Package 'cctest'

Title: Canonical Correlations and Tests of Independence
Description: A simple interface for multivariate correlation analysis that unifies various classical statistical procedures including t-tests, tests in univariate and multivariate linear models, parametric and nonparametric tests for correlation, Kruskal-Wallis tests, common approximate versions of Wilcoxon rank-sum and signed rank tests, chi-squared tests of independence, score tests of particular hypotheses in generalized linear models, canonical correlation analysis and linear discriminant analysis.
Authors: Robert Schlicht [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Robert Schlicht <[email protected]>
License: EUPL (>= 1.1)
Version: 1.2.0
Built: 2025-02-06 06:59:24 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Tests of Independence Based on Canonical Correlations


cctest estimates canonical correlations between two sets of variables, possibly after removing effects of a third set of variables, and performs a classical multivariate test of (conditional) independence based on Pillai’s statistic.


cctest(formula, data = NULL, df = formula[-2L], ..., tol = 1e-07)



A formula object of the form Y ~ X ~ A, where Y represents dependent variables, X represents a second set of dependent variables or explanatory variables not present under the null hypothesis, and A represents explanatory variables that remain under the null hypothesis. The operators (like +) and expansion rules defined for the model part of a formula object here apply to all three parts alike. Typically, A includes at least the constant 1 to specify a model with intercepts; unlike lm, the function never adds this automatically.


An optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by to a data frame) containing the variables in the model.


An optional formula object of the form ~ A0, where A0 is a replacement of A for the degrees of freedom computation. If not specified, this is the same as A.


Additional optional arguments passed to model.frame. In particular, subset specifies which rows of data to include, na.action how to handle missing values (e.g., na.exclude), and weights is a vector of any nonnegative numbers that specify how many identical observations each row represents.


The tolerance in the QR decomposition for detecting linear dependencies (i.e., collinearities) of the variables.


cctest unifies various classical statistical procedures that involve the same underlying computations, including t-tests, tests in univariate and multivariate linear models, parametric and nonparametric tests for correlation, Kruskal–Wallis tests, common approximate versions of Wilcoxon rank-sum and signed rank tests, chi-squared tests of independence, score tests of particular hypotheses in generalized linear models, canonical correlation analysis and linear discriminant analysis (see Examples).

Specifically, for the matrices with ranks rxr_{x} and ryr_{y} obtained from XX and YY by subtracting from each column its orthogonal projection on the column space of AA, the function computes factorizations X~U\tilde{X}U and Y~V\tilde{Y}V with X~\tilde{X} and Y~\tilde{Y} having rxr_{x} and ryr_{y} columns, respectively, such that both X~X~=rI\tilde{X}^\top \tilde{X}=rI and Y~Y~=rI\tilde{Y}^\top \tilde{Y}=rI, and X~Y~=rD\tilde{X}^\top \tilde{Y}=rD is a rectangular diagonal matrix with decreasing diagonal elements. The scaling factor rr, which should be nonzero, is the dimension of the orthogonal complement of the column space of A0A_{0}.

The function realizes this variant of the singular value decomposition by first computing preliminary QR factorizations of the stated form (taking r=1r=1) without the requirement on DD, and then, in a second step, modifying these based on a standard singular value decomposition of that matrix. The main work is done in a rotated coordinate system where the column space of AA aligns with the coordinate axes. The basic approach and the rank detection algorithm are inspired by the implementations in cancor and in lm, respectively.

The diagonal elements of DD, or singular values, are the estimated canonical correlations (Hotelling 1936) of the variables represented by XX and YY if these follow a linear model (X    Y)=A(α    β)+(δ    ϵ)(X\;\;Y)=A(\alpha\;\;\beta)+(\delta\;\;\epsilon) with known AA, unknown (α    β)(\alpha\;\;\beta) and error terms (δ    ϵ)(\delta\;\;\epsilon) that have uncorrelated rows with expectation zero and an identical unknown covariance matrix. In the most common case, where A is given as a constant 1, these are the sample canonical correlations (i.e., based on simple centering) most often presented in the literature for full column ranks rxr_{x} and ryr_{y}. They are always decreasing and between 0 and 1.

