Package 'WeightIt'

Title: Weighting for Covariate Balance in Observational Studies
Description: Generates balancing weights for causal effect estimation in observational studies with binary, multi-category, or continuous point or longitudinal treatments by easing and extending the functionality of several R packages and providing in-house estimation methods. Available methods include those that rely on parametric modeling, optimization, and machine learning. Also allows for assessment of weights and checking of covariate balance by interfacing directly with the 'cobalt' package. Methods for estimating weighted regression models that take into account uncertainty in the estimation of the weights via M-estimation or bootstrapping are available. See the vignette "Installing Supporting Packages" for instructions on how to install any package 'WeightIt' uses, including those that may not be on CRAN.
Authors: Noah Greifer [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Noah Greifer <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.4.0
Built: 2025-02-24 19:22:34 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Weighting methods


.weightit_methods is a list containing the allowable weighting methods that can be supplied by name to the method argument of weightit(), weightitMSM(), and Each entry corresponds to an allowed method and contains information about what options are and are not allowed for each method. While this list is primarily for internal use by checking functions in WeightIt, it might be of use for package authors that want to support different weighting methods.




An object of class list of length 10.


Each component is itself a list containing the following components:


at least one of "binary", "multi-category", or "continuous" indicating which treatment types are available for this method.


which estimands are available for this method. All methods that support binary and multi-category treatments accept "ATE", "ATT", and "ATC", as well as some other estimands depending on the method. See get_w_from_ps() for more details about what each estimand means.


a character vector of aliases for the method. When an alias is supplied, the corresponding method will still be dispatched. For example, the canonical method to request entropy balancing is "ebal", but "ebalance" and "entropy" also work. The first value is the canonical name.


a string containing the description of the name in English.


a logical for whether propensity scores are returned by the method for binary treatments. Propensity scores are never returned for multi-category or continuous treatments.


a logical for whether the method can be validly used with longitudinal treatments.


a logical for whether a version of the method can be used that estimates weights using a single model rather than multiplying the weights across time points. This is related to the is.MSM.method argument of weightitMSM().


a logical for whether subclass can be supplied to compute subclassification weights from the propensity scores.


a character vector of the minimal packages required to use the method. Some methods may require additional packages for certain options.


a logical for whether sampling weights can be used with the method.


a character vector of the allowed options that can be supplied to missing when missing data is present. All methods accept "ind" for the missingness indicator approach; some other methods accept additional values.


a logical for whether moments, int, and quantile can be used with the method.


when moments_int_ok is TRUE, the default value of moments used with the method. For most methods, this is 1.


a logical for whether arguments that control the density can be used with the method when used with a continuous treatment.


a logical for whether the stabilize argument (and num.formula for longitudinal treatments) can be used with the method.


a logical for whether plot() can be used on the weightit output with the method.

See Also

weightit() and weightitMSM() for how the methods are used. Also see the individual methods pages for information on whether and how each option can be used.


# Get all acceptable names

# Get all acceptable names and aliases
lapply(.weightit_methods, `[[`, "alias")

# Which estimands are allowed with `method = "bart"`

# All methods that support continuous treatments
supp <- sapply(.weightit_methods, function(x) {
  "continuous" %in% x$treat_type

# All methods that return propensity scores (for
# binary treatments only)
supp <- sapply(.weightit_methods, `[[`, "ps")

Methods for glm_weightit() objects


anova() is used to compare nested models fit with glm_weightit(), mutinom_weightit(), ordinal_weightit(), or coxph_weightit() using a Wald test that incorporates uncertainty in estimating the weights (if any).


## S3 method for class 'glm_weightit'
  test = "Chisq",
  method = "Wald",
  tolerance = 1e-07,
  vcov = NULL,


object, object2

an output from one of the above modeling functions. object2 is required.


the type of test statistic used to compare models. Currently only "Chisq" (the chi-square statistic) is allowed.


the kind of test used to compare models. Currently only "Wald" is allowed.


for the Wald test, the tolerance used to determine if models are symbolically nested.


either a string indicating the method used to compute the variance of the estimated parameters for object, a function used to extract the variance, or the variance matrix itself. Default is to use the variance matrix already present in object. If a string or function, arguments passed to ... are supplied to the method or function. (Note: for vcov(), can also be supplied as type.)


other arguments passed to the function used for computing the parameter variance matrix, if supplied as a string or function, e.g., cluster, R, or fwb.args.


anova() performs a Wald test to compare two fitted models. The models must be nested, but they don't have to be nested symbolically (i.e., the names of the coefficients of the smaller model do not have to be a subset of the names of the coefficients of the larger model). The larger model must be supplied to object and the smaller to object2. Both models must contain the same units, weights (if any), and outcomes. The variance-covariance matrix of the coefficients of the smaller model is not used.


An object of class "anova" inheriting from class "data.frame".

See Also

glm_weightit() for the page documenting glm_weightit(), lm_weightit(), ordinal_weightit(), multinom_weightit(), and coxph_weightit(). anova.glm() for model comparison of glm objects.


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

# Model comparison for any relationship between `treat`
# and `re78` (not the same as testing for the ATE)
fit1 <- glm_weightit(
  re78 ~ treat * (age + educ + race + married + nodegree +
                    re74 + re75), data = lalonde

fit2 <- glm_weightit(
  re78 ~ age + educ + race + married + nodegree +
    re74 + re75, data = lalonde

anova(fit1, fit2)

# Using the usual maximum likelihood variance matrix
anova(fit1, fit2, vcov = "const")

# Using a bootstrapped variance matrix
anova(fit1, fit2, vcov = "BS", R = 100)

# Model comparison between spline model and linear
# model; note they are nested but not symbolically
# nested
fit_s <- glm_weightit(re78 ~ splines::ns(age, df =4),
                      data = lalonde )

fit_l <- glm_weightit( re78 ~ age, data = lalonde )

anova(fit_s, fit_l)

Create a weightit object manually


This function allows users to get the benefits of a weightit object when using weights not estimated with weightit() or weightitMSM(). These benefits include diagnostics, plots, and direct compatibility with cobalt for assessing balance.


as.weightit(x, ...)

## S3 method for class ''
as.weightit(x, covs = NULL, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  covs = NULL,
  estimand = NULL,
  s.weights = NULL,
  ps = NULL,

as.weightitMSM(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  covs.list = NULL,
  estimand = NULL,
  s.weights = NULL,
  ps.list = NULL,



required; a numeric vector of weights, one for each unit, or a object from


additional arguments. These must be named. They will be included in the output object.


an optional data.frame of covariates. For using WeightIt functions, this is not necessary, but for use with cobalt it is. Note that when using with a object, this should not be the matrix supplied to the covs argument of unless there are no factor/character variables in it. Ideally this is the original, unprocessed covariate data frame with factor variables included.


a vector of treatment statuses, one for each unit. Required when x is a vector of weights.


an optional character of length 1 giving the estimand. The text is not checked.


an optional numeric vector of sampling weights, one for each unit.


an optional numeric vector of propensity scores, one for each unit.


a list of treatment statuses at each time point.


an optional list of data.frames of covariates of covariates at each time point. For using WeightIt functions, this is not necessary, but for use with cobalt it is.


an optional list of numeric vectors of propensity scores at each time point.


An object of class weightit (for as.weightit()) or weightitMSM (for as.weightitMSM()).


treat <- rbinom(500, 1, .3)
weights <- rchisq(500, df = 2)

W <- as.weightit(weights, treat = treat, estimand = "ATE")

# See ? for using as.weightit() with a
# object.

Calibrate Propensity Score Weights


calibrate() calibrates propensity scores used in weights. This involves fitting a new propensity score model using logistic or isotonic regression with the previously estimated propensity score as the sole predictor. Weights are computed using this new propensity score.


calibrate(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
calibrate(x, treat, s.weights = NULL, data = NULL, method = "platt", ...)

## S3 method for class 'weightit'
calibrate(x, ...)



A weightit object or a vector of propensity scores. Only binary treatments are supported.


Not used.


A vector of treatment status for each unit. Only binary treatments are supported.


A vector of sampling weights or the name of a variable in data that contains sampling weights.


An optional data frame containing the variable named in s.weights when supplied as a string.


character; the method of calibration used. Allowable options include "platt" (default) for Platt scaling as described by Gutman et al. (2024) and "isoreg" for isotonic regression as described by van der Laan et al. (2024) and implemented in isoreg().


If the input is a weightit object, the output will be a weightit object with the propensity scores replaced with the calibrated propensity scores and the weights replaced by weights computed from the calibrated propensity scores.

If the input is a numeric vector of weights, the output will be a numeric vector of the calibrated propensity scores.


Gutman, R., Karavani, E., & Shimoni, Y. (2024). Improving Inverse Probability Weighting by Post-calibrating Its Propensity Scores. Epidemiology, 35(4). doi:10.1097/EDE.0000000000001733

van der Laan, L., Lin, Z., Carone, M., & Luedtke, A. (2024). Stabilized Inverse Probability Weighting via Isotonic Calibration (arXiv:2411.06342). arXiv.

See Also

weightit(), weightitMSM()


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

#Using GBM to estimate weights
(W <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                 nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
               method = "gbm", estimand = "ATT",
               criterion = "smd.max"))

#Calibrating the GBM propensity scores
Wc <- calibrate(W)

#Calibrating propensity scores directly
PSc <- calibrate(W$ps, treat = lalonde$treat)

Compute effective sample size of weighted sample


Computes the effective sample size (ESS) of a weighted sample, which represents the size of an unweighted sample with approximately the same amount of precision as the weighted sample under consideration.

The ESS is calculated as (w)2/w2(\sum w)^2/\sum w^2.





a vector of weights


McCaffrey, D. F., Ridgeway, G., & Morral, A. R. (2004). Propensity Score Estimation With Boosted Regression for Evaluating Causal Effects in Observational Studies. Psychological Methods, 9(4), 403–425. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.9.4.403

Shook‐Sa, B. E., & Hudgens, M. G. (2020). Power and sample size for observational studies of point exposure effects. Biometrics, biom.13405. doi:10.1111/biom.13405

See Also



data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

#Balancing covariates between treatment groups (binary)
(W1 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "glm", estimand = "ATE"))
ESS(W1$weights[W1$treat == 0])
ESS(W1$weights[W1$treat == 1])

Compute weights from propensity scores


Given a vector or matrix of propensity scores, outputs a vector of weights that target the provided estimand.


  estimand = "ATE",
  focal = NULL,
  treated = NULL,
  subclass = NULL,
  stabilize = FALSE



a vector, matrix, or data frame of propensity scores. See Details.


a vector of treatment status for each individual. See Details.


the desired estimand that the weights should target. Current options include "ATE" (average treatment effect), "ATT" (average treatment effect on the treated), "ATC" (average treatment effect on the control), "ATO" (average treatment effect in the overlap), "ATM" (average treatment effect in the matched sample), and "ATOS" (average treatment effect in the optimal subset). See Details.


when estimand is "ATT" or "ATC", which group should be consider the (focal) "treated" or "control" group, respectively. If not NULL and estimand is not "ATT" or "ATC", estimand will automatically be set to "ATT".


when treatment is binary, the value of treat that is considered the "treated" group (i.e., the group for which the propensity scores are the probability of being in). If NULL, get_w_from_ps() will attempt to figure it out on its own using some heuristics. This really only matters when treat has values other than 0 and 1 and when ps is given as a vector or an unnamed single-column matrix or data frame.


numeric; the number of subclasses to use when computing weights using marginal mean weighting through stratification (also known as fine stratification). If NULL, standard inverse probability weights (and their extensions) will be computed; if a number greater than 1, subclasses will be formed and weights will be computed based on subclass membership. estimand must be "ATE", "ATT", or "ATC" if subclass is non-NULL. See Details.


logical; whether to compute stabilized weights or not. This simply involves multiplying each unit's weight by the proportion of units in their treatment group. For saturated outcome models and in balance checking, this won't make a difference; otherwise, this can improve performance.


get_w_from_ps() applies the formula for computing weights from propensity scores for the desired estimand. The formula for each estimand is below, with AiA_i the treatment value for unit ii taking on values A=(1,,g)\mathcal{A} = (1, \ldots, g), pa,ip_{a, i} the probability of receiving treatment level aa for unit ii, and ff is the focal group (the treated group for the ATT and the control group for the ATC):

wiATE=1/pAi,iwiATT=wiATE×pf,iwiATO=wiATE/aA1/pa,iwiATM=wiATE×min(p1,i,,pg,i)wiATOS=wiATE×1(α<p2,i<1α)\begin{aligned} w^{ATE}_i &= 1 / p_{A_i, i} \\ w^{ATT}_i &= w^{ATE}_i \times p_{f, i} \\ w^{ATO}_i &= w^{ATE}_i / \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}}{1/p_{a, i}} \\ w^{ATM}_i &= w^{ATE}_i \times \min(p_{1, i}, \ldots, p_{g, i}) \\ w^{ATOS}_i &= w^{ATE}_i \times \mathbb{1}\left(\alpha < p_{2, i} < 1 - \alpha\right) \end{aligned}

get_w_from_ps() can only be used with binary and multi-category treatments.

Supplying the ps argument

The ps argument can be entered in two ways:

  • A numeric matrix with a row for each unit and a (named) column for each treatment level, with each cell corresponding to the probability of receiving the corresponding treatment level

  • A numeric vector with a value for each unit corresponding to the probability of being "treated" (only allowed for binary treatments)

When supplied as a vector, get_w_from_ps() has to know which value of treat corresponds to the "treated" group. For 0/1 variables, 1 will be considered treated. For other types of variables, get_w_from_ps() will try to figure it out using heuristics, but it's safer to supply an argument to treated. When estimand is "ATT" or "ATC", supplying a value to focal is sufficient (for ATT, focal is the treated group, and for ATC, focal is the control group).

When supplied as a matrix, the columns must be named with the levels of the treatment, and it is assumed that each column corresponds to the probability of being in that treatment group. This is the safest way to supply ps unless treat is a 0/1 variable. When estimand is "ATT" or "ATC", a value for focal must be specified.

Marginal mean weighting through stratification (MMWS)

When subclass is not NULL, MMWS weights are computed. The implementation differs slightly from that described in Hong (2010, 2012). First, subclasses are formed by finding the quantiles of the propensity scores in the target group (for the ATE, all units; for the ATT or ATC, just the units in the focal group). Any subclasses lacking members of a treatment group will be filled in with them from neighboring subclasses so each subclass will always have at least one member of each treatment group. A new subclass-propensity score matrix is formed, where each unit's subclass-propensity score for each treatment value is computed as the proportion of units with that treatment value in the unit's subclass. For example, if a subclass had 10 treated units and 90 control units in it, the subclass-propensity score for being treated would be .1 and the subclass-propensity score for being control would be .9 for all units in the subclass.

For multi-category treatments, the propensity scores for each treatment are stratified separately as described in Hong (2012); for binary treatments, only one set of propensity scores are stratified and the subclass-propensity scores for the other treatment are computed as the complement of the propensity scores for the stratified treatment.

After the subclass-propensity scores have been computed, the standard propensity score weighting formulas are used to compute the unstabilized MMWS weights. To estimate MMWS weights equivalent to those described in Hong (2010, 2012), stabilize must be set to TRUE, but, as with standard propensity score weights, this is optional. Note that MMWS weights are also known as fine stratification weights and described by Desai et al. (2017).


A vector of weights. When subclass is not NULL, the subclasses are returned as the "subclass" attribute. When estimand = "ATOS", the chosen value of alpha (the smallest propensity score allowed to remain in the sample) is returned in the "alpha" attribute.


Binary treatments

  • estimand = "ATO"

Li, F., Morgan, K. L., & Zaslavsky, A. M. (2018). Balancing covariates via propensity score weighting. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113(521), 390–400. doi:10.1080/01621459.2016.1260466

  • estimand = "ATM"

Li, L., & Greene, T. (2013). A Weighting Analogue to Pair Matching in Propensity Score Analysis. The International Journal of Biostatistics, 9(2). doi:10.1515/ijb-2012-0030

  • estimand = "ATOS"

Crump, R. K., Hotz, V. J., Imbens, G. W., & Mitnik, O. A. (2009). Dealing with limited overlap in estimation of average treatment effects. Biometrika, 96(1), 187–199. doi:10.1093/biomet/asn055

  • Other estimands

Austin, P. C. (2011). An Introduction to Propensity Score Methods for Reducing the Effects of Confounding in Observational Studies. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 46(3), 399–424. doi:10.1080/00273171.2011.568786

  • Marginal mean weighting through stratification (MMWS)

Hong, G. (2010). Marginal mean weighting through stratification: Adjustment for selection bias in multilevel data. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 35(5), 499–531. doi:10.3102/1076998609359785

Desai, R. J., Rothman, K. J., Bateman, B. . T., Hernandez-Diaz, S., & Huybrechts, K. F. (2017). A Propensity-score-based Fine Stratification Approach for Confounding Adjustment When Exposure Is Infrequent: Epidemiology, 28(2), 249–257. doi:10.1097/EDE.0000000000000595

Multi-Category Treatments

  • estimand = "ATO"

Li, F., & Li, F. (2019). Propensity score weighting for causal inference with multiple treatments. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 13(4), 2389–2415. doi:10.1214/19-AOAS1282

  • estimand = "ATM"

Yoshida, K., Hernández-Díaz, S., Solomon, D. H., Jackson, J. W., Gagne, J. J., Glynn, R. J., & Franklin, J. M. (2017). Matching weights to simultaneously compare three treatment groups: Comparison to three-way matching. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 28(3), 387–395. doi:10.1097/EDE.0000000000000627

  • Other estimands

McCaffrey, D. F., Griffin, B. A., Almirall, D., Slaughter, M. E., Ramchand, R., & Burgette, L. F. (2013). A Tutorial on Propensity Score Estimation for Multiple Treatments Using Generalized Boosted Models. Statistics in Medicine, 32(19), 3388–3414. doi:10.1002/sim.5753

  • Marginal mean weighting through stratification

Hong, G. (2012). Marginal mean weighting through stratification: A generalized method for evaluating multivalued and multiple treatments with nonexperimental data. Psychological Methods, 17(1), 44–60. doi:10.1037/a0024918

See Also



data("lalonde", package = "cobalt") <- glm(treat ~ age + educ + race + married +
                nodegree + re74 + re75, data = lalonde,
              family = binomial)
ps <-$fitted.values

w1 <- get_w_from_ps(ps, treat = lalonde$treat,
                    estimand = "ATT")

treatAB <- factor(ifelse(lalonde$treat == 1, "A", "B"))
w2 <- get_w_from_ps(ps, treat = treatAB,
                    estimand = "ATT", focal = "A")
all.equal(w1, w2)
w3 <- get_w_from_ps(ps, treat = treatAB,
                    estimand = "ATT", treated = "A")
all.equal(w1, w3)

# Using MMWS
w4 <- get_w_from_ps(ps, treat = lalonde$treat,
                    estimand = "ATE", subclass = 20,
                    stabilize = TRUE)

# A multi-category example using predicted probabilities
# from multinomial logistic regression
T3 <- factor(sample(c("A", "B", "C"), nrow(lalonde),
                    replace = TRUE)) <- multinom_weightit(
  T3 ~ age + educ + race + married +
    nodegree + re74 + re75, data = lalonde,
  vcov = "none"

ps.multi <- fitted(

w5 <- get_w_from_ps(ps.multi, treat = T3,
                    estimand = "ATE")

Fitting Weighted Generalized Linear Models


glm_weightit() is used to fit generalized linear models with a covariance matrix that accounts for estimation of weights, if supplied. lm_weightit() is a wrapper for glm_weightit() with the Gaussian family and identity link (i.e., a linear model). ordinal_weightit() fits proportional odds ordinal regression models. multinom_weightit() fits multinomial logistic regression models. coxph_weightit() fits a Cox proportional hazards model and is a wrapper for survival::coxph(). By default, these functions use M-estimation to construct a robust covariance matrix using the estimating equations for the weighting model and the outcome model when available.


