Package 'care'

Title: High-Dimensional Regression and CAR Score Variable Selection
Description: Implements the regression approach of Zuber and Strimmer (2011) "High-dimensional regression and variable selection using CAR scores" SAGMB 10: 34, <DOI:10.2202/1544-6115.1730>. CAR scores measure the correlation between the response and the Mahalanobis-decorrelated predictors. The squared CAR score is a natural measure of variable importance and provides a canonical ordering of variables. This package provides functions for estimating CAR scores, for variable selection using CAR scores, and for estimating corresponding regression coefficients. Both shrinkage as well as empirical estimators are available.
Authors: Verena Zuber and Korbinian Strimmer.
Maintainer: Korbinian Strimmer <>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 1.1.11
Built: 2025-02-20 06:31:52 UTC
Source: CRAN

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The care Package


The "care" package implements the CAR regression approach described in Zuber and Strimmer (2011). CAR scores measure the correlations between the response and the Mahalanobis-decorrelated predictors. The squared CAR score is a natural measure of variable importance and provides a canonical ordering of variables - see Zuber and Strimmer (2011) for details.

This package provides functions for estimating CAR scores, for variable selection using CAR scores, and for estimating corresponding regression coefficients. Both shrinkage as well as empirical estimators are available.

The name of the package refers to CAR estimation and CAR regression.


Verena Zuber and Korbinian Strimmer (


Zuber, V., and K. Strimmer. 2011. High-dimensional regression and variable selection using CAR scores. Statist. Appl. Genet. Mol. Biol. 10: 34. <DOI:10.2202/1544-6115.1730>


See Also

carscore, slm, efron2004, lu2004.

Estimate CAR Scores and Marginal Correlations


carscore estimates the vector of CAR scores, either using the standard empirical estimator of the correlation matrix, or a shrinkage estimator.


carscore(Xtrain, Ytrain, lambda, diagonal=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)



Matrix of predictors (columns correspond to variables).


Univariate response variable.


The correlation shrinkage intensity (range 0-1). If not specified (the default) it is estimated using an analytic formula from Sch\"afer and Strimmer (2005). For lambda=0 the empirical correlations are used.


For diagonal=FALSE (the default) CAR scores are computed; otherwise with diagonal=TRUE marginal correlations.


If verbose=TRUE then the shrinkage intensity used in estimating the shrinkage correlation matrix is reported.


The CAR scores are the correlations between the response and the Mahalanobis-decorrelated predictors. CAR score is an abbreviation for Correlation-Adjusted (marginal) coRelation, where the first correlation matrix refers dependencies among predictors.

In Zuber and Strimmer (2011) it is argued that squared CAR scores are a natural measure for variable importance and it is shown that variable selection based on CAR scores is highly efficient compared to competing approaches such as elastic net lasso, or boosting.

If the response is binary (or descrete) the corresponding quantity are CAT scores (see catscore).


carscore returns a vector containing the CAR scores (or marginal correlations for diagonal=TRUE).


Verena Zuber and Korbinian Strimmer (


Zuber, V., and K. Strimmer. 2011. High-dimensional regression and variable selection using CAR scores. Statist. Appl. Genet. Mol. Biol. 10: 34. <DOI:10.2202/1544-6115.1730>

See Also



# load care library


# empirical CAR scores for diabetes data
xnames = colnames(efron2004$x)
n = dim(efron2004$x)[1]

car = carscore(efron2004$x, efron2004$y, lambda=0)

# compare orderings

# variables ordered by squared CAR scores
xnames[order(car^2, decreasing=TRUE)]
# "bmi" "s5"  "bp"  "s3"  "s4"  "s6"  "sex" "age" "s2"  "s1" 

# compare with ordering by t-scores / partial correlations 
pcor = pcor.shrink(cbind(efron2004$y,efron2004$x), lambda=0, verbose=FALSE)[-1,1]
xnames[order(pcor^2, decreasing=TRUE)]
# "bmi" "bp"  "s5"  "sex" "s1"  "s2"  "s4"  "s6"  "s3"  "age"

# compare with ordering by marginal correlations 
mcor = cor(efron2004$y,efron2004$x)
#mcor = carscore(efron2004$x, efron2004$y, diagonal=TRUE, lambda=0)
xnames[order(mcor^2, decreasing=TRUE)]
# "bmi" "s5"  "bp"  "s4"  "s3"  "s6"  "s1"  "age" "s2"  "sex"

