Setting the working directory to where we have the Models folder if
Importing an existing model from a .cmpx file
model <- from_cmpx("CarCosts.cmpx")
network <- model$networks[[1]]
Creating an empty csv file template with all the networks and nodes
in the model
The dataset csv is manually prepared and filled in outside the R
In this example, it now includes five scenarios with different
observations, and only the columns about the observed variables are
inputData <- "CarCosts_DataSet_Modified.csv"
It is possible to import the new model file back to R to work with
model_with_cases <- from_cmpx("Car Costs_0 Model_Batch_Cases.json")
Now model_with_cases is an R model object containing both the
dataSets already existing in the model and a new dataSet for each row in
the input data and it is ready to be used for calculation purposes
Running the local API batch calculate function to update the model
object with all the results