Package 'blrm'

Title: Dose Escalation Design in Phase I Oncology Trial Using Bayesian Logistic Regression Modeling
Description: Design dose escalation using Bayesian logistic regression modeling in Phase I oncology trial.
Authors: Furong Sun <>, Zhonggai Li <>
Maintainer: Furong Sun <>
License: LGPL
Version: 1.0-2
Built: 2025-02-24 11:57:59 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Dose Escalation Design in Phase I Oncology Trial using Bayesian Logistic Regression Modeling


Provides dose escalation design in Phase I oncology trial using Bayesian Logistic Regression Modeling given prior and observed cohorts


blrm_mono_ss(prior, data, output_excel=FALSE, output_pdf=FALSE)
  blrm_mono_ms(prior, data, output_excel=FALSE, output_pdf=FALSE)
  blrm_combo_ss(prior, data, output_excel=FALSE, output_pdf=FALSE)
  blrm_combo_ms(prior, data, output_excel=FALSE, output_pdf=FALSE)



mean, standard deviation, and correlation of parameters


parameters, including random number generating seeds, number of simulation samples, burn-in period, drug name, dose unit, provisional doses, reference dose, tested doses, number of patients, number of dose-limiting toxicities, category bounds, category names, escalation with overdose criterion


output_excel = FALSE by default; if output_excel = TRUE, then the simulation output will be provided in excel file


output_pdf = FALSE by default; if output_pdf = TRUE, then visualization of simulation output, including interval probabilities by dose and posterior distribution of dose-limiting toxicity rate, will be provided in pdf file


Model-based dose-escalation design is more flexible than traditional “3 + 3" design. Bayesian logistic regression model is a two-parameter statistical model to quantify the relationship between dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) rate and drug dose.

log(πd1πd)=log(α)+βlog(dd)\log(\frac{\pi_d}{1-\pi_d}) = \log(\alpha) + \beta\log(\frac{d}{d^*})

, where α>0\alpha > 0, β>0\beta > 0, πd\pi_d is the probability of toxicity at dose d, and dd^* is the reference dose.

For more details, see Neuenschwander, et al. (2008).



interval probabilities by dose


posterior estimates of parameters


posterior estimates of dose-limiting rates


recommended next dose


summary of simulation outputs


accumulated summary of each observed cohort


Furong Sun


Neuenschwander, B., Branson, M. and Gsponer, T. (2008). “Critical aspects of the Bayesian approach to phase I cancer trials”, Statistics in Medicine, 27(13), 2420-2439. doi: 10.1002/sim.3230.


