Title: | Bayesian Spectral Inference for Time Series |
Description: | Implementations of Bayesian parametric, nonparametric and semiparametric procedures for univariate and multivariate time series. The package is based on the methods presented in C. Kirch et al (2018) <doi:10.1214/18-BA1126>, A. Meier (2018) <https://opendata.uni-halle.de//handle/1981185920/13470> and Y. Tang et al (2023) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2303.11561>. It was supported by DFG grants KI 1443/3-1 and KI 1443/3-2. |
Authors: | Alexander Meier [aut], Claudia Kirch [aut], Matthew C. Edwards [aut], Renate Meyer [aut, cre], Yifu Tang [aut] |
Maintainer: | Renate Meyer <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | 1.3.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-23 07:10:26 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Bayesian parametric, nonparametric and semiparametric procedures for spectral density inference of univariate (locally) stationary time series and multivariate stationary time series
The package contains several methods (parametric, nonparametric and semiparametric) for Bayesian spectral density inference. The main algorithms to fit the models for univariate stationary time series are:
gibbs_ar: Parametric, autoregressive (AR) model
gibbs_np: Nonparametric model with Whittle's likelihood and Bernstein-Dirichlet prior from Choudhuri et al (2007)
gibbs_npc: Semiparametric model with corrected AR likelihood and Bernstein-Dirichlet prior from Kirch et al (2018)
The package also contains the following models for multivariate stationary time series:
gibbs_var: Parametric, vector autoregressive (VAR) model
gibbs_vnp: Nonparametric model with Whittle's likelihood and Bernstein-Hpd-Gamma prior from Meier (2018)
The main function for univariate locally stationary time series is:
gibbs_bdp_dw: Nonparametric model with BDP-DW approach from Tang et al (2023)
as well as some useful utility functions. To get started, it is recommended to consider the examples and documentation of the functions listed above. The work was supported by DFG grants KI 1443/3-1 and KI 1443/3-2.
Claudia Kirch, Renate Meyer, Matthew C. Edwards, Alexander Meier, Yifu Tang
Maintainer: Renate Meyer <[email protected]>
N. Choudhuri, S. Ghosal and A. Roy (2004) Bayesian estimation of the spectral density of a time series JASA <doi:10.1198/016214504000000557>
C. Kirch, M. C. Edwards, A. Meier and R. Meyer (2018) Beyond Whittle: Nonparametric Correction of a Parametric Likelihood with a Focus on Bayesian Time Series Analysis Bayesian Analysis <doi:10.1214/18-BA1126>
A. Meier (2018) A matrix Gamma process and applications to Bayesian analysis of multivariate time series PhD thesis, OvGU Magdeburg <doi:10.25673/13407>
Y. Tang, C. Kirch, J. E. Lee and R. Meyer (2023) Bayesian nonparametric spectral analysis of locally stationary processes ArXiv preprint <arXiv:2303.11561>
a generic method for bdp_dw_result class
obj |
object of class bdp_dw_result |
Extracting the Bayes factor of k1=1 from bdp_dw_result class
## S3 method for class 'bdp_dw_result' bayes_factor(obj)
## S3 method for class 'bdp_dw_result' bayes_factor(obj)
obj |
object of class bdp_dw_result |
the estimated Bayes factor of k1=1
Estimating the Bayes factor of hypothesis "k1 = 1".
bdp_dw_bayes_factor_k1(post_sample, precision = 1000)
bdp_dw_bayes_factor_k1(post_sample, precision = 1000)
post_sample |
the posterior sample generated by bdp_dw_mcmc. |
precision |
a positive integer specifying the number of terms used in approximating the normalizing constant of the prior probability mass function of k1. Default 1000. |
The Savage-Dickey estimate of the Bayes factor and its theoretical upper bound. c.f. section 3.3 of Tang et al. (2023).
Tang et al. (2023) Bayesian nonparametric spectral analysis of locally stationary processes ArXiv preprint <arXiv:2303.11561>
Calculating the estimated posterior mean, median and credible region (tv-PSD)
bdp_dw_est_post_stats(post_sample, rescaled_time, freq, unif_CR = FALSE)
bdp_dw_est_post_stats(post_sample, rescaled_time, freq, unif_CR = FALSE)
post_sample |
the posterior sample generated by bdp_dw_mcmc. |
rescaled_time , freq
numeric vectors forming a rectangular grid on which the estimated tv-PSD is evaluated. |
unif_CR |
a Boolean value (default FALSE) indicating whether to calculate the uniform credible region
rescaled_time must be in |
list containing the following fields:
tvpsd.mean , tvpsd.median
posterior mean and pointwise posterior median (matrices of dimension length(rescaled_time) by length(freq)) |
tvpsd.p05 , tvpsd.p95
90 percent pointwise credibility interval |
tvpsd.u05 , tvpsd.u95
90 percent uniform credibility interval if unif_CR = TRUE. Otherwise NA |
Generate a list of values for MCMC algorithm
bdp_dw_mcmc_params_gen( Ntotal = 110000, burnin = 60000, thin = 10, adaptive.batchSize = 50, adaptive.targetAcceptanceRate = 0.44 )
bdp_dw_mcmc_params_gen( Ntotal = 110000, burnin = 60000, thin = 10, adaptive.batchSize = 50, adaptive.targetAcceptanceRate = 0.44 )
Ntotal |
total number of iterations to run the Markov chain |
burnin |
number of initial iterations to be discarded |
thin |
thinning number (for post-processing of the posterior sample) |
adaptive.batchSize |
the batch size for the adaptive MCMC algorithm for sampling tau |
adaptive.targetAcceptanceRate |
the target acceptance rate for the adaptive MCMC algorithm for sampling tau |
A list of MCMC parameter values
Generate a list of parameter values in prior elicitation
bdp_dw_prior_params_gen( M = 1, g0.alpha = 1, g0.beta = 1, k1.theta = 0.01, k2.theta = 0.01, tau.alpha = 0.001, tau.beta = 0.001, k1max = 100, k2max = 100, L = 10, bernstein1_l = 0.1, bernstein1_r = 0.9, bernstein2_l = 0.1, bernstein2_r = 0.9 )
bdp_dw_prior_params_gen( M = 1, g0.alpha = 1, g0.beta = 1, k1.theta = 0.01, k2.theta = 0.01, tau.alpha = 0.001, tau.beta = 0.001, k1max = 100, k2max = 100, L = 10, bernstein1_l = 0.1, bernstein1_r = 0.9, bernstein2_l = 0.1, bernstein2_r = 0.9 )
M |
DP base measure constant (> 0) |
g0.alpha , g0.beta
parameters of Beta base measure of DP |
k1.theta |
prior parameter for polynomial corresponding to rescaled time (propto exp(-k1.theta*k1*log(k1))) |
k2.theta |
prior parameter for polynomial corresponding to rescaled frequency (propto exp(-k2.theta*k2*log(k2))) |
tau.alpha , tau.beta
prior parameters for tau (inverse gamma) |
k1max |
upper bound of the degrees of Bernstein polynomial corresponding to rescaled time (for pre-computation of basis functions) |
k2max |
upper bound of the degrees of Bernstein polynomial corresponding to rescaled frequency (for pre-computation of basis functions) |
L |
number of terms in fast DP approximation |
bernstein1_l , bernstein1_r
left and right truncation of Bernstein polynomial basis functions for rescaled time, 0<=bernstein1_l<bernstein1_r<=1 |
bernstein2_l , bernstein2_r
left and right truncation of Bernstein polynomial basis functions for rescaled frequency, 0<=bernstein2_l<bernstein2_r<=1 |
A list of prior parameter values
Fourier frequencies on [0,pi], as defined by 2*pi*j/n for j=0,...,floor(n/2).
