Title: | Simulation, Estimation and Forecasting of Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH Models |
Description: | Simulation, estimation and forecasting of first-order Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH models with leverage (one-component, two-component, skewed versions). |
Authors: | Genaro Sucarrat |
Maintainer: | Genaro Sucarrat <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 3.3 |
Built: | 2025-02-15 06:27:29 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
This package provides facilities for the simulation, estimation and forecasting of first order Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH models with leverage (one-component and two-component versions), see Harvey and Sucarrat (2014), and Sucarrat (2013).
Let y[t] denote a financial return at time t equal to
y[t] = sigma[t]*epsilon[t]
where sigma[t] > 0 is the scale or volatility (generally not equal to the conditional standard deviation), and where epsilon[t] is IID and t-distributed (possibly skewed) with df degrees of freedom. Then the first order log-volatility specifiction of the one-component Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH model can be parametrised as
sigma[t] = exp(lambda[t]),
lambda[t] = omega + lambdadagger,
lambdadagger[t] = phi1*lambdadagger[t-1] + kappa1*u[t-1] + kappastar*sign[-y]*(u[t-1]+1).
So the scale or volatility is given by sigma[t] = exp(lambda[t]). The omega is the unconditional or long-term log-volatility, phi1 is the GARCH parameter (|phi1| < 1 implies stability), kappa1 is the ARCH parameter, kappastar is the leverage or volatility-asymmetry parameter and u[t] is the conditional score or first derivative of the log-likelihood with respect to lambda. The score u[t] is zero-mean and IID, and (u[t]+1)/(df+1) is Beta distributed when there is no skew in the conditional density of epsilon[t]. The two-component specification is given by
sigma[t] = exp(lambda[t]),
lambda[t] = omega + lambda1dagger + lambda2dagger,
lambda1dagger[t] = phi1*lambdadagger[t-1] + kappa1*u[t-1],
lambda2dagger[t] = phi2*lambdadagger[t-1] + kappa2*u[t-1] + kappastar*sign[-y]*(u[t-1]+1).
The first component, lambda1dagger, is interpreted as the long-term component, whereas the second component, lambda2dagger, is interpreted as the short-term component.
Package: | betategarch |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 3.3 |
Date: | 2016-10-16 |
License: | GPL-2 |
LazyLoad: | yes |
The two main functions of the package are tegarchSim
and tegarch
. The first simulates a Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH models whereas the second estimates one. The second object returns an object (a list) of class 'tegarch', and a collection of methods can be applied to this class: coef.tegarch
, fitted.tegarch
, logLik.tegarch
, predict.tegarch
, print.tegarch
, residuals.tegarch
, summary.tegarch
and vcov.tegarch
. In addition, the output produced by the tegarchSim
function and the fitted.tegarch
and residuals.tegarch
methods are of the Z's ordered observations (zoo
) class, which means a range of time-series methods are available for these objects.
Genaro Sucarrat, http://www.sucarrat.net/
Fernandez and Steel (1998), 'On Bayesian Modeling of Fat Tails and Skewness', Journal of the American Statistical Association 93, pp. 359-371.
Harvey and Sucarrat (2014), 'EGARCH models with fat tails, skewness and leverage'. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 76, pp. 320-338.
Sucarrat (2013), 'betategarch: Simulation, Estimation and Forecasting of First-Order Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH models'. The R Journal (Volume 5/2), pp. 137-147.