## mono version 
  # prior for log(alpha) and log(beta)
  mean <- c(-3.068, 0.564)
  se <- c(2.706, 0.728)
  corr <- -0.917
  prior <- list(mean=mean, se=se, corr=corr)
  # parameters
  seeds <- 1:2
  nsamples <- 10000
  burn_in <- 0.2
  drug_name <- "DRUG-X"
  dose_unit <- "mg"
  prov_dose <- c(360, 480, 720, 1080, 1440)
  ref_dose <- 720
  category_bound <- c(0.16, 0.33)
  category_name <- c("under-dosing", "targeted-toxicity", "over-dosing")
  ewoc <- 0.25
  # observed cohorts
  dose <- 480
  n_pat <- 3
  dlt <- 0
  # combine prior, parameters, and observed cohorts to a list
  data <- list(seeds=seeds, nsamples=nsamples, burn_in=burn_in, drug_name=drug_name,
               dose_unit=dose_unit, prov_dose=prov_dose, ref_dose=ref_dose,
               dose=dose, n_pat=n_pat, dlt=dlt, category_bound=category_bound,
               category_name=category_name, ewoc=ewoc)
  # ready to go!
  trial <- blrm_mono_ss(prior=prior, data=data, output_excel=FALSE, output_pdf=FALSE)
  prob_posterior <- trial$prob_posterior
  pi_posterior <- trial$pi_posterior
  # visualization
  ## interval probabilities by dose
  cols <- c("green", "red")[((prob_posterior[3,]) > ewoc)+1] # red: stop; green: pass
  yrange <- function(max.y){ <- ifelse(rep((1.1*max.y <= 1), 2), c(0, 1.1*max.y), c(0, max.y))
  layout(matrix(c(1,2,3), 3, 1, byrow=TRUE))
  ## e.g., (0.33, 1]
          xlab=paste0("dose", "(", dose_unit, ")"), ylab="probability",
          ylim=yrange(max(prob_posterior[3,])), names.arg=paste(prov_dose), 
          main=paste0(category_name[3], ": (", category_bound[2], ", 1]"), 
          cex.main=1.3, font.main=4)
  if(max(prob_posterior[3,]) >= ewoc){
     abline(h=ewoc, lty=2, col="red")
     text(x=0.4, y=1.15*ewoc, labels=paste0("EWOC=", ewoc), 
          col="red", cex=1.2, font.main=4)
     text(x=0.8, y=max(prob_posterior[3,]), labels=paste0("EWOC=", ewoc), 
          col="red", cex=1.2, font.main=4)
  ## e.g., (0.16, 0.33]
          xlab=paste0("dose", "(", dose_unit, ")"), ylab="probability",
          ylim=yrange(max(prob_posterior[2,])), names.arg=paste(prov_dose), 
          main=paste0(category_name[2], ": (", category_bound[1], ", ", category_bound[2], "]"), 
          cex.main=1.3, font.main=4)
  ## e.g., (0, 0.16]
          xlab=paste0("dose", "(", dose_unit, ")"), ylab="probability",
          ylim=yrange(max(prob_posterior[1,])), names.arg=paste(prov_dose), 
          col="green", main=paste0(category_name[1], ": (0, ", category_bound[1], "]"), 
          cex.main=1.3, font.main=4)
  ## add a main title to the three barplots together
  mtext("Interval Probabilities by Dose", side=3, outer=TRUE, line=-2,
         at=par("usr")[1]+0.035*diff(par("usr")[1:2]), cex=1.2, font=2)
  ## posterior distribution of DLT rate
  plot(prov_dose, pi_posterior[4,], type='p', pch=20, 
       xlab=paste0("dose", "(", dose_unit, ")"), ylab="DLT rate", 
       xlim=range(prov_dose), ylim=c(0, max(pi_posterior)), 
       main="Posterior Distribution of DLT Rate", bty="n")
  arrows(prov_dose, pi_posterior[3,], prov_dose, pi_posterior[5,], 
         code=3, angle=90, length=0.1, lwd=1.5, col=1)
  if(max(pi_posterior[5,]) >= category_bound[2]){
     abline(h=category_bound, lty=2, col=c(rgb(0,1,0,alpha=0.8), rgb(1,0,0,alpha=0.8)))
     legend("topleft", c(paste(category_bound), "median", "95 percent credible interval"),
            lty=c(2,2,NA,1), lwd=c(1,1,NA,1.5), pch=c(NA,NA,20,NA),
            col=c(rgb(0,1,0,alpha=0.8), rgb(1,0,0,alpha=0.8), 1, 1), bty="n")
  }else if((max(pi_posterior[5,]) >= category_bound[1]) && 
            (max(pi_posterior[5,]) < category_bound[2])){
     abline(h=category_bound[1], lty=2, col=rgb(0,1,0,alpha=0.8))
     legend("topleft", c(paste(category_bound[1]), "median", "95 percent credible interval"),
            lty=c(2,NA,1), lwd=c(1,NA,1.5), pch=c(NA,20,NA), 
            col=c(rgb(0,1,0,alpha=0.8), 1, 1), bty="n")
        legend("topleft", c("median", "95 percent credible interval"), 
                lty=c(NA,1), lwd=c(NA,1.5), pch=c(20,NA), col=c(1,1), bty="n")