In the case of the linear model with independent normally distributed rows and A0=AA_{0}=A, the ranks rxr_{x} and ryr_{y} equal, with probability 1, the ranks of the covariance matrices of the rows of XX and YY, respectively, or rr, whichever is smaller. Under the hypothesis of independence of XX and YY, given those ranks, the joint distribution of the ss squared singular values, where ss is the smaller of the two ranks, is then known and in the case rrx+ryr\geq r_{x}+r_{y} has a probability density (Hsu 1939, Anderson 2003, Anderson 2007) given by

ρ(t1,...,ts)i=1sti(rxry1)/2(1ti)(rrxry1)/2i<j(titj),\rho (t_{1},...,t_{s})\propto \prod _{i=1}^{s}t_{i}^{(\left|r_{x}-r_{y} \right|-1)/2}(1-t_{i})^{(r-r_{x}-r_{y}-1)/2}\prod _{i<j}(t_{i}-t_{j}),

1t1ts01\geq t_{1}\geq \cdots \geq t_{s}\geq 0. For s=1s=1 this reduces to the well-known case of a single beta distributed R2R^{2} or equivalently an F distributed R2/(rxry)(1R2)/(rrxry)R^{2}/(r_{x}r_{y}) \over (1-R^{2})/(r-r_{x}r_{y}), with the divisors in the numerator and denominator representing the degrees of freedom, or twice the parameters of the beta distribution.

Pillai’s statistic is the sum of squares of the canonical correlations, which equals, even without the requirement on DD, the squared Frobenius norm of that matrix (or trace of DDD^\top D). Replacing the distribution of that statistic divided by ss (i.e., of the mean of squares) with beta or gamma distributions with first or shape parameter rxry/2r_{x}r_{y}/2 and expectation rxry/(rs)r_{x}r_{y}/(rs) leads to the F and chi-squared approximations that the p-values returned by cctest are based on.

The F or beta approximation (Pillai 1954, p. 99, p. 44) is usually used with A0=AA_{0}=A and then is exact if s=1s=1. The chi-squared approximation represents Rao’s (1948) score test (with a test statistic that is rr times Pillai’s statistic) in the model obtained after removing (or conditioning on) the orthogonal projections on the column space of A0A_{0} provided that is a subset of the column space of AA.


A list with class htest containing the following components:

x, y

matrices X~\tilde{X} and Y~\tilde{Y} of new transformed variables

xinv, yinv

matrices UU and VV representing the inverse coordinate transformations


vector of canonical correlations, i.e., the diagonal elements of DD


vector of p-values based on Pillai’s statistic and classical chi-squared and F approximations


the number rr


the name of the function

a character string representation of formula (possibly shortened)


The handling of weights differs from that in lm unless the nonzero weights are scaled so as to have a mean of 1. Also, to facilitate predictions for rows with zero weights (see Examples and the code marked as optional), the square roots of the weights, used internally for scaling the data, are always computed as nonzero numbers, even for zero weights, where they are so small that their square is still numerically zero and hence without effect on the correlation analysis. An offset, if included in A or ..., is subtracted from all columns in X and Y.


Robert Schlicht


Hotelling, H. (1936). Relations between two sets of variates. Biometrika 28, 321–377. doi:10.1093/biomet/28.3-4.321, doi:10.2307/2333955

Hsu, P.L. (1939). On the distribution of roots of certain determinantal equations. Annals of Eugenics 9, 250–258. doi:10.1111/j.1469-1809.1939.tb02212.x

Rao, C.R. (1948). Large sample tests of statistical hypotheses concerning several parameters with applications to problems of estimation. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 44, 50–57. doi:10.1017/S0305004100023987

Pillai, K.C.S. (1954). On some distribution problems in multivariate analysis (Institute of Statistics mimeo series 88). North Carolina State University, Dept. of Statistics.