#simulate 500 observations from model with default parameter values: set.seed(123) y <- tegarchSim(500) #estimate and store as 'mymod': mymod <- tegarch(y) #print estimates and standard errors: print(mymod) #graph of fitted volatility (conditional standard deviation): plot(fitted(mymod)) #plot forecasts of volatility 1-step ahead up to 10-steps ahead: plot(predict(mymod, n.ahead=10))
#simulate 500 observations from model with default parameter values: set.seed(123) y <- tegarchSim(500) #estimate and store as 'mymod': mymod <- tegarch(y) #print estimates and standard errors: print(mymod) #graph of fitted volatility (conditional standard deviation): plot(fitted(mymod)) #plot forecasts of volatility 1-step ahead up to 10-steps ahead: plot(predict(mymod, n.ahead=10))
Extraction methods for objects of class 'tegarch' (i.e. the result of estimating a Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH model)
## S3 method for class 'tegarch' coef(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tegarch' fitted(object, verbose = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tegarch' logLik(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tegarch' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tegarch' residuals(object, standardised = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tegarch' summary(object, verbose = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tegarch' vcov(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'tegarch' coef(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tegarch' fitted(object, verbose = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tegarch' logLik(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tegarch' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tegarch' residuals(object, standardised = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tegarch' summary(object, verbose = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'tegarch' vcov(object, ...)
object |
an object of class 'tegarch' |
x |
an object of class 'tegarch' |
verbose |
logical. If FALSE (default) then only basic information is returned |
standardised |
logical. If TRUE (default) then the standardised residuals are returned. If FALSE then the scaled (by sigma) residuals are returned |
... |
additional arguments |
coef: |
A numeric vector containing the parameter estimates |
fitted: |
A zoo object. If verbose=FALSE (default), then the zoo object is a vector containing the fitted conditional standard deviations. If verbose = TRUE, then the zoo object is a matrix containing the return series y, fitted scale (sigma), fitted conditional standard deviation (stdev), fitted log-scale (lambda), dynamic component(s) (lambdadagger in the 1-component specification, lambda1dagger and lambda2dagger in the 2-compoment specification), the score (u), scaled residuals (epsilon) and standardised residuals (residstd) |
logLik: |
The value of the log-likelihood at the maximum |
print: |
Prints the most important parts of the estimation results |
residuals: |
A zoo object. If standardised = TRUE (default), then the zoo object is a vector with the standardised residuals. If standardised = FALSE, then the zoo vector contains the scaled residuals |
summary: |
A list. If verbose = FALSE, then only the most important entries are returned. If verbose = TRUE, then all entries apart from the 1st. (the y series) is returned |
vcov: |
The variance-covariance matrix of the estimated coefficents. The matrix is obtained by inverting the numerically estimated Hessian |
Genaro Sucarrat, http://www.sucarrat.net/
Fernandez and Steel (1998), 'On Bayesian Modeling of Fat Tails and Skewness', Journal of the American Statistical Association 93, pp. 359-371.
Harvey and Sucarrat (2014), 'EGARCH models with fat tails, skewness and leverage'. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 76, pp. 320-338.
Sucarrat (2013), 'betategarch: Simulation, Estimation and Forecasting of First-Order Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH models'. The R Journal (Volume 5/2), pp. 137-147.
, coef
, fitted
, logLik
, predict
, predict.tegarch
, print
, summary
, vcov
#simulate 500 observations from model with default parameter values: set.seed(123) y <- tegarchSim(500) #estimate and store as 'mymodel': mymod <- tegarch(y) #print estimation result: print(mymod) #extract coefficients: coef(mymod) #extract log-likelihood: logLik(mymod) #plot fitted conditional standard deviations: plot(fitted(mymod)) #plot all the fitted series: plot(fitted(mymod, verbose=TRUE)) #histogram of standardised residuals: hist(residuals(mymod))
#simulate 500 observations from model with default parameter values: set.seed(123) y <- tegarchSim(500) #estimate and store as 'mymodel': mymod <- tegarch(y) #print estimation result: print(mymod) #extract coefficients: coef(mymod) #extract log-likelihood: logLik(mymod) #plot fitted conditional standard deviations: plot(fitted(mymod)) #plot all the fitted series: plot(fitted(mymod, verbose=TRUE)) #histogram of standardised residuals: hist(residuals(mymod))
Density, random number generation, mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis functions for the uncentred skewed t distribution. The skewing method is that of Fernandez and Steel (1998).
