV(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' sumMissingProjector(x,has=!(is.MAR(x)|is.MNAR(x)),...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' sumMissingProjector(x,has=!(is.MAR(x)|is.MNAR(x)),...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' sumMissingProjector(x,has=is.finite(x),...)
sumMissingProjector(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' sumMissingProjector(x,has=is.NMV(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' sumMissingProjector(x,has=is.NMV(x),...) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' sumMissingProjector(x,has=!(is.MAR(x)|is.MNAR(x)),...) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' sumMissingProjector(x,has=!(is.MAR(x)|is.MNAR(x)),...) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' sumMissingProjector(x,has=is.finite(x),...)
x |
a dataset of some type containing missings |
has |
the values to be regarded as non missing |
... |
further generic arguments that might be useful for other functions. |
The function missingProjector
generates a list of N square
matrices of dimension DxD (with N and D respectively
equal to the number of rows and columns in x
). Each of these
matrices gives the projection of a data row onto its observed sub-space.
Then, the function sumMissingProjector
takes all these matrices and
sums them in a efficient way, generating a "summary" of observed sub-spaces.
The matrix of rotation/re-weighting of the original data set, down-weighting the subspaces with more missing values. This matrix is useful to obtain estimates of the mean (and variance, in the future) still unbiased in the presence of lost values (only of type MAR, stricly-speaking, but anyway useful for any type of missing value, when used with care). This matrix is the Fisher Information in the presence of missing values.
No missing policy is given by the routine itself. Its treatment of missing values depends on the "has" argument.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
Boogaart, K.G. v.d., R. Tolosana-Delgado, M. Bren (2006) Concepts for handling of zeros and missing values in compositional data, in E. Pirard (ed.) (2006)Proccedings of the IAMG'2006 Annual Conference on "Quantitative Geology from multiple sources", September 2006, Liege, Belgium, S07-01, 4pages, http://stat.boogaart.de/Publications/iamg06_s07_01.pdf
, aplus
, boxplot.acomp
, mean.acomp
, variation.acomp
, msd
data(SimulatedAmounts) sumMissingProjector(acomp(sa.lognormals)) sumMissingProjector(acomp(sa.tnormals))
data(SimulatedAmounts) sumMissingProjector(acomp(sa.lognormals)) sumMissingProjector(acomp(sa.tnormals))
The results of a study of a single supervisor in his relationship to three supervisee are recorded. Instructions in a technical subject took place in sessions of one hour and with only one supervisee at the time. Each supervisee attended six sessions (once every two weeks in a twelve-week period). All of 18 sessions were recorded and for each session the 'statements' of the supervisor were classified into four categories. Thus for each session the proportion of statements in the four categories are set out in a two-way table according to the fortnight (6) and the supervisee (3).
A 18x13 matrix
For each session the 'statements' of the supervisor were classified into four categories
commanding, posing a specific instruction to the supervisee,
demanding, posing a specific question to the supervisee,
exposing, providing the supervisee with an explanation,
faulting, pointing out faulty technique to the supervisee.
Thus for each session the proportion of statements in the four categories are set out in a two-way table according to the fortnight (6) and the supervisee (3). The C, D, E, F values in the rows sum mostly to 1, except for some rounding errors.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name SUPERVIS.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison, J. (1986): The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, (Data 7) pp12.