n |
integer |
numeric vector of length floor(n/2)+1
Obtain samples of the posterior of a Bayesian autoregressive model of fixed order.
gibbs_ar( data, ar.order, Ntotal, burnin, thin = 1, print_interval = 500, numerical_thresh = 1e-07, adaption.N = burnin, adaption.batchSize = 50, adaption.tar = 0.44, full_lik = F, rho.alpha = rep(1, ar.order), rho.beta = rep(1, ar.order), sigma2.alpha = 0.001, sigma2.beta = 0.001 )
gibbs_ar( data, ar.order, Ntotal, burnin, thin = 1, print_interval = 500, numerical_thresh = 1e-07, adaption.N = burnin, adaption.batchSize = 50, adaption.tar = 0.44, full_lik = F, rho.alpha = rep(1, ar.order), rho.beta = rep(1, ar.order), sigma2.alpha = 0.001, sigma2.beta = 0.001 )
data |
numeric vector; NA values are interpreted as missing values and treated as random |
ar.order |
order of the autoregressive model (integer >= 0) |
Ntotal |
total number of iterations to run the Markov chain |
burnin |
number of initial iterations to be discarded |
thin |
thinning number (postprocessing) |
print_interval |
Number of iterations, after which a status is printed to console |
numerical_thresh |
Lower (numerical pointwise) bound for the spectral density |
adaption.N |
total number of iterations, in which the proposal variances (of rho) are adapted |
adaption.batchSize |
batch size of proposal adaption for the rho_i's (PACF) |
adaption.tar |
target acceptance rate for the rho_i's (PACF) |
full_lik |
logical; if TRUE, the full likelihood for all observations is used; if FALSE, the partial likelihood for the last n-p observations |
rho.alpha , rho.beta
prior parameters for the rho_i's: 2*(rho-0.5)~Beta(rho.alpha,rho.beta), default is Uniform(-1,1) |
sigma2.alpha , sigma2.beta
prior parameters for sigma2 (inverse gamma) |
Partial Autocorrelation Structure (PACF, uniform prior) and the residual variance sigma2 (inverse gamma prior) is used as model parametrization. The DIC is computed with two times the posterior variance of the deviance as effective number of parameters, see (7.10) in the referenced book by Gelman et al. Further details can be found in the simulation study section in the referenced paper by C. Kirch et al. For more information on the PACF parametrization, see the referenced paper by Barndorff-Nielsen and Schou.
list containing the following fields:
rho |
matrix containing traces of the PACF parameters (if p>0) |
sigma2 |
trace of sigma2 |
a list containing the numeric value |
psd.median , psd.mean
psd estimates: (pointwise) posterior median and mean |
psd.p05 , psd.p95
pointwise credibility interval |
psd.u05 , psd.u95
uniform credibility interval |
lpost |
trace of log posterior |
C. Kirch et al. (2018) Beyond Whittle: Nonparametric Correction of a Parametric Likelihood With a Focus on Bayesian Time Series Analysis Bayesian Analysis <doi:10.1214/18-BA1126>
A. Gelman et al. (2013) Bayesian Data Analysis, Third Edition
O. Barndorff-Nielsen and G. Schou On the parametrization of autoregressive models by partial autocorrelations Journal of Multivariate Analysis (3),408-419 <doi:10.1016/0047-259X(73)90030-4>
## Not run: ## ## Example 1: Fit an AR(p) model to sunspot data: ## # Use this variable to set the AR model order p <- 2 data <- sqrt(as.numeric(sunspot.year)) data <- data - mean(data) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_ar(data=data, ar.order=p, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Plot spectral estimate, credible regions and periodogram on log-scale plot(mcmc, log=T) ## ## Example 2: Fit an AR(p) model to high-peaked AR(1) data ## # Use this variable to set the AR model order p <- 1 n <- 256 data <- arima.sim(n=n, model=list(ar=0.95)) data <- data - mean(data) omega <- fourier_freq(n) psd_true <- psd_arma(omega, ar=0.95, ma=numeric(0), sigma2=1) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_ar(data=data, ar.order=p, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Compare estimate with true function (green) plot(mcmc, log=F, pdgrm=F, credib="uniform") lines(x=omega, y=psd_true, col=3, lwd=2) # Compute the Integrated Absolute Error (IAE) of posterior median cat("IAE=", mean(abs(mcmc$psd.median-psd_true)[-1]) , sep="") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## ## Example 1: Fit an AR(p) model to sunspot data: ## # Use this variable to set the AR model order p <- 2 data <- sqrt(as.numeric(sunspot.year)) data <- data - mean(data) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_ar(data=data, ar.order=p, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Plot spectral estimate, credible regions and periodogram on log-scale plot(mcmc, log=T) ## ## Example 2: Fit an AR(p) model to high-peaked AR(1) data ## # Use this variable to set the AR model order p <- 1 n <- 256 data <- arima.sim(n=n, model=list(ar=0.95)) data <- data - mean(data) omega <- fourier_freq(n) psd_true <- psd_arma(omega, ar=0.95, ma=numeric(0), sigma2=1) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_ar(data=data, ar.order=p, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Compare estimate with true function (green) plot(mcmc, log=F, pdgrm=F, credib="uniform") lines(x=omega, y=psd_true, col=3, lwd=2) # Compute the Integrated Absolute Error (IAE) of posterior median cat("IAE=", mean(abs(mcmc$psd.median-psd_true)[-1]) , sep="") ## End(Not run)
BDP-DW method: performing posterior sampling and calculating statistics based on the posterior samples
gibbs_bdp_dw( data, m, likelihood_thinning = 1, monitor = TRUE, print_interval = 100, unif_CR = FALSE, rescaled_time, freq, Ntotal = 110000, burnin = 60000, thin = 10, adaptive.batchSize = 50, adaptive.targetAcceptanceRate = 0.44, M = 1, g0.alpha = 1, g0.beta = 1, k1.theta = 0.01, k2.theta = 0.01, tau.alpha = 0.001, tau.beta = 0.001, k1max = 100, k2max = 100, L = 10, bernstein1_l = 0.1, bernstein1_r = 0.9, bernstein2_l = 0.1, bernstein2_r = 0.9 )