dST(y, df = 10, sd = 1, skew = 1, log = FALSE) rST(n, df = 10, skew = 1) STmean(df, skew = 1) STvar(df, skew = 1) STskewness(df, skew = 1) STkurtosis(df, skew = 1)
dST(y, df = 10, sd = 1, skew = 1, log = FALSE) rST(n, df = 10, skew = 1) STmean(df, skew = 1) STvar(df, skew = 1) STskewness(df, skew = 1) STkurtosis(df, skew = 1)
y |
numeric vector of quantiles |
n |
integer, the number of observations |
df |
degrees of freedom, greater than 0 and less than Inf |
sd |
scale, greater than 0 and less than Inf |
skew |
skewness, greater than 0 and less than Inf. Symmetry obtains when skew = 1 (default). |
log |
logical. TRUE returns the natural log of the density value, FALSE (default) returns the density value. |
dST: |
a numeric value, either the density value or the natural log of the density value |
rST: |
a numeric vector with n random numbers |
STmean: |
The mean of an uncentred skewed t variable |
STvar: |
The variance of an uncentred skewed t variable |
STskewness: |
3rd. moment of a standardised skewed t variable |
STkurtosis: |
4th. moment of a standardised skewed t variable |
Genaro Sucarrat, http://www.sucarrat.net/
Fernandez and Steel (1998), 'On Bayesian Modeling of Fat Tails and Skewness', Journal of the American Statistical Association 93, pp. 359-371.
##generate 1000 random numbers from the skewed t: set.seed(123) eps <- rST(500, df=5) #symmetric t eps <- rST(500, df=5, skew=0.8) #skewed to the left eps <- rST(500, df=5, skew=2) #skewed to the right ##compare empirical mean with analytical: mean(eps) STmean(5, skew=2) ##compare empirical variance with analytical: var(eps) STvar(5, skew=2)
##generate 1000 random numbers from the skewed t: set.seed(123) eps <- rST(500, df=5) #symmetric t eps <- rST(500, df=5, skew=0.8) #skewed to the left eps <- rST(500, df=5, skew=2) #skewed to the right ##compare empirical mean with analytical: mean(eps) STmean(5, skew=2) ##compare empirical variance with analytical: var(eps) STvar(5, skew=2)
The dataset contains two variables, day and nasdaqret. Day is the date of the return and nasdaqret is the daily (closing value) log-return in percent of the Apple stock over the period 10 September 1985 - 10 May 2011 (a total of 6835 observations).
A data frame with 3215 observations:
a factor
a numeric vector
The data is studied in more detail in Harvey and Sucarrat (2014), and in Sucarrat (2013).
The source of the original raw data is http://yahoo.finance.com/.
Harvey and Sucarrat (2014), 'EGARCH models with fat tails, skewness and leverage'. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 76, pp. 320-338.
Sucarrat (2013), 'betategarch: Simulation, Estimation and Forecasting of First-Order Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH models'. The R Journal (Volume 5/2), pp. 137-147.
data(nasdaq) #load data into workspace mymod <- tegarch(nasdaq[,"nasdaqret"]) #estimate volatility model of Apple returns print(mymod)
data(nasdaq) #load data into workspace mymod <- tegarch(nasdaq[,"nasdaqret"]) #estimate volatility model of Apple returns print(mymod)
Generates volatility forecasts from a model fitted by tegarch
(i.e. a Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH model)
## S3 method for class 'tegarch' predict(object, n.ahead = 1, initial.values = NULL, n.sim = 10000, verbose = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'tegarch' predict(object, n.ahead = 1, initial.values = NULL, n.sim = 10000, verbose = FALSE, ...)
object |
an object of class 'tegarch'. |
n.ahead |
the number of steps ahead for which prediction is required. |
initial.values |
a vector containing the initial values of lambda and lambdadagger (lambda1dagger and lambda2dagger for 2-component models). If NULL (default) then the fitted values associated with the last return-observation are used |
n.sim |
number of simulated skew t variates. |
verbose |
logical. If FALSE (default) then only the conditional standard deviations are returned. If TRUE then also the scale is returned. |
... |
additional arguments |
The forecast formulas of exponential ARCH models are much more complicated than those of ordinary or non-exponential ARCH models. This is particularly the case when the conditional density is skewed. The forecast formula of the conditional scale of the Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH model is not available in closed form. Accordingly, some terms (expectations involving the skewed t) are estimated numerically by means of simulation.