  family = gaussian,
  weightit = NULL,
  vcov = NULL,
  R = 500L,
  start = NULL,
  control = list(...),
  x = FALSE,
  y = TRUE,
  contrasts = NULL,
  fwb.args = list(),
  br = FALSE,

  weightit = NULL,
  vcov = NULL,
  R = 500L,
  x = FALSE,
  y = TRUE,
  contrasts = NULL,
  fwb.args = list(),

  link = "logit",
  weightit = NULL,
  vcov = NULL,
  R = 500L,
  start = NULL,
  control = list(...),
  x = FALSE,
  y = TRUE,
  contrasts = NULL,
  fwb.args = list(),

  link = "logit",
  weightit = NULL,
  vcov = NULL,
  R = 500L,
  start = NULL,
  control = list(...),
  x = FALSE,
  y = TRUE,
  contrasts = NULL,
  fwb.args = list(),

  weightit = NULL,
  vcov = NULL,
  R = 500L,
  x = FALSE,
  y = TRUE,
  fwb.args = list(),



an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. For coxph_weightit(), see survival::coxph() for how this should be specified.


a data frame containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment(formula), typically the environment from which the function is called.


a description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model. This can be a character string naming a family function, a family function or the result of a call to a family function. See family for details of family functions.


a weightit or weightitMSM object; the output of a call to weightit() or weightitMSM(). If not supplied, an unweighted model will be fit.


string; the method used to compute the variance of the estimated parameters. Allowable options include "asympt", which uses the asymptotically correct M-estimation-based method that accounts for estimation of the weights when available; "const", which uses the usual maximum likelihood estimates (only available when weightit is not supplied); "HC0", which computes the robust sandwich variance treating weights (if supplied) as fixed; "BS", which uses the traditional bootstrap (including re-estimation of the weights, if supplied); "FWB", which uses the fractional weighted bootstrap as implemented in fwb::fwb() (including re-estimation of the weights, if supplied); and "none" to omit calculation of a variance matrix. If NULL (the default), will use "asympt" if weightit is supplied and M-estimation is available and "HC0" otherwise. See the vcov_type component of the outcome object to see which was used.


optional; for computing a cluster-robust variance matrix, a variable indicating the clustering of observations, a list (or data frame) thereof, or a one-sided formula specifying which variable(s) from the fitted model should be used. Note the cluster-robust variance matrix uses a correction for small samples, as is done in sandwich::vcovCL() by default. Cluster-robust variance calculations are available only when vcov is "asympt", "HC0", "BS", or "FWB".


the number of bootstrap replications when vcov is "BS" or "FWB". Default is 500. Ignored otherwise.


optional; a numeric vector containing the model offset. See offset(). An offset can also be preset in the model formula.


optional starting values for the coefficients.

etastart, mustart

optional starting values for the linear predictor and vector of means. Passed to glm().


a list of parameters for controlling the fitting process.

x, y

logical values indicating whether the response vector and model matrix used in the fitting process should be returned as components of the returned value.


an optional list defining contrasts for factor variables. See model.matrix().


an optional list of further arguments to supply to fwb::fwb() when vcov = "FWB".


logical; whether to use bias-reduced regression as implemented by brglm2::brglmFit(). If TRUE, arguments passed to control or ... will be passed to brglm2::brglmControl().


arguments to be used to form the default control argument if it is not supplied directly.


for plor_weightit() and multinom_weightit(), a string corresponding to the desired link function. For ordinal_weightit(), any allowed by binomial() are accepted; for multinom_weightit(), only "logit" is allowed. Default is "logit" for ordinal or multinomial logistic regression, respectively.


glm_weightit() is essentially a wrapper for glm() that optionally computes a coefficient variance matrix that can be adjusted to account for estimation of the weights if a weightit or weightitMSM object is supplied to the weightit argument. When no argument is supplied to weightit or there is no "Mparts" attribute in the supplied object, the default variance matrix returned will be the "HC0" sandwich variance matrix, which is robust to misspecification of the outcome family (including heteroscedasticity). Otherwise, the default variance matrix uses M-estimation to additionally adjust for estimation of the weights. When possible, this often yields smaller (and more accurate) standard errors. See the individual methods pages to see whether and when an "Mparts" attribute is included in the supplied object. To request that a variance matrix be computed that doesn't account for estimation of the weights even when a compatible weightit object is supplied, set vcov = "HC0", which treats the weights as fixed.

Bootstrapping can also be used to compute the coefficient variance matrix; when vcov = "BS" or vcov = "FWB", which implement the traditional resampling-based and fractional weighted bootstrap, respectively, the entire process of estimating the weights and fitting the outcome model is repeated in bootstrap samples (if a weightit object is supplied). This accounts for estimation of the weights and can be used with any weighting method. It is important to set a seed using set.seed() to ensure replicability of the results. The fractional weighted bootstrap is more reliable but requires the weighting method to accept sampling weights (which most do, and you'll get an error if it doesn't). Setting vcov = "FWB" and supplying fwb.args = list(wtype = "multinom") also performs the resampling-based bootstrap but with the additional features fwb provides (e.g., a progress bar and parallelization) at the expense of needing to have fwb installed.

multinom_weightit() implements multinomial logistic regression using a custom function in WeightIt. This implementation is less robust to failures than other multinomial logistic regression solvers and should be used with caution. Estimation of coefficients should align with that from mlogit::mlogit() and mclogit::mblogit().

ordinal_weightit() implements proportional odds ordinal regression using a custom function in WeightIt. Estimation of coefficients should align with that from MASS::polr().

coxph_weightit() is a wrapper for survival::coxph() to fit weighted survival models. It differs from coxph() in that the cluster argument (if used) should be specified as a one-sided formula (which can include multiple clustering variables) and uses a small sample correction for cluster variance estimates when specified. Currently, M-estimation is not supported, so bootstrapping (i.e., vcov = "BS" or "FWB") is the only way to correctly adjust for estimation of the weights. By default, the robust variance is estimated treating weights as fixed, which is the same variance returned when robust = TRUE in coxph().

Functions in the sandwich package can be to compute standard errors after fitting, regardless of how vcov was specified, though these will ignore estimation of the weights, if any. When no adjustment is done for estimation of the weights (i.e., because no weightit argument was supplied or there was no "Mparts" component in the supplied object), the default variance matrix produced by glm_weightit() should align with that from ⁠sandwich::vcovHC(. type = "HC0")⁠ or sandwich::vcovCL(., type = "HC0", cluster = cluster) when cluster is supplied. Not all types are available for all models.


For lm_weightit() and glm_weightit(), a glm_weightit object, which inherits from glm. For ordinal_weightit() and multinom_weightit(), an ordinal_weightit or multinom_weightit, respectively. For coxph_weightit(), a coxph_weightit object, which inherits from coxph. See survival::coxph() for details.

Unless vcov = "none", the vcov component contains the covariance matrix adjusted for the estimation of the weights if requested and a compatible weightit object was supplied. The vcov_type component contains the type of variance matrix requested. If cluster is supplied, it will be stored in the "cluster" attribute of the output object, even if not used.

The model component of the output object (also the model.frame() output) will include two extra columns when weightit is supplied: (weights) containing the weights used in the model (the product of the estimated weights and the sampling weights, if any) and (s.weights) containing the sampling weights, which will be 1 if s.weights is not supplied in the original weightit() call.

See Also

lm() and glm() for fitting generalized linear models without adjusting standard errors for estimation of the weights. survival::coxph() for fitting Cox proportional hazards models without adjusting standard errors for estimation of the weights.


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

# Logistic regression ATT weights
w.out <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married + re74,
                  data = lalonde, method = "glm",
                  estimand = "ATT")

# Linear regression outcome model that adjusts
# for estimation of weights
fit1 <- lm_weightit(re78 ~ treat, data = lalonde,
                    weightit = w.out)


# Linear regression outcome model that treats weights
# as fixed
fit2 <- lm_weightit(re78 ~ treat, data = lalonde,
                    weightit = w.out, vcov = "HC0")


# example code

# Linear regression outcome model that bootstraps
# estimation of weights and outcome model fitting
# using fractional weighted bootstrap with "Mammen"
# weights
fit3 <- lm_weightit(re78 ~ treat, data = lalonde,
                    weightit = w.out,
                    vcov = "FWB",
                    R = 50, #should use way more
                    fwb.args = list(wtype = "mammen"))


# Multinomial logistic regression outcome model
# that adjusts for estimation of weights
lalonde$re78_3 <- factor(findInterval(lalonde$re78,
                                      c(0, 5e3, 1e4)))

fit4 <- multinom_weightit(re78_3 ~ treat,
                          data = lalonde,
                          weightit = w.out)


# Ordinal probit regression that adjusts for estimation
# of weights
fit5 <- ordinal_weightit(ordered(re78_3) ~ treat,
                         data = lalonde,
                         link = "probit",
                         weightit = w.out)


Methods for glm_weightit() objects


This page documents methods for objects returned by glm_weightit(), lm_weightit(), ordinal_weightit(), multinom_weightit(), and coxph_weightit(). predict() methods are described at predict.glm_weightit() and anova() methods are described at anova.glm_weightit().


## S3 method for class 'glm_weightit'
summary(object, ci = FALSE, level = 0.95, transform = NULL, vcov = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'multinom_weightit'
summary(object, ci = FALSE, level = 0.95, transform = NULL, vcov = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ordinal_weightit'
  ci = FALSE,
  level = 0.95,
  transform = NULL,
  thresholds = TRUE,
  vcov = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'coxph_weightit'
summary(object, ci = FALSE, level = 0.95, transform = NULL, vcov = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glm_weightit'
print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)

## S3 method for class 'glm_weightit'
vcov(object, complete = TRUE, vcov = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glm_weightit'
estfun(x, asympt = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glm_weightit'
update(object, formula. = NULL, ..., evaluate = TRUE)


object, x

an output from one of the above modeling functions.


logical; whether to display Wald confidence intervals for estimated coefficients. Default is FALSE. (Note: this argument can also be supplied as


when ci = TRUE, the desired confidence level.


the function used to transform the coefficients, e.g., exp (which can also be supplied as a string, e.g., "exp"); passed to before being used on the coefficients. When ci = TRUE, this is also applied to the confidence interval bounds. If specified, the standard error will be omitted from the output. Default is no transformation.


either a string indicating the method used to compute the variance of the estimated parameters for object, a function used to extract the variance, or the variance matrix itself. Default is to use the variance matrix already present in object. If a string or function, arguments passed to ... are supplied to the method or function. (Note: for vcov(), can also be supplied as type.)


for vcov() or summary() or confint() with vcov supplied, other arguments used to compute the variance matrix depending on the method supplied to vcov, e.g., cluster, R, or fwb.args. For update(), additional arguments to the call or arguments with changed values. See glm_weightit() for details.


logical; whether to include thresholds in the summary() output for ordinal_weightit objects. Default is TRUE.


the number of significant digits to be passed to format(coef(x), .) when print()ing.


logical; whether the full variance-covariance matrix should be returned also in case of an over-determined system where some coefficients are undefined and coef(.) contains NAs correspondingly. When complete = TRUE, vcov() is compatible with coef() also in this singular case.


logical; for estfun(), whether to use the asymptotic empirical estimating functions that account for estimation of the weights (when Mparts is available). Default is TRUE. Set to FALSE to ignore estimation of the weights. Ignored when Mparts is not available or no argument was supplied to weightit in the fitting function.


changes to the model formula, passed to the new argument of update.formula().


whether to evaluate the call (TRUE, the default) or just return it.


vcov() by default extracts the parameter covariance matrix already computed by the fitting function, and summary() and confint() uses this covariance matrix to compute standard errors and Wald confidence intervals (internally calling confint.lm()), respectively. Supplying arguments to vcov or ... will compute a new covariance matrix. If cluster was supplied to the original fitting function, it will be incorporated into any newly computed covariance matrix unless cluster = NULL is specified in vcov(), summary(), or confint(). For other arguments (e.g., R and fwb.args), the defaults are those used by glm_weightit(). Note that for vcov = "BS" and vcov = "FWB" (and vcov = "const" for multinom_weightit or ordinal_weightit objects), the environment for the fitting function is used, so any changes to that environment may affect calculation. It is always safer to simply recompute the fitted object with a new covariance matrix than to modify it with the vcov argument, but it can be quicker to just request a new covariance matrix when refitting the model is slow.

update() updates a fitted model object with new arguments, e.g., a new model formula, dataset, or variance matrix. When only arguments that control the computation of the variance are supplied, only the variance will be recalculated (i.e., the parameters will not be re-estimated). When data is supplied, weightit is not supplied, and a weightit object was originally passed to the model fitting function, the weightit object will be re-fit with the new dataset before the model is refit using the new weights and new data. That is, calling update(obj, data = d) is equivalent to calling update(obj, data = d, weightit = update(obj$weightit, data = d)) when a weightit object was supplied to the model fitting function. Similarly, supplying s.weights or weights passes the argument through to weightit() to be refit. When s.weights or weights are supplied and no weightit object is present, a fake one containing just the supplied weights will be created.

estfun() extracts the empirical estimating functions for the fitted model, optionally accounting for the estimation of the weights (if available). This, along with bread(), is used by sandwich::sandwich() to compute the robust covariance matrix of the estimated coefficients. See glm_weightit() and vcov() above for more details.


summary() returns a summary.glm_weightit() object, which has its own print() method. For coxph_weightit() objects, the print() and summary() methods are more like those for glm objects than for coxph objects.

Otherwise, all methods return the same type of object as their generics.

See Also

glm_weightit() for the page documenting glm_weightit(), lm_weightit(), ordinal_weightit(), multinom_weightit(), and coxph_weightit(). summary.glm(), vcov(), confint() for the relevant methods pages. predict.glm_weightit() for computing predictions from the models. anova.glm_weightit() for comparing models using a Wald test.

sandwich::estfun() and sandwich::bread() for the estfun() and bread() generics.


## See more examples at ?glm_weightit

Make a design matrix full rank


When writing user-defined methods for use with weightit(), it may be necessary to take the potentially non-full rank covs data frame and make it full rank for use in a downstream function. This function performs that operation.


make_full_rank(mat, with.intercept = TRUE)



a numeric matrix or data frame to be transformed. Typically this contains covariates. NAs are not allowed.


whether an intercept (i.e., a vector of 1s) should be added to mat before making it full rank. If TRUE, the intercept will be used in determining whether a column is linearly dependent on others. Regardless, no intercept will be included in the output.


make_full_rank() calls qr() to find the rank and linearly independent columns of mat, which are retained while others are dropped. If with.intercept is set to TRUE, an intercept column is added to the matrix before calling qr(). Note that dependent columns that appear later in mat will be dropped first.

See example at method_user.


An object of the same type as mat containing only linearly independent columns.


Older versions would drop all columns that only had one value. With with.intercept = FALSE, if only one column has only one value, it will not be removed, and it will function as though there was an intercept present; if more than only column has only one value, only the first one will remain.

See Also

method_user, model.matrix()


c1 <- rbinom(10, 1, .4)
c2 <- 1-c1
c3 <- rnorm(10)
c4 <- 10*c3
mat <- data.frame(c1, c2, c3, c4)

make_full_rank(mat) #leaves c2 and c4

make_full_rank(mat, with.intercept = FALSE) #leaves c1, c2, and c4

Propensity Score Weighting Using BART


This page explains the details of estimating weights from Bayesian additive regression trees (BART)-based propensity scores by setting method = "bart" in the call to weightit() or weightitMSM(). This method can be used with binary, multi-category, and continuous treatments.

In general, this method relies on estimating propensity scores using BART and then converting those propensity scores into weights using a formula that depends on the desired estimand. This method relies on dbarts::bart2() from the dbarts package.

Binary Treatments

For binary treatments, this method estimates the propensity scores using dbarts::bart2(). The following estimands are allowed: ATE, ATT, ATC, ATO, ATM, and ATOS. Weights can also be computed using marginal mean weighting through stratification for the ATE, ATT, and ATC. See get_w_from_ps() for details.

Multi-Category Treatments

For multi-category treatments, the propensity scores are estimated using several calls to dbarts::bart2(), one for each treatment group; the treatment probabilities are not normalized to sum to 1. The following estimands are allowed: ATE, ATT, ATC, ATO, and ATM. The weights for each estimand are computed using the standard formulas or those mentioned above. Weights can also be computed using marginal mean weighting through stratification for the ATE, ATT, and ATC. See get_w_from_ps() for details.

Continuous Treatments For continuous treatments, weights are estimated as

wi=fA(ai)/fAX(ai)w_i = f_A(a_i) / f_{A|X}(a_i), where fA(ai)f_A(a_i) (known as the stabilization factor) is the unconditional density of treatment evaluated the observed treatment value and fAX(ai)f_{A|X}(a_i) (known as the generalized propensity score) is the conditional density of treatment given the covariates evaluated at the observed value of treatment. The shape of fA(.)f_A(.) and fAX(.)f_{A|X}(.) is controlled by the density argument described below (normal distributions by default), and the predicted values used for the mean of the conditional density are estimated using BART as implemented in dbarts::bart2(). Kernel density estimation can be used instead of assuming a specific density for the numerator and denominator by setting density = "kernel". Other arguments to density() can be specified to refine the density estimation parameters.

Longitudinal Treatments

For longitudinal treatments, the weights are the product of the weights estimated at each time point.

Sampling Weights

Sampling weights are not supported.

Missing Data

In the presence of missing data, the following value(s) for missing are allowed:

"ind" (default)

First, for each variable with missingness, a new missingness indicator variable is created which takes the value 1 if the original covariate is NA and 0 otherwise. The missingness indicators are added to the model formula as main effects. The missing values in the covariates are then replaced with the covariate medians. The weight estimation then proceeds with this new formula and set of covariates. The covariates output in the resulting weightit object will be the original covariates with the NAs.


M-estimation is not supported.


BART works by fitting a sum-of-trees model for the treatment or probability of treatment. The number of trees is determined by the n.trees argument. Bayesian priors are used for the hyperparameters, so the result is a posterior distribution of predicted values for each unit. The mean of these for each unit is taken for use in computing the (generalized) propensity score. Although the hyperparameters governing the priors can be modified by supplying arguments to weightit() that are passed to the BART fitting function, the default values tend to work well and require little modification (though the defaults differ for continuous and categorical treatments; see the dbarts::bart2() documentation for details). Unlike many other machine learning methods, no loss function is optimized and the hyperparameters do not need to be tuned (e.g., using cross-validation), though performance can benefit from tuning. BART tends to balance sparseness with flexibility by using very weak learners as the trees, which makes it suitable for capturing complex functions without specifying a particular functional form and without overfitting.


BART has a random component, so some work must be done to ensure reproducibility across runs. See the Reproducibility section at dbarts::bart2() for more details. To ensure reproducibility, one can do one of two things: 1) supply an argument to seed, which is passed to dbarts::bart2() and sets the seed for single- and multi-threaded uses, or 2) call set.seed(), though this only ensures reproducibility when using single-threading, which can be requested by setting n.threads = 1. Note that to ensure reproducibility on any machine, regardless of the number of cores available, one should use single-threading and either supply seed or call set.seed().

Additional Arguments

All arguments to dbarts::bart2() can be passed through weightit() or weightitMSM(), with the following exceptions:

  • test, weights,subset, offset.test are ignored

  • combine.chains is always set to TRUE

  • sampleronly is always set to FALSE

For continuous treatments only, the following arguments may be supplied:


A function corresponding to the conditional density of the treatment. The standardized residuals of the treatment model will be fed through this function to produce the numerator and denominator of the generalized propensity score weights. If blank, dnorm() is used as recommended by Robins et al. (2000). This can also be supplied as a string containing the name of the function to be called. If the string contains underscores, the call will be split by the underscores and the latter splits will be supplied as arguments to the second argument and beyond. For example, if density = "dt_2" is specified, the density used will be that of a t-distribution with 2 degrees of freedom. Using a t-distribution can be useful when extreme outcome values are observed (Naimi et al., 2014).