Displaying compositions in ternary diagrams
ternaryAxis(side=1:3,at=seq(0.2,0.8,by=0.2), labels=if(is.list(at)) lapply(at,format) else format(at), ..., tick=TRUE,pos=0, font.axis=par("font.axis"), font.lab=par("font.lab"), lty="solid",lwd=1, len.tck=0.025,dist.lab=0.03, dist.axis=0.03, lty.tck="solid", col.axis=par("col.axis"), col.lab=par("col.lab"), cex.axis=par("cex.axis"), cex.lab=par("cex.lab"), Xlab=NULL,Ylab=NULL,Zlab=NULL,small=TRUE, xpd=NA,aspanel=FALSE)
ternaryAxis(side=1:3,at=seq(0.2,0.8,by=0.2), labels=if(is.list(at)) lapply(at,format) else format(at), ..., tick=TRUE,pos=0, font.axis=par("font.axis"), font.lab=par("font.lab"), lty="solid",lwd=1, len.tck=0.025,dist.lab=0.03, dist.axis=0.03, lty.tck="solid", col.axis=par("col.axis"), col.lab=par("col.lab"), cex.axis=par("cex.axis"), cex.lab=par("cex.lab"), Xlab=NULL,Ylab=NULL,Zlab=NULL,small=TRUE, xpd=NA,aspanel=FALSE)
side |
a vector giving the sides to draw the axis on. 1=under the plot, 2=the upper right axis, 3=the upper left axis. -1 is the portion axis of the first component, -2 is the portion axis of the second component, -3 is the portion axis of the third component. An empty vector or 0 suppresses axis plotting, but still plots the Xlab, Ylab and Zlab parameters. |
at |
a vector or a list of vectors giving the positions of the tickmarks. |
labels |
a vector giving the labels or a list of things that can serve as graphics annotations. Each element of the list is than sean as the labels for one of axes. IMPORTANT: if plotting formulae enclose the list of labels into a list. |
tick |
a logical whether to draw the tickmark lines |
pos |
the portion of the opposite component to draw the axis on. Proportion axss shrinks, when pos>0 ! |
font.axis |
the font for the axis annotations |
font.lab |
the font for the variable labels |
lty |
the line type of the axis line. (see |
lty.tck |
the line type of the tickmarks. NA suppresses plotting. |
len.tck |
the line length of the tickmarks. |
dist.axis |
the distance of the variable labels from the axes. Positve values point outward from the plot. |
dist.lab |
the distance of the axes labels from the axes. Positve values point outward from the plot. |
lwd |
the line widths of axis line and tickmarks.
(see |
col.axis |
the color to plot the axis line, the tickmarks and the axes labels. |
col.lab |
the color to plot the variable labels. |
cex.axis |
The character size to plot the axes labels. (see
cex.lab |
The character size for the variable labels |
Xlab |
the label for the lower left component. |
Ylab |
the label for the lower right component. |
Zlab |
the label for the upper component. |
small |
wether to plot the lower labels under the corners |
xpd |
Extended plotting region. See (see |
aspanel |
Is this called as a slave to acutally plot the axis (TRUE), or as a user level function to instatiate the axis (FALSE). |
... |
further graphical that might be of use for other functions, but are silently ignored here |
This function has two uses. If called with aspanel=TRUE
acutally draws the axes to a panel. In other cases it tries to modify
the axes argument of the current plot to add the axis. I.e. it will
force a replotting of the plot with the new axes settings. Thus an old
axes is removed.
To ensure that various axes can be drawn with various parameters most
of the arguments can take a vector or list of the same length as
providing the different parameters for each of the axes to be drawn.
There are two types of axes: Proportion axes (1:3) and portions axes
(-1:-3). The best place to draw a Proportion axes is pos=0, which is
the standard for axis in ternary diagrams. Portion axes are best drawn
at pos=0.5
in the middle of the plot.
