Package 'biogeom'

Title: Biological Geometries
Description: Is used to simulate and fit biological geometries. 'biogeom' incorporates several novel universal parametric equations that can generate the profiles of bird eggs, flowers, linear and lanceolate leaves, seeds, starfish, and tree-rings (Gielis (2003) <doi:10.3732/ajb.90.3.333>; Shi et al. (2020) <doi:10.3390/sym12040645>), three growth-rate curves representing the ontogenetic growth trajectories of animals and plants against time, and the axially symmetrical and integral forms of all these functions (Shi et al. (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.01.012>; Shi et al. (2021) <doi:10.3390/sym13081524>). The optimization method proposed by Nelder and Mead (1965) <doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308> was used to estimate model parameters. 'biogeom' includes several real data sets of the boundary coordinates of natural shapes, including avian eggs, fruit, lanceolate and ovate leaves, tree rings, seeds, and sea stars,and can be potentially applied to other natural shapes. 'biogeom' can quantify the conspecific or interspecific similarity of natural outlines, and provides information with important ecological and evolutionary implications for the growth and form of living organisms. Please see Shi et al. (2022) <doi:10.1111/nyas.14862> for details.
Authors: Peijian Shi [aut, cre], Johan Gielis [aut], Brady K. Quinn [aut]
Maintainer: Peijian Shi <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.4.3
Built: 2025-01-25 06:22:26 UTC
Source: CRAN

Help Index

Boundary Data Adjustment of A Polygon


adjdata adjusts the data points in counterclockwise order based on the shortest distance method.


adjdata(x, y, = 2000, times = 1.2, = 1/20, index.sp = 1)



the xx coordinates of points on a polygon's boundary.


the yy coordinates of points on a polygon's boundary.

the upper bound of the number of points eventually retained on the polygon's boundary.


the number of times is initially retained as the number of points.

the proportion of the distance between any two points to the maximum distance between the points on the polygon's boundary, which is used to determine whether the second point needs to be deleted.


the index of the starting point of a group of indices that regularly divide the number of points on the polygon's boundary into parts.


When > length(x), length(x) points on the polygon's boundary are retained. The quantile function in package stats is used to carry out the regular division of data points. From the starting point, the second point is the one that has the shortest distance from the former. When the distance between the two points is larger than multiplied by the maximum distance between points on the polygon's boundary, the second point is deleted from the coordinates. Then, the third point that has the shortest distance from the first point is defined as the second point. If the distance between the first point and the second point is no more than multiplied by the maximum distance, the first and second points are recorded in a new matrix for the coordinates of the polygon, and the second point is defined as the first point in the old matrix for the coordinates of the polygon. The shortest distance method is then used to look for a third point that meets the requirement.



the xx coordinates of points eventually retained on the polygon's boundary.


the yy coordinates of points eventually retained on the polygon's boundary.


The initial boundary data of a polygon can be obtained by running the M-file based on Matlab (version >= 2009a) developed by Shi et al. (2018) and Su et al. (2019) for a .bmp black and white image of the polygon. See references below.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Ratkowsky, D.A., Li, Y., Zhang, L., Lin, S., Gielis, J. (2018) General leaf-area geometric formula exists for plants - Evidence from the simplified Gielis equation. Forests 9, 714. doi:10.3390/f9110714

Su, J., Niklas, K.J., Huang, W., Yu, X., Yang, Y., Shi, P. (2019) Lamina shape does not correlate with lamina surface area: An analysis based on the simplified Gielis equation. Global Ecology and Conservation 19, e00666. doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00666


uni.C1 <- sort( unique(eggs$Code) )
ind1   <- 2
Data1  <- eggs[eggs$Code==uni.C1[ind1], ]
x0     <- Data1$x
y0     <- Data1$y

Res1   <- adjdata(x0, y0,, times=1.2,
x1     <- Res1$x
y1     <- Res1$y
plot( x1, y1, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")),
      pch=1, col=1 ) 

Res2   <- adjdata(x0, y0,, times=1,, index.sp=20)
x2     <- Res2$x
y2     <- Res2$y

Res3   <- adjdata(x0, y0,, times=1,, index.sp=100)
x3     <- Res3$x
y3     <- Res3$y
plot( x2, y2, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")),
      pch=1, col=4 ) 
points( x3, y3, col=2)


uni.C2 <- sort( unique(starfish$Code) )
ind2   <- 2
Data2  <- starfish[starfish$Code==uni.C2[ind2], ]
x4     <- Data2$x
y4     <- Data2$y
plot( x4, y4, asp=1, type="l", cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) )

Res4 <- adjdata(x4, y4,, times=1.2,
x5   <- Res4$x
y5   <- Res4$y
plot( x5, y5, asp=1, type="l", cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) )

Area Calculation for the Gielis Curve Within [0,2π)[0, 2\pi)


areaGE is used to calculate the area of the polygon generated by the Gielis curve within [0,2π)[0, 2\pi).


areaGE(expr, P, m = 1, simpver = NULL,  
       nval = 1, subdivisions = 100L,
       rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, 
       abs.tol = rel.tol, stop.on.error = TRUE, 
       keep.xy = FALSE, aux = NULL)



the original (or twin) Gielis equation or one of its simplified versions.


the parameters of the original (or twin) Gielis equation or one of its simplified versions.


the given mm value that determines the number of angles of the Gielis curve within [0,2π)[0, 2\pi).


an optional argument to use the simplified version of the original (or twin) Gielis equation.


the specified value for n1n_{1} or n2n_{2} or n3n_{3} in the simplified versions.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


The arguments of P, m, simpver, and nval should correspond to expr (i.e., GE or TGE). Please note the differences in the simplified version number and the number of parameters between GE and TGE.


The area of the polygon within [0,2π)[0, 2\pi) generated by the original (or twin) Gielis equation or one of its simplified versions.


simpver in GE is different from that in TGE.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Gielis, J. (2003) A generic geometric transformation that unifies a wide range of natural and abstract shapes. American Journal of Botany 90, 333-338. doi:10.3732/ajb.90.3.333

Li, Y., Quinn, B.K., Gielis, J., Li, Y., Shi, P. (2022) Evidence that supertriangles exist in nature from the vertical projections of Koelreuteria paniculata fruit. Symmetry 14, 23. doi:10.3390/sym14010023

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Ratkowsky, D.A., Gielis, J. (2020) The generalized Gielis geometric equation and its application. Symmetry 12, 645. doi:10.3390/sym12040645

Shi, P., Xu, Q., Sandhu, H.S., Gielis, J., Ding, Y., Li, H., Dong, X. (2015) Comparison of dwarf bamboos (Indocalamus sp.) leaf parameters to determine relationship between spatial density of plants and total leaf area per plant. Ecology and Evolution 5, 4578-4589. doi:10.1002/ece3.1728

See Also

curveGE, fitGE, GE, TGE


Para1 <- c(1.7170, 5.2258, 7.9802)
areaGE(GE, P = Para1, m=5, simpver=1)

Para2 <- c(2.1066, 3.5449, 0.4619, 10.5697)
areaGE(TGE, P = Para2, m=5, simpver=1)

Area Calculation for an Ovate Polygon


areaovate is used to calculate the area of an ovate polygon made from combing two symmetrical curves generated by a performance equation (e.g., MLRFE).


areaovate(expr, P, simpver = NULL,  
          subdivisions = 100L,
          rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, 
          abs.tol = rel.tol, stop.on.error = TRUE, 
          keep.xy = FALSE, aux = NULL)



a performance equation or one of its simplified versions.


the parameters of the performance equation or one of its simplified versions.


an optional argument to use the simplfied version of the performance equation.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


The performance equations denote MbetaE, MBriereE, MLRFE, and their simplified versions. The arguments of P and simpver should correspond to expr (i.e., MbetaE or MBriereE or MLRFE).


The area of two symmetrical curves along the xx-axis generated by a performance equation or one of its simplified versions.


Here, the user can define other performance equations, but new equations or their simplified versions should include the lower and upper thresholds in the xx-axis corresponding to y=0y = 0, whose indices should be the same as those in MbetaE or MBriereE or MLRFE.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Jin, J., Quinn, B.K., Shi, P. (2022) The modified Brière equation and its applications. Plants 11, 1769. doi:10.3390/plants11131769

Shi, P., Fan, M., Ratkowsky, D.A., Huang, J., Wu, H., Chen, L., Fang, S., Zhang, C. (2017) Comparison of two ontogenetic growth equations for animals and plants. Ecological Modelling 349, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.01.012

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Yu, K., Niklas, K.J., Schrader, J., Song, Y., Zhu, R., Li, Y., Wei, H., Ratkowsky, D.A. (2021) A general model for describing the ovate leaf shape. Symmetry 13, 1524. doi:10.3390/sym13081524

See Also

curveovate, fitovate, MbetaE, MBriereE, MLRFE, MPerformanceE, sigmoid


Par1 <- c(1.8175, 2.7795, 7.1557, 1.6030)
areaovate(MbetaE, P = Par1, simpver = 1)

Par2 <- c(0.0550, 0.3192, 7.1965, 0.5226)
areaovate(MBriereE, P = Par2, simpver = 1)

Par3 <- c(1.8168, 2.7967, 7.2623, 0.9662)
areaovate(MLRFE, P = Par3, simpver = 1)

Par4 <- c(2.4, 0.96, 0.64, 7.75, 1.76, 3.68)
areaovate(MPerformanceE, P = Par4, simpver = 1)

Leaf Boundary Data of Phyllostachys incarnata T. H. Wen (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)


The data consist of the boundary data of six leaves of P. incarnata sampled at Nanjing Forestry University campus in early December 2016.




In the data set, there are three columns of variables: Code, x, and y. Code saves the codes of individual leaves; x saves the xx coordinates of the leaf boundary in the Cartesian coordinate system (cm); and y saves the yy coordinates of the leaf boundary in the Cartesian coordinate system (cm).


Lin, S., Shao, L., Hui, C., Song, Y., Reddy, G.V.P., Gielis, J., Li, F., Ding, Y., Wei, Q., Shi, P. (2018) Why does not the leaf weight-area allometry of bamboos follow the 3/2-power law? Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 583. doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.00583

Shi, P., Ratkowsky, D.A., Li, Y., Zhang, L., Lin, S., Gielis, J. (2018) General leaf-area geometric formula exists for plants - Evidence from the simplified Gielis equation. Forests 9, 714. doi:10.3390/f9110714



uni.C <- sort( unique(bambooleaves$Code) )
ind   <- 1
Data  <- bambooleaves[bambooleaves$Code==uni.C[ind], ]
x0    <- Data$x
y0    <- Data$y
plot( x0, y0, asp=1, type="l", cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) )

Res1 <- adjdata(x0, y0,,
plot( Res1$x, Res1$y, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l", 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) )

Measure of the Extent of Bilateral Symmetry of A Polygon


bilat is used to measure the extent of bilateral (a)symmetry and other measures for a polygon (e.g., a leaf).


bilat(x, y, strip.num = 200, = NULL, n.loop = 60, = TRUE, animation.fig = TRUE, time.interval = 0.001,   
      unit = "cm", main = NULL, diff.fig = TRUE, angle = NULL,  
      ratiox = 0.02, ratioy = 0.08, fd.opt = TRUE, frac.fig = TRUE,
      denomi.range = seq(8, 30, by = 1))



the xx coordinates of a polygon's boundary.


the yy coordinates of a polygon's boundary.


the number of equidistant strips intersecting with the polygon that are horizontally placed. See Shi et al. (2018, 2020) for details.

the number of data points on the boundary retained for calculating the perimeter of the polygon.


the number of data points to randomly sample for calculating the mean perimeter of the polygon.

an optional argument to automatically search the maximum distance between two points on the polygon's boundary.


the option of showing the data points on the polygon's boundary in an animation.


the time interval at which to suspend execution, in seconds.


the units of the xx-axis and the yy-axis when showing the polygon.


the main title of the figure.


an optional argument to draw the differences in areas between the intersections of the strips with the upper part of the polygon and the intersections of the strips with the lower part of the polygon. The polygon is divided into the upper and lower parts by the xx-axis. See Shi et al. (2018, 2020) for details.


the angle between the major axis (i.e., the leaf length axis) and the xx-axis, which can be defined by the user.


An optional argument to use the box-counting method to calculate the fractal dimension of the polygon's boundary on a log-log scale.


the xx coordinate of the location parameter for positioning the legend in the plot of the linear fitting.


the yy coordinate of the location parameter for positioning the legend in the plot of the linear fitting.


an optional argument to draw the results of the linear fitting using the box-counting method to calculate the fractal dimension of the polygon's boundary on a log-log scale.


the number of equidistant segments of the maximum range between the range of the xx coordinates and that of the yy coordinates.


The data of x and y should be the coordinates adjusted using the adjdata function. If = NULL, the number of length(x) is used to calculate the perimeter of the polygon; if is a positive integer, the number of data points retained on the polygon's boundary is equal to and random sampling for retaining data points is carried out n.loop times for calculating the mean perimeter of the polygon. That is to say, the final output for the perimeter is the mean of the n.loop perimeters (i.e., replicates). If the user wants to get a consistent result for the mean perimeter, the set.seed function can be used. In addition, if length(x) <, then becomes length(x) rather than the specified value in Arguments. If the polygon apparently has a major axis (e.g., the leaf length axis for an ovate leaf), is appropriate. If the major axis of the polygon is not the straight line through two points on the polygon's boundary having the maximum distance, the user can define the major axis using the locator function in graphic by clicking two points on or near the polygon's boundary. The location of the first click should be northeast of the location of the second click. This means that the angle between the straight line through the locations of the two clicks and the xx-axis should range from 0 to π\pi/2. The locations of the clicks can be on the boundary or be approximate to the boundary. The function will automatically find the nearest data point on the boundary to the location of each click. When angle = NULL, the observed polygon will be shown at its initial angle in the scanned image; when angle is a numerical value (e.g., π/4\pi/4) defined by the user, it indicates that the major axis is rotated π/4\pi/4 counterclockwise from the xx-axis.



the xx coordinates retained on the polygon's boundary.


the yy coordinates retained on the polygon's boundary.


the angle between the length axis (i.e., the major axis) of the polygon and the xx-axis.


the number of data points on the upper boundary of the polygon.


the number of data points on the lower boundary of the polygon.


the number of data points on the whole polygon's boundary.


an object of class "ppp" representing a point pattern dataset in the two-dimensional plane, representing the polygon's boundary.


an object of class "ppp" representing a point pattern dataset in the two-dimensional plane, representing the upper boundary of the polygon along the xx-axis.


an object of class "ppp" representing a point pattern dataset in the two-dimensional plane, representing the lower boundary of the polygon along the xx-axis.


the differences in areas between the upper and lower boundaries of the polygon.


the area of the upper boundary of the polygon along the xx-axis.


the area of the lower boundary of the polygon along the xx-axis.


the standardized index for bilateral (a)symmetry for the polygon.


the ratio of the areas of the upper to the lower parts of the polygon.


the length of the polygon. The default is the maximum distance between two points on the polygon's boundary.


the maximum width of the polygon.


the area of the polygon.


the perimeter of the polygon based on all data points or a mean of n.loop replicates of perimeters using the data points retained on the polygon's boundary.


distance from the base to a point on the major axis associated with the maximum width of the polygon.


the width associated with 1/8 of scan.length (starting from the base of the polygon).


the width associated with 2/8 of scan.length (starting from the base of the polygon).


the width associated with 4/8 of scan.length (starting from the base of the polygon).


the width associated with 6/8 of scan.length (starting from the base of the polygon).


the width associated with 7/8 of scan.length (starting from the base of the polygon).


the testing results for D using the Wilcoxon signed rank test with continuity correction. See the wilcox.test function in stats.


the estimate of the intercept obtained using the box-counting method to calculate the fractal dimension of the polygon's boundary.


the standard deviation of the estimated intercept.


the lower bound of the 95% confidence interval of the estimated intercept.


the upper bound of the 95% confidence interval of the estimated intercept.


the estimate of the slope obtained using the box-counting method to calculate the fractal dimension of the polygon's boundary.


the standard deviation of the estimated slope.


the lower bound of the 95% confidence interval of the estimated slope.


the upper bound of the 95% confidence interval of the estimated slope.


the coefficient of determination obtained when using the box-counting method to calculate the fractal dimension of the polygon's boundary.


the vector of box sizes used in the box-counting method to calculate the fractal dimension of the polygon's boundary.


the number of boxes that include at least one pixel of the polygon's boundary.


The polygon is expected to have an apparent major axis (e.g., the straight line through two points on the polygon's boundary having the maximum distance or one that can be clearly defined to pass by two landmarks on the polygon's boundary [i.e., the leaf length axis, the egg length axis, etc.]). The polygon is placed with its major axis overlapping the xx-axis; the base of the polygon is located at the origin; the apex of the polygon is located to the right of the base. phi is equal to angle when angle is not null. In theory, n1 + n2 = n, but in most cases n1 + n2 is slightly smaller than n. The reason is that very few boundary points fall outside the the lower and upper boundaries of the polygon when using the intersect.owin function in spatstat.geom. However, this does not considerably affect the results. The log-transformed SI and the log-transformed AR are demontrated to have a more symmetrical frequency distribution than their original forms. This is important when performing an analysis of variance between (or among) groups to compared their extents of bilateral (a)symmetry. See Shi et al. (2020) for details. The box-counting approach uses a group of boxes (squares for simplicity) with different sizes (δ\delta) to divide the leaf vein image into different parts. Let NN represent the number of boxes that include at least one pixel of the polygon's boundary. The maximum of the range of the xx coordinates and the range of the yy coordinates for the pixels of the polygon's boundary is defined as zz. Let δ\delta represent the vector of zz/denomi.range. We then used the following equation to calculate the fractal dimension of the polygon's boundary:

lnN=a+bln(δ1),\mathrm{ln } N = a + b\, \mathrm{ln} \left(\delta^{-1}\right),

where bb is the theoretical value of the fractal dimension. We can use its estimate as the numerical value of the fractal dimension for the polygon's boundary.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Niinemets, Ü., Hui, C., Niklas, K.J., Yu, X., Hölscher, D. (2020) Leaf bilateral symmetry and the scaling of the perimeter vs. the surface area in 15 vine species. Forests 11, 246. doi:10.3390/f11020246

Shi, P., Zheng, X., Ratkowsky, D.A., Li, Y., Wang, P., Cheng, L. (2018) A simple method for measuring the bilateral symmetry of leaves. Symmetry 10, 118. doi:10.3390/sym10040118

See Also

adjdata, fracdim



uni.C <- sort( unique(bambooleaves$Code) )
ind   <- 3
Data  <- bambooleaves[bambooleaves$Code==uni.C[ind], ]
x0    <- Data$x
y0    <- Data$y
plot( x0, y0, asp=1, type="l", cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)) )

Res1 <- adjdata(x0, y0,,
x1   <- Res1$x
y1   <- Res1$y

  Res2 <- bilat( x=x1, y=y1, time.interval=0.00045, 
                 fd.opt=TRUE )

  Res3 <- bilat( x=x1, y=y1, time.interval=0.00045, 
       , n.loop=30,
       , fd.opt=FALSE )

  Res4 <- bilat( x=x1, y=y1, time.interval=0.00045, 
       , n.loop=30,
       , fd.opt=FALSE, angle=pi/4 )

  Res5 <- bilat( x=x1, y=y1, time.interval=0.00045, 
       , n.loop=30,
       , fd.opt=FALSE, angle=0 )
    # The angle between the leaf length axis (namely the straight 
    # line through the leaf apex and base) and the horizontal axis 
    # should be between 0 and pi/2 for a scanned leaf's profile. 
    # Here, the user needs to first click the leaf apex, 
    # and then click the leaf base. 
    Res6 <- bilat( x=x1, y=y1, time.interval=0.00045, 
       , n.loop=30,
       , fd.opt=FALSE, angle=NULL )


Biological Geometries


Is used to simulate and fit biological geometries. 'biogeom' incorporates several novel universal parametric equations that can generate the profiles of bird eggs, flowers, linear and lanceolate leaves, seeds, starfish, and tree-rings (Gielis, 2003; Shi et al., 2020), three growth-rate curves representing the ontogenetic growth trajectories of animals and plants against time, and the axially symmetrical and integral forms of all these functions (Shi et al., 2017, 2021). The optimization method proposed by Nelder and Mead (1965) was used to estimate model parameters. 'biogeom' includes several real data sets of the boundary coordinates of natural shapes, including avian eggs, fruit, lanceolate and ovate leaves, tree rings, seeds, and sea stars,and can be potentially applied to other natural shapes. 'biogeom' can quantify the conspecific or interspecific similarity of natural outlines, and provides information with important ecological and evolutionary implications for the growth and form of living organisms. Please see Shi et al. (2022) for details.



Package: biogeom
Type: Package
Title: Biological Geometries
Version: 1.4.3
Date: 2024-03-21
Authors@R: c(person(given="Peijian", family="Shi", email="[email protected]", role=c("aut", "cre")), person(given=c("Johan"), family="Gielis", email="[email protected]", role=c("aut")), person(given=c("Brady K."), family="Quinn", email="[email protected]", role=c("aut")))
Author: Peijian Shi [aut, cre], Johan Gielis [aut], Brady K. Quinn [aut]
Maintainer: Peijian Shi <[email protected]>
Imports: spatstat.geom (>= 2.4-0)
Description: Is used to simulate and fit biological geometries. 'biogeom' incorporates several novel universal parametric equations that can generate the profiles of bird eggs, flowers, linear and lanceolate leaves, seeds, starfish, and tree-rings (Gielis (2003) <doi:10.3732/ajb.90.3.333>; Shi et al. (2020) <doi:10.3390/sym12040645>), three growth-rate curves representing the ontogenetic growth trajectories of animals and plants against time, and the axially symmetrical and integral forms of all these functions (Shi et al. (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.01.012>; Shi et al. (2021) <doi:10.3390/sym13081524>). The optimization method proposed by Nelder and Mead (1965) <doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308> was used to estimate model parameters. 'biogeom' includes several real data sets of the boundary coordinates of natural shapes, including avian eggs, fruit, lanceolate and ovate leaves, tree rings, seeds, and sea stars,and can be potentially applied to other natural shapes. 'biogeom' can quantify the conspecific or interspecific similarity of natural outlines, and provides information with important ecological and evolutionary implications for the growth and form of living organisms. Please see Shi et al. (2022) <doi:10.1111/nyas.14862> for details.
Depends: R (>= 4.3.0)
License: GPL (>= 2)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-03-21 14:14:58 UTC; PEIJIAN SHI
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-03-29 06:20:02 UTC

Index of help topics:

DEPE                    Calculation of the First-Order Derivative of
                        the Explicit Preston Equation
DETE                    Calculation of the First-Order Derivative of
                        the Explicit Troscianko Equation
DNRGE                   Calculation of the First-Order Derivative of
                        the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation
DSGE                    Calculation of the First-Order Derivative of
                        the Simplified Gielis Equation
EPE                     Calculation of the Ordinate For an Arbitrary
                        Point on the Preston Curve in the Plane
ETE                     Calculation of the Ordinate For an Arbitrary
                        Point on the Troscianko Curve in the Plane
GE                      Calculation of the Polar Radius of the Gielis
LeafSizeDist            Leaf size distribution of _Shibataea chinensis_
MBriereE                Modified Briere Equation
MLRFE                   Modified Lobry-Rosso-Flandrois (LRF) Equation
MPerformanceE           Modified Performance Equation
MbetaE                  Modified Beta Equation
NRGE                    The Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation (NRGE)
Neocinnamomum           Leaf Boundary Data of Seven Species of
PE                      Calculation of the Abscissa, Ordinate and
                        Distance From the Origin For an Arbitrary Point
                        on the Preston Curve
SCSE                    Sarabia-Castillo-Slottje Equation (SCSE)
SHE                     Sitthiyot-Holasut Equation
SarabiaE                Sarabia Equation
SurfaceAreaEPE          Calculation of the Surface Area of An Egg Based
                        on the Explicit Preston Equation
SurfaceAreaETE          Calculation of the Surface Area of An Egg Based
                        on the Explicit Troscianko Equation
SurfaceAreaNRGE         Calculation of the Surface Area of An Egg Based
                        on the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation
SurfaceAreaSGE          Calculation of the Surface Area of An Egg Based
                        on the Simplified Gielis Equation
TE                      The Troscianko Equation (TE)
TGE                     Calculation of the Polar Radius of the Twin
                        Gielis Curve
TSE                     The Todd-Smart Equation (TSE)
VolumeEPE               Calculation of the Volume of An Egg Based on
                        the Explicit Preston Equation
VolumeETE               Calculation of the Volume of An Egg Based on
                        the Explicit Troscianko Equation
VolumeNRGE              Calculation of the Volume of An Egg Based on
                        the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation
VolumeSGE               Calculation of the Volume of An Egg Based on
                        the Simplified Gielis Equation
adjdata                 Boundary Data Adjustment of A Polygon
areaGE                  Area Calculation for the Gielis Curve Within
                        [0, 2pi)
areaovate               Area Calculation for an Ovate Polygon
bambooleaves            Leaf Boundary Data of _Phyllostachys incarnata_
                        T. H. Wen (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)
bilat                   Measure of the Extent of Bilateral Symmetry of
                        A Polygon
biogeom                 Biological Geometries
curveEPE                Drawing the Preston Curve Produced by the the
                        Explicit Preston Equation
curveETE                Drawing the Troscianko Curve Produced by the
                        Explicit Troscianko Equation
curveGE                 Drawing the Gielis Curve
curveNRGE               Drawing the Egg Shape Predicted by the
                        Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation
curveovate              Drawing the Ovate Leaf-Shape Curve
eggs                    Egg Boundary Data of Nine Species of Birds
fitEPE                  Data-Fitting Function for the Explicit Preston
fitETE                  Data-Fitting Function for the Explicit
                        Troscianko Equation
fitGE                   Data-Fitting Function for the Gielis Equation
fitLorenz               Data-Fitting Function for the Rotated and
                        Right-Shifted Lorenz Curve
fitNRGE                 Parameter Estimation for the
                        Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation
fitSuper                Data-Fitting Function for the Superellipse
fitovate                Data-Fitting Function for the Ovate Leaf-Shape
fitsigmoid              Data-Fitting Function for the Sigmoid Growth
fracdim                 Calculation of Fractal Dimension of Lef Veins
                        Based on the Box-Counting Method
ginkgoseed              Boundary Data of the Side Projections of
                        _Ginkgo biloba_ Seeds
kp                      Boundary Data of the Vertical Projections of
                        _Koelreuteria paniculata_ Fruit
lmPE                    Parameter Estimation for the Todd-Smart
lmTE                    Parameter Estimation for the Troscianko
shoots                  Height Growth Data of Bamboo Shoots
sigmoid                 Sigmoid Growth Equation
starfish                Boundary Data of Eight Sea Stars
veins                   Leaf Vein Data of _Michelia compressa_
whitespruce             Planar Coordinates of _Picea glauca_ Tree Rings


We are deeply thankful to Cang Hui, Yang Li, Uwe Ligges, Valeriy G. Narushin, Ülo Niinemets, Karl J. Nikas, Honghua Ruan, David A. Ratkowsky, Julian Schrader, Rolf Turner, Lin Wang, and Victoria Wimmer for their valuable help during creating this package. This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2021YFD02200403) and Simon Stevin Institute for Geometry (Antwerpen, Belguim).