Can also be "kernel" to use kernel density estimation, which calls density() to estimate the numerator and denominator densities for the weights. (This used to be requested by setting use.kernel = TRUE, which is now deprecated.)

bw, adjust, kernel, n

If density = "kernel", the arguments to density(). The defaults are the same as those in density() except that n is 10 times the number of units in the sample.


If density = "kernel", whether to plot the estimated densities.

Additional Outputs


When include.obj = TRUE, the bart2 fit(s) used to generate the predicted values. With multi-category treatments, this will be a list of the fits; otherwise, it will be a single fit. The predicted probabilities used to compute the propensity scores can be extracted using fitted().


Hill, J., Weiss, C., & Zhai, F. (2011). Challenges With Propensity Score Strategies in a High-Dimensional Setting and a Potential Alternative. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 46(3), 477–513. doi:10.1080/00273171.2011.570161

Chipman, H. A., George, E. I., & McCulloch, R. E. (2010). BART: Bayesian additive regression trees. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 4(1), 266–298. doi:10.1214/09-AOAS285

Note that many references that deal with BART for causal inference focus on estimating potential outcomes with BART, not the propensity scores, and so are not directly relevant when using BART to estimate propensity scores for weights.

See method_glm for additional references on propensity score weighting more generally.

See Also

weightit(), weightitMSM(), get_w_from_ps()

method_super for stacking predictions from several machine learning methods, including BART.


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

#Balancing covariates between treatment groups (binary)
(W1 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "bart", estimand = "ATT"))

#Balancing covariates with respect to race (multi-category)
(W2 <- weightit(race ~ age + educ + married +
                nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "bart", estimand = "ATE"))

#Balancing covariates with respect to re75 (continuous)
#assuming t(3) conditional density for treatment
(W3 <- weightit(re75 ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "bart", density = "dt_3"))

Covariate Balancing Propensity Score Weighting


This page explains the details of estimating weights from covariate balancing propensity scores by setting method = "cbps" in the call to weightit() or weightitMSM(). This method can be used with binary, multi-category, and continuous treatments.

In general, this method relies on estimating propensity scores using generalized method of moments and then converting those propensity scores into weights using a formula that depends on the desired estimand. This method relies on code written for WeightIt using optim().

Binary Treatments

For binary treatments, this method estimates the propensity scores and weights using optim() using formulas described by Imai and Ratkovic (2014). The following estimands are allowed: ATE, ATT, ATC, and ATO.

Multi-Category Treatments

For multi-category treatments, this method estimates the generalized propensity scores and weights using optim() using formulas described by Imai and Ratkovic (2014). The following estimands are allowed: ATE and ATT.

Continuous Treatments

For continuous treatments, this method estimates the generalized propensity scores and weights using optim() using a modification of the formulas described by Fong, Hazlett, and Imai (2018). See Details.

Longitudinal Treatments

For longitudinal treatments, the weights are computed using methods similar to those described by Huffman and van Gameren (2018). This involves specifying moment conditions for the models at each time point as with single-time point treatments but using the product of the time-specific weights as the weights that are used in the balance moment conditions. This yields weights that balance the covariate at each time point. This is not the same implementation as is implemented in CBPS::CBMSM(), and results should not be expected to align between the two methods. Any combination of treatment types is supported.

For the over-identified version (i.e., setting over = TRUE), the empirical variance is used in the objective function, whereas the expected variance averaging over the treatment is used with binary and multi-category point treatments.

Sampling Weights

Sampling weights are supported through s.weights in all scenarios.

Missing Data

In the presence of missing data, the following value(s) for missing are allowed:

"ind" (default)

First, for each variable with missingness, a new missingness indicator variable is created which takes the value 1 if the original covariate is NA and 0 otherwise. The missingness indicators are added to the model formula as main effects. The missing values in the covariates are then replaced with the covariate medians (this value is arbitrary and does not affect estimation). The weight estimation then proceeds with this new formula and set of covariates. The covariates output in the resulting weightit object will be the original covariates with the NAs.


M-estimation is supported for the just-identified CBPS (the default, setting over = FALSE) for binary and multi-category treatments. Otherwise (i.e., for continuous or longitudinal treatments or when over = TRUE), M-estimation is not supported. See glm_weightit() and vignette("estimating-effects") for details.


CBPS estimates the coefficients of a generalized linear model (for binary treatments), multinomial logistic regression model (for multi-category treatments), or linear regression model (for continuous treatments) that is used to compute (generalized) propensity scores, from which the weights are computed. It involves replacing (or augmenting, in the case of the over-identified version) the standard regression score equations with the balance constraints in a generalized method of moments estimation. The idea is to nudge the estimation of the coefficients toward those that produce balance in the weighted sample. The just-identified version (with exact = FALSE) does away with the score equations for the coefficients so that only the balance constraints are used. The just-identified version will therefore produce superior balance on the means (i.e., corresponding to the balance constraints) for binary and multi-category treatments and linear terms for continuous treatments than will the over-identified version.

Just-identified CBPS is very similar to entropy balancing and inverse probability tilting. For the ATT, all three methods will yield identical estimates. For other estimands, the results will differ.

Note that WeightIt provides different functionality from the CBPS package in terms of the versions of CBPS available; for extensions to CBPS (e.g., optimal CBPS and CBPS for instrumental variables), the CBPS package may be preferred. Note that for longitudinal treatments, CBPS::CBMSM() uses different methods and produces different results from weightitMSM() called with method = "cbps".

Additional Arguments

moments and int are accepted. See weightit() for details.

The following additional arguments can be specified:


logical; whether to request the over-identified CBPS, which combines the generalized linear model regression score equations (for binary treatments), multinomial logistic regression score equations (for multi-category treatments), or linear regression score equations (for continuous treatments) to the balance moment conditions. Default is FALSE to use the just-identified CBPS.


logical; when over = TRUE, whether to use the two-step approximation to the generalized method of moments variance. Default is TRUE. Setting to FALSE increases computation time but may improve estimation. Ignored with a warning when over = FALSE.


the link used in the generalized linear model for the propensity scores when treatment is binary. Default is "logit" for logistic regression, which is used in the original description of the method by Imai and Ratkovic (2014), but others are allowed, including "probit", "cauchit", "cloglog", "loglog", "log", "clog", and "identity". Note that negative weights are possible with these last three and they should be used with caution. An object of class "link-glm" can also be supplied. The argument is passed to quasibinomial(). Ignored for multi-category, continuous, and longitudinal treatments.


the relative tolerance for convergence of the optimization. Passed to the control argument of optim(). Default is 1e-10.


the maximum number of iterations for convergence of the optimization. Passed to the control argument of optim(). Default is 1000 for binary and multi-category treatments and 10000 for continuous and longitudinal treatments.


the solver to use to estimate the parameters of the just-identified CBPS. Allowable options include "multiroot" to use rootSolve::multiroot() and "optim" to use stats::optim(). "multiroot" is the default when rootSolve is installed, as it tends to be much faster and more accurate; otherwise, "optim" is the default and requires no dependencies. Regardless of solver, the output of optim() is returned when include.obj = TRUE (see below). When over = TRUE, the parameter estimates of the just-identified CBPS are used as starting values for the over-identified CBPS.


A named list of quantiles (values between 0 and 1) for each continuous covariate, which are used to create additional variables that when balanced ensure balance on the corresponding quantile of the variable. For example, setting ⁠quantile = list(x1 = c(.25, .5. , .75))⁠ ensures the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of x1 in each treatment group will be balanced in the weighted sample. Can also be a single number (e.g., .5) or an unnamed list of length 1 (e.g., list(c(.25, .5, .75))) to request the same quantile(s) for all continuous covariates, or a named vector (e.g., c(x1 = .5, x2 = .75) to request one quantile for each covariate. Only allowed with binary and multi-category treatments.

Additional Outputs


When include.obj = TRUE, the output of the final call to optim() used to produce the model parameters. Note that because of variable transformations, the resulting parameter estimates may not be interpretable.


This method used to rely on functionality in the CBPS package, but no longer does. Slight differences may be found between the two packages in some cases due to numerical imprecision (or, for continuous and longitudinal treatments, due to a difference in the estimator). WeightIt supports arbitrary numbers of groups for the multi-category CBPS and any estimand, whereas CBPS only supports up to four groups and only the ATE. The implementation of the just-identified CBPS for continuous treatments also differs from that of CBPS, and departs slightly from that described by Fong et al. (2018). The treatment mean and treatment variance are treated as random parameters to be estimated and are included in the balance moment conditions. In Fong et al. (2018), the treatment mean and variance are fixed to their empirical counterparts. For continuous treatments with the over-identified CBPS, WeightIt and CBPS use different methods of specifying the GMM variance matrix, which may lead to differing results.

Note that the default method differs between the two implementations; by default WeightIt uses the just-identified CBPS, which is faster to fit, yields better balance, and is compatible with M-estimation for estimating the standard error of the treatment effect, whereas CBPS uses the over-identified CBPS by default. However, both the just-identified and over-identified versions are available in both packages.

When the rootSolve package is installed, the optimization process will be slightly faster and more accurate because starting values are provided by an initial call to rootSolve::multiroot(). However, the package is not required.


Binary treatments

Imai, K., & Ratkovic, M. (2014). Covariate balancing propensity score. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 76(1), 243–263.

Multi-Category treatments

Imai, K., & Ratkovic, M. (2014). Covariate balancing propensity score. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 76(1), 243–263.

Continuous treatments

Fong, C., Hazlett, C., & Imai, K. (2018). Covariate balancing propensity score for a continuous treatment: Application to the efficacy of political advertisements. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 12(1), 156–177. doi:10.1214/17-AOAS1101

Longitudinal treatments

Huffman, C., & van Gameren, E. (2018). Covariate Balancing Inverse Probability Weights for Time-Varying Continuous Interventions. Journal of Causal Inference, 6(2). doi:10.1515/jci-2017-0002

Note: one should not cite Imai & Ratkovic (2015) when using CBPS for longitudinal treatments.

Some of the code was inspired by the source code of the CBPS package.

See Also

weightit(), weightitMSM()

method_ebal and method_ipt for entropy balancing and inverse probability tilting, which work similarly.


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

#Balancing covariates between treatment groups (binary)
(W1a <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "cbps", estimand = "ATT"))

#Balancing covariates between treatment groups (binary)
#using over-identified CBPS with probit link
(W1b <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "cbps", estimand = "ATT",
                over = TRUE, link = "probit"))

#Balancing covariates with respect to race (multi-category)
(W2 <- weightit(race ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "cbps", estimand = "ATE"))

#Balancing covariates with respect to re75 (continuous)
(W3 <- weightit(re75 ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "cbps"))

#Longitudinal treatments
(W4 <- weightitMSM(list(A_1 ~ X1_0 + X2_0,
                        A_2 ~ X1_1 + X2_1 +
                          A_1 + X1_0 + X2_0),
                   data = msmdata,
                   method = "cbps"))

Entropy Balancing


This page explains the details of estimating weights using entropy balancing by setting method = "ebal" in the call to weightit() or weightitMSM(). This method can be used with binary, multi-category, and continuous treatments.

In general, this method relies on estimating weights by minimizing the negative entropy of the weights subject to exact moment balancing constraints. This method relies on code written for WeightIt using optim().

Binary Treatments

For binary treatments, this method estimates the weights using optim() using formulas described by Hainmueller (2012). The following estimands are allowed: ATE, ATT, and ATC. When the ATE is requested, the optimization is run twice, once for each treatment group.

Multi-Category Treatments

For multi-category treatments, this method estimates the weights using optim(). The following estimands are allowed: ATE and ATT. When the ATE is requested, optim() is run once for each treatment group. When the ATT is requested, optim() is run once for each non-focal (i.e., control) group.

Continuous Treatments

For continuous treatments, this method estimates the weights using optim() using formulas described by Tübbicke (2022) and Vegetabile et al. (2021).

Longitudinal Treatments

For longitudinal treatments, the weights are the product of the weights estimated at each time point. This method is not guaranteed to yield exact balance at each time point. NOTE: the use of entropy balancing with longitudinal treatments has not been validated!

Sampling Weights

Sampling weights are supported through s.weights in all scenarios.

Missing Data

In the presence of missing data, the following value(s) for missing are allowed:

"ind" (default)

First, for each variable with missingness, a new missingness indicator variable is created which takes the value 1 if the original covariate is NA and 0 otherwise. The missingness indicators are added to the model formula as main effects. The missing values in the covariates are then replaced with the covariate medians (this value is arbitrary and does not affect estimation). The weight estimation then proceeds with this new formula and set of covariates. The covariates output in the resulting weightit object will be the original covariates with the NAs.


M-estimation is supported for all scenarios. See glm_weightit() and vignette("estimating-effects") for details.


Entropy balancing involves the specification of an optimization problem, the solution to which is then used to compute the weights. The constraints of the primal optimization problem correspond to covariate balance on the means (for binary and multi-category treatments) or treatment-covariate covariances (for continuous treatments), positivity of the weights, and that the weights sum to a certain value. It turns out that the dual optimization problem is much easier to solve because it is over only as many variables as there are balance constraints rather than over the weights for each unit and it is unconstrained. Zhao and Percival (2017) found that entropy balancing for the ATT of a binary treatment actually involves the estimation of the coefficients of a logistic regression propensity score model but using a specialized loss function different from that optimized with maximum likelihood. Entropy balancing is doubly robust (for the ATT) in the sense that it is consistent either when the true propensity score model is a logistic regression of the treatment on the covariates or when the true outcome model for the control units is a linear regression of the outcome on the covariates, and it attains a semi-parametric efficiency bound when both are true. Entropy balancing will always yield exact mean balance on the included terms.

Additional Arguments

moments and int are accepted. See weightit() for details.


A vector of base weights, one for each unit. These correspond to the base weights $q$ in Hainmueller (2012). The estimated weights minimize the Kullback entropy divergence from the base weights, defined as wlog(w/q)\sum w \log(w/q), subject to exact balance constraints. These can be used to supply previously estimated weights so that the newly estimated weights retain the some of the properties of the original weights while ensuring the balance constraints are met. Sampling weights should not be passed to base.weights but can be included in a weightit() call that includes s.weights.


the relative tolerance for convergence of the optimization. Passed to the control argument of optim(). Default is 1e-10.


the maximum number of iterations for convergence of the optimization. Passed to the control argument of optim(). Default is 1000 for binary and multi-category treatments and 10000 for continuous and longitudinal treatments.


the solver to use to estimate the parameters of the just-identified CBPS. Allowable options include "multiroot" to use rootSolve::multiroot() and "optim" to use stats::optim(). "multiroot" is the default when rootSolve is installed, as it tends to be much faster and more accurate; otherwise, "optim" is the default and requires no dependencies. Regardless of solver, the output of optim() is returned when include.obj = TRUE (see below). When over = TRUE, the parameter estimates of the just-identified CBPS are used as starting values for the over-identified CBPS.


A named list of quantiles (values between 0 and 1) for each continuous covariate, which are used to create additional variables that when balanced ensure balance on the corresponding quantile of the variable. For example, setting ⁠quantile = list(x1 = c(.25, .5. , .75))⁠ ensures the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of x1 in each treatment group will be balanced in the weighted sample. Can also be a single number (e.g., .5) or an unnamed list of length 1 (e.g., list(c(.25, .5, .75))) to request the same quantile(s) for all continuous covariates, or a named vector (e.g., c(x1 = .5, x2 = .75) to request one quantile for each covariate. Only allowed with binary and multi-category treatments.


With continuous treatments, the number of moments of the treatment and covariate distributions that are constrained to be the same in the weighted sample as in the original sample. For example, setting d.moments = 3 ensures that the mean, variance, and skew of the treatment and covariates are the same in the weighted sample as in the unweighted sample. d.moments should be greater than or equal to moments and will be automatically set accordingly if not (or if not specified). Vegetabile et al. (2021) recommend setting d.moments = 3, even if moments is less than 3. This argument corresponds to the tuning parameters $r$ and $s$ in Vegetabile et al. (2021) (which here are set to be equal). Ignored for binary and multi-category treatments.

The stabilize argument is ignored; in the past it would reduce the variability of the weights through an iterative process. If you want to minimize the variance of the weights subject to balance constraints, use method = "optweight".

Additional Outputs


When include.obj = TRUE, the output of the call to optim(), which contains the dual variables and convergence information. For ATE fits or with multi-category treatments, a list of optim() outputs, one for each weighted group.


Binary Treatments

estimand = "ATT" Hainmueller, J. (2012). Entropy Balancing for Causal

Effects: A Multivariate Reweighting Method to Produce Balanced Samples in Observational Studies. Political Analysis, 20(1), 25–46. doi:10.1093/pan/mpr025

Zhao, Q., & Percival, D. (2017). Entropy balancing is doubly robust. Journal of Causal Inference, 5(1). doi:10.1515/jci-2016-0010

estimand = "ATE"

Källberg, D., & Waernbaum, I. (2023). Large Sample Properties of Entropy Balancing Estimators of Average Causal Effects. Econometrics and Statistics. doi:10.1016/j.ecosta.2023.11.004

Continuous Treatments

Tübbicke, S. (2022). Entropy Balancing for Continuous Treatments. Journal of Econometric Methods, 11(1), 71–89. doi:10.1515/jem-2021-0002

Vegetabile, B. G., Griffin, B. A., Coffman, D. L., Cefalu, M., Robbins, M. W., & McCaffrey, D. F. (2021). Nonparametric estimation of population average dose-response curves using entropy balancing weights for continuous exposures. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, 21(1), 69–110. doi:10.1007/s10742-020-00236-2

See Also

weightit(), weightitMSM()

method_ipt and method_cbps for inverse probability tilting and CBPS, which work similarly.


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

#Balancing covariates between treatment groups (binary)
(W1 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "ebal", estimand = "ATT"))

#Balancing covariates with respect to race (multi-category)
(W2 <- weightit(race ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "ebal", estimand = "ATE"))

#Balancing covariates and squares with respect to
#re75 (continuous), maintaining 3 moments of the
#covariate and treatment distributions
(W3 <- weightit(re75 ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "ebal", moments = 2,
                d.moments = 3))

Energy Balancing


This page explains the details of estimating weights using energy balancing by setting method = "energy" in the call to weightit() or weightitMSM(). This method can be used with binary, multi-category, and continuous treatments.

In general, this method relies on estimating weights by minimizing an energy statistic related to covariate balance. For binary and multi-category treatments, this is the energy distance, which is a multivariate distance between distributions, between treatment groups. For continuous treatments, this is the sum of the distance covariance between the treatment variable and the covariates and the energy distances between the treatment and covariates in the weighted sample and their distributions in the original sample. This method relies on code written for WeightIt using osqp::osqp() from the osqp package to perform the optimization. This method may be slow or memory-intensive for large datasets.

Binary Treatments

For binary treatments, this method estimates the weights using osqp() using formulas described by Huling and Mak (2024). The following estimands are allowed: ATE, ATT, and ATC.

Multi-Category Treatments

For multi-category treatments, this method estimates the weights using osqp() using formulas described by Huling and Mak (2024). The following estimands are allowed: ATE and ATT.

Continuous Treatments

For continuous treatments, this method estimates the weights using osqp() using formulas described by Huling, Greifer, and Chen (2023).

Longitudinal Treatments

For longitudinal treatments, the weights are the product of the weights estimated at each time point. This method is not guaranteed to yield optimal balance at each time point. NOTE: the use of energy balancing with longitudinal treatments has not been validated!

Sampling Weights

Sampling weights are supported through s.weights in all scenarios. In some cases, sampling weights will cause the optimization to fail due to lack of convexity or infeasible constraints.

