Version: 0.9 Text: variables to be floating free in the workspace (which really couldn't work anyway) fix arguably-false-positive from Fortran bounds checking, by incorporating the fix in the published AS274 Update the Fortran for new compilers to put in CONTINUEs Move this file to inst/ because CRAN doesn't allow plain text here Version: 0.8 Date: 2011-07-23 Text: Version: 0.7 Date: 2009-05-05 Text: wrong with the set-up, since we have to export all the S3 methods for it to work. summary.biglm object now has $nullrss, $rsq components Version: 0.6 Date: 2009-02-24 Text: before convergence. (problem reported by Francisco J. Zagmutt) Version: 0.5 Text: biglm() no longer gives an error message when used on data of storage mode 'integer' [The leaps package now has a regsubsets() method for biglm objects (for Tal Galili).] Sandwich variance estimates were wrong when weights were specified. predict() method and extractors for AIC, deviance, based on code from Christophe Dutang RODBC method (RODBC package) for bigglm Version: 0.4 Date: 2006-08-24 Text: Version: 0.3 Date: 2006-05-16 Text: Version: 0.2 Text: Version: 0.1 Text: