clickR 0.9.45 (2024-12-05)
- Added new function for calculating scores (extreme value detection)
clickR 0.9.37
- Added parallelization for some of the fix functions through the future package
- Added example dataset mtcars_messy, which is derived from the mtcars dataset
clickR 0.8.2
- Now all fix functions working on data.frames have a new argument "select" for selecting on which variables to apply the function.
clickR 0.8.1
- Added new experimental function f_replace() which works as 'find and replace' on data.frames.
clickR 0.8.0 (2021-08-10)
- All report functions have been completely removed from the package. Please install the repmod package for accessing the report functions.
- Bug fixes
clickR 0.7.33
- All report functions are now defunct. These functions have been moved to the new
repmod package (
- Removed dependencies from boot, flextable, lme4, lmerTest, officer and xtable
- Numerous bug fixes
clickR 0.6.64 (2021-03-12)
- All report function are now deprecated and will be defunct in the next version.
These funcions have been moved to the new repmod package (
clickR 0.5.38
- Now fix.numerics() is able to fix numbers with thousands separators.
clickR 0.5.27 (2020-12-07)
- Added new functions to track changes made by the different "fix" functions. See track_changes().
clickR 0.4.30
- Added new function search_scripts() for searching specific string into R scripts in a directory
clickR 0.4.20 (2018-10-17)
- Added new function forge() for reshaping data from wide to long format
clickR 0.4.05 (2018-06-21)
- Removed dependency from reporteRs (and consequently from rJava)
clickR 0.4.1
- Added new function good2go() for loading automatically all packages used in a project
clickR 0.3.64 (2018-04-21)
- Added option to report.model (info=TRUE) so that the model call can be included in the exported table
- Fixed small bugs regarding compatibility with brms models
clickR 0.3.41
- Removed dependency from brms
clickR 0.3.40
- Fixed bug in report.rq() function
- mine.plot() now gives information about variable classes
clickR 0.3.36
clickR 0.3.27 (2017-09-02)
- Descriptivo function is now defunct
- Added support for reporting robust linear models and glmnet models
- Fixed bugs in some report funtions
clickR 0.3.2
- Added descriptive() function as a revamp of the now deprecated descriptivo() function
- Added cluster_var() function to perform variable clustering in exploratory analysis
- Fixed bugs in some report funtions
clickR 0.3.0
- report(model) now returns an (invisible) list in addition to printing the nice output table
- Added support for reporting models fitted using brms package
- now accepts specifying number of decimal places
- Added a new S3 class "reportmodel" for objects created by report(model) function
- Added plot.reportmodel function to plot coefficient plots of the models
- Added function coefplot, which is called by plot.reportmodel, but also can be used to manually plot coefficients for unsupported models
- Minor bug fixes
clickR 0.2.9 (2017-07-05)
- Added nice_names() function to standardize variable names and remove non-ascii characters
- Added function kill.factors() to remove factor class from variables with many levels (to character)
- now only summarizes numeric and factor variables
- Minor bug fixes
clickR 0.2.6
- Refined how fix.numerics() works
clickR 0.2.4
- Minor fixes to fix.numerics()
clickR 0.2.3
- Modified fix.numerics() to avoid massive coercions to NA
clickR 0.2.1
- Added peek() function for concise visualization of data.frames
clickR 0.2.0 (2017-02-20)
- Added check_quality() function for quality control of the data
- Fixed behaviour of fix.numerics() when dealing with leading whitespaces
- Added number of observations to
- Several minor bug fixes
clickR 0.1.12 (2016-12-07)
- Improved behaviour of fix.numerics(), fix.dates() and fix.factors() functions.
- Fixed a bug in report() that was generating duplicated files when exporting to word.