Missing Data

In the presence of missing data, the following value(s) for missing are allowed:

"ind" (default)

First, for each variable with missingness, a new missingness indicator variable is created which takes the value 1 if the original covariate is NA and 0 otherwise. The missingness indicators are added to the model formula as main effects. The missing values in the covariates are then replaced with the covariate medians (this value is arbitrary and does not affect estimation). The weight estimation then proceeds with this new formula and set of covariates. The covariates output in the resulting weightit object will be the original covariates with the NAs.


M-estimation is not supported.


Energy balancing is a method of estimating weights using optimization without a propensity score. The weights are the solution to a constrain quadratic optimization problem where the objective function concerns covariate balance as measured by the energy distance and (for continuous treatments) the distance covariance.

Energy balancing for binary and multi-category treatments involves minimizing the energy distance between the treatment groups and between each treatment group and a target group (e.g., the full sample for the ATE). The energy distance is a scalar measure of the difference between two multivariate distributions and is equal to 0 when the two distributions are identical.

Energy balancing for continuous treatments involves minimizing the distance covariance between the treatment and the covariates; the distance covariance is a scalar measure of the association between two (possibly multivariate) distributions that is equal to 0 when the two distributions are independent. In addition, the energy distances between the treatment and covariate distributions in the weighted sample and the treatment and covariate distributions in the original sample are minimized.

The primary benefit of energy balancing is that all features of the covariate distribution are balanced, not just means, as with other optimization-based methods like entropy balancing. Still, it is possible to add additional balance constraints to require balance on individual terms using the moments argument, just like with entropy balancing. Energy balancing can sometimes yield weights with high variability; the lambda argument can be supplied to penalize highly variable weights to increase the effective sample size at the expense of balance.


Although there are no stochastic components to the optimization, a feature turned off by default is to update the optimization based on how long the optimization has been running, which will vary across runs even when a seed is set and no parameters have been changed. See the discussion here for more details. To ensure reproducibility by default, adaptive_rho_interval is set to 10. See osqp::osqpSettings() for details.

Additional Arguments

The following following additional arguments can be specified:


the name of the method used to compute the distance matrix of the covariates or the numeric distance matrix itself. Allowable options include "scaled_euclidean" for the Euclidean (L2) distance on the scaled covariates (the default), "mahalanobis" for the Mahalanobis distance, and "euclidean" for the raw Euclidean distance. Abbreviations allowed. Note that some user-supplied distance matrices can cause the R session to abort due to a bug within osqp, so this argument should be used with caution. A distance matrix must be a square, symmetric, numeric matrix with zeros along the diagonal and a row and column for each unit. Can also be supplied as the output of a call to dist().


a positive numeric scalar used to penalize the square of the weights. This value divided by the square of the total sample size is added to the diagonal of the quadratic part of the loss function. Higher values favor weights with less variability. Note this is distinct from the lambda value described in Huling and Mak (2024), which penalizes the complexity of individual treatment rules rather than the weights, but does correspond to lambda from Huling et al. (2023). Default is .0001, which is essentially 0.

For binary and multi-category treatments, the following additional arguments can be specified:


logical; whether to use the improved energy balancing weights as described by Huling and Mak (2024) when estimand = "ATE". This involves optimizing balance not only between each treatment group and the overall sample, but also between each pair of treatment groups. Huling and Mak (2024) found that the improved energy balancing weights generally outperformed standard energy balancing. Default is TRUE; set to FALSE to use the standard energy balancing weights instead (not recommended).


A named list of quantiles (values between 0 and 1) for each continuous covariate, which are used to create additional variables that when balanced ensure balance on the corresponding quantile of the variable. For example, setting ⁠quantile = list(x1 = c(.25, .5. , .75))⁠ ensures the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of x1 in each treatment group will be balanced in the weighted sample. Can also be a single number (e.g., .5) or an unnamed list of length 1 (e.g., list(c(.25, .5, .75))) to request the same quantile(s) for all continuous covariates, or a named vector (e.g., c(x1 = .5, x2 = .75) to request one quantile for each covariate.

For continuous treatments, the following additional arguments can be specified:


The number of moments of the treatment and covariate distributions that are constrained to be the same in the weighted sample as in the original sample. For example, setting d.moments = 3 ensures that the mean, variance, and skew of the treatment and covariates are the same in the weighted sample as in the unweighted sample. d.moments should be greater than or equal to moments and will be automatically set accordingly if not (or if not specified).


logical; whether to include the dimensionality adjustment described by Huling et al. (2023). If TRUE, the default, the energy distance for the covariates is weighted p\sqrt{p} times as much as the energy distance for the treatment, where pp is the number of covariates. If FALSE, the two energy distances are given equal weights. Default is TRUE.

The moments argument functions differently for method = "energy" from how it does with other methods. When unspecified or set to zero, energy balancing weights are estimated as described by Huling and Mak (2024) for binary and multi-category treatments or by Huling et al. (2023) for continuous treatments. When moments is set to an integer larger than 0, additional balance constraints on the requested moments of the covariates are also included, guaranteeing exact moment balance on these covariates while minimizing the energy distance of the weighted sample. For binary and multi-category treatments, this involves exact balance on the means of the entered covariates; for continuous treatments, this involves exact balance on the treatment-covariate correlations of the entered covariates.

Any other arguments will be passed to osqp::osqpSettings(). Some defaults differ from those in osqpSettings(); see Reproducibility below.

Additional Outputs


When include.obj = TRUE, the output of the call to osqp::solve_osqp(), which contains the dual variables and convergence information.


Sometimes the optimization can fail to converge because the problem is not convex. A warning will be displayed if so. In these cases, try simply re-fitting the weights without changing anything (but see the Reproducibility section above). If the method repeatedly fails, you should try another method or change the supplied parameters (though this is uncommon). Increasing max_iter or changing adaptive_rho_interval might help.

If it seems like the weights are balancing the covariates but you still get a failure to converge, this usually indicates that more iterations are needs to find the optimal solutions. This can occur when moments or int are specified. max_iter should be increased, and setting verbose = TRUE allows you to monitor the process and examine if the optimization is approaching convergence.


Noah Greifer, using code from Jared Huling's independenceWeights package for continuous treatments.


Binary and multi-category treatments

Huling, J. D., & Mak, S. (2024). Energy balancing of covariate distributions. Journal of Causal Inference, 12(1). doi:10.1515/jci-2022-0029

Continuous treatments

Huling, J. D., Greifer, N., & Chen, G. (2023). Independence weights for causal inference with continuous treatments. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 0(ja), 1–25. doi:10.1080/01621459.2023.2213485

See Also

weightit(), weightitMSM()


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

#Balancing covariates between treatment groups (binary)
(W1 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "energy", estimand = "ATE"))

#Balancing covariates with respect to race (multi-category)
(W2 <- weightit(race ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "energy", estimand = "ATT",
                focal = "black"))

  #Balancing covariates with respect to re75 (continuous)
  (W3 <- weightit(re75 ~ age + educ + married +
                    nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                  method = "energy", moments = 1))
  summary(W3), poly = 2)

Propensity Score Weighting Using Generalized Boosted Models


This page explains the details of estimating weights from generalized boosted model-based propensity scores by setting method = "gbm" in the call to weightit() or weightitMSM(). This method can be used with binary, multi-category, and continuous treatments.

In general, this method relies on estimating propensity scores using generalized boosted modeling and then converting those propensity scores into weights using a formula that depends on the desired estimand. The algorithm involves using a balance-based or prediction-based criterion to optimize in choosing the value of tuning parameters (the number of trees and possibly others). The method relies on the gbm package.

This method mimics the functionality of functions in the twang package, but has improved performance and more flexible options. See Details section for more details.

Binary Treatments

For binary treatments, this method estimates the propensity scores using and then selects the optimal tuning parameter values using the method specified in the criterion argument. The following estimands are allowed: ATE, ATT, ATC, ATO, and ATM. The weights are computed from the estimated propensity scores using get_w_from_ps(), which implements the standard formulas. Weights can also be computed using marginal mean weighting through stratification for the ATE, ATT, and ATC. See get_w_from_ps() for details.

Multi-Category Treatments

For binary treatments, this method estimates the propensity scores using and then selects the optimal tuning parameter values using the method specified in the criterion argument. The following estimands are allowed: ATE, ATT, ATC, ATO, and ATM. The weights are computed from the estimated propensity scores using get_w_from_ps(), which implements the standard formulas. Weights can also be computed using marginal mean weighting through stratification for the ATE, ATT, and ATC. See get_w_from_ps() for details.

Continuous Treatments

For continuous treatments, this method estimates the generalized propensity score using and then selects the optimal tuning parameter values using the method specified in the criterion argument.

Longitudinal Treatments

For longitudinal treatments, the weights are the product of the weights estimated at each time point.

Sampling Weights

Sampling weights are supported through s.weights in all scenarios.

Missing Data

In the presence of missing data, the following value(s) for missing are allowed:

"ind" (default)

First, for each variable with missingness, a new missingness indicator variable is created which takes the value 1 if the original covariate is NA and 0 otherwise. The missingness indicators are added to the model formula as main effects. The missing values in the covariates are then replaced with the covariate medians (this value is arbitrary and does not affect estimation). The weight estimation then proceeds with this new formula and set of covariates. The covariates output in the resulting weightit object will be the original covariates with the NAs.


Surrogate splitting is used to process NAs. No missingness indicators are created. Nodes are split using only the non-missing values of each variable. To generate predicted values for each unit, a non-missing variable that operates similarly to the variable with missingness is used as a surrogate. Missing values are ignored when calculating balance statistics to choose the optimal tree.


M-estimation is not supported.


Generalized boosted modeling (GBM, also known as gradient boosting machines) is a machine learning method that generates predicted values from a flexible regression of the treatment on the covariates, which are treated as propensity scores and used to compute weights. It does this by building a series of regression trees, each fit to the residuals of the last, minimizing a loss function that depends on the distribution chosen. The optimal number of trees is a tuning parameter that must be chosen; McCaffrey et al. (2004) were innovative in using covariate balance to select this value rather than traditional machine learning performance metrics such as cross-validation accuracy. GBM is particularly effective for fitting nonlinear treatment models characterized by curves and interactions, but performs worse for simpler treatment models. It is unclear which balance measure should be used to select the number of trees, though research has indicated that balance measures tend to perform better than cross-validation accuracy for estimating effective propensity score weights.

WeightIt offers almost identical functionality to twang, the first package to implement this method. Compared to the current version of twang, WeightIt offers more options for the measure of balance used to select the number of trees, improved performance, tuning of hyperparameters, more estimands, and support for continuous treatments. WeightIt computes weights for multi-category treatments differently from how twang does; rather than fitting a separate binary GBM for each pair of treatments, WeightIt fits a single multi-class GBM model and uses balance measures appropriate for multi-category treatments.

plot() can be used on the output of weightit() with method = "gbm" to display the results of the tuning process; see Examples and plot.weightit() for more details.

Additional Arguments

The following additional arguments can be specified:


A string describing the balance criterion used to select the best weights. See cobalt::bal.compute() for allowable options for each treatment type. In addition, to optimize the cross-validation error instead of balance, criterion can be set as ⁠"cv{#}⁠", where ⁠{#}⁠ is replaced by a number representing the number of cross-validation folds used (e.g., "cv5" for 5-fold cross-validation). For binary and multi-category treatments, the default is "smd.mean", which minimizes the average absolute standard mean difference among the covariates between treatment groups. For continuous treatments, the default is "p.mean", which minimizes the average absolute Pearson correlation between the treatment and covariates.

A number supplied to at in trim() which trims the weights from all the trees before choosing the best tree. This can be valuable when some weights are extreme, which occurs especially with continuous treatments. The default is 0 (i.e., no trimming).


A string with the distribution used in the loss function of the boosted model. This is supplied to the distribution argument in For binary treatments, "bernoulli" and "adaboost" are available, with "bernoulli" the default. For multi-category treatments, only "multinomial" is allowed. For continuous treatments "gaussian", "laplace", and "tdist" are available, with "gaussian" the default. This argument is tunable.


The maximum number of trees used. This is passed onto the n.trees argument in The default is 10000 for binary and multi-category treatments and 20000 for continuous treatments.


The tree at which to start balance checking. If you know the best balance isn't in the first 100 trees, for example, you can set start.tree = 101 so that balance statistics are not computed on the first 100 trees. This can save some time since balance checking takes up the bulk of the run time for some balance-based stopping methods, and is especially useful when running the same model adding more and more trees. The default is 1, i.e., to start from the very first tree in assessing balance.


The depth of the trees. This is passed onto the interaction.depth argument in Higher values indicate better ability to capture nonlinear and nonadditive relationships. The default is 3 for binary and multi-category treatments and 4 for continuous treatments. This argument is tunable.


The shrinkage parameter applied to the trees. This is passed onto the shrinkage argument in The default is .01 for binary and multi-category treatments and .0005 for continuous treatments. The lower this value is, the more trees one may have to include to reach the optimum. This argument is tunable.


The fraction of the units randomly selected to propose the next tree in the expansion. This is passed onto the bag.fraction argument in The default is 1, but smaller values should be tried. For values less then 1, subsequent runs with the same parameters will yield different results due to random sampling; be sure to seed the seed using set.seed() to ensure replicability of results.


logical; whether to use the linear predictor resulting from a generalized linear model as an offset to the GBM model. If TRUE, this fits a logistic regression model (for binary treatments) or a linear regression model (for continuous treatments) and supplies the linear predict to the offset argument of This often improves performance generally but especially when the true propensity score model is well approximated by a GLM, and this yields uniformly superior performance over method = "glm" with respect to criterion. Default is FALSE to omit the offset. Only allowed for binary and continuous treatments. This argument is tunable.

All other arguments take on the defaults of those in, and some are not used at all. For binary and multi-category treatments with a with cross-validation used as the criterion, is set to TRUE by default.

The w argument in is ignored because sampling weights are passed using s.weights.

For continuous treatments only, the following arguments may be supplied:


A function corresponding to the conditional density of the treatment. The standardized residuals of the treatment model will be fed through this function to produce the numerator and denominator of the generalized propensity score weights. This can also be supplied as a string containing the name of the function to be called. If the string contains underscores, the call will be split by the underscores and the latter splits will be supplied as arguments to the second argument and beyond. For example, if density = "dt_2" is specified, the density used will be that of a t-distribution with 2 degrees of freedom. Using a t-distribution can be useful when extreme outcome values are observed (Naimi et al., 2014).

Can also be "kernel" to use kernel density estimation, which calls density() to estimate the numerator and denominator densities for the weights. (This used to be requested by setting use.kernel = TRUE, which is now deprecated.)

If unspecified, a density corresponding to the argument passed to distribution. If "gaussian" (the default), dnorm() is used. If "tdist", a t-distribution with 4 degrees of freedom is used. If "laplace", a laplace distribution is used.

bw, adjust, kernel, n

If density = "kernel", the arguments to density(). The defaults are the same as those in density() except that n is 10 times the number of units in the sample.


If density = "kernel", whether to plot the estimated densities.

For tunable arguments, multiple entries may be supplied, and weightit() will choose the best value by optimizing the criterion specified in criterion. See below for additional outputs that are included when arguments are supplied to be tuned. See Examples for an example of tuning. The same seed is used for every run to ensure any variation in performance across tuning parameters is due to the specification and not to using a random seed. This only matters when bag.fraction differs from 1 (its default) or cross-validation is used as the criterion; otherwise, there are no random components in the model.

Additional Outputs


A list with the following entries:


The number of trees at the optimum. If this is close to n.trees, weightit() should be rerun with a larger value for n.trees, and start.tree can be set to just below best.tree. When other parameters are tuned, this is the best tree value in the best combination of tuned parameters. See example.


A data frame with two columns: the first is the number of trees and the second is the value of the criterion corresponding to that tree. Running plot() on this object will plot the criterion by the number of trees and is a good way to see patterns in the relationship between them and to determine if more trees are needed. When other parameters are tuned, these are the number of trees and the criterion values in the best combination of tuned parameters. See example.

If any arguments are to be tuned (i.e., they have been supplied more than one value), the following two additional components are included in info:


A data frame with a column for each argument being tuned, the best value of the balance criterion for the given combination of parameters, and the number of trees at which the best value was reached.


A one-row data frame containing the values of the arguments being tuned that were ultimately selected to estimate the returned weights.


When include.obj = TRUE, the gbm fit used to generate the predicted values.


The criterion argument used to be called stop.method, which is its name in twang. stop.method still works for backward compatibility. Additionally, the criteria formerly named as "es.mean", "es.max", and "es.rms" have been renamed to "smd.mean", "smd.max", and "smd.rms". The former are used in twang and will still work with weightit() for backward compatibility.

Estimated propensity scores are trimmed to 10810^{-8} and 11081 - 10^{-8} to ensure balance statistics can be computed.


Binary treatments

McCaffrey, D. F., Ridgeway, G., & Morral, A. R. (2004). Propensity Score Estimation With Boosted Regression for Evaluating Causal Effects in Observational Studies. Psychological Methods, 9(4), 403–425. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.9.4.403

Multi-Category Treatments

McCaffrey, D. F., Griffin, B. A., Almirall, D., Slaughter, M. E., Ramchand, R., & Burgette, L. F. (2013). A Tutorial on Propensity Score Estimation for Multiple Treatments Using Generalized Boosted Models. Statistics in Medicine, 32(19), 3388–3414. doi:10.1002/sim.5753

Continuous treatments

Zhu, Y., Coffman, D. L., & Ghosh, D. (2015). A Boosting Algorithm for Estimating Generalized Propensity Scores with Continuous Treatments. Journal of Causal Inference, 3(1). doi:10.1515/jci-2014-0022

See Also

weightit(), weightitMSM() for the fitting function.


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

#Balancing covariates between treatment groups (binary)
(W1 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "gbm", estimand = "ATE",
                criterion = "smd.max",
                use.offset = TRUE))

# View information about the fitting process
W1$info$best.tree #best tree
plot(W1) #plot of criterion value against number of trees

  #Balancing covariates with respect to race (multi-category)
  (W2 <- weightit(race ~ age + educ + married +
                    nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                  method = "gbm", estimand = "ATT",
                  focal = "hispan", criterion = "ks.mean"))
  summary(W2), stats = c("m", "ks"))

  #Balancing covariates with respect to re75 (continuous)
  (W3 <- weightit(re75 ~ age + educ + married +
                    nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                  method = "gbm", density = "kernel",
                  criterion = "p.rms", = .97))

  #Using a t(3) density and illustrating the search for
  #more trees.
  W4a <- weightit(re75 ~ age + educ + married +
                    nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                  method = "gbm", density = "dt_3",
                  criterion = "p.max",
                  n.trees = 10000)

  W4a$info$best.tree #10000; optimum hasn't been found
  plot(W4a) #decreasing at right edge

  W4b <- weightit(re75 ~ age + educ + married +
                    nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                  method = "gbm", density = "dt_3",
                  criterion = "p.max",
                  start.tree = 10000,
                  n.trees = 20000)

  W4b$info$best.tree #13417; optimum has been found
  plot(W4b) #increasing at right edge

  #Tuning hyperparameters
  (W5 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                    nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                  method = "gbm", estimand = "ATT",
                  criterion = "ks.max",
                  interaction.depth = 2:4,
                  distribution = c("bernoulli", "adaboost")))


  W5$info$best.tune #Best values of tuned parameters
  plot(W5) #plot criterion values against number of trees, stats = c("m", "ks"))

Propensity Score Weighting Using Generalized Linear Models


This page explains the details of estimating weights from generalized linear model-based propensity scores by setting method = "glm" in the call to weightit() or weightitMSM(). This method can be used with binary, multi-category, and continuous treatments.