gibbs_bdp_dw( data, m, likelihood_thinning = 1, monitor = TRUE, print_interval = 100, unif_CR = FALSE, rescaled_time, freq, Ntotal = 110000, burnin = 60000, thin = 10, adaptive.batchSize = 50, adaptive.targetAcceptanceRate = 0.44, M = 1, g0.alpha = 1, g0.beta = 1, k1.theta = 0.01, k2.theta = 0.01, tau.alpha = 0.001, tau.beta = 0.001, k1max = 100, k2max = 100, L = 10, bernstein1_l = 0.1, bernstein1_r = 0.9, bernstein2_l = 0.1, bernstein2_r = 0.9 )
data |
time series that needs to be analyzed |
m |
window size needed to calculate moving periodogram. |
likelihood_thinning |
the thinning factor of the dynamic Whittle likelihood. |
monitor |
a Boolean value (default TRUE) indicating whether to display the real-time status |
print_interval |
If monitor = TRUE, then this value indicates number of iterations after which a status is printed to console; If monitor = FALSE, it does not have any effect |
unif_CR |
a Boolean value (default FALSE) indicating whether to calculate the uniform credible region |
rescaled_time , freq
a set of grid lines in |
Ntotal |
total number of iterations to run the Markov chain |
burnin |
number of initial iterations to be discarded |
thin |
thinning number (for post-processing of the posterior sample) |
adaptive.batchSize |
the batch size for the adaptive MCMC algorithm for sampling tau |
adaptive.targetAcceptanceRate |
the target acceptance rate for the adaptive MCMC algorithm for sampling tau |
M |
DP base measure constant (> 0) |
g0.alpha , g0.beta
parameters of Beta base measure of DP |
k1.theta |
prior parameter for polynomial corresponding to rescaled time (propto exp(-k1.theta*k1*log(k1))) |
k2.theta |
prior parameter for polynomial corresponding to rescaled frequency (propto exp(-k2.theta*k2*log(k2))) |
tau.alpha , tau.beta
prior parameters for tau (inverse gamma) |
k1max |
upper bound of the degrees of Bernstein polynomial corresponding to rescaled time (for pre-computation of basis functions) |
k2max |
upper bound of the degrees of Bernstein polynomial corresponding to rescaled frequency (for pre-computation of basis functions) |
L |
truncation parameter of DP in stick breaking representation |
bernstein1_l , bernstein1_r
left and right truncation of Bernstein polynomial basis functions for rescaled time, 0<=bernstein1_l<bernstein1_r<=1 |
bernstein2_l , bernstein2_r
left and right truncation of Bernstein polynomial basis functions for rescaled frequency, 0<=bernstein2_l<bernstein2_r<=1 |
list containing the following fields:
k1 , k2 , tau , V , W1 , W2
posterior traces of PSD parameters |
lpost |
traces log posterior |
tim |
total run time |
bf_k1 |
Savage-Dickey estimate of Bayes factor of hypothesis k1=1 |
tvpsd.mean , tvpsd.median
posterior mean and pointwise posterior median (matrices of dimension length(rescaled_time) by length(freq)) |
tvpsd.p05 , tvpsd.p95
90 percent pointwise credibility interval |
tvpsd.u05 , tvpsd.u95
90 percent uniform credibility interval if unif_CR = TRUE. Otherwise NA |
Tang et al. (2023) Bayesian nonparametric spectral analysis of locally stationary processes ArXiv preprint <arXiv:2303.11561>
## Not run: ## ## Example: Applying BDP-DW method to a multi-peaked heavy-tailed tvMA(1) process ## # set seed set.seed(2) # set the length of time series len_d <- 1500 # generate data from DGP LS2b defined in Section 4.2.2 of Tang et al. (2023). # see also ?sim_tvarma12 sim_data <- sim_tvarma12(len_d = 1500, dgp = "LS2", innov_distribution = "b") set.seed(NULL) # specify grid-points at which the tv-PSD is evaluated res_time <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.005); freq <- pi * seq(0, 1, by = 0.01) # calculate the true tv-PSD of DGP LS2b at the pre-specified grid true_tvPSD <- psd_tvarma12(rescaled_time = res_time, freq = freq, dgp = "LS2") # plot the true tv-PSD # type ?plot.bdp_dw_tv_psd for more info plot(true_tvPSD) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("This example may take some time to run") result <- gibbs_bdp_dw(data = sim_data, m = 50, likelihood_thinning = 2, rescaled_time = res_time, freq = freq) # extract bayes factor and examine posterior summary bayes_factor(result) summary(result) # compare estimate with true function # type ?plot.bdp_dw_result for more info par(mfrow = c(1,2)) plot(result, which = 1, zlim = range(result$tvpsd.mean, true_tvPSD$tv_psd) ) plot(true_tvPSD, zlim = range(result$tvpsd.mean, true_tvPSD$tv_psd), main = "true tv-PSD") par(mfrow = c(1,1)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## ## Example: Applying BDP-DW method to a multi-peaked heavy-tailed tvMA(1) process ## # set seed set.seed(2) # set the length of time series len_d <- 1500 # generate data from DGP LS2b defined in Section 4.2.2 of Tang et al. (2023). # see also ?sim_tvarma12 sim_data <- sim_tvarma12(len_d = 1500, dgp = "LS2", innov_distribution = "b") set.seed(NULL) # specify grid-points at which the tv-PSD is evaluated res_time <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.005); freq <- pi * seq(0, 1, by = 0.01) # calculate the true tv-PSD of DGP LS2b at the pre-specified grid true_tvPSD <- psd_tvarma12(rescaled_time = res_time, freq = freq, dgp = "LS2") # plot the true tv-PSD # type ?plot.bdp_dw_tv_psd for more info plot(true_tvPSD) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("This example may take some time to run") result <- gibbs_bdp_dw(data = sim_data, m = 50, likelihood_thinning = 2, rescaled_time = res_time, freq = freq) # extract bayes factor and examine posterior summary bayes_factor(result) summary(result) # compare estimate with true function # type ?plot.bdp_dw_result for more info par(mfrow = c(1,2)) plot(result, which = 1, zlim = range(result$tvpsd.mean, true_tvPSD$tv_psd) ) plot(true_tvPSD, zlim = range(result$tvpsd.mean, true_tvPSD$tv_psd), main = "true tv-PSD") par(mfrow = c(1,1)) ## End(Not run)
Obtain samples of the posterior of the Whittle likelihood in conjunction with a Bernstein-Dirichlet prior on the spectral density.