Anderson, T.W. (2003). An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis, 3rd edition, Ch. 12–13. Wiley.

Anderson, T.W. (2007). Multiple discoveries: distribution of roots of determinantal equations. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 137, 3240–3248. doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2007.03.008

See Also

Functions cancor, anova.mlm in package stats and implementations of canonical correlation analysis in other packages such as CCP (tests only), MVar, candisc (both including tests based on Wilks’ statistic), yacca, CCA, acca, whitening.


## Artificial observations in 5-by-5 meter quadrats in a forest for
## comparing cctest analyses with equivalent "stats" methods:
dat <- within(data.frame(row.names=1:150), {
  plot <- sample(factor(c("a","b")), 150, TRUE)         # plot a or b
  x    <- as.integer(runif(150,1,31) + 81*(plot=="b"))  # x position on grid
  y    <- as.integer(runif(150,1,31) + 61*(plot=="b"))  # y position on grid
  ori  <- sample(factor(c("E","N","S","W")), 150, TRUE) # orientation of slope
  elev <- runif(150,605,645) + 5*(plot=="b")            # elevation (in meters)
  h    <- rnorm(150, 125-.17*elev, 3.5)                 # tree height (in meters)
  h5   <- rnorm(150, h, 2)                              # tree height 5 years earlier
  h10  <- rnorm(150, h5, 2)                             # tree height 10 years earlier
  c15  <- as.integer(rnorm(150, h10, 2) > 20)           # 0-1 coded, 15 years earlier
  sapl <- rnbinom(150, 2.6, mu=.02*elev)                # number of saplings

## t-tests:
cctest(h~plot~1, dat)
  t.test(h~plot, dat, var.equal=TRUE)
  summary(lm(h~plot, dat))
cctest(I(h-20)~1~0, dat)
  t.test(dat$h, mu=20)
  t.test(h~1, dat, mu=20)
cctest(I(h-h5)~1~0, dat)
  t.test(dat$h, dat$h5, paired=TRUE)
  t.test(Pair(h,h5)~1, dat)

## Test for correlation:
cctest(h~elev~1, dat)
  cor.test(~h+elev, dat)

## One-way analysis of variance:
cctest(h~ori~1, dat)
  anova(lm(h~ori, dat))

## F-tests in linear models:
cctest(h~ori~1+elev, dat)
  anova(lm(h~1+elev, dat), lm(h~ori+elev, dat))
cctest(h~h10~0, dat, subset=1:5)
  anova(lm(h~0,dat,subset=1:5), lm(h~0+h10,dat,subset=1:5))

## Test in multivariate linear model based on Pillai's statistic:
cctest(h+h5+h10~x+y~1+elev, dat)
  anova(lm(cbind(h,h5,h10)~elev, dat),
    lm(cbind(h,h5,h10)~elev+x+y, dat))

## Test based on Spearman's rank correlation coefficient:
cctest(rank(h)~rank(elev)~1, dat)
  cor.test(~h+elev, dat, method="spearman", exact=FALSE)

## Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon rank-sum tests:
cctest(rank(h)~ori~1, dat)
  kruskal.test(h~ori, dat)
cctest(rank(h)~plot~1, dat)
  wilcox.test(h~plot, dat, exact=FALSE, correct=FALSE)

## Wilcoxon signed rank test:
cctest(rank(abs(h-h5))~sign(h-h5)~0, subset(dat, h-h5 != 0))
  wilcox.test(h-h5 ~ 1, dat, exact=FALSE, correct=FALSE)