In general, this method relies on estimating propensity scores with a parametric generalized linear model and then converting those propensity scores into weights using a formula that depends on the desired estimand. For binary and multi-category treatments, a binomial or multinomial regression model is used to estimate the propensity scores as the predicted probability of being in each treatment given the covariates. For ordinal treatments, an ordinal regression model is used to estimate generalized propensity scores. For continuous treatments, a generalized linear model is used to estimate generalized propensity scores as the conditional density of treatment given the covariates.

Binary Treatments

For binary treatments, this method estimates the propensity scores using glm(). An additional argument is link, which uses the same options as link in family(). The default link is "logit", but others, including "probit", are allowed. The following estimands are allowed: ATE, ATT, ATC, ATO, ATM, and ATOS. Weights can also be computed using marginal mean weighting through stratification for the ATE, ATT, and ATC. See get_w_from_ps() for details.

Multi-Category Treatments

For multi-category treatments, the propensity scores are estimated using multinomial regression from one of a few functions depending on the argument supplied to multi.method (see Additional Arguments below). The following estimands are allowed: ATE, ATT, ATC, ATO, and ATM. The weights for each estimand are computed using the standard formulas or those mentioned above. Weights can also be computed using marginal mean weighting through stratification for the ATE, ATT, and ATC. See get_w_from_ps() for details. Ordinal treatments are treated exactly the same as non-order multi-category treatments except that additional models are available to estimate the generalized propensity score (e.g., ordinal logistic regression).

Continuous Treatments

For continuous treatments, weights are estimated as wi=fA(ai)/fAX(ai)w_i = f_A(a_i) / f_{A|X}(a_i), where fA(ai)f_A(a_i) (known as the stabilization factor) is the unconditional density of treatment evaluated the observed treatment value and fAX(ai)f_{A|X}(a_i) (known as the generalized propensity score) is the conditional density of treatment given the covariates evaluated at the observed value of treatment. The shape of fA(.)f_A(.) and fAX(.)f_{A|X}(.) is controlled by the density argument described below (normal distributions by default), and the predicted values used for the mean of the conditional density are estimated using linear regression. Kernel density estimation can be used instead of assuming a specific density for the numerator and denominator by setting density = "kernel". Other arguments to density() can be specified to refine the density estimation parameters.

Longitudinal Treatments

For longitudinal treatments, the weights are the product of the weights estimated at each time point.

Sampling Weights

Sampling weights are supported through s.weights in all scenarios except for multi-category treatments with link = "bayes.probit" and for binary and continuous treatments with missing = "saem" (see below). Warning messages may appear otherwise about non-integer successes, and these can be ignored.

Missing Data

In the presence of missing data, the following value(s) for missing are allowed:

"ind" (default)

First, for each variable with missingness, a new missingness indicator variable is created which takes the value 1 if the original covariate is NA and 0 otherwise. The missingness indicators are added to the model formula as main effects. The missing values in the covariates are then replaced with the covariate medians (this value is arbitrary and does not affect estimation). The weight estimation then proceeds with this new formula and set of covariates. The covariates output in the resulting weightit object will be the original covariates with the NAs.


For binary treatments with link = "logit" or continuous treatments, a stochastic approximation version of the EM algorithm (SAEM) is used via the misaem package. No additional covariates are created. See Jiang et al. (2019) for information on this method. In some cases, this is a suitable alternative to multiple imputation.


For binary treatments, M-estimation is supported when link is neither "flic" nor "flac" (see below). For multi-category treatments, M-estimation is supported when multi.method is "weightit" (the default) or "glm". For continuous treatments, M-estimation is supported when density is not "kernel". The conditional treatment variance and unconditional treatment mean and variance are included as parameters to estimate, as these all go into calculation of the weights. For all treatment types, M-estimation is not supported when missing = "saem". See glm_weightit() and vignette("estimating-effects") for details. For longitudinal treatments, M-estimation is supported whenever the underlying methods are.

Additional Arguments

For binary treatments, the following additional argument can be specified:


the link used in the generalized linear model for the propensity scores. link can be any of those allowed by binomial() as well as "loglog" and "clog". A br. prefix can be added (e.g., "br.logit"); this changes the fitting method to the bias-corrected generalized linear models implemented in the brglm2 package. link can also be either "flic" or "flac" to fit the corresponding Firth corrected logistic regression models implemented in the logistf package.

For multi-category treatments, the following additional arguments can be specified:


the method used to estimate the generalized propensity scores. Allowable options include "weightit" (the default) to use multinomial logistic regression implemented in WeightIt, "glm" to use a series of binomial models using glm(), "mclogit" to use multinomial logistic regression as implemented in mclogit::mblogit(), "mnp" to use Bayesian multinomial probit regression as implemented in MNP::MNP(), and "brmultinom" to use bias-reduced multinomial logistic regression as implemented in brglm2::brmultinom(). "weightit" and "mclogit" should give near-identical results, the main difference being increased robustness and customizability when using "mclogit" at the expense of not being able to use M-estimation to compute standard errors after weighting. For ordered treatments, allowable options include "weightit" (the default) to use ordinal regression implemented in WeightIt or "polr" to use ordinal regression implemented in MASS::polr(), unless link is "br.logit", in which case bias-reduce ordinal logistic regression as implemented in brglm2::bracl() is used. Ignored when missing = "saem". Using the defaults allows for the use of M-estimation and requires no additional dependencies, but other packages may provide benefits such as speed and flexibility.


The link used in the multinomial, binomial, or ordered regression model for the generalized propensity scores depending on the argument supplied to multi.method. When multi.method = "glm", link can be any of those allowed by binomial(). When treatment is ordered and multi.method is "weightit" or "polr", link can be any of those allowed by MASS::polr() or "br.logit". Otherwise, link should be "logit" or not specified.

For continuous treatments, the following additional arguments may be supplied:


A function corresponding the conditional density of the treatment. The standardized residuals of the treatment model will be fed through this function to produce the numerator and denominator of the generalized propensity score weights. If blank, dnorm() is used as recommended by Robins et al. (2000). This can also be supplied as a string containing the name of the function to be called. If the string contains underscores, the call will be split by the underscores and the latter splits will be supplied as arguments to the second argument and beyond. For example, if density = "dt_2" is specified, the density used will be that of a t-distribution with 2 degrees of freedom. Using a t-distribution can be useful when extreme outcome values are observed (Naimi et al., 2014).

Can also be "kernel" to use kernel density estimation, which calls density() to estimate the numerator and denominator densities for the weights. (This used to be requested by setting use.kernel = TRUE, which is now deprecated.)

bw, adjust, kernel, n

If density = "kernel", the arguments to density(). The defaults are the same as those in density() except that n is 10 times the number of units in the sample.


If density = "kernel", whether to plot the estimated densities.


The link used to fit the linear model for the generalized propensity score. Can be any allowed by gaussian().

Additional arguments to glm() can be specified as well when it is used for fitting. The method argument in glm() is renamed to glm.method. This can be used to supply alternative fitting functions, such as those implemented in the glm2 package. Other arguments to weightit() are passed to ... in glm(). In the presence of missing data with link = "logit" and missing = "saem", additional arguments are passed to misaem::miss.glm() and misaem::predict.miss.glm(), except the method argument in misaem::predict.miss.glm() is replaced with saem.method.

For continuous treatments in the presence of missing data with missing = "saem", additional arguments are passed to misaem::miss.lm() and misaem::predict.miss.lm().

Additional Outputs


When include.obj = TRUE, the (generalized) propensity score model fit. For binary treatments, the output of the call to glm() or the requested fitting function. For multi-category treatments, the output of the call to the fitting function (or a list thereof if multi.method = "glm"). For continuous treatments, the output of the call to glm() for the predicted values in the denominator density.


Binary treatments

  • estimand = "ATO"

Li, F., Morgan, K. L., & Zaslavsky, A. M. (2018). Balancing covariates via propensity score weighting. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113(521), 390–400. doi:10.1080/01621459.2016.1260466

  • estimand = "ATM"

Li, L., & Greene, T. (2013). A Weighting Analogue to Pair Matching in Propensity Score Analysis. The International Journal of Biostatistics, 9(2). doi:10.1515/ijb-2012-0030

  • estimand = "ATOS"

Crump, R. K., Hotz, V. J., Imbens, G. W., & Mitnik, O. A. (2009). Dealing with limited overlap in estimation of average treatment effects. Biometrika, 96(1), 187–199. doi:10.1093/biomet/asn055

  • Other estimands

Austin, P. C. (2011). An Introduction to Propensity Score Methods for Reducing the Effects of Confounding in Observational Studies. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 46(3), 399–424. doi:10.1080/00273171.2011.568786

  • Marginal mean weighting through stratification

Hong, G. (2010). Marginal mean weighting through stratification: Adjustment for selection bias in multilevel data. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 35(5), 499–531. doi:10.3102/1076998609359785

  • Bias-reduced logistic regression

See references for the brglm2 package.

  • Firth corrected logistic regression

Puhr, R., Heinze, G., Nold, M., Lusa, L., & Geroldinger, A. (2017). Firth’s logistic regression with rare events: Accurate effect estimates and predictions? Statistics in Medicine, 36(14), 2302–2317. doi:10.1002/sim.7273

  • SAEM logistic regression for missing data

Jiang, W., Josse, J., & Lavielle, M. (2019). Logistic regression with missing covariates — Parameter estimation, model selection and prediction within a joint-modeling framework. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 106907. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2019.106907

Multi-Category Treatments

  • estimand = "ATO"

Li, F., & Li, F. (2019). Propensity score weighting for causal inference with multiple treatments. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 13(4), 2389–2415. doi:10.1214/19-AOAS1282

  • estimand = "ATM"

Yoshida, K., Hernández-Díaz, S., Solomon, D. H., Jackson, J. W., Gagne, J. J., Glynn, R. J., & Franklin, J. M. (2017). Matching weights to simultaneously compare three treatment groups: Comparison to three-way matching. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 28(3), 387–395. doi:10.1097/EDE.0000000000000627

  • Other estimands

McCaffrey, D. F., Griffin, B. A., Almirall, D., Slaughter, M. E., Ramchand, R., & Burgette, L. F. (2013). A Tutorial on Propensity Score Estimation for Multiple Treatments Using Generalized Boosted Models. Statistics in Medicine, 32(19), 3388–3414. doi:10.1002/sim.5753

  • Marginal mean weighting through stratification

Hong, G. (2012). Marginal mean weighting through stratification: A generalized method for evaluating multivalued and multiple treatments with nonexperimental data. Psychological Methods, 17(1), 44–60. doi:10.1037/a0024918

Continuous treatments

Robins, J. M., Hernán, M. Á., & Brumback, B. (2000). Marginal Structural Models and Causal Inference in Epidemiology. Epidemiology, 11(5), 550–560.

  • Using non-normal conditional densities

Naimi, A. I., Moodie, E. E. M., Auger, N., & Kaufman, J. S. (2014). Constructing Inverse Probability Weights for Continuous Exposures: A Comparison of Methods. Epidemiology, 25(2), 292–299. doi:10.1097/EDE.0000000000000053

  • SAEM linear regression for missing data

Jiang, W., Josse, J., & Lavielle, M. (2019). Logistic regression with missing covariates — Parameter estimation, model selection and prediction within a joint-modeling framework. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 106907. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2019.106907

See Also

weightit(), weightitMSM(), get_w_from_ps()


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

#Balancing covariates between treatment groups (binary)
(W1 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "glm", estimand = "ATT",
                link = "probit"))

#Balancing covariates with respect to race (multi-category)
(W2 <- weightit(race ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "glm", estimand = "ATE"))

#Balancing covariates with respect to re75 (continuous)
#with kernel density estimate
(W3 <- weightit(re75 ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "glm", density = "kernel"))

Inverse Probability Tilting


This page explains the details of estimating weights using inverse probability tilting by setting method = "ipt" in the call to weightit() or weightitMSM(). This method can be used with binary and multi-category treatments.

In general, this method relies on estimating propensity scores using a modification of the usual generalized linear model score equations to enforce balance and then converting those propensity scores into weights using a formula that depends on the desired estimand. This method relies on code written for WeightIt using rootSolve::multiroot().

Binary Treatments

For binary treatments, this method estimates the weights using formulas described by Graham, Pinto, and Egel (2012). The following estimands are allowed: ATE, ATT, and ATC. When the ATE is requested, the optimization is run twice, once for each treatment group.

Multi-Category Treatments

For multi-category treatments, this method estimates the weights using modifications of the formulas described by Graham, Pinto, and Egel (2012). The following estimands are allowed: ATE and ATT. When the ATE is requested, estimation is performed once for each treatment group. When the ATT is requested, estimation is performed once for each non-focal (i.e., control) group.

Continuous Treatments

Inverse probability tilting is not compatible with continuous treatments.

Longitudinal Treatments

For longitudinal treatments, the weights are the product of the weights estimated at each time point. This method is not guaranteed to yield exact balance at each time point. NOTE: the use of inverse probability tilting with longitudinal treatments has not been validated!

Sampling Weights

Sampling weights are supported through s.weights in all scenarios.

Missing Data

In the presence of missing data, the following value(s) for missing are allowed:

"ind" (default)

First, for each variable with missingness, a new missingness indicator variable is created which takes the value 1 if the original covariate is NA and 0 otherwise. The missingness indicators are added to the model formula as main effects. The missing values in the covariates are then replaced with the covariate medians (this value is arbitrary and does not affect estimation). The weight estimation then proceeds with this new formula and set of covariates. The covariates output in the resulting weightit object will be the original covariates with the NAs.


M-estimation is supported for all scenarios. See glm_weightit() and vignette("estimating-effects") for details.


Inverse probability tilting (IPT) involves specifying estimating equations that fit the parameters of two or more generalized linear models with a modification that ensures exact balance on the covariate means. These estimating equations are solved, and the estimated parameters are used in the (generalized) propensity score, which is used to compute the weights. Conceptually and mathematically, IPT is very similar to entropy balancing and just-identified CBPS. For the ATT and ATC, entropy balancing, just-identified CBPS, and IPT will yield identical results. For the ATE or when link is specified as something other than "logit", the three methods differ.

Treatment effect estimates for binary treatments are consistent if the true propensity score is a logistic regression or the outcome model is linear in the covariates and their interaction with treatments. For entropy balancing, this is only true for the ATT, and for just-identified CBPS, this is only true if there is no effect modification by covariates. In this way, IPT provides additional theoretical guarantees over the other two methods, though potentially with some cost in precision.

Additional Arguments

moments and int are accepted. See weightit() for details.


A named list of quantiles (values between 0 and 1) for each continuous covariate, which are used to create additional variables that when balanced ensure balance on the corresponding quantile of the variable. For example, setting ⁠quantile = list(x1 = c(.25, .5. , .75))⁠ ensures the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of x1 in each treatment group will be balanced in the weighted sample. Can also be a single number (e.g., .5) or an unnamed list of length 1 (e.g., list(c(.25, .5, .75))) to request the same quantile(s) for all continuous covariates, or a named vector (e.g., c(x1 = .5, x2 = .75) to request one quantile for each covariate.


the link used to determine the inverse link for computing the (generalized) propensity scores. Default is "logit", which is used in the original description of the method by Graham, Pinto, and Egel (2012), but "probit", "cauchit", "cloglog", "loglog", "log", and "clog" are also allowed. Note that negative weights are possible with these last two and they should be used with caution. An object of class "link-glm" can also be supplied. The argument is passed to quasibinomial().

The stabilize argument is ignored.

Additional Outputs


When include.obj = TRUE, the output of the call to optim(), which contains the coefficient estimates and convergence information. For ATE fits or with multi-category treatments, a list of rootSolve::multiroot() outputs, one for each weighted group.


estimand = "ATE"

Graham, B. S., De Xavier Pinto, C. C., & Egel, D. (2012). Inverse Probability Tilting for Moment Condition Models with Missing Data. The Review of Economic Studies, 79(3), 1053–1079. doi:10.1093/restud/rdr047

estimand = "ATT"

Sant'Anna, P. H. C., & Zhao, J. (2020). Doubly robust difference-in-differences estimators. Journal of Econometrics, 219(1), 101–122. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2020.06.003

See Also

weightit(), weightitMSM()

method_ebal and method_cbps for entropy balancing and CBPS, which work similarly.


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

#Balancing covariates between treatment groups (binary)
(W1 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "ipt", estimand = "ATT"))

#Balancing covariates with respect to race (multi-category)
(W2 <- weightit(race ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "ipt", estimand = "ATE"))

Nonparametric Covariate Balancing Propensity Score Weighting


This page explains the details of estimating weights from nonparametric covariate balancing propensity scores by setting method = "npcbps" in the call to weightit() or weightitMSM(). This method can be used with binary, multi-category, and continuous treatments.

In general, this method relies on estimating weights by maximizing the empirical likelihood of the data subject to balance constraints. This method relies on CBPS::npCBPS() from the CBPS package.

Binary Treatments

For binary treatments, this method estimates the weights using CBPS::npCBPS(). The ATE is the only estimand allowed. The weights are taken from the output of the npCBPS fit object.

Multi-Category Treatments

For multi-category treatments, this method estimates the weights using CBPS::npCBPS(). The ATE is the only estimand allowed. The weights are taken from the output of the npCBPS fit object.

Continuous Treatments

For continuous treatments, this method estimates the weights using CBPS::npCBPS(). The weights are taken from the output of the npCBPS fit object.

Longitudinal Treatments

For longitudinal treatments, the weights are the product of the weights estimated at each time point. This is not how CBPS::CBMSM() estimates weights for longitudinal treatments.

Sampling Weights

Sampling weights are not supported with method = "npcbps".

Missing Data

In the presence of missing data, the following value(s) for missing are allowed:

"ind" (default)

First, for each variable with missingness, a new missingness indicator variable is created which takes the value 1 if the original covariate is NA and 0 otherwise. The missingness indicators are added to the model formula as main effects. The missing values in the covariates are then replaced with the covariate medians (this value is arbitrary and does not affect estimation). The weight estimation then proceeds with this new formula and set of covariates. The covariates output in the resulting weightit object will be the original covariates with the NAs.


M-estimation is not supported.


Nonparametric CBPS involves the specification of a constrained optimization problem over the weights. The constraints correspond to covariate balance, and the loss function is the empirical likelihood of the data given the weights. npCBPS is similar to entropy balancing and will generally produce similar results. Because the optimization problem of npCBPS is not convex it can be slow to converge or not converge at all, so approximate balance is allowed instead using the cor.prior argument, which controls the average deviation from zero correlation between the treatment and covariates allowed.

Additional Arguments

moments and int are accepted. See weightit() for details.


A named list of quantiles (values between 0 and 1) for each continuous covariate, which are used to create additional variables that when balanced ensure balance on the corresponding quantile of the variable. For example, setting ⁠quantile = list(x1 = c(.25, .5. , .75))⁠ ensures the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of x1 in each treatment group will be balanced in the weighted sample. Can also be a single number (e.g., .5) or an unnamed list of length 1 (e.g., list(c(.25, .5, .75))) to request the same quantile(s) for all continuous covariates, or a named vector (e.g., c(x1 = .5, x2 = .75) to request one quantile for each covariate. Only allowed with binary and multi-category treatments.

All arguments to npCBPS() can be passed through weightit() or weightitMSM().

All arguments take on the defaults of those in npCBPS().

Additional Outputs


When include.obj = TRUE, the nonparametric CB(G)PS model fit. The output of the call to CBPS::npCBPS().


Fong, C., Hazlett, C., & Imai, K. (2018). Covariate balancing propensity score for a continuous treatment: Application to the efficacy of political advertisements. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 12(1), 156–177. doi:10.1214/17-AOAS1101

See Also

weightit(), weightitMSM(), method_cbps

CBPS::npCBPS() for the fitting function


# Examples take a long time to run
data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

  #Balancing covariates between treatment groups (binary)
  (W1 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                    nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                  method = "npcbps", estimand = "ATE"))

  #Balancing covariates with respect to race (multi-category)
  (W2 <- weightit(race ~ age + educ + married +
                    nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                  method = "npcbps", estimand = "ATE"))

Optimization-Based Weighting


This page explains the details of estimating optimization-based weights (also known as stable balancing weights) by setting method = "optweight" in the call to weightit() or weightitMSM(). This method can be used with binary, multi-category, and continuous treatments.