gibbs_np( data, Ntotal, burnin, thin = 1, print_interval = 100, numerical_thresh = 1e-07, M = 1, g0.alpha = 1, g0.beta = 1, k.theta = 0.01, tau.alpha = 0.001, tau.beta = 0.001, kmax = 100 * coars + 500 * (!coars), trunc_l = 0.1, trunc_r = 0.9, coars = F, L = max(20, length(data)^(1/3)) )
gibbs_np( data, Ntotal, burnin, thin = 1, print_interval = 100, numerical_thresh = 1e-07, M = 1, g0.alpha = 1, g0.beta = 1, k.theta = 0.01, tau.alpha = 0.001, tau.beta = 0.001, kmax = 100 * coars + 500 * (!coars), trunc_l = 0.1, trunc_r = 0.9, coars = F, L = max(20, length(data)^(1/3)) )
data |
numeric vector; NA values are interpreted as missing values and treated as random |
Ntotal |
total number of iterations to run the Markov chain |
burnin |
number of initial iterations to be discarded |
thin |
thinning number (postprocessing) |
print_interval |
Number of iterations, after which a status is printed to console |
numerical_thresh |
Lower (numerical pointwise) bound for the spectral density |
M |
DP base measure constant (> 0) |
g0.alpha , g0.beta
parameters of Beta base measure of DP |
k.theta |
prior parameter for polynomial degree k (propto exp(-k.theta*k*log(k))) |
tau.alpha , tau.beta
prior parameters for tau (inverse gamma) |
kmax |
upper bound for polynomial degree of Bernstein-Dirichlet mixture (can be set to Inf, algorithm is faster with kmax<Inf due to pre-computation of basis functions, but values 500<kmax<Inf are very memory intensive) |
trunc_l , trunc_r
left and right truncation of Bernstein polynomial basis functions, 0<=trunc_l<trunc_r<=1 |
coars |
flag indicating whether coarsened or default bernstein polynomials are used (see Appendix E.1 in Ghosal and van der Vaart 2017) |
L |
truncation parameter of DP in stick breaking representation |
Further details can be found in the simulation study section in the references papers.
list containing the following fields:
psd.median , psd.mean
psd estimates: (pointwise) posterior median and mean |
psd.p05 , psd.p95
pointwise credibility interval |
psd.u05 , psd.u95
uniform credibility interval |
k , tau , V , W
posterior traces of PSD parameters |
lpost |
trace of log posterior |
C. Kirch et al. (2018) Beyond Whittle: Nonparametric Correction of a Parametric Likelihood With a Focus on Bayesian Time Series Analysis Bayesian Analysis <doi:10.1214/18-BA1126>
N. Choudhuri et al. (2004) Bayesian Estimation of the Spectral Density of a Time Series JASA <doi:10.1198/016214504000000557>
S. Ghosal and A. van der Vaart (2017) Fundamentals of Nonparametric Bayesian Inference <doi:10.1017/9781139029834>
## Not run: ## ## Example 1: Fit the NP model to sunspot data: ## data <- sqrt(as.numeric(sunspot.year)) data <- data - mean(data) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_np(data=data, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Plot spectral estimate, credible regions and periodogram on log-scale plot(mcmc, log=T) ## ## Example 2: Fit the NP model to high-peaked AR(1) data ## n <- 256 data <- arima.sim(n=n, model=list(ar=0.95)) data <- data - mean(data) omega <- fourier_freq(n) psd_true <- psd_arma(omega, ar=0.95, ma=numeric(0), sigma2=1) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_np(data=data, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Compare estimate with true function (green) plot(mcmc, log=F, pdgrm=F, credib="uniform") lines(x=omega, y=psd_true, col=3, lwd=2) # Compute the Integrated Absolute Error (IAE) of posterior median cat("IAE=", mean(abs(mcmc$psd.median-psd_true)[-1]) , sep="") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## ## Example 1: Fit the NP model to sunspot data: ## data <- sqrt(as.numeric(sunspot.year)) data <- data - mean(data) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_np(data=data, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Plot spectral estimate, credible regions and periodogram on log-scale plot(mcmc, log=T) ## ## Example 2: Fit the NP model to high-peaked AR(1) data ## n <- 256 data <- arima.sim(n=n, model=list(ar=0.95)) data <- data - mean(data) omega <- fourier_freq(n) psd_true <- psd_arma(omega, ar=0.95, ma=numeric(0), sigma2=1) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_np(data=data, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Compare estimate with true function (green) plot(mcmc, log=F, pdgrm=F, credib="uniform") lines(x=omega, y=psd_true, col=3, lwd=2) # Compute the Integrated Absolute Error (IAE) of posterior median cat("IAE=", mean(abs(mcmc$psd.median-psd_true)[-1]) , sep="") ## End(Not run)
Obtain samples of the posterior of the corrected autoregressive likelihood in conjunction with a Bernstein-Dirichlet prior on the correction.
gibbs_npc( data, ar.order, Ntotal, burnin, thin = 1, print_interval = 100, numerical_thresh = 1e-07, adaption.N = burnin, adaption.batchSize = 50, adaption.tar = 0.44, full_lik = F, rho.alpha = rep(1, ar.order), rho.beta = rep(1, ar.order), eta = T, M = 1, g0.alpha = 1, g0.beta = 1, k.theta = 0.01, tau.alpha = 0.001, tau.beta = 0.001, trunc_l = 0.1, trunc_r = 0.9, coars = F, kmax = 100 * coars + 500 * (!coars), L = max(20, length(data)^(1/3)) )
gibbs_npc( data, ar.order, Ntotal, burnin, thin = 1, print_interval = 100, numerical_thresh = 1e-07, adaption.N = burnin, adaption.batchSize = 50, adaption.tar = 0.44, full_lik = F, rho.alpha = rep(1, ar.order), rho.beta = rep(1, ar.order), eta = T, M = 1, g0.alpha = 1, g0.beta = 1, k.theta = 0.01, tau.alpha = 0.001, tau.beta = 0.001, trunc_l = 0.1, trunc_r = 0.9, coars = F, kmax = 100 * coars + 500 * (!coars), L = max(20, length(data)^(1/3)) )
data |
numeric vector; NA values are interpreted as missing values and treated as random |
ar.order |
order of the autoregressive model (integer > 0) |
Ntotal |
total number of iterations to run the Markov chain |
burnin |
number of initial iterations to be discarded |
thin |
thinning number (postprocessing) |
print_interval |
Number of iterations, after which a status is printed to console |
numerical_thresh |
Lower (numerical pointwise) bound for the spectral density |
adaption.N |
total number of iterations, in which the proposal variances (of rho) are adapted |
adaption.batchSize |
batch size of proposal adaption for the rho_i's (PACF) |
adaption.tar |
target acceptance rate for the rho_i's (PACF) |
full_lik |
logical; if TRUE, the full likelihood for all observations is used; if FALSE, the partial likelihood for the last n-p observations |
rho.alpha , rho.beta
prior parameters for the rho_i's: 2*(rho-0.5)~Beta(rho.alpha,rho.beta), default is Uniform(-1,1) |
eta |
logical variable indicating whether the model confidence eta should be included in the inference (eta=T) or fixed to 1 (eta=F) |
M |
DP base measure constant (> 0) |
g0.alpha , g0.beta
parameters of Beta base measure of DP |
k.theta |
prior parameter for polynomial degree k (propto exp(-k.theta*k*log(k))) |
tau.alpha , tau.beta
prior parameters for tau (inverse gamma) |
trunc_l , trunc_r
left and right truncation of Bernstein polynomial basis functions, 0<=trunc_l<trunc_r<=1 |
coars |
flag indicating whether coarsened or default bernstein polynomials are used (see Appendix E.1 in Ghosal and van der Vaart 2017) |
kmax |
upper bound for polynomial degree of Bernstein-Dirichlet mixture (can be set to Inf, algorithm is faster with kmax<Inf due to pre-computation of basis functions, but values 500<kmax<Inf are very memory intensive) |
L |
truncation parameter of DP in stick breaking representation |
Partial Autocorrelation Structure (PACF, uniform prior) and the residual variance sigma2 (inverse gamma prior) is used as model parametrization. A Bernstein-Dirichlet prior for c_eta with base measure Beta(g0.alpha, g0.beta) is used. Further details can be found in the simulation study section in the referenced paper by Kirch et al. For more information on the PACF parametrization, see the referenced paper by Barndorff-Nielsen and Schou.