A zoo
object. If verbose = FALSE, then the zoo object is a vector with the forecasted conditional standard deviations. If verbose = TRUE, then the zoo object is a matrix with forecasts of both the conditional scale and the conditional standard deviation
Genaro Sucarrat, http://www.sucarrat.net/
Fernandez and Steel (1998), 'On Bayesian Modeling of Fat Tails and Skewness', Journal of the American Statistical Association 93, pp. 359-371.
Harvey and Sucarrat (2014), 'EGARCH models with fat tails, skewness and leverage'. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 76, pp. 320-338.
Sucarrat (2013), 'betategarch: Simulation, Estimation and Forecasting of First-Order Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH models'. The R Journal (Volume 5/2), pp. 137-147.
##simulate series with 500 observations: set.seed(123) y <- tegarchSim(500, omega=0.01, phi1=0.9, kappa1=0.1, kappastar=0.05, df=10, skew=0.8) ##estimate a 1st. order Beta-t-EGARCH model and store the output in mymod: mymod <- tegarch(y) #plot forecasts of volatility 1-step ahead up to 10-steps ahead: plot(predict(mymod, n.ahead=10))
##simulate series with 500 observations: set.seed(123) y <- tegarchSim(500, omega=0.01, phi1=0.9, kappa1=0.1, kappastar=0.05, df=10, skew=0.8) ##estimate a 1st. order Beta-t-EGARCH model and store the output in mymod: mymod <- tegarch(y) #plot forecasts of volatility 1-step ahead up to 10-steps ahead: plot(predict(mymod, n.ahead=10))
Fits a first order Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH model to a univariate time-series by exact Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimation. Estimation is via the nlminb
tegarch(y, asym = TRUE, skew = TRUE, components = 1, initial.values = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL, hessian = TRUE, lambda.initial = NULL, c.code = TRUE, logl.penalty = NULL, aux = NULL, ...)
tegarch(y, asym = TRUE, skew = TRUE, components = 1, initial.values = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL, hessian = TRUE, lambda.initial = NULL, c.code = TRUE, logl.penalty = NULL, aux = NULL, ...)
y |
numeric vector, typically a financial return series. |
asym |
logical. TRUE (default) includes leverage or volatility asymmetry in the log-scale specification |
skew |
logical. TRUE (default) enables and estimates the skewness in conditional density (epsilon). The skewness method is that of Fernandez and Steel (1998) |
components |
Numeric value, either 1 (default) or 2. The former estimates a 1-component model, the latter a 2-component model |
initial.values |
NULL (default) or a vector with the initial values. If NULL, then the values are automatically chosen according to model (with or without skewness, 1 or 2 components, etc.) |
lower |
NULL (default) or a vector with the lower bounds of the parameter space. If NULL, then the values are automatically chosen |
upper |
NULL (default) or a vector with the upper bounds of the parameter space. If NULL, then the values are automatically chosen |
hessian |
logical. If TRUE (default) then the Hessian is computed numerically via the optimHess function. Setting hessian=FALSE speeds up estimation, which might be particularly useful in simulation. However, it also slows down the extraction of the variance-covariance matrix by means of the vcov method. |
lambda.initial |
NULL (default) or a vector with the initial value(s) of the recursion for lambda and lambdadagger. If NULL then the values are chosen automatically |
c.code |
logical. TRUE (default) is faster since it makes use of compiled C-code |
logl.penalty |
NULL (default) or a numeric value. If NULL then the log-likelihood value associated with the initial values is used. Sometimes estimation can result in NA and/or +/-Inf values, which are fatal for simulations. The value logl.penalty is the value returned by the log-likelihood function in the presence of NA or +/-Inf values |
