Title: | Bayesian Methods in the Analysis of Zero-Inflated Poisson Model |
Description: | Implementation of zero-inflated Poisson models under Bayesian framework using data augmentation as discussed in Chapter 5 of Zhang (2020) <https://hdl.handle.net/10012/16378>. This package is constructed in accommodating four different scenarios: the general scenario, the scenario with measurement error in responses, the external validation scenario, and the internal validation scenario. |
Authors: | Qihuang Zhang [aut, cre, cph], Grace Y. Yi [aut, ths] |
Maintainer: | Qihuang Zhang <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.0.2 |
Built: | 2025-02-18 07:27:44 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Implementation of zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) model in Bayesian methods with data augmentation strategy. The R package is general to different scenarios, including an ordinary scenario for zero-inflated Poisson Model, the scenario with measurement error in response, the scenario with internal or external validation data available.
This package implemented the zero-inflated Poisson model based on a Bayesian framework. The method is implemented with a Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) approach with a data augmentation strategy. The package is integrated with C++ to improve the computing speed. It mainly contains four main functions. The function ZIPBayes corresponds to ordinary zero-inflated count data and no measurement error is considered. The function ZIPBayes_MErr considers the case where the response is subject to measurement error as a model by Qihuang Zhang (2020). The function ZIPBayes_Int and ZIPBayes_Ext are corresponding to the case where the internal or external validation data are available, respectively. Other helper functions are also contained in this packages, such as summarizing the trace from the MCMC algorithm, plotting the trace plot, etc.
Qihuang Zhang and Grace Y. Yi.
Maintainer: Qihuang Zhang <[email protected]>
This data set gives an example data for the illustration of usage of ZIP
and ZIPMErr
function. The dataset contains naivedata and the design matrices for the response model, measurement error model.
A data.frame of 6 columns. “Ystar” refers to the error-prone response. “Y” refers to the true count response. "X1" and "X2" are covariates in the response model. “Xplus” and “Xminus” are the covariates for the measurement error model.
This data set gives an example data for the illustration of usage of ZIPExt
function. The dataset contains a list of main data and external validation data.
A list of two data.frames. The first data.frame, named “main”, corresponds to the main data with 6 columns. Same as the datasim
, “Ystar” refers to the error-prone response. “Y” refers to the true count response. "X1" and "X2" are covariates in the response model. “Zplus” and “Zplus” are the covariates for the measurement error model. The second data.frame corresponds to the validation data with 5 columns.
This data set gives an example data for the illustration of usage of ZIPInt
function. The dataset contains a list of main data and internal validation data.
A list of two data.frames. The first data.frame, named “main”, corresponds to the main data with 6 columns. Same as the datasim
, “Ystar” refers to the error-prone response. “Y” refers to the true count response. “X1” and “X2” are covariates in the response model. “Zplus” and “Zplus” are the covariates for the measurement error model. The second data.frame corresponds to the validation data with 7 columns.
This function is a method for ZIPBayes
object. It summarize the trace output from the main functions into interesting summary statistics, such as mean, median, confidence interval, and highest density region (HDR),
## S3 method for class 'ZIPBayes' ## S3 method for class 'ZIPBayes' summary(object, burnin = 1, thinperiod = 1, confidence.level = 0.95, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ZIPBayes' ## S3 method for class 'ZIPBayes' summary(object, burnin = 1, thinperiod = 1, confidence.level = 0.95, ...)
object |
the “ZIPBayes” object gotten from the main function. |
burnin |
the number of records to be discarded as the early period of MCMC algorithm. Default is 1, meaning the first data point will be discarded when calculating the summary statistics. |
thinperiod |
the number of period in the thining periord. The results will be picked every this number. Default is 1, meaning no thining will be done. See details. |
confidence.level |
the confidence level for the constructed confidence interval. Default is 0.95. |
... |
other arguments passed to the function. |
This function summarizes the tracing results produced by ZIP
, ZIPExt
, and ZIPInt
To diminish the influence of the starting values, we generally discard the first portion of each sequence and focus attention on the remaining. The argument burnin
is set to control the number of steps to be discarded.