list containing the following fields:
psd.median , psd.mean
psd estimates: (pointwise) posterior median and mean |
psd.p05 , psd.p95
pointwise credibility interval |
psd.u05 , psd.u95
uniform credibility interval |
k , tau , V , W
posterior traces of nonparametric correction |
rho |
posterior trace of model AR parameters (PACF parametrization) |
eta |
posterior trace of model confidence eta |
lpost |
trace of log posterior |
C. Kirch et al. (2018) Beyond Whittle: Nonparametric Correction of a Parametric Likelihood With a Focus on Bayesian Time Series Analysis Bayesian Analysis <doi:10.1214/18-BA1126>
S. Ghosal and A. van der Vaart (2017) Fundamentals of Nonparametric Bayesian Inference <doi:10.1017/9781139029834>
O. Barndorff-Nielsen and G. Schou On the parametrization of autoregressive models by partial autocorrelations Journal of Multivariate Analysis (3),408-419 <doi:10.1016/0047-259X(73)90030-4>
## Not run: ## ## Example 1: Fit a nonparametrically corrected AR(p) model to sunspot data: ## # Use this variable to set the AR model order p <- 2 data <- sqrt(as.numeric(sunspot.year)) data <- data - mean(data) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_npc(data=data, ar.order=p, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Plot spectral estimate, credible regions and periodogram on log-scale plot(mcmc, log=T) ## ## Example 2: Fit a nonparametrically corrected AR(p) model to high-peaked AR(1) data ## # Use this variable to set the autoregressive model order p <- 1 n <- 256 data <- arima.sim(n=n, model=list(ar=0.95)) data <- data - mean(data) omega <- fourier_freq(n) psd_true <- psd_arma(omega, ar=0.95, ma=numeric(0), sigma2=1) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_npc(data=data, ar.order=p, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Compare estimate with true function (green) plot(mcmc, log=F, pdgrm=F, credib="uniform") lines(x=omega, y=psd_true, col=3, lwd=2) # Compute the Integrated Absolute Error (IAE) of posterior median cat("IAE=", mean(abs(mcmc$psd.median-psd_true)[-1]) , sep="") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## ## Example 1: Fit a nonparametrically corrected AR(p) model to sunspot data: ## # Use this variable to set the AR model order p <- 2 data <- sqrt(as.numeric(sunspot.year)) data <- data - mean(data) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_npc(data=data, ar.order=p, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Plot spectral estimate, credible regions and periodogram on log-scale plot(mcmc, log=T) ## ## Example 2: Fit a nonparametrically corrected AR(p) model to high-peaked AR(1) data ## # Use this variable to set the autoregressive model order p <- 1 n <- 256 data <- arima.sim(n=n, model=list(ar=0.95)) data <- data - mean(data) omega <- fourier_freq(n) psd_true <- psd_arma(omega, ar=0.95, ma=numeric(0), sigma2=1) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_npc(data=data, ar.order=p, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Compare estimate with true function (green) plot(mcmc, log=F, pdgrm=F, credib="uniform") lines(x=omega, y=psd_true, col=3, lwd=2) # Compute the Integrated Absolute Error (IAE) of posterior median cat("IAE=", mean(abs(mcmc$psd.median-psd_true)[-1]) , sep="") ## End(Not run)
Obtain samples of the posterior of a Bayesian VAR model of fixed order. An independent Normal-Inverse-Wishart prior is employed.
gibbs_var( data, ar.order, Ntotal, burnin, thin = 1, print_interval = 500, full_lik = F, beta.mu = rep(0, ar.order * ncol(data)^2), beta.Sigma = 10000 * diag(ar.order * ncol(data)^2), Sigma.S = 1e-04 * diag(ncol(data)), Sigma.nu = 1e-04 )
gibbs_var( data, ar.order, Ntotal, burnin, thin = 1, print_interval = 500, full_lik = F, beta.mu = rep(0, ar.order * ncol(data)^2), beta.Sigma = 10000 * diag(ar.order * ncol(data)^2), Sigma.S = 1e-04 * diag(ncol(data)), Sigma.nu = 1e-04 )
data |
numeric matrix; NA values are interpreted as missing values and treated as random |
ar.order |
order of the autoregressive model (integer >= 0) |
Ntotal |
total number of iterations to run the Markov chain |
burnin |
number of initial iterations to be discarded |
thin |
thinning number (postprocessing) |
print_interval |
Number of iterations, after which a status is printed to console |
full_lik |
logical; if TRUE, the full likelihood for all observations is used; if FALSE, the partial likelihood for the last n-p observations |
beta.mu |
prior mean of beta vector (normal) |
beta.Sigma |
prior covariance matrix of beta vector |
Sigma.S |
prior parameter for the innovation covariance matrix, symmetric positive definite matrix |
Sigma.nu |
prior parameter for the innovation covariance matrix, nonnegative real number |
See Section 2.2.3 in Koop and Korobilis (2010) or Section 6.2 in Meier (2018) for further details
list containing the following fields:
beta |
matrix containing traces of the VAR parameter vector beta |
Sigma |
trace of innovation covariance Sigma |
psd.median , psd.mean
psd estimates: (pointwise, componentwise) posterior median and mean |
psd.p05 , psd.p95
pointwise credibility interval |
psd.u05 , psd.u95
uniform credibility interval, see (6.5) in Meier (2018) |
lpost |
trace of log posterior |
G. Koop and D. Korobilis (2010) Bayesian Multivariate Time Series Methods for Empirical Macroeconomics Foundations and Trends in Econometrics <doi:10.1561/0800000013>
A. Meier (2018) A Matrix Gamma Process and Applications to Bayesian Analysis of Multivariate Time Series PhD thesis, OvGU Magdeburg <https://opendata.uni-halle.de//handle/1981185920/13470>
## Not run: ## ## Example 1: Fit a VAR(p) model to SOI/Recruitment series: ## # Use this variable to set the VAR model order p <- 5 data <- cbind(as.numeric(astsa::soi-mean(astsa::soi)), as.numeric(astsa::rec-mean(astsa::rec)) / 50) data <- apply(data, 2, function(x) x-mean(x)) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_var(data=data, ar.order=p, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Plot spectral estimate, credible regions and periodogram on log-scale plot(mcmc, log=T) ## ## Example 2: Fit a VAR(p) model to VMA(1) data ## # Use this variable to set the VAR model order p <- 5 n <- 256 ma <- rbind(c(-0.75, 0.5), c(0.5, 0.75)) Sigma <- rbind(c(1, 0.5), c(0.5, 1)) data <- sim_varma(model=list(ma=ma), n=n, d=2) data <- apply(data, 2, function(x) x-mean(x)) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_var(data=data, ar.order=p, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Plot spectral estimate, credible regions and periodogram on log-scale plot(mcmc, log=T) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## ## Example 1: Fit a VAR(p) model to SOI/Recruitment series: ## # Use this variable to set the VAR model order p <- 5 data <- cbind(as.numeric(astsa::soi-mean(astsa::soi)), as.numeric(astsa::rec-mean(astsa::rec)) / 50) data <- apply(data, 2, function(x) x-mean(x)) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_var(data=data, ar.order=p, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Plot spectral estimate, credible regions and periodogram on log-scale plot(mcmc, log=T) ## ## Example 2: Fit a VAR(p) model to VMA(1) data ## # Use this variable to set the VAR model order p <- 5 n <- 256 ma <- rbind(c(-0.75, 0.5), c(0.5, 0.75)) Sigma <- rbind(c(1, 0.5), c(0.5, 1)) data <- sim_varma(model=list(ma=ma), n=n, d=2) data <- apply(data, 2, function(x) x-mean(x)) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_var(data=data, ar.order=p, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Plot spectral estimate, credible regions and periodogram on log-scale plot(mcmc, log=T) ## End(Not run)
Obtain samples of the posterior of the multivariate Whittle likelihood in conjunction with an Hpd AGamma process prior on the spectral density matrix.