In general, this method relies on estimating weights by solving a quadratic programming problem subject to approximate or exact balance constraints. This method relies on optweight::optweight() from the optweight package.

Because optweight() offers finer control and uses the same syntax as weightit(), it is recommended that optweight::optweight() be used instead of weightit() with method = "optweight".

Binary Treatments

For binary treatments, this method estimates the weights using optweight::optweight(). The following estimands are allowed: ATE, ATT, and ATC. The weights are taken from the output of the optweight fit object.

Multi-Category Treatments

For multi-category treatments, this method estimates the weights using optweight::optweight(). The following estimands are allowed: ATE and ATT. The weights are taken from the output of the optweight fit object.

Continuous Treatments

For binary treatments, this method estimates the weights using optweight::optweight(). The weights are taken from the output of the optweight fit object.

Longitudinal Treatments

For longitudinal treatments, optweight() estimates weights that simultaneously satisfy balance constraints at all time points, so only one model is fit to obtain the weights. Using method = "optweight" in weightitMSM() causes is.MSM.method to be set to TRUE by default. Setting it to FALSE will run one model for each time point and multiply the weights together, a method that is not recommended. NOTE: neither use of optimization-based weights with longitudinal treatments has been validated!

Sampling Weights

Sampling weights are supported through s.weights in all scenarios, but only for versions of optweight after 0.2.5.

Missing Data

In the presence of missing data, the following value(s) for missing are allowed:

"ind" (default)

First, for each variable with missingness, a new missingness indicator variable is created which takes the value 1 if the original covariate is NA and 0 otherwise. The missingness indicators are added to the model formula as main effects. The missing values in the covariates are then replaced with the covariate medians (this value is arbitrary and does not affect estimation). The weight estimation then proceeds with this new formula and set of covariates. The covariates output in the resulting weightit object will be the original covariates with the NAs.


M-estimation is not supported.


Stable balancing weights are weights that solve a constrained optimization problem, where the constraints correspond to covariate balance and the loss function is the variance (or other norm) of the weights. These weights maximize the effective sample size of the weighted sample subject to user-supplied balance constraints. An advantage of this method over entropy balancing is the ability to allow approximate, rather than exact, balance through the tols argument, which can increase precision even for slight relaxations of the constraints.

plot() can be used on the output of weightit() with method = "optweight" to display the dual variables; see Examples and plot.weightit() for more details.

Additional Arguments

moments and int are accepted. See weightit() for details.


A named list of quantiles (values between 0 and 1) for each continuous covariate, which are used to create additional variables that when balanced ensure balance on the corresponding quantile of the variable. For example, setting ⁠quantile = list(x1 = c(.25, .5. , .75))⁠ ensures the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of x1 in each treatment group will be balanced in the weighted sample. Can also be a single number (e.g., .5) or an unnamed list of length 1 (e.g., list(c(.25, .5, .75))) to request the same quantile(s) for all continuous covariates, or a named vector (e.g., c(x1 = .5, x2 = .75) to request one quantile for each covariate. Only allowed with binary and multi-category treatments.

All arguments to optweight() can be passed through weightit() or weightitMSM(), with the following exception:

  • targets cannot be used and is ignored.

All arguments take on the defaults of those in optweight().

Additional Outputs


A list with one entry:


A data frame of dual variables for each balance constraint.


When include.obj = TRUE, the output of the call to optweight::optweight().


The specification of tols differs between weightit() and optweight(). In weightit(), one tolerance value should be included per level of each factor variable, whereas in optweight(), all levels of a factor are given the same tolerance, and only one value needs to be supplied for a factor variable. Because of the potential for confusion and ambiguity, it is recommended to only supply one value for tols in weightit() that applies to all variables. For finer control, use optweight() directly.

Seriously, just use optweight::optweight(). The syntax is almost identical and it's compatible with cobalt, too.


Binary treatments

Wang, Y., & Zubizarreta, J. R. (2020). Minimal dispersion approximately balancing weights: Asymptotic properties and practical considerations. Biometrika, 107(1), 93–105. doi:10.1093/biomet/asz050

Zubizarreta, J. R. (2015). Stable Weights that Balance Covariates for Estimation With Incomplete Outcome Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 110(511), 910–922. doi:10.1080/01621459.2015.1023805

Multi-Category Treatments

de los Angeles Resa, M., & Zubizarreta, J. R. (2020). Direct and stable weight adjustment in non-experimental studies with multivalued treatments: Analysis of the effect of an earthquake on post-traumatic stress. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), n/a(n/a). doi:10.1111/rssa.12561

Continuous treatments

Greifer, N. (2020). Estimating Balancing Weights for Continuous Treatments Using Constrained Optimization. doi:10.17615/DYSS-B342

See Also

weightit(), weightitMSM()

optweight::optweight() for the fitting function


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

#Balancing covariates between treatment groups (binary)
(W1 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "optweight", estimand = "ATT",
                tols = 0))

#Balancing covariates with respect to race (multi-category)
(W2 <- weightit(race ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "optweight", estimand = "ATE",
                tols = .01))

#Balancing covariates with respect to re75 (continuous)

Propensity Score Weighting Using SuperLearner


This page explains the details of estimating weights from SuperLearner-based propensity scores by setting method = "super" in the call to weightit() or weightitMSM(). This method can be used with binary, multi-category, and continuous treatments.

In general, this method relies on estimating propensity scores using the SuperLearner algorithm for stacking predictions and then converting those propensity scores into weights using a formula that depends on the desired estimand. For binary and multi-category treatments, one or more binary classification algorithms are used to estimate the propensity scores as the predicted probability of being in each treatment given the covariates. For continuous treatments, regression algorithms are used to estimate generalized propensity scores as the conditional density of treatment given the covariates. This method relies on SuperLearner::SuperLearner() from the SuperLearner package.

Binary Treatments

For binary treatments, this method estimates the propensity scores using SuperLearner::SuperLearner(). The following estimands are allowed: ATE, ATT, ATC, ATO, ATM, and ATOS. Weights can also be computed using marginal mean weighting through stratification for the ATE, ATT, and ATC. See get_w_from_ps() for details.

Multi-Category Treatments

For multi-category treatments, the propensity scores are estimated using several calls to SuperLearner::SuperLearner(), one for each treatment group; the treatment probabilities are not normalized to sum to 1. The following estimands are allowed: ATE, ATT, ATC, ATO, and ATM. The weights for each estimand are computed using the standard formulas or those mentioned above. Weights can also be computed using marginal mean weighting through stratification for the ATE, ATT, and ATC. See get_w_from_ps() for details.

Continuous Treatments

For continuous treatments, the generalized propensity score is estimated using SuperLearner::SuperLearner(). In addition, kernel density estimation can be used instead of assuming a normal density for the numerator and denominator of the generalized propensity score by setting density = "kernel". Other arguments to density() can be specified to refine the density estimation parameters. plot = TRUE can be specified to plot the density for the numerator and denominator, which can be helpful in diagnosing extreme weights.

Longitudinal Treatments

For longitudinal treatments, the weights are the product of the weights estimated at each time point.

Sampling Weights

Sampling weights are supported through s.weights in all scenarios.

Missing Data

In the presence of missing data, the following value(s) for missing are allowed:

"ind" (default)

First, for each variable with missingness, a new missingness indicator variable is created which takes the value 1 if the original covariate is NA and 0 otherwise. The missingness indicators are added to the model formula as main effects. The missing values in the covariates are then replaced with the covariate medians (this value is arbitrary and does not affect estimation). The weight estimation then proceeds with this new formula and set of covariates. The covariates output in the resulting weightit object will be the original covariates with the NAs.


M-estimation is not supported.


SuperLearner works by fitting several machine learning models to the treatment and covariates and then taking a weighted combination of the generated predicted values to use as the propensity scores, which are then used to construct weights. The machine learning models used are supplied using the SL.library argument; the more models are supplied, the higher the chance of correctly modeling the propensity score. It is a good idea to include parameteric models, flexible and tree-based models, and regularized models among the models selected. The predicted values are combined using the method supplied in the SL.method argument (which is nonnegative least squares by default). A benefit of SuperLearner is that, asymptotically, it is guaranteed to perform as well as or better than the best-performing method included in the library. Using Balance SuperLearner by setting SL.method = "method.balance" works by selecting the combination of predicted values that minimizes an imbalance measure.

Additional Arguments


if TRUE, uses discrete SuperLearner, which simply selects the best performing method. Default FALSE, which finds the optimal combination of predictions for the libraries using SL.method.

An argument to SL.library must be supplied. To see a list of available entries, use SuperLearner::listWrappers().

All arguments to SuperLearner::SuperLearner() can be passed through weightit() or weightitMSM(), with the following exceptions:

  • obsWeights is ignored because sampling weights are passed using s.weights.

  • method in SuperLearner() is replaced with the argument SL.method in weightit().

For continuous treatments only, the following arguments may be supplied:


A function corresponding to the conditional density of the treatment. The standardized residuals of the treatment model will be fed through this function to produce the numerator and denominator of the generalized propensity score weights. If blank, dnorm() is used as recommended by Robins et al. (2000). This can also be supplied as a string containing the name of the function to be called. If the string contains underscores, the call will be split by the underscores and the latter splits will be supplied as arguments to the second argument and beyond. For example, if density = "dt_2" is specified, the density used will be that of a t-distribution with 2 degrees of freedom. Using a t-distribution can be useful when extreme outcome values are observed (Naimi et al., 2014).

Can also be "kernel" to use kernel density estimation, which calls density() to estimate the numerator and denominator densities for the weights. (This used to be requested by setting use.kernel = TRUE, which is now deprecated.)

bw, adjust, kernel, n

If density = "kernel", the arguments to density(). The defaults are the same as those in density() except that n is 10 times the number of units in the sample.


If density = "kernel", whether to plot the estimated densities.

Balance SuperLearner

In addition to the methods allowed by SuperLearner(), one can specify SL.method = "method.balance" to use "Balance SuperLearner" as described by Pirracchio and Carone (2018), wherein covariate balance is used to choose the optimal combination of the predictions from the methods specified with SL.library. Coefficients are chosen (one for each prediction method) so that the weights generated from the weighted combination of the predictions optimize a balance criterion, which must be set with the criterion argument, described below.


A string describing the balance criterion used to select the best weights. See cobalt::bal.compute() for allowable options for each treatment type. For binary and multi-category treatments, the default is "smd.mean", which minimizes the average absolute standard mean difference among the covariates between treatment groups. For continuous treatments, the default is "p.mean", which minimizes the average absolute Pearson correlation between the treatment and covariates.

Note that this implementation differs from that of Pirracchio and Carone (2018) in that here, balance is measured only on the terms included in the model formula (i.e., and not their interactions unless specifically included), and balance results from a sample weighted using the estimated predicted values as propensity scores, not a sample matched using propensity score matching on the predicted values. Binary and continuous treatments are supported, but currently multi-category treatments are not.

Additional Outputs


For binary and continuous treatments, a list with two entries, coef and cvRisk. For multi-category treatments, a list of lists with these two entries, one for each treatment level.


The coefficients in the linear combination of the predictions from each method in SL.library. Higher values indicate that the corresponding method plays a larger role in determining the resulting predicted value, and values close to zero indicate that the method plays little role in determining the predicted value. When discrete = TRUE, these correspond to the coefficients that would have been estimated had discrete been FALSE.


The cross-validation risk for each method in SL.library. Higher values indicate that the method has worse cross-validation accuracy. When SL.method = "method.balance", the sample weighted balance statistic requested with criterion. Higher values indicate worse balance.


When include.obj = TRUE, the SuperLearner fit(s) used to generate the predicted values. For binary and continuous treatments, the output of the call to SuperLearner::SuperLearner(). For multi-category treatments, a list of outputs to calls to SuperLearner::SuperLearner().


Some methods formerly available in SuperLearner are now in SuperLearnerExtra, which can be found on GitHub at

The criterion argument used to be called stop.method, which is its name in twang. stop.method still works for backward compatibility. Additionally, the criteria formerly named as es.mean, es.max, and es.rms have been renamed to smd.mean, smd.max, and smd.rms. The former are used in twang and will still work with weightit() for backward compatibility.

As of version 1.2.0, the default behavior for binary and multi-category treatments is to stratify on the treatment when performing cross-validation to ensure all treatment groups are represented in cross-validation. To recover previous behavior, set cvControl = list(stratifyCV = FALSE).


Binary treatments

Pirracchio, R., Petersen, M. L., & van der Laan, M. (2015). Improving Propensity Score Estimators’ Robustness to Model Misspecification Using Super Learner. American Journal of Epidemiology, 181(2), 108–119. doi:10.1093/aje/kwu253

Continuous treatments

Kreif, N., Grieve, R., Díaz, I., & Harrison, D. (2015). Evaluation of the Effect of a Continuous Treatment: A Machine Learning Approach with an Application to Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury. Health Economics, 24(9), 1213–1228. doi:10.1002/hec.3189

Balance SuperLearner (SL.method = "method.balance")

Pirracchio, R., & Carone, M. (2018). The Balance Super Learner: A robust adaptation of the Super Learner to improve estimation of the average treatment effect in the treated based on propensity score matching. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27(8), 2504–2518. doi:10.1177/0962280216682055

See method_glm for additional references.

See Also

weightit(), weightitMSM(), get_w_from_ps()


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

#Note: for time, all exmaples use a small set of
#      learners. Many more should be added if
#      possible, including a variety of model
#      types (e.g., parametric, flexible, tree-
#.     based, regularized, etc.)

#Balancing covariates between treatment groups (binary)
(W1 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "super", estimand = "ATT",
                SL.library = c("SL.glm", "SL.stepAIC",

#Balancing covariates with respect to race (multi-category)
(W2 <- weightit(race ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "super", estimand = "ATE",
                SL.library = c("SL.glm", "SL.stepAIC",

#Balancing covariates with respect to re75 (continuous)
#assuming t(8) conditional density for treatment
(W3 <- weightit(re75 ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "super", density = "dt_8",
                SL.library = c("SL.glm", "SL.ridge",

#Balancing covariates between treatment groups (binary)
# using balance SuperLearner to minimize the maximum
# KS statistic
(W4 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "super", estimand = "ATT",
                SL.library = c("SL.glm", "SL.stepAIC",
                SL.method = "method.balance",
                criterion = "ks.max"))
summary(W4), stats = c("m", "ks"))

User-Defined Functions for Estimating Weights


This page explains the details of estimating weights using a user-defined function. The function must take in arguments that are passed to it by weightit() or weightitMSM() and return a vector of weights or a list containing the weights.

To supply a user-defined function, the function object should be entered directly to method; for example, for a function fun, method = fun.

Point Treatments

The following arguments are automatically passed to the user-defined function, which should have named parameters corresponding to them:

  • treat: a vector of treatment status for each unit. This comes directly from the left hand side of the formula passed to weightit() and so will have it's type (e.g., numeric, factor, etc.), which may need to be converted.

  • covs: a data frame of covariate values for each unit. This comes directly from the right hand side of the formula passed to weightit(). The covariates are processed so that all columns are numeric; all factor variables are split into dummies and all interactions are evaluated. All levels of factor variables are given dummies, so the matrix of the covariates is not full rank. Users can use make_full_rank(), which accepts a numeric matrix or data frame and removes columns to make it full rank, if a full rank covariate matrix is desired.

  • s.weights: a numeric vector of sampling weights, one for each unit.

  • ps: a numeric vector of propensity scores.

  • subset: a logical vector the same length as treat that is TRUE for units to be included in the estimation and FALSE otherwise. This is used to subset the input objects when exact is used. treat, covs, s.weights, and ps, if supplied, will already have been subsetted by subset.

  • estimand: a character vector of length 1 containing the desired estimand. The characters will have been converted to uppercase. If "ATC" was supplied to estimand, weightit() sets focal to the control level (usually 0 or the lowest level of treat) and sets estimand to "ATT".

  • focal: a character vector of length 1 containing the focal level of the treatment when the estimand is the ATT (or the ATC as detailed above). weightit() ensures the value of focal is a level of treat.

  • stabilize: a logical vector of length 1. It is not processed by weightit() before it reaches the fitting function.

  • moments: a numeric vector of length 1. It is not processed by weightit() before it reaches the fitting function except that as.integer() is applied to it. This is used in other methods to determine whether polynomials of the entered covariates are to be used in the weight estimation.

  • int: a logical vector of length 1. It is not processed by weightit() before it reaches the fitting function. This is used in other methods to determine whether interactions of the entered covariates are to be used in the weight estimation.

None of these parameters are required to be in the fitting function. These are simply those that are automatically available.

In addition, any additional arguments supplied to weightit() will be passed on to the fitting function. weightit() ensures the arguments correspond to the parameters of the fitting function and throws an error if an incorrectly named argument is supplied and the fitting function doesn't include ⁠\dots⁠ as a parameter.

The fitting function must output either a numeric vector of weights or a list (or list-like object) with an entry named wither "w" or "weights". If a list, the list can contain other named entries, but only entries named "w", "weights", "ps", and "fit.obj" will be processed. "ps" is a vector of propensity scores and "fit.obj" should be an object used in the fitting process that a user may want to examine and that is included in the weightit output object as "obj" when include.obj = TRUE. The "ps" and "fit.obj" components are optional, but "weights" or "w" is required.

Longitudinal Treatments

Longitudinal treatments can be handled either by running the fitting function for point treatments for each time point and multiplying the resulting weights together or by running a method that accommodates multiple time points and outputs a single set of weights. For the former, weightitMSM() can be used with the user-defined function just as it is with weightit(). The latter method is not yet accommodated by weightitMSM(), but will be someday, maybe.

See Also

weightit(), weightitMSM()


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

#A user-defined version of method = "ps" <- function(treat, covs, estimand, focal = NULL) {
  covs <- make_full_rank(covs)
  d <- data.frame(treat, covs)
  f <- formula(d)
  ps <- glm(f, data = d, family = "binomial")$fitted
  w <- get_w_from_ps(ps, treat = treat, estimand = estimand,
                     focal = focal)

  list(w = w, ps = ps)

#Balancing covariates between treatment groups (binary)
(W1 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method =, estimand = "ATT"))

(W2 <- weightitMSM(list(A_1 ~ X1_0 + X2_0,
                        A_2 ~ X1_1 + X2_1 +
                          A_1 + X1_0 + X2_0,
                        A_3 ~ X1_2 + X2_2 +
                          A_2 + X1_1 + X2_1 +
                          A_1 + X1_0 + X2_0),
                   data = msmdata,
                   method =


# Kernel balancing using the `kbal` package, available
# using `pak::pak_install("chadhazlett/KBAL")`.
# Only the ATT and ATC are available.

## Not run: <- function(treat, covs, estimand, focal, verbose, ...) {
    args <- list(...)

    if (!estimand %in% c("ATT", "ATC"))
      stop('`estimand` must be "ATT" or "ATC".', call. = FALSE)

    treat <- as.numeric(treat == focal)

    args <- args[names(args) %in% names(formals(kbal::kbal))]
    args$allx <- covs
    args$treatment <- treat
    args$printprogress <- verbose

    cat_cols <- apply(covs, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)) <= 2)

    if (all(cat_cols)) {
      args$cat_data <- TRUE
      args$mixed_data <- FALSE
      args$scale_data <- FALSE
      args$linkernel <- FALSE
      args$drop_MC <- FALSE
    else if (any(cat_cols)) {
      args$cat_data <- FALSE
      args$mixed_data <- TRUE
      args$cat_columns <- colnames(covs)[cat_cols]
      args$allx[,!cat_cols] <- scale(args$allx[,!cat_cols])
      args$cont_scale <- 1
    else {
      args$cat_data <- FALSE
      args$mixed_data <- FALSE

    k.out <-, args)
    w <- k.out$w

    list(w = w, fit.obj = k.out)

  (Wk <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                    nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                  method =, estimand = "ATT",
                  include.obj = TRUE))
  summary(Wk), stats = c("m", "ks"))

## End(Not run)

Simulated data for a 3 time point sequential study


This is a simulated dataset of 7500 units with covariates and treatment measured three times and the outcome measured at the end from a hypothetical observational study examining the effect of treatment delivered at each time point on an adverse event.