Another issue that sometimes arises, once approximate convergence has been reached, is whether to thin the sequences by keeping every -th simulation draw from each sequence and discarding the rest. The argument
is used to set here.
ZIPBayes |
a list of summary for each data set. "HDR_LB" and "HDR_UB" respectively respresents the lower and upper bound of the high density region. |
Qihuang Zhang and Grace Y. Yi.
## Please see the example in ZIP() function
## Please see the example in ZIP() function
The function implements the MCMC algorithm with data augmentation to estimate the parameters in the zero-inflated Poisson model. The function returns the trace of the sampled parameters in each interaction. To obtain the summary estimation, use summary
ZIP(Y, Covarmainphi, Covarmainmu, betaphi, betamu, priorgamma, propsigmaphi, propsigmamu = propsigmaphi, seed = 1, nmcmc = 500)
ZIP(Y, Covarmainphi, Covarmainmu, betaphi, betamu, priorgamma, propsigmaphi, propsigmamu = propsigmaphi, seed = 1, nmcmc = 500)
Y |
a count vector of length |
Covarmainphi |
a |
Covarmainmu |
a |
betaphi |
a vector of length |
betamu |
a vector of length |
priorgamma |
a vector of length |
propsigmaphi |
a vector of length |
propsigmamu |
a vector of length |
seed |
a numeric value specifying the seed for random generator |
nmcmc |
a integer specify the number of the generation of MCMC algorithm |
The zero-inflated Poisson model involves two components, the probability components and the mean compoenents (Zhang, 2020). Argument Covarmainphi
, betaphi
, propsigmaphi
correspond to the probability compoenent; Covarmainmu
, betamu
, propsigmamu
correspond to the mean compoenent.
BayesResults |
the list of trace of generated parameters for each component of the models. Data.frame "betaphi_trace" corresponds to the probability component of ZIP response model; "betamu_trace" refers to the mean component of the ZIP response model. |
Qihuang Zhang and Grace Y. Yi
Zhang, Qihuang. "Inference Methods for Noisy Correlated Responses with Measurement Error." (2020).
data(datasim) set.seed(0) example_ZIP <- ZIP( Y = datasim$Ystar, Covarmainphi = datasim[,c("intercept","X1")], Covarmainmu = datasim[,c("intercept","X2")], betaphi = c(-0.7,0.7), betamu = c(1,-0.5), priorgamma = rep(1,1), propsigmaphi = c(0.05,0.05), nmcmc = 100) summary(example_ZIP)
data(datasim) set.seed(0) example_ZIP <- ZIP( Y = datasim$Ystar, Covarmainphi = datasim[,c("intercept","X1")], Covarmainmu = datasim[,c("intercept","X2")], betaphi = c(-0.7,0.7), betamu = c(1,-0.5), priorgamma = rep(1,1), propsigmaphi = c(0.05,0.05), nmcmc = 100) summary(example_ZIP)
The function implements the MCMC algorithm with data augmentation to estimate the parameters in the zero-inflated Poisson model while correcting for the measurement error arising from the responses. The function returns the trace of the sampled parameters in each interaction. To obtain the summary estimation, use summary
ZIPExt (Ystar, Covarmainphi, Covarmainmu, Covarplus, Covarminus, Ystarval, Yval, Covarvalplus, Covarvalminus, betaphi, betamu, alphaplus, alphaminus, Uibound = c(7,11), priorgamma, priormu, priorSigma, propsigmaphi, propsigmamu = propsigmaphi, propsigmaplus = propsigmaphi, propsigmaminus = propsigmaphi, seed = 1, nmcmc = 500)
ZIPExt (Ystar, Covarmainphi, Covarmainmu, Covarplus, Covarminus, Ystarval, Yval, Covarvalplus, Covarvalminus, betaphi, betamu, alphaplus, alphaminus, Uibound = c(7,11), priorgamma, priormu, priorSigma, propsigmaphi, propsigmamu = propsigmaphi, propsigmaplus = propsigmaphi, propsigmaminus = propsigmaphi, seed = 1, nmcmc = 500)
Ystar |
a count vector of length |
Covarmainphi |
a |
Covarmainmu |
a |
Covarplus |
a |
Covarminus |
a |
Ystarval |
a count vector of length |
Yval |
a count vector of length |
Covarvalplus |
a |
Covarvalminus |
a |
betaphi |
a vector of length |
betamu |
a vector of length |
alphaplus |
a vector of length |
alphaminus |
a vector of length |
Uibound |
a vector of length |
priorgamma |
a vector of length |
priormu |
a vector of length |
priorSigma |
a vector of length |
propsigmaphi |
a vector of length |
propsigmamu |
a vector of length |
propsigmaplus |
a vector of length |
propsigmaminus |
a vector of length |
seed |
a numeric value specifying the seed for random generator |
nmcmc |
a integer specify the number of the generation of MCMC algorithm |
Comparing to the ZIPMErr function, this function has an addition component – validation data. Here, the argument “Ystarval”, “Yval”, “Covarvalplus”, “Covarvalminus”, are new for the sceanrio with external validation.