gibbs_vnp( data, Ntotal, burnin, thin = 1, print_interval = 100, numerical_thresh = 1e-07, adaption.N = burnin, adaption.batchSize = 50, adaption.tar = 0.44, eta = ncol(data), omega = ncol(data), Sigma = 10000 * diag(ncol(data)), k.theta = 0.01, kmax = 100 * coars + 500 * (!coars), trunc_l = 0.1, trunc_r = 0.9, coars = F, L = max(20, length(data)^(1/3)) )
gibbs_vnp( data, Ntotal, burnin, thin = 1, print_interval = 100, numerical_thresh = 1e-07, adaption.N = burnin, adaption.batchSize = 50, adaption.tar = 0.44, eta = ncol(data), omega = ncol(data), Sigma = 10000 * diag(ncol(data)), k.theta = 0.01, kmax = 100 * coars + 500 * (!coars), trunc_l = 0.1, trunc_r = 0.9, coars = F, L = max(20, length(data)^(1/3)) )
data |
numeric matrix; NA values are interpreted as missing values and treated as random |
Ntotal |
total number of iterations to run the Markov chain |
burnin |
number of initial iterations to be discarded |
thin |
thinning number (postprocessing) |
print_interval |
Number of iterations, after which a status is printed to console |
numerical_thresh |
Lower (numerical pointwise) bound for the eigenvalues of the spectral density |
adaption.N |
total number of iterations, in which the proposal variances (of r and U) are adapted |
adaption.batchSize |
batch size of proposal adaption |
adaption.tar |
target acceptance rate for adapted parameters |
eta |
AGamma process parameter, real number > ncol(data)-1 |
omega |
AGamma process parameter, positive constant |
Sigma |
AGamma process parameter, Hpd matrix |
k.theta |
prior parameter for polynomial degree k (propto exp(-k.theta*k*log(k))) |
kmax |
upper bound for polynomial degree of Bernstein-Dirichlet mixture (can be set to Inf, algorithm is faster with kmax<Inf due to pre-computation of basis functions, but values 500<kmax<Inf are very memory intensive) |
trunc_l , trunc_r
left and right truncation of Bernstein polynomial basis functions, 0<=trunc_l<trunc_r<=1 |
coars |
flag indicating whether coarsened or default bernstein polynomials are used (see Appendix E.1 in Ghosal and van der Vaart 2017) |
L |
truncation parameter of Gamma process |
A detailed description of the method can be found in Section 5 in Meier (2018).
list containing the following fields:
r , x , U
traces of the AGamma process parameters |
k |
posterior trace of polynomial degree |
psd.median , psd.mean
psd estimates: (pointwise, componentwise) posterior median and mean |
psd.p05 , psd.p95
pointwise credibility interval |
psd.u05 , psd.u95
uniform credibility interval, see (6.5) in Meier (2018) |
lpost |
trace of log posterior |
A. Meier (2018) A Matrix Gamma Process and Applications to Bayesian Analysis of Multivariate Time Series PhD thesis, OvGU Magdeburg <https://opendata.uni-halle.de//handle/1981185920/13470>
## Not run: ## ## Example: Fit multivariate NP model to SOI/Recruitment series: ## data <- cbind(as.numeric(astsa::soi-mean(astsa::soi)), as.numeric(astsa::rec-mean(astsa::rec)) / 50) data <- apply(data, 2, function(x) x-mean(x)) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_vnp(data=data, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Visualize results plot(mcmc, log=T) ## ## Example 2: Fit multivariate NP model to VMA(1) data ## n <- 256 ma <- rbind(c(-0.75, 0.5), c(0.5, 0.75)) Sigma <- rbind(c(1, 0.5), c(0.5, 1)) data <- sim_varma(model=list(ma=ma), n=n, d=2) data <- apply(data, 2, function(x) x-mean(x)) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_vnp(data=data, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Plot spectral estimate, credible regions and periodogram on log-scale plot(mcmc, log=T) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## ## Example: Fit multivariate NP model to SOI/Recruitment series: ## data <- cbind(as.numeric(astsa::soi-mean(astsa::soi)), as.numeric(astsa::rec-mean(astsa::rec)) / 50) data <- apply(data, 2, function(x) x-mean(x)) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_vnp(data=data, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Visualize results plot(mcmc, log=T) ## ## Example 2: Fit multivariate NP model to VMA(1) data ## n <- 256 ma <- rbind(c(-0.75, 0.5), c(0.5, 0.75)) Sigma <- rbind(c(1, 0.5), c(0.5, 1)) data <- sim_varma(model=list(ma=ma), n=n, d=2) data <- apply(data, 2, function(x) x-mean(x)) # If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes print("example may take some time to run") mcmc <- gibbs_vnp(data=data, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2) # Plot spectral estimate, credible regions and periodogram on log-scale plot(mcmc, log=T) ## End(Not run)
Calculate the moving Fourier transform ordinates
local_moving_FT_zigzag(x, m, thinning_factor)
local_moving_FT_zigzag(x, m, thinning_factor)
x |
A numeric vector containing time series. |
m |
A positive integer indicating the size of window. |
thinning_factor |
Selected from "1, 2, 3". |
A list containing the moving Fourier transform and corresponding time grid.