The data were generated using a simple simulation mechanism. For further details on how the dataset was built, see the code at data-raw/msmdata.R.

The dataset is provided to illustrate the features of weightitMSM() and is not based on a realistic data-generating process, so it should not be used as a benchmark.

For simulating realistic data with a known data-generating mechanism, consider using the simcausal package.




A data frame with 7500 observations on the following 10 variables.


a count covariate measured at baseline


a binary covariate measured at baseline


a binary indicator of treatment status at the first time point


a count covariate measured at the first time point (after the first treatment)


a binary covariate measured at the first time point (after the first treatment)


a binary indicator of treatment status at the second time point


a count covariate measured at the second time point (after the second treatment)


a binary covariate measured at the first time point (after the first treatment)


a binary indicator of treatment status at the third time point


a binary indicator of the outcome event (e.g., death)



Plot information about the weight estimation process


plot.weightit() plots information about the weights depending on how they were estimated. Currently, only weighting using method = "gbm" or "optweight" is supported. To plot the distribution of weights, see plot.summary.weightit().


## S3 method for class 'weightit'
plot(x, ...)



a weightit object; the output of a call to weightit().




method = "gbm"

After weighting with generalized boosted modeling, plot() displays the results of the tuning process used to find the optimal number of trees (and tuning parameter values, if modified) that are used in the final weights. The plot produced has the number of trees on the x-axis and the value of the criterion on the y axis with a diamond at the optimal point. When multiple parameters are selected by tuning, a separate line is displayed on the plot for each combination of tuning parameters. When by is used in the call to weightit(), the plot is faceted by the by variable. See method_gbm for more information on selecting tuning parameters.

method = "optweight"

After estimating stable balancing weights, plot() displays the values of the dual variables for each balance constraint in a bar graph. Large values of the dual variables indicate the covariates for which the balance constraint is causing increases in the variability of the weights, i.e., the covariates for which relaxing the imbalance tolerance would yield the greatest gains in effective sample size. For continuous treatments, the dual variables are split into those for the target (i.e., ensuring the mean of each covariate after weighting is equal to its unweighted mean) and those for balance (i.e., ensuring the treatment-covariate correlations are no larger than the imbalance tolerance). This is essentially a wrapper for optweight::plot.optweight(). See method_optweight for details.


A ggplot object.

See Also

weightit(), plot.summary.weightit()


# See example at the corresponding methods page

Predictions for glm_weightit objects


predict() generates predictions for models fit using glm_weightit(), ordinal_weightit(), multinom_weightit(), or coxph_weightit(). This page only details the predict() methods after using glm_weightit(), ordinal_weightit(), or multinom_weightit(). See survival::predict.coxph() for predictions when fitting Cox proportional hazards models using coxph_weightit().


## S3 method for class 'glm_weightit'
predict(object, newdata = NULL, type = "response", na.action = na.pass, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ordinal_weightit'
  newdata = NULL,
  type = "response",
  na.action = na.pass,
  values = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'multinom_weightit'
  newdata = NULL,
  type = "response",
  na.action = na.pass,
  values = NULL,



a glm_weightit object.


optionally, a data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. If omitted, the fitted values applied to the original dataset are used.


the type of prediction desired. Allowable options include "response", predictions on the scale of the original response variable (also "probs"); "link", predictions on the scale of the linear predictor (also "lp"); "class", the modal predicted category for ordinal and multinomial models; and "mean", the expected value of the outcome for ordinal and multinomial models. See Details for more information. The default is "response" for all models, which differs from stats::predict.glm().


function determining what should be done with missing values in newdata. The default is to predict NA.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


when type = "mean", the numeric values each level corresponds to. Should be supplied as a named vector with outcome levels as the names. If NULL and the outcome levels can be converted to numeric, those will be used. See Details.


For generalized linear models other than ordinal and multinomial models, see stats::predict.glm() for more information on how predictions are computed and which arguments can be specified. Note that standard errors cannot be computed for the predictions using predict.glm_weightit().

For ordinal and multinomial models, setting type = "mean" computes the expected value of the outcome for each unit; this corresponds to the sum of the values supplied in values weighted by the predicted probability of those values. If values is omitted, predict() will attempt to convert the outcome levels to numeric values, and if this cannot be done, an error will be thrown. values should be specified as a named vector, e.g., values = c(one = 1, two = 2, three = 3), where "one", "two", and "three" are the original outcome levels and 1, 2, and 3 are the numeric values they correspond to. This method only makes sense to use if the outcome levels meaningfully correspond to numeric values.

For ordinal models, setting type = "link" (also "lp") computes the linear predictor without including the thresholds. This can be interpreted as the prediction of the latent variable underlying the ordinal response. This cannot be used with multinomial models.


A numeric vector containing the desired predictions, except for the following circumstances when an ordinal or multinomial model was fit:

  • when type = "response", a numeric matrix with a row for each unit and a column for each level of the outcome with the predicted probability of the corresponding outcome in the cells

  • when type = "class", a factor with the model predicted class for each unit; for ordinal models, this will be an ordered factor.

See Also

stats::predict.glm() for predictions from generalized linear models. glm_weightit() for the fitting function. survival::predict.coxph() for predictions from Cox proportional hazards models.


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

# Logistic regression model
fit1 <- glm_weightit(
  re78 > 0 ~ treat * (age + educ + race + married +
                        re74 + re75),
  data = lalonde, family = binomial, vcov = "none")


# G-computation using predicted probabilities
p0 <- predict(fit1, type = "response",
              newdata = transform(lalonde,
                                  treat = 0))

p1 <- predict(fit1, type = "response",
              newdata = transform(lalonde,
                                  treat = 1))

mean(p1) - mean(p0)

# Multinomial logistic regression model
lalonde$re78_3 <- factor(findInterval(lalonde$re78,
                                      c(0, 5e3, 1e4)),
                         labels = c("low", "med", "high"))

fit2 <- multinom_weightit(
  re78_3 ~ treat * (age + educ + race + married +
                      re74 + re75),
  data = lalonde, vcov = "none")

# Predicted probabilities

# Class assignment accuracy
mean(predict(fit2, type = "class") == lalonde$re78_3)

# G-computation using expected value of the outcome
values <- c("low" = 2500,
            "med" = 7500,
            "high" = 12500)

p0 <- predict(fit2, type = "mean", values = values,
              newdata = transform(lalonde,
                                  treat = 0))

p1 <- predict(fit2, type = "mean", values = values,
              newdata = transform(lalonde,
                                  treat = 1))

mean(p1) - mean(p0)

# Ordinal logistic regression
fit3 <- ordinal_weightit(
  re78 ~ treat * (age + educ + race + married +
                    re74 + re75),
  data = lalonde, vcov = "none")

# G-computation using expected value of the outcome;
# using original outcome values
p0 <- predict(fit3, type = "mean",
              newdata = transform(lalonde,
                                  treat = 0))

p1 <- predict(fit3, type = "mean",
              newdata = transform(lalonde,
                                  treat = 1))

mean(p1) - mean(p0)

Subgroup Balancing Propensity Score


Implements the subgroup balancing propensity score (SBPS), which is an algorithm that attempts to achieve balance in subgroups by sharing information from the overall sample and subgroups (Dong, Zhang, Zeng, & Li, 2020; DZZL). Each subgroup can use either weights estimated using the whole sample, weights estimated using just that subgroup, or a combination of the two. The optimal combination is chosen as that which minimizes an imbalance criterion that includes subgroup as well as overall balance.


  obj2 = NULL,
  moderator = NULL,
  formula = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  smooth = FALSE,



a weightit object containing weights estimated in the overall sample.


a weightit object containing weights estimated in the subgroups. Typically this has been estimated by including by in the call to weightit(). Either obj2 or moderator must be specified.


optional; a string containing the name of the variable in data for which weighting is to be done within subgroups or a one-sided formula with the subgrouping variable on the right-hand side. This argument is analogous to the by argument in weightit(), and in fact it is passed on to by. Either obj2 or moderator must be specified.


an optional formula with the covariates for which balance is to be optimized. If not specified, the formula in obj$call will be used.


an optional data set in the form of a data frame that contains the variables in formula or moderator.


logical; whether the smooth version of the SBPS should be used. This is only compatible with weightit methods that return a propensity score.

logical; when smooth = FALSE, whether every combination of subgroup and overall weights should be evaluated. If FALSE, a stochastic search as described in DZZL will be used instead. If TRUE, all 2R2^R combinations will be checked, where RR is the number of subgroups, which can take a long time with many subgroups. If unspecified, will default to TRUE if R<=8R <= 8 and FALSE otherwise.


The SBPS relies on two sets of weights: one estimated in the overall sample and one estimated within each subgroup. The algorithm decides whether each subgroup should use the weights estimated in the overall sample or those estimated in the subgroup. There are 2^R permutations of overall and subgroup weights, where R is the number of subgroups. The optimal permutation is chosen as that which minimizes a balance criterion as described in DZZL. The balance criterion used here is, for binary and multi-category treatments, the sum of the squared standardized mean differences within subgroups and overall, which are computed using cobalt::col_w_smd(), and for continuous treatments, the sum of the squared correlations between each covariate and treatment within subgroups and overall, which are computed using cobalt::col_w_corr().

The smooth version estimates weights that determine the relative contribution of the overall and subgroup propensity scores to a weighted average propensity score for each subgroup. If P_O are the propensity scores estimated in the overall sample and P_S are the propensity scores estimated in each subgroup, the smooth SBPS finds R coefficients C so that for each subgroup, the ultimate propensity score is CPS+(1C)POC*P_S + (1-C)*P_O, and weights are computed from this propensity score. The coefficients are estimated using optim() with method = "L-BFGS-B". When C is estimated to be 1 or 0 for each subgroup, the smooth SBPS coincides with the standard SBPS.

If obj2 is not specified and moderator is, sbps() will attempt to refit the model specified in obj with the moderator in the by argument. This relies on the environment in which obj was created to be intact and can take some time if obj was hard to fit. It's safer to estimate obj and obj2 (the latter simply by including the moderator in the by argument) and supply these to sbps().


A weightit.sbps object, which inherits from weightit. This contains all the information in obj with the weights, propensity scores, call, and possibly covariates updated from sbps(). In addition, the prop.subgroup component contains the values of the coefficients C for the subgroups (which are either 0 or 1 for the standard SBPS), and the moderator component contains a data.frame with the moderator.

This object has its own summary method and is compatible with cobalt functions. The cluster argument should be used with cobalt functions to accurately reflect the performance of the weights in balancing the subgroups.


Dong, J., Zhang, J. L., Zeng, S., & Li, F. (2020). Subgroup balancing propensity score. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 29(3), 659–676. doi:10.1177/0962280219870836

See Also

weightit(), summary.weightit()


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

#Balancing covariates between treatment groups within races
(W1 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                nodegree + race + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "glm", estimand = "ATT"))

(W2 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                nodegree + race + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "glm", estimand = "ATT",
                by = "race"))
S <- sbps(W1, W2)
summary(S), cluster = "race")

#Could also have run
#  sbps(W1, moderator = "race")

S_ <- sbps(W1, W2, smooth = TRUE)
summary(S_), cluster = "race")

Print and Summarize Output


summary() generates a summary of the weightit or weightitMSM object to evaluate the properties of the estimated weights. plot() plots the distribution of the weights. nobs() extracts the number of observations.


## S3 method for class 'weightit'
summary(object, top = 5L, ignore.s.weights = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.weightit'
plot(x, binwidth = NULL, bins = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'weightitMSM'
summary(object, top = 5L, ignore.s.weights = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.weightitMSM'
plot(x, binwidth = NULL, bins = NULL, time = 1, ...)



a weightit or weightitMSM object; the output of a call to weightit() or weightitMSM().


how many of the largest and smallest weights to display. Default is 5.


whether or not to ignore sampling weights when computing the weight summary. If FALSE, the default, the estimated weights will be multiplied by the sampling weights (if any) before values are computed.


For plot(), additional arguments passed to graphics::hist() to determine the number of bins, though ggplot2::geom_histogram() is actually used to create the plot.


a summary.weightit or summary.weightitMSM object; the output of a call to summary.weightit() or summary.weightitMSM().

binwidth, bins

arguments passed to ggplot2::geom_histogram() to control the size and/or number of bins.


numeric; the time point for which to display the distribution of weights. Default is to plot the distribution for the first time points.


For point treatments (i.e., weightit objects), summary() returns a summary.weightit object with the following elements:


The range (minimum and maximum) weight for each treatment group.

The units with the greatest weights in each treatment group; how many are included is determined by top.

coef.of.var (Coef of Var)

The coefficient of variation (standard deviation divided by mean) of the weights in each treatment group and overall.

scaled.mad (MAD)

The mean absolute deviation of the weights in each treatment group and overall divided by the mean of the weights in the corresponding group.

negative entropy (Entropy)

The negative entropy (wlog(w)\sum w log(w)) of the weights in each treatment group and overall divided by the mean of the weights in the corresponding group.


The number of weights equal to zero.


The effective sample size for each treatment group before and after weighting. See ESS().

For longitudinal treatments (i.e., weightitMSM objects), summary() returns a list of the above elements for each treatment period.

plot() returns a ggplot object with a histogram displaying the distribution of the estimated weights. If the estimand is the ATT or ATC, only the weights for the non-focal group(s) will be displayed (since the weights for the focal group are all 1). A dotted line is displayed at the mean of the weights.

nobs() returns a single number. Note that even units with weights or s.weights of 0 are included.

See Also

weightit(), weightitMSM(), summary()


# See example at ?weightit or ?weightitMSM

Trim (Winsorize) Large Weights


Trims (i.e., winsorizes) large weights by setting all weights higher than that at a given quantile to the weight at the quantile or to 0. This can be useful in controlling extreme weights, which can reduce effective sample size by enlarging the variability of the weights. Note that by default, no observations are fully discarded when using trim(), which may differ from the some uses of the word "trim" (see the drop argument below).


trim(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'weightit'
trim(x, at = 0, lower = FALSE, drop = FALSE, ...)

## Default S3 method:
trim(x, at = 0, lower = FALSE, treat = NULL, drop = FALSE, ...)



A weightit object or a vector of weights.


Not used.


numeric; either the quantile of the weights above which weights are to be trimmed. A single number between .5 and 1, or the number of weights to be trimmed (e.g., at = 3 for the top 3 weights to be set to the 4th largest weight).


logical; whether also to trim at the lower quantile (e.g., for at = .9, trimming at both .1 and .9, or for at = 3, trimming the top and bottom 3 weights). Default is FALSE to only trim the higher weights.


logical; whether to set the weights of the trimmed units to 0 or not. Default is FALSE to retain all trimmed units. Setting to TRUE may change the original targeted estimand when not the ATT or ATC.


A vector of treatment status for each unit. This should always be included when x is numeric, but you can get away with leaving it out if the treatment is continuous or the estimand is the ATE for binary or multi-category treatments.


trim() takes in a weightit object (the output of a call to weightit() or weightitMSM()) or a numeric vector of weights and trims (winsorizes) them to the specified quantile. All weights above that quantile are set to the weight at that quantile unless drop = TRUE, in which case they are set to 0. If lower = TRUE, all weights below 1 minus the quantile are trimmed. In general, trimming weights can decrease balance but also decreases the variability of the weights, improving precision at the potential expense of unbiasedness (Cole & Hernán, 2008). See Lee, Lessler, and Stuart (2011) and Thoemmes and Ong (2015) for discussions and simulation results of trimming weights at various quantiles. Note that trimming weights can also change the target population and therefore the estimand.

When using trim() on a numeric vector of weights, it is helpful to include the treatment vector as well. The helps determine the type of treatment and estimand, which are used to specify how trimming is performed. In particular, if the estimand is determined to be the ATT or ATC, the weights of the target (i.e., focal) group are ignored, since they should all be equal to 1. Otherwise, if the estimand is the ATE or the treatment is continuous, all weights are considered for trimming. In general, weights for any group for which all the weights are the same will not be considered in the trimming.


If the input is a weightit object, the output will be a weightit object with the weights replaced by the trimmed weights (or 0) and will have an additional attribute, "trim", equal to the quantile of trimming.

If the input is a numeric vector of weights, the output will be a numeric vector of the trimmed weights, again with the aforementioned attribute.


Cole, S. R., & Hernán, M. Á. (2008). Constructing Inverse Probability Weights for Marginal Structural Models. American Journal of Epidemiology, 168(6), 656–664.

Lee, B. K., Lessler, J., & Stuart, E. A. (2011). Weight Trimming and Propensity Score Weighting. PLoS ONE, 6(3), e18174.

Thoemmes, F., & Ong, A. D. (2016). A Primer on Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting and Marginal Structural Models. Emerging Adulthood, 4(1), 40–59.

See Also

weightit(), weightitMSM()


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

(W <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                 nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
               method = "glm", estimand = "ATT"))

#Trimming the top and bottom 5 weights
trim(W, at = 5, lower = TRUE)

#Trimming at 90th percentile
(W.trim <- trim(W, at = .9))

#Note that only the control weights were trimmed

#Trimming a numeric vector of weights
all.equal(trim(W$weights, at = .9, treat = lalonde$treat),

#Dropping trimmed units
(W.trim <- trim(W, at = .9, drop = TRUE))

#Note that we now have zeros in the control group

#Using made up data and as.weightit()
treat <- rbinom(500, 1, .3)
weights <- rchisq(500, df = 2)
W <- as.weightit(weights, treat = treat,
                 estimand = "ATE")
summary(trim(W, at = .95))

Estimate Balancing Weights


weightit() allows for the easy generation of balancing weights using a variety of available methods for binary, continuous, and multi-category treatments. Many of these methods exist in other packages, which weightit() calls; these packages must be installed to use the desired method.


  data = NULL,
  method = "glm",
  estimand = "ATE",
  stabilize = FALSE,
  focal = NULL,
  by = NULL,
  s.weights = NULL,
  ps = NULL,
  moments = NULL,
  int = FALSE,
  subclass = NULL,
  missing = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,
  include.obj = FALSE,
  keep.mparts = TRUE,



a formula with a treatment variable on the left hand side and the covariates to be balanced on the right hand side. See glm() for more details. Interactions and functions of covariates are allowed.


an optional data set in the form of a data frame that contains the variables in formula.


a string of length 1 containing the name of the method that will be used to estimate weights. See Details below for allowable options. The default is "glm" for propensity score weighting using a generalized linear model to estimate the propensity score.


the desired estimand. For binary and multi-category treatments, can be "ATE", "ATT", "ATC", and, for some methods, "ATO", "ATM", or "ATOS". The default for both is "ATE". This argument is ignored for continuous treatments. See the individual pages for each method for more information on which estimands are allowed with each method and what literature to read to interpret these estimands.


whether or not and how to stabilize the weights. If TRUE, each unit's weight will be multiplied by a standardization factor, which is the the unconditional probability (or density) of each unit's observed treatment value. If a formula, a generalized linear model will be fit with the included predictors, and the inverse of the corresponding weight will be used as the standardization factor. Can only be used with continuous treatments or when estimand = "ATE". Default is FALSE for no standardization. See also the num.formula argument at weightitMSM(). For continuous treatments, weights are already stabilized, so setting stabilize = TRUE will be ignored with a warning (supplying a formula still works).


when estimand is set to "ATT" or "ATC", which group to consider the "treated" or "control" group. This group will not be weighted, and the other groups will be weighted to resemble the focal group. If specified, estimand will automatically be set to "ATT" (with a warning if estimand is not "ATT" or "ATC"). See section estimand and focal in Details below.


a string containing the name of the variable in data for which weighting is to be done within categories or a one-sided formula with the stratifying variable on the right-hand side. For example, if by = "gender" or by = ~gender, a separate propensity score model or optimization will occur within each level of the variable "gender". Only one by variable is allowed; to stratify by multiply variables simultaneously, create a new variable that is a full cross of those variables using interaction().