aux |
NULL (default) or a list, se code. Useful for simulations (speeds them up) |
... |
further arguments passed to the nlminb function |
Returns a list of class 'tegarch' with the following elements:
y |
the series used for estimation. |
date |
date and time of estimation. |
initial.values |
initial values used in estimation. |
lower |
lower bounds used in estimation. |
upper |
upper bounds used in estimation. |
lambda.initial |
initial values of lambda provided by the user, if any. |
model |
type of model estimated. |
hessian |
the numerically estimated Hessian. |
sic |
the value of the Schwarz (1978) information criterion. |
par |
parameter estimates. |
objective |
value of the log-likelihood at the maximum. |
convergence |
an integer code. 0 indicates successful convergence, see the documentation of nlminb. |
iterations |
number of iterations, see the documentation of nlminb. |
evaluations |
number of evaluations of the objective and gradient functions, see the documentation of nlminb. |
message |
a character string giving any additional information returned by the optimizer, or NULL. For details, see PORT documentation and the nlminb documentation. |
an additional message returned if one tries to estimate a 2-component model without leverage. |
Genaro Sucarrat, http://www.sucarrat.net/
Fernandez and Steel (1998), 'On Bayesian Modeling of Fat Tails and Skewness', Journal of the American Statistical Association 93, pp. 359-371.
Nelson, Daniel B. (1991): 'Conditional Heteroskedasticity in Asset Returns: A New Approach', Econometrica 59, pp. 347-370.
Harvey and Sucarrat (2014), 'EGARCH models with fat tails, skewness and leverage'. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 76, pp. 320-338.
Schwarz (1978), 'Estimating the Dimension of a Model', The Annals of Statistics 6, pp. 461-464.
Sucarrat (2013), 'betategarch: Simulation, Estimation and Forecasting of First-Order Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH models'. The R Journal (Volume 5/2), pp. 137-147.
, coef.tegarch
, fitted.tegarch
, logLik.tegarch
, predict.tegarch
, print.tegarch
, residuals.tegarch
, summary.tegarch
, vcov.tegarch
##simulate series with 500 observations: set.seed(123) y <- tegarchSim(500, omega=0.01, phi1=0.9, kappa1=0.1, kappastar=0.05, df=10, skew=0.8) ##estimate a 1st. order Beta-t-EGARCH model and store the output in mymod: mymod <- tegarch(y) #print estimates and standard errors: print(mymod) #graph of fitted volatility (conditional standard deviation): plot(fitted(mymod)) #graph of fitted volatility and more: plot(fitted(mymod, verbose=TRUE)) #plot forecasts of volatility 1-step ahead up to 20-steps ahead: plot(predict(mymod, n.ahead=20)) #full variance-covariance matrix: vcov(mymod)
##simulate series with 500 observations: set.seed(123) y <- tegarchSim(500, omega=0.01, phi1=0.9, kappa1=0.1, kappastar=0.05, df=10, skew=0.8) ##estimate a 1st. order Beta-t-EGARCH model and store the output in mymod: mymod <- tegarch(y) #print estimates and standard errors: print(mymod) #graph of fitted volatility (conditional standard deviation): plot(fitted(mymod)) #graph of fitted volatility and more: plot(fitted(mymod, verbose=TRUE)) #plot forecasts of volatility 1-step ahead up to 20-steps ahead: plot(predict(mymod, n.ahead=20)) #full variance-covariance matrix: vcov(mymod)
tegarchLogl, tegarchLogl2, tegarchRecursion and tegarchRecursion2 are auxiliary functions called by tegarch
, and which are not intended to be used for the average user. Henceforth they are thusonly scarcely documented, but most should either be self-explanatory (for the non-average user!) or more or less documented in relation with the tegarch
and tegarchSim