Peijian Shi [aut, cre], Johan Gielis [aut], Brady K. Quinn [aut]

Maintainer: Peijian Shi <[email protected]>


Gielis, J. (2003) A generic geometric transformation that unifies a wide range of natural and abstract shapes. American Journal of Botany 90, 333-338. doi:10.3732/ajb.90.3.333

Nelder, J.A., Mead, R. (1965). A simplex method for function minimization. Computer Journal 7, 308-313. doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308

Shi, P., Fan, M., Ratkowsky, D.A., Huang, J., Wu, H., Chen, L., Fang, S., Zhang, C. (2017) Comparison of two ontogenetic growth equations for animals and plants. Ecological Modelling 349, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.01.012

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Ratkowsky, D.A., Gielis, J. (2020) The generalized Gielis geometric equation and its application. Symmetry 12, 645. doi:10.3390/sym12040645

Shi, P., Yu, K., Niklas, K.J., Schrader, J., Song, Y., Zhu, R., Li, Y., Wei, H., Ratkowsky, D.A. (2021) A general model for describing the ovate leaf shape. Symmetry, 13, 1524. doi:10.3390/sym13081524

Drawing the Preston Curve Produced by the the Explicit Preston Equation


curveEPE is used to draw the Preston curve that is produced by the explicit Preston equation.


curveEPE(P, np = 5000, simpver = NULL,
        fig.opt = FALSE, = NULL, Par = NULL,
        xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, unit = NULL, main="")



the three location parameters and the parameters of the explicit Preston equation or one of its simplified versions.


the number of data points on the Preston curve.


an optional argument to use the simplfied version of the explicit Preston equation.


an optional argument to draw the Preston curve.

the deformation function used to describe the deviation from a theoretical Preston curve.


the parameter(s) of the deformation function.


the range of the xx-axis over which to plot the Preston curve.


the range of the yy-axis over which to plot the Preston curve.


the units of the xx-axis and the yy-axis when showing the Preston curve.


the main title of the figure.


The first three elements of P are location parameters. The first two are the planar coordinates of the transferred origin, and the third is the angle between the major axis of the curve and the xx-axis. Here, the major axis is a straight line through the two ends of an egg's profile (i.e., the mid-line of the egg's profile). The other arguments in P (except these first three location parameters), and simpver should correspond to those of P in EPE. should take the form as: <- function(Par, z){...}, where z is a two-dimensional matrix related to the xx and yy values. And the return value of should be a list with two variables x and y.



the xx coordinates of the Preston curve.


the yy coordinates of the Preston curve.


When the rotation angle is zero (i.e., the third element in P is zero), np data points are distributed counterclockwise on the Preston curve from the rightmost end of the egg's profile to itself.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Preston, F.W. (1953) The shapes of birds' eggs. The Auk 70, 160-182.

Shi, P., Chen, L., Quinn, B.K., Yu, K., Miao, Q., Guo, X., Lian, M., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1524, 118-131. doi:10.1111/nyas.15000

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Wang, L., Quinn, B.K., Gielis, J. (2023) A new program to estimate the parameters of Preston's equation, a general formula for describing the egg shape of birds. Symmetry 15, 231. doi:10.3390/sym15010231

Todd, P.H., Smart, I.H.M. (1984) The shape of birds' eggs. Journal of Theoretical Biology 106, 239-243. doi:10.1016/0022-5193(84)90021-3

See Also

EPE, fitEPE, lmPE, PE, TSE


Para1 <- c(0, 0, 0, 10, 6, 0.325, -0.0415)
  curveEPE(P=Para1, simpver=1, fig.opt=TRUE)
  Para2 <- c(0, 0, pi, 10, 6, -0.325, -0.0415)
  curveEPE(P=Para2, simpver=1, fig.opt=TRUE)

  Para3 <- c(0, 0, 0, 10, 6, 0.325, -0.0415, 0.2)
  curveEPE(P=Para3, simpver=NULL, fig.opt=TRUE)
  Para4 <- c(0, 0, pi, 10, 6, -0.325, -0.0415, 0.2)
  curveEPE(P=Para4, simpver=NULL, fig.opt=TRUE)

  Para5 <- c(0, 0, pi/4, 10, 6, 0.325, -0.0415)
  curveEPE(P=Para5, simpver=1, 
          fig.opt=TRUE, main="A rotated egg shape")

  # There is an example that introduces a deformation function in the egg-shape equation
  myfun <- function(Par, z){
    x  <- z[,1]
    y  <- z[,2]
    k1 <- Par[1]
    k2 <- Par[2]
    y  <- y - k1*(y+k2)^2
    list(x=x, y=y)
  deform.op <- curveEPE(P=Para1, np=5000, simpver=1, 
                       fig.opt=TRUE,, Par=c(0.05, 8))

Drawing the Troscianko Curve Produced by the Explicit Troscianko Equation


curveETE is used to draw the Troscianko curve that is produced by the explicit Troscianko equation.


curveETE(P, np = 5000, fig.opt = FALSE, = NULL, Par = NULL,
        xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, unit = NULL, main="")



the three location parameters and the parameters of the explicit Troscianko equation.


the number of data points on the Troscianko curve.


an optional argument to draw the Troscianko curve.

the deformation function used to describe the deviation from a theoretical Troscianko curve.


the parameter(s) of the deformation function.


the range of the xx-axis over which to plot the Troscianko curve.


the range of the yy-axis over which to plot the Troscianko curve.


the units of the xx-axis and the yy-axis when showing the Troscianko curve.


the main title of the figure.


The first three elements of P are location parameters. The first two are the planar coordinates of the transferred origin, and the third is the angle between the major axis of the curve and the xx-axis. Here, the major axis is a straight line through the two ends of an egg's profile (i.e., the mid-line of the egg's profile). The other arguments in P (except these first three location parameters) should correspond to those of P in ETE. should take the form as: <- function(Par, z){...}, where z is a two-dimensional matrix related to the xx and yy values. And the return value of should be a list with two variables x and y.



the xx coordinates of the Troscianko curve.


the yy coordinates of the Troscianko curve.


When the rotation angle is zero (i.e., the third element in P is zero), np data points are distributed counterclockwise on the Troscianko curve from the rightmost end of the egg's profile to itself.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Biggins, J.D., Montgomeries, R.M., Thompson, J.E., Birkhead, T.R. (2022) Preston’s universal formula for avian egg shape. Ornithology 139, ukac028. doi:10.1093/ornithology/ukac028

Biggins, J.D., Thompson, J.E., Birkhead, T.R. (2018) Accurately quantifying the shape of birds' eggs. Ecology and Evolution 8, 9728-9738. doi:10.1002/ece3.4412

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Wang, L., Quinn, B.K., Gielis, J. (2023) A new program to estimate the parameters of Preston's equation, a general formula for describing the egg shape of birds. Symmetry 15, 231. doi:10.3390/sym15010231

See Also



Para1 <- c(0, 0, 0, 2.25, -0.377, -0.29, -0.16)
  curveETE(P=Para1, fig.opt=TRUE)

  # There is an example that introduces a deformation function in the egg-shape equation
  myfun <- function(Par, z){
    x  <- z[,1]
    y  <- z[,2]
    k1 <- Par[1]
    k2 <- Par[2]
    y  <- y - k1*(y+k2)^2
    list(x=x, y=y)
  deform.op <- curveETE(P=Para1, np=5000, fig.opt=TRUE,, Par=c(0.05, 8))

Drawing the Gielis Curve


curveGE is used to draw the Gielis curve.


curveGE(expr, P, phi = seq(0, 2*pi, len = 2000),
        m = 1, simpver = NULL, nval = 1,
        fig.opt = FALSE, = NULL, Par = NULL,
        xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, unit = NULL, main="")



the original (or twin) Gielis equation or one of its simplified versions.


the three location parameters and the parameters of the original (or twin) Gielis equation or one of its simplified versions.


the given polar angles at which we want to draw the Gielis curve.


the given mm value that determines the number of angles of the Gielis curve within [0,2π)[0, 2\pi).


an optional argument to use the simplfied version of the original (or twin) Gielis equation.


the specified value for n1n_{1} or n2n_{2} or n3n_{3} in the simplified versions.


an optional argument to draw the Gielis curve.

the deformation function used to describe the deviation from a theoretical Gielis curve.


the parameter(s) of the deformation function.


the range of the xx-axis over which to plot the Gielis curve.


the range of the yy-axis over which to plot the Gielis curve.


the units of the xx-axis and the yy-axis when showing the Gielis curve.


the main title of the figure.


The first three elements of P are location parameters. The first two are the planar coordinates of the transferred polar point, and the third is the angle between the major axis of the curve and the xx-axis. The other arguments in P (except these first three location parameters), m, simpver, and nval should correspond to expr (i.e., GE or TGE). Please note the differences in the simplified version number and the number of parameters between GE and TGE. should take the form as: <- function(Par, z){...}, where z is a two-dimensional matrix related to the xx and yy values. And the return value of should be a list with two variables x and y.



the xx coordinates of the Gielis curve corresponding to the given polar angles phi.


the yy coordinates of the Gielis curve corresponding to the given polar angles phi.


the polar radii of the Gielis curve corresponding to the given polar angles phi.


simpver in GE is different from that in TGE.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Gielis, J. (2003) A generic geometric transformation that unifies a wide range of natural and abstract shapes. American Journal of Botany 90, 333-338. doi:10.3732/ajb.90.3.333

Li, Y., Quinn, B.K., Gielis, J., Li, Y., Shi, P. (2022) Evidence that supertriangles exist in nature from the vertical projections of Koelreuteria paniculata fruit. Symmetry 14, 23. doi:10.3390/sym14010023

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2022) Comparison of a universal (but complex) model for avian egg shape with a simpler model. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1514, 34-42. doi:10.1111/nyas.14799

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Ratkowsky, D.A., Gielis, J. (2020) The generalized Gielis geometric equation and its application. Symmetry 12, 645. doi:10.3390/sym12040645

Shi, P., Xu, Q., Sandhu, H.S., Gielis, J., Ding, Y., Li, H., Dong, X. (2015) Comparison of dwarf bamboos (Indocalamus sp.) leaf parameters to determine relationship between spatial density of plants and total leaf area per plant. Ecology and Evolution 5, 4578-4589. doi:10.1002/ece3.1728

See Also

areaGE, fitGE, GE, TGE


GE.par  <- c(2, 1, 4, 6, 3)
phi.vec <- seq(0, 2*pi, len=2000)
r.theor <- GE(P=GE.par, phi=phi.vec, m=5)
plot( phi.vec, r.theor, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic(phi)), ylab=expression(italic("r")),
      type="l", col=4 ) 

curve.par <- c(1, 1, pi/4, GE.par)
GE.res    <- curveGE(GE, P=curve.par, fig.opt=TRUE,, Par=NULL, m=5)
# GE.res$r

GE.res    <- curveGE( GE, P=c(0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 20), m=1, simpver=1, fig.opt=TRUE )
# GE.res$r

GE.res    <- curveGE( GE, P=c(1, 1, pi/4, 2, 1, 3), m=5, simpver=1, fig.opt=TRUE )
# GE.res$r

GE.res    <- curveGE( GE, P=c(1, 1, pi/4, 2, 1, 3), m=2, simpver=1, fig.opt=TRUE )
# GE.res$r

GE.res    <- curveGE( GE, P=c(1, 1, pi/4, 2, 0.05), m=1, simpver=2, fig.opt=TRUE )
# GE.res$r

GE.res    <- curveGE( GE, P=c(1, 1, pi/4, 2), m=4, simpver=3, nval=2, fig.opt=TRUE )
# GE.res$r

GE.res    <- curveGE( GE, P=c(1, 1, pi/4, 2, 0.6), m=4, simpver=8, nval=2, fig.opt=TRUE )
# GE.res$r

Drawing the Egg Shape Predicted by the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation


curveNRGE is used to draw the egg shape predicted by the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation.


curveNRGE(P, np = 5000, fig.opt = FALSE, = NULL, Par = NULL, 
    xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, unit = NULL, main = "")



the three location parameters and the four parameters of the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation (Narushin et al., 2021).


the number of data points on the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin curve.


an optional argument to draw the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin curve.

the deformation function used to describe the deviation from a theoretical Narushin-Romanov-Griffin curve.


the parameter(s) of the deformation function.


the range of the xx-axis over which to plot the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin curve.


the range of the yy-axis over which to plot the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin curve.


the units of the xx-axis and the yy-axis when showing the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin curve.


the main title of the figure.


The first three elements of P are location parameters. The first two are the planar coordinates of the transferred origin, and the third is the angle between the major axis of the curve and the xx-axis. The other arguments in P should be the same as those in NRGE. should take the form as: <- function(Par, z){...}, where z is a two-dimensional matrix related to the xx and yy values. And the return value of should be a list with two variables x and y.



the xx coordinates of the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin curve.


the yy coordinates of the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin curve.


When the rotation angle is zero (i.e., the third element in P is zero), np data points are distributed counterclockwise on the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin curve from the rightmost end of the egg's profile to itself.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Narushin, V.G., Romanov, M.N., Griffin, D.K. (2021) Egg and math: introducing a universal formula for egg shape. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1505, 169-177. doi:10.1111/nyas.14680

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2022) Comparison of a universal (but complex) model for avian egg shape with a simpler model. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1514, 34-42. doi:10.1111/nyas.14799

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Tian, F., Wang, Y., Sandhu, H.S., Gielis, J., Shi, P. (2020) Comparison of seed morphology of two ginkgo cultivars. Journal of Forestry Research 31, 751-758. doi:10.1007/s11676-018-0770-y

See Also



PA   <- c(1, 1, pi/4, 11.5, 7.8, 1.1, 5.6)
resA <- curveNRGE(PA, np=5000, fig.opt=TRUE)
resB <- curveNRGE(PA, np=5000, fig.opt=TRUE, xlim=c(-6, 6), 
                  ylim=c(-6, 6), main="A pear-shaped egg") 
cbind(resB$x, resB$y)

Drawing the Ovate Leaf-Shape Curve


curveovate is used to draw the ovate leaf-shape curve.


curveovate(expr, P, x, fig.opt = FALSE, 
  = NULL, Par = NULL,
           xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, unit = NULL, main = NULL)



the simplified version 1 of a performance equation.


the three location parameters and the parameters of the simplified version 1 of a performance equation.


the given xx values to draw the ovate leaf-shape curve.


an optional argument to draw the ovate leaf-shape curve.

the deformation function used to describe the deviation from a theoretical ovate leaf-shape curve.


the parameter(s) of the deformation function.


the range of the xx-axis over which to plot the ovate leaf-shape curve.


the range of the yy-axis over which to plot the ovate leaf-shape curve.


the units of the xx-axis and the yy-axis when showing the ovate leaf-shape curve.


the main title of the figure.


P has two types of elements: three location parameters, and model parameters. This means that expr is limited to be the simplified version 1 (where xmin=0x_{\mathrm{min}} = 0) in MbetaE, MBriereE, MLRFE, and MPerformanceE. The first three elements of P are location parameters, among which the first two are the planar coordinates of the transferred origin, and the third is the angle between the major axis of the curve and the xx-axis. should take the form as: <- function(Par, z){...}, where z is a two-dimensional matrix related to the xx and yy values. And the return value of should be a list with two variables x and y.



the xx coordinates of the ovate leaf-shape curve.


the yy coordinates of the ovate leaf-shape curve.


The number of elements in P here has additional three location parameters than that in MbetaE, MBriereE, MLRFE, MPerformanceE.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Jin, J., Quinn, B.K., Shi, P. (2022) The modified Brière equation and its applications. Plants 11, 1769. doi:10.3390/plants11131769

Huey, R.B., Stevenson, R.D. (1979) Integrating thermal physiology and ecology of ectotherms: a discussion of approaches. American Zoologist 19, 357-366. doi:10.1093/icb/19.1.357

Li, Y., Zheng, Y., Ratkowsky, D.A., Wei, H., Shi, P. (2022) Application of an ovate leaf shape model to evaluate leaf bilateral asymmetry and calculate lamina centroid location. Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 822907. doi:10.3389/fpls.2021.822907

Lian, M., Shi, P., Zhang, L., Yao, W., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A generalized performance equation and its application in measuring the Gini index of leaf size inequality. Trees - Structure and Function 37, 1555-1565. doi:10.1007/s00468-023-02448-8

Shi, P., Fan, M., Ratkowsky, D.A., Huang, J., Wu, H., Chen, L., Fang, S., Zhang, C. (2017) Comparison of two ontogenetic growth equations for animals and plants. Ecological Modelling 349, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.01.012

Shi, P., Ge, F., Sun, Y., Chen, C. (2011) A simple model for describing the effect of temperature on insect developmental rate. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 14, 15-20. doi:10.1016/j.aspen.2010.11.008

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Yu, K., Niklas, K.J., Schrader, J., Song, Y., Zhu, R., Li, Y., Wei, H., Ratkowsky, D.A. (2021) A general model for describing the ovate leaf shape. Symmetry 13, 1524. doi:10.3390/sym13081524

See Also

areaovate, fitovate, MbetaE, MBriereE, MLRFE, MPerformanceE


P1  <- c(1, 1, pi/4, 2, 3, 10, 4)
RE1 <- curveovate(MLRFE, P=P1, x=seq(0, 10, by=0.1), fig.opt=TRUE)
RE2 <- curveovate(MbetaE, P=P1, x=seq(0, 10, by=0.1), fig.opt=TRUE)
plot(RE1$x, RE1$y, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l", 
  xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y))) 
lines(RE2$x, RE2$y, col=4)

P3  <- c(1, 1, pi/4, 2.4, 0.96, 0.64, 7.75, 1.76, 3.68)
RE3 <- curveovate(MPerformanceE, P=P3, x=seq(0, 7.75, by=0.01), fig.opt=TRUE)
plot(RE3$x, RE3$y, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l", 
  xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)))

Calculation of the First-Order Derivative of the Explicit Preston Equation


DEPE is used to calculate the first-order derivative of the explicit Preston equation at a given x-value.


DEPE(P, x, simpver = NULL)



the parameters of the explicit Preston equation or one of its simplified versions.


the x-value used in the explicit Preston equation.


an optional argument to use the simplified version of the explicit Preston equation.


When simpver = NULL, the first-order derivative of the explicit Preston equation at a given x-value is selected:

f(x)=b[a4c1+a3(2c21)x+a2(3c32c1)x23ac2x34c3x4]a4a2x2,f(x)=\frac{b\left[a^{4}\,c_{1}+a^{3}\left(2\,c_{2}-1\right)x+ a^2\left(3\,c_{3}-2\,c_{1}\right)x^{2}-3\,a\,c_{2}x^3-4\,c_{3}\,x^{4}\right]}{a^4\sqrt{a^2-x^2}},

where P has five parameters: aa, bb, c1c_{1}, c2c_{2}, and c3c_{3}.

\quad When simpver = 1, the first-order derivative of the simplified version 1 is selected:

f(x)=b[a4c1+a3(2c21)x2a2c1x23ac2x3]a4a2x2,f(x)=\frac{b\left[a^{4}\,c_{1}+a^{3}\left(2\,c_{2}-1\right)x- 2\,a^2\,c_{1}\,x^{2}-3\,a\,c_{2}x^3\right]}{a^4\sqrt{a^2-x^2}},

where P has four parameters: aa, bb, c1c_{1}, and c2c_{2}.

\quad When simpver = 2, the first-order derivative of the simplified version 2 is selected:

f(x)=b[a4c1a3x2a2c1x2]a4a2x2,f(x)=\frac{b\left[a^{4}\,c_{1}-a^{3}\,x- 2\,a^2\,c_{1}\,x^{2}\right]}{a^4\sqrt{a^2-x^2}},

where P has three parameters: aa, bb, and c1c_{1}.

\quad When simpver = 3, the first-order derivative of the simplified version 3 is selected:


where P has three parameters: aa, bb, and c2c_{2}.


The argument P in the DEPE function has the same parameters, as those in the EPE function.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Shi, P., Chen, L., Quinn, B.K., Yu, K., Miao, Q., Guo, X., Lian, M., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1524, 118-131. doi:10.1111/nyas.15000

See Also

EPE, fitEPE, SurfaceAreaEPE


Par3 <- c(4.27, 2.90, 0.0868, 0.0224, -0.0287)
  xx1  <- seq(-4.27, 4.27, by=0.001)
  f1   <- DEPE(P=Par3, x=xx1, simpver=NULL)
  f2   <- -DEPE(P=Par3, x=xx1, simpver=NULL)
  plot(xx1, f1, type="l", col=4, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5,
       xlim=c(-5, 5), ylim=c(-35, 35), xlab=expression(italic(x)), 
       ylab=expression(paste(italic(f), "(", italic(x), ")", sep="")))
  lines(xx1, f2, col=2)

Calculation of the First-Order Derivative of the Explicit Troscianko Equation


DETE is used to calculate the first-order derivative of the explicit Troscianko equation at a given x-value.


DETE(P, x)



the parameters of the explicit Troscianko equation.


the x-value used in the explicit Troscianko equation.


The first-order derivative of the explicit Troscianko equation at a given x-value is:

h(x)={α1+2α2axxa[1(xa)2]1}exp{α0+α1(xa)+α2(xa)2}1(xa)2,h(x) = \left\{\alpha_{1}+\frac{2\,\alpha_{2}}{a}\,x-\frac{x}{a}\,\left[1-\left(\frac{x}{a}\right)^2\right]^{-1}\right\}\,\exp\left\{\alpha_{0}+\alpha_{1}\left(\frac{x}{a}\right)+\alpha_{2}\left(\frac{x}{a}\right)^2\right\}\,\sqrt{ 1-\left(\frac{x}{a}\right)^2 },

where P has four parameters: aa, α0\alpha_{0}, α1\alpha_{1}, and α2\alpha_{2}.


The argument P in the DETE function has the same parameters, as those in the ETE function.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Shi, P., Chen, L., Quinn, B.K., Yu, K., Miao, Q., Guo, X., Lian, M., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1524, 118-131. doi:10.1111/nyas.15000

See Also

ETE, fitETE, SurfaceAreaETE


Par5 <- c(2.25, -0.38, -0.29, -0.16)
  xx2  <- seq(-2.25, 2.25, by=0.001)
  h1   <- DETE(P=Par5, x=xx2)
  h2   <- -DETE(P=Par5, x=xx2)
  ind  <- which( |
  xx2  <- xx2[-ind]
  h1   <- h1[-ind]
  h2  <- h2[-ind]
  plot(xx2, h1, type="l", col=4, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5,
       xlim=c(-2.25, 2.25), ylim=c(-30, 30), xlab=expression(italic(x)), 
       ylab=expression(paste(italic(h), "(", italic(x), ")", sep="")))
  lines(xx2, h2, col=2)

Calculation of the First-Order Derivative of the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation


DNRGE is used to calculate the first-order derivative of the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation at a given x-value.





the parameters of the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation.


the x-value used in the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation.


Let us define:

f1(x)=B2A24x2A2+8Cx+4C2,f_{1}(x) = \frac{B}{2}\sqrt{\frac{A^2-4x^2}{A^2+8Cx+4C^2}},

f2(x)=A(A2+8Cx+4C2)2(A2C)x2+(A2+8AC4C2)x+2AC2+A2C+A3,f_{2}(x) = \sqrt{\frac{A\left(A^{2}+8Cx+4C^{2}\right)}{2(A-2C)x^{2}+\left(A^{2}+8AC-4C^{2}\right)x+2AC^{2}+A^{2}C+A^{3}}},

f3(x)=A24x,f_{3}(x) = A^2 - 4x,

f4(x)=A2+8Cx+4C2,f_{4}(x) = A^2+8Cx+4C^2,

E=5.5A2+11AC+4C2(3AB2DA2+2AC+4C2)3AB(5.5A2+11AC+4C22A2+2AC+4C2),E = \frac{\sqrt{5.5A^{2}+11AC+4C^{2}} \cdot \left(\sqrt{3}AB-2D\sqrt{A^{2}+2AC+4C^{2 }}\right)}{\sqrt{3}AB\left(\sqrt{5.5A^{2}+11AC+4C^{2}}-2\sqrt{A^{2}+2AC+4C^{2}}\right)},

F=2(A2C),F = 2\left(A-2C\right),

G=A2+8AC4C2,G = A^{2}+8AC-4C^{2},

H=2AC2+A2C+A3,H = 2AC^{2}+A^{2}C+A^{3},

and then the first-order derivative of the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation at a given x-value is:

J(x)=4f1(x)[Cf3(x)+xf4(x)]f3(x)f4(x){1E[1f2(x)]}AE2f1(x)f2(x)f4(x)(2Fx+G)(Fx2+Gx+H)2,J(x) = -\frac{4\,f_{1}(x)\left[C\,f_{3}(x)+x\,f_{4}(x)\right]}{f_{3}(x) \cdot f_{4}(x)}\left\{1-E \cdot \left[1-f_{2}(x)\right]\right\}-\frac{AE}{2}\frac{f_{1}(x)}{f_{2}(x)}\frac{f_{4}(x) \cdot \left(2Fx+G\right)}{\left(Fx^2+Gx+H\right)^2},

where P has four parameters: AA, BB, CC, and DD.


The argument P in the DNRGE function has the same parameters, as those in the NRGE function.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Narushin, V.G., Romanov, M.N., Griffin, D.K. (2021) Egg and math: introducing a universal formula for egg shape. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1505, 169-177. doi:10.1111/nyas.14680

Narushin, V.G., Romanov, M.N., Mishra, B., Griffin, D.K. (2022) Mathematical progression of avian egg shape with associated area and volume determinations. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1513, 65-78. doi:10.1111/nyas.14771

Shi, P., Chen, L., Quinn, B.K., Yu, K., Miao, Q., Guo, X., Lian, M., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1524, 118-131. doi:10.1111/nyas.15000

See Also

fitNRGE, NRGE, SurfaceAreaNRGE


Par6 <- c(4.51, 3.18, 0.1227, 2.2284)
  xx3  <- seq(-4.51/2, 4.51/2, len=2000)
  J1   <- DNRGE(P=Par6, x=xx3)
  J2   <- -DNRGE(P=Par6, x=xx3)
  ind  <- which( |
  xx3  <- xx3[-ind]
  J1   <- J1[-ind]
  J2   <- J2[-ind]
  plot(xx3, J1, type="l", col=4, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5,
       xlim=c(-4.51/2, 4.51/2), ylim=c(-20, 20), xlab=expression(italic(x)), 
       ylab=expression(paste(italic(J), "(", italic(x), ")", sep="")))
  lines(xx3, J2, col=2)

Calculation of the First-Order Derivative of the Simplified Gielis Equation


DSGE is used to calculate the first-order derivative of the simplified Gielis equation at a given φ\varphi-value.


DSGE(P, phi)



the parameters of the simplified Gielis equation, including aa, n1n_{1}, and n2n_{2}.


the φ\varphi-value used in the simplified Gielis equation.