K.Gerald v.d. Boyogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
, plot3D
(for 3D plot),
(for 3D-plot model export),
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals),axes=TRUE) ternaryAxis(side=1:3,pos=0,col.axis="red",col.lab="green") ternaryAxis(side=1:3,at=1:9/10, labels=expression(9:1,4:1,7:3,3:2,1:1,2:3,3:7,1:4,1:9), pos=0,col.axis="red",col.lab="green") ternaryAxis(side=rep(-1:-3,3),labels=paste(seq(20,80,by=20),"%"), pos=rep(c(0,0.5,1),each=3),col.axis=1:3,col.lab="green") ternaryAxis(side=rep(1:3,3),at=1:9/10, labels=expression(9:1,4:1,7:3,3:2,1:1,2:3,3:7,1:4,1:9), pos=rep(c(0,0.5,1),each=3)) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals5),axes=TRUE) ternaryAxis(side=1:3,pos=0,col.axis="red",col.lab="green") ternaryAxis(side=1:3,at=1:9/10, labels=expression(9:1,4:1,7:3,3:2,1:1,2:3,3:7,1:4,1:9), pos=0,col.axis="red",col.lab="green")
data(SimulatedAmounts) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals),axes=TRUE) ternaryAxis(side=1:3,pos=0,col.axis="red",col.lab="green") ternaryAxis(side=1:3,at=1:9/10, labels=expression(9:1,4:1,7:3,3:2,1:1,2:3,3:7,1:4,1:9), pos=0,col.axis="red",col.lab="green") ternaryAxis(side=rep(-1:-3,3),labels=paste(seq(20,80,by=20),"%"), pos=rep(c(0,0.5,1),each=3),col.axis=1:3,col.lab="green") ternaryAxis(side=rep(1:3,3),at=1:9/10, labels=expression(9:1,4:1,7:3,3:2,1:1,2:3,3:7,1:4,1:9), pos=rep(c(0,0.5,1),each=3)) plot(acomp(sa.lognormals5),axes=TRUE) ternaryAxis(side=1:3,pos=0,col.axis="red",col.lab="green") ternaryAxis(side=1:3,at=1:9/10, labels=expression(9:1,4:1,7:3,3:2,1:1,2:3,3:7,1:4,1:9), pos=0,col.axis="red",col.lab="green")
Calculates the total amount by summing the individual parts.
totals(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' totals(x,...,missing.ok=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' totals(x,...,missing.ok=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' totals(x,...,missing.ok=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' totals(x,...,missing.ok=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' totals(x,...,missing.ok=TRUE)
totals(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' totals(x,...,missing.ok=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' totals(x,...,missing.ok=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' totals(x,...,missing.ok=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' totals(x,...,missing.ok=TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'ccomp' totals(x,...,missing.ok=TRUE)
x |
an amount/amount dataset |
... |
not used, only here for generic purposes |
missing.ok |
if TRUE ignores missings; if FALSE issues an error if the total cannot be calculated due to missings. |
a numeric vector of length equal to ncol(x)
containing the total amounts
if missing.ok=TRUE
missings are just regarded as 0, if
WZERO values is still regarded as 0 and other
sorts lead to NA
in the respective totals.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) totals(acomp(sa.lognormals)) totals(rcomp(sa.lognormals,total=100)) totals(aplus(sa.lognormals)) totals(rplus(sa.lognormals)) aplus(acomp(sa.lognormals),total=totals(aplus(sa.lognormals)))
data(SimulatedAmounts) totals(acomp(sa.lognormals)) totals(rcomp(sa.lognormals,total=100)) totals(aplus(sa.lognormals)) totals(rplus(sa.lognormals)) aplus(acomp(sa.lognormals),total=totals(aplus(sa.lognormals)))
Transformations from 'mixtures' of the "mixR" library to 'compositions' classes 'aplus', 'acomp', 'rcomp', 'rplus' and 'rmult'.
mix.2aplus(X) mix.2acomp(X) mix.2rcomp(X) mix.2rplus(X) mix.2rmult(X)
mix.2aplus(X) mix.2acomp(X) mix.2rcomp(X) mix.2rplus(X) mix.2rmult(X)
X |
mixture object to be converted |
A 'compositions' object is obtained from the mixtute object m, having the same data matrix
as mixture object m i.e. m$mat
A 'compositions' object of the class 'aplus', 'acomp', 'rcomp', 'rplus' or 'rmult'.