##the '2' relates to the 2-component specification: tegarchLogl(y, pars, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, lambda.initial = NULL, logl.penalty = -1e+100, c.code = TRUE, aux = NULL) tegarchLogl2(y, pars, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, lambda.initial = NULL, logl.penalty = -1e+101, c.code = TRUE, aux = NULL) tegarchRecursion(y, omega = 0.1, phi1 = 0.4, kappa1 = 0.2, kappastar = 0.1, df = 10, skew = 0.6, lambda.initial = NULL, c.code = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, aux = NULL) tegarchRecursion2(y, omega = 0.1, phi1 = 0.4, phi2 = 0.2, kappa1 = 0.05, kappa2 = 0.1, kappastar = 0.02, df = 10, skew = 0.6, lambda.initial = NULL, c.code = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, aux = NULL)
##the '2' relates to the 2-component specification: tegarchLogl(y, pars, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, lambda.initial = NULL, logl.penalty = -1e+100, c.code = TRUE, aux = NULL) tegarchLogl2(y, pars, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, lambda.initial = NULL, logl.penalty = -1e+101, c.code = TRUE, aux = NULL) tegarchRecursion(y, omega = 0.1, phi1 = 0.4, kappa1 = 0.2, kappastar = 0.1, df = 10, skew = 0.6, lambda.initial = NULL, c.code = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, aux = NULL) tegarchRecursion2(y, omega = 0.1, phi1 = 0.4, phi2 = 0.2, kappa1 = 0.05, kappa2 = 0.1, kappastar = 0.02, df = 10, skew = 0.6, lambda.initial = NULL, c.code = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, aux = NULL)
y |
numeric vector, typically a financial return series |
omega |
numeric |
phi1 |
numeric, must be less than 1 in absolute value |
phi2 |
numeric, must be less than 1 in absolute value |
kappa1 |
numeric |
kappa2 |
numeric |
kappastar |
numeric |
df |
numeric, the value of df (degrees of freedom) |
skew |
numeric (positive), the value of skew (skewness parameter) |
verbose |
logical. If FALSE (default) then only lambda is returned. If TRUE then a matrix with y and the fitted values of, amongst other, sigma, the log-scale (lambda), the conditional standard deviation (stdev), u, epsilon and the standardised residuals (residstd) are returned |
pars |
numeric vector, the parameter values |
lower |
numeric vector, the lower bounds used during estimation |
upper |
numeric vector, the upper bounds used during estimation |
lambda.initial |
NULL (default) or initial value(s) of the recursion for lambda. If NULL, then the values are chosen automatically |
logl.penalty |
numeric value |
c.code |
logical. TRUE (default) is faster since it makes use of compiled C-code |
aux |
NULL (default) or a list, se |
tegarchLogl and tegarchLogl2 return the value of the log-likelihood for a 1-component and 2-component model, respectively.
tegarchLogl: |
The log-likelihood value (i.e. a numeric) of a 1-component specification |
tegarchLogl2: |
The log-likelihood value (i.e. a numeric) of a 2-component specification |
tegarchRecursion: |
A numeric vector containing the lambda values if verbose=FALSE (default). If verbose=TRUE then a matrix then a matrix with y and the fitted values of sigma, the log-scale (lambda), the conditional standard deviation (stdev), u, epsilon and the standardised residuals (residstd) are returned |
tegarchRecursion2: |
A numeric vector containing the lambda values if verbose=FALSE (default). If verbose=TRUE, then a matrix then a matrix with y and the fitted values of sigma, the log-scale (lambda), the conditional standard deviation (stdev), u, epsilon and the standardised residuals (residstd) are returned |
Genaro Sucarrat, http://www.sucarrat.net/
Fernandez and Steel (1998), 'On Bayesian Modeling of Fat Tails and Skewness', Journal of the American Statistical Association 93, pp. 359-371.
Harvey and Sucarrat (2014), 'EGARCH models with fat tails, skewness and leverage'. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 76, pp. 320-338.