The first-order derivative of the simplified Gielis equation with arguments simpver = 1 and m = 1 at a given φ\varphi-value is:

g(x)=a4n2n1[(cosφ4)n21(sinφ4)(sinφ4)n21(cosφ4)] [(cosφ4)n2+(sinφ4)n2]1n11,g(x) = \frac{a}{4}\,\frac{n_{2}}{n_{1}}\,\left[\left(\cos{\frac{\varphi}{4}}\right)^{n_{2}-1}\left(\sin{\frac{\varphi}{4}}\right)-\left(\sin{\frac{\varphi}{4}}\right)^{n_{2}-1}\left(\cos{\frac{\varphi}{4}}\right)\right]\ \left[\left(\cos{\frac{\varphi}{4}}\right)^{n_{2}}+\left(\sin{\frac{\varphi}{4}}\right)^{n_{2}}\right]^{-\frac{1}{n_{1}}-1},

where P has three parameters: aa, n1n_{1}, and n2n_{2}.


The argument P in the DSGE function only has the three parameters: aa, n1n_{1}, and n2n_{2}.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Chen, Z. (2012) Volume and area of revolution under polar coordinate system. Studies in College Mathematics 15(6), 9-11.

Shi, P., Chen, L., Quinn, B.K., Yu, K., Miao, Q., Guo, X., Lian, M., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1524, 118-131. doi:10.1111/nyas.15000

See Also

GE, fitGE, SurfaceAreaSGE


Par7 <- c(1.124, 14.86, 49.43)
  phi1 <- seq(0, pi, len=2000)
  g1   <- DSGE(P=Par7, phi=phi1)
  plot(phi1, g1, type="l", col=4, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5,
       ylab=expression(paste(italic(g), "(", italic(varphi), ")", sep="")))

Egg Boundary Data of Nine Species of Birds


The data consist of the egg boundary data of nine species of birds.




In the data set, there are four columns of variables: Code, LatinName, x, and y. Code saves the codes of individual eggs; LatinName saves the Latin names of the nine species of birds; x saves the xx coordinates of the egg boundary in the Cartesian coordinate system (cm); and y saves the yy coordinates of the egg boundary in the Cartesian coordinate system (cm). In Code, codes 1-9 represent Strix uralensis, Dromaius novaehollandiae, Turdus philomelos, Gallus gallus, Pandion haliaetus, Uria aalge, Uria lomvia, Gallinago media, and Aptenodytes patagonicus, respectively.


Narushin, V.G., Romanov, M.N., Griffin, D.K. (2021) Egg and math: introducing a universal formula for egg shape. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1505, 169-177. doi:10.1111/nyas.14680

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2022) Comparison of a universal (but complex) model for avian egg shape with a simpler model. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1514, 34-42. doi:10.1111/nyas.14799

Tian, F., Wang, Y., Sandhu, H.S., Gielis, J., Shi, P. (2020) Comparison of seed morphology of two ginkgo cultivars. Journal of Forestry Research 31, 751-758. doi:10.1007/s11676-018-0770-y



uni.C <- sort( unique(eggs$Code) )
ind   <- 8
Data  <- eggs[eggs$Code==uni.C[ind], ]
x0    <- Data$x
y0    <- Data$y

Res1 <- adjdata(x0, y0,, times=1.2,
x1   <- Res1$x
y1   <- Res1$y
plot( x1, y1, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l", 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")),
      pch=1, col=1 ) 

Res2 <- adjdata(x0, y0,, times=1,, index.sp=20)
x2   <- Res2$x
y2   <- Res2$y

Res3 <- adjdata(x0, y0,, times=1,, index.sp=100)
x3   <- Res3$x
y3   <- Res3$y
plot( x2, y2, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")),
      pch=1, col=4 ) 
points( x3, y3, col=2)

Calculation of the Ordinate For an Arbitrary Point on the Preston Curve in the Plane


EPE is used to calculate the y-value for an arbitrary point on the Preston curve that was generated by the explicit Preston equation or one of its simplified versions for a given x-value.


EPE(P, x, simpver = NULL)



the parameters of the explicit Preston equation or one of its simplified versions.


the x-value used in the explicit Preston equation.


an optional argument to use the simplified version of the explicit Preston equation.


When simpver = NULL, the explicit Preston equation is selected:

y=b 1(xa)2(1+c1 xa+c2(xa)2+c3(xa)3),y = b\ \sqrt{1-\left(\frac{x}{a}\right)^2}\left(1+c_{1}\ \frac{x}{a}+c_{2}\left(\frac{x}{a}\right)^2+c_{3}\left(\frac{x}{a}\right)^3\right),

where P has five parameters: aa, bb, c1c_{1}, c2c_{2}, and c3c_{3}.

\quad When simpver = 1, the simplified version 1 is selected:

y=b 1(xa)2(1+c1 xa+c2(xa)2),y = b\ \sqrt{1-\left(\frac{x}{a}\right)^2}\left(1+c_{1}\ \frac{x}{a}+c_{2}\left(\frac{x}{a}\right)^2\right),

where P has four parameters: aa, bb, c1c_{1}, and c2c_{2}.

\quad When simpver = 2, the simplified version 2 is selected:

y=b 1(xa)2(1+c1 xa),y = b\ \sqrt{1-\left(\frac{x}{a}\right)^2}\left(1+c_{1}\ \frac{x}{a}\right),

where P has three parameters: aa, bb, and c1c_{1}.

\quad When simpver = 3, the simplified version 3 is selected:

y=b 1(xa)2(1+c2(xa)2),y = b\ \sqrt{1-\left(\frac{x}{a}\right)^2}\left(1+c_{2}\left(\frac{x}{a}\right)^2\right),

where P has three parameters: aa, bb, and c2c_{2}.


The yy values predicted by the explicit Preston equation.


We only considered the upper part of the egg-shape curve in the above expressions because the lower part is symmetrical to the upper part around the x-axis. The mid-line of an egg's profile in EPE is aligned to the x-axis, while the mid-line of an egg's profile in PE is aligned to the y-axis. The EPE function has the same parameters, P, as those in the PE function. The explicit Preston equation is used for calculating an egg's volume and surface area, when the parameters, which are saved in the P vector, are obtained using the fitEPE function or the lmPE function based on the TSE function. In addition, the values in x > aa (i.e., the first element in P) are forced to be aa, and the values in x < a-a will be forced to be a-a.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Shi, P., Chen, L., Quinn, B.K., Yu, K., Miao, Q., Guo, X., Lian, M., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1524, 118-131. doi:10.1111/nyas.15000

Shi, P., Wang, L., Quinn, B.K., Gielis, J. (2023) A new program to estimate the parameters of Preston's equation, a general formula for describing the egg shape of birds. Symmetry 15, 231. doi:10.3390/sym15010231

See Also

curveEPE, fitEPE, PE, SurfaceAreaEPE, VolumeEPE


Par3 <- c(4.27, 2.90, 0.0868, 0.0224, -0.0287)
  xx1  <- seq(-4.27, 4.27, by=0.001)
  yy1  <- EPE(P=Par3, x=xx1, simpver=NULL)
  yy2  <- -EPE(P=Par3, x=xx1, simpver=NULL)
  plot(xx1, yy1, asp=1, type="l", col=4, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5,
       xlim=c(-5, 5), ylim=c(-5, 5), 
       xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)))
  lines(xx1, yy2, col=2)

Calculation of the Ordinate For an Arbitrary Point on the Troscianko Curve in the Plane


ETE is used to calculate the y-value for an arbitrary point on the Troscianko curve that was generated by the explicit Troscianko equation.


ETE(P, x)



the parameters of the explicit Troscianko equation, including aa, α0\alpha_{0}, α1\alpha_{1}, and α2\alpha_{2}.


the x-value used in the explicit Troscianko equation.


The explicit Troscianko equation is recommended as:

y=aexp{α0+α1(xa)+α2(xa)2}1(xa)2,y = a\,\exp\left\{\alpha_{0}+\alpha_{1}\,\left(\frac{x}{a}\right)+\alpha_{2}\, \left(\frac{x}{a}\right)^2\right\}\sqrt{1-\left(\frac{x}{a}\right)^2},

where xx and yy represent the abscissa and ordinate of an arbitrary point on the explicit Troscianko curve; aa, α0\alpha_{0}, α1\alpha_{1}, and α2\alpha_{2} are parameters to be estimated.


The yy values predicted by the explicit Troscianko equation.


We only considered the upper part of the egg-shape curve in the above expressions because the lower part is symmetrical to the upper part around the x-axis. The mid-line of an egg's profile in ETE is aligned to the x-axis. The argument, P, in the ETE function has the same parameters, α0\alpha_{0}, α1\alpha_{1}, and α2\alpha_{2}, as those in the TE function. However, the former has an additional parameter aa than the latter, which represents half the egg's length. The lmTE function is based on the TE function, while the fitETE function is based on the ETE function here. In addition, the values in x > aa (i.e., the first element in P) are forced to be aa, and the values in x < a-a will be forced to be a-a.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Biggins, J.D., Montgomeries, R.M., Thompson, J.E., Birkhead, T.R. (2022) Preston’s universal formula for avian egg shape. Ornithology 139, ukac028. doi:10.1093/ornithology/ukac028

Biggins, J.D., Thompson, J.E., Birkhead, T.R. (2018) Accurately quantifying the shape of birds' eggs. Ecology and Evolution 8, 9728-9738. doi:10.1002/ece3.4412

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Wang, L., Quinn, B.K., Gielis, J. (2023) A new program to estimate the parameters of Preston's equation, a general formula for describing the egg shape of birds. Symmetry 15, 231. doi:10.3390/sym15010231

Troscianko, J. (2014). A simple tool for calculating egg shape, volume and surface area from digital images. Ibis, 156, 874-878. doi:10.1111/ibi.12177

See Also

curveETE, fitETE, SurfaceAreaETE, VolumeETE


Par5 <- c(2.25, -0.38, -0.29, -0.16)
  xx2  <- seq(-2.25, 2.25, len=2000)
  yy3  <- ETE(P=Par5, x=xx2)
  yy4  <- -ETE(P=Par5, x=xx2)
  plot(xx2, yy3, asp=1, type="l", col=4, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5,
       xlim=c(-3, 3), ylim=c(-3, 3), 
       xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)))
  lines(xx2, yy4, col=2)

Data-Fitting Function for the Explicit Preston Equation


fitEPE is used to estimate the parameters of the explicit Preston equation or one of its simplified versions.


fitEPE(x, y, ini.val, simpver = NULL, 
      control = list(), par.list = FALSE, 
      stand.fig = TRUE, angle = NULL, fig.opt = FALSE, np = 2000,
      xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, unit = NULL, main = NULL)



the xx coordinates of an egg's profile.


the yy coordinates of an egg's profile.


the list of initial values for the model parameters.


an optional argument to use the simplified version of the explicit Preston equation.


the list of control parameters for using the optim function in package stats.


the option of showing the list of parameters on the screen.


the option of drawing the observed and predicted profiles of an egg at the standard state (i.e., the egg's centre is located at (0, 0), and the mid-line is aligned to the xx-axis).


the angle between the mid-line and the xx-axis, which can be defined by the user.


an optional argument of drawing the observed and predicted profiles of an egg at arbitrary angle between the major axis and the xx-axis.


the number of data points on the predicted explicit Preston curve.


the range of the xx-axis over which to plot the Preston curve.


the range of the yy-axis over which to plot the Preston curve.


the unit of the xx-axis and the yy-axis when showing the Preston curve.


the main title of the figure.


The simpver argument should correspond to EPE. Here, the major axis (i.e., the mid-line of an egg's profile) is the straight line trhough the two ends of the egg's length. The Nelder-Mead algorithm (Nelder and Mead, 1965) is used to carry out the optimization of minimizing the residual sum of squares (RSS) between the observed and predicted yy values. The optim function in package stats was used to carry out the Nelder-Mead algorithm. When angle = NULL, the observed egg's profile will be shown at its initial angle in the scanned image; when angle is a numerical value (e.g., π/4\pi/4) defined by the user, it indicates that the major axis is rotated by the amount (π/4\pi/4) counterclockwise from the xx-axis.



the estimates of the model parameters.


the observed length of the egg's profile.


the observed width of the egg's profile.


the observed area of the egg's profile.


the observed perimeter of the egg's profile.


the coefficient of determination between the observed and predicted yy values on the Preston curve.


the residual sum of squares between the observed and predicted yy values on the Preston curve.


the number of data points used in the data fitting.


the observed xx coordinates of the points on the Preston curve at the standard state.


the observed yy coordinates of the points on the Preston curve at the standard state.


the predicted yy coordinates of the points on the Preston curve at the standard state.


the observed xx coordinates of the points on the Preston curve at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


the observed yy coordinates of the points on the Preston curve at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


the predicted yy coordinates of the points on the Preston curve at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


In the outputs, there are no x.stand.pred and x.pred, because y.stand.obs and y.stand.pred share the same xx values (i.e., x.stand.obs), and y.obs and y.pred share the same xx values (i.e., x.obs).


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Nelder, J.A., Mead, R. (1965) A simplex method for function minimization. Computer Journal 7, 308-313. doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308

Preston, F.W. (1953) The shapes of birds' eggs. The Auk 70, 160-182.

Shi, P., Chen, L., Quinn, B.K., Yu, K., Miao, Q., Guo, X., Lian, M., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1524, 118-131. doi:10.1111/nyas.15000

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Wang, L., Quinn, B.K., Gielis, J. (2023) A new program to estimate the parameters of Preston's equation, a general formula for describing the egg shape of birds. Symmetry 15, 231. doi:10.3390/sym15010231

Todd, P.H., Smart, I.H.M. (1984) The shape of birds' eggs. Journal of Theoretical Biology 106, 239-243. doi:10.1016/0022-5193(84)90021-3

See Also

curveEPE, PE, lmPE, TSE



uni.C <- sort( unique(eggs$Code) )
ind   <- 8
Data  <- eggs[eggs$Code==uni.C[ind], ]
x0    <- Data$x
y0    <- Data$y

Res1 <- adjdata(x0, y0,, times=1.2,
x1   <- Res1$x
y1   <- Res1$y
plot( x1, y1, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5,  type="l", col=4,  
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) )

  simpver   <- NULL
  res1      <- lmPE( x1, y1, simpver=simpver, dev.angle=seq(-0.05, 0.05, by=0.0001), 
                     unit="cm", fig.opt=FALSE )
  x0.ini    <- mean( x1 )
  y0.ini    <- mean( y1 )
  theta.ini <- res1$theta
  a.ini     <- res1$scan.length / 2
  b.ini     <- res1$scan.width / 2
  c1.ini    <- res1$par[2] / res1$par[1]
  c2.ini    <- res1$par[3] / res1$par[1]
  c3.ini    <- res1$par[4] / res1$par[1]

  ini.val <- list(x0.ini, y0.ini, theta.ini, a.ini, b.ini, c1.ini, c2.ini, c3.ini)

  res0 <- fitEPE( x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val, 
                 simpver=simpver, unit="cm", par.list=FALSE, 
                 stand.fig=FALSE, angle=NULL, fig.opt=FALSE, 
                 control=list(reltol=1e-30, maxit=50000), 
                 np=2000 ) 

  n.loop <- 12
  Show   <- FALSE
  for(i in 1:n.loop){
    ini.val <- res0$par
    if(i==n.loop) Show <- TRUE
    print(paste(i, "/", n.loop, sep=""))
    res0 <- fitEPE( x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val, 
                   simpver=simpver, unit="cm", par.list=FALSE, 
                   stand.fig=Show, angle=pi/4, fig.opt=Show,  
                   control=list(reltol=1e-30, maxit=50000), 
                   np=2000 )    

  # The numerical values of the location and model parameters

  # The root-mean-square error (RMSE) between 
  #   the observed and predicted y values


  # To calculate the volume of the egg

  # To calculate the surface area of the egg

Data-Fitting Function for the Explicit Troscianko Equation


fitETE is used to estimate the parameters of the explicit Troscianko equation.


fitETE(x, y, ini.val, control = list(), par.list = FALSE, 
      stand.fig = TRUE, angle = NULL, fig.opt = FALSE, np = 2000,
      xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, unit = NULL, main = NULL)



the xx coordinates of an egg's profile.


the yy coordinates of an egg's profile.


the list of initial values for the model parameters.


the list of control parameters for using the optim function in package stats.


the option of showing the list of parameters on the screen.


the option of drawing the observed and predicted profiles of an egg at the standard state (i.e., the egg's centre is located at (0, 0), and the mid-line is aligned to the xx-axis).


the angle between the mid-line and the xx-axis, which can be defined by the user.


an optional argument of drawing the observed and predicted profiles of an egg at arbitrary angle between the major axis and the xx-axis.


the number of data points on the predicted explicit Troscianko curve.


the range of the xx-axis over which to plot the Troscianko curve.


the range of the yy-axis over which to plot the Troscianko curve.


the unit of the xx-axis and the yy-axis when showing the Troscianko curve.


the main title of the figure.


Here, the major axis (i.e., the mid-line of an egg's profile) is the straight line trhough the two ends of the egg's length. The Nelder-Mead algorithm (Nelder and Mead, 1965) is used to carry out the optimization of minimizing the residual sum of squares (RSS) between the observed and predicted yy values. The optim function in package stats was used to carry out the Nelder-Mead algorithm. When angle = NULL, the observed egg's profile will be shown at its initial angle in the scanned image; when angle is a numerical value (e.g., π/4\pi/4) defined by the user, it indicates that the major axis is rotated by the amount (π/4\pi/4) counterclockwise from the xx-axis.



the estimates of the model parameters.


the observed length of the egg's profile.


the observed width of the egg's profile.


the observed area of the egg's profile.


the observed perimeter of the egg's profile.


the coefficient of determination between the observed and predicted yy values on the Troscianko curve.


the residual sum of squares between the observed and predicted yy values on the Troscianko curve.


the number of data points used in the data fitting.


the observed xx coordinates of the points on the Troscianko curve at the standard state.


the observed yy coordinates of the points on the Troscianko curve at the standard state.


the predicted yy coordinates of the points on the Troscianko curve at the standard state.


the observed xx coordinates of the points on the Troscianko curve at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


the observed yy coordinates of the points on the Troscianko curve at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


the predicted yy coordinates of the points on the Troscianko curve at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


In the outputs, there are no x.stand.pred and x.pred, because y.stand.obs and y.stand.pred share the same xx values (i.e., x.stand.obs), and y.obs and y.pred share the same xx values (i.e., x.obs).


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Biggins, J.D., Montgomeries, R.M., Thompson, J.E., Birkhead, T.R. (2022) Preston’s universal formula for avian egg shape. Ornithology 139, ukac028. doi:10.1093/ornithology/ukac028

Biggins, J.D., Thompson, J.E., Birkhead, T.R. (2018) Accurately quantifying the shape of birds' eggs. Ecology and Evolution 8, 9728-9738. doi:10.1002/ece3.4412

Nelder, J.A., Mead, R. (1965) A simplex method for function minimization. Computer Journal 7, 308-313. doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Wang, L., Quinn, B.K., Gielis, J. (2023) A new program to estimate the parameters of Preston's equation, a general formula for describing the egg shape of birds. Symmetry 15, 231. doi:10.3390/sym15010231

Troscianko, J. (2014). A simple tool for calculating egg shape, volume and surface area from digital images. Ibis, 156, 874-878. doi:10.1111/ibi.12177

See Also

curveETE, TE, lmTE



uni.C <- sort( unique(eggs$Code) )
ind   <- 8
Data  <- eggs[eggs$Code==uni.C[ind], ]
x0    <- Data$x
y0    <- Data$y

Res1 <- adjdata(x0, y0,, times=1.2,
x1   <- Res1$x
y1   <- Res1$y
plot( x1, y1, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5,  type="l", col=4,  
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) )

  res1      <- lmTE( x1, y1, unit="cm", fig.opt=FALSE )
    P0  <- c(res1$scan.length/2, res1$par)
    xx  <- seq(-res1$scan.length/2, res1$scan.length/2, len=2000)
    yy1 <- ETE(P0, xx)
    yy2 <- -ETE(P0, xx)
    plot( xx, yy1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, asp=1, col=2, 
          ylim=c(-res1$scan.length/2, res1$scan.length/2),
          type="l", xlab=expression(x), ylab=expression(y) )
    lines( xx, yy2, col=4 )

  x0.ini    <- mean( x1 )
  y0.ini    <- mean( y1 )
  theta.ini <- res1$theta
  a.ini     <- res1$scan.length / 2
  alpha0.ini <- res1$par[1] 
  alpha1.ini <- res1$par[2]
  alpha2.ini <- res1$par[3]

  ini.val <- list(x0.ini, y0.ini, theta.ini, a.ini, alpha0.ini, alpha1.ini, alpha2.ini)

  res0 <- fitETE( x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val, 
                 unit="cm", par.list=FALSE, 
                 stand.fig=FALSE, angle=NULL, fig.opt=FALSE, 
                 control=list(reltol=1e-30, maxit=50000), 
                 np=2000 ) 

  n.loop <- 12
  Show   <- FALSE
  for(i in 1:n.loop){
    ini.val <- res0$par
    if(i==n.loop) Show <- TRUE
    print(paste(i, "/", n.loop, sep=""))
    res0 <- fitETE( x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val, 
                   unit="cm", par.list=FALSE, 
                   stand.fig=Show, angle=pi/4, fig.opt=Show,  
                   control=list(reltol=1e-30, maxit=50000), 
                   np=2000 )    

  # The numerical values of the location and model parameters

  # The root-mean-square error (RMSE) between 
  #   the observed and predicted y values


  # To calculate the volume of the egg

  # To calculate the surface area of the egg

Data-Fitting Function for the Gielis Equation


fitGE is used to estimate the parameters of the original (or twin) Gielis equation or one of its simplified versions.


fitGE(expr, x, y, ini.val, m = 1, simpver = NULL, 
      nval = nval, control = list(), par.list = FALSE, 
      stand.fig = TRUE, angle = NULL, fig.opt = FALSE, np = 2000,
      xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, unit = NULL, main = NULL)



the original (or twin) Gielis equation or one of its simplified versions.


the xx coordinates of a polygon's boundary.


the yy coordinates of a polygon's boundary.


the list of initial values for the model parameters.


the given mm value that determines the number of angles of the Gielis curve within [0,2π)[0, 2\pi).


an optional argument to use the simplified version of the original (or twin) Gielis equation.


the specified value for n1n_{1} or n2n_{2} or n3n_{3} in the simplified versions.


the list of control parameters for using the optim function in package stats.


the option of showing the list of parameters on the screen.


the option of drawing the observed and predicted polygons at the standard state (i.e., the polar point is located at (0, 0), and the major axis overlaps with the xx-axis).


the angle between the major axis and the xx-axis, which can be defined by the user.


an optional argument of drawing the observed and predicted polygons at arbitrary angle between the major axis and the xx-axis.


the number of data points on the predicted Gielis curve.


the range of the xx-axis over which to plot the Gielis curve.


the range of the yy-axis over which to plot the Gielis curve.


the unit of the xx-axis and the yy-axis when showing the Gielis curve.


the main title of the figure.


The arguments of m, simpver, and nval should correspond to expr (i.e., GE or TGE). Please note the differences in the simplified version number and the number of parameters between GE and TGE. The Nelder-Mead algorithm (Nelder and Mead, 1965) is used to carry out the optimization of minimizing the residual sum of squares (RSS) between the observed and predicted radii. The optim function in package stats was used to carry out the Nelder-Mead algorithm. When angle = NULL, the observed polygon will be shown at its initial angle in the scanned image; when angle is a numerical value (e.g., π/4\pi/4) defined by the user, it indicates that the major axis is rotated by the amount (π/4\pi/4) counterclockwise from the xx-axis.



the estimates of the model parameters.


the observed length of the polygon.


the observed width of the polygon.


the observed area of the polygon.


the coefficient of determination between the observed and predicted polar radii.


the residual sum of squares between the observed and predicted polar radii.


the number of data points used in the data fitting.


the polar angles at the standard state.


the transferred polar angles rotated as defined by the user.


the observed polar radii at the standard state.


the predicted polar radii at the standard state.


the observed xx coordinates at the standard state.


the predicted xx coordinates at the standard state.


the observed yy coordinates at the standard state.


the predicted yy coordinates at the standard state.


the observed polar radii at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


the predicted polar radii at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


the observed xx coordinates at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


the predicted xx coordinates at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


the observed yy coordinates at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


the predicted yy coordinates at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


simpver in GE is different from that in TGE.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Gielis, J. (2003) A generic geometric transformation that unifies a wide range of natural and abstract shapes. American Journal of Botany 90, 333-338. doi:10.3732/ajb.90.3.333

Li, Y., Quinn, B.K., Gielis, J., Li, Y., Shi, P. (2022) Evidence that supertriangles exist in nature from the vertical projections of Koelreuteria paniculata fruit. Symmetry 14, 23. doi:10.3390/sym14010023

Nelder, J.A., Mead, R. (1965) A simplex method for function minimization. Computer Journal 7, 308-313. doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Ratkowsky, D.A., Gielis, J. (2020) The generalized Gielis geometric equation and its application. Symmetry 12, 645. doi:10.3390/sym12040645

Shi, P., Xu, Q., Sandhu, H.S., Gielis, J., Ding, Y., Li, H., Dong, X. (2015) Comparison of dwarf bamboos (Indocalamus sp.) leaf parameters to determine relationship between spatial density of plants and total leaf area per plant. Ecology and Evolution 5, 4578-4589. doi:10.1002/ece3.1728

See Also

areaGE, curveGE, DSGE, GE, SurfaceAreaSGE, TGE, VolumeSGE



uni.C <- sort( unique(eggs$Code) )
ind   <- 1
Data  <- eggs[eggs$Code==uni.C[ind], ]
x0    <- Data$x
y0    <- Data$y

Res1 <- adjdata(x0, y0,, times=1.2,
x1   <- Res1$x
y1   <- Res1$y
Res2 <- adjdata(x0, y0,, times=1,, index.sp=20)
x2   <- Res2$x
y2   <- Res2$y
Res3 <- adjdata(x0, y0,, times=1,, index.sp=100)
x3   <- Res3$x
y3   <- Res3$y
plot( x2, y2, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")),
      pch=1, col=4 ) 
points( x3, y3, col=2)

  x0.ini    <- mean( x1 )
  y0.ini    <- mean( y1 )
  theta.ini <- pi
  a.ini     <- sqrt(2) * max( y0.ini-min(y1), x0.ini-min(x1) ) 
  n1.ini <- c(5, 25)
  n2.ini <- c(15, 25)
  if(ind == 2){
    n1.ini <- c(0.5, 1)
    n2.ini <- c(6, 12)
  ini.val <- list(x0.ini, y0.ini, theta.ini, a.ini, n1.ini, n2.ini)

  Res4 <- fitGE( GE, x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val, 
                 m=1, simpver=1, nval=1, unit="cm",  
                 par.list=FALSE, fig.opt=TRUE, angle=NULL, 
                 control=list(reltol=1e-20, maxit=20000), 
                 np=2000 )

  xx    <- Res4$x.stand.obs
  yy    <- Res4$y.stand.obs

  poly0 <- as.polygonal(owin(poly=list(x=xx, y=yy)))

  areaGE(GE, P = Res4$par[4:6], 
         m=1, simpver=1)

  # The following code is used to 
  #   calculate the root-mean-square error (RMSE) in the y-coordinates
  ind1  <- which(yy >= 0)
  ind2  <- which(yy < 0)
  xx1   <- xx[ind1] # The upper part of the egg
  yy1   <- yy[ind1]
  xx2   <- xx[ind2] # The lower part of the egg
  yy2   <- yy[ind2]
  Para  <- c(0, 0, 0, Res4$par[4:length(Res4$par)])
  PartU <- curveGE(GE, P=Para, phi=seq(0, pi, len=100000), m=1, simpver=1, fig.opt=FALSE)
  xv1   <- PartU$x
  yv1   <- PartU$y
  PartL <- curveGE(GE, P=Para, phi=seq(pi, 2*pi, len=100000), m=1, simpver=1, fig.opt=FALSE)
  xv2   <- PartL$x
  yv2   <- PartL$y  
  ind3  <- c()
  for(q in 1:length(xx1)){
    ind.temp <- which.min(abs(xx1[q]-xv1))
    ind3     <- c(ind3, ind.temp)
  ind4  <- c()
  for(q in 1:length(xx2)){
    ind.temp <- which.min(abs(xx2[q]-xv2))
    ind4     <- c(ind4, ind.temp)
  RSS   <- sum((yy1-yv1[ind3])^2) + sum((yy2-yv2[ind4])^2)
  RMSE  <- sqrt( RSS/length(yy) )

  # To calculate the volume of the Gielis egg when simpver=1 & m=1

  # To calculate the surface area of the Gielis egg when simpver=1 & m=1

Data-Fitting Function for the Rotated and Right-Shifted Lorenz Curve


fitLorenz is used to estimate the parameters of the rotated and right-shifted Lorenz curve using version 4 or 5 of MPerformanceE, or the Lorenz equations including SarabiaE, SCSE, and SHE.


fitLorenz(expr, z, ini.val, simpver = 4, 
          control = list(), par.list = FALSE, 
          fig.opt = FALSE, np = 2000, 
          xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, main = NULL, subdivisions = 100L,
          rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, 
          abs.tol = rel.tol, stop.on.error = TRUE, 
          keep.xy = FALSE, aux = NULL, par.limit = TRUE)



version 4 or 5 of MPerformanceE, or the Lorenz equations including SarabiaE, SCSE, and SHE.


the observations of size distribution (i.e., the household income distribution, the leaf size distribution).


the initial values of the model parameters.


an optional argument to use version 4 or 5 of MPerformanceE.


the list of control parameters for using the optim function in package stats.


the option of showing the list of parameters on the screen.


an optional argument to draw the original and rotated Lorenz curves.


the number of data points to draw the predicted original and rotated Lorenz curves.


the label of the xx-axis when showing the original Lorenz curve.


the label of the yy-axis when showing the original Lorenz curve.


the main title of the figure.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


an optional argument to limit the numerical ranges of model parameters of the three Lorenz equations including SarabiaE, SCSE, and SHE.