## Not run: m <- mix.Read("Glac.dat") # reads the Glacial data set from Aitchison (1986) m <- mix.Extract(m,c(1,2,3,4)) # mix object with closed four parts subcomposition ap <- mix.2aplus(m) # ap is a 'compositions' object of the aplus class ac <- mix.2acomp(m) # ac is a 'compositions' object of the acomp class ## End(Not run)
## Not run: m <- mix.Read("Glac.dat") # reads the Glacial data set from Aitchison (1986) m <- mix.Extract(m,c(1,2,3,4)) # mix object with closed four parts subcomposition ap <- mix.2aplus(m) # ap is a 'compositions' object of the aplus class ac <- mix.2acomp(m) # ac is a 'compositions' object of the acomp class ## End(Not run)
An R-debugger that also works with errors in parameters.
tryDebugger(dump = last.dump)
tryDebugger(dump = last.dump)
dump |
An R dump object created by 'dump.frames'. |
Works like debugger, with the small exception that it also works in situations of nasty errors, like recursive parameter evaluation, missing parameters, and additional errors in arguments.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
## Not run: f <- function(x,y=y) {y} f(1) tryDebugger() # works debugger() # Does not allow to browse anything ## End(Not run)
## Not run: f <- function(x,y=y) {y} f(1) tryDebugger() # works debugger() # Does not allow to browse anything ## End(Not run)
Compute the uncentered log ratio transform of a (dataset of) composition(s) and its inverse.
ult( x ,...) ultInv( z ,..., orig=gsi.orig(z)) Kappa( x ,...)
ult( x ,...) ultInv( z ,..., orig=gsi.orig(z)) Kappa( x ,...)
x |
a composition or a data matrix of compositions, not necessarily closed |
z |
the ult-transform of a composition or clr-transforms of compositions (or a data matrix), not necessarily centered |
... |
for generic use only |
orig |
a compositional object which should be mimicked
by the inverse transformation. It is the generic
argument. Typically the |
The ult-transform is simply the elementwise log of the closed composition. The ult has some important properties in the scope of Information Theory of probability vectors (but might be mostly misleading for exploratory analysis of compositions). DO NOT USE if you do not know what you are doing.
gives the uncentered log transform,ultInv
gives closed compositions with the given
gives the difference between the clr and the ult
transforms. It is quite linked to information measures.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
(tmp <- ult(c(1,2,3))) ultInv(tmp) ultInv(tmp) - clo(c(1,2,3)) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(ult(cdata),pch=".") Kappa(c(1,2,3))
(tmp <- ult(c(1,2,3))) ultInv(tmp) ultInv(tmp) - clo(c(1,2,3)) # 0 data(Hydrochem) cdata <- Hydrochem[,6:19] pairs(ult(cdata),pch=".") Kappa(c(1,2,3))
Compute the (co)variance matrix in the several approaches of compositional and amount data analysis.
var(x,...) ## Default S3 method: var(x, y=NULL, na.rm=FALSE, use, ...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' var(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' var(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' var(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' var(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' var(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) cov(x,y=x,...) ## Default S3 method: cov(x, y=NULL, use="everything", method=c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman"), ...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' cov(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' cov(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' cov(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' cov(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' cov(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE)
var(x,...) ## Default S3 method: var(x, y=NULL, na.rm=FALSE, use, ...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' var(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' var(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' var(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' var(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' var(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) cov(x,y=x,...) ## Default S3 method: cov(x, y=NULL, use="everything", method=c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman"), ...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' cov(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' cov(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' cov(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' cov(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' cov(x,y=NULL,...,robust=getOption("robust"), use="all.obs",giveCenter=FALSE)
x |
a dataset, eventually of amounts or compositions |
y |
a second dataset, eventually of amounts or compositions |
na.rm |
see |
use |
see |
method |
see |
... |
further arguments to |
robust |
A description of a robust estimator. FALSE for the classical estimators. See robustnessInCompositions for further details. |
giveCenter |
If TRUE the center used in the variance calculation is reported as a "center" attribute. This is especially necessary for robust estimations, where a reasonable center can not be computed independently for the me variance calculation. |
The basic functions of
and stats::cov
are turned to
S3-generics. The original versions are copied to the default
method. This allows us to introduce generic methods to handle
variances and covariances of other data types, such as amounts or
If classed amounts or compositions are involved, they are transformed
with their corresponding transforms, using the centered default
transform (cdt
). That implies that the variances have to
be interpreded in a log scale level for acomp
We should be aware that variance matrices of compositions
and rcomp
) are
singular. They can be transformed to the correponding nonsingular
variances of ilr or ipt-space by clrvar2ilr
In R versions older than v2.0.0,
and stats::cov
were defined in package “base” instead of in “stats”.