## Chi-squared test of independence:
cctest(ori~plot~1, dat, ~0)
cctest(ori~plot~1, xtabs(~ori+plot,dat), ~0, weights=Freq)
  summary(xtabs(~ori+plot, dat, drop.unused.levels=TRUE))
  chisq.test(dat$ori, dat$plot, correct=FALSE)

## Score test in logistic regression (logit model, ...~1 only):
cctest(c15~x+y~1, dat, ~0)
  anova(glm(c15~1, binomial, dat, epsilon=1e-12),
    glm(c15~1+x+y, binomial, dat), test="Rao")

## Score test in multinomial logit model (...~1 only):
cctest(ori~x+y~1, dat, ~0)
  with(list(d=dat, e=expand.grid(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
    i=row.names(dat), j=levels(dat$ori))
  ), anova(
    glm(d[i,"ori"]==j ~ j+d[i,"x"]+d[i,"y"], poisson, e, epsilon=1e-12),
    glm(d[i,"ori"]==j ~ j*(d[i,"x"]+d[i,"y"]), poisson, e), test="Rao"

## Absolute values of (partial) correlation coefficients:
cctest(h~elev~1, dat)$est
  cor(dat$h, dat$elev)
cctest(h~elev~1+x+y, dat)$est
  cov2cor(estVar(lm(cbind(h,elev)~1+x+y, dat)))
cctest(h~x+y+elev~1, dat)$est^2
  summary(lm(h~1+x+y+elev, dat))$r.squared

## Canonical correlations:
cctest(h+h5+h10~x+y~1, dat)$est

## Linear discriminant analysis:
  cc = cctest(h+h5+h10~ori~1, dat, ~ori)
), cc$y / sqrt(1-cc$est^2)[col(cc$y)])[1:7,]

## Correspondence analysis:
cctest(ori~plot~1, xtabs(~ori+plot,dat), ~0, weights=Freq)[1:2]
  #MASS::corresp(~plot+ori, dat, nf=2)

## Prediction in multivariate linear model:
  cc = cctest(h+h5+h10~1+x+y~0, dat, weights=plot=="a")
), cc$x %*% diag(cc$est,ncol(cc$x),ncol(cc$y)) %*% cc$yinv)[1:7,]
  predict(lm(cbind(h,h5,h10)~1+x+y, dat, subset=plot=="a"), dat)[1:7,]

## Not run: 
## Handling of additional arguments and edge cases:
cctest(h~h10~offset(h5), dat)
  anova(lm(h~0+offset(h5), dat), lm(h~0+I(h10-h5)+offset(h5), dat))
cctest(h~x~1, dat, weights=sapl/mean(sapl[sapl!=0]))
  anova(lm(h~1, dat, weights=sapl),
    lm(h~1+x, dat, weights=sapl))
cctest(sqrt(h-17)~elev~1, dat[1:5,], na.action=na.exclude)[1:2]
  scale(resid(lm(cbind(elev,sqrt(h-17))~1, dat[1:5,],
    na.action=na.exclude)), FALSE)
cctest(ori:I(sum(Freq)/Freq)~I(0*Freq)~offset(Freq^0), xtabs(~ori,dat),
  chisq.test(xtabs(~ori,dat), p=c(.4,.1,.2,.3))
cctest(c15~h~1, dat,     tol=0.999*sqrt(1-cctest(h~1~0,dat)$est^2))
  summary(lm(c15~h, dat, tol=0.999*sqrt(1-cctest(h~1~0,dat)$est^2)))
cctest(c15~h~1, dat,     tol=1.001*sqrt(1-cctest(h~1~0,dat)$est^2))
  summary(lm(c15~h, dat, tol=1.001*sqrt(1-cctest(h~1~0,dat)$est^2)))
cctest(0~0~0, dat,
cctest(1~0~1, dat)
  anova(lm(h^0~1, dat), lm(h^0~0+1, dat))
cctest(1~1~0, dat)
  anova(lm(h^0~0, dat), lm(h^0~1, dat))
## End(Not run)