Title: | Bayesian Change-Point Detection for Process Monitoring with Fault Detection |
Description: | Bayes Watch fits an array of Gaussian Graphical Mixture Models to groupings of homogeneous data in time, called regimes, which are modeled as the observed states of a Markov process with unknown transition probabilities. In doing so, Bayes Watch defines a posterior distribution on a vector of regime assignments, which gives meaningful expressions on the probability of every possible change-point. Bayes Watch also allows for an effective and efficient fault detection system that assesses what features in the data where the most responsible for a given change-point. For further details, see: Alexander C. Murph et al. (2023) <arXiv:2310.02940>. |
Authors: | Alexander C. Murph [aut, cre] , Reza Mohammadi [ctb, cph] , Alex Lenkoski [ctb, cph] , Andrew Johnson [ctb] ([email protected]) |
Maintainer: | Alexander C. Murph <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 0.1.3 |
Built: | 2024-12-23 06:35:49 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Main method of package. MCMC sampling for change-point probabilities with fault detection according to the model by Murph et al. 2023. Creates a bayesWatch object for analysis of change-points.
bayeswatch( data_woTimeValues, time_of_observations, time_points, variable_names = 1:ncol(data_woTimeValues), not.cont = NULL, iterations = 100, burnin = floor(iterations/2), lower_bounds = NULL, upper_bounds = NULL, ordinal_indicators = NULL, list_of_ordinal_levels = NULL, categorical_indicators = NULL, previous_states = NULL, previous_model_fits = NULL, linger_parameter = 500, move_parameter = 100, g.prior = 0.2, set_G = NULL, wishart_df_initial = 1500, lambda = 1500, g_sampling_distribution = NULL, n.cores = 1, scaleMatrix = NULL, allow_for_mixture_models = FALSE, dirichlet_prior = 0.001, component_truncation = 7, regime_truncation = 15, hyperprior_b = 20, model_params_save_every = 5, simulation_iter = NULL, T2_window_size = 3, determining_p_cutoff = FALSE, prob_cutoff = 0.5, model_log_type = "NoModelSpecified", regime_selection_multiplicative_prior = 2, split_selection_multiplicative_prior = 2, is_initial_fit = TRUE, verbose = FALSE )
bayeswatch( data_woTimeValues, time_of_observations, time_points, variable_names = 1:ncol(data_woTimeValues), not.cont = NULL, iterations = 100, burnin = floor(iterations/2), lower_bounds = NULL, upper_bounds = NULL, ordinal_indicators = NULL, list_of_ordinal_levels = NULL, categorical_indicators = NULL, previous_states = NULL, previous_model_fits = NULL, linger_parameter = 500, move_parameter = 100, g.prior = 0.2, set_G = NULL, wishart_df_initial = 1500, lambda = 1500, g_sampling_distribution = NULL, n.cores = 1, scaleMatrix = NULL, allow_for_mixture_models = FALSE, dirichlet_prior = 0.001, component_truncation = 7, regime_truncation = 15, hyperprior_b = 20, model_params_save_every = 5, simulation_iter = NULL, T2_window_size = 3, determining_p_cutoff = FALSE, prob_cutoff = 0.5, model_log_type = "NoModelSpecified", regime_selection_multiplicative_prior = 2, split_selection_multiplicative_prior = 2, is_initial_fit = TRUE, verbose = FALSE )
data_woTimeValues |
matrix. Raw data matrix without datetime stamps. |
time_of_observations |
vector. Datetime stamps for every data instance in data_woTimeValues. |
time_points |
vector. Time points that mark each 'day' of time. Range should include every datetime in time_of_observations. |
variable_names |
vector. Vector of names of columnsof data_woTimeValues. |
not.cont |
vector. Indicator variable as to which columns are discrete. |
iterations |
integer. Number of MCMC samples to take (including burn-in). |
burnin |
integer. Number of burn-in samples. iterations > burnin necessarily. |
lower_bounds |
vector. Lower bounds for each data column. |
upper_bounds |
vector. Upper bounds for each data column. |
ordinal_indicators |
vector. Discrete values, one for each column, indicating which variables are ordinal. |
list_of_ordinal_levels |
vector. Discrete values, one for each column, indicating which variables are part of the same ordinal group. |
categorical_indicators |
vector. Each nominal d categorical variable must be broken down into d different indicator variables. This vector marks which variables are such indicators. |
previous_states |
vector. Starting regime vector, if known, of the same length as the number of 'days' in time_points. |
previous_model_fits |
rlist. Starting parameter fits corresponding to regime vector previous_states. |
linger_parameter |
float. Prior parameter for Markov chain probability matrix. Larger = less likely to change states. |