This might produce some misfunction.
The variance matrix of x or the covariance matrix of x and y.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, clrvar2ilr
, clo
, acomp
, rcomp
, rplus
, variation
data(SimulatedAmounts) meanCol(sa.lognormals) var(acomp(sa.lognormals)) var(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) var(aplus(sa.lognormals)) var(rplus(sa.lognormals)) cov(acomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),acomp(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) cov(rcomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),rcomp(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) cov(aplus(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),aplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) cov(rplus(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),rplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) cov(acomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),aplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) svd(var(acomp(sa.lognormals)))
data(SimulatedAmounts) meanCol(sa.lognormals) var(acomp(sa.lognormals)) var(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) var(aplus(sa.lognormals)) var(rplus(sa.lognormals)) cov(acomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),acomp(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) cov(rcomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),rcomp(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) cov(aplus(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),aplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) cov(rplus(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),rplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) cov(acomp(sa.lognormals5[,1:3]),aplus(sa.lognormals5[,4:5])) svd(var(acomp(sa.lognormals)))
Compute the variation matrix in the various approaches of compositional and amount data analysis. Pay attention that this is not computing the variance or covariance matrix!
variation(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' variation(x, ...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' variation(x, ...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' variation(x, ...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' variation(x, ...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' variation(x, ...,robust=getOption("robust")) is.variation(M, tol=1e-10)
variation(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'acomp' variation(x, ...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rcomp' variation(x, ...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'aplus' variation(x, ...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rplus' variation(x, ...,robust=getOption("robust")) ## S3 method for class 'rmult' variation(x, ...,robust=getOption("robust")) is.variation(M, tol=1e-10)
x |
a dataset, eventually of amounts or compositions |
... |
currently unused |
robust |
A description of a robust estimator. FALSE for the classical estimators. See robustnessInCompositions for further details. |
M |
a matrix, to check if it is a valid variation |
tol |
tolerance for the check |
The variation matrix was defined in the acomp
context of
analysis of compositions as the matrix of variances of all
possible log-ratios among components (Aitchison, 1986). The
generalization to rcomp objects is simply to reproduce the
variance of all possible differences between components. The
amount (aplus
, rplus
) and rmult objects
should not be treated with variation
matrices, because this was intended to skip the existence of a closure
(which does not exist in the case of amounts).
The variation matrix of x.
For is.variation
, a boolean saying if the matrix satisfies the conditions to be a variation matrix.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
, clrvar2ilr
, clo
, acomp
, rcomp
, rplus
data(SimulatedAmounts) meanCol(sa.lognormals) variation(acomp(sa.lognormals)) variation(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) variation(aplus(sa.lognormals)) variation(rplus(sa.lognormals)) variation(rmult(sa.lognormals))
data(SimulatedAmounts) meanCol(sa.lognormals) variation(acomp(sa.lognormals)) variation(rcomp(sa.lognormals)) variation(aplus(sa.lognormals)) variation(rplus(sa.lognormals)) variation(rmult(sa.lognormals))
Valid scalar variogram model functions.