BayesResults |
the list of trace of generated parameters for each component of the models. Data frame “betaphi_trace” corresponds to the probability component of ZIP response model; “betamu_trace” refers to the mean component of the ZIP response model. Data frames “alphaplus_trace” and “alphaminus_trace”, respectively, correspond to the add-in error and leave-out error process in the measruement error model. |
Qihuang Zhang and Grace Y. Yi
Zhang, Qihuang. “Inference Methods for Noisy Correlated Responses with Measurement Error.” (2020).
## load data data(datasimExt) set.seed(0) example_ZIP_Ext <- ZIPExt (Ystar = datasimExt$main$Ystar, Covarmainphi = datasimExt$main[,c("intercept","X1")], Covarmainmu = datasimExt$main[,c("intercept","X2")], Covarplus = datasimExt$main[,c("intercept","Zplus")], Covarminus = datasimExt$main[,c("intercept","Zminus")], Ystarval = datasimExt$validation$Ystar, Yval = datasimExt$validation$Y, Covarvalplus = datasimExt$validation[,3:4], Covarvalminus = datasimExt$validation[,3:4], betaphi = c(0.7,-0.7), betamu = c(1,-1.5), alphaplus = c(0,0), alphaminus=c(0,0), priorgamma = c(0.001,0.001), priormu = c(0,0), priorSigma = c(1,1), propsigmaphi = c(0.05,0.05), nmcmc = 10) summary(example_ZIP_Ext)
## load data data(datasimExt) set.seed(0) example_ZIP_Ext <- ZIPExt (Ystar = datasimExt$main$Ystar, Covarmainphi = datasimExt$main[,c("intercept","X1")], Covarmainmu = datasimExt$main[,c("intercept","X2")], Covarplus = datasimExt$main[,c("intercept","Zplus")], Covarminus = datasimExt$main[,c("intercept","Zminus")], Ystarval = datasimExt$validation$Ystar, Yval = datasimExt$validation$Y, Covarvalplus = datasimExt$validation[,3:4], Covarvalminus = datasimExt$validation[,3:4], betaphi = c(0.7,-0.7), betamu = c(1,-1.5), alphaplus = c(0,0), alphaminus=c(0,0), priorgamma = c(0.001,0.001), priormu = c(0,0), priorSigma = c(1,1), propsigmaphi = c(0.05,0.05), nmcmc = 10) summary(example_ZIP_Ext)
The function implements the MCMC algorithm with data augmentation to estimate the parameters in the zero-inflated Poisson model while correcting for the measurement error arising from the responses. The function returns the trace of the sampled parameters in each interaction. To obtain the summary estimation, use summary
ZIPInt (Ystar, Covarmainphi, Covarmainmu, Covarplus, Covarminus, Ystarval, Yval, Covarvalmainphi, Covarvalmainmu, Covarvalplus, Covarvalminus, betaphi, betamu, alphaplus, alphaminus, Uibound = c(7,11), priorgamma, priormu, priorSigma, propsigmaphi, propsigmamu = propsigmaphi, propsigmaplus = propsigmaphi, propsigmaminus = propsigmaphi, seed = 1, nmcmc = 500)
ZIPInt (Ystar, Covarmainphi, Covarmainmu, Covarplus, Covarminus, Ystarval, Yval, Covarvalmainphi, Covarvalmainmu, Covarvalplus, Covarvalminus, betaphi, betamu, alphaplus, alphaminus, Uibound = c(7,11), priorgamma, priormu, priorSigma, propsigmaphi, propsigmamu = propsigmaphi, propsigmaplus = propsigmaphi, propsigmaminus = propsigmaphi, seed = 1, nmcmc = 500)
Ystar |
a count vector of length |
Covarmainphi |
a |
Covarmainmu |
a |
Covarplus |
a |
Covarminus |
a |
Ystarval |
a count vector of length |
Yval |
a count vector of length |
Covarvalmainphi |
a |
Covarvalmainmu |
a |
Covarvalplus |
a |
Covarvalminus |
a |
betaphi |
a vector of length |
betamu |
a vector of length |
alphaplus |
a vector of length |
alphaminus |
a vector of length |