# decomposition of R^2
slm(efron2004$x, efron2004$y, lambda=0, lambda.var=0)$R2

# pvalues for empirical CAR scores
pval = 1-pbeta(car^2, shape1=1/2, shape2=(n-2)/2)
pval <= 0.05


# shrinkage CAR scores for Lu et al. (2004) data
dim(lu2004$x)    # 30 403

# compute shrinkage car scores
car = carscore(lu2004$x, lu2004$y)

# most important genes
order(car^2, decreasing=TRUE)[1:10]

# compare with empirical marginal correlations
mcor = cor(lu2004$y, lu2004$x)
order(mcor^2, decreasing=TRUE)[1:10]

# decomposition of R^2
slm(lu2004$x, lu2004$y)$R2

Diabetes Data from Efron et al. (2004)


Diabetes data (10 variables, 442 measurements) as used in the study of Efron et al. (2004). The data is standardized such that the means of all variables are zero, and all variances are equal to one.




efron2004$x is a 422 x 10 matrix containing the measurements of the explanatory variables (age, sex, body mass, etc.). The rows contain the samples and the columns the variables.

efron2004$y contains the response.


The orginal data are available in the lars R package, see Note that this uses a slightly different standardization.


Efron, B., et al. 2004. Least angle regression (with discussion). Ann. Statist. 32:407–499. <DOI:10.1214/009053604000000067>


# load care library

# load Efron et al. (2004) diabetes data set
dim(efron2004$x) # 442 10
length(efron2004$y) # 442

Brain Aging Study of Lu et al. (2004)


Gene expression data (403 genes for 30 samples) from the microarray study of Lu et al. (2004).




lu2004$x is a 30 x 403 matrix containing the log expression levels. The rows contain the samples and the columns the genes.

lu2004$y is the age of for each sample.


This data set contains measurements of the gene expression of 403 genes from 30 human brain samples. In addition, the age of each patient is provided.


The original data are available from the GEO public functional genomics database at URL and are described in Lu et al. (2004). The selected 403 genes result from prescreening and preprocessing as described in Zuber and Strimmer (2011).


Lu, T., et al. 2004. Gene regulation and DNA damage in the ageing human brain. Nature 429:883–891. <DOI:10.1038/nature02661>

Zuber, V., and K. Strimmer. 2011. High-dimensional regression and variable selection using CAR scores. Statist. Appl. Genet. Mol. Biol. 10: 34. <DOI:10.2202/1544-6115.1730>


# load care library

# load Lu et al. (2004) data set
dim(lu2004$x) # 30 403
length(lu2004$y) # 30
lu2004$y # age

Shrinkage Estimation of Regression Coefficients


slm fits a linear model and computes (standardized) regression coefficients by plugin of shrinkage estimates of correlations and variances. Using the argument predlist several models can be fitted on the same data set.

make.predlist constructs a predlist argument for use with slm.


slm(Xtrain, Ytrain, predlist, lambda, lambda.var, diagonal=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
## S3 method for class 'slm'
predict(object, Xtest, verbose=TRUE, ...)
make.predlist(ordering, numpred, name="SIZE")



Matrix of predictors (columns correspond to variables).


Univariate continous response variable.


A list specifying the predictors to be included when fitting the linear regression. Each entry in the list is a vector containing the indices of variables used per model. If left unspecified single full-sized model using all variables in Xtrain is assumed. For a given ordering of covariables a suitable predlist can be generated using the helper function make.predlist - see examples below.


The correlation shrinkage intensity (range 0-1). If not specified (the default) it is estimated using an analytic formula from Sch\"afer and Strimmer (2005). For lambda=0 the empirical correlations are used.


The variance shrinkage intensity (range 0-1). If not specified (the default) it is estimated using an analytic formula from Opgen-Rhein and Strimmer (2007). For lambda.var=0 the empirical variances are used.


If diagonal=FALSE (the default) then the correlation among predictor veriables assumed to be non-zero and is estimated from data. If diagonal=TRUE then it is assumed that the correlation among predictors vanishes and is set to zero.


If verbose=TRUE then the estimated shrinkage intensities are reported.


An slm fit object obtained from the function slm.


A matrix containing the test data set. Note that the rows correspond to observations and the columns to variables.


Additional arguments for generic predict.


The ordering of the predictors (most important predictors are first).


The number of included predictors (may be a scalar or a vector). The predictors are included in the order specified by ordering.