vgram.sph( h , nugget = 0, sill = 1, range= 1,... ) vgram.exp( h , nugget = 0, sill = 1, range= 1,... ) vgram.gauss( h , nugget = 0, sill = 1, range= 1,... ) vgram.cardsin( h , nugget = 0, sill = 1, range= 1,... ) vgram.lin( h , nugget = 0, sill = 1, range= 1,... ) vgram.pow( h , nugget = 0, sill = 1, range= 1,... ) vgram.nugget( h , nugget = 1,...,tol=1E-8 )
vgram.sph( h , nugget = 0, sill = 1, range= 1,... ) vgram.exp( h , nugget = 0, sill = 1, range= 1,... ) vgram.gauss( h , nugget = 0, sill = 1, range= 1,... ) vgram.cardsin( h , nugget = 0, sill = 1, range= 1,... ) vgram.lin( h , nugget = 0, sill = 1, range= 1,... ) vgram.pow( h , nugget = 0, sill = 1, range= 1,... ) vgram.nugget( h , nugget = 1,...,tol=1E-8 )
h |
a vector providing distances, a matrix of distance vectors in its rows or a data.frame of distance vectors. |
nugget |
The size of the nugget effect (i.e. the limit to 0). At zero itself the value is always 0. |
sill |
The sill (i.e. the limit to infinity) |
range |
The range parameter. I.e. the distance in which sill is reached or if this does not exist, where the value is in some sense nearly the sill. |
... |
not used |
tol |
The distance that is considered as nonzero. |
The univariate variograms are used in the CompLinCoReg as building blocks of multivariate variogram models.
Spherical variogram
Exponential variogram
The Gaussian variogram.
The cardinal sine variogram.
Linear Variogram. Increases over the sill, which is
reached at range
The power variogram. Increases over the sill, which is
reached at range
The pure nugget effect variogram.
A vector of size NROW(h), giving the variogram values.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
Cressie, N.C. (1993) Spatial statistics
Tolosana, van den Boogaart, Pawlowsky-Glahn (2009) Estimating and modeling variograms of compositional data with occasional missing variables in R, StatGis09
## Not run: data(juraset) X <- with(juraset,cbind(X,Y)) comp <- acomp(juraset,c("Cd","Cu","Pb","Co","Cr")) lrv <- logratioVariogram(comp,X,maxdist=1,nbins=10) plot(lrv) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(juraset) X <- with(juraset,cbind(X,Y)) comp <- acomp(juraset,c("Cd","Cu","Pb","Co","Cr")) lrv <- logratioVariogram(comp,X,maxdist=1,nbins=10) plot(lrv) ## End(Not run)
Computes the unbiased estimate for the variance of the residuals of a model.
## S3 method for class 'mlm' var(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'lm' var(x,...)
## S3 method for class 'mlm' var(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'lm' var(x,...)
x |
a linear model object |
... |
Unused, for generic purposes only. |
The difference of this command to var(resid(X))
is that this
command correctly adjusts for the degrees of freedom of the model.
var.lm |
returns a scalar giving the estimated variance of the residuals |
var.mlm |
returns a the estimated variance covariance matrix of the residuals |
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
data(Orange) var(lm(circumference~age,data=Orange)) var(lm(cbind(circumference,age)~age,data=Orange))
data(Orange) var(lm(circumference~age,data=Orange)) var(lm(cbind(circumference,age)~age,data=Orange))
The variance covariance tensor structured according of linear models with ilr(acomp(...)) responses.
object |
a statistical model |
... |
further optional parameters for |
The prediction error in compositional linear regression models is a complicated object. The function should help to organize it.
An array with 4 dimensions. The first 2 are the index dimensions of the ilr transform. The later 2 are the index of the parameter.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
data(SimulatedAmounts) model <- lm(ilr(sa.groups)~sa.groups.area) vcovAcomp(model)[,,1,1]
data(SimulatedAmounts) model <- lm(ilr(sa.groups)~sa.groups.area) vcovAcomp(model)[,,1,1]
Fits a parametric variogram model to an empirical logratio-Variogram
vgmFit2lrv(emp,vg,...,mode="log",psgn=rep(-1,length(param)),print.level=1) ## S3 method for class 'logratioVariogram' fit.lmc(v,model,...,mode="log",psgn=rep(-1,length(param)),print.level=1) vgmFit(emp,vg,...,mode="log",psgn=rep(-1,length(param)),print.level=1) vgmGof(p = vgmGetParameters(vg), emp, vg, mode = "log") vgmGetParameters(vg,envir=environment(vg)) vgmSetParameters(vg,p) fit.lmc(v,...)