Here, ini.val only includes the initial values of the model parameters as a list. The Nelder-Mead algorithm (Nelder and Mead, 1965) is used to carry out the optimization of minimizing the residual sum of squares (RSS) between the observed and predicted yy values. The optim function in package stats was used to carry out the Nelder-Mead algorithm. Here, versions 4 and 5 of MPerformanceE and the Lorenz equations including SarabiaE, SCSE, and SHE can be used to fit the rotated and right-shifted Lorenz curve.

\quad When simpver = 4, the simplified version 4 of MPerformanceE is selected:

if x(0, 2),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(0, \ \sqrt{2}\right)},

y=c(1eK1x)a(1eK2(x2))b;y = c\left(1-e^{-K_{1}x}\right)^{a}\left(1-e^{K_{2}\left(x-\sqrt{2}\right)}\right)^{b};

if x(0, 2),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(0, \ \sqrt{2}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

There are five elements in P, representing the values of cc, K1K_{1}, K2K_{2}, aa, and bb, respectively.

\quad When simpver = 5, the simplified version 5 of MPerformanceE is selected:

if x(0, 2),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(0, \ \sqrt{2}\right)},

y=c(1eK1x)(1eK2(x2));y = c\left(1-e^{-K_{1}x}\right)\left(1-e^{K_{2}\left(x-\sqrt{2}\right)}\right);

if x(0, 2),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(0, \ \sqrt{2}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

There are three elements in P, representing the values of cc, K1K_{1}, and K2K_{2}, respectively.

\quad For the Lorenz functions, the user can define any formulae that follow the below form: <- function(P, x){...}, where P is the vector of parameter(s), x is the preditor that ranges between 0 and 1 representing the cumulative proportion of the number of individuals in a statistical unit, and is the name of a Lorenz function defined by the user, which also ranges between 0 and 1 representing the cumulative proportion of the income or size in a statistical unit. This package provides three representative Lorenz functions: SarabiaE, SCSE, and SHE.

\quad Here, the Gini coefficient (GC) is calculated as follows when MPerformanceE is selected:

GC=202ydx,\mbox{GC} = 2\int_{0}^{\sqrt{2}}y\,dx,

where xx and yy are the independent and dependent variables in version 4 or 5 of MPerformanceE, respectively.

\quad However, the Gini coefficient (GC) is calculated as follows when a Lorenz function, e.g., SCSE, is selected:

GC=201ydx,\mbox{GC} = 2\int_{0}^{1}y\,dx,

where xx and yy are the independent and dependent variables in the Lorenz function, respectively.

\quad For SarabiaE and SHE, there are explicit formulae for GC (Sarabia, 1997; Sitthiyot and Holasut, 2023).



the cumulative proportion of the number of an entity of interest, i.e., the number of households of a city, the number of leaves of a plant.


the cumulative proportion of the size of an entity of interest.


the xx coordinates of the rotated and right-shifted y1 versus x1.


the yy coordinates of the rotated and right-shifted y1 versus x1.


the estimates of the model parameters.


the coefficient of determination between the observed and predicted yy values.


the residual sum of squares between the observed and predicted yy values.


the number of data points used in the data fitting.


the calculated Gini coefficient.


When MPerformanceE is selected, the estimates of the model parameters denote those in MPerformanceE rather than being obtained by directly fitting the y1 versus x1 data; when a Lorenz function is selected, the estimates of the model parameters denote those in the Lorenz function.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Huey, R.B., Stevenson, R.D. (1979) Integrating thermal physiology and ecology of ectotherms: a discussion of approaches. American Zoologist 19, 357-366. doi:10.1093/icb/19.1.357

Lian, M., Shi, P., Zhang, L., Yao, W., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A generalized performance equation and its application in measuring the Gini index of leaf size inequality. Trees - Structure and Function 37, 1555-1565. doi:10.1007/s00468-023-02448-8

Lorenz, M.O. (1905) Methods of measuring the concentration of wealth. Journal of the American Statistical Association 9(70), 209-219. doi:10.2307/2276207

Nelder, J.A., Mead, R. (1965) A simplex method for function minimization. Computer Journal 7, 308-313. doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308

Sarabia, J.-M. (1997) A hierarchy of Lorenz curves based on the generalized Tukey's lambda distribution. Econometric Reviews 16, 305-320. doi:10.1080/07474939708800389

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Sitthiyot, T., Holasut, K. (2023) A universal model for the Lorenz curve with novel applications for datasets containing zeros and/or exhibiting extreme inequality. Scientific Reports 13, 4729. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-31827-x

See Also

LeafSizeDist, MPerformanceE, SarabiaE, SCSE, SHE



  CulmNumber <- c()
  for(i in 1:length(LeafSizeDist$Code)){
    temp <- as.numeric( strsplit(LeafSizeDist$Code[i], "-", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1] )
    CulmNumber <- c(CulmNumber, temp)
  uni.CN <- sort( unique(CulmNumber) )  
  ind    <- CulmNumber==uni.CN[1]
  A0     <- LeafSizeDist$A[ind]

  ini.val1 <- list(0.5, 0.1, c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 5, 10), 1, 1)
  ini.val2 <- list(0.5, 0.1, c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 5, 10))
  resu1 <- fitLorenz(MPerformanceE, z=A0, ini.val=ini.val1, simpver=4, fig.opt=TRUE)
  resu2 <- fitLorenz(MPerformanceE, z=A0, ini.val=ini.val2, simpver=5, fig.opt=TRUE)

  ini.val3 <- list(0.9, c(10, 50, 100, 500), 1, 0)   
  resu3 <- fitLorenz( SarabiaE, z=A0, ini.val=ini.val3, par.limit=TRUE, 
                      fig.opt=TRUE, control=list(reltol=1e-20, maxit=10000) )

Parameter Estimation for the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation


fitNRGE is used to estimate the parameters of the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation.


fitNRGE(x, y, dev.angle = NULL, ini.C = c(-1, 0.1, 0.5, 1), 
        strip.num = 2000, control = list(), fig.opt = TRUE, np = 2000,
        xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, unit = NULL, main = NULL)



the xx coordinates of the edge of an egg's boundary.


the yy coordinates of the edge of an egg's boundary.


the angle of deviation for the axis associated with the maximum distance between two points on an egg's profile from the mid-line of the egg's profile.


the initial value(s) of parameter CC in the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation.


the number of equidistant strips intersecting with the egg's boundary that are horizontally placed. See Shi et al. (2018, 2020) for details.


the list of control parameters for using the optim function in package stats.


an optional argument to draw the observed and predicted egg's boundaries.


the number of data points on the predicted Narushin-Romanov-Griffin curve.


the range of the xx-axis over which to plot the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin curve.


the range of the yy-axis over which to plot the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin curve.


the units of the xx-axis and the yy-axis when showing the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin curve.


the main title of the figure.


The NRGE (see NRGE) has a complex model structure with four parameters (i.e., AA, BB, CC, and DD). Because three out of four parameters of NRGE have clear biological and geometric meanings (i.e., AA, BB, and DD), their values could be estimated by means of numerical calculation. After obtaining the numerical values of the three parameters, the Nelder-Mead algorithm (Nelder and Mead, 1965) was used to estimate CC. Because of the failure of the optimization method to estimate the major axis (i.e., the mid-line) and model parameters of NRGE, it was difficult to define the egg length axis, although it is essential for calculating AA, BB, and DD. For this reason, two methods were used to obtain the major axis: the maximum distance method, and the longest axis adjustment method. In the first method, the straight line through two points forming the maximum distance on the egg's profile is defined as the major axis (i.e., the mid-line). In the second method, we assume that there is an angle of deviation for the longest axis (i.e., the axis associated with the maximum distance between two points on an egg's profile) from the mid-line of the egg's profile. That is to say, the mid-line of an egg's profile is not the axis associated with the maximum distance between two points on the egg's profile. When angle = NULL, the maximum distance method is used; when angle is a numerical value or a numerical vector, the longest axis adjustment method is used. Here, the numerical value of dev.angle is not the angle of deviation for the major axis of an egg's profile from the xx-axis, and instead it is the angle of deviation for the longest axis (associated with the maximum distance between two points on the egg's profile) from the mid-line of the egg's profile. Once the major axis is established, the distance of the major axis can be calculated as the estimate of AA. Using the maximum distance method, AA equals the maximum distance. Using the longest axis adjustment method, AA may be slightly smaller than the maximum distance. After rotating the major axis to make it overlap with the xx-axis, a large number of equidistant strips can be used (e.g., 2000) from the egg base to egg tip to intersect the egg's boundary. This methodology makes it easy to obtain the maximum egg's breadth (i.e., BB) and DD. The residual sum of squares (RSS) between the observed and predicted yy values can be minimized using an optimization method (Nelder and Mead, 1965) to estimate CC. Despite the complex structure of NRGE (see NRGE), the optimization method for estimating the remaining parameter CC becomes feasible after the other three parameters have been numerically estimated. Please see Shi et al. (2022) for details.



the angle between the longest axis of an egg's profile (i.e., the axis associated with the maximum distance between two points on the egg's profile) and the xx-axis.


the optimal angle of deviation for the longest axis (associated with the maximum distance between two points on an egg's profile) from the mid-line of the egg's profile, when dev.angle is not NULL.


the vector of residual sum of squares corresponding to dev.angle, when dev.angle is not NULL.


the observed xx coordinates.


the observed yy coordinates.


the predicted yy coordinates corresponding to the the observed xx coordinates.


the estimates of the four model parameters in the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation.


the length of the egg's boundary. The default is the maximum distance between two points on the egg's boundary.


the maximum width of the egg's boundary.


the area of the egg's boundary.


the perimeter of the egg's boundary based on all data points on the egg's boundary.


the residual sum of squares between the observed and predicted yy values.


the number of data points used in the numerical calculation.


the root-mean-square errors between the observed and predicted yy values.


theta is the calculated angle between the longest axis (i.e., the axis associated with the maximum distance between two points on an egg's profile) and the xx-axis, and epsilon is the calculated angle of deviation for the longest axis from the mid-line of the egg's profile. This means that the angle between the mid-line and the xx-axis is equal to theta + epsilon. In the outputs, there is no x.pred, because y.obs and y.pred share the same xx values (i.e., x.obs).


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Narushin, V.G., Romanov, M.N., Griffin, D.K. (2021) Egg and math: introducing a universal formula for egg shape. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1505, 169-177. doi:10.1111/nyas.14680

Nelder, J.A., Mead, R. (1965). A simplex method for function minimization. Computer Journal 7, 308-313. doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2022) Comparison of a universal (but complex) model for avian egg shape with a simpler model. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1514, 34-42. doi:10.1111/nyas.14799

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Niinemets, Ü., Hui, C., Niklas, K.J., Yu, X., Hölscher, D. (2020) Leaf bilateral symmetry and the scaling of the perimeter vs. the surface area in 15 vine species. Forests 11, 246. doi:10.3390/f11020246

Shi, P., Zheng, X., Ratkowsky, D.A., Li, Y., Wang, P., Cheng, L. (2018) A simple method for measuring the bilateral symmetry of leaves. Symmetry 10, 118. doi:10.3390/sym10040118

Tian, F., Wang, Y., Sandhu, H.S., Gielis, J., Shi, P. (2020) Comparison of seed morphology of two ginkgo cultivars. Journal of Forestry Research 31, 751-758. doi:10.1007/s11676-018-0770-y

See Also




uni.C <- sort( unique(eggs$Code) )
ind   <- 8
Data  <- eggs[eggs$Code==uni.C[ind], ]
x0    <- Data$x
y0    <- Data$y

Res1  <- adjdata(x0, y0,,
x1    <- Res1$x
y1    <- Res1$y
plot( Res1$x, Res1$y, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) ) 

  Res2 <- fitNRGE(x1, y1, dev.angle=NULL, ini.C=c(-1, -0.1, seq(0.1, 1, by=0.05)), 
                  strip.num=2000, fig.opt=TRUE) 
  plot(Res2$x.obs, Res2$y.obs, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
       xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")),
       type="l", col=4) 
  lines( Res2$x.obs, Res2$y.pred, col=2)

  Res3 <- fitNRGE(x1, y1, dev.angle=seq(-0.05, 0.05, by=0.01), 
                  ini.C=c(-1, -0.1, seq(0.1, 1, by=0.05)), 
                  strip.num=2000, fig.opt=TRUE)   

  zeta <- Res3$theta + Res3$epsilon
  x2   <- x1*cos(zeta) + y1*sin(zeta)
  y2   <- y1*cos(zeta) - x1*sin(zeta)
  plot( x2-min(x2), y2-min(y2), asp=1, col="grey70", cex=1,
        xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) )  
  lines(Res3$x.obs-min(Res3$x.obs), Res3$y.obs-min(Res3$y.obs), col=4)
  lines(Res3$x.obs-min(Res3$x.obs), Res3$y.pred-min(Res3$y.obs), col=2)

  RMSE <- sqrt( Res3$RSS / Res3$sample.size )

  # To calculate the volume of the egg 

  # To calculate the surface area of the egg

Data-Fitting Function for the Ovate Leaf-Shape Equation


fitovate is used to estimate the parameters of a simplified performance equation.


fitovate(expr, x, y, ini.val, 
         par.list = FALSE, stand.fig = TRUE, control = list(), 
         angle = NULL, fig.opt = FALSE, index.xmax = 3, np = 2000, 
         xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, unit = NULL, main = NULL)



the simplified version 1 of the performance equations.


the xx coordinates of a polygon's boundary.


the yy coordinates of a polygon's boundary.


the initial values of the simplified version 1 of a performance equation.


an optional argument to show the list of parameters on the screen.


an optional argument to draw the observed and predicted polygons' boundaries at the standard state (i.e., the origin is located at (0, 0), and the major axis overlaps with the xx-axis).


the list of control parameters for using the optim function in package stats.


the angle between the major axis of the polygon and the xx-axis, which can be defined by the user.


an optional argument to draw the observed and predicted polygons at an arbitrary angle between the major axis and the xx-axis.


the specified index in parameters representing xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}.


the number of data points on the predicted ovate leaf-shape curve.


the range of the xx-axis over which to plot the ovate leaf-shape curve.


the range of the yy-axis over which to plot the ovate leaf-shape curve.


the units of the xx-axis and the yy-axis when showing the ovate leaf-shape curve.


the main title of the figure.


ini.val is a list for two types of parameters: three location parameters, and model parameters. This means that expr is limited to being the simplified version 1 (where xmin=0x_{\mathrm{min}} = 0) in MbetaE, MBriereE, MLRFE, and MPerformanceE. The initial values for the first three parameters in ini.val are location parameters, among which the first two are the planar coordinates of the transferred origin, and the third is the angle between the major axis of the polygon and the xx-axis. The Nelder-Mead algorithm (Nelder and Mead, 1965) is used to carry out the optimization of minimizing the residual sum of squares (RSS) between the observed and predicted yy-axis. The optim function in package stats was used to carry out the Nelder-Mead algorithm. When angle = NULL, the observed polygon will be shown at its initial angle in the scanned image; when angle is a numerical value (e.g., π/4\pi/4) defined by the user, it indicates that the major axis is rotated by the amount (π/4\pi/4) counterclockwise from the xx-axis.



the estimates of the model parameters.


the coefficient of determination between the observed and predicted yy values.


the residual sum of squares between the observed and predicted yy values.


the number of data points on the polygon's boundary in the data fitting.


the observed length of the polygon's boundary.


the observed width of the polygon's boundary.


the observed perimeter of the polygon's boundary.


the observed area of the polygon's boundary.


the predicted length of the polygon's boundary.


the predicted width of the polygon's boundary.


the predicted perimeter of the polygon's boundary.


the predicted area of the polygon's boundary.


the observed xx coordinates at the standard state.


the predicted xx coordinates at the standard state.


the observed yy coordinates at the standard state.


the predicted yy coordinates at the standard state.


the observed xx coordinates at the transferred angles defined by the user.


the predicted xx coordinates at the transferred angles defined by the user.


the observed yy coordinates at the transferred angles defined by the user.


the predicted yy coordinates at the transferred angles defined by the user.


There are two types of parameters (i.e., three location parameters and model parameters) for the value of par. The transferred angle denotes the angle between the major axis and the xx-axis. For the argument index.xmax, the default is 3, which corresponds to the order of the model parameter of xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}} in MbetaE, MBriereE, and MLRFE. However, in MPerformanceE, index.xmax should be 4 rather than 3.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Jin, J., Quinn, B.K., Shi, P. (2022) The modified Brière equation and its applications. Plants 11, 1769. doi:10.3390/plants11131769

Huey, R.B., Stevenson, R.D. (1979) Integrating thermal physiology and ecology of ectotherms: a discussion of approaches. American Zoologist 19, 357-366. doi:10.1093/icb/19.1.357

Li, Y., Zheng, Y., Ratkowsky, D.A., Wei, H., Shi, P. (2022) Application of an ovate leaf shape model to evaluate leaf bilateral asymmetry and calculate lamina centroid location. Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 822907. doi:10.3389/fpls.2021.822907

Lian, M., Shi, P., Zhang, L., Yao, W., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A generalized performance equation and its application in measuring the Gini index of leaf size inequality. Trees - Structure and Function 37, 1555-1565. doi:10.1007/s00468-023-02448-8

Nelder, J.A., Mead, R. (1965) A simplex method for function minimization. Computer Journal 7, 308-313. doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308

Shi, P., Fan, M., Ratkowsky, D.A., Huang, J., Wu, H., Chen, L., Fang, S., Zhang, C. (2017) Comparison of two ontogenetic growth equations for animals and plants. Ecological Modelling 349, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.01.012

Shi, P., Ge, F., Sun, Y., Chen, C. (2011) A simple model for describing the effect of temperature on insect developmental rate. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 14, 15-20. doi:10.1016/j.aspen.2010.11.008

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Yu, K., Niklas, K.J., Schrader, J., Song, Y., Zhu, R., Li, Y., Wei, H., Ratkowsky, D.A. (2021) A general model for describing the ovate leaf shape. Symmetry 13, 1524. doi:10.3390/sym13081524

See Also

areaovate, curveovate, MbetaE, MBriereE, MLRFE, MPerformanceE



uni.C <- sort( unique(Neocinnamomum$Code) )
ind   <- 2
Data  <- Neocinnamomum[Neocinnamomum$Code==uni.C[ind], ]
x0    <- Data$x
y0    <- Data$y

Res1 <- adjdata(x0, y0,,
x1   <- Res1$x
y1   <- Res1$y
plot( Res1$x, Res1$y, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) ) 

  x0.ini    <- min( x1 )
  y0.ini    <- min( y1 )
  theta.ini <- pi/4
  len.max   <- max( max(y1)-min(y1), max(x1)-min(x1) ) *2/sqrt(2)
  a.ini     <- c(0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001)
  m.ini     <- c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 2)
  x2.ini    <- len.max
  delta.ini <- c(0.5, 1)
  ini.val   <- list(x0.ini, y0.ini, theta.ini, a.ini, m.ini, x2.ini, delta.ini)

  Res1 <- fitovate(MBriereE, x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val,            
            par.list=FALSE, fig.opt=TRUE, angle=pi/6, 
            control=list(reltol=1e-20, maxit=20000), 
            np=2000, unit=NULL)

  x0.ini    <- min( x1 )
  y0.ini    <- min( y1 )
  theta.ini <- pi/4
  len.max   <- max( max(y1)-min(y1), max(x1)-min(x1) ) *2/sqrt(2)
  yc.ini    <- len.max/3 
  xc.ini    <- 1/4*len.max
  x2.ini    <- len.max
  delta.ini <- c(0.5, seq(1, 5, by=5))
  ini.val   <- list(x0.ini, y0.ini, theta.ini, yc.ini, xc.ini, x2.ini, delta.ini)

  Res2 <- fitovate( MbetaE, x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val,            
                    par.list=TRUE, fig.opt=TRUE, angle=pi/3, 
                    control=list(reltol=1e-20, maxit=20000), 
                    np=2000, unit=NULL )

  Res3 <- fitovate( MLRFE, x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val, 
                    unit=NULL, par.list=FALSE, fig.opt=TRUE, 
                    angle=NULL, control=list(reltol=1e-20, 
                    maxit=20000), np=2000)

  x0.ini    <- min( x1 )
  y0.ini    <- min( y1 )
  theta.ini <- pi/4
  len.max   <- max( max(y1)-min(y1), max(x1)-min(x1) ) *2/sqrt(2)
  c.ini     <- 1/5*len.max
  K1.ini    <- c(0.1, 1, 5, 10)
  K2.ini    <- 1
  x2.ini    <- len.max
  a.ini     <- 1
  b.ini     <- 1
  ini.val   <- list(x0.ini, y0.ini, theta.ini, c.ini, K1.ini, K2.ini, x2.ini, a.ini, b.ini)

  Res4 <- fitovate( MPerformanceE, x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val,            
                    par.list=TRUE, fig.opt=TRUE, index.xmax=4, angle=pi/3, 
                    control=list(reltol=1e-20, maxit=20000), 
                    np=2000, unit=NULL )

Data-Fitting Function for the Sigmoid Growth Equation


fitsigmoid is used to estimate the parameters of a sigmoid growth equation based on the integral of a performance equation or one of its simplified versions.


fitsigmoid(expr, x, y, ini.val, simpver = 1, 
           control = list(), par.list = FALSE, fig.opt = FALSE,
           xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,         
           main = NULL, subdivisions = 100L,
           rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, 
           abs.tol = rel.tol, stop.on.error = TRUE, 
           keep.xy = FALSE, aux = NULL)



a performance equation or one of its simplified versions that is used to build a sigmoid growth equation.


the observed investigation times.


the observed yy values (i.e., biomass, height, body length, etc.).


the initial values of the model parameters.


an optional argument to use the simplified version of the performance equation.


the list of control parameters for using the optim function in package stats.


the option of showing the list of parameters on the screen.


an optional argument to draw the observations and the predicted sigmoid curve.


the range of the xx-axis over which to plot a sigmoid growth curve.


the range of the yy-axis over which to plot a sigmoid growth curve.


the label of the xx-axis when showing a sigmoid growth curve.


the label of the yy-axis when showing a sigmoid growth curve.


the main title of the figure.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


Here, ini.val only includes the initial values of the model parameters as a list. The Nelder-Mead algorithm (Nelder and Mead, 1965) is used to carry out the optimization of minimizing the residual sum of squares (RSS) between the observed and predicted yy values. The optim function in package stats was used to carry out the Nelder-Mead algorithm. The performance equations denote MbetaE, MBriereE, MLRFE, MPerformanceE and their simplified versions. The arguments of P and simpver should correspond to expr (i.e., MbetaE or MBriereE or MLRFE or MPerformanceE). The sigmoid equation is the integral of a performance equation or one of its simplified versions.



the estimates of the model parameters.


the coefficient of determination between the observed and predicted yy values.


the residual sum of squares between the observed and predicted yy values.


the number of data points used in the data fitting.


the observed xx values.


the observed yy values.


the predicted yy values.