The name assigned to each model is name plus "." and the number of included predictors.


The regression coefficients are obtained by estimating the joint joint covariance matrix of the response and the predictors, and subsequently computing the the regression coefficients by inversion of this matrix - see Opgen-Rhein and Strimmer (2007). As estimators for the covariance matrix either the standard empirical estimator or a Stein-type shrinkage estimator is employed. The use of the empirical covariance leads to the OLS estimates of the regression coefficients, whereas otherwise shrinkage estimates are obtained.


slm returns a list with the following components:

regularization: The shrinkage intensities used for estimating correlations and variances.

std.coefficients: The standardized regression coefficients, i.e. the regression coefficients computed from centered and standardized input data. Thus, by construction the intercept is zero. Furthermore, for diagonal=TRUE the standardized regression coefficient for each predictor is identical to the respective marginal correlation.

coefficients: Regression coefficients.

numpred: The number of predictors used in each investigated model.

R2: For diagonal=TRUE this is the multiple correlation coefficient between the response and the predictor, or the proportion of explained variance, with range from 0 to 1. For diagonal=TRUE this equals the sum of squared marginal correlations. Note that this sum may be larger than 1!

sd.resid: The residual unexplained error.

predict.slm returns the means predicted for each sample and model as well as the corresponding predictive standard deviations (attached as attribute "sd").


Korbinian Strimmer (


Opgen-Rhein, R., and K. Strimmer. 2007. From correlation to causation networks: a simple approximate learning algorithm and its application to high-dimensional plant gene expression data. BMC Syst. Biol. 1: 37. <DOI:10.1186/1752-0509-1-37>

Sch\"afer, J., and K. Strimmer. 2005. A shrinkage approach to large-scale covariance estimation and implications for functional genomics. Statist. Appl. Genet. Mol. Biol. 4: 32. <DOI:10.2202/1544-6115.1175>

See Also



# load care library

## example with large number of samples and small dimension
## (using empirical estimates of regression coefficients)

# diabetes data
x = efron2004$x
y = efron2004$y
n = dim(x)[1]
d = dim(x)[2]
xnames = colnames(x)

# empirical regression coefficients
fit = slm(x, y, lambda=0, lambda.var=0)
# note that in this example the regression coefficients
# and the standardized regression coefficients are identical
# as the input data have been standardized to mean zero and variance one

# compute corresponding t scores / partial correlations
df = n-d-1
pcor = pcor.shrink(cbind(y,x), lambda=0)[-1,1] 
t = pcor * sqrt(df/(1-pcor^2))
t.pval = 2 - 2 * pt(abs(t), df)
b = fit$coefficients[1,-1]
cbind(b, pcor, t, t.pval)

# compare results with those from lm function
lm.out = lm(y ~ x)

# prediction of fitted values at the position of the training data
mu.hat = predict(fit, x) # precticted means
attr(mu.hat, "sd") # predictive error

# ordering of the variables using squared empirical CAR score
car = carscore(x, y, lambda=0)
ocar = order(car^2, decreasing=TRUE)

# CAR regression models with 5, 7, 9 included predictors
car.predlist = make.predlist(ocar, numpred = c(5,7,9), name="CAR")
slm(x, y, car.predlist, lambda=0, lambda.var=0)

# plot regression coefficients for all possible CAR models

car.predlist = make.predlist(ocar, numpred = 1:p, name="CAR")
cm = slm(x, y, car.predlist, lambda=0, lambda.var=0)
bmat = cm$coefficients[,-1]


plot(1:p, bmat[,1], type="l", 
  ylab="estimated regression coefficients", 
  xlab="number of included predictors", 
  main="CAR Regression Models for Diabetes Data", 
  xlim=c(1,p+1), ylim=c(min(bmat), max(bmat)))

for (i in 2:p) lines(1:p, bmat[,i], col=i, lty=i)
for (i in 1:p) points(1:p, bmat[,i], col=i)
for (i in 1:p) text(p+0.5, bmat[p,i], xnames[i])

plot(1:p, cm$R2, type="l", 
  ylab="estimated R2",
  xlab="number of included predictors",
  main="Proportion of Explained Variance",
R2max = max(cm$R2)
lines(c(1,p), c(R2max, R2max), col=2)


## example with small number of samples and large dimension
## (using shrinkage estimates of regression coefficients)

dim(lu2004$x)    # 30 403

fit = slm(lu2004$x, lu2004$y)