move_parameter |
float. Prior parameter for Markov chain probability matrix. Larger = more likely to change states. |
g.prior |
float in (0,1). Prior probability on edge inclusion for graph structure G. |
set_G |
matrix. Starting graph structure, if known. |
wishart_df_initial |
integer (>= 3). Starting DF for G-Wishart prior. |
lambda |
float. Parameter for NI-G-W prior, controls affect of precision sample on the center sample. |
g_sampling_distribution |
matrix. Prior probability on edge inclusion if not uniform across G. |
n.cores |
integer. Number of cores available for parallelization. |
scaleMatrix |
matrix. Parameter for NI-G-W prior. |
allow_for_mixture_models |
logical. Whether or not method should fix mixture distributions to regimes. |
dirichlet_prior |
float. Parameter for the dirichlet process for fitting components in the mixture model. |
component_truncation |
integer. Maximum component allowed. Should be sufficiently large. |
regime_truncation |
integer. Maximum regime allowed. Should be sufficiently large. |
hyperprior_b |
integer. Hyperprior on Wishart distribution fit to the scaleMatrix. |
model_params_save_every |
integer. How frequently to save model fits for the fault detection method. |
simulation_iter |
integer. Used for simulation studies. Deprecated value at package launch. |
T2_window_size |
integer. Length of sliding window for Hotelling T2 pre-step. Used when an initial value for previous_states is not provided. |
determining_p_cutoff |
logical. Method for estimating the probability cutoff on the posterior distribution for determining change-points. Deprecated at package launch date. |
prob_cutoff |
float. Changepoints are determined (for fault detection process) if posterior probability exceeds this value. |
model_log_type |
character vector. The type of log (used to distinguish logfiles). |
regime_selection_multiplicative_prior |
float. Must be >=1. Gives additional probability to the most recent day for the selection of a new split point. |
split_selection_multiplicative_prior |
float. |
is_initial_fit |
logical. True when there is no previously fit bayesWatch object fed through the algorithm.. |
verbose |
logical. Prints verbose model output for debugging when TRUE. It is highly recommended that you pipe this to a text file. |
bayesWatch object. A model fit for the analysis of posterior change-points and fault detection.
library(bayesWatch) data("full_data") data("day_of_observations") data("day_dts") x = bayeswatch(full_data, day_of_observations, day_dts, iterations = 500, g.prior = 1, linger_parameter = 20, n.cores=3, wishart_df_initial = 3, hyperprior_b = 3, lambda = 5) print(x) plot(x) detect_faults(x)
library(bayesWatch) data("full_data") data("day_of_observations") data("day_dts") x = bayeswatch(full_data, day_of_observations, day_dts, iterations = 500, g.prior = 1, linger_parameter = 20, n.cores=3, wishart_df_initial = 3, hyperprior_b = 3, lambda = 5) print(x) plot(x) detect_faults(x)
Prints out fault detection graphics given a bayesWatch object. This method can only be run if fault detection was run on the bayesWatch fit (if model_params_save_every < iterations).
regime_fit_object |
bayesWatch object. Fit with main method of package. |
ggplot object. Fault detection graphs.
Data simulated using the BDgraph package. A change-point is imposed between days 5 and 6. The change only occurs in variables 3 and 4.
full_data day_of_observations day_dts
full_data day_of_observations day_dts
'full_data' is a matrix, the latter two are vectors.
'full_data' is a data frame with 1,000 rows and 5 columns. ‘day_of_observations'; is a timestamp of each of 'full_data'’s 1,000 rows. 'day_dts'; is a vector of unique elements from 'day_of_observations'..
full_data day_of_observations day_dts
full_data day_of_observations day_dts
Given a bayesWatch object and a probability cutoff, finds change-points.
get_point_estimate(regime_fit_object, prob_cutoff)
get_point_estimate(regime_fit_object, prob_cutoff)
regime_fit_object |
bayesWatch object. Fit with the bayesWatch method. |
prob_cutoff |
float in (0,1). Posterior probabilities above this cutoff will be considered changepoints. |
vector. Indicator values corresponding to change-point locations.
Print function for a bayesWatch object. Prints only the posterior change-point probabilities.
x |
bayesWatch object. Fit from bayesWatch main method. |
... |
Additional plotting arguments. |
Print function for a bayesWatch object. Prints only the posterior change-point probabilities.
x |
bayesWatch object. Fit from bayesWatch main method. |
... |
Additional plotting arguments. |