Here, the user can define other performance equations, but new equations or their simplified versions should include the lower and upper thresholds on the xx-axis corresponding to y=0y = 0, whose indices should be the same as those in MbetaE or MBriereE or MLRFE or MPerformanceE.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Jin, J., Quinn, B.K., Shi, P. (2022) The modified Brière equation and its applications. Plants 11, 1769. doi:10.3390/plants11131769

Lian, M., Shi, P., Zhang, L., Yao, W., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A generalized performance equation and its application in measuring the Gini index of leaf size inequality. Trees - Structure and Function 37, 1555-1565. doi:10.1007/s00468-023-02448-8

Nelder, J.A., Mead, R. (1965) A simplex method for function minimization. Computer Journal 7, 308-313. doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308

Shi, P., Fan, M., Ratkowsky, D.A., Huang, J., Wu, H., Chen, L., Fang, S., Zhang, C. (2017) Comparison of two ontogenetic growth equations for animals and plants. Ecological Modelling 349, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.01.012

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

See Also

areaovate, MbetaE, MBriereE, MLRFE, MPerformanceE, sigmoid


# The shrimp growth data(See the supplementary table in West et al., 2001)
# West, G.B., Brown, J.H., Enquist, B.J. (2001) A general model for ontogenetic growth. 
#     Nature 413, 628-631.
t0 <- c(3, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 384)
m0 <- c(0.001, 0.005, 0.018, 0.037, 0.06, 0.067, 0.07)
plot( t0, m0, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, col=4,
      xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)) )

xopt0   <- seq(100, 150, by=5)
ini.val <- list(0.035, xopt0, 200, 1)
resu1   <- fitsigmoid(MLRFE, x=t0, y=m0, ini.val=ini.val, simpver=1, fig.opt=TRUE, par.list=TRUE)

  xopt0   <- seq(100, 150, by=5)
  ini.val <- list(0.035, xopt0, 200, 1)
  resu1   <- fitsigmoid(MbetaE, x=t0, y=m0, ini.val=ini.val, simpver=1, fig.opt=TRUE)

  m.ini   <- c(0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20)
  ini.val <- list(1e-8, m.ini, 200, 1)
  resu2   <- fitsigmoid(MBriereE, x=t0, y=m0, ini.val=ini.val, simpver=1, 
             fig.opt=TRUE, control=list(reltol=1e-20, maxit=20000, trace=FALSE), 
             subdivisions=100L, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, 
             abs.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, stop.on.error=TRUE, 
             keep.xy=FALSE, aux=NULL)

  delta0  <- c(0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20)
  ini.val <- list(0.035, 150, -100, 200, delta0)
  resu3   <- fitsigmoid(MLRFE, x=t0, y=m0, ini.val=ini.val, simpver=NULL, 
               fig.opt=TRUE, control=list(reltol=1e-20, maxit=20000), 
               subdivisions = 100L, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, 
               abs.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, stop.on.error=TRUE, 
               keep.xy=FALSE, aux=NULL)

  a.ini   <- c(0.1, 1, 10, 100, 200)
  b.ini   <- 200
  ini.val <- list(0.001, 0.02, 0.15, 0, 200, a.ini, b.ini)
  resu4   <- fitsigmoid(MPerformanceE, x=t0, y=m0, ini.val=ini.val, simpver=NULL, 
             fig.opt=TRUE, control=list(reltol=1e-20, maxit=20000, trace=FALSE), 
             subdivisions=100L, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, 
             abs.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, stop.on.error=TRUE, 
             keep.xy=FALSE, aux=NULL)
  resu5   <- fitsigmoid(MPerformanceE, x=t0, y=m0, ini.val=resu4$par, simpver=NULL, 
               fig.opt=TRUE, control=list(reltol=1e-30, maxit=200000, trace=FALSE))

  ini.val <- list(0.001, 0.01, c(0.1, 1, 10), 0, 200)
  resu6   <- fitsigmoid(MPerformanceE, x=t0, y=m0, ini.val=ini.val, simpver=2, 
             fig.opt=TRUE, control=list(reltol=1e-20, maxit=20000, trace=FALSE), 
             subdivisions=100L, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, 
             abs.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, stop.on.error=TRUE, 
             keep.xy=FALSE, aux=NULL)

Data-Fitting Function for the Superellipse Equation


fitSuper is used to estimate the parameters of the superellipse equation.


fitSuper(x, y, ini.val, control = list(), par.list = FALSE, 
         stand.fig = TRUE, angle = NULL, fig.opt = FALSE, np = 2000,
         xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, unit = NULL, main = NULL)



the xx coordinates of a polygon's boundary.


the yy coordinates of a polygon's boundary.


the list of initial values for the model parameters.


the list of control parameters for using the optim function in package stats.


the option of showing the list of parameters on the screen.


the option of drawing the observed and predicted polygons at the standard state (i.e., the polar point is located at (0, 0), and the major axis overlaps with the xx-axis).


the angle between the major axis and the xx-axis, which can be defined by the user.


an optional argument of drawing the observed and predicted polygons at arbitrary angle between the major axis and the xx-axis.


the number of data points on the predicted superellipse curve.


the range of the xx-axis over which to plot the superellipse curve.


the range of the yy-axis over which to plot the superellipse curve.


the unit of the xx-axis and the yy-axis when showing the superellipse curve.


the main title of the figure.


The superellipse equation has its mathematical expression:

r(φ)=a(cos(φ)n+1ksin(φ)n)1n,r\left(\varphi\right) = a\left(\left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\varphi\right)\right|^{n}+ \left|\frac{1}{k}\,\mathrm{sin}\left(\varphi\right)\right|^{n}\right)^{-\frac{1}{n}},

where rr represents the polar radius at the polar angle φ\varphi. aa represents the semi-major axis of the superellipse; kk is the ratio of the semi-minor axis to the semi-major axis of the superellipse; and nn determines the curvature of the superellipse curve. This function is basically equal to the fitGE function with the arguments m = 4 and simpver = 9. However, this function can make the estimated value of the parameter kk be smaller than or equal to 1. Apart from the above three model parameters, there are three additional location parameters, i.e., the planar coordinates of the polar point (x0x_{0} and y0y_{0}), and the angle between the major axis of the superellipse and the xx-axis (θ\theta). The input order of ini.val is x0x_{0}, y0y_{0}, θ\theta, aa, kk, and nn. The fitted parameters will be shown after running this function in the same order. The Nelder-Mead algorithm (Nelder and Mead, 1965) is used to carry out the optimization of minimizing the residual sum of squares (RSS) between the observed and predicted radii. The optim function in package stats was used to carry out the Nelder-Mead algorithm. When angle = NULL, the observed polygon will be shown at its initial angle in the scanned image; when angle is a numerical value (e.g., π/4\pi/4) defined by the user, it indicates that the major axis is rotated by the amount (π/4\pi/4) counterclockwise from the xx-axis.



the estimated values of the parameters in the superellipse equation.


the observed length of the polygon.


the observed width of the polygon.


the observed area of the polygon.


the coefficient of determination between the observed and predicted polar radii.


the residual sum of squares between the observed and predicted polar radii.


the number of data points used in the data fitting.


the polar angles at the standard state.


the transferred polar angles rotated as defined by the user.


the observed polar radii at the standard state.


the predicted polar radii at the standard state.


the observed xx coordinates at the standard state.


the predicted xx coordinates at the standard state.


the observed yy coordinates at the standard state.


the predicted yy coordinates at the standard state.


the observed polar radii at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


the predicted polar radii at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


the observed xx coordinates at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


the predicted xx coordinates at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


the observed yy coordinates at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


the predicted yy coordinates at the transferred polar angles as defined by the user.


The output values of running this function can be used as those of running the fitGE function.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Huang, J., Hui, C., Grissino-Mayer, H.D., Tardif, J., Zhai, L., Wang, F., Li, B. (2015) Capturing spiral radial growth of conifers using the superellipse to model tree-ring geometric shape. Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 856. doi:10.3389/fpls.2015.00856

See Also

areaGE, curveGE, fitGE, GE



uni.C <- sort( unique(whitespruce$Code) )  
Data  <- whitespruce[whitespruce$Code==uni.C[12], ]
x0    <- Data$x
y0    <- Data$y
Res1  <- adjdata(x0, y0,,
x1    <- Res1$x
y1    <- Res1$y

plot( x1, y1, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l", 
      col="grey73", lwd=2,
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) )

  x0.ini    <- mean( x1 )
  y0.ini    <- mean( y1 )
  theta.ini <- c(0, pi/4, pi/2)
  a.ini     <- mean(c(max(x1)-min(x1), max(y1)-min(y1)))/2
  k.ini     <- 1
  n.ini     <- c(1.5, 2, 2.5)
  ini.val   <- list( x0.ini, y0.ini, theta.ini, a.ini, k.ini, n.ini )
  Res2      <- fitSuper(x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val, unit="cm", par.list=FALSE,
                        stand.fig=FALSE, angle=NULL, fig.opt=TRUE,  
                        control=list(reltol=1e-20, maxit=20000), np=2000)

Calculation of Fractal Dimension of Lef Veins Based on the Box-Counting Method


fracdim is used to calculate the fractal dimension of leaf veins based on the box-counting method.


fracdim(x, y, frac.fig = TRUE, denomi.range = seq(8, 30, by=1), 
        ratiox = 0.02, ratioy = 0.08, main = NULL)



the xx coordinates of leaf-vein pixels.


the yy coordinates of leaf-vein pixels.


the option of drawing the results of the linear fitting.


the number of equidistant segments of the maximum range between the range of the xx coordinates and that of the yy coordinates.


the the xx coordinate of the location parameter for positioning the legend.


the the yy coordinate of the location parameter for positioning the legend.


the main title of the figure.


The box-counting approach uses a group of boxes (squares for simplicity) with different sizes (δ\delta) to divide the leaf vein image into different parts. Let NN represent the number of boxes that include at least one pixel of leaf vein. The maximum of the range of the xx coordinates and the range of the yy coordinates for leaf-vein pixels is defined as zz. Let δ\delta represent the vector of zz/denomi.range. Then, we used the following equation to calculate the fractal dimension of leaf veins:

lnN=a+bln(δ1),\mathrm{ln } N = a + b\,\mathrm{ ln} \left({\delta}^{-1}\right),

where bb is the theoretical value of the fractal dimension. We can use its estimate as the numerical value of the fractal dimension for a leaf venation network.



the estimate of the intercept.


the standard deviation of the estimated intercept.


the lower bound of the 95% confidence interval of the estimated intercept.


the upper bound of the 95% confidence interval of the estimated intercept.


the estimate of the slope.


the standard deviation of the estimated slope.


the lower bound of the 95% confidence interval of the estimated slope.


the upper bound of the 95% confidence interval of the estimated slope.


the coefficient of determination.


the vector of box sizes.


the number of boxes that include at least one pixel of leaf vein.


Here, x and y cannot be adjusted by the adjdata function because the leaf veins are not the leaf's boundary data.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Yu, K., Niinemets, Ü., Gielis, J. (2021) Can leaf shape be represented by the ratio of leaf width to length? Evidence from nine species of Magnolia and Michelia (Magnoliaceae). Forests 12, 41. doi:10.3390/f12010041

Vico, P.G., Kyriacos, S., Heymans, O., Louryan, S., Cartilier, L. (1998) Dynamic study of the extraembryonic vascular network of the chick embryo by fractal analysis. Journal of Theoretical Biology 195, 525-532. doi:10.1006/jtbi.1998.0810

See Also



plot(veins$x, veins$y, cex=0.01, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
     xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")))

fracdim(veins$x, veins$y)

Calculation of the Polar Radius of the Gielis Curve


GE is used to calculate polar radii of the original Gielis equation or one of its simplified versions at given polar angles.


GE(P, phi, m = 1, simpver = NULL, nval = 1)



the parameters of the original Gielis equation or one of its simplified versions.


the polar angle(s).


the given mm value that determines the number of angles of the Gielis curve within [0,2π)[0, 2\pi).


an optional argument to use the simplified version of the original Gielis equation.


the specified value for n1n_{1} or n2n_{2} or n3n_{3} in the simplified versions.


When simpver = NULL, the original Gielis equation is selected:

r(φ)=a(cos(m4φ)n2+1ksin(m4φ)n3)1n1,r\left(\varphi\right) = a\left(\left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}+ \left|\frac{1}{k}\,\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{3}}\right)^{-\frac{1}{n_{1}}},

where rr represents the polar radius at the polar angle φ\varphi; mm determines the number of angles within [0,2π)[0, 2\pi); and aa, kk, n1n_{1}, n2n_{2}, and n3n_{3} need to be provided in P.

\quad When simpver = 1, the simplified version 1 is selected:

r(φ)=a(cos(m4φ)n2+sin(m4φ)n2)1n1,r\left(\varphi\right) = a\left(\left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}+ \left|\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}\right)^{-\frac{1}{n_{1}}},

where aa, n1n_{1}, and n2n_{2} need to be provided in P.

\quad When simpver = 2, the simplified version 2 is selected:

r(φ)=a(cos(m4φ)n2+sin(m4φ)n2)1n1,r\left(\varphi\right) = a\left(\left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}+ \left|\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}\right)^{-\frac{1}{n_{1}}},

where aa and n1n_{1} need to be provided in P, and n2n_{2} should be specified in nval.

\quad When simpver = 3, the simplified version 3 is selected:

r(φ)=a(cos(m4φ)n1+sin(m4φ)n1)1n1,r\left(\varphi\right) = a\left(\left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{1}}+ \left|\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{1}}\right)^{-\frac{1}{n_{1}}},

where aa needs to be provided in P, and n1n_{1} should be specified in nval.

\quad When simpver = 4, the simplified version 4 is selected:

r(φ)=a(cos(m4φ)n1+sin(m4φ)n1)1n1,r\left(\varphi\right) = a\left(\left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{1}}+ \left|\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{1}}\right)^{-\frac{1}{n_{1}}},

where aa and n1n_{1} need to be provided in P.

\quad When simpver = 5, the simplified version 5 is selected:

r(φ)=a(cos(m4φ)n2+sin(m4φ)n3)1n1,r\left(\varphi\right) = a\left(\left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}+ \left|\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{3}}\right)^{-\frac{1}{n_{1}}},

where aa, n1n_{1}, n2n_{2}, and n3n_{3} need to be provided in P.

\quad When simpver = 6, the simplified version 6 is selected:

r(φ)=a(cos(m4φ)n2+1ksin(m4φ)n2)1n1,r\left(\varphi\right) = a\left(\left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}+ \left|\frac{1}{k}\,\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}\right)^{-\frac{1}{n_{1}}},

where aa, kk, n1n_{1}, and n2n_{2} need to be provided in P.

\quad When simpver = 7, the simplified version 7 is selected:

r(φ)=a(cos(m4φ)n2+1ksin(m4φ)n2)1n1,r\left(\varphi\right) = a\left(\left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}+ \left|\frac{1}{k}\,\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}\right)^{-\frac{1}{n_{1}}},

where aa, kk, and n1n_{1} need to be provided in P, and n2n_{2} should be specified in nval.

\quad When simpver = 8, the simplified version 8 is selected:

r(φ)=a(cos(m4φ)n1+1ksin(m4φ)n1)1n1,r\left(\varphi\right) = a\left(\left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{1}}+ \left|\frac{1}{k}\,\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{1}}\right)^{-\frac{1}{n_{1}}},

where aa and kk are parameters that need to be provided in P, and n1n_{1} should be specified in nval.

\quad When simpver = 9, the simplified version 9 is selected:

r(φ)=a(cos(m4φ)n1+1ksin(m4φ)n1)1n1,r\left(\varphi\right) = a\left(\left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{1}}+ \left|\frac{1}{k}\,\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{1}}\right)^{-\frac{1}{n_{1}}},

where aa, kk, and n1n_{1} need to be provided in P.


The polar radii predicted by the original Gielis equation or one of its simplified versions.


simpver here is different from that in the TGE function.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Gielis, J. (2003) A generic geometric transformation that unifies a wide range of natural and abstract shapes. American Journal of Botany 90, 333-338. doi:10.3732/ajb.90.3.333

Li, Y., Quinn, B.K., Gielis, J., Li, Y., Shi, P. (2022) Evidence that supertriangles exist in nature from the vertical projections of Koelreuteria paniculata fruit. Symmetry 14, 23. doi:10.3390/sym14010023

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Ratkowsky, D.A., Gielis, J. (2020) The generalized Gielis geometric equation and its application. Symmetry 12, 645. doi:10.3390/sym12040645

Shi, P., Xu, Q., Sandhu, H.S., Gielis, J., Ding, Y., Li, H., Dong, X. (2015) Comparison of dwarf bamboos (Indocalamus sp.) leaf parameters to determine relationship between spatial density of plants and total leaf area per plant. Ecology and Evolution 5, 4578-4589. doi:10.1002/ece3.1728

See Also

areaGE, curveGE, DSGE, fitGE, SurfaceAreaSGE, TGE, VolumeSGE


GE.par  <- c(2, 1, 4, 6, 3)
varphi.vec <- seq(0, 2*pi, len=2000)
r.theor <- GE(P=GE.par, phi=varphi.vec, m=5)
plot( varphi.vec, r.theor, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic(varphi)), ylab=expression(italic("r")),
      type="l", col=4 )

Boundary Data of the Side Projections of Ginkgo biloba Seeds


The data consist of the boundary data of four side projections of G. biloba (Cultivar 'Fozhi') seeds sampled at Nanjing Forestry University campus on September 23, 2021.




In the data set, there are three columns of variables: Code, x, and y. Code saves the codes of individual fruit; x saves the xx coordinates of the side projections of seeds in the Cartesian coordinate system (cm); and y saves the yy coordinates of the side projections of seeds in the Cartesian coordinate system (cm).


Tian, F., Wang, Y., Sandhu, H.S., Gielis, J., Shi, P. (2020) Comparison of seed morphology of two ginkgo cultivars. Journal of Forestry Research 31, 751-758. doi:10.1007/s11676-018-0770-y



uni.C <- sort( unique(ginkgoseed$Code) )
ind   <- 1
Data  <- ginkgoseed[ginkgoseed$Code==uni.C[ind], ]
x0    <- Data$x
y0    <- Data$y

Res1 <- adjdata(x0, y0,,
plot( Res1$x, Res1$y, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l", 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) )

  x1        <- Res1$x
  y1        <- Res1$y
  x0.ini    <- mean( x1 )
  y0.ini    <- mean( y1 )
  theta.ini <- pi/4
  a.ini     <- 1
  n1.ini    <- seq(0.6, 1, by=0.1)
  n2.ini    <- 1
  n3.ini    <- 1
  ini.val   <- list(x0.ini, y0.ini, theta.ini, 
                    a.ini, n1.ini, n2.ini, n3.ini)

  Res2 <- fitGE( GE, x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val, 
                 m=2, simpver=5, nval=1, unit="cm",  
                 par.list=FALSE, fig.opt=TRUE, angle=NULL, 
                 control=list(reltol=1e-20, maxit=20000), 
                 np=2000 )

Boundary Data of the Vertical Projections of Koelreuteria paniculata Fruit


The data consist of the boundary data of four vertical projections of K. paniculata fruit sampled at Nanjing Forestry University campus in early October 2021.




In the data set, there are three columns of variables: Code, x, and y. Code saves the codes of individual fruit; x saves the xx coordinates of the vertical projections of fruit in the Cartesian coordinate system (cm); and y saves the yy coordinates of the vertical projections of fruit in the Cartesian coordinate system (cm).


Li, Y., Quinn, B.K., Gielis, J., Li, Y., Shi, P. (2022) Evidence that supertriangles exist in nature from the vertical projections of Koelreuteria paniculata fruit. Symmetry 14, 23. doi:10.3390/sym14010023



uni.C <- sort( unique(kp$Code) )
ind   <- 1
Data  <- kp[kp$Code==uni.C[ind], ]
x0    <- Data$x
y0    <- Data$y

Res1 <- adjdata(x0, y0,,
plot( Res1$x, Res1$y, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l", 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) )

  x1        <- Res1$x
  y1        <- Res1$y
  x0.ini    <- mean( x1 )
  y0.ini    <- mean( y1 )
  theta.ini <- pi
  a.ini     <- 0.9
  n1.ini    <- c(1, 4)
  n2.ini    <- 5
  n3.ini    <- c(5, 10, 15)
  ini.val   <- list(x0.ini, y0.ini, theta.ini, 
                    a.ini, n1.ini, n2.ini, n3.ini)

  Res2 <- fitGE( GE, x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val, 
                 m=3, simpver=5, nval=1, unit="cm",  
                 par.list=FALSE, fig.opt=TRUE, angle=NULL, 
                 control=list(reltol=1e-20, maxit=20000), 
                 np=2000 )

Leaf size distribution of Shibataea chinensis


The data consist of the leaf size measures of 12 individuad culms of Shibataea chinensis.




In the data set, there are five columns of variables: Code, L, W, A, and M. Code saves the bamboo number (the number before the hyphen) and the leaf number (the number after the hyphen) on each bamboo. L saves the length of each leaf lamina (cm); W saves the width of each leaf lamina (cm); A saves the area of each leaf lamina (cm2\mbox{cm}^{2}); and M saves the dry mass of each leaf lamina (g).


Lian, M., Shi, P., Zhang, L., Yao, W., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A generalized performance equation and its application in measuring the Gini index of leaf size inequality. Trees - Structure and Function 37, 1555-1565. doi:10.1007/s00468-023-02448-8



CulmNumber <- c()
for(i in 1:length(LeafSizeDist$Code)){
  temp <- as.numeric( strsplit(LeafSizeDist$Code[i],"-", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1] )
  CulmNumber <- c(CulmNumber, temp)

uni.CN <- sort( unique(CulmNumber) )  
ind    <- CulmNumber==uni.CN[1]

A0 <- LeafSizeDist$A[ind]
A1 <- sort( A0 )
x1 <- 1:length(A1)/length(A1)
y1 <- cumsum(A1)/sum(A1)
x1 <- c(0, x1)
y1 <- c(0, y1)

M0 <- LeafSizeDist$M[ind]
M1 <- sort( M0 )
x2 <- 1:length(M1)/length(M1)
y2 <- cumsum(M1)/sum(M1)
x2 <- c(0, x2)
y2 <- c(0, y2)
plot(x1, y1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l",
    xlab="Cumulative proportion of the number of leaves", 
    ylab="Cumulative proportion of leaf area") 
lines(c(0,1), c(0,1), col=4)
plot(x2, y2, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l",
    xlab="Cumulative proportion of the number of leaves", 
    ylab="Cumulative proportion of leaf dry mass")
lines(c(0,1), c(0,1), col=4)

Parameter Estimation for the Todd-Smart Equation


lmPE is used to estimate the parameters of the Todd-Smart equation using the multiple linear regression.


lmPE(x, y, simpver = NULL, dev.angle = NULL, weights = NULL, fig.opt = TRUE, 
     prog.opt = TRUE, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, unit = NULL, main = NULL, 
     extr.method = "Shi")



the xx coordinates of the edge of an egg's boundary.


the yy coordinates of the edge of an egg's boundary.


an optional argument to use the simplified version of the original Todd-Smart equation.


the angle of deviation for the axis associated with the maximum distance between two points on an egg's profile from the mid-line of the egg's profile.


the weights for the multiple linear regression.


an optional argument to draw the observed and predicted egg's boundaries.


an optional argument to show the running progress for different values of dev.angle, when dev.angle is not NULL.


the range of the xx-axis over which to plot the Todd-Smart curve.


the range of the yy-axis over which to plot the Todd-Smart curve.


the units of the xx-axis and the yy-axis when showing the Todd-Smart curve.


the main title of the figure.


an optional argument to fit the planar coordinate data of an egg's profile extracted using different methods.


There are two methods to obtain the major axis (i.e., the mid-line) of an egg's profile: the maximum distance method, and the longest axis adjustment method. In the first method, the straight line through two points forming the maximum distance on the egg's boundary is defined as the major axis. In the second method, we assume that there is an angle of deviation for the longest axis (i.e., the axis associated with the maximum distance between two points on an egg's profile) from the mid-line of the egg's profile. That is to say, the mid-line of an egg's profile is not the axis associated with the maximum distance between two points on the egg's profile. When dev.angle = NULL, the maximum distance method is used; when dev.angle is a numerical value or a numerical vector, the longest axis adjustment method is used. Here, the numerical value of dev.angle is not the angle of deviation for the major axis of an egg's profile from the xx-axis, and instead it is the angle of deviation for the longest axis (associated with the maximum distance between two points on the egg's profile) from the mid-line of the egg's profile. It is better to take the option of extr.method = "Shi" for correctly fitting the planar coordinate data of an egg's profile extracted using the protocols proposed by Shi et al. (2015, 2018) (and also see Su et al. (2019)), while it is better to take the option of extr.method = "Biggins" for correctly fitting the planar coordinate data of an egg's profile extracted using the protocols proposed by Biggins et al. (2018). For the planar coordinate data extracted using the protocols of Biggins et al. (2018), there are fewer data points on the two ends of the mid-line than other parts of the egg's profile, which means that the range of the observed xx values might be smaller than the actual egg's length. A group of equidistant xx values are set along the mid-line, and each xx value corresponds to two yy values that are respectively located at the upper and lower sides of the egg's profile. Because of the difference in the curvature for differnt parts of the egg's profile, the equidistant xx values cannot render the extracted data points on the egg's profile to be regular. For the planar coordinate data extracted using the protocols of Shi et al. (2015, 2018), the data points are more regularly distributed on the egg's profile (perimeter) than those of Biggins et al. (2018), although the xx values of the data points along the mid-line are not equidistant.



the fitted results of the multiple linear regression.


the estimates of the four model parameters in the Todd-Smart equation.


the angle between the longest axis of an egg's profile (i.e., the axis associated with the maximum distance between two points on the egg's profile) and the xx-axis.


the optimal angle of deviation for the longest axis (associated with the maximum distance between two points on an egg's profile) from the mid-line of the egg's profile, when dev.angle is not NULL.


the vector of residual sum of squares corresponding to dev.angle, when dev.angle is not NULL.


the observed xx coordinates.


the observed yy coordinates.


the predicted yy coordinates corresponding to the the observed xx coordinates.


the observed xx coordinates when the egg length is fixed to be 2 ranging from -1 to 1.


the observed yy coordinates when the egg length is fixed to be 2 ranging from -1 to 1.


the predicted yy coordinates corresponding to the the observed xx coordinates, when the egg length is fixed to be 2 ranging from -1 to 1.


the length of the egg's boundary. The default is the maximum distance between two points on the egg's boundary.


the maximum width of the egg's boundary.


the area of the egg's boundary.


the perimeter of the egg's boundary based on all data points on the egg's boundary.


the residual sum of squares between the observed and predicted yy values for a scaled egg's profile whose length equals 2.


the residual sum of squares between the observed and predicted yy values.


the number of data points used in the numerical calculation.


the root-mean-square errors between the observed and predicted yy values for a scaled egg's profile whose length equals 2.


the root-mean-square errors between the observed and predicted yy values.


theta is the calculated angle between the longest axis (i.e., the axis associated with the maximum distance between two points on an egg's profile) and the xx-axis, and epsilon is the calculated angle of deviation for the longest axis from the mid-line of the egg's profile. This means that the angle between the mid-line and the xx-axis is equal to theta + epsilon. Here, RSS, and RMSE are for the observed and predicted yy coordinates of the egg's profile, not for those when the egg's length is scaled to 2. There are two figures when fig.opt = TRUE: (i) the observed and predicted egg's boundaries when the egg's length is scaled to 2, and (ii) the observed and predicted egg's boundaries at their actual scales.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Biggins, J.D., Montgomeries, R.M., Thompson, J.E., Birkhead, T.R. (2022) Preston’s universal formula for avian egg shape. Ornithology 139, ukac028. doi:10.1093/ornithology/ukac028

Biggins, J.D., Thompson, J.E., Birkhead, T.R. (2018) Accurately quantifying the shape of birds' eggs. Ecology and Evolution 8, 9728-9738. doi:10.1002/ece3.4412

Nelder, J.A., Mead, R. (1965). A simplex method for function minimization. Computer Journal 7, 308-313. doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308

Preston, F.W. (1953) The shapes of birds' eggs. The Auk 70, 160-182.