vgmFit2lrv(emp,vg,...,mode="log",psgn=rep(-1,length(param)),print.level=1) ## S3 method for class 'logratioVariogram' fit.lmc(v,model,...,mode="log",psgn=rep(-1,length(param)),print.level=1) vgmFit(emp,vg,...,mode="log",psgn=rep(-1,length(param)),print.level=1) vgmGof(p = vgmGetParameters(vg), emp, vg, mode = "log") vgmGetParameters(vg,envir=environment(vg)) vgmSetParameters(vg,p) fit.lmc(v,...)
emp |
An empirical logratio-Variogram as e.g. returned by |
v |
An empirical logratio-Variogram as e.g. returned by |
vg |
A compositional clr-variogram (or ilt-vagriogram) model function. |
model |
A compositional clr-variogram (or ilt-vagriogram) model function, output of a call to . |
... |
further parameters to |
mode |
either "ls" or "log" for selection of either using either least squares or least squares on logarithmic values. |
psgn |
Contains a parameter code for each of the parameters. -1 means the parameter should be used as is. 0 means the parameter is nonnegativ and 1 means the parameter is striktly positiv. This allows to provide parameter limits if the fitting procedure fails. |
print.level |
The print.level of |
p |
Is the parameter of the variogram model in linearized form as
returned by |
envir |
The environment the default parameters of the model should be evaluated in. |
The function is mainly a wrapper to nlm
specifying the
an objective function for modell fitting, taking the starting values
of fitting procedure from the default arguments and writing the
results back. Variogram model fitting is more an art than a straight
forward procedure. Fitting procedures typically only find a right
optimum if reasonable starting parameters are provided.
The fit should
be visually checked afterwards.
The meaning of psgn
is subject to change. We will probably
provide a more automatic procedure later.
is a copy of vgmFit2lrv
, but deprecated. The name
will later be used for other functionality.
returns a list of two elements.
nlm |
The result of |
vg |
A version of |
returns a scalar quantifiying the goodness of fit, of a
model and an empirical variogram.
extracts the default values of a variogram model
function to a parameter vector. It returns a numeric vector.
does the inverse operation and modifies the
default according to the new values in p
. It returns vg
with modifiend default parameter values.
K.Gerald v.d. Boogaart http://www.stat.boogaart.de
## Not run: data(juraset) X <- with(juraset,cbind(X,Y)) comp <- acomp(juraset,c("Cd","Cu","Pb","Co","Cr")) lrv <- logratioVariogram(comp,X,maxdist=1,nbins=10) fff <- CompLinModCoReg(~nugget()+sph(0.5)+R1*exp(0.7),comp) fit <- vgmFit(lrv,fff) fit fff(1:3) plot(lrv,lrvg=vgram2lrvgram(fit$vg)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(juraset) X <- with(juraset,cbind(X,Y)) comp <- acomp(juraset,c("Cd","Cu","Pb","Co","Cr")) lrv <- logratioVariogram(comp,X,maxdist=1,nbins=10) fff <- CompLinModCoReg(~nugget()+sph(0.5)+R1*exp(0.7),comp) fit <- vgmFit(lrv,fff) fit fff(1:3) plot(lrv,lrvg=vgram2lrvgram(fit$vg)) ## End(Not run)
In 30 blood samples portions of three kinds of white cells
were determined with two methods, time-consuming microscopic and automatic image analysis. The resulting 30 pairs of 3-part compositions are recorded.
A 30x6 matrix
In an experiment each of 30 blood samples was halved, one half being assigned randomly to one method, the other half to the other method. We have 60 cases of 3-part compositions but these are essentially 30 pairs of related compositions. All 3-part portions sums to one, except for some rounding errors.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name WCELLS.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, 1986 (Data 9) pp16.
These functions of a standard R distribution (from package "base" or "stats") are wrapped by naive functions in "compositions" with the goal to ensure their normal behavior with compositional data objects.
... |
arguments passed to the original function (all!) |
The functions documented in this page are just wrapers around base functions
from R that, due to a variety of reasons, need pre- or post-processing when
"compositions" is loaded. Pre-processing are e.g., converting "rmult" class
objects to plain "matrix" objects, or removing sticky class behaviour (see
The same as the original function from package base (i.e. search for it with '?base::anova').