Y. Tang et al. (2023) Bayesian nonparametric spectral analysis of locally stationary processes ArXiv preprint <arXiv:2303.11561>
set.seed(1); x <- rnorm(1500) local_moving_FT_zigzag(x, 50, 1)
set.seed(1); x <- rnorm(1500) local_moving_FT_zigzag(x, 50, 1)
Convert partial autocorrelation coefficients to AR coefficients.
pacf |
numeric vector of partial autocorrelations in (-1,1) |
See Section 2 in Kirch et al (2018) or Section III in Barndorff-Nielsen and Schou (1973) for further details
numeric vector of autoregressive model coefficients
C. Kirch et al Supplemental material of Beyond Whittle: Nonparametric Correction of a Parametric Likelihood With a Focus on Bayesian Time Series Analysis Bayesian Analysis <doi:10.1214/18-BA1126SUPP>
O. Barndorff-Nielsen and G. Schou On the parametrization of autoregressive models by partial autocorrelations Journal of Multivariate Analysis (3),408-419 <doi:10.1016/0047-259X(73)90030-4>
Plot method for bdp_dw_result class
## S3 method for class 'bdp_dw_result' plot( x, which = 1:4, ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(), col = hcl.colors(200, "Blue-Red 3"), ... )
## S3 method for class 'bdp_dw_result' plot( x, which = 1:4, ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(), col = hcl.colors(200, "Blue-Red 3"), ... )
x |
object of class bdp_dw_result |
which |
if a subset of the plots is required, specify a subset of the numbers 1:6. 1 indicates posterior mean, 2 indicates posterior median, 3 for lower bound of pointwise 90 percent credible region, 4 for upper bound of pointewise 90 percent credible region, 5 indicates lower bound of uniform 90 percent credible region, 6 indicates upper bound of uniform 90 percent credible region. |
ask |
logical; if TRUE, the user is asked before each plot. |
col |
choice of color, default hcl.colors(200, "Blue-Red 3"). |
... |
other parameters to be passed through to |
Plot method for bdp_dw_tv_psd class
## S3 method for class 'bdp_dw_tv_psd' plot(x, col = hcl.colors(200, "Blue-Red 3"), ...)
## S3 method for class 'bdp_dw_tv_psd' plot(x, col = hcl.colors(200, "Blue-Red 3"), ...)
x |
an object of class bdp_dw_tv_psd |
col |
choice of color, default hcl.colors(200, "Blue-Red 3"). |
... |
further arguments to be parsed to |
Visualizes the spectral density function of time-varying
Plot method for gibbs_psd class
## S3 method for class 'gibbs_psd' plot(x, pdgrm = T, credib = "both", log = T, ...)
## S3 method for class 'gibbs_psd' plot(x, pdgrm = T, credib = "both", log = T, ...)
x |
an object of class gibbs_psd |
pdgrm |
bool flag indicating whether periodogram is visualized or not |
credib |
string indicating which credible regions are visualized. Possible values are "pointwise", "uniform", "both" and "none". |
log |
logical value to determine if the individual spectra are visualized on a log scale |
... |
further arguments to be parsed to |
Visualizes the spectral density estimate (pointwise posterior median), along with the periodogram and credibility regions. If the data has missing values, the periodogram is computed with a linearly interpolated version of the data using na.interp.
Print method for bdp_dw_result class
## S3 method for class 'bdp_dw_result' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'bdp_dw_result' print(x, ...)
x |
object of class bdp_dw_result |
... |
not in use |
Print method for gibbs_psd class
## S3 method for class 'gibbs_psd' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'gibbs_psd' print(x, ...)
x |
object of class gibbs_psd |
... |
not in use |
Evaluate the ARMA(p,q) spectral density at some frequencies freq in [0,pi), Note that no test for model stationarity is performed.
psd_arma(freq, ar, ma, sigma2 = 1)
psd_arma(freq, ar, ma, sigma2 = 1)
freq |
numeric vector of frequencies to evaluate the psd, 0 <= freq < pi |
ar |
autoregressive coefficients of ARMA model (use numeric(0) for empty AR part) |
ma |
moving average coefficients of ARMA model (use numeric(0) for empty MA part) |
sigma2 |
the model innovation variance |
See section 4.4 in the referenced book
numeric vector of the (real-valued) spectral density values
P. J. Brockwell and R. Davis (1996) Time Series: Theory and Methods (Second Edition)
time-varying spectral density function of the tvARMA(1,2) processes for illustrations
psd_tvarma12( rescaled_time, freq, dgp = NULL, a1 = function(u) { rep(0, length(u)) }, b1 = function(u) { rep(0, length(u)) }, b2 = function(u) { rep(0, length(u)) } )
psd_tvarma12( rescaled_time, freq, dgp = NULL, a1 = function(u) { rep(0, length(u)) }, b1 = function(u) { rep(0, length(u)) }, b2 = function(u) { rep(0, length(u)) } )
rescaled_time , freq
numeric vectors forming a rectangular grid on which the tv-PSD is evaluated. |
dgp |
optional: the tv-ARMA models demonstrated in section 4.2 of Tang et al. (2023). Should be chosen from "LS1", "LS2" and "LS3". See section Details. |
a1 , b1 , b2
If dgp is not supplied, these arguments can be used to specify customized tv-ARMA
process (up to order(1,2)). See Details.
rescaled_time must be in |
See sim_tvarma12 for the precise definition of a tvARMA(1,2) process. The time-varying spectral density function of this process is defined as
where is called rescaled time and
is called frequency.
For dgp = "LS1", it is a tvMA(2) process (MA order is 2) with
For dgp = "LS2", it is a tvMA(1) process (MA order is 1) with
For dgp = "LS3", it is a tvAR(1) process (MA order is 0) with
a matrix of dimension length(rescaled_time) by length(freq).
Tang et al. (2023) Bayesian nonparametric spectral analysis of locally stationary processes ArXiv preprint <arXiv:2303.11561>
## Not run: res_time <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.005); freq <- pi*seq(0, 1, by = 0.01) true_tvPSD <- psd_tvarma12(rescaled_time = res_time, freq = freq, dgp = "LS2") plot(true_tvPSD) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: res_time <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.005); freq <- pi*seq(0, 1, by = 0.01) true_tvPSD <- psd_tvarma12(rescaled_time = res_time, freq = freq, dgp = "LS2") plot(true_tvPSD) ## End(Not run)
Evaluate the VARMA(p,q) spectral density at some frequencies freq in [0,pi). Note that no test for model stationarity is performed.
psd_varma( freq, ar = matrix(nrow = nrow(Sigma), ncol = 0), ma = matrix(nrow = nrow(Sigma), ncol = 0), Sigma )
psd_varma( freq, ar = matrix(nrow = nrow(Sigma), ncol = 0), ma = matrix(nrow = nrow(Sigma), ncol = 0), Sigma )
freq |
numeric vector of frequencies to evaluate the psd, 0 <= freq < pi |
ar |
autoregressive coeffient matrix (d times p*d) of VARMA model, defaults to empty VAR component |
ma |
moving average coeffient matrix (d times p*d) of VARMA model, defaults to empty VAR component |
Sigma |
positive definite innovation covariance matrix (d times d) |
See section 11.5 in the referenced book
an array containing the values of the varma psd matrix at freq
P. J. Brockwell and R. Davis (1996) Time Series: Theory and Methods (Second Edition)
Produces one or more samples from the specified multivariate normal distribution.
rmvnorm(n, d, mu = rep(0, d), Sigma = diag(d), ...)
rmvnorm(n, d, mu = rep(0, d), Sigma = diag(d), ...)
n |
sample size |
d |
dimensionality |
mu |
mean vector |
Sigma |
covariance matrix |
... |
further arguments to be parsed to |
This is a simple wrapper function based on mvrnorm, to be used within sim_varma
If n=1 a vector of length d, otherwise an n by d matrix with one sample in each row.