Uibound |
a vector of length |
priorgamma |
a vector of length |
priormu |
a vector of length |
priorSigma |
a vector of length |
propsigmaphi |
a vector of length |
propsigmamu |
a vector of length |
propsigmaplus |
a vector of length |
propsigmaminus |
a vector of length |
seed |
a numeric value specifying the seed for random generator |
nmcmc |
a integer specify the number of the generation of MCMC algorithm |
Comparing to the ZIPExt function for the external validation study, this function has an addition component – covariates of response model in the validation data. Here, the argument “Covarvalmainphi” and “Covarvalmainmu” are new for the sceanrio with external validation.
BayesResults |
the list of trace of generated parameters for each component of the models. Data frame "betaphi_trace" corresponds to the probability component of ZIP response model; "betamu_trace" refers to the mean component of the ZIP response model. Data frames "alphaplus_trace" and "alphaminus_trace", respectively, correspond to the add-in error and leave-out error process in the measruement error model. |
Qihuang Zhang and Grace Y. Yi
Zhang, Qihuang. "Inference Methods for Noisy Correlated Responses with Measurement Error." (2020).
data(datasimInt) set.seed(0) result <- ZIPInt(Ystar = datasimInt$main$Ystar, Covarmainphi = datasimInt$main[,c("intercept","X1")], Covarmainmu = datasimInt$main[,c("intercept","X2")], Covarplus = datasimInt$main[,c("intercept", "Zplus")], Covarminus = datasimInt$main[,c("intercept", "Zminus")], Ystarval = datasimInt$val$Ystar, Yval = datasimInt$val$Y, Covarvalmainphi = datasimInt$val[,c("intercept","X1")], Covarvalmainmu = datasimInt$val[,c("intercept","X2")], Covarvalplus = datasimInt$val[,c("intercept", "Zplus")], Covarvalminus = datasimInt$val[,c("intercept", "Zminus")], betamu = c(-0.5,0.5), betaphi = c(0.5,0), alphaplus = c(0,0), alphaminus= c(0,0), priorgamma = c(1,1), priormu = c(0,0), priorSigma = c(1,1), propsigmaphi = c(0.05,0.05), nmcmc = 10) summary(result)
data(datasimInt) set.seed(0) result <- ZIPInt(Ystar = datasimInt$main$Ystar, Covarmainphi = datasimInt$main[,c("intercept","X1")], Covarmainmu = datasimInt$main[,c("intercept","X2")], Covarplus = datasimInt$main[,c("intercept", "Zplus")], Covarminus = datasimInt$main[,c("intercept", "Zminus")], Ystarval = datasimInt$val$Ystar, Yval = datasimInt$val$Y, Covarvalmainphi = datasimInt$val[,c("intercept","X1")], Covarvalmainmu = datasimInt$val[,c("intercept","X2")], Covarvalplus = datasimInt$val[,c("intercept", "Zplus")], Covarvalminus = datasimInt$val[,c("intercept", "Zminus")], betamu = c(-0.5,0.5), betaphi = c(0.5,0), alphaplus = c(0,0), alphaminus= c(0,0), priorgamma = c(1,1), priormu = c(0,0), priorSigma = c(1,1), propsigmaphi = c(0.05,0.05), nmcmc = 10) summary(result)
The function implements the MCMC algorithm with data augmentation to estimate the parameters in the zero-inflated Poisson model while correcting for the measurement error arising from the responses. The function returns the trace of the sampled parameters in each iteraction. To obtain the summary estimation, use summary
ZIPMErr (Ystar, Covarmainphi, Covarmainmu, Covarplus, Covarminus, betaphi, betamu, alphaplus, alphaminus, Uibound = c(7,11), priorgamma, priormu, priorSigma, propsigmaphi, propsigmamu = propsigmaphi, propsigmaplus = propsigmaphi, propsigmaminus = propsigmaphi, seed = 1, nmcmc = 500)