Sucarrat (2013), 'betategarch: Simulation, Estimation and Forecasting of First-Order Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH models'. The R Journal (Volume 5/2), pp. 137-147.
, tegarchSim
, fitted.tegarch
Simulate the y series (typically interpreted as a financial return or the error in a regression) from a first order Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH model. Optionally, the conditional scale (sigma), log-scale (lambda), conditional standard deviation (stdev), dynamic components (lambdadagger in the 1-component specification, lambda1dagger and lambda2dagger in the 2-component specification), score (u) and centred innovations (epsilon) are also returned.
tegarchSim(n, omega = 0, phi1 = 0.95, phi2 = 0, kappa1 = 0.01, kappa2 = 0, kappastar = 0, df = 10, skew = 1, lambda.initial = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
tegarchSim(n, omega = 0, phi1 = 0.95, phi2 = 0, kappa1 = 0.01, kappa2 = 0, kappastar = 0, df = 10, skew = 1, lambda.initial = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
n |
integer, length of y (i.e. no of observations) |
omega |
numeric, the value of omega |
phi1 |
numeric, the value of phi1 |
phi2 |
numeric, the value of phi2 |
kappa1 |
numeric, the value of kappa1 |
kappa2 |
numeric, the value of kappa2 |
kappastar |
numeric, the value of kappastar |
df |
numeric, the value of df (degrees of freedom) |
skew |
numeric, the value of skew (skewness parameter |
lambda.initial |
NULL (default) or initial value(s) of the recursion for lambda or log-volatility. If NULL then the values are chosen automatically |
verbose |
logical, TRUE or FALSE (default). If TRUE then a matrix with n rows containing y, sigma, lambda, lambdadagger, u and epsilon is returned. If FALSE then only y is returned |
A zoo
vector of length n or a zoo
matrix with n rows, depending on the value of verbose.
Genaro Sucarrat, http://www.sucarrat.net/
Fernandez and Steel (1998), 'On Bayesian Modeling of Fat Tails and Skewness', Journal of the American Statistical Association 93, pp. 359-371.
Harvey and Sucarrat (2014), 'EGARCH models with fat tails, skewness and leverage'. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 76, pp. 320-338.
Sucarrat (2013), 'betategarch: Simulation, Estimation and Forecasting of First-Order Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH models'. The R Journal (Volume 5/2), pp. 137-147.
##1-component specification: simulate series with 500 observations: set.seed(123) y <- tegarchSim(500, omega=0.01, phi1=0.9, kappa1=0.1, kappastar=0.05, df=10, skew=0.8) ##simulate the same series, but with more output (volatility, log-volatility or ##lambda, lambdadagger, u and epsilon) set.seed(123) y <- tegarchSim(500, omega=0.01, phi1=0.9, kappa1=0.1, kappastar=0.05, df=10, skew=0.8, verbose=TRUE) ##plot the simulated values: plot(y) ##2-component specification: simulate series with 500 observations: set.seed(123) y <- tegarchSim(500, omega=0.01, phi1=0.95, phi2=0.9, kappa1=0.01, kappa2=0.05, kappastar=0.03, df=10, skew=0.8)
##1-component specification: simulate series with 500 observations: set.seed(123) y <- tegarchSim(500, omega=0.01, phi1=0.9, kappa1=0.1, kappastar=0.05, df=10, skew=0.8) ##simulate the same series, but with more output (volatility, log-volatility or ##lambda, lambdadagger, u and epsilon) set.seed(123) y <- tegarchSim(500, omega=0.01, phi1=0.9, kappa1=0.1, kappastar=0.05, df=10, skew=0.8, verbose=TRUE) ##plot the simulated values: plot(y) ##2-component specification: simulate series with 500 observations: set.seed(123) y <- tegarchSim(500, omega=0.01, phi1=0.95, phi2=0.9, kappa1=0.01, kappa2=0.05, kappastar=0.03, df=10, skew=0.8)