biosignalEMG 2.1.0 (2018-02-18)
- New type has been added to the routine "envelope" to compute the LE-envelope9.
- Routine "highpass" now have a parameter to control the order of the filter.
- A new routine was added (lowpass).
- Changes on code of the routine movingaverage.
biosignalEMG 2.0.2 (2018-02-10)
- A new routine was added (phasestats).
biosignalEMG 2.0.1 (2017-03-16)
- A bug was fixed in the routine onoff_bonato.
- The envelope now can be passed as a parameter in the routine onoff_singlethres.
- Minor changes in documentation files
biosignalEMG 2.0.0 (2015-08-05)
- Pre-processing routines (highpass, whitening) were added.
- A routine to read files in format ABFv1.0 was added.
- Routines were created to convert data frames, matrices and vectors to EMG data format.
- The EMG class now supports multichannel data.
- All the routines were changed so they could work with multichannel data.
- Actual data were added (both tabular and in ABF format).
- Routines were added to automatic on/off detection in EMG signals.
- Routines were added to compute measures of quality of automatic detection of activity phases.
- Unnecessary calls to '' where deleted.
- Pre-processing routines were separated of the basic processing routines.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
- Corrected typos in .Rd files.
biosignalEMG 1.0.3 (2015-07-05)
- Undefined globals corresponding to functions in
the default packages now are imported into the package
biosignalEMG 1.0.2 (2015-04-09)
- Minor change in the DESCRIPTION file
- Date field updated in the DESCRIPTION file
biosignalEMG 1.0.1
- Minor changes in documentation files
- Tidied up the R code using the formatR package