  ## combo version
  # prior
  ## drug 1
  mean1 <- c(-1.0989, -0.1674)
  se1 <- c(1.2770, 0.5713)
  corr1 <- 0.5224
  prior1 <- list(mean=mean1, se=se1, corr=corr1)
  ## drug 2
  mean2 <- c(-2.9444, 0)
  se2 <- c(2, 1)
  corr2 <- 0
  prior2 <- list(mean=mean2, se=se2, corr=corr2)
  ## interaction between 2 drugs
  prior3 <- list(mean=0, se=1.121)
  ## combine three sets of priors
  prior <- list(prior1, prior2, prior3)
  # parameters
  seeds <- 1:2
  nsamples <- 10000
  burn_in <- 0.5
  ## drug 1
  drug1_name <- "DRUG-X"
  dose1_unit <- "mg"
  ref_dose1 <- 15
  prov_dose1 <- c(1, 2.5, 5, 10)
  ## drug 2
  drug2_name <- "DRUG-Y"
  dose2_unit <- "mg"
  ref_dose2 <- 350
  prov_dose2 <- c(200, 250, 300, 350)
  dose1 <- 1     # tested doses for drug 1
  dose2 <- 200   # tested doses for drug 2
  n_pat <- 3     # number of patients at each observed cohort
  dlt <- 0       # number of DLTs at each observed cohort
  category_bound <- c(0.16, 0.33)
  category_name <- c("under-dosing", "targeted-toxicity", "over-dosing")
  ewoc <- 0.25
  # combine to a list
  data <- list(seeds=seeds, nsamples=nsamples, burn_in=burn_in,
               drug1_name=drug1_name, dose1_unit=dose1_unit, 
               ref_dose1=ref_dose1, prov_dose1=prov_dose1,
               drug2_name=drug2_name, dose2_unit=dose2_unit, 
               ref_dose2=ref_dose2, prov_dose2=prov_dose2,
               dose1=dose1, dose2=dose2, n_pat=n_pat, dlt=dlt,
               category_bound=category_bound, category_name=category_name, 
  # ready to go!
           trial <- blrm_combo_ss(prior=prior, data=data, output_excel=FALSE, output_pdf=FALSE)
  prob_posterior <- trial$prob_posterior
    pi_posterior <- trial$pi_posterior
       next_dose <- trial$next_dose
  # visualization
  ## Interval Probabilities by Dose: `(0.33, 1]' is the target
  ### data manipulation
  prov_dose <- expand.grid(prov_dose1, prov_dose2)
  prob_posterior_3 <- cbind(prov_dose, prob_posterior[3,])
  names(prob_posterior_3) <- c("drug1", "drug2", "probability")
  prob_posterior_3 <- transform(prob_posterior_3, 
                                level=ifelse(probability > ewoc, 1, 0))
  for(i in 1:nrow(prob_posterior_3)){
      if(as.numeric(rownames(prob_posterior_3[i,])) == as.numeric(next_dose$index)){
         prob_posterior_3[i,4] <- 2
  # convert data.frame from ``long" to ``wide"
  prob_posterior_3_wide <- reshape2::dcast(prob_posterior_3[,-3], 
                                     drug2 ~ drug1, value.var="level")
  prob_posterior_3_wide <- prob_posterior_3_wide[,-1]
  rownames(prob_posterior_3_wide) <- paste(prov_dose2)
  colnames(prob_posterior_3_wide) <- paste(prov_dose1)
  cols <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(prov_dose2), ncol=length(prov_dose1))
  for(i in 1:nrow(prob_posterior_3_wide)){
      for(j in 1:ncol(prob_posterior_3_wide)){
             cols[i,j] <- "green"
          }else if(prob_posterior_3_wide[i,j]==1){
             cols[i,j] <- "red"
             cols[i,j] <- "blue"
  ### generate the plot
  plot(NA, NA, type='n', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', cex.lab=1.5, 
       xlab=paste0(drug1_name, "(", dose1_unit, ")"), 
       ylab=paste0(drug2_name, "(", dose2_unit, ")"), 
       main="Dose combo Categorization")
  abline(h=1:length(prov_dose2), v=1:length(prov_dose1), 
         lty=2, lwd=1, col="gray")
  axis(1, at=1:length(prov_dose1), labels=paste(prov_dose1))        
  axis(2, at=1:length(prov_dose2), labels=paste(prov_dose2), las=2)
  # add dose combos falling within different categories
  for(i in 1:length(prov_dose2)){
      for(j in 1:length(prov_dose1)){
          points(j, i, pch=19, col=cols[i,j], cex=4)
  legend("topright", c(" <= EWOC", " > EWOC", "Recommended Next Dose"), 
         cex=1.1, pch=rep(19, 2), col=c("green", "red", "blue"), 
         pt.cex=2, xpd=TRUE, horiz=TRUE, inset=c(0, -0.045), bty='n')
  ## Posterior Distribution of DLT Rate
  labels <- apply(prov_dose, 1, paste, collapse=",")
  plot(1:nrow(prov_dose), pi_posterior[4,], type="p", pch=20, 
       xlab="drug combo", xaxt='n', cex.lab=1.5,
       ylab="DLT rate", ylim=c(0, max(pi_posterior)), 
       main="Posterior Distribution of DLT Rate", cex.main=2.0, bty='n')
  axis(1, at=1:nrow(prov_dose), labels=FALSE)
  text(x=1:nrow(prov_dose), par("usr")[3]-0.03, labels=labels, 
       srt=90, pos=1, xpd=TRUE, cex=0.5)
  arrows(1:nrow(prov_dose), pi_posterior[3,], 
         1:nrow(prov_dose), pi_posterior[5,], 
         code=3, angle=90, length=0.1, lwd=1.5, col=1) 
  if(max(pi_posterior[5,]) >= category_bound[2]){
     abline(h=category_bound, lty=2, 
            col=c(rgb(0,1,0,alpha=0.8), rgb(1,0,0,alpha=0.8))) 
            c(paste(category_bound), "median", "95 percent credible interval"), 
            lty=c(2,2,NA,1), lwd=c(1,1,NA,1.5), pch=c(NA,NA,20,NA), 
            col=c(rgb(0,1,0,alpha=0.8), rgb(1,0,0,alpha=0.8), 1, 1), 
            xpd=TRUE, horiz=TRUE, inset=c(0, -0.035), bty='n')
  }else if((max(pi_posterior[5,]) >= category_bound[1]) && 
           (max(pi_posterior[5,]) < category_bound[2])){
      abline(h=category_bound[1], lty=2, col=rgb(0,1,0,alpha=0.8)) 
      legend("top", c(paste(category_bound[1]), "median", "95 percent credible interval"), 
             lty=c(2,NA,1), lwd=c(1,NA,1.5), pch=c(NA,20,NA), 
             col=c(rgb(0,1,0,alpha=0.8), 1, 1), bty='n',
             xpd=TRUE, horiz=TRUE, inset=c(0, -0.035))
      legend("top", c("median", "95 percent credible interval"), 
             lty=c(NA, 1), lwd=c(NA, 1.5), pch=c(20, NA), col=c(1, 1),
             xpd=TRUE, horiz=TRUE, inset=c(0, -0.035), bty='n')
  # end of visualization