A vector of sampling weights or the name of a variable in data that contains sampling weights. These can also be matching weights if weighting is to be used on matched data. See the individual pages for each method for information on whether sampling weights can be supplied.


A vector of propensity scores or the name of a variable in data containing propensity scores. If not NULL, method is ignored unless it is a user-supplied function, and the propensity scores will be used to create weights. formula must include the treatment variable in data, but the listed covariates will play no role in the weight estimation. Using ps is similar to calling get_w_from_ps() directly, but produces a full weightit object rather than just producing weights.


numeric; for some methods, the greatest power of each covariate to be balanced. For example, if moments = 3, for each non-categorical covariate, the covariate, its square, and its cube will be balanced. This argument is ignored for other methods; to balance powers of the covariates, appropriate functions must be entered in formula. See the individual pages for each method for information on whether they accept moments.


logical; for some methods, whether first-order interactions of the covariates are to be balanced. This argument is ignored for other methods; to balance interactions between the variables, appropriate functions must be entered in formula. See the individual pages for each method for information on whether they accept int.


numeric; the number of subclasses to use for computing weights using marginal mean weighting with subclasses (MMWS). If NULL, standard inverse probability weights (and their extensions) will be computed; if a number greater than 1, subclasses will be formed and weights will be computed based on subclass membership. Attempting to set a non-NULL value for methods that don't compute a propensity score will result in an error; see each method's help page for information on whether MMWS weights are compatible with the method. See get_w_from_ps() for details and references.


character; how missing data should be handled. The options and defaults depend on the method used. Ignored if no missing data is present. It should be noted that multiple imputation outperforms all available missingness methods available in weightit() and should probably be used instead. Consider the MatchThem package for the use of weightit() with multiply imputed data.


logical; whether to print additional information output by the fitting function.


logical; whether to include in the output any fit objects created in the process of estimating the weights. For example, with method = "glm", the glm objects containing the propensity score model will be included. See the individual pages for each method for information on what object will be included if TRUE.


logical; whether to include in the output components necessary to estimate standard errors that account for estimation of the weights in glm_weightit(). Default is TRUE if such parts are present. See the individual pages for each method for whether these components are produced. Set to FALSE to keep the output object smaller, e.g., if standard errors will not be computed using glm_weightit().


other arguments for functions called by weightit() that control aspects of fitting that are not covered by the above arguments. See Details.


The primary purpose of weightit() is as a dispatcher to functions that perform the estimation of balancing weights using the requested method. Below are the methods allowed and links to pages containing more information about them, including additional arguments and outputs (e.g., when include.obj = TRUE), how missing values are treated, which estimands are allowed, and whether sampling weights are allowed.

"glm" Propensity score weighting using generalized linear models
"gbm" Propensity score weighting using generalized boosted modeling
"cbps" Covariate Balancing Propensity Score weighting
"npcbps" Non-parametric Covariate Balancing Propensity Score weighting
"ebal" Entropy balancing
"ipt" Inverse probability tilting
"optweight" Optimization-based weighting
"super" Propensity score weighting using SuperLearner
"bart" Propensity score weighting using Bayesian additive regression trees (BART)
"energy" Energy balancing

method can also be supplied as a user-defined function; see method_user for instructions and examples. Setting method = NULL computes unit weights.

estimand and focal For binary and multi-category treatments, the

argument to estimand determines what distribution the weighted sample should resemble. When set to "ATE", this requests that each group resemble the full sample. When set to "ATO", "ATM", or "ATOS" (for the methods that allow them), this requests that each group resemble an "overlap" sample. When set to "ATT" or "ATC", this requests that each group resemble the treated or control group, respectively (termed the "focal" group). Weights are set to 1 for the focal group.

How does weightit() decide which group is the treated and which group is the control? For binary treatments, several heuristics are used. The first is by checking whether a valid argument to focal was supplied containing the name of the focal group, which is the treated group when estimand = "ATT" and the control group when estimand = "ATC". If focal is not supplied, guesses are made using the following criteria, evaluated in order:

  • If the treatment variable is logical, TRUE is considered treated and FALSE control.

  • If the treatment is numeric (or a string or factor with values that can be coerced to numeric values), if 0 is one of the values, it is considered the control, and otherwise, the lower value is considered the control (with the other considered treated).

  • If exactly one of the treatment values is "t", "tr", "treat", "treated", or "exposed", it is considered the treated (and the other control).

  • If exactly one of the treatment values is "c", "co", "ctrl", "control", or "unexposed", it is considered the control (and the other treated).

  • If the treatment variable is a factor, the first level is considered control and the second treated.

  • The lowest value after sorting with sort() is considered control and the other treated. To be safe, it is best to code your binary treatment variable as 0 for control and 1 for treated. Otherwise, focal should be supplied when requesting the ATT or ATC. For multi-category treatments, focal is required when requesting the ATT or ATC; none of the heuristics above are used.

Citing WeightIt When using weightit(), please cite both the

WeightIt package (using citation("WeightIt")) and the paper(s) in the references section of the method used.


A weightit object with the following elements:


The estimated weights, one for each unit.


The values of the treatment variable.


The covariates used in the fitting. Only includes the raw covariates, which may have been altered in the fitting process.


The estimand requested.


The weight estimation method specified.


The estimated or provided propensity scores. Estimated propensity scores are returned for binary treatments and only when method is "glm", "gbm", "cbps", "ipt", "super", or "bart". The propensity score corresponds to the predicted probability of being treated; see section estimand and focal in Details for how the treated group is determined.


The provided sampling weights.


The focal treatment level if the ATT or ATC was requested.


A data.frame containing the by variable when specified.


When include.obj = TRUE, the fit object.


Additional information about the fitting. See the individual methods pages for what is included.

When keep.mparts is TRUE (the default) and the chosen method is compatible with M-estimation, the components related to M-estimation for use in glm_weightit() are stored in the "Mparts" attribute. When by is specified, keep.mparts is set to FALSE.

See Also

weightitMSM() for estimating weights with sequential (i.e., longitudinal) treatments for use in estimating marginal structural models (MSMs)., which is a lower-level dispatcher function that accepts a matrix of covariates and a vector of treatment statuses rather than a formula and data frame and performs minimal argument checking and processing. It may be useful for speeding up simulation studies for which the correct arguments are known. In general, weightit() should be used.

summary.weightit() for summarizing the weights


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

#Balancing covariates between treatment groups (binary)
(W1 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "glm", estimand = "ATT"))

#Balancing covariates with respect to race (multi-category)
(W2 <- weightit(race ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "ebal", estimand = "ATE"))

#Balancing covariates with respect to re75 (continuous)
(W3 <- weightit(re75 ~ age + educ + married +
                  nodegree + re74, data = lalonde,
                method = "cbps"))

Generate Balancing Weights with Minimal Input Processing

Description dispatches one of the weight estimation methods determined by method. It is an internal function called by weightit() and should probably not be used except in special cases. Unlike weightit(), does not accept a formula and data frame interface and instead requires the covariates and treatment to be supplied as a numeric matrix and atomic vector, respectively. In this way, is to weightit() what is to lm() - a thinner, slightly faster interface that performs minimal argument checking.

  method = "glm",
  s.weights = NULL,
  by.factor = NULL,
  estimand = "ATE",
  focal = NULL,
  stabilize = FALSE,
  ps = NULL,
  moments = NULL,
  int = FALSE,
  subclass = NULL,
  missing = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,
  include.obj = FALSE,



a numeric matrix of covariates.


a vector of treatment statuses.


a string containing the name of the method that will be used to estimate weights. See weightit() for allowable options. The default is "glm" for propensity score weighting using a generalized linear model to estimate the propensity score.


a numeric vector of sampling weights. See the individual pages for each method for information on whether sampling weights can be supplied.


a factor variable for which weighting is to be done within levels. Corresponds to the by argument in weightit().


the desired estimand. For binary and multi-category treatments, can be "ATE", "ATT", "ATC", and, for some methods, "ATO", "ATM", or "ATOS". The default for both is "ATE". This argument is ignored for continuous treatments. See the individual pages for each method for more information on which estimands are allowed with each method and what literature to read to interpret these estimands.


when estimand is set to "ATT" or "ATC", which group to consider the "treated" or "control" group. This group will not be weighted, and the other groups will be weighted to resemble the focal group. If specified, estimand will automatically be set to "ATT" (with a warning if estimand is not "ATT" or "ATC"). See section estimand and focal in Details at weightit().


logical; whether or not to stabilize the weights. For the methods that involve estimating propensity scores, this involves multiplying each unit's weight by the proportion of units in their treatment group. Default is FALSE. Note this differs from its use with weightit().


a vector of propensity scores. If specified, method will be ignored and set to "glm".

moments, int, subclass

arguments to customize the weight estimation. See weightit() for details.


character; how missing data should be handled. The options depend on the method used. If NULL, covs will be checked for NA values, and if present, missing will be set to "ind". If "", covs will not be checked for NA values; this can be faster when it is known there are none.


logical; whether to print additional information output by the fitting function.


logical; whether to include in the output any fit objects created in the process of estimating the weights. For example, with method = "glm", the glm objects containing the propensity score model will be included. See the individual pages for each method for information on what object will be included if TRUE.


other arguments for functions called by that control aspects of fitting that are not covered by the above arguments.

Details is called by weightit() after the arguments to weightit() have been checked and processed. dispatches the function used to actually estimate the weights, passing on the supplied arguments directly. is not meant to be used by anyone other than experienced users who have a specific use case in mind. The returned object contains limited information about the supplied arguments or details of the estimation method; all that is processed by weightit().

Less argument checking or processing occurs in than does in weightit(), which means supplying incorrect arguments can result in errors, crashes, and invalid weights, and error and warning messages may not be helpful in diagnosing the problem. does check to make sure weights were actually estimated, though. may be most useful in speeding up simulation simulation studies that use weightit() because the covariates can be supplied as a numeric matrix, which is often how they are generated in simulations, without having to go through the potentially slow process of extracting the covariates and treatment from a formula and data frame. If the user is certain the arguments are valid (e.g., by ensuring the estimated weights are consistent with those estimated from weightit() with the same arguments), less time needs to be spent on processing the arguments. Also, the returned object is much smaller than a weightit object because the covariates are not returned alongside the weights.


A object with the following elements:


The estimated weights, one for each unit.


The values of the treatment variable.


The estimand requested.


The weight estimation method specified.


The estimated or provided propensity scores. Estimated propensity scores are returned for binary treatments and only when method is "glm", "gbm", "cbps", "ipt", "super", or "bart". The propensity score corresponds to the predicted probability of being treated; see section estimand and focal in Details at weightit() for how the treated group is determined.


The provided sampling weights.


The focal treatment level if the ATT or ATC was requested.


When include.obj = TRUE, the fit object.


Additional information about the fitting. See the individual methods pages for what is included.

The object does not have specialized print(), summary(), or plot() methods. It is simply a list containing the above components. Use as.weightit() to convert it to a weightit object, which does have these methods. See Examples.

See Also

weightit(), which you should use for estimating weights unless you know better.

as.weightit() for converting a object to a weightit object.


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

# Balancing covariates between treatment groups (binary)
covs <- lalonde[c("age", "educ", "race", "married",
                  "nodegree", "re74", "re75")]
## Create covs matrix, splitting any factors using
## cobalt::splitfactor()
covs_mat <- as.matrix(splitfactor(covs))

WF1 <-, treat = lalonde$treat,
                    method = "glm", estimand = "ATT")

# Converting to a weightit object for use with
# summary() and
W1 <- as.weightit(WF1, covs = covs)

Generate Balancing Weights for Longitudinal Treatments


weightitMSM() allows for the easy generation of balancing weights for marginal structural models for time-varying treatments using a variety of available methods for binary, continuous, and multi-category treatments. Many of these methods exist in other packages, which weightit() calls; these packages must be installed to use the desired method.


  data = NULL,
  method = "glm",
  stabilize = FALSE,
  by = NULL,
  s.weights = NULL,
  num.formula = NULL,
  moments = NULL,
  int = FALSE,
  missing = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,
  include.obj = FALSE,
  keep.mparts = TRUE,
  weightit.force = FALSE,



a list of formulas corresponding to each time point with the time-specific treatment variable on the left hand side and pre-treatment covariates to be balanced on the right hand side. The formulas must be in temporal order, and must contain all covariates to be balanced at that time point (i.e., treatments and covariates featured in early formulas should appear in later ones). Interactions and functions of covariates are allowed.


an optional data set in the form of a data frame that contains the variables in the formulas in formula.list. This must be a wide data set with exactly one row per unit.


a string of length 1 containing the name of the method that will be used to estimate weights. See weightit() for allowable options. The default is "glm", which estimates the weights using generalized linear models.


logical; whether or not to stabilize the weights. Stabilizing the weights involves fitting a model predicting treatment at each time point from treatment status at prior time points. If TRUE, a fully saturated model will be fit (i.e., all interactions between all treatments up to each time point), essentially using the observed treatment probabilities in the numerator (for binary and multi-category treatments). This may yield an error if some combinations are not observed. Default is FALSE. To manually specify stabilization model formulas, e.g., to specify non-saturated models, use num.formula. With many time points, saturated models may be time-consuming or impossible to fit.


a string containing the name of the variable in data for which weighting is to be done within categories or a one-sided formula with the stratifying variable on the right-hand side. For example, if by = "gender" or by = ~gender, a separate propensity score model or optimization will occur within each level of the variable "gender". Only one by variable is allowed; to stratify by multiply variables simultaneously, create a new variable that is a full cross of those variables using interaction().


A vector of sampling weights or the name of a variable in data that contains sampling weights. These can also be matching weights if weighting is to be used on matched data. See the individual pages for each method for information on whether sampling weights can be supplied.


optional; a one-sided formula with the stabilization factors (other than the previous treatments) on the right hand side, which adds, for each time point, the stabilization factors to a model saturated with previous treatments. See Cole & Hernán (2008) for a discussion of how to specify this model; including stabilization factors can change the estimand without proper adjustment, and should be done with caution. Can also be a list of one-sided formulas, one for each time point. Unless you know what you are doing, we recommend setting stabilize = TRUE and ignoring num.formula.


numeric; for some methods, the greatest power of each covariate to be balanced. For example, if moments = 3, for each non-categorical covariate, the covariate, its square, and its cube will be balanced. This argument is ignored for other methods; to balance powers of the covariates, appropriate functions must be entered in formula. See the individual pages for each method for information on whether they accept moments.


logical; for some methods, whether first-order interactions of the covariates are to be balanced. This argument is ignored for other methods; to balance interactions between the variables, appropriate functions must be entered in formula. See the individual pages for each method for information on whether they accept int.


character; how missing data should be handled. The options and defaults depend on the method used. Ignored if no missing data is present. It should be noted that multiple imputation outperforms all available missingness methods available in weightit() and should probably be used instead. Consider the MatchThem package for the use of weightit() with multiply imputed data.


logical; whether to print additional information output by the fitting function.


whether to include in the output a list of the fit objects created in the process of estimating the weights at each time point. For example, with method = "glm", a list of the glm objects containing the propensity score models at each time point will be included. See the help pages for each method for information on what object will be included if TRUE.


logical; whether to include in the output components necessary to estimate standard errors that account for estimation of the weights in glm_weightit(). Default is TRUE if such parts are present. See the individual pages for each method for whether these components are produced. Set to FALSE to keep the output object smaller, e.g., if standard errors will not be computed using glm_weightit().


whether the method estimates weights for multiple time points all at once (TRUE) or by estimating weights at each time point and then multiplying them together (FALSE). This is only relevant for user-specified functions.


several methods are not valid for estimating weights with longitudinal treatments, and will produce an error message if attempted. Set to TRUE to bypass this error message.


other arguments for functions called by weightit() that control aspects of fitting that are not covered by the above arguments. See Details at weightit().


Currently only "wide" data sets, where each row corresponds to a unit's entire variable history, are supported. You can use reshape() or other functions to transform your data into this format; see example below.

In general, weightitMSM() works by separating the estimation of weights into separate procedures for each time period based on the formulas provided. For each formula, weightitMSM() simply calls weightit() to that formula, collects the weights for each time period, and multiplies them together to arrive at longitudinal balancing weights.

Each formula should contain all the covariates to be balanced on. For example, the formula corresponding to the second time period should contain all the baseline covariates, the treatment variable at the first time period, and the time-varying covariates that took on values after the first treatment and before the second. Currently, only wide data sets are supported, where each unit is represented by exactly one row that contains the covariate and treatment history encoded in separate variables.

The "cbps" method, which calls CBPS() in CBPS, will yield different results from CBMSM() in CBPS because CBMSM() takes a different approach to generating weights than simply estimating several time-specific models.


A weightitMSM object with the following elements:


The estimated weights, one for each unit.


A list of the values of the time-varying treatment variables.


A list of the covariates used in the fitting at each time point. Only includes the raw covariates, which may have been altered in the fitting process.


The data.frame originally entered to weightitMSM().


"ATE", currently the only estimand for MSMs with binary or multi-category treatments.


The weight estimation method specified.


A list of the estimated propensity scores (if any) at each time point.


The provided sampling weights.


A data.frame containing the by variable when specified.


The stabilization factors, if any.

When keep.mparts is TRUE (the default) and the chosen method is compatible with M-estimation, the components related to M-estimation for use in glm_weightit() are stored in the "Mparts.list" attribute. When by is specified, keep.mparts is set to FALSE.


Cole, S. R., & Hernán, M. A. (2008). Constructing Inverse Probability Weights for Marginal Structural Models. American Journal of Epidemiology, 168(6), 656–664. doi:10.1093/aje/kwn164

See Also

weightit() for information on the allowable methods

summary.weightitMSM() for summarizing the weights



(W1 <- weightitMSM(list(A_1 ~ X1_0 + X2_0,
                        A_2 ~ X1_1 + X2_1 +
                          A_1 + X1_0 + X2_0,
                        A_3 ~ X1_2 + X2_2 +
                          A_2 + X1_1 + X2_1 +
                          A_1 + X1_0 + X2_0),
                   data = msmdata,
                   method = "glm"))

#Using stabilization factors
W2 <- weightitMSM(list(A_1 ~ X1_0 + X2_0,
                        A_2 ~ X1_1 + X2_1 +
                          A_1 + X1_0 + X2_0,
                        A_3 ~ X1_2 + X2_2 +
                          A_2 + X1_1 + X2_1 +
                          A_1 + X1_0 + X2_0),
                   data = msmdata,
                   method = "glm",
                   stabilize = TRUE,
                   num.formula = list(~ 1,
                                      ~ A_1,
                                      ~ A_1 + A_2))

#Same as above but with fully saturated stabilization factors
#(i.e., making the last entry in 'num.formula' A_1*A_2)
W3 <- weightitMSM(list(A_1 ~ X1_0 + X2_0,
                        A_2 ~ X1_1 + X2_1 +
                          A_1 + X1_0 + X2_0,
                        A_3 ~ X1_2 + X2_2 +
                          A_2 + X1_1 + X2_1 +
                          A_1 + X1_0 + X2_0),
                   data = msmdata,
                   method = "glm",
                   stabilize = TRUE)