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Huang, J., Hui, C., Grissino-Mayer, H.D., Tardif, J., Zhai, L., Wang, F., Li, B. (2015) Capturing spiral radial growth of conifers using the superellipse to model tree-ring geometric shape. Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 856. doi:10.3389/fpls.2015.00856

Shi, P., Niinemets, Ü., Hui, C., Niklas, K.J., Yu, X., Hölscher, D. (2020) Leaf bilateral symmetry and the scaling of the perimeter vs. the surface area in 15 vine species. Forests 11, 246. doi:10.3390/f11020246

Shi, P., Ratkowsky, D.A., Li, Y., Zhang, L., Lin, S., Gielis, J. (2018) General leaf-area geometric formula exists for plants - Evidence from the simplified Gielis equation. Forests 9, 714. doi:10.3390/f9110714

Shi, P., Wang, L., Quinn, B.K., Gielis, J. (2023) A new program to estimate the parameters of Preston's equation, a general formula for describing the egg shape of birds. Symmetry 15, 231. doi:10.3390/sym15010231

Su, J., Niklas, K.J., Huang, W., Yu, X., Yang, Y., Shi, P. (2019) Lamina shape does not correlate with lamina surface area: An analysis based on the simplified Gielis equation. Global Ecology and Conservation 19, e00666. doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00666

Todd, P.H., Smart, I.H.M. (1984) The shape of birds' eggs. Journal of Theoretical Biology 106, 239-243. doi:10.1016/0022-5193(84)90021-3

See Also

curveEPE, fitEPE, PE, TSE



uni.C <- sort( unique(eggs$Code) )
ind   <- 8
Data  <- eggs[eggs$Code==uni.C[ind], ]
x0    <- Data$x
y0    <- Data$y

Res1  <- adjdata(x0, y0,,
x1    <- Res1$x
y1    <- Res1$y
plot( Res1$x, Res1$y, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) ) 

  Res2 <- lmPE(x1, y1, simpver=NULL, dev.angle=NULL, unit="cm")
  summary( Res2$lm.tse )
  Res2$RMSE.scaled / 2

    xg1 <- seq(-1, 1, len=1000)
    yg1 <- TSE(P=Res2$par, x=xg1, simpver=NULL)
    xg2 <- seq(1, -1, len=1000)
    yg2 <- -TSE(P=Res2$par, x=xg2, simpver=NULL)
    plot(xg1, yg1, asp=1, type="l", col=2, ylim=c(-1,1), cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)))
    lines(xg2, yg2, col=4)
    plot(Res2$x.obs, Res2$y.obs, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5,  
      xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)), type="l")
    lines(Res2$x.obs, Res2$y.pred, col=2)
    plot(Res2$x.stand.obs, Res2$y.stand.obs, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)), type="l")
    lines(Res2$x.stand.obs, Res2$y.stand.pred, col=2)

  Res3 <- lmPE(x1, y1, simpver=NULL, dev.angle=seq(-0.05, 0.05, by=0.0001), unit="cm")
  summary( Res3$lm.tse )
  Res3$RMSE.scaled / 2

  Res4 <- lmPE(x1, y1, simpver=1, dev.angle=NULL, unit="cm")
  summary( Res4$lm.tse )

Parameter Estimation for the Troscianko Equation


lmTE is used to estimate the parameters of the Troscianko equation using the multiple linear regression, and the estimated values of the parameters are only used as the initial values for using the fitETE function


lmTE(x, y, dev.angle = NULL, weights = NULL, fig.opt = TRUE, 
     prog.opt = TRUE, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, unit = NULL, main = NULL)



the xx coordinates of the edge of an egg's boundary.


the yy coordinates of the edge of an egg's boundary.


the angle of deviation for the axis associated with the maximum distance between two points on an egg's profile from the mid-line of the egg's profile.


the weights for the multiple linear regression.


an optional argument to draw the observed and predicted egg's boundaries.


an optional argument to show the running progress for different values of dev.angle, when dev.angle is not NULL.


the range of the xx-axis over which to plot the Troscianko curve.


the range of the yy-axis over which to plot the Troscianko curve.


the units of the xx-axis and the yy-axis when showing the Troscianko curve.


the main title of the figure.


The estimated values of the parameters using the lmTE function tend to be NOT globally optimal, and the values are only used as the initial values for using the fitETE function. There are two methods to obtain the major axis (i.e., the mid-line) of an egg's profile: the maximum distance method, and the longest axis adjustment method. In the first method, the straight line through two points forming the maximum distance on the egg's boundary is defined as the major axis. In the second method, we assume that there is an angle of deviation for the longest axis (i.e., the axis associated with the maximum distance between two points on an egg's profile) from the mid-line of the egg's profile. That is to say, the mid-line of an egg's profile is not the axis associated with the maximum distance between two points on the egg's profile. When dev.angle = NULL, the maximum distance method is used; when dev.angle is a numerical value or a numerical vector, the longest axis adjustment method is used. Here, the numerical value of dev.angle is not the angle of deviation for the major axis of an egg's profile from the xx-axis, and instead it is the angle of deviation for the longest axis (associated with the maximum distance between two points on the egg's profile) from the mid-line of the egg's profile. The planar coordinate data of an egg's profile are extracted using the protocols proposed by Shi et al. (2015, 2018) (and also see Su et al. (2019)). For the planar coordinate data extracted using the protocols of Shi et al. (2015, 2018), the data points are more regularly distributed on the egg's profile (perimeter), although the xx values of the data points along the mid-line are not equidistant.



the fitted results of the multiple linear regression.


the estimates of the four model parameters in the Troscianko equation.


the angle between the longest axis of an egg's profile (i.e., the axis associated with the maximum distance between two points on the egg's profile) and the xx-axis.


the optimal angle of deviation for the longest axis (associated with the maximum distance between two points on an egg's profile) from the mid-line of the egg's profile, when dev.angle is not NULL.


the vector of residual sum of squares corresponding to dev.angle, when dev.angle is not NULL.


the observed xx coordinates.


the observed yy coordinates.


the predicted yy coordinates corresponding to the the observed xx coordinates.


the observed xx coordinates when the egg length is fixed to be 2 ranging from -1 to 1.


the observed yy coordinates when the egg length is fixed to be 2 ranging from -1 to 1.


the predicted yy coordinates corresponding to the the observed xx coordinates, when the egg length is fixed to be 2 ranging from -1 to 1.


the length of the egg's boundary. The default is the maximum distance between two points on the egg's boundary.


the maximum width of the egg's boundary.


the area of the egg's boundary.


the perimeter of the egg's boundary based on all data points on the egg's boundary.


the residual sum of squares between the observed and predicted yy values for a scaled egg's profile whose length equals 2.


the residual sum of squares between the observed and predicted yy values.


the number of data points used in the numerical calculation.


the root-mean-square errors between the observed and predicted yy values for a scaled egg's profile whose length equals 2.


the root-mean-square errors between the observed and predicted yy values.


theta is the calculated angle between the longest axis (i.e., the axis associated with the maximum distance between two points on an egg's profile) and the xx-axis, and epsilon is the calculated angle of deviation for the longest axis from the mid-line of the egg's profile. This means that the angle between the mid-line and the xx-axis is equal to theta + epsilon. Here, RSS, and RMSE are for the observed and predicted yy coordinates of the egg's profile, not for those when the egg's length is scaled to 2. There are two figures when fig.opt = TRUE: (i) the observed and predicted egg's boundaries when the egg's length is scaled to 2, and (ii) the observed and predicted egg's boundaries at their actual scales.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Biggins, J.D., Montgomeries, R.M., Thompson, J.E., Birkhead, T.R. (2022) Preston’s universal formula for avian egg shape. Ornithology 139, ukac028. doi:10.1093/ornithology/ukac028

Biggins, J.D., Thompson, J.E., Birkhead, T.R. (2018) Accurately quantifying the shape of birds' eggs. Ecology and Evolution 8, 9728-9738. doi:10.1002/ece3.4412

Nelder, J.A., Mead, R. (1965). A simplex method for function minimization. Computer Journal 7, 308-313. doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308

Shi, P., Huang, J., Hui, C., Grissino-Mayer, H.D., Tardif, J., Zhai, L., Wang, F., Li, B. (2015) Capturing spiral radial growth of conifers using the superellipse to model tree-ring geometric shape. Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 856. doi:10.3389/fpls.2015.00856

Shi, P., Ratkowsky, D.A., Li, Y., Zhang, L., Lin, S., Gielis, J. (2018) General leaf-area geometric formula exists for plants - Evidence from the simplified Gielis equation. Forests 9, 714. doi:10.3390/f9110714

Shi, P., Wang, L., Quinn, B.K., Gielis, J. (2023) A new program to estimate the parameters of Preston's equation, a general formula for describing the egg shape of birds. Symmetry 15, 231. doi:10.3390/sym15010231

Su, J., Niklas, K.J., Huang, W., Yu, X., Yang, Y., Shi, P. (2019) Lamina shape does not correlate with lamina surface area: An analysis based on the simplified Gielis equation. Global Ecology and Conservation 19, e00666. doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00666

Troscianko, J. (2014). A simple tool for calculating egg shape, volume and surface area from digital images. Ibis, 156, 874-878. doi:10.1111/ibi.12177

See Also

fitETE, TE



uni.C <- sort( unique(eggs$Code) )
ind   <- 8
Data  <- eggs[eggs$Code==uni.C[ind], ]
x0    <- Data$x
y0    <- Data$y

Res1  <- adjdata(x0, y0,,
x1    <- Res1$x
y1    <- Res1$y
plot( Res1$x, Res1$y, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) ) 

  Res2 <- lmTE(x1, y1, dev.angle=NULL, unit="cm")
  summary( Res2$lm.te )
  Res2$RMSE.scaled / 2

    xg1 <- seq(-1, 1, len=1000)
    yg1 <- TE(P=Res2$par, x=xg1)
    xg2 <- seq(1, -1, len=1000)
    yg2 <- -TE(P=Res2$par, x=xg2)
    plot(xg1, yg1, asp=1, type="l", col=2, ylim=c(-1,1), cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)))
    lines(xg2, yg2, col=4)
    plot(Res2$x.obs, Res2$y.obs, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5,  
      xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)), type="l")
    lines(Res2$x.obs, Res2$y.pred, col=2)
    plot(Res2$x.stand.obs, Res2$y.stand.obs, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)), type="l")
    lines(Res2$x.stand.obs, Res2$y.stand.pred, col=2)

  Res3 <- lmTE(x1, y1, dev.angle=seq(-0.05, 0.05, by=0.0001), unit="cm")
  summary( Res3$lm.te )
  Res3$RMSE.scaled / 2

Modified Beta Equation


MbetaE is used to calculate yy values at given xx values using the modified beta equation or one of its simplified versions.


MbetaE(P, x, simpver = 1)



the parameters of the modified beta equation or one of its simplified versions.


the given xx values.


an optional argument to use the simplified version of the modified beta equation.


When simpver = NULL, the modified beta equation is selected:

if x(xmin, xmax),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(x_{\mathrm{min}}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=yopt[(xmaxxxmaxxopt)(xxminxoptxmin)xoptxminxmaxxopt]δ;y = y_{\mathrm{opt}}{ \left[\left(\frac{x_{\mathrm{max}}-x}{x_{\mathrm{max}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}}}\right)\left(\frac{x-x_{\mathrm{min}}}{x_{\mathrm{opt}}-x_{\mathrm{min}}}\right)^{\frac{x_{\mathrm{opt}}-x_{\mathrm{min}}}{x_{\mathrm{max}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}}}} \right] }^{\delta};

if x(xmin, xmax),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(x_{\mathrm{min}}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

Here, xx and yy represent the independent and dependent variables, respectively; yopty_{\mathrm{opt}}, xoptx_{\mathrm{opt}}, xminx_{\mathrm{min}}, xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, and δ\delta are constants to be estimated; yopty_{\mathrm{opt}} represents the maximum yy, and xoptx_{\mathrm{opt}} is the xx value associated with the maximum yy (i.e., yopty_{\mathrm{opt}}); and xminx_{\mathrm{min}} and xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}} represent the lower and upper intersections between the curve and the xx-axis. yy is defined as 0 when x<xminx < x_{\mathrm{min}} or x>xmaxx > x_{\mathrm{max}}. There are five elements in P, representing the values of yopty_{\mathrm{opt}}, xoptx_{\mathrm{opt}}, xminx_{\mathrm{min}}, xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, and δ\delta, respectively.

\quad When simpver = 1, the simplified version 1 is selected:

if x(0, xmax),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(0, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=yopt[(xmaxxxmaxxopt)(xxopt)xoptxmaxxopt]δ;y = y_{\mathrm{opt}}{ \left[\left(\frac{x_{\mathrm{max}}-x}{x_{\mathrm{max}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}}}\right)\left(\frac{x}{x_{\mathrm{opt}}}\right)^{\frac{x_{\mathrm{opt}}}{x_{\mathrm{max}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}}}} \right] }^{\delta};

if x(0, xmax),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(0, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

There are four elements in P, representing the values of yopty_{\mathrm{opt}}, xoptx_{\mathrm{opt}}, xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, and δ\delta, respectively.

\quad When simpver = 2, the simplified version 2 is selected:

if x(xmin, xmax),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(x_{\mathrm{min}}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=yopt(xmaxxxmaxxopt)(xxminxoptxmin)xoptxminxmaxxopt;y = y_{\mathrm{opt}}{ \left(\frac{x_{\mathrm{max}}-x}{x_{\mathrm{max}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}}}\right)\left(\frac{x-x_{\mathrm{min}}}{x_{\mathrm{opt}}-x_{\mathrm{min}}}\right)^{\frac{x_{\mathrm{opt}}-x_{\mathrm{min}}}{x_{\mathrm{max}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}}}} };

if x(xmin, xmax),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(x_{\mathrm{min}}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

There are four elements in P, representing the values of yopty_{\mathrm{opt}}, xoptx_{\mathrm{opt}}, xminx_{\mathrm{min}}, and xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, respectively.

\quad When simpver = 3, the simplified version 3 is selected:

if x(0, xmax),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(0, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=yopt(xmaxxxmaxxopt)(xxopt)xoptxmaxxopt;y = y_{\mathrm{opt}}{ \left(\frac{x_{\mathrm{max}}-x}{x_{\mathrm{max}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}}}\right)\left(\frac{x}{x_{\mathrm{opt}}}\right)^{\frac{x_{\mathrm{opt}}}{x_{\mathrm{max}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}}}} };

if x(0, xmax),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(0, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

There are three elements in P, representing the values of yopty_{\mathrm{opt}}, xoptx_{\mathrm{opt}}, and xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, respectively.


The yy values predicted by the modified beta equation or one of its simplified versions.


We have added a parameter δ\delta in the original beta equation (i.e., simpver = 2) to increase the flexibility for data fitting.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Shi, P., Fan, M., Ratkowsky, D.A., Huang, J., Wu, H., Chen, L., Fang, S., Zhang, C. (2017) Comparison of two ontogenetic growth equations for animals and plants. Ecological Modelling 349, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.01.012

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

See Also

areaovate, curveovate, fitovate, fitsigmoid, MBriereE, MLRFE, MPerformanceE, sigmoid


x1   <- seq(-5, 15, len=2000)
Par1 <- c(3, 3, 10, 2)
y1   <- MbetaE(P=Par1, x=x1, simpver=1)
plot( x1, y1,cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l",
      xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)) )

Modified Briere Equation


MBriereE is used to calculate yy values at given xx values using the modified Brière equation or one of its simplified versions.


MBriereE(P, x, simpver = 1)



the parameters of the modified Brière equation or one of its simplified versions.


the given xx values.


an optional argument to use the simplified version of the modified Brière equation.


When simpver = NULL, the modified Brière equation is selected:

if x(xmin, xmax),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(x_{\mathrm{min}}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=ax(xxmin)(xmaxx)1/mδ;y = a\left|x(x-x_{\mathrm{min}})(x_{\mathrm{max}}-x)^{1/m}\right|^{\delta};

if x(xmin, xmax),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(x_{\mathrm{min}}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

Here, xx and yy represent the independent and dependent variables, respectively; and aa, mm, xminx_{\mathrm{min}}, xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, and δ\delta are constants to be estimated, where xminx_{\mathrm{min}} and xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}} represents the lower and upper intersections between the curve and the xx-axis. yy is defined as 0 when x<xminx < x_{\mathrm{min}} or x>xmaxx > x_{\mathrm{max}}. There are five elements in P, representing the values of aa, mm, xminx_{\mathrm{min}}, xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, and δ\delta, respectively.

\quad When simpver = 1, the simplified version 1 is selected:

if x(0, xmax),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(0, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=ax2(xmaxx)1/mδ;y = a\left|x^{2}(x_{\mathrm{max}}-x)^{1/m}\right|^{\delta};

if x(0, xmax),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(0, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

There are four elements in P, representing the values of aa, mm, xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, and δ\delta, respectively.

\quad When simpver = 2, the simplified version 2 is selected:

if x(xmin, xmax),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(x_{\mathrm{min}}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=ax(xxmin)(xmaxx)1/m;y = ax(x-x_{\mathrm{min}})(x_{\mathrm{max}}-x)^{1/m};

if x(xmin, xmax),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(x_{\mathrm{min}}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

There are four elements in P representing the values of aa, mm, xminx_{\mathrm{min}}, and xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, respectively.

\quad When simpver = 3, the simplified version 3 is selected:

if x(0, xmax),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(0, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=ax2(xmaxx)1/m;y = ax^{2}(x_{\mathrm{max}}-x)^{1/m};

if x(0, xmax),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(0, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

There are three elements in P representing the values of aa, mm, and xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, respectively.


The yy values predicted by the modified Brière equation or one of its simplified versions.


We have added a parameter δ\delta in the original Brière equation (i.e., simpver = 2) to increase the flexibility for data fitting.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Brière, J.-F., Pracros, P, Le Roux, A.-Y., Pierre, J.-S. (1999) A novel rate model of temperature-dependent development for arthropods. Environmental Entomology 28, 22-29. doi:10.1093/ee/28.1.22

Cao, L., Shi, P., Li, L., Chen, G. (2019) A new flexible sigmoidal growth model. Symmetry 11, 204. doi:10.3390/sym11020204

Jin, J., Quinn, B.K., Shi, P. (2022) The modified Brière equation and its applications. Plants 11, 1769. doi:10.3390/plants11131769

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

See Also

areaovate, curveovate, fitovate, fitsigmoid, MbetaE, MLRFE, MPerformanceE, sigmoid


x2   <- seq(-5, 15, len=2000)
Par2 <- c(0.01, 3, 0, 10, 1)
y2   <- MBriereE(P=Par2, x=x2, simpver=NULL)
plot( x2, y2, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l",
      xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)) )

Modified Lobry-Rosso-Flandrois (LRF) Equation


MLRFE is used to calculate yy values at given xx values using the modified LRF equation or one of its simplified versions.


MLRFE(P, x, simpver = 1)



the parameters of the modified LRF equation or one of its simplified versions.


the given xx values.


an optional argument to use the simplified version of the modified LRF equation.


When simpver = NULL, the modified LRF equation is selected:

if x(xmin, xmin+xmax2),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(x_{\mathrm{min}}, \ \frac{x_{\mathrm{min}}+x_{\mathrm{max}}}{2}\right)},

y=yopt{(xxmin)(xxmax)2(xmaxxopt)[(xmaxxopt)(xxopt)(xminxopt)(xopt+xmax2x)]}δ;y = y_{\mathrm{opt}}\left\{\frac{\left(x-x_{\mathrm{min}}\right)\left(x-x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)^{2}}{\left(x_{\mathrm{max}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}}\right)\left[(x_{\mathrm{max}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}})(x-x_{\mathrm{opt}})-(x_{\mathrm{min}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}})(x_{\mathrm{opt}}+x_{\mathrm{max}}-2x)\right]}\right\}^{\delta};

if x[xmin+xmax2, xmax),\mbox{if } x \in{\left[\frac{x_{\mathrm{min}}+x_{\mathrm{max}}}{2}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=yopt{(xxmax)(xxmin)2(xoptxmin)[(xoptxmin)(xxopt)(xoptxmax)(xopt+xmin2x)]}δ;y = y_{\mathrm{opt}}\left\{\frac{\left(x-x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)\left(x-x_{\mathrm{min}}\right)^{2}}{\left(x_{\mathrm{opt}}-x_{\mathrm{min}}\right)\left[(x_{\mathrm{opt}}-x_{\mathrm{min}})(x-x_{\mathrm{opt}})-(x_{\mathrm{opt}}-x_{\mathrm{max}})(x_{\mathrm{opt}}+x_{\mathrm{min}}-2x)\right]}\right\}^{\delta};

if x(xmin, xmax),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(x_{\mathrm{min}}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

Here, xx and yy represent the independent and dependent variables, respectively; yopty_{\mathrm{opt}}, xoptx_{\mathrm{opt}}, xminx_{\mathrm{min}}, xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, and δ\delta are constants to be estimated; yopty_{\mathrm{opt}} represents the maximum yy, and xoptx_{\mathrm{opt}} is the xx value associated with the maximum yy (i.e., yopty_{\mathrm{opt}}); and xminx_{\mathrm{min}} and xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}} represents the lower and upper intersections between the curve and the xx-axis. There are five elements in P, representing the values of yopty_{\mathrm{opt}}, xoptx_{\mathrm{opt}}, xminx_{\mathrm{min}}, xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, and δ\delta, respectively.

\quad When simpver = 1, the simplified version 1 is selected:

if x(0, xmax2),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(0, \ \frac{x_{\mathrm{max}}}{2}\right)},

y=yopt{x(xxmax)2(xmaxxopt)[(xmaxxopt)(xxopt)+xopt(xopt+xmax2x)]}δ;y = y_{\mathrm{opt}}\left\{\frac{x\left(x-x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)^{2}}{\left(x_{\mathrm{max}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}}\right)\left[(x_{\mathrm{max}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}})(x-x_{\mathrm{opt}})+x_{\mathrm{opt}}(x_{\mathrm{opt}}+x_{\mathrm{max}}-2x)\right]}\right\}^{\delta};

if x[xmax2, xmax),\mbox{if } x \in{\left[\frac{x_{\mathrm{max}}}{2}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=yopt{(xxmax)x2xopt[xopt(xxopt)(xoptxmax)(xopt2x)]}δ;y = y_{\mathrm{opt}}\left\{\frac{\left(x-x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)x^{2}}{x_{\mathrm{opt}}\left[x_{\mathrm{opt}}(x-x_{\mathrm{opt}})-(x_{\mathrm{opt}}-x_{\mathrm{max}})(x_{\mathrm{opt}}-2x)\right]}\right\}^{\delta};

if x(0, xmax),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(0, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

There are four elements in P, representing the values of yopty_{\mathrm{opt}}, xoptx_{\mathrm{opt}}, xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, and δ\delta, respectively.

\quad When simpver = 2, the simplified version 2 is selected:

if x(xmin, xmin+xmax2),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(x_{\mathrm{min}}, \ \frac{x_{\mathrm{min}}+x_{\mathrm{max}}}{2}\right)},

y=yopt(xxmin)(xxmax)2(xmaxxopt)[(xmaxxopt)(xxopt)(xminxopt)(xopt+xmax2x)];y = \frac{y_{\mathrm{opt}}\left(x-x_{\mathrm{min}}\right)\left(x-x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)^{2}}{\left(x_{\mathrm{max}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}}\right)\left[(x_{\mathrm{max}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}})(x-x_{\mathrm{opt}})-(x_{\mathrm{min}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}})(x_{\mathrm{opt}}+x_{\mathrm{max}}-2x)\right]};

if x[xmin+xmax2, xmax),\mbox{if } x \in{\left[\frac{x_{\mathrm{min}}+x_{\mathrm{max}}}{2}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=yopt(xxmax)(xxmin)2(xoptxmin)[(xoptxmin)(xxopt)(xoptxmax)(xopt+xmin2x)];y = \frac{y_{\mathrm{opt}}\left(x-x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)\left(x-x_{\mathrm{min}}\right)^{2}}{\left(x_{\mathrm{opt}}-x_{\mathrm{min}}\right)\left[(x_{\mathrm{opt}}-x_{\mathrm{min}})(x-x_{\mathrm{opt}})-(x_{\mathrm{opt}}-x_{\mathrm{max}})(x_{\mathrm{opt}}+x_{\mathrm{min}}-2x)\right]};

if x(xmin, xmax),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(x_{\mathrm{min}}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

There are four elements in P, representing the values of yopty_{\mathrm{opt}}, xoptx_{\mathrm{opt}}, xminx_{\mathrm{min}}, and xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, respectively.

\quad When simpver = 3, the simplified version 3 is selected:

if x(0, xmax2),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(0, \ \frac{x_{\mathrm{max}}}{2}\right)},

y=yoptx(xxmax)2(xmaxxopt)[(xmaxxopt)(xxopt)+xopt(xopt+xmax2x)];y = \frac{y_{\mathrm{opt}}x\left(x-x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)^{2}}{\left(x_{\mathrm{max}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}}\right)\left[(x_{\mathrm{max}}-x_{\mathrm{opt}})(x-x_{\mathrm{opt}})+x_{\mathrm{opt}}(x_{\mathrm{opt}}+x_{\mathrm{max}}-2x)\right]};

if x[xmax2, xmax),\mbox{if } x \in{\left[\frac{x_{\mathrm{max}}}{2}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=yopt(xxmax)x2xopt[xopt(xxopt)(xoptxmax)(xopt2x)];y = \frac{y_{\mathrm{opt}}\left(x-x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)x^{2}}{x_{\mathrm{opt}}\left[x_{\mathrm{opt}}(x-x_{\mathrm{opt}})-(x_{\mathrm{opt}}-x_{\mathrm{max}})(x_{\mathrm{opt}}-2x)\right]};

if x(0, xmax),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(0, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

There are three elements in P, representing the values of yopty_{\mathrm{opt}}, xoptx_{\mathrm{opt}}, and xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, respectively.


The yy values predicted by the modified LRF equation or one of its simplified versions.


We have added n parameter δ\delta in the original LRF equation (i.e., simpver = 2) to increase the flexibility for data fitting.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Shi, P., Fan, M., Ratkowsky, D.A., Huang, J., Wu, H., Chen, L., Fang, S., Zhang, C. (2017) Comparison of two ontogenetic growth equations for animals and plants. Ecological Modelling 349, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.01.012

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

See Also

areaovate, curveovate, fitovate, fitsigmoid, MbetaE, MBriereE, MPerformanceE, sigmoid


x3   <- seq(-5, 15, len=2000)
Par3 <- c(3, 3, 10, 2)
y3   <- MbetaE(P=Par3, x=x3, simpver=1)
plot( x3, y3, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l",
      xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)) )

Modified Performance Equation


MPerformanceE is used to calculate yy values at given xx values using the modified performance equation or one of its simplified versions.


MPerformanceE(P, x, simpver = 1)



the parameters of the modified performance equation or one of its simplified versions.


the given xx values.


an optional argument to use the simplified version of the modified performance equation.


When simpver = NULL, the modified performance equation is selected:

if x(xmin, xmax),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(x_{\mathrm{min}}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=c(1eK1(xxmin))a(1eK2(xxmax))b;y = c\left(1-e^{-K_{1}\left(x-x_{\mathrm{min}}\right)}\right)^{a}\left(1-e^{K_{2}\left(x-x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)}\right)^{b};

if x(xmin, xmax),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(x_{\mathrm{min}}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

Here, xx and yy represent the independent and dependent variables, respectively; and cc, K1K_{1}, K2K_{2}, xminx_{\mathrm{min}}, xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, aa, and bb are constants to be estimated, where xminx_{\mathrm{min}} and xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}} represents the lower and upper intersections between the curve and the xx-axis. yy is defined as 0 when x<xminx < x_{\mathrm{min}} or x>xmaxx > x_{\mathrm{max}}. There are seven elements in P, representing the values of cc, K1K_{1}, K2K_{2}, xminx_{\mathrm{min}}, xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, aa, and bb, respectively.