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado http://www.stat.boogaart.de
in package "base" .
# anova: data("Hydrochem") # load data Z = acomp(Hydrochem[,7:19]) # select composition Hydrochem$compo = Z # attach to dataset md = lm(alr(compo)~log(H), data=Hydrochem) # fit model anova(md) # anova test
# anova: data("Hydrochem") # load data Z = acomp(Hydrochem[,7:19]) # select composition Hydrochem$compo = Z # attach to dataset md = lm(alr(compo)~log(H), data=Hydrochem) # fit model anova(md) # anova test
The quality of yatquat tree fruit is assessed in terms of relative proportions by volume of flesh, skin and stone. In an experiment an arboriculturist uses 40 trees, randomly allocated 20 to the hormone treatment and leaves untreated the remaining 20 trees. Data provides fruit compositions of the present season and the preceding season, as well as the treatment: 1 for the treated trees, -1 for untreated trees.
A 40x7 data matrix
The yatquat tree produces each season a single large fruit. Data provides fruit compositions of the present season, the compositions of the fruit of the same 40 trees for the preceding season when none of the trees were treated, and in addition the Type: 1 for the treated trees, -1 for untreated trees. For each of the 40 cases we have two 3-part composition on flesh, skin and stone. The column names are:
prFL | portion of fruit flesh in the present season, | |
prSK | portion of fruit skin in the present season, | |
prST | portion of fruit stone in the present season, | |
Type | 1 for treated, $-1$ for untreated trees, | |
paFL | portion of fruit flesh in the preceding season, | |
paSK | portion of fruit skin in the preceding season, | |
paST | portion of fruit stone in the preceding season, |
All 3-part compositions sum to one.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name YATQUAT.DAT, here included under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, (Data 12) pp17.
#data(Yatquat) #plot(acomp(Yatquat[,1:3]),col=as.numeric(Yatquat[,4])+2) #plot(acomp(Yatquat[,5:7]),col=as.numeric(Yatquat[,4])+2)
#data(Yatquat) #plot(acomp(Yatquat[,1:3]),col=as.numeric(Yatquat[,4])+2) #plot(acomp(Yatquat[,5:7]),col=as.numeric(Yatquat[,4])+2)
A function to automatically replace rounded zeroes/BDLs in a composition.
x |
composition or dataset of compositions |
d |
vector containing the detection limits of each part |
a |
fraction of the detection limit to be used in replacement |
If d
is given, zeroes from each column of x
are replaced by the
corresponding detection limit contained there, scaled
down by the value of a
(usually a scalar, although if
it is a vector it will be recycled with a warning). The variable d
be a vector of length equal to ncol(x)
or a matrix of the same shape as x
, then the detection limit is extracted from the data set,
if it is available there (i.e., if there are negative numbers). If no negative
number is present in the data set, and no value is given for d
, the
result will be equal to x
. See compositions.missings
for more
details on the missing policy.
an object of the same class as x
, where all WZERO values have been replaced.
Output contains a further attribute (named Losts
with a logical array of the same dimensions as x
showing which elements were replaced (TRUE) and which were
kept unchanged (FALSE).
Aitchison, J. (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional
Data Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman &
Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p.
Mart\'in-Fern\'andez, J.A.; Barcel\'o-Vidal, C. and Pawlowsky-Glahn, V. (2003) Dealing With Zeros and Missing Values in Compositional Data Sets Using Nonparametric Imputation. Mathematical Geology, 35 , 253-278
data(SimulatedAmounts) x <- acomp(sa.lognormals) xnew <- simulateMissings(x,dl=0.05,knownlimit=FALSE) xnew xrep <- zeroreplace(xnew,0.05) xrep
data(SimulatedAmounts) x <- acomp(sa.lognormals) xnew <- simulateMissings(x,dl=0.05,knownlimit=FALSE) xnew xrep <- zeroreplace(xnew,0.05) xrep