(Approximate) negative maximum log-likelihood for for different autoregressive orders to produce scree-type plots.
scree_type_ar(data, order.max, method = "yw")
scree_type_ar(data, order.max, method = "yw")
data |
numeric vector of data |
order.max |
maximum autoregressive order to consider |
method |
character string giving the method used to fit the model, to be forwarded to |
By default, the maximum likelihood is approximated by the Yule-Walker method, due to numerical stabililty and computational speed. Further details can be found in the simulation study section in the referenced paper.
a data frame containing the autoregressive orders p
and the corresponding negative log likelihood values nll
C. Kirch et al. (2018) Beyond Whittle: Nonparametric Correction of a Parametric Likelihood With a Focus on Bayesian Time Series Analysis Bayesian Analysis <doi:10.1214/18-BA1126>
## Not run: ### ### Interactive visual inspection for the sunspot data ### data <- sqrt(as.numeric(sunspot.year)) data <- data <- data - mean(data) screeType <- scree_type_ar(data, order.max=15) # Determine the autoregressive order by an interactive visual inspection of the scree-type plot plot(x=screeType$p, y=screeType$nll, type="b") p_ind <- identify(x=screeType$p, y=screeType$nll, n=1, labels=screeType$p) print(screeType$p[p_ind]) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ### ### Interactive visual inspection for the sunspot data ### data <- sqrt(as.numeric(sunspot.year)) data <- data <- data - mean(data) screeType <- scree_type_ar(data, order.max=15) # Determine the autoregressive order by an interactive visual inspection of the scree-type plot plot(x=screeType$p, y=screeType$nll, type="b") p_ind <- identify(x=screeType$p, y=screeType$nll, n=1, labels=screeType$p) print(screeType$p[p_ind]) ## End(Not run)
simulate from the tvARMA(1,2) process for illustration
sim_tvarma12( len_d, dgp = NULL, ar_order = 1, ma_order = 2, a1 = NULL, b1 = NULL, b2 = NULL, innov_distribution = NULL, wn = NULL )
sim_tvarma12( len_d, dgp = NULL, ar_order = 1, ma_order = 2, a1 = NULL, b1 = NULL, b2 = NULL, innov_distribution = NULL, wn = NULL )
len_d |
a positive integer indicating the length of the simulated process. |
dgp |
optional: the tv-ARMA models demonstrated in section 4.2 of Tang et al. (2023). Should be chosen from "LS1", "LS2" and "LS3". See section Details. |
ar_order , ma_order , a1 , b1 , b2
If dgp is not supplied, these arguments can be used to specify customized tv-ARMA process (up to order(1,2)). See details. |
innov_distribution |
optional: the distributions of innovation used in section 4.2.2 of Tang et al. (2023) . Should be chosen from "a", "b", "c". "a" denotes standard normal distribution, "b" indicates standardized Student-t distribution with degrees of freedom 4 and "c" denotes standardized Pareto distribution with scale 1 and shape 4. |
wn |
If innov_distribution is not specified, one may supply its own innovation sequence. Please make sure the length of wn is at least the sum of len_d and the MA order of the process. If ma_order is specified, then MA order is exactly ma_order. If dgp is specified, the MA order of "LS1", "LS2" and "LS3" can be found in section Details below. |
This function simulates from the following time-varying Autoregressive Moving Average model with order (1,2):
where is the length specified and {wt} are
a sequence of i.i.d. random variables with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
For dgp = "LS1", it is a tvMA(2) process (MA order is 2) with
For dgp = "LS2", it is a tvMA(1) process (MA order is 1) with
For dgp = "LS3", it is a tvAR(1) process (MA order is 0) with
a numeric vector of length len_d simulated from the given process.
Tang et al. (2023) Bayesian nonparametric spectral analysis of locally stationary processes ArXiv preprint <arXiv:2303.11561>
## Not run: sim_tvarma12(len_d = 1500, dgp = "LS2", innov_distribution = "a") # generate from LS2a sim_tvarma12(len_d = 1500, dgp = "LS2", wn = rnorm(1502)) # again, generate from LS2a sim_tvarma12(len_d = 1500, ar_order = 0, ma_order = 1, b1 = function(u){1.1*cos(1.5 - cos(4*pi*u))}, innov_distribution = "a") # again, generate from LS2a sim_tvarma12(len_d = 1500, ar_order = 0, ma_order = 1, b1 = function(u){1.1*cos(1.5 - cos(4*pi*u))}, wn = rnorm(1502)) # again, generate from LS2a ## End(Not run)
## Not run: sim_tvarma12(len_d = 1500, dgp = "LS2", innov_distribution = "a") # generate from LS2a sim_tvarma12(len_d = 1500, dgp = "LS2", wn = rnorm(1502)) # again, generate from LS2a sim_tvarma12(len_d = 1500, ar_order = 0, ma_order = 1, b1 = function(u){1.1*cos(1.5 - cos(4*pi*u))}, innov_distribution = "a") # again, generate from LS2a sim_tvarma12(len_d = 1500, ar_order = 0, ma_order = 1, b1 = function(u){1.1*cos(1.5 - cos(4*pi*u))}, wn = rnorm(1502)) # again, generate from LS2a ## End(Not run)
Simulate from a Vector Autoregressive Moving Average (VARMA) model. Note that no test for model stationarity is performed.
sim_varma(model, n, d, rand.gen = rmvnorm, burnin = 10000, ...)
sim_varma(model, n, d, rand.gen = rmvnorm, burnin = 10000, ...)
model |
A list with component |
n |
sample size |
d |
positive integer for the dimensionality |
rand.gen |
random vector generator, function of type rand.gen(n, d, ...) |
burnin |
length of burnin period (initial samples that are discarded) |
... |
further arguments to be parsed to |
If n=1 a vector of length d, otherwise an n by d matrix with one sample in each row.
arima.sim to simulate from univariate ARMA models
## Not run: # Example: Draw from bivariate normal VAR(2) model ar <- rbind(c(.5, 0, 0, 0), c(0, -.3, 0, -.5)) Sigma <- matrix(data=c(1, .9, .9, 1), nrow=2, ncol=2) x <- sim_varma(n=256, d=2, model=list(ar=ar)) plot.ts(x) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Example: Draw from bivariate normal VAR(2) model ar <- rbind(c(.5, 0, 0, 0), c(0, -.3, 0, -.5)) Sigma <- matrix(data=c(1, .9, .9, 1), nrow=2, ncol=2) x <- sim_varma(n=256, d=2, model=list(ar=ar)) plot.ts(x) ## End(Not run)
Summary method for bdp_dw_result class
## S3 method for class 'bdp_dw_result' summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'bdp_dw_result' summary(object, ...)
object |
object of class bdp_dw_result |
... |
not in use |
Summary method for gibbs_psd class
## S3 method for class 'gibbs_psd' summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'gibbs_psd' summary(object, ...)
object |
object of class gibbs_psd |
... |
not in use |