\quad When simpver = 1, the simplified version 1 is selected:

if x(0, xmax),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(0, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=c(1eK1x)a(1eK2(xxmax))b;y = c\left(1-e^{-K_{1}x}\right)^{a}\left(1-e^{K_{2}\left(x-x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)}\right)^{b};

if x(0, xmax),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(0, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

There are six elements in P, representing the values of cc, K1K_{1}, K2K_{2}, xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, aa, and bb respectively.

\quad When simpver = 2, the simplified version 2 is selected:

if x(xmin, xmax),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(x_{\mathrm{min}}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=c(1eK1(xxmin))(1eK2(xxmax));y = c\left(1-e^{-K_{1}\left(x-x_{\mathrm{min}}\right)}\right)\left(1-e^{K_{2}\left(x-x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)}\right);

if x(xmin, xmax),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(x_{\mathrm{min}}, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

There are five elements in P representing the values of cc, K1K_{1}, K2K_{2}, xminx_{\mathrm{min}}, and xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, respectively.

\quad When simpver = 3, the simplified version 3 is selected:

if x(0, xmax),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(0, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=c(1eK1x)(1eK2(xxmax));y = c\left(1-e^{-K_{1}x}\right)\left(1-e^{K_{2}\left(x-x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)}\right);

if x(0, xmax),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(0, \ x_{\mathrm{max}}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

There are four elements in P representing the values of cc, K1K_{1}, K2K_{2}, and xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}, respectively.

\quad When simpver = 4, the simplified version 4 is selected:

if x(0, 2),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(0, \ \sqrt{2}\right)},

y=c(1eK1x)a(1eK2(x2))b;y = c\left(1-e^{-K_{1}x}\right)^{a}\left(1-e^{K_{2}\left(x-\sqrt{2}\right)}\right)^{b};

if x(0, 2),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(0, \ \sqrt{2}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

There are five elements in P, representing the values of cc, K1K_{1}, K2K_{2}, aa, and bb, respectively.

\quad When simpver = 5, the simplified version 5 is selected:

if x(0, 2),\mbox{if } x \in{\left(0, \ \sqrt{2}\right)},

y=c(1eK1x)(1eK2(x2));y = c\left(1-e^{-K_{1}x}\right)\left(1-e^{K_{2}\left(x-\sqrt{2}\right)}\right);

if x(0, 2),\mbox{if } x \notin{\left(0, \ \sqrt{2}\right)},

y=0.y = 0.

There are three elements in P, representing the values of cc, K1K_{1}, and K2K_{2}, respectively.


The yy values predicted by the modified performance equation or one of its simplified versions.


We have added two parameters aa and bb in the original performance equation (i.e., simpver = 2) to increase the flexibility for data fitting. The cases of simpver = 4 and simpver = 5 are used to describe the rotated and right-shifted Lorenz curve (see Lian et al. [2023] for details).


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Huey, R.B., Stevenson, R.D. (1979) Integrating thermal physiology and ecology of ectotherms: a discussion of approaches. American Zoologist 19, 357-366. doi:10.1093/icb/19.1.357

Lian, M., Shi, P., Zhang, L., Yao, W., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A generalized performance equation and its application in measuring the Gini index of leaf size inequality. Trees - Structure and Function 37, 1555-1565. doi:10.1007/s00468-023-02448-8

Shi, P., Ge, F., Sun, Y., Chen, C. (2011) A simple model for describing the effect of temperature on insect developmental rate. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 14, 15-20. doi:10.1016/j.aspen.2010.11.008

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

See Also

areaovate, curveovate, fitLorenz, fitovate, fitsigmoid, MbetaE, MBriereE, MLRFE, sigmoid


x4   <- seq(0, 40, len=2000)
Par4 <- c(0.117, 0.090, 0.255, 5, 35, 1, 1)
y4   <- MPerformanceE(P=Par4, x=x4, simpver=NULL)
plot( x4, y4, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l",
      xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)) )

Leaf Boundary Data of Seven Species of Neocinnamomum


The data consist of the leaf boundary data of seven species of Neocinnamomum.




In the data set, there are four columns of variables: Code, LatinName, x, and y. Code saves the codes of individual leaves; LatinName saves the Latin names of the seven species of Neocinnamomum; x saves the xx coordinates of the leaf boundary in the Cartesian coordinate system (cm); and y saves the yy coordinates of the leaf boundary in the Cartesian coordinate system (cm).


Shi, P., Fan, M., Ratkowsky, D.A., Huang, J., Wu, H., Chen, L., Fang, S., Zhang, C. (2017) Comparison of two ontogenetic growth equations for animals and plants. Ecological Modelling 349, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.01.012

Shi, P., Yu, K., Niklas, K.J., Schrader, J., Song, Y., Zhu, R., Li, Y., Wei, H., Ratkowsky, D.A. (2021) A general model for describing the ovate leaf shape. Symmetry, 13, 1524. doi:10.3390/sym13081524



uni.C <- sort( unique(Neocinnamomum$Code) )
ind   <- 2
Data  <- Neocinnamomum[Neocinnamomum$Code==uni.C[ind], ]
x0    <- Data$x
y0    <- Data$y

Res1  <- adjdata(x0, y0,,
x1    <- Res1$x
y1    <- Res1$y
plot( Res1$x, Res1$y, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) )

The Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation (NRGE)


NRGE is used to calculate yy values at given xx values using the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation (NRGE).


NRGE(P, x)



the four parameters (i.e., AA, BB, CC, and DD) of the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation.


the given xx values.


The Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation (Narushin et al., 2021) has four parameters in total, among which three parameters have clear geometric meanings.


E=5.5A2+11AC+4C2(3AB2DA2+2AC+4C2)3AB(5.5A2+11AC+4C22A2+2AC+4C2),E = \frac{\sqrt{5.5A^{2}+11AC+4C^{2}} \cdot \left(\sqrt{3}AB-2D\sqrt{A^{2}+2AC+4C^{2 }}\right)}{\sqrt{3}AB\left(\sqrt{5.5A^{2}+11AC+4C^{2}}-2\sqrt{A^{2}+2AC+4C^{2}}\right)},


f(x)=±f1(x){1E[1f2(x)]}.f(x)=\pm f_{1}(x) \cdot \left\{1-E \cdot \left[1-f_{2}(x)\right]\right\}.

Here, f(x)f(x) is the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation, which is used to predict the yy coordinates at the given xx coordinates; AA represents the egg's length; BB represents the egg's maximum breadth; CC is a parameter to be estimated, and it can be expressed as (AB)/(2q)\left(A-B\right)/(2q), where qq is a parameter to be estimated; DD represents the egg's breadth associated with (3/4)L(3/4)L from the egg base (to the egg tip) on the egg length axis (which can be regarded as the major axis of the egg shape).


The yy values predicted by the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation.


Here, parameter C is a parameter to be estimated, which can be directly calculated numerically based on the egg-shape data.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Narushin, V.G., Romanov, M.N., Griffin, D.K. (2021) Egg and math: introducing a universal formula for egg shape. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1505, 169-177. doi:10.1111/nyas.14680

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2022) Comparison of a universal (but complex) model for avian egg shape with a simpler model. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1514, 34-42. doi:10.1111/nyas.14799

Tian, F., Wang, Y., Sandhu, H.S., Gielis, J., Shi, P. (2020) Comparison of seed morphology of two ginkgo cultivars. Journal of Forestry Research 31, 751-758. doi:10.1007/s11676-018-0770-y

See Also

curveNRGE, fitNRGE, SurfaceAreaNRGE, VolumeNRGE


P0 <- c(11.5, 7.8, 1.1, 5.6)
x  <- seq(-11.5/2, 11.5/2, len=2000)
y1 <- NRGE(P=P0, x=x)
y2 <- -NRGE(P=P0, x=x)
plot(x, y1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l", 
     col=4, ylim=c(-4, 4), asp=1, 
     xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)) )
lines(x, y2, col=2)

Calculation of the Abscissa, Ordinate and Distance From the Origin For an Arbitrary Point on the Preston Curve


PE is used to calculate the abscissa, ordinate and distance from the origin for an arbitrary point on the Preston curve that was generated by the original Preston equation or one of its simplified versions at a given angle.


PE(P, zeta, simpver = NULL)



the parameters of the original Preston equation or one of its simplified versions.


the angle(s) used in the Preston equation.


an optional argument to use the simplified version of the original Preston equation.


When simpver = NULL, the original Preston equation is selected:

y=a sinζ,y = a\ \mathrm{sin}\,\zeta,

x=b cosζ(1+c1sinζ+c2sin2ζ+c3sin3ζ),x = b\ \mathrm{cos}\,\zeta\left(1+c_{1}\,\mathrm{sin}\,\zeta+c_{2}\,\mathrm{sin}^{2}\,\zeta+c_{3}\,\mathrm{sin}^{3}\,\zeta\right),

r=x2+y2,r = \sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}},

where xx and yy represent the abscissa and ordinate of an arbitrary point on the Preston curve corresponding to an angle ζ\zeta; rr represents the distance of the point from the origin; aa, bb, c1c_{1}, c2c_{2}, and c3c_{3} are parameters to be estimated.

\quad When simpver = 1, the simplified version 1 is selected:

y=a sinζ,y = a\ \mathrm{sin}\,\zeta,

x=b cosζ(1+c1sinζ+c2sin2ζ),x = b\ \mathrm{cos}\,\zeta\left(1+c_{1}\,\mathrm{sin}\,\zeta+c_{2}\,\mathrm{sin}^{2}\,\zeta\right),

r=x2+y2,r = \sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}},

where xx and yy represent the abscissa and ordinate of an arbitrary point on the Preston curve corresponding to an angle ζ\zeta; rr represents the distance of the point from the origin; aa, bb, c1c_{1}, and c2c_{2} are parameters to be estimated.

\quad When simpver = 2, the simplified version 2 is selected:

y=a sinζ,y = a\ \mathrm{sin}\,\zeta,

x=b cosζ(1+c1sinζ),x = b\ \mathrm{cos}\,\zeta\left(1+c_{1}\,\mathrm{sin}\,\zeta\right),

r=x2+y2,r = \sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}},

where xx and yy represent the abscissa and ordinate of an arbitrary point on the Preston curve corresponding to an angle ζ\zeta; rr represents the distance of the point from the origin; aa, bb, and c1c_{1} are parameters to be estimated.

\quad When simpver = 3, the simplified version 3 is selected:

y=a sinζ,y = a\ \mathrm{sin}\,\zeta,

x=b cosζ(1+c2sin2ζ),x = b\ \mathrm{cos}\,\zeta\left(1+c_{2}\,\mathrm{sin}^{2}\,\zeta\right),

r=x2+y2,r = \sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}},

where xx and yy represent the abscissa and ordinate of an arbitrary point on the Preston curve corresponding to an angle ζ\zeta; rr represents the distance of the point from the origin; aa, bb, and c2c_{2} are parameters to be estimated.



the abscissa(s) of the Preston curve corresponding to the given angle(s).


the ordinate(s) of the Preston curve corresponding to the given angle(s).


the distance(s) of the Preston curve corresponding to the given angle(s) from the origin.


ζ\zeta is NOT the polar angle corresponding to rr, i.e.,

yrsinζ,y \neq r\,\mathrm{sin}\,\zeta,

xrcosζ.x \neq r\,\mathrm{cos}\,\zeta.

Let φ\varphi be the polar angle corresponding to rr. We have:

ζ=arcsinr sinφa.\zeta = \mathrm{arc\,sin}\frac{ r\ \mathrm{sin}\,\varphi }{a}.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Biggins, J.D., Montgomeries, R.M., Thompson, J.E., Birkhead, T.R. (2022) Preston's universal formula for avian egg shape. Ornithology 139, ukac028. doi:10.1093/ornithology/ukac028

Biggins, J.D., Thompson, J.E., Birkhead, T.R. (2018) Accurately quantifying the shape of birds' eggs. Ecology and Evolution 8, 9728-9738. doi:10.1002/ece3.4412

Preston, F.W. (1953) The shapes of birds' eggs. The Auk 70, 160-182.

Shi, P., Wang, L., Quinn, B.K., Gielis, J. (2023) A new program to estimate the parameters of Preston's equation, a general formula for describing the egg shape of birds. Symmetry 15, 231. doi:10.3390/sym15010231

Todd, P.H., Smart, I.H.M. (1984) The shape of birds' eggs. Journal of Theoretical Biology 106, 239-243. doi:10.1016/0022-5193(84)90021-3

See Also



zeta <- seq(0, 2*pi, len=2000)
  Par1 <- c(10, 6, 0.325, -0.0415)
  Res1 <- PE(P=Par1, zeta=zeta, simpver=1)
  Par2 <- c(10, 6, -0.325, -0.0415)
  Res2 <- PE(P=Par2, zeta=zeta, simpver=1)
  plot(Res1$x, Res1$y, asp=1, type="l", col=4, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5,
       xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)))
  lines(Res2$x, Res2$y, col=2)
  plot(Res1$r, Res2$r, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5,
       xlab=expression(paste(italic(r), ""[1], sep="")), 
       ylab=expression(paste(italic(r), ""[2], sep="")))
  abline(0, 1, col=4)

Sarabia Equation


SarabiaE is used to calculate yy values at given xx values using the Sarabia equation. The equation describes the yy coordinates of the Lorenz curve.


SarabiaE(P, x)



the parameters of the Sarabia equation.


the given xx values ranging between 0 and 1.


y=(1λ+η)x+λxa1+1η[1(1x)a2+1].y = \left(1-\lambda+\eta\right)x+\lambda x^{a_1 + 1}-\eta \left[1-\left(1-x\right)^{a_2 + 1}\right].

Here, xx and yy represent the independent and dependent variables, respectively; and λ\lambda, η\eta, a1a_1 and a2a_2 are constants to be estimated, where a10a_1 \ge 0, a2+10a_2 + 1 \ge 0, ηa2+λ1\eta\,a_2 + \lambda \le 1, λ0\lambda \ge 0, and ηa20\eta\,a_2 \ge 0. There are four elements in P, representing the values of λ\lambda, η\eta, a1a_1 and a2a_2, respectively.


The yy values predicted by the Sarabia equation.


The numerical range of xx should range between 0 and 1.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Sarabia, J.-M. (1997) A hierarchy of Lorenz curves based on the generalized Tukey's lambda distribution. Econometric Reviews 16, 305-320. doi:10.1080/07474939708800389

Sitthiyot, T., Holasut, K. (2023) A universal model for the Lorenz curve with novel applications for datasets containing zeros and/or exhibiting extreme inequality. Scientific Reports 13, 4729. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-31827-x

See Also

fitLorenz, MPerformanceE, SCSE, SHE


X1  <- seq(0, 1, len=2000)
Pa1 <- c(0.295, 101.485, 0.705, 0.003762)
Y1  <- SarabiaE(P=Pa1, x=X1)
plot( X1, Y1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l", asp=1, xaxs="i", 
      yaxs="i", xlim=c(0, 1), ylim=c(0, 1), 
      xlab="Cumulative proportion of the number of infructescences", 
      ylab="Cumulative proportion of the infructescence length" )

Sarabia-Castillo-Slottje Equation (SCSE)


SCSE is used to calculate yy values at given xx values using the Sarabia-Castillo-Slottje equation. The equation describes the yy coordinates of the Lorenz curve.


SCSE(P, x)



the parameters of the Sarabia-Castillo-Slottje equation.


the given xx values ranging between 0 and 1.


y=xγ[1(1x)α]β.y = x^{\gamma}\left[1-\left(1-x\right)^{\alpha}\right]^{\beta}.

Here, xx and yy represent the independent and dependent variables, respectively; and γ\gamma, α\alpha and β\beta are constants to be estimated, where γ0\gamma \ge 0, 0<α10 < \alpha \le 1, and β1\beta \ge 1. There are three elements in P, representing the values of γ\gamma, α\alpha and β\beta, respectively.


The yy values predicted by the Sarabia-Castillo-Slottje equation.


The numerical range of xx should range between 0 and 1.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Sarabia, J.-M., Castillo, E., Slottje, D.J. (1999) An ordered family of Lorenz curves. Journal of Econometrics. 91, 43-60. doi:10.1016/S0304-4076(98)00048-7

Sitthiyot, T., Holasut, K. (2023) A universal model for the Lorenz curve with novel applications for datasets containing zeros and/or exhibiting extreme inequality. Scientific Reports 13, 4729. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-31827-x

See Also

fitLorenz, MPerformanceE, SarabiaE, SHE


X1  <- seq(0, 1, len=2000)
Pa2 <- c(0, 0.790, 1.343)
Y2  <- SCSE(P=Pa2, x=X1)
plot( X1, Y2, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l", asp=1, xaxs="i", 
      yaxs="i", xlim=c(0, 1), ylim=c(0, 1), 
      xlab="Cumulative proportion of the number of infructescences", 
      ylab="Cumulative proportion of the infructescence length" )

Sitthiyot-Holasut Equation


SHE is used to calculate yy values at given xx values using the Sitthiyot-Holasut equation. The equation describes the yy coordinates of the Lorenz curve.


SHE(P, x)



the parameters of the Sitthiyot-Holasut equation.


the given xx values ranging between 0 and 1.


if x>δ,\mbox{if } x > \delta,

y=(1ρ)[(2P+1)(xδ1δ)]+ρ[(1ω)(xδ1δ)P+ω{1[1(xδ1δ)]1P}];y = \left(1-\rho\right)\,\left[\left(\frac{2}{P+1}\right)\left(\frac{x-\delta}{1-\delta}\right)\right] + \rho\,\left[\left(1-\omega\right)\left(\frac{x-\delta}{1-\delta}\right)^{P}+\omega\,\left\{1-\left[1-\left(\frac{x-\delta}{1-\delta}\right)\right]^{\frac{1}{P}}\right\}\right];

if xδ,\mbox{if } x \le \delta,

y=0.y = 0.

Here, xx and yy represent the independent and dependent variables, respectively; and δ\delta, ρ\rho, ω\omega and PP are constants to be estimated, where 0δ<10 \le \delta < 1, 0ρ10 \le \rho \le 1, 0ω10 \le \omega \le 1, and P1P \ge 1. There are four elements in P, representing the values of δ\delta, ρ\rho, ω\omega and PP, respectively.


The yy values predicted by the Sitthiyot-Holasut equation.


The numerical range of xx should range between 0 and 1. When x<δx < \delta, the xx value is assigned to be δ\delta.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Sitthiyot, T., Holasut, K. (2023) A universal model for the Lorenz curve with novel applications for datasets containing zeros and/or exhibiting extreme inequality. Scientific Reports 13, 4729. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-31827-x

See Also

fitLorenz, MPerformanceE, SarabiaE, SCSE


X1  <- seq(0, 1, len=2000)
Pa3 <- c(0, 1, 0.446, 1.739)
Y3  <- SHE(P=Pa3, x=X1)
plot( X1, Y3, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l", asp=1, xaxs="i", 
      yaxs="i", xlim=c(0, 1), ylim=c(0, 1), 
      xlab="Cumulative proportion of the number of infructescences", 
      ylab="Cumulative proportion of the infructescence length" )

Height Growth Data of Bamboo Shoots


The height data of four species of bamboo at Nanjing Forestry University campus in 2016.




In the data set, there are four columns of variables: Code, LatinName, x, and y. Code saves the number codes of different bamboo species; LatinName saves the Latin names of different bamboo species; x saves the investigation times (days from a specific starting time of growth, and where every bamboo has a different starting time of growth); and y saves the measured aboveground height values (cm).

Code = 1 represents Phyllostachys iridescens, and the starting time (namely time = 0) was defined as 12:00, 3rd April, 2016;

Code = 2 represents Phyllostachys mannii, and the starting time (namely time = 0) was defined as 12:00, 4th April, 2016;

Code = 3 represents Pleioblastus maculatus, and the starting time (namely time = 0) was defined as 12:00, 29th April, 2016;

Code = 4 represents Sinobambusa tootsik, and the starting time (namely time = 0) was defined as 12:00, 18th April, 2016.


Shi, P., Fan, M., Ratkowsky, D.A., Huang, J., Wu, H., Chen, L., Fang, S., Zhang, C. (2017) Comparison of two ontogenetic growth equations for animals and plants. Ecological Modelling 349, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.01.012


# Choose a species
# 1: Phyllostachys iridescens; 2: Phyllostachys mannii; 
# 3: Pleioblastus maculatus; 4: Sinobambusa tootsik
ind <- 4
x1  <- x[Code == ind]
y1  <- y[Code == ind]
plot(x1, y1, cex=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, xlab="Time (days)", ylab="Height (cm)")

  delta0  <- c(0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20)
  ini.val <- list(600, 25, 0, 40, delta0)
  resu1   <- fitsigmoid(MLRFE, x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val, simpver=NULL, 
               fig.opt=TRUE, control=list(reltol=1e-20, maxit=20000), 
               subdivisions = 100L, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25,                
               abs.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, stop.on.error=TRUE, 
               keep.xy=FALSE, aux=NULL)

Sigmoid Growth Equation


sigmoid is used to calculate the yy values (e.g., biomass, height, body length, and so on) at given investigation times.


sigmoid(expr, P, x, simpver = 1, subdivisions = 100L,
        rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, 
        abs.tol = rel.tol, stop.on.error = TRUE, 
        keep.xy = FALSE, aux = NULL)



a performance equation or one of its simplified versions.


the parameters of the performance equation or one of its simplified versions.


the given investigation times.


an optional argument to use the simplfied version of the performance equation.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


The performance equations denote MbetaE, MBriereE, MLRFE, and their simplified versions. The arguments of P and simpver should correspond to expr (i.e., MbetaE, MBriereE, MLRFE, and MPerformanceE). The sigmoid curve is the integral of the performance equation or one of its simplified versions.


The yy values (i.e., biomass, height, body length, and so on) at given investigation times. The growth euqation is actually an integral of the performance equation or one of its simplified versions.


Here, the user can define other performance equations, but new equations or their simplified versions should include the lower and upper thresholds in the xx-axis corresponding to y=0y = 0, whose indices of the parameters in P should be the same as those in MbetaE, MBriereE, MLRFE, and MPerformanceE).


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Jin, J., Quinn, B.K., Shi, P. (2022) The modified Brière equation and its applications. Plants 11, 1769. doi:10.3390/plants11131769

Lian, M., Shi, P., Zhang, L., Yao, W., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A generalized performance equation and its application in measuring the Gini index of leaf size inequality. Trees - Structure and Function 37, 1555-1565. doi:10.1007/s00468-023-02448-8

Shi, P., Fan, M., Ratkowsky, D.A., Huang, J., Wu, H., Chen, L., Fang, S., Zhang, C. (2017) Comparison of two ontogenetic growth equations for animals and plants. Ecological Modelling 349, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.01.012

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

See Also

fitsigmoid, MbetaE, MBriereE, MLRFE, and MPerformanceE


Pa1 <- c(3, 3, 10, 1)
xv1 <- seq(-5, 15, len=2000)
yv1 <- sigmoid(MBriereE, P=Pa1, x=xv1, simpver=1)
Pa2 <- c(3, 3, 2, 12, 1)
yv2 <- sigmoid(MBriereE, P=Pa2, x=xv1, simpver=NULL)
Pa3 <- c(200, 1.32, 0.85, 12, 3.7, 17)
yv3 <- sigmoid(MPerformanceE, P=Pa3, x=xv1, simpver=1)
plot( xv1, yv2, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l", col=4,
      xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)) )
lines( xv1, yv1, col=2 )
lines( xv1, yv3, col=3 )

Boundary Data of Eight Sea Stars


The data consist of the boundary data of eight sea stars from five species.




In the data set, there are four columns of variables: Code, LatinName, x, and y. Code saves the codes of individual sea stars; LatinName saves the Latin names of the eight sea stars; x saves the xx coordinates of the eight sea stars in the Cartesian coordinate system (cm); and y saves the yy coordinates of the eight sea stars in the Cartesian coordinate system (cm). In Code, codes 1-9 represent Anthenoides tenuis, Culcita schmideliana sample 1, Culcita schmideliana sample 2, Culcita schmideliana sample 3, Stellaster equestris, Tosia australis, Tosia magnifica sample 1, and Tosia magnifica sample 2, respectively. See Table A1 published in Shi et al. (2020).


Shi, P., Ratkowsky, D.A., Gielis, J. (2020) The generalized Gielis geometric equation and its application. Symmetry 12, 645. doi:10.3390/sym12040645



uni.C <- sort( unique(starfish$Code) )
ind   <- 2
Data  <- starfish[starfish$Code==uni.C[ind], ]
x0    <- Data$x
y0    <- Data$y
plot( x0, y0, asp=1, type="l", cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) )

Res1 <- adjdata(x0, y0,, times=1.2,
x1   <- Res1$x
y1   <- Res1$y
plot( x1, y1, asp=1, type="l", cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) )

Calculation of the Surface Area of An Egg Based on the Explicit Preston Equation


SurfaceAreaEPE is used to calculate the surface area of an egg that follows the explicit Preston equation.


SurfaceAreaEPE(P, simpver = NULL, subdivisions = 100L,
          rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, abs.tol = rel.tol,
          stop.on.error = TRUE, keep.xy = FALSE, aux = NULL)



the parameters of the explicit Preston equation or one of its simplified versions.


an optional argument to use the simplified version of the explicit Preston equation.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


The formula of the surface area (SS) of an egg based on the explicit Preston equation or one of its simplified versions is:


where yy denotes the explicit Preston equation (i.e., EPE), and aa denotes half the egg's length. When simpver = NULL, P has five parameters: aa, bb, c1c_{1}, c2c_{2}, and c3c_{3}; when simpver = 1, P has four parameters: aa, bb, c1c_{1}, and c2c_{2}; when simpver = 2, P has three parameters: aa, bb, and c1c_{1}; when simpver = 3, P has three parameters: aa, bb, and c2c_{2}.


The argument P in the SurfaceAreaEPE function has the same parameters, as those in the EPE function.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Narushin, V.G., Romanov, M.N., Mishra, B., Griffin, D.K. (2022) Mathematical progression of avian egg shape with associated area and volume determinations. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1513, 65-78. doi:10.1111/nyas.14771

Shi, P., Chen, L., Quinn, B.K., Yu, K., Miao, Q., Guo, X., Lian, M., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1524, 118-131. doi:10.1111/nyas.15000

See Also

DEPE, EPE, fitEPE, VolumeEPE


Par4 <- c(4.27, 2.90, 0.0868, 0.0224, -0.0287)
  SurfaceAreaEPE(P = Par4, simpver = NULL)

Calculation of the Surface Area of An Egg Based on the Explicit Troscianko Equation


SurfaceAreaETE is used to calculate the surface area of an egg that follows the explicit Troscianko equation.


SurfaceAreaETE(P, subdivisions = 100L,
          rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, abs.tol = rel.tol,
          stop.on.error = TRUE, keep.xy = FALSE, aux = NULL)



the parameters of the explicit Troscianko equation.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


The formula of the surface area (SS) of an egg based on the explicit Troscianko equation is:


where yy denotes the explicit Troscianko equation (i.e., ETE), and aa denotes half the egg's length.


The argument P in the SurfaceAreaETE function has the same parameters, as those in the ETE function.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Narushin, V.G., Romanov, M.N., Mishra, B., Griffin, D.K. (2022) Mathematical progression of avian egg shape with associated area and volume determinations. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1513, 65-78. doi:10.1111/nyas.14771

Shi, P., Chen, L., Quinn, B.K., Yu, K., Miao, Q., Guo, X., Lian, M., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1524, 118-131. doi:10.1111/nyas.15000

See Also

DETE, ETE, fitETE, VolumeETE


Par5 <- c(2.25, -0.38, -0.29, -0.16)
  SurfaceAreaETE(P = Par5)

Calculation of the Surface Area of An Egg Based on the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation


SurfaceAreaNRGE is used to calculate the surface area of an egg that follows the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation.


SurfaceAreaNRGE(P, subdivisions = 100L,
          rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, abs.tol = rel.tol,
          stop.on.error = TRUE, keep.xy = FALSE, aux = NULL)



the parameters of the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


The formula of the surface area (SS) of an egg based on the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation is:


where yy denotes the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation (i.e., NRGE), and AA denotes the egg's length, which is the first element in the parameter vector, P.


The argument P in the SurfaceAreaNRGE function has the same parameters, as those in the NRGE function.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Narushin, V.G., Romanov, M.N., Griffin, D.K. (2021) Egg and math: introducing a universal formula for egg shape. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1505, 169-177. doi:10.1111/nyas.14680

Narushin, V.G., Romanov, M.N., Mishra, B., Griffin, D.K. (2022) Mathematical progression of avian egg shape with associated area and volume determinations. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1513, 65-78. doi:10.1111/nyas.14771

Shi, P., Chen, L., Quinn, B.K., Yu, K., Miao, Q., Guo, X., Lian, M., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1524, 118-131. doi:10.1111/nyas.15000

See Also



Par6 <- c(4.51, 3.18, 0.1227, 2.2284)
  SurfaceAreaNRGE(P = Par6)

Calculation of the Surface Area of An Egg Based on the Simplified Gielis Equation


SurfaceAreaSGE is used to calculate the surface area of an egg that follows the simplified Gielis equation.


SurfaceAreaSGE(P, subdivisions = 100L,
          rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, abs.tol = rel.tol,
          stop.on.error = TRUE, keep.xy = FALSE, aux = NULL)



the parameters of the simplified Gielis equation, including aa, n1n_{1}, and n2n_{2}.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


The formula of the surface area (SS) of an egg based on the simplified Gielis equation is:

S(φ)=2π0πsin(φ) rr2+(drdφ)2dφ,S(\varphi)=2\,\pi\int_{0}^{\pi}\sin{\left(\varphi\right)}\ r\,\sqrt{r^2+\left(\frac{dr}{d\varphi}\right)^2}\,d\varphi,

where the polar raidus (rr) is the function of the polar angle (φ\varphi):

r(φ)=a(cos(m4φ)n2+sin(m4φ)n2)1n1,r\left(\varphi\right) = a\left(\left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}+ \left|\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}\right)^{-\frac{1}{n_{1}}},

namely the simplified Gielis equation (i.e., GE) with arguments simpver = 1 and m = 1.


The argument P in the SurfaceAreaSGE function only has the three parameters: aa, n1n_{1}, and n2n_{2}.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Chen, Z. (2012) Volume and area of revolution under polar coordinate system. Studies in College Mathematics 15(6), 9-11.

Shi, P., Chen, L., Quinn, B.K., Yu, K., Miao, Q., Guo, X., Lian, M., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1524, 118-131. doi:10.1111/nyas.15000

See Also

DSGE, fitGE, GE, VolumeSGE


Par7 <- c(1.124, 14.86, 49.43)
  SurfaceAreaSGE(P = Par7)

The Troscianko Equation (TE)


TE is used to calculate yy values at given xx values using the re-expression of Troscianko's egg-shape equation, which was proposed by Biggins et al. (2018, 2022).


TE(P, x)



the parameters of the Troscianko equation, including α0\alpha_{0}, α1\alpha_{1}, and α2\alpha_{2}.


the given xx values ranging from -1 to 1.


The Troscianko equation is recommended as (Biggins et al., 2022):

y=exp(α0+α1x+α2x2)1x2,y = \exp\left(\alpha_{0}+\alpha_{1}\,x+\alpha_{2}\,x^2\right)\sqrt{1-x^2},

where xx and yy represent the abscissa and ordinate of an arbitrary point on the Troscianko curve; α0\alpha_{0}, α1\alpha_{1}, and α2\alpha_{2} are parameters to be estimated.


The yy values predicted by the Troscianko equation.


Here, xx and yy in the Troscianko equation are actually equal to y/ay/a and x/ax/a, respectively, in the explicit Troscianko equation, where aa represents half the egg length (See ETE for details). This means that the egg length is scaled to be 2, and the maximum egg width is correspondingly adjusted to keep the same scale.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Biggins, J.D., Montgomeries, R.M., Thompson, J.E., Birkhead, T.R. (2022) Preston's universal formula for avian egg shape. Ornithology 139, ukac028. doi:10.1093/ornithology/ukac028

Biggins, J.D., Thompson, J.E., Birkhead, T.R. (2018) Accurately quantifying the shape of birds' eggs. Ecology and Evolution 8, 9728-9738. doi:10.1002/ece3.4412

Nelder, J.A., Mead, R. (1965). A simplex method for function minimization. Computer Journal 7, 308-313. doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Wang, L., Quinn, B.K., Gielis, J. (2023) A new program to estimate the parameters of Preston's equation, a general formula for describing the egg shape of birds. Symmetry 15, 231. doi:10.3390/sym15010231

Troscianko, J. (2014). A simple tool for calculating egg shape, volume and surface area from digital images. Ibis, 156, 874-878. doi:10.1111/ibi.12177

See Also

fitETE, lmTE


Par <- c(-0.377, -0.29, -0.16)
  xb1 <- seq(-1, 1, len=20000)
  yb1 <- TE(P=Par, x=xb1)
  xb2 <- seq(1, -1, len=20000)
  yb2 <- -TE(P=Par, x=xb2)
  plot(xb1, yb1, asp=1, type="l", col=2, ylim=c(-1, 1), cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
    xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)))
  lines(xb2, yb2, col=4)

Calculation of the Polar Radius of the Twin Gielis Curve


TGE is used to calculate the polar radii of the twin Gielis equation or one of its simplified versions at given polar angles.


TGE(P, phi, m = 1, simpver = NULL, nval = 1)



the parameters of the twin Gielis equation or one of its simplified versions.


the polar angle(s).


the given mm value that determines the number of angles of the twin Gielis curve within [0,2π)[0, 2\pi).


an optional argument to use the simplified version of the twin Gielis equation.


the specified value for n2n_{2} or n3n_{3} in the simplified versions.


The general form of the twin Gielis equation can be represented as follows:

r(φ)=exp{1α+βln[re(φ)]+γ},r\left(\varphi\right) = \mathrm{exp}\left\{\frac{1}{\alpha+\beta\,\mathrm{ln}\left[r_{e}\left(\varphi\right)\right]}+\gamma\right\},

where rr represents the polar radius of the twin Gielis curve at the polar angle φ\varphi, and rer_{e} represents the elementary polar radius at the polar angle φ\varphi. There is a hyperbolic link function to link their log-transformations, i.e.,

ln[r(φ)]=1α+βln[re(φ)]+γ.\mathrm{ln}\left[r\left(\varphi\right)\right] = \frac{1}{\alpha+\beta\,\mathrm{ln}\left[r_{e}\left(\varphi\right)\right]}+\gamma.

The first three elements of P are α\alpha, β\beta, and γ\gamma, and the remaining element(s) of P are the parameters of the elementary polar function, i.e., re(φ)r_{e}\left(\varphi\right). See Shi et al. (2020) for details.

\quad When simpver = NULL, the original twin Gielis equation is selected:

re(φ)=cos(m4φ)n2+1ksin(m4φ)n3,r_{e}\left(\varphi\right) = \left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}+ \left|\frac{1}{k}\,\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{3}},

where rer_{e} represents the elementary polar radius at the polar angle φ\varphi; mm determines the number of angles of the twin Gielis curve within [0,2π)[0, 2\pi); and kk, n2n_{2}, and n3n_{3} are the fourth to the sixth elements in P. In total, there are six elements in P.

\quad When simpver = 1, the simplified version 1 is selected:

re(φ)=cos(m4φ)n2+sin(m4φ)n2,r_{e}\left(\varphi\right) = \left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}+ \left|\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}},

where n2n_{2} is the fourth element in P. There are four elements in total in P.

\quad When simpver = 2, the simplified version 2 is selected:

re(φ)=cos(m4φ)n2+sin(m4φ)n2,r_{e}\left(\varphi\right) = \left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}+ \left|\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}},

where n2n_{2} should be specified in nval, and P only includes three elements, i.e., α\alpha, β\beta, and γ\gamma.

\quad When simpver = 3, the simplified version 3 is selected:

re(φ)=cos(m4φ)n2+sin(m4φ)n3,r_{e}\left(\varphi\right) = \left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}+ \left|\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{3}},

where n2n_{2} and n3n_{3} are the fourth and fifth elements in P. There are five elements in total in P.

\quad When simpver = 4, the simplified version 4 is selected:

re(φ)=cos(m4φ)n2+1ksin(m4φ)n2,r_{e}\left(\varphi\right) = \left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}+ \left|\frac{1}{k}\,\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}},

where kk and n2n_{2} are the fourth and fifth elelments in P. There are five elements in total in P.

\quad When simpver = 5, the simplified version 5 is selected:

re(φ)=cos(m4φ)n2+1ksin(m4φ)n2,r_{e}\left(\varphi\right) = \left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}+ \left|\frac{1}{k}\,\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}},

where kk is the fourth elelment in P. There are four elements in total in P. n2n_{2} should be specified in nval.


The polar radii predicted by the twin Gielis equation or one of its simplified versions.


simpver here is different from that in the GE function.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Li, Y., Quinn, B.K., Gielis, J., Li, Y., Shi, P. (2022) Evidence that supertriangles exist in nature from the vertical projections of Koelreuteria paniculata fruit. Symmetry 14, 23. doi:10.3390/sym14010023

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Ratkowsky, D.A., Gielis, J. (2020) The generalized Gielis geometric equation and its application. Symmetry 12, 645. doi:10.3390/sym12040645

See Also

areaGE, curveGE, fitGE, GE


TGE.par    <- c(2.88, 0.65, 1.16, 139)
varphi.vec <- seq(0, 2*pi, len=2000)
r2.theor   <- TGE(P=TGE.par, phi=varphi.vec, simpver=1, m=5)
plot( varphi.vec, r2.theor, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic(varphi)), ylab=expression(italic("r")),
      type="l", col=4 ) 

starfish4 <- curveGE(TGE, P=c(0, 0, 0, TGE.par), simpver=1, m=5, fig.opt=TRUE)

The Todd-Smart Equation (TSE)


TSE is used to calculate yy values at given xx values using the Todd and Smart's re-expression of Preston's universal egg shape.


TSE(P, x, simpver = NULL)



the parameters of the original Todd-Smart equation or one of its simplified versions.


the given xx values ranging from -1 to 1.


an optional argument to use the simplified version of the original Todd-Smart equation.


When simpver = NULL, the original Preston equation is selected:

y=d0z0+d1z1+d2z2+d3z3,y = d_{0}z_{0} + d_{1}z_{1} + d_{2}z_{2} + d_{3}z_{3},






Here, xx and yy represent the abscissa and ordinate of an arbitrary point on the Todd-Smart curve; d0d_{0}, d1d_{1}, d2d_{2}, and d3d_{3} are parameters to be estimated.

\quad When simpver = 1, the simplified version 1 is selected:

y=d0z0+d1z1+d2z2,y = d_{0}z_{0} + d_{1}z_{1} + d_{2}z_{2},

where xx and yy represent the abscissa and ordinate of an arbitrary point on the Todd-Smart curve; d0d_{0}, d1d_{1}, and d2d_{2} are parameters to be estimated.

\quad When simpver = 2, the simplified version 2 is selected:

y=d0z0+d1z1,y = d_{0}z_{0} + d_{1}z_{1},

where xx and yy represent the abscissa and ordinate of an arbitrary point on the Todd-Smart curve; d0d_{0}, and d1d_{1} are parameters to be estimated.

\quad When simpver = 3, the simplified version 3 is selected:

y=d0z0+d2z2,y = d_{0}z_{0} + d_{2}z_{2},

where xx and yy represent the abscissa and ordinate of an arbitrary point on the Todd-Smart curve; d0d_{0}, and d2d_{2} are parameters to be estimated.


The yy values predicted by the Todd-Smart equation.


Here, xx and yy in the Todd-Smart equation are actually equal to y/ay/a and x/ax/a, respectively, in the Preston equation (See PE for details). Since aa represents half the egg length, this means that the egg length is fixed to be 2, and the maximum egg width is correspondingly adjusted to keep the same scale.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Biggins, J.D., Montgomeries, R.M., Thompson, J.E., Birkhead, T.R. (2022) Preston's universal formula for avian egg shape. Ornithology 139, ukac028. doi:10.1093/ornithology/ukac028

Biggins, J.D., Thompson, J.E., Birkhead, T.R. (2018) Accurately quantifying the shape of birds' eggs. Ecology and Evolution 8, 9728-9738. doi:10.1002/ece3.4412

Nelder, J.A., Mead, R. (1965). A simplex method for function minimization. Computer Journal 7, 308-313. doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308

Preston, F.W. (1953) The shapes of birds' eggs. The Auk 70, 160-182.

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Todd, P.H., Smart, I.H.M. (1984) The shape of birds' eggs. Journal of Theoretical Biology 106, 239-243. doi:10.1016/0022-5193(84)90021-3

See Also

lmPE, PE


Par <- c(0.695320398, -0.210538656, -0.070373518, 0.116839895)
  xb1 <- seq(-1, 1, len=20000)
  yb1 <- TSE(P=Par, x=xb1)
  xb2 <- seq(1, -1, len=20000)
  yb2 <- -TSE(P=Par, x=xb2)
  plot(xb1, yb1, asp=1, type="l", col=2, ylim=c(-1, 1), cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
    xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)))
  lines(xb2, yb2, col=4)

Leaf Vein Data of Michelia compressa


The data consist of the leaf vein data of a leaf of M. compressa sampled at Nanjing Forestry University campus in late July 2019.




In the data set, there are two columns of variables: x and y. x saves the xx coordinates of the leaf veins in the Cartesian coordinate system (cm); y saves the yy coordinates of the leaf veins in the Cartesian coordinate system (cm).


The data cannot be adjusted by the adjdata function.


Shi, P., Yu, K., Niinemets, Ü., Gielis, J. (2021) Can leaf shape be represented by the ratio of leaf width to length? Evidence from nine species of Magnolia and Michelia (Magnoliaceae). Forests 12, 41. doi:10.3390/f12010041

See Also



plot(veins$x, veins$y, cex=0.01, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
     xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")))

Calculation of the Volume of An Egg Based on the Explicit Preston Equation


VolumeEPE is used to calculate the volume of an egg that follows the explicit Preston equation.


VolumeEPE(P, simpver = NULL)



the parameters of the explicit Preston equation or one of its simplified versions.


an optional argument to use the simplified version of the explicit Preston equation.


When simpver = NULL, the volume formula (VV) of the explicit Preston equation is selected:

V(x)=4π315ab2(105+21c12+42c2+9c22+18c1c3+5c32),V(x) = \frac{4\,\pi}{315}a\,b^{2}\left(105+21\,c_{1}^{2}+42\,c_{2}+9\,c_{2}^2+18\,c_{1}\,c_{3}+5\,c_{3}^2\right),

where P has five parameters: aa, bb, c1c_{1}, c2c_{2}, and c3c_{3}.

\quad When simpver = 1, the volume formula of the simplified version 1 is selected:

V(x)=4π315ab2(105+21c12+42c2+9c22),V(x) = \frac{4\,\pi}{315}a\,b^{2}\left(105+21\,c_{1}^{2}+42\,c_{2}+9\,c_{2}^2\right),

where P has four parameters: aa, bb, c1c_{1}, and c2c_{2}.

\quad When simpver = 2, the volume formula of the simplified version 2 is selected:

V(x)=4π315ab2(105+21c12),V(x) = \frac{4\,\pi}{315}a\,b^{2}\left(105+21\,c_{1}^{2}\right),

where P has three parameters: aa, bb, and c1c_{1}.

\quad When simpver = 3, the volume formula of the simplified version 3 is selected:

V(x)=4π315ab2(105+42c2+9c22),V(x) = \frac{4\,\pi}{315}a\,b^{2}\left(105+42\,c_{2}+9\,c_{2}^2\right),

where P has three parameters: aa, bb, and c2c_{2}.


The argument P in the VolumeEPE function has the same parameters, as those in the EPE function.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Narushin, V.G., Romanov, M.N., Mishra, B., Griffin, D.K. (2022) Mathematical progression of avian egg shape with associated area and volume determinations. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1513, 65-78. doi:10.1111/nyas.14771

Shi, P., Chen, L., Quinn, B.K., Yu, K., Miao, Q., Guo, X., Lian, M., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1524, 118-131. doi:10.1111/nyas.15000

See Also

EPE, fitEPE, SurfaceAreaEPE


Par3 <- c(4.27, 2.90, 0.0868, 0.0224, -0.0287)
  VolumeEPE(P=Par3, simpver=NULL)

  # Test the case when simpver = NULL
  a    <- Par3[1]
  b    <- Par3[2]
  c1   <- Par3[3]
  c2   <- Par3[4]
  c3   <- Par3[5]

  myfun <- function(x){
    pi*EPE(P=Par3, x=x, simpver=NULL)^2
  integrate(myfun, -4.27, 4.27)$value

Calculation of the Volume of An Egg Based on the Explicit Troscianko Equation


VolumeETE is used to calculate the volume of an egg that follows the explicit Troscianko equation.


VolumeETE(P, subdivisions = 100L,
         rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, abs.tol = rel.tol,
         stop.on.error = TRUE, keep.xy = FALSE, aux = NULL)



the parameters of the explicit Troscianko equation.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


The formula of the volume (VV) of an egg based on the explicit Troscianko equation is:


where yy denotes the explicit Troscianko equation (i.e., ETE), and aa denotes half the egg's length.


The argument P in the VolumeETE function has the same parameters, as those in the ETE function.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Narushin, V.G., Romanov, M.N., Mishra, B., Griffin, D.K. (2022) Mathematical progression of avian egg shape with associated area and volume determinations. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1513, 65-78. doi:10.1111/nyas.14771

Shi, P., Chen, L., Quinn, B.K., Yu, K., Miao, Q., Guo, X., Lian, M., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1524, 118-131. doi:10.1111/nyas.15000

See Also

ETE, fitETE, SurfaceAreaETE


Par5 <- c(2.25, -0.38, -0.29, -0.16)

  myfun <- function(x){
    pi*ETE(P=Par5, x=x)^2
  integrate(myfun, -2.25, 2.25)$value

Calculation of the Volume of An Egg Based on the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation


VolumeNRGE is used to calculate the volume of an egg that follows the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation.


VolumeNRGE(P, subdivisions = 100L,
         rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, abs.tol = rel.tol,
         stop.on.error = TRUE, keep.xy = FALSE, aux = NULL)



the parameters of the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


The formula of the volume (VV) of an egg based on the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation is:


where yy denotes the Narushin-Romanov-Griffin equation (i.e., NRGE), and AA denotes the egg's length, which is the first element in the parameter vector, P.


The argument P in the VolumeNRGE function has the same parameters, as those in the NRGE function.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Narushin, V.G., Romanov, M.N., Griffin, D.K. (2021) Egg and math: introducing a universal formula for egg shape. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1505, 169-177. doi:10.1111/nyas.14680

Narushin, V.G., Romanov, M.N., Mishra, B., Griffin, D.K. (2022) Mathematical progression of avian egg shape with associated area and volume determinations. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1513, 65-78. doi:10.1111/nyas.14771

Shi, P., Chen, L., Quinn, B.K., Yu, K., Miao, Q., Guo, X., Lian, M., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1524, 118-131. doi:10.1111/nyas.15000

See Also

curveNRGE, fitNRGE, NRGE, SurfaceAreaNRGE


Par6 <- c(4.51, 3.18, 0.1227, 2.2284)

  myfun <- function(x){
    pi*NRGE(P=Par6, x=x)^2
  integrate(myfun, -4.51/2, 4.51/2)$value

Calculation of the Volume of An Egg Based on the Simplified Gielis Equation


VolumeSGE is used to calculate the volume of an egg that follows the simplified Gielis equation.


VolumeSGE(P, subdivisions = 100L,
          rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, abs.tol = rel.tol,
          stop.on.error = TRUE, keep.xy = FALSE, aux = NULL)



the parameters of the simplified Gielis equation, including aa, n1n_{1}, and n2n_{2}.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


please see the arguments for the integrate function in package stats.


The formula of the volume (VV) of an egg based on the simplified Gielis equation is:

V(φ)=23π0πsin(φ) r3(φ)dφ,V\left(\varphi\right)=\frac{2}{3}\,\pi\int_{0}^{\pi}\sin{\left(\varphi\right)}\ r^3\left(\varphi\right)\,d\varphi,

where the polar raidus (rr) is the function of the polar angle (φ\varphi):

r(φ)=a(cos(m4φ)n2+sin(m4φ)n2)1n1,r\left(\varphi\right) = a\left(\left|\mathrm{cos}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}+ \left|\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{m}{4}\varphi\right)\right|^{n_{2}}\right)^{-\frac{1}{n_{1}}},

namely the simplified Gielis equation (i.e., GE) with arguments simpver = 1 and m = 1.


The argument P in the VolumeSGE function only has the three parameters: aa, n1n_{1}, and n2n_{2}.


Peijian Shi [email protected], Johan Gielis [email protected], Brady K. Quinn [email protected].


Chen, Z. (2012) Volume and area of revolution under polar coordinate system. Studies in College Mathematics 15(6), 9-11.

Shi, P., Chen, L., Quinn, B.K., Yu, K., Miao, Q., Guo, X., Lian, M., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A simple way to calculate the volume and surface area of avian eggs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1524, 118-131. doi:10.1111/nyas.15000

See Also

fitGE, GE, SurfaceAreaSGE


Par7 <- c(1.124, 14.86, 49.43)
  VolumeSGE(P = Par7)

Planar Coordinates of Picea glauca Tree Rings


The data consist of the planar coordinates of Picea glauca tree rings.




In the data set, there are three columns of variables: Code, x, and y. Code saves the age codes of tree rings from the 2nd year to the 44th year; x saves the xx coordinates of the tree rings in the Cartesian coordinate system (cm); and y saves the yy coordinates of the tree rings in the Cartesian coordinate system (cm).


Shi, P., Huang, J., Hui, C., Grissino-Mayer, H.D., Tardif, J., Zhai, L., Wang, F., Li, B. (2015) Capturing spiral radial growth of conifers using the superellipse to model tree-ring geometric shape. Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 856. doi:10.3389/fpls.2015.00856



uni.C <- sort( unique(whitespruce$Code) )  
Data  <- whitespruce[whitespruce$Code==uni.C[10], ]
x0    <- Data$x
y0    <- Data$y
Res1  <- adjdata(x0, y0,,

plot( Res1$x, Res1$y, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l", 
      xlim=c(3, 13), ylim=c(3, 13), col="grey73", lwd=2,
      xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)) )

  uni.C <- sort( unique(whitespruce$Code) )  
  for(i in 1:length(uni.C)){
    Data  <- whitespruce[whitespruce$Code==uni.C[i], ]
    x0    <- Data$x
    y0    <- Data$y

    Res1  <- adjdata(x0, y0,,
    if(i == 1){
      plot( Res1$x, Res1$y, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l", 
            xlim=c(3, 13), ylim=c(3, 13), col=1, lwd=1,
            xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)) )
    if(i > 1) lines(Res1$x, Res1$y, col=1, lwd=1)

  uni.C   <- sort( unique(whitespruce$Code) ) 
  uni.C   <- uni.C[1:12]
  Length  <- c()
  results <- data.frame(Code=c(), x0=c(), y0=c(), theta=c(),
                   a=c(), k=c(), n1=c(), r.sq=c(), RSS=c(), N=c())
  for(i in 1:length(uni.C)){
    Data      <- whitespruce[whitespruce$Code==uni.C[i], ]
    x0        <- Data$x
    y0        <- Data$y
    Res1      <- adjdata(x0, y0,,
    x1        <- Res1$x
    y1        <- Res1$y
    x0.ini    <- mean( x1 )
    y0.ini    <- mean( y1 )
    theta.ini <- c(0, pi/4, pi/2)
    a.ini     <- 0.9
    k.ini     <- 1
    n1.ini    <- c(1.5, 2, 2.5)
    ini.val   <- list(x0.ini, y0.ini, theta.ini, 
                      a.ini, k.ini, n1.ini)

    print(paste("Progress: ", i, "/", length(uni.C), sep=""))
    H <- NULL
    try( H <- fitGE(GE, x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val, 
                    m=4, simpver=9, unit="cm", par.list=FALSE,
                    stand.fig=FALSE, angle=NULL, fig.opt=FALSE,  
                    control=list(reltol=1e-20, maxit=20000), 
                    np=2000), silent=TRUE )
      RE <- data.frame(Code=uni.C[i], x0=NA, y0=NA, theta=NA,
               a=NA, k=NA, n1=NA, r.sq=NA, RSS=NA, N=NA)
      RE     <- data.frame(Code=uni.C[i], x0=H$par[1], y0=H$par[2], 
                  theta=H$par[3], a=H$par[4], k=H$par[5], n1=H$par[6],
                  r.sq=H$r.sq, RSS=H$RSS, N=H$sample.size)
      Length <- c(Length, max(max(H$y.stand.pred)[1]-min(H$y.stand.pred)[1], 
      if(i == 1){
        plot(H$x.obs, H$y.obs, asp=1, xlim=c(7.4, 8.6), ylim=c(7.4, 8.6),
             cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, type="l", lwd=2, col="grey70",
             xlab=expression(italic(x)), ylab=expression(italic(y)))
        lines(H$x.pred, H$y.pred, col=2)         
      if(i > 1){
        lines(H$x.obs, H$y.obs, lwd=2, col="grey70")
        lines(H$x.pred, H$y.pred, col=2)   
    results <- rbind(results, RE)

  # To adjust the estimates of partial parameters to ensure k <= 1
  results2            <- results
  Ind                 <- results$k > 1
  results2$theta[Ind] <- results$theta[Ind] + pi/2
  results2$a[Ind]     <- results$a[Ind] * results$k[Ind]^(1/results$n1[Ind])
  results2$k[Ind]     <- 1/results$k[Ind] 