bcROCsurface 1.0-6 (2023-09-09)
- Correct the names of variables and functions according to the Tidyverse style.
- Adding the COYING file, which contains the terms of GPL-3 license.
- Change the names of major functions, as listed below:
→ rocs()
→ vus_mar()
→ pre_data()
bcROCsurface 1.0-5 (2021-09-08)
- Fixed the Pandoc issues (in macOS).
- Adding the clarification for webshot2 (in macOS).
bcROCsurface 1.0-4 (2020-02-14)
- Fixed the bug in rhoMLogit().
- Fixed the bug in logical values with respect to matrix class.
bcROCsurface 1.0-3 (2018-10-16)
- Implement Jackknife approach for estimating standard error of FULL estimate of VUS.
- Fix the bug of bootstrap estimation for variance.
- Add argument "trace" into function "vus()" for tracing information on the progress of the estimation.
- Corrected the help file of package.
bcROCsurface 1.0-2 (2017-07-03)
- Fixed the Makevars and
- Corrected the hypothesis testing for VUS.
bcROCsurface 1.0-1 (2016-11-17)