ZIPMErr (Ystar, Covarmainphi, Covarmainmu, Covarplus, Covarminus, betaphi, betamu, alphaplus, alphaminus, Uibound = c(7,11), priorgamma, priormu, priorSigma, propsigmaphi, propsigmamu = propsigmaphi, propsigmaplus = propsigmaphi, propsigmaminus = propsigmaphi, seed = 1, nmcmc = 500)
Ystar |
a count vector of length |
Covarmainphi |
a |
Covarmainmu |
a |
Covarplus |
a |
Covarminus |
a |
betaphi |
a vector of length |
betamu |
a vector of length |
alphaplus |
a vector of length |
alphaminus |
a vector of length |
Uibound |
a vector of length |
priorgamma |
a vector of length |
priormu |
a vector of length |
priorSigma |
a vector of length |
propsigmaphi |
a vector of length |
propsigmamu |
a vector of length |
propsigmaplus |
a vector of length |
propsigmaminus |
a vector of length |
seed |
a numeric value specifying the seed for random generator |
nmcmc |
a integer specify the number of the generation of MCMC algorithm |
The zero-inflated Poisson model involves two components, the probability components and the mean compoenents (Zhang, 2020). Although there are might arugments involved in the functions, they can be summarized to four sources in the model. The response model (zero-inflated Poisson model) involves two components: the probability component and the mean count component. The measurement error models contains two process: the add-in process and leave-out process. The arguements end with "-phi" corresponds to the probability component of the response model. The arguements end with "-mu" corresponds to the mean component of the response model. The arguements end with "-plus" corresponds to the add-in error process in the measurment error model. The arguements end with "-minus" corresponds to the leave-out process of the measurement error model.
BayesResults |
the list of trace of generated parameters for each component of the models. Data frame "betaphi_trace" corresponds to the probability component of ZIP response model; "betamu_trace" refers to the mean component of the ZIP response model. Data frames "alphaplus_trace" and "alphaminus_trace", respectively, correspond to the add-in error and leave-out error process in the measruement error model. |
Qihuang Zhang and Grace Y. Yi
Zhang, Qihuang. "Inference Methods for Noisy Correlated Responses with Measurement Error." (2020).
## load data data(datasim) set.seed(0) example_ZIP_MErr <- ZIPMErr (Ystar = datasim$Ystar, Covarmainphi = datasim[,c("intercept","X1")], Covarmainmu = datasim[,c("intercept","X2")], Covarplus = datasim[,c("intercept","Xplus")], Covarminus = datasim[,c("intercept","Xminus")], betaphi = c(0.7,-0.7), betamu = c(1,-1.5), alphaplus = c(0,0), alphaminus=c(0,0), priorgamma = c(0.001,0.001), priormu = c(0,0), priorSigma = c(1,1), propsigmaphi = c(0.05,0.05), nmcmc = 10) summary(example_ZIP_MErr)
## load data data(datasim) set.seed(0) example_ZIP_MErr <- ZIPMErr (Ystar = datasim$Ystar, Covarmainphi = datasim[,c("intercept","X1")], Covarmainmu = datasim[,c("intercept","X2")], Covarplus = datasim[,c("intercept","Xplus")], Covarminus = datasim[,c("intercept","Xminus")], betaphi = c(0.7,-0.7), betamu = c(1,-1.5), alphaplus = c(0,0), alphaminus=c(0,0), priorgamma = c(0.001,0.001), priormu = c(0,0), priorSigma = c(1,1), propsigmaphi = c(0.05,0.05), nmcmc = 10) summary(example_ZIP_MErr)